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Sporting Life Vol. 56-No. 16 Philadelphia, December 24, 1910 Price 5 Cents The Boston National League Club, and the St. Louis American League Club, Transferred to New Local Owners at Prices Which Illustrate the Marvelous Development of the Sport in Major Leagues. ACH of the two major leagues, at will be the club president), Mark and Na (he annual meetings, furnished a thaniel Ewing, Louis M. Hall and Edward surprise through change of own Prendergast. Associated with them in the ership of a club. What made the club will be Water Commissioner Ben Adkins,. events doubly noteworthy was the and W. E. Orthwein, of St. Louis, and John fact that in each case the tail- E. Bruce and C. J. McDiamid, of Cincinnati, end club was the subject of present minority stockholders, who will not change; and that the two important turnovers part with their holdings under any considera should happen practically simultaneously an tion. unprecedented thing. The deal for the trans THE NEW MEMBERS. fer of the control of the Boston Club, of Of the probable new controllers of the St. the National League, from the Pittsburg own Louis Club Nat and Mark Swing, Hodg er to a Boston syndicate was started before man, Louis M. Hall and Ed-ward Prender the League meeting; its consummation was gast, are all society men, and their financial merely delayed to enable one of the two fac status is O. K. The Ewing boys are said tions to retain the Boston vote for its to be worth $4,000,000, and they will not be policies; and immediately after th? meeting displeased with their new manager, whoever "the deal was completed. The proposed trans he may be, if he fails to get the Browns out fer of the control of the St. Louis American of the tail-end position in a year©s time. League Club from Mr. Hedges to a local syn These gentlemen are also all members of the dicate was the real surprise of the week, as Racquet Club, the most exclusive men©s clnb there was no inkling of such an event, and in St. Louis. They are also members of St. even the magnates were taken by surprise. Louis© best society. It is understood that This deal, too, is in process of completion, they will pay for the holdings of Mr. Hedges subject to the approval of a League commit at the rate of $535,000 for the whole club, tee, appointed for the purpose of supervising and that they will set aside $100,000 the consummation of the important deal in >with which to strengthen the club. accordance with American League require They do not know whether they will be able ments. to spend this money for talent, but are willing to make the attempt and thus show- that the St. Louis American League Club, like The Boston Transfer Completed. the National League team of that city, is run A week before the National League meeting on a liberal basis. The Ewings and their was started the deal for the sale-of the con associates, in buying the club, hare not done trolling interest in the Boston National League so merely to make money. It is the height of Club by Mr. Harris, of Pittsburg to a Bos their ambition to have a pennant winner, no ton syndicate composed of Lewis C. Page, matter at what cost. C. H. Hill, G. A. Page, Frederick W. Murphy and E. N. Moore, of Boston; and William THE TEAM MANAGEMENT Hepburn Russell, of New York. The last seems to have already narrowed down to named, a retired lawyer, engineered the deal shortstop Bobby Wallace ami Fred Lake. from its inception to a successful conclusion. The latter is said to have the inside track That this deal was not consummated sooner now that he is to be succeeded at B»ston was probably due to the fact that Mr. Harris by Fred Tenney. In case Lake cannot be was under obligation to remain in control secured Wallace will be the manager, though of the club vote for the re-election of Presi he does not particularly care to shoulder tne dent Lynch, of the National League. An burden. Fielder Jones is eliminated alto option was given the Boston parties upon gether, first, because the new owners would the Harris stock, said to be about 85 per not permit him to buy his way into the cent, of the whole, for $100,000, running to Browns, and secondly, because President February 3. Upon this was paid at once Comiskey, of the White Sox, would not waive $25,000, and at various times during the his claim upon Jones for any consideration, meeting other sums were paid on account, ip view of his desertion of the White Sox and by the time the League adjourned last two years ago, at a time when their status Friday everything was in shape for the final was greatly impaired and he was urgently payment and the formal transfer of the club, needed. It is stated that Mr. Hedges© and when the National League adjourned Mr. efforts to buy up all the minority stock for Harris left New York at once for Boston the purpose of selling it to Jones and making to close the matter. him manager was the starter for the _deal now about to be consummated, as the minor BOSTON MEN IN CONTROL. ity stockholders refused to sell, and gave the On the morning of December 17 Messrs. proposed move such publicity in the inner Harris, Russell and Page completed the fi American League circles that Mr. Hedges, nancial part of the deal in the American anxious to quit, was forced to turn to the Trust Company©s offices. A meeting was then present syndicate as the best way out of » held at the offices of the club in the Paddock discouraging situation. Building, when the stock was transferred. EDWARD GRANT BARROW, THE FINAL STAGES. The old officers of the club then resigned, Mr. Montague Lyon, counsel for President and new officers were elected as follows: The New President of the Eastern League. Hedges, states that "Mr. Hedges© health hat President, W. H. Russell; vice-president, L. Edward Grant Barrow, who was last week elected president of the Eastern League, ia been impaired by worry and hard w_ork since Couss Page; treasurer. Frederick J. Murphy; succession to P. T. Powers, is a veteran in base ball, like his predecessor. Mr. Barrow was the close of last season, and his friends and secretary, George A. Page. These gentlemen horn in Springfield, 111., May 10, 186S. As a newspaper man in Des Moines, la., he gained his wife finally prevailed upon him to sell also comprise the club directory. Peter F. considerable reputation by managing a fast amateur club. In 1889 he came East to Pitts the club, and accordingly the deal with the " Celley is retained us clerk, and Fred Tenney, burg, where he worked successfully in the newspaper, hotel and theatrical business. In 1894 Hodgman syndicate was closed.©© After the who was of great assistance to Messrs. Rus Mr. Barrow organized the Interstate League, when, with the Wheeling, W. Ara_. Club he won stock has been transferred Mr,. Hedges will sell and Page in engineering the deal, will pennants in both the Interstate and Oil and Iron circuits in 1894-95. In 1896 he procured go to Arizona on personal business and fin liecome the manager of the team, succeeding Fred Lake, with whom a settlement will be Barrow succeeded Sam Crane as president, secretary and treasurer of the Atlantic League. ally to Europe for his health. Tne new syn madf" in lieu of his 1911 contract. Of the He held the ofBce until the rircuit disbanded three years later. In 1906, .1901 and 1902 dicate will assume all liabilities of the club. now owners President Russell is a lawyer, the Barrow managed the Toronto Club, of the Eastern J/eague, finishing fifth, second and first, That means that .lack O ! Connor, deposed Page brothers are publishers, and Frederick respectively. He led the Detroit Tigers in 19»3 and 1004. and in 1906 took a whirl in tha manager, will have to collect his 1911 salary .T. Murphy is in the insurance business. These American Association with Indianapolis. He reorganized the Torpnto Club in 1906 and made from the new owners. O©Connor stated that a great showing, but quit the following year to go into the hotel business in that city. Last he was not uneasy about getting his 1911 sti gentlemen now own 95 ppr cent, of the club season Mr. Barrow returned to base ball with the Montreal Club, and in a red-hot race finished pend. He still intends to fight the case in stock. Before leaving Boston Mr. Harris at the top of the second dMsion with a tail-end outfit. In ids long years of service as a base the civil courts unless the contract for hiB announced that he would remain in base ball nail general Barrow had tlie good fortune to introduce such renowned stars as Hans Wagner, services in 1911 is fulfilled. by purchasing ail interest in the Pittsburg Knimett HeidrlcK, Bill Armour, George Smith and Dick Cogan. _______« Club. Youngsters Too Diffident. The New Deal in St. Louis. William M. Gray, secretary of the New The transfer of the controlling interest in York National League Club, is not finding it the St. Louis American League Club from Mr. transfer will have to be made under the because the proposed purchasers amply quali easy to procure photographs of the new ath Hedges to u local syndicate formed by E.
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