1916-01-06, [P ]
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Mte Mmm H ' ,W * * H.*"" •• >yt if '• . - " «-• , , ....... , v i V * |i s ' . "V'.. •• -• * < c if- f < t 'Vf,k S'.1 t THE FARGO FORUM 1A.ND DAILY REPFBLrCAyi THURSDAY EVEXJXO, JAXUARY 6, 191(3. h ' v.- '* - - •*.. ~'t { READ THE FORUM J3ASKE1 BALL-BOWLING FOR WINTER SPORTS ' BOXING-WRESTLING meet Champion Willard," said Collins. "After we finish with Porky and trip Home of those fellows down in New SWEETLAND LIKELY TO York, there will be a real Fulton-Wil GIBBONS HARD AT WORK Sinclair Will Give the bankers and Jensen of the jewelers lard fight. There won't be any chance tied for third place with 203 each. for Willard to dodge boxing, for there SUCCEED GILMORE DOBIE Schannach's consistent hitting was a ivill be plenty of offers so big that he feature of the evening and a factor in FOR HIS GO WITH AHEARN won't be able to turn them down." the win for the jewelers. The score: McGraw Goods for a John Reisler, otherwise known as . Grand Forks, N. D., Ian. 6.—Word Hagen-Newtons. "John, the Barber," the promoter of has reached the city to tliri effect that Jensen ... 189 203 14? 'he Harlem Sporting club in New Schannach .v.*. 189 180 211 -LEO K0SSICK.QN BILL Dr. G. J. Sweetland, who coached the York, tried to get Fulton's manager to Kweitzer .. r. ' . "—'i' r.:> .«=•• 1 •" 1 ' V y> . " North Dakota university football team •H".. 207 185 138 % • at • >. , , sign to fight before his club. Reisler Lyons 139 172 1?3 holds his shows in the Twelfth Regi for several years, Is considered as the Splcer .v. sHW. .*?£' 189 - Winner in New York most likely successor to Gilmore Dobie, 157 16S St. Paul. Minn., Jan. 6.—Mike Gibbons. Jack Burke and Buff ment armory at Sixty-second street in Handicap' ..'..V, *.• * . 2 who turned out so many champion-- .,2 2 Seidl, three of the boxers who are to appear in the big show of tH» Gotham and declares that he can ac Capital City Athletic club at the auditorium, Jan. 18, went, commodate 12,000 people. ship elevens for Washington universi- Totals 839 78i ty. Grand total, 2,638 pins. i.through their paoes at.the Gibbons brothers' gymnasium Tuesday* York j will bolster up the New York line. "O, wouldn't it be nice to stage a afternoon. All three wefe closely watched by a large number Chicago, Jan. 6.—The New Willard-Fulton scrap at my club; after • Dr. Sweetland has been, at Hobart First Nationals. Giants will be strong candidates for Pitcher' Cy Falkenberg is one of- the college for the past two years and Hagen .. „ 188 spectators. - , ^ htirlers that will be available for Mc Fulton has worked his way up to a v m 180 Especially was the work of Mike Gibbons given close scrutiny bjy the National league pennant, next sea bout with the champion. I could charge prior to that coaohed-Willamette uni Dummy .. r.V.".... .£>.'• 150 350 150 son if the team is sold to Harry Sin Graw in case of the amalgamation. Ed versity. Reitmeyer ......V. 152 199 130 the fans. Mike has started in his work in earnest, and Tuesday^ Ruelbach, who had as good a season $2 to $20 for seats and pack the house, sparring with his brother Tommy and Jack Burke was the most clair, the Federal league angel. The which would mean at least $150,000." Sweetland made a remarkable rec- Akin 203 169 140 Oklahoma oil magnate seems to be de last season as he ever had in his life, prd for himself when at Willamette, Hauser ... .,v : 136 175 15.1 : interesting and exciting seen in many a day at the training quar- will be another pitcher that can be • ters. termined to get the Gothamites and if as he had only a small student body Handicap • • a 37 37 37 he does there will be no effort spared, secured by the New York club In case to work with, and. .succeeded in pro After each'round the fane applauled the brilliant work, and It or money either, to give John McGraw Sinclair buys the club. Totals. .8661 877 737 .was the. consensus, of opinion when they had finished that Mike ia ducing teams which could give O, A. ; a winner such as he used to have in Three Men Enough. TOLEDO BOWLERS GETTING C. and Oregon a hard battle. Grand total. 2,500 pins. in great shape. After finishing with Tom the Phantom gave Jack the palmy days of Christy M^thewson With only three men from the Feds At the Nestor Alleys.- *:Burke a chance to exhibit his wares, arid another interesting se»-l - McGraw would be in fine shape for This year at Hobart Sweetland had and "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity. a team which went through'JlfovBea-] The Shotwell Florals and the Blur? sion was staged. *v The trirk will not be impossible be the coming campaign. Falkenberg, READY FOR BIG MEET son without a defeat. " ' Goosers who were scheduled f6r a bat Buff Seidl. who is to meet one of the toughest foes he has cause of the fact, that Sinclair controls Kauff and r'atc her Rariden alone would tle at the Nestor alleys last evening encountered when he tackles Leo Kossick, is al»o rounding to in firi#I r some of the best men that played in make the Giants a very different team. did not play. Their issue will prob style. Seidl Tuesday boxed, several speedy round* with Johnny Neii/ ' the Federal league last year. Benny Dooin is still a classy backstop and ably be settled at the en4 of the who is capable of giving his: huskier opponent « lively work- Toledo, O., Jan. 6.—Elaborate ar CITY BOWLING LEAGUE. present week. r£. Kauff and Lee Magee are two of the Meyers can be relied on for much of • out. •- • • V ' •tars that McGraw can have if he the time, but Rariden will brace up the rangements are being made for the six ©~ -4 wants them or any other men that catching department so that it will be teenth annual tournament of the Am Standings of the Tesms. Were on the pay roll of the Brookfeds as good as anv in 'the league. erican Bowling congress in Toledo, Won Lost Pet.' or the Newark team. With Kauff in the outfield the Giants March 4 to 25. Toledo bowlers are well A. Stern Co. 27 '6 .81# ST. PAUL CLUB CAS0 ";i Kauff Great Asset. would have as fast an outfield in Rob organized and will contribute as their Grand Alleys ,..8... ."H CH¥AGO^UBSSMJTO Kauff alone will make a great dif ertson, Burns and Kauff as any in.the share of the entry about 200 teams, be Rei-Macs 21 9 .7'V.i ference in the strength of the Giants, game. ing followed by Chicago with 100 Hagen-Newtons 18 12' COMING UP JAN. 17 for the star of the Federal league last These men can all hit the ball good teams, while it is predicted that the Union Lights 18 15 ,.545 and hard and cut off many a three- lists will include over 600 teams of five Hendrickson & Eggum 15 16' , .400 WEEGHMAN-TRANSFER WILL year is a real player. His batting abil ity is going to boost the winning aver bagger when they get started after it. men each, 1,500 teams of two bowlers Reed Studios ........ 14 1'8: \ .467 Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. -The suit age of the Giants to a much higher Tesreau, Perritt and Falkenberg each, and over 3,000 individuals, bring First Nationals ...... 13 17!;''..43a of Mrs. Minnie F. Lennon against John place than it was last year and his would be three men that could work ing the total entry fund close to $45,- M. B. A, .... 13 17*. » .43J W. Norton and Hermann Benz, whom BE COMPLETED FARUARY, 20 base running will turn the tide in their turn with Mathewson, who is still 000. Two-thirds of this will be re Pirie Co 10 29 .333 she seeks to restrain from exercising able to go the route and win a good turned to. the contestants in prizes Blue Goose Club 7 28 . .233 ftvor of the New Yorkers in many a Shotwell Florals ..... 5 28*y -'.185 an option on the players and real contest. Benny is just the kind of a percentage of his games if he has the which will approximate $30,000. property of the St. Paul American As Cincinnati, Jan. 6.—The Chicago right kind of support. There is little The plans call for the installation of Games Tonight. the International-Federal dispute held player John McGraw wants. He is wil Grand alleys: M. B. A.'1- v^rsusi sociation baseball club, will be heard Cubs changed -hands >. here yesterday lowing the adjournment of the Nation ling to take chances and win do as he doubt now but that Sinclair will get sixteen new bowling alleys and con Jan. 17. when Charles Weephman. former pres the Giants if he wants'to-part with'the Grands. al commission meeting. Is told. He has the speed and the brains tracts have been signed for 600 sets of Nestor alleys: Rei-Macs versusPirle An option was given the defendants ident of the Chicago Federal league Shortly previous to this session jie' essarv to pull off many 6f the tricks money asked. hard maple pins. All are to be deliver Co. .. by George F. Lennon early in 1915, club, agreed, among other things, to Pres.