GMPTE Metrolink the Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams

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GMPTE Metrolink the Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams GMPTE 2 Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BG GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams October 2008 Mott MacDonald Spring Bank House 33 Stamford Street Altrincham Cheshire WA14 1ES Tel : +44(0)161 926 4000 Fax : +44(0)161 926 4100 243243/AG/DOC/01/A - 23 October 2008 P:\Manchester\Northwest\Projects (Odd)\243243 GMPTE Framework\AG Bikes on Trams\AG-03 Outgoing MM Reports\AG-03-01 Drafts\243243-AG-DOC-001A- Bicycles on Trams - FINAL.doc/ abc GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams Issue and Revision Record Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description A Barnes T Young A Parke Draft - First Issue for A 23/10/08 Comment This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Mott MacDonald Limited being obtained. Mott MacDonald Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequence of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement to indemnify Mott MacDonald Limited for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Mott MacDonald Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. To the extent that this report is based on information supplied by other parties, Mott MacDonald Limited accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by the client, whether contractual or tortious, stemming from any conclusions based on data supplied by parties other than Mott MacDonald Limited and used by Mott MacDonald Limited in preparing this report. 243243/AG/DOC/01/A - 23 October 2008 P:\Manchester\Northwest\Projects (Odd)\243243 GMPTE Framework\AG Bikes on Trams\AG-03 Outgoing MM Reports\AG-03-01 Drafts\243243-AG-DOC-001A- Bicycles on Trams - FINAL.doc/ abc GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams List of Contents Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Study Objectives 1 1.2 Methodology 1 1.3 PTE/PTA Policy 1 2 Operations, Loadings and Safety 2 2.1 Current Operations and Loadings 2 2.2 Methods of Operation with Reference to Cycles on Trams 2 2.3 Demand Issues 4 2.4 Safety 4 2.4.1 Risks from Cycle Carriage 4 2.4.2 Method of Cycle Storage 5 2.4.3 HMRI Policy 7 2.4.4 Impact on Safety During Any Emergency Stops 7 2.4.5 Methods of Reducing Risk 7 2.4.6 Modifications to Infrastructure and Signing 9 3 Other LRT Systems in UK and Europe 10 3.1 UK LRT Systems 10 3.1.1 Sheffield Supertram 10 3.1.2 Nottingham Express Transit (NET) 10 3.1.3 Docklands Light Rail (DLR) 10 3.1.4 Other UK Systems 11 3.2 European LRT Systems 11 4 Comparison of Metrolink with Other LRT Systems 12 4.1 UK LRT Systems 12 4.2 European LRT Systems 15 4.2.1 Strasbourg 15 4.2.2 Stuttgart 16 4.2.3 Cologne (Köln) 18 4.2.4 Basel 19 5 Impact on Capacity 21 5.1 Existing Capacities 21 5.1.1 Ansaldo T68 Trams 21 5.1.2 Bombardier M5000 Trams 21 5.2 Effect of Bicycles on Capacity 21 5.2.1 Tram Capacity 21 5.2.2 Line Capacities 22 5.2.3 Capacity Issues 23 6 Impact on Dwell Times 24 6.1 Existing Dwell Times 24 i 243243/AG/DOC/01/A - 23 October 2008/i of ii P:\Manchester\Northwest\Projects (Odd)\243243 GMPTE Framework\AG Bikes on Trams\AG-03 Outgoing MM Reports\AG-03-01 abc Drafts\243243-AG-DOC-001A- Bicycles on Trams - FINAL.doc/ GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams 6.2 Possible Impact on Dwell Time at Stops 24 6.3 Evidence of Effect of Cycle Usage on Dwell Times 25 6.4 Possible Impact on Overall Journey Times 25 7 Cost of Repairs to Trams and Claims 26 7.1 Types of Damage and Repairs 26 7.2 Costs of Repairs 26 7.3 Costs of Claims 26 8 Conclusions 27 8.1 Operational Issues 27 8.2 Safety of Bicycles on Trams 27 8.3 Evidence from Other Systems 27 8.4 Risk Assessment 27 8.5 Capacity Impacts 28 8.6 Dwell Times 28 8.7 Costs of Repairs and Claims 28 8.8 Trial Period 29 Appendix A Risk Assessment A-1 Appendix B References B-1 Tables Table 1: Metrolink ticket sales by day of week for September 2008....................................... 2 Table 2: Comparative data for UK Light Rail Systems ..........................................................13 Table 3: Capacities for each tram type for wheelchair and cycle occupancy.........................22 Figures Figure 1: Bicycle storage options for T68A trams (Nottingham University Study)................... 6 Figure 2: Bicycle storage location for M5000 trams ............................................................... 6 Figure 3: Strasbourg Bombardier Flexity Outlook vehicle .....................................................16 Figure 4: Stuttgart DT8 Class 10 vehicle ..............................................................................17 Figure 5: Cologne Bombardier K4500 (left) and Bombardier K5000 (right)...........................18 Figure 6: Basel Schindler vehicle in BLT livery (left) and Siemens Combino vehicle in BVB livery (right) ........................................................................................................19 ii 243243/AG/DOC/01/A - 23 October 2008/ii of ii P:\Manchester\Northwest\Projects (Odd)\243243 GMPTE Framework\AG Bikes on Trams\AG-03 Outgoing MM Reports\AG-03-01 abc Drafts\243243-AG-DOC-001A- Bicycles on Trams - FINAL.doc/ GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams Executive Summary Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) is reconsidering whether it is safe to permit the carriage of bicycles on trams. Mott MacDonald has been appointed to undertake a research study to collate and assess available sources of information in relation to this issue. Previous research has been undertaken by GMPTE and others and this has provided a valuable input to this report. It is understood that currently no UK light rail systems permit bicycles to be carried on their vehicles at any time. Cycles have been carried by special arrangement on Sheffield Supertram and DLR but these are by exception. The majority of light rail systems in Europe do not permit cycles to be carried but a number do at weekends, during off peak periods or in a few cases at any time. Prior to approval of this policy a number of operational issues would need to be considered including driver supervision of the correct stowage of cycles and priority regulations for wheelchair users. Consideration must also be given to the policy of whether bikes can be carried on both types of operating vehicle i.e. T68 and M5000, and how to manage any confusion arising for the cyclists due to different vehicle internal layouts or the restriction of carriage to one type of vehicle. The HMRI, now part of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR), have raised no fundamental objection to carriage of cycles on trams on safety grounds. However, there remain a number of concerns that would need to be carefully monitored; such as the correct stowage of cycles. ORR would look to the relevant duty holders, GMPTE and Stagecoach Metrolink, to manage risks so far as reasonably practicable. Under the recently introduced Railways and Other Guided Systems (Safety) regulations (ROGS), the Operator (Stagecoach Metrolink Ltd) is required to self certify the safe operation of the system. An initial risk assessment has indicated that the main risk of this policy is the incorrect stowage of bicycles, which would hinder egress from the vehicles during operation and more importantly in an emergency situation. Clearly identified stowage locations and restraining equipment is required, and a procedure for enforcing this stowage is a preference but may be difficult to provide without the addition of conductors or presence of more inspectors on the network. The combined seating and standing capacity of an M5000 tram is 206 passengers and would reduce to 200 with the carriage of two wheelchairs, or 195 with the carriage of one wheelchair and one cycle. With only one cycle the capacity would be 201 passengers. Line capacities would be reduced by 2.5% if each tram carried one cycle. A typical 6 minute service (10 trams per hour) would reduce from 2,060 passengers/hour to 2,010 passengers/hour. S-1 243243/AG/DOC/01/A - 23 October 2008/S-1 P:\Manchester\Northwest\Projects (Odd)\243243 GMPTE Framework\AG Bikes on Trams\AG-03 Outgoing MM Reports\AG-03-01 abc Drafts\243243-AG-DOC-001A- Bicycles on Trams - FINAL.doc/ GMPTE Metrolink The Implications of the Carriage of Bicycles on Trams It is considered that the carriage of cycles should not be permitted during the peak periods as it is anticipated that this would create increased dwell times at stops and reduce the capacity of the already full trams during this period. From the evidence available there should be no significant increase in dwell times during the off-peak period if cycles are permitted. However there could be an increase if several cyclists wished to board at one time, or if a cyclist attempted to board a tram with a high number of standing passengers. There should be no significant increase to off-peak journey times.
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