BASE BALL, BICYCLING and and a Win for the Worcesters Was Macou Was Taken Into the League As a in Looked For
THE SPORTINGLIFECOFYHIOHT, 1884, BY TEE 3PORTINO LIPB FVB. OO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 22, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 3, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. the League. Everything points that remember after we rode out to the way. They have an imaginary griev grounds at Agricultural Park, when THE SPORTING LIFE. ance against the Southern League, sim A DODBTMMOYE. EASTERNAFFAIRS, we walked down the track somebody A WEEKLY JOURNAL ply because the League exercised its in the crowd shouted, 'Look at the mur M'NABB'S CRIME. prerogative arid installed Macou, in derers. Devoted to stead of giving the place to Mont AN OPPOSITION "Richmond was pitching that day, gomery. The idea is prevalent that LEAGUE TALKED OF THE RECENT SDCCESSFDL MEETING AWFDL RESULTS OF ILLICIT CON BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND and a win for the Worcesters was Macou was taken into the League as a IN looked for. He had come here on a GENERAL SPORTS AND compromise, with the understanding THE SOOTH. OF THE LEAGUE REVIEWED. special train. But we won, 11 to NECTION WITH AN ACTRESS. that they would 10. PASTIMES. immediately withdraw We just broke Richmond's heart, mak their case. This may have had some ing twenty-one base hits. We had to thing to do with it, but tho principal Birmingham and Montgomery, the! The Value ol Holding the Meeting make that number, as he would not let The Well-Known Base Ball Player Published by reason was that the situation of Maeon us steal a base. How well I remember prevented long jumps that would other Excluded Cities, at the Head ol a in the Metropolis-The Substitu how Stovey chased the ball over the Fatally Shoots THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO.
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