Vol. 4, nº 1 Dry Season Issue June 2005


Dirk HR Spennemann Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University

In the atoll world of , any traditional communication between the populations within an atoll and especially between atolls relied on sea voyages by canoe. This paper considers the situation in the Marshall Islands, a group of atolls arranged in two parallel chains. The paper sets out the (re-)construction of communications networks based on graph theory and then provides a discussion of the evidence on communications in the early Marshall Islands. This draws together data as diverse as traditional stick charts, known voyages and their durations, as well as linguistics, epi- demiology and biogeography. Based on a combination of these data a network model is proposed.

Micronesians have a long and well-deserved This study will examine the communication reputation for long-distance open sea voyaging patterns in the Marshall Islands during the in canoes that are deemed small by European eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It does not standards. Navigation occurred by stars and by consider the nature and direction of initial an understanding of wave patterns caused by colonisation. While ethnographic sources, as the reflection and refraction of the ocean swell well as the observations made by early visitors by the various atolls and islands. Unlike in ter- contain some scattered information on tradi- restrial environments, any communication be- tional communications patterns in the Marshall tween the populations within an atoll and Islands, to date no systematic assessment has especially between atolls had to rely on sea been attempted. voyages by canoe. Given the in-depth know- This paper will first carry out the modelling ledge of navigation Micronesians possessed, of a communications network between the one can theorize that communication could atolls of the Marshall Islands based on graph have occurred between any two given islands theory. These models will then be compared without the involvement of intermediary with the collated available evidence, derived islands or stepping stones. While the theoreti- from historical and archival sources as well as cal connectivity is only limited by the overall from linguistic, epidemiological and biogeo- number of islands, connectivity in the real graphical data. world is influenced and governed by techno- logical aspects, such as the reliance of the ca- THE SETTING noes on the presence of wind, and the social The Marshall Islands, comprising 29 atolls and aspects, such as inter-atoll alliances and de- 5 islands, are located in the north-west equa- pendencies. torial Pacific, about 3790km west of Honolulu,

This is a peer reviewed contribution. Received: 30 Jun 2005; Revised: 8 Sep 2005 Accepted: 9 Sep 2005 © Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 1449-7336 Letao Publishing, PO Box 3080, Albury NSW, Australia 25 26 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands about 2700km north of and 1500km east of 1). The atolls can be as small as Taka Atoll with Ponape. With the exception of the two north- only 0.6 km2 combined land area or as large as western atolls, Enewetak and Ujelang, the Mar- Kwajalein Atoll, the world’s largest atoll with a shall Islands are arranged in two island chains lagoon area of 2,174 km2 but only 16.4 km2 running roughly NNW to SSE: the western combined landmass (Table 1). Ralik Chain and the eastern Ratak Chain (figure

Table 1. Geographical characteristics of the atolls of the Marshall Islands. Location Ratio land to (Lat. & Long No. of Land area (km2) Lagoon area (km2) lagoon area Atoll North East Islets area rank area rank ratio rank Ailinginae 11°10' 166°20' 25 2.80 19 105.96 19 2.64 11 Ailinglaplap 7°26' 169°00' 52 14.69 3 750.29 6 1.96 16 Ailuk 10°20' 169°52' 35 5.36 16 177.34 17 3.02 10 Arno 7°10 171°40' 83 12.95 4 338.69 12 3.82 8 Aur 8°12' 171°06' 42 5.62 15 239.78 14 2.34 14 Bikar 12°15 170°6 6 0.49 30 37.40 26 1.32 19 Bikini 11°30' 165°25' 36 6.01 12 594.14 9 1.01 23 Bokak 14°32' 169°00' 11 3.24 18 78.04 23 4.15 7 Ebon 4°38' 168°40' 22 5.75 14 103.83 20 5.54 4 Enewetak 11°30' 162°20' 40 5.85 13 1,004.89 3 0.58 29 Erikup 9°08' 170°00' 14 1.53 25 230.30 15 0.66 27 Jabwat 7°44' 168°59' 1 0.57 29 — 32 100.00 32 Jaluit 6°00' 169°34' 84 11.34 5 689.74 7 1.64 17 Jamo 10°7' 169°33' 1 0.16 31 — 33 100.00 33 Kili 5°37' 169°7' 1 0.93 28 — 31 100.00 31 Kwajalein 9°00' 166°05' 93 16.39 1 2,173.78 1 0.75 26 Lae 8°56' 166°30' 17 1.45 26 17.66 27 8.21 3 Lib 8°21' 167°40' 1 0.93 28 — 31 100.00 31 Likiep 9°54' 169°10' 64 10.26 6 424.01 10 2.42 13 Majuro 7°3' 171°30' 64 9.17 8 295.05 13 3.11 9 Maloelap 8°40' 171°00' 71 9.82 7 972.72 4 1.01 22 Mejit 10°17' 170°52' 1 1.86 22 — 30 100.00 30 Milli 6°05' 171°55' 84 14.94 2 759.85 5 1.97 15 Nadikdik 6°20' 172°10' 18 0.98 27 3.42 29 28.79 2 Namo 7°55' 168°30' 51 6.27 11 397.64 11 1.58 18 Namorik 5°37' 168°7' 2 2.77 20 8.42 28 32.92 1 Rongelap 11°19' 166°50' 61 7.95 10 1,004.32 2 0.79 25 Rongerik 11°20' 167°27' 17 1.68 24 143.95 18 1.17 21 Taka 11°18' 169°35' 5 0.57 29 93.14 22 0.61 28 Ujae 9°00' 165°45' 14 1.86 22 185.94 16 1.00 24 Ujelang 9°50' 160°55' 32 1.74 23 65.97 24 2.63 12 Utirik 11°12' 169°47' 6 2.43 21 57.73 25 4.22 6 Wotho 10°05' 165°50' 13 4.33 17 94.92 21 4.56 5 Wotje 9°26' 170°00' 72 8.18 9 624.34 8 1.31 20

Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 27

160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174









Enewetak Bikini Ronglap Rongrik 12 Utrik

Taka Ailinginae Ailuk Jemo Mejit Likiep Wotho 10 Kwajalein Wotje Ujelang Maloelap Ujae Erikup Lae Namu Lib Aur Jabat 8 Majuro Arno Ailinglaplap

Mile Jaluit 6 Namdrik Narikrik Kili

Ebon 4

0 300

2 nautical miles

Figure 1. Index map of the Marshall Islands showing the atolls mentioned in the text.

GRAPH THEORY Following Hunt (1988), it is assumed that Network analysis has frequently been utilised ‘where interaction and movement of people in the reconstruction of relationships between take place over geographic distances, … people prehistoric populations as inferred from ar- tend, in general, to interact more with close chaeological sites (cf Irwin 1985; Hunt 1988; neighbours, than with those located further Spennemann 2003). Various propositions have away.’ been made, ranging from empirically well- It needs to be stressed that any graph theo- founded gravity models to refined models in- retical analysis assumes that the entity of sites is fluenced by social and societal parameters, such absolute, that is that all sites belonging to the as the inclusion of dependent daughter settle- network are known. In the case of the atolls of ments which are tied politically to one entity. the Marshalls, this can easily be demonstrated. 28 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Figure 2. Network map of the Marshall Islands based on the third proximal point analysis.

An underlying assumption, however, is that nemann 1990), varies between east and west as all atolls were in fact inhabited. While during well as north and south. The specific location the nineteenth century permanent habitation of these islands, as well as the location of the may not always have been the case on all, bio- deep passes through the reef platform, which graphical evidence shows that the atolls had allow for the passage of large canoes, have not been utilised (Table 4). Thus all atolls were in- been taken into account for the analysis carried cluded in the analysis. On each atoll the geo- out here. The additional distances these factors graphical position of the larger islands, which may create are actually too small to be of any provided for a permanent groundwater lens concern. An exception is Kwajalein due to its and better vegetation, and thus more favour- outstanding size and shape. Here the distances able conditions for human habitation (Spen- to the northern or southern ends were used. Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 29

Figure 3. Network map of the Marshall Islands based on the minimum spanning tree.

The graph analysis will explore a number of commonly used but as it is chosen arbitrarily, it analytical methods, namely third proximal could be increased to the fourth or fifth nearest point analysis, minimum spanning tree, and neighbour if so desired. Connectivity with weighted minimum spanning tree. three was deemed sufficient for the purpose of the present analysis. The third proximal point Third proximal point analysis analysis of the atolls shows in essence two One graph-theoretical method based on gravity separate networks, one running north-south in assumptions is the third proximal point analysis the eastern Ratak Chain and one, also pre- (Terrell 1977, p. 37; Hunt 1988b). In this dominantly running north–south in the west- method lines are drawn from each point to its ern Ralik Chain (Figure 2). three nearest neighbours. This number is 30 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Figure 4. Network map of the Marshall Islands based on the weighted minimum spanning tree. Both networks are connected through the chains, we note that both Ailinglaplap and northernmost atoll in the configuration, Wake Jaluit for the Ralik Chain and Maloelap for the (Eneen-Kio). That connection must be inter- Ratak Chain are node atolls where all com- preted as an artefact of the method, as the atoll munication in north-south traffic converges. is both traditionally uninhabited/uninhabitable and the distances to that atoll are actually the Minimum spanning tree furthest between each closest neighbour. When Following Kansky’s (1963) exercise of post- discarding the connection between Bikini and dicting the evolution of the Sicilian railroad Wake as a pure artefact, then the Marshall network, we can (re-)construct a network using Islands comprise of two isolated networks, the minimum spanning tree. This establishes confined to each of the chains. Within the the shortest path through the network with the Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 31

Figure 5. Communication Zones in the Marshall Islands based on network interpretation.

least number of links. First, each node is con- between the chains. The network has four end- nected with its nearest neighbour. The resulting points: Ujelang and Ebon for the Ralik Chain subgraphs are then linked with their respective and Wake (Eneen-Kio) and Nadikdik for the nearest neighbouring subgraphs, until all nodes Ratak Chain, but very few branches. Notable are connected (Haggett et. al. 1977a, p. 80). are only Mejit, Jabwat and Rongelap-Rongerik. The resulting network map (Figure 3) forms Of these only Mejit is separated by a compara- a ‘U’ with two networks, each running north– tively long leg. Moreover, Jaluit in the Ralik south through each of the chains. They are Chain and Majuro in the Ratak Chain assume connected in the south with the gap between the role of node atolls. Jaluit and Majuro being the shortest distance 32 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Weighted minimum spanning tree nection of the Ratak Chain with Mejit. The Both previous models are based on the propo- presence of node atolls in the spanning trees sition that all sites are equally important. In re- also suggests that sub-networks existed. ality this is obviously not the case, as some The available network constructions are in- atolls have a greater population than others terpreted in Figure 5, which shows the Mar- (see Figure 6). If we alter the weighting of the shall Islands segmented into five major places based on population, the network chan- communication zones, as well as a number of ges as short-path connections with the more isolates. important places are pre-eminent (Figure 4). In the following we will examine the his- These changes, however, are only of marginal torical, ethnographic and biogeographical evi- impact, with the network being straightened dence for connectivity in the Marshall Islands out and additional branches established. In the during pre-European times and the European weighted spanning tree, Kwajalein and Wotje contact period until the late nineteenth century. Atoll assume the role as node atolls for the We will first consider the means of travel and chains, in addition to Jaluit and Majuro. the navigational knowledge of the Marshallese. We will then move on to examine the historic record of long-distance voyaging before we address the evidence of land and resource ownership across various separate atolls, as well as data on connectivity culled from lin- guistics, epidemiology, and biogeography.

THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATIONS: CA- NOES The traditional canoe building in the Marshall Islands distinguishes three major canoe types based on their size and function, walap, tipnol and korkor (cf. Alexander 1902; Browning 1972; Erdland 1914; Finsch 1887; Giesberts 1910; Hambruch 1912; Hernsheim 1887; Hor- nell 1936; Jenkins 1946; Krämer 1905; Krämer & Nevermann 1938). • The walap, a large sailing canoe, reaching up to 30m in length and able to carry up to 50 Figure 6. Distribution of population in the Marshall people and food supplies. These canoes Islands 1910 (Spennemann 2000). served mainly for inter-atoll voyaging. • The tipnol, a mid-sized sailing canoe, capable Comparison of the network models of carrying up to a dozen people. Built for The three network models all indicate that the travel and fishing in the lagoons but also connection between the chains was limited and short and medium distance voyaging over of lower significance than any connection open water (such as from Majuro to Arno, within the two chains. Moreover, the presence where land is always in sight) and for fish- of sub-networks is evident in the graph recon- ing in the ocean. struction based on third proximal point analy- • The korkor, a small rowing canoe, some- sis. The minimum spanning trees highlight that times equipped with a sail, designed to carry some of the connections, such as those be- up to three people. The korkor was used tween Bikini and Enewetak and then on to solely for fishing and transportation in the Ujelang, as well as those north of Uterik, are protected waters of the lagoons. On calm long and thus are unlikely to have been used days it is also used for fishing on the ocean- very frequently. Another of these is the con- side reefs. Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 33

Figure 7. Traditional voyaging canoe (walap) in Jaluit Lagoon about 1900 (Seidel 1902).

These three types of canoes were also made in a variety of designs. Traditionally, five de- signs have been recognised: taburbur, malmel, mwijwitok, tojeik and jekad. The canoes consisted of a hull made from a dug-out breadfruit tree or, less frequently, a drift log, with hull parts which were sawn onto Figure 8. The Neptun, a typical trading schooner op- the dug-out hull to heighten the boards. A erating in the Marshall Islands at the end of the large wss placed on one side of the nineteenth century. hull. Photo: Micronesian Area Research Center, . The hull was asymmetric along the long axis, with the flatter side of the hull facing the After European contact, the irooj used their outrigger, which allows a canoe to be sailed wealth to their advantage and purchased, inter close to the wind. Bow and stern of the canoe alia European-style sailing vessels for inter atoll are identically shaped. The mast is stepped at transport. The increased carrying capacity of the bow of a canoe. In order to tack, the mast the European vessels, as well as the perceived was unstepped and moved to the stern, which prestige derived from owning such a ship, con- now became the bow. This maneuvre ensured tributed to the rapid decline of the Marshallese that the outrigger always faced the wind. inter-atoll sailing canoes. Early descriptions mention that the canoes In 1879 Finsch observed that long-distance could easily carry some thirty people over great canoe travel was becoming rare. By the late distances (Chamisso 1910, pp. 166-167; 1986, 1880s travel with European vessels, either run p. 133). While the sails, made of individual by German and British trading companies or woven Pandanus mats stitched together, were owned by Marshallese chiefs, was rapidly be- sturdy and flexible, they were also heavy. In the coming the mainstay of transportation. Hern- case of rain the weight of the sails could in- sheim (1887, p. 304) mentions for 1885 that crease to such a degree that the stability of the the three wealthiest irooj of the Marshalls each canoe could be endangered. Even if the wind owned a European schooner. In the 1900s, the did not cause this to happen, wet and heavy German Government required the registration sails slowed down the progress of a canoe. of all vessels in the Marshalls, which gives us Moreover, once wet, woven sails did not dry some indication of local ownership. By 1910 out very quickly. Thus sails would normally be most irooj owned at least a small European-style stowed in the event of rain. Once that hap- sailing schooner (Giesberts 1910). pened, the canoes would be at the mercy of the ocean currents. 34 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

TRADITIONAL NAVIGATION give absolute locations. Moreover, many are Micronesians are well known for their skills in uni-directional and focussed on specific atolls. long-distance voyaging and open sea navigation In addition to major overview charts based on stars and wave patterns (cf. Ham- (Figure 9), there are a number of smaller re- bruch 1912). The latter method was the main- gional charts. Schück (1902) in his mono- stay of navigation on the atoll world of the graphic treatment of the stick charts shows Marshalls, facilitated by the large number of nine images of stick charts that deal with the atolls, which broke the trade wind-driven swell navigation in the southern Ralik Islands from and created complex patterns of wave refrac- Ebon to Ailinglaplap. Some of them also in- tion and reflection (see Browning 1972; Dav- clude Mili as a reference point. In addition, enport 1960; 1964; deBrum 1962; Erdland there are charts that extend the whole length of 1914; Hambruch 1912; Krämer 1905; 1906; the Ralik Chain, as well as special charts that Krämer & Nevermann 1938; Laubenfels 1950a; allow for the navigation in the northern Ralik 1950b; Lewis 1972; Schück 1902; Winkler Chain. 1899a; 1899b). The coverage of some of the charts has been plotted in Figure 10. As the majority of the Bikar charts has been collected on Jaluit, the centre

Rongerik Uterik of the commercial activity as late as the Ger-

Ailuk Rongelap Mejit man colonial administration, the available sam- L Wotje ple is somewhat biased. In view of this a

Bikini Maloelap statistical analysis of the frequency with which

Aur the atolls appear on the stick charts would be Ailinginae Wotho K E N flawed. Absent are detailed navigation charts Lae U Lib Majuro for the Ratak Chain, which is likely to be an Arno A artefact of the Jaluit-centred collection activi- Mili ties of ethnographers and German traders and officials. J

Namorik Kili INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Inter-atoll communications by the Marshallese does not figure in the European accounts un- less it was usual in number or occasion. Ebon The earliest commentary on internal com- Figure 9. Schematic representation of a rebbelib over- munications is provided by members of the view stick chart covering most of the Marshall Islands Russian Exploring Expedition, which visited (collected by Robert Louis Stevenson on Jaluit in Wotje and other atolls of the Ratak Chain in 1889). Abbreviations: A–Ailinglaplap; E-Erikup; 1817. Both the commander of the expedition, J–Jaluit; K-Kwajalein; N-Namu; L–Likiep; U– Otto von Kotzebue, and the expedition’s natu- Ujae. ralist, Adelbert von Chamisso, comment on the warfare in the Ratak Chain during that period. Traditional navigation entailed the memori- Wotje at the time of their visit was under sation of these patterns in their relative se- the rule of Lemari. Originally from Arno, Le- quence and position to each other. For mari had killed the chief of Aur and thus con- purposes of memory and teaching, the Mar- quered the traditional power centre in the shallese navigators designed charts made from central Ratak Chain. From there he had built the midribs of palm fronds and Pandanus up a small empire based on military prowess. splines, with shells as place markers for the When the Rurik came to Aur, Lemari himself atolls (‘stick charts’). These charts provide in- was away in the northern reaches of the Ratak formation on the relative placement of atolls, Chain, recruiting forces for a planned attack on wave node points and sea markers, but do not the southern atoll of Majuro (Kotzebue 1821, Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 35 vol. 2, p. 87). Clearly, the structure of acquisi- an island approximately 150 sea miles dis- tion ran within the Ratak Chain, rather than tant. They visit this group only once a year. across to the Ralik Chain. For that occasion they wait for good Eisenhardt, shipwrecked on Ailuk Atoll in weather. The whole population goes along, 1871, wrote in his account: only the very aged remain behind with one chief” (Eisenhardt 1888). “They have intercourse only with the in- habitants of another of the Marshall Groups,

Figure 10. Patterns of islands represented on stick charts reproduced in Schück 1902.

36 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Figure 11. Map of the Marshall Islands illustrating Figure 12. Map of the Marshall Islands illustrating the geographical knowledge of Lagediak of Wotje with the range of Jaluit canoes in 1879. canoe-sailing distances in days (concentric circles) (Spennemann 2004).

This was in essence the payment of obliga- bue on the sailing times relative to Wotje tions to higher-ranking chiefs, most probably (Figure 11). in the form of arrowroot starch (Spennemann Normal travel times between Arno and 1992), mats woven from Pandanus leaves (He- Mili, for example, was reported as one day ger 1886) and dried Pandanus paste (Krämer & (Rife 1907). In adverse winds, however, this Nevermann 1936). The larger islands nearest to could be considerably longer. The Protestant Ailuk, ie Likiep and Wotje, are both less than missionary Charles Rife, for example, narrates a 60 nautical miles away. A distance of 150 nau- voyage in 1906 that took 12 days and covered tical miles fits Aur Atoll, unless it is based on a some 400 miles of sailing. Finsch (1887, p. 500) major miscalculation of distances. reported travel times stating that it took two The German ethnographer Otto Finsch, days from Mili to Jaluit and also two days from travelling through the Marshalls in 1879, men- Jaluit to Kili. Erdland (1904) mentions a stan- tions that long distance voyaging was on the dard travel time of three to four days from decline at that time. Voyages from Jaluit went Ebon to Ailinglaplap, and a travel time of two to Ebon, Namorik, Majuro, Arno, Ailinglaplap days from Likiep to Ailinglaplap (compiled in but only rarely to Mili (Finsch 1887). By the Figure 13). first decade of the twentieth century canoe The Marshallese navigator Lagediak of voyaging had essentially terminated, being re- Wotje also provided the Russian Otto von stricted with the lagoons of atolls, as well as Kotzebue in 1817 with information on atolls between close-by atolls, such as Arno, Majuro he knew of, with their position relative to and Mili (Giesberts 1910). Wotje and their distances. Mentioned were most of the atolls of the Ratak Chain, as well as Travel times Kwajalein and Ailinglaplap of the Ralik Chain There are a few data available on actual travel (Figure 11). times between the atolls. In 1817 Lagediak of Wotje informed the Russian Otto von Kotze- Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 37

Captain Thomas Gilbert of the British trans- port Charlotte in honour of his fellow Captain William Marshall, in charge of the accompany- ing transport Scarborough, who sailed as convoy from Port Jackson to Canton in China (Gilbert 1789).

Figure 13. Travel times between atolls as reported in the late nineteenth century.

Marshallese concepts of their islands The Marshallese never had a fixed term com- prising all the atolls which today make up the Marshall Islands. The Marshallese had no per- ception of the atolls of the Marshall Islands as a geographical entity differentiated from other Figure 14. The Marshallese Geography of the Sea set surrounding entities. They called them Aelon out in broad terms (based on Krämer & Nevermann Kein Ad, “our atolls” and called themselves ac- 1938; Nakayama & Ramp 1974). cordingly: Armij Aelon Kein, “people of these islands” (Senfft 1903). Concepts of nationhood For the Marshallese, the atolls of the north- or statehood were alien in a environment ern Ratak Chain, north of Majuro and Arno, dominated by the sea—and by the invaguaries and including Bokak and Eneen-Kio was Ratak that sea travel could entail. En. The sea north of Bokak and Bikini was Joi- In the past, there was no need for such de- iaenkan (Nakayama & Ramp 1974, p. 85). Ac- lineation, as the sea of the Marshallese ended, cording to Erdland (1914, p. 205) the sea north where that of other adjoining cultural groups of the Ralik Chain (=north of Joiiaenkan ??) was began. Culturally and genealogically the Mar- called patpat (swamps) because it was believed shallese were a rather homogenous group of that the sea would end in a swamp. people, more so than most other Micronesian The sea area around Majuro, Arno, Mile populations. Within the Marshall Islands, the and Nadikdik (Knox Atoll) was called Ratak traditional differentiation was based on a clan Rak. The territory around Ebon, Namorik, system (cf. Erdland 1914), rather than geo- Jaluit, Kili and half of Ailinglaplap was named graphically. Thus saying one is from Arno Atoll Rak in meto, while the general name for the makes little sense in view of the fact that one northern rest of the Ratak Chain was En in also has resource, and often land-rights one meto. way or another on other atolls. The sea between the Ralik and Ratak The Europeans gave both chains a general Chains was called Lolelaplap or Loluilaplap (Erd- name, “Marshall Islands”, coined in 1788 by land 1906, p. 172; 1914, p. 4). 38 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Landmarks on the open sea worth noting that these seamarks are in essence As with most Micronesian atoll populations, arranged in an arc around the northern atolls, the Marshallese were superb seafarers who as well as south-west of the southern end of ventured far. Inter-atoll voyages comprising the Ralik Chain and south-east of the southern some 300-400 people are on the record (Hezel end of the Ratak Chain. While there may have 1983; Krämer & Nevermann 1938, p. 30; Gu- been more sea marks known to the experi- lick 1862). enced navigators, it was these that were still The Marshallese not only knew how to find well known when the European visitors started their way around the atolls which make up to document them. This would suggest that it the—modern—Marshall Islands, but were also was these that were of great significance. In- cognisant of other islands, several small shoals deed, the northern sea marks provide the navi- and patch reefs well beyond the margin of the gator with clues to the approach to Wake Atoll Ralik and Ratak Chains. Several of these sea- in case the direct approach failed. The same marks are known from traditions and can be applies to the sea marks on the southern end of correlated with known shoals and reefs (Table both chains. All provided the navigators with 2). Others cannot be located on modern maps, positions in case they had missed the islands and are likely to be intersections of currents they had aimed at. and deflected swells, upon the knowledge of Beyond these sea marks, however, lay the which the Marshallese navigation largely de- open sea and the islands and atolls of other pended. peoples. These sea marks are plotted in Figure 15, as far as they can be placed on the map. It is

Table 2. Marshallese sea marks other than the atolls of the Marshall Islands (see figure 2) (based on Krämer & Nevermann 1938; Nakayama & Ramp 1974). Name Translation Type of sea Modern name approx. location mark on charts Aeboj En fresh water well reef southwest of Ebon Ak Leotutu east of Wake Jere Akeo west of Bokak & northwest of Bikini Jirurulon southeast of Ebon & south of Mile Joiiuenkan flight of the great sea mark west of Wake & northwest of frigate bird Bikini Jomaj east of Jaluit/Namorik Langa reef Keats Bank 90 nm east of Mile Lijinmaj east of Jaluit/Namorik Lijinmaloklok wave node west of Ebon/Namorik Limerwitip sea mark east of Bokak, also leeward of Mejit Limlim en Enewetak the white (foam) wave node two days north of Enewetak near Enewetak Limudjalili reef north (northeast) of Arno Lukwejeja middle of nowhere reef near Neptune’s Bank [20 nm] east of Arno Mermerkan Ruo the two foams wave node south of Mile No reef? between Arno & Mile Tokomule southeast of Mile Voren kobeguidj kan reefs three days north of Bikini Voren lal pound the bottom reef Neptune’s Bank [33 nm] east of Arno

Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 39

Figure 15. The atolls of the Marshall Islands and the approximate location of Marshallese seamarks.

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS west, to central and Banaba (Ocean I.) The world they knew about, however, was in the south, Eneen-Kio in the north and considerably larger, as they were in contact probably Johnston in the east (Krämer & with the people they had visited, as well as with Nevermann 1938, p. 217; Nakayama & Ramp the people who had visited them either inten- 1974, p. 6;7;84). Rather well known were Mokil tionally or accidentally, namely Carolinians and and Ngatik in the central Carolines, as tradi- i-Kiribati. tions claim frequent wars with these atolls The Marshallese , the world of (Krämer & Nevermann 1938, p. 217) as well as which they were aware, ranged from at least Pingelap. Kosrae and Pohnpei, and possibly in the 40 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Figure 16. Locations to which Marshallese canoes are known to have sailed (Jaluit Atoll shown as open circle, claims shown as question marks).

Summer Winter Figure 17. Current patterns in the Marshalls. Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 41

Figure 18. Examples of drift voyages and navigation errors within the Marshalls (see text).

Other oral traditions indicate that on occa- missing the aimed at location and ending up at sion voyages may have occurred as far afield as different islands altogether. Examples for such Kapingamarangi and Nukuoro. At about 1860 problems are well documented: it is said the people from Majuro Atoll set out • Finsch (1887, p. 500) narrates an example with 50 canoes to conquer Kapingamarangi of seven canoes which left Jaluit for Ebon Atoll, a Polynesian outlier in the southern cent- in early August 1880. Having lost their way, ral . Upon arrival the Majuro they drifted to Mili, reaching it four weeks people killed all original inhabitants and left a later. Twelve of the fifty Marshallese died of colonisation group behind. On the way back starvation and exhaustion. On 25 Septem- the canoe fleet ran into a severe storm and was ber, after a two days sail from Mili, now dispersed. Some of the canoes ended up in nine Jaluit canoes, accompanied by eleven Pohnpei, while others were driven to Nukuoro canoes from Mili, reached Jaluit. On 9 Atoll. There, again, the Majuro people killed all October a fleet of eighteen canoes left for original inhabitants and installed themselves as Ebon again, reaching Kili two days later. A the owners of Nukuoro. Krämer and Never- storm then set the fleet off course. Tacking mann (1938) who report this story, however two and fro, searching for land, the remain- rightfully question its accuracy on linguistic ing canoes eventually reached Namorik on grounds, as the Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi 6 November. Four canoes became sepa- people speak a Polynesian outlier dialect and rated in the days after the storm and all on not Ralik-Ratak. board perished. • Giesberts (1910), a Catholic missionary on Drift Voyages Arno and with first-hand experience on In addition to their own intentional voyages, Likiep, retells the story of a ‘recent’ event, accidental dispersals carried the Marshallese far in which four canoes set out from Likiep to afield. While the trade winds were reliable, they Uterik. After being becalmed, currents could, on occasion, temporarily cease. The de- threw the canoe off course. After four pendence of the canoes on wind, coupled with weeks of tacking to and fro, the canoe was the presence of strong ocean currents (Figure again near Likiep, became again becalmed, 17), meant that canoes were often set adrift, 42 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

and after a week eventually ended up at • On the same trip, four days into the voyage, Kwajalein Atoll. they spoke to a Marshallese-sailed schooner The problem was not confined to tradtional from Likiep, which had encountered a calm canoes, but could also beset European-built and, set eastwards by the North-Equatorial sailing vessels piloted by Marshallese naviga- Counter Current, had missed Ailinglaplap. tors: That vessel eventually reached Majuro. • Krämer (1906, p. 386) describes a voyage aboard the Benak from Likiep to Ailuk, Drifting to other parts of the Pacific which he wished to visit for ethnographic These mishaps not only occurred within the study. Tacking in vain for a couple of days Marshall Islands, but also carried canoes much against the trade wind—and pressed for further afield. Blown off course and drifted by time—the vessel eventually sailed down- currents and trade winds, Marshallese canoes wind for Kwajalein. have been reported as arriving on Nauru • The Catholic priest Augustin Erdland (Hernsheim 1887, p. 303), Pohnpei (Giesberts (1904) recalls a voyage he took from Ebon 1910), Kosrae (in 1856; Warren 1860, p. 175; to Ailinglaplap in early 1904 in order to Finsch 1893, p. 166), and from as far west as catch a schooner that was going from Faraulep in the Western Carolines (on the Likiep to Jaluit via Ailinglaplap—a trip that schooner Lotus in 1879, Finsch 1887, p. 500) normally took three to four days. Eight days and Guam (Finsch 1893, p. 166). Marshallese after departure the vessel eventually arrived from Jaluit, bound for Ebon, ended up 36 days off Erikup. later at Kavieng, New Ireland, (Prime Ministers Department 1916).

Figure 19. Locations to which Marshallese canoes are known to have drifted (Jaluit Atoll shown as open circle). Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 43

Figure 20. Origin of drift materials encountered in the Marshalls (light dot) (Spennemann 1997a).

People drifting to the Marshalls In addition to intentional voyages to the The central Carolinians are credited to have regu- Marshalls, there is a growing body of evidence larly come east to the Ralik Chain, and some- that documents accidental dispersal and drift- times as far as Johnston Atoll. The literature ing. Elsewhere, Spennemann (1996a; 1997a) claims intentional voyages (Nakayama & Ramp has reviewed the evidence for drift dispersal of 1974, p. 7-8; Pompey 1971, p. 13, 15, 75) and a wide range of material (canoe hulls, pumice, provides ample evidence for drifted voyages drift wood etc) originating both from the west from Pingelap (to Jaluit, Krämer & Nevermann and the east (Figure 20). 1938, p. 35); Lamotrek (Kotzebue 1821, vol. 2, p. 89); and Woleai (Krämer & Nevermann TRADITIONAL OWNERSHIP 1938, p. 3; Erdland 1914, p. 315—see also Because of the marginal nature of land on the Kadu of Woleai mentioned in Chamisso 1986). atolls of the Marshall Islands, and the precari- In the mid nineteenth century twenty Yapese ousness of human existence in view of ty- drifted to Kili, where they were captured and phoons (Spennemann 1996; 2004) and killed by the chief (Hezel 1979, p. 127; entry droughts (Spennemann 1990), it was advisable for 1868, Bark Syringia). for chiefs to have a complex web of rights over The i-Kiribati or ri-Pit as they are known in land, people and natural resources, spread over the Marshalls (Krämer & Nevermann 1938, p. more than one atoll. While the principles are 13 footnote 2; 26; Chamisso 1986; Hernsheim well known (cf. Erdland 1914; Krämer & 1887), were especially often found adrift and Nevermann 1936; Spennemann in press), the frequently stranded on the southern Marshalls, actual data we have in hand on cross-atoll namely on Mile and Arno, and these atolls have ownership of land in the nineteenth century are several genealogical links with the northern and sparse. What is know should neither be central atolls of Kiribati. During the nineteenth deemed complete, not should it be construed century i-Kiribati were living on Namorik as evidence for formal land claims. Some of the (1851: Hezel 1979, p. 121; 1868: ibid. 127), and data may well only be hearsay reported as fact on Jaluit (1871: ibid. 129; 1879: ibid. 136). in the historic literature. However, we know of the following nineteenth century examples: 44 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Figure 21. Examples of resource rights across a range of atolls.

• Nelu of Jaluit gave Loeak land allotments atolls. Traditionally in times of starvation, peo- on Ebon and Ailinglaplap, reputedly in re- ple would “cash in” on inter-atoll alliances and turn for sexual favours of Nelu’s wives would move part of the populations to other (Erdland 1914, p. 99). atolls. We know that amongst others, the fol- • Lajeimata, Kabua’s son, was irooj on Ujae lowing reciprocal obligations existed: and Lae, with resource rights to Kabua’s • The typhoon of 1857, which seems to have property on Ebon, Ailinglaplap and Jaluit devastated Ebon Atoll, resulted in severe (Erdland 1914, p. 101). starvation and the move of some 800 peo- • Kotzebue (1821) comments on Lemari of ple of a total of 1300 temporarily from Aur, with rights to all or some of Maloelap, Ebon to Jaluit Atoll (Krämer & Nevermann Erikup, Wotje, Mejit, Likiep, Jemo, Ailuk, 1938, p. 30). Mejit and Uterik. • The movement of people from Mile to • Kabua had land and resource rights on Arno, and the supply of coconuts, Pandanus Ebon, Jaluit, Namorik and Ailinglaplap and breadfruit preserves from Arno and (where he was also buried) (Krämer & Majuro to Mile after the typhoon of 1905 Nevermann 1936) indicates the perseverance of such a safety • In 1909 irooj Labareo of Maloelap exercised network (Spennemann in prep). his land and resource rights and sent a sail- ing vessel to Bokak Atoll in the far north of LINGUISTIC DATA the Ratak Chain to collect birds and turtle Linguistically, the Marshall Islands exhibit two (Stuckhardt 1909; Spennemann 1998). dialects: Ralik and Ratak. The fact that the lin- guistic distinction exists on lexicographic terms Traditional Obligations (Erdland 1906) as well as in terms of pronunci- Traditional inter-atoll obligations are on record ation (Bender 1969, pp. xii-xiii) demonstrates for the early contact period as well as for the that while communication between both chains early German colonial period. Typhoon food existed it was infrequent enough to allow for shortages have always been a problem in the two separate dialects to develop. Furthermore, Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 45 some dialect differences have been identified EPIDEMOLOGY within the chains, with Mejit in the Ratak Chain The spread of communicable diseases in an and Ujelang in the Ralik Chain standing out as island setting is predicated on the existence of isolates (Bender 1969, p. xiii). inter-island communication. There are a num- ber of these localised epidemics that can be PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY identified for the late nineteenth century Mar- At the end of the nineteenth century, the peo- shalls. ple of the Marshalls addressed each other as Ri- • The German government physician Stein- Ratak or Ri-Ralik (Senfft 1903). It is unclear to bach (1893a) when discussing the occur- what extent this was a mere geographic distinc- rence of syphilis mentions that it is tion, or to what extent this was also a represen- prevalent in Majuro, Ebon and Jaluit Atolls tation of physical characteristics. Anecdotal but occurs only in limited proportions on evidence, for example, stresses that head shape the northern atolls, which have little com- and facial characteristics, such as the shape of munication with the former. eye-brows, allow people from Mejit to be • In his report on the status of health in the readily identified in a crowd (pers. comm. Marshall Islands, Steinbach (1893a) men- Hemley Benjamin). tions a chickenpox epidemic limited to The extent of data provided by physical an- Jaluit and Ailinglaplap Atolls. thropological research is limited. The archaeo- • An influenza epidemic broke out in Feb- logical collections derived from early burials are ruary 1895 and raged in Jaluit, Ebon, Na- small and do not allow to make any comment morik, Majuro, Arno and Mile (Anonymous on population characteristics. 1897). A somatological study by Hasebe (1938, • Another influenza epidemic broke out in summarised in Hunt 1950) looked at 238 male 1904 and raged in the southern atolls only Marshallese from the Ralik and Ratak Chains. (Erdland 1914). While differences were observed between the • A dysentery epidemic affected the southern two samples, we are uninformed whether they Marshalls, mainly Jaluit, Ailinglaplap, are statistically significant. Maloelap, Arno and Majuro in 1907 (Erd- land 1914). Epidemiology can also be drawn on to document external communications: • Tinea imbricata (ring worm) was reputedly introduced from Kosrae by Jibe and Lemari in the 1870s (Erdland 1914). • According to local informants (to Steinbach 1893), Syphilis was unknown in the Mar- shall Islands in the first half of the nine- teenth century. Voyagers from Jaluit shipwrecked in Kosrae by about 1845 and 1850 are blamed for its introduction. While we are aware of some directions in which communicable diseases travelled within the Marshalls (Chickenpox 1895 from Arno to Jaluit; 1897 from Mili to Jaluit), we need to consider that the medical observations are all centred on Jaluit, the residence of the German physician, and that onwards spread from Jaluit Figure 22. Spread of communicable diseases in the to other islands is usually not mentioned in the Marshalls. annual medical reports. 46 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands

Table 3. Epidemics recorded for the southern Marshall 1896, 1896, 1897, 1898). As the ownership of Islands until the end of the German Period (1914). each vessels is listed, we can filter out those Year Disease Atolls affected owned by Marshallese. This reflects, to a de- <1887 Influenza southern atolls gree, the last vestiges of traditional communi- 1890 Measles southern atolls cation. 1892 Chickenpox Ailinglaplap, Jaluit, Plotted in Figure 23 is the average annual 1895 Chickenpox Arno, Jaluit, frequency of arrivals and departures of vessels. 1895 Influenza Arno. Ebon, Jaluit, Majuro, In interpreting the graphs, we have to be con- Mile , Namorik scious of the fact that they (i) are based on sin- 1897 Chickenpox Mili, Jaluit gle locality harbour statistics, (ii) provide little information on connections between atolls 1899 Influenza Central Ralik, Jaluit other than Jaluit, in particular the more north- 1904 Influenza southern atolls ern atolls, and thus (iii) do not represent the 1907 Dysentery Ebon, Jaluit, Maloelap entire networks. Nonetheless, the data show 1907 Measles Jaluit that in the 1890s, as far as Jaluit was con- 1907 Pertussis Jaluit cerned, the main connection both arriving and 1908 Small pox Jaluit departing, was between Jaluit and Ailinglaplap, 1910 Influenza Jaluit with more than ten vessels annually, and to a Sources: Hernsheim 1887, p. 302; Steinbach 1893a; degree between Namorik and Ebon as well. Schwabe 1896; 1908; Anonymous 1897; Bartels 1899; The disproportionate under-representation of 1900; Erdland 1914, p. 17. the other atolls is remarkable. CONNECTIVITY IN THE 1890S We can speculate that the 1890s pattern The frequency of inter atoll communications of provides an impression of the communications the last decade of the nineteenth century can frequency of the 1870s and 1880s networks, be assessed from the vessel movements to and emphasising the heavy Jaluit-Ailinglaplap con- from Jaluit for the years 1894–97 (AAKA nection.

Figure 23. Origin of vessels owned by Marshallese arriving in and departing Jaluit 1894-97 (annual average). Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands 47

Table 4. The occurrence of human settlement and the of human settlement in the Marshall Islands distribution of rodents on the atolls of the Marshall and the presence of the Polynesian rat (Rattus Islands (compiled from Spennemann 1997b; 2000 exulans) the only species present in pre- with additions). European times. It demonstrates the presence Known of rats even on islands that were uninhabited at as in- Rattus the time of the first systematic census in 1910 Atoll habited 1910 exulans (Spennemann 2000). Examples for the latter Ailinginae  are the atolls and islands of Ailinginae, Bikar,

Ailinglaplap   ? Bokak (Taongi), Eneen-kio (Wake), Jemo, and Ailuk    Arno    Taka. Aur   ? Bikar  TOWARDS A MODEL OF COMMUNICATION Bikini    Drawing together data from the various his- Bokak (Taongi)  toric, ethnographic, linguistic, biogeographical Ebon   ? and epidemiological sources discussed on the Eneen-Kio (Wake)  preceding pages, as well as an evaluation of the Enewetak    various (re-)constructions of a theoretical net- Erikup  work based on graph theory allows us to ad- Jabwat    vance a network model of communications Jaluit    for the Marshall Islands in (late) traditional Jemo  Kili  ? times (Figure 24). The thickness of the lines Kwajalein    indicates the frequency of communications Lae    along the link. Lib    Overall, the communications network re- Likiep    sembles the shape of a ‘U’ with the majority of Majuro    the communications occurring within each of Maloelap    the two chains. The larger atolls were in fre- Mejit    quent contact with each other, while the Milli    smaller ones were contacted via the larger Nadikdik  ? population bases. Namorik    Namu    The southern, more fertile and thus more Rongelap    populous atolls were in more frequent contact Rongerik    with each other, than the less populated north- Taka  ern atolls. Ujae    In the Ralik Chain, the main communica- Ujelang    tions links occurred between Jaluit and Ebon Utirik    as well as between Jaluit and Ailinglaplap. In Wotho    the northen Raliks, the atolls of Kwajalein and Wotje    Wotho assume node-point status. In the Ratak Chain these links were strong- BIOGEOGRAPHIC DATA est within the Majuro-Arno-Mili triangle. Wotje Additional evidence for the connectivity of the seems to have assumed the role of a northern atolls comes from animals that are commensal node in that chain. with humans: rats. As rats are unable to cross Inter-chain connections occurred in the larger distances of open water unaided (Spen- south, connecting Jaluit with Majuro and Mili. nemann & Rapp 1989), their introduction to There is a possibility of a connection from the various atolls of the Marshall Islands has to either Likiep or Wotje to Kwajalein, given the be interpreted either as a deliberate act or as an ease of downwind travel, but given the evi- incidence of animals stowing away (Spenne- dence this is unlikely to have been frequent or mann 1997b). Table 4 sets out the occurrence bi-directional. While these connections would 48 Observations on traditional communication patterns in the Marshall Islands have been substantially less frequent than intra- frequent enough to maintain a largely ho- chain communications, they were nonetheless mogenous language.

Figure 24. Proposed model of connectivity during the early contact Marshall Islands. The strength/frequency of the connections is expressed by the thickness of the lines (see text for discussion).

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Johnstone Centre of Parks, Recreation and Administration in Micronesia to mitigate the ef- Heritage, Charles Sturt University: Albury, NSW fects of the typhoons of 1905 and 1907. Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (1996b). Dreading the next Spennemann, Dirk H.R. and Rapp, Günter (1989) wave: non-traditional settlement patterns and Can rats colonise oceanic islands unaided? An typhoon threats on contemporary Majuro, Mar- assessment and review of the swimming capa- shall Islands. Environmental Management 20(3), bilities of the genus Rattus (Rodentia:Muridae) 337-348. with particular reference to tropical waters. Zo- Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (1997a) On the origin of ologische Abhandlungen des Museums für Tierkunde drift materials in the Marshall Islands. Atoll Re- Dresden 45(1), 81-91. search Bulletin 445, pp. 1-8. Spennemann, Dirk H.R. and Taylor, A. Lavar Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (1997b) Distribution of rat (2002). German Postal Services to Likiep Atoll, species on the atolls of the Marshall Islands: Marshall Islands. Vorläufer. 129, p. 3-10 Past and present dispersal. Atoll Research Bulletin Stuckhardt, Wilhelm (1909) Wilhelm Stuckhardt to 446, pp. 1-8. Reichskolonialamt. Betrifft japanische Vo- Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (1998) Japanese poaching gelfänger auf der Insel Gaspar Rico. Report and the enforcement of German souvereignty in dated Jaluit 15 May 1909 in: Auswärtiges Amt the Marshall Islands Journal of Pacific History 38(1), Kolonial-Abtheilung AIII Acten betreffend Jagd 51-67. und Wildschutz in Deutsch Guinea. File 7788 Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2000) Historic Demo- Vol 1. January 1892 to February 1913. Jagd und graphic Information for the Marshall Islands -- Wildschutz 1e. National Library of Australia, Period from 1891 to 1914. Albury: URL: Microfilm MfM G 8613 http:/marshall.csu.edu.au/hmtl/demography/1 Terell, John (1977). Human biogeography in the 891.html . Fieldiana Anthropology 68(1). Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2003a) The road to ur- Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History. banisation. Post-dicting the evolution of the Warren, J. (1860). The Morning Star: History of the road network on Tongatapu, Kingdom of Children’s Missionary vessel and of the Marquesan and . in… Jörg Eckert, Ursula Eisenhauer & Micronesian Missions. Boston: American Tract Andreas Zimmermann (eds), Archäologische Per- Society. spektiven. Analysen und Interpretationen im Wandel. Winkler, Captain (1899a). On sea charts formerly Festschrift für Jens Lüning zum 65. Geburtstag. Rah- used in the Marshall Islands. Annual Report of the den/Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf. Pp.165- Smithonian Institution. 1899. Pp. 487-509. 178. Winkler, Captain (1899b). Über die in früheren Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2003b). Postlaufzeiten Zeiten in den Marschall-Inseln gebrauchten zwischen Mikronesien und Deutschland: Seekarten. Marine Rundschau 1898. Gesuch um Hilfestellung. Berliner Protokolle n Wright, C.H. (1948). Sailing canoes of the Marshall vol. 62, April 2003, p. 72. Islands. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 74 (550), Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2004) Chamissos Blick auf pp. 1529-1531. die Südsee und die Rezeption der “Reise um die Welt” im Südpazifischen Raum. In: Mit den BIOSKETCH: Dirk HR Spennemann is Associate Augen des Frenden. Adelbert von Chamisso—Dichter, Professor in Cultural Heritage Management at Naturwissenschaffender, Weltreisender. Berlin : Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia. His main Gesellschaft für interregionalen Kulturaus- research interests are German colonial heritage in tausch.V. Pp. 142-162 Oceania, in particular Micronesia, and historic pres- Spennemann, Dirk HR (2005) The Atoll Post of the ervation issues in Micronesia in general. His second Eanijen Rakijen in 1909. Berliner Protokolle Heft focus re threats to heritage posed by natural and 75, Juni 2005 human hazards and threats posed by managers in Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in press) Freshwater Lens, their efforts to counter these hazards. Ethical Heri- Settlement Patterns, Resource Use and Connec- tage Planning and Policy are the cornerstones that tivity in the Marshall Islands. In: Fresh and need to be understood and addressed if our past is Salt—Water and Borders. Edited by Stephanie to have a meaningful future. Donald and Heather Goodall. Centre for CONTACT: A/Professor Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Charles Trans/forming Cultures. UTS e-press Sydney. Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Aus- tralia e-mail [email protected] Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in prep) From Disaster to

Disaster…The efforts of the German Colonial