Vol. XVII No. 4 April, 1962 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OP JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN • FAIRFAX MANSIONS. FINCHLEY RD. (corner Fairfax Rd.). Londen. N.W.3 Offie* and Consulting Houn: Telephone : MAIda Vale 9096 7 (General Ollkce aiid Welfare tor the Aged) Monday to Tlutr%day 10 a.in.-l p.m. 3-« pjR MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Agency, annually licensed bv the L.C.C.. ' ' ^ '^ aad Social Services Dept.) Friday 10 ajn.—l pjn.

Dr. S. J. Roth Gesundheitsschaedigung sein mag. Dadurch wird Witwen und Waisen all jener Verfolgten, die aus dem KZ schon mit dem Tode gezeichnet ZUM WIEDERGUTMACHUNGS­ herauskamen, die Entschaedigung versagt. Diese krasse Einschraenkung kann wohl auch nicht mit der allgemeinen Motivierung der Einschraen­ SCHLUSSGESETZ kungen gegenueber Staatenlosen und Fluecht­ lingen begruendet werden, es bestaenden ihneo Wuensche der " Staatenlosen und Fluechtlinge ** gegenueber mir humanitaere Verpflichtungen. 4. Wie schon erwaehnt, erhalten Staatenlose Das Wiedergutmachungs-Schlussgesetz, das die BEG eingeschlossen sind, erhalten nur eine sehr und Fluechtlinge keine Entschaedigung fuer Haerten und Maengel der bisherigen Gesetzgebung beschraenkte Entschaedigung, lediglich fuer Berufsschaden. Diese Ungerechtigkeit sollte auf dem Gebiet der Entschaedigung behebco Schaeden an Freiheit, Koerper, Gesundheit und wenigstens fuer jene aelteren Personen, die soil, nvuss an erstex Stelle die aergste Haerte Leben. Sie erhalten keinerlei Entschaedigung mangels eines entsprechendeo Einkommens darauf beseitigen, dass ganze Verfolgtengruppen von fuer Schaeden an Eigentum oder Vermoegen, und sozial besonders angewiesen sind, beseitigt Oer Entschaedigung ausgeschlossen sind. Solche nur die Vertriebenen erhalten eine sehr werden—etwa durch Gewaehmng ciner minimalen Gnjppen gibt es nach dem Bundesentschaedi­ beschraenkte Entschaedigung fuer Schaeden im Rente V(MJ DM 200 monatlich. gungsgesetz mehrere. Das BEG, ak ein inner- beruflichen Fortkommen. Diese Einschraenkung 5. Gerade mit Ruecksicht darauf, dass Staaten­

Ernst Muller ganges und der Kollektivvermutung, in Danzig und Oberschlesien. Die Hdhe der Schaden an den Wirtschafts- LASTENAUSGLEICHSLEISTUNGEN AN giitem wird zunachst in Reichsmark berechnet. VERFOLGTE IM AUSLAND Im daran erfolgt die Bestimmung der Hohe der auszahlbaren Ausgleichsleistung in Der Verfasser dieses Aufsatzes sprach kuerz­ bis 31. Juli 1945 im Bundesgebiet oder in West- D. Mark. Die Einzelheiten dieser beiden lich im Kreise der " Association of Democratic unmittelbar durch Kriegshandlungen ent­ Abrechnungen sind unendlich kompliziert. Hier Lawyers" ueber das Thema " Laslenausgleich standen ist. Diese Schaden mussen entstanden muss es geniigen, dass die Reichsmark-Betrage urtd Wiedergutmachung". Die folgenden Aus­ sein an land- und forstwirtschaftlichem Vermogen nach einer Skala so in D. Mark umgerechnet fuehrungen geben den Inhalt seines Vortrags oder an Grundvermogen oder an Betriebsver- werden, dass Reichsmark-Betrage bis zu etwa wieder, soweit er fuer den rucht juristisch mogen oder an Gegenstanden, die fiir die Berufs- 5.000 RM gleich dem Neimbetrage in DM sind, geschulten Leser Interesse haben kann.—Red. ausiibung oder fiir die wissenschaftliche Forschung wahrend in den hoheren Stufen die Umrechnung Das aus dem Riickerstattungsrecht und dem erforderlich waren, oder an Hausrat. prozentual immer niedriger wird. Entschadigungsrecht bestehende Wiedergut­ (b) Ein Vertreibungsschaden ist ein Schaden, der Die Leistungen, welche als Rechtsanspriiche der machungsrecht hat durch lastenausgleichsrechtliche einem Vertriebenen jm Zusammenhang mit den Verfolgten im wesentlichen in Frage kommen, Bestimmungen eine Erganzung erhalten. Dies kann gegen Personen deutscher Staatsangehorigkeit sind die sogenannte Hauptentschadigung fiir dazu fiihren, dass dje ausgewanderten Verfolgten oder deutscher Volkszugehorigkeit gerichteten Vermogensschaden und die Hausratsentschadigung. sich in gewissen Fallen Entschadigungsleistungen Vertreibungsmassnahmen in den deutschen Die Hauptenischddigung wird fiir die Ver- vcrschaffen konnen, welche durch das Wiedergut­ Gebieten oestlich der Oder-Neisse Linie oder in mbgensschaden der Vertriebenen um 25% gekilrzt. machungsrecht nicht gewahrt werden. Die Rechts- (Jen Gebieten ausserhalb der Grenzen des deutschen Aber ein Betrag von 10% kann hinzukotnmen, materie ist ganz besonders schwierig. Nur einige Reichs nach dem Gebietsstand vom 31. Dezember wenn Vertriebene sich keine angemessene Existenz Hauptpunkte sind im Folgenden zusammengestellt, 1937, aber nicht in den Gebieten der Deutschen wieder verschaffen konnten. Der D. Mark- was clazu anregen mag, im Einzelfall sachver- Demokratischen Republik und Ost-Berlin, ent­ Betrag, welcher als Hauptentschadigung zuerkannt stSndige Rechtsauskunft einzuziehen. standen ist. Hier kommen zu den Schaden und ist, wird mit 1% pro Vierteljahr ab 1.1.1953 Die Grundvoraussetzung ist, dass die Schaden Verlusten an den oben zu, (a) genannten Wirtschafts- verzinst, sodass er sioh fortlaufend erhoht und die und Verluste an bestimmten entzogenen Wirt- gutem noch solche hinzu, welche an Reichsmark- Zinseo bis jetzt auf rund 32% angewachsen sind. schaftsgiitem entstanden waren und zwar unter Sparanlagen, an gewissen anderen privatrechtlichen Die Auszahlung soil an alle Personen iiber 65 solchen Umstanden, dass sie in eine der vier geldwerten Anspriichen und an Anteilen an Jahre, wie soeben zuverlassig in Aussicht gesteUt Schadenskategorien des Lastenausgleichsgesetzes Kapitalgesellschaften, sowie an Geschaftsguthaben wird, sofort vorgenommen werden. Es bestehefl fallen. Demgemass rouss es sich entweder um bei Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften im iibrigen formale gesetzliche Vorschriften, nach Kriegssachschaden oder um Vertreibungsschaden entstanden sind. Zu den entzogenen Wirtschafts- welchen je nach erreichtem Lebensalter und j« Oder um Ostschaden oder um Sparerschaden giitem gehort auch Umzugsgut, wenn es in einem nach dem fiir die Hauptentschadigung beabsichtig- handeln. europaischen Hafen entzogen wurde. ten Verwendungszweck bevorzugte Zahlungen (a) Unter Kriegssachschdden ist ein Schaden zu (c) Unter Osischdden versteht man die ent­ erfolgen kdnnen. verstehen, der in der Zeit vom 26. August 1939 zogenen xuid spater im Zusammenhang mit den Die lastenausgleichsrechtliche Regelung bewirkt Ereignissen des zweiten Weltkriegs durch Ver- naturlich nicht, dass irgendwelche Doppelent- mdgensentziehung oder Kriegsschaden verlorenge- schadigung stattfinden kann. Schadensbetrage, die ZUM WIEDERGUTMACHUNGS- gangenen Wirtschaftsguter, wie diese oben unter auf Grund des Wiedergutmachungsrechts fallig SCHLUSSGESETZ (b) aufgefiihrt sind. in den zur Zeit unter fremder waren oder werden, kommen auf Lastenausglcidw- {Continued from page 1) Verwaltung stehenden deutschen Ostgebieten, d.h. leistungen zur Anrechnung. Nur soweit es sioh in in den ostlich der Oder-Neisse gelegenen Gebieten der Hauptentschadigung um die Vermogensverluste Ungarns in der Entschaedigung nicht berueck­ des ehemaligen deutschen Reiches, soweit diese handelt, werden BEG-Leistungen fUr Berufs­ sichtigt wurden. Eine dieser Massnahmen war Schaden nicht bereits Vertreibungsschaden sind. schaden nicht angerechnet. ein allgemeiner Arbeitsdienst fuer juedische Deutsche Staatsangehorigkeit oder deutsche Volks- Immerhin gibt es zahlreiche Falle, in denen die Maenner, in welchem etwa 60,000 ungarische zugehorigkejt werden hier nicht gefordert. Ein Juden ums Leben gekommen sind. Erst in den Geschadigten, sowohl die von einem Kriegs­ z.B. in Berlin wohnhaft gewesener Verfolgter, dem schaden Betroffenen als auch ganz besonf the Council of Christians and Jews, gave a Montague, Bemard Bresslaw, Bud Flanagan, to the bhnd, broadcast on B.B.C.'s Network series of talks in the B.B.C. feature "Lift Up Alfred Marks, and Lionel Bart. Three Programme for the Blind, "In Touch". Your Hearts ". " Some Hymns of the Synagogue " She spoke about the prayer books available in and other Jewish religious subjects were dealt Hebrew and English braille, and the programme *ith. JEWS IN C.N.D. concluded with an extract from a synagogue The Jewish Group, C.N.D., will be among the service. religious sections taking part in the Aldermaston- Lonijon march of the Campaign for Nuclear Dis­ New Minister armament at Easter. The Rev. Raymond Apple, Religious Diirector Ackermans It is not expected that the Group will march of the Association of Jewish Youth, has been on its own but that it will join in with Catholics, appointed minister of the Bayswater Synagogue, Protestants and other religious contingents and and was inducted into oflSce on March 25. that it will only join the march on Easter Monday Mr. Apple, who is 26 years old, was bom in Chocolates when it reaches Acton. Australia. CAMPAIGN TO FREE SOBELL De Luxe Jewidi Hospital ImproTements Mrs. Helen Sobell, Secretary of the American The amenities and facilities of the London IN BEAUTIFULLY " Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Jewish Hospital in Stepney Green are to be DESIGNED Sobell", recently visited London. Since 1951, improved. The latest move is the erection of a when Morton Sobell was sentenced to 30 years' now out-patients department, part of the cost of PRESENTATION imprisonment for his role in the Julius and Ethel which has been defrayed by Sir Isaac Wolfson. BOXES Rosenberg espionage case, his wife, Helen, has At present the number of beds is 128. The maintained his innocence and has carried on her ratio of Jewish patients to non-Jewish is about fight for his release. fifty-fifty. MARZIPAN The purpose of her tour of European capitals SnOALITIES was to enlist the support of as many and as Day School In Scotland prominent persons as possible for an appeal to obtain Morton Sobell's release. A number of It is expected that the first Jewish day school EASTER EGGS Peers, including Earl Russell, and Members of to be established in Scotland will open in Glas­ Parliament, promised to help in the campaign. gow in September. The school, it is envisaged, will start with one class of five-year-olds and 43, KENSINGTON CHURCH ST., Mrs. Sobell stated that in her campaign to the number of classes will be gradually increased. LONDON, W.8 secure justice for her husband she had great Accommodation exists at present for six large support from the Jewish community in America. WES. 4359 and classrooms for 20 to 30 children each, catering The Central Conference of American (Reform) for age groups five to nine. There is an excel­ », GOLDHURST TERRACE, Rabbis in 1960 passed a special resolution lent prospect of receiving a subvention from the requesting a review of the Sobell case. Professor Education Authority to run the school. Sub­ FINCHLEY ROAD. N.W.« Martin Buber in Israel was among those who had MAI 2742 scribers to the Glasgow Board of Jewish Educa­ also appealed for the release of her husband, said tion funds are to be asked for increased Mrs. Sobell.—(J.C.^ contributions to finance the school. Page 4 AJR INFORMATION April, 1962 THE GERMAN SCENE SHADOWS OF THE PAST DR. BEST CLASSIFIED AS "LEADING NAZI" DR. OBERLANDER AGAIN WEEK OF BROTHERHOOD The Berlin Denazification Court classified the Dr. Aiienauer. the Federal Chancellor, in a More than 250 functions all over Western former '" Reichsbevollmaechtigte" in Occupied letter to Dr. Theodor Oberlander, the former Germany and in West Berlin marked this year's Denmark, Dr. Werner Best, as "Hauptschuldiger". Minister for Refugees, has welcomed his full " Week of Brotherhood" organised by' the His Berlin assets, amounting only to DM. 100, legal rehabilitation. " Societies for Christian-Jewish Co-operation ". were confiscated. Best became known in 1931 as The " Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden in The letter, written last December by Dr. Aden­ the author of the so-called " Boxheimer Deutschland" dedicated a special issue to the Dokumente " which laid down the measures to be auer in his capacity as Chairman of the Christian occasion. Federal President Luebke, in his mes­ Democrat Party of which Dr. Oberlander is a taken against adversaries of the regime as soon as sage, refers to the efforts of the Germans to undo the Nazis would have seized power. The Court prominent member, has now been made public the wrongs as far as this is possible. " Our at the request of Dr. Oberlander. also found Best guilty of having played a leading Jewish citizens ", he writes, " would continue to part in the persecution of the Jews. Dr. Adenauer pointed out in his letter that Dr. influence the change of heart among the Germans Oberlander, who had been charged with complicity if they persisted in their often experienced atti­ ACTING UNDER ORDERS in Nazi crimes in Poland, had succeeded in obtain­ tude of understanding ". Federal Chancellor Dr. ing a number of court decisions which left no Adenauer stresses the need for constant serious No Excuse for Killing doubt that the accusations against him were with­ efforts and for a great amount of compassion to out foundation. Therefore it was his opinion that achieve a new relationship. A number or messages Seven " Volksdeutsche" from the Batschka Dr. Oberlander's juridical rehabilitation should be by other members of the Federal and Lander were sentenced by the Tuebingen Law Court fo'' followed by his full and public political rehabilita­ Govemments are also published in the issue. having shot four Jewish inhabitants of their town. tion. He urged Dr. Oberlander to resume full The fact that they had acted at the order of an political activities, and promised that he could The functions during the week included not S.S. officer was no excuse, the Court stated. always be sure of the Chancellor's public suppvort. only addresses by prominent speakers, but also artistic performances, readings from relevant POLICE OFFICER ARRESTED In May. 1960, Dr. Oberlander resigned from his literature, and film shows. In Berlin and several post as Minister of Refugees. He initiatoi a other towns special youth meetings were also Kriminalhauptkommisar Walter Pohl was arrested number of court proceedings which cleared him. arranged. in his office in Dortmund. He is suspected of The Jewish Chronicle, in an editorial, points out having participated in the killing of Jews during that Dr. Oberlander was an active Nazi from 1933 UNrVERSITY LECTURES ON JEWISH the Russian campaign. onwards and was entrusted with responsibilities SUBJECTS during the war of a kind confided only to reliable K.Z. DOCTORS FREED members of the Nazi hierarchy. His command in Dr. Paul Winter (London) recently gave guest the " Nightingale Battalion ", a unit made up of lectures at the universities of Tuebingen, Heidel­ Dr. Heinz Baumkoetter, who was the chief fascist Ukrainian nationalists, is suflicient to con­ berg and Frankfurt/M. At Easter he will also doctor at the Sachsenhausen camp. Dr. Alios demn him. irrespective of whether he personally take part in a discussion to be broadcast by the Gaberle, and Dr. Otto Adam, were tried in ordered or participated in the Lvov massacre. •' Kirchenfunk" of the " Sueddeutscher Rund­ Miinster. Baumkoetter was sentenced to eight The findings of the Commission of Enquiry funk " (Stuttgart) on the subject " Der Prozess years' hard labour for complicity in the murder of which investigated Dr. Oberlander, says the Jesu " ; his partner who will deal with the prob­ 16 prisoners and Garberle to three years and editorial, were singularly unconvincing. Indeed, lem from the Christian angle will be the three months' hard labour for complicity in ten their composition and the manner in which ihey theologian Professor D. Guenther Bomkamm, of murders. Adam was acquitted as the court found were set up made it impossible to repose any Heidelberg University. Dr. Winter's book ^On he had diminished responsibility at the time confidence in them. the Trial of Jesus " was published in English by because of ill health. The leader concludes by saying it is a matter Walter de Gruyter & Co. (Berlin). The court set all the prisoners free immediately for regret that Dr. Adenauer, whose own record after the trial. They considered that the doctors during the Nazi period was above reproach and SERVICE IN ANSBACH SYNAGOGUE had been punished sufficiently after the war. who has taken the lead in measures for Germany's Baumkoetter served in a Russian forced labour practical atonement, should show himself so insen­ For the first time after almost three decades a camp for ten years, and Gaberle was detained in sitive to world public opinion and to the possible service was held in the 200-year-old Ansbach an intemment camp for three years.—(J.C.) effects upon the political climate in Germany, as Synagogue. The building had been cleaned up and to link his name with that of Dr. Oberlander. will be taken care of by the neighbouring com­ munities of Nuremberg and Furth. The service NO EINSTEIN STAMP was attended by representatives of the Bavarian Jewish communities and of the State and muni­ KELLERGEIST cipal authorities. It is intended to hold services in Following objections by the executor of the ADVISES A.J.R. READERS wiU of Albert Einstein, the German Post Office this old bar(X]ue synagogue once a year. has dropped its plan to issue a stamp honouring the Jewish scientist. NAZISM IN The decision has been criticised by the German Press. The " Sueddeutsche Zeitung " asked if the The Austrian Minister of the Interior. Herr executor's opposition means that it is no longer Josef Afritsch, in an article in " Die Zukunft ", permitted to call Einstein a great German. Or the organ of the Austrian Socialist Party, has was it to be taken as a reminder of the disgrace­ disclosed that Austrian courts have tried and ful fact that Einstein was forced by his own punished 130 young people for daubing swastikas fellow-citizens to emigrate ? and distributing antisemitic pamphlets. The executor. Dr. (5tto Nathan, stated: " Pro­ Herr Afritsch's article, together with others, fessor Einstein never allowed his name to be used discussed whether there had been a Nazi revival by the Germans, not for naming a street or in Austria, and the conclusions reached showed anything ; he would have nothing to do with a that there had been such a revival. nation which murdered six million Jews." Dr. Christian Broda. Austrian Minister of Justice, also contributed an article. He did not deny the existence of neo-Nazism in Austria, but emphasised that nobody in Austria, 20 years after Your Hout* for:— Hitler's death, wanted to set up a new National CURTAINS, CARPETS, LINO Socialist Party or similar minor organisations. The overwhelming majority of even the hardened UPHOLSTERY Austrian Nazis did not wish to hear anything about the evil past. But, said Dr. Broda, it must Choose Hallgarten— iPtciAiiTY —rr^^rrr^^rr^r^^^r- be conceded that many pamphlets in Austria defended and glorified National Socialism in an Choose fine Wines insidious way, arousing indignation everywhere. CONTINENTAL DOWN The Minister stated that the authors of such articles had been arrested and had received prison Ask for th§m by aamt! OUILTS! sentences. Herr Grubhof, Under-Secretary of State for It you have any difficulty in finding ALSO M-MAKES AND RE-COVERS Foreign Affairs, who was also a contributor, HALLGARTEN wines, wrile to us admitted the existence of some groups of terrorists for assistance SSTIMATES F/tCC in Austria, but declared that neo-Nazis did not DAWSON-LANE LIMITED exist in the country. He preferred the expression " neo-Nationalism ", of the type which preceded S. F. & 0. HALLGARTEN 17, BRIDGE ROAD, WEMBLEY PARK Hitler. Telsphona: ARN. 6671 Herr Afritsch came to the conclusion that the I, Crutchad Friar*. London, E.C.3 Personal attention of Mr. W. Schachmann importance of neo-Nazism in Austria should not be under-rated.—(J.C.) :-:. AJR INFORMATION April, 1962 Page 5 NEWS FROM ABROAD FROM THE AMERICAN SCENE Position of Jewry in the South CHAIR OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS SOVIET RUSSIA Rabbi Elija Palnick, who directs the Hillel The Catholic-sponsored Pro Deo University Foundation at the University of Alabama and is Contacts with Israelis Forbidden of Rome and the American Jewish Committee the spiritual leader of Tuscaloosa's 75 Jewish have established jointly a Chair of Intergroup families, gave an interview to a Jewish Chronicle Rabbi Yehuda Leib Levin, the Chief Rabbi of Relations at the university. This is the first reporter. Moscow, has announced a self-isolationist deci­ such Chair at a European institution of higher He stated that the " vituperative antisemites " sion. According to a report from Moscow, learning. The faculty of the Pro Deo University in the South were in a minority. It was not Moscow Jews attended a special meeting called is composed of CathoUcs, Protestants and Jews, respectable to be an antisemite but it was respect­ by the Chief Rabbi at which he and several of and the student body comprises about 2,000 able to be a part of Judaism, because the the lay leaders responsible for the affairs of the Catholics as well as Protestants, Jews, Moslems, Christian community has been accepting Judaism Central Synagogue at Spasso Glinicheskii- Hindus and Buddhists from more than 28 as one of the " three great American religions ". Pereulok, appealed to the congregants to avoid- countries. contact with Israeli diplomats. Voicing the The Jew, however, was frightened because he official version and, according to the report, The lectures will be given by Dr. Eugene was " being put in the middle " of the fight for "obviously acting under pressure", the Chief Havesia, a foreign affairs specialist for the and against the integration of the Negro in the Rabbi charged Israeli diplomats with using the American Jewish Committee since 1940. Among South. " The Jew is in a dilemma. He is sym­ synagogue for contacting the worshippers so as the general subjects to be covered are the root pathetic to the right cause—that of integration— causes of group tensions and antagonisms and but he is frightened about taking a stand ". to " give instructions and orders about espionage an examination of the existing spiritual forces and slanderous information ". fostering group co-operation. In all subjects the The Jewish defence organisations based in the The meeting is reported to have adopted a course will stress the need for inter-religious North will not let the Southern Jews forget the resolution by a show of hands. This resolution co-operation.—(J.C.) problem, and have therefore involved them in emphasised that there should be no talk during the cause. This has led to strong disputes by some services and no contact with strangers in the JEWISH SCHOOLS IN BELGIUM of the Southern Jewish communities, who have synagogue. And, finally, that no one should demanded that national Jewish organisations be accept gifts from foreign visitors.—(J.C.) In Antwerp about 2,000 Jewish children (about not so pro-Negro. 95 per cent of the total) attend Jewish schools. The Jew knows which side he wants to be on, Currency Sentences Indeed, it has become necessary to undertake a but is afraid to state it publicly. The white big programme for extending school facilities. supremicists demand that he takes a stand with It is reported that 15 persons altogether have Jewish schools in Antwerp are State-recognised. them. On the other hand the Negroes, who are been sentenced to death by Russian courts on Students graduating from the Yesodah Torah (a his customers, will boycott (and make him bank­ alleged charges of economic offences. Twelve Talmud Torah school) and the Tarkemoni schools rupt) if he does. of these, it is stated, were Jews. In Russian law, are admitted to Belgian universities without entrance examination.—-(J.C.) The Jewish Chronicle correspondent states there is no appeal against these sentences. that his tour of the South has confirmed what Sovetskaya Litva, reporting on the four Vilna YIDDISH ON CANADIAN TV various Jewish defence agencies have stated— Jews recently sentenced, said that the alleged cur­ that the Jew, for the first time since the Civil rency transactions of the accused involved dealings A ruling by the Canadian Board of Broadcast War, feels insecure, and is no longer so sure that amounting to over 13 million roubles. Governors states that in areas where there are this is his permanent abode. A letter in a recent issue of The Jewish sufficient numbers of foreign-language Canadian Chronicle by Mr. A. Super, referring to the debate residents, TV and radio stations should be allowed Import of Matzo Flour on the subject at the Board of Deputies, states to broadcast up to 40 per cent of the station's time President Kennedy has issued a special pro­ that the writer is all in favour of protests by in foreign languages. clamation allowing the import of five tons of representative Jewish bodies against anti-Jewish There are more than three Jewish weekly pro­ wheat flour from Israel for baking f^aizo shmura discrimination. He is not convinced, however, grammes in Canada. The music and songs are (used by ultra-Orthodox Jews) for Pesach. The that the death sentences passed on Vilna Jews Yiddish, but the language used is English. Hence­ White House issued a statement that the President tor currency offen<^s were passed on them because forth these programmes will be able to broadcast had signed the proclamation to permit the import they were jews. " The Soviet criminal code con­ in Yiddish.—(J.C.) siders as crimes against society—and often as at the request of Orthodox Jews. The procla­ eapital offences punishable by death—activities mation was necessary because of the tremendous on which other countries look more tolerantly, FRENCH PROFESSOR REINSTATED U.S.A. surplus of wheat in storage, which made and it is not only Jews who have been punished it necessary to set strict import quota limitations. \0T them ". Before accepting as a fact that the The Administrative Tribunal of the Seine Israel was the only coun.try which could guaran­ Yilna death sentences are proof of antisemitism, (Greater Paris) has set aside the Government tee that the wheat fulfilled the necessary specifi­ therefore, Mr. Super says he should like to know decree revoking the appointment of Professor cations, i.e., had remained dry.—(J.C.) whether non-Jews have been similarly punished Laurent Schwartz as Professor of Analytical tor similar offences. Mathematics at a technical college in Paris. Ribicoff Standing for Senate Professor Schwartz is one of France's leading Mr. Abraham A. Ribicoff, Secretary of Health, If it can be established that it is only on Jews mathematicians. His appointment was revoked that capital punishment has been imposed then, Education and Welfare in President Kennedy's following his signing of the "' Manifesto of the Cabinet, is to resign this post to run for the 'he Writer says, the Board of Deputies has every 121 ", which defended those who refused to serve •^ght to protest against antisemitism. If not, its U.S.A. Senate. This will leave only one Jew in in the Algerian war. French professors, as a the Kennedy Cabinet, Mr. Arthur Goldberg. If Protest should be on the ground that the punish­ mark of solidarity with Professor Schwartz, ment, on whomsoever imposed, is savagely out of Mr. Ribicoff is elected he will be the third Jew declined invitations to take his place as a lecturer to serve in the present Senate.—(J.C.) proportion to the crime. Otherwise. Mr. Super in the college. eoncludes. we expose ourselves to the retort from Moscow that what we are really after is special The Professor is a cousin of M. Debr6, the Protest by New York's Mayor privileges for Jews. Prime Minister, whose father. Dr. Debrd, was converted to Christianity many years ago. The Mayor Robert Wagner, of New York, has doctor's sister, Claire Debre, mother of Professor resigned from the exclusive New York Athletic Protests in U.S. Congress Schwartz, has remained a Jewess.—(J.C.) Club because of allegations that the club practised discrimination by not admitting Negroes or Jews The recent haopenines in Russia were also to membership. Jipbated in the U.S. House of Representatives. ATHENS CHIEF RABBI Congressman Leonard Farbstein introduced two Rumanian Fascist now Bishop concurrent resolutions to ask the U.S. delegation Rabbi Isaac Gabbai was inducted as Chief o the United Nations to " seek early adoption " Rabbi of Athens. The President of the Athens Mr. Seymour Halpern, the Jewish Republican ^ a General Assembly resolution condemning community told the congregation that Rabbi Congressman, speaking in the House of Repre­ •Russia for its actions and to ask for direct inter- Gabbai's appointment was a turning point in the sentatives, said that he held the necessary docu­ ^^''tion on behalf of persecuted minorities by history of the community. " The new spiritual mentation, which he was willing to submit to '"e U.N.'s Human Rights Commission. The leader is at the same time a learned man and a officials in the U.S.A.. for an investigation of ^^solutions were referred to the House Foreign rabbi with a modern education ", he said. Viorel Trifa. Trifa. who was admitted to the r^airs Committee, of which Mr. Farbstein is a Rabbi Gabbai, aged 35, was bora at Larache, U.S.A. as a displaced person in July, 1950, was "leniber. Congressman Farbstein said that the Spanish Morocco, and studied at the Hebrew " ordained" within a year by the Rumanian ^ajor purpose of his resolutions was to remind Seminar of Tangier. He told the congregation Orthodox Church and is now known as Bishop *°Yiet leaders that the world is aware of their that he had gone to Athens with the keen desire Valerian in Detroit. Trifa was " ordained" actions. to help the community " find its way" towards under " highly questionable " circumstances by an Jewish religious principles.—(J.C.) unfrocked priest, Mr. Halpem alleged. No Matzot on Sale According to Mr. Halpem, Trifa was President "MEDV KAMPF" IN PORTUGUESE of the fascist National Union of Rumanian R ^K^^'^° '^^^ ^^""^ ^^^ asked by the Chief Christian Students, which participated in the l^abbi of Moscow to bake matzot in their own Hitler's " Mein Kampf," with a foreword by Bucharest pogrom, together with the antisemitic jP'J^es. This follows the refusal of the Russian Lionel Arroyo, a local writer, has been translated Iron Guard, in January. 1941. He was subse- late bakeries to bake any matzot and put them into Portuguese by a Sao Paulo publishing firm.— qently court-martialled and sentenced in absentia on sale.—{J.C.) (J.C.) to hard labour for life.—(J.C.) Page 6 AJR INFORMATION April. 1962

Herbert Freeden (Jerusalem) Elisabeth Rosenthal WHERE TIME STOOD STILL ISRAEL'S "N.E.P." Visit to a Tunisian Town The success of " N.E.P."—Israel's New Eco­ dise, and many producers are now seeking new We were on our way to El Djerba, Ulysses' nomic Policy—rest, as all such measures, to no ways of returning to the hot-house. This is an island of the lotus-eaters, the island oasis in the small degree on the faith of the public in extremely dangerous tendency." south of Tunisia which had fought hard for its the wisdom and efficiency of the administra­ " Haboker" (Liberal) is even more out­ freedom against Spaniards and Turks between the tion. On that memorable February 9, when twelfth and sixteenth centuries. Across the gang­ spoken : " The Government was so concerned way of the Dakota which carried us bumpily.to the Israel pound was devalued from 1.80 to about preserving the veil of secrecy around the our destination, two dark-skinned men, wearing 3 per dollar, just before Sabbath eve to give new policy that jt forgot to devote attention small red scullcaps, as do so many Tunisians, were everyone 24 hours' time before the banks and to its implementation." eyeing us curiously, their glances returning again shops opened again. Finance Minister Levy The question has, nonetheless, been raised and again to the Hebrew book my husband was Eshkol appealed over the radio to business­ —was the secret well kept ? On .the day pre­ reading. By the time we touched down in Sfax. men and industrialists to keep the prices down, ceding devaluation, dollar-linked bonds on the where almond trees were surprisingly blossoming as customs tariffs on imports would be lowered Tel Aviv stock exchange jumped from 400,000 in the bitter cold, they came to talk to us. Were to make good for the higher rate of exchange ; we Jews and would we come to see their two dollars to 700,000 dollars. An enquiry is now ancient villages ? These men wore wide, Turkish- to the trade unions he appealed to refrain from being held as to whether there was any leakage. style trousers, and wide woollen coats like every­ demands for higher wages ; recipients of com­ body else; however, a black woven band below pensation moneys from Germany were asked Hope for Sound Economy the knee, worn as a sign of mourning for the not to exchange all their foreign funds into destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, distin­ Israel currency; housewives were requested to The " backroom boy " behind the devalua­ guished them from their Arab neighbours. abstain from stock-piling, and the public as a tion scheme and its chief planner was David A few days later we drove to Haraseghira, whole to desist from panic buying. Kochav, 34-year-old adviser to the Bank of where the ancient El Griba Synagogue stands. Israel, a graduate of the Hebrew University. Whitewashed Arab houses are built around court­ When Sunday morning came, these admon­ yards. From here about half of the population ishments were taken to heart by everyone— He is convinced that the new exchange rate has gone to Israel, not because they were pep^' except the Government itself. Disappointed can lead to a sound economy without a further cuted but rather for economic reasons. A mixed automobilists found that gasoline had gone up weakening of the purchasing power of the population, both sections live peacefully together, by 12 per cent, and kerosene—the most popular Israeli pound, because, with regard to goods, each with its own schools and its own butchers. fnel for heating and cooking—^had become the import component amounts to only 20 per The Jews of El Djerba claim to be the descendants dearer by 20 per cent; both commodities are cent, as compared to 80 per cent from local of those who fled after the first destruction of the State monopolies. A chain reaction led to a resources. A difficulty would arise if holders Temple. The El Griba Synagogue, at least a^ of foreign currency decided to convert their regards its foundations, is said to be over 2,000 price climb of many goods and to increasing years old. Most of the Jews are silversmiths and pressure against the Government's handling of deposits—and, so far, this has not happened. goldsmiths, or merchants in the souk of the town- the affair, so much so that the price of kero­ There are 120 million dollars in Israel in Their womenfolk keep as much in the background sene had to be restored to its original level. foreign currency accounts, and last year alone as those of their Arab neighbours. Only the men personal restitution payments amounted to However, not only the public but also the go to market, on horseback or on a donkey. I' 110 million dollars. Government was in for a surprise. Since 1959 is a lovely sight to see them riding home, with Before Mr. Eshkol left for the United States their large straw baskets bulging with vegetables all public mortgages in Israel have been linked are fruit and freshly caught fish, glistening to the dollar. Thirty-eight thousand flat-owners he denied at the airport all " rumours" of silver in the sun, danghng at their side from a in immigrant housing and ma'abara abolition devaluation; after his return he remarked piece of string. I noticed some stylised menorotn schemes, and another 20,000 in saving-for- cryptically that he had a " new economic and fish painted in bright blue on some of the housing schemes have such dollar-pegged mort­ policy " in his pocket. Between departure and Jewish houses. The fish are supposed to ward gages, and found their debts increased over­ arrival he met the representatives of the Inter­ off the evil eye ; therefore the men use the fish night by about 67 per cent. Their grievances national Monetary Fimd. Time and again design also in their jewellery. and pressure almost caused a Cabinet crisis, they had warned Israel that its multiple rates There is poverty here and disease. The Ameri­ of exchange—the official rate was almost only can Joint has started a kindergarten ; it also dis­ with Ahduth Avodah taking the side of the tributes milk and has opened a kosher canteen. " little man," had not some compromise solu­ nominal—would stand in the way of the Government obtaining large international Ose is in charge of a dispensary, and the children tion been worked out for repaying the loans look healthy and well fed. The canteen helpers at the old rate over some extended period. loans, such as for the expansion of the country's received us with friendly shaloms, and all of them. road network. Any connection between Mr. to my surprise, kissed me on both cheeks. . , Press Criticism Eshkol's talks and the devaluation after his After a visit to the kindergarten and the gi"' return is, according to World Bank sources, classes, where they all learn Hebrew, we came Not so much the planning as the implemen­ purely coincidental. at last to the synagogue. It is a simple, white­ tation of the new policy has come in for severe But will there be really one dollar rate only ? washed building, divided into two parts. Small criticism, also by the Press of the Coalition At the " black " stock exchange in Tel Aviv groups of old men were sitting in the first part, reading, praying, some aloud. Only those parties. "During the first weeks, when all dollars are sold 10 per cent higher than the depended on a unified command and a coherent reading alou