The Sportsmen's Association Championship
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TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 33, NO. 5. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL -32, 1899. PEICE, FIVE CENTS. A RULE CHANGE. THE NEW BALK RULE OFFICIALLY THE CONNECTICUT LEAGUE PROB MODIFIED. LEM SETTLED, President Yonng Amends t&8 Rule so The League Will Start tbe Season lift as to Exempt tlie Pitchej From Eight Clubs Norwich, Derby and Compulsory Throwing to Bases Bristol Admitted to Membership Other Than First Base. The Schedule Now in Order. President Young, of the National League, The directors of the Connecticut State In accordance with the power vested in League held a meeting at the Garde him, on the eve of the League champion House, New Haven, April 12, and the ship season, made public the following: following clubs were represented: Water- The League has amended Section 1 of the balk bury by Roger Connor; New Haven by rule by striking out the letter "a" in second P. H. Reilly and C. Miller, Bridgeport by line and inserting the word "first," so that James H. O©Rourke, Meriden by Mr. Penny it will now read as follows: "Any motion made and New London by George Bindloss. by the pitcher to deliver the ball to the bat O©ROURKE RUNS THINGS. or to the first base without delivering it." As President Whitlock was not present The above change in the balk rule only the meeting was called to order by Secre partially; cuts out the trouble which has tary O©Rourke, and he was elected tem arisen since the rule was first tried. Ac porary chairman. The minutes of thf pre cording to Manager Ewing, the section, re vious meeting were read and accepted and ferred to should read: the Circuit Committee made a favorable Any motion made by the pitcher to deliver the report on admitting Norwich and Derby ball to the bat or to the first base without de to the league, and as Bristol was necessary livering it, except when a base runner is in to complete the circuit a franchise was tie act of stealing. also granted to that city with the un derstanding that the team keep its borne As the amended rule reads a base runner receipts and when they played In other can start to steal and the pitcher, if he places they to receive nothing from the makes a motion to throw to first base, is home team. compelled to throw the ball to that point THE NEW MEMBERS. any way, thereby making it a compara The Norwich franchise was granted to tively easy matter for the runner to reach the Norwich Base Ball Association, of second. Ewing believes that when a run which Jack Rose is manager. Bristol was ner has started to steal the pitcher should represented by John Gunshannon, and the be allowed to follow the old custom of franchise was granted to him. Derby is to throwing the ball either to first or second. be managed by William Lush and the He says that there will be a howl from franchise of that town stands in his name. the public if the rule is not fixed up in Mr. Lush is under contract to Syracuse, this manner. The balk rule was framed but it is believed his release can be se to stop the continual feinting by pitchers cured from that team. It was voted to to catch runners napping, but it was not change the by-laws to conform with the made to make base running a farce. Presi changes in the circuit. dent Young has only partially remedied THE SCHEDULE the evil, however, and should make an will be made up at once, and the directors other change, if experience shows that a are requested to transmit their preferences more thorough amendment is needed. regarding dates to President Whitlock and he will endeavor to have a schedule, which will be satisfactory to the directors, ready- THE MILLERS. to submit at the next meeting. The time for the payment of the league dues and The Aggregation Manager Wilmot the filing of club bonds was extended to Will Present This Season. May 1, and the nest meeting of the di Minneapolis, Minn., April 18. Clarence Saul- rectors will take place at the Garde paugh is enthusiastic over the outlook for Ihe House, New Haven, on that date. base ball season. He thinks that a revival in base ball is about due this year, and expects IT BOBS UP AGAIN. Minneapolis to show up among the leaders from RICHARD » £Y, the start. The Fox River Valley League Project THE FIELDERS. The Able and Popular Outfielder and Captain of the Phillies. Said Mr. Saulpaugh to-day: "Just look over Dies Hard. the list. In the outfield there are Wilmot, Nance Green Bay, Wis., April 14. The proposed and Davis, all of whom will bat at least 300. POWERS© PRIDE INFIELD HITS. Fox River Valley Base Ball League may be re Then there is Perry Werden on first, who is vived this season instead of waiting next safe to be well over the .3QO-mark in his > it- spring when the league disbanded about a weeB ting: Abbatichio at second and Smith at short. Over the Rise of Brooklyn©s Eastern Fast Work Required by Batsmen ago. T. S. Andrews, of Milwaukee, says that h« League Graduates. and Fielders. has received letters from base hall men at Those last two are sure to bat over .300. and Mariuette and Menominee and they appear anx on third we will have Reilly, Carey or Ri3e. President Powers, of the Eastern League, who "It requires," says a student of base ball, ious to have those town included in the league Either Carey or Reilly ought to get over the saw the Boston-Brooklyn game on Saturday, was "about 4% seconds for the short stop, third and think it best to go ahead this season. Mr. .300-mark in hitting when they get in with a proud of the fact that nine members of the baseman or second baseman to neld the aire.-age Andrews wants to know what the chances are team of hitters. Fisher is as good a man behind new Brooklyn team graduated from his league. ground ball and get it to first base. A sp >rt- of this city going ahead this season. The idea the bat as anybody wants. Fisht.r is a fighter. Grim played in Rochester when Powers was ing man held the watch on a number of gr wnd of calling a meeting at Green Bay or Appletoa I know there are some men in the League who manager in 1890. Alec Smith once caught for balls last season. The hit was timed from the to talk the whole matter over is suggested. are a little better catchers, but when you take Scranton; McGann, Dunn and Gaston are all ex- crack of the bat until the ball hit the first base- Fisher©s all round play, his fielding, batting, Toronto players. Keeler played his first profes man©s hands. Sometimes the play was made in 3 base running, coaching and all, I don©t know sional engagement with Binghamton. McFar- seconds, and sometimes It required 5 seconds, Maine©s Iiiter-Collejriate League. any man I would much rather have. And all lan pitched for Montreal last year, and Cassidy but the average time was 4% seconds. Tlwc1- Boston, Mass., April 17. The base ball mana the infield and outfield are good fielders. covered third base for Providence. Jones made fore, to beat out an infield hit the batter must gers of the Maine Intercollegiate Association his bow with the Springfields. The Eastern has make the 30 yards in less than 41/. secouds. met with Colby at Waterville last week. The THE PITCHERS treasurer of the Association was ordered to "Then our pitchers to my mind are just as developed more valuable men for the big or Most of the batters have to make even farter ganization than any other minor league. time than a shade und^r 4% seconds. Outside secure a ©09 pennant. William P. Carpenter good as any lot in the League. I wouldn©t trade of Keeler, Hamilton and several others, ©-he was decided upon as umpire for the League them for Jimmy Manning©s or Mack©s or Comis- average batter always pauses an instant after games. It was agreed that every effort should key©s. We have Parker, Hutchison, McNeely, Remarkable College Game. he leaves tbe plate to see where the ball is be used to stap "yagging." The managers Bresnahan, Menefee, Elliott and Wiggs. Parker going. It is this pause that beats so many bat were Whiilin. of Bowdoin: Bassett, of Bates; is easily the best man in. the League to win New Orleans, April 16. One of the most re Downey, of University of Maine, and Daseomb, games. Hutch will be just as good as he was in markable yaffles of base ball ever played by ters out of what seems to be safe hits." ©96. Out of that list we ought to get at least two college teams took place here yesterday, of Colby. four crackerjacks. This man Wiggs that "Vil- Tulane University and the University of Texas A Woman© in the Case. mot picked up, Walter says is a wonder, and being the contestants. The score at the end The real reason for Joe Corbett©s retirement "Working; For Tim. has three times as much speed as Pardee. I of the twelfth inning was 3 to 3. Twenty-four is said to be his engagement to a wealthy A strong effort is being made by some of the expect to see our team rigtjt up in the front men struck out and ten hits in all were made.