Base Ball." Clubs and Players
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COPYRIGHT, 1691 IY THE SPORTING LIFE PUB. CO. CHTEHED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 17, NO. 4. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 25, 1891. PRICE, TEN GENTS. roof of bis A. A. U. membership, and claim other scorers do not. AVhen they ecore all rial by such committee. points in the game nnw lequircd with theuav LATE NEWS BY WIRE. "The lea::ue of American Wheelmen shall an- the game is played they have about d ne all EXTREME VIEWS ually, or at such time and for such periods as they ean do." Louisville Commercial. t may deetn advisable, elect a delegate who hall act with and constitute one of the board of A TIMELY REBUKE. ON THE QUESTION OF PROTECTION THE CHILDS CASE REOPENED BY THE governors of the A. A. U. and shall have a vote upon all questions coming before said board, and A Magnate's Assertion of "Downward BALTIMORE CLUB. a right to sit upon committees and take part in Tendency of Professional Sport" Sharply FOR MINOR LEAGUES. all the actions thereof, as fully as members of Kesciitcd. ail board elected from the several associations The Philadelphia Press, in commenting i Hew League Started A Scorers' Con- f the A. A. U., and to the same extent and in upon Mr. Spalding's retirement, pays that Some Suggestions From the Secretary ike manner as the delegates from the North gentleman some deserved compliments, but wntion Hews of Ball American Turnerbund. also calls him down rather sharply for some ol One ol the "Nurseries "Xheso articles of alliance shall bo terminable unnecessary, indiscreet remarks in connec ly either party upon thirty day's written notice tion with the game, which are also calcu ol Base Ball." Clubs and Players. o the other. lated to prove injurious, although not so in '-In caso of disagreement between the L. A. tended, probably. It will be remembered IV. and A. A. U. uprm any point covered by that Mr. Spalding said: CHICAGO, April 22. President James A. GENERAL SPORTING INTELLIGENCE hcse articles, tho ajtne shall be submitted to the "The national tendency of any professional Hart has received an interesting letter from loard of governors of the A. A. U., includinz sport is downward, and without a strong, fear E. C. Morgan, secretary of the Illinois-Iowa FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. he member of the board appointed by the L. A. less and well-governed central organization like League of professional base ball clubs. Mr. W., Turnerbund, and any other associations in the National League acting in unison with Morgan, aside from paying Mr. Hart a pretty alliance with the A. A. U., and having a dele- other associations under a broad and equitable compliment, asks the National League to fate upon the snid board." National Agreement, it is utterly impossible to champion the interests of minor associations. THE CHILDS CASE. OTHEK BUSINESS. maintain the necessary discipline and keep the He complains of many defects, and oilers game in its purity and integrity, Without which some pertinent suggestions. The One of the most surprising results of the He says: Baltimore Club Wants to Amend Its the confidence of the public, so essential to the Original lilll of Complaint. loard's meeting was its action in deciding "It you will pardon a compliment from an hat the acceptance of expenses while in success of professional base ball, cannot bo long humble source, allow me to congratulate you and Bpoclal te SPOBTINO LIFE. retnined." BALTIM.OBK, April 2-1. The case of second raining is not a violation of the League the base ball interests of tbis entire country on baseman Childs was reopened yesterday by a ules. These are the remarks to which the Press the selection of one so well fiiteJ as yourself for petition of the Baltimore Base Ball and Ex The racing rules were so changed that the took exception in the following direct and the presidency of the Chicajo Club, from which hibition Company for leave to amend its amateur this season will be compelled to toe forcible language: centre has emanated the life blood of tbo game original bill of complaint. The petition says he mark or bear the sentence of tho Racing "The natural tendency of everything, whether for more than fifteen years, at all events. You that at the lime the bill was filed it was well it be base ball or a dry goods store, is just what can appreciate and champion the o-'uise of minor known to all persons interested in base ball The applications of various bicycle clubs it is made by those who are behind it. Tho leagues from tho fact of your intimate knowl or the privilege of running at the national natural tendency of professional sport, as illus edge of their difficulties. In speaking of minor that the American Association had with jhampiouship drawn from the National Agreement on Feb. races were considered, and trated by base ball, is not downward. To be organizations I refer to the 'children of our 17, but this fact was an utterly immaterial while the decision as to what club secured sure it got a set-back last season, but for reasons size,' who have received too little attention in one in the controversy, iu the opinion of the he races was not made public, it is asserted far removed from legitimate pports ani with the past. Tbo possibilities are groat for the old Baltimore Bnse Ball and Inhibition Com hat the members will not goto either the which legitimate sport has nothing in common. national game. Tho work has just begun. As pany, and was not a thing which at all con >eoria, Hartford or Philadelphia meetings, as There is no evidence oa the fico of things that tho National League purged the game of dis cerned Childs or which could affect his rights fenerally expected. ____ the Association's break-away from the Na honest players by a ri^hUous and well-main and obligations. It is desired to amend the tional Agreement has done the game any harm. tained blacklist, so lot it now devise ways and original bill by inserting among [other alle THE HYPAKO LEAGUE. Fifty such breaks-away would not d<> the gama means to place all under its proteotion on a gations: WILLIAM SHARSIG, a tithe of tho harm that the methods uunmed strictly business basis. Unless it be done, the Another Change In Circuit Yoiingstown FOLLOWING JUDGTC PHELPS' IDEAS. The Noted and Popular Manager of the Athletic Club, of by J. Palmer O'Neill have done in the last two grading as to salary limit is a farce and had bet That Childs contracted to play base ball Dropped Six Clubs Ilemaln. Philadelphia. months, to say nothing of the existing Cincin ter be Btrioken from tho 'agreement.' I know with the Cleveland Club on Feb. 16, and that Special to SPOUTING LIKE. nati scandal, and nobody better knows it than as a matter of fact, if our clubs, the present sea on Feb. 17, the American Association unani BRADFORD, Pa., April 24. The meeting of Mr. Spalding himself. It will be remembered son, knew that they would be blacklisted if they mously withdrew from the National Agree he N. Y. & Pa. Base Ball League directors that tbo Players' League run as an independent violated the limit, they would come under tho ment and so notified N. E. Young, secretary Tuesday noon, at the Option House, was at- eiided by Messrs. Veddcr and O'Hara, organization last season, and the 'pur''y and wire and hew strictly to the lino. It creates of the National Board; that this action was of THE EASTERN LEAGDElJOHNSON DONE HP. integrity' of the gauio that that organization false prices for junior talent; it puts money in very extensively mentioned iu the papers at {Imira; Strifiler, of Meadville; Simpson, of; Olean; Alien, of Jamestown, and Levis, of furni>hed the public was never once questioned. tie hands of base bull striplings when they are the time, and was well known to all persons The public never lost its confidence last year. only capable of appreciating sugar sticks, and connected with or interested in professional Bradford. President Lindsey presided, and Secretary Higgius kept the score. NOW READY FOR THE START IN THE THE PURCHASE MONEY TIED DP BY It did become apathotiis, and refused to coaio fills the country with an army of uselass mate base ball, and Childs was well aware of it; out to the games, but that apathy rial that can never bo utilized that Ciiilds deceitfully and in contempt and The withdrawal of Oil City; from the was entirely in any capacity disregard of the rights and interests of the League was discussed, and as no other could LOHG RACE. THE CINCINNATI COORT. the result of tho squabbles of the magnates under the sun. I look for the time when man Baltimore Club, retained the $200 paid liini >e found to take its place, it was found themselves. Whether the National Agreement agers will be approved or appointed by the Na on account of the contract with the Balti ecessary to drop Youngstown, thus making is necessary to the perpetuation of the game re tional Board, ami when honesty will be required more Club until March 2, when he tendered a six-club league. The Campaign to Be'ia To-Day The; The League Obtains Title to the CM), mains to bo demonstrated. The public is a good as the first and principal qualification.