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Base Ball and Trap Shooting DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 5 PHILADELPHIA, APRIL A, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS BALL! The Killifer Injunction Case and the Camnitz Damage Suit Not Permitted to Monopolize Entirely the Lime Light, Thanks to Many League, Club, and Individual Squabbles and Contentions from the training camp with an injured knee, according to word last night from Strife is still the order of the day Manager Birmingham, who ordered him in professional base ball, in keeping home. With shortstop Chapman©s leg icith the general unrest all over the broken and the pitching staff cut into civilized icorld. Supplementary to by the jumping of Falkenberg, the crip the Killifer and Camnitz law suits pling of Leibold means that the Naps we hear of friction in the Federal will start the season in a bad way. League over the Seaton case and the Schedule, and arc compelled to chronicle the season©s first row on Dreyfuss on War Path a ball field. Manager McGraw. of PITTSBURGH, Pa., April 1. Presi the Giants, being the victim of an dent Dreyfuss, of the Pittsburgh National irate Texas League player. The lat Club, "started for Hot Springs Monday est news of a day in the wide field of Base Ball is herewith giv night, taking with him the original con en: tracts of the Pittsburgh players for exhi bition to Judge Henderson in the Cam nitz damage suit at Hot Springs. On the way President Dreyfuss will be joined at Cincinnati by Lawyer Ellis G. Kinkead, © To Settle Seaton Dispute who has prepared a brief of several hun . CHICAGO, Ills., April 1. Ed Goeckel dred pages showing the "mutuality" of tvas added to the Federal League staff of the ball players© contract. Mr. Dreyfuss umpires yesterday by President Gilmore, says that, as a counter move, he and other magnates in organized ball are plan making nine arbitrators. Goeckel made ning to attack the Federal League con a good reputation on local semi-profes tracts in court. "They have contended sional diamonds last year. R. B. Ward, that our contracts lack mutuality," he president of the Brooklyn Federals, is said. "Well, we are going to show that expected in Chicago today to settle with there is even less mutuality in theirs. President Weeghman. of the local club, They have started something that they the disposal of pitcher Tom Seaton. No will regret before many weeks." difficulty is expected in arranging the matter, according to Gilmore. From Shreveport comes word that Manager The Knitter Case Delayed Tinker, of the Chifeds, is keeping a close DETROIT, Mich., April 1. Samuel watch over his flock, as he has been in M. Clement, Jr., of Philadelphia, one of formed that Business Manager Shetts- the attorneys for the Philadelphia Club line, of the Phillies, is on his way here to in the Federal Court proceedings to re get pitcher Seaton to hurdle back to the Phillies. strain William J. Killifer, Jr., catcher of the Philadelphia Nationals, from playing base ball with any other than the Chicago Manager McGraw Assaulted Federals, announced here yesterday that HOUSTON, Texas, April 1. During the hearing in Grand Rapids on the .in Monday©s Houston-New York game Cap junction petition had been postponed tain Newnam, of Houston, and Manager from April 3 to Saturday, April 4. The McGraw, of the Giants, got into an alter attorneys are in conference here pre cation over something Snodgrass said. paratory to the opening of the hearing. Yesterday just after the Giants had finish HENRY GROH ed Jtheir workout for the afternoon, New Kahler and Blanding Sign nam approached McGraw, as the latter Second Baseman of the Cincinnati National League Club was passing through the grandstand to Henry Groh, the hard-hitting young second baseman of the Cincinnati Club, was born in CLEVELAND, O., April 1. George the field behind his men, and without Rochester 25 years ago. Dick Kinsella., the noted scout, now with the New Y©ork National Kahler and Fred Blanding are officially warning struck McGraw hard and sud Club, discovered Groh when he first b«gan to play the game on the sand lots of Rochester, signed with the Naps. The two pitchers, the town in which he was born and reared. At that time he was but IT years old. He it was learned yesterday, signed up after denly in the face. The blow cut McGraw©s broke into the professional game in 1SOS with the Oshkosh Club, playing short, and that season lip, knocked him down and dazed him. led the Wisconsin-Illinois shortstops in fielding. He remained in Oshkosh in 15KK) and 1910 a conference with Nap officials and their The latter gathered himself together, and improved wonderfully in batting and fielding, hitting .289 in 1900 and .207 in 1910. In attorneys Tuesday night and returned to the Fall of 1910 he was drafted by the Deeatur Club, and joined that team in tho Spring of Atlanta, Ga., at once to finish Spring went into the hotel and had his lip dress tho following :«j«on, He played just half tho season with Decatur when the New York Club ed with court plaster and returned to the bought him for $3300. Tho New York Club sent Groh to the Buffalo Club, but retained con training. Both men jumped Federal grounds. There was no spectators in trol of him until 1913, when he was traded to the Cincinnati dub, with which-team he has League contracts but did not sign with the park at the time, as it was early, developed into a star player despite his small stature. the Naps until advised to do so by the and besides it was threatening rain and lawyers. i a game was doubtful. Half Holiday in Honor of Federals Federal League©Schedule Tangles of Pittsburgh being in the Western cir burgh owners, Gwinner and Kerr, left ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 1. The PITTSBURGH, Pa., April 1. It was for the Windy City last night to attend House of Delegates late on Tuesday night cuit of the National League and the East unanimously, passed a joint resolution to learned yesterday at local Federal head ern end of the new Federal organization the meeting. quarters that the real reason for not giv make April 13 a half holiday in Balti ing out the Federal League©s schedule is has bothered the schedule makers con more city in honor of the opening of the the fact that some of the magnates are siderably. Another meeting has been call More Cleveland 111 Luck Federal League base ball season. Indi not satisfied with the apportionment of ed for today in Chicago to try and CLEVELAND, O., April 1. Nemo Lei- cations are that the resolution will meet games on their home grounds. The fact straighten out the tangle, and the Pitts bold, Nap outfielder, is 011 his way here with no opposition in the Senatet SPORTING LIFE , 1914 FKANCIS C. KICHTEK, EDITOR THOMAS D. BICHTEK, ASSISTANT EDITOR Jennings Speaks Out oreturned to that club before being sub Tuesday, May 19, instead of the day following, P. BET WEEN ORGANIZED BALL AND mitted to Class AA leagues in case of re first intended. The race will end on September 20 THE TIGERS© BOLD MANAGER lease by a major league clubs. "I have and the schedule will call for the playing of 129 THE PLAYERS games by each club, each playing 60 contests at home ENTERS CLAIM written to Mr. Fultz and I do not believe and the same number abroad. It is proposed to p:o- any protest will be filed after he receives vide all the leading independent clubs of Western Michigan with copies of the league schedule that ar my letter," said Mr. Herrmann. rangements may be made whereby each club of the Lawyer-Leader Fultz Is of Opinion league can arrange exhibition games covering a greater To a Sure Place in the First Divi part of the 17 off days made under the new schedule That the National Commission arrangements. Another © departure .decided upon was that there shall be no practice between innings, which sion for His Former Champion The 1914 Season to Start oa May 19 and is expected to make the games snappier and played in Is Wrong in Its Ruling on Section shorter time. A prize will be awarded the umpire Team in the American League to End on September 20. who runs through his games in the least average time for the season. President E. VV. Dickerson announced 18 of Agreement With Players* LUDINGTON, Miqh., March 31. Editor "Sporting that Frank Rossback, of Detroit, would be the only Race Soon to Open, Life." Harmony was the watchword at the Michigan member of the 1913 umpiring staff returned this sea State League©s annual schedule meeting held here on son. Harry Parent, with the league for three years, March 22, winding up with a big banquet at the BY FEEDEBICK Q. LIEB. Stearns hotel with more than one hundred of the city©s goes to the Western League and Carter, of last year©s BY E. A. BATOHELOB* * - leading citizens seated around the festive board. It staff to the Kansas-Oklahoma, League. George Schafer, NEW YORK, March 28. A new dis was decided, that the circuit should remain intact as of South Bend, is a new appointment. DETROIT, Mich., March 31. tlnless pute between the National Commission in 1913. The sentiment was general that the season decided to open th« league championship season on some of the men who are now being tout and the Base Ball Players© Fraternity of 1914 would be far and away the most successful in ed to make good explode suddenly, th« the organization©s history.
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