THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1914. 3k3

first offerlnit for n, oretty line single REDS MAKE WINNING THEY'VE HELPED IN PUTTING SKIDS UNDER GIANTS FOR LAST THREE .DAYS centre. Casey moved to socond on S I SKEETERS FINALLY rather wide throwln that failed to Dalton, who scored behind Heulbach. Zach Wheat hit big Mao's second toss for er RALLY EARLY IN DAY single to the same spot. This hit GET ONE IN TORONTO scored Daulwrt and Htengel. It Is doubt ful If four runn ever were manufactured In faster time. Wheat stole second as Cutshaw missed his third strike. Egan's jn sVroml llnnnd Tlioy Gather grounder to Wagner let .icti take third. Only Victory of Series of Ffvfj to scoro when 1 tonus fumbled badly on feK llims nnd Five Hits Bmtth. flnmwi In Second Contosf. The brace of runs off McQuillan In the Off .Toff. Ixth were earned rather cheaply. Dal of Double Bill. ton singled through Wagner nnd Myers ran for him. Coilms's throwln of Dau- - bert's single carried wide nnd on tho er- flKTN'i MO UK THAN PLENTY ror Myers tallied, Jiko moving to second. GTLBETtT GOOD IN PINCHK3 The captain pilfered third and sooted on Wheats short fly to vlox. The latter had to rush out at ton speed for the Straight. From Giants, Texas Leaguer and was not able to halt Holds Canndlans nnd Gotfl On) Third In time for a throw to the plate. Who Tnn't, Hit Pitching Pittsburg's only run came In the third. Pnn Margin In Sorcn With ono out Mowrey singled. Wagner of Douglass. walked apd Kelly hlngled, tilling the bases. TnningH. Konetchy dropped a Iltiky Texns leaguer behind I"gan, on which Mowrey was ablo to score, neullacli pulled himself out of Inr days thee or the triullni; three a hole when he struck out both Vlox and INTEHNATIONAL LEAGUE, League. I Coleman. The score ! twins In the National All three FIKVT (JAMK. took a drubbing yesterday. The PTTTSllURO (N, Ij.) I I1KOORT.TN (V. T YeteTdrs Ttesnlt. won thtlr third strnlght from the tlanU; ab r h p e ab r h p a e Toronto. 1"; Jersey City, (first rsme). 4 n 1 2 ii 0 t)aIton,ef. 4 2 3 4 0 0 Jersey City, 3: 3 (second Bos-ton- s Colllne.rf Toronto. am Quskers roughed the Cubs; tho 4 1 1 th 30311 0: ivutxrt.lh 2 9 7 0 Montreal, 2; Newark, (first tame; teo ls smite, the Ctrdlnals.' Tho Braves M' 3 0 1 2 0 Oi.Mf lirol.rf. 4 0 12 10 nlnis 2 0 0 0 0 1' Wtuat.lf. 4 0 1 4 0 0 Montreal, ;: Newark. 1 (second ranvO won In i Insrd.Sb cam from behind unil the tenth, W'nwr.M 4 II 0 3 .1 1 IValiaw.Sb 3 1 3 4 4 0 Biirraln, fi; l'roidfnce, S (first fame) fireat excitement '.n the Hack Hay. And Krlly.rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .. 4 0 0 0 1 1 Burtalo. 6; ITovldence. 4 (secoml rame K'n' 2 0 r 0 0 3 0 Brooklyn during thrso. upsets? 0 Smltli.ib.. 113 10 Rochester, 3; Baltimore. (first ramet. There was 2 0 0 3 0 0 Fls'lier.e. 8 113 0 0 Rocheslrr, 3; Baltimore, 2 (second rsniel. Only engaged In trampling tho Pirates Vl(il.:tl... 4 0 1 1 4 0illef(er,p.. 3 0 0 0 3 0 Olbann.C. ntamllng f the riuh. climbing ; 411611. trice nd out of liiKt place AiUniMi. 2 0 0 1 2 Oj Totals ..32 710 2713 1 W L. PC W Tj. PC.) that's ell C'nt'n.p. 1 0 0 0 0 o' Baltimore... 10 .o:Toronto.. .. 4 44 ,foa Rochester... M 40 .'Newark 44 41 ,4i Vrslerdny's Result. Total, .Ml"? 84U 2' IluRslo.. C4 44 ,t Montreal.,... 5P let llttsburr 0--1 ProTlrtence., 62 41 ,M7lJersey City, 31 M iV rinrtr' it' 6. New York, 1. Hrnnlriyn 01000000 o w -- i. T. Pittsburg, 1 (first 0303100 ..7 's Hehednle. fl-- tin') Vi, Pltthurr, 1 .se-un- l rnnfl, First bttA on r"Tor Wttsbura'. 1: Prooldyn. Newark In Montreal, pWi to. ciii.-.iro- . t. 1. on ba -- l1ttbur-, 7; ltrooklyn. 3. - t s. It Iltbone t.alle-O- 1; ort rrii' .'t I..m den Inuliicei. First nil ft Adauia. Wrf. Aug. 1. Toronto nnd Jersey No for Irr, 2. .Struck nut Py Adams. 2, ti) Cotiiel. Toronto, men, 1; by 3. of I'felter, Daubert. City divided the double hill but Drolled Hemline the Clubs. Too base tilt llltnon, Collins. Daltiin. llail-ber- t. PeerHlce hit Cutshax. Stolen base Oil. the former can-le- off four of five games shaw. Double pity Wsimer and Hyatt. Wild of the won I I M I I ('I i II - I I series. The lesafs th first THIRD " FlIlftT BAHRMA.V Jini.LWIW. pitch I'fefter. Jllt Olt Adams, In lour and 10 to 8 hy hard hitting. Wagner pitched nAJRA. AinilOlT. s BMRF otuvthlrd lnnlnrs; oft Contelmsn. 4 In tbrre "'J ami s I mil rut. Hnipirn In chief Klrm. only a fair game, but his triple In the Field umpire Kmslle. Time 1 hour aiul II second with the bases full was the feature. " - u b Cincinnati. : New York. 4. First base mliiutra. u.i 'g b hat's HF.CONT) - I ort t. OAMH. Ollbert held the locals ssfe In pinches, w in litllsOtf Douglas, Terean. Struc'.i ii 2 - O t. ou- rtj by Tesre-m- liy DODGERS LEAVE LAST (N. IirookijYN (N " l- Douila.i, 4. t, Wiltsc, pnTsnuRO i thus ensbllng the Hkeeters to jke the ' I Holm run Twu b.i hlte Morati. 11 p e, an n p e Nfw York 0 7 B S3 31 j.Ot (rolt. an r u r a second, a eeven affair, 3 to 5. The ptnlen I'oylo. Hurne, f 0 1 3 8, " llnhrrteoti. tne Mehcili. rf 10 l' 12 10V : Dnubto and ilroh. a) v I J u 0 1 0 0 0 0 scoreet CMcs'tol "Vj"" pH'lt J0JT 63 42 3 Itoiri'tiioii. Airj.i vit.'ijciSi 11 Jill hy pllehrd ball lly Teweati ((iroh. Clarkei. PLACE. WINNING BOTHj 4 1 2 2 0 liltum' 1 0 1 1 0 FIRST (SAME. T)?1 I llit-- On In lntilnje: off 8 0 1 4 2 311 0 0 sTlotIs ft tOjtl tt 45 j Ml Trtrenu. etclit 0 l'D' I JBRSKT CITY (I. IO I TORONTO a. I Wllt"e, 1 In ono Innliic I'mulrn In thief limy. or 4 0 2 s 0 i!Menrei,ri t. 1 3 4 u ab r h ti u el ab r Ii D s utnplre-lohn.o- n. 1 4 1 01 4 0 pylori S'lll ft 4 4 8 4S 41 .VX), Jlyroti. Field Time hour K'n' 0 19 Wheat.lf.. WrlrM.lf 1 4 0 0 I Wllsnn.lf, R o 1 4 0 e -- o 1 r. 0 1110 i uti.l mlittites. vin h t r'.iixvc.ih 4 0 0 Fitip'k,:b r. 2 2 4 Cincinnati S In o Ot?TFIK.MIF.Il 4001x0 111 .;3jio'7j 4!74l TWOMni.V. 4 0 0 4 2 0 Inek.3Ii. . R 0 S 0 2 e JS i WZX&i. I 5 I llurs.Jll.. Hitters Hit nnd Pitchers Pitch, 3 1 0 1 4 piinadelphla "5 ftj HAWAIIAN PITCHER GOES WELL. Willi4 l.ehr,:h.. liFiiher.ii.. o 42 49 0 0 .482 117 0 . j 1 7 1 s 1 l'tyi.rl... 4lllt rnrsi,it 0 ft 4 30140 O Toole.p t 0 OiR'Ibaoh.p. 110 10 4 0 1 11 3 0lO' 4 Urnoklyn 8 5 6 nj 3 4 113 derrlcked. flwteney doubled and soored Being Crushed hy 13 10ft ln ,Ontilche Jolinsnn Pirates M'0'Ian.p lOOOOOj Murp' 4 0 0 2 3 OIKiry.rt... 4 f 1 3 2 0 firnit Wolter Keating sec- 1 11 on Keating' elnglo. took tllyatt... 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 8t 10 14 37 0 2 u Kelley.c... 4 PhUDUft "s1 "! S It 91 3 - NEWYORKSWINSIX Tiler.i'.. 12 11 13 4ft ' Karls- l'nrt of Journey. ond on the throw and went to third on 7 to 1 and 10 to 1. lhonrn.D u wstrner.n. 3 1 1 1 0 Totals.,3 1 "i 24 IS 4l 1200031 1 0 0 01 - (Hsifs LosT" Will-lam- s, Hoono's hoist. Daley and Cook walked. Reyn'lds - SS 1C'4S 4S 44 4''ll 31' 3M DcTT.orr, Aug. 1. Hrodlo In w John silattnl for Coleman the sixth Innlnr. 0 0 o 'i u i oiaie. t 1 J4 13 V J Tigers' filling the bases. Cree'a Infield slngl" ninth liilrr.t n tint Hawaiian twlrler, mado Keating. single ' tllatted for Mi.Oulllan In the Innlnc. tl.uque... 0 0 0 0 0 0 y OUT OF SEVEN GAMES scored Mullln's scored titan lor Dalton In tlie sixth Innlnr. Hrhednle. his second start of the and Ha- - was beaten by Walter Johnson, the score Daley and Cook, niandlng replaced PFEFFEB. IN GBEAT FOBM Plttsburr Totals. .SS 8 11 24 18 ? o Brooklyi 0010000001..-- 10 Batted Thompson In seventh Inrdnf !n rm being .1 to 0. Williams hurled great ball Rerman in time lor nun m Os.000200 lor the got In on 3. on tBatted for Burr In the ninth Inmnz. for eight . H outpltched John-Ho- final out. The Naps one run the First base errorsBrooklyn. Ieft The renovated Hed butred iiround Jeff Jackson tripled and scored when baeea Plttsburr. 10; Brooklyn. C. First ba Jersey City - allowing live hits to the six off slith. 3. flllOOOsOO- -1- ") ono Inning tho Grounds SerloR Against, Naps Wlndu Fp went wild. on balls OI7 O'Toole, ", off Heulbach, Toronto Tcreiu 'i at l'olo In those eight rounds and showing Hoone's relay of Cree's .throw So Is Benlhach Cutshaw and Struck out By O'Toole, I: by McQuillan, ; osOlSOOl.Threei liaeo Walter s Home run Wrlrht lilts le'hr. juterday and etun; him hard enough to piTfect control, wh le Johnron walked six The scores by Reulbach, f., To base Sacrl. Wanner, lnlest Two baso hlta-ljl- er. O'llura. htm and the other Olanta therrnlth men. In the eighth Washington scored on With Even Breah, Mitchell F7IIST OA.MT. Vlox Have Sharp Duel Dee lly Wheat. Stolen liases Wheat, Ksan. liarry nrsi base nil Dans 1111 ancr. j; tit NT:W YORK (A. U) I CLF.VF.I.AND tA. for Daubert. Itlts-O- fl O'Toole. 111 one Innlnr r Thompson. 2; off Burr. 2. Struck nut-- By 6 1 single wild Mts and I) mElble3. The score was to and the a ami a throw. Two ab r h n a e ab r h p a e (three runs In. the bases filled ami none oul aitnrr, 4; by Thnuipsun. 1. Stolen bases u pass In more nnd Keating Stnrrlng. 3 1 2 0 1 0 In ulaja-Flsl- ur. elx rur clusterod In n second resulted two for the Boane.Jb. 0 2 Oraney.lf. 4 2 0 Fielding Honors. when McVlulllan entered the fame the llson. Fitmatnck. Double crre National In the ninth Inning, The score; liaiflr It 4 ii 1 4 o o Ttiriifr.IB. I o l i I " second Innlnr): oft McQuillan, s tu seren In. Fltrpatrlck and ITleat: Farrell. Bucs. Murphy. by Klosoher 1 3 0 1 6 0 0 - Klem umplre-Ems- lie. ; Jamboree. An error WASHINGTON (A.L.) DKTIIOIT (A. 4'ook.rf . 4 0 0 0 OIson.;b.. nlnrs. Umpire In diet- Field Barry and Burs. Left nil bases Toronto, 1) Cren.ct... 4 ft 0 ( o 4 3 2 2 0 0 Time 1 hour and 83 minutes 0, Time- - I ami ?) minute worse, It Tea-rt- u' Jersey City. hour Wide mdttere but without anrnpae aDrnpe 4 0 1 0 Cliap'n.M. 3 1 3 2 4 arm 4 13 0' TVMhrt TlnMn-nt- t'. umpire carpenter naiiin Mller.rf. ttuh.i FOItMEP BLANKS TITVALS 4 0 J, 2 1 4 1 0 nndiren! emerged battery errora and tho hits olf him 3 0O2001 0 2 0 0, M'r'ty.JU..4932416 0 2 0 4 0 I'fvU' oiRirkr.rt.. 11 SF.COND OAMK Vo.ter.Sb Nun'ker.e ohvrold b. 4 0 2 1 0 0 from the gloom of cellar CUBS A SNAP FOR QUAKERS. more 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 the Just about CITY I oould have aocounted for runs than Mlte'l.lf 12 Mats-La- b 4 0 1 4 4 OlWood.tb.. 3 0 0 3 0 0 . JT.RSF.Y (I. K) TORONTO fl. M S 0 1 6 1 0 M 0 0 0 0 Hill "x C'ford.rf. J evening a D C' r p e MrJIale.p fl 0 0 1 0 lloNelll.c. 3 3 2 1ft o o aufK as result i'f nesting ab r h a ab h b the Olanta could fetch. 4 0 0 4 0 (' . 4 0 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 llh' Wsrh.lf Brown.p 3 0 0 0 2 O.MlPhell.p 1 0 0 0 0 o e CtllpBRO Are I'tim WrlrM.lf 3 0 O'WII.on.lf, 110 O 1 r. 4 Fred Clarke's Pirate In both parts of Tli Pitchers 112 Trereatl pitched splendidly both before Seh'fer.Jb J 0 1 2 S K'v'eh.Sh 0 e 0 Chance's Rplthnll Man Nearly Farrcll.rf Fitiu'k.2b 2 0 0 1 2 0 20010c (1 11 I - S 1 1 2 1 0 010 0 double header at Kbhets Field. .. 3 2 0 Mid ,if:e- U under-Itan- d M' n7Ts7"; Tnt.i..5"iii51'il The mered Hard. Bues.:b., Plck.3b that and Is hard to 1 T . 1 0 0 0 0 0 8010011 1 4 0 0 A Wms.c 2 0 S 0'McKee t..i. by ball. 7 Ihr.:b., 8 0 0 0 113 1 Iloone out; hit tiatt'd scorns favored the home talent by to 11 what came over him In the de Johns'ap 2 0 0 0 4 O'IClm' 3 0 0 0 0 as Effective In Flnnl Bout PrrnJAnELniiA, Aug. 1. inilladelphla 11.trrr.lD. 1 I I 1 11 3 1 10 n New 0--0 1 : Prlfft.ln.. pitched well as naUrr.e. 3 0 0 3 York and 10 to 1 respectively. Tilt easily de 1 1 0 3 0 o,t)' Itructlvc fiond. He as 10 000000004 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 hard and tlmoly l'M.rf... 201 100 Total..2l 2 6 2712 OJUW'e.p 3 0 0 0 2 1 7 to 0 0 to 2. Clrveland ...... 7 Murpy... 8 0 u s h l.urrj.ri .. ; i u z u n Mil PoiiKlass tho rest of the tlmo, and Scores and 4 the style of play shown yesterday featlng Chicago, 10 to 4. The Quakers ItDubtte . 0 0 0 0 0 0 hu tunes at bat. 4 runs. Kite oft Mellale If lteyn'di.c 2 0 1 & 1 0KrItcliell,c 2 0 1 4 . J Is gnytne good Douglass , that a deal, for In of an lnnlmr T base lut ly had been a regular habit with the hammereif Pierce off the mound In tho (illbert.p. Ileum. ti... 2 ft O 0 3 1 rad hN jpltter slzzllns and breaking to a i Totals ,31 0 7 27 IS t j urea un ntif w ...'.i.. first Inning and also found Humphries Kelly., . .iaiT4 basrs-flraw- ..imuii. Brooklyn It now well In eirectl-enes- Innlnc. Stolen y, Kirkn. Sacrifice hit - team would be SS 3 6 21 11 2 .tooooon 11 11 11 11 u l.lfh point of Tho Olanta Batted for nufns In the richth rtldnt make a mmpMe and Hageman ulmost as easy." Mayer Totals.. Kox.'r.p. noth-Ss- f for Williams In the ninth inntn. The Ifr Torks Mitchell, flucrince Hies Mitchell. Chapman the fore of the fight. Itobmeton's heavy either made clean hits or next to Illatted Ily : Cubs despite 21 1 1 cleanup busy series In Cleveland, 5triH'k ont Mitchell. by Brown, t. First was always master of the Totals 2 II t barring three hard smashes to out- - IJetrolt M t J M of their bwe on balls Olt Mitchell, t. Passed hitters went out on a real rampagej Tommy hit the ne;ond i Wahlnrton ' - even yesterday and the fset that Ieach Batted for He n In the sixth Innlnr. f.:ders and they weren't flush enough 00090001 but they did break Double play Chapman. Tunrr against the best pitching Clarke could Inning 0 1 0 o- Two baae hit A, William- - aacrtflce hits ball pitched to him In tho first for Jersey City. 2 0 0 -i with clean hits to bo formidable. games out of Now they and Wnad. Umpires tran and Evans. 0 0 1 ft 0 1 0- -4 Karanwh. 3; Hih. A WUllams. Oundll take six rven. OAME. muster, while, qulto uniusual for them. a home run. Magee and Immermnn also Toronto The rudeness with which he was - and Burns Sae. BXN1) Barry, Wilson. Sac- treated Double Play- Bush. Kavanah move on to more serious work. The NEW YORK (A. L.) OLEVFJ.AND (A. K Pfeffer and Heulbach pitched all the way hit for the circuit, the former's being his Two basn hits Bile. In the eecond Inning aroused Tesreau's First bus on balls Of! . rifice hue Farrell. Krey. Krilchell Stolen nllcv out-- By In St. ab h p ft ef ab r h p a e ecae-on- scoro: 2. Struck Athletics took the whole aeries r If question one ninth of the The basee-Krltth- ell. Struck out-- By I'e and h mowed the Reds down Johnson. : oil Williams. 3 1 3 4 llOraney.lf. 3 0 3 0 0 as victory were the of Wilson, lick tho rest r.. - Ioone.!b. 2 0 (N. 4. Williams, by Johnson, Wild pitches Hed Pot again found Chi- 4 N t.) PKII.A. TO Ollbert. 1: by Hearn. First rf lh time. Too late. Douclaes mowed t: Louis and the l)!cy.lf.. 3 8 1 4 0 0OIon.:b,. 4 0 3 1 0 run. The result waa a matter of cer nnrisnn 1; 4 ah r h p a e' ab r h i a e Off Ollbert. 4. Lett on bases Jersey City. out . 3 2 0 0 0 ) ' 2 2 3 0 0 c "ie ff'anti down all tho time. Tho Iteds flnhnFiTld Washington, shut Cook.rf tainty. way been found yet to u 0 1 1 5 1 und mininea. 2 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 No has Toronto. Tune hour snappy, game. Cree.ct.. 0 riiap' 0 Ol.Martlll.Ss. 4 1 0 2 8 Carprnier lKd rpnrkllng Few 4i nunutra Detroit. en. t. 0 3 1ft 0 ( 0 u 1 ll'ltes.of.. 10Jlili'12 L'mplreeNalllii and Mill lb HirKe.rt.. : " counteract a combination of freo hitting r, 0 2 0 0 5 2 2 0 ( Including the Gl.inta, to 4 2 0 2 0 2 4 0 0 liiin.l rf. . 0 Reeker.H I lersers expted IVrk' 0 0 ami tight twirling. 8 0,.Maree.2h 4 2 2 0 3 ( ih-- n Yesterday's Itesntte. 4 0 Kn'sely.H 10 10 1. GAMES. re bea th champions three times Hv ner.c. 114 0 l'etold.Jb, 400110 In bargain BrookJpn V.'nmti O.LW'tll.rf NEWARK jjOPSTWO 4 1 0 1 the attraction lh. 0 1 2 4 0 4 0 11 411300 1 ! suTcvilon. but two GOING BRAVES VICT0R8. 7; New York. (first ame). Malsel.3b 4 5 4 4 2 2 0 0 victories made FAST CUreland. ri 4 4 0 3 1 Still0 0 2 1 2 0 S 0 F.zan.c . 0 0 snineed a total of two doion hits for York. 9; ClsrsUnd. (eeond aiiie). Kestlnr.p 3 0 0 2 2 1 1 13 1 0 them they could do It again and be- tin Col'm're.p 1 0 7 1 twenty-nin- e compared six- 0 M Finch Tiy Jcore sjf Philadelphia. ; St. 1tuls, 6. bases, as to s 0 ft 3 2!Ktlltfcr.o.. 4 1 2 S 1 0 nntrrnl Takes fore thef' Giants adjusted to 1 an,p 1 v v u v u C'rld'aes. f themselves I'llbi Parta to Washington. 3; 0. Totl.,34"10n lisre teen by the visitors. Brooklyn waa 8 0 4 O.Mayer.P... 0 0 Great Crowd 1'rmvnr Detroit. 1 0 1 0 Archer.c. 0 0 10 17 a the d'mii.dr f the .Saturday Uowton, 4; 2. Blandl'r.p 0 0 In- to i. ooeaslon Clilceio. guilty of only one error, while the irrr've.c. 1 1 1 1 o n thy were rwamped, outplayed. Wntrh Strnamle. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals. 34 1011 1 1 MONTRiAt, Aug. 1. Superior pltchltuj - Totals .. 34 2 1 27 11 2 vaders contributed a half dosen. Pirrcr.D.. 'I Herrog Detailed fltandlnt- of the Clnbs. H'phr's.p. 2 0 0 4 0 0 and Oroh, former Giants, were Aug. 1. The largest crowd 0- One pleasing both games of a double header for Hoston. Sew York..-.- -3 of the most features of 1 0 1 0 0 0, wtn rromberf In the overthrow National League 00208400 0- Williams ' with their that ever witnessed a Cleeland -t the holiday the duel betweum Cut- 0 0 ft 0 the Hoyals hero both by the Hre erT.clent work, as win In 10000100 wi H'r'm'n.p 0 was Hnrtram Daniels, game In this city saw the Hraves base hit Mullen. Three twse shaw and Vlox for fielding honors. Bach tJohnston 1 0 0 0 of 2 to 1. Miller held the visitors to to-d- To 0ft svhote plavlns the last two days has made ten Innings from the Cardinals by Stolen bases Jackson. Chapman, of these second basemen showed two hits, both obtained by Witter In the. fliee-C- ree little a 4 9 2 Jok Ground? patrons 4 3 was the retold. 2. facrldce !. First bse TntsJs.,88 7 34 wonder why the u to score. Fenway Park z number of sensational scooping throws first encounter. The home club obtained iar.ce re?lmu ever let started hos- n on balls OB Collamorr. 2; off Haarrnian, Batted for Humphries In the aeienth tnntnr him gt. Groat scene and James nnd Perrltt Q out By Collaniore, 1: by Keatlnr, 4 on slow rollers that would have gono tor Baseman in ninth Itunnr. an early lead In the second contest i fay all n single an irilrk tBatted the round for th Clao.ue which Is tilities. A walk, a and CIS s a Sr Hit by pitcher By Collamore, (Boone, Daley). for lilts nlnnty-nlti- n times In a hundred. ChJosjin through fchachtB Ineffectiveness. The Itrnnc fe opener. l.sll-i:- an e tv. visiting team If the visiting error gave St. Louis a run In the a PasMd Seventeen at bat. runs. Any playa might con Philadelphia 100003000 0 ft 2 0 2 C 1. scores: CO s one of these be ..10 tMm hsp j sjp ahead. I three runs In tho eighth on I hits off Collamore In four and OAM F.. fs !,...,, - 00 31 I 043 4 runs. 4 hits ott sidered a pretty fair afternoons work. Tuo baee hit Pankert. 2: Becker. Harrrave. FIIT u Connolly's-sln- Philadelphia. 110! lnnlnrs: Ten at bat. acn CI L.V I stnick out two Heds In the a fielder's choice, walk. Hasermsn In ope Innlnr Umpires bran and Tho extreme weakness of Clarke's Home run Leh, Marre. Zimmerman. NF.WARK MONTREAL a first .nn'ng, -I- - n,i fly Four Mayer, on errors-i-n- ua and thre was no foreboding snrrltlce Boston.. 7 0 t!, Hl 41 Krai Pitching stuff was illustrated In both lice nit rirei base abrhpael abrhpat. of the clouds St. Louis to tie It up In the Hetnhln. l. T.ft on bases 1'htladelDhta. C: i 1 0 4 2 liD'n'rer.ef. 2 8 2 0 4 which were gathering over lilts allowed waj cannon- By Majer. 3; by 4 0 2 1 1 P'Piirtell, 4 0 1 2 8 0 Mnt. Ther.' one, i Kvers'M doublo with "hltted'8 Washloiton. Chicago, 6. Struck out Wlttrr.rf. Was nut In the eecnnrt ..intn nnd F0URNIEBS FUMBLE COSTLY. aded off the kopje In tho fifth Ir.nlng of Humphries. 8. litres on balls--O- n Inero?'. 2 wz'mn.lf 4 ti 0 4 o olKlppert.lf I t, i I i lining win. The score: 4 1 ft 4 0 3 3 nhen a home run belched from single gave Hoaton the Detroit... tho first game. Marty O Toole and Mc- on Marer. 4: off llareman. i nil dv piteneu 0 0 OPSmith.rf 0 0 Jhe sentient slapstick of Heinle LOL'W (N L) BOSTON (N. L.) hall Br Maver. Zimmerman Hits on Iterce. 4 0 ft 7 1 0 4 0 13 0 2 Oroh. It ST p SInUee lied Quillan wero pounded for eight runs In . . 4 0 0 2 0 4 0 1 3 4 ft bel-h- d r b p h e b r h a e Chicago ii 0 Tsvo Ont 'When It Itl 4 in two'tniru inning; on immpnwi. in iito OlYearrr.Jb. a'! the way to the left Held ab round closing argu- 8 0 0 3 2 4 0 1 1 OlDeTOre.ri s i y tho second of the and a tniru inmnrs; on uaieman. in F.Z'mn.Ib oBoyle.3b., lfirtns "b I ' 0 0 Then Make Wlnnlntr Itnns. ft 0 S 4 0 8 0 11102 11 2 1 NicVr That waa 1 1 0 0 0 11 anrt ia 8 Maddan,e. Just a forerunner. 4 0 2 4 '0 '.Cat Louts.. 1! Jnl ment lnnlnrs. Umpires Hart inner 'rime HSmlth.a IJ M'te cf htr St. 4 A modlfed hit a two bagger belched Ciiicaoo, Aug. 1. The Sox beat Pfeffer, Boblnson'a star youngster and nour ami m minuies. Curtls.p 3 0A 0 0 Mlller.p. 4 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 4 Rd from the waving pestle M'er'ss 0 Con'lly.lf J J J New York... i .11 4 2 to-d- of Heinle, or J 1 the White Sox to and made the most reliable man of the corps, was AT"nufrsJn. Totals .32 14 lj Totals.. .3J "s 11 11 Chappy or whatever It In I! ft'lWhltted $ "irM he'a called, Cleveland.. 4 ti 4 It four straight. In tho seventh round, never In trouble after the second Inning. OAMK, Two out lirn "Innlnc run waa eeored. M"ran. Black-burn- e, FIRST 1 gone, to 0- &fi..Sl-i"- J with two Gardner hit Ho would have escaped with a shutout R. H. K. Newark -4 J 133; 40 63 671 Heirds or Ludwjg, Game Lost. 41 o!4s:!8 1 ft ft .1000000001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- or whatever his 0 0 J 0 OlDesUb who tossed perfectly to Fournlor. to his Credit but for long doubles to Buffalo (I. Ie) 3 3 0 0 0 10 3 Montreal -t first name j, Mollwltz hit to Fletcher and The latter dropped the ball. Then Jan-vrl- n right by ptbaon and Collins In this rroiiaenee (I. lei... i Three base tilt Delninrer. Ssxrtnee bit Jl' tile or Ludwlg legged It to second Pr' J I J ?amrVDP-ill- tripled, Hoblltiell tingled and what Inning. PfelTer was supported ably. nsttsries .uutraio. janurson. verDoux. Purtell, Double play 1! Smith, Tooley and 0 o 3 Both Stsphsns;iu:nProidenee, on P Heinle I I'trrltt.p g To-da- Jlrandon and Kraft. Left bases Newark. 2: Montreal. or Chappy was being chased. 2.12 2 Schedule. eemed to be a certain defeat was turned outfield and Infield arose to emergencies JiarrtUy Orialow. Tooley. Cur- e 1 and J, Stolen baee Bases on ballsOff Heteher ran ,w out-- Moran back to second and ------H Totals...! He York In Detroit. into victory. Soott clinched It with a lime after time. An excellent relay by tis, l; oft Miller. 1. Struck By Curtis. 7: I hero touched him and Mollwltr. There Philadelphia In Chicago. ftorne run drive In the eighth. Bern al- Cutshaw from Stengel cut down Collins, BBCOND OAXE. Miller. 7. Umpires iMtillen and Harrison. ivas a Tlitted for O'Connor in the ranth Inrtrjr. Waahlnrton Vn Cleveland. wag R. H. B. Time 1 hour and 45 minutes. distinct lapse of time before the n wm lowed only four hits and the game would trying to etrctoh his double. It (T. x 8 3 Itcltlon was given tTw out when wlnnlnr Boston In St. Louis. noffaVe Ie 01300IOO SKCOND GAME. as to which ma was for In tenth Inning. have been his hail Fournler held to the the third out and had a great moral effect rrovtdenc (I. L.) . .. 00002030 I rut, the earns being tPtted Dvor. Innliur. Aug. 1. Torlo! Buffalo. McConnslI 04Bixl La. NEWARK (I. L.I. MONTREAL a needless sttiutlon, IHitted for Connolly Int; tenth CttitANt, The New sphere. Tho score: upon Pfeffer, who was beginning to dis- nattrrlta ab r h p a e ab r fth p a e for y, I (A. Prorldence. Oldham and Kochar. Mollwltr waa out of course, as tfjclded OOOOOOOIO 14 the Naps BOSTON (A. LI CmCAOO I play evidence! of nervousness. long! Tooley. 4 0 o 0 2 o.'ryn' 4 1 1 4 0 e by Si"'.0" ended their series with n a el Byron, the plate umpire; and he was 10000000J 03 games. They ab r h abrhnae The mighty Hans Wagner, who didn't New Tork Slate iMMrae. Witter.rf. 4 0 1 1 0 0, Purtell. ss. 4 0 0 0 2 0 Ott winning six of the seven 4 0 0 2 0 O'TJerrer.M 4 8 0 fully aa hite-Na- sh, Erers. nits-- Hoor'r.rf 114 WZ'mn.lf 3 0 0 S 0 0 Klppert.lf, 3 0 2 1 0 0 much out right away on whan Two bise 2 1 0 3 0 1 8 1 get a hit all day, was to blame for off Sallee. 2 in two double header Scott. ss 2 12 Bl'hh'e.Sb 0 AT TROT. 4 0 1 2 0 0 PSmlth.rf. 3 0 0 3 0 0 the dec). )on ven, elsht Innlnis: split even on tho 1 wa, in Stolen bases FD'k' 4 0 0 6 0 0 Dem'ltt.lf 3 9 2 0 0 the three runs Brooklyn counted In the R. IT. K. 3 0 1 18 0 0 Cah1oii.lli 8 0 1 7 0 0 lnnlnrs gamo. 7 U 0, and winning 4 1 11 4 o o o o a 4 7 But we dlgresn from the harrowing fjnydjr. Double losing the flrbt 0 0 0 J Cora.rt third inning. His error gave a life to Trey l 8 l 10 3 O Yeaeer.Cb. 5 0 s7h,,iJt 'nrrlns.. 4 4 1110ft9 0 1 2 nn.:b 12 10 details which Maee. Left on B 2. C.'dner.Sb 1 0 0 8 0 F' 0 U 0 tJtlca 0 1 0 0 8 0 14 2 F.Z'mn.itb 3 01112 Boile.3b.. 3 0 0 followed. Tesreau nicked the second, to 1 Hed Smith. Fischer grounded to the box. 07 4 -- 112 110 C.a-k- "e 0 0 o i e J . ? ?: iio.ur.ri,. 10 naileries l'arson ana .vcurain; rrocs H k'cer.o 8 0 0 3 ft 0Howley.c. 3 0 0 8 3 0 with a pitched ball Douglaes .....v.i. in nrnM" 8' ' 1 0 0 2 2 0 and struck out, but Dalton dropped and .' J. First base viiiio jai!i;u!:ii wo. ii w lt'b z' 0 10 0 o.Marer.c-- . 8 Pfefftr and MeDonourh. Scliacht.p 2 0 0 1 4 0 Ilichler.p. 2 0 0 0 8, off rerritt. 1 10 fids a ttngle, which Tea-m- u SJTlorf By 3 ft 0 0 5b 3 1 1 lucky Into centre, tying tcored Moran. 1 H. Pltcber-- James game, tightening whenever New t'Wn.c. J,Airock 0.1 a double tho br the first 1 0 0 0 0 0 thought what Myron called balls on ?".""r." lierrltt iMaranvllle). struck score. Then Jake Daubert ruined Adams's AT AT.DArrY. Tolale. 23 1 5 21 10 01 Totla...27 2 8 21 ft o ., 2. York, got on the sacks, Tho Naps inrd'!,'. 3 0 0 0 1 0 R. If. 73. ".iniels and Hemog Be luiniuiu. : 2! Bailee. PJJ prospects with terrlflo drive over the 0 0 0 ft 0 0 1 were strikes. t nf-e-, TntiJe I 121 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 a Albany 1 J 1 0 0 0 1. 4 10 0 Newark 01 ss It may. tts-SSS- hour. knocked MeHale out of the box In the l'challc.. Montreal 1 1 0 0 ft 0 0 ft J 'Is' Daniels lingered at the - W' IClcolte.p. 0 0 0 0 0 0 right field fence. Syracuse 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 3 J 'i I.irg enough to draw four balls and and 6 minutes first Inning, scoring four run. Brown Adams staggered through the fourth Batteries s.Ye!as and Phelps; Aleiander,02 Called by arrfemrnt. Jl'rror. hovered replaced him, vas not particularly Tot1t...81 2 7 27 11 3 safely, he was met by Thirchell and Payne. Three ban lilt Kraft. Two base lilt around the ahleld until but but in the fifth Hoyle, Klppert. hits-Klch-ter, b fly runs ou Ratted for Benr In the elthth Innlnr Callahan, Oetr, Ssn1flce If with an Infield single. Fletcher EBBETS FIELD. effeotlve, the Naps getting three a scorching fire nnd forced to retire with SCRANTOV. Smith, sacrifice tl Caelilon. Double tnefl for an HCKUPS AT Boston 00000031O- AT nut and thew the ball past him. Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 03 only one out after he had allowed th R. If. IS. iila Schacht and Kraft. Left on strength for 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 1 3 2 ; Montreal. (1. Bases on balls Off Mrle. Clarke. Douglass and Daniels Keating waa n tower of on bases Hoston. 2: Cblcaro. 4. First tecond cluster or three runs, Krranton , pwed double vtetory not only pulled game, keep nn 1. By 3 o o o o o o .0 s bchiK-ht- 2; ort Rlehter. 2. Struck out Br home gleefully, and Herzog to third. th. New Yorks In the second hue balls on Bent. Struck out drew a puss to start tt all. Pfeffer popped Illnrhamton i 04 i 2; 7. Umpires by Henx. 1; by 1. naiwi Ilattr ries lltwi, Hitter and Herrenj Mc b.iiaclit bv Rlehter. Hsrrlson 2ls moved ing hits scattered except In the first Collins. 5: Clcotle. two weakly trying to sacrifice. Dalton singled 1 from tho tertiary tenement the -- Mefilnley, and Woodr. and Miillln Time hour and 3'i minutes - - Threo Daat. iui janvnn. nome Carthr, Manser 10 tOTlrnev's end when sSsrSl ana sixm. 111 eucii iu wiutii tiw- w .,,..1.1 n to rentre on a run and hit play, send I I- I- . - " Untl'd. scored a run. Collamore nnd Hngermiin mlu i;mnireHlldebr'atult. and Chill. T1me--1 ing Fischer to third, uaubort belted a AT Wll.KF.SnARRn. A R. H. E. At Rochester, nasshg pitch-In- s were knocked out of the box by tho hour and 40 minutes. double off the right wall, scoring Fischer, solution of Douglass's - - 0 8 1 0 0 1 4 23 1 In e t. .i.atimn rV numotT ui . Blandlng finishing the game ono Rlmlra t 314 FIRST (IAMB " fourth Inning brought a run old th Chancemen, Stengel's clean bagger to tho 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 D 2 r.. o the fiiny In the Qa. Wllkesbatre ....0 n tt. Giants. With two out Burns singled, ! P great RUN RALLY, FAILS. same spot drove home Dalton and Batteries Nicholson and Bitter, Fustnr. UaltltiiijTe (T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 4 rii-ln- Dutchman P'PP'" btg'an scoring BROWNS' FIVE T), tn. first NVw York hit. He rtole second dtal now Th' Napa the day by Daubert and relieved the madding at Hredy, Martin and Urlsger. Rochester O. L) . 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 a 8 i ft Robert, on to r si a Miri mosphere of Adams's presence. Colt Con- - Batteries Baltimore, nustell nnd McAtot: f.d doub'ed left centre. Two S:cAWtOBr"' :rn;.edeWooga Add Three . floatheni League. Rorhoster. Hughes and Wllllaias. J1 by the Giants In tho sixth were S Atht.c ..bth relman, rapidly wanned, struck out Zach I'sflgM Tur-- . 1 Bt,r,.,t Worl.4 so did Turner. Oraney scored and f Take Stralarbt. Wheat. Glbson'a good throw to Wagner Ne Orleans. 8; Chattanoor. BFCONn (JAME, w'h . Tesrtau (ner'snd KmWY Ths Fourth 1. Mr'irk -- on uvrr nirmlnrhain, t. Atlanta, ou. Heseher Inglod nnd on the . . ..uitlnn ner toon tiura wnu iiimvo Aug, 1. eliminated Etengel when ho missed a full C; R. B. E ST. Louis, Despite a five run Memphis. Montgomery. 8. (T L.) . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 run On grounder . U 11 Ttaltlmore f and hit reached third when Doylo naa ;;-r- i third. Jackson's Turner 11.. - U. .1v.U Inntnn away elldo on a pilfer excursion. 3 0 (Hrst 1 ft d citshnw Mobile. NashWIle, game). Rochester (!. L.).. 0,1 1 0 0 0 at 2 11 ft t"r came to a dead stop at "" was out at the plate, being run down ". Conzelman might have given Pfeffer Nashville, 2, Mobile, 1 (second rams) -- Haltlmore, . S5Sn. w unfortunate" enotirh t be to Ilatterlee Danforth and "Old. but ?om-i'- ons between bases Jackwn Sftnif third. , a real argument had he on even Rochester. I'pham and Williams. een then had time to take .J very bid bounds. No hf""T'JAthIeticB took thfl fourth started two tMM Tv.vl with dagrsa American Association. .,t0e. and with Heschrr 111. 'would have rot these with Chapman straight gsme here Hits by el terms. He certainly pitched himself out thlw . . . . rjnrd aav on the buses for want of rt-- if rsMMnty. but thev nsverthelssi detiacted one'ln:'n'iyL0A , h of a lot of trouble the moment lie re Cleveland, 7: Kansas City, 4. Brooklyn Amateur League cf. in afternoon 01 ram uiim".,, j, Milwaukee, . The extreme precaution of . x llrved Adams. Again In thn sixth, In Columbus, lot Hnbtirban Arrows. 6; Flatbush lias Co., I. SI'S.'"' " . 1 Jisroc in finding a pitcher out to warm IlkVly'to mln'rle spite of three hits, a stolen base and Louisville. I: Minneapolis. (first ram si Trinity Club. 8; Roro. Park Y M. C. A.. S. M.Stv O'Toole T. much Louisville, 8; .Minneapolis, 1 Y. M, C 7; M Mi was Hob-irts- nr nt head. Klrke going to rn"u,b'V HnT youngster tsecond Central A. Aurora F unnecessary, for Hums nnd ball over Mal.el'. nTco and Shotton was an error, the held Brooklyn f, i lln. came). Club, third. Poiold .singled, lurke, but to one score, cum haw got all the way Bt. Paul, 8; 1 (first struck out faring, f.atura. Th8 Athletics ran the bases Indianapolis, gams). Mciw'tj 1avcd Htrzog an error'ln tho was out stealing. mm. w ; ,n Krent rtJ.,e aeon. to third with none out Hs singled, PL Paul, 0; Indianapolis, 0 (second game). , , flrhth bv a Jumping catch, and Daniels ill tun icvwtiu ' rillLA. (A. I..1. I BT. IX)UT3 fA. U) stole second and took an extra base on g riputstlon, single. el New Knrlsnd Leans. rtllrH Ttf.cher with a beauteous run-rir- n. O'Nelll'e Mitchell's sacrifice ab r h n a ill r n P t CJIbson's poor throw. Ho scored while cite'. Me esercl.".. rV.d stood behind nri nienn'n slna-l- dolnir the trick. The Murnhy.rt 6 2 2 0 0 0 WU'tna.rt 4 0 0 0 0 0 Wagner was tossing out Egan. Smith Lawrenc. ; Portland, 1 (first rams), caunht the ball, and Just Crk. U !l O V U 8; 3 (aeoopd every movement, or 5 S Lawrencs, Portland, rams), Jo thow mich for Inxtouslv walohlnr fourth was productive anotner tally t J i 1 8 1 0 1 was nipped hy Carey when he tried to 8; . thit kind am clnchs htm to every apse!- - - V1''lr",;,b 5 J Ilnverhlll. Manchester. I I'm Tianlels along Slarly for the Naps, O'Ntlll tripling and scor- ': ; f ; o?Jtctn!hf i 8 1 stretch a single. 11 most distressing break, Lynn, 4i Worcester, 2 (first t to Moran Nation 1" WM ,h 11 ram). viie st'i' running, "t h" h' """" Ing on Mitchell's aacrlflce Ily. The Naps 4 1 2 11 1 0 " wik'r.H I 1 1 1 as Fletrtier followed with a long hit Worcester, 8; Lynn. 6 (eecoml rams). nig league stuff, H 4 mvev old dlssppolntmsnt. -- AA nnnih.. tr ecnrc. In thn dfth 4 12 10 0' . 4 1 1 11 3 2 any Lewlston, 7: Lowell. (first rams). Itobertson forced HurnB, who Inning of the thl to right that would have scored 1 (second Leern i In the. second . S Lewtstan. 7; I.on ell, game). walked in the ninth, nnd stole soo- - iiiele Firsn at bat Mnnarsr Roblnaon on J.ckaon's triple and Chapman's erl. , ftnx" J J f J runner from second Cnd because fMai-- .Hiln't lather in throw. flee fly, Uutl. n 1 A A ft S ft Affliew.C 4 0 1 4 0 0 The second game centrtd around the Ksstem Assorlstlon, - !0'iglRs was up, The Napa were the flrslt to score In iiavle.s , 0 ft 0 0 5 oln'rd'n'r.p ft 0 0 0 1 0 second Inning, when Brooklyn scored New London, 3! Drldreport, 2. Trp- wind Ins playing for tho In Pnook.p. 0 Hocn.p.. 1 0 0 3 3 0 New Haven, 3 (first Utter, ,snd Divey was stealing third quite the second game. Oraney walked the 10001 0 the unusual number of eight times. Be Waterbury, ii ram). tMtller.... 1 0 0 0 0 New Havsn, 3, Waterbury, 1 (saeond essny when Fletcher lined to left. first. Olson hit Into a double play, Peck 27 J fore O'Toole could register one out he SiBitttSs Total8S It II IT gams), womblj gbonS Boo e to Mullen. Jackson singled and Totals., M 7 27 II I waa hustled to the shower by hlej boas. 3 Shootinf dhvd and cnught tho ball and pttt.'l.UTg that to HprtngfltJd, I; Hsrtford, (first ram). I 'ore Vd.v could digest tho play and e,4l Plaver. btll.v. stole and scored on Chapman's single, He had been found for three runs and Springfield. : Hurtford. 2 (second name) l"velop Into on; .of the flne.t Bitted for Bush In the seventh Irnilnr. Tirltaln. 3; Plttsllold, 1 (first For Bath 5xti. fi treat he us. doubled. The scoro: cM?hsVs Learue. lis U The visitors took tho lead In tho loft the legacy of crowded bases New Kme). In the National Daley single!, tllatted for wuuams In the ninth Innlnc, Plllsneld, 6, New Britain, 3 (second came) CINCINNATI N NKW YORK rN. L.) .iiihiiv bothered hv a lame arm. Col. third. Boone and and llljtteil for Horh In the ninth Innlnr. to George McQuillan. By the time this proves wonder- Li, ne throiver. He fly. . Bb h ii a r ab r h n a e aiTpears t be a Boono score on Cre- 'a sacrifice Mill 0--9 had thrown two balls four Trl.btate Iarne. - . profession. Itilladrltihla IT jnuel- ' o 1 o 4 0 1 3 0 0 on"." men In the r! IncY.f. len rlncled. scoring Daley. In the llf'h St Louts 4300000! V o nioro runs were accounted for. 1. fully attractive and 4 1 1 3 4 illfhtly over 1 feet 3 OODOUDVU TUrrlsburr. 5; Trenton. ""fir M t O.noyle.'.'b,. 4 0 1 2 0 Jundln 1o score I Barry. Three Kgan singled It a 4 lth New Yorki ndded thieo their two ba hits Walsh, Pratt, to start and Smith Wilmington, 9: Heading, 5WrH 0 1 b 1 Olllurns.lf eigntn oi beneficial to women. .3111000 In the innins ."'"''';,";" f,illniT,np.i Wllh one rlmvn h.en hit Mnrnliv. Ilnwaril Kacrltlre hlts. walked. McCarty hit safoly to right, Lanc.tstsr, 91 Allentnwn, 4. giso " Jb i 0 l t i oiHob's'n.rf 4 0 110 was cauxht st the plate .Mclnnis. Collins. Bush, Striink. Double 3 4 1 Cran was hv a Walsh. scoring Egnn moving Prn,tb.. 113 o'Fla' 0 11 tioJ walked, and Dnlev hit Wslker and Arnew. Stolen bases- - and to second on Our beautiful free book- florsnet. 4 0 oiMerkle lb. 3 o oil 0 0 pitched bull. ASoodss fumble isavorl by pitched a futllii throwln. Heulbach singled to 113 0 0 0 (nu' Collins. Murphy, 3:. Hit FVFHVTHtNG ron 0IMrirs.c.. 3 , Hoch, let " DUna c'the Ttmp" KtiH-k,3- 13 Cook, filling tho bases. Cree's Bacrltlce ball llv llauinrardner, Harry. centre, driving Fmlrf. across. The big rarke c z4ftlfti o s a o 0 Lavan. Wild plti BILLIARDS and BOWLING tourlYp 4 0 .300030 0 2 1 Hltan at the flv to Lelhold scoied Boone, rind Daley Sehmu; by. Bush. pitcher reached the midway when Kelly's should bo by til modem 11-- VTesieau.p, 2 0 runup "hlch Anally landed ' Basea on halls On llaiinirarilnrr. rrlcej and read , .Cnn.l-r-'B- - t A fl ft ft whnn madn a noor re- - ganlner, to third lilt McCarty In Term. P'' .oeed Collamore 2; off Hoch. 2; oft Peniiock. 1. Struck out-- - throw the back. jroti-etr-i. Write for it TrUU 5' 7 V l Wlllie.p 0 0 0 0 0 Leonard figured In each plate. Cool; outguessed to Suit and Ham Hlatt lav of L'lbold's throw to the Tlv lln.h. 81 by Hocti. t. bv I'flinoek. 3. Dalton OToole and the bases RFPAIBS BY In pinch hlttlnr role, hut neither "scored Pitching record-O- fi s the anything that re- - got to third, from where he on ff Banmirardner, hits runs wero mien I'suiirn nniiciiia a nn tvni?rjT ytrrOLI Du Pont Powder Co. Totals. ..Jl 62711 Uml to 1 o 111 iMirc close rttlnr. one inmnv; 011 iiusn, 11ns riius sia Vlox. seorlnc McCartv and leav. LAI'tKI JVIfcLiiAlNt0 i 111 nntsnen iirei double. In thrnurh 'o,ed fcr Trsreau the eirlilh itininr. iimhled a hit, si iir Mullen's inninira. I,eft on bases Philadilnhla, 11: St. THE CO. Wilmington Dslawam 1 S feBertng In seventh Innlnr to the New Ing threo still on. ... 0 0 0 0 t 0 lltt tho Four runs ware added York I. Umpires Dlnten and Cvooally. Time HHOHMWAY -- i, Same. also took the Louis. McQui!lan. Wt'MT 33U ST NEAR of th. nr.t I..nard total In the sixth, and Hagennan wm 2 and 7t ml nines. Here came BtenreJ met hla ...ftiioionoo ol ot hours vti bieo 011 error Cincinnati, Itt place Monr, f