Giants and Dodgers Also Triumph Shawkey Collapsesin Ninth
Ruth's Twentieth Home Run Wins for Yankees . Giants and Dodgers Also Triumph in Ninth Shawkey Collapses Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feelin'? By BRIGGS Yale Doubles After Pitching Brilliantly Copyright, 1020, New York Tribune Inc. Harvard Tally In Ouiiiii (¿ors to Rescue of Bob the -Gob; Shocker, véneto, As a travelling ANiD ALL KINDS OF v? -AMD You ARE PLAYW6 /NJ Second Game MAtO YOU HAVE HAß To P^T DISCOMFORT US) HARD Old Jinx of Is Hit in Pinehes -RAILROADS LUCK IM G6TTirJ<S Hugmen, Freely (JP IAJITH FIERCE HOTF/L ^_^_^_.y .,,,,-/,,._ orders fron-% Buyers Coxe Outpitches Goode and and Is Compelled to Give Way to Van Gilder A. CC 0 r*A otDaTI 0 NJ 5 Elis Tie the Annual Se¬ ries by Winning, 4 to 2 flpnHal DUratrh to Th* Tribun* - ST. LOUIS, June 2."..--The Yankees brought their Western trip to a KIN GivE \ From a ¡Special Correspondent r'o.-e to-day with a 6 to 3 victory over the Browns. "Babe" Ruth hit his WûO A COT OR ) CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 23.-Yale evened the twentieth home run of the season, and Urban Shocker, pitching for the« YEH KIN r-.7 up series with Harvard this . x afternoon 4 to on Sol- Browns, was batted out %i the box for the second time during the series, DOUBLE ÜPy.í/1 by winning, 2, r / diers' Field, before a commencement lx\ the ninth Bob Shawkey, to Austin, suddenly crumpled U)lTH A inning pitching MAMsi fa ^-¡j week crowd of 15,000.
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