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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 37, NO. 8. PHILADELPHIA, MAY It, 1901. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. # ANOTHER LEAGUE LIMITEDRESERYE WHICH IS TO BE RUN ON AN IN MIGHT HAYEOBYIATED THE PRESENT DEPENDENT BASIS. BASE BALL WAR. An Organization For the Pnrpose ol The Idea President Hart, ol Chicago, Furnishing Games at Odd Times Advanced Some Years Ago as Re For a Lot ol Independent Clubs gards the Reservation ol Players Operating in Several States. He Still Adheres to. Youngstown, O.. May 8. Kill tor "Sport- Chicago, 111., May 8. Editor "Sporting Ing Life:"--A business meeting composed Life:" Had the idea of President James of I'eprpsi'ntativos from Independent base A. Hart, of the Chicago League Club, pre bull clubs in Warren, Kent, Canton, I'nines- vailed, base bull history might have been villc. Asbtabula, Jamestown and Dunkirk, vastly different. Mr. Hart has always N. V., with the Y'oungstown f'lnb, was been a firm believer iu the diamond held hero April l.~i, and plans furiiiulated doctrine that a bull player can outlive his for a circuit and a schedule arranged. The usefulness in one h'eld of action. Hve .season will open on May ir>, and the pres years, he thinks, is the average run of a ent schedule runs to July ].">. when, if player's popularity In one city. A TIME LIMIT. everything Is satisfactory, as there Is rea point Mr. Hart said to-day: son to believe it will be, the schedule will On this "There are exeeptious to that rule, of be continued. course, but ouly-a few. Cincinnati had In The American League rules and ball were McPhee a man of whom the fans never adopted. A resolution wi;s adopted tliat no tired, and he counted himself out under club shall sign a member of another club protest. A player likes a town just about in the circuit unless he lias a clear release. as long as he is playing guod ball, but The/ season will open as follows: Youngs- when the enthusiasts get after him he is town with Warren, here. May 13: Canton anxious to change, and I believe it would at Kent. May 31: Axhtabula at I'aines- be policy to let him change. 1 am in rlSle. M;iy 11; Dunkirk at Jamestown, fiivor of grunting players' request for a 1,1 ay 11. limit on the period of reservation. They While some of the elubs will play every asked three years. That isn't enough, for it would not permit a club to get the ('.ay, others will have only two or three benefit of a good youngster whose base games a week. Youngstowu secures the President James ft. Hart, ol Chicago. ball education it had paid for, but five Saturday games, and will play Warren years is all right. That would not necessi here on Decoration day. Aside from tate a change if the player and club de Yoongstown most of the/ cities will have by the wayside in August and Elmira was ern New York matters with himself and sired to renew mutual obligations." Sunday games. substituted, but proved a bigger frost Mr. Casey. \VH.iT IIK-IJT HAVE BKKN. than Oswego, and this year, she too, with- NEWS NOTES. "When Tom Burns came to Chicago to Irew. Amsterdam was also touted as a Charlie Donoghue, who graduated from succeed Auson." continued the Chicago OSWEGQJJVELY. league city, but was no good, and llion the old Oswego team, is to he with Syra mogul, "if he had listened to my advice Lunge, Dahlen, turned down) was admitted cuse this season. "She," as he Is famil he would have traded The Fans, Without a Ijocal Club, (last season and Donohue. I felt that iarly known, has'been doing good work in Griffith, Kyan Watching the Work of the Other to membership. The little town is base they had all been here too long. He did games, ami the Syracuse \ew York League Teams. bail crazy, and the "fans" are not afraid the preliminary swap Uahlen for DeMontrevlllc, which to put up the "stuff" necessary lor. a papers say that he is a find. turned out to be u bad trade. Lange <in!t. By Jay Knox. team's support. Charlie Hamburg's foot Is not Injured This spring we gave Kyan and Donohue A FALSB ALARM. as badly as it was supposed to be. and the for the mere asking. There Oswego, N. V., May 5. Editor "Sport- their releases During the past week base ball stock "old man" will be found on the Uomo team was ue-ver a time during the- past three Ing Life." Once more the base ball 'sea took a little boom iu this town, owing this year. years that Clark Griffith's release was son is upon us, and all the teams in the to rumors that were flying around that Utica looks to have quite n team. May- not on the market. We rather hoped to State League are bard at work gettiug him and any Oswego and Watertowu were to be ad be"Wally" Tayior and "Hayland Harty" get Lajoie In exchange for into shape for the opening of the season, bunch of players Philadelphia might select. mitted to membership in the Northern wouldn't like to beat out Howdy ICarl, May 8. The fans in this old town, which Of course, when bot h jumped that spoiled League, which is at present Ben L'llis aud that Scheuectady bunch. is not on the base ball map this year, New York tin? deal. Still the desertion of the men composed of Ogdensburg, Malone, (lover- arc looking forward to the opening day who left us cut very little figure in our and Potsdam, all with, the constituted to with some specnlatious as to how Oswe- neur, Canton plans. The Chicagoaus, as the. nrst named, being vil DAHLEN DOINGS. day, will win more games than sonic go's successor, little llion. and all the exception of lages, located In St. Lawrence and Lewis people think they will." other elubB will aquit themselves. But, His Wife, Who is SeekinR Divorce, counties. Daniel Taylor, M. Francis Casey, (speaking of llion, I see our old manager. Has Her Lawyer Hauled Over the William Young and William AVabash Park Sold. Timothy Shinnlck, is to have charg« of Leo Karnes, Coals. kuown as the old guard, Wubash, Ind.. May G.--Ttje park and grand the new club. Well, if his work here last Archibald Harris, Chicago. 111., May 4. The Dablen di are a'.l favorable of joining such a league fur stand of thu \Vahash Base Rait Association season Is a criterion to go by, they got a vorce ease, now pending in Chicago, Simon Cook, yesterday. It seems was sold Saturday afl.rrtioon. "good one." and would be willing to put their shoul nished a seusation who owns the land, notified the association that ders to the wheel once" more. Hut I am that in lieu of alimony the famous shorl- unless the lease money was paid for the en NOT A GOOD SUCCESSOR. afraid it is no use. If the fans here sto| gave signed notes aggregating tire y;*ur lie \vuuM liegin suit for possession, Last year several of the league managers, can't have State League ball they don't to l is wife. One of the notes for ?100 was lie also expressed a willingness to take Die ret: iued by New York lawyers and the Including "Hank" Uamsey, then with Troy, want any; and besides the N. X. Y. League fence aud buildings at u fair price, and satis and Bacon, of Binghamtou, were anxious oth r eight were given* to Mrs. Dahleu's factory terms were made. Air. CooU ex- only play three games a week and their cou isel, Dwlght Hoot. When the latter that Oswego be dropped to make room peets to put in an independent team, and will season don't begin until .Inly 1. Daniel reft sed to give the notes to Mrs. Dahlen also urronge dates for Western Association and for icimira, claiming that the latter city Taylor received a letter from Mr. Twit- she appealed to the Judge, who, after other League clubs to play open (lutes here, was the best ball town ill the State. chell, of Waterton, saying he wonid be severely upbraiding the lawyer, ordered this being a truusfcr poiut for many of the Everybody knows the result. Oswego loll bere Tuesday, when he would talk North them turned over to the clerk of the court. club*. SPORTING May n, 1901. THE WORLD OF BASE BALL. CUICAOO. »«.» . r. A. I)(II«aiNKATI.lI.B.B. T. A. B Tajlorl. Struck out— By Cheebro S, Taylor 2. Paued ball. Barry's tuisjudijnjents were responsi C>iiic1». 2b.. 5 2 :l 1 I O'DobbB, cf... 5 I I a 1 0 ball— Donahue. Wild illicit— W <d lell. luoinns ble for both of New York's tallies. Attend EUrw.ll, 1(4 1 3 a 0 l) : H»rl»y. If.. 6 1 0 0 pitched— By WiUdell '.„ Che>bro 8i.j. Hits-011 snce, 1,200. The score: NATIONALJ-EAGUE. rf... 1 0 2 Beckley, Ib 4. 1 1 9 10 WaiHall 9. Cbesbro 7. Umpire— Em»lie. Time— 2. OS. tirot-n, cf... 413 200 Crawford.rfS 83010 NOTE— Raiu prevented the Bjooklyn- BOSTON. AB.B. B. p. A.B KCV TOBB. AB.B.B. P. A.B i, lb-4 1 2 11 1 |i Uxgoon.