PERIL" a Chinese Invasion of the United States, in the Near Future, To
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Vol. 59-No. 2 Philadelphia, March 16, 1912 Price 5 Gents PERIL" A Chinese Invasion of the United States, in the Near Future, to Battles Will Be Only Fought Upon the Base Ball Fields of America. AN FRANCISCO, Cal., March bership, thus assuring the league of four 12. The first base ball team to Western clubs. A salary limit of $1800 be composed entirely of Chi was adopted, the general admission fixed nese boys will arrive at San Francisco about March 28, at 35 cents, and a rule was passed re coming from the College of Ha quiring each club to deposit a guarantee waii, Honolulu, Hawaii. They will play of $1000 to finish the season. The pool their first game with a team of the Uni ing of Saturday and holiday receipts was versity of California. It is expected that rescinded. the team will be in New York next Sum mer. That the Chinese in Hawaii are GUY W. GREEN©S SUIT good ball players is a fact well known to Americans in the West, especially the The National Association Files Answer in sailors and soldiers of the military and naval stations in and near Honolulu and the Federal Court» the army men oil their way to the Philip Special to "Sporting Life." pines. Lincoln, Neb., March 11. An attempt THE CHINESE BOYS to dispute the jurisdiction of the local Federal Court over the suit for $100,000 always take delight in defeating the damages brought by Guy W. Green, of American teams of the army and navy Lincoln, against the National Association and the Japanese teams passing through of Professional Base Ball Clubs, the Na Honolulu when coming to or returning tional Board of Arbitration and the mem from America. The Chinese Athletic bers of that Board is made in a special Club in Honolulu is one of the leading appearance filed in that suit here on of many similar organizations there. The March 4 by Attorneys Tyrell and Morris- members of this club, come from the sey. The appearance sets up that none schools and colleges of that cosmopolitan of the defendants reside in this district. city. The club takes in only the best Personal service was given by Green men of the several school teams. The upon President Norris O©Neil, of the boys coming to America on March 28 Western League, who is a member of the are students in . Board of Arbitration, but the pleading THE COLLEGE OF HAWAII, alleges that this was not legal service in an institution of agricultural and me that he was in Lincoln on attendance in chanic arts. The Chinese students in a -soiirt trial in which he was a party. different cities in America are preparing to give the team a royal welcome when it MOUNTAIN STATES LEAGUE comes to their city. The Chinese base baU team will be managed by E. K. C. "Will Open Season on May 13 and Play a Yap and Robert Yap, brothers. Robert Yap is already in Chicago, arranging 120-Game Schedule. matches for the team. Among the play Huntington, W. Va., March 12. At a ers will be Ensue Pung. an all-around meeting of the Directors of the Moun athlete, who is centre fielder of the team. tain States League, held here on March 4, it was decided to begin the season on WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE May 15, and the schedule will comprise 120 games. It was also voted to increase Report That the Organization "Will Not Re- the league to eight clubs, if possible to secure two more good towns. The six Enter the Field This Year. towns in the league last season have Special to "Sporting Life." signified their intention of remaining in Winnipeg, Man., March 10. Winni the league the coming season, and it is peg will not be represented in organized desired to increase the league to eight teams. Sam Wright, of Ceredo, an old base ball this year unless the club gets base ball twirler, who is the new president admittance to Wisconsin and Minnesota NICHOLAS P. CORISH of the league, presided at the meeting and Leagues in the Northern States. A meet President of the South Atlantic League is enthusiastic over the prospects for a ing of the Eastern section of the Western Nicholas P. Corish, the new president of the South Atlantic League, was born successful base ball year-. Canada League was to have been held In Savannah, Ga., on August 2, 1869. Nick received his early education likewise his here on .March 2, but Ralph Manly, of early base ball experience in the public schools of Savannah. Later he was one of the best amateurs in the local leagues around Savannah. In the Spring of 1900, BERGEN FOR NEWARK Moose Jaw, was the only one to turn up, when local interests purchased the Savannah Club, Mr. Corish was elected secretary outside of President Blackburn, of the and served ably in that capacity until the lt!th of last October, when, because of his The Famous Brooklyn Catcher at Last to Winnipeg Maroons. Manley stated that recognized ability, he was chosen president of the league, a position which he had not sought. In fact, he was in the East at the; time watching the World©s Series. The Drop Into Minors while his club won the championship last South Atlantic League is certain to prosper under his guidance, for not only does he year, beating out Calgary and Edmonton, know the game and the laws governing it, but he enjoys the friendship and confidence Newark, N. J., March 11. The New the club lost $3000. The local club also of manv of the influential base ball people of the country. Mr. Corish is Clerk of the ark Club, of the International League, lost heavily and it was decided to disband City Council of Savannah, which position he has held for five years past, his party has signed a local pitcher named Morgen- having been twice returned to power, so that when not engaged in the discharge of the Western Canada League. the duties of his office and looking after the interests of the Sallie League, he finds roth, the best pitcher in the local Manu-* ample diversion in playing the interesting game of politics. facturers© League last season. The New LEAGUE NOT DISBANDED. ark Club has also come to terms with Calgary, March 11. The report from the Brooklyn Club for the veteran catch Winnipeg that the^. Western Canada er, Bill Bergen, conditional upon Tor League has been disbanded is not true. onto waiving claim to him. This is due At a meeting held here, on March 4, upon nipeg, Brandon and Moose Jaw Clubs Eastern team, will have to drop out, ow to the fact that the Toronto Club has call of President Eckstrom, the Calgary, were given until March 15 to settle their ing to isolation. To guard against this a working agreement wit©i the Brooklyn Eclmonton, Lethbridge and Saskatoon indebtedness to the league, upon penalty contingency, and with reasonable assur Club, and has first choict on all players Clubs decided to continue the league on of forfeiture of their membership. In ance that the three clubs in arrears will that President Ebbets decides to send to a four-club basis if necessary. The Win- j the latter event Saskatoon, the fourth default Bassano was admitted to mem- the minors. MARCH 16, 1912 league, the Little Napoleon©s judgment appears pretty sound. Of course, this is SEND ONE NEW YORK NEWS not predicting that Pierce is a phenome COUPON FOR non, but thus far he- has made a favor Philadelphia, Mar. 16,©12 EACH SERIES able impression with his good work. DES 1RED. CHEERING REPORTS ©ABOUT THE Above all, he appears willing to learn, and there is always hope for men of this TEAMS OF MANHATTAN stamp. The Colts, who have been com THIS COUPON WITH 4 CTS. | plaining of lack of excitement, were rude- iy awakened when the Dallas team stood Sent to SPORTING LIFE, Philadelphia, entitles them off for nine innings before yielding The Giants in Fair Shape Already in the tenth by the close score of 5 to 4. the Sender to One Series (12) of Picture Cards Manager Mac was considerably disap of Base Ball Players, as described below: Despite Unseasonable Weather pointed ovei\ his young pitchers© showing in this contest, as it was largely on ac The Highlanders in Action at count of lapses by the recruit twirlers that the contest went into overtime. Atlanta The Case of Sweeney, HIGHLAND HAPPENINGS. Not to be outdone by MdGraw©s merr, BY HABBY DIX COLE. the Highland squad has also been trying New Yorlj, N. Y., March 11. Editor to squeeze in practice "between the Send Series No.~ . "Sporting-Life." Seldom, if ever, in the drops" and consequently things were pro history of big league Spring training has gressing at a snail©s pace until the re- the wet-goods man dis t ourceful Wolverton discovered a method pensed his wares with the by which tht; area roofed by the grand lavisbness displayed in the stand could be utilized. In this way his last three weeks. When battery men have been enabled to loosen one considers that the up their joints and to contract and get Giants have been able to rid of the soreness resulting from the obtain but two days of Picture Cards of Base Ball Players first few days© exercise. All of the men anything like real practice, are now on the band wagon with the ex UT up in series (twelve cards to a series), each card containing the while the Dodgers have en ception of gaged in but four out of portrait (in colors) of a prominent base ball player, size 1^x2^ inches.