e LONG TERM you caot aÿord. on e distribuon of e TOXIC

INVOCATIONS .– WITH Edna Bonhomme BPoC Environmenta and Cimate Justice Coective (Imeh Ituen and Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante) Center for Intersectiona Justice (Emiia Roig) Yoanda Ariadne Coins Discard Studies (Aex Zahara and Josh Lepawsky) Angea Fournoy The Forest Curricuum (Pujita Guha and Abhijan Toto) Hazardous Traves (Ayushi Dhawan, Maximiian Feichtner and Simone Müer) Hyoung-Min Kim and Gabrie Gaindez Cruz Jessika Khazrik Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecoogy (Ida Bencke) Latedjou Liping Ting Mother the Verb (Ivan “Ivy” Monteiro) Franziska Pierwoss Raqs Media Coective (Shuddhabrata Sengupta) Matana Roberts Huda Rós Guðnadóttir Tomás Saraceno and the Aerocene Foundation Aexis Shotwe Stephan Thierbach Françoise Vergès Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio (Moro Yapha) XR Extinction Rebeion (Kate Sagovsky) among others

CURATORS Antonia Aampi Caroine Ektander CO¨CURATORS Jasmina A-Qaisi Kamia Metway ARTISTIS DIRECTOR Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung PROJECT TEAM Monioa Iupeju António Pedro Mendes Oa Zieińska CURATORIAL ASSISTANT Mahnoor Zehra Lodhi MANAGEMENT Lema Sikod Lynhan Baatbat-Hebock COMMUNICATION Anna Jäger GRAPHIC DESIGN Esa Westreicher Lii Somogyi SOUND ENGINEER Kay Bennet Kruthoff LIVE STREAM Boiing Head

The project is funded by Hauptstadtkuturfonds and the Foundation for Arts Initiatives. With additiona support by the Mondriaan Fund, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueer Bhavan Kokata, Goethe Institut Pakistan, White Space Beijing, The Visua Arts Fund Iceand, DAAD Artists-in-Berin Program and the Berin Senate Department for Cuture and Europe. SAVVY Contemporary T Laboratory of Form-Ideas THE LONG TERM YOU CANNOT AFFORD. ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOXIC is the third chapter of SCHEDULE our ong-term investigation THE INVENTION OF SCIENCE.   This exhibition is part of Toxic Commons initiated by AT SAVVYContemporary AT Kuppehae, sient green Kuturquartier Caroine Ektander, Antonia Aampi and SAVVY Contemporary, Simone Müer with a research group TO LIVE WITH TOXICITY IS A EVERYWHERE'S A HERE, ISN'T IT? from the Rache Carson Center with Ayushi Dhawan, CONDITION OF LIFE is a fu day of A day that wi spi into the night with performances, Maximiian Feichtner, and Jonas Stuck. Extra City workshops, round-tabe discussions and performances taks, concerts and durationa acts with sois and winds, Kunstha has supported the first reiteration of this within the SAVVY .doc aimed at coectivey asking us to pause, isten and sense the kaeidoscopic research. imagining and accessing the range of actions needed to dimensions of the toxic. come to grips with the unreenting spread of the toxic. THE INVENTION OF SCIENCE ±²–´² Aerocene Community Weather- and a its connected chapters are funded by ² WORKSHOP Josh Lepawsky (Discard Dependent Foat AEROSOLAR SCULPTURES Hauptstadtkuturfonds and the Foundation for Arts Studies) Toxicity, Knowabiity, Accountabiity AND MUSEO AERO SOLAR Initiatives. [Exact timing wi depend on the weather conditions, We are gratefu for this support as we as the ±² LUNCH pease ook out of the window in search of the sun and additiona funding for THE LONG TERM venture out to fee the strength of the breeze (we wi YOU CANNOT AFFORD. ON THE ³² PANEL DISCUSSION I need heat and ow winds to make this happen) or foow DISTRIBUTION OF THE TOXIC: Ayushi Dhawan and Maximiian Feichtner (Hazardous our FB page for ive updates.] Jonas Staa’s new commission Redistribute toxicity Traves), Jessika Khazrik, Shuddhabrata Sengupta (Raqs has been made possibe through financia support Media Coective) and Franziska Pierwoss On Trade- º²–² PERFORMANCE Stephan R. from the Mondriaan Fund. He Xiangyu’s contribution Offs, Maintenance and Redistribution of the Toxic Tierbach Der Schweiß der Erde has been generousy supported by White Space Beijing. Abhijan Toto’s participation in the invocations ´²± LECTURE & EATING ´² WELCOME & INTRODUCTION program is generousy supported by the Goethe- Aexis Shotwe with Jasmina A-Qaisi What Might it Antonia Aampi and Caroine Ektander Institut / Max Mueer Bhavan Kokata. Hira Nabi’s Mean to say That Food is a Reationship? participation is generousy supported by the Goethe ´²´ LECTURE Simone Müer Hidden Institut Pakistan. Hyoung-Min Kim and Gabrie Gaindez ¯²± PANEL DISCUSSION II Externaities. On the Gobaization of Hazardous Waste Cruz's performance I AM NOT ON THE Imeh Ituen and Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante BLACKLIST is presented together with Tanzfabrik (BPoC Environmenta and Cimate Justice Coective), ´²´ LECTURE Yoanda Adriane Coins Berin in the frame of OPEN SPACES and is Moro Yapha (Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio), Coonia Residue kindy supported by the Berin Senate Department for Kate Sagovsky (XR Extinction Rebeion), Emiia Roig Cuture and Europe. The work of Huda Rós Guðnadóttir (Center for Intersectiona Justice) Against the Toxic: ¯²´ PERFORMANCE READING has been generousy sponsored by The Visua Arts Fund Acts of Disobedience, Interdependence and Vunerabiity Ida Bencke (LAE) Soft Openings and Transcor-poreaity: Iceand. The performance of Matana Roberts has been Caring for Encounters generousy supported by the DAAD Artists-in-Berin ² BREAK Program. ¯²±´ PERFORMANCE Liping Ting ² PERFORMANCE Hyoung-Min Kim and Licht Leuchten III Gabrie Gaindez Cruz I am not on the Backist º² LECTURE Aex Zahara What is Containment? ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION º²³´ READING Angea Fournoy  For wheechair accessibiity, pease ca Domesticated Paradise: Cimate and Community in ±–´´¯± for the eevator Southern Caiforna  The venue is immediatey wheechair accessibe through a ramp ² ARTIST TALK Tomás Saraceno with Antonia Aampi Barrier-free access with pubic transport (via S Wedding) ² MULTI¨MEDIA PERFORMANCE Parking pace (x) for the disabed Huda Rós Guðnadóttir Ocean Gory Guide dogs aowed ² PERFORMANCE [in the SAVVY.doc] If you have any requests or questions about accessibiity Hyoung-Min Kim and Gabrie Gaindez Cruz on both days, pease contact us one day in advance I am not on the Backist of the event on: communications @ SAVVY- contemporary.com or ±–´´¯±.

 ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– ± ®¯ ²±´ PERFORMANCE READING Ida Bencke (LAE) Soft Openings and Transcorpo reaity: Caring for Encounters CONCEPT ²³´ LECTURE Françoise Vergès When Breathing is a Revoutionary Act “They were sow changes compared to anything and propagation of the toxic, but aso consider non- that might happen here, but it took a pague vioent forms of redistribution of its painfuy unequa ² CONCERT Latedjou Língua Livre to make some of the peope reaize that things presence. coud change.” ²´´ PERFORMANCE LECTURE How can we form interdependent networks of Raqs Media Coective The Toxicity of Measure “So?” disobedience that exhort to fight against the vicious machinations that have ed to this current state of ²± BREAK “Things are changing now, too. Our aduts haven't affairs, and that can hep us escape the deporabe been wiped out by a pague so they’re sti conditions they keep (re)producing; from sma everyday ²´´ CONCERT Matana Roberts Untited no. ‘ anchored in the past, waiting for the good od actions to spectacuar mobiizations, from swift days to come back. But things have changed a responses to strategic and sustained engagement? ² PERFORMANCE LECTURE ot, and they’ change more. Things are aways And how can we ensure that these actions stem Edna Bonhomme The Afterives of Chronic Toxicity changing. This is just one of the big jumps instead from a position of istening and care rather than non- of the itte step-by-step changes that are easier egaitarian codependency and reactive sympathy? ²´´ PERFORMANCE to take. Peope have changed the cimate of the Ivan ‘Ivy’ Monteiro Mother The Verb word. Now they’re waiting for the od days to The concentration of our coective effort is neither to come back.” pick apart and sort into commonsensibe categories, ±²± LECTURE Pujita Guha and Abhijan nor is it to demonize, point fingers, or catayze an Toto (The Forest Curricuum) Against Apocaypse Octavia Buter: Parabes of the Sower, ± indigestibe sense of parayzing guit about the state of the word. Rather, our aim is to open up space for an ²´ PERFORMANCE Jessika Khazrik THE LONG TERM YOU CAN NOT artistic and critica registry that encourages us to pause Mount Mound Refuse AFFORD. ON THE DISTRIBUTION and sense the toxic presences and textures otherwise, OF THE TOXIC addresses environmenta to acknowedge and mourn its ongoing victims, and to injustices through the ens of the toxic and the discri- isten to the movement of its shadows. In so doing, we mination surrounding its production and circuation, hope to shift sensibiities away from one of paranoid a deepy rooted in historica structures. The project’s containment and fear, to an outook fueed by refexivity INVOCATIONS program brings together artists, writers, and nuance, and to nurture the act of noticing how academics, activists, fimmakers and musicians from actions on the most intimate scae are cosey tied to in and beyond Berin, who a in their own way, work on, the goba – as everywhere is utimatey a here. around, with and against the toxic.

The toxic trade-off inherent in expoitative and abusive processes of extraction, production, and disposa ies at the heart of the changing nature of the ecosystems to which we now beong – with miions of metric tons of synthetic materias, pesticides, heavy metas, and chemicas reeased and circuated every year. Structura inequaities on a goba scae permit for some ives to remain reativey untouched by toxic proiferation through systems of “externaisation” (Stephan Lessenich) whist many reside in high concentrations and etha exposure on a daiy basis out of the mere necessity of surviva. The new age of toxicity is “a condition that is shared but uneveny so, and which divides us as much as it binds us” (Michee Murphy).

Through a series of discursive formats that incude taks, round tabe discussions, performances, concerts and fim screenings, we aim to question the matrix of shared accountabiity for the socio-environmenta injustices rife to our current time and coectivey figure out what possibe actions and mobiizations coud constitute ong term affordabiity, for a humans, more- than humans and the panet at arge. These series of actions shoud not ony ead to reduce the production

³ ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– ´ ®¯ becoming a PhD candidate at the Rache Carson Center is a key vector through which many of us attempt to in º. manage what we take into ourseves by asking, “what CONTRIBUTIONS JESSIKA KHAZRIK is an artist, writer, is this?,” and deciding whether to eat that thing based and producer based in Beirut. Her interdiscipinary on identifying its substance. In this discussion, we practice revoves around severa fieds incuding media, wi expore a different approach to metaboizing the  AT SAVVYContemporary Newfoundand, Canada and co-editor of the onine composition and machine earning, ecotoxicoogy, toxified word: by approaching food as a reationship. hub Discard Studies. His research is invoved with performance, history of science, computation, and Jasmina A-Qaisi, as a reguar caretaker of the ibrary TO LIVE WITH TOXICITY IS the mapping of the internationa trade and traffic of music. Through intimatey investigating the infuence and cuinary practitioner, wi sensoriay compement A CONDITION OF LIFE – a fu day of eectronic waste – researching both geographies of of the goba economy on the techno-poitics of Aexis’s ecture with dishes that wi circuate around the workshops, round-tabe discussions and performances discards as we as those of maintenance and repair. voice, spatia poitics, and post-memory, her work audience during the ecture. within the SAVVY .doc aimed at coectivey Questions that inform his research incude where and expores systems of de-cassification, fasification, and ALEXIS SHOTWELL is a professor at imagining and accessing the range of actions needed how are contemporary discards made? Where do they subsumption. In –±, she was a feow at Home Careton University, on unceded Agonquin territory. to come to grips with the unreenting spread of toxic trave and where do their effects accumuate? Who gets Workspace Program in Ashka Awan, and in – Her academic work addresses impurity, environmenta matter and practices. what discards, where, how, and under what conditions? she is a feow at Digita Earth where she is deveoping justice, racia formation, disabiity, unspeakabe Lepawsky is aso interested in how maintenance and the patform of The Society of Fase Witnesses. Besides and unspoken knowedge, sexuaity, gender, and We convene in order to set-the-scene and engage repair, broady conceived, might offer both itera and her artistic practice, Khazrik coaborates with coectives poitica transformation. Her poitica work focuses on with many voices and payers within the debate figurative essons for figuring out how to ive we and institutions working at the intersection of urbanism, queer iberation, Indigenous soidarity, and feminist around toxicity. The aim is to cosey scrutinize how together in permanenty pouted and aways breaking artificia inteigence, music, and media studies. community education. She aso gives workshops the production and distribution of the toxic coud words. RAQS MEDIA COLLECTIVE incude on reducing suffering in our writing and teaching be decreased, chaenged and enacted differenty? Monica Narua, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, and Jeebesh practices. She is the co-investigator for the AIDS How can we move forward, buid, and inspire a new ³² PANEL DISCUSSION I Bagchi and was founded in  in New Dehi, India, Activist History Project (aidsactivisthistory.ca), and the vocabuary of exchange that is incusive and has the Ayushi Dhawan and Maximiian Feichtner (Hazardous where they continue to be anchored, persistenty author of Knowing Otherwise: Race, Gender, and Impicit abiity to change poicy, both ocay and gobay? How Traves), Jessika Khazrik, Shuddhabrata Sengupta (Raqs weding a sharp, edgiy contemporary sense of what Understanding and Against Purity: Living Ethicay in can the recognition and confrontation of one’s own Media Coective) and Franziska Pierwoss On Trade- it means to ay caim to the word from the streets of Compromised Times. toxicity, in direct reation to priviege, interdependence Offs, Maintenance and Redistribution of the Toxic that city. Raqs foows its sef-decared imperative of JASMINA AL¨QAISI is formay a visua and accountabiity, contribute to the mobiization of AYUSHI DHAWAN competed her BA Hons. “kinetic contempation” to produce a trajectory that is ethnographer and a cutura correspondent. She writes ethica uncontaminated reform? Together, we want to and MA in History from the University of Dehi in ³, restess in its forms and exacting in its procedures. They as she speaks in her own Engish, caught between consider the whoe range of actions that strive for new before joining the foundation year at the University articuate an intimatey ived reationship with myths sound and visua poetry. She ives in Berin, hides in ways of being in the word. One that goes from sma of Leiden in ³–´. Subsequenty, she earned her and histories of diverse provenances and sees its work SAVVY Contemporary’s archive, tries to Untrain everyday actions to spectacuar mobiizations, from research master’s degree in coonia and goba history as opening out the possibiity of a conversation that the Ear and often makes waves on free, independent, swift responses to strategic and sustained engagements in º. She then joined the Rache Carson Center DFG embodies a deep ambivaence towards modernity and a temporary or mobie radios. and to understand their impications and ramifications Emmy-Noether Research Group “Hazardous Traves: quiet but consistent critique of the operations of power in the ong term. Ghost Acres and the Goba Waste Economy”. In her and property. ¯²± PANEL DISCUSSION II dissertation project, India’s Shipbreaking Business, FRANZISKA PIERWOSS is a Berin-based Imeh Ituen and Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante (BPoC ² WORKSHOP Josh Lepawsky (Discard Emerging Economies, and the Right to Poute? she is performance and instaation artist, who aso works Environmenta and Cimate Justice Coective), Moro Studies Toxicity, Knowabiity, Accountabiity exporing the shipbreaking industry in Aang, Gujarat. as an organizer and initiator of various cutura projects. Yapha (Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio), Kate What is knowabe about distributions of toxicity when The study anayses the motivations behind this She studied at the Academy of Visua Arts in Leipzig, Sagovsky (XR Extinction Rebeion), Emiia Roig (Center it comes to digita technoogies? And, what do the transboundary movement of waste, the situatedness , and as a DAAD schoar at the Lebanese for Intersectiona Justice) Against the Toxic: Acts of possibiities and imits of that knowedge mean for of Aang within a mutinationa system of ega University Beirut. With a strong focus on durationa Disobedience, Interdependence and Vunerabiity accountabiity? reguations, the creation of categories ike “waste”, performance and coaborative practices, she deveops REBECCA ABENA KENNEDY¨ The miniaturization of eectronics over the ast “goba”, “nationa” and “oca” and what are the site-specific instaations that create situations of ASANTE studied naturopathy, nature conservation few decades has been achieved in part by producing socia, environmenta and economic repercussions of engagement, in which persona and poitica boundaries and ecoogy in Berin and Potsdam. In addition to chemica discards that, in terms of reative size, might transnationa capitaism. are caed into question. Her work has recenty been botany, Abeni is interested in movements that are anti- be usefuy conceptuaized in terms typicay reserved MAXIMILIAN FEICHTNER is a PhD shown at ISCP, New York; Extra City Kunstha, Antwerp; racist, queer*feminist and ecoogica. for astronomy. Just as the Sun is orders of magnitude student in Environmenta Humanities and part of Kunstverein Leipzig and Goethe in the Skyways, IMEH ITUEN studied Socia Sciences and arger than Earth, so too are the discards of eectronics, the DFG Emmy Noether Research Group “Hazardous Minneapois. Since ³ Franziska Pierwoss, in coa- Integrated Natura Resource Management in Berin and chemica and otherwise, orders of magnitude arger Traves: Ghost Acres and the Goba Waste Economy” boration with Sandra Teitge, has been staging dinner Perth, Austraia. Imeh is concerned with racism and than the eectronics systems from which they are at the Rache Carson Center for Environment and performances on the subject of waste management and coonia continuities in the cimate crisis. externaized. The workshop wi examine these and Society, Munich. He writes an environmenta history of its economy. Resuting from extensive research, they BPOC ENVIRONMENTAL AND reated themes in practice with materias. Here we wi oi extraction and the arge-scae contamination in the gather speciaists from the fied and the audience to CLIMATE JUSTICE KOLLEKTIV work together to disassembe actua digita devices, Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest in the th century. He engage in an in-depth conversation over dinner. Together, deas with sustainabiity, veganism, research their brandings and components, and map conducted extensive fiedwork in Latin America and they have presented different formats at MUAC, environmenta and cimate justice from back and PoC some of their distributions. Toos, hands, and minds studied Spanish, poitica science, and socia sciences City; during Sharjah Biennia ±th in Beirut, Lebanon; perspectives: How do the oppression of marginaized wi work together in the arts of noticing what can and in Freiburg, Cape Town, and Bangkok. Recenty, he was and Fast Forward Festiva, Athens (). groups and the expoitation of ecosystems reate cannot, be known about these devices. The workshop awarded the SOLCHA Prize for Best Paper on “Latin to each other? Which ecosystems and peope are wi provide a jumping-off point for discussion of what American Environmenta History that transcends a ´²± LECTURE & EATING particuary affected by cimate change? The aim is not the possibiities and imits of such knowabiity (and Nationa Perspective” at the ±rd Word Congress of Aexis Shotwe with Jasmina A-Qaisi What Might it ony to question the white and cis heterodominated eft- unknowabiity) mean for various forms of accountabiity. Environmenta History in Forianópois, Brasi. Feichtner Mean to say That Food is a Reationship? wing activist*environmenta scene, but aso to create JOSH LEPAWSKY is Professor at the worked as a research associate on anguage contact As beings who eat, drink, and breathe, we a space for intersectiona activism in which BIPoC fee Department of Geography at Memoria University of and resonance effects in human interaction before metaboize the toxic in and through our bodies. Eating comfortabe. Imeh Ituen and Rebecca Abena Kennedy-

¯ ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– º ®¯ Asante are part of a Back and Peope of Coour group Cooperation (GIZ) in Cambodia, and at Amnesty (NL) (–±), and Das in Orozco-Estrada, he has staged Stravinsky’s The Rite recaiming environmenta and cimate justice. Internationa in Germany. She hods a PhD in poitica (´-). She has worked as a dancer with Constanza of Spring with the Coombian Youth Phiharmonic and MORO YAPHA is one of the founders of science, a Master of Pubic Poicy and an MBA from Macras, Dorky Park Thomas Ostermeier, and Toua Petrushka with the Houston Symphony Orchestra. Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio, a program the Humbodt University of Berin, the Hertie Schoo of Limnaios in Berin. Since ³, she has presented Other recent works incude: Ea am Strand for the for refugees and their friends dedicated to mutua Governance and Jean Mouin University of Lyon. her own choreographies, incuding D.M.Z (±) in Landestheater Scheswig-Hostein, Cabaret for the empowerment. Moro Yapha is a radio maker and THE CENTER FOR INTERSECTIO ¨ Tanzmesse Düssedorf, Hippocampus (³) in Theater Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord and Get Loose for human rights awyer. He gives ectures and conducts NAL JUSTICE CIJ is an independent Winterthur, Heo () in Mekweg, Amsterdam and the ZiguZajg Festiva in Mata. Gabrie has aso engaged workshops on gender equaity and the promotion of nonprofit organisation based in Berin dedicated to at the Peak Nam Jun Art Center Opening, South Korea, with artistic socia projects particuary with chidren women, minorities and refugees. advancing equaity and justice for a by combating and Ca back (º–) at Spring Wave Festiva in with the support of the German Ministry of Education. WEAREBORNFREE! EMPOWERMENT intersecting forms of structura inequaity and Seou and at Sophiensaee in Berin as part of Tanztage RADIO is a radio programme organized by discrimination in Europe. Festiva. In , she choreographed (making of) District  refugees & friends in order to empower each other. The with Lena Meierkord and performed it at Sophiensaee’s AT Kuppehae, sient green Kuturquartier current situation of refugees in Germany and Europe ² PERFORMANCE Hyoung-Min Kim and Tanztage Festiva, Seou Internationa Festiva, requires us to rethink poitica strategies. The wave Gabrie Gaindez Cruz I am not on the Backist and in Bremen and Mainz. From  to ±, she EVERYWHERE'S A HERE, ISN'T IT? of wecoming cuture shows aternatives to the racist This dance performance seeks to investigate worked with Tommi Zeuggin and created Guest () A day that wi spi into the night with performances, hatred that is growing stronger with each day. At the the toxicity of censorship in the body and in everyday at DOCK  in Berin, Ghost (), DUST (), and taks, concerts and durationa acts with sois and winds, same time, this wave comes exacty at the time when ife. Through practice-based research with a motion- Everything Ese (±) at Uferstudios in Berin. She aso asking us to pause, isten and sense the kaeidoscopic our refugee movement has become so weak that it sensor ight, Hyoung-Min Kim and Gabrie Gaindez Cruz presented The Story of Those Who Left (³) at RTO dimensions of the toxic. is amost non-existing. How can we dea with these expore the impact that both state-induced censorship in Seou. Her soo work Gebe Landschaften (³) was We take a cue from the tite THE LONG deveopments? How can we come out of the observing, as we as forms of sef-censorship have had on their shown in Dresden at Projekttheater in Leipzig at LOFFT – TERM YOU CANNOT AFFORD, centring passive position, back into the acting, proactive and ives and their bodies. Does censorship contaminate DAS Theater and at Seou Art Center. She was awarded contributions around concise yet constanty shape- demanding one? How do we mobiise against the us ike noxious chemicas, imperceptibe to the eye but “Best Choreography of ³” by the Korean Association shifting definitions of the term “toxic”. We hope to shift horribe aw changes which are not (much) considered sowy spreading the poison of sef-optimisation and of Dance Critics and Researchers. In ´ and ¯, she sensibiities away from one of paranoid containment, by hepers and white charity? We!R serves as a patform suppression into our minds, bodies, and behaviours? worked with Anna-Luise Recke and created Nach dem fear, to an outook fueed by refexivity and nuance; to for refugees and other marginaized peope ike women, Through persona experiences growing up Ende kommt noch was, which premiered at DOCK . In nurture the act of noticing and istening to how actions chidren, LGBTIQ, Back peope and Peope of Coor and in South Korea and Coombia, the two performers , she coaborated with Gabrie Gaindez Cruz on I on the most intimate scae are cosey tied to the goba others. reca on stage the materia consequences that the am not on the Backist and performed at in Tanzfabrik- – as everywhere is utimatey a here. KATE SAGOVSKY is an artist speciaising supposedy invisibe poitics of censorship can have Open Spaces in Berin and Muae M± in Seou. She in somatics and ive performance, an environmenta on those who find themseves on the “wrong” side has received funding grants for individua projects from ±²–´² AEROSOLAR activist, and a member of Extinction Rebeion (XR). of the hegemonic divide. Hyoung-Min’s habit of sef- the Berin Senate Department for Cuture and Europe, SCULPTURES AND MUSEO AERO Her work faciitates embodied experience to hep censorship formed from chidhood experiences in Hauptstadtkuturfonds, and Arts Counci of Korea. SOLAR Aerocene Community Weather- peope connect better to themseves, others, and the South Korea of not being aowed to speak about her GABRIEL GALINDEZ CRUZ is a Berin- Dependent Foat word. She is Artistic Director of MOVING DUST and famiiy’s poitica past. Her fears, that sti persist years based artist, dancer, and choreographer. Originay [Exact timing wi depend on the weather conditions, has worked internationay as a movement speciaist in ater and in the diaspora of speaking about this history, from Cai, Coombia, Gabrie began his education as pease ook out of the window in search of the sun and many contexts. She woud ike the word to be a better show the deep and ong-asting impact that censorship a dancer in parae to his Psychoogy studies at the venture out to fee the strength of the breeze (we wi pace. So she became a rebe. Love and rage are her can have on the body and psyche. Gabrie interacts Universidad de Vae, after which he enroed in the need heat and ow winds to make this happen) or foow driving force. with the toxicity of censorship from an aternate ange, Centre Nationa de Danse Contemporaine in Angers, our FB page for ive updates.] EXTINCTION REBELLION is an constructing a soo that is embedded in the power of where he speciaized in internationa cimate justice movement. They use non- free, unbrided speech. His attempt, doomed to fai and Choreography, before subsequenty moving to º²–² PERFORMANCE vioent civi disobedience in an attempt to hat the in ight of the ever-growing number, is to name every Frankfurt, Germany to study at the Hochschue für Stephan Thierbach Der Schweiß der Erde sixth mass extinction and minimise the risk of socia environmenta Coombian activist who has been kied Musik und Darsteende Kunst. Gabrie became part During the Invocations program artist Stephan and ecoogica coapse. The movement promotes civi in the past years due to their revoutionary work. In this of the Toua Limnaios Company from ³–º and Thierbach wi perform Der Schweiß der Erde (The disobedience and rebeion because they think it is context, censorship has a etha connotation, the act of performed in pieces such as Spuren, Irrsinn, and Life is Sweat of the Soi) – a ceansing ceremony on soi necessary – our governments have faied in their duty kiing as a way of censoring the body permanenty. Perfect. In the – season, Gabrie was a member extracted from an od back water treatment basin in of care and are negecting our future. XR is working to I AM NOT ON THE BLACKLIST of the Staatstheater St. Gaen Dance Company in Riesefeder Berin-Buch, cose to where he grew up in buid a movement that is participatory, decentraised, has no definitive ending in the cassica sense. Rather, Switzerand. He has aso coaborated as a dancer the then German Democratic Repubic. Using a former and incusive. A are wecome who are wiing to adhere it empoys an ongoing, ever-mutating practice that with the Staatsoper in Berin, Germany, the Teatro aa potato steam cooker from Poand that can repicate to their principes and vaues. engages with the subte techniques of censorship in Scaa in Mian, Itay, Eastman-Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in the deicate conditions of an earthy soi sauna he wi EMILIA ROIG is the Founder and Executive order to ocate it, quarantine it, override it, and perhaps, Antwerp, Begium, and the Akademie für Ate Musik in assist the disturbed soi in sweating out a its toxins Director of the Center for Intersectiona Justice (CIJ), to find creative and generative ways to interrogate it Berin, Germany. Since ´, Gabrie has been part of (in German “Atasten”). Within this act, Thierbach is a Berin-based organization combatting intersecting into everyday surviva strategies. the Sasha Watz & Guests Company as a dancer in the not ony administering care in the form of physica forms of inequaity and discrimination in Europe. She This performance is presented within the ensembe for severa internationa productions, and soi weness, but aso simutaneousy producing a is a facuty member of the Socia Justice Study Abroad framework of SAVVY Contemporary’s project THE as a choreographer for the Chidren’s Dance Company. coection of the scent, La Sueur de a Terre – Eau de Program of DePau University of Chicago and has taught LONG TERM YOU CANNOT AFFORD. He has created severa pieces that have participated Toiette. graduate and post-graduate courses on Intersectionaity ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE in festivas, such as Invisibe in the Pataforma Festiva, STEPHAN THIERBACH was born in Theory, Postcoonia Studies, Critica Race Theory and TOXIC and Tanzfabrik Berin in the frame of OPEN Berin, Germany, AIUAIO which was awarded “Jeunes Berin-Pankow, into an environment that encouraged Internationa and European Law. From º to , SPACES. It is kindy supported by the Berin Senate Taents du Cirque Europe” and “Undo Mudra” in the active istening and the cutivation of different enses she worked extensivey on Human Rights issues at the Department for Cuture and Europe. Masdanza Festiva (¯) in the Canary Isands, Spain, through which to sense and experience the word. His Internationa Labour Organisation (ILO) in Tanzania HYOUNG¨MIN KIM studied at Korea Nationa and Festiva Danza en a Ciudad (º) in Bogotá, practice operates within various methods of theatre and Uganda, at the German Agency for Internationa University of Arts Schoo of Dance (-), EDDC Coombia. In coaboration with the conductor Andres and game pedagogy, focusing his artistic observation

 ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .–  ®¯ and strategies in and around pubic space. Thierbach and Suriname. Her work is particuary attuned to the of John Cage, Samue Beckett and the Chinese º²³´ READING Angea Fournoy Domesticated studied Pedagogy, the Socia Sciences, and Psychoogy egacy of the coonia encounter, often identifying phiosopher-poet Zhuang Zi and has presented her Paradise: Cimate and Community in Southern Caifornia at the Universität Bieefed, Cutura Sciences at the and interrogating connections between this historica poetry across Europe, North America and China. She Los Angees and its attendant suburban spraw, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt, and is currenty experience and market methods for effecting behaviour has shown her instaative and performative works in from the foothis to the desert, are famous for draught, enroed in Hochschue für Künste in Bremen. change around forest use. New York, Canada, and has been an artist in residence air poution and perennia, devastating widfires, but at DAAD Künsterprogramm in Berin . sites of industry in the region aso pose threats to ´²´ LECTURE Simone Müer Hidden ¯²´ PERFORMANCE READING residents, whie simutaneousy offering opportunities Externaities. On the Gobaization of Hazardous Waste Ida Bencke (LAE) Soft Openings and Transcor-poreaity: º² LECTURE Aex Zahara for prosperity and stabiity. This tak is a narrative and Concurrent with the rise of modern Caring for Encounters What is Containment? visua refection on the history of African-American environmentaism in the industriaized word in The interudes of performance readings wi In discard studies, containment is primariy migration to and within Southern Caifornia, and how the ºs, a ghosty infrastructura network, soon reay metaboic poetics and affirmative practices of discussed in terms of eakages and fows: andfis, mine the search for home and community often necessitates stretching a around the gobe, aso saw the ight queer/ing encounters within ecoogies of precarity and taiings, nucear waste repositories and other toxic sites fraught reationships to deeterious extraction and of day. Facing exorbitant and rising prices for toxic harm. How to modesty and care-fuy inhabit basted fai to contain, thus contaminating the ands and bodies disposa. waste disposa, oca anti-toxic campaigns and the andscapes; how to co-conspire with wretched bodies; of (certain) peope and beings. The possibiity of tota ANGELA FLOURNOY is the author of The opportunities of a neoibera goba market with a how to rehearse affection for that which is hard to ove? containment is at best aspirationa, at worst deceptive, Turner House, which was a finaist for the Nationa Book patchy reguatory system, waste traders commenced IDA BENCKE hods an MA in Comparative and most often the outcome of a human exceptionaism Award and a New York Times notabe book of the year. hiding the externaities of goba capitaism abroad, Literature. Her curatoria work spans experimenta that presumes the right technoogy and poicy The nove was aso a finaist for the Center for Fiction often in ess affuent societies where both and and exhibition formats, interdiscipinary methodoogies and combinations might contain our wastes in perpetuity. First Nove Prize, the PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for abor for disposa coud be cheapy had. This tak specuative feminist aesthetics. Her recent projects But if containment aways fais, what does containment Debut Fiction and an NAACP Image Award. Her fiction focuses on the rise of the goba waste economy, investigate fermentation as domestic-revoutionary do? In this tak, Aex Zahara examines what it means has appeared in The Paris Review, and she has written extracts its structures and dynamics and iustrates how apparatus, queer home-buiding and interspecies care, “to contain we” through a perhaps curious exampe for The New York Times, The Nation, The Los Angees its toxic egacy sti haunts us today. various im/possibiities of mutispecies narration, and of containment and toxicity: forest fires (or widfires) Times, and esewhere. A graduate of the Iowa Writers' SIMONE MÜLLER is Project Director and insurgent m/otherhood within the reproductive regimes in northern Canada. He wi describe how the iusion Workshop, Fournoy has taught at the University of Principa Investigator of the DFG Emmy Noether of necropatriarchy. Research interests incude radica of tota, controed, and predictabe containment of Iowa, The New Schoo, Coumbia University, Princeton Research Group “Hazardous Traves: Ghost Acres and practices of mourning and peasure, more-than-human widfires has become centra to the deveopment University and the University of Caifornia at Los the Goba Waste Economy” at the Rache Carson affect, and revoutionary experiments on cohabitation, of a new and highy controversia poicy whereby Angees. She was awarded a  Nationa Endowment Center for Environment and Society, Munich. She works coectivity and regenerative aiances. She is co- fires are aowed to “et burn” unti they approach for the Arts feowship and is currenty a Mary Een von at the intersection of gobaization studies, economic founder of the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecoogy. something determined to be “of vaue”. According to der Heyden feow in fiction at the American Academy in and socia history, and environmenta humanities. Her ocas, the poicy often fais, has ed to routine smoke Berin. research interests range from the internationa trade in ¯²±´ PERFORMANCE Liping Ting exposure, annua community evacuations, and swaths hazardous waste materia and the inteectua history Licht Leuchten III of traditiona Indigenous territories being burned. In ² ARTIST TALK Tomás Saraceno with of economic ecoogica thinking, to green city concepts Liping Ting practices a ritua process of shifting our anaytica focus towards the containers – Antonia Aampi and the study of ocean space. She has received purification that raises awareness of the geopoitica the specific poicies, equipment, and peope through In this conversation, Tomás Saraceno wi be numerous awards and feowships, among them and gobaization crisis. She deveops art “as a which widfires are contained – Zahara moves away expanding upon the foundation of the Museo Aero Soar, from the Smithsonian Institution, the Science History source” for humans who survive in this ever-present, from rejecting containment entirey, to focusing instead and in particuar the Aerocene, an interdiscipinary Institute, and the University of Pennsyvania. Müer is a unbaanced environment, chaenged by chaos and on the very materia ways through which containment artistic community that seeks to devise new modes of member of the Young ZiF (Center for Interdiscipinary a troubed nature, and who seek human concern, might be tinkered with, hacked, or otherwise re-made sensitivity, reactivating a common imaginary towards Research) of the University of Bieefed and in º was care and art. Her instaation work observes and to support the ives and iveihoods of those iving in an ethica coaboration with the environment and the nominated as one of the eading femae academics in examines human poitica issues (anthropoogica and Borea Forest communities. He suggests “containers” atmosphere, freeing them from carbon emissions. As her fied by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and ecoogica) on the edge, their potentia transmutation are a necessary point of inquiry to interrogate and an ever-growing research and experimenta practice, the Bosch Foundation. and transformation in reation to their individua story intervene in the systems that produce, define, and Aerocene is open-source and coaborative. It consists and therefore to coective memory. Since ¯, her distribute toxicity in the first pace. This ecture is part of of a dedicated and diverse goba community of ´²´ LECTURE Yoanda Adriane Coins projects Light Action-Poyphony, Mapping, Stone- a arger coaborative project, Opening up Containment practitioners who coaborate to promote and enact Coonia Residue Timing/Paper-Timing, Im-Im, Licht Leuchten, C Time with co-thinkers Ignace Schoot and Caitynn Beckett. environmenta awareness and atmospheric sensing In her tak, Yoanda Ariadne Coins wi Meta, Time’s Spira, Water-Timing series, investigate the ALEX ZAHARA is a PhD Candidate at Memoria experiments, imagining new infrastructures of panetary trace the ingering coonia presence featured in the theme of human nomadism as crisis and practice, and University in Newfoundand, Canada and co-editor of mobiity and ethics. enactment of goba forest conservation poicies that the present catastrophic dispacement of immigrants. Discard Studies bog. His current research examines TOMÁS SARACENO’ s oeuvre coud be target cimate change in Guyana and Suriname. God, They expoit in different contexts the subte “baance” controversies surrounding widfire management seen as ongoing research, informed by the words in this context, forms the materia in which the toxic and “out of baance” reationships between the human practices near his home community in Treaty ™ Territory, of art, architecture, natura sciences, astrophysics effects of cooniaism, capitaism and market-based body anguage and work activity. This art action journey northern Saskatchewan. Zahara is an interdiscipinary and engineering; his foating scuptures, community forest conservation poicies coaesce. In so doing, in situ, aims to revea our pace within common histories researcher whose work has been pubished in the projects and interactive instaations propose and she draws attention to how the toxic can be found by a ritua of wid hearts, madness and purification. coections Anthropocene Feminism (University of expore new, sustainabe ways of inhabiting and sensing sedimented even in that which appears innocuous. According to poet Antonin Artaud, ife consists of Minnesota Press), Inevitaby Toxic (University of the environment. Aerocene, an open-source community YOLANDA ARIADNE COLLINS hods burning up questions, and poetry is the crushed Pittsburgh Press) and journas ike Environmenta project for artistic and scientific exporation initiated is a postdoctora feow at the Institute for Cutura mutipicity that creates the fames (Héiogabae ou Humanities, Environmenta Toxicoogy and Chemistry from Saraceno’s vision, becomes buoyant ony by the Inquiry Berin and a doctorate in Environmenta L’anarchiste Couronné, ±³). and Cutura Studies Review. His research on waste and heat of the Sun and infrared radiation from the surface Sciences and Poicy from Centra European University LIPING TING is an interdiscipinary artist; toxicity is infuenced by Indigenous studies, feminist of Earth. Saraceno ives and works in and beyond the in Budapest, Hungary. Her research expores cimate her artworks incude community exchange projects, studies and queer theory. panet Earth. change governance poicies, especiay in reation to instaation, experimenta music and sound-environ- the historica and cutura uses of forests in the Guyana ments exporation. She is infuenced by the work

 ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .–  ®¯ ² MULTI¨MEDIA PERFORMANCE art from Iceand Academy of the Arts (º) and a pubic educator and an activist in antiracist decoonia at Documenta, the Venice Biennae, Istanbu, Taipei, Huda Rós Guðnadóttir Ocean Gory BA in cutura anthropoogy from the University of feminism. She is the co-founder of Decoonizing the Liverpoo, Shanghai, Sydney and Sao Pauo Biennaes. Ocean Gory is the second artwork deriving Iceand (º). She has been nominated and won many Arts, a non-profit based in Paris which has opened a free Recent soo exhibitions incude Twiight Language from Huda Rós Guðnadóttir’s S-I-L-I-C-A, a new art- awards and has participated in numerous group and university at La Coonie. Her ast book is Un Féminisme at Manchester Art Gaery (º–); Everything practice-as-research project that investigates the soo exhibitions and screenings at museums, gaeries, Décoonia (A Decoonia Feminism, , forthcoming Ese is Ordinary at K Museum for st Century production process behind semiconductors in soar project spaces and fim festivas in countries such as in Engish ) Art, Düssedorf (); If It’s Possibe, It’s Possibe, ces and microeectronics. The fim was deveoped India, Japan, Hong Kong, USA, Mexico, Germany, Spain, MUAC, Mexico City (´) and Untimey Caendar at from research footage shot by the artist in a siica mine Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finand, Iceand, UK, Czech ² CONCERT Latedjou Língua Livre the Nationa Gaery of Modern Art, Dehi (³–´). in south west Austraia, at a siica termina in the port Repubic, France, Poand, Serbia, Greece, Ukraine and LATEDJOU is a singer-songwriter, vioinist and Exhibitions curated by Raqs incude In The Open or in of Abany, Austraia, in a siica processing pant on the Bugaria. Recenty she was seected by Raumaborberin visua artist. Her atest EP, Língua Livre, uses sound to Steath (MACBA, Barceona, forthcoming); Why Not Ask coast of northern Iceand, and in a geotherma energy and Koro Pubic Art Norway to participate in the question the status of an officia anguage in a pace Again (Shanghai Biennae ¯–-º); INSERT›œ‘ž (New pant in the highands above it. The artist commissioned Waterfront Laboratory in Tromsö, Norway, an ike Luanda, Angoa, where she grew up. It speaks of Dehi, ³) and The Rest of Now & Scenarios (Manifesta composer Guðný Guðmundsdóttir to write a soundscore experimenta project to invite artists to infuence urban the heaviness of words, of an every-day speech sti º, Bozano, ). They are the artistic directors of the for the fim incorporating soundscape recordings deveopment from an eary stage. tainted with the bockages, coonia impositions and forthcoming Yokohama Triennae (). made on ocation, in what Guðný cas “progression MARGRÉT SARA GUÐJÓNSDÓTTIR aggressions of the past; a which are rare topics of of sounding eements.” She aso worked with is an Iceandic choreographer who has created and conversations in a city and country that is reuctant ²´´ CONCERT Matana Roberts Untited no. ‘ choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir to adapt toured her performances internationay for over  to face the socia impacts of that part of its history. MATANA ROBERTS is an internationay her research on “hyper-states”, to support the sensoria years. Dispaying the poitics of intimacy is a core theme Língua Livre is aso the story of a character who openy renowned composer, bandeader, saxophonist, sound intimate experience of the audience and encounter of within her work whie engaging with and exporing decares themseves orphan of mother tongue, and experimentaist and mixed-media artist. Roberts’ works an inner and outer reaity. The poitics of Ocean Gory pathoogies of the socia-poitica body within our thus, steps out of being shamed and hed responsibe in many contexts and mediums, incuding improvisation, shapes in intimate moments when the hyper-states and own bodies. Her work takes shape from her ongoing for not “speaking the anguage”, but who tries with dance, poetry, and theater. She made two records the soundscape open up a doorway to the reaity of the in-depth research into a methodoogy that accesses emotions, atmospheres and a few words, to come cose as a core member of the Sticks And Stones trio in fim. Instead of approaching the subject of the fim by physioogica, psychoogica and emotiona sub-words to the anguage of their peope. the eary s and has gone on to reease a diverse taking a critica stance towards something identified as with focus on deconditioning and direct diaogue with body of soo and ensembe work under her own name being externa and beonging to others, the audience is the subconscious. She has deveoped a new genre of ²´´ PERFORMANCE LECTURE on Consteation and Centra Contro over the past invited to become aware of how the state of the word performative body anguage, and an origina working Raqs Media Coective The Toxicity of Measure decade. She is perhaps best known for her accaimed resonates within their own body. By etting the body fa, method that directy informs her creative outcomes. Care for ife and care for the sef are not Coin Coin project, a muti-chapter work of “panoramic surrender and disintegrate during the course of the fim, She teaches her body practice and method Fu Drop possibe without caring about toxicity. And yet, entire sound quiting” that aims to expose the mystica roots the process of de-conditioning the body takes pace Into The Body in Art Academies and Universities around civiizations (this is ceary seen in the socia system and channe the intuitive spirit-raising traditions of through an inward journey and through a steady, sow Europe. She ives and works in Berin and her current that produces the category of the “Outcaste” in Indic American creative expression whie maintaining a and hypnotic transformation taking pace in front of the coaborations expand into the academic genre of Cutures) stand by banishing whatever is deemed toxic deep and substantive engagement with narrativity, audience. It is in the deterritoriaized or deconditioned phiosophy, with phenomenoogy professor Susan out of the frames of their reference of the word, for ife, history, community and poitica expression within state that ambiguity, new truths and thoughts can Koze, Mamö University and Lucie Guidi, Hidesheim for the sef. As if the instabiity of materia processes improvisatory musica structures. Consteation began breathe, form and come to ife. University. was an iusion, and their assumed purity unbemished documenting the Coin Coin project in  and has Ocean Gory (HD singe-channe video, , GUDNY GUDMUNDSDOTTIR is a truth. In reaity, it is the other way round. Nothing reeased the first three of a projected tweve abum- ´ min) is a new video work by Huda Rós Guðnadóttir composer, vioinist and a musicoogist. She has stays pure. Everything is eaten away from the inside by ength chapters to date, with a fourth chapter arriving with origina score by Guðný Guðmundsdóttir and researched the intersection of contemporary music and toxicity in equa measure. Porosity is ubiquity. The action this October. She is currenty a feow at the Berin choreography by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir. Video visua arts and coaborated in various interdiscipinary of time, and perforations produced by different kinds Artists in Residence program at the DAAD. performance by Laura Siegmund, sound design by Nis projects. She is the artistic director of Cyce Music and of toxicity – proiferate porosities. Bookworms tread Banthien and green screen camera by Dennis Hem. The Art Festiva and the founder and director of the Skark pathways in bound books, the unpredictabe curvature ² PERFORMANCE LECTURE work of Huda Rós Guðnadóttir has been commissioned Ensembe. She was the artistic director of the Nordic of space-time eats wormhoes into the universe. The Edna Bonhomme The Afterives of Chronic Toxicity by SAVVYContemporary and generousy funded by Music Days in ¯. caim to soidity in a structures crumbes in equa Everyone is poisoned, but not in the same way. The Visua Arts Fund Iceand. measure. Even time eaks when space is ridded with Since the rise of industriaization, inorganic toxins have HULDA RÓS GUÐNADÓTTIR is a Berin- ² PERFORMANCE [in the SAVVY.doc] hoes. To ive with toxicity is a condition of ife. We have integrated themseves into our food, water, and bodies based artist and a fimmaker who works predominanty Hyoung-Min Kim and Gabrie Gaindez Cruz to begin to think about how to ive with toxicity. – with some compounds assimiating into our fora and on ong-term interdiscipinary coaborative projects I am not on the Backist RAQS MEDIA COLLECTIVE incude fauna. Toxins are chronic and chronic diseases are toxic, that touch upon socio-economic issues that have Pease see entry for  at ² Monica Narua, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, and Jeebesh thus producing new hierarchies of ife. This performance persona reevance and importance for the artist yet are Bagchi and was founded in  in New Dehi, India, ecture maps out the ways in which (de)toxification has goba in importance. Her works come to ife through ²±´ PERFORMANCE READING where they continue to be anchored, persistenty become ubiquitous in our biosphere and has produced a practice and pubic exhibition based process that Ida Bencke (LAE) Soft Openings and Transcorporeaity: weding a sharp, edgiy contemporary sense of what new bionic beings. she defines as research. This research is in turn heaviy Caring for Encounters it means to ay caim to the word from the streets of EDNA BONHOMME is an activist, historian, infuenced by the artist training in anthropoogy and Pease see entry for ¯²´ that city. Raqs foows its sef-decared imperative of writer, curator, and ecturer whose research interrogates quaitative methods and is characterized by socia “kinetic contempation” to produce a trajectory that is disease, gender, surveiance, and embodiment. engagement. The video work premiered as part of ²³´ Françoise Vergès When Breathing is a restess in its forms and exacting in its procedures. They Bonhomme earned a PhD in history of science at the INVOCATIONS program is part of a new research Revoutionary Act LECTURE articuate an intimatey ived reationship with myths Princeton University with a dissertation that examined project, S-I-L-I-C-A, that investigates the goba Breathing is “natura,” it is our first sign of being and histories of diverse provenances and sees its work pagued bodies and spaces in North Africa and the production process of semiconductors used in soar aive but the air is unbreathabe, neoiberaism makes as opening out the possibiity of a conversation that Midde East. Her creative work is guided by diasporic ces and microeectronics. the word unbreathabe. We “need to take a breath” but embodies a deep ambivaence towards modernity and a futures, herba heaing, and bionic beings. Guðnadóttir hods an MA degree in interactive how do we buid a breathabe word? quiet but consistent critique of the operations of power design from Middesex University (), a BA in visua FRANÇOISE VERGÈS is an author, a and property. Raqs have exhibited widey, incuding ²´´ PERFORMANCE Ivan ‘Ivy’ Monteiro

 ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– ± ®¯ Mother The Verb She is pursuing her Ph.D in Fim and Media Studies Khazrik, ive video by Cynthia-ë Hasbani, ighting by The performance is a coaborative work of from the University of Caifornia, Santa Barbara and Vesemøy Rustad Hoseter two performance-based artists, Javier Ste-Fresquez is the co-director of the Forest Curricuum aong with JESSIKA KHAZRIK is an artist, writer, and Ivan Monteiro – transmitting experiences through Abhijan Toto. Her previous research incuded work on and producer based in Beirut. Her interdiscipinary a wide range of visua, voca, physica and media arts. the anthropocenic imaginaries of Lav Diaz, and she practice revoves around severa fieds incuding media, The performance is a “queering” of the word and the has presented her work at Corne University, LASALLE composition and machine earning, ecotoxicoogy, concept of MOTHER. Through queer-indigenous-of Coege of Arts, Singapore, Hanoi DocLab amongst performance, history of science, computation, and coour enses and bodies, the duo expores and others. Her academic-curatoria interests operate in the music. Through intimatey investigating the infuence expresses the tense reationships around “motherhood,” intersection of aesthetics, ecosophy and contemporary of the goba economy on the techno-poitics of whie honouring the abour and heart of many kinds Asian art, and is currenty deveoping her work around voice, spatia poitics, and post-memory, her work of mothers. To that end, the performance engages mediatic history of the Zomian forests. She has been expores systems of de-cassification, fasification, and in a tender and compex study on how toxicity pubished in Art Critique of Taiwan (aong with Abhijan subsumption. In –±, she was a feow at Home manifests in reationships between creature and Toto), NANG, South Asia History and Cuture, and has Workspace Program in Ashka Awan, and in – creatrix and how these reationships mirror the post- upcoming essays on numerous anthoogies on South/ she is a feow at Digita Earth where she is deveoping coonia reationships of Mother Nature and Humans. South East Asian cinemas. the patform of The Society of Fase Witnesses. Summoning our materna ineages, we prismaticay ABHIJAN TOTO is an independent curator Besides her artistic practice, Khazrik coaborates with refect the mutipe facets of the verb “mother,” hoping and writer, interested in ecosophy, interdiscipinary coectives and institutions working at the intersection to expose and transcend the pains inficted within our research, abour and finance. In , he co-founded of urbanism, artificia inteigence, music, and media communities and offering apertures towards heaing. Ivy the Forest Curricuum with Pujita Guha, a muti-patform studies. Monteiro is performing for this evening a soo intake on project for research and mutua co-earning around Mother The Verb. the naturecutures of the forested bets of South and IVY MONTEIRO has a BA in Mutimedia and Southeast Asia. He has previousy worked with the Performance in Zurich (ZHDK) and a BA in Socia Dhaka Art Summit, Bangadesh; Beas Artes Projects, Communication (Anhembi Morumbi). Ivy is a deveoper Mania and Bataan, the Phiippines; Counci, Paris; and of practices and performative roes in dance, music, Asia Art Archive. Seected recent exhibitions incude and visua arts. They are a natura shapeshifter, re- Adrian Paci – Interregnum, VER Project Space, Bangkok, imagining and re-conceptuaizing femininity, gender, Thaiand (); Reaigning the Asian ArtBiennae, part socia and race through (dis)identification in a post- of Southern Consteations, Museum of Modern Art, coonia perspective. Ancestraity and spirituaity are Ljubjana (); The Exhaustion Project: There Is Sti reshaped and envisioned in queer futuristic pieces Work To Be Done, Haus der Kuturen der Wet, Berin where the artist recaims and questions their space (); History Zero, Mumbai Art Room, Mumbai (º). in our apocayptica future. Ivy aso goes by the name He was awarded the  Premio Lorenzo Bonadi, at “Tropikah Pussy,” an ater-gender-bender drag queen- the GAMeC, Bergamo. ish ego, producing and headining incusive events and parties for trans/non-binaries and queers of coour. Ivy ²´ PERFORMANCE Jessika Khazrik is since º aso active in the Internationa Voguing Mount Mound Refuse and Baroom scene, where they produce events, Mount Mound Refuse began as a mutiingua teach workshops and deveop movements and socia poem exporing encounters of the body and the goba practices around this cuture. Their work has been economy through memories of toxicity, adoescent ove, presented in gaeries ike Pera Mode (Zurich) and back meta and computationa connectivities. VBKO (Vienna), in theatres ike Counterpuse (San Set on the edge of a quarry neighbouring the artist’s Francisco) and Tanzhaus (Zurich), in Museums ike home, it revisits the ecocida dumping of toxic waste The Museum of Image and Sound (São Pauo) and in and promises of reconstruction both on the internet Festivas ike the Queer Biennia II (Los Angees) and and in the buit environment. Invisibe animas, severa Zürich Moves! (Zurich). pronouns, friends and overs known as R__O and Litte Arsonist stro spatio-inguistic construction sites whie ±²± LECTURE Pujita Guha and Abhijan unearthing the history of peasure, profit and refuse. The Toto (The Forest Curricuum) Against Apocaypse young, secret overs haphazardy share grounds with This ecture/reading wi draw on the ongoing poisonous trades that are tacity egitimized by goba research of the Forest Curricuum to produce certain poitics and oca miitia. Voiced in Arabic, Engish, encounters with the toxic, and their materia becomings. Itaian and hybrid tongues that were encountered It wi ook at the entangement of poitica histories, whie investigating the toxic trade, anguage within histories of vioence, cosmoogies and more-than- the composition becomes a materia witness to the human words in the fows of toxicities in the zomian imits of transation, desire and pace. Acronyms of the context. Centra to this endeavor wi be an unpacking chemica formuas encountered in the forest are turned of the apocayptic mode of thinking, as thinking in the into verses of poetry. The composition is partiay made increasingy impossibe ong term forces us to confront through fied recordings taken wherever it is performed, many ends of many words that we simutaneousy as we as sounds that the artist recorded between the inhabit. ages of ± and ¯. PUJITA GUHA is a curator, activist and schoar. Credits: Text, sound and visuas by Jessika

³ ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .– ´ ®¯ MORE INFORMATION savvy-contemporary.com facebook.com/savvyberin

S A V V Y Contemporary – The aboratory of form-ideas is an art space, discursive patform, pace for good taks, foods and drinks – a space for conviviaity. S A V V Y Contemporary situates itsef at the threshod of notions of the West and non-West, to understand and deconstruct them. S A V V Y Contemporary has reaized a kaeidoscope of art exhibitions, performances, fim screenings, ectures, concerts, readings, taks, . S A V V Y Contemporary has estabished a participatory archive on German coonia history, a performance arts documentation centre, a ibrary, a residency program, as we as educationa projects with schoos. The art space engages in its neighborhood's history and socio-poitica reaities which are entanged with the refections and discourses of the project.

S A V V Y Contemporary is Eena Agudio Antonia Aampi Jasmina A-Qaisi Lynhan Baatbat-Hebock Bona Be Mareen Boschen Federica Bueti Pia Chakraverti-Wuerthwein Oani Ewunnet Irene Fountedaki Biy Fowo Raisa Gaofre Monioa Iupeju Ahmed Isamadin Anna Jäger Kimani Joseph Laura Köckner Corneia Kno Key Krugman Nathaie Mba Bikoro António Mendes Kamia Metway Wison Mungai Arette-Louise Ndakoze Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung Caroine Neumann Abhishek Niamber Jeff Obiero Eena Quintarei Jörg-Peter Schuze Lema Sikod Lii Somogyi Esa Westreicher Oa Zieińska

DESIGN Esa Westreicher ASSISTANCE Lii Somogyi FONTS Grow (through a generous partnership with DINAMO Foundry, abcdinamo.com) Neutra (carvaho-bernau.com) S A V V Y Contemporary e.V. Amtsgericht Charottenburg (Berin) AZ: VR ÏÐÐÏÏ B Gerichtstraße ±´ ±±³º Berin

¯ ®¯ SAVVYContemporary: The Laboratory of Form Ideas The Long Term You Cannot Afford. On the Distribution of the Toxic Invocations .–