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Base Ball and Trap Shooting BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 23 PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 8, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS Organized Ball Striving to Checkmate Federal League Fall Raids Reports of Player Desertions to the Independent League Possibility of Another Serious Row With the Players© Fraternity Sox second baseman, had signed with the Pittsburgh Federal team, is practically con Despite the miserable condition firmed today. President Lannin admitted that /r Yerkes had been missing several days. Waiv of affairs in the entire base ball ers were asked some time ago on Yerkes, and world, the "big men of the sport give he probably figured ^the inducement offered by no signs of desire or ability to rise the Pittsburgh Federals p was more, attractive to a situation which demands peace, than that of any club tha©t might claim his ser precedent to necessary reorganisa vices at the waiver price. tion. Organized Ball is continuing Indian Bluejacket a Deserter its policy of sequestering all avail BLOOMINGTON, Ills., August 4 Jim Bluejacket, the Cherokee Indian pitcher, sold able players, while the Federal by the Blobmington Club, of the I. I. I. League is continuing its raiding ef League, to the New York Giants, has jumped forts, both for the present season to the Brooklyn Federals, getting double the salary offered by the Giants. A two-year con and next year. Meantime the play tract and $1000 advance money was given ers are not only reaping a golden him. He was to have reported to the New harvest, but they are also running York Giants on August 27. Bluejacket has a things witJi a high hand as wit good record here. ness the recent riot at Detroit, (President Ward, of the Brooklyn Federal League which may yet be the medium for Club, on Tuesday, confirmed the report that his club had signed pitcher Bluejacket last Saturday, but said another row between the powers of he could give no details until the Indian arrived; nor Organised Ball and the Players© did he know whether he had signed for two or three Fraternity, at a time when the years. Editor "Sporting Life.") game is more sorely in need of Pitcher Cy Morgan Released peace, good will, and united up KANSAS CITY, Mo., August 5. Cy Mor building efforts than ever before. gan, for three years a pitcher for the Kansas City American Association team, and once a slab star of the Athletics, was given his un conditional release by Manager Armour. Checkmating the Federals Morgan made a great record last year, win ning ten straight games. He jumped to the PITTSBURGH, Pa., August 5. It is said big league again for a brief stay, going to that the independent Federal League antici Cincinnati and warming the bench most of the pated making a swoop on the young players, time. He has been pitching this year for the purchased and drafted in the Fall by the Blues, with little success, due mostly to his major leagues of Organized Ball, figuring to uncontrollable wildness. Morgan said on Sat save the purchase money and to invest it in urday he might join the ranks of the Federals paying the players tempting salaries. Infor if a suitable offer came along. mation that has leaked out from various soiirces indicates that the Organized Ball mag Johnson Jumps to Federals nates have anticipated the move and have CLEVELAND, O., August 5. A. Rankin taken steps to block it. This is the way it is Johnson, the right-handed pitcher, secured being accomplished: Every young player from Boston in the deal that made Vean. bought from the minor leagues is being signed Gregg a member of the Red Sox last Tuesday, to an air-tight contract that binds him not jumped to the Federal League today. He so only for the remainder of the present season informed the members of the Washington after he reports in the Fall, but for the 1,915 team here this morning, announcing that he ieason as well. Before a major club closes had closed with a representative of the Chi any deal or announces that ^ne is on, the cago Federals, and would leave at once to join player©s signature is obtained to a two-year Joe Tinker©s team. contract that will stand a legal test. It is pos A. J. SCHAUER sible that the same system will be used in the Brooklyn to Retain Eeulbach drafts, that is, all the drawing will be done Pitcher of the New York National League Club NEW YORK, N. Y., August 5. The Brook quietly at a star chamber session, the results lyn Club has withdrawn its request for waiv will be withheld from the public, and nothing A. J. ("Rube") Schauer, the young left-handed pitcher of the New York Giants, hai ers upon pitcher Ed Reulbach, the former Chi will be announced until the players have been the distinction of being the only Russian-born ball player to ever break into the big league. cago star. After seeing the veteran work out sewed up to new contracts. Thus, when the Schauer was born in Odessa, March 19, 1832. The most remarkable part of this young man©s against the Pirates in the second game of Sat Feds rush to the front to make the expected" rise in the base ball world liea in the fact that he did not come over to this country until urday©s double-header President Charles H. grand haul they will find that the plums are 19fl2, and naturally had no idea what a base ball looked like. The first ball game Schauer Ebbets decided to give him another chance. beyond their reach. ever played was in 1910, never having ercn played with amateur teams like most American boys. The following year he vraa pitching for the Mankata Commercial College team and Catcher Art Wilson is Stricken twirled such flue ball that he was signed by the Superior Club, of the Michigan Stata PITTSBURGH, Pa., August 5. Arthur More Trouble With Fraternity? League, during the Winter. Schauer won 28© games and lost but six in the first few BETROIT, .Mich., August 5. The Wash months of the campaign with the Superior Club and looked so good that tha New York Wilson, catcher for the Chicago Federals and ington players are still in a state of furious Club paid $10,000 for hia release in the middle of tho season. Schauer has been a member formerly of the New York Giants, is stricken discontent over President Johnson©s method of of tha Giants since and Manager McGraw is schooling him along in the belief that he is with appendicitis. It is not known now disposing of the riot case. Players Morgan due to be the greatest acmthpaw in the gam*. If Schauer ©advances as much in the next whether he will undergo an operation or not. and Ainsmith are on the bench under indefi three years as he has in the past three, lie will most likely fulfill Manager McGraw©s pre nite suspension, while Umpire Sheridan, who diction. He is six feet tall and weighs 183 pounds. McGraw is Suspended started the trouble by delivering the first NEW YORK, N. Y., August 5. Manager blow, is at work without so much as a repri McGraw, of the Giants, was yesterday sus mand, so far as the Washington players know. pended for five days because of his argument Manager Griffith thinks that Morgan was least with Umpire Byron on Monday. to blame of all and will fight to have his Fraternity, and insist upon Fultz taking up Sheridan©s release should be insisted upon at suspension lifted. John Henry, who was hit the matter with President Johnson, of the any cost. Mollwitz May Hare to Fight by a spectator with a chair during the row, American League a matter likely to precipi CINCINNATI, O., August 5. Mollwitz, in hi* official capacity as a director of the tate another crisis, in view of the antagonism Yerkes Jumps to Federals first baseman of. the Cincinnati Reds, may he Base Ball Players© Fraternity, is going to between Fultz and Johnson. The Washing-ton ST. LOUIS, Mb., August 4. The report called to war. He was once a lieutenant in «n»ke a full report to President Fultz, of the players are a unit in believing that Umpire from tine East tb»t Steve Yerkes, Boston Bed the Kaiser©s army and is still a reservist. SPORTING LIFE 8, 1914 FBAUCIS C. EICHTER, ED1TOB THOMAS D. KICHTBR, ASSISTANT EDITOR More of the Law©s Delay o td the Ordinal management for Konetchy and How- from Pittsburgh." A response well nigh in the af O THE MARSANS CASE IS POST rey, the rank and file of National pluggers here de firmative waa given. Rumor won©t dow% that taking THE "OLD ROMAN" HANKERS clared that the transfer meant a burgee for the Pitta- advantage of Fed activity. Max Carey held up the PONED UNTIL SEPTEMBER burghs. Mowrey and Koney, in Cardinal spangles, Pittsburgh Club for a three-year pact at a yearly FOR MORE TRAVEL had shown grand ball on Fortes Field. These men stipend of $7000. While nothing .certain is known of surely did thwart Corsair plans to clamber high in this matter, close observers are not quick to throw the races of 191.2-©13, et al. The doubt on the rumor. It©3 evident that Carey is a Because the Presumably Overwork DEAL LOOKED FINE TO BUGS - way-up salary-grabber. Is Now Planning a Tour of South who were then free to say that "Wilson would nerer TESTING FOR NEXT TEAR make a winning ball player; never hit in pinches; Satisfied that it©s 1914 policy of presenting a vet ed Court Could Not Spare, From Robinson was a seven-inning pitcher, and Jack Miller, eran team is a failure, the Pittsburgh management is America With His White Sox while a good man, couldn©t be compared to Koney." going to try young blood for 1915.
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