1 IE Ly , Has Announced That He Will Have 1100,000 of English Money to Bet Thai the English Polo Team Will Lift the a It HO E Cup
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HONOLULU STAfrBULLETIX, FRIDAY, SEPt; C, 1912. ' V7 V?T7 . T7 v News By Comment .. and , .Edited.:; . i, ..... V. (ST AH). j Written Experts r L. REDIlIGTOir BRITISH POLOISTS HORSEMEN ANOTHER IJILOS or:r CHESSPLAYERS ; CONFIDENT OF 1913 British mm KEENER VICTORY OVER M. S. m WAY NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. L W. THE STARS A. Rembert Hall of the Polo Month- ' 1 IE ly , has announced that he will have 1100,000 of English money to bet thai the English polo team will lift the A It HO E cup . from the American team next ; DISCUSSED Wm year. In his statement h essays: I UllliU "The English feel quite confident j ikl. ........ .frit , I. ...Ml ., l ..... f iuib jcitr kudi mtjr win niu uic mier T"'":.: Senior Six Out at Daylight Th:: Expect To Be in San Francisco national match. So confident are they Authority Gives Advice Oil the Double Header for Tomorrow Morning in money is now on the way here to for Practics th: : Re-tu- rn that Of In- Afternoon with Game Be- About Sept. 15 and Will cover some American bets. We have Training of oarsmen Harbor Kulumnnu II U:: J to Honofulu Direct, but one lot on England of $50,000 and an' terest to Honolulu Boating . 1 tween Big Islander and Stars for Healani Coaching Lcjr.:Ii with a New York Main- other lot banker of Men - as Feature Closer. Some Will Remain on 150,000 to place that English team the The Myrtle rowing men ar8 net r a- land wui-w- lu im Rnwinfr U the snort of the hour in The Hilo bait team will get its sec- ting the Healanls steal' any marches Honolulu: - everything a local aggregation to- on ithem, even boys, Vho of of and- pertalnlns ii, ond chance at if the latter have a The. Chinee baseball witS.SJ many men who morrow tho men new ex- louring SiUes ft.SvJ earSSg tor to It is of interest to afternoon, when brand boat with which they have bcn the United. Big go against the pect to sweep Rt-it- U six months, Sdo1Thav1 oar' and from the Jsland the Harbor and Canada for the last legs Of : League, In the Day. The- - Red are cc'.- -j of their S;inne7n straighten their ptr the slide. Stars of the Senior oarsmen' are now on the home stretch e of discus- - second game of a double header, to some tall hustling ;to get their creT.a Journey. According to the latest mail .tWrally known he said. rhasnloV i- - 7,i J sion over training; methods, and it, is be played at Athletio Park..k , . in the best pcsslUe shape fsr tv.3 V.z Treasurer Hang " advices received from The opening game, which will be doings of the 21st, and with th : ''"i players expect to thUeTsorat Hu i i Chack, the Honolulu started at 1:30 sharp, .will be be- in view the' senior crew 13 turz!" : . In San FrancUco about: Septem-te-r Weigh was owled by the Duke.of to at rive ' v ' tween and.' Whites of the tor dayltent practice. as.wcll as - V Westminster. The English are :Sg.05!Ul u""u' the Asahis j tzl'.zz fifteenth. :': outto ". "nt". - the usual sundown spin. -- sculling: League. the teams to. year leaving- - thority on bothrowing and Junior Thesevare majority of the boys will return win next and they are no lf-rt- !2' - A . Thla morning at 5.20 tha some them will re- stone unturned to crown next good coach, in the early, stases that tied for the first half of the Honolulu, as of their lor was In z : 2 training a crew not under league series, the ;Asahls , winning out six the birr?. zizi:'-- sume school duties. Some have efforts with the successful raising of rof " v their - eyea all day. will suggest to the in the three-gameerie- s.. ' t t smooth surface of the, barter, nr. I a to remain on the cups- ' ' his a desire the - " : : ' ' ' 1 " opretsed "' - ! some put practically same fine sight they maia tha mainland,' while one of them. Sing men that they shall do without Hilo will the fr- t' I gers ot. the two.. Inccr:!- the crack centerflelder. rival! team in the field that; defeated the stsir Hung Ho, overthe shortstop's grounder picked aggregation last Wednesday Ventura and Chiyo Jlaru. cherishes a strong ambition to enter A; Akana busied one through second. f The freshmen the HeaJml Cl Hung com- by a 3 to 2 score. Ed. Desha, jthe cf college in the states. Sing and when Schmlck put the boots ?' had chance to test cut. t!:a the McKInlev thosetF''inwnthings they most desire;StTo a best, boxman that .the visitors jan a r pleted bis course at tap,Ayau again dented the - targe yesterday !" year ago and; will un- Kanjen's trot, out, will again perform,- match- afterrcr, r"t,"T High School a t0 sc-ia- ra I ; to after the l n doubtedly a name himself as rtc; 'f h' ' ; Pipes, or three or four cigarettes, at ing 'his slants against those of out, thboat hi make fjr ."S orZ fh Ra- out for a spin.' It was r as an athlete. ; Be- old friend Barney Joy, Heine . fc.rl ttf a student as well couple of the oarlo-k- s wcr? !. ex- e, days . receiving end cf an iYASSIi number relinquished as the phael will be at the sides a baseball player.'he is fniK" the and enly a f: n:!nutr3 cz tv roccer football and a sprinter. Sii JifnS In addiUon to such luxuries as i the Star battery, owing to the fact after tort in "a?3fJl carr.a . ! r Poking ,Schuman'-l- 3 on slides, the Freshmen', ia r University of Wis- and drinking, the daily food that "Scotty" over :. Ho has selected the SSSP trans-shlrre- d Kulur.-r.- " though Ayau SSS: f last - ' ; ' to mater. V; of ; the oarsmen must be reduced, or Molokal deer hunting.; v consin as his alma Lejeune which only- - uA.... new was rapidly r'-- in Eva--- '. out to lacked a : organ- will boat " perhaps I should say properly Sunday the Hlloltea tackle the did I ever thlnk.vwhen I. used ".. ever; it!'-- ! "Little lew feet of hurdling the fence. ' - - v r Ha-wai- is bof and will te r.s?i re- ised. ; : ; Asahis, with the P A. C.s and j" drawing card of late. The latest But It wasn't - so easy ! for .us to' afternoon. great Good Diet, Necessary. playing an exhibition, game for ports . said that they played a column. Lejeune ' Yesterday afternoon .T;rijf break into the run .' ; ' ; r. to say. all curtain raiser. , ., grme at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and bat It is perfectly safe that the fast power yach. H.. Wrun K'irr'ir - game Grspd Raplda brokers ef-,mtv- ot rn?'-h'r.- a lest the to the . a a n .tvtrjh. the lot, the .fruit of his neces-fortbein-g the; four other clubs.' So" the youn.? rain usd League by the Ihe daily list, and, if ' team of the Central ; ; ; companyin? .the r. a puny pop to muscle-formin- anything by hi :Fi!in! n a second. To g man will not, lose ' -, 3 2. ; ? ' v gary,, g00d substances Work-out- . !.- close score of to i - ' their T e start the seventh auspiciously, L. how-Akam- a act of living upto his. word. yrit amount or The amateur' must, n- - .The following is an the to-lef- subited,- the only thtng.in it ;;; muffled a iner Q,ew:notaii-toto..that::TeryHmmo- - "To point to his record since ar- te Yr i. given by Rapids : rame as the Grand in bis m)lt from Koehler's war club., In big league: The first keep up with a crew whn - : w f eUin the run down. riving the Hprald: August 23: h in..Phlladel-phl- a bend their barks .to n After Lejeune struck .out. Apau Kau . -- . Eppa .was te o1, did I ever thing, when I used j it is not. so much the time started to h "Little issuedhls.on free Ucketto, Mont- - tng, shortly r arriving la town. makes a splshili cra.'t to take my father's shirt to the little Quantitr of food eaten as the quality. after and coach from. corner, that I'd Upon that occasion Rtxey was not in lanndry around the condition, was knock- play f But-- the best of and ever be out watching Chinamen !. -- Ui"",y and fruit can all be eaten.: ba - ting Koehler on. third. Barkwell . , . slab in four innin?3.- Ilia Vsseball," remarked Billy Gilbert of butter (except ln , smalI quanti. ed off the . Bostny. e stole second and . Schmlck drove one second' appearance .was In Ih-J- to Manager Goat Anderson of tiea')f8aUEage3 and such like articles center, good two through ; : -- Tin good condition Wheeling yesterday afternoon at Is- to for bases 4must be forsaken - Rixey had; his arm ' ' the misjudgment of the tienter field-- ; then and shut out the heavy hitting land park. , . ter a few; weeks' of dieting the er. home the pair ahead ; - gh performance locked "S'jre, I never dreamed the7 had it whlchsenr a wiu find that,-althou- he Braves. v This t good, simply smile In tten,'! reeronded Goat;"'Did you 0 L,hlm" ??mAdt ram,med lefi may lose weight his body will .but Ross Rooin i ' got a double Snapshots Day ; watered ct-- r m that, now?" ,L.kama.for alI galn.io strength 'and vitality, r; In taken at the Labor races.