
VOL. 3 MARCH 14, 1931 NO. 11 Norway--- Phi Ii pp in es Win ''Ad'' Sales Race

1930 II AD" SALES RACE ENGLAND-CHILE CLOSE SECONDS IN FINAL ST ANDING 'OLD UNS' & 'YOUNG UNS' DIVISIONS Old 'Uns Young 'Uns NEW YORK- The big "Ad" Sales Race for 1930 is over and the 1. Philippines 1. orway honors in their respective groupings go to the Philippines and Nor~"ay . 2. England 2. Chile 3. Poland England and Chile, however, the runners-up were so close to the leaders 4. Egypt 3. Greece that the race almost resulted in a quadruple tie. 5. Singapore 4. Denmark In the interests of fairness it was found --'-~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 6. Hungary 5. Jugo ·Iavia necessary to divide the branches of the large percentage of increase over their 7. Sweden world into two groups, the "Old 'Uns" and past year than branches which for years 8. China the "Young 'Uns." This course was de­ have been striving to the limit and have ci ded upon because new branches natur­ thoroughly combed their territories for 9. Australia all y have a better chance of showing a 10. Czecho prospects. 11. France Follo\ving this idea it mu t truthfully be said that the showing of Great Britain was 12. Holland HOLDOVERS ON remarkable. Doing an enormous business 13. Argentine No Previous Basis "EAST LYNNE" for years this territory was yet able dur­ 14. Italy of Comparison ing 1930 to increase that business over fifty NEW YORK-"East Lynne" is continu­ per cent. 15. Mexico Turkey 16. P orto Rico ing its record smashing way holding over in Chile and Grnece both more than doubled 17. Germany Roumania every first run it has played to date. The their bu iness and \viii be graduated into Finland latest to report extraordinary first weeks the "Old 'Uns" class for the coming sea­ 18. D. E. Indies and holdovers are Baltimore, Richmond, son. 19. Spain India Toledo, Washington and St. Louis. The branches other than those mentioned 20. Cuba Panama who won places in the Honor Roll for ex­ 21. Austria ceptional performance are Egypt, Poland, 22. Brazil ZANTKER TO Hungary, Jugoslavia, Sweden, Denmark, 23. Latvia BULGARIA SOON China, Singapore. 24.Japan The "Ad" sales business of the entire ATHE S-Near East District Manager world because of the interest aroused by Edgar Zantker leaves soon to inaugurate the race rose by almost twenty-five per BELA LUGOSI IN "WOMEN an intensive selling campaign in Bulgaria. cent above the previous high record. OF ALL NATIONS" DESYLVA SIGNS LONG TERM CONTRACT Bela Lugosi's g ift for makeup and Ori­ ental accent will play an important part in AS PRODUCER FOR FOX FILMS ""Women Of All ations," the picture depicting the further adventures of Buddy De Sylva, the only one of the DeSylva, Brown and Henderson song Flagg and Quirt. Mr. Lugosi has been writing trio to continue working for the movies, will henceforth ge known as George signed by Fox Films for a principal role DeSylva, producer. He is under long term contract to produce pictures for Fox Films. in the cast, which features Victor McLag­ When he returns from a European vacation in September, Mr. DeSylva will len, , , Greta is­ begin work on a picture in which will be starred. directed sen, Fifi Dorsay, Marjorie White, at Pen­ the DeSylva, Brown and Henderson pictures, "Sunny Side Up" and "Just Imagine,'' dleton, Joyce Compton, , and will co-direct the new film w ith DeSylva. Charles Jude! and T. Roy Barnes. page two world wide news


Moving Fast MELBOURNE-" Common Clay" has just closed a phenomenal run in this city at the Plaza theatre, the d e luxe house of this section. -Thornton Freeland, It pack ed them in for eight weeks exceeding the runs of "Cock Eyed World," youthful and successful director, has start­ " Sunny Side Up" and " So This is London" not only in length of run but most decidedly ed on his first picture for this organiza­ in box offic e returns . tion, "Riding For A Fall," based on the It a s t h e mos t s e nsational box-office picture ever shown in the territory and is stage play, "Six Cylinder Love," and with now in its s ubseque nt runs fully holding up the pace. an all-star cast. As one must surely know this is a keen comedy of married life, a . most human story, dealing primarily with a couple who SUAVE BOOKWORM! buy a motor car, which they can ill-afford, Sweden Sets but which a persuasive salesman forces on them. How one car can cause such com­ plications as thi one does is revealed in New Release Record some mirth-provoking situations. Inasmuch as 90 per cent of the action 12 PICTURES IN 3 HOUSES in the picture takes place in and around the adjacent homes of the Sterlings and IN ONE WEEK IN STOCKHOLM Burton families, Director Freeland decided to avoid delays incidep.t to weather and STOCKH OLM-According to advices sunlight conditions by constructing two from Manager Biornstadt the Swedish com­ practical houses on the largest sound stage pany has obtained recently a record sched­ at the Beverly Hills studios. There are ule of releases in the Stockholm territory. elaborate gardens, front and back yards Ffrst in importance was the release of complete with shrubberies, driveways and "" at the Palladium, the big­ garages, plants, trees, bushes and flowers, gest first run house in the country, followed artistically bedded and the bungalows com­ immediately by its second r un release at plete even to piping, plumbing and practi­ the "Gota Lejon" and "Flamman" theatres. cal gas mains to the kitchen stoves. Another achievement during the week of In this novel setting the players, Spen­ February 22 was the booking of 12 pic­ cer Tracy, Edward Everett Horton, Sidney tures in t hree houses on the south side of Fox, Una Merkel, William Collier, Sr., Ruth Stockholm a feat which has never before. Warren, Lorin Raker, Bert Roach and Wil­ been accomplished by a ny fi lm company. liam Holden will be guided by Freeland This booking included day and date r uns through the hilarious scenes of the story. at four of the theatres. In conn ection with all these r uns a tr e­ mcndou advertising campaign was carried ROWLAND BROWN on by the exhibitors which was considered IN LUCK by the press to be the most widespread ever put on in Stockholm. MOVIETONE CI TY.-Good luck has come in bunches to Rowland Brown, the young 210-pound writer-boxer-artist-direc­ tor who has just directed his first picture, "Y oung s·inners " o n "Quick Millions," a Fox picture featuring , , John Wray and Sally Eilers. Mountain Location Studio officials are so pleased with the efforts of Brown, also co-author of the pic­ ture with Courtenay Terrett, that they have HOLLYWOOD-"Young Sinners," di­ given him a two month ' vacation in Paris. rected by John G. Blystone a nd marking He will sail from ew York in about a the retuTn to the screen of the eminently week. "Quick Millions" tentatively was popular Thomas Meighan, is in production called "Skyline." with the company, at the moment, in the beautiful Lake Tahoe section, the long Every type of interesting literature is journey necessitated due to the need of DOLLAR LINE PLAYS represented in the library of Edmund Lowe, snow for the opening scenes. Fox Films star. Before he ever thought FOX PICTURES of the tage or screen as a career, "Eddie" "Young Sinners" in screen form sticks was a student and an omnivorous reader. closely to the stage play and tells the story YOKOHAMA - According to advices While still a pupil at the Jesuit Academy of a boy and girl with modern ideas who, post marked this city from I. W. Rodgers, at Santa Clara University, he began assem­ because their love is wild and passionate, China Manager, w,ho has just returned to bling books for his library and he is still are separated by their wealthy parents. his territory the Dollar Line is featuring functioning in the same activity. The How they overcome the obstacles placed in Fox pictures on all its round the world camera has caught a section of his collec­ their love path and win victory in a se­ ships. tion in his Beverly Hills home. cluded Adirondack camp, conducted by a hard-boiled trainer, who brings the burnt­ out youth back to health and happiness, make a most fascinating screen story. ITALIAN "BIG TRAIL" SET FOR RECORD Meighan, of course, plays the trainer; Har­ FUX RAVES OVER PROSPECT die Albright and Dorothy J ordan, the youthful lovers and other important mem­ bers of the cast are Cecilia Loftus, James ROME-In the opinion of M ana ging Director Bruno Fux, t he Italian v ers ion of Kirkwood, Lucien Prival, Edmund Breese, "The Big Trail" titled in Italian 'II Grande S e n t iero " will put d e finitely in the shade David Rollins an Gaylord Pendleton. a n y talking picture e x hibited in Italy up to date and for a long time to come. Imme d iately upon rec eipt o f t h e fi rst print a special scree ning was arranged for the m embern of the press and the public a uthorities and the comme nt was unanimously GERMAN "BIG TRAIL" t o the effect that here w as a picture which would show to Italy for the first time what POSTCARD a talking p icture could be. I n Mr. Fux's own words in a c able to G e n e ral Foreign Manager Clayton She ehan BERLIN-A special souvenir postcard "its recep tion w a s e n thus iastic a nd t he o nlo o ker s a p plaud e d clamorously. It will b e advertising "The Big Trail" is getting a the b iggest t hing in c inema e ntert ain ment yet sh o w n in m y territ o r y ." wide play here and in other Central Euro­ pean cities. world wide news page three

HIGH TIDE COMING IN FAST HOLLYWOOD-Never in the history of Fox Fil ms has the outlook for the future seemed more optinusttc, never has enthusiasm appeared more pronounced, never has it appeared more certain that this organization's product during 1931 will step to the forefront and lead all others and there is every reason to believe also that soon there wi ll be made an announcement of forthcoming productions that will mark a signal event in screen history.


Despite Fact Prints are Movietone, Unanimous Approval Sales Drive Records Broken Nightly Throughout Island HIGHLY DIVERTING SAN JUAN.-The first few weeks of Under Way 1931 have seen Fox piling up records for "Amusing acting, bright direction, brisk their Spanish product which are unequalled dialogue and clever treatment have been S. S. CRICK ANNOUNCES in the annals of the theatre trade in Porto combined in this movie.... The cast is Rico. great, Jeanette MacDonald has a fine talent SIX MONTHS CAMPAIGN To start the year off right, was the for light comedy and does delightful work phenomenal AMOR RIE success in the as the wife. Edmund Lowe is thoroughly SYDNEY-A six months sales drive has Habana Theatre of Ponce when all records charming as the gay friend .... 'DON'T been inaugurated in the Australian organ­ for that theatre and t hat city were smashed. BET 0 WO l[E ' is thoroughly gay. A ization which will last from February 1st Then El Precio de Un Beso," true to highly amu ing light comedy." to July 31st. form, called out extra guards when it -DAILY MIRROR The object of the drive as outlined by played at the new Eureka Theatre in San Managing Director S. S. Crick is to sell Juan and set new records of attendance. EL PRECIO DE U BESO a few nights f f f the exhibitors of Australasia the whole of later broke its own record at the Luna the 1931 product plus any unsold 1930 Theatre, also in San Juan, where it has " CHARMING CELLULOID product that may still remain available. been been making box office history. The The drive will be conducted on the basis theatre was packed to capacity, chairs in TID-BIT" of points scored figured on the percentage the aisles, the lobby full to overflowing and of possible contracts closed. This point crowds in the street fought for a chance to "William K. Howard is the director who system will be further subdivided accord­ reach t he box office. Traffic was interrupted turned out this charming celluloid tidbit. ing to the nature of the product such as and extra policemen had to be called. . . . 'Don't Bet On ·women' is an adeptly features, news, unsold 1930 product, out­ The next day when MISMO BARRO balanced picture of adult comedy and light side productions, etc. made its debut in the Luna Theatre it romance, with Roland Young, J eanette Mac­ Intermediate winn ers in the course of broke BESO'S record by jamming a crowd Donald and Edmund Lowe monopolizing the drive will also be announced so that it into the theatre which literally fought for honors." will really resolve itself into three drives. standing room and almost tore the box office -EVENING GRAPHIC Each two months results will also be taken down. as a basis of scoring points. Space is too crowded to tell what EL f PRECIO DE UN BESO did on its seventh f f play date in Caguas-a town which gener­ ally will not support a picture for even JEANETTE MacDONALD STAR two days. But just imagine 1,432 people OF HIGHEST ORDER crowded into a 650 capacity house with at least 300 others outside fighting to get in. "A romping, laughing bit of amusement bound to send the Simila1· was what happened in Bayamon fans home happy ... the fine hand of Director Howard is ap­ where two policemen had to keep the gate parent in every sequence ... despite the fictional characters which from being stormed. people his picture, under his magic touch each becomes real and In that town CUA DO EL AMOR RIE lovable. He has in remarkable degree the faculty of telling a tale broke all records when it played at the on the screen. He reaches the heart of his public and holds it a Variedades Theatre where the former rec­ willing captive. ord had been set some years ago by a silent "Miss MacDonald proves her possession of a fine flair for picture-"7th Heaven"! sophisticated comedy. In 'Don't Bet On Women' she clinches her "AMOR RI E" also jam1ned the Olimpo claims for recognition as a cinema star of the highest order.... Theatre to capacity, the biggest theatre in She handle difficult situations with perfect poise, and holds the Porto Rico, breaking DEL MISMO BAR­ sympathies of her audiences in every sequence." RO'S record. EW YORK AMERICAN And, to top it off, DEL MISMO BARRO in the Eureka Theatre smashed everything. CHANGE OF TITLE f f f Three policemen, six doormen, the Fox representative and the two theatre owner " Red Handed" has been selected as the fought to hold the second performance final title for the Fox picture formerly EXCELLENT COMEDY crowd from breaking in the doors while named "Always Goodbye" in which Elissa other policemen and theatre employees Landi is featured. This will be the first "An excellent comedy sketch, bubbling ushered the first performance crowd out directorial attempt by William Cameron through side exits. Menzies and Kenneth MacKenna. with bright lines and originality, is now nolding the fort at the Roxy ... worked out with real skill and directed imagina­ SEILER WILL DIRECT SPANISH "BODY AND SOUL" tively by William K. Howard. "Mr. Lowe gives a satisfactory perform­ HOLL YWOOD.-It has been announced by the studios that Lew Seiler who ance. Miss MacDonald is quite effective in directed the Spanish version of "The Big Trail" ha been given the directorial assign­ her part. Mr. Kerrigan does splendidly as ment on the version of " Body and Soul" in the same language. The Spanish "Big Trail" which was t itled "La Gran Jornada" will in the opinion the man ensnared by the Kentucky belle. of H oren, Schochet, Garcia and Zeno who have seen it create new box office records 'It is a jolly piece of film work and it all through their territories. is a pity that more productions like it are not made." -NEW YORK TIMES page four World wide news

THE LOWDOWN ON A GREAT ACTOR JOAN BEi Born in , Pa.; birthday is April 9th. Parents were non professionals. Father was owner of a foundry supply company. Educated in the public schools of Pittsburgh and at St. Mary's College there. TO A L Stage struck from his youth; developed a desire for theatricals while attending college. pent a great deal of his time in the theatre and in watching for actors to leave via the alley back of the playhouse. GOOD BYE, BLUES! Father insisted on his becoming a doctor, but Tom had hi way and never began the study of medicine. HOLLYWOOD.-Goodbye "blues!" Convinced his dad he would make a better actor. Old Man Trouble, pack up your bag and Landed hi first stage job in Pitt burgh "git!" as an extra in "Miss ell." Will Rogers is on your trail with "Cure Was ambitious and possessing a natural For The Blues," his new Fox starring pic­ histrionic ability, was oon playing sup­ ture, now in production at the Beverly Hill porting roles and it was not long before he studio of the C-Orporation, under became a leading man for some of the big­ the direction of Frank Borzage. gest stars of the stage. "Cure For The Blues" is the screen ver­ Played for three years with David War­ ion of 's stage success, "Father field. And The Boys," with the creen play and Afterward played the leading role in dialogue by Edwin Burke. " The College Widow" during its long run Fifi Dor ay, who scored with Rogers in in this country and in England. "They Had To See Paris," is one of his Starred in the American dramatization of chief mean of effecting his marvelous cure. " Broadway Jone ." It is an ultra-modern stury with Will a Returning to the United States from a widower confronted with the problem of England, he played his fir t role in a motion getting hi two sons interested in the bu i­ picture, appearing opposite Laura Hope ness he has built up for them and al o Crews in "The Fighting Hope." getting them properly married. Became one of the outstanding leading The supporting cast includes Lucien men of the films. Littlefield, Lucile Browne, Donald Dillaway, Gained world wide recognition as a screen Terrance Ray, Rosalie Roy, Brandon Hurst, actor for his performance in "The Miracle John T. Murray, Marcia Harris and C. Man." Henry Gordon. Soon after that became the highe t sal­ aried actoT in pictures and the greatest drawing personality of the screen. "GOOD GRACIOUS, Innumerable succes es followed "The Mir­ ANNABELLE" acle Man." Some of them were "The Bachelor MOVITO E CITY.-"Good Gracious An­ Daddy," "Manslaughter," "Old Home nabelle" is once more the favored title for Week," "Our Leading Citizen," "Irish Thomas M eighan the picture in which J eanette MacDonald Luck," "Coming Through," "Tin Gods," and Thomas Meighan will be co-featured. It "We're All Gamblers," "The City Gone clubs in Great eek, L. I.; Miami, F lorida; is the name of the stage success upon which Wild" and "The Man Who Found Himself." the picture will be based, but had been He appeared in " The Racket," directed by East Port Richie, Fla., and at Los Angeles. Wa Shepherd of the Lambs in New temporarily discarded for "All Women Are Lewis Milestone in 1929 after which he Hungry." decided to take a rest. York for two terms and refu ed the nomi­ nation for a third term. was released from the Remained away from the screen for two cast of "Young Sinner " so he could play years which, in the meantime, had learned Thi po ition had hitherto been reserved in this picture. to talk. for stage actors only. Ruth Warren's comedy also will be a Signed a Fox Movietone contract in Jan­ Height, 6 feet, one inch, weighs 170 feature. Miss Warren appeared with El uary, 1931 and reported at the we t coa t pounds, ha brown hair and hi eyes are Brendel in "Mr. Lemon Of Orange." studio in February. blue-gray. First assignment was to the role of the trainer in "Young Sinners." WALSH'S STAFF Surprised and disappointed his friend UNA MERKEL IN when he arrived in Hollywood by announc­ ing that he had, temporarily, at least, re­ "DADDY LONG LEGS" MOVIETO E CITY.-Director Raoul nounced golf. Wal h believes in keeping his production Played it so much during his two years HOLLYWODD.-Una Merkel's new as­ staff a nearly the same a possible on off the screen that he decided he was "over­ signment for today is a featured role in every picture. In his latest Fox pictuTe, golfed." "Daddy Long Legs," the Janet Gaynor­ "Women Of All Nation ," he has with him Married to Frances Ring, celebrated W arner Baxter picture. Captain Bradley, military expert who acted actre s. Since she was signed by Fox on the as drill instructor on "What Price Glory" Only pet is a mongrel dog that money trength of her original character work in and "The Cock Eyed ~ orld." Archie cannot buy. "Don't Bet On Women," which comes to Buchanan has been Walsh's assistant on al­ Hobby i golf; pastimes swimming and the Roxy March 6, many paTts have been most every picture in recent year , and he reading. found suited to her talents. It is just a is a sociated with him in bi new film. This Smokes cigarettes-imported ones. question of how many she can do without is the third time Walsh, Lowe and McLag­ Boasts of no musical education and de­ conflict in production. len ·have worked together on a production. clares that in spite of the fact he is Irish, he entertains no superstitions. Early ambition was to become an actor. "" NEARING COMPLETION Prefers to do character leads. "Women Of All ations," the furtheT adventure of Flagg and Quirt, is nearing Charming conversationalist, clever lis­ completion under the direction of Raoul Walsh. Walsh is now at Lake Tahoe with tener and a gracious mixer. His friend Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe and Greta Ni sen, filming last shots for the picture are legion. with the beautiful countryside as background. Rated one of the richest actors in the world. Owns extensive estates at Great Neck, Long Island, ew York, and at East Port Richie, Florida. Member of many club including the Lambs , Lotus, in ew York and of golf C J world wide news page fi ve NNETT HAS BEEN SIGNED ONG TERM CONTRACT

GAYNOR ON STORY JAMES KIRKWOOD SIGNED BY FOX CONFERENCE FOR "YOUNG SINNERS" HOLLYWOOD.-James Kirkwood, rugged hero of many films, has been signed The privilege of itting. in on story con­ by Fox Films for a part in "Young Sinners," adapted from the successful stage play. ferences for her next starring picture, Kirkwood recently appeared in ."The Spoilers," "Worldly Goods" and "The Devil' "Daddy Long Legs," was accorded Janet H oliday." He replaces William H olden in the cast to enable the veteran character Gaynor. Sonya Levien and Samuel Behr­ actor, under contract to Fox, to act in another film. man who are adapting Jean Webster's stage Joan Castle' work in "Mr. Lemon Of Orange," starring El Brendel and Fifi play to the screen for Fox Film Corporation, Dor ay, led Fox official to assign her a principal role in "Young Sinners." visited the little star at Palm Springs, des­ ert resort where she is taking a month' complete rest before returning to the studios. MARCIA HARRIS They di cussed the story with Miss Gay­ BLYSTONE SIGNS nor, who expects to be working in it wit hin HOLL YWOOD.-Marcia Harri ha been three weeks. Warner Baxter, having com­ signed by Fox Films for the Will Rogers pleted the title role in "The Squaw Man" NEW CONTRACT for which he was borrowed by another comedy, "Cure For The Blues," which is studio, will play oppo ite her. Under the terms of a new contract signed adapted from a GeoTge Ade story. \vith Fox Film Corporation, John G. Bly­ stone will direct four more pictures, bring­ "A CURE FOR THE BLUES" ing his record of Fox pictures up to 56 . Mr. Blystone, one of the mo t consistent Yvonne Gets directors of successful pictures, has to his credit a variety of productions ranging from Westerns to comedy and drama. His latest A Great Big picture, recently completed, is a comedy, "Mr. Lemon Of Orange," with El Brendel Break ~ and Fifi Dorsay in the leading roles. Cur­ rently he i directing his fifty-second film for Fox, "Young Sinners," an adaptation of After 16 months under contract to Fox the stage success by E lmer Harris. Films, Yvonne Pelletier, native of Port Henry, British Columbia, has been given Some of his picture are "So This Is her first screen role. London," with Will Rogers; "The Sky Regarded by studio Hawk," an aviation film; "Thru Different official as a potential Eyes," a mystery story; "Mother Knows star, Miss Pelletier ha Best," a tragedy of mother love; "Captain Lash," "The Big Party," "Slaves of been put through a Beauty," "The Last Man On Earth' and thorough schooling to "Sharp hooters." prepare her f o r a teady rise to fame. Some of his pictures have served as ve­ Her first part will be hicles for Will Rogers, , Edmund a r elatively mall one Lowe, Maureen O'Sullivan, Victor McLag­ in "Young Sinners," the len and Joyce Gompton. picture which mark Thomas Meighan's r e­ turn to motion pictures JEANNETTE MacDONALD following a two years' IN NEW YORK FOR absence. Yvonne Pelletier Miss Pelletier \vi ll SHORT VACATION not be 16 until next ovember and heT lack of years is her EW YORK.-Jeanette MacDonald, ti­ greatest worry. She appears to be about tian-haired Fox star, whose picture, "Don't 17 and has blue eyes, fair skin, brown hair Bet On Women," is the current attraction and a trim, graceful figure, the re ult of at the Roxy Theatre, arrived in New York, years of study of dancing. Friday, March 6 for a short vacation. Her studies include voice, diction, danc­ While here Miss MacDonald for the sec­ ing, piano, violin, French and German, and ond time was the guest artist of the Camel the regular high school subjects. She gave Hour broadcasting over the BC network up study of the haTp after three years be­ on Wednesday evening, March 11, at which cause she could not crowd it into her bu Y time she sang several of the most popular days. of the old and new songs. Following hel' radio engagement she will Yvonne Pelletier first appeared on the return to Fox Movietone City to make stage in San Diego when she wa four. At "Good Gracious, Ananbelle," with Thomas six she was in prologues at H ollywood mo­ Meighan. Other members of the cast al­ tion picture theatres. For three year he ready selected for the adaptation of this was the leading child in the Pilgrimage popular stage play include William Holden Play in Hollywood. Her first creen ex­ Fifi Dorsay and Ruth Warren. perience was in J . Stuart Blackton's " Hride of the Storm." In addition to Thomas Meighan, the prin­ cipals in "Young Sinner " are Dorothy J or­ dan Cecilia Loftus and Hardie Albright. \ST IN ''BLONDIE'' John Bly tone is directing. page SIX world wide news

power. A real publicity man sac­ NEWSREEL THEATRE rifices his " ego" u_pon t he altar of the pict ure he is supposed to pub­ COVERS THE WORLD licize. Spot news of international importance dominates the program of the Embassy TWO GOOD ONES ews Reel Theatre for the week beginning March 7th. The tense scenes in Madrid as Published weekly in the interests the military is mobilized to guard King Al­ of Fox Films Foreign Folks The Head Office staff had t he plea ure this week of seeing two fonso in the impending revolt are graphic­ By FOX FILM CORPORATION ally covered. Shots of the loyal garrisons great pictures. pledging allegiance and a talk by Admiral HARLEY L . CLARKE They are "Three Girls Lost" and Aznar, the new premier and man of the President "Quick Millions." hour in the disturbed country, are the high­ lights of this clip. WINFIELD SHEEHAN And they are box-office from the Vice President and General Manager first foot to the last. First sound pictures of the recent New Both are built on brand new ideas. Zealand earthquake, which shows the de­ W. C. MICHEL va tation in which hundreds died, are pre­ Vice President and Treasurer Both are wift moving, directed sented. with a new technique, alive. CLAYTON SHEEHAN They are the kind that are so in­ Three celebrated Engli hmen are pre­ General Foreign Manager sented, Sir Malcolm Campbell, Hugh Wal­ tere ting and full of continuous ac­ pole and Lord Clarendon. Sir Malcolm is MAURICE AHERN tion that yo u are out of the projec­ shown being notified at Westminster Hall Editor tion room before you have had time of his knighthood by the King. Author Walpole, talking frol'n London, discusses EDITORIAL STAFF to settle down. American and Engli h wTiters, Sinclair Louis Nebot Eugen Sharin And you are out with a darn sat­ Lewis and his winning of the Nobel Prize George Spillenaar isfied feeling that yo u have seen for Literature, particularly. Lord Claren­ two pippins. don, who i the new Governor of Br itish Vol. 3 MARCH 14, 1931 No. 11 Sout h Africa, is recorded arriving at Cape They are the kind of pictures Town with the populace of the city making that get the customers in and make a great to-do about it. RUTS AND RECKLESSNESS them glad they came. They are the Other clips served up on the screen by kind that makes every looker a the contributing Fox Movietone ews and booster. Hearst Metrotone ew are: t he staTt of Publicity is a queer thing. And that's not sales talk either. the British turf season with an exciting It seems haphazard and the way Wait till you see them. steeplechase, at Plumpton; another boxing a lot of birds practise it such an im­ exhibition from France; Mexican choru Then tell us if we're wrong. girls limbering up; a German Samson pression is justified. wrestling with some modern Delilahs; and Yet it is an art and requires just H. M. S. elson, the large t man-o-war as much brains as any other depart­ ANOTHER " CHARLIE CHAN" afloat, passing through the Panama Canal. ment of a business. PICTURE You have to make yo ur product known. HOLLYWOOD-Vice president and Gen­ AN APPRECIATION But you must accomplish this eral Manager Winfield Sheehan has an­ nounced the purchase of another novel by with as much headwork as you put Earl Derr Biggers, author of "Charlie Chan Feb. 28, 1931 into the making and selling of that Carries On." It is " The Black Camel" and Fox Film Corp'n product. is a best seller relating the further adven­ Studio 1417 N. Ave. Get a plan. Don't be reckless and tures of the quaint Chinese detective. Los Angeles, Calif. a hunch and stunt player. Gentlemen: Keep your plans ever new and up "CHARLIE CHAN" A week ago tonight, at Fox Cri­ to the minute. Don't let them get terion, with several ladies of our or­ into a rut no matter how good they ganization, we had the opportunity to are. The public will get tired even see the Italian version of the World of a good thing. Premreie of "THE BIG TRAIL." On behalf of our Club we want to say Don't do a t hing until you have that the spectacle presented was most doped out t he main idea you want marvelous, poignant, captivating, af­ to put across whether it be about a fording all of us the greatest pleas­ picture, a star or institutional. ure. We want to add we have And then don't do or say a thing but praise not only for the film itself but also for the masterly manner in that does not advance t he main which each of the artists rendered idea. their part. It is obvious Mr. Raoul Don't waste yo ur publicity energy Walsh, who directed the production on nonessentials and worthless should be congratulated. strivings after a big gross of inches We know that the decision o f your of space. o rganization in translating into Ital­ A two inch paragraph in a news­ ian a film of the character of "THE BIB TRAIL" should be nothing but paper of 2,000,000 readers is worth complimentary and we feel it will a thousand times as much as a page prove to be the financial success it in a magazine of small cir culation. was intended for and which will be Realize that if it were worth any­ well deserved. No doubt such will be thing you probably never would the case when shqwn throughout "sunny Italy." have gotten a whole page. And be­ In closing we express the hope that sides if you need a whole page to the Italian colony of our city will be get over your idea, then get a new again afforded the pleasure of more idea. " Italian Films." Keep out of ruts and don't be CLUB FEMMINILE IT ALIANO reckless. Real publicity i applied brain Warner Oland world wide news page seven I I DOCTORS WIVES I I THE · THEME Intense drama growing out of the conflict arising in the heart of a young doctor's wife when she grows to believe in the fallacy that "the patient is the common enemy of every doctor's wife."


Warner Baxter, as "Jude Penning," the Beautiful Joan Bennett as "Nina Wyn­ doctor whose lifework was devoted to hu­ dram"-the doctor's wife-the girl who manity, and whose devotion to thi idea learned from her father that men were almost cost him the love of the only girl born to sacrifice their lives for humanity he could ever adore. . . . who learned from her mother that "the WarneT Baxter leaped to instant fame patient is the common enemy of every with his sensational "," doctor's wife" and who was torn with con­ awarded the medal for the best perform- flicting emotions between the two beliefs ance of the year. ----.... and almost wTecked her life before he A male name ranking well up with the knew for certain which was right. leaders, in a role that will back up any Joan inherited her place at the top of predictions that can be made for it. A superb actor, in a role that is the plum of Hollywood's emotional actres es from her his illustriou career. famou parents Richard Bennett and Ad­ Among his best succes es are, "In Old rienne Morrison. She has lived up to that Arizona," "Thru Different Eye ," "Behind heritage with all the fire inherent in the That Curtain," "Romance of the Rio cyclonic Bennetts. Grande," "Such Men Are Dangerous," "The Success include-"Disraeli," 'Bulldog Arizona Kid " "Renegades " "Their Mad Drummond,' "Moby Dick." "Crazy That Moment." ' ' Way,'' "Putting On the Ritz," "Scotland Born, educated, Columbu , Ohio. Yard," " Three Live Ghosts," "Missi sippi Gambler," "Song of Broadway." Born P alisades, . J. Educated Water­ ., ., bury, Conn., Ver~ailles, France, and Lon­ Husband and Love r don, England. VICTOR V ARCONI PUNCH SCENES Victor Varconi, as "Dr. Kane Ruyter," internationally-famous research scientist, Bennett's plight when her father, t. Polis is stricken while her gad-about mother, friend of "Jude Penning," and lover of his Gardner is on a party. wife. The dramatic meeting with Baxter when Bennett goes in search of a doctor. A colorful and emotionally dramatic role The ironic moment when Gardner returns, hilarious with drink, to find Bennett that enables Varconi to display the vivid in tears over St. Polis' death. personality that made him famous in such The moment, after the marriage, when Baxter leaves his bride of a few hours, pictm·e as "Triumph," "King -0f Kings,'' Bennett, to attend a patient. "Th.e Divine Lady," "Chicago," and "The The growing fear of Bennett that her mother is right in insisting that strange Volga Boatman." things go on in Baxter's consultation room. Varconi returned to his native Hungary The climax of her fears when she surprises 1illard and Baxter together in the two years ago to traighten out pas port consultation rooms in a compromi ing situation. difficulties which have prevented him be­ Baxter's worry over what has happened to Bennett. His talk with Varconi in coming an American citizen. While abroad which the scienti t practically tells him Bennett came to his apartmen at night. he made four all-talking pictures in Ger­ Bennett enrolls as a nurse under an assumed name at a hospital. many. " Doctor's Wives" marks his return When Bennett sees the strength of wi11 which Baxter exercises in order to to the American scTeen. control himself to do the best work pos ible for Varconi, despite personal feelings Born, Kisvarda, Hungary. Educated­ ao-ainst him, she realizes that to him work is everything. Budapest. The joyful moment when Bennett, now reunited with Baxter, ends him to answer ., ., ., a call when her whole heart is crying out for his love .


Cecilia Loftus, as "Aunt Amelia," eccen­ tric but lovable aunt of "Dr. Jude Penning" (Warner Baxter.) An amusing character portrayal that will go far toward e tablishing the screen repu­ tation of this internationally known comedi­ enne who has already done such splendid work in "East Lynne," and is soon to ap­ pear in "Merely Mary Ann," with Gaynor and Farrell. Born in Glasgow, Scotland. Educated, Convent of the Holy Child, Blackpool, Eng­ land. The beginning of doubt ''DOCTORS' WIVES'' '

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