Programm Kulturali Għall-2018

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Programm Kulturali Għall-2018 CULTURAL PROGRAMME 2018 IL-PROGRAMM KULTURALI 2018 VALLETTA 2018 EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE THE YEAR 2018 USHERS IN AN EXCITING CELEBRATION ROOTED IN THE UNIQUE HERITAGE OF THE MALTESE ISLANDS. IS-SENA 2018 TAGĦTINA ĊELEBRAZZJONI EĊĊITANTI B’GĦERUQ FONDI FIL-PATRIMONJU UNIKU TAL-GŻEJJER MALTIN. 2018 Cultural Programme Introduction 002 \ 003 VALLETTA 2018 INVITES YOU TO TAKE PART IN AN ISLAND-WIDE FESTA, A 360-DEGREE EXPLORATION OF CONTEMPORARY MALTESE AND GOZITAN LIFE THAT DRAWS INSPIRATION FROM HOME WHILE LOOKING OUT TO OUR NEIGHBOURS ACROSS THE SEA. As per the Charter signed by all Local Councils in Malta and Gozo, Valletta’s title of European Capital of Culture 2018 is an award shared among all localities on our Islands. Further information can be found at Skont il-Karta ffirmata mill-Kunsilli VALLETTA 2018 TISTIEDNEK TIPPARTEĊIPA F’FESTA Lokali kollha f’Malta u f’Għawdex, KBIRA MADWAR IL-GŻIRA KOLLHA, DAWRA it-titlu ta’ Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura 2018 mogħti lill-Belt Valletta huwa titlu TA’ 360-GRAD MADWAR IL-ĦAJJA MALTIJA U li jinqasam bejn il-lokalitajiet kollha GĦAWDXIJA KONTEMPORANJA LI TISPIRA RUĦHA tal-gżejjer tagħna. MILL-GŻEJJER TAGĦNA FILWAQT LI TĦARES LEJN Aktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb minn: IL-ĠIRIEN TAGĦNA LIL HINN MINN XTUTNA. VALLETTA 2018 EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE CONTENTS // WERREJ A WORD FROM… // KELMA MINGĦAND… …OUR CHAIRMAN 006 // IĊ-ĊERMEN TAGĦNA …OUR PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY 008 // IS-SEGRETARJU PARLAMENTARI TAGĦNA …OUR MINISTER FOR CULTURE 010 // IL-MINISTRU GĦALL-KULTURA TAGĦNA VALLETTA 2018: AN ISLAND-WIDE FESTA 012 // VALLETTA 2018: FESTA KULL FEJN TĦARES VALLETTA 2018 THEMES 016 // IT-TEMI TA’ VALLETTA 2018 WELCOME TO OUR CULTURAL PROGRAMME 019 // MERĦBA GĦALL-PROGRAMM KULTURALI TAGĦNA CITY HIGHLIGHTS 021 // ATTRAZZJONIJIET FIL-BELT COMMUNITY 047 // KOMUNITÀ VISUAL ARTS 069 // ARTI VIŻIVA DESIGN 087 // DISINN CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE 095 // TFAL U ŻGĦAŻAGĦ PERFORMANCE 113 // PRESTAZZJONI 2018 Cultural Programme CONTENTS 004 \ 005 CONTENTS // WERREJ OPERA 131 // OPRA MUSIC FESTIVALS 141 // FESTIVALS TAL-MUŻIKA WORLD SOUNDS 155 // MUŻIKA DINJIJA FILM 177 // FILM ENCOUNTERS 187 // INKONTRI BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE & NETWORKS 196 // IL-ĦOLQIEN TA’ INFRASTRUTTURA U NETWERKS ĠODDA VOLUNTEERING WITH TAL-KULTURA 200 // VOLONTARJAT MA’ TAL-KULTURA VALLETTA 2018 PARTNERS 203 // L-IMSIEĦBA EVALUATION & MONITORING 208 // EVALWAZZJONI U MONITORAĠĠ LIST OF PARTNERS 210 // MSIEĦBA THE VALLETTA 2018 TEAM 212 // IT-TIM TA’ VALLETTA 2018 CULTURAL CALENDAR 2018 216 // KALENDARJU KULTURALI 2018 SEE YOU IN 2019! 224 // NARAWKOM FL-2019! VALLETTA 2018 EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE A WORD FROM… OUR CHAIRMAN Since the beginning of my tenure I There has been no compromise on have been an ardent advocate of the quality, rather the opposite. fact that culture and the arts should We want to entertain, challenge belong to us all. and provoke – but above all, we want The democratization of culture and to inspire! the increased accessibility of cultural This is a programme that activity became one of our missions. encourages participation and Anything less was deemed offensive co-creation for all, and we want to our values. to use this year to build and We, at the Valletta 2018 Foundation, nurture meaningful interactions. have worked tirelessly to provide The arts open doors where there equal opportunities for everyone. are walls; cultural activity promotes Culture must never be elitist. Ensuring creative dialogue and exchange inclusivity became not only a priority, among diverse communities, proving but a necessity. an antidote to the division and It has been my team’s prerogative prejudice that shape a large part of to deliver a strong cultural programme contemporary discourse. that will unlock everyone’s This year-long programme is a imagination. celebration of our past, our present and, above all, our future. KELMA MINGĦAND… IĊ-ĊERMEN TAGĦNA Sa mill-bidu tal-mandat tiegħi, kont promotur Il-kultura qatt m’għandha tkun elitista. Dan huwa programm li jinkoraġġixxi akkanit tal-fatt li l-kultura u l-arti għandhom L-iżgurar tal-inklussività sar mhux l-parteċipazzjoni u l-kokreazzjoni għal jappartjenu lilna lkoll. Id-demokratizzazzjoni biss prijorità, iżda neċessità. kulħadd, u rridu nużaw din is-sena biex tal-kultura u l-aċċessibilità akbar tal-attività Il-prerogattiva tat-tim tiegħi kienet li nibnu u nrawmu interazzjonijiet sinifikanti. kulturali saret waħda mill-missjonijiet tagħna. nwasslu programm kulturali b’saħħtu li L-arti tiftaħ il-bibien fejn hemm il-ħitan; Kwalunkwe ħaġa inqas kienet meqjusa ta’ jolqot l-immaġinazzjoni ta’ kulħadd. Ma kien l-attività kulturali tippromwovi djalogu offiża għall-valuri tagħna. hemm l-ebda kompromess fuq il-kwalità, kreattiv u skambju fost il-komunitajiet Aħna, fil-Fondazzjoni Valletta anzi pjuttost l-oppost. Aħna rridu noħolqu differenti, b’hekk isservi ta’ antidotu 2018, ħdimna bla heda biex nipprovdu divertiment, nisfidaw u nipprovokaw – iżda għad-diviżjoni u l-preġudizzju li jiffurmaw opportunitajiet ugwali għal kulħadd. fuq kollox, irridu nkunu ta’ ispirazzjoni! parti kbira tad-diskors kontemporanju. 2018 Cultural Programme Introduction 006 \ 007 We aim to galvanise people and I am proud of our work to date. “Dynamism in encourage them to fulfil their talents. Valletta is once more a vibrant capital arts and culture In fact, this cultural programme city for people to work, meet and was devised in such a way as to enjoy a night out. But this is just the creates dynamism help unleash everyone’s potential. beginning. in the social and I was always a firm believer in the Above all, this Cultural Programme transformative power of culture. It is has been designed and built to leave economic fabric fundamental for the emotional and a strong and lasting legacy that of society.” intellectual growth of a nation. everyone can partake of for many We deem culture to be an years to come. investment towards our future. I encourage you to be bold and join Dynamism in arts and culture creates this dream. dynamism in the social and economic fabric of society. For the past five years, Valletta 2018 Jason Micallef has been instrumental in the social, Chairman economic and cultural regeneration Valletta 2018 Foundation of Valletta, turning it into a thriving cultural and social hub. Dan il-programm ta’ sena huwa Aħna nqisu l-kultura bħala investiment n-nies jaħdmu, jiltaqgħu u jgawdu serata ċelebrazzjoni tal-passat, tal-preżent u fuq lejn il-futur tagħna. Id-dinamiżmu fl-arti flimkien. Iżda dan huwa biss il-bidu. kollox, tal-futur tagħna. Għandna l-għan u fil-kultura joħolqu d-dinamiżmu fil-firxa Fuq kollox, dan il-Programm li nippromwovu u nħeġġu lill-persuni soċjali u ekonomika ta’ soċjetà. Kulturali ġie ddisinjat u mibni biex iħalli biex iwettqu t-talenti tagħhom. Fil-fatt, Għal dawn l-aħħar ħames snin, Valletta wirt b’saħħtu u dejjiemi li kulħadd jista’ dan il-programm kulturali ġie mfassal 2018 kienet strumentali għar-riġenerazzjoni jipparteċipa fih għall-ħafna snin li ġejjin. b’tali mod li jgħin biex jiġi sfruttat soċjali, ekonomika u kulturali tal-Belt Inħeġġiġkom tkunu avventurużi u tingħaqdu il-potenzjal ta’ kulħadd. Minn dejjem Valletta, u b’hekk saret ċentru kulturali u magħna f’din il-ħolma. kelli fidi soda fis-setgħa trasformattiva soċjali b’saħħtu. Ninsab kburi bil-ħidma tal-kultura. Hija fundamentali għat-tkabbir tagħna s’issa. Il-Belt Valletta hija għal Jason Micallef emozzjonali u intelletwali ta’ nazzjon. darb’oħra belt kapitali vibranti biex fiha Ċermen tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 VALLETTA 2018 EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE A WORD FROM… OUR PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY Cultural activity is of the utmost Valletta’s distinctive identity is importance as it enables us to better indeed clearly reflected in the way understand individual citizens as well it meets the day-to-day needs of its as the society in which we live. It residents. facilitates our appreciation of diverse In the near future, our capital city aspects of society, such as family, will become more vibrant, but it will social roles, equality, good mental also continue to work in the best health and team work. interest, and in the service of, its local The development of cultural policy population. necessitates a proactive approach. All activities taking place in Valletta, The cultural element has always been, and all political decisions taken and will remain, fundamental to the around them, are designed to provide development of Valletta’s identity, as it innovative services and resources, provides a basis for joint collaboration to ensure that the capital city is not only between the Government continuously enhancing the life of its and other entities, but also with the citizens. citizens of Valletta themselves. The capital city’s infrastructure During Valletta’s tenure as the demonstrates how many of of its European Capital of Culture, we key cultural aspects are the result of should approach culture in a scientific, initiatives that have been operating for objective and rational way. a significant period of time. IS-SEGRETARJU PARLAMENTARI TAGĦNA L-attivitajiet kulturali huma ta’ importanza L-iżvilupp tal-politika kulturali jeħtieġ ttrattata b’mod xjentifiku, oġġettiv u razzjonali. kbira għaliex permezz tagħhom aħna nsiru inizjattivi proattivi. L-elementi kulturali minn L-identità unika tal-Belt tidher b’mod l-aktar aktar kapaċi nifhmu l-individwu kif ukoll dejjem kienu, u jibqgħu, fundamentali biex ċar fil-mod ta’ kif hija taqdi lir-residenti is-soċjetà li ngħixu fiha. Dawn jgħinuna isawru l-identità tal-Belt Valletta għaliex tagħha fil-bżonnijiet tagħhom ta’ kuljum. napprezzaw diversi aspetti tas-soċjetà bħal huma jipprovdu l-bażi għall-kollaborazzjoni Fil-futur qarib, il-Belt Kapitali tagħna pereżempju l-familja, ir-rwoli ta’ natura konġunta tal-Gvern mhux biss ma’ entitajiet se tkun mimlija ħajja iżda xorta waħda se soċjali, l-ugwaljanza, is-saħħa mentali u oħrajn iżda wkoll maċ-ċittadini Beltin tibqa’ taħdem fl-interess u taqdi lin-nies li x-xogħol ta’ grupp ta’ nies li jaħdmu flimkien.
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