AVERAGE DAILY OIBCULATION V for the Month of BUreh, 19SS WBATUER Foreoext ot U. s. Weether B om w, HaitforS

6,1-54 Snow tote tonfflit protoUilj tm - Btauber of tho Aaiit iB f to rota TIrarsitoy eHcbita ■Mm - ■ mad ™ — Bwom *f lEuEttittg ve MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VH.LAGE CHARM


So™ PONDER HUGE U. S. Steel Directors Happy



Says Premier Copies Washington Offidalt See

fi FJ)J{. *TxpefioieDts That Eady Need Of Profiding IN HOUSE TOMORROW

Are Faihires;” Blum’s Bill Jobs For Thonsands; e

Yictorioos In Lower Ronse Seek To Sare CCC Camps Showdown Postpooed; Disor- Seven M eet Death der Among Members At Pxilx, April 6—(AP)—Promlor Washington, April 8.—(AP) — Leon Blum’i demand for omergeaey Mounting relief coats have revived When Flames Sweep powers over France’* finances paai talk among administration offieiala A Dozen Shont For Rec-

ed its first cnidsl tast today vhen of possible establishment o f a huge the Chamber, o f Deputies after | a new public works program, not only ognition; Debate To End bitter debate voted approval of blla Hotel In Chicago to prime Industrial pumps but to finance bill by the small majority of 60. The official count of the vote, give direct employment to thoU' After Today’s Sesskm. (Silcago, April 4.— (A P )— Seven »open stairways and open air ahafto. on which the Socialist premier had SMda. A decision has not been staked the life of hla government, men died In a fire that attacked He termed the structure a fire trap reached, officials emphasised today, without on alarm bell. was 310 to 31M). pointing out that arguments have the upper two floors of the Hotel Washfngrtton, April 6.— (A P) The test refiected continued con- On either aide of tbe building been advanced both for and against Center at 1436 West Madison street were the West End and Venus ho- fidence in the People's Front ax a —The House postponed R such a course, /jiy basic improve- today and then spread to the roofs tels. The fire lapped the roofs of whole and in the premier in spite showdown on the Reorganisa- ment in employment, they said of two adjoining hotels. these structures but caused little of a lukewarm xttltude on the part tion Bill today but agreed to necessarily depends on better bust' The victims were either burned

proceed with Its expected rejection present funds are exhsusted. to history. These directors proved no «cep U o™ The Identity o f four could not im- The flames went through the noon. ' I f '’ *’ Benjamin F. Falrless, Director George A. Sloan (rear), Ed- of the bin when it votes Friday. mediately be eatabllshed. building like wildfire. Moot o f the Mast Spend ” A Let More” Y w d R. Sttttinlus, Jr., who succeed a Myron C. Taylor os chairman of t he board and Director Irving S Opponents of the measuM The Premier's bill would give the There were 130 guests at the ho- residents were asleep when the fire While be ,/ould baxard no predlC' Qlda (arm around StetUnlus). The atockholdera Approved plans for poaalbla new l a ^ a S l e S ^ c l n f . ’ refused to permit the debate government power until July ' to tion aa to what sum P ru d en t tel. Firemen fo u ^ t the blaae In started. Panla stricken, they a snow storm. to end in three hours, which take by decree any action deemed Roosevelt would recemmend to Con fought and struggled with each necessary to provide funds for the Fire Marshal Michael Corrigan gresa, be recailec that |1,7M.000, other to reach safety through the would have made the first ma- expanding national defense pro- aaid the fire waa started by spon- narrow corridors. 000 was apprepriated for the pres jor test of strength come‘ this gram, stabiUxe the franc and pro- taneous combustion in a third floor "Some of the survivors told of ent fiscal year, and added: ’There’i tect the natlonai economy. 3RDERS STEEL GO. room in which paint, oil and raga seeing weaker men trampled under afternoon. The test will be on going to have to be a lot more than GOVERNMENT RESISTANCE Oapital Levy Inelnded ware stored. foot’In tbe mad rush,” aaid Marshal a motion to strike the enacting that . spent next year. T ot can' A tax on capital, a two-year us- The Identified dead were Joarah Corrigan. "Several men climbed .clause from the bilL spend leas than that and keep the Bento, 60; Henry Bemdt, 40; Ed- from their windows and hung to penxion of payments on the national peace.” TO SIGN CONTRACTS Amid disorder, with mors debt, a measure of foreign exchange DELAYS FRANCO’S DRIVE ward Haas, 40. tha oUla until they were rescued. A than a dozen members shout- ocntrol and revaluation of the Bank Funds now available, other offi' About 300 guests in the adjoining fnv dropped from the second or of Prance’s gold are some of the clals said, will be exhausted by the hotels were not endangered. third floors." ing for recognition, ChaimuHi measures contemplated. end o f the fiscal year, Juno SO. In The Hotel Center ia about a mile Firemen credited Hugh Opieaple, (3ochran (D,, Mo.), of the Re- Battle For Possesrion Of National Labor Relations west of the Loop. It occupies the former Notre Dame athlete hnd the The bill, Bucceaalvely termed January, Mr. Roosevelt tentatively ASSERT RUSSIANS organization committee won Marxian, Naxl and Rooaeveltian by projected a 11,000,000.000 appropria- upper three stories of an old, four- first policeman to arrive.' at the story brick building. Nearly all scene, with raving several Uvea. He approval of a proposal to chop opposition speakers, provoked one tion for the 1988 39 year. Some re- Tortosa Called Fiercest Board Acts In Inland Cor- tha guests were men. Moat were rushm into the smoka-fliled build- of the most heated debates In the lief experts sav oow that this figure off debate when the House ad- transients from the oqualid West ing to arouse sleephig oceupantx chamber for years. may have to be more than doubled. TO TAKE JAP ISLES journs today and to opra the poration Dispute With GO Madison street sectoc. and helped two of them out. He A t one point the opposing fae- Contributing directly to the im' Yet Foogkt Since Ad- Chllod Fire Trap. broke down a door to warn John bill to amendment the first tioos almoat came to blows, the employment situation, these officials Michael Cody, first divtsloa fire Simpson, 86, x deef Civil war vet- thing tomorrow. Premier blmaelf having to ruth to sal^ ate several factors, includtng marshal, said an inspection showed eran. Contributing fa c t ore vance Began On March 9 Aoks Daflalto Daft* the floor to separate them. Tokyo Fears Soriets Wi D Try Wuhington, April 4.—(A P )—The RaprraenUUvs O’Malley (D., Alt the right parties voted against 1. Tbs absence of marked buai- Lal>or Relations Board ordered the Wia.), intemipteS at ooe point te the bill. The Premier’s own 8o- neaa improvement this spring, cou- Inland Steel Corporation today to aak: dallsts, the Cbmmunists and moot pled with the usual proapeeta tor Hendaye, France, (A t the Spanish To Resume Possession deal with tba Steel Workera Ur- "Can't aome definite data be ' of tha Radical-Socialists voted for aluggiob s'lmmor buslnaas. FronUer) April 4 — (AP) — A as to when we'U come to n vote sn i It a. The aad,h. », few weeks furious batOe fo r pomnsitm of Of Mandionkio Territory genlxlng Comnuttu ( C L O.) and AUSTRIAN BISHOPS VOTE thla blllT” On the Bourse tha franc declined Social Security compensation pay- T ortou increased in intensity today tto aign X wxge and hour oontract'ff .- W a ae» going to ooma to th a t: somewhat opening at 82A3 to the ments to an estimated 1,000,000 un- they reach an agreement. vote about o’clock tomorrMr,” dollar and closing at SaAS. compar- employed. This will be brought as heavily reinforced armies of 1 both sides pounded each other in Tokyo, April 4— (AP) — Authori- I f the company complies with the AGAINST PACT CHANGES Repreaentatlra O’Connor, (D , N, ed with 'yesterday’s official closing about. It was explained, both uy the Y.), Bbouted, "when I aubmlt my of 83.Z8. expiration of the 13-week Umlt on the third day o f the Spanish in- tatlve quarters here and In Man- order, tbe Julin L. union will have won by Labor Board action motion to atrike out the ”Roooevelt” Bxperlmeat surgent attempt to take tbe Ebro choukuo today expressed belief clauae.” In the debate former Premier (Ueetleaed oe Page rwo) river delta town. that Soviet Russia not only Is lend- what It loft In a long and utterly fought strike last summer. Make AnnomHxment H at The Houae already haa uaod flf- Pierre EXlenne Flandln, one of the Stubborn government resistance ing military aid to China but aleo ia in the lu t scrap of territory barring The boafd expected the company toon houra arguing about tha legla- most stalwart opponents of ‘ be UUon. Premier, attacked bis program aa General Franco's soldiers from the preparing for an effort to recapture to test the older in court, however. LA TE NEWS No Moditii^itions h Con- Both opponenta and proponenta ”a copy” of Preaident Roosevelt’s Mediterranean coast surprised the disputed islands in the Amur river The Inland strike at Indiana Har- of tha bill finally agreed that it "expeiiment which has failed.” NATION OBSERyES Insurgent command which hurried seised by Japanese forces lu t June. bor, Ind., and ca.icsgo Hai^'hix, Ul., The Rightist party deputy, first new motorixed diviiiona into battle Japanese dlspatcbes from Hsin- ■tartlng lu t May 34 and ending would b* reeaonable to let the dta- cordant Be Made Whkont FLASHES! cuaston on through today. in Chamber debate to compare Jie from Alcanix and Gandesa. king, capital iff Manctaoukuo, con- July 1, w u part of tbe "LltUe Stul' ^ I financial and economic powers ARMY DAY TODAY , During the night, when Insurgent nected tbe vigorous protest delivered strike that also involved tne Re- Both opponenta and proponaete / bombers were unable to see their at Moscow Monday against alleged Agreement WHk Vatican. o f the bUl finally agreed that ' it sought by Blum and Preaident public Steel (forporatlon, tbe Beth- TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH would be reaaonabla to let the duete such aa the instruments have been carried by “ One rather difficult problem re- . f f c a n g e t o S o e w atatM were releetad by f > x ig i^ , sounding balloons is around IIOJIOO quiring study ia that of keeping the WaahlngtoD, April 4— (A P )—The A Pbiladelphln Democrat. Repxito; Prepartioiu are being shaped for Phldppiau produce would be im- A t many pointa, ba said, rain aentatlve S t a ^ aaid ba thought the cdttM^jiropoeala lid not be oen- feet, leas than 30 miles. roclut in vertical flight.” poeitlon ot the Treasury on April aa iataasiv* drive far voluataeia at poaed on Philippine axporta to- the would e h a ^ t to snow. crack in the Liberty M T h a d I Tbe motor m the test eetup, et Malina aaid theoretien] stndlea Tbe April mow reached depths 4: tha outhraak o f war, peadtng tha United Stfiteo. enlarged “through fear that Tliaee Hstad foe the W U U B oom the Guggenheim School o f Aero- have shown the decrease with alti- oparatiaa at a eetoettve draft TSila aroold be iaeraoeed by anoth- at 14 IncOM in Lander, Wyo.; 13 RecclpU $30,044,319.77; expettdi- bill will paea” nantlca, (California Institute of tude of the earth’s grmvitatlaaai Inchra In Huron, 8. O., 10 IncLea in tures $03,473.717A4; balance $3,- Technology, la a combustion cham- Repreeentattve Raias|ieek I • • O g a i w » k puli will be a favorabla Cactor In 094,939470.44; customs receipts tor ■a Peg* twx ^ u P a g a t « r e ) ,ber in wUch x mixture o f gaseous raxchittg greater heights. .(CeeUaesd an Page Ten) tha month, $S,1S3,6814L (t PAGE *nwj KAWCHSSmra EVENTTNO herald, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAT, APRIL S, 1988

SHIELDS HONORED understandings already reached and VIKING TRAVELOGUE an announcement at the outset that STILL TOPS . .. FRENCH DEPUTY PONDER HUGE an agreement la out of the question, START EAST CENTER MANCHESTER EVENIN(3 HEBALDl MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAT. APRIL «. 1988 BY MARINE BAND whatever understandings may be TO BE GIVEN HERE Kached. on the smters of Tuonela (river of BRACKETS BLUM "In addition, from the viewpoint EXCAVA11NG TODAY cut state oollsge and the state farm stamp collection. He’s been adding EXPANSION OF Death) singing to Itself. for women. of harmonious and coaperattve labor SYMPHONY PLEASES The sad little phrase is repeated Manchester REDMAN ELECTED to It for the lost 50 years. relations, as well as of business by Btririg and then woodwind so Then, as he said. It was “wiped BINGO Manchester Cometist Is AND R M SE V E T practlca, the Importance of reduc- neatly knit together. It might be out In a flash." CMcaso Lecturer To Be At Date Book LOST ART IT’S VALUES LIKE THESE PUBirwORKS ing collective agresments to writing Shovels Begin Dig^og On IN LOCAL CONCERT performed by one Instniiment alone! Thieves broks Into his house and (Oratinoed from Pags One) la obvious. The respondent can ad We hear distinctly, the ripple of V.F.W. COMMANDER carried off the entire collection—45 THAT HAVE THE WHOLE TOWN TALKING ABOUT Picked For Concert In (OoBtinned froni Page One) Next Week Chicago—It Wok a lot of patience < Emaniiel Clmrch On Sat vanoe no reaaoiu for refusing to water In the faint tremulo... .and April 10 —"Olivet to Calvary" by <rps, was elected POLLY PRESTON PLENTY OF DOOR PRIZES! Rev. C. E. Hatertus of Chicago, sored and supported," and to post on the highway, the reconstriMfeMB (Federal Music Project) won oelabmtlca of Pan American Day. erable applause from the right and Strauss waits. Here, each section en by degree team of Scandla L c^ e (Wmmander of Anderson-Shea Post, traveler, write and lecturer and compliance notices In its plants for of the stretch from the Center * another laurel last evening, enthu- of the orchestra rose to a grand At Fradin’s you’ll find Just tomorrow night and a large assem- center groups, although his influ- 2,su4,B0(l persona on work reltet, 80 days. the Green is expected to be pushed No. 23, Order of Vasa. Veterans of Foreign Wars at the an- Women’s Shoes bly of Latln-American dlplomata, ao. ence has been considerably checked former American war correspondent siastically conferred by Manchester crescendo and back again, modulat- Also Zipser Club's 17th anniver- nual meeting of the post last night the suit jrou’re looking fo r ., **** P®*** depression rapidly to completion. It is plan- music lovers who attended the con- ing Just enough In turn, to em- and just the one you NOW (30) — PLENTY OF REGULAR GAMES — (30) clal and civic leaders will attend by Insistence In the past that lo ^ of 3.CS5352 in February. 1935. ned to have the new roadway open sary dance at Sub-AIplne club. Other officers elected were: Nathan The broadcast will go out over France drop her present alliance, Congressmen are beginning to cert given In the high school audi- phaMze the phrase apportioned to Also motion picture and lecture, Miller, senior vice Ctommander; sho ul d wear at Easter- ALSO SEVEN SPECIALS! to traffic about the first week In torium. each part. B sp^ally In this final time to be properly suited. both NBC and CBS networka and and make a separate security agree- talk of the possible beneflu of ex- LEGAL ACTION THREAT June. Expense of the rebuilding "Lcuid of the Viking," at Emanuel Frank Valluzzi, Junior vice Com- the concert will be carried to the ment with Gerroeny. panding such agencies as cbe Farm Conductor Jacques Gordon led p t ^ did the brass and woodwinds Lutheran church. mander; Harry Pearron. chaplain; Is being bom by the state s.id the come to the front .... and never too $2-97 Latin American countries by three 'The Chamber session opened at S ^ e t y AdminlstraUon, the Rural federal governments, and costs to them to victory with a convincing April 25 — Tenth aimual concert Bertie Moseley, quartermaster; Wtl- 3-PIECE short-wave atatlona. Secretary of much___ the very foundation of AND B:40 am., aad adjourned at 11:30 raectrlflcatlon Administration, the VIEWED IN RATE JUMP the town for supplementary work baton—which kept every instru- of 9 C3ef club at Emanuel Luth- Usm Fortin. Judge advocate: George tVoroon's Regular $8.00 Winners Have Choice Listed State Hull will apeak from 10:30 to until this afternoon (8:80 am. ea.L) ment under control, marking at- the composition demands again and eran church. J. Dowen, East Hartford, post sur- SUITS aw ilan ConservaUon Corps and the are at a minimum. Preliminary again the support of these two, and 11 o’clock and the entire concert Strikes Increased, meanwhile, aa relaying of sewer and water lines, tacks and releaces with precision, April 26-30—Bazaar sponsored by geon. Three-somes that should Prizes On Any of Regular Games! will be carried on the short waves National Youth AdminlstraUon the string and percussion both, DRESS SHOES the Premier continued against tre- For C. a C Campa Electric Company Move To done bv- the town. Is now practically and yek with a minimum of physical Red Men and Giuseppe Garibaldi The Joint inatallatlon of officers form the basis for every $3-79 NoemI Blttenoourt, Brazilian pian- gestures. An expectant audience revelling In this fine opportunity to Society at State Armory. of the post and auxiliary will be mendous odds his light for the The House ApproprlaUons Com- Raise Street Light Cost May finished. test both skill and volume, joined Spring wardrobe. In fine NOW $1.95 ist. will be soloist of the combined sweeping decree powers, Today the memorial fountain, for- gathered while the orchestra sailed April 27—First annual Founders’ held In the Veterans Home, Man- Shetland wools. Colors that military orchealra. and the unit will mittee approved a bUl Monday to Can For Special Town Meet- in to end the program on a cadence BRING THE FAMILY FOR AN ENJOYABF,E riaiming Successor merly located on the grass plot In around In the uncharted seas of ball, sponsored by Temple Beth chester Green. Saturday evening, are aure .to make you look be directed by Oscar Short the appropriate $22,000,000 and reappro- ing. of splendid concerted, action. The Sholom at Masonic Temple. . / EVENING! Chamber Deputies said President priate $28,000,000 of unobligated front of the Post Office, was taken the anticipatory tunlng-up period, April 23. The Installing’officer has your very besL Navy orchestra leader, Ralph closing bars—In ' cods effect—shut April 29—Father and Son Ban- not yet been definitely selected for Lebrun already was laying the funds fbr the CCC In order to pre- up and moved to Its new site on the and when some one gave the “A" the door very gently with a note of Regular $2.95 and $3.30 ^ trom of the Army band and the west side between the school and each Instrument stood at attention, quet, St. Mary’s church parish the ceremony. Marine orchestra leader groundwork for a new government vent the closing of 300 campa July Recent action of the Manchester haunting eentiment house. to succeed Blum's People’s Front the West Side recreation center. while the audience sat alert to catch The post voted not to sponsor the $19-98 Men’s Shoes 30 G a m e s...... 40 cents On April 12 Shields will be fea- Electric Division of the Connecticut The orchestra concluded the eve- Coming Eveats V. F, W. State Convention this cabinet. Power company, verbally notifying The cannon which stood on the the first note.. ning’s performance with a second $2-49 tured as the soloist on the "Dream A publlc^-works programs, if ap- plot was moved some weeks ago Mky 4 — Fourth annual High summer due to economic conditions \ ALL NEW 8T1XE8 Lcm Than I'/i Cents A Game! Hour” program with the Marine It was reported In Chamber clr- proved, could become operative the town treasurer that from now Beethoven’s Fourth Symphoney In encore: "CJountry Gardens" by Percy to a temporary storage place at B Flat Major Is not as spectacular School concert at High School hall. In Manchester and lack of proper 2-PIECE Genuine Goodyear Welts. BMd. His special selection will be c Im that the President conferred about the same Ume that legislation on the town will be billed for street the town garage. Grainger, and If ever an orchestra May 6-6 — Faculty play, "The housing faculties for state delega- TTie Arbucklenlan Polka." Last last night with Defense Minister lights at the rate of approximately as tbs fifth and the ninth, but It squeezed every atom of Interpreta- goes Into effect to liicrease business covers a wide range of emotion Just Late (3iristopber Bean,” at High tions expected to attend. SUITS Reg. $3 to $4.50 — Monday Shields played the selection Edouard Daladler, and there, was loans by broadening the fiscal au- $33,400 annually, will mean that the tion, Joyousnesa, and actual mean- School hall, auspices of Educational Here’s the two-some, design- at rehearsal with the band under belief a new Cabinet would bo form- town win. If It meets the bill, have the same. Whether the nature re- ing out of this well-known folk club. ed for smartness. In wor- thority of the Reconstruction ferred to In this symphony Is of ' _ GET WPA GRANT Work Shoes $ ^ .4 9 the leadership of Director Santel- ed around Daladler, with Paul Rey- Finance C!orporeUon. to meet an added monthly expendi- WAYNE SMITH HEADS dance, the Hartford Symphony did May 7—50th anniversary, celebta. steds. gabardines and fine man. and the effect was so fine that naud aa finance minister. ture on this account of about $1,100, personal or Impersonal Intent, the IL tlon of Maccabees. woolens. All Sewed Goodj-eor Welts. The RFC would be empowered source Is the same, ^nd the Adagio Hartford, Conn., April 8— ( AP) _ Captain Santelman decided to fea- Lebrun’s object In beginning talks both to make public works loans to a draft not contemplated in the Conductor Jacques Ctordon has May 25 — Third annual outdoor Gov. Wilbur L. Crose held hopes to- (^re the young local cometist on the before Blum went to the Senate year's budget of 23 mUl tax rate ASSOCIATED DAILIES movements are full of the majestic buUt up this orchestra from a Music Festival by 1,000 school sing- Reg. $1.95 and $2.45 state.s and munlcIpailUes and to vote. 'The elements of doubt, mystery, healthy childhood to what It Is to- day that a $1,341,156 WPA grant ^ e ^ a y and Friday broadcasts of with almost certain defeat In pros- exercise wide disciotlon in lending ers at Eklucatlonal ^uare. would permit completion of the on- $ 10-98 the band. Cheater will parade with pect for his bill was, deputies said, At this time the town is. paying and apprehension are present m day, and Manchester hopes to hear June 6-11 — (Jarnlval sponsored CHILDREI^’S the band this afternoon In the to business enterprises. The bin $20,000 for street lighting, under the opening Adagio. There might It again-----and that 4oon! tlre building program for Qmnectl- Glorify le make certain a new government carrying this authority needs only New Haven, Conn., April 8— (AP) by Manchester Fire Department cut Institutions as outlined by the Army Day" celebration in Wash- could step In quickly and avoid a an understanding that rates are to —The associated dailies of (Connec- be a morning fog over the land- ington. technical Congressional action be- be Increased. This agreement, or General Assembly. Gay Spring Blouses SHOES long crisis. Rev. C. E. Haterius ticut funcUoned today without scape. The transition from this For that flnlahlng touch to The Connecticut State College 4-H fore It will be ready for President understanding, was entered Into first Adagio to the brief i Allegro OBSERVE ARSfY DAT “We may be able to carry out the Black, Browns Your Hair With new strikes by 8,500 metal Johnstons Vance, publisher of the Easter suits, blouses that blend . WUte organizations have made application aasisted by Mrs. Hatertus in cos- Roosevelt’s signature. some time ago, and the electric vivace, contains unexpected dy- CURRENT PERIOD TAXES entire program of the legtelature." AO Sixes. $1.69 workers over night, the total was Drag By KallroMlB New Britain Herald in the role of Hartfdrd. April 6— (A P)—Gover- the chief executive sold in com- perfectly with every ensemble. Brown and to National Director Raymond Tur- tume. The presentation win In- company now. apparently Is seek- president and O. G. Andrews, gen- namics, which were ably supported swelled to about 40,000 men who The hard-pressed railroad Indus- ing iU raise to what is termed a nor Cross today called the attention menting upon the success of the AH Widths. White With Nature’s Own ner of Washington, D. C . to have ask more pay and collective bar- clude motion pictures and music. eral manager of the New London by the contrabasses, and perhaps BEING RECEIYED EARLY Shields visit the college during the Mr. and Mrs. Hatertus, as guests try may draw heavily on this "manual" rate, as promulgated In Invited a slightly stronger wood of the people of Connecticut to WPA application. gaining contracts. Day as secretary-treasurer, both of Army Day observance, streesing Uat two weeks of July to be the of official agencies of the Scandi- source of capital. Some administra- the company rate hooka and paid by whom reUred after 18 years sei^ce. wind. Tentative allocations of funds ^ $1.98 The plants are in the Parts re- sevaral surrounding towna particularly the Importance of the fore the recent WPA grant was soloist at the annual outdoor com- ^on, and 30,000 of tha workers have navian governments, secured exten- tion expressed hope that the uUU- The retirements were made In the second Adagio of this sym- Hair Setting Fluid munity singing If Captain Bran- sive material in photography and tles Industry also would avail ttaelf Just what the outcome will be If First Half Payment Due On military aa a "bulwark of national made available omitted some build- been out for several weeks. known last night at the annual phony, the violin section overcame defense.” NORTON’S official interviews and "Land of the Of the opportunity to undertake the ton-n accepts future service, but commendably, as the mover ent April 15 And Over $15,000 ings proposed by the General As- Blum opened bis fight In the meeUng of the organization at The Governor said: Shields to vUlt the state college at Chamber of Deputies yesterday, pre- Vikings” is said to bo one of the long-dela^-ed expansion progian]*. refuses to meet the higher cost. Is which Wayne C. Smith, publlshar of progreeqed. the handicap of being Has Already Been Paid. sembly including work at OonnecU- FRADIN’S X-RAY SHOE FITTINd .*11 **P*“ »*» In connection senting a bill which would give him finest pictures of Its kind ever The railroads’ action depends on problematical, aa the Selectmen the Meriden Record was named to flanked at a distance from the con "Acting In accordance with a bis visit will ^ met bv the 4-H filmed. They are now completing vhat emergency program la worked have not gone on record In connec- succeed Vance and Jamas H. Dar- Senate resolution so enjoining, the 977 MAIN STREET CHENEY BUILDING full power to adjust the nation’s tion with the question. It Is con- ductor, who waa crowded rather Russian Kura club organizations of the college. finances and economics by decree a coast-to-coast lecture tour cover- out for them by the administration cey, general manager of the Water- cloeely to ths ensemble by the with over a week yet to elapse President of the United SUtes has fbr three months. ing 31 states and Including many ceded, however, that, falling to bury Republlcan-American replac- before the first half of this year’s designated Wednesday, April 6 as In an effort to restore their finan- make an agreement, and as condi- front seats of the auditorium. By The life of his People’s Front co- of the principal cities. cial health. Mr. Roosevelt will send . Henry D. Bradley, the time the third movement, the taxes are due on April 15. Tax 0>1 Army Day. The President also has The World’s Finest Finger Wave Tonic! tions appear to be shaping at this Invited the governors of the United LUTHER LEAGUE HEAKS alition of Socialists and Radical- Tickets may be obtained from one to Congress, probably next Tues- business manager of the Bridgeport Allegro Vivace waa reached, aU mu- lector Samuel Nelson. Jr., said to ETWTtUsz hmm Sma^ of the following group chairman: Ume, a lawsuit will be the out- Tlmes-Star, was elected vice preet- day that to date over $15,000 of States to draw public attention to tW itsiucli •bmU M exsW •r M Socialists, with Communist support day. a message requesting Imme- sicians had themselves tbormigbly e>o/. win* m Clarence Wogman, Fred Lavey, pow th. It U thought that It may dent. the current period's taxes have al this day. toMb m >«i «• bunted » dte» IlUMlan Kura U the lap of a tree, a natural fluid free In Parliament, was at stake. diate action on le^slatlon to aid organized in relation to the conduc- ptertr—your e—urb so«n «n teu-teudi .Suid. FOOD SALE harmful chemtcale, and la colorleaa,' It leaves AUGUSTANA PROFESSOR It aeemed likely he could pu.sh Evald Erickson, Herbert Nelson, or become necessary for the Selectmen John Day Jackson, publisher of ready been received by his office. "It Is most appropriate that, by the carriers. tor’s position, and remained In one Vbur^^dutea't 41f« und rw.bun IM. HALE’8 sto re the decree measure through the from members of the committee In to call a special town meeting to the New Haven Register; Francis If the record set so far la an In- such means, we may consider at this OUTB. auB— p«ia or arm aamaeh. Tm taat am*, flak«r^no"odor*^'**^^ condition, wavy and lustrous, no charge, consisting of Herman John- Both rail and utilities expansion consider the Issue If it becomes accord throughout the concert dication of future collection levels, •kb uud w M >11 aaai. . . ,THUR8DAV, APRIL 7 Over 30 Members From Local Lower House with a slim majority F. Murphy, publisher of the Han- The last two movements of the time the more Important function Daet ac R mi mm Ute • Itssth* fw bIiwcr Begtiinlng At 2 P. M. son, Carl Matson and Carl Gustaf- would release hundieds of millions tangled with legalities, or the threat It appears that total intaks tbU and value o f our various military uiB. 11 iTLiteteaui ubS « JSSViS!! Russl^ Kura assures a clean, healthy scalp and lubri- There was almost united hostility of dollars to the heavy goods Indus- of them. ford Times; George Waldo, editor of Fourth symphony rollicked along Imii tebtete Branch Go To Portland For in the more Conservative Senate son. the Bridgeport Poet-Telegram and year will surpass the percentage of units as a bulwark of national de- to sak* Um mb m MflMifili ftutdi hemw*. miOT* EVER READY CIRULE, *'**'^'. r ‘’eneflclal conditioner and gives a Visit I>a8t Night. This Is one of the events the tries and generally stimulate bual- with delicious gaiety, reminding us previous collections by a fair mar- dlfcrw Itt t mimtm utd pm ^ bmk on KING’S DAUGHTERS. the Spnincr B/ilde however, and a negative vote from William H. Oat, publleher of the somewhat of Haydn In general style, fense." (m C Rallir h M WWR U U MMlRC SrtSS'"* that body would crash hla cabinet. Brotherhood Is presenting In con- ness and employment. Norwich BulleUn, were ra-elected gin. However, employment and busi------114, 2g|| BaU fw liwtlwartwi More than thirty members of the nection with the tercentenary cele- an enervating combination of play- ness conditions, being considered at Blum wants th« decree powers to to the execuUve committee. fulness and virility. The "Allegro Luther League of the Emanuel Lu- supervise foreign exchange dealings bration of the landing of the Swedes FIREMEN’ S COMMITTEE the present low ebb, prediction In Delaware. A report on tickets ma non troppo" almost carried a making becomes a shaky proposi- COMPLBTB With thJe naturml wave tonic? theran church visited PorUand last and prices, to levy what would be SEEKAGUraiENT sold by group chairman Is request- dialogue effect with touches of ac- tion, Mr. Nelson said. night. The local group was accom- now taxes on capital and to pro- ON DECORATIONS NAMED tual Impertinence which the players , j panied by Dr. Victor R. Pearson claim a two-year moratorium on ed for April 8 at the Emanuel Nor Is the advance collection on church at 7:80 o’clock. ON FLOOD CONTROL PUBLIC RECORDS enjoyed and sensed os much as this year's bills the only record Telephone 8011 profeasor of Christianity at Augus- public debt payments—all so that those listening. tana Oollege, Rock Island, III., who France can go full speed ahead Plan To Give Contract For which baa been made by the Tax The Moussorgsky number "Per- CtoUector. Forging far ahead of the was an overnight guest of Rev. and with her rearmament program and (OnnUnued froir Page Unc) North End Anniversary To M arrantoe Deed sian Dance” from "Khovanchtchlna” Mrs. K. E. Erickson on his way to meet a probable $450,000,000 budget most optimistic expectations of ASSERT RUSSIANS One Firm; General Meeting Dorothy C. Miner of this town turned out to be a surperb piece of town officials, Mr. Nelson has col 3-ROON OUTFIT lecture at Worcostei; Mass. deficit due largely to armament conference were: Elisabeth Horllhy, Soon. has transferred to Frank Manners barbaric abandon. In a minor key, lected about 95 per cent of last Dr. Pearson spoke briefly at the costs. Massachusetts Pt a t e Planning of East Hartford, 6 acres of wood- utterly rhythmic, dynamic, one can Beauty Nook Oltee Germany. year's property taxes. A total of exchange meeting, polntlng'out that TO TAKE JAP ISLES Board; Col. John J. Jacobson, Jr„ land oh Wetherell street, and prop- notice the Influence of Rlmsky- Blum turned directly to Nazi Ger- $84SJK)7 waa receivable by the town 985 Main Street the four pillars of friendship are New Hampshire Water Resources erty at the corner of Wetherell Korsakoff, Russian composer who Manchester sympathy, understanding, helpful- many’s example In pleading before Board; Philip Sbutler, Vermont Lawrence Converse, Matthew on that list, of which only $46,540 Merz an« Francis Umerick. have street, and HlUitown road, accord- edited the opera after Moussorg- Is now outstanding. It bad been ness and steadfastness and that .the Chamber yestenlay for support ((.lontinned from Ibige One) Planning Board; General Sanford H: sky’s death, in order that It might of his long range program to arm been named by the Manchester Im- ing to a warrantee deed recorded estimated that no more than a 90 SPRING \ these same pillars are the founda- Wadharas, Connecticut Flood Con- be condensed for operatic use—a the nation against what he termed watching movements of the Soviet provement Association to take care yesterday by Town Clerk RamuN peir cent coilecUon on that list could tion of the Christian’s relationship trol Commlaslon; Judge Edward J. Turklngton. Stamps IndlcaU a thing Impossible In Its original be depended on. a future "European catastrophe." army along the Amur, keeping In Daly, former, attorney-general of of the plans for the decorations Long before the first green blade of grass, with Christ. The local League pre- mind the clash In which the Japan- that will be used on the business consideration of about $5,500. state. In fact, the orchestration In addition, of the approximately sented the life of Christ In pictures "We can profit from certain ex- Connecticut; and Attorney-General of this dance waa done Korsa- appears—you’ll find Wllrose well stocked periences of ths totalitarian re- ese seized the Islands of Bolshoi houses and poles In the north ~nd Permits $500,0(X) In delinquent Uures on the with these "Fashion Ftnts" for Spring . . song and story with readings by Charles McLaughlin. Connecticut. Building Inspector Edward C. koff while Moussorgsky was still gimes.” the premier said. "The and Sennufu. One Russian gunboat Miss Herliby, Daly and Jacobson during the week of the observance hooka 18 months ago, when Mr. Nel. See Them Today! Rsv. Erickson and solos by Mrs. Elliott, Jr. has Issued a permit to alive, and he received It with sin- son took office, there Is now on the (Jerman example does not lack in was sunk, another beached, a third agreed there should be no objection of the anniversary of the founding cere gratitude. The opera "Khov- Erickson, Miss Helen Berggren and eloquence." chased off. of the Are department. They will E. J. Holl for right to make altera- books only $160,000 of this money, Miss Eleanor Berggren. Roy C. from the government to proceeding ’anchtchlna," with a plot of much REEFERS There was, however, growing re- (The islands are about 75 miles consult with different decorating tions at 116 Benton street at an es- and the sum is being reduced regu- SPECIAL!' Johnson, president of the local with construction of reservoirs In political Intrigue, centers around sistance to the Socialist premier southeast of Blagovestchensk, al- tlmated cost of $700. larly by payments. Total Income WsMesi m(S agnostic, now, dogmatic, but throw- (8 PIECES) IL V? metal‘ parehaac price I powers. The per capita cost last A S TWO ACCIDENTS of 44 « Your Windows to 100 percent at ths end of 1960. yegr was $7.19. Germany, despite added./The S. W. O. C. representa- For. a poignant moment, i^ueen ing up Inevitably the cry of "WhyT" For Easter . . . youll want that fresh, youthful loveli- tlvea expreaeed to the respotadant Mother Mary stood today befoia the and an undercunent through It all At that point ths preferences lower costs, spent twice as much, Northamptoo, Hass., April •— I would be wiped out ana the Philip- their confidence that any dlfferencea regalia which bar eldest son. the FRED ALLEN of resigned suffering, frustration, ness that may only be youra if you give all the care and I and Japan four rimes and Great Britain (A P )—Hospital officials were op- pines would be paying the same duty five times the figure. as to temiL could ba satisfactorily Duke of Windsor, wore when he ------PLUS . suspense. Ranging from nostalgic attentiorf you should to your hair, hands and complex- Kitchen Keep Your Eye On (D* Ltae EdiUon paid by any other exporter to the Ironed out, but the respondent’s ( In- became the Prince of Wales. GAIL PATRICK b plalntivenesj to a.-tual hysteria, tlmlstle today about the proba'hi of tfoar robe-something to wear day in A boost for your budget this However, the use of DUCO Uno- days for mUitsry aervlee. Previous PROPOSE C H A N ^ ings. TOWN atOVS l»IE THIRD, schools with buttered cooked or canned as- conscription had affected only thoee struck a frigid maBa„35,500 feet Haven and Miss Frances Foie* ■ o i * and day out all spring, to be pack- Spring Is ths rseondltloned Elsetro- leum Finish will givs better results W e Pay the Hisrhest " I am taking full responsibility "W hy I should know about tuber- paragus Upo. This win serve she. and longer wear on bUald linoleum. between 19 and 30. above Boston and recottM a tem- ths state board o f educatloa. ed away In moth balls during tbs master Range which the Manches- I for this course o f action," Ramspeck perature ot 69 below zero at that DRINK SOLE8S TREBLE culosis and what I should know’’ is summer months, and brought out Be sure to follow label directions NOT BE SPONSORED (In London, tha Spanish gov- the topic of the essay and the sec- ter Eaectrie Division Is offering for Painter Pete:— CASH PRICES for IN’WAGE-HODR BILL added. 'T thought there waa too height. next October to give excellent serv- for application. ernment protested to Britain and ondary school students will , com- $45.00, on flrst floor InstallaUons, France against the “appalling and much delay ubder tha other Tho carrion Illy depmds upoa BARGAIN HOUND ice during the f ^ season and dur- less $10.(X)0 if your house is already Question:. I have rather o f theoe flniahee may he method." pete for a national prize as well as fllos. Instead o f bioea, fo r poll___ ing many seasons to come. Unless used Du Pont’s Un- purchased locally through the John- dangeroua Injustice" of the nonin- OWE SAFETY TO MATCH According to figures revealed by the award offered by the state. En- on&o* wired for a range. You can have tervention policy that preventa tho The bill requires appointment of tion, and If has developed the odor you liever have to count your pen- this stove delivered for $9.00 down kota ^on my felt son Paint CTompany. at 691 Main GoTemment May Not Fornish Town Treasurer, there are now in tries close midnight. April 15. nies, rememl^r this when tempted base linoleum and street They are the local agents for government from receiving tho sup- House Group Ends Weeks Of the administrative board on a geo- Manchester 72 places doing bqiil- of carrion for this purpose. I t b o o ’ and $1.60 a month payable with' OLD plies needed for mechanical war- Portsmouth, N. H „ April 6 — The judges will be Dr. William' to fall for a tricky job—something was very well the du Pont line o f Paints, Varnish- graphical basis— one member each ness in liquor under state permit. the color and texture of liver or '* your electric blU. Don’t miss this fare. ^ (A P ) —Two fishermen owned their M. Stockwell, superintendent of overripe beefsteak, and is BELLO THERE;— Romancing that 1s effective because of funny chance. l___ _ pleased with the re- es, DUCO and DULUX. and.will be Fertilizer— Not Sufficient from tbe northeast, northwest, safety today to their last match, This number, 72, includes taverns, Dresses for Blpring (Tbe Ehcecutlve Council of the _ On southwest, southeast and central Cedarcrest sanitarium at Hartford; atlng to human nostrils: Fairyland In I f you are one buttons or a queer collar Instead of sult Now what I pleased to serve you. Any questions with which they lighted a make- package storea, cluba, grills and Evening gowns are feminine but about paint or painting problems Miners' Federation In Walea dis- sections of the j.'untry. t h r Spring whose thoughts not fussy or frilly. The best street flne tailoring and flne fabric. Don’t A Thriller , want to know Is If shift torch of gasollne-socdced rags restaurants. Or, looking at it anoth- It will be all right such at the one above, should be ad- Interest Shown. ' c u s ^ a national coal strike as a The board would be required to Just couldn’t have turned to dresses are ever so simple. In fact, strive to be too-too original In the Is a new BHertric range because of Revised Measure. to signal help last night when their er way, there la one liquor Belling choice of the suit Itself. Let your to use this same dressed to "Painter Pete," In care GOLD protest against the British govern- appoint a director for each state, be any better love this Spring the good food you can prepare boat became disabled off the Isle license for every 800 persons In they encourage one to start haunt- of this paper. They aiU be answer- ment’s “ Hand Off Spain” policy). territory and the District of Jolum- I than the en- y o u can find accessories supply the novelty. every day. it will more than repay material o^ real In- of Shoals. Manchester. ing the costume jewelry counters. ed in an early Issue. Watch for your A joint committee of American Secondary forces behind the main I ehantlng dla- adorable Bridal the family for the sacriflee It cost. laid linoleum. I have juat had my Washington, April 6.— (A P )— A bia to assist In adlhlnlatration ot The men, Fred Day, of Ports- In the "good old days", when the Country suits are made o f hand- answer In this column. Legion and town charity committee Insurgent lines continued to clean tbe law. J plays In all sets, wadding some tweeds that really are hard Spring Strides There will be less pot-watching to kitchen laid with this and am right up pockets of government militia, House Labor subcommittee recom- mouth, and an ■ unidentifled com- population of the town was some “ i r v Sated ring and diamond Youthful and flattering are the do. Your prize cakes will be safe In proud of I t I don’t want to spoil it. — ^24™*’**'* '* Uiia week ccmaldering Questioned whether he thought panion, were towed ashore by Coast 18.000 Instead of approxlpnately 24,- the stores In and strong but look and feel soft, home gardens project, with a capturing bundreda of prisoners and mended a drastically revised wage- M a n cheater engagement rings, both rings $14.90 it’s a Spring when It’s really easier new dcelgna In Spring ahoea Kane'a Its oven with its controlled beat What would you suggest?—Q. a. B. And now, goodnight as Matthew_^ seizing large stores o f war suppliee. the bill was changed sufficiently to Guardsmen from the Appledore is- 000 as now, there were less than 20 Money by and up in solid yellow or white gold have just the styles, quite Inexpen- Your vegeUbles will be garden Answer: I am glad you asked this Alaa and Alack to deciding whether or not this hour bill today which would provide as.sume Its passage, Ramspeck said; land station. They explained their liquor retailers, or about one dealer this Blaster. to find clothes In good taste than In T - w n n of aid shall be entered into The civil pqulatlon began re- and also in platinum at Matthew sive. that win give you perfect com- question because so many people M y candle burns at both ends; for a graduated minimum wage and " I don’t know. It’s the best we motor broke down several miles Shopping at — — There la, to bad—a year when a girl doesn’t sweet too, as they cook In no time this year as in the pasL It has turning from hiding places In the Tor every 900 persons. In short, for give you a lui, after a long Winter, Wlor's, 999 Main street. Take her In have to look far to find perfectly fort and natural poise. at all, with carefully controlled aeem to think That Unkota Is only It will not last the night; mountains to their homes about a work week ranging from 40 to 48 could do.” from shore. the populati.')n, there sre three times and watch her eyes sparkle with de- for printedTIlnoleum. But Llnkota Is But ah, my fOes, and oh, my been reported to the Board of hours. * burst of Spring styles that would tailored;- simple costumes that will heat, and even such die-hard long- Wior Selectmen that last year garden Gandesa. Children made play- as many liquor sellers now In town Endicott- Jlght. Umers ox turnips and beets may be equally suitable for Inlaid linoleum. friends— housea of abandoned government The group’s action ended weeks tempt (to quote) the staunchest flatter her. If, however, srou like Thick Soles Add To Your Stetuia JEWELER produce estimated at a value of COLD IN BOSTON FELINE- CHORAL SOCIEI'V as in the days of the "evil saloom" Puritan who ever dropped an eye- something a little brighter, printed, cooked In a fraction of the usual Llnkota .«als the pores, making It gives a lovely light! tanks. Householders attempted to of haggling over fundamentals and It is not only an old custom, but Fashionable eighteenth century $1,029 waa grown in the several Johnson’s lash. Tbe crisp, new snmrt clothes silks In many-colored etfects are Europeans had their footgear mads time. Last, but not least, won’t your your linoleum easier to keep clean. — From the pen of Edna Miliay. repair tbe damage to their homes. was taken only after the Demo- a modem lovely one. to give the A Few Steps Below Rale’s land plots. In order to effect this Boston, April 6.— (A P )—Boston Salem, Ore.—There aren’t enough and adorable hats, that almost blos- much favored. Field flowers In wide with elevated soles to protect their kitchen be dressed up too. Unkota, being a varniah-typo flnlsb, yield, the town appropriated $500 The imminence o f a new In- cratic members agreed separately JUDGES FOR CONTEST bride groom a wedding ring too. dries with a hard surface that pro- surgent attack In the northern zone on the terms of the new bill. Two today experienced Its coldest rats here to keep the cata busy, so som, all add to the brilliant scene. bands or allover floral deai^s delicate sllppe.s from the puddles 999 Main St-, 'Mancheater for the plowing and seeding of the weather for the date In 51 years, they congregate at night. Even shoes have succumbed to all ostrich feather and aigrette pat- Noodle Ring With Aspara(pK tecta your linoleum from wear "and of the Catalan front led French Republican members nttended to- Hartford, (?bnn., April 6.— (A P )— Endicott- ' Spring Love and Romance and dust of the unpaved roadways. land. Before last year, fertilizer with the mercury registering 25 Citizens appealed to the city at- sorts of tricky details. This Spring terns or again leaves of all descrip- «-ounce package broad noodles scuffing fe e t So I would suggest had also been furnished. This border officials to strengthen their day’s meeting but no record vote The ."date tuberculosia commission Ah, Spring, and perhaps wedding A famous Parisian shoe- dosigner above zero between 5 and 6 a m., torney for help, claiming the night- when color la so important, the tions appear among the novelty recently revived tho style In France 1 cup soft bread crumbs that you go ahead and use Du Pont year, according to Town Treasurer forces in expectation of a new in- was taken. announced today the names of three Johnson bells, so be sure you see the ex- flux of refugees into France. and even lower in outlying sections. ly chorus keeps the nelghborbood Stores fairly breathe loveliness. prints. In fact. New York’s aky- by creating slippert with flve- 1 cup grated American cheese Llnkota on your new floor covering. George H. Waddell, it is unlikely C!halrman Ramspeck (D-Ga) told Judges for the tuberculosis essay quisite diamond wedding rings and New refugees may reach a total The Bureau’s radio meteorograph. awake and frighten; little children. . Just step into a candy shop and scrapers. the monuments of Paris eigbths Inch soles, and smart Fifth 1 1-4 cupe milk that fertilizer will be furnished the newsmen the new bill provided for contest open to Negro students of note the enticing whiffs that greet also the olid gold engraved wed- and well-known London ettes in I teaspoon salt town by the govehiment. as high as I00,0()0, frontier guards creation of an independent flve- SHOES ding bands for ladles in yellow and avenue shops Immediately Imported predicted. you. Oiocolate bunnies reign with black or white llnea on contrasting Few grains pepper In addition, Mr. Waddell said It member board to administer its white gold or platinum, not over- the Idea. Draped slippers for eve- Insdous looking chickens running a backgrounds are used to great ef- 1-4 teaspoon paprika is doubtful If any federal aid con provisions. ’H) meet charges that looking the lovely selection of wed- ning with thick brllllanL soles, pat- close second. Scrumptuous Blaster fect for day and evening wear. ent, tatUe-toe S e $ f f » be expected, as the government. DROPS war MINTSTEB ding rings for tbe bridegroom too. pumps In black or the board would have excessive ' eggs and all sorts of goodies wait 1 teaspoon grated oplon Instead of fostering small home Madrid, April 6— (A P )—Stress- There is such a large collection It blue for town wear, or a cross- power, tllb committee stipulated the to help the Blaster Bunny bring joy 2 tablespoons chopped pimento ■r- liku gardens. Is now spending Its money ing the grave threat of the con- will be easy to choose at Matthew 8o and Sew strap, open-toe. open-heel slipper in President would have power to re- to thousands of kiddles (not forget- The tulips that bloom in the brown or black suede with patent Buttered asparagus tips. for the purchase of large farm pro- tinued Insurgent driyi In Otalonia quire the board to report through Wior’s, 999 Main street, a few steps duce surpluses, and is distributing ting those of ua, like you and me. Spring, Tra-la! aren’t a bit more re- soles give ultra smartness to the <3ook the noodles In boiling salted Worl ds Super towards the Mediterranean, 8<^al- the head of any executive depart- below Hale’s Department Store Blue Geberdlne who forget to be grown-up and still spring costume, and add a bit of water for about 10 minutes, or until the.se to the needy as federal com- ist Premier. Juan Negrln him drop- ment he "hose. Popular Food Market freshing than the riot of colors In modltica Galwrdlfie enjoy tbe thrill of an Blaster basket Spring print materials at Mont- helghth to your stature. tender. Drain. Add bread crumbs ped bis war minister, the "strong The effect of this special pro- Brown f;«lMrdlne too.) Mere are a few hints I came To date, but very few reports New Pairtii gomery Wards. Dimities, batiste: and cheese to the scalded milk and man’’ indaledo Prieto, and person- vision, Ramspeck asserted, was to Oloiious Elaslcr cards, artistic In orrosa that may help the bride-to- stir until well mixed. Add salt, pep- on their gardens of last year have Leelhere bo: piques and percales, as low ns More About ihe Ra of his Cabinet to drop out one of heavenly sight to behold. Pure reduced by careful planning and ther this form of aid in which, ap- The chairman said the minimum • 1 forethought. The secret It Is said. that Itch to stitch. making iinncceasary a constant at- parently, but small Interest Is taken the two Communist mlnlatsra and wage provisions would require the white lilies, sunny yellow daffodils tendant for the sick. It picks iip'the give the Cabinet a more moderate and perky tulips and so many dlher Is to budget your time as well as by the need. A t the meeting of board to fix an average wage for slightest lound and transfers It^to tbe Selectmen Monday night. It was makeup. p o tM plants in such profusion, not the coat and to stick religiously to Here are a few pointers you may WAKE UP YOUR each occupation In a given industry be able to use when you cut Into a you even when you are In a distant >.65 suggested that, except In the cases The removal of Prieto came un- both budgets. A Bride’s notebook and asserted the minimum Hxed to mention the gorgeous cut flow- room. Oo to Benson’s, 713 Main ^ gallon of physically incapacitated persona expectedly yesterday. ers, all at their beat to help bright- helps enormously. Start with your new Spring dress material; In 5 gallon could not go below that average. expense budget and enter In it 1. Ever try cutting out your street, far a demonstration or LIVER BILE the town no longer plow the gar- Friction with Negrln in conduct Provisions Of BUI Home of all en this happy Ekuter season. Speak phone 3535. , VMm I Tm II Oil M !■ \.'^ii cam dens. It waa believed that a per- of the military campaign was sug- lag of flowers, the seed stores are everything under the proper head- dress material with pinking shears? The bill provides that the board Ik M«m | taria* It C$ \ son interested In securing free seeds gested as ths reason for dismissal the Style Hits inviting too, where you can pleas- ing, In minutest detail. Okay each It’s a great time-saving Idea—no In Its first minimum wage order, Wood-Tinted Polish Th« liver elRjuld pour out two poundt of should prepare his own plot of of the man who had played a very antly plan your Sprteg plantings, when flnished. This has sentimental Inside flnlsbes are necessary and liquid bUo Into four bowtlt dntlr. If thb bile You can pay more but you can’t buy better I could not fix I wage more than live One of the newest products to land, usually of small area. active port In affairs of the Repub- even though you m ay^ear "flowers value later too. a perfect picture of raveling edges are done away with. it not flowinc frMly.your food dM«n*tdlg«BL Wards Super House Paint it unexcelled in cents an hour above the weighted your wedding dreams. 2. Did you know an expert al- keep flne furniture In flne condi- it just daears In tb« bowsU. Gas bloaU up To consider this phase, and to de- lic since its establishment with the are nice, but you can eat vegeta- tion la a wax polish Impregnated your stofflaeh. YoueuM Bwafvt wunas. eonstlpatsil. , -- .. Your---- hiding power, durability and coveraga. One termine if the plan generally shall average wage and could not 'urther NEW CAMPUS bles’’ have a few flowers too. ways uses silk scam binding on the wbota tystom to potsonad and Fm fad aour. abdlcaUon of King Alfonso in 1931. Increase It before the expire Uon of hems of tailored silk or wool dress- with wood colors such as maple, sunk and tha world looks punk.nk. be carried on this summer, the joint Other Changes The furniture stores, too, bave so Beauty Problems mahogany and walnut. Bealdes giv- A mtra bowd movement doean*t ret at gallon of this fine paint covers 450 to 500 committee will meet, and has been 12 months. A t the end of sach such many new and exciting Ideas to Miss Hacket, akin consultant for es, thus doing away with any lumps The other most significant period. It could increase the wage that might come from a turned-un- ing a soft lustre and protection to ' ‘ I?,*?** Carter's square feet, 2 coats! r asked to submit a complete report changes were the recall of Julio A l- SPORT OXFORDS brighten up your home from flow- Contoure’ Beauty preparations will PUi* to ret these two pounds to the next Selectmen’s meeting. by not more than five cents an hour FREE the furniture, the pigments In the of bfle flowinr freely and make'yw''fiMl be in Manchester all day Friday to der edge. varez del Veyo to bis old Job as er< a y drapes for your windows to wax work into any slight scratches up and UD. Rarmtesa, rmtie. yet «roas« SAVE V4 (o V4 On Wallpaper At Wardt until the minimum reaches 40 cents At new model stoves to cook your help you analyze your beauty prob- 8. \^en a dress Is made of Inr ... In maktnr %t bile t , w tiiiw flow irveiy. freely. ask Ask ror for foreign minister and an appoint- an hour. Our Up To The Minute Grocery Department sheer fabric, French seams are the or blemishes on the surface leaving ii.ll'’ * Ll..r Pill, hr Dam., tie, ment for a member of the C. N. T Easter breakfast. lems. Hsr service is an excluslv* a shining iinmarred ftni.sh. It dries •tobboraly rafasa anythinr alsaw GOVERNMENT RESISTANCE Ramspeck explained the weighted *1.98 solution. Othsrwise the raw edges thus giving this powerful labor _A trip to town will pep you up feature at the Weldon Beauty Salon. average wage for a given occupa- might show through. When a dress rapidly and works In easily. group a voice in the government af- Crepe whether you shop or window-shop tion was the average of ail employes New la of linen, crisp cotton or wool. It's ter ifbarly a year during which It Seddle and when you shop, remember the More About Hats In Spring and Always Coverall DEAYS FRANCO’S DRIVE in that occupation in a given Indus- Sole« Fre.sh as a breath of Spring air smart to stitch the seams on the Marproof repeatedly had expressed adherence Oxfords Chamber of Commerce's new slo- you can have a'high efficiency re- STAMP COLLECTORS VWSM. Gloss try at all vage classiflcatlona. gan “ what helps business— helps and sweet as the tiniest narcissus outside, especially the skirt seams. Vumiih to the government and sought Cabi- Brown They not only strengthen the seam, frigerator with more convenience ATTEN'nON! Wall Point (Uontlaqed from Page One) net recognition. The board would have power to 10 T R A D I N G S T A M P S Beigo Brown you" and TRY MANCHESTER In your garden are the lovely little and UBiiable iqtace. because of the fix the length of the work-week be- end Whife FIRST. dressy hats—but the hat that Is but add a decorative touch too. Packets of atamps given away Tho C. N. T. member, Segundo Grey Shclvador. at amazingly low prices, communications betweui Barcelona tween 4ff and 48 hours. Ralhee narrow at the aides, abort at the P ie* with each purchase of 49' Blanco (Jonzalez, replaced the Com- on a limited number of 1937 O os- Franklin Goa at 89 et and the rest of government Spain AU power of tbe board to prC' Brown Cell back and elongated In front U the Bring Hpring Indoors ! munist minister, Jesus Hernandez, WITH ANY SALE Fascinating Spring Bags ley Shclvador refrigerators at R. 8. Regnlariy 80* already were effectively cut by the scribe labor standards for employ- AT THIS DEPT. BUck Ceir with new Spring drapes for your dark horse to put your money on. It Potterton's. Franklin Service Stations Regvlorty $1.00. Flncot qnol- fire of Gen. Franco’s big guns play- in the Department of Public In- Many an Easter costume would wlndowa Don't miss seeing the en- Id ttl for kitchens and bath* ers engaged In purely local business received almost no build-up earlier jty* l*’er >n Interior ossa, ing upon the coastal highway to struction. Hernandez was unusu- add much to its completeness with chanting new line of ready-made room walls and woodwork. merely because they compete with GREEN TRADING STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN In the season, got a late start away You will want to check up on flooeo, woodwortc, favnltiire. Valencia. ally active in making frequent pub- one o f those now v a ii^ of solid col- draperies at Watkins. These are Easily washable I Interstate commerce was stricken from the post, but watch It! these four ways to lower the operat- The Insurgents’ usual maneuver lic speeches and declarations. ored beaded bags that the Dswey There la color ao well as sanity In sateen lined and Include hooka from from tbe blU. M .98 *1.98 Richman Company are showing. ing costs of any t>"pe of automatic of surrounding a city before pon- Mostly Soelallsta Farmers Exempted With Every Ten Cent Purchase of Groceries. Every Thursday the hats whirh blossom most luxu- petal pink for your bedroom to gor- refrigerator: Coverall qucrlng it was wracked during the Minister of Agriculture Vincente Thsre ars years of service in these geous blues and deep burgundya for Agricultural workers and those bogs. riantly in the Easter fashion gar- 1. Permit free circulation of air Floor night when wave after wave of Urbe Is the remaining Communist. dining room or living rooms, in engaged In handling farm products and Saturday will be Double Stamp Days Hereafter. Our Unit- den. Pastel straws— dukty pink, ba- around each food container, so the llo ll RfMiflnR militiamen, throwing light flares AH the others are Socialists, except chintz, sateen, mohair or a new Varnish F.H.A. PLAN in their natural stale would bo eX" by blue, lime yellow, golden yellow, mechanism will not have to work and then hand grenades, .drove back Republicans Bernardo Dines de los Speaking of bags and glovea, lavender and pale, cool green—arc dustitc material and are reasonably empt from the biU. Railroad ed Tradinsf Stamps can be redeemed here for cash or gifts. Endicott-Johnson Shoes overtime to chill It. Franco units which yesterday were Rios, communlcaUons; Jose Giral bogs are so practical this Spring priced from $8.95 to $11.95 a pair, NEW YORK'S NEWEST SS-/I!-/5 J^59 ployes and workers engnged sea- 749 Main Street featured. Black, navy and brown 2. Cover all foods to prevent ex- reported "at the gates” of Tortoea. Pererla, retiring foreign minister, state Theater Building because they're so big, roomy and • No Money Down sonally in canning and psckjng are usually touched off with a bit of which considering the quality Is re- ccaa evaporation, because moisture 65' A number of artillery batteries now minister without portfolio; An- convenient because they have han- color. 'There are a few gay turbans markably low. HOTEL Pries reduced 10% I Smooth, were rushed to the area by the gov- foodstufls Would be exempt as to taken from foods Is deposited on mica surface, asphalt roof- Stains and varnishes at ons •3 Years to Pay tonio Valao, public works, and La- MADONNA dles to hang over your w rist You’ll In striped silks. And colored veils ernment. both from the Madrid and bor Minister Palme Aguade, a Cata- boiirti but not as to wages. the chilling unit In the form of ing. Economical, dependablt. operation. For floors, wood- mAMt WAMtmi have to hunt for their openings, for and dark veils with colored dots Here is another floor covering frost. Catalan fronts. lan Left Wing party memter. Ramspeck said the blU would per- SPAGHETTI^ are Immcn^ly popular. EDISON Roll covers 100 square test I work and furniturs. . mit wage differentials our only they’re bidden, often with slide note; 8. Remove all paper wrappings, 1000 room$, each teilh MMW PIUC E St The civilian population had fled. Ramon Gonbalez Pena, who oust- fasteners, to throw the emphasis on Tbe new government resistance where the facts Justify them—not T(Hnato Paste When your floor coverings be- which act as Insulation around the kalh, tkotaar, radio and ed tbe former Premier Francisco the design of the bag, You’ll love Personal Blaster Greetlnga come gray and dull, have them food. eireulatimg ico-motor, Coverall came Just after insurgent General Largo Caballero as head of ‘ he on a geographical basis. ! M A C A R O N I U their new shapes. When you get a Coverall Coverall Franco, addressing a O binet meet- The Lovejoy Candy Kitchen will shampooed by a reliable cleaner. 4. Defrost frequently. Follow MOOIIATi SAfll Flat Wall U. G. T. labor union in Valencia He said the Democratic members new bag. you’ll want a new com- decorate Easter eggs or any other Semi-Gloss Screen ing at Burgos yesterday, said the tC can Only In thla way can the very deep- manufacturer's directions. A heavy 0->n«rthip Mtnsesnwnt Pninf last October, enters the cabinet as of the subcommittee decided to ELBOWS pact, lipstick and purse flacon. And favors with any name you desire est embedded dirt be removed and j Paint Point end of tbe war could be expected mlnLater of JuBtIce. draft the new bill without consult- coat of frost on the unit acts as in- lo 47ih St. ImU r»»i of within a short Urns. gloves!----- ' You’ll...... like...... )ft the feel of sofv Leave your onlers now. the lustre and richness of the orig- The new Cabinet Is a popular ing the minority members because sulation and compels the mechan- " ' -tC/r, • leaiiH The key to all Catalonia, the gen- •uede-llke fabrics, the dull sheen of inal colors be restnretl. Often this ism to work overtime to keep the 129 ~ 49c aaiNT Front government In every sense, they felt they were not making pro- eralissimo said, had fallen into In- ribbed silks and'the varieil colors. Eggs Are Heosonable dull effecL due to minute dust par- go/loo q». Bag. 59c 19' surgent bands with tbe taking of including representatives from ev- Eggs are usually ticles which adhere to the sides of A beautiful finish for walla ery principal political party, labor plentiful and less A soft, satin-like gloss for Regularly 25c. -Hn* Lerida, the successes along the For Your Home Decorating. Blaster Remembrances the yarn. Is mistaken for fading. and ceilings. Dries without walls and woodwork.- rk. Choice - Segre river and the advance along group and geographical area sup- Remember your friends near and expcnslvs In the brush marks. In colors. on both screen and rraraeo. porting the Republic— tho whole IT IS DANGEROUS early aprlng and of many colors. Ecoaomlcal and dorahlr. the Ebro. ToUet TISSUE far with an Blaster greeting. Dewey- .Spic And Span dominated by tho Socialists. It la dangeroDs to sell a 8UB8TI- COLORFUL may be a welcome The Cabinet approved a law set- Rlchman have so many lovely Let the Thrifty Cleaners and ting aside the Catalonian autonomy Paulino Gomes Salz, who in effect rUTE for 066 Just to make three or cards that cover the entire family, change for an oc- 5 MARKET BASKETS FREE! four cents more. Cuatoniers are Djfers of 981 Main street, do your Worth .About $4.00 Apiece! atatute and giving Catalonia equal- becomes vice premier through nls CHINTZ - Bweetbearis too, and just the right casional main Blaster cleaning for you. Their work appointment to the second ranking your best osaets; lose them and yoo course from heav- ity In government with other sec- ones for Illness and sympathy and la gooLonny Frey Glove 1 1 9 munitions' and supplies traveled EASTER CA|IDS olresdy examined the new prints. 1 (S^ounce) can mushrooms. Fish Basket, I O V down the winding highway from cemlng rates o f taxation and re- Spring coats and suits at the.Wll- Fry the baron until hflown. add IS Inchee Cherts to the insurgent lines, pre- bates under which the aaseU and rose. You will be surprised at the the eggs, and .scramble. Combine paratory to the final push. liabilities o f the former school dis- VEAL CHOPS 28v2« " extremely reasonable price y-ou can the soups and mushrooms in a The 'Full Dinner PaiT Used To Roaring planes patrolled the air tricts can be equalized as the res'jlt 5c ■’ 2 5 c find clothes that not only fit but s.nueepan and atid the egg mixture. above the insurgent supply cara- of school consolidation here in 1932 combine style with individuality. Heat and season. (Serves 11.) vans. Judge John Rufus Booth la to pre- In the northern sector, insurgent ride at Friday’s sessioii, and Town Watch and Jewelry _^d from a j'age In de.me fash- pressure was aimed at Baliguer, 14 Counsel WlUlam 8. Hyde win rep- ion’s book this Easter, may I sug- Be A AAeasure- of Good Business I jiwii T oinI n miles northeast of Lerida and up- resent the town. Repairing At gest permost end of tha government’s A t Its March meeting, the Board CHEESE Frivolous circus print new defense line before ^rcelona. o f Selectmen voted to accept a pre- flress w’ith clowns and LOUIS S. JAFFE ■ Cross tbe River Ytoualy appolntod committee’s ap- Reasonable Prices “ Ting riders' ,...... WM Main St. rBuBe 5893 I*' Sfone by but nothing was sflid about, a full savingrs Law n Jllowera - Exploring pati^ Gen. Jnn pralsal o f the schnni prnpwft!»«j an,! ^Criss-Cross In bright colors on a Y a ^ e drove across the Noguera to submit this appraisal to the SCRANTON LACE dark ground. account. People have learned from experience In the ups Rlbagorzana river in at least five Court os a basis to be used in drsw- IS W K K U D F IS H NET CURTAINS - Draped black crepe Regularly $5,98 places. Tbe river forms the western PORK LIVER Full width — ready to 10-ln. 1. * « ‘« ' ‘ ®ry Judgment, Cottage Sets frock with white friU and downs that business has always boundary of Lerida province, one dl which. It l« expected. wUl set In mo- hang. acckline. sfbeels . the four Catalan provinces. tion tbe full settlement of this 21e lb. Gray wool bolero dress with rubv had that by saving when they’re earn- T ry and beat it I Smooth, easy These patrols extended insurgent question. PURE LARD 98c P air In Red, Green, Blue, Gold. Hzard on lapel. ^ control almost to the Parallel river, TYPEWRITERS ball-bearing action I 4 tool-stee* ALL MAKES ing they have something to fall back on Noguera Pallareea, on which la TO EXTEND BBA88 UNION HAMBURG CANDLEWICK While They Lastl Send A Uttle Joy blades ara self sharpening. Ball located Important electric power SOLO — REPAIRED rOLLOCK' BED SPREADS F. E. Bray, State Theater biiild- bearings are aelf adjusting. Save! plants at Tremp. Watertury, CJonn, April 6— (A P) Regular $1.98 REGISTERED O m c iA N in the business “lows”. One proof of Between Baloguer and Lerida, RENTED — EXCHANGED m ^ b a s a lovely showing of Blaster T***. y*^*Lert>ury brass workers’ Stuwtog V E A L 1 lbs. PRESCRII'TIO.NS FlU.ED supporting columns captured a Special $1.69 « r d s to convey your remembrances 3~Bljide M ower union initiated a move today to to your sweethearts, friends, family We have a eetectlon of tbe new- this is found in the steadily increasing number of villages. Including Cor- unionise aU employes of the Ameri- and shut-lna lOJ^-in. rubber tired wheeli. Ball ~ ' I at the junction o f the Segre 1 strawberry Shortcake est style frmniea company throughout the l^ r g e Sponge W U to Sliend RUFFLED members of mutuai savings bank de- ta r in g ! at 4 points. 16-incb selt 1 A 9 5 I Noguera Ribogorxana rivers, United States as a result of tbe BISCUITS LAYER CAKES CURTAINS Blending Colors Complimentary Adjustmeata. aharpening bladea ^liorth of Balaguer more troops eompony's rejection o f a propooed BREAD Dotted Marquisettes with T o w Easter morning glorv w1U positors. ‘l eached the banks of the Farfans conference on a recent 10 per cent Urge or small dots. 36 Buy Un tbe Budget Plan 'river. [ d o z . HEAVY ALL LINEN ■e shining in every way If you be SALE! GARDEN! HOSE wage reduction. l^ C each snd 42 Inches wide. SPE- DISH TOWELS miro o f your complexion too. You’ll A1 JAFFE’8 (In Barcelona Premier Juan TTie union suggested yesterday 2 for 15® CIAL! look as fresh os a daisy If your .NO R.XTKA CHARGE Guaranteed for 2 yeara. Two Negrln formed a new OUnet to Colored Borders. Regulare that repreaenUtlves of iU vari- Florida 98c P air ly 25c. SPECIAL! a ^ e . powder and Upatlck blend Get the habit of depositing regularly in role diminishing government terri- ora branches In company plants W e carry a Fnll Line of . . , layera of rubber witlr coUon cord 23 toiy, taking over the defense minis- With your costume, a rouge with in botwten. Save I on tha wage cut with aOlcials Pose in It wrill be most becoming Sheaflfer’s Pens, try himself from Indaledo Prieto or the ocaoern. Grapefruit 19c each who had held tbe office since May ORANGES BANANAS Colored ■kith the new blues or dusty pinks, The Waterbury plant was the •52.75 up 17, 1937. or you will find orangey rouge wlli scene recently o f a flys-day strike Small Weekly or Monthly Striped Awningfs ao w ooden with a green or brown The Savings Bank Oty la narkaeoa to p ra y against the cut Five each All Sizes JUST ARRIVED! Uomplete Line of" (Government buildings In Bar- 2

■^r” -r

PACECT BiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE8TJSB..CONN. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,193* SIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1938 •PAGE SEVEN preached from the theiqe of the de- bron Congregational church Sunday mlral Utahy, who has been doing velopment of character through suf- Helpers who have promised to President, Fairless the added powers I degree from Ohio Northern Uni- at a tribal medicine man or witch tha graduation exercises wlU have FOREIGN BUSINESS of "chief administrative officer." | eral auperintendent, and vice-presi- lories, were combined Into Caroe- JUmrlfrBtrr most of the heavy work of the ngvy fering. He announced that the assist at the Well ChUd Conference FAIRLESS CHOSEN versity, and' his first poat-college dent In charge of operatluna, and. .doctor, are the Eskimos. little effect thereafter. He win be laat o f the mid-week Lenten serv- gle-Ullnols SteeL Taylor offeree at the Hebron town hall Friday, are Son of Ooa' Miner Job waa aa a civil engineer for the after a merger, vtce-presiden., gen- booeUng campaign, told the Senate Taxes provide us with a national known aa the ‘goat* and he prob- ices will be held Wednesday evening Fairless the preeldency o f Carnegte- ably will be proud of It, as mort of Mrs. Alice ‘thompson, Mrs. Claude Fairless, of Welsh lineage, hard- Wheeling A Lake Erie Railroad, eral manager, then president ot CttpttfttQ X r r a ld Committee on Naval Affalra that existence. They provide us with In Ne w Yo r k ! SLUMPS1 IN CHINA at his rooms at Mrs. M. O. Horton's W. Jones and Mrs. Edmund H. Hor- working son anc one of four chil- That waa tr 1911. Later the same nilnois, and he accepted. Thua It them are. llie men at the bonom United Alloy Steel. His company place. 7:80 p. m. The study of the ton. A dental hygienist will be STEEL’S ‘ TO P MAN” was that Falrlesa came into ttia MsuaaBD *t m . the additional sixe of the ehipe— schools. They provide us with po- of the class, who come out as dren of a Pidgeon, O. coal miner, year he left railroading and went to was merged with Republic Steel Co. KAU> rmiMTiNO coMPAjrr, tiw. Lord's Prayer wlU to continued. present and clean the children s "B ig Steel” organlaatlon, which lia which, by the way, would carry U ' licing and fire protection and courts ‘goats' ore usuany very popular / taught school for two years in work for the Central Steel Co., of In 1930 and be became Republic’s 11 WmU aCTMt By OEOBGB BOBS ^ooHan, and that Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sellers teeth. Ohio, after a publie school educa- Masalllon. O. now heads. HM«lM««r, Omb. loch gune—would be only about 10 and aa army and navy. H iey pro- cadets, very good fellows and very ----- Davhf WUsnte, executive vice-president. N ew York.—To the baseball od- who proeecutod Bruno had as guests at their home lately tion, saving money for college. He " '-'A moMAa rmBovmm per cent more than the leaser dread- good mixera" Richard Effects Of War Are Now Be- His rise waa rapid. Successively I In 1939 Carnegie Steel and ilU- OMiaral IU ii«««r tect os from the desperate forays "W as not General Grant the last Hauptman, doesn't. Mrs. Henry Cuyler Bunner and the Son Of Coal MiMr To Direct waa graduated with an engineer's OonstrucUoD o f New York’a first diets, football flendi, hockey parti' Misses Alice and Joanna Dlmock of he became min superintendent, gen- nols Steel, two U. 8. Steel aubsid- rianaad Ootobar 1. lilt naughts sanctioned by the House. Into our vary homes by starving man In his class?" asked Rep. subway began hi 1900. sans and fans of all sorts, add the ♦fc^*^****.?. liberation New London, also Mias Louise Chase TAKE ACTWN TO OUST P«Mlab«a mwmrr mwtmtmg EM— p t Other naval officers, however, say men seektngjfood. They build our Dockweller of California. (W e bad they recite their preferenoea for ing Felt In Almost A ■■aara anl Retldar* BnUraa at tb* courtroom coterie— those who peas courtroom hlatriooles as If the tow- and Miss Ruth Potter of the Con- Operations Of World’s thSt Instead of costing I.Ti ,000,000 roads and bridges and sidewalks heard that, too, and suspect from kat Oftlea at Maoahaatar. Oona- aa idle hours In trial chambers all yere were members of Actors' necticut college for Women, who hie pictures that the General never over the dty, assiduously pursuing lines Of Trade. MISSING CONTROLLER aeoad Claaa Mall Mattar. i each the huge machines advocated and sewer systems. They provide Equity AasociaUon. They com- were dinner guests. had his pants pressed from Vlcke- the legal forenslca of this pleadet Biggest Maker Of Steel by the admini might easily cost US with most at the thinga that harg to Appomattox.) pare UebowiU to Ctoude Rains be- Several members o f the Tolland . . . or that and Mtlng each like a pack caure of the various facte of tem- county Democratic Association at- New Haven Aldermen Vote 1100 000 000 noake life in civtlixatlon ao diffarent ^ t Mr. Terry would not be put of wolfish dramatic critics. per he can turn on and off in direct Shanghai, April S.— (A P )—Busi- tended a meeting of the assoqiatlun Trial For Henry Brethaner; Meantime the Senate Approprte' from that at the Ealdmoa. They can tell you, at the drop New York, April 6— (AP)—Ben- *T would like you to consider or cross examlnaUoa. They speak ness reports emphaaixed today the at Mansfield Monday evening ^ a query, whether Part I_o t- II Lewis W. Pbelpa a former Hebron Mayor Reads Charges. jamin F. Falrlesa, who wore over- tlon.s Committee baa Just completed W e look to government, state that. General," sold Mr. Terry. w ***“•*■ •a'Utey wouldof cumulative repercuarions o f the un- For Easter Clothing toofBKB o r rum aaanciarMO of General Sesslona baa a better man, presided, and there was i HOUSE’S work on the biggest army appropri- and municipal, for a thousand Serv- And, said Genera] Benedict: A ^ Ip h Menjou, giving him the ac- alls, got dirt on hla handu, and show this day and expertly direct war upon Chinese trade aa large and enUiuaiaatic attendance New Haven. April 6.— (A P I— An i tka Aiaaatatai Priai la aaalaalaair ation bill In peace-time history, ap- ices and enrichments at Ufa. And " I will, I assure you.” colade for suavity before the bench aldermanlc vote virtually ordering learned a ^ u t steel making inside a you to crosa-exaralnatlon which end Jury box, nerves unruffled and ^Pon ese continued their push in The association placed itself on rec- aatltUa la UM aaa a* rapaMiaailaa packs the most dramatic wallop. missing Controller G. Henry Breth- M all aawa dlapalabaa araaiial proving ouUays of $490,000,000 for how.^elee can governnwet provide temperament as calm aa a still ^^antung province toward the ord aa favoring the reorganization steel mill, started his first full day Surely, if professional ethics per- auer to show cause why he should ar Boc atbarwtaa aradllaa la the year, having added some $40,- them but through the taxing pow- lake. The court followers feel Lungbal railway. bill now being considered by the today as "top man’ of the $2,000,- CSS*' aaa alaa tba laaal aaara aab> mitted, there would be fin maga- not to dismissed waa In the records rather sad about Ferdinand Peco- Foreign firms' trade h »« olumped United States (Ongress, and the of that txxly today. and Furnishings 000,000 to the House measure. er. Is the federal government gq- zines printed about legal luminariea 000,000 UnItec States Corp.. biggest j All rtaau ar raaaauaatioaa at Health and Diet ra’e deserved appointment to the sharply. Japanese business In oc- secretary was Instructed to send Ing to eonjur araiea and navies and that would appear as gaudily idola- telegrams to that effect to the C^- The aldermen, on recommendation maker of steels h. the world. | ■ iraelal abaatakaa karate ara alaa ia> There is no strongly organized bench, for they long admired bis cupied areas is reported to be less of Mayor John W. Murphy, voted aarraa.______post roads and weather forecasts trous 08 those edited for the film electric performances when he was than normal. necticut senators and congressmen. Directors late yesterday named! opposition to any o f these expendi- Advice cohmy. . "What Lawyer Uebowltz laat night to summon Brethauer, rcsslon on tbdr any way in the world of organizing the D. A. has a a , nAlese than any Inability to trade with the Interior, , Mrs. Della Porter HUla, Hebron’s charged Brethauer had been "guilty SUITS building any morning, and watch r. steelmaster tralr ed for .‘ U s Job ^ I euum uTtom taxation so that some part at It duce are familiar. Including as they Hollywood Adonis. They b u k in and limiting by the O ntral Chinese town clerk and treasurer, accom of certain acta and practices In the part that opposition to armament him being badgered for bis signa- inside a steel plant headed the com- do such symptoms as the audden his smile and In the soqad of bis government of the amotmt of for- panted First Selectman Edmund H. conduct of the aforesaid (control- Beautiful suits in wor- A Tba BaraU Fnatlaa Ooaipaar laa, might prove unpopular with a ner- won't be hidden as soon as people ture as If be were Robert Taylor. Horton to a Rotary club banquet pany. 11 aaaaaiit aa iaanalal raaaeaalMUIr reddening of the skin which we voice when they are within range eign exchange made available to ler's) office which are In effect at 8 ^ 8 , woolens, gabar- p a»r traagtaableal arrara vous and half-frightened electorate; begin passing taxM along one to call blushing; the lack of color pro- of It If they are lucky enou^ to Shanghai. at the Nathan Hale Hotel, WII1I- least. If not In fact, tantameunt to MjTon C. Taylor, who reqred aa ! I O itteal Dteoenunent. Nowm - - mantlc, Tuesday evening. Mrs. dines atid serges. Plain . a^rtlaaaMBla M tba third, the realization In the back of the other. ducing pallor; the clamminess of gain admission to chambers. To The oil business also has dwindled malfeasance, misfeasance or non- chairn-an of the boarc* of directors ! | .5 0 Saaalaa RaralA the skin seen In anxiety; coldness The trial fana moreover, can the male element, he represents he- and Is faced, besides, with a possi- Hills was one of the few women feasance In office." colors, stripes, chalk a good many Congressional heads Perhaps the Rensnelaer. boys tell you about the Individual traits Monday "to make way for younger of the hands and feet; audden mannism to the utmost, a fearless, YOU CAN OWN ble Japanese government oil mo- present. First selectmen and town have Just beard about taxes and of their star performers. They Mayor Murphy outlined the basis men, and wh I bad been dominant i stripes, plaids and her- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 that B great arms program would sweating; "hot flashes;’’ numbness nithleee foe of all sanguinary pub- nopoly such aa took over the busi- clerks of those towns included all for his allegation aailng the con- up know that when Samuel J. Liebow- officer in the company, gained bia ringbones. be good for general business— for Imagine they have dlsoovered or lack of feeling, and a tingling lic enemies. From tha audience ness In Manchoukuo. received Invitations. Three womeil troller “did fraudulently, falsely and Itz, one o f the crack defenders be- hold the office of town clerk In the executive experience as a hanker I 22 sensation such as that experienced angle he is Box Office. From the A decline In keroaene consump Intentionally negotiate aa controller a while. great Injustice. When they are old- fore the bar of Justice, wishes to and final,cler, and learned about | ENFORCEMENT when you say the hand or foot has critical approach, his act Is dyna- tton throughout the Interior was at towns represented. . of the city of New Haven,” a check It is strongly to be suspected that er they srill perhaps reallas that if pause effectively between aenteneea, RE A DY- M A DE The regular meeting of Hebron steel after Joining the company as ' gone to steep. mite, bis characterization perfect tributed to the poverty-stricken for $8,180 payable to the town de- In tiew o f tba uacompromlaiag he lightly brushes hla pocket ker- ranking executive. Taylor waa i when Italy and Oermany embarked they ever do wangle a aystem arhere The word vasomotor comes from A curloua crowd these courtroom condition of farmers, many of whose Grange waa held at Gilead Ck>m- poelt fund, “ knowing at said time ^oalOon takaa jraataniay by CMaf taxation can be largely dona away chief across his mouth. ■ They can hangers-on. Some of them belong .homes and crops have been de munity ball Tuesday evening. that said check was not to be en- ‘ head man" from the retirement ot OB Mg scale rearmament It was far the Latin and Is a combination of cite the sartoria] differences of opin- ^ PDlica: OordOB afld the equally two words; "vessel” and "mover." to It for. valid purposes, being law stroyed. Mra. Alfred Sebatz's 23rd birth- dorsed by him as controller but Hteslmaster Farrell In 1932 unUl Uie with they will also have created ion between courtroom'warriors, of- less in hope of conquest than a grab The vasomotor nerves are the students or law clerks and anxious DRAPERIES Drawing on Reeervee. day waa celebrated by a party given rather to be endorsed and negotiated elevation of Steelmaster Fall less to Men% Young Men*s BBOompromMiif attitude o f the at a straw that might temporarily system where they must be pre- fering the rapid information that to learn the business. Othera Join Japanese occupation of large in her honor at the home of Mra. by the city treasurer." the top post. nerves controlling the movement of Jamea Murray, who has successfully police Oau n laalonerg at their maat pared to get along without a lot of only because of a morbid Intereat. areas and destruction of motor George Schatz. A family dinner As “chief administrative officer, " supply the place of any sound eco- tha walls of the blood vessels end fought many murder trials, prefers with tlie same styling I bY laat BlfM, on the protaat of car* things that now, prabably, asem to are of two kinds. One kind cniiioi and xtltl others for lock of any- roads in the Shanghai area has re waa held. The table was graced by Fairless Is chief of the triumylrate nomic policy for the creation of em- double-breasted suits and starched thing better to do. a birthday cake with 23 candles. of three young men who will guide lain Nquer dealera against the post- come Just as naturally and aa free- the Mood vessel to become narrow as Watkins Custom-Made Drapes! duced gasoline consumption. For- FARMERS PROGRAM ployment and the .stilling of unrest Tax Collector Mark H. W. HlUs the affairs af the company. I W of relief recipients who are or smaller and the other causes It to eign oil oompaniee in Japanese-oc- Neither Mussolini nor Hitler ever ly as the air they breaths. become stretched or larger. The cupied North China are not receiv- says that of the 56 persons who .known to waste money on iatoal* serious. 1 try to “throw it off” but neglected to pay their old age Other Top Men TOPCOATS It isn't the proportion at the ave^ nerves are able to affect the blood parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeLucal ing Japanese business since the FOR MILK INSPECTION had a particle of economic sense, can do so only for a short time and In offering Iteady-Mads Draperies to our eustomsrs ws assistance tax due In February, and Sitting with Falrleaa In the top- ■ants, it should be dear to the ra> age dollar that goes to taxes which vessel by controlling the muaelea on Center street. have adhered tp the high standard of excellence refisoted Japanese army and navy are draw- neither had the remotest Idea of am much worried." ing on huge reserves of crude oil whose names were given to a Grand most council are Edward R. Stet- Some reversible coats in IBonstirMts that they win hava to does the real harm. It's the fact la the walla of these hollow tubes. Frank Engley, student at Connec- throughout our atore. Patterns, colorings and workman- Hartford, April 6.—(A P I The how to solve JoUesanese In eny per- When the muscle rings tigbtei) up Answer: If possible, consult ticut State college, Storrs, hoe been stored over a period of years and Juror 'for collection, 36 taxes have tlnlus. Jr., 37. a brilliant young out topcoat line this •bide by the law or take the eonse- psychologist or psychiatrist. If this ship to of ths earns high quality as our mada-to-order legislative council had before It to- manent or useful way. Bo botli that the chap with only one dollar the blood vessel Is made narrow; vtsitlu with his parents Mr. and now being refined by the Japanese. been collected. Four persons are 'xecuUvt skilled in finance ana busi- $ .^uenees. is not feasible, then read some draperies. W# shopped ths leading markets , . hand not In the state and 12 persons •lay the objections of organized year. Woolens and to spend doesn't have enough when they let go. the vessel opens Mrs. Frank B. Engley on Grant ave- picked each drapery In the same careful way ws asiset Silk and cotton Industries were ness, whose late father waa a Mor- .00 proclaimad the desperate need of books on psychology and get your- nue. extremely hard hit by destruction have arranged to pay.. This leaves farmers to a reorganization program gan partner, and hjidera M. Voor- worateds in Scotch These liquor dealers appear to to buy what ha aseda Is what Is up. our euatom-msds aampisa! 'national defense" ami armament— Normally the two kinds of nerves self Interested in constnictiva think- Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hendriek of of many factories and an almost four uncollected taxes, of which that would put ihe Inspection of hees, 45. whose parents were up- plaids, light grays « i d kava baan latorlng under a mlsap- left from the taxes, yet has to! pay ing. As an axamnla, you'U find all Watkins Rsady-Hadee there Is some doubt as to the ability milk, cream and dairy farms under and set the people of their countries are antagonistic to each other, thus Hampden, Maas., are parents of a are eeteen lined, bsosuss that's the way all oustom-made complete breakdown of transports state farmers of Dutch descent. tans, herringbones and iqi ^reheoblon which tha>' might as Just about as big a proportion in maintaining a state of balance daughter born Monday, April ^eth at tion. of the debtors to pay. the Jurisdiction of the dtate Health Stettinlua la chairman of Uh board to work on the creation of agencies draperiae ara mode. You1l see colors In keeping with to- Regarding outstonding property checks. 18 Department. Veil fft rid of BOW ss later—that taxes as th# fellow w to has a hun- which we call tone. Natural tone In the JohnioD Memorial hoepltel. d y 's most popular color achemss. W# are sure you'U Only three silk filatures are op- of directors. Voorhees'ls chairman of destruction. taxes, some of which run back to William E. Templeton of Kent, they a n somahow IB a position to dred to spend and could buy all os an artery therefore represents a HARTFORD’S RED CROSS Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Fon- to delighted with the gaily patterned linens, duatite erating in the Shanghai area, and, ol the finance (Slmmtttee. enndlUon which Is midway between as a result, there Is a glut of co- the-levy of 1922. alias tax warrants agricultural coi.ncll rei resentatlve, demand and rseaiva spada’ conaid- With the poasenston of the arma- tenslla and daughter, accompanied fabrics, printed reyon filets, crashss, mohair, chintzes, Creation of yie triumvirate ot needed with whet is left from twen- extreme contraction and extrems by Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Fontenella coons which are being exported to have been Issued In some cases sat with the legislative group yes- mente, good for nothing else, the tub-fast sateens and novelty cloths on dtspUy -. , appro, after proper warning, and warnings young executives waa part ot Tay- •ration at tba bands o f public oiri- ty dollars after the tax share Is stretching. When this natural tone PREPARING FOR DRIVE all of Willlngton avenue were re- p ^ t e drapes for Summer windows. And these superior Europe at reduced prices. terday in a conference on reorgani- thoughts of the (Hetatora naturally have been sent to other delinquents. lor’s pian to leave the vast company •IblA particulsrly stectivs ones, and taken. Give the first fellow enough lessened the vessel la said to cent guests of Miss Norma Fon- , Rtady-M sds^rspsrtee are surprisingly low priced . . » (In 1936 48 filatures were In op- zation procedure. In capable hands. BOYS' turned to oonqueat. Ami aa the have lost its tone—as occurs in low teneUa a N , In Bridgeport. $8.95 to $ il.fk a pair. eration In Shanghai, according to Where back taxes run year after -Secretary 'John D. Thomas, an- that it Is possibis for them to ob- dollars and a lot he'd worry If tax- Hartford. April $.— (A P )_ At year for a long term of years It Flr.it Impressions In financial cir- armaments continue to grow, and blood pressure. When the tone is the Chinese year book of 1937.) nounced at the close ot the meeting cles had oeen tliat Stettinlus. ' tain the special prldUgs of special es took half of each of them! Or too great we have the condition seen least 16,000 additional members will win be required that at least the there Is nothing: for half the people Nineteen thirty-seven Is destined to The low production caused silk that hr and Ernest L Averill, legis- groomed for Taylor's board ebair- M EN’S and YOUNG M EN’S ■onatraetlons o f the law for their ttirce-quartcra. In high blood pressure. be sought by Hartford Red Cross prices to mount. Throughout (^Ina two oldest years' taxes to paid each I MEN’S and YOUNG M E N ’S to do but either make arms or Chapter beginning April 20, Francis prove one ot the Mggest years the I year until the payments are brought lative council draftsman, would mantirip, would be the one to re- Bwn oonreDicnce or profit. Nothing There Is a very definite hook-up automobile Induatry has ever hod. I but 375,000 cotton spindles and work together on a proposed pro- SUITS them, the conquest idea has come to between the vasomotors !ind the T. Fenn, chairman, announced to- 4,000 looms were reported operat- up to date. This procedure Is in ceive the mantle of chief of the com- ■Duld be further from the truth, de- day. If not the biggest year. It will be at ing. accordance with a strong ''recom- gram. Consideration of Welfare re- pany. In fact, when be was chosen Boys’ styles are as a dominating place. emotions, as evidenced by the red- least the next to the biggest year, organization plans was postponed. ■plto the fact that the Board of Se- ness of the face seen In anger. Red Cross in this sUte, Mr. Fenn (In 1936, the Chinese year book mendation" of the state tax com- aa chairman Monday, it waa taken smart as Dad's and Any dictator, any government, said, set a record last year In health, with an output approximatinx 8.- missioner Senator Raymond J. Devlin and for granted that he would take on Sport Coats ‘ ypetmen on Monday evening treated Sudden, strong emotions, however, reported. 6.627.000 Ohlnese and Jap- Sport Pants 000,000 vshkUas. WATKINS Senator E. Uaynor Brennan named older brother’s. All safety and disaster activities, and • rotheks On the levy of 1936. thirty-five Ikelr 'lalsgatlon with such dlstlB- can get awey with preetjcally any W ashin g to n have only a temporary effect. Feel- I N C anese spindles and 62,0009 looms Taylor's fuU responelblllUes aq ing, states continued over a longer membership In Connecticut In 1937 were operating.) Bens certificates were filed March a sub-committee to '■ecommend mtll- dominant officer ol the company. the new colors in wor- Jpdshed oonsidcratlon. amount o f taxation for armament tory reorganization. leriod of time tend to affect the was 107,292, the highest of any year On the war front itself, Gen. Lit 31, aa required by law. This num- But, oh the heels of Monday’s iteds, woolens and Tha law raqulrca all eUlsens to If it can only make the taxable peo- D aybook blood vessels In a more lasting way slnoe the World War, Registrations Sung-Jen reported from Suebow ber la a decrease of about 30 per The council has been assigned the stockholders' meeting, scaneiy 24 cheviots. cent from previous years. ds iBBOBrsniant thJags. You cannot ple believe the country Is in danger - " ■ ’Bjt Frautm Grovtr— iroduclng an upset of the, normal for classes la first aid. home by that he was launching an assault task of developing further reorgani- hours aftei Tayior stepped down $Q ,00 and up giene and life saving increased coU' Mias Lillian Griffing sang a solo of attack, whereas It could not get balance which may , continue to fcom all sides to wipe out a Japan- zation measures for ,the 1939 Gen- and Stettinlus stepped up to the $3 .50 up Slzee 6 to 12 Years Cor tostanre. make a thoroughfare Washington.— We can hardly operate. slderably last year when 2,670 per ese force that stormed the south at the morning service at the He- eral Assembly. away with like taxation for any chairmanship, directors thrust upon Plalda -and Checks predomin- ■f ■ Main street atore sod some- wait for commencement exercises Prolonged worry, anxiety, disap- eons were taught the principles of Another Unprecedented Chair Value gate of Tolerchwang April 4. ate In these popular coats. fcod3r*s hack yard In order to reach other purpoee whatever. at West Point neat June to see pointment, discontent, unhappiness first aid, 1,931 men and women re- Talerchwang was the center of a Choose one now while sizes are New styles in herring- ceived lessons In life saving a ^ , -• point on ths next parallel etreet; This Is a good psyi hological time whether Brig. Gen. Jay L. Benedict, and other unpleasant mental states long battle as Japanese sought to complete. ^10*oo up to date, 10,200 persons In Ctonnec- push south through Shantung prov- bones, checks and plaids. yon have to walk three or four for the starting of a great arming the superintendent. wUI put the may in this way affect the vaso- Sixes 12 to 18 Years motor nerves and the blood circula- ticut have been taught home hy On sale tomorrow ince along the Tlentsin-Pukow rail- times ae^far on three atreets to get boom in the United Btates. There cad.'ts on an alpbabctlral basis. giene and care of the sick. way to Suchow, Junction point of It Is terribly, terribly Important tion. The impaired circulation will there. Ton cannot, because you are are millions of Jobless—and the In turn cut down on ,4he working Connecticut membarahip la the the east-west Lunghai line. and only people who spoof at Junior Red Cross now totals 106,' late for an appointment, disregard- administration is at an utter loss to power of the vital organs. Meager Japanese' army reports tradition will fall to hold their 155. said the severest fighting was raging Exclusive A t HOUSE'S $12.50 np .ad the raised hand of a~traffic cop. know what to do about them. The breath until then. We thought the Nervous and emotional Instability are recognized as contributing Robert A Shepard, of Washing A concession on the manufacturer’s part $1950 around Chinese pill boxes south of You cannot sign )KHir neighbor's world situation la shout as threat- old order was ail settled and that causes of many disorders. Including ton. D. C.. special representative of Talerchwang. These name to a check because It w-ould ening as II could be. The easy way no one wouUI dare think of alpha- raucous and spastic colitis, neuras- the Amerioun Red Cross is In Hart- . . which we “ matched” . . makes this betizing the army. Bui someont ford. ks an easy way to areet a bill and oqt la to scare everybody half to thenia. nervoua Indigestion, nervous unprecedented value possible. There-are has yiought of It. It Is Rep. David heart trouble and othera These con- The result of this year’s roll coll I Emerson Spring Hats keep the sheriff ou t We cannot death and then pour out bllllooa for W. (for Dtcksoo) Terry of Arku- ditions are likely to be accompanied among 8,700 chapters, appealing to just twelve chairs in the lot with a choic5 HEBRON sas. . get our bod ahaats off our neigh- guns and ships and fortUlcattons by symptoms indicating a vaso- the public for Individual one dollar of four smart covers: All-over figured He raised the question during memberships, will be a national A chimney fire at the George F. ARROW Ties and Shirts hot's clothesline. We are all ra- and tanks and airplaiiee and small motor upset, such as cold bands and committee consideration of the feet, blushing or pallor. ' perspira- membership of more than 5,000,000, tapestries with backgrounds in green, rust, KIbbe place Monday afternoon made Mricted by the law ih the doing of arms and uniforms, enlist a great Mr. Shepard declared. War Department appropriation bill tion. and numbness and tingling. Ot la necessary for the fire depart- brown or gray. Ordinarily this chair,, in ment to come to the reacue. Sparks things it would be profitable to do. army—nnd pile up the taxation and by asking General Benedict about course, the underlying inetabmty Is from the chimney bad Ignited the And we have to make the beat we the debt ttecause the frightened peo- It. We will let Mr. Terry explain. not ths only causa, however- It Is these tapestry covers, would cost $36.00. generally present among others. shingles on the ell roof and a dan- can o f the diffIculUea thus Imposed ple will stand for It STAFFORD SPRINGS gerous blaze resulted. There was hy the law. Maybe -there li no euch conscious Representathe Explains The vasomotors are slim affected It’s primarily a man’s chair with deep by the endocrine glands and any a strong wind, adding to the haz- "General, I netlcs that at the The Stafford High eehool Glee ards. The fire waa brought under When the law announces that a program here; but neither did Italy factor which produces imbalance In loungy balloon-type seat and a high back graduation exerclaae of the acad- club win present the 2nd O ^ rette control In short order, and resulting AT«1 liquor dealer must not sell to A. B. or Germany have such a conscious one of these glands may disturb ths emy they ^ v e the diplomee to the in Gilbert A SulUven cycle the that is dufted in Just the right place for .damage waa slight, probably under or A . C. or B. B. or' B. C., under program at the beginning. They cadets In the oMer In which they others, with e emuequent effect ‘Ptratea of Penzance'' or The Slave upon the blood vetaale. This ex- comfort . . and high enough to rest the $100. This Is the flrrt time the fire iqioelfled pmaHy, it la simply up to were only taking the easiest way rank in the class; that Is, No. i of Duty at the auditorium o f the company has been called out this getq the first diploma and so on plains how the ovarian disturbance Warren Memorial Hall on Friday head. The wooden knuckle arms protect the dealer to see to It that none of out of a mess from which they knew seen during the menopauae In wom- spring. Whether this fire was a dowTi the line until they come to night. For the poet sis WMka tha Open . case of another dwelling house being these persons obtains a drink In his no other e x it en operateaffn causing the flushing, the upholstery at the point of most wear. Tuesday 'and Thureday the last man. The bead man, the cast and chorus have been rehears- Evenlngk Until 9 P. M. saved by the fire department can ^aae. I f he doesn't know who they one that comes out No. 1, does not sudden perspiration and "hot ing under the direction of Miss flashes’' so often noted. hardly be dietenhlned. Tt might Shoe Shopping Before Easter ■re it Is his Job to find out It is not get the spplause that the "goat" Marion Lord supervisor of music and Cloasd Wednesdays At U, have been taken care o f by neigb- - TAX “DEMONSTRATION” gets, who oomee out last Any mental attitude encouraging Mies Helen Maxwell of the High Noon. tors before It gained enough head- ■ good defense of a diootlng to continued taqelon appears to S e c t ‘There Is a continuing crescen- school faculty, who Is oasliillng Mbs way to bum the house to the the vasomotor nerves. If there la ■•y that you didn't know that a Students at Rensselaer Polytech- do. and when the last men gets Lord In the supervision of ths dra- ground, but some o f the town’s most any lesson for ui In what we have _ ^hullet could kill the particular per- nic Institute, Troy, N. Y „ staged a his diploma or his certificate matic parts, jai.ss Eleanor Pelton destructive fires have bad their leather or fabric, styled for originality been coniUdcring, It Is that tension (which, Mr, T erry?) there Is wild also,of the high eehool faculty U start from sparks from the chimney son at whom you lircd It; that you novel demonstration a day or two does not pay. In the event that jrou want-^whether h,|» ARROW TIES. The last word in patterns be- applaure and acelalra. Well, he the accompanist Tha operetu Is hi past years. This Easter you must have a hat that has a graceful de- had never seen him shot before and ago. They collected all the copper areThe victim of tension, then learn cause tlmy’re made by the N a One Authority on gets that as the 'g o a t'" taking definite shape with final re- TTiere were quite a number of sip i and a soft blend of colors. Our new hats, with their 00 couldn't be expected to know cents they could get hold of. drain- A t this point Mr. Terry became ^ rolax. This applies wtuther you hearsaU being held thb week. M bs week-end or Sunday visiton about Masculine Styles in America, the same people are nervous, whether you have Virginia Luce a freshman win play wider brims and lower crowns, have a graceful sv.eep that that he was vulnerable to bullets. ing stores, filling staUons, benks. a bit mere loose than ludd In bis spastic colitis, whether you are •the town. Among them weie $lr. who make Arrow shirts. Resiliently tailored to the leading role as Mabel. O neral and Mrs. Walter A. King of Meri- - The law assumes that yo\i knew tIU they had accumulated 250,000 xplanatlon but he went on to ssy passing through the middle age fit right In with the casual lines of spring suits and topcoats. Stanley's youngest daughter, op- den. who visited at the home of For Men For Women last longer and wrinkle less. (Other Arrow ties. hat other colleges. Including An- period, or whether you have high yery well you could kUI him by of them at the non-hazard00 In larger money, j “rs. give a first few honors to the played one of. the leads In last year's George West ot Etest Hampton were W. B. (XK)N and•nu give your^ u r bloodDiooa vessels a chance operetta win take the part o f Fred- The law assumes that It is poasl- Then they sUrted In on the real ob- *«P ranking men then pass out the Sunday callers at the home ot Mrs. Mary E. Cummings. Allan L. '^arr hle to refrain from selling liquor to jective—using twenty-five of the cerUflestee alphabetically. (Darn those Andereons, anyway, they al- tional tension. Plcdn a senlof who baa taken part nr th- State Hospitol. Middletown, $7.50 ^ $9.00 • posted person. Aa It Is. And If {pennies In eVeiy dollar payment ways get there first.) In many high school productions was at bis Godfrey HIU place fo ' jroii don’t—well, you have violated | made for anything, Yet St West Point, continues Mr: will play the role of Ruth n prnetlenl the week-end. Mlss-Bdith Bills ol DOROTHY DODD LigAt Weight Hats gUE.STIONB AND ANSWERS maid of work. Other members of Hartford called on Mre. Mary E AT 52 the law and are liable to the penal- ’^he Idea In all this was Umt the Terry. "The man who happens to In Tans, Browns,, Grays and Crystals. have.4he— mtofortima of- heing-4he the cast are; Hairy BochtocMil, Tefft ------tjr. I f obeying the law puts yqu to ‘I'^'nty^TTve pehnfti^ that Elmo Qtananimr, Eugsne Ouocnri Robert Schatz and daughter Fran last man In the elaae Is branded Question: B. U. Inquires: "What $ 6.50 ^ $ 7.50 tnccavenlence or loss, that Is too part of the dollar which somebody wdUi being the 'goat' o f the class Fronds -Sfiwddo. PauUns Moors. ces of Manchester were dunda-' U the cose when a paU ent^Iches Leonore Lsvsnsaltr, and Minisl visitors at the home o f their rela- bad. Bnt the permittee asked for had told them went In payment at of 1938 or 193$, and It seems to tor hours at o Uma wlthoTIt stoo- AIR TREAD his license, and got It, under that me that that stigma or that feel- ping T” ^ Hnisa. The chorus s ill bo com- tives, Hr. and Mrs. Alfred Schsts. "hidden" taxes. And they were posed of 49 members o f the Oise Mw. ing would follow him aU the rest Mrs. Beri A. Lewis, wife ot the anxious to ilo their bit by making Answtr: A complete Hat of all the Club, 3$ girls end 31 boys. The glrto Congregational pastor, has suffered of hts army career. It sceins to me possible causes would be too long The sofa that "has everything" $5.00 There are twenty-three thousand the pele of Troy "hidden-taxes it Is an unneceosaryi'and barbaric will represent ths chorus of deugh- a severe attack of grip and has Cooperatives to fit In this column. However, moat ters and the boys ths chorus at been confined to her bed for.thq post people In Manchester whose inter- consdouR.** custom, and Bmuld be done away IN BLACK AND BROWN CALF KALI-STEN-IKS cases of thb kind are produced bc- pirates and poUoemsn. week. She Is now reeoverl^. ests demand that liquor be not sold with." Frankly we don’t believe anybody esuee the patient first has a large Mrs. Mary Schlavetta and daugh- Nine members o f S t Petei’s Par- $0 posted relief redplenU. There knows how much of the avcnqfe amount of stomach goe, and then ter of Hartford «vsn tbs recant iah Aid Society met at ths home of $6.00 $9.00 $6.50 Heavier Weights Old, Old Costom swallows air whUe on effort to being Chase are a few liquor dealers who seek doltar or any dollar goes to "hid- guests of Mr. and Mra Joseph Parm- Velm o Sofas s| 12 the president Uro. Anne C Gilbert It is fairly evident that the rest made to get rid of the gas by belch- diso of West Main street ^ ^ t o o d s y afternoon, and resumed FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS In several shades of gray, brown and green. npedal exemption from the law un- ing. In this way, the patbnt often ARROW SHIRTS. These shirts have the best- den taxes" or to all Uxea. Uioiijh of the committee ' members did Maro and Harold Hatch are con- on the quilt begun at ■ pre- actually swallows amre air and in- A fte r reading- our first announce- Black and Brown FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN 4er which they entered the buetnesa somebody Is always popping up not take thie thing os seriously as fined to their home at fitefford Hol- Deluxe features o f these tailor, meeting. looldng colter ever made by man, the Arrow col- Mr. Terry, tor at one point In the creases his discomfort. In other The police authorltlea Intend to pro- with a set o f flgrires to prove that low by iUnesa ment o f this sensationally priced ' ^R ecorded this week at the town CALF OXFORDS Patent Straps and Oxfords ensuing dtecuaslon be wae eom- cases, there may be a eontlnued made sofas an: Kiln-dried hard- lar. They are Bditoga designed so that they fit tect the interests .of the people of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kunbardt sofa, a customer remarked, “n cer- -clerk's office Is ths sole of Mrs. E. his particular percentage Is ths pcUAI to remark that "My cbl- large amount of gae due to ths bile wood frames, glued and screwed to- better. Their buttons don’t pop off because they the community, as the law requires. of Staffordville recently enteitolnad tainly haa everything.” Everything Buen Portsr's pISM to Victor right one. We have eeen several leoguet have taken this with a from the Intestine flowing backward gether, with comer blocks for addsd Behnke o f Oolumbls. The new $2.79"* $ 3.65 $3*5o-$4.oo-$5.oo X 8o that is that. good deal at levity." ■<, Into the stomach. As the M b Is an I " ilnjb Mr. and Mrs. Allwrt you could desire in quality and style $2,00"° $ 5 ,00“' are “anchored” and not just attached to the shirt. I cock-sure ststomente on this sub- .- bwner makes n specialty o f pbeas- alkaline secretion there Is a cer- Veatly and daughter of Long Island strength: Highest grade webbing; General Benedict said he did city. including rich Chase Velmo cover- u t breeding and It Is supposed that And they’re Sanforised, guaranteed not to shrink. THESE HATS EXCLUSIVE AT HOUSE’e ject. all different and alt making tain amount of gas formed In the Coil aprinn tied and knotted eight ______not know bow fang It bod been 5a will devote the place here to that the tax patventege bigger than tlie stomach when the alkaline bile R ^ . Albert Jepsos. pMtor o f S t ings that, in many instances, were times -with best lU lian twine; 4X White or new patterns. (Other Arrow shirts up ARMS. AN EASY EXIT going on. •n grnduatod 34 yean purpose. The property is aituatad jy y t STAMPS comee In contact with the add at JoBo • cburcb. WMphoaee Potot formerly worth as much as the priM to $5.) Rensselaer boys'; and we have seen ago, and they were doing tt then will prMeb the Lenteo eermen ftt rooaa and cotton felt upholstery; Pul] m a cross rood running asst from TRU-VAL SHIRTS Having obtained In the House ef and it was a well-eetablished cus- the gaetric Juice. A back-flow of SC-V** (Formally $8.00 to front SMing edge; Solid mahogany oUiers that made the proportioB hUe ot this sort to often the result *5* O fw * I^neoopal Uie Andover rosd. It was th* for- Representetlvae authorixaUon for tom." church here, T:80 Thursday night $12.60 a yard.) Only a s p e ^ pur- ner James H. Jagger ptaco and smallar. ^ « Biuggtoh gall bladder or Uver. lege with bress ferrules; Padded ttiree $9,000 ton betUeebips to cost 'It horrified me," sold Mr. Tcr- Mr. and M ra Howard fimlth are chase of Chase Velmo Fabrics makes xmtsJna 100 acres or more. iwHniJK'STM It'U f IZHtlFM tlZKUEM WtaAt we never have seen Is a , "when 1 saw the bumlliatioa The beet general advice 1 could give front plates on arms; Three-section ■bout seventy million dollars each, you would be to adopt the diet parents of a daughter Mildred this AdJculously low price possible. Notleas are out for tha payment $1.15, $ 1.35 . coolly considered survey of what 2at that man Is subjected to." Eleanor born at the Jobnaon Memo- back. >f dog taxes which are due through bbe Big Nevjr crowd la now putting "O f oourae.” naid Oeamal Bene- wUch I suggest for Uiom suffering kind o f a place this eountiy would with exrseeivi gas, rtoJ boepiteL Monday night hla nxmth. Those who do not pay CiH OUS€''^SO N m the peiamme to hava ths BanaU dict, trying to he practical. "No be to live la if there wen no taxes Mr. and M ia wnitom H. Bom- m-'or before May 2 will have a pen- TRU-VAL PAJAMAS ’ tha Mae at the MUpe up to 46,-, matter what may happen at the stead have returned to their homo In tlto o f $1 added. CIHOUSC'^SON aAan. The enly people we know of (Bleatal Uoreet) IN C. gtmduatloB eKsrebea, ^were ^thare leb a OrcuttytOe after spending u obsarvanea o f Paarion Sunday INC. ite|kaatMt •h o d o «t pay toxan at noma eert etaafi he to wall » O. L. writes: ■nMhn to OrtiMda n S a . hs Rev. Harold R. Keen, rector ot 1 i i M * m MiM pr M il. I rftatre I In tha AB- •jrrtoa aa tha ffoaU It. Pstar'a ^pteeofisl elnacfa. $1.35 “^$165 tt M only Id tbs iams e$ the heap we it tit EXCLUSIVE AT HOUSE’is

. V- UANCHIiSTES EVZNINU HERALD. UANCHEHI'BR. OONN. WXONESDAT. APRIL 6, 198S PAGE NINB2 New Coaches for Connecticut Co. Fleet Dm RADIO PROGRAMBIG FLOAT SEOION Develop Coal Furnace W ID N IB D A Y , A P R IL • (Cantral u 4 B u t o n i SU a t e rd Ttm a) NM*< An progna* t* kqr aad bule ehalna ar ireiip, tbm not nalM. nMl* ONARMSnCEDAY Bail ooaat to CMot (a m a) daalBiiatloaa Ineluda alT aratlabla atatlODA That Needs No Stoking Prafroma aubjoat ta ehanoa by atatlona without pravlaua notlaa. P. M. Action Speaks Louder Than Words! M O U N T — k m k i t k a h kM k m L . . _ Attention^ N B C-W IA P kfbb C O A S T — k a x k oin kot )ldpf k v O ^ o k of.. BASIC — Baatt waaf waaa wtle wjar Plttstoq^i, AprU 6—(APJ—Hma scientific Information on the sub- wtaa weah kyw wfbr wro wmr wbaa C a n L B a a L Nearly 50 Organizatioiu 4A/f A# WHa Km i m a —b ^ Alf f._ 1,.—A__ .a _ > . . . . . ia wtam wwj waal wdal; Midwaatt 4:30— t:3 0 ’**Stapmathar,** Sk a tch — bead a t the hoiuM, wsoiy aftor a Ject”—Is btrtng devoted to "possible 1 wmaq wbo wow wdaf wira katp; ba aie; K a t h ry n Cr a v a n T a l k ^ w a a t season a t ooal atoUng, can look fui^ uses for anthracite aabre, from Simtain: koa kdyl; Southi wmbg; 4:43— 8:43— HUrt a p Hou a a, S k l t ^ t o e ward to another winter when he . PaaMat kfl kaw koma khq kpa k#u; 1:00— 3:00— Pra a a*R adia N a w a P arl a d Plan To Have Entries In which strong and attracUve buHd- Ladies Of OPTIONAL STATIONS teporata Intar- 8:00— tHJS^-Ba noa af F a u r Clubm a n won't have to fire the furnace for Ing materiau have been produced aBanfoably on oltber RJC1> or BLinc 8:10— • ;10— Dorla Rhada a and Songa weeks, the Mellon institute report- experimentally." Mtworkai: BASIC — Baatt Wlw wfoa 5:30— 3:30— B o a k a Cartar*a Co m m a n t Big Parade Here. waaa work wool; MIdwaati wood wal 5:43— 3:43— L u m and A b n a r Sk atch ed today. I About this' hydroxyethylapocup* THE DIAMOND SHOE STORES wwbf wbow arabe kaao kaoa OTHBR 3 :0 (^ 7:00— Ju a t B n t a rt a in m a n t — a .; Dr. E. R. Weidlein, director, at MBinchester OPTIONAL STATfONS — Canadian: **Obbilaato'* fro m Ch lc a g a — we at relne—It’s a drug which Mellon orctcfcf: Central: wcfl wtmj wlba wday 3:13— 7:13 — A m i^ e a n l^a w p o in t a , the end of Ihe Instltute’a first year scientists believe may prove o f 'e m k ^ kokm: Sauthi wtar wptf aria wjax T a l k Kearly 50 buslnea* and elvle or- in Its spacious 88,0(j0,000 home, told great help In the therapeutic treat- wfla*WBam wlod waoc wfbo wwne wcao 3:30- 7:30-Barnf Waad and Mualo wava warn wmo arab wapl wmab wlds 3:43— 7:33—To Bit Announcad <30 ro.) ganizations have signified Intention trustees of the development of an- ment of pneumonia. Intensive study -lere^ A Lucky WiA ,(^r Bargain Basement I r ^ wkr wfaa wbap kpre woal ktha 7:00— 1:00—America Cavalcada.~to c of entering floats In the 1938 Armis- thracite heating equipment that op- has been given the drug’s action I ksbx ktba kark kfne: Mavntalni kgtr 7:3<^ 3:30—Ban Bamla A Lada—to e erates "for weeks at a time" with- ^ b l ktar kob: Paelflci kfbk kwg kmj 8:0(L- 3:00—Oraea Meera, Sang—to e tice Day parade, William -Allen, and eeml-plant ecale nroducUon has 3:30- 3;S0-Dr. Wabatar Spelling Bee chairman of the sub committee on out attention. ‘been.undertaken. - 3:00—lOKX^The Gang Buetera—e to e He told, too, how 318 scientists Strike For You ^^ent Stage A GIGANTIC RECOVERY Cent. Caet. 3:30—10:30—Bdgar A. Quaat Program floats and decorations reported at Having Investigated flaws ta 10:0^*1:00—Banny Oeadman Oreh.— the special meeting of the Perma- had spent $1,063,830 In the year on lar materials, the Institute now I 4tJ0— S:IO— Ja c k Arm a tro n a . t a n a l — • aat: Je a. O allt achlo Ora n a a.— wa a t bMile; Juat Bntartainmant—w. rpt. nent Armistice Day committee last sclentie research on things ran^ng underway a study of means to 4 » 4 P l t 4 » --i» i t t t a O rp h a n A n n ia — 10:30—11:10—Gaorga Oiaan'a Orehaatra a a atj Je a. OalHa chla Ora h a a .— wa at 11:0<^12:0<^Rad Nerve A Orehaatra night at the Army and Navjt-club. from shirt collars to hydmyethyla- prove the wearing qualities 4;00 < :0 (^A m a ri c a 'a ftahoala. Dra m a 11:30—13:30—Frank Oaliav Orehaatra— A special effort Is now being made pocupreine. Right Before Easter One of two shirts, ties and various articles ^ a : l ^ T a p H a tt a ra O anca B a n4 baaie; H. Handtraon Orehaa.—waat to Induce the school children to en- deluxe hoaches dellYered to the Connecticut Company this week for use in PolnUng to the possibUlties of clothing. l i l » . « :«^ F r a a a Ratfia N a w a V arie d NBC>WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK ;M — > t »M " C a m m y W a t k in a Oretia a. ter the parade next fall. It Is i special and chartered combining beating planta with other Other matters under study In- BASIC — Baatt wja wbi*wbia wbal service. They differ considerably In interior appointments from those employed St 4 ^ a :4 ^ S e n p a by Ja a n Ca blon— pected that special prizes will be In regular service. household utilltlea, and a t using clude a new blueprint paper. Im- . iO e a at: O rp h a n A n n M ^ m ld w ra p a a t wham kdka wear wxya wjtn wayr wmal awarded to the school divisions If 7:00— Amo a *n* A n d y — a a at: T a wfll waby wabr wcky wapd wean wlce basements for recreation and other proved safety fuses, new opaque a Ann eun e ad<^wa a t wieu; Midwaatt wenr wla Icwk koU wren entered. purposes, he said: PI IVQ A wmt kao wowe wetn; South: wrtd wnbr enamels, substances to make dish- 7 : l ^ U n c l a K ara R adio C U t lo n Contsets are now being made with and later removed to the RockidUe "Installations of anthracite heat- SHOE SALE 7 :R ^ H a n d r i k V a n Lo o n, T a l k krfv kfdm wrol kiia wjbo wdau waga Prescott block, today, Thursday and washing more efflctent, air-condl- 1 : 4 ^ 7 : 4 ^ H . B u r b l f — w e a f w t a m wagn kzTi: Mountain: klo kved kghf; the National Guard and other mili- CTIty h o s p i t a l ing equipment are how operating Paelflci kgo kfad kex kga kaca kjr Friday. The aupervlsol' will be at Uonlng and insulating materials. DU 1 O SONG kyw waar wiw: Happy Jack—othara tary and ex-servtce groups to par- Mrs. iUmner |a art teacher for the oflnee from one In the afternoon for weeks at a time, without any DIAMOND fiOO-“ ttOO^na------Man'aMan' Family->-« to e NOTB: See WEAF.NBC for optional ticipate In the parade and exercises ROCKVILLE From March 1, 1087 to March 1, TtSO—__ i i H V - T o m mmy ; Doraa,Doraay Orehaatra Hat of atatlona. ichooli in New York State and the until eight in the evening to confer attention whatever to the fuel sup- on Nov. 11. 1988, Dr. Weldlela reported. Insti- Starting Thursday, April 7 at 9 A, M; •tO(L- f:0(^Frod Allan at Town Hall Cant. BaaL two women were driving t^ard with farmers of Somers, Ellington, ply, ash removal, or damper set- f Kyaar'a Mualcal^to eat The next meeting of the commit- tute workers obtained 22. United lOtO^II too—Dick Q------a a a arra O^ r a^h a a .^ 4 :3 0 - 3:30— Th e Singing L a d y — e a at; Boston where Mrs. Ktmner was to Tolland and Vernon In regard to ting.'' States and 69 foreign patents and T o Ba A nnounc a d— waat tee will be held Tuesday, May 3. attend an art conference today. The Stock of CRAMER’S WOMAN’S SHOP THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OP NEW EASTER SHOES TO BE THROWN AT ...... Amoa. *n*. .And ndy—wrat rapaat 4:40— 1:43— T o Be Ann ounc e d— baate; working out a plan to receive maxi- Much attention, he said, — noting published 112 pieces o f scientific i t i l O — 11:30— Hora o a H a id t'a Brlg a dia ra Sergeant Arthur Frey and Patrol fltO^ltiOO—Andy Kirk and Orohoatra Th e Th r e e Roma e e in Voc ala— wa et SEEKING IMPROVEMENT mum benefits under the 1938 Agri- that "there seems to be sparse literature. YOUR MERCY UNDER THE HAMMER OP PRICE 11:10—13:30—*'Ltohta Out.** Oramatlo 3 :0 (^ 3:00— N a w e t L it tl e V a r. Sh e w man AJdeu Skinner Investigated the cultural Conservation Program. 8 : 3 ^ 3:30— O a e riM Cre e k and Org a n accident. CBS WABC NBTWORK 3:33— 3:33— T h e nSavalara— w j a o n ly: Card Party Tonight A lm a K It e h a ll, C a n tr a lt a — «b a ln Will Attend District Meeting Burpee Woman's Relief 0>rps win Salvaged Front Distastrous Fire In ON WINDSOR AVENUE Otto of Wallingford to the presi- BASIC — Baatt wabc wade woko weao 1:43— 3 :4 ^ L a w a i l Th e m a a — M a t ; Members of Damon Lodge, hold a whist party this evening at Wohien’s Brand New wool war wkbw wkre whk wjy wdro Ch ic a g a C e n e art Ore h a a tra — w e st RADIO Knights of Pythias are planning to dency during an organikation ses- MENI ONE LOT OP wean wjaa wpro wfbl wJav wgar; Mid* 3:00— 7 :0 (^ B a a y Aca a, S k lt — ala a cat 8:15 o'clock In the G. A. R hall. Overnight News sion. waat: wbbra wfbm kmbe kmoz whaa 3:13— 7:13— M r. K a a n A L e t t Pa rt a n a —s Oay attend the meeting of the second There will be prizes and refresh- Itfab krnt 3:3 0 — 7 :3 (^R e a # M a ri a Song Progra m district to be held this evening at Waterbury—Walter Banaaewskt, 3:4 0 — 7:43— Selenca on th a M arch Small Pond Forms In State ments. Rockville, THROWN ON SALE BAIT—wbna wpg whp wboo wore efrb Eastern Standard Time Of Connecticut 23. of this city, woa sentenced to Easter SHOES ekae wlbi wtnaa woag wnbf wiba wkbn 7:00— 3:00— R oy Shla id'a R adio Rovue Highway After Each Storm; Liberty Hall In Manchester. T^ls la whip wkbi 7:30— 3:30— H a rrio t Pareona, Mevla a one of a series of events sponsored (By Aseodated Preas) state's prison .from two to three BJae, Rust, BMge, Oarhardtne, Pal- Work SHOES 7:40— 3:43— Jim m y K e m p a r a nd Co. Highway Commis.sioner’s years on one of three counts IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT AT NEXT-TO-NOTHING PRICES. OIXIB — waat wata wbrowaara wdod 3 :0 0 - fiOO— T a ba announe od (30 m .) New York. AprU 6—When Presl- by the Psst Chaneelloria Association eatt Alee Sport Oxferde! klra wrae wUe wwt wtoe krld ktrh ktaa Suggestion. charging use of a car without per- Goodyear W elt Oak Leather Boles waeo koma wdbo wbt wdaa wblg wdbj 8:30— l : 3 (^ U n d o r th a W o a t a rn S k it a ()ent Roosevelt delivers his annual as a means of bringing together the REVIVA CAMPAIGN New Britain—Howard B. Wilson 9:00— 1 0 :0 (^T h a C h o ir Symphon a tto members of the lodges In tha dis- mission of the owner and a year Or Baw-Cord Selee wwva wmbf waja wmbr wala ktui kgko 3:10— 10:13— Noia D a y Se ng Progra m pan-American Day addrem before a t Bristol was elected president of weoa wdno wbos kwkh know wromm 3:30— 10:30— Chicago*# Mln a tra l Show the governing board of the Pan- trict. Members will be present from each on the remaining counts Iw wioo weba wpar wmaa wcoe wrra 10:00— l l l o ^ — N a w a ; B. Blo c k Ore h. Rockville, April 8.—The question TO END THURSDAY the Central Congregational CHub Judge Ernest A. Inglls In Superior MIDWBBT — wmbd wlan wibw kfli American Union at noon April 14, Rockville, Manchester, East Hart- 10:80— 11:30— N a tio n a l A A U B o x ing of conditions on the state highway ford and Thompsonville. representing a dozen churches, at a Court. Doors Open Thurs,, April 7 at 9 A, M, pair wkbb wtaq wkbb weoa wabt kaej wnax 1 1 :0^1 2 :0 0 — T o Bo Announce d (80 m.> he will speak also via network and dlimer meeting here. »1.69 woo 11:30— 12:3(H>Willy Bry a n t'a Oreh a a tra short wave. That will make hU at Windsor avenue again came up The meeting Is an open one, and Salvation Army Series Of talk avaUable to South os waU os for dlaeuoslon at the meeting of the members, wives, and also prospective Rockville—Mrs. Zara Kimney, 67, PLANE LANDS SAFELY BUY NOW! North AmerlcA members are Invited to attend. Evangrelietic Services Con- Albany, described as state director 9:00—Chesterfleld Presents — An- (yimmon Council held Tuesday night of art for New York echools, and drew Kostelanetz' orchestra; There will be a social hour and re- ducted By Major Hughes To Salt Lake City, April 6.— (AP)— with Mayor Claude A. Mills presid- Tbomae Murphy, 44. of Mancbeater, PAIR. Grace Moore. In the opinion o f William S. freshments will be served. Close. An ambulance, fire truck and CHILDREN’S NEW were Injured In the head-on colli- Coats, Suits, Dreaies, Sweaters, Skirts, WOMEN’S WTIC 9:80—The Wqrd Gama — with P. Paley. president of CBS, the public ing. This portion of the highway Mrs. BobeTt Blakeelee ground crew held a “death watch” MEN’S sion of two automobiles on the out- W»flei» Bmadc—ttnt Swiiee, P. A. should pay closer attention to "all has been causing trouble, as a small Mrs. Martha L. Blakeslee, 66, wife at municipal airport early today lake forme here following every rain skirts of Rockville. ARCH SUPPORT Hartfonl, Oomi. 10:00—Gang Busters — True crime proposals tending toward censor- of Robert Blakeslee of Ellington, The revival campaign conducted when a transport plane radioed It storm. A letter was read from by Major Joseph Hughes, evangelist, New Haven—Attorney William EASTER M.WW W. 1040 a . CL M. dramatUatlona ship of broadcasting, the vesting of died on Tuesday eight at the John- had a crippled landing gear and Hosiery, Siik Underwear, Hats and WORK 10:30— It (3an Be Done— Edgar program control In any regulating State Highway Commissioner Mc- son Memorial hospital In Stafford of Akron, Ohio, at the Salvation R. Pitkin, former board of zoning was In danger of crashing. But Donald stating that a practical solu- Euten Standsid nnw' Guest, Frankie Masters’ Orehea- authority, or undermining the Springs following a long Illness. Arm y will close on Thursday night. appeals chairman and a 'Yale law Pilot Henry Hollenbeck repaired tion would be the Installation o ( ap- SHOES trA She was bom in Manchester, De- Last night bis address was entitled, school graduate, died suddenly at the wheel In mld-alr and landed SHOES American system of private com- proximately 500 feet o f 15 Inch rein- SHOES BLAOM AND BROWNS WednMday April 0 11:00—Sports, News. petitive operation." He felt, too. cember 11, 1871, the daughter of "W hat shall I do then with Jesus home at the age of 61. safely. Hundreds Of Other Items Leather aad Uekide Sole# forced concrete pipe parallel to the which is called Christ?" The text STRAPS AND TIES mOH AND LOW P. M. 11:15— Benny Goodman’s orcheatrA that broadcasters had been at fault Joseph and Lucy A. Alvord Lom- Hartford—Dr. James Raglan Working on radioed Instruetloas, 4:00—Lorenzo Jones. 11:30—George Olsen’s orcheatrA roadway, with catch basins at bard and had been a resident of El- was Matthew 27:22. 'The substance Miller was elected president of the for non participating more fully In necessary points to collect the water Hollenbeck took up the (Western Merchandise ordered for Spring prior to the fire all included. You can hardly detect 4:10—-The Story of M%ry M&rlln. 13:00—Red Norvo’s orchestra. lington for eight jrears. of bis message was that one must Hartford County Medical Asaocla- public discussion of the use of the and discharge Into the outlet at the do one of two things; reject Him as A'r Express) plane’s floor boards 4:80— Hivbesreel presenting Rush 13:80—Frank Dailey's orch e a trA . medium. She leaves her husband, one tlon at the annual meeting he(e. East did His enemies in those days, or and lowered the wheel with a aeat- the fact that they were in a fire. pair pair Hughes, news commentAtor. Tomorrow’s Program He expressed this belief In his daughter. Miss Frances Blakeslee of Hartford—The Ithaca College strap while his oo-pllot circled the $1.98 $1.98 A.M. He further suggested that the Ellington, a sister. Miss EHIa Brown crown Him Lord of all In the heart Alumni Association of southern 4:45—The Road of Life. annual statement to the network’s town might consider s Joint project, and life. Music was furnished by field. 6:00—Dick Tracy. 7:00—Eta Alpha Programmn atockhulders, which he himself read of Englewood. N. J. Mrs. Blakeslee New England elected Richard A. No pasaengere were aboard. WOMEN’S BOYS’ 7:30— Shoppers Special. also the matter might be carried out formerly taught .school In Buckland, the band and the songster brigade. FABRIC GROUP OP 5:15—"Terry and the Pirates." over the air In a Tuesday night as a PWA project with the city do- Tonight the music will be by the 6:8(1—Jack Armstrong. 7:46—News Service. broadcast. and In the West District school in DRESSES 8:00- 'Treasure House. ing the work and the state furnish- Rockville. Young People’s orchestra, Russell 8:45—"Little Orphan Annie." He urged that Federal regulation ing the material. Clough, leader. The Major will SILK • WOOL - COTTON 5K)0—News. 8:15—Shoppers Special. The funeral will be held on Thurs- ’ BAGS OXFORDS 9:00—As You like It be limited to the "bare necessities Mayor Mills stated that he did speak on "Playing the Fool", i Sam- GLOVES 0:15—The Revelers. of the case." which he said were day afternoon at two o'clock at the CORSETS GOOD STURDY W EARINOt 9:25— Star Gazing In Hollywood. not think the city was In any way Luther A. White funeral home on uel 26:21. For his final message on NEWEST FOR SPRING 0:35—Musical Interlude. 9:30— Negro Health Week — Miss that all broadcasters should main- responsible for conditions at this Thursday night, the evangelist will tain freedom, fairness and nnn-par- Elm street. Rev. Roscoe F. Metz- |C each 6:80—WrightvUle Clarion. K. Rozefle LatinMr. point. Alderman Underwood moved ger, pastor of the Ellington Omgre- preach on "Forgetting the things Usanshlp of the air. that the city go Into detail regard- 6:45—"Model Railroading In Hart- 9:35— Organ ReverleA gatlonal church will officiate. Burial that are behind” , PhlUpplans 8:13. Pateats, Whites and Browas ford." 9:45—Dan Harding's Wife ing the conditions and that the will be In the Center cemetery. pair 7:00—Amos n’ Andy 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. Additions to tonight’s schedule: matter again be referred to the North Haven. SLIGHTLY DAMAGED OXFORDS $1.49 WEAF-NBC 7:80, Rep. J. W. State Highway Department 7:10—Uncle Esra's Radio Station. 10:15—Myrt and MargA Sports Night Program ONE LOT 7:80—"Strln* CHbasIcs" — Moshe 10:30—Emily Post — "How To Get Robinson on the Reorganization It was reported that Thomas F EMERGENCY SALES TAXES PLENTY TO PICK FROM! Bill: WJZ-NBC 8. Ten-minute Bowes. (Consulting Ehiglneers of About one hundred are expected BEAUTIFUL SILK Paranov, director. the Most Out of life." T.infna* 7:40—"Chandu, The Magadan." 10:46—To be announced. broadcast from Pitcairn Islund In New York had been engaged to to attend the Sports Night program IMPOSED IN NEW YORK pair 8:00—Ons Man's Family, 11:00— Master Singers. the south Pacific, over Its newly in make a survey of conditions sur- to be sponsored by the Rockville HOUSE $1.98 11:18— Inst rumen tallste. stalled station, the first program to rounding the filtration plant. The Ixkige of Elks at the Elks Home WOMEIJPS KNITTED 8:80—Tommy Dorsey’s orchestra. this evening. EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES PITTED 8:00—Town Hall Tonight— Fred 11:30— Big Sister. come from there. survey will Include a complete cheek DRESSES The program will Include a roast New York, April 6—(AP)—A 10 SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS ALL sous LEATHER! il:45—Aunt Jenny's Real Life of all waters entering the plant in- per cent cut In home relief allow- DRESSES COATS Allen and Portland HolTa. beef supper served at 6:30 o’clock, Stories. Listening tonight: cluding manufacturers. business ances was rescinded today as offi- 10:00—Kay Lyser’s Musical College. houses and private homes. followed hy talks by the folloyring: RICHARD STONE each SUITS U:00—News. 13:00—N oon -M a ry Margaret Me- Boxing — WABC-CBS 11, WJZ cials prepared to put Into effect next OPTICIAN Brl'le. NBC and WOR-MB3 11:30, Na- A letter was read from James Wilfred (3arke, bo.-’ketball coach at 11:15—Dick Gasparie's orcbestrA the Manchester High school. Charles Monday emergency sales taxes ex- E. A. Roare, Optometrist d# ^ GOING AT P. M. tional A. A. U. bouts at Boston. Dtck suting that his automobile pected to add 810.000.000 annually 789 51aln St. 8 M. eOO 11:80—Horace Heldt's orchestra. had been damaged by a condition on WIgren, track coach at the Man- ___ State Theater Bldg. 4739 13:00—Weather Report. 13:15—News Service. Talks— WABC-CB.S 7:15, Herbert to New York a t y 's relief fund. 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. . Mornsiin, Labor -Member British Mountain street.'MBreh 26, 19,38 and chester High school: Thomas Kelley. for 13:03—Andy Kirk’s orchestra ba"ehall and football coach at the Most controversial of the levies 2 $ l.S O SMOKE DAMAGED 12:45—Our Gal Sunday. Parliament, on "British Labor And claimed damaged. The claim was approved yesterday by City Coun- Totnorrow’s Program 1:00-B e tty and Bob. The European Crisis”; WOR-MB.S referred to the Claims committee. Manchester High school; Erick Modean. sports editor of the Man- cil and the Board of Elstimate was 2 for $1.00 A. M. l:l.V -H ym n s of all churchea 10, Army Day banquet at Chicago, Two petitions were received, both a once cent tax on every package of $1.49 MEN’S of which were granted: Thomas chester Herald and Herman Bronkle 8:00— Blue Grass Hoy, 1:30— Arnold Grim's ilaughter. various speakers; WJZ-NBC 10. clgarets. Henderson to build a chicken coop of Ea.»t Hartford, former big league 6:80— ’’Reveille.’’ 1:4,5—Valiant Ledy Other Imposts included a 3 per slstant .secretary of War Louis 40x20 on South street and William baseball .star. No Reasonable Cash Offer 7:(X)— Morning Watch—Ben Haw- 2 00--,Ianies Martin, songs, Vin- Johnson on "Whither America? rent tax on gas, electricity, refrig- T H URSD AY A N D FRID AY cent Sargent, organist. Pawelski to buHd a chicken coop The motion picture. "Batter Up” SILK AND SATIN thorne. from Wosbluglon. 12x23 on Soiith'strcet. will also be shown to conclude the eration and telephone service: a 3 DRESS 2:15—The O’Nelll’i, per cent tax on liquor and alcoholic 8:00— News. WKAF-NBC.—8 One Man's t'am .\crldent at Vernon tkniter program. Paul J. Roden Is chair- ^HATS Will Be Refused On All WOMEN’S NEW 2:30—American School of the Air drinks except beer and malt bever- SPECIALS A T 8:15— Doc. Schneider’s Texans. lly; 8:30 Tommy Dorsey music. A head on collision In Vernon man of the committee In charge of 3:00—Ray Block's Varieties. ages; a 3 per cent tax on restaur- 8:30—Radio Bazaar. W red Allen; 10 Kay Kyser’s musical O n ter near the Tolland County the arrangements. EXTRA SPECIAL 0:00—Milky Way. 3:30— U. S. Array Band. I college: 11:30 Heldt’s Brigadiers. ant meals costing more than 8 1; a Home demolished two automobiles Plan for Softball League 3 per cent tax on the Income of con- I H O U S E OXFORDS 9:16—Gretchen McMullen. I W a BC-CBS—7:30 Barry Wood’s on Tuesday evening, the occupants The committee from East Central MEN’S 9:30—Food News. mu.sic. 8 Cavalcade of America duit companies and an enlargement EVE^ODY'S MARKET escaping serious Injuries. A car Pomona Grange. Milo E. Hayes, of the gross business tax by de- W in t e r Co a ts | I an d Pafa m as 9:43—"Toung Wldder Jones." 8:30 Ben Bemle lads; 9 Grace (X)URT ORDER FREES driven by Thomas Murphy. 44 of Ellington:' Ira Wilcox, Tolland: creased exemptions. FREE DELIVERY! 10:00—Mrs. W iggs of the Cabbsge Moore: 10 Gang Busters; 10:30 South Hudson street, Hartford, for- DIAL 57211 Perry A. Lathrop of Vernon will The levies on utilities services, 5 SLIPPERS KNEE BOOTS and SHOES Patch. Edgar Guest program I moved from merly of Rockville collided. Mrs. meet tonight In Ellington to discuss RICH AMATEUR GOLFER WJZ-NBC). liquor, and restaurant meals repre- each WITH HEELS' CALFSKDr 10:15—John’s Othei Wife. Zara Klraner. 57 of 892 Lanca.ster plans for the Grange Softball league sented a one per cent Increase over and $ street, Albany. N. Y.. who was rid- CHILDREN’S Dresses 1 . 0 0 RED WITH WHITE SOLES WJZ-NBC— 7:30 Songa by Hose 10:80—Just Plain BIU. for the coming summer. rates already in effect Iowa State Butter lb. 34c GOODYEAR WELT 10:48—^The Woman In White. Marie; 8:30 Harriet Parsons on ing In the Dralle car received a There la more than the usual In- Middletown. AprU 6.-,-(A P I—Su- The new tax program, sponsored 11:00— David Harum. movies; 9:10 "rune types; 9:30 fractured left arm and bruises. Mur- terest in this league, and a larger by Major Florello LaGuardla to Just tha Thing for Muddy Ground! 11:15—Backstage Wife. perior Court Judge Ernest C. Simp- Drama, Linder Wester Skies; 10:30 phy has a deep laceration of the number of teams are expected to en- UP-TO-DATE son annulled today the marriage of avoid a threatened relief deficit, w a s , Large Local Eggs doz. 29c DRESSES FULL FASHIONED I € pair 11:80— Home Makers Exchange with Chicago minstrel show; 12:30 Willy ear and bruises, while Mls.s Dralle ter than last year. fought by merchants and consumer' LADIES’ SILK Andrew Pierson of Cromwell, Bryant orchestra. was bruised but slightly and did not Supervisor Here NEW SPRING ARRIVALS pair Eleanor Howe. wealthy amateur golfer, and Gladys groups but passed by a substantial LADIES’ SPRING 11:45—"The Mystery Chef." What to expect rhursday; require hospital treatment. The first A supervisor Is holding sessions majority. Council voted down pro- SILK Wllkle Harris Pierson, one-time All- two were taken to the county home at the conservation office In the Hormel's Spiced Ham caii 29c BIO V A R IR T ! 13:00— "Getting the Most Out of American girl basketball player. WEAK-NBci—2 p m. Music Guild; posals to raise the funds by a city SLIPS Life.”—Rev William L. SUdger The couple was marrlec at Well- 2:45 150tb anniversary of the north lottery or by Increasing tbs flve- P. M. ington. Kans.. on June 18. 19.36. 15 west territory; 6:15 Oberlln college cent subn-ay fare. ) e e a c h GOATS HOSIERY 13:15— "The Story o ' Sight.' days after Mrs. Pierson had been choir; 6:45 Sen. R. R. Reynolds on The 10 per cent cut In relief al- Tomato Soup 4 cans 25c 13 .’80— Rayona II ties. granted a divorce from her first "Allen Criminals." WABC-CBS lowances. now abolished, had been In \ C e a c h MEN’S 13:45—"Slngln 9am." husband. • 2:30 School o f tha Air, songs from Works for Five Years effect only since April 1. 1:00— Nea’s and Weather. The golfer sought an annulment Helsingfors: 4:15 U. of MIcbljgan Pork and Beans 4 cans 25c on the grounds that the divorce had Glee Club; 4:46 Sen. F. Ryan Duf- LADIES’ $2*88 1:15—"Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne" AVn 70i. V Af TTnai 1:80-—Words and Music. not become effective at the time fey on "Government Aid to Indus On New River Romance DRESS they were married and In hta deci- 5 BOLTWTCH 8:00— Guy Hedluno and Company. try” ; 6:05 George Hall orchestra. Rath's Lard - lb. pkg. 10c ASSORTED COLORS WOMEN’S 3:30—"Light Ppera Selections." sion Judge Simpson commented WJZ-NBC—12:30 Farm and Home that the defendant "Did not have the By Oscar Aadenion HOUSE 3:45—Hank Keene. Hour; 2:15 Let’s Talk It Over; 4 New York. April 6—(AP) —Bea^Ersklne Caldwell school of south- fiirninpfi SILK AND COTTON legal capability of entering into an- Club matinee; 6 Rakov’s orchestra. era writers. The condition of William Moffett 3:55— It’a Fun to Keep House. Lucien Burman, perhaps the fore- wBo waa hurt when the floor In his House SLIPPERS other marriage. Some Thursday short waves: 1 Lb. Frankfurts and 1 Jar Mustard MISSES’ AND LADIES’ OXFORDS 8:00—Pepper Young’s Fsmlly. most literary interpreter of the "When Caldwell Implies that the bam gave away lost Wednesday Custody of a child was awarded TPA2 Paris 9:30 a.m. Chamber degenerates In his books are tjrplcal COATS 3:15—Ma Perkins. to the defendant and Pierson was or- Mississippi, ended a five-year Job Is considered serious. Mr. Moffett, LEATHER SOLES music; JZJ JZI Tokyo 4:45 p.m of southeraers," he eald, "then he’s 3:30— Vic and Sade dered to pay her $50 a month for who fell on bis tide, refueM a doc- Both 25e Orchestral selections: GSP OSD today with publlcatton of hlS completely cock-eyed. I’m not a JUMPERS Sweaters 1 ^ . 8:45^ "T h e Guiding Light." Its support. latest novel about It. and made ex- tor after the mishap, but Friday pa ts GSC GSB London 7 Talk, Sir Josiah professional southerner, God help night his condition became worse. I SJ ALL LEATHER Stamp and 8 BBC men’s chorus; plicit threats against the next man me, and the moonlight and honey- Sheffield Milk who calls him "Old Man River." Saturday Dr Keeney waa called and 4 cons 25c 66« RAN Moscow 7 Program la Ehig- suckle school makes me as Ul as the upon examination found him to have FOR BIEN! pair At the same time, he said that next man.' $l^eOO $ i . 8 8 Uah; 2RO Rome 7:30 Opera selec- after some 10 years of trying to two broken ribe one of which bed GET HERE EARLY! |sTRAPS>nd Y, M, C. i4 . Notes tions: YV5RC (3aracas 9 Songa; "What I object to Is tha Idea that PAn» make the people river-conscious be punctured one lung. Crisco 1 lb. TBc S9- DJD Berlin 9:30 "Friendship of unless you have painted southerners 3 lb. con 47c WDRC Wednesday thought he bad done the Job and Ralph King and Charles Johnson Port Said," play; G8D GSC GSB as Ditn'its and perverts you’re have returned home from Florida tt8 Hartford, Cooa 1810 *•00—Bucklanl gymnasium period. that be might let the whole cycle PoUyanna. London 9:40 BBC Empire orcheetra. end eo far as he was concerned. where they have been for the past OXFORDS Eastern Standard Time 6:00— Manchester Green gym- ’“The simple fact Is that almost 10 weeks. WhUe there they have Camay or Lava Soap nasium pirtjd. Anyhow, he added, this should be all southeraers have tbeee qualltlee. 5 bars 25c CUKRENT PBOTBCni TREES made clear: "There le no Old man taken on a nice new complexloa of WHITES — BROWNS 5:30-7:00—Home-cooked dinners If none other: 'They have a strain real Florida tan. Wednesday, April 4 served. Open to the public. river except on Broadway, perbape, of _ kindliness______and mostly they are LEATHER SOLES! P. M. BratUeboro, VL, April Apr -1:80— Daily home-oooked damage was only 8.1 per cent com- away so his dlalogua arouldn’t be Fancy Spinach pared to 73.3 per cent In an adjola- bis books that mode a tremendous The part Andover Is gohig to build peck 13c Joseph Blume, director. luncheons served. too thick. profit. 6:80—Boake Carter. , 2:00— D. A. R. meeting. Mrs. tng unprotected orchard. Only 18 The story deals mainly with the win be 14 foot and when the town of 221 protected treee were dam- That movia, he went on. was com- of Gilead finishes their part It wlU 8:45—Lum and Abner. Crawford and Mrs Kent wfll be Shontyboat men and Burman. tell- Pletoly unrecognlnble to lU author, ^ l ^ T h e C r o t ^ To Manchester's Greatest B argain Store. Guaranteed Savinas 0 « hoet eased. aged while 318 of 800 unprotected ing about them In hla Interview, be a 13 foot rood at their and. Large Seedless Grapefruit ea. Sc 7:00—SUv and Swing—Jack Pul- but anyhow It started people's In- Maybe they wfll have a one way too. Andrews Slstere. Hobengar- 5:30-7:00—Dinners served. Open treee were dataiaged while 318 of eald .they had been getting more 800 unprotected trees suffered. Urest In the MlsaisslppL street at the other end if It geta any ten's ocebestTA to the general public. numerous since the d^reasion until Now, having done one more, and smaller. The state director deecrlbed the now about 3(M)(X> of thorn are cxer- 7:1,5—A.merlcan Viewpoints — Her- • 6:00— Aces gymnasium period maybe a la^job ta t ^ £ ^ ^ A motorist who came from Maas* Juicy Oranges (1 doz Free) doz. 29e bert Morrison of Brltisb Parlla- with George buaky. method as humane, pointing out the elstng squatters’ rights on the race electrical charge was not sufflctent Burman plane soon to go back down ochuaetts yestertay monilng report- 8MB t. . 6:30-8:00—Qtrl ScouU. Troop 11, a t tha MlaMoslppl and Ita meander- there. He hasn't any home—baant to kill the anlinala. ing tributariee. ed three Inches of snow on Jacob’s 7;80-^Barry Wood and HU MuMc. with Betty Woodruff and Mrs. MU- had lor 13 yean—unless bis wholly Ladder. Firm Tomatoes 2lb.bskt.15e 7:45—Tbn Old nra Odaf. ler. The author, a aaft-epaakiiig n* tor 25.1 minute. fear of you." Douglas A ir c ra ft...... 3444 Neale. With the coming of toe rail- 038 ta toe fiscal year of 1986; 10,- conviction was taken care of committed with regard to, changes lican majority on the city’s common acres of land assessed In the town Raise The Income Du Pont ...... 96 af the State theater here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. council. The first air mall flown on regu- 775,248 pounds In the fiscal year of through the State Liquor Control in the status of territories brought of Westport at about 3500 an acre. roads It, was soon realized that these Mrs. Patterson asked Mr. Roose- Eastman K o d a k ...... 13544 about by armed force. City Clerk Joseph Bove, whose also could be used tc help greatly m lar schedule ta toe United States 1935; 6,478,019 pounds In the fiscal Board. The New York broker acted as was between Washington. D. C., and velt to "Announce that your only Elec Auto L i t e ...... 1344 The Austrian Debt duty It was to prepare orders on speeding up the dispatches and ar- year of 1934. effort will be to raise the national Gen Elec ...... ; ...... 304; In taking this action last night agent for toe Port Green Realty New York aty. May 15. 1918, by .p School street Company, No. 4-,. of The debts which the United States the d ty treasurer for payments to rivals of mail between different In 1933 It cost more than 310,. income, without devaluation or .^th- Gen F ood s...... 2544 the police board left little more to Company of New York which la the Post Office Department u ^ g the South Manchester Fire Depart- asked that Germany assume total employes and also to d ty creditors, ix>lnts. The railroads meant toe 000,000 to carry this 6,476,010 er artifices," and to explain that "In Gen Motors ...... 28 be said about not enforcing the law Uated In state records as receiving Arm y pllota and Army maebtaM ta ABOUT TOWN ment waa called on a still alarm at 364,493,480. Out of this total 326. resigned at lost night's coundl eclipse of tot) Pony Ehepress wbten pounds o f mall until tbs end of too order to do this, you and your _d- OUlette ...... 844concerning selling to the men and 3210,000 for 46 acres in Greenwich a three months tost psriod- 8 o'clock last night to extinguish a 005,480 are government debts from meeting and Mayor Kelly, presiding, has been described us toe moat fiscal year, June 80, 1084. Today toe i mlnistratlve circle will refrain from Hecker P r o d ...... 8% women who have had their names —toe largest payment made to any . This trial made a favorable im- sent to the different holders of II An Important meeting of the Red fire in the woods at Mount Nebo. the Austrian government t o . the refused to entertain a motion for romantic transportation any con- Post Office Department ta eariying IU favoritism toward any economic Hudson Motors ...... 6 of the aellers of land for the right- pression upon.Post Office officials censes In town, the selectmen having Mcn-Giilseppe Gnrlbcldi bazaar United States government, and 338,- the appointment of a successor. tinent baa ever knowm. Us career nearly 20 million pounds of mall for groups, disturbing speeches, sudden Int Harv ...... 55<4 488,000 are debts of ^ e Austrian of-way of the new 326.000.000 accnic and in May, 1919, a regular service taken the question up and did their committee will be held in the Red Mrs, Anne Richards has moved The resignation of a d ty police- highway in Fairfield county. had begun on April 20, 1860 when 313.000. 000, and ne,w proposals to Congress, and Inf Nick ...... :. 4144 nation, municipalltlea and utilities was Instituted. Government ahlps work It was not for the board at po- Men’s social clubrooms on Brainard from 97 Mather street, where she man also waa received at the meet- the first mounted courier started (Tomorrow tos story wUl be told I 'i attocks on groups and individuals Int Tel and Tel ...... 7 held by American citizens. Spilt Cornmlaalona and pilots ta toe Post Office De- lice commissioners to take any place at 8 o’clock tonight. has lived for the past ten years. ing and the motion which the mayor westward from toe Missouri Klver. of the air mail service on toe trans- atho happen to disagree witl. or Johns M anville...... 6144 The United States note on the Chnapiracy indictments returned partment flew between Oeveland part that would prevent It being en- Neighbors expressed regret that she would not entertain called for the two weeks ago by the Jury charge The Rallivay Post Uffloe pacific route which was Inaugurat- criticise you." Kennecott ...... 30% forced. closing of the American Legation In council to go Into executive session and Oilcago on lc « of what Is now ed by toe aip p er flying boats with Lehigh Val R d ...... 4% The Cosmopolitan Club will meet was leaving them. She. also, was that Samuel H. Sllberman, Stam- ' With no such romance, but of far a transoontlnentaf route. From “ You should set a high example Several matters which have been Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Vienna, presented to the German to appoint both a new clerk and a ford Real estate broker, and G. toe first flight Isaying Ban Francis- Loew's ...... 36 sorry to leave such friendly neigh- patrolman. greater utility, cqma the sorting ot this, other routes were added; mall by clearing your mind of private hanging fire from past meetings Y M. C. A., with Mrs Alethea Toop govemmen'. by Ambassador Wilson, LeRoy Kemp, the Highway Depart- co on the Oilna aipper'A.prll 21, | Priced at These Famous Savings! hates," she said Mont Ward ...... 27 bors. For the present, Mrs. Rich- declared: Kelly said he would accept a mo- mall aboard trains a few years later from Boston going west by air was 1937 ) a, Nash K e lv ...... g were disposed of by the board last at hostess. This wUI be the annual ards is living at 189 Oak street. ment's chief agent In the parkway as a direct outgrowth of toe de- carried to New York by rail, then “You have been i great leader "On March 17, 1938, the minister tion to appoint a new clerk but not Nat BIsc ...... 1744 night. The money that has been business meeting with election of land negotiations, divided commis- velopment of toe Pony Elxpress. flown to Belmont, Pa., during toa and a great man. You can be of the Republic of Auatria, Mr. one calling for action on both ap- Nat Dairy ...... 13 paid to the supernumerary police officers. Tea will be served. The final inspection department sions which Sllberman received for Postal, civic and railroad laodcrs daytime only, where connections again." Edgan Prociinlk, informed the L)e- pointments^ -beesuse "the hour Is Nat Distill ...... 19% was checked and the board found of the Chance Vought Company handling the Westport Estates, Inc- gathered in Chicago on July 28, wore made for further flight w est partmeni of State chat, as a result late.” After lengthy wrangling tran sac tlon. LEADERS ARE BUNCHED N Y Central...... 11% that one man, Lester Jehrend. had Mrs. Melvin Cox and Mrs. Mark held a banquet last night at the Oak 1937, to oommetrorate toe 75th an- lit these early days toe Post Offiee of the development! which had oc- over whether the mayor had the au- NY NH and H •...... 1% been given practically full time Holmes will be in charge of the Grill. 30 Oak street. About 85 vere Records on file In toe comptrol- niversary of the inauguration ot toe Department did all toe ground work, S iz e s f o r curred In Austria, that country nas thority to turn down the motion, ler's office show that Kemp deliver- North Am ...... 15 work, while In three other cases one food sale which the Booster Club of present including company foremen railway post office. The RoUway eetabllshed flying fields, put up air VARIED PROCRAM GIVEN ceased to exlsi as an Independent the meeting adjourned with the city ed the 3210.000 state check for toe IN SETBACK LEAGUE Packard ...... -...... 4 had been paid 170 another 312 and the North Methodist church will and Inspectors ind Navy men. Art clerk’s office unfilled. Mall Aaaoclr.tkm placed a bronze beacons and field llghte, furnished A^isse s a n d Param P lo t...... 6%a third 33. This does not give the McKay's orchestra furnished music nation and had been Incorporated in 46 acres in Greenwich to toe Prud- pilots and planes, until In 1924, a hold Saturday from 10:30 a.m. on Payday for several dty depart- ence Company of New York of plaque on the replica of the old FOR W. C. T. U. MEMBERS Penn ...... 16% new men an opportunity to pay for during the evening. Tonight the the German Reich: that therefore ments (alls on Friday, others are complete setup from New York to Royal A. C. Holds Lead But at Marlow's store, 881 Main street. which Waterman waa formerly Hoiinibal A Bt. Joesph’s nuiU car in San Francisco was finished. Women Phelps D od ge...... 19% their clothing which they had to Oak Grill will again play host to the Aust.iai. c.lsalon to this coun- paid Saturday and the police de- Sixth Place Is Only 21 Points prealdent. The Port Green Realty which tha railway post office was The first real Air Mall fligHt be- Phil Pete ...... 31 buy and Chief Gordon was asked by a gathering from Chance Vought. try. of which he hac been the head, partment on Monday.' Mayor Kelly, Radio ...... :...... 5% Rev. Albert J. M. Wilson of Company, toe records show, agreed born. This plaque will always recall tween these cities, with day and Down—The Standing.- the board to see it there could jo t About 35 membera of the Glee ciub had been alollshed; and that the manager of a hardware store here, those blstoilL tlroea, those Satur- Gathering At The South Reading ...... 14% be more work given to the six new Christ church, Greenwich, will be affairs of the mission bad been taken to toe transfer which was made af- night flying, took 31 hours. Today, th*^ speaker at the Lenten service to- are expected to be present for a said today It "would be possible’’ ter Waterman had resigned as presi- days of '60 and '61 at the Pike s mall planes hop th6 same distance Church Hears Music, Devo- Rem R an d ...... 10% men In order to get some money to over by the Emhaaay of Germany. to call a special coundl meeting be- With but two more .sittings to be night at 7:30, at St. Mary's Epis- banquet this evening at this popular dent of the other concern, which Is Peak Livery Stable In St. Joseph, In little more than nineteen hours, I tional Reading And Lecture Republic Steel ...... 1344 help towards paying for the uni- grille The German ambaasador Mas In- played In toe Maneheater Firerar 'a copal church. Dr. Wilson was born fore Friday to appoint a clerk but now In bankruptcy. Missouri— "61 Joe” to the far-nung twelve hours foster than formeriv. Rev Tob B ...... 38 forms. formed the Department of State did not say whether he would do It Setback League, toe first six teams and raised In Belfast. Ireland. Before Waterman and Oascoygne frontier West of those days. There and almost seventv-two hours fast- The talk of the fleason-nfivy eponge in chic cas- Schenley DIs ...... 1844 For sometime past Policeman A r- that he has assumec the fu.ictlona CUy pay was held up for a time are well bunched and only 21 points "The meeting of the Women's Sears Roebuck...... 51% thur Seymour and Policeman Ru- entered toe Jury room. Deputy waited a slim uuckskln youth with er than a railroad train. separate the leaders from the sixth ual coats that double for dress! Swaggers, top- hitherto performed by the minister last February when the mawpr de- the mark of lally danger already On January 10, 1020 the air mall Christian Temperance Union at the Shell Union ...... 1244 dolph WIrtalla have had day work, The Wednesday evening Lenten clined to sign the payroll unless he Highway Commissioner Elmer C. place team, making It a fight to toe WEST HARTFORD D O aO R of Auatria. Welden, who had testified as toe In- setting him apart....toe Pony Ex- waa extended to Omaha. Nebraska. pers or definitely dressy types I Suedes, fleeces, South -Methodist church yesterday Socony V a c ...... 12% the other police Delng aaaigned to blble service will be held tonight at was given the pridlege of handing finish. • Perkins and Young were "The government of the United vestigation entered its ninth week Th# mall was earriad between C3ii- was well attended, and the varied South Pac ...... 10% different beats each month. The 7:45 at the Second Congregational out the pay checks, a task previous- press rider, standing besliis his high scorers laat night with 128 ,nd fine novelties, many all-wool, some wool and States finds Itself under the neces- yesterday, was called to toe stand eago and Omaha ta four hours, 25 and Interesting program much en- South Rwy ...... -...... 7% board went on record laat night as church. Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds HITS SOCIAL MEDICINE ly performed by Bove, A Republican. euRitr, quivering horse. Waiting tor will take for hla subject "The Book sity as a practical measure ot clos- for another bouFs questioning. mtautes, which Included one stop Ingraham and Phillips were second I rayon fabrice! Sixee 12-48. Topper, swagger or joyed. Mrs. Leslie Hardy played St Brands ...... 7% favoring a general rotation ot all toe mall train fron, the Bast, bear- high with 117, * St Ga.s an - ■ T " ' ' S ? ' ’ ! prevails today. which Is listed as receiving ^JlO O For It was tn 1862 that toe (Silcogo, ■e»*A'/*t9ue ns,'iT4»ira' # recall, Mrs. Strong stuig "There Are debts, the note said: starting any mosquito control pro- Burlington and Quincy Railroad, mm Fairies, at the Bottom of Our Gar- OF ROSSIE VELVET CO. The quarterly busineas meeting for 1.6 acres and a house In West- "Whenever diagnosis and treat- •This government will expect jects "until adequate sampling of port. den.” She was accompanied by will follow the midweek prayer aer- which brought toa mall to 8L Jos- REORGANIZATION BILL ment became standardized so a pa- that these obligations will continue the area are made to determine toe eph, conceived and put Into service Mrs. William Rush. vlce tonight at 7:30 at the Swedish tient instead of a person, can be SUberman and Kemp were Indict- Mystic, April 6— (A P ) —A crowd to be fully recogrlzed and that presence of mosquito breeding In the first railway mall ixiat office. In of townspeople, many of them for- Congregational church on Spruce treated, then we can have- an eight ed with Thomas N. Cooke of Gteen- service will be continued by the ^fflclen t amount to Justlfj toe pro- which toe packets of latUra and TO GET FIRST TEST mer employes, watched sadly today street. ' wlch, anotoer real estate broker hour shift tor doctors add mass pro- dispatches were first rtally ____ as auctioneers concluded sale of the ^ ’rman auti.oritles which have suc- who handled several of toe parkway duction diagnostic procedures with The working plana would then be transactions. Kemp Is accused of (sorted) on toa train so ths Pony manufacturing equipment of the There was neeo for extra bed card catalogue therapy. ceeded in control ot the means ana IN HOUSE TOMORROW machinery of payment In Austria. submitted to toe etate board of flsb- abaring in about 386,000 which toe Express oould laavs I t Joa on Urns Roasle Velvet Company mllla. Clothing early this morning due to "But until that day arrives It ap- erlee and game. The state park and JEWELRY "-ill k‘J Local Stocks sounding the death knell of Mystic s the sudden drop In the temperature. The welfare of n'-rerous An erlcon two brokers received as commls- Thus began a great National sarv- pears that we must strive to meet forest department and toe U. S. Bu- alons. principal industry. A t 6 o'clock ihia mon'Uig readings citizens la directly affected and this Ice, toe United States Railway Mail iOmtlnued from I'age One) the changing needs and demands reau of biological survey to deter- Post Office of today. An acute unemployiKent crlala at low as 22 above werfe tuk-u. and f - ' medical service within the frame government will appreciate prompt mine If the project would be unduly Fnmished by Eddy Brothers A Co. assurances on the subject." Time marchsd on. Mall was ba Completes The Ga.), asserting that “no party ever waa precipitated ' by the final at 9 o’clock this morning there nad work of Individualistic practice In harmful to wildlife or natural re- I*! SS L e w is S tre e t liquidation ot the concern as all the The State Department said other sources. Ing transportad ovar toe seas and Hartford, Conn. stayed In power by following the been a rise of oniy 10 degrees as at spite of ita shortcomings.'' Her ber t c . clar k dead; Yo ur Importa nt President, right or wrong." said: equipment was purchased In broken that time the reading was 32 above. technical steps will be taken Aioon as The resolution was forwarded toe Great Lakas, the land tranapor- William R, Martin lota by out-of-town bidders, moat ot a result of Germany’s absorption ot UUon aeemad to bavs raaebsd Its Loral Representative " I f I were the President of the Gov. Wilbur L. Croea. to Easter Costume United States, I’d withdraw this them from without the state, thus The regular monthly meeUng of Austila. The league also moved to attack WAS HARTTORD ENCINEER greatest peak In speed. But there IdM) p. m. ((uotatloas ending hopes that some firm might was oven a faster tranaporUtlon losorance Storka bin.’" the Senior club of the Girls' Friend- AUSTRIAN BISHOPS VOTE These include the question ot too problem of pollution of Connec- purchase the mills as a unit and ly society will take place Friday whether to continue most favored ticut's streams and other bodies of method mads possible by tos first VEaster Bid Asked But Rapresentatlve O eal (D., ^rtford. April 6.—(AP)—Her- Ky.), dlscusaing charges of dicta- give new Jobs to the 500 to 800 evening at the home of Mrs. Evelyn nation treatmem In commeice with waters In requesting toe member flight of heavisr-than-alr craft mads ' A e tn a C a s u a l t y ...... 75 78 they once employed. M rt O. Cfiark, veteran city engineer, JIHOP HERE AND SAVE I torship, asked: " I f Mr. Roosevelt Kennedy, 30 Lllley street. AGAINST PACT CHANGES Auatria or whether to add Austria county organisations to appoint a by Orville and Wilbur Wright at Aetna Fire ...... 37 H 39 H After the sale, started here yes- died tola morning at toe Hartford K itty Hawk, N. C„ Deeambar 18, Aetna Life ...... 22 24 It so much of a dictator, why has to our economic “blacklist" along member apiece to a committee for Dresses terday and continued through this V ^ lt a l of pneumonia. Mr Oark 1903. Automobile ...... 23 23 the the head of the comptroller gen- Members of the Arm y A Navy with Geruiony. consideration of toe matter. I morning, was concluded, the auc- (OoDttoned from Page One) who lived at 57 Mornlngeide avenue Coon. G eneral...... 21H 23H eral gone a long time agoT" club auxiliary are requested to meet It also Instructed Charles A. Tem- Eight years later, between ths up tioneers and a group of bidders tonight at Main and Charter Oak West, waa admitted to the hospital dates o f September IS and SOth, Rlchtlltu Pcflrifl...... Hartford F ire ...... 80 H 621-4 Representative McKeough ( D.. times with Eugenio Cardinal PaccIIl pleton of Waterbury, president of $3.00 on at'Wards for moved on to WllUmontic where a streets, from where they will pro- Sunday. 1911, there waa held the Nassau Hartford Steam Boiler 43 47 HI.I, another hacker of the measure, Papal aecretaiy of state. toe league, to tender toe organiza- up smaller mill operated by the com- ceed to 245 Highland street to offer tion's aid to (Jov. O ost and toe Connected with Lit a t y ot Hart- Boulavsrd Aviation Meet on Long Roflgnr Beadfl...... only... National F ir e ...... 46 48 announced that some Illinois Demo-’ pany was also to be broken up and An official translation o f the HIGHLAND PARK Pboenlx ...... «5i^ 67H condolence to Mrs, Florence Fra- statement, which was In German, state board of floberies and game in ford Department of Engineering Island, N. Y., which has come to bo $1.50 Flowers Bloom on crata who were not on hand for the sold. ser, whose husband died Monday Gold Filled, Ston# Stt Travelers ...... 355 875 earlier stages of the skirmishing follows: nainlng a “properly qualified per- since 1903, Mr. a a rk came to Hart- recognized os an event of outstand- up No estimate of the amount realiz- night ■' The coffee party held at toe club son to toe poet of board superin- ford In 1895 an worked for two ing Impoiyance In the development Ring and Pendant Sets tssgasggs Public L'tllltlea were rushing here to support the ed by the auction of the Mystic "The solemn' declaration of March house Tuesday evening was » great tendent. $3.50 Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 48 bUl, Intending to "carry on” as long 18 by the Austrian Episcopate ob- year# for toe Farmington Street of olr transportation. up Conn. Pow...... 38 properties was available, but ob- There wUI be a rehearsal of the success. Elacb mejnber ut toe Ladles Railroad Company. From 1897 to Ovingtoa First Oarriar as the President did. servers said many pieces ot ma- viously did not mean approval of Gold Filled CrossM and Chaina Easter Htfd. Elec. L t...... 5014 Fellowcraft team of Manchester Sewing Circle was privileged to 1903 be waa emplo- ed by toe trus- One of the principal features of $2.50 Representative O'Connor canted chinery were sold for a fraction of that which waa not and is not com- Lodge of Masons at the Masonic bring a raying guest, and toe epirlt STA1E-WIDE SURYEY tees et Keeney Park. / tola meet was toe transportation up Blumtnatlng Shs...... 4«H the battle Into the night by declar- their original cost. One machme patible with the laws of God and New Britain G a s ____ 24 Temple Friday evening at 7:45 of socialbillty made p good time of mail by plane between toa post Solid Gold Crosses and Ch»ins , ing In a radio speech: estimated to cost 314.000, for ex- the liberty of the CathoUc church Bom in Deny. N. H.. Feb. 2. 18««. $5.00 Bo New Eng. Tel. Co. 128 sharp. Members are urged to be "This declaration must not be in- for an who attended. There was a he graduated in-m Worcester Poly- officaa at Oardon a t y and Minsota. Hats ample, was knocked down for 3450. up Western Mass...... 22'4 "Those who fear this measure present terpreted by the state and the party first prise for both toe lady and OFELEimUCAlSERYICE Everything Was sold with the ex- technic IncUtute In 1893 He was a distance o f tan miles. Postmaster CryiUI Bsflds...... Industrials think they already see the ominous as an obligation of conscience, nor gentleman with toe best score, and General Frank H. Hltchoock was 50 Slz8S 38 - 52 clouds of Fascism hovering over our ception of 346 looms recently dls- the son of toe late David Small ana Acme Wire ...... 21 A firing squad made up of Com- must it be used for propaganda. also a booby prize for eacn with Hartford. April 6.— (A P )— An Mary LStoam aark . present on the first date of tola up Ward Ptfeod $1 land." p o ^ of at private sale, and the pany K guardsmen will serve at lowest score. Nine care tables were Ladies* Black On3nc Rings .... Baft sUboaettee seeeeltllv Am. Hardware...... 18 No Modlflcatloa. estimated 6,000 farms in this state He .eaves bis wUe. Mrs. BeasM event, and delivered to Pilot Baris factory buUdlngs, which are owned the funeral of Herbert Fraser to- 50 deeigned for the mature Arrow H and H, Com. 25t4 by a Mystic company. For the future, toe Austrian occupied. Refreaf ffunts were eerved are still without electric fervtee, Upton a a rk ; two slaters, Mrs. Car- L. Ovlngton a pouch containing 640 morrow. Those who can serve are bishops demand: flrirel New rsyons in fior- BllUngs and Spencer. 3 t4 at a table especially prepared for p a r ie s O. Falxetiwald, director ot letters,and 1280 post cards tor BirUistone Rings ...... Bristol Brass...... 27 The decision to liquidate was asked to contact Corporal Danny rie a a rk Peltee and Miss Sylvia •aileral Bowl Bretowi Big or en er figured printe-soms made about the first' of the year "That In all questions contem- that purpose, afte. toe card party, toe examinmg division ot thi Rural transmission bstwoen the two poiats $6.50 ? r* Colt's Pat. Firearms . 47 ° MIDWEST USHED Shea at the State Armory tonight plated tn toe Austrian concordant no a a rk of Derry, and a niece. Miss with net secants or crisp and the mills have been cloeed down completing a delightful evening. mentioned. General H itc h e d au- •taell briraa, decked with flow- Bagle Lock ...... i2^ modification shall be made without ^ectriflcatlon Administration de- Margaret a a rk of Haverhill, Mast. Lfldisfl* Zircon Rings white trims 1 Tailored er for about two months. There will be a rehearsal for toe clared today preliminary to • thor- The funeral wll, oe held rb'irsday thorized toe estabUsiunent o f this ^ ...... $ 1 2 .0 0 era, s-duKer .with vsile or tr i* dressy styles yonll like I Fafnir Bearings...... 78 A number of Manchester persons previous agreement with toe Holy play at toe club bouse on rh.irsday BY SNOW STORMS Workers employed at the time of See. ough state-wide survey which toe at 2 p. m., at toe James T. Pratt air mall route tor toa duratloa ot witk tailored ribbons I Fiber Gray Tel Pay Station 3H ere going to Rockville tonight to evcfflng at 7:8b. Hemhete ot toe cast the ebut-down have been receiving administration wlU make. company chapel. 71 Farmington toe meet, and authorisad, aa wsU, and L i g h t e r ...... ttrewe. Sizes 22 t# 24. Hart and Cooley___ 170 attend the Sports Night program of "That, In parUcuIar In toe appll- are requested to line up toe second $7,00 (OoBtiaiMd from Page One) unemployment compensation checks In view of this high figure, Mr. i ^ u e . rne Rev Ivan H. Benedict toe estsbllahmant o f s post office Hendey Mach. B...... 5^ Rockville Lodge of EUu. A roast eatlon of all rules regarding both act of toe piay, while reviewing act up Landers. Frary A Ok. 22 from the state, but the 13-werk schools and education os well as FalJienwald said, toe REA la anxious wUl officiate. Burial will be m Forest station from where maU was col- period In which these benefit! are beef dinner will be served at 6:30 one, ao that books can be dispensed Plain Link Bmesltts New B rit Mch., Com. 15 Rapid a ty , S. D„ and Charles City, youth leadership, toe natural rights ^ Connecucut HIM cemetery, Derry. lected from various established $2.50 paid will soon expire. and following this there wlU be an .with as soon as possible. The Ume points In toe vicinity, eanoalled and «k>.. pfd...... 90 Iowa; five inches at Springfield and entertednment program during of parents and toe rellgloua and uLlity oompanles have not taken up North and Judd...... 21 Fairmont Minn., Dubuque, Iowa, I f unsuccessful In finding Jobe moral training of Catholic yoittos for toe performanceyia drawing advantage of the 333,000 oUnted to dispatched by plane; Post Office In- SloBs Sst Link Braeelets... elsewhere, many of them will be which the basebaU picture "Batter $5.50 Peck, Blow A WUcox 6 and (^ c a g o . according to toe fundamental prin- elqeer am} this means iiard work for this state for rurai electrification. spector M. H. Boyle was placed In • rruh of thn I m * Orgeindy forced to Join other fellow workers Up” will be shown. HOSPITAL NOTES Russell -Mfg. C o .___ 23 While the snow might harm un- ciples of toe Catholic faith ahaH be eveiTone. Moaa meetlngt for farmers and charge o f toe station. Criipt Tailorsdl Frlllyl already on town relief. assured. Plana for toe muaicale tola -:om- To Earle L. Ovlngton, who dt*"* • CalonoM Rayon TnfPeta ■coTlll Mfg. Co. .... 18^4 protected vegetation such as buds, The annual election o f afflcen>ln other rural reslderta have been Stanley W orks...... 32 Ing Saturday are almost complete. Admitted yesterday; Walter July 32, 1936, belongs the dlittaoUoa Uoyd said, it would form a protec- DelU Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. "That propaganda against relig- planned to learn wbrtoer these peo- R. DONNELLY do„ pfd...... 27^4 tive carpet for ground plant life SAYS HE ORIGINATED PLATE ion and toe church shall be Mias Mary Andrews who plays toe ^wda, Andover, Herman Hli being toe first duly appotatod JEWELER wlU be held In the Masonic Temple ple are interestoa In getting electric Rockville, Andrew Loomis LINEN BLOUSES Childron'fi Eoitor Torrtngton ...... ig harrassed by low temperatures. vented. electric guitar, will be here again. service extender to their farms. ' il mail carrier covering a set Horn# of American WaUhea: Waltham, Elgin, Hamilton Vaeder R oot new HarUord. AprU 6.— (A P )—Seek- tonight Officers and committees “That (TathoUcs shall have toe Miai Marjorie Kerr ot Hartford, ^ T O l street Mrs. Irene Johi In the snov.- areas, temperatures WlU report for the year. Refreah- A t toe first of these meetings, 49 Glenwood street. ■ I from a regularly established IIS Main Street Manchester New York Basks ing compensation from the state for right te develop and defend toe vIoUnist, and Anton Luko, who office, over-a definite period ut Wonf O b # b C were slightly below freezing. Its use o f permanent license plates. ments wlU foUow. held last nlgnt In Norwich, almost Discharged yesterday: Mrs. cato. Dresses Bask of New York Catholic church and fundamental been heard in Manchester on sev- ^ime. The ship be flew was a Drifts In south central South Albert W. Becker, an automobUe ah of tor 200 persons sttandmg ex- erlne Dobmeler. 96 Forest Bankers Trust ___ principles of Christianity in every eral occaslona reoently, will also be street Blerlot monoplane and ha carried Frkerf Gmtral Hanover .. Dakota blocked roads and forced salesman, says be holds a. patent on Property owners along Main field of human life with every means pressed approval of a statewide sur- Louis Genoveai, Jr. 168 North Main SiMt cloeing of some rural schools. the plate used by the state. street north o f ICIddle Turnpike, on toe program. Both Miss Kerr vey, Mr. Falkenwald said. street toe ssall pouches on bis knsest t ‘ O aae ...... at toe disposal of contemporary civ- and Hr. Luko are membera at toe. Ths total mall carried for this Fabric Glaves Southern Michigan reported Mr. Becker declared today that are wondering when the workmen ilization." Mr. Falkenwald som that Samuel DUcharged today: Vincent Boa- Colorful companions to S t o U CbemlcM ...... Hartford Symphony orchestra wmen period of one week amounted to MW suits. Sourtly styled 9«« ^3ty -a snowdrifts of three feet and a fall the idea of permanent number who are trimming the elm trees, are The newspaper preceded toe dec- Ferguson, J r, assistant treosiuer 01 F*“ *’ street. Nelson Bct- gave a splendid concert In toe Man- K.413 post cards, 3,995 lettara and witk novel edgings, clever Oontlwentnl ...... rsngtng from one half Inch to eight Ptatss was ’ubinltted several years going to find ttme to carry a w ^ the laration with toe following stats- toe Connecticut Power Company, ler, 1085 Middle Turnpike Blast ) Frilly Sasttr Frocka, Pretty Inches. clisater ^ :lgh achooi last evening. 1,062 circulars. Ward Prkad 5 0 * H tto a s and flattering Com Exchange ... ago to the Motor Vehicle Depart- rubbish that la left b) piles aloing Use ment: r waa present at the m m ing and was Mastia flcnieldge, 125 High s t e ^ - styles. Pestel colors or flock Eight Inches of snow fell at There will also be a surprtae danca RockvlUe. ^ " “ w , Tka MaU Pola|s ths Way. mus. AU popular colorc. F tn t Nstlcmal . . . . ment and that officials verbally Bide o f the s t r e e t “ We report Jierewlto toe Oerman mterested m toe proposed suivey. ■ayM baagalfaM to asce* jo**’ JT****.®*^*' ««• Ind., and two to three • number, especially plarmed for toe Ones more we have evtdsneo of lisee range from 34 ta 40. IplenAd viUiu. Ouasanty Tniat ... promised him compensation If Um text of a declaration which hla Em- Other mass moetings achaduied to Mr. and mail transportation figuring so yaw ctM or suitl Iwottly Inrlng T ru st...... tadiss over narthera Ohio grounded state used bis m «« inence Cardinal Innltzer, Archbishop oecaaion. Residents of toe Hlgb- Include one at Putnam tonight Jlerbert Maine. 42 Cambridge triaraed. Navy, whiter grey. planes st acveland. Membera o f tbs O Clef club are promlnaatly in toe early stages of Dfawhattan ...... Deputy Attorney-Genera] Dennis requested to be p-ompt la meeting of Vienna, also In toe name ot toe laads, anil employees of Cast Broth- a third Friday night at 8 In Jan- le# WM reported at Iroola, N. J„ Census: Sixty-eight patients. n r-:cans of transportation. Through- Ora ICannfact Truat ., P. O'Comor said there waa nothing at the Emanuel Lutueraa church to- entire Austrian Bpiacopate, be- ers are all welcoma. bury, to tase p lo ^ at tha fa rm where tte ntercury hit 22 above. A t Mrs. Phi Taylor at Porter street out history tola has proven toe case I#aw York Trust .. new In the plates adopted by the morrow evening at 6:lt from wtuen lieved It necessary to publish to Bureau offica. w thout exception. The carrt'ing PMbHc National . . . A n a ^ . ^ Md., the temperature sUte and that Ideas Mr. Becker dis- eliminate mlsimdentandlM created la seriously U1 at her boma. In the event of toe invenuon 01 jK>PPed U dagreee to 43 la U place they wUl moto' to Menden to Governmental rejiieaeiiieHsea wui a silencer that wU. completely « - i »t toe mails has always hcraldes «n n tle Ouarantea . . . cussed with Motor Vehicle Depart- In public opinion as a result o f re- Fnenda of Mr. and Mrs. Hwheit ha In Hartfiird next efeef to tnbuiate hours, accompanied by a trace of appeer In a ooi,oert at 8 p. m. In the cent events." lenoe the nolae of an airriane mo- spproaeh of a new form Ot ttaas- 0.8. Trust...... ment offleialt were a matter of pub- AugurUuia Lutheran church. 144 Fraaer of Highland street art ex- tha survey biauss which are hems portouen. f r a * tha Oekaiiaf rtdsr Cardlaal Innltasr Isft Rome tola tor, most of the equipment now m tta tBwmsdgo. , OMtqp kraat te tte t eltjr. tending s)-mpathy upon the death oc ■Ustrlbuted at theaa n ia tln ii. 34r. 30 horsthaMi to ths acnpsnt day air HOTEll 1 iM r. rtaavh CMInk. letecuoo of piaaes wooia ----- ■“ sshteh has bseosM ao E It \ W A It 9 , Fhlkmnraid sold. he wwoMta. ISTOL J N»W YOBIt TEL. I l « l MANCRBsnai: T r - ' ^1*A(3E T W E L V ® HANGHESTER EVENING H ERALb MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY. APRIL6 ,198S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, 00NN« WEDNESDAY, APRIL «, 1988 FAMOUS CHORUS MNGS PAGE THIRYEBN. ASle to Check on Flood LOVE LAUGHS IN VERNON TOMORROW GIANTS SHOES Complete Rest in Bed . By Using the Telephone ALMOST WORTH AT THE DOCTOR Houghton Coflege A CapoDa _As Best Cure for Cold PA^s Again Win Rec League and Town Cage Honors BYaiNORC COWAN STONE Coprri9t.t im«, NEA S^, Im . Chtrir T o Present C oncert In Vernon Center Charch. ®—^ ^^*TT***f moments later he bean aa- Weather Bureau announced today other buzz. He stops the watch and WEIGHT IN GOLD New Tork, April 8—Sixteen hun-.&thelr pbysl Wilcox’s cheerful voice ssid, by which man can talk to a flood. the buzzes. A special formula then students who lost 70 years of time- changes of weather. Irritants ta ths Stagehand Leaves Anita can’t catch alone for—five minutes Houghton College is heard tomor- Experts say It's now possible for In 31 months from common, colds air and contagion. BLACKHAWKS UPSET MAPLE LEAFS, 3-1 Tlh, here you are, Doctor. Just gives him the water stage. Alton, ni.— (A ^) —Putting shoes at a Ume?” row night at the Vernon Center observers to sit in their olflce, lift and respiratory Infections were STATE POUSH CHAMPS minute, please." on Robert Wsdlow, the 20-yesr-old Some dogs and monkeys at West- Hilda giggled; and rinnataty*^ Church, at 8:00 o’clock, the people a receiver and check up on a rising Putting in a second can, ha re- cited to the American College of Without a backward look he tuiii- of this vicinity will have the op- peats the procedure and thereby Alton Olsnt, is no ordtasty mstter. ern Reserve University, Cleveland, To Head East for Derby found the giggle annoying. All the stream many miles away. Surgeons today as proof that for ta which are Imitated the high blood ’>*' ad and followed the nurse Into the grievances of the past days—com- portunity of hearing a group of clocks the rise of the river to the This Isd. who stands 8 feet, 8ti It requires the cooperation of a inches tall snd weighs 480 poimda, ool(la and the like there la only one reasure d humans, were described I ' tUckroom. Constance went slowly bined with the pain In her shoulder singers that is rapidly becoming gauge located on the river bank, a 1-lOOtb of a foot. preventive and one cure—rest. SUBSTITUTE GOALIE •Batter Up** Vivid Film NOSE OUT YD SERVICE - to her own room. . . . Yet for a mo- recognized by music critics as the needs twro pairs it year 5t s cost of Sy Harry Goldblatt, M.D. sUvef'1 U>s Angelsa, April 6*—(AP) — ^bought him for Howard for $14,000 —swam Ic upon her, demanding Im- stop watch, a knowledge of arithme- Nobody has to be stationed at the more than RlOO a pair. The study was reported by Arlle clamps which reduce the blood sup- BMit he had seemed as close to her mediate expression. outstanding college choral organiza- tic juid—Central. river bank — it all works auto- V. Bock, M.D. of B(Mton. Stagehand, the miracle horse of : * U>a C. V. Whitney dispereal sale as if he t^ad held her In bis arms. tion of America specializing exclu- Each of Robert’s shoes is 18H ply of arteries to the animals’ kid- "Oh, It’s easy enough for you to It works this way: matlcaUy. In the Stillman Infirmary at Har- neys, give them the human trouble. ALFIE MOORE HERO Of Baseball Fine Points 1988, checka out Saturday from j Chief was hla Idea of ^ She had promised to tide with sively in sacred music. To Profes- Inches long and nine Inches high TO END GREAT SEASON laugh,” she said peevlshjy. TYou The observer grabs the telephone The n u g e looks like a big gaso- snd weighs three sad one-hslf vard the students were given every Take off the clamps, Dr. Goldblatt Santa Anita, where before hU third Santa*An*l^ »<» «»• big race at Hilda that afternoon. As she .fot don't want him. . . . And anyhow, sor Wilfred C. Bain, Its conductor, and waits for Central's familiar line Hiring station pump. When I belongs a large part of the credit pounds as compared with one snd establlabed kind of treatment, but said, and the animals Immediately By ASSbOIATED PRESS Into her riding clothes, she wonder- he talks to you. But be never even "Number please.” thousands are placed all over the one-third pounds wrelght ot the only complete rest ta bed had much recover. ’They Imltata all degrees^ All local aports fane who are ta -« Several departmenta of play are >? “ I The Chief capturM the national . ed arhat she could say to the other looks at mo. . . . Or if he does, for the choir’s development. Soon “I want,” says- the Observer for nation, ^perta believe they can -OF RINK STRUGGLE Wlth Tral.’W. Earl Banda in : after the completion of his training normal man’s shoe. real effect. Dr. Bock said. Bed for of the puzzling human disease tersated are Invited to attend the touched on critically. Roger Cra- Greenville, Mias. — It’s George stallion staksa last year and was re- . girl to help Derek. For after all, only as If I were something little the sake of Illustration, “Cherry keep tab on a flood as does a wife colds, he said, is the “common- Sports "Night” d CampbelL OouB' charge Stagehand will board a Amerks Ron Two-Year Rec ord To 76 Wini And Oa|f 10 In the world-famous Westminster It takes Missouri shoemakers make perfect guinea pigs for"' t mer demonitrates bunting as a Bcharetn day aa the PhlUiea meet gafded as the ”blg shot” of ths Derek was only what circumstances and awfully funny on a slide.' Three Bend down on the Potomac calling In on her husband’s poker four times longer to finish 'K”^i)slr sense’’ treatment that Hippocrates, drugs proposed for humans. oil, Knights d (folumbua, to be held tacrifloe and as an attempted hit; special car for Louisville, ta quest' Howard stable. Somshow, the horse Choir School, Professor Bain con- river.” Greenville of the Oitton States V; had made him. He bad so little se- "But, Connie dear,” Hilda said, game down at the lodge. of the Wsdlow shoes snd they use father of medicine, started nearly The results to date. Dr. Goldblatt at S t James’a school ball on Park Dixie Walker, Jie use of the book League, but Schareta may not play of another 6 > grand, ta the Kentucky I went amlse here. • ' eurlty within himself that you could ceived the Idea of creating a col- The call completed, the observer, 2,400 years ow . Derby, May 7. Losses In Beconung Triple Titfisls For Cnrrent C bh ”you are little—and just tww you lege choir that would replace the They admit it might .complicate four times more material than Is said. Indicate that none of the drugs Chicago Manager Charges street next Monday night “Battar elide; Luke Appling and because of a Charley horse In his Sande ordered a Mmpiet* feet, j not blame him for grasping at what are awfully funny. Don’t you rec with a stop watch in hand, waits matters to get a wrong number— rewired for normal shoes. "It saves,” Dr. Bock adde

X’oji THlNKVNfc 'iHINEIs — • £1 no ! 1 MOW « 5ToeiBoRN. ®tst— \ SENSE and NO NSENSE tWvNvt. \V* O A R U N ft I YO O VOON'T H INO WANT A«50Lvn«Ly THOUOHT HNOW TO E t HtWE X The will to know Is rarely so 50Bt THi1» OMCE ,W\LL.YOO? n V0A5 Newlywed Husband—Do you maim A O SAa CHILD I WAX-M1i.V\EXN*«TOH strong as the wish to know. to Vfc APS.NT AT ALL T H t m M ) to say there's only one course .for Voo *\1A?LY dinner tonight ? Just cheese ? A VA*4t t»500*H TO An old Indian came to town and HAN>t MORU T\m Y snd dsrom# a MaU Salary 318 pr. wk.. See Mr. MUler "Courtesy . Autt " Alberts F'uml- . loet or destroyed, and written ap- llvao of Lsrebmont, N#w York, as Certainly any young man who A ll'I D M o m i.K S l<'OR S A L E 4 3-5— 7-9 p m.. New Dom Hotel, ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. aenaral t-Artnars. and fCslvU N. Sacha FORHOCKEY TITLE lot.ks at Industry today, dominated A Thought f {dleatlon has ^been made to said Hartford, Con of Wist Hanfor* Connorneat, aa a I bank by the person in whose name Mll.LlNEKY — FOR SALE— DINING Ubie and hve •paelsl psrtnar, hsv# formed s limit- as It Is on the one side by the lay 1931 P O N T I A C C O AC H , 1913 Ford ed psrtn#rship under tb# flrn asm# oft system, and on the other by sndi bMk war issued, for payment DRESSMAKING WANTEEl - yo ung man to work chairs. Cbes}. If taken at once. 18 coach, 1936 Ford coupe, 1938 19 of Baaiand A Company to transact a Al Octsewlch U heading weat uctlve racketeers. If he could o f the amount of deposit represent- In drug store, one with store ex- Delmont street What thing soever I oonmanu C evrolet town sedan, 1936 Uoage HAVE YOUR O O Al rellned and **“^r*L brok#ra*# bu#in##a, located •gain , . . the local grappler plana ProTidence Whips Rambl do It. W’ould be a lot safer you, olnen'e to do It; thou Shalt not ed by said book, or for the Issuance coach. 1936 Pontiac coach, 1938 perience preferred Apply Drug, at 49 P#arl atr##t. Hartfords Con- to leave hla native beatk around Job. Toonerville Folks r- of a duplicate book therefor. shortened. jCall Mrs. P Berrett, 87 Box 8, care of Herald. nectlcut and that rr#d#iiek P. Baa- add thereto, nor diminish from It,— By Fontaine Fox Pontiac sedan. Oole Hutora—8483. Pearl street, rear entrance, up- land Said J#*^m# a Sullivan, th# a#a* Easter time and Journey to Kansaa MACHINERY AND TOOI,S 52 City, Missouri, which wUl’ be the Deuterimomy 12:82. stairs. Telephone 7826. •rsi partn#. ar# autborls#c to For Ea^em Crown In fill-- Pn^esSor— When water becomes Toonerville’s Ra mo o # One-Arm golfer has a bi# apvmnta#b ^ FOR SALE —1937 CHEVROLEi WANTED—YOUNG MAN for part transact ths paitnarsblp busin### and base of his operations In the mld- ■ ANNOUNCEMENTS time wori: at fllUng station with O LIVER TRACTORS are equipped Ice what change occurs? WHEN PLAYINC IN THE RAIN ^ Master Deluxe sport touring sedan ! ) • » nam# and that Kslvln west . . , Al tried hard to catch on Student— A change In price. The first law that ever God gave i with all extras. In excellent shape. . possibility of full time later. Some with starters. You don't crank the N. Sacha th. spsetal partn.r, ha. In these parU during the past win- Amn L ^ p . to man. was a law of obedlenca.^ ' OUR BOARDING HOUSE W3LL, THE PERSON or persona MOVING—TRUCKING— f f “ '1 oartn.rshlD. th . sum ot ^ "b a s in g Seen accident at comer of Can 3379 or inquirr at Scranton'i experience preferred. Write Box V, Oliver 6 cylinder smooth run- I8.OUO.00 cash and that said llmit.d ter but hasn’t been able to get the Read It Or N ot— Montaigne. | Oak and Spruce street in which i Tourist Homt, 160 Tolland Turn- STORAGE 20 care o f The Herald, giving name, ning tractor. Get the details on the partn.rshlp eomm.ncd Mtreh l. breaks neceasat” - . . . he says It's Goats have tails that turn up, was Invmvbd, please communKmte pike. addreae and r-ference. Oliver today. Dublin Tractor Co., 11*1 an6 Is to tarmlnata March t been the worst season since he broke By ASSOCIATED PRESS sheep have tails that turn down. THIS ^ S IN B S S N AS GENERAL TRUCKING, tobacco I^ vid en ce Rd., WUIlmantlc. with Samuel Robb, 170 Maple hauling, also tractors for hire. (SIgn.d) ' Into the grunt and groan Industry GONB IPAP, CsJOuaM, ., live years ago . . . we think the It's the Syracuse Stars, 1087 street Tet 8062. Telephone Maotbester 8867. L. N. SITUATIONS WANTED— FREDERICK F. EA8LAND champions, against the Providence 1'aaoher—Junior, come here and pr o pe sso r .< i v e a WANTED AUTOS— JEROME a SULLIVAN Hartford promoters overlooked a give me what you have In your Hevenor. FEMALE 38 KELVIN N. SACHS Reds In the final playoff series for SCHEAdE THAT WILL BJT/NS MOTORCYCLES 12 WANTED—TO BUY 58 good bet In not giving Qetx a build mouth. up aa we believe he would have the 1938 championship of the Inter- PEB(CV CUT iMre? THE Manchester _ AUSTIN A CHAMBERS when you WOMAN WOULD LIKE house- natlonal-American hockey lesgua Junior— l — l —l'd certainly like W ANTED TO BUY two burner J « r 1 PSRXIT proven a good drawing card . . . to, teacher. It’s the toothache OPEN AHC? AT THE SAME wanted the best car that 3300 vmnt ths best In Local and Long work abou 3 days each week. No NOTICE o r APPLICA'nON It’s youth, speed and sonrlng against cash win buy, in the Chevrolet kitchen heaier. enamel posferred. good luck, A l . . . ' Eyening Herald Distance Moving. Dally hlxpreas laundry. W riU Box M, Herald. Call 7664 after 6. ThL la tc give notie. that I John age. experience and defense. And time REVEAL. ivMO claas. No agents apply. Telephone Hartford, Mauoiiester, KorHvuia Oeora £nalsnd of 964 Sprue# #tr##t. It’s probably the two beat condi- Correct This Sentence; "When I Our recent suggestion that the NABBBP MIMvww-1 a V\ CLASSIFIED 3368. Phone 626U. 68 Hollister street. Manchester. Conn., hsv# fll#d an ap- tioned teams In the circuit xieetlng dropped In at 9 o'clock she was Just UMAN U V E STOCK— VEHICLES 42 ptlcatlon dated 6th of April. 19S8 with State Polish League abandon Its for a showdown. getting u(i," said the neighbor, "but po s t ing reward ADVERTISEMENTS APARTM EN IH -F L ATS— th# Liquor Control Commission for feminine cage circuit In favor of a she didn't offer any explanation." a Packaa# Store Be#r Permit for th# Junior division to prepare young The young, open-playing Syracuse OOQDl t i l avtrttfe words It t Uat. BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTlNCn-FAPERING 21 TENEMENTS 6.1 ■al# 01 aivoholto liquor on th# ^ Illa lt. Bumbort tad abbrtvlailoiit FOR SALE—ONE COW. second pr#ml.s')S of 961 Sprue# street. Msn- Polish players for senior competi- team won the western division title A man had been visiting a certain OFFERED l.'l Monday when it completeo a two- >1^•Mli Bount ta t word tod compound PROPERTY OWNERS 7-AttHsh#d ssm a dap most ba r a - school teams for an exhibition burgh nnd Cleveland In straight family, the tribe, the city, the ' rJw A O’clo c k b o o b ; Sa t ard a p o “A Car For Every Pnme BUSINESS Warner. Very easy terms. Liberal Tom—That’s great! Come here lOeld. Allowane. Tuckel's, 1083 Man gamh. It was all started at the games while the Reds won tbs bard and sn down. state looked to him as the all- and Purpose” OPPOKTIiNITIES 32 HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Well, what’s done's done. street, Hartford, fop ot Morgan town's dinner to the High school way. They had to go Into overtime father. And in Rome likewise he — Mather ot Edith Newoome, 16- TELEPHONE YOUR FOR KENT— IN BlJBlNhhSB sec- street, next to Proven Pictures. FOR SALE— NEW 6 room bouse, boys two weeks ago In the Jlasonlc twice against Philadelphia after tak- Sta May Be Ugly But It Under- symbolized the light of the ages. SCORCHY SMITH year-old Gretna Green bride. ing the flrst game from the Ram- WANT ADS tion. brick meicantile buiioing MacKeever, Mancbeater represen- all modem Improvements. U. L Temple when Bill Crockett let the stands The Art O^Beauty Culture. Throughout Italy he was w*or- On His Own Schaller Motor Sales Fish. 110 Benton street, reiepbone blers. ______By JOHN C TERRY with 3000 ft ot ground hoor space tative. Phone Manchester 6536— cat out of the bag and Informed shl(>ed on the summits of the fflPHT, KSmi ^-WHEN rraiM t*, A d a a r# aecopt«d o##r t b s tal#pboB# Dodge-Plymouth Dealer 6394. He was about the build of that those present that he was the L*st night's deciding contest ran highest bills, tribute to his thun- tfN 'T THERE ANV- V n p t h i n e T I ’VE m e n S t tb# C H A R G E R A T E g lv a a t b b vs Suitable for light manufacturing Hartford 7-313b. Wlfle— What's the idea of poking I It IVIRtP iJBNtRAL I'LL PIT (TON A IATEE, ATTHE fic5kcU)f «E E 5 KEWfl ANP JAC4(/Si^ Over 16 Y ean of Square Dealing! Apply Eld warn J Holl. guy there. He was—good gosh! school’s leading mller In those good only six minutes beyond the regular the hairbrush In the baby's face? derous power. In Virgil’t great 'miN* mr c a n *ay ANXIPU5 IP RVrVKN to T K t aa a oonvontones to a d v sr t lso ra but 684 Center St. At Olcott FOR 8 A L& -6 4 HUDSON street, That’s him. time before Art Giroux, veteran CUVNt IN HIN^KO, ♦ hip; anp heap I P CHANleE YPyff WWMCtP AWAY IN A RWERR / L W iTW# ' ^ # C A S H R a t e s w in b# aoc#piad aa old days not to be so easily forgot- Hubby—I Just wanted to get him p o ^ he is the one proteeUng 5TA1¥* ttJR A IPNE-TIME, A(?MY P U N # — f ' - - I - .. — . , — , T U L L P a t h B N T If p aid at lb # baal« Phone 8101 FUEL AND FEED 49-A house, all ImpiivemenU. On lot -Julius Abelaon, m ieago eab arlv- ten. Sunday, at the dinner given winger, banged kome the winning used to kissing grandfather. deity who keeps the hero In the PA£|? ntt the omp. NlNP# extending .through from Hudson goal. • ” . “ PIT aRCVt>WANC» AWMsl a a as offle# a a or b#for* tb# aav#ntb HELP W AM ED— er who had been robbed, polatlag the boys by the combined Itallan- path of duty to u y d goda. atate 0L.D U A A . - d a p fo llo w in g tb* droi ln##rtlo a a f FOR SAl E!— W E L L seasoned hard to William atieet. Width 99 It. to man in bark of poUoe squad American Clubs, several other star Cheer up. Millinery will soon pk w v b n t pp ir- tri# ad o lh #rw la# th# C H A R G E FEMALE .35 ^ ^ ...... and families. TIME. ru . HAKB w ill b# aoll#o(#d No raaponat* wood 34.60 loa^. Telephone 8828 length 165. Large garden. Phone ear. ( ?) performers came to light, Town INVESTMENT have to look sensible as the design- M. GlgUo, Bolton. 7900. Treasurer George H. Waddell, 'Tom Hopkinsville. Ky. — "Wanted: Concel V e d b U ltp fo r o rror# la t#l#phoa#d ada CURTIS 'PUBLISHING Comi^ny ers wlU sooner or later run out of by the Greek w ill ba assum #d sa d t b o lr aa e ara e p has opening for aggressive rntbu- Dannaher, deputy Judge, George Young woman, not over 30; to mar- humorous Ideas. sa n a o ! b# gruarantssd. FOR SALE— WK1 ,L seasoned hard "HOME, JAMES” Calllouette, "Pete” WIgren and ry.” Stoics as the alaatlc woman for telepn >i,c sales father o f the wood Apply Edward J. HoU, tele- SUBURBAN FOR SALE 75 Judge Harold Garrity. Judge Dan- Simon Daniel, 25-year-oId farmur. Chaser— Give me your telephone INDEX OF work In oSlc^. Liberal commission. phone 4642 01 8026. human race, EMERGENCY Telephone 3676 Thursday morning New York—Herbert Bendon, 66, naher spoke o f the several flne said today It had taken him five number, Oretehen dear. CLASSIFICATIONS COVENTRY—2 ACRES. Brand new conducts his relations with the law teams tliat represented the High years to get up nerve enough to In- German Girl— 9609. Zeus it pic- ■i-ter 0. FOR BALE—A FEW tons of well 6 room house, electricity, unmatch- tured here on B ir t h # with politeness and dignity. school In the early part of the cen- sert that advertiseroen'i. In a Hop- Chaser—All right. Fhen don’t. t o g « * e m e n u ...... cured hay. 284 Lake street. A. E. ed views. Price 32.800. Ask for "This Is Herbert Bendon," he tury, especially the team of 1911, kinsville (taper. a current Fish. Phone 881i. CALLS HELP WANTED— photo. 3200.ro cash buys new cot- phoned a police station. "I'm over He aucce^ed yesterday la mus- I f what you did yesterday still Creek stamp, S^fi***. tage on lake near Manchester, im- at 36th street and ninth avenue. England now has planes called tering his courage. The ad cost 80 looks big to you today you haven't wielding h 1 s C e rd o t T b e n k t •••««••a MALE 16 U lic m o r l e B ...... GARDEN—FARM - provemenU, large flreplace. Price I’m drunk again. Send over the "submarine spotters." They are cents. done much today. mighty power. l« e t end F o u n d ...... POLICE 31.330. Balame 315.00 per month. same cop that took me the last equipped with light cannon so "If I get a good wife. It will bs li,* service t— v ^ n e a n e e m t n u ...... W A N TE D —SERVICE station at- DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Ask for photo. The Southward mounted os to lire vertically. P o m o n e l...... tendant, by m ^oi oil company. time, please.” worth I t ” Daniel ventured. — Agency,- 770 Main street, WllU- "Thirty days In the workhouse, ^1 ♦ W ne A. *. AB ■ Aa«oa»obt1#a 323 00 weekly, plus commissions. mantlc. Tel. 1971-W or 516-J. A «t o m o u n#s for S « u ...... 4 3 4 3 Write Pox L, care o f Herald, stat- FOR SALE— NO. 1 POTAT’OES. ruled magistrate Thomas Aurello. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser A a t o m o b lls* f o i Cs c h iin v a < ing quollflcatlons. 70c bushel, delKered. Phone 3866. WASHINGTON TUBBS A o to A e o M soria a—T ira a By Crane OUT OUR WAY A u to f t# p A lrln c—P a la t t a g T a k i n g t h i s d r i n k ' l l I o t h e r DAY THAT YOU DIOMT MCCO NViy HILP RtOM T By Williams A o io cho ol* ...... FIRE W ANTE D — HIGH SCHOOL boy THATlS NOT MV STYLg, UOOIE. A o t o » .-8 b lp 07 T r a c k . . . . . with blcyrls afternoons. Run er- FOR SALE—COW M ANURE about GIVE CURLEY TIME ID I Mg. POPN^^TIIAT MX! VWgRg ABLE TP BXPOLE VOUff OWi CAMOt IP THERrS ANYTHING I YE A H, I W E NT AW’ 1.THOUGHT W ELL, BOVS, A u t o o -r o t ...... rands and work around store. Also 26 corda. Tiiephone 8608. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia turn the record Over f \ a CXJGI-IT IT A W A M 1 O n m c o o —• e rv iro —S t o m g e , South Hold Everything! CAN DO— IF YOU'D LIKE .PER. A WHILE I'LL HAVE T O SO FAR , no one seems THE \ t one for soda fountain. Elxpenence me. T. M. «tc. #. t. ##T. or?.- W eu. 7 AAC TO PUNCH THOSE D IS G U S T E D W ITH AAV- THAT 1 WAS M o u-re ve U e— B le /e lo e ...... k. T D 6 E W I S E / ....ffi 616 G E T B A C K AT ' II W a n t o d A o le a — M oiorepal## 4321 unnecessauTi. Apply Arthur Drug HOUSEHOLD G(H)DS 51 NUTTY Ba s t e d , t h ie v i n g , t w o - b y- S E L F F E R G E T T l W 5 0 THE ONLY MV W R ITIW O - n o lneno nnd rro t M o io n n I store. ------L.V UJ6/ IS WISE GANGSTERS ON THE WEAK A S T O T A K E AAY Su e in o a e o r \ic , e O Berod . failure in I'V E LE A R N E D .... II A R E A L BUY ON A complete ,, , WMATfe HE AND HE'S s. I T In U / B o usvh o id S#rvico a O ffarad • •a ell*A North houseful of furniture. Used only a t^tJUSTSK/THEANOKOi A40NEV O U T O F T H ’ TH' BUWCH/ A FIWE LE SS O N ^ l l d i n c - ^ . i r n o t l n e ...... „ f ; » { LOOKING SO TAKINS BANK A N ’ CfO IW r io r l e ie — N ure e rlM ...... l i few moiths— Mapie bedroom eet, h I HAVE NO R IG H T H E R E ” ' i (S M A R T ABOUT? r e n o r n ) D Ir o c t a r, ...... n THINQS D E BT FCe. T H ’ DURN 5 4 3 2 walnut bed room set, 8 piece wal- INTO 1 TALENT, BUT ^ DON’T W EA KEN R o n tln g — P la m b ln g ^ llo e S n e . . . n nut dining room set, 3 piece Uvlng HIS OWN TH IN G / YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED room set and kitchen set. Coat 3349 -m! h a n d s NO WILL a few months ago— will aell com- / AMBULANCE plete for 3176. Benson Furniture ...... l i YOUN G and Radio. Johnaon Block. Pro fo M ro n e l (o rvIc M ...... t l (D ougan) B a p a lrin g ...... •• r a l lo r in e — O r t ln c —Clo n n ln a i . T e l U i G o ^ r end R . r r l c , ss GARDENER w n n io d —B u r i n , , , S e rv ic e m . . . SC 5 6 3 0 Woold lUie srork, such as oleu- _ E d e re rlo e a l Ing, seeding, planting and grad- FOR RENT O e are M u d C I , m m ...... i t (H ollo ran) 8 BOOMS, steam beat, garage. F « » n t , In c iru e ilo n e ...... n ing, etc. Will take eare of lawns Oeelrable location. For appoint- 'tV, ...... ,....ia-A for the season. ment to see this, dial 4842. M ...... 1* 3 0 6 0 aegjVOOftg A 5VWELL 6UV! BUT W n n io d —In o ir a rilo n e ...... M WRITE BOX K, HERALD KM MAKE Mf PfEL H. R. HASTINGS I'LL PLOT AMCSTMER 1 l ^ r s TM* use PUNCHIM* PEOPLE,eAS .GBCATITWNLETS) m . . n o o o c io l (Quish) T h e m a p o f t h e IT iWOOUDNT BRING BACK W/ ^ X JUST WAMTA 60 GO TO CHINA. » o » d o -A u ,c k e — M o n e .s e # | | 831 Oakland Street HOLE IN THIS \ w o r l d c h a n g e s — ♦9.P00— -- OB AAV 0 « L . O t h o o g h t OFF GOfXe PLACE AM* DIB. 'THERg5 A SWELL * M o n e r lo W n ...... u M RECORD , NEXT n o t t h r o u g h p e a c e , WAR ON, AMD Z 4 3 4 0 ■RJ THE ONE ALREAOi' rr mi g h t ma k e , , _ A e lp osd e it o a t to M 5 U T t h r o u g h c o n T CAM GET US e l p W e n t ,d — F ,m a lo ...... |e IN r r ( q u e s t B e lp W e n i^ —M ilo ...... t« ] G R E AT NATIONS COKMiSSlONt f a l M c ^ n W . n ii d ...... | g . e VVOULD NOT SURVIVE IM THE AIR H e lp W « n i, d — M e l, o r F o m n lo .. tT HOSPITAL REAL ESTATE UNLESS TH E Y MADE CORPS. ^ • n i o W e n iid ...... FOR SALE W A R / S U u n ilo n , w . n i i d — F .m n lo . . . . 11 One story oSloe boUdlng, wood w to buy—sen—exebaage or rent B lc u e t t o n , W * m ,d —M ele ...... 5131 .Seal Estate, this mgtaej eaa m cons traction. 2 rooms, 12” x i r K m p ln .m .n t , ( r n c U , ...... sorely assist yon. r d ” • « ^ h —»*Mo—Fooltw p— V o hIciM and 12” X 16” and washroom. DodO— B i r d , - P o l , ...... 4, Plenty of windows. Can be used Many local aad term proper- U r , S lo c k —v .h t c iM ...... 4 j for a variety of pnrpoees. So ties to choose from. 3300 down r o u l t f T end Su p p lU e ...... WATER DEPT. bayn a home. W n n ii d — p . . ^ — P o o lt rv—a io e k i t oonstmeted tJrat It can be easily moved. Apply - * F o , * e lo —M iM ellnaoo w n ^ U l M F o r S a le ...... « , 3 0 7 7 *<=« “ ®rtee ...... «» B u l ld 'n i M iu n e ic ...... 47 H. R. Hastings (After 5 P.M.) Harold T. West, Inc. 331 Oakland Street Dial 43U D le e n o n d ^ W e ic h io —J e w e lry . . 41 L2wq.wiisvAM^ J., E lo c in c e l A p plien e e o—R e d lo . . 4> 29 Blaaell Street Ahraya Opea F u e l end F e « 9 ...... ’ . i t - A 7 8 6 8 “Cnimrlie. what have you tot that’g oat of aeaaoo. beaidea 1m cream cones 7~ "Be quiet. Juni or— you see your father hai a biff J UBU -T.it.at&u.irrAr.9rr, THg WEAKLING 2? ...... »1 problem on his mind?" ALLEY OOP tSMSrkUl MANCHESTER Cornered i i o r , E d n ip a e e l . . . . s« --M Y oPPOwfNT Would Mam*s the Word C'AAOM.POOZy- EH.WHATS THI51 HEAR,- ^ » t p ...... » i WATER CO. By THOMPSON AND COLL L ead SURE rM TOUGH, , V E S,TH ATS RIGHT, i t .W a n iid —T o B u y ...... | | TO WE’VE OOTTTA A GANG OF WOMEW’S FILLED HCY MDUVe O OT LISTEN / O H, OH / aaake tracks/ BUT 1 C A N'T W OULDNT e e CRICKET/ NO TIM E T'O O ® * * * * ^ " * ^ a l^iw lla a a f t a 5 9 7 4 AM.' THIS 15 MORE LIKE V E 5, JA C K , B U r / M VW4V, THE POOR DEAR'S ftELiEv^e : gosh, V : 4 y o u WITH FEART AW 005H , STA ND UP a n ' WE'RE SUNK / HERE R o ara oran ta rr; kj o mo r e vuDeeviMa AND THEN. AS MYRA EMERCiES PROM IPTHAT A40BOF ’ OOf» WHATSTH’ /KJCrTER, I GUESS OUR BEST CHASIN’ NOW / WORBVIM© A B O UT asl eep ALREADY/ • WHATS 5^1 SUJG A G A N G B ET IS A THEY COME LIK E ...... •* A60U-I BLACK LUKE FOR THE tend; SHE HEAR5A LOW WOMEN OnCHBS WITH VOU,TK boog hest, WE’VE G OTTA A SWARM OF F»EUMOMIA /'lOUVE THAT LET’S A t* OUT/ HAPPCNeO/]^ OF WOMEN/ JU N G L E _ ^ r d — Rooofte ...... 44 ZA HOURS-'JUST sl eef ; BEEM EX fXlSED WHISTLE FROM THE NEARSY pot igH— UP WITH ME — TOUGHEST GUY IN a H O R N ETS' ...... « GAS CO. ^ EAT AMO MORE SLEEP/ BRaaaj^^ THIC K ET— OH, W n e t o d — llo o c o —Bo erd . . . . „ , ss EMTiR ELV TO O MOOf* B o o l B o la lo Poe B o o f A P e v t m o n ie F l e i e Tonom o o ta _ e i 5 0 7 5 Bo o e e e F o r R o n i ...... s r • n b u rb a n F o r R e n t ...... 44 R u n m o r H o n o o F o r R a M . . . . « , ST / r f y ^ v e st e d to R e n t ss ELECTRIC CO. o n l R s in lo F a r S o la A p e r t B o n i B u lld in s tot Rnlo . . . s* ! 111 B M IR o a e Pro p e rty t o r R e lo r e r a o a n d U n d t o r Rolo 5181 » • ««» fo r So lo ...... L o u t o r Bnlo ...... K a o o n P ro p e rty tor R e lo . . • b h e rh o e f o r A e U ...... Evening Herald B W B a ie U fo r Cx ch e oR e 5121

IlM lAdtM Aid Mdaty and the Miller is In charge of the program! Wemea'i Mlaalaaary eodety will which will Include a talk iqr Mlaa! hold o joint Bieetlnf tomorrow af- Am bah isitham on "Problema at temoon a t 2:30 a t Ehiiaauel Luther- Dan aUlM oC Waterbtiry will give Speech”, and muaie by Mlaa Luclle WANT aia church. A Lenten program will Hoee Company No. « win bold Ita a tra^ogue tonight *t 8 o'eloek >- Broam. Refreahmenta and a aodai be preaented and a Lenten aacrtflce regular meeting tonight a t 8 o’clock fore the Men’s League and Men’s time win follow. offering received. a t the lire houae. club of ths Center Cbngregstlonal church, lUustrated for the moet part by colored motion 'ptctures.

NEW WAY LUNCH 1 Any adult parson presenting this advertisement to Q. E. WllUs and 97 CENTER ST. Son, Inc., win receive one can of Now under new managemeat. RADIO ROXITB vsmiah abaolutely free. L. SCALZULU, MOR. Setback Unsurpassed for floors and wood- A Clean Place to Eat. Sponsored by Manchester work.—Advt Kalian Spaghetti A Spedaltyt -SMARTLY DRESSED OF COURSE SERVICE Green Commanity CInb And You Can Do It Economically By Shopping At HALE*S Manchester Green School FRIDAY AT 8 P. M. Wih. E. Krah Smart Mannish I Yes, and. WeVe Made Every Preparation for PHONE 4457 3 Playing- Prizes. Hale's SELF SERVE 3.1 Dcimont Street Admission 26c. The Original In New England I SUITS la Successful Easter for the-Young- Mil And Health Market fl.*d ^ 7 K I GIrhi’ 2-PIeeo NEW it e m ASSO^^^ COCKTAIL CRACKERS Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. lO boler o su its < VARIETIES , . , 31c POUND * I Mad# of aelactad flannel. Short TH URSD AY SPECIALS , J M \ 7(r I ■'**’’*• ■*>

FANCY LARGE SHRIM P...... 2 cans 4.3c P & G Soap 7 Bars 2 5 c We will have a ehipment of Freah Fleh birlnoin* • l.arge Slie BOLERO SUITS sr* c a r”?;;;' 1^ Laundry With Peter Pan collars and short .. .ib. I F«»hly Chopped FRESH SPARE RIBS 23c sleevea. Colors Include old rose, KRAUT... .2 lbs. 15c, 4 lbs. 25c I obocnd beef Soap 9 Bars 2 5c navy, aqua and medium blue.

Fresh Calves’ Liver. ______I 27c W g e No. 8 4 Can

ANOTHER BARGAIN . . . $3.98 C la m Ch o w d er ____ 2 3c Sizes 18-18 Tall Can Fancy 1c--SA LE^1c Bay One L a r ^ Concentrated SUPER SUDS at 20c and get one full size, larg:e package for Ic. o -« Pin k Salm o n 2 Cans 2 5c TaUored 2 Pc. Suits for 40c Value f o r ...... AH Kinds Fmacy

Super Suds washes cloth'es'‘’Hospital-Clean.’* Junior Girls Egg N o o dles Lb. Pkg. 1 4 c I years. Colors In- clude cherry red, navy and medium blua. '/vcen/.mc. DIAL4I5I Su g ar H e art Peas 3 c.„, 2 9 c 302 MAIN STREET Tailored from fine worsteds and lAHMORy $5.98 No. I Tall Can other hard flnlsh fabrics. They are very mannish m every detail and colors Include gray, oxford and navy. Sizes 14 to 18. Slice d _Peach ea 2 r... 2 5c ^Grandmother’s Fsncy Qosllty Also Two and -Three-Piece Swagger

1 Lb. models at 816.75 to |*5.00. Colors Baby Shop GI«LS’ COATS Include navy, tan, raspberry and In fine checks and tweeda in Jar L5c wbeatstalk. Marmalade Lbs. blue, tan, rose and shrimp;

At VAN'S Large Jar Prepared flared and straight models. Sizes 8 to 8 A Q Sp a g h e tti 10c 2 19c years. '' v O .s l O 7 galsa Goodrich Gas $ «oo Haleys \ The economical way to buy Others a t $8.98. Freeh 8TH ANNUAL

this personal necessity You Get More For Your Money At

M arsh m allo ws KENWOOD '/f Lb. Pkg. 9c Fresh •

BOYS' COATS VAN^C SERVICE BLANKET flicted Strin g B eans Club Now Fomriof. Navy regulation and an- ® STATION 2 Lbs. 15c KOTEX 426 HARTFORD ROAD aorted tweeds In brown and TEL. 3866 Fresh SANITARY NAPKINS tan. Sizes 3 to A n n#> 50c “""50c 8 years. v 4 .* w O

78”x84'» KENWOOD Others a t 88.98. Tomatoes 3 Lbs. 2 5c ^ No. 1 Qreea Mountain In boxes of 64 0 4 ^ Standard Blankets

Po tatoes 15 Lb. Peck $10.95 Manchester Public Market 2 3 c

7*”x84" KENWOOD New Spring

HEALT H M ARKET Arondac Blankets

A Fresh Ship m e n t o f Fin e

FISH SPECIALS $8.95 Sport Coats

SE A F O O D 88«x84" KENWOOD By Truck Thursday Morning! c ^^ F ille t H o d d ock 15 Robin Hood

rh — Halibut — Fillet of Haddock blankets $10.98 to $39.50 Slice d _ ^ o d u 1 2 ic Chowder Clams Steaming Clams Ovsters

Steak Cod — Boston Bluefish — Sm ok^ Fillets — Fillet $8.95

of .Sole — Fillet of Perch Slice d Po llock Lb. 1 2 ic TTie aenaible, saving way to KENWOOD FAMOUS bay this important personal Also Sw ^fish, Fresh Halibut, Shad, Blankets THl RSDAY .MEAT SPECIALS need. In oompect, eaey.to* Calves’ Liver, nice and tender Genuine Blue, Scallops, Smelts, Herrinir. tnck eway cartone of 64 nap- strongest Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon ...... 39c lb. kina, which aeanre yon of an »"*9e- . . . . $ 1 2 . 9 5 ...3.3c Ib. Oysters, Clams. eald Beef L iv e r...... adeqnate eappiy at all times. ..19c Ib. vxw,.... $13.95 Boneless Beef for Stewing.'alVl'ek'n’ ' . ' . ’ -The same, wellJcnown fine .. 25c Ib. Lean \ eal for Stew, all meat . Sa lt Sp are Ribs quality, of oonrae. «”x « r .... $15.95 Veal .Shanks...... ,..2.5c Ib. ^ ...9 c lb.

Special on Chuck Beef (Jround for Hamburg .. 2.5c Ib Sa u e rk ra u t 5 Lower Round (iround ...... on In Our Modem Basement

Oar H.in.. Ifado I'.tk S.us. k IJ; STUDENT BRIDGE LAMPS

wth indirect globes and parchment shades, fitted with TM H A L C COMI three-way sockets. Heavy footed bases in

M a n c h is t i r Co n n* bronze or ivory finish ...... Jhh.nij Studrat Bridge Lamp with silk shades...... $7.50 **‘*ntry Now and Save* Pineapple, (lolden NujiTirets larcFPKi mn 97- or e--


z ? f $ With parchment shades, fitted with A n wnn' three.*ay candle light aocketa...... $D e5U THURSDAY NIGHT i-cssria-r'™..... ""

I. O. 0. F. ODD FELLOWS JUNIOR FLOOR LAMPS With nx 6-way socket and A n n ^

and indirect lighting globe ^ O .a /Q y sPaledO

- BINGO - ^ BOUDOm LAMPS IN MAPLE for only Thursday, Friday and S^Iirdav^

“ *I pin-up wall Smart, reefer, topper and was An ba ker y ------25 Merchandise Games DEPARTME.V? tom »tch...... $1.008$1,29 Anrei Cakes, our home made kind swagger models in all the Apricot Squares ...... I Cup Cakes, a ehoici oV iciiig ...... 5®'* 10 $3*00 Door Prizes . , BOUDOIR AND VANITY LAMPS I season’s newest colors and in plain crystal and in A m rarv a m M Danish Pastry (Real KindM ...... ‘*®** materiaia. combination with colors .... Q i . Z a l t 8 p l . 4 9 ' c n ,,i.n . PI.,; *r - . . a ? , $30.00 in all for

bo udo ir LAMPS IN GLASS with pnsm pendants, am ^ n n. Frnh department A Blgr Surprise in the Merchandise Also pin-up lamp in ^ass ^ 1 A 1 Fancy Green C u c u iib ;« ;;;;'•*...... I f Games For AIL All fitted with shades in white and in colors. ^ 413^ GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES.

Good Juicy Oranges ...... qt. 25c AdmUsion iMPSJN FTOE-POTTERY Fancy Pink Grapefruit’. ''...... ;I®* ‘*®** with I ...... for 25c ch. Some in ’E^lish Staffordshire pot- • tery. DIAL 5137 — WE DELIVER THLUSDAY NIGHTl STARTS 8:30

Games Annoonced By Sherwood BcMoik Thf H A I ^ CORP t

$ 4 .9 8 , $ 6 5 0 , $ 8 .5 0 M M KMSSna CONH.


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