Is U.S. Arms Buildup in Response to Saudi Crisis?

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Is U.S. Arms Buildup in Response to Saudi Crisis? Is U.S. Arms Buildup in Response to Saudi Crisis? By Peter Dale Scott, poet, former pro- Prince Sultan Crown Prince fessor of English, University of Cali- Bin Abdul Aziz Abdullah fornia, Berkeley, and author of numer- Second Deputy Prime Bin Abdul Aziz ous books, including Deep Politics and Minister and Deputy Prime Minisiter Minister of Defence the Death of JFK (1993, 1996). and Commander of the and Aviation National Guard he current noise in Washing- ton about invading Iraq seems Tso inane, (“some-what ludi- crous,” in the trenchant words of Jor- dan’s pro-Western King Abdullah II) King Fahd and the Democratic challenge to it in Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Congress so feeble, that it is worth son of Ibn Saud (see p. 20), wondering whether some other factor, suffered a massive stroke not openly discussed, underlies the in 1995 and is now current U.S. mobilization in the Mid- reportedly near death. dle East. If there is a hidden factor, it is probably the current political crisis Prince Sultan, has openly criticized Crown Prince Abdullahs in Saudi Arabia, amply reported in the pro-Western policies. Other anti-Abdullah factions in the British and Canadian press, but barely government have reportedly colluded with Islamic extrem- (if at all) in the U.S. ists in a wave of bomb attacks against Western targets. The Ottawa Citizen reported on August 1, the medical condition of King Fahd, hospitalized vere. ‘The Saudis hold the key to whether the U.S. wins or in Geneva since 1995 with a massive stroke, is further dete- loses the war on Islamic militants,’ said Steven Emerson, riorating. He has been visited recently by prominent princes of the Investigative Project, a Washington-based counter- in the Saudi royal family, and also by Egypt’s president, terrorism institute. ‘Most of the monies for Islamic mili- Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah II. As the Citi- tants are generated from Saudi Arabia. They could shut them zen commented sardonically: down if they wanted to, or open the faucet even more.’” “Why the heavy deathwatch, when the affairs of the Saudi On August 1, eight Western oil majors strengthened state were transferred, years ago, into the hands of King Prince Abdullah’s hand by finally concluding a long-dis- Fahd’s half-brother, the sharp-tongued and generally wits- puted agreement for exploitation of Saudi Arabia’s natural about-him Crown Prince Abdullah? The short answer is gas fields. But this may not be enough to counterbalance that Abdullah has lost it; lost his control over ‘the mob’ the humiliating rebuff dealt to the Crown Prince by Presi- (the 70,000 members of the heroically polygamous Saud dent Bush, when the so-called Bush peace plan for the Mid- family); lost his hold on his country’s fanatic preachers; dle East, heavily tilted towards Sharon’s thinking, made no lost his ability to exile terrorists; lost the thread of regional reference to Prince Abdullah’s peace proposal whatsoever. diplomacy (with his failed peace proposal to Israel); lost Bush’s failure appears to have concerned even his the use of the oil weapon (to a supply glut); and made a chief ally, the United Kingdom. In the words of The Ob- hash of a proposed $30-billion development of Saudi Ara- server, “The Foreign Office believes that the failure of bia’s natural gas reserves.” Abdullah’s recent Middle East peace plan could have ter- According to the Observer (Martin Bright, Nick minally undermined his position.” Pelham and Paul Harris, July 28, 2002) and the National The result, as The Observer reports in a second arti- Post, Crown Prince Abdullah’s chief opposition now comes cle, is that: “The kingdom is now a key battlefield in the from the powerful Sudairy group among the Saudi royal conflict between America and its allies and the forces of brothers, who once represented the pro-U.S. faction in the extremist Islam. It is a conflict that is now threatening to royal family, but who have recently turned against the U.S. tear Saudi Arabia apart. Revolution is in the air. The National Post stated: “Prince Sultan [Bin Abdul “The Western community [in Saudi Arabia] is liv- Aziz Al Saud], the Defence Minister [the leading Sudairy ing in fear. It has been the target of a series of bomb attacks brother], has openly criticized Crown Prince Abdullah’s pro- by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists who want to drive all non- Western policies. Other anti-Abdullah factions in the gov- Muslims out of the Arabian peninsula. Terrified Western- ernment have reportedly colluded with Islamic extremists ers have received little help from the Saudi authorities.” in a wave of bomb attacks against Western targets.” The U.S. may hope that it can weaken royal support “According to The Observer, Saudi sources have con- for anti-American protests, by its war preparations in the firmed that the bombings, for which Canadian Bill Sampson Middle East, including the timely regrouping of U.S. forces has been sentenced to death, were in fact carried out by from Saudi Arabia to neighboring Qatar. Alternatively, it Islamists linked to al-Qaeda. may have to use them. “Analysts say implications for the U.S. should the Source: August 3, 2002. < Saudi regime change or dramatically shift its policy are se- qfsaud.html> October 2002 Issue # 49 Press for Conversion! 17 Saudi Arabia: The Sarajevo of the 21st Century? By Michael C. Ruppert, former nar- cotics officer with the Los Angeles Police Department and now pub- lisher of the “From the Wilderness” website. he global horrors of the First World War — the war to end Tall wars — began with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. The apocalyptic war of the 21st century may have begun with a $1 trillion lawsuit filed in the U.S. by 9-11 vic- tim families against Saudi Arabian banks and members of the Saudi royal family. In what may be the opening salvos of a financial and energy apocalypse, the Financial Plante Times (August 20, 2002) reported that wealthy Saudi in- years of liaison with bin Laden), have been discussed re- vestors had begun a run on their U.S. banking deposits that peatedly, if obliquely, in the media since then. may have taken as much as $200 billion out of U.S. banks. After months of strenuous and repeated assertions These massive withdrawals — out of an estimated by the Bush administration that Saudi Arabia was a key $750 billion in Saudi U.S. investments — occurred within ally in the war on terror, someone has suddenly turned on days of the August 15 filing of the suit. Ironically, the prin- the tap for anti-Saudi propaganda and the mainstream me- cipal attorneys in the suit are all political insiders and, in dia are eating it up. one case, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. On June 20, the Jang group of newspapers in Dubai Why was Saudi Arabia not a focus of U.S. action reported that Al Qaeda networks were active in Saudi Ara- and serious media attention in the immediate aftermath of bia. This followed a June 18 story that a group linked to Al September 11 even though there were so many obvious con- Qaeda had been arrested inside the kingdom and charged nections? Why is Saudi Arabia now so prominently a focus with planning attacks on Saudi government installations. of what is an apparently government-approved U.S. ani- On July 18, the BBC reported that Saudi Prince mosity? Nayef Bin Sultan Bin Fawwaz Al-Shaalan had been in- On the eve of a U.S. invasion of Iraq, the deploy- dicted by a Miami court for smuggling 1,980 kilos of co- ment of U.S. military personnel in the region is also a con- caine on his private jet in 1999. venient placement of resources for what may be a one-two On July 28, Britain’s The Observer released a story punch to take over a tottering kingdom that owns 25% of headlined, “Britons left in jail amid fears that Saudi Ara- the planet’s oil, at the same time that Saddam Hussein is bia could fall to al-Q’aeda.” The lead paragraphs read: removed from power in a country that controls another 11%. “Saudi Arabia is teetering on the brink of collapse, Much of Saudi Arabia’s wealth is invested in U.S. fuelling foreign office fears of an extremist takeover of financial markets and its sudden loss could devastate the one of the West’s key allies in the war on terror.” U.S. economy. But Bush brinksman-ship is making possi- “Anti-government demonstrations have swept the ble a scenario where Saudis long-loyal to U.S. markets cut desert kingdom in the past months in protest at the pro- off their own arm in a coyote-like effort to free themselves American stance of the de facto ruler, Prince Abdullah. from a trap that threatens the stability both of their king- “At the same time, Whitehall officials are concerned dom and the global economy. that Abdullah could face a palace coup from elements Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi. Fifteen of the 9-11 within the royal family sympathetic to al-Q’aeda. hijackers were Saudi. There has also been a clear financial “Saudi sources said the Pentagon had recently spon- trail showing Saudi support for the Al Qaeda. As noted by sored a secret conference to look at options if the royal Jean Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié in The For- family fell...
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