Five-Week Drive Gives Trail Opportunity in Sales C Snew

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Five-Week Drive Gives Trail Opportunity in Sales C Snew FIVE-WEEK DRIVE GIVES TRAIL SNEW OPPORTUNITY IN SALES C PAIGNI OT SINCE 1926-27 when Indianapolis nosed out CLOSE EVERY N Philadelphia for the Fox­ film Week honors in a last SITUATION IS minute rally has any contest been marked with the surprise that liilMMill has featured the victory achieved by J. R.'S ORDER A Weekly Newspaper Published by Fox Film Corporation in The U. S. A. W . A. Ryan's Albanians in walking off with the Harley L. Clarke Week VOL. VI MOVIETONE CITY, CALIF., OCTOBER 7, 1931 No. 23 • continued on five WHAT WILL DRIVE MEAN TO YOU? Volume sales drives, such as PHILADELPHIA AND ALBANY the one just launched, in the past five seasons have been marked by promotions of many of their star performers. Some CROWDING TORONTOi NINE present managers whose unusu­ al work merited promotion fol­ lowing drive checkups include NEW BILLINGS CONTENDERS Dillon, Davis, Wheeler, Dermody, Higdon, Lorentz, Simon, Pow­ ers, Mayer, and Young. Many a salesman cinched a prize by capitalizing the opportunity af­ SENSATIONAL forded by a volume drive. What is this five-week drive going to IJILLl~f3J Place Place Place Place Place Place mean to you? 9 / 26 Branch 9 / 19 9 / 12 9/ 26 Branch 9 / 19 9 / 12 GAINS ARE I Toronto . ·······------ I 2 20 New Orleans ...... 26 26 2 Philadelphia ........ 4 6 21 Milwaukee ........ 20 20 OINCIDENT with the 3 Los Angeles ........ 3 3 22 Indianapolis ........ 19 19 MADE launching of the five­ 4 San Francisco . 2 5 23 Cincinnati .......... 18 18 C - week cleanup sales drive, : 5 Albany .............. 11 11 24 Charlotte ........ 15 15 6 Washington ...... 5 1 25 Des Moines ........ 32 32 HERE will be a hot time in the selling status of branches I 7 Kansas City ... .. ... 9 8 26 Winnipeg .......... 27 27 the old town of Philadel­ changed considerably. Some 13 8 Vancouver .......... 8 7 27 St. John .............. 14 14 T offices advanced to better posts in the 9 Denver .............. 6 4 28 Omaha .............. 22 22 phia-if Edgar Moss' plans official sales standing published this 10 Boston .............. 10 9 29 Atlanta .............. 17 17 with regard to billings do not week. Thirteen other branches drop­ 11 New York ........ 7 10 30 Calgary ............. 34 34 miscarry. The elusive Quaker, ped, while 11 held their old positions. 12 New Haven ..... 33 33 31 Oklahoma City ... 29 29 never in finer form, will probably Outstanding in the past week's sales 13 Minneapolis ...... 13 13 32 Portland ............ 25 25 find further stimulant in the fact activities, however, was the significant 14 Dallas ................ 23 23 33 Montreal ....... 21 21 that, as the result of last week's bill­ advances made by James Dermody's 15 Seattle .......... 24 24 34 Pittsburgh ... ... 30 30 ings boost, he not only hurdled Los 16 Buffalo ............. 28 28 Bostonians, Ward Scott's Kansans and 35 St. Louis ........... 35 35 Angeles and forced San Francisco to Alfred Davis' Milwaukeeans. 17 Detroit .............. 16 16 36 Cleveland .......... 36 36 the cover of fourth place, but es­ 18 Chicago ............. 12 12 tablished his branch within very easy But Edgar Moss' pace-setting Phila­ 19 delphians and Sam Wheeler's de­ Salt Lake . ... .31 31 37 Memphis ............ 37 37 reach of the dictatorial Torontonians. termined Washingtonians did not give With the mounting of sales, bill ­ up an inch to this invading triumvirate. ings are effected accordingly. And that fact, together with returns for October Drive Cue LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK AND the recent Harley L. Clarke Week campaign, explain the sensational For Speeding Up PHILADELPHIA ARE LEADING gains made by many exchanges. While 1931 - 32 volume sales are The week just closed was without a far ahead of last season, generally, IN MOVIETONE NEWS SALES doubt the most eventful, from a Mr. Grainger this week put into ef­ ------- - billings' viewpoint, of this season. fect a nation-wide drive that will keep Jumps varied from New Haven's 21 every salesman out in the field for ERE 'S another surprise: Ben Gould's Los branch is showing the places to Winnipeg's single spot. 30 consecutive days. Managers, too, H way on volume of Movietone News contracts closed to date, according Branches that looked like "sure will concentrate on field operation. to information forwarded by the Home Offir:e. But whether or not things" a week ago are found in The Home Office sales executives will the Angelinos will be able to hold their ground in view of the current five­ • continued on three e continued on two week sales drive which also has for its purpose the cleaning up of un­ JENN IN GS BOYS, closed situation on Movietone News, is something else. OFFICIAL WEEKLY TIPS NEW SALESMAN That the Movietone News sales " Cood Sport" is the definite Concentrate on old accounts competition is a free-for-all is evi ­ SEEK HONORS denced by the following significant title for the Kenneth MacKenna not yet closed and on new busi­ production that went into work ness. Say it with contracts and statement made by George A. Rob­ as " Cheating" and " Infidelity". erts: plenty of them. OM and Jack Jennings, brothers, The Coast and eastern pre­ By maximixing your sales of Boston, substantially boosted "While Los Angeles is lead­ mieres of Cummings' " The volume during this five-week T their respective volume sales score ing, the margin is so small that Cisco Kid " will be staged this drive you automatically maxi­ last week, with the result that their that office will have to show week-at the Criterion and mixe your billings. chances of forging to the front in unusual strength to hold back Crauman's Chinese theatres in Many exchanges' status for the salesmen's 1931-32 race today are at least five other branches that Los Angeles, and at the Roxy , the entire 1931-32 season1 will much stronger. Interesting, too, is seem to be headed toward the top New York. be established by October per­ the fact that in their advance, Tom insofar as volume of contracts " Bad Cirl" ran ahead of formances. ·passed his brother and thereby secured closed is concerned. There is " Merely Mary Ann" last week. the branch leadership. Jack Jennings room for improvement at every • continued on two • continued on five I ALBANY, H. L. CLARKE WEEK WINNERI I I THE DYNAMO I I OCT. 7, 1931 I EAST AND COAST OFFICES' I Wl~J? W. A. Ryan, manager of the ADVANCES. MENACE SALES Albany branch which won the second annual Harley L. Clarke LEADERS AS DRIVE ST ARTS Week campaign. • concluded from one Dillon's Golden Gaters have still some likewise spend all their time working distance to go, but this five-week managers and salesmen right in the drive pl us the fighting mood and de­ field with the definite purpose in mind llJAL~Jll termination of the San Francisco sales­ of closing every possible situation men should go a long way toward during that period. Places bringing them up among the leaders. Concentration of the men wi ll be Gained Last week San Francisco wedged its on ( 1 ) accounts that were closed last Place Place or way to within a couple of points. of year, but have not yet been brought 9 / 26 Branch 9 /1 9 Lost Los Angeles and less than that behind into the 1931-32 fold and (2) new 1 Philadelphia -------- 1 -- Pittsburgh, New Haven and St. Louis. business. By going after these tac­ 2 Washington -------- 2 -- In fact, if Pittsburgh and St. Louis do tics the present splendid sales record 3 Boston ----- ----------- 4 + 1 not show an improvement this week will have been boosted to a record 4 Kansas City -------- 5 + 1 no surprise shoul d be occasioned if proportion that wi ll defi nitely con­ 5 Milwaukee ---------- 6 + 1 Dillon whips his team ahead of those tribute to a conti nuo us maxim ization 6 Denver ---------------- 3 3 branches. of bi ll ings during t he re mainder of 7 Albany ---------------- 7 the season. 8 Los Angeles ____ ____ 12 +4 Detroit Coming Back; 9 Pittsburgh ---------- 8 Trailers Tighten Up 10 New Haven ________ 11 +: Indianapolis Climbs 11 St. Louis --- --- -------- 9 - 2 Lester Sturm's Detroiters went into For New Campaign 12 San Francisco ______ 18 +6 the five-week d rive in the midst of a That results assured during the 13 Cincinnati ____________ l 0 - 3 sales rally. Launchi ng of the 100 five-week drive w ill effect consider­ 14 Indianapolis ________ 16 +2 percent. account-closi ng campaign able changes in the sales standing is 1 5 Detroit ------------- --- 21 +6 fo und Detroit skyrocket ing six hotches. a foregone conclusion when the in­ 16 Oklahoma City .... 13 - 3 Thi s plunge was a bitter blow to some st ructions Mr. Grainger has given man­ 17 New York ___ ___ ___ _23 +6 fo ur branches and, at the moment, i agers are analyzed. Never have 18 Dallas --------- --------- 14 -4 a source of much concern to Gehri ng's branch ma nagers been put more 19 Charlotte ____ ________ 20 + 1 Cincinnati brigade. The Ohioans are emphat ica ll y "on thei r own." Nor 20 Minneapolis ____ ____ 26 +6 sa ndwiched in between San Francisco HUMPHRIES have they ever been given greater 21 Chicago __ ________ __ __ l 5 -6 and Detroit, havi ng forfei ted three authori ty. They have a clear road. 22 Buffalo ______________ 19 - 3 pegs last week. W hen the drive closes there wi 11 be 23 Des Moines --------22 - 1 George Landis' Indianapolis crew STILL LEADS absolutely no reason why every pres­ 24 Om aha --------------- -24 ______ dashed into the drive with higher hope ent unclosed situation has not been 25 Memphis ____ ___ _____ 17 - 8 and increased determination.
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