Ill Iif.Agieeieni: Thatthe Best
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vv t & ft 1 6 THE NOJiXm(3c TIMES, TJIIIBSDAX,- - SE1JTJCMJ?ER ,2, 1897.. wlio pay, and nut act upon a visionary PARKER, BRIDGET & CO., GRAM) CIRCUIT BtACES. MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN." Clothiers, 315 7th St. BEATEft BY THE GEORGIANS WITNESSES PIRATES SCORE DIE Mil darkness. THREE MIRE WANTED A private party, having $1,000 n Fxclting But Unfinished Kuco in the to $3,000 idle money to loan on Indorsed The Senators scored in the first. notes, will receive a commission of 5 per ninde a hit and on a wild pitch, by 2:30 Cfnss. cent on the dollar a month anil 0 per cent, Only a Hundred per annum; indorsees reasoa of the injury to Klllen's hand, went Hartford, Conn., Sept. he- at- Engineers Lose the Company Team makers and first and scored on DeMontrcvllle'a of cla.s; will share half of all losses; Ball-Tosse- to third nb Oak today was about 3Inoyon Cured 3f. O. Cross none meaning TIio Senatorial rs Easi- Pairs Left of tendance Charter illss but those strictly business single. Those 4,000,. If the weathef continues fine to Match by Six Points. Nervous Insomnln, and Cored answer; this is strictly confidential, giving; A' on balls to ReHly in the second, to namo and address. PLEASANT moirow there large crowd au3I-3t-e- ly Win Another Victory. error by Sugden Wrlgley's single "Odd" whTbeva VIr. Thomas S. Bridges and WEATHER, this office. an and lien's witness theiTtar race oTtbe'year, uetSveen - scored one run. Sir. D. J. Dorao of Kld- LOANS from $5 to $50 to reliable parties; Joe Patehen and Star Pointer. Both are Curletoo Spoiled Excellent Chances also money advanced on bicycles. Room TvO more were sent across the plate in Pants at$890 Jn the pink of ponditloii. uey Troubles. 8, Central Bldg.,cor. 9th and Pa. ave.nw. t of by aul8-t- f the lifth on singles by Selbach, Leahy Oakland Baron, the Javorlte in the 2?14 Winning Shooting nt McJAMES STRIKES OUT SEVEN DcMontrevIlIe, two stolen by And we started with and bases trot, won in straight heats today wit.h ease-Emil- tho Wrong Target. --A NEW PLAN. tue latter, and ouu by tli3 German baron. about 500 pairs, so you can 2.30 trot, Miss M. O. Cross, No. 418 V street TO TO was the favorite In the saya: $10 $1,000 LOAN In the sixth Tucker scored on lite single, but Renewent to the frontand kept the lead northeast, Washington D. C, "I ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, bingles by Wrigley see how fast they have been was a surf erer from nervous insomnia and Padden's error, and and three-quarter- s pole.wben Town HORSES, CARRIAGES, ETC., TCiHen Tries to Stop Selhnch' until the Sea Girt, N. J., Sept. 1. The main fea- liud tried a number or remedies, and also McJanics. selling. It ought not to Lady forged ahead and captured the heat consulted several of our local physicians, Without removal from possession ofowcar. Bonoderuudls Forced to Retire Asso- money The Pirates' solitaire was bcored In with Georgiunu secoud and Derby "Law ture of the New Jersey State Rifle but all failed to relieve me. One week 1'ou can have the the day yoo. Huntings Goes on nnd Does Well Mc3anie3 Davis, sub- take more than two or aco I decided to try a bottle of Munyon's apply for it. Payments on the principal, the fourth hit who third. The best Geers could do was sixth. ciation meeting here today was the com- Nerye am pleased to say of any will received sequently to Cure, and that amount, be atanyUme, ut Intervals Opportune Hitting stole second, went third u three da's to clean 'em up. A controversy arose after the fecond heat pany team match. Seven teams entered, of it has given me entire relief. I cannot which will lessen coat or loan. a put-out- , or Munyon's Remedies."" LOWEST "Wins a Victory for tlie Statesmen. uid came home on Erodic's between Sheney, driver ol Town Lady, speak loo highly RATES. lira crow single The score: They are splendid qualities which Georgia furnished three,, District of. Mr. Thomas S, Bridges, P. O. Box 154, MOST DESIRABLE TERM3. and Spears, who drove Rene- - The mare National Soldiers' Home, Virginia, says: No cast tp you if loan Is not made. Washington. AD. R. II. TO.A.E. in choice colorings, and fouled Town Lady by Cutting prf the Columliia, two; United States Army and ",1 was a surf erer from kidney trouble, Strictly confidential. her at Selbach,!. f , 4 2 2 3 0 0 turn, and Spears was et back, Georglnan New Jersey one each. The Washington und was Induced by a friend to try Please call for further Information, Leahy, c. f 3 0 0 0 were left from $12 to $20 Munyon's Kidney Cure. I am pleased to CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO.. Nancy aull-tf-e- DeMontrevllle,2b 3 10 won thlshcat.andalsolhetblrd, with marksmen were more than anxious to ,wiu, state that it made a cure in my case." 602 F st. nw. 12 4 10 suits. think of up Mr. Doran,521 street. McGulre, c 3 0 0 7 0 0 Just it Time well in both licatsland Town Lady not merely on account of the prize moiioy. D.J. Tenth Was- JK. very hington. C, says: "After only one day's H. FULTON'S loan office, 1218 Pa.ave-- Gettumn.r. f ..... 2 0 0 0 0 0 only $1.90 per pair or 95c. near drove Rene out in the third. but for the honor attached to the victory. use of Munyon's Kidney cure i lind that uw.,moneyloanedon watches, diamonds, Tucker, lb 3 0 0 Cheney, in the rourlh,, "forced Georglnan on They won the event last year with a, score all my pains caused by that disease have jewelry, silverware, eta npI6-6- , 2 1115 a W. L. Pet. Reilly,3b. 0 leg. This price would the glass at the first turn. The mare broke of 432, and felt certain they would dupli- disappeared." LOANS MADE ON COLLAT-eru-l, Wngley.s.s 3 0 2 1101 Munyon's Remedies comprise a separate APPROVED badly, and finished last, with To"wn Lady cate today. The Georgia sharp-shoo'cr-s, such as lire policies, stocks, bonds, McJames.p 3 0 123 0 not pay for half the cloth the trick cure Tor each disease, and are sold by Baltimore.... 73 32 ".695 second. Emily won put In in mostly 25 cents buliclas association shares, synutcate cer- 10 thereat. therefore, three teams, all druggists, a vial. tificates, etc No delay. 1TERKES & that's in them. In the sixth Rene nnd Jib Albert were order victory. Munyon's Static Electrical Machine cures BAKfciK, g Totals 20 5 9 21 7 1 tuincruusetlieirchances of rheumatism, stirf joints, paralysis, and mo tt. Take elevatbr. tf drawn and Nancy Tlrriujwas given the heat, At tho d target the First Georgia cures Boston 75 3?'- - .6881 . Pittsburg. AB.R.H.PO.A.E. Excellent quality ''odd" neuralgia. Munyon's Life Chamber LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE, Donovan, r. f .. 4 0 0 though she made several bad breaks. Infantry led by ten points the Engineer catarrh, asthma and bronchitis. Munyon's Padden,2b 3 0 1102 2 Serge Coats and Vests at Nancy Time took tlie sixth and Emily boys of the District of Columbia. The doctors at vour service free all day and HORSES, ETC. 11 evening; Sunday, 2 to 5. 623 Thirteenth Loans made on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Smith,!, f 4 0 0 1 $4. drove the Wilson mare pill In the seventh scores were 246 and 236, respectively. street northwest. w agone, New York... 67 10 "0 to- It etc., at lowest rates and quickest 38.638 Davis, lb 3 1 0, 6 0 and the race was carried over until It v as generally admitted that the possible time. Strictly eouridential. Pleaso Hoffmeister,3b 3 0 1 1 0 0 morrow. were better on tlto 500 yard ?,.l,.cforc securing loans etewhare. Ely, s. 6. -- . 3 0 0-- 3 0 Bridget & Go., Gui'ictte, the in the 2:07 pace, range WASmxGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO., f 3 0 0 0 Parker, favorite than their Southern opponents,and PRIZES FOR THE SWIMMERS blO F street northwest. Cincinnati...., 62 42 .596 Brodie.c. 10 won handily. Summaries: It was expected tha of would Sugden, q 2 0 Clothiers, 315 7fch St. that lead ten MONEY TO LOAN "0411 -- Washington. $1,000 upward, at 5 Killen, p. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:14 trot Purse, $2,000. Oak- bewlped out audvlctorygo to and 5 2 per cent on D. c. real estate; Hastings, p. 3 0 0 0 2 0 land Baron, br. m., by Baron The firut three of the Engineers to face $250, $500, etc., at 6 per cent; all Cleveland.... 54 51 .514 GIANTS' GREAT FINISH. tlie butts banged out 19 each out of u Tournament Committee Gives Out transactions conducted witn economical Totals 31 1 G21 7 3 consideration for borrowers. With Three Runs Needed to Win Captain Jack ... Ill2 2 4 posMblf 50. Carleton spoiled all the chances WILLIAM H. SAUNDERS & CO.. Washington 1 10 021 x- -5 Black Seth 4 4 2 Washington had of winning by shooting the Completed Program. aplfi-t- t F st. nw. Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 They Get Them.