
Dentistry Bad Breath is an Unbearable Burden

By Benjamin R. Fiss, DDS No clue Many people When someone offers a stick of gum or a who have chronic mint, is that person actually trying to hint that bad breath don't even they smell bad breath? Halitosis, more com- realize it. Studies monly known as bad breath, is one of the have shown that as most common concerns that patients discuss people get older, with their dentist. It is estimated that 65 per- breath that's already cent of the population suffers from chronic bad gets worse. bad breath—a serious problem considering While certain med- that it affects social, professional and per- ical conditions, sonal relationships. strong (such as and ) and smoking account for a small percent- It is estimated age of the causes of bad breath, the over- whelming cause of Practicing proper by brushing, flossing and halitosis is poor oral scraping, along with regular dental checkups are that 65 percent important first steps in eliminating halitosis. health. Bacteria that grow in the mouth and on the tongue cause mined, more targeted steps can be taken to of the the foul-smelling . The bacteria create eliminate it. In order to prevent halitosis, one “ volatile sulfur compounds. These compounds must get rid of the bacteria in the mouth and can be a result of postnasal drip, faulty den- the volatile sulfur compounds it creates. The population tal work, , gum crucial steps include: repairing faulty dental disease or spaces between teeth where work, treating gum disease, increasing water may accumulate. Practicing proper oral consumption and of course, a regular regi- suffers from hygiene by brushing, flossing and tongue men of brushing, flossing and tongue scraping, along with regular dental checkups scraping. are important first steps in eliminating halito- sis. By conducting a thorough oral exam Don't just cover up chronic bad including x-rays, a dentist will be able to set As an extra precaution, using products up a treatment plan to eliminate bad breath. containing is also very effective in the treatment of halitosis. breath. Wet the whistle Chlorine dioxide breaks apart the molecules One of the largest causes of bad breath is that cause bad breath. It destroys bad breath having a dry mouth. Increasing water intake rather than acting as a cover-up, like some will help to irrigate and flush out the offend- and . By destroying People spend millions of dollars on ing bacteria. Without the proper salivary flow the bacteria, the overall health of one's mouth , breath fresheners, gums and and ingestion of water, bacteria will remain is improved. mints in an attempt to rid themselves of on the teeth. This is like trying to run a dish- Halitosis is a problem that affects a large offending . Unfortunately, these prod- washer with too little water. Just as the food swath of the population. Working with a den- ucts only work” for a short period of time, or will stick to the dishes, bacteria will cling to tist, following proper oral care and using might not work at all. Worse, they might teeth. toothpastes and mouthwashes containing even be contributing to the overall problem Taking stock of one's complete medical chlorine dioxide means bad breath can not of bad breath. So what is a person to do? history is also important. There are more than only be eliminated, but also prevented. n It is important to discover the underlying 200 prescription that contribute cause of halitosis, and from there, create a to the problem of dry mouth. It is also bene- Dr. Benjamin S. Fiss' practice is located in plan to eliminate the problem by completely ficial to review one's eating habits and sugar downtown Chicago. eradicating the offending odor. Seeing a consumption, as certain foods will feed the trusted dentist is the right place to start. offending bacteria. Once the cause of the bad breath is deter-