fourth rare at two miles was the feature HOTELS, RESTAURANTS ft CAFES. of a food rani at Ascot today. The in weather w flne and the track good ^ When to Din*. condition. Gold Spot took it easy the first BELMONTS LEADERS ^ i 1 UH YARD TEAM mile and a half, then passed Avontellus. u assuming an easy lead, and won as he Everything Gocd to Gat. pleased. nome rooking. Price* Moderate. mhlO-fWH.4 1>KRS CAFK. 711S »t. n.w. KImr rare. thr«^» and one half furloags- Rooger h~*w, If _F0l R 1. 11 o (Pre*torn. 1 to 2. won; Sinter Julia, 107 prior* I w irt t" 5. second; (iirana. 107 fflailiraa), LEAGUE #Hiu.ell), DUCKPIN CANNOTLOSE NUW HOTEL fSNQEL, S» »«» third. Time. Bender. Talien, .IN New Colon 1. .4^. ggl Opp. Station. Restaurant ft 1« e«r>e. a nj.iri. lil and Counle >1. also ran BarGi Imported beers on draught. Jft3t-90t S,., i-| rn- e. hIx furlong* Haze ine, 110 11 t" 10, won; Cavatins. 11" (Blair), 11fTalfrertito " B Sj«:, a Tarado, 102 iKima), 4 to 1. third. Hardly Seems Possible for Any Have Lead of Nearly 200 Points HOTEL MONTROSE, Tw* Titn»\ 1.1 .Vv4. Nadzn anil Aoduhon alao ran. Euroj>can. Rooms $1 to $3. Restaurant ft la carte. Thirl ra-ifvu furling*: pun*e-Ked Wood II. 'Phone M. £>275. Table d'hote dluoer. BOc., 5.SO te 1 to (Hotsnd), 8 to 1, n Vlona, *.»T (Ross), IS to Team to Beat Them Out in Percentage in Ja22-UM.4 1 1: \ >.t lu5 4 to 1, third. a* (Grand), Minnie Tiar. i > ess Bab.o, Parting, The St. aii l l.ydla vVrouio man ala tbu. for the Pennant. James, 8t.«^ Kt»ur * rn-»v tsv.» in I Irs (Sold Spot. Smith), ^\\ League.Departmental European. Rooms, fl to $S. T t«» won; Ad>»nt«. 11m» (l'reaton). 4 to 1, ae<*ond; High-class Restaurant at Reasonable Prleee. At ntelln*. 11.'< Mlrand), 8 to f>, thlrtl. Time, my 13-tf.4 K Roman Hoy, Y-dlow Kid and Allopath also The Belmonts of the District Duckpin Cliief of th« surpritwa tn »ho r*:i 110 last of during th«* two riftii rn<*«\ one mile anil on*»-ol^hth.Oll^ln. League have, sirice the publication Bowling League pastl>epartmontal 'i ii'i'v. t<> «v wiiii; .nnaa*»n, i*«i inru-wu-, « averages, tightened their hold on first place. weeks was the reversal of rorm or tne «- i, second; HI Cialrap, 17 (Ross), 2U t" 1. thlnl. ^ fiiu*. 1.541?. Murkle Mijpr, Cotillion aud Llllle They have been doing jonn remarkable While nut as strong FRANKmm 11 nln" . "spilling" during the second series, winning former years, they have made all the teams Sir r«<«\ «ovpn furl* n**.Tonj llonern, 107 rAW=s\ VAeio-.v rt to twenty-four out of twenty-seven games, and /rCr bowl good tenpins to win, hut "came hark" 4!'.. mni'll*. 4 to ft. won; II um, 102 <'*lark>, 1, ml. riayllt. 107 7 to 2. third. Time, the way they are going it hardly seems In their last three seta, winning one lone 1 <»r»»llo, Nick, Colorado 29 T«>11 ng possible for any other team to beat them to game out of nine. Navy Varrl and Aggies fSIrl and Rownaqi D. *.*o ran. m V, me uuming. j ue Buuiucriiers iw\e wjcii taking three straight, and Commerce and WR 0RIES seriously crippled by sickness among their Labor two. The Interiors, former PRETENSION NEARLY LOST and Lrimnon In the ESTUNGJST players, and, together with tha Royals and with Bunn champions, RACE AT THE FINISH lCurekas. have made the leaders bowl to win #.<5/ also fell off. Dlacln* them In secondlineup.dl- (Continued from Klr»t P&ga ) out. / vision, the House Treasury-Bureau-White combination Into first the Farmer would amlle aa he swung The Fat Men in this series showed their passing division, only at the end of three behind for the rope Then, Burnsdangling HOT Sf'RINGS, Ark.. Marrh 16..The old-time form and have managed to climb games the Commtaalonera has always saved his strength. He believes from eighth to sixth and with fourth place. In the other fellow do the <>f today's racing at Oaklawn was featurethe place, any letting work In kind of a start would have made the loaders Since the Inauguration of the a match. "Some of 'em start In like narrow cape from defent of the favorite. league wake and take notice. The aeaaona ago the Bureau and Interioraseveral colts." says the Farmer, "andtwoyear-oldw« Pretention. In the slx-furlong handicap. up Arlington*. a have in the have to give 'em chance to work oft Pretension to be easily Kasterns, Georgetown and Walk Oven have alternated "pinching" prise, steam. Rut the time comae when appeared winning been with superfluous In the stretch when Aubuc-hon eased him recruiting their force* and should five the Commissioners the most serloua thHr grip relaxes, and we And they are the top-notchert « run for the the contender for honors and the for a themselves up and fVai on Light, the extreme outsider raaney championship looking breathing spell balance the season. Yard batter Then we sav. 'Now the old Farmer'll In the through on the rail of Navy cumins with each l>ettlng. slipped Bob This the a bit.' and. gad snipes, you know wrestlewhat an«i faile.l In the efTort to beat the ravorite Roberta of the Belmonta leads the year Sailors, with Bowsherseaaon.happens next." with an in the at the finish only by the narrowest margin. league ecretlent average of 97.51; game regularly and Frits filling up If Burns has a vice,, and I don't know he the in fifth took the at the Four favorites won. also leads tn strikes and spares, having gap place, lead that you would call It a vice. It Is hla 65 spares and 27 strikes to his credit. tart and have never been headed. They for the dance. Out In Big Rock. fondnessIowa Weather clear; track fast. bow have a lead of hundred Schmidt of the name team haa score of nearly two .Burns' home.the population conaists of First rare. four furlongs.Shirley Iloasmore. 106 high point* In percentage, and this season sixty-eight and one-half souls, the half is (Atiaiim. 4 to 5. won; Aunt llala, 107 (Poley», 3 the season. 138.thus ousting Hlle, whA still lose the Fare. lOl tSwalni. 15 to 1. third. championship nonors for whichcannota widow, and a better half, too, they say. to 1 aerotttnl ra-*e. mile ami a siiteenth -Cursua, log struggle has always been between two men. a more gallant front than the old scout, as t.vJonvatioarboro), 15 and U. 81. Hu. Tina. Ate. the head of the list. Fritz. Garrett and partner on hl» arm, to the strains of the to 1. Time. 1.47 1-5. Vlpertae Skyward -I D . -v.... Bol»rm. Bflmuut 54 27 d» 5.2M) 97 W rvrWinn.1l or,H Blue Danube. They do say that the Farmer Third rai*e mile and *e?enty yards -Reine Llal. Kotal S 2 7 57S "S now has a lead that can hardly lose, with was once asked to chooae between a 91.> i>4 »B;;fler>. 7 to I, nou; l*>rd Dixon, Regeute.102 Elker, Belmont 47 24 4U 4.45M 94 but few games to be rolfed. purse for a wrestling match atul #\li»r»*land», G »«> 1. aerond; Doolie, 94 wSwain> 8 to Ryrtl. Ratal 34 13 #2 5.H0I 94 The work of the veteran Rice has been the privilege of leading the grand march third. Time, I 45 3 0. Thlatledo, Scalploek and S.huililt, Belmont 31 SO 4V 4.772 93 1, Belmout 93 WHEREcr^ C)XFOHD AND CAMBRIDGE CREWS 1LOWED. the Individual feature of the past few at the New Year ball In Big Rock. When Prlu« Orna al*»» ran. Mlchawl. 34 17 55 C>.»*4 weeks. Is the bells out that first of Fourth rare. nix furtongs; handicap-Pretension^ Ewretf, Eat Men 4.1 12 3H 3.972 92 "Tony" always well m>. but he rang January, 11* I to 3. n*»n; Beacon Light. 106 . OBannon. Belmont 34 17 49 4.97K 92 has been In his best form this year and la they had some other man In the ring tit Aii-rnn. 25 to I. second; Hannllutl Bey, 1O0 J. 1. tblrd. Time. Haughty. -UIU1I, ««» , Jr., following One of the Good Una, Olson. ren *eeond; Aggie I.**ul8. 90 K. Martin). 25 to 1, Oliver. Royal 34 Hi 49 4.930 HI One advantage the English crews have F easily by thirty-five seconds, althoughwinlingWednesday's same: Charley fhlid. Time 3.1-5. Bendigo ami Helgersoo also Krauakopf, Roral 0 2 0 531 91 SIXTY-FOURTH BETWEEN had over those of this country is In hav- 1 owing a much slower stroke, And then Ju»t another word for another Loving. Southern 3K 13 32 3.270 01 that (h« n IA af via nf hiorti faa thor. ran friends and able to ! demonitrntlnr Team Standing. food wrestler, who Is Ju»t coming to t>e Siiih rare, nix fnrl"ng* lien Strong. 98 (Swain), M. Kenton. Arlington. 34 It! 4H 4.WW 90 AND CAMBRIDGE. ing willing compile ngr and uut hard at the end was of 5 Ko«e Hart. S3 «J Hutler). 6 to 1. aec Hlle. Kaateru 31 11 30 4,«!4 90 OXFORDthe of pulling w. L. Pet. w r,. Pet. In Olaon of 8t 2 t«> won; histories the annual races, with 110 use. NaT? Yard.. SO 10 .NAu Interior 34 41 .453 America.Charley appreciated lua which was won the lutter. was the , owed in cedar shells.that for Cambridge *»riiiiuiH». n» n J F iw .(ff .»->kW .Ml by the Thames or forty years The I before whom he appear*. Olson Is another ENTRIES FOR MONDAY. 54 :n IT 7 .273 certainly manlty *40 arms of his possess a wonderful natural »»ld. lo7; Wild Irishman. 110; Foxmeade. (Vnr jtauif betarmi Fat Men «o(l Wilk-Offr high Is timeiet->nds,ts. I*. o 00 55.3ka nan m» ««ne-half undtrWftTnnd boat clubs, as All the improvements made from time to , ecord. The r;ice was, however, rowed on strength, he has unusual powers of Se<<»nd ra«-e. four and furlongs; purse; Cambridge I'niversity time In rowing. In the matter of j oflre r,a..".42 t»7i km Wilier wo; BF.I.MONTS. It has In States the boats, £i strong flood tide. War (Itf 505 Is game to the core, and he hasendurance, |w»» y#»ar olds Heariiin«>, Nanaoo. Jiir, the Cnlted by annual oars, sliding seats and otherwise, have PA, 9S2 82<> mastered well the tricks of the If « 'andlne If. l». Si. Pln». U 17 ~ * sport. JIsip* ript. ion; Brawny, I.ady 8p Kjg. Lunirnin uriwcru uir ui been utillxed and made popular by the Some Noted Contests. Individual Teams. Olson don't to the In the future (onv.-iii^ui, 101; I/ite Foster. 104; l>»e fivat, 107; Roberts 54 2T (15 5.2*1 97 and Standing by get top I>.»w of l»a«n. lOO; Mollle Montrose, 118; E. M. Elkei 47 24 40 4.45!» 1)4 this country. In fact, these annual Cambridge race. Oxford Several incidents have marked the race, NAVY YARD. he'll come pretty close to it. I don't notice tk-bmldt icapialm 51 20 ID 4.772 93 The flrst race, rowed In 1829, was in I>* ry. 121. nre the mainstays of amateurismcontestsin rhere were two contests in 1849, Cam- (iimpi. I'ina. H. (1. A»g. that he Is losing many matches these days, Third ra<-e. mile and one-eighth; selling-Tinker, Mlehati<1 r.l IT 55 5.044 113 heavy barges, and they continued to be f and he is down no O'Banmm 54 IT 40 #2 both countries, for although the betting used until ' in !chwr 3 5*4 221 196 turning challengers. 97; l>on't Ask Me. 100; Henry 0.. Harry 4.078 1846, when Cambridge won in bridge winning March and Oxford in ]Bow*her OH 13.157 255 191 The deceiving physique of Olaon has led Merry PlniiW, 108; Foreigner. 10f»; Kin* u 1 « 751 83 may be heavy and the feeling run high, a down-tiver race.from to Put- 1 on a < MpplMM MS; Arkmau 10 1 82 S Mortlake 3ecen»ber foul. In 1859 the weather irDonnell 0«l 12.403 28S 1SH to many ludicrous Incidents, In which he tin-imK 10M; Grenada. King Ellsworth. 110. there has never been a shadow of doubt ney.In an out-rigge<| clinker-built boat lllllur rtrt 1*> iwn ow l&o one mile and ,was so ffad that nostnnnpmAnt sucr. I iihh [>iHyea ine siar pari, in ivansas cuy F.Mirth rare, aeY»*nty yards; purse SOITHHRNKn* of the of all sixty feet long, thirty-two Inches wide, Frfti 00 12.42JI 25S ISO L»»«*y Marie. Hft; I>oifha. 97; Oberon, 09; John L. honesty contending. Many with ends 'Ce.sted. The crews would not hear of any «"rUt C.-. 11.71K 220 180 not long ago about half the wrestlers of 1U4; Turner 51 12 51 4.007 92 uncanvased. the Oxford boat were a Innd* Marvin Neal. ln2; Light Note. who have rowed in the Kngllsh contests monatirincr an9; Minor. I>ay. Bal»* Bal- 38 0 28 3.228 8» army, and medical science. first used, as were round oars, all of the BIRKAT. hotel got drinking bit. and Gray purif*-HaVraa leapt.) law, diplomacy ,if and chose the Fultiam shore, boasted that "outside of Gotcli I can W4. Toy Boy. 9«; Ohlyena. loo-. Lens. 101; h*d.HtitIT 3 1 2 SOU 8» The records of the first years same length.twelve feet seven Inches. position Ueyeri « 1.124 2<»« 187 loudly M< rrf'»*s. K«*tlu*>d. 104: Lady Kither. 110; Fnuite- | WVekerlj 51 13 51 4.533 88 English fifty which was the most sheltered. She led throw any man in Kansas City." Tliey showed that of the crews 10S Uardle 09 12.742 247 185 »»<-. B«»lle Stuume, 114; Athlete, 115: fGoldsmith, Veerhoff 42 lo 36 3.735 88 Oxford Change in Style. t the -and fl'.i 12.420 237 ISO brought Olson In and the strong man Mll.en 8 2 0 5S'» 88 ministers, 31 lawyers. 4 doctors and 'rora start, the Cambridge boat sink- ' UN. became A change In the of Clutch 03 10.00H 285 174 laughed at the boy of meager frame. Five Sixth ra<-e. aeven furlong*: Owner* x Handicap; FVlila 3 I 2 250 Hfl 8 went Into the army. Of those who pulled style rowing also i ng a mile from the Ilnish, a most gallant liillialrlik 3 521 174181 times a minute for he roared. "Five Grlswell. 90; l*rln«e <»f Mariey 3 O84 l the marked the and it was that one you!" aeslhic Warner Mortlboy. in the light blue boat 80 chose church, year, both the crews were 1jerformance, for known of IMuierlirlia 57 0,814 2X1 172 times an hour for you!" retorted Olson, 4'>»tn« H<>b Kdgren. 102, «*>lumMa Girl, St. 50 went into law, 2 became doctors and 2 the art of ';he crew could not swim. All were res- 1 !*ord21 3.011 2»5 172 Pasadena. li*». ROYAL. taught catching hold of the be- « 15 quietly. They put up $200 a side on that Valentin- went into the army. Each university had *- ' The "dead heat" in 1877 was due to Irapnda 2,377 210 172 Seventh race. one mile; selling Economy. 1»1 ; Lint H 2 7 57.1 93 ginning, m me ued. Ilea* last proposition and stripped right thern 2 bishops, Wordsworth and Macdougall siroive, wnicti was not at fact that in the last nine «.ixrorn im« 50 0.443 212 lOit H >j» »" .My Thumb. Lady \ln>«>nt. ltfi: Bye Bye II, Bynl54 15 «2 5.1»tf 94 all part of the old j he ami then. In the billiard room. When they 1#7 U.K. Kulserhoff. Qnagga. Kemp Kldgley, Oliver («apt.> 54 18 4U 4.930 «i from Oxford and the two Adwyns from style, but whirl) was Im- j>ut seven oars, "bow" having sprung Ills AUKH'l LTT RK. \Km. in xne law 01 i for picked the strong man up after the fourth l*4>'aic«»n. Sehroeder* Midwav, 1«»1; Fire Alariu. Kmmtkopf 9 "J ti 551. !»l tamuriage. unuiy v>xrorti peratlve the new light bouts without a t the beginning of the last mile. IHeld 75 13..VJ7 219 181 in Mls>. Honart. 107; Briber IH ft 15 88 < fall, which happened about eight bi. Hal Hard, 104; Bitter 102; 1,588 iorniau 07 12,081 2141 1H0 he was a sober man. 4 I l»e«e«. 10V Warren 9 1 8 798 88 Uowrj u 1.H09 2#1 170 quite minutes. Levi 83 11 18 2.883 87 lofiuann 14 2,177 21l» 177 "Nuff!" he ejaculated, "guess I've made to [Kltnn »« » Oakland. Holmes 45 14 33 3,925 87 fielder distinguish himself with the stick. i im lO 1 rt". I7i) a mistake. There's one other man besides Bauer 41 Z 28 85 O'Neill was iVlllUiu* < ra< Rustler, 3,522 "Tip" the premier of I 72 12.517 2111 174 Gotch I can't throw, and this bean pole's Fit four fuflongs; purse Import, Ferguson 4 0 3 32U 81 the slugger kl.-I-onnati 47 I* Maeal). Cfcnrle* A., Altalr, Apache America* Association when he played I 7,851 22S 107 the man." A'"» ief. left field for the St. Louis Browns, I I[Varner 1> 1,34(1 182 160 0>>f. Arthur Hyman, 112; Sangil, Memorize, 109. KlItEKA. STARS twenty FAVORITE World's Greatest Wrestlers. years ago. and Jess Burkett was one CAR of FARES COMMI8SIONKRS. the A BIG rt*.. furlniiffs: aelllnir.Tawaaentha. Gnnilif!iocr ftl 17 48 4.701 02 8 greatest batsmen In the when Iroinun (HI T a'iiv iiQlrt>(i tho nt lior ilsi v u'hitm I fnn- Mala. Blanche C\, Pescalora, May Farrow, jr ....51 4:* 4.8*>:; 91 game he 12,517 244 181 «'b*'rry. I>vnty 54 18 41 4.859 89 went to St. I*ouis witli Pat Tebeau's :aintv Morsel, Handmaiden, 110; Silver H. lauiulernheliiier 48 15 38 4.301 89 nr nir niunn n Spiders. Cleveland kleyera (12 10.72D 222 173 Undoubtedly I n*» Maud M((»,. lOo. li'urrna- ur \k\ In 17 A u Ml U* Stone Is one of the most Mters «:» 11.832 258 172 the gigantic Turks, Nouroulah, Yousouf. »' mile and a furlong: selling valuable Third ra- One \Ii*( 'arrhv 7G72 84 K ur inn uuitillu in base ball outfielders Hunt 49 8.202 230 109 chaps like them. No white man can hope fstnut. .Nab«»naxsar. M<»dleu*. 112; B»nar. 109;« today. Ueorgewas onlya fair IV».» II LV2 1IW lettrolllr 12 1 !) »!»_ 82 ITEM FOR V 14iAt 10S: E.\ap«». BrlMitborpe, iiji'Muner wnen McAleer landed him two CLUBSjI 18 to cope with those -HH>-pound hulks, unless Knight. Uyer» 2.884 233 160 ^ 1«C»: «;» .r««* I' M«\Yar, H>4; Gallre, 10i>; ARLINGTON. years ago. Jim saw the youngster's defects > UKVwnb 1.1 2.37.1 188 1.19 lie can gei uhik ul iriem una worn un ineir 1«m». i been some one to lllll fVrry. l*r<>« d*Klsher » 1 10 833 U2 Jesse Burkett is the most valuable and practiced with him In the outfield until Ingham 3 474 183 158 fe«t. I've looking for Fourth rat » une mile ami fifty yards; selling Tn the show me how to back of them. Don't H>2; Karl M. Kenton W\ lrt 4 s 4.888 1W In George developed Into a very fair man. budget of expenses of the base ball TREASURY. get l>-rado. 103; Henford, Mandator.Art Ffiitou M is 51 that ever played major leagueoutfielderStone now covers as let anybody tell you any white man ever ». 99. 4.773 88 left acceptably as any lubs this season there Is one Item that Is !Jchrader. 00 10.594 270 177 «'orrigan, Kogei AI Kentoa i.-«pi R4 if 4i 4.7W( HS base ball," said Jimmy McAleer, the other man in the with the beat Nouroulah, for he didn't. In America Kift(j ra- *. *er*n and one-half furlongs; selling. Nairn business, exception of lure to be considerably than it was DeYp51 8,(145 255 178 «;.» I»avi*. 1»>9, Talamund. 10S; I>anlel P., 37 R lt» 3.1&4 "Burkett couldn't catch a fly ball of tne higher I'arker 4S 234 175 we have had a gallant array of wrestler*. Ul«a4« tt 38 night. champion Chicago n 1906. j 8.400 Kurnett, 105; Ilolln. 3.969 H5 who Is That item Is for railroad fares. .(ones 21 3,007 203 Joe Acton. I^ewls. Tom Elevation, Paptaln Oadlehon.'ilrsi-h 8 when he joined the Cleveland club in 18U^, Cubs, one of the kings of the 175 Whistler, Strangler W«*dg»thoi"tl. 100. 10 S 1,3'KJ 81 outfield.ilepresentatives of the trunk lines gathered Smith 63 10,821 235 172 Jenkins, Parmer Burns, Dan Mcl^eod, ra t». twven but he knew how to clout the leather and j 'arlsou 0 Si*ih ftirlonga: pur**» Rightful. KAT MKN. Sheckhard has one of the best iround , 1.029 213 172 Charley Olson. There's a splendid s*ven, 111 Mnw KU.i.-r 111; Snow. 10&; EdithE»k-..II anxious to learn the throwing Presidents Johnson and Pulllam 1Powle 8 SOU 180 170 Ulna 4.310 88 game. fielding fast, sure catch In the field, coming In jMrkwrg. 8 45.'. 157 15J middleweight Jf> LH).- Craig. 1)3. Furt**»*A filer 3 * 3 280 88 "He worked alongside of me. and no or going out, and works beautifully to his ueeting. and told them that owing to the '1r*r ra«e. four funoiiga; purse -Karodo, Wood 44 8 10 Anally polished up conscientiously.classed as the best all-around outfielder In INTERIOR. the country of the Stars and Stripes today, 3.790 85 ill traffic of ain Harrel. EJ Darls, R*-no Rebel, 106: Swag^rl»'*»r.I'aullta. .Honrs!a.-k 32 1« 1» 2.727 8S a fairly good outfielder, but, of course, his the game until his collapse in the world's the base ballists would be at Ric#00 12,758 248 185 and I hope I not egotistical when I say vi.M-mi. am to have won IMIIJ. TS'IAB. 106 « ir ,f 34I SO base-running and run-getting abll- championship series last fall. He played .iic vfctn 11 ot ^ cents a mile per capita. Barrett ...... 03 13.053 258 182 I proud my right to defend Haskoll 30 3 I# 2,92"J 83 hitting, miserable ball Jf'oop^r 80 10.572 223 1T0 the American championship. 4e>-een often secured, and as tlie teams now 1BItilej 45 7,151 201 15# Mum Kodolfo, 107; ltanitna, Koalnlnl. 105. Hlle 6) II prestige. 28 4.303 180 157 M 4 fli4 90 three times He was always on One of ravel around the circuits with a of Msrk*jr GRA7TERS FOB PASSES. Third rare, mile; aeJlng Montchank, 110; Rama, S. II. \ptlnu*yer (rapt.i 47 tt to 4.23U 9» per game. the sensational features of the party P"rlck 18 2,727 203 131 Croat)/ » t « T9S 88 the baas when we needed a run. and you White %h*r, championship 3 402 154 134 « UK*; Suunaark, Huapala, lo3; Needful, £r»gorj « 1* 36 3.T71 87 know that counts for much. the brilliant work of Arthur Hofman, a St. Ifteen. as In the old jBillings A Clan of Annoyance# Endured by apsbl**. T .miifll Knv nr Vi*il r» if«/l * *' days, the Increase Is ,lohoaou 8 400 107 133 K> 7 2 « 614 87 was In his he was the xuu.M wv4, « I1W j/in / CV» *-CUlCl ItClU III! l(IC lm M.rbur. ?*«Nai-hmau "When Jess prime I TU11 Plsvsrs Fourth ra--e. all furlong*; handicap Don IHiiou, 51 6 40 4.42# 86 to the Cubs In tlila series. folngr to eat up quite a number of COMMERCE AND I.ABOR. Xao«l.-r 24 5 111 86 best bunter that ever stepped up Hofman substituted 1»* rt^hall 113. Sir EJward. 112. Toupee. 106; L- 8,073 He could 'em down beautifully, for Jimmy Slagle and carried off the Indl- 1 admisilons.larvls 0 1.187 225 108 Base ball players, like actors, are often in . «l>rv- l^mlnna lr*l MA Eruoat IS 1 11 !,()«» 86 plate. lay M. Ern»«r II a IS and was as fast as a deer getting down to vidua! honors of the series for his team. Kckstelu 44 8,120 230 183 annoyed by gentlemanly panhandlers, who Ktfth race. mile, sailing Aotara. 107; Lucrace, 1,43# Hi The Distance Traveled. Waters 27 4.834 20tl 180 ftiutjAe l«>fl; C«»in-«llau, HI J. E. Wltimeyer 8 I 3 flflU 82 first. I never saw his equal In this Jim McAieer saw Hofman work for the would lose a work In order to a Jorner, CtoK^p, I first to Ludwlc 42 7,334 233 175 day's graft J. V Klrtv, 102; Sam Craig. 10U; Taos.I>**«»i of base ball. All things considered,department time against the White Sox and was According the schedules, the American 54 n.223 220 171 %2 hi-u« a.. 90; *3 KOSKDALK. of Burkett none too with rsmpkins pass Into the games. Buna. Corlx-tt think my estimation greatly Impressed his showing. He [,ea»fue clubs will have to travel a distance Gordon 63 10.541 245 107 Hixth ra««v tlx f»rk>ug*. tilling.Taylor (iforgp, 42 13 .10 .1.76(5 81» says the former St- Louis bank clerk has O'Donnell 48 7,802 235 103 Jimmy Ryan was a player who oouM 112. » M 11<»; Lord Prov«»st. King of the Ulilata 44) I* 25 3.506 87 high." )f 96.283 miles In order to fill their Hifln 'Jaoto 54 McAleer's remarks recall the fact that all the earmarks of a great ball player. Ingham 3 470 184 159 handle this class of gentry to perfection. >1U* loT Starling Lac*-ne. King. 10ft; Warln* 10 5o 4.6M 86 ever dates, while the Williams H 108 158 K-»*-h. yT liamM. VZ. A. Wyne 21 4 14 l,8t»8 86 some of the greatest outfielders that Arthur will play center field regularly for National Leaguechampionship 1,41!) ana ao ll wun a mime un ins iar« aiiu iu*s have worn a St. Louis the Cubs season. will ('r«*man 12 1,734 100 140 II. K. WIiwIit leapt.). 43 2 37 3,681 85 played base ball this traverse 92.155 miles In pursuance of Kllbournc R 425 151 manners of a Chesterfield. B. C. Wh«*I»r 54 II 34 one or other of their base No about 142 4,586 84 uniform at stage story outfielders would be .uc name uujci:i. nSBIIIUILlg L[ittl eSCll C1UO McKenzie 3 405 145 135 lie would do It loo. and have it Bill Hassamer'a J. K. Wyue 16 4 12 1.35# 84 careers. Curt Welch, the great without reference to Willie quickly, Philosophy. ball Keeler,complete;arr1es men on a rrerlaon 3 3S3 ISO 128 over with while his fellow-players wer-i 4 center the eighteen trip (and that Pinify' Ward and Bill Hassamer. who GEUROKTOW*. of twenty years ago, played outfielder midget right fielder of the New York Kochl 3 384 134 128 either giving up the passe*- -which, by the field for champion St. Louis Americans, who has been one of out- average Is not high, as the Highlanders on the team in the Barr leapt.. W 7 44 Comlskey's the GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. way, are extremely hard for the boys to fv Washington 4.741 87 Browns. Welch was a wonderful fly-chaser, uriu mugs mr many years. Keeler made <>ften went on a tour with * 1 1 .I. - l.u . ^ M<* Bui-r over - 54 Ift 30 4.730 87 twenty In mclarm/ ait a.zci zzz liu the seems to think n i' i.'t'ii***, nan jna^ris w no idiumid-ino weak with the willow. He practically his mark with the got, though public Milt llaor 48 13 31 4,145 86 but champion Baltimore (:he party last season) the amount to be Norbcck S3 5,788 221 173 otherwise- or else were going Into long and * aims to a college education. They were .Minuet! 21 4 18 1,823 86 played the whole outfield for Comlskey's Orioles. He Is one of the greatest right W»l»h 40 8,035 2.!4 175 their Halm. 54 11 33 I.ouls team. fielders that ever 1jald to the railroads for fares alone will Brono 30 0,105 213 171 embarrassing explanations regarding i » ki?.«I of lads who flourished in the days 4.634 85 great St. covered the garden, and Inability to procure the requested Bart«*l 36 4 21 3.038 81 "Tip" O'Neill, the left fielder of the club, has no superior as a bunter and base run- 1foot up $67,837.68. of which the Johnsonttes SVIIUbuw 38 0.37ft 2<>4 198 %s n the game was thought to he a low Q'lt'k 3 0 1 225 75 Ills "t'ommy" used ner. Keeler Is a Mkln 48 7.977 232 100 tickets. "deadhead" was carried for hitting, model ball player, always iwill pay S34.fl61.88 and the Pulliamltes will Laframbolae 27 210 who worked In some of the » »rt of business for one of the "rah.rah. and Caruthers, his In condition and MOO 105 One fellow WALK-OVKK. Fouti heavy-hitting good seldom misses a ifurnish *33.175.80. Spaeth 3 485 175 102 Washington departments was well known r«* hoys' to indulge in for the Johuatoo 54 8 48 pitchers, in right field. Besides taking care game. This was one of Jess Burkett's If the pennant races were to bn Craag 21 3.388 190 4.755 88 to and decided 1«1 as a hold-up man on the free-pass graft, purchase meal tickets. whereto 24 3 15 2.07# 86 of center field, Welch would go right strong points, according to McAleer. who 1 Helnold 27 4,295 189 159 after he had "touched" most of the ("" M 1* 3# 4,655 86 left for hard line shots and long hits to the says tho "Crab." as Burkett was Carey « 954 IU9 159 and A .hd'> in On i it> called, i ravel the next series for the world's cham- of the olub he 'I'm* social l>an on l>aae ball never worried 28 4 10 81 Keeler Stone are unquestionably the l and the Clevelands. while the tall WAR. far to Kuafnthil 2.286 and could throw like a rifle shot. He was two most valuable outfielders in the Plttsjurfts smile. nothing seemed bother "Wild Bill'* 15 3 0 1,157 70 Amert- , would be Philadelphia In the Na- ndersiusaiui 21 3.597 22:1 171 The fellow had a good front and looked rx Ui»* ntr»-t» h between a base runner and would stop a can league, but this boasts j Self*H*i 11.192 SKiH 17(1 i»t pay days. daring organization ( tonal and New York In the American. The a He caught with Ryan, <»!.»- out at the clubhouse Ward ball with Dome portion of his of a number of other useful flycbasers, Blelaakl 54 ».»" 22"> 170 like gentleman. up morning The pitched ]Pirates will have to go over more than 0,000 £uex «T 11.393 212 170 just a* the player was going in the grand .iuiii* a ii' i aim ' iu Practice. anatomy. If necessary to get to first base who aro also stout with the stick. Bloomingdales , ,miles of territory than the Phillies are Elarmel 62 9,723 222 157 stand gate, and thrusting his hand out h« mr\ it^m which appeared to excite him he The candidate* for the Bloomlngdale base In a crisis. "W*hoo Sam" Crawford. icheduled to cover, one t-eason for this 1 «List 1)14 179 152 exclaimed: "Hello. Jimmy! I suppose you d 4. ^ a arunt ax yf disapproval ball t»-am that the Slca» 42 0.3'J!> 193 152 saw me last In practiced yesterday afternoon at a Star. "Wahoo 3am44 Crawford of th« rwmft >elnff Smoky City men are con- remember me? You What's the matter? inquired Tommy McCarthy home pnaara. ]Smith 35 5.204 201 131 McDevltt's Field under the Instruction of the whole St. Louis itantlv leavlnr to fill Sundav Chicago." Hussan;**! Welch played Tigers la a great outfielder and strong bats- ilients In Cincinnati. Chicago and St. I.ouls. POST OFFICE. Then Ryan, shaking the fellow's hand Manager and Assistant ' W«h> tit Is paper says that no thief can Woriey Manager for Comiskey iVitll Tommy McCarthy man. He field. rhe same reason to and with that smile of " outfield plays right "Ty" Cobb, who applies Cleveland's ]Bishop 14 2,494 207 178 warmly stereotyped l^vik an honest man in the eve replied Turner. From indications this year's team made his appearance In the game. 1leavy mileage. H »rd 05 11,400 230 170 exclaimed: "Glad to see you again.In Now what do covers center field for the Tigers, is one of his, Vard you think of that?" will be the fastest aggregation ever turned Into one of the most The New York and Brooklyn tcamR in the 3»tM 3 530 213 170 Chicago. And before the grafter had Wei! «aid "If he « an t io» developed the moat promising young outfielders In the , 00 217 170 Bill, k him in out to represent the club. Harry Nichols of He McCarthy National will have a great money Sherwood 11.102 Jimmy was In the club house recovered ti e eye, he ran punch him in It." has been outfielders his day. playedbrilliantgame. Last year was Cobb's first season tn saving [Uniicbff 30 0,495 23*1 107 appointed captain. Three games jidvantage in Jumps, for while the DouclllS 54 8.945 204 100 Into his uniform. getting for St. Louis, and finished his I t »»nf a Phila/lolnhla cruflr>r u/)ir» Af.d with that, the thinker with the field up VI > * a . .. V. .. profound Hamilton Country Club of right fast company, and he marked Ills debut !n 1 are slated to move around PlttsjurgsPradarlck 30 5,050 253 180 uajv/ic ICIIB ihs.m! rl » from his mind. more with the Boston meana of subject disn have been booked. Baltt| base ball career champion the big league by clouting the leather to the 1 times, the MoGrawites will takethlrtyiln©only Borkmann 15 2.303 189 158 after exhausting every other team. McCarthy was a wenty-flve trips and the Donovanites Murbhr 0 938 190 150 "dead-heading" It Into the games, evolved faster man than Welch, and became the tune of over .300. a most remarkable per- only Bcckltftn 3 440 10*1 155 Idea of to J.wenty-seven Journeys. 15 2.214 18S 148 the hardly original pretending best base runner of his time. formance for a youngster. Mattle Mcln- The on either SirSird represent soma newspaper and claiming longest Jump circuit is from ,Andrew* 3 432 10U 144 "Dickey" Johnaton of Boston, Jim the left fielder of the Detroit Is Boston to St. a that ho was sent out by his paper to THE HERO STARTS IFOR Gore of tyre, team, I»uls. gap of t.223 miles. TRAINING of George Pha Sfr T^lild A mn® will tol/o 180 or CAMP Philadelphia, Fogartyone of the star fly-chasers of the country, Regularg Better. the game. report and New York and Ned Hanlon of wan tt iftiiuiaiu Chicagobut he can't the ball like Crawford »nce during the year, the Boston Nationals Games. PIna. H. (1. At*. AS ne cumparauvrii Detroit were the other star outfielders of wallop wlce and the 8t. Louis Nationals Sowaber 69 13«15«101 mutt, one publication seemed as good a* Gore was once. twenty yeara ago. George > and Cobb. The number of miles each club will have !VDonufll 12,4011 2(18 188 another to the fellow, so when he applied the best hitter of the bunch, and Charlie who takes care of the tr* or«rv.,».» ' 09 12,742 247 188 stand for admittance on Hemphill, travAl» trinfl ho moHa on/1 the * " FUrtl" probably ,V fc«»» V.| -C- BMU U1I1UU at grand gate HI IU (U,e 09 12.758 243 185 was the best outfielder, although Johnstonmany middle garden for McAleer, Is one of the >e for the l>l£U that he was a base ball writer, he considered without a as a expended transportation (fare alone) Sckatein «« 8.110 230 185 was he Fogarty peer great left-handed sluggers of the American 8ire as follows: filler #« 12,070 252 183 was asked with what paper fielder. League, and a star fielder and thrower. Jarrett 8-1 13.65.1 258 182 connected. BUI I-ange of the Chicago team was one "Topsy" Hartzell of the Philadelphia American League. Uroanao 69 12.517 244 181 Putting on a haughty look and frowning of the best hitting outfielders of ten or 75 13.567 21l» 181 he "I am the is another brilliant ball player. Athletics.Clubs. Trips. Miles. Fares. field at the annoyance, replied: twelve years ago. Hugh Duffy was In his Flick, the great right fielder of theElmercHereinml 84 14,348 ^viti C9 12.42T! 258 180 sporting editor: of the Ladles' Home and had few as an $.'>.103.48 ><««5 11.718 229 ISO prime then, equals Cleveland Blues, has few superiors in the Ht. Louis 81 14.098 5.07S.J8 69 12.420 237 Journal." or hitter. He was a >e 34 \.u& T. 180 probably betteroutfieldergame. He can hit and field to beat the troll 13.288 4.783.08 iormau 67 12.081 210 180 man than I^ange. J;'bicaxo 32 12.307 4.480.32 27 4.854 206 180 KM n»l»>hantv Anil Rtirk<»tt hrnlrA Intrt fast band. j loston 2U 11,7111 4,218.84 ^ten BASE BALL CLUBS IN COU&T. "Chick" Stahl of the Boston Americans SS I was the & thirties 10,839 3.880.04 company together. Delehanty was one of the prettiest outfielders in the VWashington 27 9.1KM 3,588.84 greatest hitter of Ills time, but, like Uur Vnrb 9fi Q OOO 9 *71 «a HAD A TEN-MILE BUN. gtLUlC 11X1 LI 1 iitt LUUR UU IICOII BI1U ISCICUIIC, Interlocutory Judgment in Suit of he was never much of an outfielder.Burkett, the leader McAleer the first time he saw Fielder Jones, brainy iujjheavy.of Totals 24K Baltimore Team. says Larry 1b a brilliant (W,a83 (34,661.88 Chase the Frenchman was the Chicago White Sox, ]Sounds of the Chevy Club Lajole play big but he ia not very formidable with National League. NEW YORK. March 16.The center field for th* Philadelphia covering outfielder, Again Out. entered two week* In League club. the bat. Club*. Trips. Miles. Firm. Judgment interlocutoryago NationalFred Clarke of the Pittsburg team was f'lttsburg 39 14,870 $0,333.20 The hounds of the Chevy Chase Club were the suit of the Baltimore base ball club i /ihssp "Cuppy was pitching for us at the time," of the 'talcago. 32 12.538 4,519.80 for j pyj said "and the whole Cleveland classed as the premier outfielder Na- loston 28 >ut yesterday afternoon the second hunt the Brooklyn ba*e ball club of the Jimmy, for Clarke Is a J 12,031 4.831.16 agalnet team gave Ueorge a terrific roasting for tlonal League many years. gt. Louis 39 11,980 4.814.96 >f the season and during the hour and a I National league was opened today In v T Sui.Koff«ara A# kla protege of Manager McCloskey of the Car- clacinnatl $1 awy ^ ^ | lOivniA vu iita 11,949 4.301.64 luarter that they followed the scent they on an order Issued by Judge Fort delivery. Lajole could line 'em out then dlnals. McCloskey says that O'Hara, his GIrooUya ST 10,244 3.087.64 sey City JerI a >\v York 25 9,760 3.313.60 :overed a distance of about ten miles. The to the Baltimore club to ahow cause why aa well aa he can now, but we all thought new left fielder, reminds him great deal £ not aet aside. of Clarke when the latter broke Into the Fhlladelpbls 28 8,760 8,153.60 ground was not aa hard as that required the Judgment should be he waa a 'morning glory' and would eoon The suit was originally brought to 'ahoot hla bolt." About two weeka later game with the Louisville club ten or twelve Totals 239 92.155 $33,175.80 lor good crow-country riding, and the $30,000, which the Baltimore club Cuppy called my attention to the fact that years ago. Clarke has fallen off In his of the club did not turn out In as large club owed recover of recent years, and Is not as valuable The Naps are down to run off thirty-four membersclaimed the Brooklyn for Lajole had been rapping out two or three hitting' the of which la lumbers as they will doubtless do later In to the Brooklyn club seven ever alnce we a man today aa Mike Donlin, the Idea, longest from St. Louis sold yearsplayera hua per game played agalnat slugger o New York.1.066 miles. was for the Brooklyn club In with the aame center fielder of the New York Giants. The reat of their Mm season. The start made shortly ago. Counael htm In Philadelphia, are not an at Cabin John with today attacked the regularity of the that a olock ticks. Cuppy chuckled journeys lone, barring 822-mil* ifUT S o'clock bridge, court the regularityof aunt between Philadelphia and Chicago :he huntsman leading upon Masterpiece, proceedings by which the Judgment waa QM when he mentioned matter, and. Record. t tear the close. Their abortcat led over the Siw Fool aeaaon'a ride rhe trail Cowling. Naylor, obtained. course, ha waa subjected to no more said he would the for allowing the youngster. BI.MIRA, X. T., March !«..Thomas 1a between Washington and Philadelphia, Soldaborough, Stotts and Dulanay farm*, Judge Fort giv green 'JoahIng* overlng 1M mile*, and they are due to hence through Woodmoht. the Beans and club five daya in which to fll«B«ltlmorea to itlng him for two triples In 'LaJole,one Bush, a local pool expert, la a private i jeke it three tlmaa. No leaa than eight Clin* farma to the Chevy Chase Land btll of partlculara. and would than call club recently rail el*hty-ei*ht balls from I tlines do they do the hop from Cleveland to > subdivision. Crossing this propertyCom>any'supon the Brooklyn club to Ala a bill of "" tone's Great Work. / the break, which is said to be one point ] fIt. Louis or return, which brldgea a dta-I .he pack led back through the Dunlap and merit and than eat a date for a further the worM'o record. t anee ot M* atUea. ' j {« » !« v Oaorge Stone U the third St. Louis left better tbaa Itajr ttatanwi hearing.