12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1913." UP TO date sports) Griff Laughs at Claims That McBride Has Jumped to Feds I YJ-vL- m , . 1m - Lm --w 7 7 JTL? 7 7 LrtY'l 1Af I J sX- iJm-- L T Claim George McBride SCHOOLBOY CELEBRITIES JDUOUIVOO nigfl JDUSKVLUUU VJUITLL WILL MINCE PIE No. 2. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Battle Gonzaga Today in First Game fV Will Be With Federal By "BUGS" BAER. Th Stenographers Are Suffering Gene Ochsenreiter Expected to rorrerins Elslane houId be slad tf- -r NET BIG SUM weren t picked to manage the Yanks. League Is Not Believed From Too Much Classy Ma- Be Named Captain of Tech's Yale hotcl -- Jri'C witl accommodate One of the reasons for the belief 1 0,000, tut vou . fc LIIHLiLIIIIIIH!998H&fliLllllflilLHIilllHk: terial for Its Outfit. Eleven Today. couldn't ii, that the Ohio Legislature will Amtrican eleven in there without usir.n a Though Invaders Include Dandy Captain's Name in Griff SHWV-H- f List, create a State boxing illlllllllllllBisllllllllliilllB!9tlillllllllliiilllslllllllllllllsLE& commission at its next session is Says Veteran Has Signed Here for 1915 Old Fox Isn't By BRYAN MORSE. found in the to make the regulars put up a fight War tax on telephone calls is , to positions. calamity, nlrkpra a Capt. Ray Wise, of the Business prosperity of tho Wisconsin sport. retain their - su - " - r m elevens pick Worrying Over Johnson's Case Either. basketball team, is leading his bunch The Milwaukee game has paid Graduation and moving have robbed their teams that way. the Army and Navy Prep players of against the Gonzaga College five well. In six bouts about 40,000 practically all veterans this Allies may lead the Xaw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBCiF'VVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM of their nit r.,. ' i111111111111111bSI1111111111I11111111111111111111bslv' 5cVsssssssssssssssssssssssss today in the first engagement for people attended the events, winter. Coach Newberry is at sea Just which is By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. the as to what material he has on hand. the way Army led 'w this aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiisHPv "nmmmiiiiiB both teams, and expects to come money they attracted being: Tho football season Just closed was year. George McBride, dandy captain of the Griffmen, is reported to have ' ' sBIIIIIIIIIIB one which found the Preps coming HHHHHUHHUKIM'-- through with a win. Business is $9,125; Ritchie-Wolgas- t, IsssssssssVIsssssssbbbVIssssV trom irreenness to a finished cloven. signed with the Buffalo Feds, according to the official list given out iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSBBBT "ilBBBBBBBBBBBBl second bet- the of the interscholastic $30,753; Ritchie-Whit- e, With each game the team played Most of the best shots in golf today in St. Louis by is the .VH football, and finished by defeating the invaders. Furthermore, it said that sea- ter contenders to get started this !4,G32; Wolgast-River- s, $12,245; Prep Coach are Sloufeds arc still in the Whether or not this the Georgetown eleven. made with a hypodermic. hunt for Walter Johnson. son, Eastern having already gotten Wolgaat-Whit- c, Newberry fears tho basketball season $6,530; Welsh-Whit- e, story is true, .of course, cannot be learned. The Federal League has an- the taste of a defeat the hands will be a repetition of the past football at $24,517. Total, $106,804. season, as there are. no veterans on RABID RUDOLPH SAYS nounced before many things later found to be untrue. of Earl Fuller's Boy Department Y. hand to start the year with. Commission's share, $5,340.02. "More bluffing from the Feds," was Manager Clark Griffith's com- M. C. A. five. C. Edward Beckett, director of tho ment, when informed of the official list of jumpers announced today. Business is suffering from too Y. SI. C. A., will probably rereree all "Beautiful weath- together last winter, and won handily of the championship basketball games "That story about McBride is old stuff. They announced that last fall. much material, according to infor at Convention this winter. Prof. Beckett Is one who Hall. Coach Kimble is er. They ought George denied it then, and therels no need of his repeating it now. His mation from the Rhode Island nam 10 iavor ine inaoor track game, will stand for no rouch stunt and the to onl y to the extent of relays, and will youngsters now playing basketball had contract has been signed for 1915, and lies in my safe. I should worry. avenue school. At present some proibably only develop one or two teams. better tone down before tne title series start the On one or two occasions baseball 'As to Johnson, that's another matter. they want to pay him ex- thing like forty candidates are mak starts. last If an Plans are already under way at West- season some roughness was resorted to, orbitant salary, let them go to it. We're not Rolnc to enter Into any race ing the regulars hustle for their ern to put out several relay teams this with tho result that the offenders were season earlier." with them to jret Johnson, sreat as h e is. He has yet to slpn with any club. line-u- p winter. There are few letter men In bounced from the contest, one or Pror. jobs. While no definite has will probably em- He is held by the Woshinzton club under the iron-cla- d reserve school are members of the track Beckett's assistants latest clause. been given out, it is expected that team. The freshman class will probab- pire the series. don't take much stock In any claims thev arc making. They're almost ly send out some twenty runners for at the end of their rope, and must make all the bluff they can in order to Ray Wise and Bill Culligan will be relay teams, while the unoer mem. Stearns, captain of the West- nake a better organized class Palmer The eolfer who settlement with baseball. That's their idea, though found at the forwards, Joe Wise at bers at the Franklin are likely to re- - ern baseball team, who played end dur- killed a pheasant with a there is no chance of their belnj; taken in at all." jjorc 10 captain ayivester in a short ing the first game of the football series golf ball is takhur an nnroortitmantiv. ... center, while Carl Glessner and time. and received a dislocated wrist, is vantage. They didn't play eolf in Caroa Here is the official list as Riven out by the Federal Leaguers In St. Louis hbssES9IbsssssssssssLi& - "'.' .&& will be found in t rounding Into shape and expects to play Mancbansen'a tune. today; "Buck" Wise the ex- llssssssssssBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW3?-- yS Cathedral is under full awing In bas- basketball and run track. Stearns St. Roy iflP st i guards' positions. f Louis corhan, shortstop. Pacific Coast League; Babe Borton, first ketball at present and prospects pected to And his wrist a deal of trou- case. Pacific Coast League; OHIe Klrkmeyer. outfielder, Three-Ey- e League. Lowry N. Coe has arranged a heavy the ble, but will be In fine condition In a Hopes of Retting League. for a good team are ralrly brlgfit. already - waiter Johnson, American short while. He has made a twenty-four- Pittsburgh schedule for the Stenographers, which an- They are going to hold a Perritt and O'Connor, Louis Nationals; Konetchey. Pitts- Holmes, Brewer, Northrup, How-de-n in track, and would like to -hour burgh st will probably include and "W" roller skating race Nationals; Berghammer. Cincinnati Nationals; Allen, Brooklyn Na- another battle are on hand from last year's team, nex another letter In basketball, so In New York. tionals. Blackburne. Chicago Americans; Hcarne, Navy team while several others good will In sports. We knew Benedict Toronto Internationals. with the Plebes. This look enough that he have letters four Arnold's true motives would Buffalo Wingo, SL Louis Nationals; Caldwell. New York Americans; Col- (Business come lins. Boston Americans; Bodie, Chicago trounced last season and a out sooner or later. Americans. game Is year. .,Pr??k!.3r,-MaB- ee' st-- Louis Nationals; Viox. Pittsburgh Nationals; Plank, return asked for this Boer-stel- n I Philadelphia Americans. Business is finding the loss of I Chicago Fischer, Brooklyn Nationals; Hagerman. Cleveland Americans. one causing Baltimore and Harris that is Lobcrt and Paskcrt. Philadelphia Nationals. nnmiiHi'j' a deal of figuring. There Is no ques- Houdini wants to iuma trom th iv TODAY'S SPORTORIAL ington Monument. Many tion but that these youngsters were There's a good guy to deals are expected at the big baseball meeting in New York next By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. manage the Naps. eek. The presence of Ban Johnson at the Waldorf means Connie about a3 good as have ever been turn- that captain-ele- ct Western's season, Is Mack may have assistance in placing some of his players. Ban is known to John Mackall, of football team for next ed out .of. schoolastlc circles. be anxious to strengthen the Jfew York club, and thinks that shifting some known to practically all of the high school athletic followers. Mackall has Playing at the guard positions they Otherwise respectable citizen traveled ,P.ayers from other teams may work the trick. Cleveland is also in the market. been on practically all of the teams at Western. He is five feet six inches combined speed and agility with dead Again are the Federal Leaguers said to be seeking the services of a mile in 49 seconds on a motorcycle. Among National League clubs the Giants likely accuracy That's 49 Pirates. and Cubs are to tall, is seventeen years old and weighs 140 pounds.
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