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THE18*6, »T TH* Iar» PFBI.I«HT*O Co. SPORTING XNTEUOLIFE AT FHILA. POST Ones it tr.roKD mis MATTZJU VOLUME 7, NO. 21. PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER 1, 1886. PIUCE, FIVE CKNTS. Statfsnu-n. tt t(* ;he . ar.ti ;il some features which wonld commend themselvea to Jonah in to-morrow's game, the ln?f of th« the still further consideration of the official body. series. The batting of the team has i-< M very ALL SETTLED. Concerning the rule the Chicago Tribune says: ON SATURDAY. EASE BALL NEWS. ._. ... .. __.., — j ,. - ,, TWO WAYS OF I*"'" "'" '" '". that Ui«,y duu'l strike a cjicloue ia Cowboy "It will be noticed that s will effec tOW tually prevent arty srtch deft! - made with RANDOM NOTE*. th, ••-••- •- All the News of a Week IB retiring from the management of the club Mr. The St. Louis Club to Finish iii Results of the Champion Scanlon rtoes «»•» at his own nrpent request, and had P.. il " - :: ot" any avail, he la-- Compiled. w , >>ugii the Mason. the Season. tt ship Games Played. A^ /. he peremptorily ii' i'led atteu- In •-•:ti- t jard of dl- f. uld will play ic-n;iMTo\v ut li>meiiudttil r ' .u ont Gathered by Reporters, Corres i t adviser. a; thut Phillies Beaten—Athletics Win Dp «n a three week*' trip. Corroran, of ;-••- -r, h;i« lub ou ltd pm«n! trip, The Club in the Hands of the II .v'.u»ng the l-et-n signed aud will probably guard tu'nl U/. pondents and theTelegraph u igo meeting tbid week. d :-ecelvo the ! —Another for Pillsburg— t. KM KET. i'. -v, and wbea he becomes League—A Committee With .1 h. .te agaiust j b > 1 ue will ao doubt be an able '•' > to Xc\v Yoik, f^r mstaticr; Xew j TAKING DEFEAT I'llELOSOPH IT From all Points. n r would vote against hid coming U | Detroit Wallops Boston. : m.nt of his time in town 'ast Extraordinary Powers. < l ;.-a^oandNew York would certainly ; iJetroit Satisfied With the New Ti>»-!« ^irfflfl w :t fur player*. 3* made n -t df,uv ii,.,: h.•sf.«uld go to Detroit. In order to and Not Dism iye<l l»y the Ik l>!:.i<-fl2>lila NEW YORK'S CLUB. a ej d"'1. lot care to h*ve Ie uu itu- question and. Kulild it, this strong ASSOCIATION GAMES. hs .-......:.. ...... _.j. ^^ir.and refused. He will I :ayei' t.r auy utlier would of neceasity have to go to a Uefents—President: Bfargh Resl^n> (Jet*1 Mutrle'f Management Criticize"1-—The Re probably sign «uit £^cb«ster. It is al*o thought that CHICAGO, Ang. 26.—Editor SPORTING LIFT:— weaker club." Athletic, Brooklyn and I'ittsburg Successful zein Heavily Fined, Etc. cent Poor Showing Explained—The Ball Mr. B. w»« 'Wai;ing until the St. Louis deal was flnuhed There was a gathering of League solons in the This ia one side of it. There ia still another. Sr.p- —A Postponed Game. DETROIT, Aug. 2i>.—EJitor SPOHTI>- lr. order to get a couple of our players. He is city yesterday morning, and, as is always the poao the St. Louis Club had disbanded three weeks We ft el very well satisfied here ovo' i ,-• uny Players' Union. ago with this rviie in force. The three comoiittemen Special to SPORTING Lira. astonished at the way Hendersoo ia pitching for case in such an event, the occasion was an im t?ie Wolverines handled tie ChuMg<»< ->n their NEW YORK, Aug. 27.—EJiiat SpoBtlNS Lire.: Brooklyn. jidgbt have iwtt^u together ami fixed it up very N«w YORK, Aug. 28. — The Mets were de ~-?':r\"~ "•••• •• : «!ifs '•(jit'&ew York on the llth IT,. .., '——grates every 5—— •*"•*• '•? WM ft good portant one. It was seen by the League offi n jc*.ii->.».MI.> ,. themsehes to the end" of entirely recent visit, although this feeling of <-.i';»>M»r was f LI!OD. Hei# \'Qg agreat cials some days ago that the questions arising fi weaker clubB. For instance Maloney, feated to-day by the Athletics in just such somewhat lessened by the resolt of the i r kg.imo nit.. een rather roughly handled, another game as they lost to them on Fri-lay. and '< been almost as frequent aj g . e bat, receh..._ t shot with from the disorganized condition of things in the r<\. troit, might have taid: "Let Detroit of the serie«, jn which the Rabies guv-- >?r club •Pi^ici.i t-aso. Heu alio hiii-u.iu.; mo stick with ranks Of the St. Louis Club could onJy be satis- ha-.^ ,-,,.,.„,. hicago, you take Glas^cock, and Denny The Mets batted hard and earned three of their its first whitewash of the season, an i she slug- f ietories; yet they pursuo the even tenor of their gcod effect. and McKinnoa niny go to New York.'* Of course the fictorily settled through the holding of a special runs. The Athletics earned one run nnd were gcrs got but a sulitary hit off t"ark*»n. Thia w»y, and we hear no complaint of cross-eyed Ofln«has been trying his hand at twirling; ami has weaker clubs would be greatly benrfitled by such given the rest on errors, Meister making three umpiring or unfair treatment at the hands of the sv well. H# is a trifle wild, but haa speed League meeting, and this, once determined upon, a deal aa this. I am not eayir.g, understand, that was certainly the greatest effort of Air. Ctnrk- •nil ^peed at tbat. He will make aume was called, and the business in question disposed th« rule waa net the outgi'owth of the very bo;t of and giving them five runs. Meister and Urr led son's life, and in his old age he will ]»n/inbly home clu') or any charges of improper scoring. motives, and I believe that it will be lived tip to and at the bat. The score: Of the twelve games played on this trip, the i ; e-fore tbe season ia over, aa he made of in the prompt, business-like style that has relate with pride the story of how he r"iirfll tba ttie Jdan*^c^ me other day. that the committee will use the power it gives them NETS. AB.R.B. P. A. I'ATHI.ETIC. AB.R. B. P. A. K Michigan Maulers with but one ua-ftsiy hit* New Yorks have won but six, lost five and the F.,rce ia the only stay-at-home, and ia taking a always characterized the work of this great or only to the beat ends. Still the possibilities as Koseman,lf.. 3 1 1 0 0 1 Bobiaaoo.c... 3 1 o 3 21 other a draw with Washington. A glance at go.-:} r?st. TI ^ has himself in readiness to join the ganization. Briefly stated, the result of this I have stated them above exist. Tlie only Meister, 2b.. 4 2 2 6 1 s'l-nrfclo.lf..... 4 1 1 3 00 JUit the first two games were the eat^e of ex- the error column of any of these games will u..' • iited. meeting was the .- adjustment of the other question of importance that came 4 0 3 7 01" :':.. 4 1 :i 12 ccdsire hilarity in Detroit. Tbe first vs.* won convince one that the team has not been playing - u signed to play in home games and St. Louis Club's r as the League is up was that of the legality cf Con way's release to De HankVn,3b 30021. 4111 with the t-tick iu the ninth after a sh»"n con 1-9 . v'-ryday. He cuuld net go away with interested, in tha: ..._ .__.. ..;ernent of that or troit by Kansas City. The question was upon Howe's Douohae.c... 4 0 0 4 3 < .4000 test, and in the second game the ?luyijf rs mop- the same ball that enabled them to gain five games thrm, gtt In- hwMs a place in the engineer's) department authority to release Con way, which had been disputed Bradjr, rf..... 4 0 0 2 0 U M -Harr, as... * 2 2 2 en the leader on the latter's reeent visit to the which he does not propose to gi?e up for ball playing. ganization expressed its desire and ability to ty the Kansas City officiate. President Young de McLa' 4 0 1 1 5 i Bauer, 2b.... 4 1 1 4 ped the ground with the Jersey batte-y. T.tkett Metropolis. One could not reasonably expect Kuuwlea continues to play good ball at tbinl, aud U complete the present season and play out the cided that Kowe had the full authority required, so K'ps'lag' 4 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 1 2 all together Detroit people are entirely s»tisfied« qui:e u favorite in that petition. schedule. The earnest request of the manage that Conway will stay where he is, with Detroit. Cushman,p.. 3 0 0 0 2 0 Miller.p...... 4 0 1 We are now giving our lungs a re^t until the the elub to he so successful abroad as at home, President Mar.-h returned to Detroit latt night, but the recent poor showing of the Giants is ex OMtield ahowed up iu time to join the club on iu ment, however, to play Sunday games, was re New Yorks get hero.