1 IE Ly , Has Announced That He Will Have 1100,000 of English Money to Bet Thai the English Polo Team Will Lift the a It HO E Cup
HONOLULU STAfrBULLETIX, FRIDAY, SEPt; C, 1912. ' V7 V?T7 . T7 v News By Comment .. and , .Edited.:; . i, ..... V. (ST AH). j Written Experts r L. REDIlIGTOir BRITISH POLOISTS HORSEMEN ANOTHER IJILOS or:r CHESSPLAYERS ; CONFIDENT OF 1913 British mm KEENER VICTORY OVER M. S. m WAY NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. L W. THE STARS A. Rembert Hall of the Polo Month- ' 1 IE ly , has announced that he will have 1100,000 of English money to bet thai the English polo team will lift the A It HO E cup . from the American team next ; DISCUSSED Wm year. In his statement h essays: I UllliU "The English feel quite confident j ikl. ........ .frit , I. ...Ml ., l ..... f iuib jcitr kudi mtjr win niu uic mier T"'":.: Senior Six Out at Daylight Th:: Expect To Be in San Francisco national match. So confident are they Authority Gives Advice Oil the Double Header for Tomorrow Morning in money is now on the way here to for Practics th: : Re-tu- rn that Of In- Afternoon with Game Be- About Sept. 15 and Will cover some American bets. We have Training of oarsmen Harbor Kulumnnu II U:: J to Honofulu Direct, but one lot on England of $50,000 and an' terest to Honolulu Boating . 1 tween Big Islander and Stars for Healani Coaching Lcjr.:Ii with a New York Main- other lot banker of Men - as Feature Closer. Some Will Remain on 150,000 to place that English team the The Myrtle rowing men ar8 net r a- land wui-w- lu im Rnwinfr U the snort of the hour in The Hilo bait team will get its sec- ting the Healanls steal' any marches Honolulu: - everything a local aggregation to- on ithem, even boys, Vho of of and- pertalnlns ii, ond chance at if the latter have a The.
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