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Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta Nru./No. 20,690 Prezz/Price €5.76 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette Il-Ġimgħa, 27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Friday, 27th August, 2021 Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 8617 - 8623 Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 8617 - 8623 Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 8623 - 8624 Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 8623 - 8624 Avviżi lill-Baħħara ........................................................................................................... 8624 - 8627 Notices to Mariners .......................................................................................................... 8624 - 8627 Opportunitajiet ta’ Impjieg ............................................................................................... 8627 - 8692 Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 8627 - 8692 Avviżi tal-Gvern ............................................................................................................... 8692 - 8715 Notices .............................................................................................................................. 8692 - 8715 Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 8715 - 8726 Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 8715 - 8726 Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 8726 - 8740 Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 8726 - 8740 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 8617 NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERN GOVERNMENT NOTICES Nru. 1143 No. 1143 WARRANT MILL-MINISTRU GĦALL-ĠUSTIZZJA WARRANT BY THE MINISTER FOR JUSTICE AND U L-GOVERNANZA GOVERNANCE NGĦARRFU illi bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl- IT is notified that in exercise of such powers as provided Artikolu (3) tal-Ordinanza dwar il-Kummissjunajri b’Setgħa by Article (3) of the Commissioners for Oaths Ordinance li Jagħtu Ġurament (Kap. 79), il-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja u (Cap. 79) the Minister for Justice and Governance appointed l-Governanza ħatar bħala Kummissjunarji b’Setgħa li Jagħtu as Commissioners for Oaths, in the performance of their Ġurament, fil-qadi tad-doveri tagħhom u sakemm jibqgħu duties and for as long as they remain in such office, the fil-kariga, lill-imsemmija hawn taħt: undermentioned: Uffiċjali/Impjegati Pubbliċi Public Officers/Employees Vella Mamo, is-Sa Kathleen, First Secretary, Taqsima Vella Mamo, Ms Kathleen, First Secretary, Legal Unit, Legali, Ministeru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u Ewropej Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs Persuni li jwettqu funzjonijiet relatati mas-servizz Persons who perform functions relating to the foreign barrani tal-Gvern f’barra minn Malta service of the Government outside Malta Attard, is-Sur Daniel – Deputy Head of Mission, Londra Attard, Mr Daniel – Deputy Head of Mission, London Micallef, is-Sur Robert – Counsellor, L-Aja Micallef, Mr Robert – Counsellor, The Hague Sultana, is-Sur Charles – Ambaxxatur, Doha Sultana, Mr Charles – Ambassador, Doha B’Awtorità By Authority EDWARD ZAMMIT LEWIS EDWARD ZAMMIT LEWIS Ministru għall-Ġustizzja u Minister for Justice l-Governanza and Governance Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 27th August, 2021 MJEG 21/2021/15 Nru. 1144 No. 1144 ATT DWAR IL-ĦADDIEMA GOLDSMITHS AND D-DEHEB U L-ĦADDIEMA L-FIDDA SILVERSMITHS (ARĠENTIERA) ACT (KAP. 46) (CAP. 46) ID-DIRETTUR Ġenerali Standards and Metrology THE Director General Standards and Metrology Institute Institute jgħarraf illi, fid-data li tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz notifies that, on the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu huma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet silver on which valuations made by the Consul for Goldsmiths magħmulin mill-Konslu għall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u and Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissat għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 article 14 of the said Act as follows: tal-imsemmi Att kif ġej: Data Deheb Pur Fidda Pura Gramma Gramma Date Pure Gold Pure Silver Grams Grams 27.8.2021 €49.539 €0.681 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 27th August, 2021 8618 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,690 Nru.Nru. 1145 No.No. 1145 NUMRI ĠODDA TA’ BIBIEN F’BIRKIRKARA NUMBERING OF DOORS AT BIRKIRKARA BIS-SAĦĦA tal-poteri mogħtija bl-artikolu 115 tal-Kodiċi tal- IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 115 of the Liġijiet tal-Pulizija (Kap. 10), il-Prim Ministru għoġbu jordna illi Code of Police Laws (Cap. 10), the Prime Minister has been n-numri/ismijiet ta’ bibien fl-isqaq imsemmi f’Birkirkara, pleased to order that the numbers/names of the doors in the hawn taħt elenkati u speċifikati f’din l-iskeda, għandhom undermentioned alley at Birkirkara, specified in the subjoined jinbidlu kif jidher fl-iskeda msemmija. schedule, be altered as stated in the said schedule. SKEDA/SCHEDULE BIRKIRKARA SQAQ IL-GĦARGĦAR Meta tidħol minn Triq San Ġiljan Entering from Triq San Ġiljan Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Name/Old Number New Number Garaxx 1 2 2 Garaxx 3 4 4 Garaxx 5 Garaxx 6 5, Serendipity 7 Garaxx 8 Garaxx 9 Garaxx 10 6 11 8 12 9, Ta’ Zabbanja 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 Bini qed jinbena 18 Bini qed jinbena 19 Bieb bla numru 20 Bieb bla numru 21 Bieb bla numru 22 17 23 18A 24 19 25 20 26 Bieb bla numru 27 Bieb bla numru 28 Garaxx 29 23, These Mar 30 24 31 25, The Cottage 32 26 33 27 34 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 8619 Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Name/Old Number New Number St Rita House 35 29 36 Garaxx 37 Bieb bla numru 38 32 39 Garaxx 40 36 41 37 42 Garaxx 43 38, Hail Mary 44 39 45 40, Ir-Remissa 46 41, The Heritage Corner 47 Ħanut 48 Is-27Is-27 ta’ ta’ Awwissu, Awwissu, 2021 2021 27th August,27th 2021 August, 2021 Nru. 1146 No. 1146 Nru. No. NUMRI ĠODDA TA’ BIBIEN NUMBERING OF DOORS AT FIL-MELLIEĦA IL-MELLIEĦA BIS-SAĦĦA tal-poteri mogħtija bl-artikolu 115 tal-Kodiċi IN exercise of the powers conferred by section 115 of the tal-Liġijiet tal-Pulizija (Kap. 10), il-Prim Ministru għoġbu Code of Police Laws (Cap. 10), the Prime Minister has been jordna illi n-numri/ismijiet ta’ bibien fit-triq imsemmija fil- pleased to order that the numbers/names of the doors in the Mellieħa, hawn taħt elenkati u speċifikati f’din l-iskeda, undermentioned street at Il-Mellieħa, specified in the għandhom jinbidlu kif jidher fl-iskeda msemmija. subjoined schedule, be altered as stated in the said schedule. SKEDA/SCHEDULE IL-MELLIEĦA (IL-MANIKATA) TRIQ SAN ĠUŻEPP In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minn Triq Dun Manwel Grima Triq Dun Manwel Grima Left side entering from Triq Dun Manwel Grima Right side entering from Triq Dun Manwel Grima Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number Bieb bla numru (Dar) 1 Garaxx 2 Uncharted 3 Sunshine 4 Birds of Paradise 5 Garaxx 6 Garaxx 7 Garaxx 8 Oriana 9 Bieb bla numru 10 Garaxx 11 Ġesù Redentur 12 Arzella 13 Garaxx 14 Garaxx 15 Garaxx 16 Gosford 17 Paċi u Sliem 18 Garaxx 19 Eliflor (Flettijiet) 20 8620 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,690 Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru Ġdid Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number Sea Breeze 21 Garaxx 22 Garaxx 23 Garaxx 24 Vinmir 25 Michael House 26 Garaxx 27 Sit bla bini 28 Garaxx 29 Sit bla bini 30 Anther 31 Ta’ Lonza 32 39, Maria Goretti 33 Bieb bla numru (Dar) 34 September Dreams 35 Garaxx 36 38B, Bayview 37 Ian’s House 38 Casa Blanca 39 Garaxx 40 38, Lourdes 42 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 27th August, 2021 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 27th August, 2021 Nru. 1147 No. 1147 Nru. No. NUMRI ĠODDA TA’ BIBIEN F’ĦAL LUQA NUMBERING OF DOORS AT ĦAL LUQA Emendi Amendments B’RIFERENZA għan-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. WITH reference to Government Notice No. 1437 dated 1437 tas-27 ta’ Diċembru, 2016, taħt it-titlu ‘Numri ġodda 27th December, 2016, under the title ‘Renumbering of doors ta’ bibien f’Ħal Luqa’, għandhom isiru dawn l-emendi kif at Ħal Luqa’, the following amendments in bold should be indikati b’tipi grassi. made. ĦAL LUQA TRIQ L-ISKOLA In-naħa tax-xellug meta tidħol minn In-naħa tal-lemin meta tidħol minn Triq Ġorġ Zahra Triq Ġorġ Zahra Left side entering from Triq Ġorġ Zahra Right side entering from Triq Ġorġ Zahra Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number Garaxx 5 Sit bla bini 7-65 Garaxx 67 għandhom jinqraw should read Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Isem/Numru Qadim Numru ġdid Name/Old Number New Number Name/Old Number New Number 5 (Garaxx) 5 Bieb bla numru (Flettijiet) 7 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 9 SM1 11 Bieb bla numru 13 Bieb bla numru 15 Bieb bla numru 17 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 19 Daħla għall-garaxxijiet 21 Bieb bla numru 23 Sit bla bini 25-65 67 (Garaxx) 67 Is-27Is-27 ta’ta’ Awwissu, Awwissu, 2021 2021 27th August,27th 2021August, 2021 Is-27 ta’ Awwissu, 2021 8621 Nru.Nru. 1148 No.No. 1148 NUMRI ĠODDA TA’ BIBIEN FIR-RABAT (M) NUMBERING OF DOORS AT IR-RABAT
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