

OPEN FORUM Gigaclear - four representatives from Gigaclear/Telent attended the meeting; Mr. Richard Olive, Mr. Callum Findlay, Ms. Jody Walker and Mr. Martin Brown. Apologies were offered for previous road closure signs being erected and then works not being undertaken. Telent had addressed this and all current signs in place were operational. The Chairman acknowledged receipt of site maps/proposed diversions supplied by Gigaclear, suggesting that some would not work and querying whether the proposed diversion routes had been travelled. Ms. Walker confirmed that maps were surveyed and the routes travelled. Some of the traffic management plans were however being amended and redrawn. She agreed it would be helpful if the Parish Council could advise on the unworkable diversion routes within the next seven to ten days. Working times would allow for access. If there were very sensitive areas where access was needed throughout the day, then there could be overnight working as a final resort. That however would have costs/noise implications. They would try not to work over Easter. They worked in 300-400 metre sections digging about 80 metres per day. The worked through weekends and occasionally Sundays. Ms. Walker advised that the Highways Authority had signed off all the diversion routes up until now. Cllr. Hosking advised that the Highways Officer had had some reservations about some of the routes. Cllr. Green advised that the diversion route Membland to Preston (TM05.1) was not suitable and TM06 diversion would only be suitable for cars and small vans. Cllr. Hosking advised that the diversion for TM13 was some 7-8 miles. He suggested Telent liaise with businesses and perhaps have a set open time for deliveries. The Chairman advised of the location of the Primary School and that the Co-op had daily deliveries. Ms. Walker advised some roads were designated as traffic sensitive and that no digging could take place 7.30 - 9.30am and 3.30 - 5.30pm. This would result in them working in the area for longer. They would liaise with bus companies. It was suggested diversions be monitored. Ms. Walker advised that local business would be informed. A parishioner asked about timescales. Ms. Walker advised that the programme for Newton & Noss had been rescheduled. They had to give three months notice for all proposed road closures. Timescale to completion would be approximately six months assuming no issues arose. Upon being asked, it was confirmed that Telent did have the resources to undertake the work. Some gangs had been replaced and upscaled. It was hoped the most disruptive work would be undertaken by Easter. This could involve laying the main arterial route and then returning to do individual lateral connections. Once the arterial route had been dug the fibre would be laid. It would be linked up to the Vodafone connection at Lee Mill. There was unlikely to be connectivity before October 2019.Connection points to houses were based on the design given to Telent by Gigaclear from which they were unable to deviate much beyond a few metres. Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo Parish Council Police Report December 2018 - PCSO Andrew Potter had sent apologies and the following written report; Newton Ferrers – no reported crime Noss Mayo - 7th, report of the theft of musical equipment CR/117476/18

1/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - there were apologies from Cllr. Blackler and Mr. Ingram.

2/19 INTERESTS TO BE DECLARED - members were invited to declare interests in the items for discussion during the meeting. Mr. Hussell declared an interest in the planning application for Briar Hill by reason of owning a neighbouring property.


4/19 MINUTES - the minutes of the 13 December Parish Council Meeting were approved as a correct record and the Chairman was authorised to sign.

5/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA - RESOLVED; matters relating to pre-planning/planning enforcement and maintenance quotes should be considered in committee. (Vote; unanimous.)

6/19 DISTRICT COUNCIL (SHDC)c 6.1 Councillor reports i) Cllr. Blackler - had sent apologies and the following written report; “1. District Council (SHDC) are considering an interest shown by a supermarket wishing to come to , the Council feel it could increase footfall to the town, the parking issue would need to be resolved. 2. Approved Commercial Development opportunities for:-

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Kingsbridge Rope Walk area, Steamer Quay, land at Sherford New Town, Beesands Beach Huts, Car Parks and workshop for Salcombe Harbour. 3. Joint Local Plan confirms a 5 - year land supply. 4. Consultation closes on 15th January on Business Rates on self-catering 2nd homes. 5. There has been released s.106 Funds for Public open spaces, sport and recreation, ecology projects in the following Wards:- Charterlands, Dartmouth, East Dart, Newton and , Salcombe, , Ermington and , , Ivybridge East and West, and Brixton, and Littlehempston.” ii) Cllr. Baldry reported – - New Lidl supermarket Ivybridge. This would not be going ahead due to limited parking. Lidl may be looking at a site at Lee Mill. - Joint Local Plan. SHDC now had a 5 -Year Land Supply which was very good news. It was no longer possible for developers to use this as a reason to justify development. Cllr. Green suggested this would also be relevant for planning appeals. - Cllr. Blackler would be retiring at the next elections. A Liberal Democrat candidate would be standing for his place. - Butts Park speeding. A complaint had been made. Cllr. Baldry asked if enquiries could be made as to when the flashing mobile speed sign would next be in the Parish. The Clerk would enquire with the Local Highways Officer. - 2018 TAP fund allocation. Cllr. Baldry suggested contacting the Localities Officer for confirmation as to whether the allocated funding to the Parish could be used for the Noss Voss steps repair project being undertaken by County Council.

6/19 VARIATION OF AGENDA - RESOLVED; it was agreed Cllr. Hosking’s report to the Parish Council could be brought forward on the agenda. (Vote; unanimous.)

7/19 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT 7.1 Mobile Library Service - Cllr. Hosking suggested that those who used and valued the service should be encouraged to contact Cllr. Roger Croad, the Cabinet member responsible, to advise as such. The service was costing three times as much to lend, per book, as the library service. It was likely to be scaled back. 7.2 Wigwags - finance for signs by the Primary School may be an issue. Cllr. Hosking was hoping to find monies to contribute. 7.3 Additional parking enforcement - he had made enquiries. 7.4 Gigaclear - he asked to be kept in the loop. If work necessitated contractors be called back, he asked that requests be directed through him. 7.5 Potholes - upon being asked, Cllr. Hosking confirmed that there was additional funding for pothole and drainage work. He asked to be advised of any bad areas needing attention. Cllr. Hosking was told of the poor surface condition on Widey Hill and poor drainage between Widey Hill and Collaton on B3186. 7.6 Salt spreader - the winter task group would be meeting 16 January. He was hopeful insurance companies would have been contacted by then. Cllr. Hosking left the meeting.

8/19 PUBLIC TOILETS There had been no contact from SHDC. Two further parishioners had sent in their objections to the proposed closures. Cllr. Baldry advised Parish Council had not been contacted either. He had contacted Ms. Aubertin, who had apologised, and said that she would be in contact the early part of the following week. The next SHDC Executive Meeting would be 7 February. It was agreed to delegate a further response to SHDC to the Chairman and Cllr. Green, querying the basis upon which the decision to close had been made, if it became apparent that the Parish Council needed to respond to SHDC about the proposed closure before the next Parish Council meeting. Otherwise the matter would be considered at the next Parish Council meeting 14 February. Cllr. Baldry was advised that the lights in the public toilets at Newton Ferrers were left on all winter which led to confusion as to whether they were open. Cllr. Baldry left the meeting.

9/19 PLANNING 9.1 Newton & Noss Neighbourhood Plan (N3P) - the transfer of the N3P website to the Parish Council website was shortly to be completed. 9.2 Community Land Trust – Ms. Adams advised that the SHDC community housing team wanted to progress. The CLT was proceeding more cautiously as they were in discussion with other housing associations. Rental properties were being looked at with Band E being the key housing group to be targeted. The target area would be within the Parish boundary and then be extended if necessary, to Holbeton and Yealmpton. A call for land was being made. An advert was being placed in the Parish Magazine. The land would be owned by the CLT in perpetuity. It was confirmed that the meeting of the five year Land Supply meant there was no pressure on Newton & Noss to increase housing. Eight to ten properties at most would be looked at. The development for Collaton was a different housing model and was too far down the line to be considered. Whilst there was a lot of information from the housing needs 2/10January 2019……………………………………………….Chairman

consultation 2 - 3 years ago, it was accepted that there may need to be an additional housing needs survey. Applicants would need to register with Devon Home Choice. Planning decisions 9.3 The Ship Inn, Noss Mayo 2883/18/FUL - erection of timber, double glazed garden room. SHDC; Granted. Planning applications received including; 9.4 Court House Yealm Road 3813/18/TPO - works detailed on Page 5 of Tree Condition Report by Rupert Baker dated October 2018 (entitled "4.7 Proposed Schedule and specification for tree works.") The Tree Warden’s views were noted. DECISION; No comment. (Vote; unanimous.) 9.5 Waters Edge Bridgend 3302/17/FUL - READVERTISEMENT (revised plans received.) Application for replacement of Waters Edge with new dwelling (onsite of existing outbuilding,) refurbishment of Hillside Cottage. The Council noted that when the original application had been received, the N3P had been at consultation stage. The N3P now had full weight and the Village Development Boundary strengthened. DECISION Objection; N3P referred to Neighbourhood Plan. At present Waters Edge (lower portion) and Hillside (upper portion) were two attached properties with one footprint. The plans showed the refurbishment of Hillside taking the footprint of the existing two properties and a new property Waters Edge being built on the site of an existing ‘outbuilding’. 1. This site was outside the Village Development Boundary. The footprint of the semi-detached dwellings was established as a development. Any further development in this area must show exceptional circumstances/need – CS1, N3P-1. 2. Overdevelopment of the site. The ridge height of the refurbishment was higher than that of the existing dwelling area. Waters Edge, on the site of the outbuilding, was considerably higher. The footprint of Waters Edge was considerably larger than the ‘outbuilding’ – N3P1 (c), N3P-4 (iv). 3. Development of this site would contribute to ribbon development along Bridgend Hill affecting a visual amenity in the AONB – NPPF Paras 17, 53 and 115, CS7, N3P9. It would damage an iconic spot within the AONB – NPPF Para 15, CS9. It was identified as an important view – N3P-9 and it was also an important first view of the estuary descending Bridgend Hill and looking across from The Old Quay, Noss Mayo. It undermined the public enjoyment of the area – SO21 and did not respect the semi-rural aspect of this location – SO22, CS7. 4. The site affected a listed building – NPPF Paras 132 and 134, CS9, N3P-8. 5. A new and busier access was proposed from the single-track, main link road between Newton Ferrers, Bridgend, Membland and Noss Mayo. This was a narrow section of road used by buses and delivery lorries as well as pedestrians, with the wall of Crispins creating a blind spot for traffic in either direction. Historically the semi-detached properties on site had not had provision for parking and turning on site although there was limited access – CS8, N3P-5, DP7. In the event of any development going ahead on this site, a full Construction Management Plan was required – N3P- Should permission be granted to turn the ‘outbuilding’ into a second, separate dwelling, a principal residence condition should be applied – N3P-12. (Vote;8 in favour of objection, 1 against, 1 abstention.) 9.6 86 Yealm Road 3414/18/HHO - householder application for removal and replacement of existing roof to incorporate new dormer style roof extension. Demolition of two existing lean-to extensions and erection of new slightly larger side extension complete with new veranda canopy. Reconfiguration of ground floor living accommodation and creation of new en-suite shower room at first floor level. Reconfiguration of existing stepped access and creation of new garage and garden access steps. Objections had been raised by the neighbours. DECISION; Objection; This was already a large (5 bedroom) property which it was intended to make larger. A detailed objection from the neighbours at No. 88 had been sent to South Hams District Council and the Parish Council. With regard to these particular plans, the Parish Council would ask South Hams District Council to ensure that neighbour concerns regarding the impact on their property were addressed. It was appreciated that upgrading the property would improve the environmental performance of No 86, this should not be to the detriment of No 88. 1. N3P-4 (a)(iv) development should respect building height in the street, preserve views from public spaces, roads and paths, and protect and provide for trees, hedges and space between properties. 2. N3P-4 (c) cause no unnecessary light pollution. The effect of the additional glazing should not affect neighbours or the waterfront. 3. DP3 Residential Amenity. Development would be permitted provided it did not have an unacceptable impact on the living conditions of occupiers of nearby properties (a) loss of privacy; (b) overbearing and dominant impact; (c) loss of daylight or sunlight. Any development going ahead on this site required a full Construction Management Plan – N3P-4. (Vote; 8 in favour, 2 abstentions.) 9.7 South Hams District Council Parish of Newton & Noss No. 970 Tree Preservation Order 2018. Land adjacent to Stoke Road, Noss Mayo Grid reference SX552478.Serving of New Order. Request for a TPO - Ref: 983380. DECISION; support confirmation of the Order as served. (Vote; unanimous.) 9.8 Land at Newton Ferrers Green 4124/18/TPO - T1; Beech - crown raise to 5.2m from ground due to low hanging branches above public highway, causing obstruction to high-sided vehicles. DECISION; support. (Vote; unanimous.)

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9.9 Gnaton Solar Farm Gnaton Farm 4131/18/COL - circular 14/90 application for installation of electric line above ground. DECISION; no objection. (Vote; unanimous.) No statutory consultation. Mr. Hussell left the meeting. 9.10 Briar Hill Farm Court Road 3962/18/ARC - application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 of planning consent 1581/18/VAR. There were no comments. Mr. Hussell returned to the meeting. 9.11 Meeting with Patrick Whymer. Cllr. Baldry, the Chairman and Vice Chairman had met with Mr. Whymer, SHDC Development Management Lead at Follaton House, 23 December 2018. -OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION (OPA) granted before the N3P. No action could be taken by the Parish Council to alter the permission granted (even if outside the Development Boundary) or the maximum number of houses approved. However, with the N3P now in force, under further reserved matters applications (ARM)) the design, size and mix of properties, parking, layout and landscaping could be challenged. No principal residence clause could be applied. It should be noted that at the outline stage any layout/computer generated pictures of the proposed development were for guidance only. Should the applicant wish to make a significant increase to the number of houses approved on an outline planning permission, this would require a new full (FUL) planning application. - VARIATION APPLICATIONS (VAR). This changed a condition on approved plans. New conditions could be added, thus principal residence could be applied. Variations did not extend the life of a planning permission, i.e. three years. Variations could not increase approval of one property to two for instance. This would require a new (FUL) permission. - APPEALS made since the N3P was approved: These carried the full weight of the N3P and the Joint Local Plan, even if the original approval was before the N3P came into force. SHDC now had a confirmed five -year supply of land for house building. - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN under the N3P. Whilst it was accepted this was an important requirement for most planning applications in this Parish there were instances where it was unnecessary e.g. something small like a porch or a property with sufficient off-street parking. SHDC suggested it would be helpful for the Parish Council to state; 'No Construction Management Plan required' in appropriate applications. 9.12 Planning applications – SHDC would no longer be sending paper copies of applications from 1 April 2019. 9.13 Development Management Committee- no relevant applications to the Parish.

10/19 ADMINISTRATION 10.1 Events – no applications had been received. 10.2 i) Ferry Wood – following Mr. Carter’s site visit, and approval of the Parish Council at the last meeting, the area of Parish Council land (not including Kilpatrick’s Steps) had been confirmed to Curtis Whiteford Crocker solicitors for the purposes of HM Land Registry. ii) Noss Fountain – the Clerk had asked Wolferstans for an update regarding the potential for the area to be registered as a Village Green. iii) Gigaclear wayleave agreements – Wolferstans had reported on 19 December that Gigaclear had been in contact apologising for the delay and that they were chasing their “Build Team.” 10.3 Budget 2018/19 - the third quarter budget review had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted. No matters were raised. The accounts inspection was due to be undertaken by Mr. Carter and Mr. Parry-Smith. 10.4 Annual Payments Review – routine payments and charges for 2019 had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed Noss Voss/Popes Quay and Crocker’s Quay together with the relevant steps should be cleaned once a month (twice a month in summer, if needed, with prior approval.) RESOLVED; to agree the annual payments schedule for 2019. (Vote; unanimous.) 10.5 Budget 2019/2020 and Precept Request- the draft budget, cashflow forecast, anticipated routine expenditure schedule with draft contingency/reserves plan had been circulated prior to the Parish Council meeting 13 December 2018 when the Parish Council had agreed a budget requirement of £53,544 and Precept request of £52,604 in principle. SHDC had advised the Council Tax Support Grant for 2019/2019 should be £912. The Parish Council had subsequently received the structural survey undertaken in respect of the Sports Pavilion. It was agreed to increase the budget requirement by £2000 to £55,544 with a Precept request of £54,604. RESOLVED; to agree the budget requirement at £55,544, cashflow forecast, anticipated routine expenditure and contingency/reserves schedule for financial year 2019/2020. (Vote; unanimous.) RESOLVED; to make a Precept Request of £54,604 from South Hams District Council for the financial year 2019/2020. (Vote; unanimous.) 10.6 Financial Risk Assessment - the draft assessment for 2019 had been circulated. The current insurance coverage for the Sports Pavilion was noted together with the reinstatement value suggested within the structural survey report. It was agreed to contact the Parish Council’s insurers to enquire into whether there was an insurance industry standard square footage value for sports pavilions. RESOLVED: to agree and adopt the Financial Risk Review for 2019. (Vote; unanimous.) 10.7Statement of Internal Control - the Statement of Internal Control for the financial year 2018-2019 had been circulated. Members reviewed the effectiveness of internal audit procedures. The Clerk was due to meet with the 4/10January 2019……………………………………………….Chairman

new internal auditor 7 February 2019.RESOLVED; to agree and adopt the Statement of Internal Control for the financial year 2018/2019. (Vote; unanimous.) 10.8 Western Power Distribution - proposed wayleave agreement for Dillons Green. The Vice Chairman and Clerk had met on site with Mr. Martin Casson, Estates and Wayleaves Specialist for Western Power, 18 December 2018. Western Power were having to upgrade the power supply lines to accommodate the new development at the end of Cottage Green Lane. The existing pole on the lane could not support the extra weight of the new power line. The proposal was, in effect, to prop it up with a similar wooden pole which would be at 45 degrees and extend over Dillons Green. He had subsequently advised that there would need to be a stay wire on an additional pole to the rear of “Futtocks End” near the school. Both positions had been staked out. Western Power paid standard annual compensation to landowners - currently £7.61. The Parish Council could request additional compensation from the developer for the inconvenience. The Parish Council had the option of seeking legal advice. A quote had been sought from Wolferstans who advised their costs would be similar to those for the Gigaclear way leave agreement- approximately £750 plus VAT and disbursements. If the Parish Council refused, Western Power would go back to the developer to look at options- possibly including digging up Cottage Green Lane. The developer could go to the Planning Inspector for a decision based upon the documents received. It was agreed to ask Western Power about alternative options available. Members were concerned about the position and proximity of the additional stay wire to the Primary School 10.9 Tree Management Policy - members were advised about recent National Association of Local Council’s advice following the Court of Appeal case Witley Parish Council v Cavanagh regarding frequency of tree inspections in high risk areas. It was agreed to update the Parish Council’s Tree Management Policy to provide for expert tree inspections by a tree surgeon/arboriculturalist every two years rather than three years. 10.10 Clerk’s employment; RESOLVED; RESOLVED; to authorise the recommended pay rate increase for the Clerk’s salary in accordance with National Association of Local Council salary scale guidelines for 2019/2020 effective from 1 April 2019. (Vote; unanimous.).

11/19 CORRESPONDENCE 11.1 Dementia Friendly Parishes - Mrs. Caroline Hirst had sent a report which had been circulated. The organisation had recently registered with the Charity Commission. Working across the 5 parishes of Wembury, Brixton, Yealmpton, Newton & Noss, and Holbeton, the project recently was voted a winner of the Skipton Building Society’s Grassroots Giving initiative. The £500 award would pay for new leaflets explaining their work, how it made a difference and its new charity status. The charity was registered with the Seamoor Lotto, set up last year by the district councils to support local projects. All money raised locally for the new charity directly funded the post of the project worker, who visited families and helped keep them involved and valued in their communities. All other activities, like training, awareness-raising and groups that were run, were paid for through grant applications to national and local funders. Direct giving to the work of the project could be made through the website (www.dementiayealm.org). Kitley House Hotel and Yealmpton Parish Council generously made meeting rooms available without a charge. Details of the monthly activities were given. To know more about Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm or if they could help contact Maxine on tel; 07450206312. 11.2 The Community Right to Bid (Assets of Community Value – RESOLVED: to authorise the Chairman to prepare applications to South Hams District Council to nominate The Dolphin Inn, Newton Ferrers and the Swan Inn, Noss Mayo as Assets of Community Value under the Community Right to Bid provision within the Localism Act. (Vote; unanimous.) Mr. Carter left at 8.45pm

12/19 COUNTY COUNCIL 12.1 County Councillor’s report – min.7/10 refers. 12.2 Gigaclear – Cllr. Hosking had sent a report of his meeting with Gigaclear Monday 7 January with the Local Highways Officer Mr. Colton. The Council was asked to read carefully the schedule of proposed works sent by Gigaclear in consultation and identify any proposed diversions or closures that the Council did not consider to be suitable. There could be changes to the schedule previously provided, which was now cancelled, as the method of working was to focus on installation of an arterial network followed by lateral connections. They had discussed with Gigaclear the possibility of traffic control or overnight working where possible. Gigaclear did not see an alternative to road closure. They would be happy to discuss time slots for access particularly for businesses and would endeavour to erect signs warning of road closure a fortnight before the works commence to invite people who had access requirements to contact them. Where there was no suitable diversion or access arrangement they would consider overnight working if the traffic issues were considered sensitive, however this needed to be balanced with the cost implications and potential disruption for any nearby residents. The road closure notice procedure took three months and those at the meeting were all keen to effect the most disruptive works before Easter. must comply with their notice procedures but they had a 5% early commencement discretionary allowance. Gigaclear intended to improve their consultation with and information to local residents and would be happy to meet the Parish Council again by arrangement in two months to discuss any new or ongoing issues. Cllr. Hosking had stressed that their communities welcomed the provision of superfast broadband and the additional consultation to minimise disruption. 5/10January 2019……………………………………………….Chairman

Gigaclear had sent the Parish Council some plans of proposed works/diversion routes by email prior to the meeting. It was understood some were being updated. Gigaclear had also left two large maps showing the proposed works and diversion routes in the Parish. Mr. Rogers had arranged to meet with Ms. Walker from Telent the following Monday to look at the proposed works/diversions and to look at options to avoid digging up Passage Road. It was agreed to delegate reviews of the proposed works and diversions to Mr. Rogers for Noss Mayo and outlying areas and to Mr. Hussell for Newton Ferrers. 12.3 Highways/Transport i) Road closure – the proposed road closure from 41-76 road from The Swan Inn to head of Noss Creek by Western Power Distribution from 18 March - 29 March was considered as were the concerns of a local resident. The Parish Council raised no objection however requested Western Power to keep local residents/businesses along Creekside Road updated on the proposed works and means of access and that SHDC (refuse collections) and emergency services would be advised. ii) Community Road Warden – it was understood no training had been undertaken as yet. iii) Hillhead - the oil spill at Hillhead had been reported to Devon County Council Highways.

13/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS – cheque payments were checked by Mr. Hussell authorised and signed in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Clerk and listed in Minute 14/19. Payment was authorised for work undertaken by Mr. James Watkinson to clean Noss Voss/Popes Quay and surrounds in place of Mr. Larry Finch.

14/19 AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS Balance in Unity Trust Deposit account balance 31/12/18 £25088.48 Santander Current Account balance at 31/12/18 £55326.09 The balance includes: Monies held in respect of the Butts Park Play Park Improvement Project £1838.32 Monies held in respect of the maintenance of the Revington Memorial Seat £390 Big Greenspace Challenge £59.43 Monies granted by Parish Council/ Revelstoke Community Trust/RYDA/Community Rights Programme for Neighbourhood Plan £393.39 The following cheques were authorised totalling: £2965.42 Chq No PAYEE AMOUNT 2558 WI Community Hall Hire fee NNPC Meeting 10 January 2019 £30.00 2559 S. McDonough Net salary December £1,256.08 2560 Brookings Down Wood Fund Grant for tree work** £350.00 2561 South Hams Citizen Advice Bureau Grant* £150.00 2562 Ivybridge & District Community Transport Assoc. Grant; Ring & Ride shopping & well being trips*** £150.00 2563 S. McDonough Reimbursement expenses - stationery £47.84 2564 South Hams Garden & Property Services Grounds maintenance - December £849.50 2565 AJ Watkinson Newton Voss and steps cleaning December £82.00 Noss Voss/steps, Popes/Crocker’s Quay cleaning 2566 AJ Watkinson December £50 Total £2,965.42 *Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 payments: £150 total to date; £570 ** S.19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 *** S. 27 Local Government & Rating Act 1997 BACS HMRC Clerk's Tax and National Insurance December £293.11 December DD EDF Sports Pavilion £10.00 DD Hoot Hosting N3P website hosting £20.00 DD B & CE Holdings Ltd Pension payment £42.42 SO Reading Room Storage facilities £40.00

15/19 MEETINGS ATTENDED: 15.1 Harbour Authority – there had been no meetings.

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15.2 Halls – Mr. Parry - Smith advised that Newton & Noss Village Hall had put in a planning application for solar panels on the south roof of the Revelstoke Room for which the hall had received a grant from Yealm Community Energy. A grant application had also been made to upgrade lighting and to buy a projector. Ms. Adams advised that there had been some concern by those attending that a regular Yoga class at the WI Hall had had to have timings changed for a party.

16/19 MAINTENANCE 16.1 Maintenance working groups, i) Sports Pavilion/playing field - the structural survey report had been circulated. It was agreed to seek quotes for asbestos tests. The surveyor had suggested that the reinstatement costs assessment of the pavilion for insurance purposes was £265,000. The Parish Council’s insurers had advised that this would increase the annual premium for the pavilion to £358.53 pa. The cost to the date of renewal would be £158.15. The Clerk had been asked to make enquires with the insurers as to industry norms for square footage values for sports pavilions. The surveyor had given a schedule of suggested works and time frames. Approximate estimates of costs had been given but this would be dependent on the outcome of asbestos testing. This included repairs to ceilings, roof, fascias and soffits. The Cricket Club had reported difficulties in using keys for the playing field gate requesting a combination lock in its place. It was understood Revelstoke Rangers had a key safe at the Sports Pavilion. The clerk had liaised with the grounds maintenance contractor. The current padlock fitted within the chain and could not be bolt cropped. If spare keys needed to be cut, the padlock needed to be removed temporarily and taken with the existing key to enable any spare keys cut to be checked. Members expressed concern about the number of people who would become aware of the number if a combination lock was used. It was agreed to ask South Hams Garden & Property Services to provide a quote for a new key operated padlock with an appropriate number of spare keys to be checked against the padlock before issue. A Butts Park resident had queried the Parish Council’s dates for October vandalism given in the report to the police. The Parish Council was satisfied with the report to the police having spoken with Revelstoke Rangers, South Hams Gardening & Property Services and having made a site visit at the time. It was agreed the parishioner should make contact with the police direct if he felt he had information pertinent to the damage. A report of mole hills had been made within the playing field (four groups of hills some of which were near the football pitch), by the water tower, within the Community Orchard and in Noss Play Park. It was agreed to seek a quote from a pest control company to deal with the moles in the playing field. ii) The Green/Dillon’s Green – no reports. iii) Play parks – Butts Park Play Park – the Clerk was waiting to hear from the Primary School with respect to the suggested spring time event with Ms. Wilmot. Noss Play Park – there was no report. iv) Noss Recreation Areas – no report. It was agreed to take no action at this time with respect to path ways in the Community Orchard. 16.2 Noss Voss/Popes Quay Steps – Mr. Finch had advised in December that he was no longer able to undertake the cleaning of Noss Voss, Popes quay, Crocker’s quay and associated ramps and steps. Mr. James Watkinson had undertaken the cleaning in December and had expressed interest in continuing to undertake the work on a self- employed basis. It was agreed Mr. Watkinson could continue to undertake the work – once per month. Further cleans in the summer would be by prior authorisation. The Clerk was waiting to hear from SHDC as to whether the TAP fund grant for 2018 could be used to contribute to the repair work to be undertaken on the steps from Passage Road to Noss Voss. Devon County Council had received back quotations from their approved contractors and had approval to go ahead with the proposed works. They were waiting for approval from MMO / Natural . Marine & Civil Solutions, their contractor, would need to access the steps along the shoreline between Foundry Lane and the steps. Devon County Council was aware that there were a number of outhauls along this stretch of foreshore and that the boat owners were concerned that these may be damaged. Devon County Council confirmed that this had been drawn to the attention of Marine & Civil Solutions who were confident that no such damage would occur as measures to avoid damage to the outhauls would be taken. Their request, that the boat owners in this area be contacted so that they could be reassured that such measures would be put in place, had been referred to the Harbour office. 16.3 Other areas for consideration – Area by the Malthouses, Bridgend - a recent landslip near the slipway had been reported to both Devon County Council Highways and the Public Rights of Way department neither of which felt the highway or public footpaths to be affected. Ownership of the land was unknown. It was agreed to seek quotes for reinstatement to enable the Parish Council to consider the matter further.

17/19 PRE-PLANNING APPLICATIONS/ PLANNlNG ENFORCEMENT – The latest SHDC planning enforcement list and potential planning enforcement matters were considered. Meeting closed at 9.20pm

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