12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1913." UP TO date sports) Griff Laughs at Claims That McBride Has Jumped to Feds

I YJ-vL- m , . 1m - Lm --w 7 7 JTL? 7 7 LrtY'l 1Af I J sX- iJm-- L T Claim George McBride SCHOOLBOY CELEBRITIES JDUOUIVOO nigfl JDUSKVLUUU VJUITLL WILL MINCE PIE No. 2. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Battle Gonzaga Today in First Game fV Will Be With Federal By "BUGS" BAER. Th Stenographers Are Suffering Gene Ochsenreiter Expected to rorrerins Elslane houId be slad tf- -r NET BIG SUM weren t picked to manage the Yanks. League Is Not Believed From Too Much Classy Ma- Be Named Captain of Tech's Yale hotcl -- Jri'C witl accommodate One of the reasons for the belief 1 0,000, tut vou . fc LIIHLiLIIIIIIH!998H&fliLllllflilLHIilllHk: terial for Its Outfit. Eleven Today. couldn't ii, that the Ohio Legislature will Amtrican eleven in there without usir.n a Though Invaders Include Dandy Captain's Name in Griff SHWV-H- f List, create a State boxing illlllllllllllBisllllllllliilllB!9tlillllllllliiilllslllllllllllllsLE& commission at its next session is Says Veteran Has Signed Here for 1915 Old Fox Isn't By BRYAN MORSE. found in the to make the regulars put up a fight War tax on telephone calls is , to positions. calamity, nlrkpra a Capt. Ray Wise, of the Business prosperity of tho Wisconsin sport. retain their - su - " - r m elevens pick Worrying Over Johnson's Case Either. basketball team, is leading his bunch The Milwaukee game has paid Graduation and moving have robbed their teams that way. the Army and Navy Prep players of against the Gonzaga College five well. In six bouts about 40,000 practically all veterans this Allies may lead the Xaw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBCiF'VVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM of their nit r.,. ' i111111111111111bSI1111111111I11111111111111111111bslv' 5cVsssssssssssssssssssssssss today in the first engagement for people attended the events, winter. Coach Newberry is at sea Just which is By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. the as to what material he has on hand. the way Army led 'w this aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiisHPv "nmmmiiiiiB both teams, and expects to come money they attracted being: Tho football season Just closed was year. George McBride, dandy captain of the Griffmen, is reported to have ' ' sBIIIIIIIIIIB one which found the Preps coming HHHHHUHHUKIM'-- through with a win. Business is $9,125; Ritchie-Wolgas- t, IsssssssssVIsssssssbbbVIssssV trom irreenness to a finished cloven. signed with the Buffalo Feds, according to the official list given out iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSBBBT "ilBBBBBBBBBBBBl second bet- the of the interscholastic $30,753; Ritchie-Whit- e, With each game the team played Most of the best shots in golf today in St. Louis by is the .VH football, and finished by defeating the invaders. Furthermore, it said that sea- ter contenders to get started this !4,G32; Wolgast-River- s, $12,245; Prep Coach are Sloufeds arc still in the Whether or not this the Georgetown eleven. made with a hypodermic. hunt for . son, Eastern having already gotten Wolgaat-Whit- c, Newberry fears tho basketball season $6,530; Welsh-Whit- e, story is true, .of course, cannot be learned. The has an- the taste of a defeat the hands will be a repetition of the past football at $24,517. Total, $106,804. season, as there are. no veterans on RABID RUDOLPH SAYS nounced before many things later found to be untrue. of Earl Fuller's Boy Department Y. hand to start the year with. Commission's share, $5,340.02. "More bluffing from the Feds," was 's com- M. C. A. five. C. Edward Beckett, director of tho ment, when informed of the official list of jumpers announced today. Business is suffering from too Y. SI. C. A., will probably rereree all "Beautiful weath- together last winter, and won handily of the championship basketball games "That story about McBride is old stuff. They announced that last fall. much material, according to infor at Convention this winter. Prof. Beckett Is one who Hall. Coach Kimble is er. They ought George denied it then, and therels no need of his repeating it now. His mation from the Rhode Island nam 10 iavor ine inaoor track game, will stand for no rouch stunt and the to onl y to the extent of relays, and will youngsters now playing basketball had contract has been signed for 1915, and lies in my safe. I should worry. avenue school. At present some proibably only develop one or two teams. better tone down before tne title series start the On one or two occasions baseball 'As to Johnson, that's another matter. they want to pay him ex- thing like forty candidates are mak starts. last If an Plans are already under way at West- season some roughness was resorted to, orbitant salary, let them go to it. We're not Rolnc to enter Into any race ing the regulars hustle for their ern to put out several relay teams this with tho result that the offenders were season earlier." with them to jret Johnson, sreat as h e is. He has yet to slpn with any club. line-u- p winter. There are few letter men In bounced from the contest, one or Pror. jobs. While no definite has will probably em- He is held by the Woshinzton club under the iron-cla- d reserve school are members of the track Beckett's assistants latest clause. been given out, it is expected that team. The freshman class will probab- pire the series. don't take much stock In any claims thev arc making. They're almost ly send out some twenty runners for at the end of their rope, and must make all the bluff they can in order to Ray Wise and Bill Culligan will be relay teams, while the unoer mem. Stearns, captain of the West- nake a better organized class Palmer The eolfer who settlement with baseball. That's their idea, though found at the forwards, Joe Wise at bers at the Franklin are likely to re- - ern baseball team, who played end dur- killed a pheasant with a there is no chance of their belnj; taken in at all." jjorc 10 captain ayivester in a short ing the first game of the football series golf ball is takhur an nnroortitmantiv. ... center, while Carl Glessner and time. and received a dislocated wrist, is vantage. They didn't play eolf in Caroa Here is the official list as Riven out by the Federal Leaguers In St. Louis hbssES9IbsssssssssssLi& - "'.' .&& will be found in t rounding Into shape and expects to play Mancbansen'a tune. today; "Buck" Wise the ex- llssssssssssBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW3?-- yS Cathedral is under full awing In bas- basketball and track. Stearns St. Roy iflP st i guards' positions. f Louis corhan, shortstop. Pacific Coast League; Babe Borton, first ketball at present and prospects pected to And his wrist a deal of trou- case. Pacific Coast League; OHIe Klrkmeyer. outfielder, Three-Ey- e League. Lowry N. Coe has arranged a heavy the ble, but will be In fine condition In a Hopes of Retting League. for a good team are ralrly brlgfit. already - waiter Johnson, American short while. He has made a twenty-four- Pittsburgh schedule for the Stenographers, which an- They are going to hold a Perritt and O'Connor, Louis Nationals; Konetchey. Pitts- Holmes, Brewer, Northrup, How-de-n in track, and would like to -hour burgh st will probably include and "W" roller skating race Nationals; Berghammer. Cincinnati Nationals; Allen, Brooklyn Na- another battle are on hand from last year's team, nex another letter In basketball, so In New York. tionals. Blackburne. Chicago Americans; Hcarne, Navy team while several others good will In sports. We knew Benedict Toronto Internationals. with the Plebes. This look enough that he have letters four Arnold's true motives would Buffalo Wingo, SL Louis Nationals; Caldwell. New York Americans; Col- (Business come lins. Boston Americans; Bodie, Chicago trounced last season and a out sooner or later. Americans. game Is year. .,Pr??k!.3r,-MaB- ee' st-- Louis Nationals; Viox. Pittsburgh Nationals; Plank, return asked for this Boer-stel- n I Philadelphia Americans. Business is finding the loss of I Chicago Fischer, Brooklyn Nationals; Hagerman. Cleveland Americans. one causing Baltimore and Harris that is Lobcrt and Paskcrt. Philadelphia Nationals. nnmiiHi'j' a deal of figuring. There Is no ques- Houdini wants to iuma trom th iv TODAY'S SPORTORIAL ington Monument. Many tion but that these youngsters were There's a good guy to deals are expected at the big baseball meeting in New York next By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. manage the Naps. eek. The presence of Ban Johnson at the Waldorf means Connie about a3 good as have ever been turn- that captain-ele- ct Western's season, Is Mack may have assistance in placing some of his players. Ban is known to John Mackall, of football team for next ed out .of. schoolastlc circles. be anxious to strengthen the Jfew York club, and thinks that shifting some known to practically all of the high school athletic followers. Mackall has Playing at the guard positions they Otherwise respectable citizen traveled ,P.ayers from other teams may work the trick. Cleveland is also in the market. been on practically all of the teams at Western. He is five feet six inches combined speed and agility with dead Again are the Federal Leaguers said to be seeking the services of a mile in 49 seconds on a motorcycle. Among National League clubs the Giants likely accuracy That's 49 Pirates. and Cubs are to tall, is seventeen years old and weighs 140 pounds. "Johnny" Is also the regu- ly In basket shooting, were hot-do- g seconds wasted, but if you"vs .. figure in the coming trades. Roger Bresnnhan does not Intend to keep all used to advantage as running guards Walter Johnson, Charlie "Weeghman, the Chicago man, being the men now on the Cubs' roster, lar forward on the basketball team, has been out for track for two years, and read down to this paragraph, you'v and. besides dropping a few dead ones may and set a standard which will be hard the latest to enter the lists. He is reported as offering the Kansas Cy- wasted more. engineer a deal with the Giants for Heinle Zimmerman, the troublesome slug- has tried for the baseball team for two seasons. Mackall never played football to approach this year. ger. Only Max Carey and Honus Wagner are sure of their Jobs with the before he came to Western, and he developed Into one of the best ends In the clone a contract for 16,000 for three years, making a total of $48,000. Pirates, so Pittsburgh will be working the wires for some deals, Mc-Gra- w A'u; that they are taxing telephone lluggsy schools, being twice picked as an All-Hi- proposition. Tech's men aru meeting This is fancy salary, has let it be known that Grant. Marquard, Bescher, and Snodgrass may letter late a more than the Washington club will pay the big calls. Clark Griffith iron't b inm,r; be obtained In trades. Brooklyn snap fnrfnv fri !, fi fnitHnll tatttaln wants to Cutshaw and Ed Reulbach for I , but it is unlikely that Weeghman will succeed in hooking Connie other players. Charlie Dooin. former manager of the Phillies, is also on next season. Gene Ochsenreiter seems the after Mack's health so much. go the to bo the logical choice cap- market, and may either to Boston or New York. " for the Coffeyville wizard of the mound. Why? Largely because it is doubtful "While there has been some talk about cutting down taincy. Tomorrow night the players Horace Fojrel will not be president of teams to twenty players, no will gather school for if Weeghman can tie up that much money for three years in a bank rule has been adopted, nor is likely to be adopt- at the the the National League next year. This is ed,'' says Manager Griffith. BINGLES AND BUNTS annual football "feed" which will con- to suit Johnson. Walter is most cagey in business affairs, and is taking "There Is a rule, though, requiring all teams to carry only twenty-Hv- e sist of a turkey dinner. Old Tech authentic. players, not counting manager, the and this rul will nrobablv h mrnmui By GRANTLAND RICE. players, members of the faculty, mem- no chances of being left on the shelf with the possible collapse of the next season. It was not enforced last year, owing to the presence or the bers of the Board of Education and League. federal Leaguers. Satisfactory arrangements have been made between tho members of other school activities will Federal And we also hear from a reli- two major leagues and the minors to take care of extra players not yet ripe be on hand to take part in the If all recently written be true, the Invaders called off negotiations with for fast company, and all will go along smoothly, I think. But that twentv CAST TRENCH. able source that Walter Johnson player stuff Is all wrong, all wrong. BEYOND THE Johnson because he demanded that the proffered salary be banked for him. understanding." The St. Louis Feds were said to have offered him J60,000 for three years, quit- has and has not signed with the Daytona, Fla.. has offered Brooklyn Here is the "Peace that passeth Eastern High School has about se- ting when the player this tying up of money the Dodgers a permanent training lected the 11 demanded the for so long. If camp, Manager date of December for the Na-tion- al and Wilbert Robinson will decide on the matter at an The rest that I have waited through the years; football supper that tale be true. It isn't likely that Weeghman. who couldn't raise enough Feds, the American and the and the election of money ten days ago to exercise his option on the Cubs and get In out of the the captain. Eastern has done It-r- No more grim captains of the strife commanding proud wet. will harken to Johnson's conditions. , Leagues. It has been officially announced all Cincinnati players in athletics for the past two With warfare on every side, the Federal Leaguers, despite the loud talk of signed 1915 that have been to charge years, winning two baseball titles and for except Manager Charlie Herzog, Leon Ames. Fred Mollwitz Worn hosts the Battlement of Tears; some of them, are believed to be more or less up against It. Just how long and- - Tom Clarke. is believed Herzog gaining the runner up position in foot- they can continue the battle against the whole Jt that will sign next week In New York.' No more the heartache of a vain endeavor ball by tying Business baseball world remains to be Frank Farrell Planning having an appointment there with Garry Herrmann. Clarke is in Honolulu this season. The seen. They may go through another campaign but would you lay any now with the Nothing Is known of the two. basketball team Is coming along rapid- money that they'll go farther? other Into the storm of bitter battle drawn; ly and expects to get some real action To Build Huge Bowl SO,Q t0 ,et K,d Konetcny go Night where winds come whispering, next week. All this connecting Walter Johnson with the Federal League la ,r?us W1S to the Keds without Deep falls the "Never, Something eighteen chatter wtfVSF.??1 ? ?.lay.cr ?eKan roastlnT the Pirate management and the like letters will be doing him no good. It is undermining his popularity faster than he made It. NEW YORK, Dec 2. Frank Farrell. .tHK,rBh X Js Planning to take the question into court, tying Never another dawn." awarded tho Easterners for their work up f!' injunction proceedings. in football this season. This in number Perhaps. If the big fellow would come out with an authentic statement con- of the New York Americans. It was re- is more than have been beginning ported today, will build a huge, bowl past awarded in the cerning his relations from the with the Federal League it might Never another dawn, where to eyes weary, five seasons. The choice of tho serve to clear up things. As they arc going along now, from day to day. he as the Highlanders new home. Thn football leadership lies between Leo is digging a deep pit for himself. Johnson's modesty is well known. It Is proposed plan calls for a structure Lanahan and Joe Baldwin. probably keeping him silent now in tho pro that The gray light steals upon the Sleeper's rest; face of all these rumors and con. will - Meanwhile, his friends among the fans aro dwindling with the weeks. They make the Yale Bowl look like- a I0IGSHUGRUET0 QUITS will probably put relay foot 10,000 more- TUTON HE The tramp of feet, the call of bugle dreary Eastern a are beginning to believe some of the wild stories about their hero and be- tub. with seats than team In the meets this winter. Ray ginning to charge him with Ingratitude. No ball player ever was so adored are ranged about the Yale Field. With V To or stir the shot-tor- n Clarke, the track captain, got a bunch end the dream breast; by the public as Johnson has been In thli city. No player, save Cy Young. standing room, it is expected between popularity as Md Never another dawn with Pain's tomorrow er received such a token of his Johnson on the occasion S1.000 and S3.C00 will be of that cup presentation. The fans proved they w with him that day. able to watch B OXWELSHTONIGH T FOOTBALL AT PENN The day is done, the last lone trench awaits Will they be with him next summer? the Tanks cavort. Here at the road's end of all strife and sorrow, AllStar Teams McCarty Wins Again. through the Tivilight Gates. Safe NE WTORK. Dec. i Tom McCarty Jersey City Lad Here are six all-st- ar teams as seen Michigan's Prospects easily defeated Terry Kelley, the Call-fornl- Gets His First In panning those who have charge oftempted in this peaceful, com Chairman of Board of Directors neutral by coaches: in ten rounds at Brown's Gym- our main baseball franchises It Isn't monwealth. " 'Donald G. Herring. Princeton Ends, nasium last night. The coast fighter Chance to Match Skill With always just to include-- the entire allot Hardwlck, Harvard, Says He Cannot Spare Time Why talk about peace among Eu- and Morrllat. tipped beam 175. ment. It Is unfair to direct the same rope's Army; tackles, Ballin. Princeton and the at The win was World's mad millions when we can't even Are Good for '15 Team Mccarty's fifth since he made his bow Titleiiolder. tothe Sport. fusillade at such people as Comlskey, establish peace In such a friendly sport- Trumbull. Harvard; guards, Pennock, The-answe- Harvard, and Shank, Princeton; center, here a few weeks ago. Hempstead, Navln, Gaffne7, Dreyfuss, ive pastime as baseball at home7 r be good. Smith and the Schultz Is In the people Journcay, Pennsylvania; quarterback, and others who have always acted as that main would Army; brothers, of this year's yearlings, will rather mote Into trouble than move Prichard, halfbacks, Bradlee, not be denied consideration, NEW YORK. Dec. Welsh, much in the interest of sport as in nwav from It. Harvard, and Barrett, Cornell; full- Yost Loses Only Three Regulars and the PHILADELPHIA, 2. The human raco Is a scrubs will have some mighty husky Dec T. Truxton the pursuit or greatly over-prasl- back, Mahan. Harvard. orld's lightweight champion, mppts one Hare, one of the most kale. Baseball has Its Institution, take it lads who would give their right eye, Free Tickets to Crandall's - noted football share of regular sportsmen who aro more ways than one. and Will Have Many Good bis most prominent antagon'sts to- players the University of Pennsylvania L. II. Bankhart, Colgate and some, their best girls, to be able e-- Hold Hlnkey. EmU, Sht at Madison Square Garden in produced, and who has been chair- strictly on the level and who certainly Hardwlck, Harvard, and Brann, Yale; to sport a big yellow "M." For Xmas Shopper oung Joe Shugrue. City man of the football committee at the place money no higher than sport. The We notice in a headline "Yale-ma- Abell, Colgate, Players Left. the Jersy university where tackles. and Trumbull, line For the best from Times wonder. fight for a long time, refused to other type- is in the minority, but this decide to Harvard; , guards. Spears, Dartmouth, About the never has Yost had ltter Sianv fans here think stand for to position retain Frank Hlnkey." such a promising array of readers stating; why you would trad the'American that at mean typo Yale and Pennock. Harvard; renter. n. huskies and hat youth has a chance a meeting of the athletic board or direc- doesn't that the other should shouldn't have any other thought. never before has ho had but two places with one of the below advertisers w - not be quelled. Hlnkey most certainly Army; quarterback, winning-lette- outpoint the clcve- he tors- - todav - ThlR m.,n (h.4 produced a defi- Barrett. For to will give 5 tickets free. The ' titleholder. as .....a v,,ttv .u.iuc iwwuer nite In Cornell; halfbacks, LeGore, Yale, ANN ARBOR. Mich., Dec. i-- the fill. Reimann, Cochran. Watson. ib known to be. Both rcxers weigh in guard and Beyond Argument. result his first year. He was and Benton will will ba published dally beginning the director of unable to compete Mahan, Harvard; fullback, Whitney, "University of Michigan season of 1311 all be back, and It would 6. &' 2 135 tho football destinies of longe with Harvard, but not surprise us December Address Xmas Shoppers" o clock at pounc'j will Penn no five-ye- post-morte- a great deal to see and t'o will Whether It be due to Haughton or to he at least started Yale from a ar Dartmouth. is ended. Dodging we Editor. .en rounds. br officially connected with this rut, "Maury" Dunno horning in on an end branch of sport at the institution his material, both Yale and Princeton and. with better material turn toward 1915. and see the promise of lOb next fnll. Pmlana nn4 Dnmin Purchased and paid for by Wash- I don't expect another chance to get While It Is known next season and a year's experience, Edward N. Robinson. Brown Ends, i.a ington Times. that all those con- are willing to admit that the results should have the Hardwlck. Harvard, one of tho greatest college elevens In also freshman varsity line material. no the same ring with Welsh, and so nected with Penn's football activities were eminently Blue still farther on and O'Hearn, Cor- sport. riAV e nnt in i obtained at Harvard Its way out of trouble. nell; tackles, Trumbull, Harvard, the history of the autumn uiit Kinu oi a team win this bunch i.l do my best from the start." said ttnn tho Mnu and make? Yost can tako a crippled -- Mr. sufficient. The final scores were suf- Ballin. Princeton; guards. But three regulars will bo lost to If and ibusrue today. "He never takes on Hare refused to adnlt that his de-- I Pennock, somewhat riemomUTe1 ftfinh nt .w,..- - cislon was the result of de- ficient answers to the effect that there elevens are appearing Harvard, nnd Spears. Dartmouth; cen- the Maize and Blue by graduation be- cad customers twice. I've got to make friction or a was efficiency somewhere In the viclnlt Slowly. So far ti have Inmrwwl Mitchell, Brown; horns and hurl them against Harvard termination on the part of university of- 119. .l. ter. quarterback, Bar- fore another fall rolls p.round. From pood tonight or give up hope of cvr ficials to alter the present rystem at least. What seems to be the hitch? rett, Cornell; halfbacks, Mahan, Har- in a piunging game, and outplay the football management of What For? vard, and Bradlee, end to end, only two linesmen. Capt. champion team of the country, and the getting a crack nt the championship. Harvard, fullback verv nii.-a- a "1 am sorry give up I.cGore, Yale. Jimmy Raynsford and McIIale, will be - next weel?.. cnl ih.fcM. a,... (JIUIJli. Watch me hustle." to the position " A. !.. T. requests that we offer a Columbia ib.LujsL wl o..ll says Hare, but owing to my added legal Team Enjoys missing when Wizard Yost calls his Pennsylvania in the most re- Shugrue is one of the most aggrcs-Fiv- e learned dissertation upon the compara- . markable open duties I feci that I would not lie to William Hollnbi-ck- Penn armv to the colors next September. In exhibition of tho new In able State game ever grid-Iro- n, Notions U1 pleas? tKe i. jy or xnor boxets his clasj, and he also give the proper amount time tive excellence of Harvard and Illinois. Dinner on the Stage Ends, Higglns. Penn State, seen on any American " jir! of to foot- and Hard- tho backfleld. only Tommy Hughltt. the wizard from than a Bicycle for Xmas advanusa of 'arries a punch capable of winning the ball that a chairman of the footbill com- "Which eleven," writes he, "would win wlck. Harvard; tackles. Ballin. Tennessee can th reduction and buy no- - A small oposU wonderful field general, has played his certainly bring out a- title, if it happens to land In the right mittee shou'd give. I think that a man If they ever met?" A festive board upon stage Princeton, and Trumbull. Harvard: of his veteran squad will secure any wheel, .""- a Httla, each who will be arguments the of the Spears. last game on Ferry Field. Eight reg- next year an eleven will piace on the speedy little champion. able to devote more time We've lost enough football Columbia Theater evening guards. Dartmouth, and Pen- Imperishable that make week by Xmas It is yoors should have the position. I would, how- this season without starting another last served nock, Harvard, center, Journcay, ulars and more than eight "M" men gridiron history. Wolgast as Maul-hctsc- h. and Ritchie, when champions, ever,- be perfectly willing to serve as a that can have no proof. For, to start the rallying point of every member Penn; quarterback. Barrett. Cornell; will he back. Amour them will bo HAVERFORD CYCLE CO., refused to mpet Shjgiuc. feating his of the football a football argument is to lose It. No of the Columbia halfbackp. Fleming. W. the finest plunging halfback or 523 10th St. X. W' Near K. s committee if my Theater's., baseball and J., and team-- wfcifH (m.,A n -- . year: one safety McAuliffe speed and wallop. Tomsht's bout offers are required." man alive or dead ever won a football ...... o-- 'o suuu n account Mahan, Harvard; fullback. Whltnev. tho Gait, of the best Is Chosen h m his first chance to match his skill George Brook. pnri'ii fnnthtii .,.. u nrgument except In his own mind. Har- or Itself during the past summer. Dartmouth. players In the game; Splawn. kicker ESTABLISHED 1U2. with The extraordinary: Zelger, quar- the real thing. said 'I have no excuses to offer for vard and Illinois mopped up with eclat. iT' wh,ch tok UP tho entire center Hucbcl and To Lead Hanoverians "h I uppo-- t he another tough the past season. I will on wny not let it go at i ..c ,.--- , preaiaea over Dy W. G. Crowell, Lafayette terbacks of ability; Reitnann, Coch- - n ' insist better that? ncio Ends. J. smiled Welsh todav. "bur Ii'r bv arrangements for the development Capt. George Adams, who T. Coolidge and Hardwlck. Harvard-tackles- . ran. Watson. Renor tho biggest man acting them all a of the How Would You Vote? oysters In every served In football Norton, Whalcn. Staatz, HANOVER. N. H., Dec. 2. John B. that mm obtains the team ntst jear. I do not propose to quit style, and other deli- Talbott Yale, and Ballin, McAuliffe. of Worcester, was nampionship. I've got it." a User " winter Prof. C H. Ebbcts. cacies in abundance Music was pro- Princeton; guards. Spears. and Benton. Mass.. vided by a Dartmouth, elected captain of the Dartmouth foot- or neon section of the house orches- and Ponnock, Harvard: center. Crulk-shnn- k. 1915 f PIANOS author "This has an unnatural - yesterday. upon piano-playe- r, Tho name appears, ball team for McAuliffe 1WS-1- 0 tra and a sirnt in W. and J.- quarterback. '5ar-ret- t, of Gait and that F ST N W year." paid 515,00n to Jlr. A. Herrmann, from a nearby dealer's. Cornell: should bo tho signal for a whoop and played left tackle during the season Just J C CONIJFF Manager re- halfbacks. Mahan and Wol- Hosed. Although minor Injuries Bargains In of Cincinnati, ror Joseph Tinker, Eddie Talbert, the captain-manag- llrlcklcy. Harvard; a cheer. If you happen to bo a kert used Pianos. Players, and puted to be a shortstop some skill. fullback. LcGore. did not play a game this him out of harness for some Httla time, of of the team, acted as toastmnster .inri Yale. verine. Gait ho was regarded as one of most Hamilton Fish Wants To Shortly after the kale changed hands insisted that those who vear. because of Injuries, but the word tho shrank tiom men on eleven. JEWELRY IS XMAS Mr Tinker Jumped blithely over to the " hits gone out a year's rest will valuable the THE BEST PRESENT '"i-"- i" me toasts assigned them Paul l.oudon. assistant coach at that McAuliffe is popular with the stu- Hare jour old Jewelry melted and m&tle tat Feds. Now Mr. Ebbets wants his J15.0U) must provide something ror evaporate the water on his knee and an design Mr. the enter- Dartmouth Ends. Hardwlck. Har- dent body. He Is a natural leader, a Reasonable prices. back but Herrmann can't qulto tainment of tho company. Mnny sub- vard, and O'Hearn. Cornell: tneklei make hltn the same old speed bov wo Is HENRY B. BLESS. grasp the technique any argu- stitutes In In 1913. "Mauly" hard worker, and surd to command W Coach Columbia of such the form or Impromptu Trumbull. Harvnrd. and Ballin. saw is known nnd tho respect of hi fellows, both on and Skillful Repairing. 6U ;th St. N Eleven ment. dances, Too ad- acrobatic stunts, and other di- Princeton: sruurds. Spears, Dart- likewise Solawn. vociferous off the field. Kbbels says he paid 15,000 for nothing versions, kept the assemblage in the mouth, and Ponnock. Harvard; cen- vance notices hurt Larry this year, and FURNITURE ably will be a prominent candidate Tinker was never delivered. best of good he worked under handicaps. But next the post, for that humor. Among the play- ter. McEwan. Army: quarterback. Of everv variety for Xmas presents at or r inasmuch as he has had two Which sounds reasonable enough. Herr- ers who responded to fall he will be wiser, bigger, and the one-ha- lf Former Harvard Star Tackle jeaxs' experience says tho roll call were Ghee. Dartmouth: halfbacks. Whitney. year. usual price. Will tw held en soial. as a mann when Tinker jumped G. Williams, Wey-fort- h, kicking sensation of the Percy player under that J. Lansdale, C Dartmouth, and Mahan. Harvard: full- deposit p. Haughton and also has served he belonged to Ebbets, not to him. W. Stewart, H. Hathls, H. Mor- back. LclJorc. Yale. hat about quarter? Zlegcr and E. P. TAYLOR CO., Offers Services to Morning-sid- e UI".CL "Im as an assistant coach. Which Is also quite true. The league rison, B. Willis. C. Golden. Huebel aro not bad, and neihter Is J. Dean. TCD O STREET Kisha proposal stirred the football Is to vote on tne argument. F. Schmld. L. Wallach, C. Flynn, A but watch "Jack" Dunn, of fires on $15,000 50-- ilornlngside Heights ycsteiday Should the be split 50 or Ratto T. Root. H. Erksln.'and E. Tnl-bc- rt Elect Captain Tonight. Chelsea, field general for the 1914 fresh Heights Outfit. to greater heights Herrmann be to C BIi;CIiS blcyclei than they have should Mr. forced Insist Plans for the coming season were BOSTON. Dec. 2. Harvard's football team ami former teammate of' Mauly j.M A .YVK VOl'R .tnCAIt mounted since 1S0S. when the last agi- upon Mr. Tinker reporting to Brooklyn? discussed. when that Dutchman won a State (JU IHE. tation for the game Or what? captain for 1913 will be named tonight j)eJ S T. '. 31 I'D O. Jr-- INC., place. restoration of the championship for tho Ann Arbor Inde- 1 U 0th St. V. W. took It Is understood that the nt the big banquet to the Crimson squad pendents. And there will be other SEW YORK. Dec Fish. general student Or, perhaps, might bo to Artillery Coploy-Plaz- a. it mass meeting which Is it better Team Will Be at the Eddie Mahan is backfleld candidates that are going to PROMINENT VIOLIN SCHOOL In scholar 1r captain of the Harvard varsity to be held In the jrvmnasiuni today send the tla.CV) to European sufferers believed to bo tho man chosen by ship complete mark will the contest offers a term of eleven in 1&09, is a candidate for the the first step in a concert.-- d nnd split Mr. Tinker 6050. Strong for Charity Game letter men. with free violins home use. 7M Kth mv jsition coach of the Columbia movement for the resumption of of the Ranking the Elevens. WIECE PARLOR SUITES upiiolslerrt a 1915. M,7!Jr,Sa .Vtar8lJy sport- - Dr- - arsltv team in The fact that Nicholas It is simple enough to rank Harvard The Coast Artillery eleven th.it meets May Get Brickley. TWO HEIGHTS IN THE MOST tapestry. up; free delivery; satisfaction, o'tmbia has not as yet restored foot- uiIer !.s JC Present, and the pieces are "built" by craftsmen of en, apparently not on h?ghJhLf l8 iUfric,-u- t to arouse first In the East and Illinois first In the crack Engineers Saturday Ameri- YORK. Dec. 2,--It Is SPECIAL POPULAR ball has much effect hopes can League at NEW rumored Usual skill. ACME UPHOL, CO.. '.tor j,a ish. who is assemblyman from Put- the west, but the Job of continuing this park for tho benefit of Eu- University Spring-Exercise- rs N W . M. Kit. Twere .bteen an ropean war Is nt New York that Charlie nam county. undercurrent of ranking Is another matter. sufferers being strength- gn-a-t Sale f "diversity ened. Two BrlcKlev, Harvard's kicking Btar. Kor " Charles Hann. Jr., who was substi- ZlPJ.? th, authorities At the close of the season Cornell halfbacks have,...,been signed to Ilia or Her Xmai year to belong next to liri- - Thnmnvtn tnm rvr ,An t may be obtained coarh tho cloven The Best Muscle Builder tute guard on the Harvard team In oft the game, many lift the ban nnd Dartmouth Harvard next vear. Give Them a Singing Course All-Sta- rs and think In strength and Bailey, from ARR.OW an the If final machine Monroe, 1S11 and who played on the announcement to that East Fort Va. 31H!. E3III.Y FKKCII IIAKVK against Carlisle Indians week, that effect will be Is to be the test These two elevens Frankfortcr. halfback: Wade, end; St, the last made today. However as there has looked to have more ability Wonder, quarterback; Fleet halfback, H3 11th X. & Phone. Llr.c i;jn is the medium through which Fish has been no petition for football Will Meet Again. $1.00 COLLAR. laced tho disposal the before the than anv other, barring, of course, the and Dalluskv, center, will also come DUDLEY 2)i inches FOUNTAIN PENS FOR XMAS r .himself at of university comittee on athletics or stu- Crimson. from Fort Monroe. Fort Dupont will PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 2 --Yale And GIFTS. Columbia authorities. He expressed a dent organizations, it is Leary. NORMAN 2 inches willingness to In coaching any extremelv The Jam out West is about as bad have fullbnck. and Jorgcnson. Penn will meet again on the Schuylkill. WALFORD'S iaJU!HiTj'.iAMJ assist the doubtful if positive announcement where the battle for second and third tackre. Fort Washington will EIHf April 3 varsity 009 PA. AVE. N. JT. 2 (.r 23 On II. f riVaJj & C.. lie, lldirt proposed Columbia eleven, and prob will be forthcoming this noon. - have On the and Junior crews d. fountain; pen shop place would be too sanglnary to be at- and Campbell, guard?, in the game. will race over the Henley course. Expert Repairing. ici pa. Av.

