of captain, and he will be ably assisted by Jim Strom- nineteea victories lie waa going to squeeze cut of the inger as assistant captain. infuut. He'll be lucky to break even. < havley Moyer, at one time a favorite catcher of tbi Director Cohen saya he will bo satisfied with seventh LATE NEWS. city, will organize » team f^r next season in the upper place, and certaiuly expecta to laud at least thero. Abe ANOTHERTANGLE end of the city. He chums to have some excellent is conservative. talfiitVud says he will make all the local auiatonr Jiaimy Williams says the club Is no better than the clubs hiutie. first club Cleveland got together in 1887. Wrattz The Brutal Murder o CliiimborsbnrK people neeni to te rather envious o Jim ia only kiddiug. F. W. ARNOLD. Two Clubs Quarrelling the fact that'wo ure tp have a Drofessional club nes poabon, and they caution tho sporting nien of th.ei; Bradley. towu that if they ihsiro to*rt'UiQ the service? of Pat THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE. . Over a Player. Roliibs as their culchei1 they had be'ter organizo im­ mediately or Hftrriuburg would eigu him for next sea­ Difficulties That Beset the Organizers son. Well, the people of ChRmbersbur* nce-i not b iSinningham Charged "U'ith Bad Faith. Gafihey in Line The Cincin­ afraid of us signing Rolling, for if we want a good NEW OIILEANS, Jan. 15. It is questionable An Important Point in Minor catcher wo need not go out of this city to get one " now whether there will be a Southern League excel lloilina. and Memphis as nati Strike General Sport­ Another week has passed and the base ball enthu­ with New Orleans, Charleston League Reservation siasts here await the arrival of James Farrington, o members. At tho recent meeting held here n ing Intelligence. Cumdeo, who ii to lucato an-1 manage tho Harrisb league was formed, but there were representa­ Involved. Chitiia the flliddte Stiitos Loague. His presence in tives from only two eities present New Orleans this city would naturally stir up the sporting men and Mobile. Memphis and Birmingham were THE M PLAYER. and thetijfu going lo earnest work in the club's int^r efct would, beyond tlte leaet doubt, assure a club fo included in the organization, but they both sent Another complication and quarrel has grown proxies. Since that meeting Birmingham, il out of the experiment of minor league reserva­ Details of the Assassination of, C ate lie this city. Inquiry at tbe post office elicitel the fac presumably out to­ clubs Bradley. that a largo number of letteis, treating, would seem, has broken faith. It leaked tion, and now two American Association on ba*e bull matters, await his call ing- H" i*> an-v day that Mr. Shepherd, who ia the moneyed are at loggerheads over the signing of a reserved Special to Srwmxo Lirr. the poopl vay, atixiou.Oy looked fur here, and then man in the Magic City, had written to minor league player. Details are given below DALLAS, Tex,, Jan. 10. The tragedy in of ti.Je tiiy c*u learn positively whether we will have a League club or not. KroaT. Atlanta proposing a league that should in dispatches from the seat of war Kansas City which Bradlcv lost his life has assumed u seriou include only such cilie-* us Birmingham, Atlanta, and Colutabus: pliase. The Grand Jury has found a true bil Mncon, Chattanooga, Columbus, Nashville, Savannah, of murder in the first degree apt last Angus, an< ON THE FENCE. and one or two others, Mr. Shepherd affirming that Columbus Scoops in Ralph Johnson. another hack driver namcl Dick Johnson- ha thoso cities would be within easy communication with on TYIiicli SId COLUMBIA, Jan. 18 The Columbm Club, on Tues­ been arrcatei 09 an accessory. It developer] Th« Dallas Club Vntlecided each other. lie wrote lo Atlanta that he did not to Drop. care to eo into a league in which cities on the out­ day last, ut Mt. Clemeus, signed Kalph Juhnson. tha yesterday that the provable cause of Angus' ac­ skirts, like Memphis and New Orleans, would ba in­ heavy-hiiting third baseniivn, Ute of aud reserved by tion wns jealousy, as the woman, Dolly Love, DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 10. Editor SPOBTISO result will bo will cot be known the Kan»ad City >V«storu As o i»tion Club. Joimsou cluded. What the bad been aligned by the Kaoeaa City Club, which " manifested Ins utmost grief at Bradley's funeral LIFE: The organization of a stock company tc until aome time next week, when a meeting of the new perpetuate base ball in this city has been ar will be called. bought tho Kansas City Westein Cl'i!) and told tiie ami went immediately t»f;er tho killing to where lli Southern League frtircKlno to St. Joseph, to the lu'.ter club. Johrj*on, corpso luy nml wept. There sbe stud, in the preeenc ranged with capital enough to a Icagu It H said hero tbat Birmingham has only made the the is of tho cpiuioa tbat New huwovt r, refused t<» sign with the i^t. Joseph Club at of A loom full cf pien, that OTI the night fceforo th club. The prime movers are interested in a sub present moTe becauee the salary offered £200 per mouth, and claimed thiife laurdcr AUJJUS hud told her in tho pres'.-uce ot wit­ Orleans intends to outer the Texas League. Trumi urban railroad, who have an elegant park lo­ men in New Orleans say that the lie should receive at least ng much aj he haitbcoa^ nesses that ho was going to kill Bradley before the nent base ball tlTcred by a Calif *rnia L»ngue clnh aifd several in;yor sunset of the following day. cated. Tho only drawback now existing is a Crescent City is not looking towwrd tho Lone Star peopl that she desires to go into a league league clnbs S1,6UO. Tl ia tit. Joseph refused to p*y. \Vhilc a-ime little t:iik ot lynching Las been indulge' league to join. The Southern League Association, but Other clubs, notably Coliimbu-, then roa^Je offers for In, the eherrti has taken every precaution to protect hi have been consulted and are very anxious to compoeed ot cities east of the fllissisiippi. The Texas amount to much, since DaKaa, the the man, but the St. Joseph Club put a prohibitory prisoner, A fimct is being raisml aiaouc tho citizens o have Texas clubs join them, but their liberality Leaguo will not price upon h;s release, name!}', §3,000. This, of Dalian for the purpose of employ) UK comircl to assi j most prominent city, has a're^djc expressed her inten­ as they claim, is anything but liberal. Ke\v the Southern League. cour.-p, \\ould not bo paid, ncd tffurts were ai title to the State iu tho prysecution. The base ball players i; tion of g-jing into purchase t;io rel.-ivso of Jimmie DonneSly. Wrwju town havo sent a circular to the sporting papers of th Orleans, necei-arily the backbone of any Southern There was a meeting of the constitutional com mitt eo League, seems to want too carili. A pariy intcrt^te * League here the other day, at which 5Ian»cor Ct:ckenbergf-r Tiaiied President Hewltt^ country, calliu;< on boee ball player* to contribute t of the Southern in Washington Inst week he not ouly purchased - tlie fund to engage good counsel for the prosecution. in the Dalles Club visited Now Orleamaud at:ende some important Alterations were made in the consti­ tho Sontbern League meeting. After being urgfiul a reso­ the release of Widner and Daily, but eecuied A despatch was received tost evening by Cashier E C. BIJCKEISTBERaiilR, tution, t:ie principal Icing the introduction of ati option on Donnolly for $aOO, in case M. RsardnD, of the City National Uank, from the pro­ requested to juia with them, he made the following lution to enforce atiict obedience to the salary limit projHm'.ion: The of the New Association Club From Columbus will nothing further could bo done in Juhiisnu'd case. prietor of an i.H Qiiil lu Oil CHy, PA., in which Hnul Under the oew order of things each club The Spras;uo case just hi-re carae up, in which tlie Jey'rf father is an cmployi-p, rHrcUingtlto uiniciUker t That a guarantee of $100, with priviloze ol 30 per ho obliged to deposit a substantial guarantee cent, of gtito receipts, cr £35, with privilege of 30 necessi­ Chiirngo rt-»erve was vitiated bjj^Jhe removal of the jtive the fKft'l ball r*!ayor a decent luriai and guuran Any violation of the salary limit will club to Minneapolis. Up>n tho strt-ng'.h of this Clave- tc'eiii£»ll wxr.fnsts. Tbo fiint-ntl tikes place to-da per cont. ot tho receipts. This offer tbe SoiUben: tate tlie immediate and full forfeiture ofx this people declined, hencp HO league has been forniei: MEETINGS GALLED. COLUMBUS CHATTER. bo per­ lan 1 signed tho man. The queUiou was a 11 pa tiled to at 1 o'clock, nnd « number of Texas LeH£i:o player guaraniee. No presents or donations are to Pceshlent Young, of tiie National Lengue, and he de­ from Iba various cities in the S'a!o will attend. yet, and probably will not until tho mat­ mitted to players, an>1 every c!n!j will bo expected to ter Is ti--ij"ust -d. Tho Texas Leacue failure of la^t A Date Set Tlie League Schedule Meeting An Injustice to Last Season's Team Cor­ so ropiilate i( s financial workings tbat its pay roll wil! cided the case wholly in Clovehmd:fi fuvor, «t the same season warns the Dallas pe >ple not to join tncli an or- The International to Select a Successor time tavtLg that the saoic ruling would apply rected Two Deserving Players A Mode! not exceed what is laid d'.»\vu in the constitution St. Joo aud Kansas City. Manchester Homing: Agr.inst Hope. gKnizatioii Gulcfs a bona fide ca«li dcp* sit is made by to the Hamilton C'iub. There his been an idea all along that New Orleans to the Johnson case between LIFE. throughout tha season. At a Director Scraps of News. Mr. John B. Day waa also anked for aa opiuion, aod Epecjft] to SPORTING each club to continue WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. President N. B. would build np a team regardless of all restrictions, BUxniKSTEii. N. II., Jan. 19. Nat TV. Kellfgsr, th recent met ting in Fort Worth, held with a viaw ut COLUMBIA, Jan. 16. Editor SPORTING LIFE: and the resolution was adopted by the committee in he dec d'd that Coluuibna could sign the man. And organizing a T*-x:is League, Datlaa wa^ without au­ Young to-d;iy issued a formal call for the sched­ It was with considerable regret that I read in that is tbe history of the J^bnsou deal. \Ve get tho popular short s'op of la-t season's Manchester:!, is in orOer to make impossible such a violation of tho spirit ;tt least $1,000, for that amount f\\e city, and is looking over the ground, with ft vie* thority meutio.'ied fora place. Jlr. Caa-i, your Ilotis- ule meeting of the League, to be hold at the Ar­ Mr. Erunell's last letter to THE SPORTING LIFE of tho new rule. man aud St. Joe la out tou correspondent, evidently eati ncrrf-fooU or suffers would have been willingly paid by the Columbus to organizing a professional base ball team here lo lington Hotel, Washington, March 8, which is an assertion that must carry with it unjust ant miuuvuei's. the seieon of '89. It H New Kn.tzlatd or In;er-Stat from menfiil d?mn?emei.t. ID a recent issue he the TueaJiy following tho inauguration of Presi­ epeal:a cf IXilIus Mowing about crowds, and uctuallj uncalled-for insinuaticns against the morality MINNEAPOLIS MENTION. Columbus has a much belter case in the JO'ILPOU l*c,imte Is formed, with nsodcraio stlarief, Maudies was originally intended that tor will probably be fuard ready to enter a team. In as-erts that Houston un:l GtilTOstoa drew as lar^o ai dent Uarrison. It of a large number of very reputable gentlemen mattt-r t!;»n Cleveland has with Spra^ue, of the attoui!n,nre as Dallas. Why, the idea is ridiculous the scheJulc meeting should be held Friday, in tho Tri-State League last Pertinent Facts About the New Minneap­ Chicago Jlaronna, and thero is no likelihood that caac there :s no league in New Kaftan U this ueasncunl Kid People?, ehort stop', and Joyce, thin! bigeman wi:h tlie arranatmenta certain geutlfnien with tlie gentleman, is uncalled fur, because it is himself: Mandu'Sier, Portstr.oulli and Nashua, is a ): tMa e;ier- are in Dallas dieengapeJ, but huve seveial offers witb the League have made for attending the inaugur­ not true, aud it could not have been written wborcever Sam is there is a bail club. In this "RALPH JOHNSON, Chicago: eetk notion ou the pan of so;ao oue to set the bal especially a so^d one froirt St. Joe. They want tc ation. from certain information that Mr. Brunell had, respect Minneapolis is no exception to the rule. "Dear Sir: Yours of the 13th to hand, and in reply iu motiou. play in JU.illa*, bowerer, Hiid are waiting. BoMi ure While Sam does not claim to give us pennant will sny I fail to see where I have not tiratcd you International Special Sleeting. but probably from unreliable authority, or gath­ working, so advance money don't catch them this winner?, he does, however, assert that the Min­ fairly. A* to noing to St. Joe that is a ntatlcr you will . aenson. t'TK'A, N. Y., JKII. 17. The Hamilton li.ise Bjll As- ered from tho severe tone of some of the press in as St. Joe «o*p No Bluffs by Stern. the L»a»ue. I am in a po^iiiun to know whereof ] neapolis team will be in, the swim aud she Imre to settle u-iHt the mannf/rr f>f that dub, Special to SPOUTINO Lire. Chas. I.evia has signed with Galreston. soc'a ion, of Hr.miltoD, Out., has forfeited its nietaber- otctis the franchise of tlie Western Association club of A'«t»- Dons Crjthere will" manage tbe Dallas Club i &hip in tho Interaational As=cciation by fsiliDg to speak wheu I say that had hu taid 20 ptr cent, of the will not bo a slow traveler. sas City. CINCINNATI, 0., Jan. 19. Pro-Went S'era returne< there ia one. comply with s:c!iou 14 of tbe constitution. mea in theTriaState League of 188S will represen Samnel has organized a stock company with from tiio Ws-st this morning, atid he d< Glared (be pur- "You eay you are not leadinc: leagnee in hatting to In Lohbeck, laie of Dalla*, Cleveland has nno o Tin-re will be a special tncc.ias; of tiie International those who drank to exc-ss, he would have come an organized capital of $1.3.000. Nearly all the po to a jay town like St. Jo-1. You need not be atiaiii poitxd inteivtewB With him in St. Louia were p ppy- tbe most premising in tt;e country. In ad­ Association and boani of directors at tho Tifft House, ut-arer tho facts. I brlieve that I state correctly no u«w-pa[»er men tiicro and n-mlo no stock has been taken anil an election was held to f o there, aa the imunciul backing of that club is of cock. Hen-iw dition to beiue a gilt-ed«ed back Plop, bo la tin Buftulii, N. V., Tuesday, Jan. 22, at 10 o'clock. A. M. w hbii I say that Colunibua nnd Toledo embraced the lest. tbiput* tliat ho inluodnJ to tlecapitate both McPbeo thrower tb:it playexl in Tcxis last se.ison, nol C. L>. WIMTS, Secretary. a larger peiceutage of men who drauic to excess a short time ago resulting in the following business flneat "My advice to you woutd be (o agree on terms with nd Cirpeufpr. II« says be ha? not tilked burring Blight, Baidwin or Ki>enan of tbe Ciucin than auy of the oilier cluls^ end, speakinp choice: President and manager, S. G. Morton; them aud be contented. Thero ia no d^ubt but that wish Carpenter or-K(»i)ly, mid bas no lour ot anything its last eeason. A LEAGUE Kli-OI{GA>'IZEP. for Columbus, I am etire thiit not over 20 por cent, o vico president, A. H. Griffen; sect clary and treasurer, do n.cot. He natis, nil of whom p'aycd in Tex your vork on third us soon fta it u of a hi^li enough , but an Hniitsili'e Ai-rangeoient when tiny * tlie Cjluiulus Club couM bs cla-scJ us excea*ivo Ily, L. Hach. All who have tUn-n s;oc*t belong t» the rder will be Mpprccia'od by thy .Leigne or Associa- \ Imi flnth that it H safw to a9«ert that - felt, aud pay a he will not pay tliat plnycr as much Ifeet Once More. f5garc. Tho press Ijiidly heralded the ca-?e of every far '80 at least \vo will haro a cltau management all money as Ito oifVrt'd him then. Vian rcl-ell d e^a : i)-; was foiii.d to bean exccs-ive driubcr, and ] Tlie Great Tliird Kase Interviews Hi PEORIA, Jan. 15. Editor SPORTISG LIKE: mau who through. tljR tn'al abstinence clacscin t'te newcoutracf. Snu't! ftui inclined to thu bi'liel thiit it produced the i T h B.players thus far signed are pood men and can Jle b«s i!i>t ?!^sr*t frnJn, !>e' Moines, through Jnme lioss and . On Saturday, 12th inst., there was n meeting sioii n'-rond t!iaf t!re men v.-,>rc much worse Hi an tiiey plav excellent ball. We are akirraiuhinx £>r some who A. JT ' ' '' ' "" '! Hart, fbo cx-At!ilftic "While in New York President Voa der Ahc hold here oi th ' "~" 'cd in formiag an »'"' * ' - reflfcfton upon A larjr.e will fill np li:e y*c«»'.t pl;w? in a rrpJitaVtte manner, secured Latfcani's signature to ft contract,' Inter-State Leo.:. ;;iing season ' ti . -y u'.iiT aea/i,\c who nve and, ui ail evicts, beat 8t. Paul. \Vo bare s-> far: On the T'.h- lo/itniit, Jobu B. Day vrrote Pewitt Rny, representatives we: i:;iey, of Springfield; cai ^ l.asten to call Mr. Bru­ Minni-han, c-itchcr; U«ngle, second base and captain; newspapev man, that Ji.hneou was under s;iya tbe Cincinnati Enquirer. 'The St. Lorn; nei! s aticntiiju to an uiijiiat ttatem^iit, feeling that be ft Chicago Sain Whitse'.l, of Quinsy; W. H. Lucas, ol Ham-ahull, abort stop; Turner, centre field; Da'y, ngbt no obligations tj St. Jcc, liFCau.«e reserved by K»nnaa Will Fight Dempsey. magnate was in the Grand Central Hotel wher iias beer, kd into making it from an unreliable in­ field. Diud.ile and Spra?ue will fei^n in a few (lava. McCaffrey Evansville; J. G. Corbett, of Peoria, and City. Fresideut YOIIDR had a like opinion aud made Brfcisl to SroRTixo Lirr. Lath shot athwart bis vision from tbe bete former. I am sure his Fei'nonil oLserviition doea not Eimer FcS'cr lives here, but ii to seldom eocn thit formal deliverance of the same in tho Spiague case, ia Irvinc, of Blooraington, and ^1 Shaw, John supply him with tlw information. liE\vYon,K, Jan. 19. D-mnnick McCaffroy was in door, and with a sort of P. Rooney-dance-me he might a3 U'*1H '* m«tiug the trip with the All- which he B .id .ho same lute appllol to JjhnsOa. r.ndnmdo up hi* mind that ho woul( off-the-fctage-skip drew alongside der bosa presi Fitzpatrick and Dan Faziclt. of Terre Haute. TWO GOOD MEN. Anifricaa. The snine may bo *.aid of Burdicb, of In- The ciiay in ft nut-shell thereforo, ir-: this dty y< stciday tho way, fiurdlck will bi'inx his team .Again fiiiht Jack DemiM-py. lie snid: "! l-avo telo- dent." Mr. Ridgley, of Springfield, was elected presi­ There are unsigned in this city two (rood men a dinna;>oJis. ify President Yoiinz. Jo'ni B. Day, and other high au­ frr^pfiwd Preriient Futds, of tlio California Athletic pitcher, Nick Ilandiboe, and a first base man, Con somewhat nearer the hunt nexfr season. thorities, any that St. Jsie has no claim on Johneon. 'Hc'lo, Chns, bere's your Arlic/ sboutei dent, and Asa M. Brown, of Peoria, secretary. Look out for Sum Morion's ai^niiii a couple of ele­ Club, that I will fi-ht Jack to a fin-Mi forafive- The folbwing agreement was drawn up and Slrothers of whom 1 would like to say u ft*w worJe, President WwtkiLs fays Kanens City has no claim on tboiif.;ind-do!lar purac." Jack i* anxious lo mee the irrepressible third buseman, trusting that they may bo secured by some club or gant players within a week nr ten d;iys. They are on him, "'us St. Joe now owns the fiaiic.iise of the West- tofijjht me. 1 am n<; " 'Yes, and I can pretty near guess what my adopted: hefiiu with, they are the li»f, and Sam says we'll have 'em. ean Association c'ub of Kantas Cny." Blifcbell p.ri oa plan of orgacization would re­ not record players. II«ndiboo niado his debut in pro­ St. Paul to-dny fcizm-d Tncijernian, John He ihertfcro beloogs to no ouo but Columbus. spectfully rejort the following: and Joo Werrick, of Louisville. A. W. G. Aud there you are. Jersey City, and uui aoatioiis to meet him again. " 'Now, what do you suppose it is?" inquired fess onai ball in Columbtnin 1885, in a club which rou- * lletoh-ed, Th it the Central Inlerstate League of Base tamed euch p'aycrs as Larry Twifchell aud.IackMc- Lath. Ball flute be compose.lof tUe clubs of the following Amateur Skaters Organize. Caun. Tho la'tar part of that year he pitched for the SANGUINE MOIULE. Kansas City Will Fight. [A little sum of advance money.' nnmed cilie', viz.: S;ir4ngRel I, II!.: (Juincy, 111.; lIeu!e_Ys,ftclnbat Bichmood,lud.,that eaintd consider­ SPOUTING LIFE. IOUM; Terro Haute, Ind., nnd KANSAS CITY, Jan. 18 ProiMent Speaa yestcriJay fcppffal to "'Somebody must have told you,-Chris; y( Peoria, 111."; Davenport, able n-'t'irh'ty throughout the country for iti fine \>\-&y- A Club in Process oT Formation Under Man­ wired tsecreiary Wikoff ttmt Hulph Johnson bad not NKV.-BI'RO, N. Y., Jan. 10. The Amateur Skating Lvrtiioviile, Imi., and tliat the representation cf the ing, lu 1886 he went to Pittshnrg arid pitched during uessed it the first time. Little Arlie is dofl required to enter into an agree­ ager Kclly's Direction. boen released by tlte Kansas City Club, and »8kioR Ass.'fiiition of yewljiirs nas fuiiiitd Ins? night, with t to clcth, and be must get a cnib-stake eoint'whtre. said several cities be tiiat ytar and f >r three mouths iu 1S87. From there him not t> approve cf bia c-.utract with any other pi t1 in t era! tip of forty-fire. C. L. M'ariiig, Hecorder o ment to carry out tho prcviflioos and nbiJe by tl:o re­ he \veut to the Enn Claire, Wig., Club, aod finished MOBILE, Jan. 15. Manager John Kelly is nc- ihe way, Chris, bow hi* a touch will yon etHH?a-.s.iid : etc. were a;v}]o:utu;f t> aid at tho comiiig rac*. on tlii that each of >aitf above honied ehibs be required to de- to secure Guinbert, of Z*i:csril!c to piirchass him; you are pr*p»red to stand a cut of $51)0 I am ready to loeit with the secretary the or SJH within flftcen sake of Boston as a hustler. He has been a ball "Juhn on cannot sign with tbe Columbus or any Hudson lliver, opposite tiiis city. talk business. 1 but the Columbus peopla, believing that they were (co- otlifi-c'lih until ho 13 n leased by tbe Kansas City lays from the date hereof, >9 an InitiHtion foe, aad in;r to win the pennant, refused to let him go at any player, is an experienced manager, and knows a " 'Oh, i:u\v, Chrfc! don't be bar! on yonr favcri up( u failure ot" any of anid reorewnta'-ivea to comply Oiub, which ii ettll a livo orK-inizutiun, liu.dnnr u Another Six-Day Bicycle Race. player. Vou know you til ways iikei me. S;iy, c: price, as they c -rrectly said he was the best pitcher ball player and how to select a team. lie is now Wt-Htcrn Association franchise. Tha t-fficerd of tho .1 .... .1 ______i_^. ..._.., __ i *...... js j o- with jmy of tho above requirements, the f-rcsident they bal, and they didn't propose to cripple their fj-erial tu Sroimxo I.iyK. the 8:-I«ry the same .is las: scns-m, and Ariin ia flmll ha BUthorize-.l to exp?l taij clnbfrosi mciubor- a merchant, and no better man could be found club aro just the finmo ai wbon the season close*', W. Eck h»s rotiv for I88i>. Come. uu\v; Unit's a «ood fe'.l..v;! Giyve the chances fur the peniirtnt. lie noeds no catcher to to place at the hi ad of the club. KG baa the ariil its receive li&t is biadin^ aa much as Hi ai of KANSAS'GYvv, 5Io., 19. T. ship in said League, an.i shall proceed immediately at-ady him; he bag a g->o3 net ve and watches tha game ar- p'Ho.l nil firn-.n^fiii n't. for a t-ix-day bicycle rare in old Atatid-by a chancy f. r liis white alley.* to wlecl the Biiccessor of said club to" fill such va­ (ifiice and respect of our public, nnd uo bcgns p.imt-3 any club of the Association. Tlie club Ins tmido "*How much advance, do you want?1 closely. can bo playi-d with Kelly m iiutunger. He Ivid deter­ ran^t-ments ti traosfer the team to St. Jo-eph. f T next Kxj'ositii'n i:n;l!in;r, t^n'a city, in \vhich knafH>, M cancy; and be it further Strothers played in the same team with Uandiboo in gftii, Louise Arrn.iiudo and a uitdibf-r of (.t*icr fnmoi.s "'0... §200 will bfjdtc me over my present financia I^oli-cil. Tlut the ofiicc78 of said League shall bo mined to let l-aac ball aiooe, but he loves tbe spr-rt »nd BPASOU. If Mr. Lord can come to terms with Hie play­ troubles. What do you say?' Columbus in 1885, and finished tluit tenson io Xanes- wants' to show those who ccndeniue.l liiih in 1687 that ers he will release th?m as fast M he pi ia Kunsis City. .FAS. I'lTZrATKI'JK,") s'avted iu at f-atidu-iky iu the Tri-State League, ana tho Board of of a St. Louis contract. Tho ahov/ with which Laih;m S. II. WiiiT.-ELr,, vComtaUtei promised substantial fruppnt. Ho also strttes that be Tlu-ro ia tmrdly any question that vas trsiveliug is ivcr/aiiizioe, and will be on fio n Toll do. seeing how va'uaMo a msn he was, eoou ee- dots not favor a Giilf L^agiif. The Southern Lenguo, Arbitration will stand by Kansas City in this matter. ' After ritUbnrg Players. a»i»ain soon.. Although La'Ii made biz monoy la-it b ..,v J. G.C'OIIBF.II. ) cured him and used him on 5rat base the balance of as uow outlined, auiu him aud Mobile \vili be iu that KanfM City hi.8 exactly the samejiold upon Johnaon- 8jvc! SPORTING LIFE. bit]l S3a.c oa and has druwn ?110 a week with ihe Ttah- The constitution of the was tlia season. Btiothcrs is really au outficldor and would that D.troit has on Wiiite aud Rowc. Tho Wtsera PirrsnuRfj, Jan. 10.-*Man,i;rer Chapman, of the [onn1 (!o., he had juct fifty cc^.ts in hi* pocket wben ho adopted, but the following modifying clause was railier pluy in that capacity, but is a corking good Cyclone Milier, who epent last month liere, loft last Association franchise in sMil lield by tho Kai.s:i3 Ci;y Byrac'iiso Stwrs, id (-e-kinp iw.j lM.t-f.bmg ballplayers, hed the contract. lie is tha moat improvident inserted: lir^t I.asetuao aud a slicker ot some repute. He, like week, being called homo to the bed cf hU dying Club, «ml, beyond all doubt, it has ths right to bold all tid in Hie IKMSCIU of K«l Swartwood ami Eiily ilibhop. yer in America. He nt-rcr toitcliea fntoxlcn!ing "No club organization in thU League shall bo al­ liitndiboe, is no record player. He goes after every­ mother. AI wa* greHlly liked here and be leaves a i'8 \Vesteru players. NotwitliBtanding John R. Day's He H anxious t<> pet tSe former to ns lo secure a good liquor, but in spite of this fiict is a'. ways dead bruke. lowed to p.iv moid tiian S1.200 month in salarfe.-} to thing und never weakens from the time game is called great manv friond« behind. ultimatum in th« Ju! matter, K-unat. Cify will captain f»r the te.mi. Bishop was asked fur !iia terms Ubat be does with his money is past finding out." p'rxyera, nn'loi- a jonslty of a fine of £300 lor each of- until it isetidcd. Harry VaughHti, tbo clt-vor clianpre catcher of lift not la/ down its !ian<'8 at I tie strong bluff that is being and gave them. They are considered a little hiirh by fcnee. Wlirn such an otfenserflall be brcu^hl to the These are two players who have few, i* any, supe- .hmai:3, of Now Orleaoe, who s^eut 6omo weeks li«Sf mude. It is pro]>O3ed to curry tiu» mutter through ihu Chapman, hut it is thought an agreemeut will bo fttten!ion of the secretary hoshali report to the execu­ ri'ira in the International Association, and if signed has gone home. mill. Johnson te'egraphcd to Mr, Day and a>kfcd hia readied tuts week. NEWARK'S CLUB. tive bor.rd, and iii:ou jireof ef the fact the fine Im­ vill do their duty in asjistiug their club towarJd ihe opiiron of his (Jobneon's) case. Mr. D-iy, wh*i,a a, ouo each of t lit) following distances: financial basis goes without saying. Mr. Shoe­ Kvansviile; K. A. Schaal, Terre Haute, and John wa^ ideQtifled ulth tho old Aaitciatlou club in '83 and a club, and who recently UNWILLING SA3TDUSKY. 50,. 75, 100 and V>0 yard-?, for f500 a side, the r:icee maker, tho president, ia a manufa^turingjeweler S. Lee, Teoria. Tho sitkution was also 'S4, with the Tri-^tate League clubo in *87 nnd'88. totnku I'.HCO ia at Mjch time us thall be wont to Ireland to claim a fortune to which ho of comfortable mean?, an ardent admirer of the considered. It was de-i'Jfcd t) mike the Iu !8:t, as well for tbo pleasure that ha derived from it follows about the possibilities No Chances To He Tukon Witliont tho mnt-i;;!!y agreed u^on by the Cju;e?ta;ih, aud the a? an. advertisement, ho organized the "Btjrn" Club, fell heir, writes as wiLn^r of a majority to take the entire stakes. National game and a liberal patron of the ?port. _uaranteo $00 per game. Each club will be for the future of the American National game in I-lHlcniuiu riiiu. Bond is a prosperous re il estate which was composed of Iccal ballplayers and It was Vice President compelled to deposit S^OO wUh the secretary be­ hi i hat club that AI Bauer, the umpire, first threw his Great Britain: SANDKSKY, 0., Jan. 14. E.Utor SPORTINO TVtll tlie Two Jersey Clubs Enter? a^ent, is alovetoftho gfimeandwi'l see the fore they commence tho scheuuic of games. In wuiiderful curves, for in hid day flttuer WMS a great Well, it may.hc more interesting to yon to loarn LIFK: The prospects for the Ohio League to Uppcln! 1-. iMo.iT.xa LIFE. club through, at all hazard*. Secretary and order to modify the cost of players, it was de- pitciier and held his own eventually in the St. Louis my ideas of introducing our National g-m his pocket paid the entice plc.ieant time with a number of the Icadin? sporting to S1.200 per month. '. ^ iiciousmove. Ho wan generous to a fmlr, quiries ns to our intontions, we have auswercd: Eapidn, L'n«l-duO( p^orti and ony of ll:e moat 3*11 was adopted for all League gnmes »nd tho well-posted and no player can ioldu-r on him. Etsy signing by Canton of such people a_! Borchers, Time. Jyl-n 1 epoko of wan o\er 100 years 'huld 'ere,'only untU-r Gafl'ney Comes to jroiiouDoed biiso hail tnthnsi;iata lu thecctintry. 'alary of the umpires was put at $108 per month to eet alonz with, arid correspondingly kind to every­ euother name rounders. I saw at once it was useless Nightengale an.I Kyan, after pledging thern- SpftCiftl toSpOHTINO LlFK. K. liaroslcw holils a gncd poaitiou with tt'C Buwvrs body, lie ia immensely wealthy and is just the muu to orn-.-t Company, ie a \veH-kirjwn.8rcuian and tljnka tnd railway expense?. The annual League to converse any further with this class of sports on eelvc3 to an $300 limit, would have reopened tha BALTIMORE. J-»n. 10. Umpire GafTnoy yest^nUy will be held on the first Tuesday after be identified with base bull. that subject. To put it all m a nutshell, I ani strongly old sore, to KIV nothing of t*ie learn Ct'Iinnbiis would telctrni'lifd Jlaua. or ttarnie, chairman of the Ameiicaii nore of brt?e bail than of hia meals, Jacob lluugslmc; meeting s a FoiJa water mfiimfrtcturer an-I !§ the Dc-mocrutic :he first Monday in November, aud it is intended AN ERROR CORRECTED. of the opinion that wh?n base ball is a popular grtiue I'.are entcrt-d if they had not broken into tho Associa­ Aw''ci-t(u*ii connrfiiti'fon uinpiren, ftcceptin^ the t^-rnis Even with all tho cars and watchfulness that was n CJrcat Uritiin you and I will have lour put on tbe tion. No, b'syg, we citu't d ) it you know, it cost-, luo offere ! for next Kftuon an-1 siirnifyina bin wjiliu^ne?* 'i;a?-)jiN fun(?) Memngh fur us. to 8; i:n (IIP u^iiiil coutmc f. It i^ noderstoixl th«', his ar everything looks lovely in the Interstate averages, au aggravating error crept in that does p:ost-nt in this country, iu their estiinition, thero are Oh, for t!iO days of'83, when wo had a £470 teun, tltvt (aiary will l;e Sl,80t>. Cut OIIQ umpire remains 1 1 by ibcrnl cuntribu'ord to (hat sport ami, a!(li -u^h having mt one arm, can raise more enthusiasm at a baae bull "league domain. Jisi. TliajQr M. Torroyson an injustice. I refer t-> his re­ only two games in existence foot ball and cricket," witaa terror to all conioif. We started lu with a soj fpiied a;rl iiumoions applications for tho vacancy cord as second bnsoman. It ranks him 24. Games, 17; infield, but it eioon l*Cdine a skin from wiping up ilia havo Lee:i received. natch or a Yott-run League I'.ioetlng than any man iving. With such men at the wheel base bull will A CUBAN INVASION. chaucea ofi'ercd, ^)3; average, .787. His correct recjnl Look Out for Your Eyes. eart'i with the vitiliiig tentn?. Dan O'L*-a:y, wiiii hia save clear tailing in HIM. city. should be: Rank, 10; gomes, 17; chances offered. 74; The Cincinnati Enquirer saye: ''If a ball player's ck Toledo team, touk t'ieir medicine bor«. label c I B^nnctt Us coming Iteasonable. —————————9———————— Foreign Ball Players Coming to the United average, .005. Pa'eident McDermith made a thorough >y«s ever beccuio injured in tho ulightebt his days of > ^. f\G BriiueHitts. with tsviecncy iu the box. gut search for the cause of the error, and catne to the con­ it in tbe no k 3 to 2. Kr; e, You uptown, ij.2..o>vllle, CprciaHo SPOHTINO Livr.. Experience is a Great Teacher. States. usefulness da a hero of tiie diamond aro over. There JCosToif, Ji»n. It*. iPcntit'tt has c^ntn down fi peg clusion tjiat it occurred in tbe composing rcorus, as tlie are only two i:la)ers who havo had their optics in­ the Heiily Club, of lltchmoi.d, lad., and evt-u the De­ From the Spotting South. PiTTSBfKo, Jan. 13. EJltor SPORTIXO LIFE: I am way troit Lrox"'^ Club were done up by < ur five-cent inn**. from h H fc:j;h po>t. He cxpn-»ifH himself willing" to o receipt of a letter from Don Bircteo Barrier, tho copy furnished was correct. Of coor*e, the only jured within tlierocollectionjof the writer. Fred GWey, iK" fyrpl.750. It Isi'i^buble that hia a guuture will The i--ivHt:nt titr.iiion In bta? ball in the South lias out of it will be to charge it to the compositor. who played a great tiiird base for t'ne Athletics in 1884, In your lost i.isue you ini'ution a tiij.lo \\&y by Paul f.tct tlmt the speedio-t and t-urtst Mvpriefur of tlie mae&ilicest ball park «o eliuibly Jo- ]I!n- B as likfly tho rnly ouo on record ma<1is in a pro 8ov» be received. DK'nstreted ons :ate.1 in tho City of Havana, Island of Cuba. Seuor SCRAPS AND SQUIBS. liad his fye-jinht impaired by tho premature explosion vt»y to oi"'i»nize and biiccessfiilly conduct ball clubs ia hero fa complete except a little hitch on of a £un while hunting. lie tried to play the next ft'8-icnnl KKme. In the Dttroit gams, D-.U MulhoU»n