fourth rare at two miles was the feature HOTELS, RESTAURANTS ft CAFES. of a food rani at Ascot today. The in weather w flne and the track good ^ When to Din*. condition. Gold Spot took it easy the first BELMONTS LEADERS ^ i 1 UH YARD TEAM mile and a half, then passed Avontellus. u assuming an easy lead, and won as he Everything Gocd to Gat. pleased. nome rooking. Price* Moderate. mhlO-fWH.4 1>KRS CAFK. 711S »t. n.w. KImr rare. thr«^» and one half furloags- Rooger h~*w, If _F0l R 1. 11 o (Pre*torn. 1 to 2. won; Sinter Julia, 107 prior* I w irt t" 5. second; (iirana. 107 fflailiraa), LEAGUE #Hiu.ell), DUCKPIN CANNOTLOSE NUW HOTEL fSNQEL, S» »«» third. Time. Bender. Talien, .IN New Colon 1. .4^. ggl Opp. Station. Restaurant ft 1« e«r>e. a nj.iri. lil and Counle >1. also ran BarGi Imported beers on draught. Jft3t-90t S,., i-| rn- e. hIx furlong* Haze ine, 110 11 t" 10, won; Cavatins. 11" (Blair), 11fTalfrertito " B Sj«:, a Tarado, 102 iKima), 4 to 1. third. Hardly Seems Possible for Any Have Lead of Nearly 200 Points HOTEL MONTROSE, Tw* Titn»\ 1.1 .Vv4. Nadzn anil Aoduhon alao ran. Euroj>can. Rooms $1 to $3. Restaurant ft la carte. Thirl ra-ifvu furling*: pun*e-Ked Wood II. 'Phone M. £>275. Table d'hote dluoer. BOc., 5.SO te 1 to (Hotsnd), 8 to 1, n Vlona, *.»T (Ross), IS to Team to Beat Them Out in Percentage in Ja22-UM.4 1 1: \ >.t lu5 4 to 1, third. a* (Grand), Minnie Tiar. i > ess Bab.o, Parting, The St. aii l l.ydla vVrouio man ala tbu. for the Pennant. James, 8t.«^ Kt»ur * rn-»v tsv.» in I Irs (Sold Spot. Smith), ^\\ League.Departmental European. Rooms, fl to $S. T t«» won; Ad>»nt«. 11m» (l'reaton). 4 to 1, ae<*ond; High-class Restaurant at Reasonable Prleee. At ntelln*. 11.'< Mlrand), 8 to f>, thlrtl. Time, my 13-tf.4 K Roman Hoy, Y-dlow Kid and Allopath also The Belmonts of the District Duckpin Cliief of th« surpritwa tn »ho r*:i 110 last of during th«* two riftii rn<*«\ one mile anil on*»-ol^hth.Oll^ln. League have, sirice the publication Bowling League pastl>epartmontal 'i ii'i'v. t<> «v wiiii; .nnaa*»n, i*«i inru-wu-, « averages, tightened their hold on first place. weeks was the reversal of rorm or tne «- i, second; HI Cialrap, 17 (Ross), 2U t" 1. thlnl. ^ fiiu*. 1.541?. Murkle Mijpr, Cotillion aud Llllle They have been doing jonn remarkable While nut as strong asomraissioners.in FRANKmm 11 nln" run. "spilling" during the second series, winning former years, they have made all the teams Sir r«<«\ «ovpn furl* n**.Tonj llonern, 107 rAW=s\ VAeio-.v rt to twenty-four out of twenty-seven games, and /rCr bowl good tenpins to win, hut "came hark" 4!'.. mni'll*. 4 to ft. won; II um, 102 <'*lark>, 1, ml. riayllt. 107 7 to 2. third. Time, the way they are going it hardly seems In their last three seta, winning one lone 1 <»r»»llo, Nick, Colorado 29 T«>11 <iath*r»*r, Ix>ng possible for any other team to beat them to game out of nine. Navy Varrl and Aggies fSIrl and Rownaqi D. *.*o ran. m V, me uuming. j ue Buuiucriiers iw\e wjcii taking three straight, and Commerce and WR 0RIES seriously crippled by sickness among their Labor two. The Interiors, former PRETENSION NEARLY LOST and Lrimnon In the ESTUNGJST players, and, together with tha Royals and with Bunn champions, RACE AT THE FINISH lCurekas. have made the leaders bowl to win #.<5/ also fell off. Dlacln* them In secondlineup.dl- (Continued from Klr»t P&ga ) out. / vision, the House Treasury-Bureau-White combination Into first the Farmer would amlle aa he swung The Fat Men in this series showed their passing division, only at the end of three behind for the rope Then, Burnsdangling HOT Sf'RINGS, Ark.. Marrh 16..The old-time form and have managed to climb games the Commtaalonera has always saved his strength. He believes from eighth to sixth and with fourth place. In the other fellow do the <>f today's racing at Oaklawn was featurethe place, any letting work In kind of a start would have made the loaders Since the Inauguration of the a match. "Some of 'em start In like narrow cape from defent of the favorite. league wake and take notice. The aeaaona ago the Bureau and Interioraseveral colts." says the Farmer, "andtwoyear-oldw« Pretention. In the slx-furlong handicap. up Arlington*. a have in the have to give 'em chance to work oft Pretension to be easily Kasterns, Georgetown and Walk Oven have alternated "pinching" prise, steam. Rut the time comae when appeared winning been with superfluous In the stretch when Aubuc-hon eased him recruiting their force* and should five the Commissioners the most serloua thHr grip relaxes, and we And they are the top-notchert « run for the the contender for honors and the for a themselves up and fVai on Light, the extreme outsider raaney championship looking breathing spell balance the season. Yard batter Then we sav. 'Now the old Farmer'll In the through on the rail of Navy cumins with each l>ettlng. slipped Bob This the a bit.' and. gad snipes, you know wrestlewhat an«i faile.l In the efTort to beat the ravorite Roberta of the Belmonta leads the year Sailors, with Bowsherseaaon.happens next." with an in the at the finish only by the narrowest margin. league ecretlent average of 97.51; game regularly and Frits filling up If Burns has a vice,, and I don't know he the in fifth took the at the Four favorites won. also leads tn strikes and spares, having gap place, lead that you would call It a vice. It Is hla 65 spares and 27 strikes to his credit. tart and have never been headed. They for the dance. Out In Big Rock. fondnessIowa Weather clear; track fast. bow have a lead of hundred Schmidt of the name team haa score of nearly two .Burns' home.the population conaists of First rare. four furlongs.Shirley Iloasmore. 106 high point* In percentage, and this season sixty-eight and one-half souls, the half is (Atiaiim. 4 to 5. won; Aunt llala, 107 (Poley», 3 the season. 138.thus ousting Hlle, whA still lose the Fare. lOl tSwalni. 15 to 1. third. championship nonors for whichcannota widow, and a better half, too, they say. to 1 aerott<l; holds average for three they have fought so the Farmer Is card monle at the Time, o 4H 2-5. Katharine Murphy. Manchester and high games.390 UNIVIiRsrnr boat race determinedly. Well, high Kretma a no ran ytua. & In past years the individual championship Big Rock socials, and no one could put up Hee«>tnl ra-*e. mile ami a siiteenth -Cursua, log struggle has always been between two men. a more gallant front than the old scout, as t.vJonvati<h. 4 to 5. won; Maradtf, 1041 (E. Martint. The "90" Rollers. COURSE. This year many have come and gone from he weaves about the ball with some buxom 12 to I. 4#'.*outl; IVter Knlfbt. i03 «I>oarboro), 15 and U. 81. Hu. Tina. Ate. the head of the list. Fritz. Garrett and partner on hl» arm, to the strains of the to 1. tb.nl. Time. 1.47 1-5. Vlpertae Skyward -I D . -v.... Bol»rm. Bflmuut 54 27 d» 5.2M) 97 W rvrWinn.1l or,H Blue Danube. They do say that the Farmer Third rai*e mile and *e?enty yards -Reine Llal. Kotal S 2 7 57S "S now has a lead that can hardly lose, with was once asked to chooae between a 91.<k>> i>4 »B;;fler>. 7 to I, nou; l*>rd Dixon, Regeute.102 Elker, Belmont 47 24 4U 4.45M 94 but few games to be rolfed. purse for a Chicago wrestling match atul #\li»r»*land», G »«> 1. aerond; Doolie, 94 wSwain> 8 to Ryrtl. Ratal 34 13 #2 5.H0I 94 The work of the veteran Rice has been the privilege of leading the grand march third. Time, I 45 3 0. Thlatledo, Scalploek and S.huililt, Belmont 31 SO 4V 4.772 93 1, Belmout 93 WHEREcr^ C)XFOHD AND CAMBRIDGE CREWS 1LOWED. the Individual feature of the past few at the New Year ball In Big Rock. When Prlu« Orna al*»» ran. Mlchawl. 34 17 55 C>.»*4 weeks. Is the bells out that first of Fourth rare. nix furtongs; handicap-Pretension^ Ewretf, Eat Men 4.1 12 3H 3.972 92 "Tony" always well m>. but he rang January, 11* I to 3. n*»n; Beacon Light. 106 <I>. OBannon. Belmont 34 17 49 4.97K 92 has been In his best form this year and la they had some other man In the ring tit Aii-rnn. 25 to I. second; Hannllutl Bey, 1O0 J. <iuu<lershetmer. Eur. 31 17 4(1 4.701 92 reached the bench, as did Brett and Den- 1(eels, which otherwise away tied with Hurdle and Eckstein for third Chicago and the Farmer was tilting up anil 1.14. Savable Turner. Southern 31 12 .11 4,HUT 03 slipped *» f> 1. tblrd. Time. Haughty. <Moretan-d). ENGLISH'VARSITYRACE man of Cambridge i the work could be on.
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