Tickets Flnlnhed on Every Rung of the League Are Not Considered S to DENMARK, SWEDEN, ENG- - Inditers
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' 1 f 1 Section Two i , ''ZL J iy Section Two Pages 9 to 12 P,ges9tol2 IrTE IIMIIIIljP I ,,, DAILY EAST OEEOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1919. he returned. They became ADAMS-APPL- E FIGHT In a wordy combat. WHO HELPED WIN REGISTRATION STILL BOY, 1 DIES AFTER After the flat fight, according :TW0 5, Ml Aflamu tlACuInn kin V. t. I . lUW flrniv n fnvVilufti. mil t rat n CLOTHES shots while Mr. Ailumi wiu sluing in TITLE FOR REDS IN .A.C. INJURED WHEN IiIh machine. Doth bullets pierced the wludshleld but neither touched Mr. Ad E aunt. J CATCH IN HARVESTER The two men were In the navy OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL-LKU- Sept. and both have been, work Inn 28. Registration con to soar at tine college. for the L. C. Hose Automobel com-pan- jr tinues Those who have actually completed William Apple Fires Two Shots since their return to Portland. Fifty Years Have Elapsed Since their Accident of August 10 Results Police believe Mr. Apple has left registration number 2504 and' the 'fig- Brother-in-la- w Fis-ti- the at After o city. Mr. Adams said he would file a Cincinnati, Home of Profes- ure is Increasing dally. An enroll- in Compound Fracture of Combat; Bullets complaint against him today. ment of fully 3H00 is expected before Pierce sional Baseball, Had a Pen the end of the school year. Leg; Operations Sap Wind Shield of Car. nant Winning; Team. Or the 2504 students registered only Strength of Lad. 213 are vocational. This means' that II. approximately 2300 who enmo S. SAILORS RECOVER to the T..A GRANDE, 29. Evan, POHTLAND, Sept. It college Sept J9. Knrae. Only two of the 1869 Tteds. who are graduates of hiuh schools son Mr. Mrs. "flick" is said .over some imaginary griev- or old of and de- other Institutions of similar stand- Canyon, died Sunday ance, William Apple, went through a season without a ing. I'eebier, of Ladd J. aged 25, fired DALMATIAN gave first following an accident In which he suf- two shots brother-in-la- TRAD, TOWN feat and Cincinnati her at his Geo. buseball rhamplonshlp, have lived The enrollment Includes 1713 men fered a compound fracture of lh V. Adams, in front o fMr. res- 761 Adams' through the fifty years to see the Ohio and women. One thousand three right leg. The accident happened 0.1 idence, 311 Klfty-four- th sixty-fiv- e avenue. city repeat They are George Wright hundred and are new stu- August 19, on the Georjie Comey Southeast, shortly 2 before o'clock WASHINGTON, deal-- r dents and 1139 old. Kngineering is In boy's yesterday morning. Sept. 27. Ameri- Hpnrting goods of Boston and ranch Cove, when the cloth can suilors from the crulMcr Olympia Carl McVey, of San Francisco. particularly popular, S16 students hav- ing was caught in a harvester com- - ing enrolled for , Preceding gun play, recovered the town of Trau on the to be million- various branches. In bine and his left was fractured In two the the two Wright Is reputed a agriculture the enrollment passed men engaged in a flstlo' combat in southern Dalmatian cost from a force aire while McVey Is penniless on the has places. He was taken to the Hot I.a..e of Italians who surprised and captur- games the advance number given by Dean sanatorium and seemed .to be recov- which Mr. Adams was badly beaten. ed it, navy coast, where several benefit Cordlcy by He was the department announced In 500 88. Four hundred ering in a normal way, but later de- treated at the police emer- have been staged to keep him funds. eighty-fou- today. There was no bloodshed. and r students have com- rl gency hospital. Immediately after the The first champions, who have been velopments necessitated further ICS shooting Apple disappeared lone of pleted registration for commerce and attention and two operations and an the consolation Cincinnati fans 416 all-da- y by TRANS-CONTINENT- for home economics. were preformed which his vitui search police detective AIR up to this year, were composed of ' yesterday failed to locate him. Hurry Wright, captain and centerfield strength was not sufficient to over Keep e Home RACE SET FOR OCT. 8 George Wright shortstop; Charles H. come. Mr. Adams told the police that his Gould, first base; Charles Sweasy, sec-- The remains were brought to the brother-in-la- GERMANS' FOOD STOPS who has been living Sept. 29. Major Abbev. ond base; Fred Waterman, third Bohnenkamp chapel Saturday after Turning h Wheels at his home since his return rmm commandant at Scott Field, announc- - base; Douglas Allison, catcher; An- - noon. war, had been out on a party Satur- - ed that army filers will start October Cal Mc The funeral was held from the I drew J. Keonard, left field; day night Mr. Adams declared Mr. 8 on a ransconalnental ntr race le Vey, right field: Asa Brnlnard. pitcher CONQUEST GOES ON home at kadd Canyon Monday after showed signs of drinking when tween New York and San Francisco. - and Richard Hurley, Substitute. JF noon at 1:30 o'clock. The interment Cincinnati, the first city to organize was in the Masonic cemetery. Western Electric a team of salaried ball players, is reu-- ly the home of professional baseball. PARIS. Sept. 27. The Huprcme & The defeatless champions of 1869 wore councilor the peace Conference today CONFESS TO POWER LIGHTS crimson hose and were nicknamed the directed Marshal koch to notify the 13, 'Keels both of which have passea Germain thut Uicir food supply will m "nlejw down ah tradition thro.iirh fifiv voars be cut off they Immediately tn Put M,rn nrf hi wlnnlmr rrnw. evacuate the Haltic provinces. ROBBING 112 STORES Hetween 1870 and 1H76 Interest in Think This Over The" allied warning to Germany In the same lagged and the professional Chas. Milne presumably In connection . with the Kport was . discontinued. In 1876 the operations of: General von der Gutx, PEXDLETOX, ORE. city entered a team In the National PORTLAND, Sept. 29. Jessio Day PHONE 1037 German militarist, who has been lead- 13, WW and become a charier member and Uoso Douglas, sensationally Inue ing a force In the Baltic states appar- soy they The first of the month is here. If you are think- of the oruraniaitlon. The first presi ently with the purpose of establishing confessed today, 'police, that dent of was "CyM Keck, robbed 112 small stores here last ing of changing your account, give the Pendleton the club J. L. t German Influence there. In response who was also manager of the club to allied inoulries. the German mv. montn. securing more man zuu in Trading Company a chance. We handle Home Pro- The first season the Reds won nine.ernment replied that he Is operat:ng cash, a $100 Liberty bond and many duced Fresh and Smoked Meats in our meat depart- games and lost fifty-si- x for a percent- - as a- private citizen and that the gov- - articles. They would ask to us ethe age of 138, which stood as the lowest ! em ment Is not responsible for his ac-- telephone, and while one talked the ment, and the famous Happy Home brand of Fane mark In the National league until, tions. other would take anything in sight. Groceries there are none better. MUST CARRY BIG LOAD IN WORLD SERIES We solicit your trade. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. DR. J. EDVIN SHARP CECIL COSPER Dental by Appointment PCBJLIO ACXX)i:"TAWT INCOME TAX ADVI&EH Gyst Articulated Denture. Bmith-Crawfo- rd Bide Opposlt Pendlston Bowt-Phon- Inland Empire Bank Bldg. 10K Pendleton Trading Co. Office Phone 130. Home Phone 79i "If it's on the market, we have it." PHONE 600 THE FIRST OF THE MONTH Bigness is not the measure of success. is close. Why not give us a The true measures of success are service chance? We have the meat and progress. to satisfy. Our meat is as The expansion of a banking business is cheap as it can possibly be. brought about, largely, by offering to its Our prompt delivery and customers such excellent service and facili- courteous treatment is free. ties as to attract the attention and business YOl'K t'KKDIT IS IJOOI) HliKK A month's trial will satisfy you and of additional customers. big load nil scuson pleuse us. Thft L,.rlnH 177k 1u lit, I n VIA MIKl IjCtlY lllianis. They've carried the We these to the full extent. unl.I tlcutle o even offer tho two of them nltehlng In more t han half of the games the sox playcu. i ney prou.miy win o bettor - Bank with us grow with us. than thut In the nine-gam- e series fin- 'Ho world title. DOWNEY'S be- 1916; 18 99, when Cleveland won twenty ed during the long lapse of years 1913; Charles llerfnog, 19H to CrLsty Mathewson, 1917 and 1918. gaiucB and lost 131 for a percentage tween' championships to land several - And then came Pat Moran who MARKET of .150.- had been kept together. S6e "sixty-iilners- rags If they " was released from a ccntraot with the In 187" only two of the old were fre were left Charles Gould and Chumes of commercialism Giants as pitching coach and sent by Inland Empire Bank Sweasy. Among the new- quently hurled "at the club .owners McGraw as another victim of the Ohio Charles a comers were Bobby Matthews, pitcher, when a star player was" sold and went jinx.