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VOL. XXIX. CBANBTJUY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J;, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914. NO. 49. Closing Exercises This Evening. Children's Day SNEDEKER & BENNETT'S The closing exercises of the Cranbury at First Church Sunday. HAY PRESS BURNED. High School, will be held this evening, Children's Day will be observed in Last Friday afternoon about 4.30 June'the twelfth, 1914, at eight o'clock the First Presbyterian Church Sunday o'clock fire broke out in the buildings Bring the Boy here for in the Second - Presbyterian. Church. morning at the usual church hour. of Snedeker & Bennett, hay and grain The program ia as follows: Special music has been prepared by a dealers at Prospect Plains. The flames March "Vaikfnia'l., School Orchestra large choir and orchestra and hymns originated from a threshing machine Clothes and Furnishings Chorus," ""My Heart's in the' in the Presbyterian book for Children's and spread rapidly, destroying every- Highlands" School Day will be' used. The following ex- thing in and near by. The threshing Exercise, "Children of nil Nations" ercises will be given by the children: machine, ,500 bushels of.rye, six car- Sixteen Primary Pupils Recitation, A Smiley Welcome, loada of baled hay, fifty dollars worth for Children's Day The Wltchea' Drill, ' Franklin Bennett of twine, two hay presses and a gasoline Cecilia Witt. Gertrude Davison, Exercise, Message of the Daises,. engine were tonong tbe things, destroy- Margaret Applegate, Anna Applegate, You are certain to 6nd at Fred'k W. Donnelly's Co.'s just 1 ' Nellie Titua,. Marlon-Barclay,. ed. The freight station of the P. it; R., Grace Fan , Enid Walker, Marion Bennett, 'Mary Wool&ton, of ODe building, in which there was what he wants in up-to-date models and in the fabrics Lemirah Egnor, Imlay O'Neil • Frances Bradley stored considerable freight was totally that you may depend upon. Blue Serge Suits, White Recitation, "A Little Housemaid." Recitation, God is Good, . dest/oyed, entailing a loss- of. about Snow your Patriotism by bang- • • Ruth Campbell ." Redfprd Bradley $3,000. Snedeker & Bennett's loss was Suits and all the other needfuk for his fine appearance Ing out your Flag on Sunday, Duet,. "A Farmer'sSon Am I" • Recitation', Bring Your Silver Offering about $7,000: next Sunday, are here in all styles, in the size to fit, and June 14th, 1914. Edward Bogart,. George Bogart Douglass Chamberlin Chorus, "Voices of Junetime" School Cranbury and Hightstown fire ap- at the price you wish to pay. Duet, God's Beautiful Flowers, paratus and the Pennsylvania railroad Flag Day Service at Three 8cenes From Ivanhoe, ' Lucile Chamberlin, Gertrude Davison Bebecca—Margaret Perrine crew from Jamesburg were on the pcene Norfolk Sunfast Blue Serge Suits, 5 to 18 years, 85 to $10, Blue -\ Second Church. Recitation, His Little Girl, Anna Scott and rendered all assistance posaibte, Serge Pants, 5 to 18 years, $1 and" $1.50. White Pants, 5 to 17 years, Rev- J. W. VanDyke will give a. Rowena—Lucile Cbarnberlin Exercise, Conquest of the Flag, Speakers—Matilda McDougall, John Peppier, Earl Butcher, ' but tbe scarcity of water hampered 50c, 75c and 81. "Tub" Suits, from 2$ to 10 years, $1 to $4. short eddress to the Second Presby- them, and all they could do was to save (Second floor.) terian congregation Sunday morning Mary Hutchinson, Ethel Jones Newell Davis, Grace Mershon, near-by buildings. Ivanhoe—Alex. Batcher Mary Symmes, Marion Applegate, Boya' Hat3 ami Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ueckf-wear, Underwear, Hosiery, in the Absence of the pastor, Rev. Adolos Cedric—Alex. Butcher Melvina Clayton, Emily Walker, The intense heat affected the railroad Allen. Wainba—Henry Wilson Hazel Hutchinson track, twistidg it so that trains could and other Furnishings. (Ground floor.) In the evening Flag Day will be ob- Overture, Patriotic Orchestra June Days, » By Beginners not run for several hours. served by a • special song service con- Essay, "Adaptation to Environment" Recitation, Something For You to do, sisting of old patriotic hymns. It will Willard Applegate Margaret Perrine Early Morning Fire. be a union service of all the churches Chorus, "The Hunt" School Ancil M. Davisoo, Sr., a prominent of the town. Rev. Z. W. Wella and Children's Day, Alberta Grover, Fred'k W. Donnelly Co., Eecitation, "Johnny's History s Charles Grover farmer of this vicinity, bad a one-story Bev. J. W. VanDyke will give a short frame building nsed as a milk bouse TAYLOR OPERA HOUSE STORES—TRENTON talk appropriate to the occasion. Lesson" Isaiah Barclay Recitation, Children are like Exercise, "The Doll's Hospital" Sunshine, Mary Perrine destroyed by tire Tuesday morning and Nurse—Isabelle Oehler only by prompt work kept the flames YTPTC. A. from destroying his residence also. The Young Peoples Christian Associa- Visitors—Frances Bradley, Children's Day tjt 91. E. Church tion of the Second Church will meet Edna Nolan, Mary Hart, Children's Day will be observed in Mr. Davison had a gasoline engine this Sunday evening. The subject Kathryn Barlow, Nellie Titus the Methodist Church on Sunday, installed in the building which was ' will be How Employees and Employees Eecitation, "He Couldn't" June 21st. used for pumping water up into a tank should work together. Baymond Addison McDougall in the barn. As the water was get-; Cupid is always awake! ' Lawrence will be the leader. ChoruB, "The Rally" School Mrs. Mary Disbrow. ting low in the tank he started the March, "The Aviator" Orchestra Mrs. Mary Disbrow, widow of Horatio engine running before goiug into the Consequently Our house - for breakfast. When he came New Members Received. Lewis Appleget Injured. Difibrow, died on Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gee; at Rah'way. out again he was horrified to see flames At the communion service of the Lewis Appleget is suffering from a coming from all parts of the building. Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings First Church on Sunday five persons peculiar accident which befell him at Mrs. Disbrow wa3 a dainty, dressy were received into membership. On Easton, Fa. While in the bath room lady, who lived a long time in Cran- The fire is thought to have started AEE ALWAYS IN DEMAND. profession t>f faith, Misses Lilian Mr. Appleget was thrown on his back bury, and who since her removal has by the weather boards catchiDg fire Thomas and Gladys Snedeker. By on the bath tub by the' rug slipping spent her summers in this place. She from the exhaust of the gasoline en- had a great maDy friends, and was al- gine. Besides the engine, a milk A searching examination will convince you that OUR letter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Perrine, from under his feet and be was render- Diamonds are perfectly cut, properly proportioned, Mrs. Ancil Davison, Jr. ed helpless on account of his spine being ways sprightly and cheery, but her separator and several other dairy "fix- injured. He was brought to bis home later visits showed that time was telling tures were destroyed, causing a loss of absolutely white, and reasonably priced. The same Cleared $45.00. as soon as possible and is now under on her, and that her departure-might about $400 with no insurance. care is maintained in the construction of the Williams The sum of $45.00 was cleared by electrical treatment by Dr. Gordon. be looked for at any time. She leaves Lucky Wedding Rings. You will also find the largest 'the Union Valley Methodist Church at three daughters and two sons. The Man and Team Stunned. funeral will be in charge of A. S. Cole, assortment of Birthatone Rings at Williams'. the strawberry festival held on Wed- Commissioners Appointed. Monday afternoon William Mc- nesday evening. Son & Co., with interment in the Sec- Dowell and team had a narrow escape At a called meeting of the congrega- ond Presbyterian cemetery. while a shower was going on. Mr. Mc- A. F. WILLIAMS, Had Birthday Party. tion of the Second Presbyterian Church Dowell drove under a shed at Wyckoffs J. S. Silvers and C. P. Emmons were 23 East State Street, The Reasonably-Priced Jeweler, Trenton, N. J. A birthday party was given in honor appointed commissioners to go to Teachers Appointed. Mills, the lightning struck a tree run- of William E. Voorhees on Wednesday Presbytery which meets at Yardville The teaching force of Cranbury ning in on a wire under tbe shed, the evening. Games were played and re- on Tuesday, June 23d to ask that the School has been organized as follows: shock knocked both man and team freshments served. Those invited were: pastor relatiou of Rev. Adolos Allen Miss Laura Scudder will be principal, down. No serious damage was done, Mary Perrine, Alberta Grover, Made- and the church be dissolved. Miss Emma Mershon and Miss Clemen- line Penine, Lilly Farr, Caroline Apple- tine Lewis will teach tbe grammar de- Physicians Visit Milk Farm. ••»• >•»••• gate, Franklin Scott, Douglass Cham- Mrs. Elmina Whiting. partment, Miss Emma Ford the fourth About 75, or more, physicians of "Cranbury's Best Candy Shop." berlin, Alfred Bennett, Stanley Barclay Mrs. Elmina Whiting, who at one grade. The other teachers will be Miss Philadelphia came on a special train Karl Puerschner. time was intimately associated with the Anna Ervin, Miss Delia Bergen, Miss and were entertained on Saturday ladies of our town, the mother of Mrs. Florence Perrine. afternoon at the Walker-Gordon farm, Harold O'Neil Doing Nicely. Chas. F. Taylor, died last week at the at Plainsboro. Tbe refreshments were ICE CREAM FLAVORS We are glad to report the much im- home of her son, William Whiting at Yale-Princeton Game Tomorrow served under tents on the lawn and all proved condition of Harold O'Neil who the Bronx, New Yotk.