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$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 | 17 ADAR I 5779 VOL. XLVII NO. 2395 Visegrád Group Vandals Desecrate 90 Jewish Graves Cancels Summit in East France in After Ahead of Marches Poland Row BY REUTERS & ALGEMEINER STAFF

Vandals have daubed swastikas and antisemitic slogans on around 90 graves in a Jewish cemetery in eastern France, local officials said on Tuesday, shortly before planned marches nationwide against a rise in antisemitic attacks. French President Emmanuel Macron visited the cemetery on Tuesday in the village of Quatzenheim, near the city of Strasbourg, following the overnight desecration, walking through a gate daubed with a swastika as he entered the graveyard.

Jews from all over the world partici- pate in the “March of the Living,” . Photo: Yossi Zeliger/Flash90.

Strasbourg’s Grand Rabbi Harold-Abraham Weill inspects graves desecrated with swastikas in Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France, Dec. 14, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Vincent Kessler. BY JNS.ORG said that the leaders of the Czech “I am the son of Holocaust survi- “It’s important for me to be here with you today,” a Republic, Slovakia and Hungary vors, we will never forgive and never solemn looking Macron told local leaders and members of The Visegrád group of four would instead hold separate meeting forget, and there were many Poles the Jewish community after paying respects at one of the central European countries with Israeli leaders this week. who collaborated with the Nazis.” desecrated graves. announced it has cancelled their “It will not be called Visegrád, Quoting former Israeli Prime Many French political leaders, though not Macron meeting in Israel after Poland’s because this entails the presence Minister Yitzhak Shamir, Katz himself, are due to join Tuesday evening’s march in Paris decision to pull out of the summit of all four,” an Israeli official said. added that “Shamir said that every against , which remains a scourge in France. following comments by Israel’s “It’s going to be a summit with Pole sucked antisemitism with his Figures released last week showed there were more foreign minister about alleged Visegrád members.” mother’s milk. Nobody will tell us than 500 antisemitic attacks in 2018, a 74 percent increase Polish collaboration during the On Sunday, the same day that how to express our stance and from 2017. Holocaust. Netanyahu appointed Yisrael Katz how to honor the dead.” The Israeli Foreign Ministry Israel’s new foreign minister, Katz Polish Ambassador to Israel Continued on Page A3 told Israel’s i24 News channel that Continued on Page A3

Remembering ShabbatCalendar Parshat KI TISA Times for , Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 5:21pm | Shabbat Ends: 6:21pm פרשת כי תשא Jackie Robinson P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 The Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Opinion. Why Jordan Is the Key to Israeli-Palestinian Peace

a “plot against the Palestinian cause,” skipped Israel or the United States since 2017 that the event altogether. Arafat and his successors shrewdly played on But looks can be deceiving — especially Israel’s willingness to sacrifice land for peace — DANIEL ARBESS when it comes to the Middle East. entertaining Oslo’s “two state” discussions only NEW YORK The Trump administration is construc- as cover for their ultimate cause of rejecting tively giving its erstwhile allies a chance to show and resisting the existence of the Jewish state. their true colors, and that itself has intrinsic That ship has sailed. The Jewish nation value. The Europeans will eventually get in line is a regional military and economic force. Last week’s Mideast security conference on Iran or suffer the economic consequences. Everyone, especially West Bank Palestinians, Jordan’s King Abdullah (left) with Israeli in Poland might have looked like a bust for The Arab states are already aligned with the would be better off if Israel were to eliminate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2014. the Trump administration, which hoped to US relative to Iran, and Saudi chatter won’t the confusion and mixed signals of simultane- Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO. consolidate European support for a harder obscure the fact that the Arabs were fed up ously settling and negotiating away territory, One critically important caveat: The line on Iran, and Arab support for Trump’s with the Palestinians long before the Iranian finally declare victory in the Six-Day War, and transition from Oslo and the end of the Pales- as-yet undisclosed “Deal of the Century” for regional menace got this far. And what might annex and stop apologizing for settling Judea tinian Authority (PA) would need to be closely Israeli-Palestinian peace. Neither of those the Palestinian leaders be suggesting is their and Samaria. managed to avoid disrupting the security at things happened, but, in the process, plenty of true “cause” by not showing up at all? Seems The Palestinian homeland is Jordan, the Jordan River. Coordinating security with stage-setting was accomplished. unlikely to be peace negotiations. the majority of whose population is in fact Jordan and Israel was probably the only useful Many European leaders stayed home, Israel is a strong nation, but it has always Palestinian. Jordan should restore Palestinian role played by the PA; there needs to be conti- and Saudi Arabia, whose king recently had a weakness for peace. This is what led citizenship benefits (abandoned 30 years ago) nuity after Oslo reaches its terminus. Jordan’s stripped reformist Prince Mohammed bin Israel to allow the Biblical territories of Judea to West Bank Palestinians, and the Hashemite Hashemite monarchy could remain, but its Salman (MBS) of his responsibility for the and Samaria (miraculously won in the multi- kingdom should give Palestinians on both ongoing legitimacy, and therefore stability, “Palestinian file,” accused Israeli Prime front 1967 war meant to destroy the Jewish sides of the Jordan River legitimate consid- would require greater investment of resources Minister Netanyahu of misleading the Israeli state) to be designated as “disputed” — which, eration in the affairs of Jordan. Law-abiding in the well-being of its Palestinian citizens. people into believing that relations with with 50 years of Palestinian obstinance, are West Bank Palestinians could remain in Israel Whatever happens with the Arab-Israeli Israel’s Arab neighbors would continue to now being positioned as “occupied” and as permanent residents, with all of the civil alliance, the outcome of the upcoming Israeli improve without a resolution of the “Pales- eventually even “apartheid.” rights as other inhabitants of Israel. They don’t elections, and Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” tinian issue.” Other Arab leaders jumped on Nonsense. Israel agreed to the Oslo need another nation state in the Biblical heart the United States and Israel shaping incen- the bandwagon, restating their old trope that two-state framework in 1993 and unilater- of Israel. tives for Jordan to assume a larger role in the the “Palestinian issue” — not their own exploit- ally walked away from Gaza in 2005. For Under this “True State” scenario, Israel security and administration of its West Bank ative authoritarian and, is some cases, Islamist their part, Palestinian leaders have over the and a newly legitimate Jordan would collabo- Palestinian citizens could be one of the most terror-promoting regimes — is the root cause decades proposed nothing for final status rate more closely than ever on both security constructive stabilizers for the entire region. of instability in the region. peace negotiations, instead dismissing several and economic integration of West Bank Pales- Daniel J. Arbess is a policy analyst and Trump official Jared Kushner told the Israeli initiatives that would have given them tinian residents in Israel’s economy. Ask the investor, the CEO of Xerion Investments LLC. conference that both Israel and the Palestin- most of the West Bank territories captured in West Bank Palestinians (not their corrupt He is a lifetime member of the Council on ians would have to compromise for the “Deal the Six-Day War. “leaders”) where in the Middle East — or Foreign Relations and co-founder of No Labels, of the Century,” while the Palestinians, whose It should finally be clear from the Pales- anywhere else, for that matter — they would a bipartisan US political organization. chief negotiator described the conference as tinian Authority’s refusal to engage at all with enjoy a better life. New York Times Claims Osama Bin Laden Motivated by ‘News Coverage of Displaced Palestinians’

the Algemeiner Journal many and Christian Zionists. this nonsense. TheTimes reported in 2002: (USPS 927800) is published weekly But that’s just a mild precursor compared Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, (except for the week of Passover IRA STOLL to the Times September 11 revisionism, sought to distance himself unequivocally which comes in a paragraph of the article from Al Qaeda in an interview published and Succos) BOSTON Subscription rate $40 per year that immediately follows the description of today, warning Osama bin Laden to stop . TheTimes reports, “The suffering of justifying attacks in the name of Palestinians. Algemeiner Journal the Palestinians has long been an animating “I’m telling him directly not to hide cause for Al Qaeda, a stand-in for the victim- behind the Palestinian cause,” Mr. Arafat 508 Montgomery Street The New York Times is suddenly and ization of Muslims at the hands of Western was quoted as saying in The Sunday Times , N.Y. 11225-3023 retroactively blaming Israel for motivating powers. Biographies of Osama bin Laden say of London, referring to recent statements by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Periodicals Postage that as an adolescent, he cried watching news Al Qaeda leaders. without much evidence to support the claim. Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. coverage of displaced Palestinians who had “Why is bin Laden talking about Pales- A recent Times news article about deadly and at additional mailing offices been forced off their land.” tine now?” Mr. Arafat said. “He never helped attacks in Africa by affiliates of the terrorist These are new claims by theTimes , us. He was working in another, completely group Al Qaeda blames them on President POSTMASTER: which has previously had rejected them. For different area and against our interests.” Trump’s decision to obey an American law Send address changes to example, on September 23, 2001, a former That 2002Times report referred to “Al that required him to move the American Jerusalem bureau chief of the paper, Serge Qaeda, which has in the past mentioned the Algemeiner Journal embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Schmemann, wrote, “the attacks on the World Palestinian issue only glancingly.” P.O. Box 250746 The Times reports, “The attacks came fully Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 For Israel and its friends, it’s a bit of a Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 seven months after President Trump moved were apparently not about Israel and the complicated issue. Associating Al Qaeda with the American Embassy in Israel from Palestinians, at least not directly. … There the Palestinian cause could help discredit the to Jerusalem, the disputed holy city, which Mr. were no indications that the architects of the Palestinians by associating them and their Let your voice be heard! Trump recognized as the country’s capital. attack had American support for Israel as supporters with an evil terrorist group that is [email protected] Widely seen as inflaming tensions and as a their primary motivation.” extremely unpopular with Americans across demonstration of the administration’s favor- On October 12, 2001, the Times published the political spectrum who vividly remember itism toward Israel in its long conflict with the an op-ed by a former US diplomat, Dennis the 2001 attacks. However, the association To advertise in Palestinians, the move drew condemnation at Ross, headlined, “Bin Laden’s Terrorism Isn’t could also feed the fantasy that if only the Israel- the time from many corners, including Al Qaeda the new Algemeiner About The Palestinians.” Ross wrote that any Palestinian issue could be somehow resolved, and other extremist militant organizations.” e-mail: [email protected] claim that the attack on America “was about Al Qaeda and other similar anti-American and The Times mentions that the Jerusalem the plight of the Palestinians” was as “absurd” as anti-Western terrorist groups would immedi- embassy move “drew condemnation … from or call Saddam Hussein’s claim that he had invaded ately surrender and cease their violent attacks. many corners” but fails to mention that it also Kuwait in 1990 to help the Palestinians. Anyway, one wonders what “biogra- 718-771-0400 drew praise from many corners, including Not even the chairman of the Palestine phies” — not just one, but plural — of Osama from the elected government of Israel and Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, bought Continued on Page A4 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 A3 World News. Poll: Gantz Drops, Polish Parliament’s Labor Gains, Likud Still Deputy Speaker Urges in the Lead State Ban on Acting Israeli Foreign Minister BY ISRAEL HAYOM/ week had dropped to single-digit seat predic- tions in most polls. Yisrael Katz The poll predicted seven seats each for the New Right and for MK Ahmad Tibi’s Ta’al Party, The Israel Resilience-Telem joint list is which has split from the Joint Arab List. gradually losing ground and would win 18 Meretz and the rest of the Arab parties seats if the Knesset election were held today, were predicted to win five seats each, as was according to a poll that ran on the Channel 12 Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu Party. evening news broadcast on Sunday. Only four seats were predicted for The poll projected 30 seats for the Likud. Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, which Yesh Atid under Yair Lapid was closing announced over the weekend that they would its gap with Gantz and was projected to win 12 be running on a joint list. This means the two seats. Negotiations between Yesh Atid and the parties are still hovering just over the minimum Israel Resilience Party about a possible merger electoral threshold. If they fail to make it into are reportedly stalled. This is the last week the the next Knesset, it could be a major blow to the parties have to strike a deal before the Feb. 21 entire right-wing camp. deadline to submit final Knesset lists. Four seats were also projected for Yisrael The poll predicted 10 seats for the Labor Beytenu under former Defense Minister Avigdor Party, which prior to the party primaries last Lieberman.

Acting Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. Photo: Reuters / Pool / Sebastian Scheiner. Farrakhan Unleashes BY ALGEMEINER STAFF the current situation.” Katz’s remarks in a TV interview last The ultranationalist deputy speaker of Sunday about Polish collaboration with Nazi ‘Torrent of Attacks the Polish parliament has called for Israel’s Germany during World War II caused a furor acting foreign minister to be barred from among Polish leaders. Speaking just after he entering the country, following his comment was appointed acting foreign minister by Israeli on Jews' Premier Benjamin Netanyahu, Katz empha- that Poles “suckle antisemitism with their mother’s milk.” sized that he was the son of Holocaust survivors. In a letter to the Polish foreign minister on “The memory of the Holocaust is something we cannot compromise about; it is rehashed the tired cliché that the federal Monday, Stanisław Tyszka — who represents BY ALGEMEINER STAFF clear and we won’t forget or forgive,” Katz said. reserve is run by ‘a family of rich Jews.’” the far-right Kukiz ’15 party — urged that Yisrael “Poles collaborated with the Nazis, definitely. Furthermore, the ADL recalled, Farra- Katz be placed “on the list of undesirable people” The remarks of Nation of Islam leader As [former Israeli Prime Minister] Yitzhak khan “blamed Jews for ‘pervasive rape who are prevented from entering Poland. Louis Farrakhan and another speaker at Shamir said, they suckle antisemitism with culture…sex trafficking and prostitution,’ and Tyszka referred to a clause in the Polish Sunday’s Saviours’ Day event at the United their mothers’ milk.” for emasculating black men.” constitution that allows the government to Center in Chicago were rife with antisemi- Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Farrakhan, the ADL continued, “outra- forbid entry into the country to certain individ- tism, according to an Anti-Defamation League Morawiecki on Monday canceled Warsaw’s geously claimed that ancient Jewish texts uals “if required by national defense or security, (ADL) report. participation in a summit of central European condone pedophilia, and that ‘pe-----dophilia or protection of public safety and order, or the Farrakhan, the ADL noted, “unleashed a countries in Jerusalem, decrying Katz’s and sexual perversion exercises in Hollywood interest of the Republic of Poland.” torrent of attacks on Jews, claiming that anti- comments as “racist.” can be traced back’ to Jewish religious texts.” “If, as a state, we do not finally start black racism ‘was started by Jewish rabbinical Legislative efforts in Poland in recent Referring to the controversy surrounding reacting strongly to the offensive statements leaders’ in ancient times, and that Jewish years to make discussion and research of his ties with some of the heads of the Women’s of foreign politicians, we will not be respected racism towards Africans is ultimately respon- Polish collaboration with the Nazis a criminal March, Farrakhan claimed “the wicked Jews in the world,” Tyszka wrote in his letter to sible for the ‘enslavement… colonization… offense have resulted in the most serious want to use me to break up the women’s Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz. “Recog- dehumanization…[and] denial of self-deter- fracture to Polish-Jewish relations since the movement,” according to the ADL account. nizing Yisrael Katz as persona non grata is mination’ to black people throughout history.” fall of communism. The National of Islam leader “reiterated Before Farrakhan’s address, the crowd actually the duty of the Polish government in classic anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews and heard from Michael A. Hoffman II, described money, claiming for example that Jewish by the ADL as a “Holocaust denier and anti- Continued from Page A1 for asserting this truth, criticizing Poland’s principles ‘have exploited the American Semitic ideologue.” Summit Holocaust Law, which forbids accusing people through institutional usury and preda- Hoffman, the ADL said, “suggested that Marek Magierowski called the comments Poland of complicity with the Nazis under tory lending practices,’” the ADL said. “He ancient Jewish texts are equivalent to teach- “shameful and racist’ and said Katz’s “really aston- penalty of law. ings ‘from the Church of Satan.’” ishing” remarks were “utterly unacceptable.” Morawiecki replied on Twitter that The comments were made after Netan- Poland was a victim of Nazi occupation and yahu said at the recent Warsaw summit never cooperated with Germany during that Poles cooperated with Nazis during the World War II. Innovation Is Not Just Holocaust, and that no one has been sued About Tech, Says Bank Continued from Page A1 boxes showing the image of Simone Veil, a Desecrate Holocaust survivor and former magistrate, Among incidents in recent days, “yellow was defaced with swastikas, while a bagel Leumi Exec vest” protesters were filmed hurling abuse at shop was sprayed with the word “Juden,” Alain Finkielkraut, a well-known Jewish writer German for Jews, in yellow letters. and son of a Holocaust survivor, on Saturday. “These acts are disgusting,” Prime France is home to the biggest Jewish Minister Edouard Philippe told parliament BY MEIR ORBACH/CTech ration with real estate company Aroundtown community in Europe — around 550,000 — last week. Property Holdings PLC, Israel’s Bank Leumi, a population that has grown by about half “We need to educate and remind people since World War Two, but antisemitic attacks about our history, to talk about the horrors Every industry needs innovation and it its digital banking subsidiary LeumiTech Ltd., remain common. that hide behind those criminal acts. We also is not all about tech, said Shmulik Arbel, head accounting firm KPMG, and the European A rabbi and three children were killed need to punish (more) and we know that we of the corporate and commercial division at investment fund Target Global. at a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012 by an can’t be hesitant on that.” Bank Leumi, one of Israel’s two largest banks. Innovation requires connections between Islamist gunman, and in 2015 four Jews at a Macron will host a dinner on Wednesday Arbel spoke at Calcalist’s WeTech- people, technologies, and industries, he said, kosher supermarket in Paris were among 17 with the head of CRIF, the umbrella body that Berlin conference, held at the Hilton Berlin, adding that he finds it essential to bridge the gap between traditional industry and tech. people killed in the city by Islamist militants. represents the Jewish community in France. Tuesday. The two-day event is held in collabo- This month, artwork on two Paris post A4 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 World News. Norwegian Newspaper Apologizes for Evoking Nazi Occupation by Using Phrase ‘the Jewish Question’


Norway’s largest newspaper apologized on Monday for using the phrase “the Jewish question” in a recent article on left-wing polit- ical attitudes toward Jews. Afternposten issued the apology following the publication of an article on The Kinneret in Tiberias.Photo: Andreas Fjellmann via Wikimedia Commons. Feb. 12 which examined the “line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism.” The An apology in the print edition of Norwegian introduction to the article asserted that “the newspaper ‘Aftenposten’ over the use of the Kinneret Reaches Best Water Jewish question is splitting the left on both phrase ‘the Jewish question.’ Photo: Twitter. sides of the Atlantic.” Added Hjeltnes: “Aftenposten was the Levels in Two Years and Rising In a statement, Aftenposten news editor main newspaper of the occupying power Tone Tveøy Strøm-Gundersen acknowledged during World War II and it should have learned that the term “the Jewish question” had a “dark its lesson.” During the 1930s, the paper was history associated with the persecution of the known for its pro-Nazi editorial line; following the summer of 2018, leaving the critical water BY Jews during World War II.” Approximately 800 the German invasion of Norway in 1940, source just 7.5 inches from the black line, of the 2,000 Jews in Norway were deported to Aftenposten became the main Nazi propa- below which the Kinneret would become Despite dour summer predictions by concentration camps during the Nazi occupation. ganda organ in the country. impotable. Israeli weather experts that Israel would “We should of course not use it,” Strøm- Aftenposten was last accused of antisem- Water Authority officials reported that suffer a sixth year of insufficient rainfall and Gundersen continued. “There is therefore itism two years ago, over an article on US the waterline is expected to rise above the an ecological disaster at the Sea of Galilee, every reason to complain about its use.” President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and lower red line by the beginning of March, and officials are now announcing that the water Critics of the newspaper’s choice of adviser, Jared Kushner. noted that this year’s heavy snowfall on the level in the Kinneret would rise above the wording included Guri Hjeltnes, director of A Jan. 12, 2017 article in Aftenposten Hermon is also expected to raise the water lower red line for the first time in two years, the Center for Holocaust Studies in Norway. referred to “the Jew Kushner” having pushed level by dozens of centimeters. easing restrictions on pumping from Israel’s The phrase “the Jewish question” was, she for the appointment of David Friedman as US The Kinneret waterline decreases between largest natural freshwater source. argued, “inextricably linked to the destruction ambassador to Israel. The paper apologized 0.5 centimeters and 1 centimeter daily during A particularly rainy winter has raised of the Jews and ‘the final solution,’ which was on that occasion as well for what it described the summer due to water evaporation. the level of the Kinneret by nearly 4.9 feet—a the Nazi planning and execution of the indus- as an unintentional “negative association” relief given that it dropped by 4.1 feet during trial genocide of the Jews during World War II.” involving Kushner’s religion. Netanyahu: Arab Countries Know UK and Israel Sign Post-Brexit Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Can’t Free Trade Deal Be Resolved Before Iran’s Regional

Aggression Is Rolled Back BY ALGEMEINER STAFF

The United Kingdom and Israel finalized BY ALGEMEINER STAFF you saw something spectacular. There were a post-Brexit free trade agreement on Monday. 60 foreign ministers, with the representatives British Secretary of State for Interna- from half a dozen Arab countries who got on tional Trade Liam Fox flew to Israel for the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- signing of the deal, which was first announced yahu met on Monday in Jerusalem with a the stage and spoke about Iran.” “They said Iran is the greatest danger we last month. visiting Conference of Presidents of Major After the signing, Fox spoke with Israeli American Jewish Organizations leadership face,” he continued. “One was asked about Israel’s military action against Iran’s efforts to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by British Secretary of State for International Trade delegation. Liam Fox arrives at Downing Street in London, entrench itself in Syria and the answer was, telephone. Commenting on the regional situation, Jan. 22, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Toby Melville. ‘Every country has a right to defend itself.’” Netanyahu “congratulated Secretary Fox Netanyahu said, “With the Arab countries, as on the signing of the trade agreement and said “They spoke about seeking solutions change in Iran’s aggression,” the statement with many Muslim countries, the question is that Israel views it with great importance,” a to problems in the Middle East,” Netanyahu added. how to fight militant Islam.” Prime Minister’s Office statement said. “The recalled. “They said, yes, we want to solve the UK-Israel trade totaled more than $10 Referring to the US-sponsored Middle prime minister added that Great Britain is an Israeli-Palestinian problem, but it cannot be billion in value last year. East diplomatic summer in Poland last week, important friend of Israel and noted that the solved unless we roll back Iran’s aggression. The UK is set to withdraw from the EU the Israeli prime minister stated, “In Warsaw, agreement reflects that. He said that it was That’s a change.” on March 29. The British political scene is good for both parties.” currently in turmoil following Prime Minister “Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized Continued from Page A2 about Bin Laden’s tears for the Palestinians, Theresa May’s failed effort to get parliamen- the importance of increasing pressure on Iran Motivated or is willing to fillTimes readers in with more tary approval for a negotiated deal with the EU and cooperating with the sanctions imposed Bin Laden the Times is talking about. And one detail about the source, it is strange for the on the terms of the departure. by the US with the goal of bringing about a wonders how believable are these improbable newspaper to shift its narrative so dramati- Times-cited reports of Bin Laden’s adoles- cally about the “animating cause” of the group cent tears. One biography of Bin Laden is by behind the deadly attacks on America in 2001. frustrated by the situation in Palestine,’ she land.” The rest of the Wright book passage Michael Scheuer, a former CIA official who One hint of this story’s possible source said, according to Lawrence Wright’s account explains also that during the same period, has complained of a “fifth column of pro-Israel does come in a previous Times article, from of bin Laden’s trajectory and Al Qaeda’s rise in Bin Laden became more religious, with some US citizens” who are “unquestionably December 2017, which begins, “Osama bin his book, ‘The Looming Tower.’” ascribing the change “to a charismatic Syrian enemies of America’s republican experiment.” Laden was just 14 when his mother noticed Even that, though, is a truncated account; gym teacher at the school who was a member That erodes his credibility. Another Bin Laden that he had stopped watching his favorite the full quote from the Wright book has Bin of the Muslim Brothers.” biography, by Jonathan Randal, reports that Westerns. She found him fixated instead Laden’s mother claiming that her teenage son TheTimes could just as easily have blamed Bin Laden, “like so many other Saudis, had a on news reports about Palestinians, tears would “weep” about “the situation in Pales- the gym teacher or the Muslim Brotherhood; long record of indifference about the Pales- streaming down his face as he watched TV tine in particular, and the Arab and Muslim instead, it blames the Jewish state of Israel. tinian cause.” in their home in Saudi Arabia. ‘In his teenage world in general.” The Wright book passage Ira Stoll was managing editor of The Unless the Times itself has independent years, he was the same nice kid,’ his mother mentions nothing at all about “displaced Forward and North American editor of The confirmation or reason to believe this tale related. ‘But he was more concerned, sad and Palestinians who had been forced off their Jerusalem Post. | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 A5 World News. UK Jewish Groups Express Solidarity With Labour MPs Who Resigned Over Antisemitism in Party

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn delivers the keynote speech at a Labour conference in Liverpool, Britain, Sept. 26, 2016. Photo: Reuters / Phil Noble. BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN tion and denial,” the group added. Europe, tweeting, “In the span of a single A number of top British Jewish groups weighed in on Monday following the resignation “It will be for our members now to decide week: The French government announces of seven Labour MPs — who cited, among other issues, pervasive antisemitism in the Jeremy what they, and we, do next,” it noted, hinting at that anti-Semitic incidents are up 74%. The Corbyn-led party as a reason for their move. potential future defections. German government announces that violent Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, stated, “Today a group Avi Mayer, the assistant executive director anti-Semitic attacks are up 60%. Seven British of seven Labour MPs announced their decision to leave the Labour Party and sit as an indepen- of the American Jewish Committee Global, MPs leave the Labour Party due to ‘institu- dent group in Parliament. In a searing indictment of the Labour leadership both Luciana Berger tied the resignations to a larger trend across tional anti-Semitism.’ Europe, wake up.” MP and Mike Gapes MP accused the party of being institu- tionally antisemitic. In the light of the horrific abuse aimed at Jewish MPs, we stand in solidarity with all those who have been targeted.” “Labour has failed to deal with antisemitism since the Jewish Community’s Enough is Enough demonstration called on the Labour leadership to act against this racism,” van der Zyl added. “This is a moment of great shame for the Labour Party and a tragedy for the thousands of Jews who have supported the Party for generations.” The Community Security Trust (CST) also commented on the resignations, saying in a statement, “It is shocking that the problem of antisemitism in the Labour Party has been allowed to fester and grow so much, that several of the MPs who today resigned from the party cited antisemitism as one of the reasons. The fact that Luciana Berger, one of the best known and admired Jewish MPs in Parliament, feels compelled to leave the Labour party due to the antisemi- tism she has personally suffered is a moment of shame that should cause outrage and alarm across the country.” Dave Rich, the CST’s deputy communications director, tweeted, “Don’t underestimate the enormity of a Jewish MP forced to quit the party she has belonged to all her adult life due to the antisemitism she has faced *from within that party*. This is a shameful moment for Labour and a chilling moment for British Jews.” Jonathan Goldstein, chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, stated, “Luciana Berger and others have been forced out of their political home by anti-Jewish bullies. … This is desperately sad to see. … The Labour party has disgracefully let her and others down whilst allowing racism against Jews to flourish. British Jews of all political persuasions have been let down because of the antisemitic rhetoric that has entered our political spaces.” “There can be no greater indictment of a progressive party than the fact it is now tearing itself apart because the leadership has failed to deal with anti-Jewish hatred,” he added. “This is a failure of the Labour Party and blame must lie solely at the leadership’s door.” “We are proud of Luciana and others for standing up for themselves and for what’s right,” he said. Chairman of the Campaign Against Antisemitism Gideon Falter declared, “The fight from within the Labour Party is dead.” “The once fiercely anti-racist Labour Party has become institutionally antisemitic under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn,” he asserted. “He had every opportunity to tackle antisemitism within his Party, but his failure to do so and his appalling personal choices during his political career should leave nobody in any doubt that he himself is an antisemite.” “Many Labour MPs and members implored Mr Corbyn to act and gave him an unreasonably generous amount of time to act,” Falter continued. “He has not acted and he will not act. Moreover, those who have been swept into positions of power behind Mr Corbyn have shown that they have no intention of addressing antisemitism and instead will wield their power to obstruct the fight against antisemitism.” “We applaud the seven MPs who have today drawn a line in the sand,” said Falter, “They have decided that if they must choose between the political Party that they have given their lives to build, and the cause of anti-racism, then they must side with the anti-racists against their Party. We are thankful for the solidarity and leadership that they have shown.” Voices of support even came from within Labour itself. The Jewish Labour Movement stated, “It’s deeply regrettable that the leadership of the Labour Party’s failure to tackle antisemitism has precipitated the resignation of our Parlia- mentary Chair, Luciana Berger MP and others.” “Countless Jewish Labour Party members have resigned in these last few years in protest at the abject failure of the Party to address a growing culture of antisemitism, obfusca- A6 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Opinion.

presented the Trump Administration’s resolve in crippling Iran’s economy until it ceases to Trump’s Warsaw Summit Warned Iran radiate violence across the region. Speaking at a Middle East conference Against a Second Holocaust in Poland, Pence accused Iran of being the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, adding that it was the “greatest threat to peace and security in the Middle East.” Most impor- will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.” tantly, the Vice President explicitly called out malnourishment and disease would claim Apparently, the Iranians would hope to see Iran for plotting a “new Holocaust,” echoing nearly 100,000 lives. Three hundred thousand Warsaw become the world’s third largest site the Mullahs’ own genocidal rhetoric in his more would be killed by bullets and gas, with SHMULEY BOTEACH of Jewish communal destruction. accusations. two hundred and fifty thousand being sent ENGELWOOD Thus, even as I visit the city more and Harsh words were also mete out for to their deaths in Treblinka in the summer of more, the bleakness and horror of its history those American allies who have astonishingly 1942 alone. If you’ve done the math already, never seem to fade. After all, the German Nazi chosen to sidestep American sanctions against you know: almost none survived. monsters who wrought this slaughter have Iran, establishing special mechanisms two Today, little of the old Warsaw remains. Last month, President Trump called for found malign inheritors to carry their dark weeks ago that will allow them to maintain Following the polish Home Army’s heroic a European Summit to begin to reorient the and blackened flame. trade-links with Iran. Speaking quite clearly to uprising in the summer of 1944, the German continent against the Islamic Republic of This time, however, this city finally felt France, England, and Germany, Pence warned Nazis would destroy more than eighty-percent Iran. Thus far, a number of European nations different. In February of 2019, the world — at that their actions would only “strengthen Iran, of all of the city’s infrastructure — more than — England, France, and, ironically, Germany last! — is not content to sit idly by as a sinister weaken the EU, and create still more distance ten thousand buildings — including roughly chief among them — have proven hesitant enemy of the Jews plot their demolition. Led between Europe and the US.” all of Warsaw’s bridges, hospitals, factories, to back Trump’s departure from the flawed by the world’s sole and moral superpower, the With every crucial word, Pence cultural centers, and monumental structures. and dangerous P5+1 agreement, which not United States, and the government of Poland, augmented the power of his nation and Still, fragments of the past have lasted. Visitors only rewarded Iran with $150 Billion but nations from across the globe gathered to position with the moral power of his message. can still see portions of the ghetto wall, also essentially paved their path to a nuclear counter the menace known as the Islamic Through the three long years that Presi- Janusz Korczak’s original orphanage, the last weapon after the expiration of its sunset Republic of Iran, whose disregard for human dent Obama and Secretary of State John remaining Synagogue (which is active and clauses in less than seven years. Poland life is matched only by the vitriol with which Kerry negotiated the Iran nuclear agree- in use), and Umschlagplatz, the square from agreed to host the summit and I traveled to they threaten to annihilate the Jewish State. ment, neither even condemned Iran for their which those hundreds of thousands of Jews Warsaw to join Vice President Mike Pence, Shortly before his meeting with Netan- genocidal incitement against Israel. Though would be sent to their deaths in Treblinka. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Israeli yahu, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the United States is a signatory to the 1948 Perhaps the most moving part of any Jewish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the declared in no unclear terms “you can’t United Nations Anti-Genocide Conven- visit to the city, however, is the mass grave at leagues of delegates from the across the globe achieve peace and stability in the Middle tion which expressly prohibits genocidal Mila 18, headquarters of the Jewish Warsaw coming together to confront Iran. East without confronting Iran.” At the helm rhetoric against any nation, neither American Ghetto Uprising and where its heroic Admittedly, Warsaw, which I have been of a department that often prefers to plumb leader dared condemn Iran for promising to commander Mordechai Anielewicz and his to many times and which I enjoy, is always a the region’s complexities, the simplicity of slaughter another six million Jews. comrades would take their lives on what is tough visit for me. America’s top diplomat on this moral issue Vice President Pence, in a single speech assumed to be May 8, 1943 (there were no The city, once known throughout Europe was especially welcome: Without “pushing in Warsaw where so many Jews died in the surviving eyewitnesses). as “the little Jerusalem,” saw the world’s back” against Iran’s malignant influence in holocaust, corrected that horrendous moral Since then, more than seventy-five years greatest ever decimation of a Jewish commu- Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, peace in the omission. And in so doing he showed that have passed. Amazingly, the threats facing the nity. In 1938, the Jewish population of Warsaw greater Middle East was “just not possible.” America’s commitment to the pledge of “Never Jewish people have not. hovered close to three hundred thousand. “The three H’s — the Houthis, Hamas and Again” is rock solid and not to be trifled with. Just days ago, yet another member Following the German occupation of Poland Hezbollah — these are real threats” Pompeo The writer, “America’s Rabbi,” whom of Iran’s top brass threatened to murder in 1939, the population would balloon to explained, referencing three of Iran’s adopt- The Washington Post calls “the most famous hundreds of thousands if not millions of four hundred thousand. The, Jews from in an-army projects currently sewing death and rabbi in America,” is the international Jews. Speaking to a rally marking the fortieth and around the city were forced to live inside extremism across the Middle East. bestselling author of 32 books, including his anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, an area consisting of less than one and half The highlight of the conference, however, most recent, “The Israel Warrior.” He served Yadollah Javani, deputy head for political square miles, known as the “Jewish Residential was the speech delivered by Vice President as rabbi at Oxford University for 11 years affairs for the regime’s Revolutionary Guard, District of Warsaw” — or, as we know it today, Mike Pence. In an address that made the where Cory Booker was his student President. declared to eager crowds that if the United the Warsaw Ghetto. There were an average hair in every Mullah’s beard stand, Pence Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley. of 9.2 persons per room in the Ghetto, and States dared “shoot a single bullet at us…we

of African-American students tell me that in some African and African-American circles ’s Backwards and cultures, light-skinned individuals will discriminate against darker-skinned people. Approach to Antisemitism This is not okay simply because both groups identify as black. Such treatment remains firmly discriminatory, unequivocally bigoted, and has no place in our society. Ungar-Sargon’s comments reflect anti-Zionist without being anti-semitic.” This Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) partici- follows a May opinion article in which Ungar- ignorance, classic antisemitism, and textbook, pates in a news conference at the US Capitol Sargon declared, without any citation or deep-rooted bigotry. Unsurprisingly, Ungar- in Washington, DC, Feb. 7, 2019. Photo: Reuters / JEFFREY LAX support whatsoever, that it was Sarsour’s goal Sargon lacks the courage or integrity to put Jonathan Ernst / Files. NEW YORK “to eradicate anti-Semitism.” forward the name of one single Jewish person American Jewry represents approximately two If you’re having difficulty reconciling that she accuses of being a “Louis Farrakhan,” percent of the population while suffering over the position that someone like Sarsour can nor even one solitary example of how any 57 percent of all religious hate crimes. Recent frequently say antisemitic things “without such person has been “welcomed” into the statistics demonstrate not just that Jews are As leaders on the far-left, including Linda being anti-semitic” while wanting to “eradi- Jewish community. definitively victims of discrimination, but that Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Tamika Mallory, and Marc cate” antisemitism, you’re not alone. Incredibly, Ungar-Sargon’s views of the African-Americans and Jews represent – by far Lamont Hill, have plunged progressively deeper What is most revealing about Ungar- Jewish community are the least problematic — the two groups most systemically victim- into antisemitic positions, The Forward’s Sargon is her frequent criticism of American of her missives. Readers of her column have ized by hate crimes. This is to say nothing of opinion editor, Batya Ungar-Sargon, has equivo- and Israeli Jewish communities in response to observed Ungar-Sargon’s relentless determi- the ubiquitous reports of antisemitism against cated on the issue of antisemitism itself. these controversies. nation to play down antisemitism. students on college campuses. In a November 19 opinion article — In a November 21 opinion piece in In a piece from May 15, Ungar Sargon No doubt, Ungar-Sargon’s agenda is published in the midst of the Women’s March which Ungar-Sargon again partially defended stunningly declared that Jews “don’t face aided by her demonstrably false claim that and Sarsour-Farrakhan controversies — Sarsour, she wrote of the Jewish community, systemic discrimination” and “don’t have to Jews are not systemic victims of discrimina- Ungar-Sargon professed to be “shocked by “We have our share of ‘Louis Farrakhans.’” deal with … workplace discrimination, or tion. That’s why, without statistics or citation, the language” from Sarsour, conceding that it Ungar-Sargon didn’t stop there, accusing some poverty.” In other words, she refutes — with no she insists on repeatedly publishing this myth “deploy(ed) a classic anti-Semitic dogwhistle Jews of welcoming these Farrakhan types. evidence whatsoever — any claims that Jews in The Forward, even while reams of data … [that Jews] masquerade as progressives but Perhaps she believes that she is insulated are regularly denied jobs because they wore demonstrate that she is not telling us the truth. always choose their allegiance to Israel over from the implications of her writing because a religious head covering to an interview or When former Brooklyn Assemblyman their commitment to democracy and free she is Jewish. But the accomplished opinion because they revealed they could not work Dov Hikind recently took to Twitter to express speech.” Ungar-Sargon conceded that this editor should know better. Just being a on Saturdays or because they had a Jewish displeasure at the antisemitism he observed accusation of Jews having dual loyalties were member of a group doesn’t allow you to criti- last name or because of their Jewish heritage. emanating from the Women’s March and “a staple of anti-Semitic literature.” cize or discriminate against it without cause. This surely comes as a surprise to those of her lamented what he referred to as “so-called” But in the very same piece, Ungar- A woman may not refuse to hire other women. Jewish readers that have experienced such Jews who participated in antisemitism, Ungar- Sargon summons the temerity to declare that A Jew may not refuse to hire other Jews. In the terrible things firsthand. Sargon quickly criticized Mr. Hikind, tweeting, “Sarsour successfully toes the line of being college classes I teach, I have had a number She also makes these claims at a time when Continued on Page A7 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 A7 Opinion.

Rasmea Odeh and the ADL describes as a “radical And as the blogger Elder of Ziyon has anti-Israel activist group” — went even further. documented, actual pro-Israel lobbying Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Zonszein wrote that Omar’s tweet “didn’t wouldn’t even crack the top 50 of lobbying strike me as antisemitic.” causes. Numerous other countries, including Omar’s Antisemitism “By now,” she claims, “many in South Korea, Japan, and “Arab countries” all Washington have come to embrace a have strong lobbying organizations that rival consensus that being a good American means AIPAC’s influence. supporting Israel — regardless of its human The claim that debate about Israel is that Israel’s allies in American politics were rights violations or democratic record.” “silenced” or “narrow” is easily disproved by motivated by money rather than principle, an Yet when it comes to American support reading The New York Times, The Guardian, SEAN DURNS extraordinary rebuke of a House freshman in for Israel, there is a consensus. And both or any of the other media outlets that, like The WASHINGTON the vanguard of the party’s left flank.” Waldman and Zonszein are well outside of Washington Post, frequently publish opinions In a signed statement, Pelosi and other the mainstream. The truth is less conspira- and commentaries that are critical of Israel. Democrats called Omar’s “use of anti-Semitic torial than they, or Omar and David Duke, Indeed, one would be hard-pressed to think tropes and prejudicial accusations about would have you believe. of another similarly-sized nation that is so “Strong language,” Winston Churchill Israel’s supporters” deeply offensive, and Many members of Congress support often the focal point of debate and discussion once said, “is often used by weak men and it is insisted on an apology. Israel because the majority of Americans — in the US and elsewhere. never used more strongly than on a weak case.” White supremacist and Holocaust denier those they are elected to represent — support Both Waldman and Zonszein are The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled David Duke defended Omar. So did op-eds Israel. Citing a Gallup poll, the left-wing Israeli curiously charitable in interpreting whether with plenty of strong language about Israel and published in The Washington Post. paper Haaretz reported in March 2018 that Omar is antisemitic or not. On February 12 antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts. Decrying those who said Omar’s 74 percent of Americans hold a favorable — the day before their commentaries were With growing frequency, The Washington tweet was antisemitic, Duke exhorted, view of Israel. The reasons for that support published — it was reported that Omar would Post has published op-eds that effectively “The most powerful political moneybags in are complex and multifaceted. Among other be speaking at an Islamic Relief USA dinner whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism American politics are Zionists.” Writing for things, Americans see a fellow democracy, on February 23 alongside Yousef Abdallah. when it emanates from the left. The recent The Washington Post’s Plum Line blog, Paul with many shared values and principles, as As The Jerusalem Post reported, Adballah controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent Waldman wrote that Omar “has to be careful well as a military partner and key ally in the “has advocated for violence against Jews antisemitic tweet offers several examples. about making claims that play into stereo- war against Islamist terrorism. and expressed antisemitic sentiments on his On February 10, the Democratic types, and the stereotype about Jews using Further, AIPAC does not give money to social media pages.” Omar’s Congressional freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all money to control the world is one of the most lawmakers — a fact that Waldman admits but office denied that Abdallah was scheduled about the Benjamins” to explain why some pernicious there is.” Zonszein obfuscates. Nor is AIPAC, which to be at the event, but flyers and the original of her fellow members of Congress were According to him, Omar wasn’t antise- doesn’t take money from the Israeli govern- event itinerary prove otherwise. condemning a previous tweet of hers that mitic, but just “criticizing the relationship ment and is explicitly bipartisan, the “Likud However, neither Waldman and accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” between the United States and Israel,” albeit Lobby.” Since its inception more than half a Zonszein saw fit to mention Omar’s connec- When asked to clarify whom she was talking in “an unfortunate way.” Accordingly, Omar century ago, AIPAC has worked with Israeli tion to Abdallah. about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was “just has to be more careful about how she governments of all political stripes. As Morris “The price of greatness,” Winston Churchill stating that money — Jewish money — was presents that criticism.” Amitay, a former executive director of AIPAC, observed, “is responsibility.” If The Washington buying the votes and opinions of her fellow But the real problem, as the Post blogger told the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Post is going to continue to claim to be a great members of Congress. sees it, is that “the whole episode reveals how Reporting in America (CAMERA): “We met newspaper, it must act more responsibly and Numerous pundits and politicians — insanely narrow the debate over the subject of with the Israeli left, center and right. We took no ensure that that the op-eds and blogs that it Democrat and Republican alike — condemned Israel is in Washington.” The reason? AIPAC, positions on Israeli internal politics and stuck to publishes prioritize facts over narrative. Omar’s comments for their use of the antise- which is really “the Likud lobby, representing basics in making the case that a secure Israel is Sean Durns is a Senior Research mitic stereotype that Jews exert unseemly the interests of the Israeli right wing.” in the best interests of our country.” Analyst for the Washington D.C. office of political influence. As The Washington Post itself Another Post op-ed by Mairav Zonszein, a Indeed, the Israel-related lobby that CAMERA, the 65,000-member Boston- reported: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and freelance journalist who has worked for Jewish donated the most money to political candi- based Committee for Accuracy in Middle the entire Democratic leadership on Monday Voice for Peace — an organization that has dates wasn’t AIPAC, but the far-left , East Reporting in America. condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar for suggesting partnered with convicted Palestinian terrorist which is hypercritical of Israel.

movement and are at the forefront of efforts its credibility with the American public. For to defeat it. One such leader is New York example, a recent poll found that more than Why Crown Heights Hate Assemblyman Walter Mosley, whose district two-thirds of the public think that the news includes parts of Crown Heights. media “is more concerned with advancing its Crimes Aren’t Newsworthy Mosley knows Israel’s history and appre- points of view rather than reporting all the facts.” ciates that Ralph Bunche, a black political The mainstream media’s refusal to cover scientist, contributed mightily to the country’s the Crown Heights hate crimes underscores that founding. He also understands that the BDS the American public is a lot smarter and more about GOP House Minority Leader Kevin movement is driven by antisemitism, and his perceptive than reporters on Twitter understand. McCarthy threatening action against Omar district makes him an authoritative source on Eric Starkman is a Los Angeles-based ERIC STARKMAN and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for their hate crimes. Unfortunately, Mosley has less writer. For 25 years, he owned and managed LOS ANGELES comments on Israel. The tweet included this than 5,000 Twitter followers, so journalists a New York PR and crisis communications personal comment: “It’s stunning how much don’t deem his comments worthy. firm. Earlier, he was a journalist with major time U.S. political leaders spend defending a The Crown Heights hate crimes don’t publications in the US and Canada foreign nation even if it means attacking free reflect the worldview of America’s mainstream speech rights of Americans.” journalists. Hate crimes are largely of interest Noting the recent spate of hate crimes “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” Omar to them if attackers are wearing MAGA hats against Jews in his community, Rabbi Yaacov retweeted in support. and chanting support for President Trump. Behrman, who heads the Crown Heights- Forward opinion editor Batya Ungar- So, if Rabbi Behrman wants the Crown based “Jewish Future Alliance,” innocently Sargon joined the conversation, asking Omar to Heights hate attacks to make front-page news, he asked, “Where is the public outrage? Indeed, identify who’s “paying American politicians to be needs to spend considerably less time studying why isn’t this front-page headlines?” pro-Israel.” To which Omar responded, “AIPAC!” Torah and build up his Twitter following from In the wake of Congresswoman Ilhan Ungar-Sargon then admonished, “Please learn the measly 5,000 followers he has now. By Omar’s controversial comments, and reports how to talk about Jews in a non-anti-Semitic comparison, Omar has 587,000 followers. of rising attacks on Jews around the world, ambulance in Crown Heights way. Sincerely, American Jews.” But it’s debatable whether it’s worth the Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Rabbi Behrman deserves an answer. As Twitter isn’t a community engaged in effort because the mainstream media has lost someone who ran a successful crisis commu- Talmudic-like discourse and debate. Rather, nications firm in New York for 25 years, I’m it’s a forum where people shout and scream at Continued from Page A6 are what should determine who they are as happy to explain. each other, often using obscenities, and offer up The Forward people, beyond their immutable race, color, The mainstream media has abandoned opinion bonbons. The tweeter who gets the most “‘So-called Jews.’ You should be ashamed of nationality, gender, heritage, culture, or other all pretense of objectivity. Whereas in the past retweets is deemed the wisest. Twitter also gives yourself, Assemblyman.” inherited identity. journalists viewed themselves as unbiased its users an exaggerated sense of importance; To be clear, I would not classify Ms. It is my hope that Jews and all others who chroniclers of the news, their focus today is on Ungar-Sargon does not speak for all American Ungar-Sargon, or other Jews that share her reject all forms of antisemitism will stand up manufacturing it and dominating the ensuing Jews. Indeed, some Jews commenting on an views on antisemitism, as “so-called” Jews. to this hateful rhetoric and continue to do conversations. A journalist’s influence today article about the controversy argue that Omar’s Their identity is their heritage. It cannot and what many have already been doing: turn isn’t determined by the quality or accuracy tweets weren’t antisemitic. should not be taken away. Ungar-Sargon, and The Forward, away. of their reporting, but rather the size of their One could mistakenly conclude from But, just like anyone else, with any Jeffrey Lax is an attorney, professor, and Twitter following and the frequency of their reading the most trafficked Twitter comments other heritage, from any other group, their department chair at the City University of television appearances. that America’s black leaders overwhelm- individual views, and their individual actions, New York (CUNY). He writes for Medium and As the spark of the Omar controversy, ingly support the BDS movement. In fact, beliefs, and statements are fully their own sometimes hosts a talk radio show in NYC. journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted a story some black leaders vigorously oppose the responsibility; and those personal views A8 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Impressions.

Ten Arab Entities Remembering Jackie Robinson Among 25 Most

Racist Nations on BY HAROLD BRACKMAN Greenberg, who was continually taunted for being Jewish. But unlike Robinson, who was ordered by Earth Jackie Robinson was born 100 years ago. In Brooklyn management not to respond to racist 1947, when he broke baseball’s color barrier, Jewish taunts, Greenberg warned the bigots that he would slugger Hank Greenberg was almost alone among physically retaliate. active players in befriending him. Greenberg, who Greenberg was the first major-leaguer to enlist BY ELDER OF ZION took a five-year hiatus from baseball to fight the in the army in World War II. Unlike many other Nazis, once said: “I felt that every home run I hit was players, he volunteered for combat. Along with his four home run titles, he also won four battle stars. When I recently saw an op-ed that casually referred a home run against Hitler.” In the 1940s, African-American papers But the only time he really felt like a hero, Green- to Israel as “racist,” I decided to see if anyone had actually berg said, was the day that he sat out a key pennant ranked nations on their racist character by any sort of acknowledged the Jews’ disproportionate support for the civil rights cause, and reciprocated with their race game to attend synagogue on Yom Kippur. objective criteria. In May 1947, Greenberg told Robinson, “Don’t Some of the most recent, fact-based results came support for Jewish victims of Hitler. The Chicago out in 2016, from Insider Monkey, combining public data from two other surveys. Ten of the entities are Arab. At least 12 of them are

Jackie Robinson. Photo: Wiki Commons.

Defender condemned both Great Britain and pay any attention to these guys who are trying to the US State Department for their “unbelievably make it hard for you. … I hope you and I can get shameful double crossing” of Holocaust survivors together for a talk.” whose desperate attempt to reach Palestine on Many other Jews, such as Boston city the ship Hatikvah was brutally thwarted by British councilman Isadore Muchnick, also supported sailors using tear gas and fire hoses. Robinson — and Robinson reciprocated that They also praised Jewish journalists like Walter Jewish support. Winchell and Shirley Povich. Famed columnist In 1966, when a Congress of Racial Equality Winchell had conspicuously accompanied African- (CORE) official in New York shouted at Jews, “Hitler American boxing great Sugar Ray Robinson around didn’t kill enough of you,” Robinson demanded the Miami when its hotels still posted signs that read, official’s dismissal. When Black Nationalists singled “No Negroes, Jews, or dogs allowed.” out Jewish-owned stores in Harlem for picketing, Jackie Robinson bore the brunt of a fierce racist Robinson denounced their “use [of] the slimy tool backlash on and off the field. When the Philadel- of anti-Semitism [and] racism.” phia Phillies visited Brooklyn, their manager Ben Unfortunately, a few years ago, the movie 42: Chapman ordered his players to harass Robinson The True Story of an American Legend played with a barrage of racial insults so venomous that up Dodger General Manager Branch Rickey’s Jackie reportedly came close to a nervous break- Methodist faith without including identifiable down. Chapman reportedly also hurled insults at a Jewish characters who supported Robinson. But Jewish GI who had lost a leg. they did — and that’s an important part of the story. The most dramatic display of Jewish solidarity Historian Harold Brackman is coauthor with Ephraim Isaac of From Abraham to Obama: officially Muslim. (Hong Kong appears to be a mistake, with Jackie Robinson came from Greenberg. Probably no major league player before Robinson A History of Jews, Africans, African-Americans by the way.) (Africa World Press, 2015). “Palestine” came in second in the percentage of had been more abused by players and fans than people who would not want neighbors of another race, behind only Libya. You will be hard-pressed to find the adjective “racist” appended to any mention of Lebanon or Japan or Turkey — but using that word before Israel doesn’t even raise eyebrows. That’s the power of anti-Israel who pretend to be the most liberal for some Elder of Ziyon has been blogging about Israel propaganda. reason embrace the least liberal causes — as and the Arab world for a really long time now. Just another piece of evidence that the people long as that cause happens to oppose a liberal, He also controls the world, but deep down, you tolerant Jewish state. already knew that. | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 A9 Legal Notice.


NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT plus interest and costs. Premises will at 2:30 pm, premises known as 1146 Notice of formation of limited liability COUNTY OF KINGS Homebridge be sold subject to provisions of filed 39th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218, and company(LLC) Name:AESTHETIC Financial Services, Inc., Plaintiff Judgment Index #511154/2014. Jack described as follows: ALL that certain BK LLC . Articles of organization filed AGAINST Josianne Valery; et al., Segal, Esq., Referee Carter Conboy plot, piece or parcel of land, with the with the secretary of state of New Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment Case Blackmore Maloney & Laird, PC buildings and improvements thereon York(SSNY) on 01/09/2019. Office of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated 20 Corporate Woods Blvd. Albany, NY erected, situate, lying and being in the location: Kings county. SSNY has February 1, 2017 I, the undersigned 12211 26801 61080 Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, been designated as the agent of the Referee will sell at public auction at AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 City and State of New York, and desig- LLC Upon whom Process against it the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 - nated on the tax maps of the Kings may be served. SSNY shall mail copy Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT County Treasurer as Block 5585 and of the process to: Legalinc corporate NY 11201 on March 7, 2019 at 2:30PM, COUNTY OF KINGS HSBC BANK Lot 26. The approximate amount of the services inc 1967 wehrle drive suite 1 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION premises known as 871 East 46th USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS current Judgment lien is $890,086.65 #086 Buffalo,NY 14221. Purpose: all Supreme Court of New York, KINGS Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All that TRUSTEE FOR NAAC MORTGAGE plus interest and costs. The premises lawful activity County. MVMF III FIN TRUST, certain plot piece or parcel of land, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, will be sold subject to provisions of the AJ; 2/15/22; 3/1/8/15/22 Plaintiff, -against- JOSEPHINEwith the buildings and improvements SERIES 2007-1, Plaintiff AGAINST aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and - JEAN PIERRE; PHENICIEN JEAN erected, situate, lying and being in the SANTO LOPEZ, CRISTOBALINA Sale; Index # 500644/2015. Gregory SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF PIERRE; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, ARROYO, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant Cerchione, Esq., Referee. SHELDON KINGS THE BANK OF NEW YORK REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS City and State of NY, Block 4980 Lot to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale MAY & ASSOCIATES Attorneys at MELLON AS TRUSTEE FOR CIT NOMINEE FOR MORTGAGEIT INC.; 51. Approximate amount of judgment duly dated November 02, 2018 I, the Law, 255 Merrick Road, Rockville MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-1, PRA FUNDING, LLC; CRIMINAL $405,534.36 plus interest and costs. undersigned Referee will sell at public Centre, NY 11570 Dated: 1/7/2019 File Plaintiff against RUBY STRACHAN; COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK; Premises will be sold subject to auction at the Room 224 of Kings Number: 27393 MNB VERONICA STRACHAN; SAPPHIRE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF provisions of filed Judgment Index# County Supreme Court, 360 Adams AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 STRACHAN, et al Defendant(s). TAXATION AND FINANCE; PEOPLE 501049/2014. Joseph Defelice, Esq., Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on - Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC March 14, 2019 at 2:30PM, premises NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT and Sale entered on October 29, 2018. KINGS SUPREME COURT; NEW Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile known as 100 HENDRIX STREET, - COUNTY OF KINGS WILMINGTON I, the undersigned Referee will sell CENTURY FINANCIAL SERVICES; Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New BROOKLYN, NY 11207. All that certain SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, at public auction in Room 224 of the CAVALRY PORTFOLIO SERVICES, York 14624 (877) 430-4792 Dated: plot piece or parcel of land, with the D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams LLC, ASSIGNEE OF CALVARY December 20, 2018 60032 buildings and improvements erected, INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 21st day SPV I LLC, ASSIGNEE OF SPRINT; AJ; 2/1/8/15/22 situate, lying and being in the Borough FOR PRETIUM MORTGAGE of March, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. premises ARROW FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC; - of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and ACQUISITION TRUST, Plaintiff, described as follows: All that certain MIDLAND FUNDING NCC-2 CORP; Notice of formation of limited liability State of New York, BLOCK 3933, LOT Against CARMEN MENDEZ, ET AL., plot, piece or parcel of land, with the NYC ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL company(LLC) Name: 594 MARCY 24. Approximate amount of judgment Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment buildings and improvements thereon BOARD; NYC TRANSIT ADJUDICA- LLC articles of organization filed $966,864.28 plus interest and costs. of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered erected, situate, lying and being in the TION BUREAU; NYC DEPARTMENT with the secretary of state of New Premises will be sold subject to provi- on 5/7/2018, I, the undersigned Borough of Brooklyn, City New York, OF FINANCE PARKING VIOLATION York(SSNY) on 12/12/2018. Office sions of filed Judgment for Index# Referee, will sell at public auction, County of Kings and State of New York. BUREAU; EMMA JEAN PIERRE, location: Kings county. SSNY has been 408/2014. ROBERT HOWE, ESQ., in Room 224 of the Kings County Said premises known as 462 East 40th Index No. 6953/2009. Pursuant to a designated as the agent of the LLC Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11203. (Block: Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale upon whom process against it may for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite Brooklyn, NY 11201, on 3/14/2019 4939, Lot: 9). Approximate amount duly dated, January 3, 2017 and be served. SSNY shall mail copy of the 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 60529 at 2:30 pm, premises known as 2297 of lien $ 622,145.45 plus interest and entered with the Kings County Clerk process to: Felice Priante 1769 W. 13th AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234, and costs. Premises will be sold subject on January 26, 2017, Elena K. Makau, Street Brooklyn, NY 11223 purpose: all - described as follows: ALL that certain to provisions of filed judgment and Esq., the Appointed Referee, will sell lawful activity NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT plot piece or parcel of land, with the terms of sale. Index No. 506263-13. the premises known as 689 East 19th AJ; 2/1/8/15/22; 3/1/8 KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ INVES- buildings and improvements thereon Philip L. Kamaras, Esq., Referee. Stern Street, Brooklyn, New York 11230 at - TORS, L.P., Plaintiff against BERISH erected, situate, lying and being in the & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- public auction in Room 224 at Kings NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT ROTTENBERG, et al Defendants Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 County Supreme Court, 360 Adams COUNTY OF KINGS, STATE OF Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such City and State of New York, and desig- B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, NEW YORK MORTGAGE AGENCY, & Crane, LLP, 28 East Main Street, nated on the tax maps of the Kings 08830 (732) 582-6344 on March 7, 2019 at 2:30 P.M. All that Plaintiff, vs. GLORIA LOPEZ, ET AL., Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 County Treasurer as Block 8490 and AJ; 2/15/22; 3/1/8/ certain plot, piece or parcel of land, Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Order Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant Lot 27. The approximate amount of the - situate, lying and being in the Borough Confirming Referee Report and to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale current Judgment lien is $392,717.23 CITATION File No. 20182205 SURRO- of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered December 14, 2018, I will plus interest and costs. The premises GATE'S COURT, QUEENS COUNTY State of New York known as Block: duly filed on December 21, 2018, I, the sell at public auction to the highest will be sold subject to provisions of THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 5240; Lot: 80 will be sold subject to undersigned Referee will sell at public bidder at the Kings County Supreme the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free the provisions of filed Judgment, Index auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, and Sale; Index # 500833/2014. Jack and Independent TO: The heirs at law, No. 6953/2009. The approximate Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on March 14, 2019 Segal, Esq., Referee. SHELDON MAY next of kin, and distributees of Sally amount of judgment is $1,476,235.56 Brooklyn, NY on March 14, 2019 at at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 4412 & ASSOCIATES Attorneys at Law, 255 Ann Silverstein deceased, If living, and plus interest and costs. FRIEDMAN 2:30 p.m., premises known as 190 10th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Merrick Road, Rockville Centre, NY if any of them be dead to the heirs at VARTOLO LLP 85 Broad Street, Suite Cozine Avenue Unit 6-1J, Brooklyn, Block 5607 Lot 40. All that certain 11570 Dated: 1/7/2019 File Number: law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, 501, New York, New York 10004, Attor- NY 11207. All that certain plot, piece lot, piece or parcel of land, with the 28768 MNB executors, administrators, assignees neys for Plaintiff. or parcel of land, with the buildings buildings and improvements thereon AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 and successors in interest whose AJ; 2/1/8/15/22 and improvements thereon erected, erected, situate, lying and being in - names unknown and cannot be - situate, lying and being in the Borough the Borough of Brooklyn, County of NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT ascertained after due diligence. Public NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court of Brooklyn, County of Kings and Kings, City and State of New York. COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. BANK Administrator of Queens County County Of Kings HSBC Bank USA, State of New York, Block 4415 and Approximate Amount of Judgment is NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS Shelly Anne Quilty-Lake, Guardian National Association as Trustee for Lot 1155. Approximate amount of $956,249.26 plus interest and costs. TRUSTEE FOR CREDIT SUISSE FIRST at Litem. A petition having been duly Wells Fargo Asset Securities Corpo- judgment is $286,823.65 plus interest Premises will be sold subject to provi- BOSTON MORTGAGE SECURITIES filed by BRUCE MOSKOWITZ who ration, Mortgage Asset-Backed and costs. Premises will be sold sions of filed Judgment Index No CORP., CSMC MORTGAGE-BACKED is domiciled at 294 SMOKETREE Pass-Through Certificates Series subject to provisions of filed Judgment 506418/2014. Bruno Codispoti, Esq., PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, AVENUE, OAKPARK, California 91377 2008-1, Plaintiff AGAINST Joel Index # 509296/2014. Jack Segal, Esq., Referee RRJC004 SERIES 2006-6, Plaintiff AGAINST YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW Milord, individually and as surviving Referee Schiller, Knapp, Lefkowitz & AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 MOSES OTOTE, et al., Defendant(s) CAUSE before the Surrogate's Court, joint tenant of Dolly Thomas, et al, Hertzel, LLP, 200 John James Audubon - Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- QUEENS County, at 88-11 Sutphin Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment Parkway, Suite 202, Amherst, New GROEZ LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with sure and Sale duly dated October 11, Boulevard, Jamaica Rm 62, New York of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated York 14228, Attorneys for Plaintiff the SSNY on 01/09/19. Office: Kings 2018 I, the undersigned Referee will on April 11, 2019 at 9:30 o'clock in the 2/21/18 and entered on 3/23/18, I, the AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 County. SSNY designated as agent of sell at public auction at the Room 224 fore noon of that day, why a decree undersigned Referee, will sell at public - the LLC upon whom process against of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 should not be made in the estate of auction at the Kings County Supreme NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME it may be served. SSNY shall mail Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York SALLY SILVERSTEIN, aka SALLY ANN Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, COURT COUNTY OF KINGS 21ST copy of process to the LLC, 17 Spring 11201, on March 14, 2019 at 2:30PM, SILVERSTEIN lately domiciled at NY on March 07, 2019 at 02:30 PM MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Hollow Road, Old Tappan, NJ 07675. premises known as 193 SUMPTER 98-40 64 Avenue, Unit 5G, Rego Park, premises known as 4608 Avenue M, Plaintiff AGAINST JOHN J. VOTTO, Purpose: Any lawful purpose. STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11233. All New York 11374, United States admit- Brooklyn, NY 11234. All that certain LINDA M. VOTTO, et al., Defendant(s) AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1/8/15 that certain plot piece or parcel of ting to probate a Will dated July 3, 2017 plot piece or parcel of land, with the Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure - land, with the buildings and improve- a copy of which is attached, as the Will buildings and improvements erected, and Sale duly dated 1-15-2019 I, the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME ments erected, situate, lying and being of SALLY SILVERSTEIN deceased, situate, lying and being in the County undersigned Referee will sell at public COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS in the Borough and County of Kings, relating to real and personal property, of Kings, City and State of New York, auction at the Kings County Supreme CSAB MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS- City and State of New York, BLOCK and directing that Letters Testamen- BLOCK: 7871, LOT: 42. Approximate Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 1519, LOT 54. Approximate amount of tary issue to BRUCE MOSKOWITZ amount of judgment is $563,432.42 Brooklyn, NY 11201 on 3-14-2019 2007-1, U.S. BANK NATIONAL judgment $1,183,755.14 plus interest Letters of Trusteeship issue to BRUCE plus interests and costs. Premises at 2:30PM, premises known as 1462 ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, Plain- and costs. Premises will be sold MOSKOWITZ f/b/o All Cats and all will be sold subject to provisions of East 65th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. tiff, Against H. RICHARD ADELMAN, subject to provisions of filed Judgment other Animals In possession of Sally filed Judgment Index # 501159/2014. All that certain plot piece or parcel of ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a for Index# 22250-12. ARNOLD JOEL Silverstein at her death Pursuant Jeffrey R. Miller, Referee FRENKEL land, with the buildings and improve- Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, LUDWIG, ESQ., Referee Gross Polowy, to EPTL 7-8.1 Dated, Attested and LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & ments erected, situate, lying and being duly entered on 2/6/2017, I, the LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Sealed, Februaty 7, 2019 HON PETER GORDON LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay in the Borough of Brooklyn, County undersigned Referee, will sell at public Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY J. KELLY Surrogate James Lim Becker Shore, NY 11706 of Kings, City and State of New York, auction, Room 224 of Kings County 14221 Chief Clerk David S. Shor, Esq. AJ; 2/1/8/15/22 Block: 8386 Lot: 72. Approximate Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, AJ; 2/8/15/22; 3/1 - amount of judgment $607,622.77 Brooklyn, NY 11201 on 3/14/2019 - Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Tradition. Legal Notice. A Stiff-Necked People LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Continued from Page A9 LLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Attorney Salem, Shor & Saperstein, 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attor- County of Kings, City and State of New now their greatest vice will one day LLP (516)472-7030 3000 Marcus neys for Plaintiff. York, The Condominium Unit known AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 as Unit No. 3 in the building known as be their most heroic virtue. They are Avenue, Suite 1W6, Lake Success, JONATHAN SACKS New York 11042 NOTE: This citation - "The 1151 42nd Street Condominium" indeed an obstinate people…But NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT together with an undivided 39% LONDON just as now they are stiff- necked in is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you COUNTY OF KINGS Citibank, N.A., as interest in the Common Elements. their disobedience, so one day they fail to appear it will be assumed you trustee for CMLTI Asset Trust, Plaintiff Block: 5592 Lot: 2203 Said premises will be equally stiff-necked in their do not object to the relief requested. AGAINST Tyrone Lewis a/k/a Tyrone known as 1151 42ND STREET, UNIT It is a moment of the very loyalty. Nations will call on them You have a right to have an attorney G. Lewis; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant #3, BROOKLYN, NY Approximate to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale amount of lien $482,357.51 plus highest drama. The Israelites, a to assimilate, but they will refuse. appear for you. Mightier religions will urge them AJ; 2/15/22; 3/1/8 duly dated January 30, 2019 I, the interest & costs. Premises will be sold mere forty days after the greatest undersigned Referee will sell at public subject to provisions of filed Judgment revelation in history, have made an to convert, but they will resist. They - will suffer humiliation, persecution, File No. 2017-4442 PROBATE auction at the Kings County Supreme and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside idol: a Golden Calf. God threatens to CITATION QUEENS COUNTY Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, for any reason, the Purchaser at the destroy them. Moses, exemplifying even torture and death because of Brooklyn, NY 11201 on March 28, 2019 sale shall be entitled only to a return the name they bear and the faith SURROGATE'S COURT QUEENS to the fullest degree the character COUNTY CITATION THE PEOPLE at 2:30PM, premises known as 102-02 of the deposit paid. The Purchaser they profess, but they will stay of Israel as one who “wrestles with OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236. shall have no further recourse against God and man,” confronts both in true to the covenant their ances- the Grace of God Free and lndepen- All that certain plot piece or parcel of the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the turn. To God, he prays for mercy tors made with You. They will go to dent TO: Bruce Povman, Guardian land, with the buildings and improve- Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number for the people. Coming down the their deaths saying Ani ma’amin, “I at Litem the heirs at law, next of kin ments erected, situate, lying and being 504537/2013. JOEL E. ABRAMSON, believe.” This is a people awesome and distributees of Alan Abbey a/k/a in the Borough of Brooklyn, County ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associ- mountain and facing Israel, he of Kings, City and State of NY, Block ates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 smashes the tablets, symbol of the in its obstinacy – and though now it Alan N Abbey, deceased, if living, and is their failing, there will be times far if any of them be dead to their heirs at 8171 Lot 33. Approximate amount of Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn covenant. He grinds the calf to dust, judgment $853,969.62 plus interest Heights, NY 11577 File# 9024.87 into the future when it will be their law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, mixes it with water, and makes the executors, assignees, administrators and costs. Premises will be sold AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 Israelites drink it. He commands the noblest strength. subject to provisions of filed Judgment The fact that Rabbi Nissenbaum and successors in interest whose Levites to punish the wrongdoers. names are unknown and cannot Index# 514002/2015. Shmuel Taub, Then he re-ascends the mountain lived and died in the Warsaw ghetto be ascertained after due diligence, Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME in a prolonged attempt to repair the Queens County Public Administrator, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 COURT- COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. shattered relationship between God Daniel Goldberg, Sandra Goldberg Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, New York 14624 (877) 430-4792 AS TRUSTEE FOR BNC MORTGAGE and the people. Weiner. A petition having been duly filed by Faith lnerfeld Tanner who is Dated: February 8, 2019 61462 LOAN TRUST 2006-2, MORTGAGE God accepts his request and AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, tells Moses to carve two new tablets domiciled at 6600 Cutting Blvd, El Cerrito CA 94530. YOU ARE HEREBY - SERIES 2006-2, Plaintiff, AGAINST of stone. At this point, however, CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT MINERVA A. ALAR AKA MINERVA Moses makes a strange appeal: Surrogate's Court, Queens County, at COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank A. ALAR AKA MINERVA ALAR, et al. And Moses hurried and knelt 88-11 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica Rm 62, National Association, as Trustee for Defendant(s) Pursuant to a judgment to the ground and bowed, and he New York, on April 18 2019 at 9:30 J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust 2004-S2, of foreclosure and sale duly entered said, “If I have found favour in o'clock in the fore noon of that day, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, on January 14, 2019. I, the under- Your eyes, my Lord, may my Lord why a decree should not be made in Plaintiff AGAINST Audrey Savin; signed Referee, will sell at public go among us, because [ki] it is a the estate of Alan Abbey a/k/a Alan et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a auction in Room 224 of the Kings N Abbey lately domiciled at 260-49 Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale County Supreme Court, 360 Adams stiff-necked people, and forgive our duly dated January 2, 2019 I, the Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on March wickedness and our sin, and take us gives added poignancy to his words. A Langston Avenue, GIen Oaks NY Many centuries earlier, a Midrash 11004 admitting to probate a Will undersigned Referee will sell at public 28, 2019 at 2:30 PM premises known as Your inheritance.” (Ex. 34:8–9) auction at the Kings County Supreme as 137 Glen St, Brooklyn, NY 11208. made essentially the same point: dated October 6, 1999 a copy of which The difficulty in the verse is is attached, as the Will of Alan Abbey Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, All that certain plot piece or parcel of self-evident. Moses cites as a reason There are three things which Brooklyn, NY 11201 on March 28, land, with the buildings and improve- are undaunted: the dog among a/k/a Alan N Abbey deceased, relating for God remaining with the Israel- to real and personal property, and 2019 at 2:30PM, premises known as ments thereon erected, situate, lying ites the very attribute that God beasts, the rooster among birds, directing that Letters Testamentary 8901 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY 11236. and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, had previously given for wishing to and Israel among the nations. R. issue to to Faith lnerfeld Tanner Dated, All that certain plot piece or parcel of County of Kings, City and State of New abandon them: Isaac ben Redifa said in the name Attested and Sealed February 8, 2019 land, with the buildings and improve- York. Section 1, Block 4167 and Lot ments erected, situate, lying and being 49. Approximate amount of judgment “I have seen these people,” the of R. Ami: You might think that HON PETER J. KELLY Surrogate James this is a negative attribute, but Lim Becker Chief Clerk Kim L Zinke, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County $661,922.99 plus interest and costs. Lord said to Moses, “and they are of Kings, City and State of NY, Block: Premises will be sold subject to a stiff-necked people. Now leave in fact it is praiseworthy, for it Esq. Attorney 917-971-6801 6824 means: “Either be a Jew or prepare Colonial Road, Suite A1, Brooklyn, NY 8068 Lot: 1. Approximate amount of provisions of filed Judgment. Index Me alone so that My anger may 11220 NOTE: This citation is served judgment $393,894.70 plus interest #500792/2014. Steven Z. Naiman, Esq., burn against them and that I may to be hanged.” and costs. Premises will be sold Referee, Aldridge Pite, LLP - Attorneys Jews were stiff-necked, says upon you as required by law, You are destroy them. Then I will make you not required to appear. lf you fail to subject to provisions of filed Judgment for Plaintiff - 40 Marcus Drive, Suite Rabbi Ami, in the sense that they into a great nation.” (Ex. 32:9) appear it will be assumed you do not Index# 507884/2015. Shmuel Taub, 200, Melville, NY 11747 How can Moses invoke the were ready to die for their faith. As object to the relief requested. You have Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 people’s obstinacy as the very Gersonides (Ralbag) explained in a right to have an attorney appear for LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 reason for God to maintain His the fourteenth century, a stubborn you. Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, Notice of formation of limited liability people may be slow to acquire a AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 New York 14624 (877) 430-4792 company (LLC) Name: ITM PLAYERS presence among them? What is the Dated: January 15, 2019 60706 MEDIA LLC.Articles of organization meaning of Moses’ “because” – “may faith, but once they have done so - they never relinquish it. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 filed with the Secretary of State of New my Lord go among us, because it is a - York (SSNY) on 01/18/2019. Office We catch a glimpse of this OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF KINGS stiff- necked people”? FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Notice of formation of limited liability location: Kings county. SSNY has been The commentators offer a extraordinary obstinacy in an company(LLC) Name: TERRENCE designated as the agent of the LLC episode narrated by Josephus, one ASSOCIATION, V. MARCIA A. variety of interpretations. Rashi BECKFORD; ET AL. NOTICE OF TCG LLC .Articles of organization upon whom Process against it may reads the word ki as “if ” – “If they of the first recorded incidents of SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN filed with the secretary of state of New be served. SSNY shall Mail copy of are stiff-necked, then forgive them.” mass non-violent civil disobedience. pursuant to a Final Judgment of York(SSNY) on: 02/13/2019. Office Process to: Peter Thomas Fornatale 55 Ibn Ezra and Chizkuni read it as It took place during the reign of the Foreclosure dated May 04, 2017, and location: Richmond County. SSNY 7th AVE Apt. 1, New York, NY 11217. has been designated as the agent of Purpose: all lawful activities “although” or “despite the fact that” Roman emperor Caligula (37–41 entered in the Office of the Clerk CE). He had proposed placing a of the County of Kings, wherein the LLC upon whom Process against AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15/22/29 (af al pi). Alternatively, suggests it may be served. SSNY shall mail Ibn Ezra, the verse might be read, “[I statue of himself in the precincts of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE the Temple in Jerusalem, and had ASSOCIATION is the Plaintiff and copy of Process to : Tara Enahoro 415 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT admit that] it is a stiff-necked people MARCIA A. BECKFORD; ET AL. are Greene Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11216-1111 KINGS COUNTY PNC BANK, N.A., – therefore forgive our wickedness sent the military leader Petronius purpose : all lawful activity SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO to carry out the task, if necessary by the Defendants. I, the undersigned and our sin, and take us as Your Referee will sell at public auction at AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15/22/29 NATIONAL CITY BANK, Plain- force. This is how Josephus describes inheritance.” These are straightfor- the KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, tiff against FIVEL SOFER, et al ward readings, though they assign the encounter between Petronius 360 ADAMS STREET ROOM 224, SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) to the word ki a meaning it does not and the Jewish population at Ptole- BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on March KINGS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Fein, Such & Crane, LLP, 28 East Main normally have. mais (Acre): 28, 2019 at 2:30PM, premises known Plaintiff -against- MOSHE LEIB Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 There came ten thousand as 1280 E 86TH ST, BROOKLYN, LAX A/K/A MOISHE LEIB LAX; AS Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant There is, however, another and CO-EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale far more striking line of interpreta- Jews to Petronius at Ptolemais to NY 11236: Block 8064, Lot 1: ALL offer their petitions to him that he THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR OF CHAIM LAX, DECEASED, et al entered June 8, 2018, I will sell at public tion that can be traced across the Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment auction to the highest bidder at Room would not compel them to violate PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING centuries. In the twentieth century AND BEING IN THE BOROUGH OF of Foreclosure and Sale entered 224 of the Kings County Supreme it was given expression by Rabbi the law of their forefathers. “But if,” herein and dated March 7, 2018, I, Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn NY they said, “you are wholly resolved BROOKLYN, COUNTY OF KINGS, Yitzchak Nissenbaum. The argument CITY AND STATE OF NEW YORK the undersigned Referee will sell at 11201 on March 28, 2019 at 2:30 PM. he attributed to Moses was this: to bring the statue and install it, Premises will be sold subject to public auction at the Kings County Premises known as 715 East 5th Street, Almighty God, look upon this then you must first kill us, and provisions of filed Judgment Index # Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room Brooklyn, NY 11218. Block 5399 Lot 72. people with favour, because what is 4029/2013 OR 2018-05538. Helene 224, Brooklyn, NY on March 28, 2019 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of Continued on Page A12 Blank, Esq. - Referee. RAS Boriskin, at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying land, with the buildings and improve- | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 A11 Social.

New Facility for Food Manufacturer Osem Means Double the Bamba


Israeli food manufacturer Osem Group has opened a new manufacturing facility for its peanut butter-flavored puffed corn snack Bamba. With the Nadav Lapid shows Golden Bear for Best Film after the awards ceremony at the 69th Berlinale International Film new facility, Osem intends to double the manufac- Festival in Berlin, Germany, February 16, 2019. Photo: REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke. turing capacity of the beloved snack. “Our dream is to see Bamba in every supermarket in the US and in Europe,” Avi Ben Assayag, CEO of Osem, said Tuesday Israeli Director Nadav Lapid’s at the inauguration of the new plant. Generations of Israeli kids grew up eating Bamba, ‘Synonyms’ Wins Berlinale first introduced in the 1960s. The popular snack is

BY REUTERS & ALGEMEINER STAFF I’m trying to open this closed door. I’m always charmed by something that exists in France.” Mercier’s kinetic performance of a character deter- Nadav Lapid‘s “Synonyms,” an anarchic story about mined to excise what he sees as an Israeli culture of an Israeli who tries to suppress his origins after moving machismo from his soul has been widely praised. But to Paris, won the Berlin Film Festival’s coveted Golden his attempts at reinventing himself also reveal much Bear award on Saturday. about French mores. The film, a faintly comedic, semi-autobiograph- “I hope that people will feel a deep truth watching Close-up of Bamba snack, to illustrate texture, colour ical study of identity and the ambivalence of national the movie,” he said, saying that it was in France that he and shape. Bamba is an Israeli snack composed of belonging, tells the story of Yoav, played by newcomer had discovered cinema “as an essential thing … one of puffed cornmeal and flavored like peanut butter. It is Tom Mercier, and his struggle to reinvent himself as the most magnificent things the world can suggest us.” a Kosher food product. Photo: Nsaum75 via Wikicommons. French. French director Francois Ozon’s “By the Grace Yoav is shown muttering French synonyms in an of God,” a drama about victims of child abuse in the considered highly nutritious and is often credited attempt to displace his native Hebrew with French as he Catholic Church and their fight for justice, won the with lowering peanut allergy rates in the country bonds with a young, wealthy Parisian couple, played by runner-up Silver Bear Grand Jury prize. because Israeli children are exposed to it early on. Quentin Dolmaire and Louise Chevillotte. Chinese actors Wang Jingchun and Yong Mei, who Located in Kiryat Gat, a small town in Israel’s Lapid dedicated the film to his mother Era Lapid, played husband and wife in Wang Xiaoshuai’s genera- south, the new NIS 200 million, 16,000-square-meter who edited his films until her death. tional saga “So Long My Son,” won Silver Bears for best facility is set to employ 150 people. “We edited this movie between editing room and actor and actress respectively. Osem is one of Israel’s largest food manufac- hospitals,” he told Reuters. “It was a kind of competition Another Chinese film, Zhang Yimou’s “One Second,” turers. Founded in 1942, the company built its between death and completing the movie. And death was pulled from the competition earlier this week, with reputation manufacturing snacks and dry pantry won.” the festival citing “technical reasons,” although it was staples before expanding into pickles, ice creams, Like his protagonist, Lapid left Israel for Paris at a widely speculated that the film had fallen foul of China’s frozen foods, and prepared Middle Eastern salads. young age, and he compared his journey to Yoav’s. state censors. Osem already exports a variety of foods to Europe and “In his head he leaves the worst country ever to “We hope to see it on screens around the world very the US through subsidiaries Osem UK Ltd. and Osem arrive in the best country ever,” he told a news confer- soon, and deeply missed this film here at the Berlinale,” USA Inc. Osem is a subsidiary of Swiss multinational ence. “And at a certain moment he is facing a more said French actress Juliette Binoche, the prize jury’s Nestlé SA. complex reality. But I am always a little bit like Yoav … president, at the awards ceremony.

Opinion. Legal Notice.

Continued from Page A10 (including the three sins about overturned the mountain above 3:1). His refusal to make obeisance LEGAL NOTICE Stiff-Necked which it was said that “one must die them like a barrel and said, “If to Haman sets the story in motion. then do what you have resolved rather than transgress”) may have you accept the Torah, it will be Mordechai too is obstinate – for on. For while we are alive we been an attempt to limit, rather well. If not, this will be your burial there is one thing that is hard to cannot with due diligence be ascer- cannot permit such things as are than encourage, the phenomenon. place.” Said Rava, Even so, they do if you have a stiff neck, namely, tained. Billie Hall and Jane Hall, if living forbidden by our law…” Of these many episodes, one stands re-accepted the Torah in the days bow down. At times, Jews found it and if dead, to their heirs at law, next of Then Petronius came to them out for its theological audacity. It of Ahasuerus, for it is written, “the hard to bow down to God – but they kin and distributees whose names and (at Tiberius): “Will you then was recorded by the Jewish histo- Jews confirmed and took upon were certainly never willing to bow places of residence are unknown and if rian Shlomo ibn Verga (fifteenth to them”, meaning, “they confirmed down to anything less. That is why, they died subsequent to the decedent make war with Caesar, regard- herein, to their executors, adminis- less of his great preparations for sixteenth centuries) and concerns what they had accepted before.” alone of all the many peoples who have entered the arena of history, trators, legatees, devisees, assignees war and your own weakness?” the Spanish expulsion: The meaning of this strange and successors in interest whose They replied, “We will not by any One of the boats was infested text seems to be this: at Sinai the Jews – even in exile, dispersed, and names and places of residence are means make war with Caesar, but with the plague, and the captain of Jewish people had no choice but to everywhere a minority – neither unknown and cannot be ascertained we will die before we see our laws the boat put the passengers ashore accept the covenant. They had just assimilated to the dominant culture after due diligence. Being the persons transgressed.” Then they threw at some uninhabited place… been rescued from Egypt. God had nor converted to the majority faith. interested, a copy of this citation shall themselves down on their faces There was one Jew among them divided the sea for them; He had “Forgive them because they be served on John M.McFaul, Esq, and stretched out their throats who struggled on afoot together sent them manna from heaven and are a stiff-necked people,” said Edward J. Kelly, Esq, and Lisa Barbieri, Esq., as creditors, legatees, distributees and said that they were ready to with his wife and two children. water from the rock. Acceptance of Moses, because the time will come The wife grew faint and died… a covenant under such conditions when that stubbornness will be or otherwise in the Estate of Thomas be slain…Thus they continued firm Hall, deceased, who at the time of The husband carried his children cannot be called free. The real test not a tragic failing but a noble and in their resolution and proposed death was a resident of 35-31 85th defiant loyalty. And so it came to be. themselves to die willingly rather along until both he and they of faith came when God was hidden. Street, unit 5C, Jackson Heights, NY than see the statue dedicated.” fainted from hunger. When he Rava’s quotation from the Book 11372, in the County of Queens, State Faced with such heroic regained consciousness, he found of Esther is pointed and precise. of New York. SEND GREETING: Upon defiance on so large a scale, that his two children had died. Megillat Esther does not contain the the petition of LOIS M. ROSENBLATT, Petronius gave way and wrote to In great grief he rose to his name of God. The rabbis suggested LEGAL NOTICE Public Administrator of Queens Caligula urging him, in Josephus’ feet and said: “O Lord of all the that the name Esther is an allusion County, who maintains her office at words, “not to drive so many ten universe, You are doing a great to the phrase haster astir et panai, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, Queens County, New York 11435, as thousand of these men to distrac- deal that I might even desert my “I will surely hide My face.” The book Continued from Page A10 faith. But know You of a certainty relates the first warrant for genocide ments thereon erected, situate, lying Administrator of the Estate of Thomas tion; that if he were to slay these Hall, deceased, you and each of you men, he would be publicly cursed that – even against the will of against the Jewish people. That Jews and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of are hereby cited to show cause before for all future ages.” heaven – a Jew I am and a Jew I remained Jews under such condi- the Surrogate at the Surrogate’s Court shall remain. And neither that tions was proof positive that they did New York. Approximate Amount of Nor was this a unique Judgment is $428,191.23 plus interest of the County of Queens, to be held episode. The rabbinic literature, which You have brought upon me indeed reaffirm the covenant. Obsti- and costs. Premises will be sold subject at the Queens General Courthouse, together with the chronicles of the nor that which You may yet bring nate in their disbelief during much of to provisions of filed Judgment Index 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Middle Ages, are full of stories of upon me will be of any avail.” the biblical era, they became obsti- No 6496/13. Joel Eliot Abramson, Esq., Jamaica, City and State of New York, martyrdom, of Jews willing to die One is awestruck by such nate in their belief ever afterwards. Referee PNNC039 on the 4th day of April, 2019 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, why the rather than convert. Indeed the faith – such obstinate faith. Almost Faced with God’s presence, they AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 certainly it was this idea that lies disobeyed Him. Confronted with Account of Proceedings of the Public very concept of Kiddush Hashem, Administrator of Queens County, as sanctification of God’s name, came behind a famous Talmudic passage His absence, they stayed faithful to Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC) Name: Upper Level Administrator of the Estate of said to be associated in the halachic about the giving of the Torah at Him. That is the paradox of the stiff- deceased, a copy of which is attached, Mount Sinai: necked people. F & R Cleaning Service LLC. Articles literature with the willingness “to of organization filed with the secre- should not be judicially settled, and And they stood under the Not by accident does the main die rather than transgress.” The tary of state of New York (SSNY) on why the Surrogate should not fix and rabbinic conclave at Lod (Lydda) mountain: R. Avdimi b. Chama narrative of the Book of Esther 10/18/2018. Office location: Bronx allow a reasonable amount of compen- in the second century CE, which b. Chasa said: This teaches that begin with the words “And Morde- County. SSNY has been designated sation to GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., laid down the laws of martyrdom the Holy One blessed be He, chai would not bow down” (Esther as the agent of the LLC upon whom for legal services rendered to petitioner process against it may be served. herein in the amount of $10,256.05 and SSNY shall mail copy of the process that the Court fix the fair and reason- to: Fatima 2080 Wallace Ave. Suite 429 able additional fee for any services to Bronx, NY 10462. Purpose: all lawful be rendered by GERARD J. SWEENEY, Ilhan Omar Is Not Fit for the US activity ESQ., hereafter in connection with AJ; 2/15/22; 3/1/8/15/22/ proceedings on kinship, claims etc., House Foreign Affairs Committee prior to entry of a final Decree on NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME this accounting in the amount of 6% COURT KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ of assets or income collected after INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff against the date of the within accounting; ANNETTE HURLEY A/K/A ANNETTE and why the Surrogate should not fix and does not recognize the other suddenly decided that it wanted to CONLIFFE, et al Defendants Attorney and allow an amount equal to one religions that are living in it, and make the lives of Gazans even more for Plaintiff(s) Knuckles, Komosinski percent on said Schedules of the total EZRA BERNSTEIN we still uphold it as a democracy in miserable. But when rockets are & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite assets on Schedules A, A1, and A2 JERUSALEM the Middle East, I almost chuckle fired into their territory, countries 590, Elmsford, NY 10523 Attorney plus any additional monies received because I know that if we see that have not only the right, but the need, (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a subsequent to the date of this account, as the fair and reasonable amount [in] any other society we would to defend their borders and citizens. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale payable to the Office of the Public criticize it, call it out.” If there were no rockets, there would entered January 28, 2019, I will sell at In just a few short months since public auction to the highest bidder at Administrator for the expenses of said I have no problem with strong have been no war. being elected to Congress, Ilhan the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 office pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); views, and I have no problem with If there is one thing I’ve learned and why each of you claiming to be a Omar has managed to find herself Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY controversial views. But I do have from living in Israel and studying distributee of the decedent should not in the express lane to antisemitism, 11201 on March 28, 2019 at 2:30 PM. a problem with strong, controver- here, it is that most of the time, the establish proof of your kinship; and with some strong views that are often Premises known as 159 E. 40th Street, sial views that are also completely situation is complicated. I’m not Brooklyn, NY 11203. Block 4877 Lot 46. why the balance of said funds and the completely uninformed. Before long, funds currently on deposit with the baseless. Israel allows for some asking for Ilhan Omar to forget All that certain plot, piece or parcel of she may dig herself a political hole Commissioner of Finance should not Sharia law; there is an Islamic about the Gazans or to suddenly land, with the buildings and improve- that she cannot get out of. be paid to said alleged distributees judicial system and court for its start retweeting StandWithUs and ments thereon erected, situate, lying Her recent apology — although and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, upon proof of kinship, or deposited Muslim citizens. How is that not other pro-Israel tweets, but I would pressured — was certainly neces- County of Kings, City and State of with the Commissioner of Finance recognizing other religions? love to see a little nuance. of the City of New York should said sary and important, but it doesn’t New York. Approximate Amount of Omar was also recently in the What concerns me most, alleged distributees default herein, change the fact that she continues Judgment is $536,235.03 plus interest news for a tweet from 2012, where she however, is that her tweets repre- and costs. Premises will be sold subject or fail to establish proof of kinship, to express very troubling views. said that “Israel hypnotized the world” sent a profound lack of not only to provisions of filed Judgment Index Dated, Attested and Sealed 15th day of Beyond the use of the age-old February, 2019 HON. PETER J. KELLY in reference to the war in Gaza. nuance, but accuracy in her under- No 510311/2017. Cash will not be antisemitic trope of Jewish money Surrogate, Queens County James Lim I would hope that someone standing of the Israeli-Palestinian accepted at the sale. Joel Abramson, and Jewish power controlling the Esq., Referee 2267-001342 Becker Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court on the US House Foreign Affairs conflict — something that is disap- US government, her comments AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) Committee would have the ability to pointing for someone with such 459-9000 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite show a lack of understanding that analyze conflict from multiple perspec- strong convictions, and unaccept- 200 Lake Success, New York 11042 there could be other reasons to File No.: 2017-2798/A SUPPLE- tives. I can’t say that I understand the able for someone on the US House MENTAL CITATION THE PEOPLE This citation is served upon you as support Israel besides bribery from difficulties of life in Gaza, since I live Foreign Affairs Committee. OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY required by law. You are not obliged to AIPAC. It appears that she has a appear in person. If you fail to appear it comfortably in Tel Aviv — but I can Ezra Bernstein is a graduate THE GRACE OF GOD, FREE AND very simplistic view of two very will be assumed that you do not object certainly imagine the difficulties. of the David Geffen School of INDEPENDENT To: The unknown complicated countries, and of the distributees, legatees, devisees, heirs to the relief requested unless you file Apparently, Omar cannot Medicine at UCLA and a former situation in general. at law and assignees of Thomas Hall, formal legal, verified objections. You imagine the difficulties of life in Israel Fulbright scholar in Israel. He have a right to have an attorney-at-law In a recent interview, she said, deceased, or their estates, if any due to the terror and rocket attacks is co-host of the podcast “Israel- appear for you. Accounting Citation “When I see Israel institute laws there be, whose names, places of launched constantly by Palestinians Palestine: Beyond the Headlines AJ; 2/22; 3/1/8/15 that recognize it as a Jewish state residence and post office addresses in Gaza. It is not as though Israel with Alec and Ezra.” are unknown to the petitioner and