lookingback: Earth from space | 17 AMERICAN ASTRONAUTICAL SOCIETY Newsletter of the AAS History Committee | www.astronautical.org | Editor: Tim Chamberlin (
[email protected]) INSIDE Anniversaries on my mind FEBRUARY 2008 | ISSUE 5 nniversaries are appearing on calendars on a regular basis, A which in some ways attests to the significance of events 50 years ago: From the Soviet launch of Sputnik in October 1957 to the U.S. launch of Explorer 1 (our namesake) in January 1958 … and looking down the road we see NASA’s birthday looming prominently. By Michael L. Ciancone, Chair, AAS History Committee SPACE HISTORY As much as I enjoy a good cele- ON THE RADIO bration, I prefer instead to anticipate future anniversaries, such as setting some remote participants. ® Dr. David Livingston and his ‘Space Show’ has a the cornerstone for the first perma- I always seem to get an adrena- global following / 2 nent human settlement on the moon, line rush coming out of these meet- and the first human landing on Mars. ® Doors open on new Saturn V ings, flush with ideas and plans. The facility in Huntsville, Ala. / 3 I like to think that current spaceflight results of the meeting are reflected in ® Notes from the AAS annual activities around the world are laying the History Committee’s goals listed meeting / 6 the groundwork for new anniver- on page six of this newsletter, along ® History Committee goals saries and celebrations and providing with reports on various activities. for 2008 / 6 fodder for future historians. I appreciate the opportunity that ® News briefs / 8 The History Committee met History Committee membership has ® The History Committee’s during the Society’s national confer- provided to mix and mingle with annual list of astronautical books / 10 ence in Houston in November.