The Sporting Life Pvblishino.Co
THECOPYRIGHT, 1SJ9, BY THE SPORTING LIFE PVBLISHINO.CO. SPORTING LIFEENTERED AT PIIILA. POST Oner AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 12, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 13, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. tlon. A committee to draw up constitution and by Manager Sullivan bae secured. He expects shortly to laws wan formed, and Philip Emerson, U. B. Lord and sign John Shelter, of Sf. Louis, whom he reports asbc- LATEJfEWS. J. F. Bacon were instructed to lay them before a ln^ a catcher and general player. He a'so attempted lo NO TROUBLE. inetting to be held next week. mnko connection* with England, the one armed pitcher who did such good service last year, but the letter's terms of £80 per month and board were con FLORIDA NOTES. sidered entirely too high for this League, A Pole-Vaulting Record and unless tho young man la willing to work for The All-America Party to A Jacksonville Team Being Organized— ItBS mou*y or else eat nothing, he will have to pitch Already 1'lanning lor Next Winter, Ktc. for some oilier club. The manager, however, doea not Broken. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.wFeb. o. Editor SPORTING de?p:ur of signing him yet. Remain Intact. LIFE: Stallinga and White, of thia season's Mike O'biighr, of this city, has been Induced by the homo management to attach his John HancocU. to a Toledo Club, have arrived in town and will play contract also, aud will guard centre if he succeeds in Important Advices FromWash- with the team that Manager Nichols intends holding up his end iu the prelimiiuirv practice.
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