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'T^ i'.' r- " ■'.r. f v" ■ ii ■ V - *: v;- . , ■■';; V - f ' ,j- ' . ‘ ’■. ■ XHB WBATHBR n b ITPRESS r u x Ftwecaat br O. S. Weatlmr Oareaa, ^ I Siait Uavcn AVERAGB DAILY CIHCDLATIOX for the month of November, 1028 Fair tonight; Friday increasing 5,237 cloadinefls.' .Member of the 'Andit Darean of ^ >-i ‘ ■'6' Clrcnlatlona (P. O. So. BIanchester,'pi>nn.>, PRICE THREE CENT’S MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928. v oL ja n ., NO. 51. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PARAGUAY FOR CHENEY GOODS Search for Fiend’s Victim ARBITRATION, TOUPHOISTER 1 LEAGUE TOLD! ‘T lN E SrA U T O REPORT READ ! • ______ ---------- I But Note to Council Adds!Local Firm Gets Contract Judge Has Doubts as to Woman Ruler Rallies However . i i. 1 ^ , Which Raises Hopes of That Bolivia is Not In from Reo for Special Line Right to Function So Or For Selling Liquor Doctors at Bedside— Bul clined to Settle Border of Custom-Built Cars; ders New Panel— Funds letin Says Monarch Was HiGh Quality Work. of Embezzler Traced. Lansing, Mich., Dec. 13.-—Etta months. Good behavior cut this, Dispute. Miller, 48, mother of ten children, tifiie to less than a year, most of was in jail here today a'waltinG sen which was served in the Ingham Not LosinG Ground— Next Hartfdrd, Conn,, Dec. 13.— The tence of life imprsonment, while county jail. , Cheney Brothers, local silk firm, ' \ , f BULLF-TIN Grand Jury Investigating the af state-wide protest against her fate Her fourth conviction here yes have been aw’arded the contract for terday was for delivering two pints 24 Hours Will Be Crucial IVasliingtoii, Occ. 13.— Be fairs of.RoGer W. Watkins, a for gathered momentum,, and appeals the weaving of a special upholstery for her pardon were carried to Gov, of Gin. A jury of ten men and two cause of alleGed provocative mer broker now in state prison, measures by Bolivia, war is for the Reo Motor Car Company. Fred. W. Green. Under the new women found her Guilty after de Period. iiumineiit between Paraguay was dismissed by JudGe L. P. Wal criminal code the life sentence Is liberating three hours. The fabric Is to be of the finest Whether Mrs.'Miller will be sen and Bolivia. do Marvin In Superior Court today, mandatory and Judge Charles B. Cheney quality and will be used In J. -’ tenced today or next week depends This was the Gist today of and the sheriff directed to empanel ColllnGwood is required to Impose a special series of Custom-built such sentence, on Mrs. Miller after on t'ae technical procedure adopted BULLETIN! identic notes from the Para a new Grand Jury, to report next guayan Governnient which her conviction yesterday of a fourth by Barnard Pierce, pi'osecutlng at London, Dec. 13. — ^KinG cars. Monday. JudGe Marvin acted after torney. If he asks Judge Colling- George was more than hold were delivered by the Charge Fvclusive Model violation of the-prohibition law. dMffaires, Juan Ramirez, to Ralph p. W’elles, iQcal attorney, She is the first woman to receive wood to Impose the life sentence inG his own in Ids grim fiGht Kef'.ently the Reo company an for the fourth offense itself, the for life late this afternoon. Secretary of State KelloGG and nounced a special line of cars to he read a lenGthy report tellinG of a life sentence under the new code.. to Victor M. Maurtua, Peruvi She has never beeii convicted of any code requires that the judGe follow But, while the attending made to order, ownership of which many, details of the doings of Wat that course. Under this plan Mrs. doctors and the royal family an minister, who is chairman would be most exclusive. The auto crime except selling or deliverinG of tlic l*an-American confer kins’ attorney who defended him In liquor. The total of her three pre-_ Miller would be sentenced immedi- were encouraged, it was admit '1 mobiles are to be unique, the finest ted in authoritative quarters ence's special mediation com American-built product on the mar “ That's where I threw the body,” declared Peter Kudzihowski, left, his trial early in the fall. vious sentences was less than 14 i tely. to Captain Harry Walsh and two troopers of the New Jersey state police that the KinG is passing mittee. ket. Everything that enters Into JudGe Marvin expressed the wish throuGh the worst crisis since The notes reiterated charG th«m must be the best obtainable. as they searched for the body of his third murder victim. Kudzinow- that the next Grand Jury might be ski previously had confessed to the killinG of a 7-year-old New York boy he took sick more than three es that Bolivia is massing It is expected tha'. not over 1,000 corap.osed of the men who were dis weeks ago. troops and war supplies on the such cars will be conf tructed._ and and a section hand near Scranton, Pa. Then he told of lurinG away charged toda/, so they might Go on “ CONGRESS IS BECOMING and murdering Julia Mlodzianowski. 5, of Jersey City. Here is shown After two of the royal phy- frontier. not over one of them will be distri from the point where the men then sisian. Sir Stanley Hewitt and Private dispatches to Sec buted to any one town or city out the search for her body in the Delaware river between Columbia, N. J., reportinG to him had left off. and Slateford, Pa. Lord Dawson of Penn visited retary li^clloGG however, did side of the metrpolitan areas. Mr. Welles told of the investiga Buckingham Palace at 2:30 it not indicate such a Grave sit Studied by Designers tion uncoverinG many “ liquor law CLUB OF MILLIONAIRES” was officially stated by a pal- uation as described by Rami Cheney Brothers’ designers were NICKLES AND DIMES violations” and asked the JudGe if 'ace attendant that the KinG rez. There is no evidence, Kel sent to New York City to study the NEW ENGLAND LEADS TO GO ROUND WORLD the jury w’as supposed to go into wa.s making progress. loGG said, that Bolivia is niO' latest in automobile upholstery and such matters. Judge Marvin in re MACHINE BREAKS The patient's temperature bilizinG large numbers of immediately set to work. Saraples- New York, Dec. 13.— Enough ply declared that the matter was So Says Rep. Black Who was still above normal. troops. were woven and one design was nickles laid end to end to en up to the Grand Jury entirely. They HARDEST STEEL The doctors were hopeful chosen by the Reo officials. The NATION IN THRIFT circle the world at the equator roust decide whether such affairs ‘ that tlio draining of pus from contract was signed and the Cheney one and two-thirds times! Grasp affected the Watkins case. Would Limit CampaiGn Ex the of the right lunG Lugano, Switzerland, Dec. lo. looms will soon be turniinG out the this and you have some idea of Expressing the belief that doubt Operated by Hand It Exerts Paraguay today informed the would alleviate the weakened fine fabric. the volume of business done bv existed as to the rights of the 600.000 Pounds Pressure Per condition of the heart. LeaGue of Nations Council that the Tribute to Quality Woolworth 5 and 10 cent stores Grand Jury to function. JudGe Mar penses t() $3,000; Would Paraguayan government is w’illinG A member of the firm of Cheney Per Capita Savings Amount during the past year. vin discharged the jury and order Square Inch. to arbitrate the frontier dispute 'While KinG George is still in the Brothers told The Herald Tlve yearly report of the Wool- ed steps taken to form a new one. gravest danger, followinG two lung with Bolivia. that the contract is a good sized worth Company reveajs that Funds Traced ChanGe Present Law. Cambridge, Mass., Dec, 13. One communication already has to $569; Bay State Ahead — Although he had Invented a operations, his miraculous rally af one, but not so large that It will $272,000,000 worth of Goods The report of the Grand Jury as ter the arrival in London of his eld been received from Bolivia setting make any noticeable difference in was sold at nickel and dime re read by Mr. Welles traced the funds machine capable of 600,000 pounds pressure per square est son, the Prince of Wales, aGain forth the Bolivian government’s po local workinG conditions. R ‘S. tail. A bit of simple mathraatics of Watkins from the time that he ■ Washington, Dec. 13.— Declaring sition in the boundary controversy, of Them All. ' inch. Prof. P. W. Bridgeman, raised hope today for his recovery. however, a great testimonial to the shovys that this represents 5,- was in the hands of attorneys. Of that the country “ does not want a It was obvious, however, that these but it is expected that another mes hiGh quality of Cheney goods, and 440.000.000 nickels or 2,'72p,- the money that Watkins once pos of the Harvard University De sage will be received shortly. railllonaire Congress,” Rep. LorlnG partment of Physics, today hopes were hanging upon slender may be the means of brinGing a 000,000 dimes. sessed. Mr. Welles, declared, “ there threads The Paraguayan note, which was considerable more such business to Washington, Dec. 13—Thrift was Is $59,000 still to be accounted M. Black (D) of New York, today was In hopes of perfectinG the an answer to the message sent by arrangement of the invention Even the royal physicians, now the local firm In the future.