VOL. 3 MARCH 14, 1931 NO. 11 Norway--- Phi Ii pp in es Win ''Ad'' Sales Race 1930 II AD" SALES RACE ENGLAND-CHILE CLOSE SECONDS IN FINAL ST ANDING 'OLD UNS' & 'YOUNG UNS' DIVISIONS Old 'Uns Young 'Uns NEW YORK- The big "Ad" Sales Race for 1930 is over and the 1. Philippines 1. orway honors in their respective groupings go to the Philippines and Nor~"ay . 2. England 2. Chile 3. Poland England and Chile, however, the runners-up were so close to the leaders 4. Egypt 3. Greece that the race almost resulted in a quadruple tie. 5. Singapore 4. Denmark In the interests of fairness it was found --'-~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 6. Hungary 5. Jugo ·Iavia necessary to divide the branches of the large percentage of increase over their 7. Sweden world into two groups, the "Old 'Uns" and past year than branches which for years 8. China the "Young 'Uns." This course was de­ have been striving to the limit and have ci ded upon because new branches natur­ thoroughly combed their territories for 9. Australia all y have a better chance of showing a 10. Czecho prospects. 11. France Follo\ving this idea it mu t truthfully be said that the showing of Great Britain was 12. Holland HOLDOVERS ON remarkable. Doing an enormous business 13. Argentine No Previous Basis "EAST LYNNE" for years this territory was yet able dur­ 14. Italy of Comparison ing 1930 to increase that business over fifty NEW YORK-"East Lynne" is continu­ per cent. 15. Mexico Turkey 16. P orto Rico ing its record smashing way holding over in Chile and Grnece both more than doubled 17. Germany Roumania every first run it has played to date. The their bu iness and \viii be graduated into Finland latest to report extraordinary first weeks the "Old 'Uns" class for the coming sea­ 18. D. E. Indies and holdovers are Baltimore, Richmond, son. 19. Spain India Toledo, Washington and St. Louis. The branches other than those mentioned 20. Cuba Panama who won places in the Honor Roll for ex­ 21. Austria ceptional performance are Egypt, Poland, 22. Brazil ZANTKER TO Hungary, Jugoslavia, Sweden, Denmark, 23. Latvia BULGARIA SOON China, Singapore. 24.Japan The "Ad" sales business of the entire ATHE S-Near East District Manager world because of the interest aroused by Edgar Zantker leaves soon to inaugurate the race rose by almost twenty-five per BELA LUGOSI IN "WOMEN an intensive selling campaign in Bulgaria. cent above the previous high record. OF ALL NATIONS" DESYLVA SIGNS LONG TERM CONTRACT Bela Lugosi's g ift for makeup and Ori­ ental accent will play an important part in AS PRODUCER FOR FOX FILMS ""Women Of All ations," the Raoul Walsh picture depicting the further adventures of Buddy De Sylva, the only one of the DeSylva, Brown and Henderson song Flagg and Quirt. Mr. Lugosi has been writing trio to continue working for the movies, will henceforth ge known as George signed by Fox Films for a principal role DeSylva, producer. He is under long term contract to produce pictures for Fox Films. in the cast, which features Victor McLag­ When he returns from a European vacation in September, Mr. DeSylva will len, Edmund Lowe, El Brendel, Greta is­ begin work on a picture in which Janet Gaynor will be starred. David Butler directed sen, Fifi Dorsay, Marjorie White, at Pen­ the DeSylva, Brown and Henderson pictures, "Sunny Side Up" and "Just Imagine,'' dleton, Joyce Compton, Humphrey Bogart, and will co-direct the new film w ith DeSylva. Charles Jude! and T. Roy Barnes. page two world wide news "Riding For A Fall" "COMMON CLAY" CLOSES PHENOMENAL RUN IN MELBOURNE Moving Fast MELBOURNE-" Common Clay" has just closed a phenomenal run in this city at the Plaza theatre, the d e luxe house of this section. HOLLYWOOD-Thornton Freeland, It pack ed them in for eight weeks exceeding the runs of "Cock Eyed World," youthful and successful director, has start­ " Sunny Side Up" and " So This is London" not only in length of run but most decidedly ed on his first picture for this organiza­ in box offic e returns . tion, "Riding For A Fall," based on the It a s t h e mos t s e nsational box-office picture ever shown in the territory and is stage play, "Six Cylinder Love," and with now in its s ubseque nt runs fully holding up the pace. an all-star cast. As one must surely know this is a keen comedy of married life, a . most human story, dealing primarily with a couple who SUAVE BOOKWORM! buy a motor car, which they can ill-afford, Sweden Sets but which a persuasive salesman forces on them. How one car can cause such com­ plications as thi one does is revealed in New Release Record some mirth-provoking situations. Inasmuch as 90 per cent of the action 12 PICTURES IN 3 HOUSES in the picture takes place in and around the adjacent homes of the Sterlings and IN ONE WEEK IN STOCKHOLM Burton families, Director Freeland decided to avoid delays incidep.t to weather and STOCKH OLM-According to advices sunlight conditions by constructing two from Manager Biornstadt the Swedish com­ practical houses on the largest sound stage pany has obtained recently a record sched­ at the Beverly Hills studios. There are ule of releases in the Stockholm territory. elaborate gardens, front and back yards Ffrst in importance was the release of complete with shrubberies, driveways and "The Big Trail" at the Palladium, the big­ garages, plants, trees, bushes and flowers, gest first run house in the country, followed artistically bedded and the bungalows com­ immediately by its second r un release at plete even to piping, plumbing and practi­ the "Gota Lejon" and "Flamman" theatres. cal gas mains to the kitchen stoves. Another achievement during the week of In this novel setting the players, Spen­ February 22 was the booking of 12 pic­ cer Tracy, Edward Everett Horton, Sidney tures in t hree houses on the south side of Fox, Una Merkel, William Collier, Sr., Ruth Stockholm a feat which has never before. Warren, Lorin Raker, Bert Roach and Wil­ been accomplished by a ny fi lm company. liam Holden will be guided by Freeland This booking included day and date r uns through the hilarious scenes of the story. at four of the theatres. In conn ection with all these r uns a tr e­ mcndou advertising campaign was carried ROWLAND BROWN on by the exhibitors which was considered IN LUCK by the press to be the most widespread ever put on in Stockholm. MOVIETONE CI TY.-Good luck has come in bunches to Rowland Brown, the young 210-pound writer-boxer-artist-direc­ tor who has just directed his first picture, "Y oung s·inners " o n "Quick Millions," a Fox picture featuring Spencer Tracy, Marguerite Churchill, John Wray and Sally Eilers. Mountain Location Studio officials are so pleased with the efforts of Brown, also co-author of the pic­ ture with Courtenay Terrett, that they have HOLLYWOOD-"Young Sinners," di­ given him a two month ' vacation in Paris. rected by John G. Blystone a nd marking He will sail from ew York in about a the retuTn to the screen of the eminently week. "Quick Millions" tentatively was popular Thomas Meighan, is in production called "Skyline." with the company, at the moment, in the beautiful Lake Tahoe section, the long Every type of interesting literature is journey necessitated due to the need of DOLLAR LINE PLAYS represented in the library of Edmund Lowe, snow for the opening scenes. Fox Films star. Before he ever thought FOX PICTURES of the tage or screen as a career, "Eddie" "Young Sinners" in screen form sticks was a student and an omnivorous reader. closely to the stage play and tells the story YOKOHAMA - According to advices While still a pupil at the Jesuit Academy of a boy and girl with modern ideas who, post marked this city from I. W. Rodgers, at Santa Clara University, he began assem­ because their love is wild and passionate, China Manager, w,ho has just returned to bling books for his library and he is still are separated by their wealthy parents. his territory the Dollar Line is featuring functioning in the same activity. The How they overcome the obstacles placed in Fox pictures on all its round the world camera has caught a section of his collec­ their love path and win victory in a se­ ships. tion in his Beverly Hills home. cluded Adirondack camp, conducted by a hard-boiled trainer, who brings the burnt­ out youth back to health and happiness, make a most fascinating screen story. ITALIAN "BIG TRAIL" SET FOR RECORD Meighan, of course, plays the trainer; Har­ FUX RAVES OVER PROSPECT die Albright and Dorothy J ordan, the youthful lovers and other important mem­ bers of the cast are Cecilia Loftus, James ROME-In the opinion of M ana ging Director Bruno Fux, t he Italian v ers ion of Kirkwood, Lucien Prival, Edmund Breese, "The Big Trail" titled in Italian 'II Grande S e n t iero " will put d e finitely in the shade David Rollins an Gaylord Pendleton. a n y talking picture e x hibited in Italy up to date and for a long time to come. Imme d iately upon rec eipt o f t h e fi rst print a special scree ning was arranged for the m embern of the press and the public a uthorities and the comme nt was unanimously GERMAN "BIG TRAIL" t o the effect that here w as a picture which would show to Italy for the first time what POSTCARD a talking p icture could be.
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