Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
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JDEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 41, No. 9. Philadelphia, May 16, 1903. Price, Five Cents. THE NEW AGREEMENT BOSTONJHJN CLDB. THE MATTER OF FORMULATION NOT FOURTH ANNUAl TEAM SHOOT AND SHELVED AT All. PRIZE CONTEST. Baa Johnson's Recent Rush of Work Sixty Contestants on Hand in Beautiful in Connection With the New York Weather Fitchburg Won the Team Opening the Only Reason Why the Match Griffith Made High Average Agreement Matter Was Delayed. Apgar Second Details, Etc. New York, May 12. Editor "SportinX Wellington, Mass., May 5. Editor "Sport Life:" Apropos to your editorial reminder ^ ing Life:" The Boston Gun Club's fourth of the failure of the big three Johusou. annual team shoot took place at Welling* Pulliam and Powers to ton Wednesday, April 29, formulate the long-awaited u.ider the most favorable new National Agreement, conditions. Sixty shootera It can be stated authorita attended and made the af tively that just as soon as fair an enthusiastic success, Ban Johusou finishes up his while the weather "was or present business in the the best. Portsmouth, Do West he will return to ver and Exeter, three N. New York, and he, Presi H. clubs, together with dent Pulliam and President Haverhill, Mass., Gun Club, Powers will first inaugurated these field get together days, where the sociable and frame a draft of the Bide of trap shooting was new agreement. Just at catered to in the best present organization base sense of the word. Boston Ban. B- Johnson ball is working along under and Brockton joined the £. C. 'Griffith a mutual understanding, fold, inaking a cjrcuit of clubs congenial and there is no cloud upon the horizon. It in spirit and united in action, against is best, however, in base ball, to have the "sweep" adjunct of target shooting. things in black and white, and signed by Many delightful meetings have been held, all hands. When asked about the matter one each year to a club, with but few ex yesterday President Pulliam said: "We ceptions, and only those fortunate enough have been unable to get together before to attend kuow exactly the pleasures of a this for the reason that Mr. Johnson has New England trap shooting field day. been so deeply engrossed with the open As to the shooting, some good work was ing of his organization that he could not done. Griffiths. 19 yards, captured high find time to meet Mr. Powers and myself. average, with an excellent percenatge for Johnson is the busiest man I know, but Wellington grounds. Neaf just as soon as possible we will meet and Apgar, 21 yards, was sec draw up the document." ond; Cutler. 18 yards, of Fitchburg, third; Leroy, 21 yards, fourth, all closely The First Punishments. ** bunched. Griffiths, not con New York, May 13. Editor "Sporting tent with average houors, Life:" Last Friday was a day of reckon grasped the best total In ing for some of the kickers in both major JAMES POTTER, individual prize match, 28 leagues the first puuisu out of 30, Phillips and Bell ,:, incut of the season being President of the Philadelphia (N. L.) Club. but two in the rear with ;S inflicted by the two presi 26. The team race was won dents. In the National by Fitchburg Gun and Rifle. League President Pulliam Club with a good score to meted out the first sen THE DAVIS CASE. their credit. The prizes tence of his administra NOT A CHARLEY ROSS. were silver mounted ram's horn corkscrews to the five winners, tion by suspending Hans President Johnson's Latest Dictum is A Soubrette Sees Mike Donlin on the Wagner, of the Pittsburg apparently much appreciated for their fu That the Player's Alternative is Chicago Ball Field and Thinks He is Her Long- ture usefulness. Providence had high score, team, for a period of three but was ineligible. days for his action in at Club or Retirement. Lost Brother. tempting to assault Umpire We were glad to have with us the three llolliday during the prog Chicago, 111., May 12. President Johnson Cincinnati, May 5. Two fair daughters experts, Leroy, Apgar and Dickey, all returned from New York well pleased with of Thespis played parts in a one-act sketch, shooting from their back marks of 21 ress of the Pittsburg-Cin- yards. The first-named Harry C. Pulliam cinuati gan>e of May /. In the opening there, and the outlook for "The Long Lost Brother," at. League Park has not enjoyed his the American League Presi Griffith's club. The only yesterday afternoon. Mike usual good health of late, much to the thing now disturbing the Donlin figured in the star regret of his many friends, but he could dent Johnson handed out a three days' sus not invite his first absent pension for Manager Jimmy Collins, of serenity of the base ball rolp, but he was blissfully mark in these ^'tuation is the Davis case. ignorant, in the matter, and yearly celebrations, so turned out with the Boston, and a similar sentence upon Man rest and shot a race that a perfectly well ager Clark Griffith, of New York, and yarding that Mr. Johnson the curtain was rung down id to-day: "Mr. Ward on him before he was en man would be proud of. Apgar kept Grif Third Basemau Bradley, of Cleveland. riaims the privilege as a lightened. When Donlin fiths busy all day, and Dickey, while not lawyer to advise his client, went to bat in the third shooting entire programme, put in his oar Pitcher Eloped. and maintains he has no Miss Grace sufficient to show he can Camerou, the keep up with the leaders. Nashville. 111., May 2. Ira Maxwell, the desire except to protect the Cordelie of "AVhen Johnny pitcher of Hie Nas.hville Base Ball Club, player's interests as regards Comes Marching Homo," Secretary Hallam, of the his contract with New Dover Sportsmen's Associa and Miss Ora Ueidelberger, eloped to who was sitting in a box tion, though not breaking Mount Vernon, 111., where they were mar York. Davis cannot, derive with Miss Julie Gifford, the any benefit them all, shot right along ried yesterday by Rev. Tiiylor of the First in his suit "Robert Pemberton" of the just the same, and enjoyed Methodist Episcopal Church. Maxwell pitch George Davis against the New York Club, Mike Donlin same company, gave a little the game with all the zest ed for Nashville last season with much for the American aud shriek of astonishment. of a young shooter. Tozier, success. The bride is a member of the National Leagues are determined he must "That's Charley!" she whispered to her Webster and Gonzalcs ably alumni of the Nashville High School, and live up to the terms of his original con companion. Then she screamed a message represented the Haverhill is well and favorably known in this city. tract with Chicago. Let him resort to the of recognition to the Red at the bat. Don Club, and. indeed, every law and he will find both leagues in Court lin gave one glance at the agitated occu club within hailing distance opposing him. If he does not sign with pants of the box, smiled and proceeded of Boston had one or more Amos of Old Vincennes. Chicago he will never again be on the to go out via the slab, not knowing that members present. Corsjn, Neat Apgar Vincennes, Ind., May 2. Amos Rusie to diamond. Does Davis desire to cease play Miss Cameron had for a moment mistaken of Dover, put up a nice av day signed as first baseman and pitcher of ing ball permanently? And does the New him for her brother. "I'd like to meet Mr. erage for strange grounds. Bell, cf Har- the local team of the K. I. T. League. He York Club wish to pay him a salary for re Donlin," said Miss Came.ron in her dress yard, shot in his usual good form. will also assist in managing the team. maining in idleness? Naturally we will not ing room at the Grand Opera House last "Straights" were accomplished by Dickey, John Sherman, of St. Louis, has also sign object to Davis retiring if he chooses to do night. "I know he is real cute. For Griffiths, Apgar, Cutler, Leroy, Sarge, Rule, ed to play second. The K. I. T. season so. but if he wishes to play ball there is moment I thought lie was a runaway broth Wilder, Adams, Woodruff, Tozier. Cake, opens May 21, and includes Cairo, 111.. but one club on which he may play. Mr. er of mine, who left home at Storm Lake. Childs, Bell, Gleason. Philips, Ingalls aud Owensboro, I'aducah, Ileuderson and Davis, coached by Mr. Ward, may think out. in Iowa, six years ago and has never Andrews. Hopkinaville, Ky., and Jackson and Clarky- there is some loophole of escape, but ho been heard from. He was a wild flyaway, ville, Teuu. and his attorney are mistaken," and Mr. Donlin. reminded me of him." Continued on Twentieth Page. SPORTINQ May 16, 1903. was the alienation of the base ball affec tions of stars like De Wolf Hopper, Digby Bell and the old thespian guard who were HERRMANN THE JUST. SPORTINQ LIFE PUBLISHING CO., "w advance agents of balldom, working with out salary. John T. Brush, of Bohemian 34 South Third St., Philadelphia. tastes and warmly admired in the theat rical world, has put the sign of "the glad AN INCIDENT REVEALING THE MAN'S hand" over the Polo Ground gate, and tbe barred-out professional is once more chirp CHARACTER.