Harmony Rules Convention As the Nominations Continue
THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Forecast br D. S. Weather nareaab « Near Havea AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of May, 1028 5 , 1 4 0 iEufttum Fair tonight; Friday partly cloudy. Heaibet of t^e Andii Unrean ot Clrenlatlona PRipE THREE CENTS ,^°!!r^tJRTEEN PAGES) VOL. X U L , NO. 231, Classified^ Advertising on Page 12, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928, BANDITS TRY WISCONSIN STAGES A DEMONSTRATION <S> - - HARMONY RULES CONVENTION T O W COP WITH HAMMER lA AS THE NOMINATIONS CONTINUE Flood of Oratory Drenches Perspiring Delegates as Fa Bat Darien Policeman Hand 1 Dry And Farm Planks cuffs Them to Auto and vorite Sons Are Named— Cheers Every Time Smith s Recovers 95 Women’s / Satisfy Both Sides Name is Mentioned— Platform Agreed Upon to Satis faction of All Factions, Is latest Report. Dressed Houston, Texas, June 28.— A<|>publican Party for its failure to ] enact remedial legislation. ❖ strict law enforcement plank. In sharp contrast to the bitter <9---------- pledging the Democratic Party to tights which have rocked the Dem A BIRD’S EYE VIEW Darien, Conn., June 28.— Police Sam Houston Hall, Houston, OF THE SITUATION enforce rigidly the Eighteenth 1 ocrats in the past, the long meeting Texas, June 28.— Peace and har man Amos Anderson today battled Amendment as well as all other of the drafting cornmittee of four Houston, Texas, June 28.—;■ three colored men, arrested them, teen members was peaceful and mony, long strangers at Democratic provisions of the constitution, was | harmonious. conventions, loomed large over Sam Here is a bird’s eye view of the recovered several thousand dollars situation in the Democratic written into the platform today by j “ it was the most pleasant and Houston Hall today as the weary ■worth of wearing apparel stolen the resolutions sub-committee fol- I harmonious meeting of the kind I ve convention today.
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