Base Ball Uniforms
BASE BALL, SHOOTING AND GENERAI/ SPORTS VOLUME 35, NO. 2. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 31, 1900. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. A CENTRAL LEAGUE. PROSPECT FOR SUCH A LEAGUE IS SUCH AH ORGANIZATION FORMED RATHER DUBIOUS, IN THE WEST, The Canadian Cities Ready to Do The Long and Hard Lahors ol Presi Business, But the Michigan Cities dent Sclimidt, ol Terre Haute, Which It Was Proposed to Incor Crowned With Success so Far as porate Are Sadly Lagging, Starting, at Least, is Concerned. Hamilton, Ont., March 27. Editor "Sport Terre Haute. Ind., March 26. Editor ing Life:" The proposed International "Sporting Life:" At a meeting of base bail League is fai from being a crystallized promoters, held in Springfield, 111., on fact. President Cal. Davis, of the Canadi March 21, the Central Base Ball League was organized. The league -will be a six- an League, who has had the matter in club circuit, composed of Springfl.eld, hand, writes that the "International Bloomington, Decatur, Danville, Peoria and League base ball prospects are not very Terre Haute. The season will open May 1 bright. Things have taken on and close September 18. AN UNFAVORABLE ASPECT PRESIDENT SCHMIDT In the last few clays. Grand Rapids, which says that the prospect is good for a suc was considered to be the best of the Mich cessful season. He is to prepare the sched igan cities, has as yet done nothing in the ule at once, with 120 games, beginning matter of organizing. A mouth ago the May 1 and ending September 15; sixty city looked well and was prepared to send games at home and sixty away.
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