AVERAGE DAILY OIBCULATION V for the Month of BUreh, 19SS WBATUER Foreoext ot U. s. Weether B om w, HaitforS 6,1-54 Snow tote tonfflit protoUilj tm - Btauber of tho Aaiit iB f to rota TIrarsitoy eHcbita ■Mm - ■ mad ™ — Bwom *f lEuEttittg ve MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VH.LAGE CHARM rOL. LVIL, NO. 159 ! *n Phgo 14) MANCHESTER, CONtl., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1938 et (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS So™ PONDER HUGE U. S. Steel Directors Happy 'BRACKElSBLUM EXPANSION OF '•FT " TA' I JIREORGANIZATION BILL \ “ i- - ' a AND R W S E V E t PUBLK WORKS 1 GETS FIRST REAL TEST Says Premier Copies Washington Offidalt See fi FJ)J{. *TxpefioieDts That Eady Need Of Profiding IN HOUSE TOMORROW Are Faihires;” Blum’s Bill Jobs For Thonsands; e Yictorioos In Lower Ronse Seek To Sare CCC Camps Showdown Postpooed; Disor- Seven M eet Death der Among Members At Pxilx, April 6—(AP)—Promlor Washington, April 8.—(AP) — Leon Blum’i demand for omergeaey Mounting relief coats have revived When Flames Sweep powers over France’* finances paai talk among administration offieiala A Dozen Shont For Rec- ed its first cnidsl tast today vhen of possible establishment o f a huge the Chamber, o f Deputies after | a new public works program, not only ognition; Debate To End bitter debate voted approval of blla Hotel In Chicago to prime Industrial pumps but to finance bill by the small majority of 60. The official count of the vote, give direct employment to thoU' After Today’s Sesskm. (Silcago, April 4.— (A P )— Seven »open stairways and open air ahafto. on which the Socialist premier had SMda. A decision has not been staked the life of hla government, men died In a fire that attacked He termed the structure a fire trap reached, officials emphasised today, without on alarm bell. was 310 to 31M). pointing out that arguments have the upper two floors of the Hotel Washfngrtton, April 6.— (A P) The test refiected continued con- On either aide of tbe building been advanced both for and against Center at 1436 West Madison street were the West End and Venus ho- fidence in the People's Front ax a —The House postponed R such a course, /jiy basic improve- today and then spread to the roofs tels. The fire lapped the roofs of whole and in the premier in spite showdown on the Reorganisa- ment in employment, they said of two adjoining hotels. these structures but caused little tion Bill today but agreed to of a lukewarm xttltude on the part necessarily depends on better bust' The victims were either burned <lamage. of the Radlcal-SoclaUats, one of the neea conditions. Aubrey WllUama, to death or suffocated. Three other Berndt was carried .down a lad- end general debate at the closo three major parties supporting aim. deputy W PA administrator, declar- persons, including a fireman, were der with clothing aflame. Firemen of the 4fly|s session—a proce- The smaUnesa of the m ^ r lty , ed that rising unemplosrment would burned and 30 men were rescued. played a stream of water on }ilm dure which will permit the first however, was viewed In political .Ir- neceaaitata a substoiiUal increase in Three o f the dead men were when he reached the ground but a annual stockholders meeting of U. 8. Steel In Hoboken cles as encouraging the Senate to Federal relief expenditure* when burned almoat beyond recognition. physician said he already waa dead. real test early tomorrow after- to history. These directors proved no «cep U o™ proceed with Its expected rejection present funds are exhsusted. The Identity o f four could not im- The flames went through the noon. of the bin when it votes Friday. ' I f '’ *’ Benjamin F. Falrless, Director George A. Sloan (rear), Ed- mediately be eatabllshed. building like wildfire. Moot o f the Mast Spend ” A Let More” Y w d R. Sttttinlus, Jr., who succeed a Myron C. Taylor os chairman of t he board and Director Irving S Opponents of the measuM The Premier's bill would give the There were 130 guests at the ho- residents were asleep when the fire While be ,/ould baxard no predlC' Qlda (arm around StetUnlus). The atockholdera Approved plans for poaalbla new l a ^ a S l e S ^ c l n f . ’ refused to permit the debate government power until July ' to tion aa to what sum P ru d en t tel. Firemen fo u ^ t the blaae In started. Panla stricken, they a snow storm. to end in three hours, which take by decree any action deemed Roosevelt would recemmend to Con fought and struggled with each necessary to provide funds for the Fire Marshal Michael Corrigan gresa, be recailec that |1,7M.000, other to reach safety through the would have made the first ma- expanding national defense pro- aaid the fire waa started by spon- narrow corridors. 000 was apprepriated for the pres jor test of strength come‘ this gram, stabiUxe the franc and pro- taneous combustion in a third floor "Some of the survivors told of ent fiscal year, and added: ’There’i tect the natlonai economy. 3RDERS STEEL GO. room in which paint, oil and raga seeing weaker men trampled under afternoon. The test will be on going to have to be a lot more than GOVERNMENT RESISTANCE Oapital Levy Inelnded ware stored. foot’In tbe mad rush,” aaid Marshal a motion to strike the enacting that . spent next year. T ot can' A tax on capital, a two-year us- The Identified dead were Joarah Corrigan. "Several men climbed .clause from the bilL spend leas than that and keep the Bento, 60; Henry Bemdt, 40; Ed- from their windows and hung to penxion of payments on the national peace.” TO SIGN CONTRACTS Amid disorder, with mors debt, a measure of foreign exchange DELAYS FRANCO’S DRIVE ward Haas, 40. tha oUla until they were rescued. A than a dozen members shout- ocntrol and revaluation of the Bank Funds now available, other offi' About 300 guests in the adjoining fnv dropped from the second or of Prance’s gold are some of the clals said, will be exhausted by the hotels were not endangered. third floors." ing for recognition, ChaimuHi measures contemplated. end o f the fiscal year, Juno SO. In National Labor Relations The Hotel Center ia about a mile Firemen credited Hugh Opieaple, (3ochran (D,, Mo.), of the Re- The bill, Bucceaalvely termed January, Mr. Roosevelt tentatively Battle For Possesrion Of west of the Loop. It occupies the former Notre Dame athlete hnd the ASSERT RUSSIANS upper three stories of an old, four- first policeman to arrive.' at the organization committee won Marxian, Naxl and Rooaeveltian by projected a 11,000,000.000 appropria- story brick building. Nearly all scene, with raving several Uvea. He approval of a proposal to chop opposition speakers, provoked one tion for the 1988 39 year. Some re- Tortosa Called Fiercest Board Acts In Inland Cor- tha guests were men. Moat were rushm into the smoka-fliled build- of the most heated debates In the lief experts sav oow that this figure off debate when the House ad- transients from the oqualid West ing to arouse sleephig oceupantx chamber for years. may have to be more than doubled. TO TAKE JAP ISLES journs today and to opra the poration Dispute With GO Madison street sectoc. and helped two of them out. He A t one point the opposing fae- Contributing directly to the im' Yet Foogkt Since Ad- Chllod Fire Trap. broke down a door to warn John bill to amendment the first tioos almoat came to blows, the employment situation, these officials Michael Cody, first divtsloa fire Simpson, 86, x deef Civil war vet- thing tomorrow. Premier blmaelf having to ruth to sal^ ate several factors, includtng marshal, said an inspection showed eran. Contributing fa c t ore vance Began On March 9 Aoks Daflalto Daft* the floor to separate them. Tokyo Fears Soriets Wi D Try Wuhington, April 4.—(A P )—The RaprraenUUvs O’Malley (D., Alt the right parties voted against 1. Tbs absence of marked buai- Lal>or Relations Board ordered the Wia.), intemipteS at ooe point te the bill. The Premier’s own 8o- neaa improvement this spring, cou- aak: Hendaye, France, (A t the Spanish To Resume Possession Inland Steel Corporation today to dallsts, the Cbmmunists and moot pled with the usual proapeeta tor "Can't aome definite data be ' deal with tba Steel Workera Ur- of tha Radical-Socialists voted for aluggiob s'lmmor buslnaas. FronUer) April 4 — (AP) — A as to when we'U come to n vote sn i It a. The aad,h. », few weeks furious batOe fo r pomnsitm of genlxlng Comnuttu ( C L O.) and AUSTRIAN BISHOPS VOTE Of Mandionkio Territory thla blllT” On the Bourse tha franc declined Social Security compensation pay- T ortou increased in intensity today tto aign X wxge and hour oontract'ff .- W a ae» going to ooma to th a t: somewhat opening at 82A3 to the ments to an estimated 1,000,000 un- they reach an agreement. vote about o’clock tomorrMr,” dollar and closing at SaAS. compar- employed. This will be brought as heavily reinforced armies of 1 both sides pounded each other in Tokyo, April 4— (AP) — Authori- I f the company complies with the AGAINST PACT CHANGES Repreaentatlra O’Connor, (D , N, ed with 'yesterday’s official closing about. It was explained, both uy the Y.), Bbouted, "when I aubmlt my of 83.Z8.
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