Coordination Investigation of the Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits of Urban Public Transport Infrastructure in 13 Cities, Jiangsu Province, China

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Coordination Investigation of the Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits of Urban Public Transport Infrastructure in 13 Cities, Jiangsu Province, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Coordination Investigation of the Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits of Urban Public Transport Infrastructure in 13 Cities, Jiangsu Province, China Xinghong He 1, Zhichao Cao 1,2, Silin Zhang 1,*, Shumin Liang 1, Yuyang Zhang 1, Tianbo Ji 1 and Quan Shi 1 1 School of Transportation and Civil Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong 226000, China; [email protected] (X.H.); [email protected] (Z.C.); [email protected] (S.L.); [email protected] (Y.Z.); [email protected] (T.J.); [email protected] (Q.S.) 2 Chongqing Key Laboratory of Urban Rail Transit Vehicle System Integration and Control, Chongqing 400000, China * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.:+86-188-1029-4108 Received: 10 August 2020; Accepted: 15 September 2020; Published: 18 September 2020 Abstract: This study proposed an investigation-based multiple-criteria coordinated model to evaluate the sustainable development of urban public transport (PT) infrastructure, based on economic, social and environmental data from 2009 to 2019. The main problem with the traditional approach for assessing urban PT development is that economic and social benefits are considered individually, but also attention to environmental factors and coordination among the three issues are nearly overlooked. This leads to the likelihood of inaccuracies in the handling/assessment of sustainable development or an imbalance among the attributes in different cities. An investigation-based coordinated model was introduced in which a survey of 35 sub-criteria was conducted to derive the criteria necessary for coupling/coordination. A case study involving 13 cities in Jiangsu Province, China, illustrated the problems in coordinating PT systems and verified the efficacy of the proposed approach. With employing the entropy method, this study validated coordination of the PT infrastructure development of various cities in a balanced manner and used panel regression formulas to analyse the theoretical gap and empirical bottlenecks existing among economic, social and environmental benefits. With the findings of the study, the data-based investigation from 13 cities enabled the city planners/managers (including ones from other cities with similar urban levels) to give the individual priority between the ternary benefits, advance technology, allow big data-based informatisation and implement near-future autonomous PT vehicles. Keywords: public transport infrastructure benefit; coordination development; environment evaluation; investigation-based coordinated model; entropy method 1. Introduction The rapid development of urban public transport (PT) infrastructure enables human beings to travel in a more convenient manner [1,2], but also, from the perspective of sustainability, to promote environmental and economic redevelopment. However, heterogeneity and even unbalanced levels of development among different urban PT infrastructures is usually derived from capital accumulation and passenger demand. The geographical environment of various cities and the different political or economic status of these cities might lead to serious imbalances among the economic, social and environmental issues involved in the development of urban PT infrastructure. The “geographical Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6809; doi:10.3390/ijerph17186809 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6809 2 of 19 environment” includes various PT modes, transport development directions and travellers’ behaviours of different urban terrains, such as flatlands and coastal cities. The main problem within these imbalances, from the perspective of urban sustainability, is that they frustrated new demand for PTs and retardInt. J. Environ. progress Res. Public in urbanisationHealth 2020, 17, x and public health improvements [3–5]. The present work2 of involves 19 the development of an investigation-based coordinated model for estimating the criteria affecting problem within these imbalances, from the perspective of urban sustainability, is that they frustrated sustainablenew demand development for PTs and of urbanretard progress public transport in urbanisa (PT)tion infrastructures, and public health and improvements the model is [3–5]. developed The by consideringpresent work economic, involves social the development and environmental of an inve datastigation-based from the pastcoordinated decade. model It should for estimating be noted that untilthe the criteria recent affecting ten years sustainable (2009–2019), development coordinated of urban development public transport of the(PT) 13 infrastructures, cities covering and intensive the developmentmodel is developed levels is less by considering studied. Indeed, economic, the social modelling and environmental and findings data are intendedfrom the past to be decade. the reference It for futureshould development be noted that until or other the recent similar ten cites. years (2009–2019), coordinated development of the 13 cities coveringThe development intensive development of urban PT infrastructurelevels is less studied. is vital forIndeed, economic the modelling development and [findings6], and itare creates a developmentintended to be space the reference for economic for future activities development and sustains or other similar the flow cites. of capital. Many scholars have studied theThe relationship development between of urban transportationPT infrastructure and is vi thetal economyfor economic [7,8 development]. Agbelie conducted [6], and it creates an in-depth a development space for economic activities and sustains the flow of capital. Many scholars have study of the work of three econometric frameworks for economy and transportation and concluded that studied the relationship between transportation and the economy [7,8]. Agbelie conducted an in- specific economic sectors of each country depend significantly on transportation [7]. A considerable depth study of the work of three econometric frameworks for economy and transportation and investmentconcluded in that PT constructionspecific economic is required sectors of to each meet country the needs depend for significantly economic development. on transportation Indeed, [7]. PT infrastructureA considerable is built investment quickly. However,in PT construction investment is inrequired PT infrastructure to meet the strictly needs aimedfor economic at economic benefitsdevelopment. is overlooking Indeed, the PT other infrastructure dimensions is built of thequic development,kly. However, investment namely social in PT and infrastructure environmental impacts.strictly Imbalanced aimed at economic capital benefits issue is is theoverlooking main obstacle the other and dimensions limiting of factor the development, for long-term namely economic developmentsocial and [environmental8]. Hence, economic impacts. benefitsImbalanced have capita frequentlyl issue is beenthe main discussed obstacle in and earlier limiting evaluations factor of the benefitsfor long-term PT systems, economic but development the coordination [8]. Hence, between economic social benefits benefits have and frequently environmental been discussed benefits lacks the experiencein earlier evaluations of modelling of the and benefits empirical PT systems, study. but the coordination between social benefits and environmental benefits lacks the experience of modelling and empirical study. The level of urban economic development in several developing countries is inconsistent, The level of urban economic development in several developing countries is inconsistent, and andthe benefits benefits of of PT PT infrastructure infrastructure at atdifferent different stages stages of ofeconomic economic development development make make different diff erent contributionscontributions to economic, to economic, social social and and environmental environmenta benefits.l benefits.It isIt not is clearnot clear whether whether there there is a significantis a relationshipsignificant among relationship the three among benefits, the three and thereby benefits quantitative, and thereby data quantitative are still are Hereby,still needed. this study analysedHereby, the this causal study relationships analysed the existing causal amongrelationships the economic, existing among social andthe environmentaleconomic, social benefits and of PT infrastructureenvironmental development benefits of PT andinfrastructure the contribution development made and to the the economiccontribution environments made to the economic of developing countries.environments As demonstrated of developing in Figurecountrie1s., dataAs demonstrated were collected in Figure for the 1, 13 data sample were citiescollected Suzhou, for the Nanjing, 13 Wuxi,sample Nantong, cities Changzhou,Suzhou, Nanjing, Xuzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Nantong, Changzhou, Yancheng, Xuzhou, Taizhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Yancheng, Huaian, Taizhou, Lianyungang and Suqian,Zhenjiang, all locatedHuaian, inLianyungang Jiangsu Province, and Suqian, China, all and located 18 evaluation in Jiangsu indices Province, were China, established. and 18 (i) The evaluation indices were established. (i) The entropy weight method and the investigation-based entropy weight method and the investigation-based coordination model were used to calculate the values coordination model were used to calculate the values of the three indicators, concluding the of the three indicators, concluding the economic, social and environmental
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