Robert Hmith Ac Co., Aiverllrififf Rules. rMruiTou, On**quare,off 10 luie* Now pare! I, lor S insert um*,.. 12 40 One to|uaret four insertions...... 3 bu IT. JOB**, CLINTON COLNTW, Mini. (tee equare, three month*,...... C CO One *i|uare, one year and paper,...... 0 00 OA m iu Plum stead'* Hlork, Thinl Story. One quarter uoJuutn, three se iiUis,...... 13 00 (tee quarter column, *1* month*,...... 23 on iHUcripllau TV rum. One quarter column, one year aud paper,...... SO no Half column, six months, ...... 40 00 fit ...... If OO Half column, one year,...... 44 00 Cuk in numbly in advano*. lVmnm remit tm* ihould “One Demtiny, One ConMtitution, One Country.” One column, one year,...... 73 00 nud Greenback*, or not** ou National Hank*, aud Buetne** cards, n« t over 4 lines, f » per y. ar. mould write their name* and p»wt-ofthxw plainly. Transient udvortieeincuts payable, in till eases, in ad- vant.e. * The privilege of yearly advi-rti*et* will b • vriiu d JOB DKPAKT.nENT. •trirtly t<» their regular busiuess, and all advertWim nts Book and Job Printing of every description, executed not pertaining to their business will he cliarged ertrj. with dispatch, and in tin* nwted *tylo of the art, at VOLUME XL ST. JOHNS, , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 18C6. NUMBER 16. Yearly advertising payable (jiuirtt-riy, * i modomta prime. Iiegal sdvertiseiueuts publiriied at the statute priie*. I The Loti Lender. ^ Till: Mil Til. A HO.UANTIC NTOIIV. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I ADVERT’S. From th* Detroit Poet. Ntittemcnl off n Fnlou NVnn. A Widow** love lor her fMrhman, and DRY GOODS, &C. GROCERIES CROCKERY. Mr. Beecher n death wouKl have caused j ^jew York Kotninq Pott nublialiefl the Wtsal Became off It. ti. XV. TOPPIMU, II. II.. Fiithicias amu SuftftKOM. OflLu iu K In- frwn.ls »ml sdinirer- , fon owj„_ lett4;r frolll tt Union man in Tex- A pa|>er tells the following M«in rtwft, lK> Witt, Mirhiguti. Ikrticulor Mtcutiou X Rnd lesa rejoicin* amour hi- enwnn. tl.aij who|n it Hay- it baa known for a long singular story : Kivm to surKical C4UMW. (ti.'l.Vtf WhoU>«.l<> auil retail dealvr. Iu Have everything needed in tho lino of the letter in which he has renounced and tiJne . * 44 About two years since a wedding took 8PAt!LDII«« A CHPrsOIV, rcrjiutiMl his 1 ifc-lftftjopinions. lie it weary j Jflatter« arc worse hero than is suspected place at the office of Alderman Donaldson, A ttormky * a .ni » Coumnkllomm at and Holudtor* in CARPET* with the strife, lie has taken off his hue ChiUUNtry, *t. John*, Clinton county, MichiKsn. Groceries, Crocker), Fruits, Ac. at the North. The war is not over yet. and a wealthy old gentleman named Burns #. H. CSANSOM. o. L. *I'AVLIUMO. AN I) ness. Ho desires to rest in the midst of People of Texas ure more openly disloyal —then residing in Manchester, but since the battle. There is something better than I lios. A. PAIIKI II, If you want superior le. lucre is so uet.img v,i a.. , thttII tl Weiw in the spring of 1801, and do«^ed--became the husband of a prepos- Wiioi.raAi.K U uocku , No. 7J Woodward Avenue, Detroit DRY UOOD*! fineodom for him, something more desirable , may 1)ehe foU)ldfound in arm*ann8 againstamin.t the national sing daui^el of sweet sixteen. After enjoy Michigan. T t: a h , Tl Woodunnl Amine, Vkdrolf, IWIrli, than contending with the forces of evi . »uvernmen ( |Ry day. Tho United States ing the sweets of connubial felicity forr tthe h#i J. R. HAt uinm, vi. iL, Go to ROYCE & OIIIPHON’H The Constitution as it wf id the supreme , porce |ierc uud tho civil officers of the Uni* brief space of six months the aged bride- X'HYkRlAN anu SvHOBOM, Ovid, Olutfcm county, Mit hi. Cs A F. HOIA S, Affi’llls good as well as the supreme law. The ami- ted States government are tolerated for tin* groom died, leaving his youthful partner the inn All' 11? i i 1111 ti\ i. i.11 i- 11.» [n33:ly. If you want to purrhnx* snug sum of ten thousand dollars. Being H. I . STEWART, 1. D.* Manufacturers, wholesale aud retail dealers in WUOAItH CHEAP, Phthician amu Nt'KOKOM. Ofliee at hta ronidetu*e, corner very fond of paying visits to tho rural dis ­ of Walker and Hrunh Ntrt«, Ht John*, Michigan. Go to K0YCK k GDIHHON’8. tricts as well as to the grave of her dear de ­ All mil* promptly uttt ndrd to. Cunt Ntoel Siiwh. ingtou parted, she frequently had recourse to the If you want a prime article of and to come out right in the end, have dis ­ W. Iff. WATTS, If so much a> a mob should d<> violent livery stable of Andrew Jackman for the llAKfiKK ami ) Haiu D auuuui . Shuvuig, Hair Cutting, All kinds off ftttw* made to order, Majority of tho*e who read newspapers, never even COI’FHK, placed his earnest devotion to great princi ­ Hhainpooing and Dying, promptly done iu the moat givu a hasty glance at a bueinee* &dverti»oincut, and it a some of the cities of the north, Texas will purpose of hiring vehicles. Here she met Oo to ROYCE k OKIBSOX’8. ples that gained their present foothold only again be in arms. The rebel leaders have approved modem Ntyh**. Shop over hi* *iore, opposite Ami repairing done on short notice. by the laltor and the vigilance which alone a young man named Clay Crider, who was Ht. John* Hotel, Clinton Ar., Ht. 7ohn«, Mich. |‘JU:tf excited a feeling they cannot control. The engaged by Mr. Jackman in the capacity of When you want No. 1 can protect them in the future from the i.. w. PAMfft i:i.i.i; VI. ||M No. 0O Eaat Fort Street, Dotrolt, Mich. idea disseminated among the people is this: a groom or driver. At tho lady ’s own re­ PurtlCIAM AMI* Hi UOKOM. Otfltx.* it hi* rnMunoo, on CODFIHII, eternal warfare of the wrong. The grand Walker *trcet, cu-t of Clinton Avenue, Ht. John*, WAYNE k ROBINSON, that they must feign loyalty, and if possible quest, Crider always took chargo of the Go to DOYC K k QRI880N 8. army of freedom, of which he has been one be thereby re-admitted. That done, they Michurun. All cull* promptly utN*alrd to. Foot of Brush Street, of the most beloved and most trusted lead ­ team when she went out. After a time Detroit. expect the South to control as of old, ami they became intimate —then affectionate, DAVIII lioi i,|s| in. ii. If you want fimegin to gather their 1 niggers,’” John*. Michigim. All calU prompty attended to. 8THAWl)IHtIlIi:H, their ranks to receive him, ami his deserted day of last January, and Crider became the forded, it hardly pay* him to publish the fact; therefore and have openly expressed the conviction lawful successor of Burns, not only in the NYLVEHtER HOYT. Goto K0YCE & ORTHBON’8. but still unconquercd comrades will march A ttorioy at lav, Solicitor iu ChlnosrT, and Notary we have forward to the goal which is yet before them. that 44 Andy Johnson means to give us back affections of the lady, but also in the man ­ Public, Ht. Johns, C'liuUm counts Mich. Particular Iff you want an extra quality off our niggers.” In one county 1 have heard agement of her property. Everything glided attention irlven to Oonveynnetnff And to the Examin ­ The8 ,rutl, they maintain the ,'rindp.e "f Wba^u^tVl^ c ation and H'-ttleiueiit of Diopulel Title* to Deal 1*^- CHOC IiKItY, chance ” smoothly with them for a time, until the tate. Office oppoaite tho County iluiblimr* whichich m-pires them have not changed. It ■ of 1 as they expressed it, at ten father of tho bride learned that Crider bad Oo to DC^YCB A" GHIHSON’H. is thethe Mine when Mr Beecher distort* it, | do „:l« hl jc r hva ,f •left a wife and two children in Gettysburg. A. i. MAvniorr.ti. il, as when Jlouocoratiiic Physician , De Wtr, Clinton county, If you want a beautiful outfit cf -rhen he pn.da.med it ... ail t- power. T| n| J,wr 0‘f crinies of Yiolencenco com­ After investigating the report, and being Michigan, will protuptlv rrspont to all professional :fotjivi > Among all the sophistries which gild his mitted in Texas is incredible. For example, fully satisfied of its accuracy, bo repaired to calls, whenever made. OtUco over David Scott’s store. C HINA WAHC, apology for unfaithfulness, there is one truth Charges niiMlernte. In29:tf. PORT AltLE AND STATION AD Y STEAM EN­ in a small county adjoining to this eiglity- Oo to ROYCE k oni^HON ’S. that shines with pure and unmistakable tho office of Alderman Donaldson, w here lie GINES, KINGLK AND DOUBLE SAW MILLS. three persons are indicted for murder. In preferred a charge of bigamy against the 11. M im KI AMI, HTff*4d for Circular*. |n29:ly. light. 44 The war,'1 says Mr. Beecher, 44 lias worse counties then* are no indictments, Law ami * Chan 4f.kv IIcsimksm . Particular attention If you w'ant any artlob; in the lino of changed not alone institutions but ideas. husband of bis daughter. Crider became given to Couveyam in« and to tku examination and because witnesses dare not testify, and cognizant of this matter, and ere ho could settlement of deputed title* to Xml Rotate. Oenealr MlciiiumN Biitnoa! YANKKK NOTIONH, We have entered a new era of liberty. The Agent for thc purckiM ami sale ef land*. Olliec in kii’ithcN Fiaitos! grand jurors dare not indict. Since the be arrested he tied from the city. He ro Go to ltOYCE k GBIBSON’S. style of thought is freer and more noble. Paine** Block, Clinton Avenue, Ht. Jol n* llich. Oi'k’UiD A IfolmlcoDs! It best to simply invite everybody to call and examine The young men of our times are regenerat­ war, though over five hundred men have turned on Saturday, however, and on Mon- our Stock of New Spring aud Summer Goods and Price* been indicted for murder, not a single white ! day was arrested by oflieer Sarber, w ho at RIC IIAHD BAYUS. before part baring elsewhere, and say but little in regard ^ - ou wunt r“ ' ed. The great army has been a school, and A ttommcy and Ho licit off, I'ensiun, lfuk Fny and Pliinos from $250 00 lo $1,500! hundreds of thousands of men are gone man has been convicted and punished. Yet his request, conveyed him to the home of Bounty Claim* ooll<eautiful article of dom toward intelligence and liberty.” the Penitentiary for two yi*ar§ for stealing ing him playfully under the chili, bid him cery; nl^, l’ntDecutint: Attorney, St. Johns Cliuton a ginger cake. As a matter of course Gov. go to the penitentiary like a man. He countv, Mi bigan. Particular att« ntiou given to the J. A 1. Hi t.HI DOIC, NTONK WA11HV These word* are rich with meaning; and i n 1 I uutj otaim>, and to the their utmost suggestiveness, their palpable, Hamilton pardoned him. turned froni her disgusted, and in two hours oolletdion of clairn* ijt-n# rnlly. BOILER MAKERS Go to BOYCE k 0HIHS0N 8. A few days ago the clerk of Bell Court after lie was consigned to the county jail to signal indisputable but unflattering proof to ninin and p hr rim, Atirnter St.t b*tv»*n /fittUv#* ami St. Attfitint, If you wont .any article of him who utters them will come from the was shot in open day while sitting by the await his trial. ATTn*N»Y* anii (*ocMAI.LLOR* at Law , AoHcitoni in DKTIf-OIT, RH'II. side of his w ife, returning from a wedding Chain-ery, and Pension Ag«vit*. Particular attention WOODEN WAHE, refusal of the hundreds and hundreds of given to coll** tina and laid agency. Oflltw in Giblw* Stationary, Marine and Locomotive Ibtiler* made in the country, in the streets of Belton. Bit uitd llumor. and repaired <»n short notice. Kiigiues, Mill-work and thousands of voting men and old men to lUo« k, Clinton Avenue, ot>iMi»itc thc Post Office, St. Oo to BOYCE k 0DI880JT8. The Chief Justice at once mounted, and Why a John*, Clinton county, Michigan. (*;istmg^, furnished to order. [2*J:ly. follow him after the strange gods to which is happy husband like the Atlan ­ John McG rrook . Thomas Mo O mroor . he has consecrated the magnificent intellec ­ road all night some sixty miles to Austin tic Gable ? Because ho is spliced to his EVER ITT A III III . 1.1. VIM 111, If^ou want a rare article of tual and personal endowments that have to ask for troops to maintain law' and order I hart's Cvnttut. Waoon anu CaaaiAor. M unis. Light and henrr T>. IL HIC K. in his county, lie cannot return home work kept constantly on hand. AH work warranted. To their own interests, to buy thrir DRY GOODS, TOBACCO, served so effectually and nobly the cause of u No man can do anything against his Hhop situated on the comer of llvhum and finish HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, the right. Before this terrible experience, without them. If he should escape assassi­ will,” said u metaphysician. Rtrwt<, «*ie 1»1ih *Ic west of the Ht. John* Hotel, St. Foundry & Machine Shop, and everything Go to KOYCE k GBISSON’S. before the nation lmd made these agonizing nation on account of his having asked for a “Fnix,” said Pat, 441 had a brother who John*. Michigan. (ui7 ■ ly. Atwutrr Street. TT garrison for his county, it will only Ixj from i*. r. \ \>4 oi >n %> r9 Between Antoine and Ilostiug* Sts., D etroit , Mich . If your adsh to purchase sacrifices to freedom, before the best and went to prison aguinst his will.” D kai .km in Groceries and Provision*, (’rockery and Stone noblest of the land had paid such prices for tear of retaliation on the part of his sons three of whom have been in the United 44 Bob ," said a young fellow at a fancy Ware, Hoot* and Hho* , Flour aad Feed, Winn And GOODS C I the cause they love, before it had thus be­ fair, 44you are missing all the sights on this Taquois, l<* Kiiglnoa, of hearts, the defection of such a leader “Never mind, Bill,” retorted Bob. 44 I’m Boilers, Mill Work, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., EVERYBODY OOESTO would have been a moral disaster that years troops which are to be sent should be with­ Tiioavrov* tkmpli : of ai «t. drawn. j sighting all the misses on tho other.” Pn»»To«.aAras large and small, Ambrotypo*. Copie* of IKON AND Dll ASH CASTINGS. could not have repaired. But the oxjieri- all kin N made, either lart?c or a»ie»l!, and, if desired, Royce & (* l’isson^N! ences of treachery in high places, the know l­ Every day 1 hear of murders of freed men. As old woman, on a visit to her city colored in Gil, Water Col »ra, or India Ink. All done Order* from tho country solicited, nnd promptly filled. Since live o’clock this afternoon four new daughter, saw, for the first time, a waterfall. at the above G illei y, one «b» *r south of the < >ffif •*, Opposite the Lilib* House. 51 tf edge forced upon the American people by over lli'k* Sc Hip-dns* Hook Store, Ht. Johns, Mich. WKV.CIV A GKIITITIffS the repose atul the loss of confidence in one ones have been reported here. The disloyal “ What do you cull that great big stuffed L. W ThortiV»n, AHi t. (nAo ly. press suppress the mention of such occur­ bajr, Mary ?” leader after another have taught them, first 4 . U. UIA l it*, II. I>a Saw MunuiUeiurei'M, Tlie line of JAC’Olft It It OWN, opposite the rences. 44That's a waterfall ina. ” pHYstciAM and Hi hoi on , c.fTi* « over D. C. if'.ird** store __ DRYGOODS. and forcin'.*t, a profound faith in their cause, AND AO> NT* ron Gibb* House, on Clinton Avenue, and next, a reliance upon themselves which Should there be another outbreak in 44 A waterfall! Look* more like a land — re.i leDce flr^t ffisir rust of the r'-sitlenoc A»f (it**. M . slide.” Stephenson- S*. J«dius Meh. Having had nearly WILLIAM JESSUP Sc 80N*8 neither a trusted President nor an unworthy Texas very many Union men, as well as a four yeai ’s experience n< Sunfeon in the I*. *. Army, MARTIN V..BROWN, large proportion of freed men, would at once A n editor, speak ing of complaints of read ­ ht* ft ••!* fullv pr»*paretl to dt*voie eajtrrinlattrition to BUST EYGLhn CAST STCCIs. friend can for a moment disturb, much less Snrtj' rif. f. jV^NIGII I t’ \ I.I.H it *n»t»tlv attended to. — HAS— overthrow. Neither the ceding of the be massacred in order to bring about such ers that he doesn't publish all tho local pruwlyteVBrai, nor the I,h * of tluTilwciple'. * ,,otkor ,vi K" ,,r terror •* woulJ items that they desire to see, justly observes 4MRRVVI A LIIIDS !No* I .% Wamlbiidye Mreet Lari, CON8TANTLY FOIt HALE A ri iiiiiiTs i uihli iv , C utraetois Ac. l’lans, friendship, neither the worship ot military ‘ "u 1 a 11111 * that it is often their own fault in not send- fleatioux and K tlmate* supplied, and work «uperln- DETROIT, .NflC’II. glory nor admiration for the statesman's iti the facts. He says he don't like to pub- tcndid, Gm uie iitil and Common j* iner ’s work pre­ HT. JOHNS. A lArgo Assortment off V. »«•»...... «•» I--...... -u...... ■ - «...... - ..bttl.ll...... ItlV- itnu a itiuiptl) at- a*'* repairtri at short notice. [n20:lr. craft, can now dazzle and mislead the men livers lately went down to the liottom of, or the death of u man after his Widow H V.*n*nfiT(N. »• they taught the truth and taught them to Lake Michigan, near the famous ‘‘crib," married again. » ^ ^ tori love it above all other considerations. The HOt'VTY AMI PLXMIOX AliFAC V. Wooden V/are Works! CHOICE •link opposite , to facilitate the dig­ D iamond Cct D ixmond .—44Madam,"said Trr un h r-iL-ned would re v< ’ tfully amuwmco tliat they seed that was sown fell upon fertile soil. ging of tbs lake tunnel, for the purposo of are prepared to attr?ol t * the • n-itift** t*f proondug MAN l f A< T V ULUS or They cannot tear up the thrifty vines. New IBli . a cross-tern pored physician to a patient, “ if l»a*y coul.l alway. till from Uf,v * n *>, b- ' ru1nt, * K' bounty, etc. K.sideneo and o3i«*e at Ovid. Clinton Jl, FR4WT, Siiprrii*t4*ii€lriit, grief.ef upon the litre, of the-.- men, tin.* , thc |i„rface of tll0 Jwttcr wn< ' ; It tell* the -t.-ry of n wm.lej-ful people, iu c«»ui)ty, Mb higan. (nll:l Y. fIffH k J ctferson Avenue, DETROIT, MICII. Sring and Summer Goods! wastedwtcl, a* it wore ... but a moment of tamo. ,(, ()istinct|v »h*er.-e .he crib *, ttle.| oil » ,*'*?«,»ge that w.lt reach all heart* : 1 Come One, Come ^Yll ! Reputations which were magnificent fab­ “ There lies upon the other side of the HinVAHD tSMHTATIOV, The Jefferson Avenue Cars run past the Works. Now Itoing opened at my store. Give me a call an< the Ikv I of tin* lake with an embankment of PitK.AiJi i.rufA, l’a. Dirrop|>infr bucket* into omjitv srolU Bounty, Back Pay and Pension claims. No charge if uotliiu? out." * and during that period many vessels, of nil Goon Talkf .h *.—A certain amount of Hi, Joluis, ----- Mkdiliiaili Ami ftowiutf 04.1 in tml»r f.»r hard 8T. JOHNS, MICH THAT than through air. Thc possage of the smal­ on one or tw’o topic's. Reading attracts Rubber Plates; insuring a much stronger adherence that power is never voluntarily yielded; to tho most unfavorable mouths, than the ordinary that whenever the masses have obtained lest row boat was heard clearly, the coast­ the mind to an ideal world, so different in ml ' • i | ! i*t ■*. [nlt ’.tf. ing schooners and barques filled their ears many respects from the real, that the intel ­ STYLES, QUALITIES AND PRICES their rights they have extorted them from AVTHON \ CODIi, New Store A New Goods. r>. c. iixtixt > those who retained them. None but he has with a confused din, while the steamers tore lectual faculties become gradually adapted A ttoknyy a Nil Cot xsKLMta at Law , in Chan* Unsurpassed in this Market. ; past with a noise like a rushing thunder, almost exclusively to tho former, and lose f(«ry, collection, real (*stHtc and tH,unty claim .urent, J. 8, CONKLIN, (formerly off thc from the abundance of bis wit, his imagina­ WestohaliA. Clinton cunty, Michigan. Also, Circuit firm of Morrison k Conklin,) ha* just which deafened them until the vessel Was all atitude for the latter. Women arc let­ Court Commi'*«ion«r fhr the countv ot Clinton. Otho* tion, his resource* of language and thc magic! BB B opened a new Jewelry Store on the «»r- Particular attention is invited to our large and elegant rn.L «eu. ter talkers than men, because they usually with Momiw . Stout A Wilkinson, 8c. J..hn«, Mkhignn, nur of Woodward Avenue and lauiicd of his personal presence launched sneer ami ,lf assortment of illustration, invective and appeal with such —♦ read much less, and do most of their think ­ at whifh he will be present on We.lnes.lay of wh street, Detroit, Mich., and ha* on hand ing in conversation. Their daily occupa­ vuck, and will attend to all Com mi—ton er’* business a large an1^^ GOODN, suggestion of timidity, and the indolence of Tom Loughrin is noted all over tho city for s | i(M Iv I. HMD A ROBERTSON, Jewelry repairing done by cxj*eriencrd the indifferent that ill time the rights of his modesty. He stands six feet two in his business pursuits of the other sex; and ATTTOKNrvs ai Law and Solicitor* In Chancery, Great workman. l>on ’t fail to call at Conk ­ Comprising the slave would be granted by a willing stocking*, and at lenst six foot of him is made hence a woman ’s mind is almost always in Halt Lake Cltv/Vtah Territory. lin** xhen you g«) to Detroit. Hi* ele­ rapport with living actualities, and prepared iimrjmic gant store and beautiful assortment off Dre*« Looda, Print*, GKOCnillOH, master, disgusted with bis own oppression 1 up of modesty. At an early hour yesterday 9 to express in words whatever their instan ­ Hon. Jnn. W. I^mirv(*ivr, M. Dtnsimr, Mich. good* arc well worth examining. De Inline*, Hoop Skirt a, and c50 ' tened by experience with slavery, morning Mr. L. was making his toilet at his Hoil J no. P. Dric*«, M. C., Snrm iw, Mich. taneous suggestions may bo. Hori. If M. Perrin. Ht. John*, Mich. !ai «I lew9 Cloth*, Callers, Boots ami Miors, Hats anil ( ap*. II* seems to have forgotten it all. Hcahan- residence on Pratte avenue and Walnut Gen. O. L. Spaulding, Ht. John*, Mich. dons millions of the jsmr and the despised street ; he was standing in front of his mir- I l . v . I. *ie in __ Dress Button*, Lutest Fa*hion*, wliose wrongs were once the theme and ror, with only one garment on —and that Mohammed Saved bv a Spidkr .—When MTOI r A RRAXtIERf And all articles in that line usually called for. KEROSENE Oil., ACMA( „ inspiration of his eloquence to the “chances " rather a short one —and Dad lathered his Mohaiutned, cx]M>sed to thc wrath of his en ­ A ttorney at Law and S »li* itorsifi ( hanccry, will piro \YIIi; i ro\, LIDN4IID A III HR, of the future. To the 44chances ” that they face preparatory to mowing his beard, when particular attention to foreclosing mot-tinge*, invest!* emies, fled from Mecca, in company with r»tim? tlHpufed Uud title*, procuring all kiml* of war Wliolewnle Grocer*, mav be honestly dealt with. To the lie was startled by a shrill scream Irom Bid- Abubekar, they took refuge in a cave of claim*, conveyancing, soiling land# aud village prop­ No. II Woodward 4vr„ Detroit. Auq.udb-.tad — rtm.ntof | As Cheap as the Cheapest! 44 chances ” that they may bo elevated by dy, hi* servant girl, and hi* wife called to Tlier, where the ttvo fugitive* concealed erty, bidding eft lands at tax *aie*, paying taxes, col- leetin;? sn l loaning money, etc. Gffloo ev«*r I). C. Wm. W, WnrATON, Thro . 0. Lxonaio , < lot liM, Flanncria nnd CoitonH. those who have them, and educated by those him that. Bridget was on fire. Mr. L., with themselves f*»r three d*v4. His pupsu#*r*) Hurt * Store, Iietvi lit* Oiiswa 1I»U ',, bt. JimiIw, Hakvit W. Bona. nl:ly who know the value of ignorance for ada- an admirable presence of mind, seized a coming to the cave, foumf that a spider had Cliuton county, Michigan. Cull and I’KiiiititM* lilw mantinc fetters. To the “chances ” of quilt from th© bed, and reaching the bottom woven a web across the entrance, from a »* oaawor.it. HATH AND CAPH, progress, of enlightenment, of Christanity of the stair* at two jumps, soon envclojwd which circumstance they judged that no one DENTISTRY. MISCELLANEOUS. in a land where, as lie lias well said, those the flaming damsel in the fold.* of the quilt If atino a complete Assortment ot mstrum.’nts, and hav ­ POCKI7T AND TABLE CUTLER V, could havo recently entered it. They ac­ ing had no little experience, the *uh«rrihcr feels eonfl- 1 WAMP LAND SCRIP NeA\r Ntoclc of(ioodK ! “lights” of knowledge —the school house and smothered the flames before the girl was cordingly rctirc*d without examining the in ­ dent of being abb* to give satisfaction to surh as di-xtre lloota* nnd Shoe*. | nA4 :tf. and the church, are scattered 44 at long dis- j seriously injured. While Mr. L. wa* thus t4> hare artiticijil teeth inverted, or denying, n;itiirul s terior, and the prophet and his companion one* elennsed and preserved. CVimpleteor part ial sets AND tances like Bght-hoiiscs twinkling along the engaged, some dozen ladies from adjoining afterward escaped in safety. But for that inserb'd • in Kiilo—tils Hiw, and wairantt'd. I uU'ttH- TOW IS YOUR TIME! edge of a continent of darkness. ” Why houses, hearing the screams of the girl, spider ’s web, Mohammed had lost his life; it* rtot *9 are perfeY'tlv ia*teloiwi t nn l the cheapest, EXCELLENT FARMING LANDS! A FULL LINE OF doe* be mock us, why does he mock them rushed in to see whut was thc matter. They and hi* career terminated only to bo dimly lightest and most durable, of any now in iu»c. Charg­ es mcslemte. ()A m over tho nmt Gtli««', Ht. Johns, ciffoirr: pa .rily lrocerien , And Ht. l*a tlit* I*laoo with these 44 twinkling lights ” which shed arrived in time to see the tall form of L. written on the pago of history. Ml hi H«-pt.'mb. r 1, 1VA. O. K. CoaatH. Parti— intending to loent© wild lan

# ihrdinton llrpnblican Bkaas .—A t no lima witbin tbe recol­ A W#f4 So ttM Essstiicaas fta C Viiuot Bom.—Ar Meeting •9. JOXNft H4JUCST. C—sty- ■ ■igfla to Orfsaiss tv. Jozwt, Stpt, IS. lection of that knowing individual * tbe oldest of the Village Board woe held on Monday Now that the Republican State Conven ­ Bwf |C0SsS 601 1st as SQs; lutttr Ski Ba TTERTIOII inhabitant, ” have bears been so numerous evening laat, President R. McFarlon in the PLCMSTEAD, tion baa been held, and the nominations 1ST |IS6| ChMis ISoalS; Corn 50c; EgftlSoi Flour home iiArnm in this county as now. Almost every day chair. Present —Perrin, Reid, Sickele and ISOOsISSO; Hay $6 00*8 00; Hldos dry *©*10; Hidoo made, it is high time to communes tbe frsoa 4s; Lard Its | Oats 10c; Ksache*, dried we hear of ono or two of these much dread* Walker. / work of organisation in this county. It is S7t| Potato#*, Orosn, 40s; Plastor $900*12 00 Sudden D eath .—Napoleon B. L90101, an ed animals, having been killed by the sport*- A petition woe preeented by Chas. Kipp Ik; HapIsfSurar, 17c; Salt $2 20; Wheat, usual to postpone this work until after tbe ..urn nr old resident of tbe toHiwbip of Olive, died tuan ■ riMo. TUo r.«o« tb.t they arc »p- County Convention. Ordinarily, thl.U well and others, praying that a street be opened White, $1401 Wheat, Red, $1 Mai $2. from Clinton avenue on tbe quarter line of •uddenly at bin residence on tbe ttd inst. patently more numero.u tban uau.l, 1. bo- Wk-n ,he ene)ny ,, wininff to BUSINESS NOTICE*. Paine & Randolph camrn there i. no -hack in the wood, thia wake a fair flght) a month or alx wceka af section nine, east to the northeast corner of Largest Income .—Gov. Crapo, of Flint, acaaon, amacquently Bruin ha. to acek the forJ, tllue CIlough for prcparation. But tbe cemetery. Laid upon the table. !• sethlsf like Dr. Valp#u’s French Fills returns an income of $ It,020—being the for keeping the ooraplesiou freeh and entirely free from OILY GOOD*, o,K*n country in onl.r to Kain a auUiaUnoe. whoB| u to ,K. tlM) C1W). iS tho apI>roach- J. Wood and others, presented a petition largest reported ill this (the Otli) Congres- pimples. The oaune of which U that it regulates ths en ­ WszM respect fully invite the special attention ef ths preying that the Board order the construc ­ tire female ejretem. Sold by all DrufgUte. ouLssna of Clinton county to their aional District. On the 7th mat., three were killed in El.ie, ,ng contest) he ,ay# in ambua,1( luoro tllll, and on Monday and ^tuiday laat, tlnen were i, needful. Arrangement* should bo made tion of a sidewalk, commencing north of Ot­ Plamalsod, A rrival or N»:w G oods ___A. Teachout Uilli .l mi iin t»<> milt-., ni tint \ili.i^e. J. f(,r a thorough and complete canvas* of cv- tawa street, on the south side of Highatn Manufacturer* of Boots and Shoe*, is still receiving stacks of new full and win ­ street, and running thence te Lansing street. Manufacturer* of Clothlug, aU of the beet material OLOTHISO. I). Sickel*, 1-tq., write, u. tliat .Messrs, ©ry school district In tho county. Wosliould and warrantod, in or try particular. VERY LARGE ter goods, lie is a very accommodating Hi uina killed sewn sheep belonging to Mr. |t„ow who remain truo to the old flag at alio Laid upon tho table. The committee to whom was referred LOVELY GIRLS AND rESTIVE BOYS, Slock of Dry Goodsl gentleman to deal with, and takes great I.iuman, who, in retaliation, killed term earliest possible inoineut ; and this can only tend an addressed envelope and 25 cents, and I will send pride in showing his flno stock to customers. bears. He .ays that he intends to keep |* jone |jy personal visitation. The con- the petition, of Geo. W. Emmons and others, you eomo valuable information that will please you. ' ■ — ■ ♦ .. -- even with them. In Lebanou on Monday, test is to be a sharp one. The patronage praying that certain obstructions on Ells Addrce* MARY MOORE, 422* Broadway, New York Portable Engines .—Those intending to )n50 ty 1 HATS k CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, two were killed, a. were also two near nn j influence of the administration which street be removed, reported in favor of the purchase portable engines nnd circular saw petitioners, and that J. Qachter should re­ The Bridal Clin tuber, an Essay of Warning Rsesntly purohosed for the fell trade. This stock is Mathcrton on the same day. 1 his is a line tlui Union party placed in power will be ths lnrgsst srsr purchased by then, und wsitss ef mills, would do well to read tbe advertise* move said obstructions. and Instruction for Young Men —published by the harvest for sportsmen. arrayed against it. But wbat of that ? It Howard Association, and sent free of charts in sealed ment of Joa. II. Duvall, of Zanesville, Ohio, On motion of Mr. Walker, tbe report was envelopes. Ad.iron* Dr. J. 8KILLEN HOUGHTON, N kw Posthastes '—Mr. K. Baylis as- j wi" b« imP°tent ftSuinst the mighty energy to be found in another column. laid upon the table. llowarU Association, Philadelphia, Pa. (n3$:ly. SOOT* AND 'HOI sullied the duties of postmaster of this vil-1 of a" !»«««"»» P~P>®. who feel themselves The committee to whom was referred the relv Gl Tolling the Bell.—The clerks of this Levelv Girls and Ft litre Bsyi. lage on Tuesday last, rire II. 8. Gibbons re i",uUcd “ wc" “ ^ thn “„Th°“ Bond an addressaddVe*i«d envelopo and 25 cents and I ill tillage have made arrangements for having petition of citizens, praying for an ordinance moved. Mr. G. liu held the office lor about J send you some valuatde information that will pi A Cord sf Flannels, the tire bell tolled at eight o’clock every the blood und intensify the zeal of every compelling occupants of buildings on Clin ­ you. Address Min JANE BRYAN, Station A, 1J9 six years, and has been a true and faithful CBOCkEBT AMD OLAJM WARE, evening, excepting Saturdays, that bciug true man iu the country. There will be no ton avenue, to keep buckets of water on Spring Bt., N. Y. 5 2m* public servant. As far ns our knowledge A Load of Blankets, the hour for dosing the stores. skulkers, ami no hungry, craven, cowardly hand at all times, etc., reported unfavorably. All May Marry Ifuppily, extends, he hus given entire satisfaction, and camp followers iu the Union ranks, in this On motion of Mr. Sickeli, the report was Irreapoctivo of wealth, age or beauty ; and tho love of A Car Load of Boots A Shoes, R epublican County Convention .—Else wc hire never heard any complaints in re­ the oppodlp sex can be (mined by following simple campaign. But to be effective, we muat be concurred in. where, we publish the call for the Republi­ lation to the management of the otflcc. lie rules. Send adirocted envelope to MADAME MARY A Load of Dress Goods, prepared. The Union army must be num ­ On motion of Mr. Sickeli, the committee PERRY, Station D, llildc House, N. Y. 6 3m# IiMthar and Finding., can Couuty Convention. As the time is retires with his hands free from any cor- bered —man by man. Let us have a thor­ on fire and water, was instructed to report A Cord of Sheeting, •hort, the different towns would do well to ruption, nnd leaves an unblemished record ALL WAY 2IAHHY HAPPILY, Irrespec ough and complete organization, and we an ordinance requiring the owner of each tive of wealth, ago or beauty ; and ths love of ths op- take prompt action in appointing delegates. for honesty nnd integrity. We regret to will achieve a victory which will be worth half lot w ith a building on Clinton avenue, < posit© w< can Ik * gaiued by following simple rulos. Scad learn that Mr. Leroy C. Whitney,the oblig­ to keep three buckets of water on hand at s diroctcl envelope an l Stamp to Mansur. LUCILLE N ew G rist Mill.—A new grist mill has a hundred fold all it costs. ing and efficient clerk in the office during all times. DEMAKRE, Station D, Biddle House, Now York City. Best Qnslity of Fsmily Groceries, been erected at the village of Elsie, and is fzMtly.) ______A Load of Shawls the past two years, also retires. Mr. W., j D eath or the Rev . II. Law .—Many of The committee on finance reported un ­ about completed. It is l>cing titled up with TUo Masou Ac If Mini in Cabinet Organs by iiis gentlemanly anil courteous liehavior, our readers in this village and throughout first class machinery, and w ill be one of the favorably toward allowing the old order of for different styles adapted to snrrad and secular music, A.t Palno dk Randolph^. hus w'on hosts of friends, and it is with feci* the county will regret to learn of the sud- for $80 to $000 each. Firrv-osR O old or Biltkb best flouring mills in the county. Joseph Moore against the village. ings of regret that wc see him leave a posi* Jen death of the Rev. II. Law, who, It will » On motion of Mr. Sickels, the petition of Me dal *, or other first chtas premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Addrns, Masok A IIam runk tion which he has tilled with such honor to recollected, was Prosiding Elder of this D .—About 10 o’clock on Saturday Chas. Kipp and others, was taken from the Lts, Boston, or Masok BaoTusas, Nsw York. (i5;ly MANVFAOTUEER OF evening lost, we noticed an individual lying himself and satisfaction to the public. He Strict a number of years since. Mr. Law table, and after considerable debate wm, on has Our beat wishes for his future success in wag attending tho Michigan M. E. Confer, Whiskers! Whiskers! The Laryeit Stock ef Fort, on the sidewalk in front of the residence of motion of Mr. Walker, rettbled. Do you want Whisker* or MousUchss f Oar Grecian J. #. Paine, Esq. He was beastly intoxi ­ whatever station in life lie may be called enco at Hillsdale, of which ho was a mera- On motion of Mr. Sickles, the petition of Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face Cloth* In Endless Variety, cated. There ought to be a calaboose for to «”• ______ber, and was invited to preach at Mosher- J. Wood and others was taken from the or chin, hair on bald heads, in six weeks. Price $1 00. A Bushel of Dress Trimmings, Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of such ducks. D isabled Soldiers .—A n order issued ville, on Sunday evening list, a village 11 table, and tho prayer of the petitioners price. Address WARNER k CO., Box 138, Brooklyn, A Bushel of Cloak Ornaments, from the War department providcathat dis- mile* north of the former place. It appears granted. Tbe sidewalk was ordered to be Tiiottino Match .—A trotting match be­ N. Y. ______(n42:ly. A Bushel of Zephyr Worsteds, tween “Old Bob Ridley ” and 44 Robert charged soldiers of the United States who from a statement in the Detroit papers, that constructed on or lie fore the 15 th of October. WHISKER*! WHISKER* I A Bushel of Dress Butlons, Bums ” will cotue off on the Ovid trotting have been disabled in the acrvice, as well ns ^1C preached an earnest sermon of about After disposing of the cose of Mr. Ren- Dr. L. O. Montes ' Corrofia, the greatest stimulator in park to-day. The former is owned by C. those not yet discharged, who arc to be pro* twice tho usual length of lib customary ef* nel*, who was caught in the act of breaking the world, will force Whiskers or Mouatacho* to grow on 4 Bushels of Clouds A Sontags, the lock on the pound, an account of which the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fail; asm- Loranger, and the latter by W. R. Barker, vided with artificial limbs at the expense of forts, and, at what was supposed to be the pie for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its 4 Bushels of Hoods. of this village. the government, will be furnished with conclusion uf his sermon, raised his bands is given elsewhere, tho Board adjourned. merits. Address Reeves k Co., 78 Niuaau St., N. Y. transportation by the Quartermaster’s dc- an< ^ exclaimed, “May God bless this peo- [n6;3m.] ______Re-arrest or Salisbury .—Sheriff Brun ­ MAItHUOD. partment to and from their homes and the P* e* ” instantly sank to the floor and BTKAMGE, HUT TREE. AT PAINE k RAN DOLE IT A son received a telegraphic dispatch yester­ PERRIN - RK8810X8 —At Olivet on the 2 K,(n Bu i. Match —A match p»mc of! A Racy Bear Hurt —On Friday !a*t, JOHN M. DAGNALL, Bo* 183 Tost Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rklioioi *. — The Grand River Valley I baM hall between the lir-t nine of the tw0 y°un £ gentlemen of this village, whom Without doubt, the Ths proprietor of this well known establishment fssls Christian Conference will hold its next an- Monitor Club of this village, nnd the first ! "L* "'b Cllb A and B, procured a couple of ERROR* OF YOI TII. A Oontlcmin who suffered for years from Nervous very grateful to the public for ths continuance of thotf nual session in the village of Grecnbnsb, In nine of the Maple Valley Club of Ovid, took ,",rsC!* “n<, > #rm^ w* t* 1 t,,c l>rf>l»*r occou- Debility an*l Premature Decay, and all the effects of Largest& Best Stock of Dry Goods patronage, and especially to those who have been ths tliis county, commencing on Friday, Sept. | place on the prouwhi of the latter on Friday trements, started into the country on a bear youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu­ patrons of this House from the time of its institution ; hunt. Sampson-like, they were determined manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di ­ 21st, 18ff(5. Re ligious meetings will con la»t. The following is the score: This tide of Detroit, can be seen and takes this occasion to say that he will at all times to slay ut least a few of the invaders of rection* for making tho simple remedy by which ho was tinue over the following Sabbath. There uoMiroa. matle valley . cured. Sufferer* wishing to profit by tho advertiser ’s endeavor to maintain and preserve the reputation of ths o r.1 o n. civilization, if they happened to coiue across will be preaching each evening during the Xs«k4lts*. 9 f to • o a o X 1 •Uuii A l- vii| W • S 0 • S 9 fi O experience, can do so by addressing House. Our stock is largo and varied, as usual embracing M. i irii» r, r f. . • 4 4 springer, p...... 3 i JOHN C. 0CDHN, AT PAINE A RANDOLPH’S. session. Sabbath day services at 10 o'clock. 4 n all the leading articles of merehandke. to which frequent . M. Bi-hop, p. . , . 1 6 1. Hick*, a «...... O [r.7i:ly.J No. 13 Chuiubcrs St., N. Y. 0 Smith, ill b.. . . !i b U. Svi i I, | -t b . . . 5 i1 j about one mile north-west of this village, additions sail bo made during the season ; and it ie my o Personal .—AVe received a call yesterday . V. Bio a n, 2h'»d for the bon^fli and as a CAU- that before purchasing elsewhere, they would do well to warranting every article sold to be as represented. (.Hi turn, c f. . • 2 b 1*. Line, c f...... 3 1 no* ro vorxo MKN .nl othor.. who .uffer from ] u» “nJ *" e our uli“um0,h •'«* » fuJr ‘"“P^ lage, but now a resident of tlie 4* Garden 11. Eiton, let b. . • rt 1 11. 11. lLci'trcct, r 3 o upon lie alighted und proceeded cautiously It FLUMSTEAD. City,” where ho is engaged in the drug busi­ Nervous Debility, Pienutur© Dee*v of Manhood, Arc., TAINE k RANDOPH. tai...... 27 3* Total...... 0*7m 9 \H through the underbrush, which, it appears, supplying at tho same timo The Means or Belf-Cvee . 8t. John*, Sept. 6, 18C0. 15 tf St. Johns, April, ISAS. ness. “ Phil” looks bale and hearty, and isrwnro*. was quite thick. Presently he discovered By ono wh<» has cured himself after undergoing consid ­ we arc pleased to know that lie ^prosper­ erable quae kerr. By cncbsnng a pot-paid ivldrcnstsl • •! ,* j — I ^ * —! - a n rub j» du*rt di*t!ino© off, and while* walk­ CARRIAGES GROCERIES. ing abundantly. May his shadow never - t envelope, «mgio copies, ire# ot cnurge, may t>o bu4 of 9 . ing along to get within musket range of it, the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., onitor ...... 44: 3 89 Hear! Hear! See Here! J-'1 the field again ! grow less. V.illi’% ...... • • •J l| 4! 3| l| 1 1 18 he suddenly saw Bruin a few feet from him lu3C:ly.] Brooklyn, Kings County, N. Y Michigan Loom Company .—Mr. .T. Kelly The but l iug; of th c Monitor ik »vs thrntio h- standing on her hind legs, mouth open and THF. GLORY Of' NAN I* *TRi:\f.Tlf. And the Battle Being Fought! has rented the checkered store in this vil ­ ready to give battle. This wras more than A gentleman who suffered for year* from Nervous and Citizen* of St. Johns and adjoining Townships : the nerves of our gallant sportsman could Genital Debility, Nightly EmisMons, nnd Heininril lage, situated directly opposite the St. Johns one or two exceptions. Kanrtey and Turner The Largest, Cheapest and Best Slock off stand ; lie trembled with fear and saw hor­ Weakness, th«* rcult of youthful indiscretion, nnd came Haring purchased the building known among you as Hotel, for the purpose of keeping n stock of each made a very fine fly catch w th one near ending UD days in hope)*** misery, will, for the THE BARRACKS, and stocked and fitted up the an — for tho purpose of luanufacturing the Mendenhall hand looms, and taking or* hand. Taken n* a w hole, the game was rible visions of savage monsters, with teeth 0 *nke of suffering man. ••end to anyone afflicted, the sim­ Sugars, Teas, &c«, like pillars, ready to devour him. It was n s# ple me in* used bv him, which effected a cure in a few orders for weaving of every description, well played. The hatting of the Maple : week«, after the f.tilurc of numerous medr'ine*. Hend a Ever brought into 5t. Johns, to be had at frightful position, but in le>s time than it a directed envelope and stamp, and it "ill cost mu no- , This establishment will prove convenient for Valley men was very g<>od, hut their takes to relate the story, he beat a hasty re­ rn U thing. |nV):|y. UJ Light and Heavy Wagons, M 8. FOWLER’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ail parties having weaving to be done, and weakest point was in running the bases, treat, without firing a iW, mounted his horse, V J! Adlres* EDGAR TRF.MAIX, 12Sth Bt., N. Y. City i GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, who have heretofore been compelled to send in which particular they cannot cope with an 'K * n company with B, rode hack to the V Tlao Gloryof Ran l«8 lrengtli* <• h Carriages and Spring Wagons, UdMwhm. i!,. M vi wrapidiy .s»iM* in brwthl* m saying that wc arc now prepared to furnish, upon a sake of suffering m in, send to an v one afflicted, the aim Good Japan Ten* past by the numerous reports coming in publish below a list of Etito Fairs for 18GG: death, and brought it off the Held in good oc kw a pie moans used bv him, which effected a cure in a few Go to M. 8. FOWLER’S. /, A weeks after the tailure of num« rous medicines. Send • S icrmmrnta .. • T) V t r. Hhort Not loo, If you want from th»* \ i< inirvw of •• Bear, Bear.* ’ Wc ire C.thforni »• • • . S. pt 10-I.S order, already cocked ami primed. We B a directed enveloj»e, nnd it will cost you nothing Ad* nln W t«it • Totontu. • • • have lieen cretlitaMv informed that the two UJ * ^ s dre*s JOHN B. OUDEN, No. 13 Chambers Street, Good You riff Hyson Tea* informed that not less than thirteen have lihnoi* ... .Uhit • . . & N. Y. 5 3m* 4• ood Imperial Ton, . 1 n h in . • • • • sportsmen \«r\ much resembled Hamlet’s u Whatever wc may not have on hand of the above named been seen within tivc miles of this place. | ** • Bnrlingtoii . . 1 M 9 vehicles. Wc have spared no p uns in the selection of Good Gunpowder Tea, .s. |»r. is ghost when they returned, and that they >o w On Thursday last, the Oth inst., Mr. C. P. i £™!lRkjr • . hiris..... • • • • • resolved never to be caught in such a fix - 6 A i H TO UOY8I RPTIVFA. our stock, and we intend to employ none but Good lllaok Tea, . Ijf'nvcnworth . Ue t w Ths advertiser, having been restored to health in a Good llntflleh Tea, Case, of this village, killed two cubs, and b»»*io»n» . , , .NcW Otlu.iIM. . . . . N ut . again. And thus ended the memorable •* z © i .Rochester.. • . S |'t. Il-U Urn I few week* by s very simple remedy, after haring suffer­ Go to M. 3. FOWLER’S. r.n Saturday the mother was sl im by Mr > )>ikar hunt ! •**.3 ed for several years with a severe lung nffectiun, and FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, > • Adii.m ...... • IM-21 I If you wont nice, dean and dry Minimi. . . , . .Kr...... Oct. 26 , e 3 i that dread disease, Consumption —is anxious to make H. Terry. All these were killed just south VOionul lloic Kair-.KiUmnAHi, Mich ....Ott2S . . Oct. 2 6 j I I! F. STATE P AIRThe \ air for 1866, at HluKOTsde Sugars, known to his fellow-sufferers tbe means of cure. of this village iu Blank ’* and Bristol’s woods. NVw Pngl.ii) I...... Hi iul<•Imiki ...... s**ut. 4■l 77 . , . , * lrk , , < And we will guarantee to those who patronise ua, as Cuba 44 N»*w tiirti|>*hu»...... Mmrhrtcr...... frpt. IS 21 Adrian on tlio 18th, IlHli, 20th, and 2l*t H To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre- Forto Rico 44 Egdum . Ohm...... ji ii "f S»*pt«nhrr, protiiwM to be one of the i/) scriution uscl, (freo of charge,) with the directions for Havana 44 o..„-un ...... Nil, ...... 0.1. 17 jo t m«Ve stepped i nnton ...... M. J« iiri4...... Sent. 27 -2S * • n 1 lUv. EDWARD A WILSON, Old Gov't Java 44 .1 .it k ■**»nv»n ...... J»»rk*>n...... Ssjit. #;-2* trot mile heats, go as they please, $100: [n11:ly.l Willi.nn«burg, Kings Co., N. Y. BEST MATERIAL into his store a few days since, nnd were K.t Java (In Cana) 44 greatly astonished at the mammoth proper- jj' .* 1 iut^ ...... ithsrH...... (M. 4 ft I ftecond »>est, $20. Entry fee, $2li. 2d Java tin Parkagrt) 44 • 1 !il!*0. Entry fee, $50. MOTTLED GERMAN, wide awake merchants, ami always keeps a Hhiawnare . O wimihi ...... f* i .; according to the directions, usually quickly cures, and ERASIVE, HJ. Jowph.’. .\\7/. ’/.Crnt«rrin* .* .*/.* .V.ipt. yt 2* On Friday, the last day of the fair, the cit- certainly nothing is linked in using Brandrelh ’s Pills. Warrant the Work well assorted stock of g*>od*. See his an ­ PYLES O. K. DIRT EXTRACTOR, wllm1.',;..-::;::::Tm,"Ar\V.r!V::■.‘.'ocfYi premium* »rc ** f-iio«*: i»t race, For cold, iufluensa, diptherin, pains in the head, dlxxi- nouncement, headed 44 my policy,” in an ­ RI8LEY k BHO’S LUSTRAL, ness and apopluxy, no me^licine esn be compared to ------Entry, 825. For the be*t running home, SCOTT k CO’8 ERASIVE, other column. them. In eryupelas, fever and ague, smill pox, and al Which we sell to give OOOD SATISFACTION. Ws are also prepared to do ENGLISH k AMERICAN CASTILE, ra* Fir*t Gc.t T—On Sntnriinyevening mare or gelding, mile heat*, weight per age, ths diseases of childhood, their use insures a speedy re­ Oo to M. 8. FOWLER’S. D angerous Countrrkf .it. —Yesterday la.Ht, the 8tb inat., Jowb Baker and one Fat- $125; second beat, $23. 2d race. Entry, covery of health They pr«»dM*e !>»»••# rvwulU by taking wc examined a very dangerous counterfeit tenon of 0*i« exhibit,-*., etc., are the tnedionl specifics ot the day. Dr. Sweet, of the New Wo would solicit any work of that kind that tbe wants ... , ...... being ptnected on an extensive scale; a*d Halibut, Ciscoette, therein belonging to them, without either UOBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan England Botanic Depot in B*>don, has become tho pro­ of tbe people may require. Trout, While Fub. •aid the lemont. With all niy heart, should good weathery prevail, we shall see prietor of the Compound, and hi* advertisement in this No. 1 Mackerel in Kitto, ;--- v»------— ”• i” —rT'v _I —County of Clinton, as. At a session paiwr gives an interesting account of iU origin and auc- leave or license. A few weeks since, a cer­ said the soda; nnd to work they an initT»t*n**e ntten«„ .tton.lin*, .imply bec.u., tb.y <»ttlfl|0^o,^ruJ0^1i,t„x ,h, r^tUlon. 4.ly ~r«M,n . advertisement. Wo Invito OrltJolem* Cider anti Table Vine gar, pound under the fence, after which »ho car­ on fizzing till there was nothing of cither of Dot DS Fredertcka <*ve. Root; fra j CUr, H. ». lUfmond Bath, Sept 10, Ml ■tf mm IUB we* (lltv) BW.DstOB,

o STATE TAX LANDS. STATE TAX LANDS. STATE TAX LANDS. LEGAL NOTICES. Tew® fi North of Knnge S West. Town fi Berth ef Range 4 West. |)KOBATE ORDER.—State ..r Michigan EOROE R. HUNT* BRO., AL* OF STATE TAX LANDS. I —County of Cliiitou, a». At a aeuion AUDITOR GKNBBAL'fi OFFICE, I Laxturo, Mux , July A |H*9i ( ef the Prehate Court for the oouuty ef Clinton, holden Notice Is hereby given that certain lands situated In at the Prut'ale (ME* **, In the village of Ml. Johns, on Men ­ 4 ds y, the 13th day ef August, in the year one thousand DtALKM III J the County of Clinton, bid off to the State lor Taxes ef eight hundred and aixty-eix : Preaent, Win. Mh ksD, tint, and previous years, and lseorihod in statements * H efn* k 7fi 1 P tl fil 00 1 •lft ufi w b of s i b which will bn forwarded to the office of the Treasurer of te 18 e b of • « b Judge of Probate. In the matter ef the mUU ef Kins ­ Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, s w k of n e k 40 1 71 1 00 8 80 ley Kin you, Alice A Kinyon und F.lmer Kinyon, minors. mid County some time next month, will he sold at mib- te 100 ■ 48 S 44 1 00 29 02 s pt uf e b of u e In oonnootton with the Ww iftd powerful Upper Cilia lie auction, by mid Treasurer, at the County Meat, on vLivf te 80 U 90 1 3!) 1 00 10 te hij| of s w b On rtwding nnd hling the petition, duly vented, of MHMhlfl Drug* and Medipines, s e pt of s e k Alfred W. Northway, Uuurdinuof aaid minors, praying, EEfitadthe first Monday for tvthe ofor ordinary Octoberuutobur Taxnext, dales, at the if timenot previously and place 84 100 '23 67 2 te 1 (6) 20 02 HDotpoltM and "Mllwaukoo." e X of no M 84 80 11 80 .1 18 1 00 13 98 N eiul of s e fr of • for reaaaii* therein srt forth, that he uiay he licensed to of at this otter, according to Ilaw. w S «f n e k 34 80 11 80 1 18 1 00 13 98 e b...... sell real estate belonging to said nnuers : FLUID EXTRACT Said statements contain a full Trailption of each par a pt of n w b Tboreupon it i* Ordered, That Hondav, the 24lh day Until further notice train* will leave Sr. Jonx* m w S n te 80 11 80 1 18 1 00 13 DM of Kept ember, 18(g1, ut 1 o'clock in tho sflcmwa of that Clinton AveuHfi St. Joint*. eel of mid lands, and may be e on application at the W X B te 80 11 80 1 18 1 00 13 98 n v b offloe ef the County Treasurer. A day, be assigned for tlte hearing ef sold petition, and OOTHO WIST Town 7 North of Range 2 West. ,Trf that the heirn-ut-law of said minors, and all ether per- Iftfcfid-tAt 4:03 A. if., Er Grand HaTfill. Lands struck off to the Mate for Taxes of IM4, or • w b -OF- other years, at the Tax Hales in October last, will be of­ N H ofn w k 2 «0 14 96 49 1 00 17 44 e b ofu •on* Intelested in tuud estate, ure re quired to appear at a Mail -At 3;ftft r. m., for Milwaukee. w H of e • W 5 SO 25 32 53 fered subject to the light of redemption prescribed by 1 00 28 8ft ■ fib session of wahl Court, then te be holden at the Probate GOING KA8T. All s w k of e o \ of section ) Oil)' e, in the village of Ht. Johns, end show cauee. If any law. —as well------as to the right of purchase of the HfiflfiH |fl| 7, lying V, of D. A M. It. R. | o b of II w Mixed -At 11:53 P. m., for Detroit. at this Offloe prior to the sal*. ____ e 2-3 of s b there he, why the prayer ef the petitioner should not be Mixed -At 7 50 a . m., for Detroit. SMIL ANNEXE. Auditor General. 89 08 1 00 1 97 w b of n c k granted, Aud It u furtlow Ordered, That said petition* Mail-At 11:45 a. n„ for Detroit. Always on hand, at the lowest price that the market • * of n e k 7 80 15 91 1 59 1 00 18 50 X o! n w b • • • • I « « » er give noth «• te the pcnw.n* intere*te«l in said estate, of UT Refro*hmente #4 Detroit, throaao end Qrxnd Hu* affords, and offeringJ specie1 inducement* to customers, a Aiitteitl in i N r I • h of it w k of n w % 2 90 3 19 81 1 00 4 60 w X of »v b fifi 80 11 1)1 the pendem y of aahl petition, and the heariug thereof* wen, and upon the Company's Ferry Metnut on Detroit Large and carefully selectedaanortuiewt of AUDITOR OENEHAL ’H OFFICE, w H of s e k 9 90 39 18 3 91 1 00 44 09 • w b of u c b fi* ^ fi I® by ruuninu a copy of this order to he published in Tna rtrer. OomfortnUe Hotel above Depot at Grand Un- Lsnsiku , Mu m., July 2, 1 860. I e Oo acre, off s e 10 ft) 13 50 1 86 1 00 16 H6 Clinton llr.rt nlican , a newspajM-r printed and cireu- e b of s w b 12 80 14 96 1 49 1 00 VILLAGE OF BATH. Ten. • • « ___ UCHofeaekof the following oescijribed tracts 17 44 Lot 1 Bloch 10 20 I 92 10 1 00 3 12 I la ted In said county of CUnion, fig figg MMErttf I Sleeping Can on night train*. *or parcel* of land,situated In the County of Clinton, s X of s e b 12 ft) 7 46 74 1 00 9 22 weeks, prswieus to said du y ofo( hearing. PlfHE Minis AMD MEDICim delinquent8 tor unpaid taxes, for the year* mentioned v H "f ti w b 13 ft) 14 93 1 49 1 00 17 42 VILDAOE OF 1)K WITT. WM. H1UKKLH, Judge of I’mlatf. CONNECTIONS. a w b of u w X 13 40 7 47 74 1 00 9 21 LOT SUN K. I A t Drrxorr—With Great WeMern and Grand Trunk below, as will be suftTunt to pity the tax**, iulorest and (A true copy.) Jnlff:4w. ^ charges thereon, will be add by the Treasxrer of said n * b °t n c b 14 40 7 47 74 1 00 9 21 lift II 20 33 01 I 00 1 3ft Railway*** all paints Ka*»; Michigan Urntoal, Mich­ it w q of n e b 14 40 7 47 74 1 00 9 21 126 14 20 8 37 82 1 00 10 09 ROBATEORDKR__ State of Michigan igan Southern Raitmad*. County on the first Xouday of October next, at such ■ e J 10 1G 01 1 01) —CUOIC1— ublic and convenient place a* ha shall select, in Ht. 16 1ft) 41 54 4 15 1 00 40 ft) w X of 127 14 — a homnioii A t Mii.WAVKxa — With the Milwaukee A St. Paul, 31 06 4 Oft 40 1 00 County of Clinton, At ohns, the County 8«et of said Comity, according to the s w b of * e b 22 40 7 47 74 1 (Ml 9 21 • w b of 261 ofP Milwaukee and Prairie I>u Chun, and Mtlwnuke A c X ®f n w b 22 ft) 10 34 1 03 1 00 12 37 w b of 300. 327 tho Broliate Court for tho county of Clinton, holden Chicago Railroad*, for all point* Wilt and Nortffwest. AT THE CAPE OP GOOD HOPE HUtute In such cose made and iTkrovided. at the Frokite ofitefe in tho village of Ht. Johns, on f EMIL ANN E, Auditor General. n w J^nfi v b 23 40 5 74 57 1 (Ml 7 31 A w X of Block t 42 1 7 50 7ft 1 00 9 31 Paaaenger* for Great Wmtoni Railway go on the Rail­ n e b of n w if 2ft 40 7 2M 72 1 00 9 00 Monday, tb* I It It I .. of AuguM, in the > ear one thou­ way Kerry Steamer, at D. A M. R. It. Dock, leaving WINEN AXIS TilQlJOltW, 1SB3. VILLAGE OF KLMIK. sand eight hundred and *ixtv-»ix : I’rtavnt, Wm. Hwh- n w b of n w b 25 40 7 2H 72 1 00 9 00 Luta 4 A 9 Block 2 11 03 06 1 00 l 09 Dock at 10:15 a. u., and 0:10 r. ». Town 5 North of Uango 5 West. it w b «>f * o b 26 40 7 28 72 1 00 9 00 els. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate ef THOMAS IIISLL, Gen*l Sup’t, | a w b of n e b 26 40 10 81 1 OH 1 00 12 89 VILLAGE OF LMMOXBVILLE. William W. Thayer, deceased. D. A M. Offloe#, IHOrt. | n 40 (For Medicinal Purposes,) 29 40 26 28 2 62 n 8 1-3 rod* in ( On reading and tiling the iietitioii, duly verified, of THE HOTTENTOT n e b of • e b 1 00 29 90 width off Block J 7 17 6 69 66 1 00 7 14 ii w b ofne b 29 40 78 30 7 83 1 00 87 19 E. P. Kellogg, praying, for reasons thoriln sot forth, 11 e b of s w fi W 30 80 29 97 2 99 1 oo 33 96 Lot 2 Block 18 17 1 2 40 24 1 90 3 01 that Admini*tmlton rnay Im* granted in raid estate : OCGHTALING & CO.’S i w ii x of * w rt b 30 78 88 29 97 2 99 00 33 00 VILLAGE OF MAI'LETON. Thereupon it to Ogden I, I oat M ud.n , tin* 17th day AI.HO, PAIMTft# OILS, GLASS, ACn AC. K M of n w H 50 rT to if;16 |1U0 #U 16 n W 4 «*f M l* b 30 40 23 67 2 36 00 27 03 LOTS. SET. of fieptem>>er next, ut 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that 30 60 14 55 1 4ft 00 29 22 02 1 00 21 day, he iwignnl for the hearing of said |Hditinn, and 1 HIM. * X of n W b 17 ft) I ft that the heirM-at-law of said deceased, aud all other per­ AMBHOTTPR Have long used Town 5 North ef Range 2 West. Town 8 North of Range 2 West 21 29 22 02 1 00 24 29 02 1 00 24 son* interested in raid estate, are required to apM*sr at a I And bounded X. A W. A 8. K jfofiv b 1 HO 10 77 1 07 1 00 12 84 70 22 ■CMion <«t -aid Court, I e holdi n at the Probate by land owned by J. Baker, koti 72 29 22 02 1 (Si 24 AND E. by r. A G. It. Road,. .. . 171 29 90 09 1 00 99 (>t!bv, in the village of Ht. Johns, nnd show cater, if any vned } there Ih *, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be I 20 B 39 1 61 1 00 9 21 ByJ.Q. Putteraon, 22) 2 72 27 00 3 99 VILLAGE OF OVID. e S of • e M 14 60 12 13 5 03 1 00 16 1G Ifruntid. Aud It i* further Ordere4 w b of out lot O 1 49 14 1 00 2 63 >R0BATE ORDER.—State ..I .Michigan E*q., hie entire outfit and buMnca# pertaining to the n pt of * c bofneb 32 19 3 32 33 1 oo 4 lift P 4 90 49 1 00 0 39 £$r No effort will be spared to please those who f«v< VILLAGE OF HT. JOUN8. 0 H m us\ with thetheir ir patronagepatronage, os to QUALITY and FRICK. Lot 1, Block 27, 9 1 24 31 1 00 2 53 s V* f * w b 36 80 13 84 1 38 1 00 16 22 lot* 4, ft, 11, 12,13.14, 15,16,l, 1 3 00 36 1 00 ft 02 I —County of Cliiitou, . At a ht naion Old Photogrmpitic Oallery OF.OROK R. HUNT A BRO. Lots 3 A 4, Block 36,9 4 47 I 11 1 00 6 5H Town ft North of Range 3 West. lot 12. 2 94 09 1 00 2 03 of the l*nd*atc Court for the county of Clinton, holden at Rt. Johns, September 5, 186ft. LoUU A12, Block 40,) 4 47 111 1 00 6 3H 1 160 40 80 4 08 1 00 4ft 88 lots 3, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8. 0, 10, the Protmte Offlec, in tho village of HI. Johns, on Mon Recently oonducted by that gentleman in the riling* It was borrowed from these rude practitioners by the Neb 11, 12, 1314, 1&, 16, 17, 18, 6 9 80 98 1 00 11 78 day, the 13th day of August, in tho year one thousand of St. John*, would moat respectfully announce to tho Lots 13 A14, Block 41,1 3 48 87 1 00 5 33 c X «f • o b 1 HO 20 40 2 04 1 00 23 44 2 104 41 01 4 10 1 ou 40 77 lot* 3, 4, 8, 0 1 98 Iff 1 00 3 17 eight hundred and sixty-six : Present, Wm. fib-kola. people of thi* village and county that they are prepared INGA. n e H b lot* 3, 4, 5, 14, 17, 8 2 13 21 1 00 3 34 Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estute of Peter to produce by a rapid and improved process. Town 3 North of Range l Wc*t. n X of a X of ii w k 4 40 9 17 91 1 00 11 08 MISCELLANEOUS. ft K4 03 20 80 2 08 1 00 23 88 lot 7, 8 1 21 12 1 00 2 33 Weiner, deceased. S 14 of s w h 3 80 11 lift 1 10 1 00 13 79 n tl b of n e b lot 7 A 8, 9 1 ftl lft 1 00 2 06 Ion reading und filing the petition, duly verified, of «• S of w Vj of n w A 4 3ff 7 17 71 1 UO 8 te n fl X of it w b 5 80 19 1» Oft 1 90 1 (M) 21 9ft to 1' ofirv b 7 40 9 00 DO 1 (10 10 90 Entire 10 9 79 97 1 (10 11 70 Joseph Platte, praying, for reason* th« rein rat forth, The Most Beautiful Pictures n e h of n w k 5 40* 0 34 Al 1 00 7 97 lets 1, 2, 4, ft, 12 2 56 25 1 00 3 HO that an Administrator tie Aunts non may be up pointed in Fnglleh and Dutch Physicians, • ohofnwli 3 40 3 90 39 l 00 ft 3ft s w ji of n W tl b 7 30 0 70 07 1 00 8 43 1866 . SPRINa-TRADE-1866 . »• b of n e b 11 80 27 53 2 75 1 IM) 31 28 « b »f 1 * A 14 1 48 14 1 00 2 62 said estate : Produced by th5 photographic art, at price* so very i« V 3 160 15 61 1 ftH 1 (Ht 18 39 lot* 1,2,3, 6. 7, 8, 15 3 06 te 1 00 % ft 02 Thereupon it U Ordered, Th«t Monday, the I7tb day of low that none need be without life-like shadow* of them- n t I) of n w i 8 40 2 98 29 1 00 4 27 e pt of w X "d n o X 11 20 ft 97 69 1 00 7 66 2 n fr of a e b 14 43 52 8 07 80 1 00 9 87 lots 4 A 6, 16 1 22 12 1 4 of n w )) «>f n e % 9 20 4 48 41 1 1)0 ft 92 sc b 20 03 42 W 29 00 ALL vri'I.IN OF PICT! RES Os whose recommendation it was employed in Europe, no o s of s e b 23 HO 19 tl 1 fifi 1 00 22 90 lot* 7, 13, 14, 17, 19 2 1 4 25 ill *.tioin fntereatod in raid o-tute, of the pendency of said . 4 ► 1 80 13 1 38 1 00 16 22 w x * w rt b 30 66 16 17 42 1 74 1 00 2o 10 lot 4, 77 07 At Prices below nil Competition, (Ruccennor to the firm of E. Abbott A Son,) s m of * c k 12 84 SEC. SiXKS. petition, and the hc.uing thincof, by mu*ing a copy of IT IS 0ITNN CHIEFLY IN w \ of n « M 13 HO 10 89 1 68 1 00 19 57 it w b 32 160 42 11 4 21 1 00 47 32 fffl^Oive us a call, nt <»ur r>*rn-«, over John Hicks A 32 80 21 06 2 10 1 00 24 lft n nt of out lot No. » this order to 1k > published in Th »: Clijiton KxrvaiJCAg, s e of * e l| 14 40 2 22 22 1 00 3 44 w b of n e b 1 that lie* n of line ( a newspaper printed and circulated in raid county of CoeVsorc. next d«»or to the old Art Gallery of Mr. Bar­ Near Foot of Clinton Avenue, M. Johns, )i of n w jtf 15 80 30 02 3 00 1 00 34 02 n e b «f * w Jb 30 40 9 33 93 1 00 U 20 kerter, nearly opposite tho Gibb* House, Clinton Avmuc. c b of n w a 30 80 20 09 2 06 1 00 23 75 drawn through to ) Clinton, for three suoceabive wet k*, previous to raid day « w V of n w k 21 40 5 39 51 1 00 6 92 centre of Front ( of hearing. W. M flOUOUTAUXG A CO. Has stocked the old stand with a splendid assortment of e tf of • w q 21 ftl) lft 01 1 50 1 00 17 ftl s pt "f W \ of II «■ X 36 00 13 99 1 39 1 00 16 38 Rt. John*, December 15, 1MI5. (n29:ly. street, containingting I WM. SICK ELS, Judge of Probate. a very superior quality of no H 21 36 10 12 1 04 1 00 12 46 Town 6 North of Range 3 West. about 1 acre . • • 1 IS 1 1 95 10 1 90 3 14 (A true copy.) (n!2 3w. Gravel, Chronic Cnlnrrli of the 22 100 4H 79 4 87 1 00 54 66 •rest . •« (»ffoff ti ftft ) EW BILLIARD S VI O0N n w if VILLAGE OF ST, JOHNH. lllfKlcler, n e k 23 100 37 ftO 3 7ft 1 00 42 •21 of n w b...... 1 1 15 2 03 20 1 00 3 89 ROBATE ORDER.—Stat(‘ »»f’Mirhi^an, Stoves of oil Tiindw, 23 80 10 89 1 68 00 19 57 BLOCK. SKC. f H of n w V m 1 ■ X of n e b 80 14 8o 1 48 1 00 17 *28 N AND l lil IT DLPOl. * e 1 "f » w h 25 40 I 01 70 l 00 H 74 160 29 t>0 2 90 1 00 33 56 lot* 9, 10, II, 2 4 78 47 00 6 2ft County of Clinton, m. At a at-Hsion of ■ • b 3 4o tix . corrfft axt > biteet iron •ware , e S of ■ ♦* k 23 80 lft 20 1 fti 1 00 17 73 n c tl Ii 150 62 27 84 2 78 1 00 31 62 lot 13, 3 2 19 21 00 theP IVntsito Court for the county of Cliutcm, hoideu al w ^ oft w '4 27 HO lft 94 1 59 1 00 18 ftl u wr tl b 149 96 44 02 4 40 1 00 50 08 lot* 4, 5, 6, 4 7 07 70 00 8 77 the l'n»hat© Otlici*, in the village of St. John*, on The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the Manufactured to order, of the best materials, and in a ii e b ol n w * 30 40 ft 00 66 1 00 7 22 80 14 80 1 48 1 00 17 28 115 feet in width off ) Thursday, tha 23 1 day of August, in the year of our ublio that hi* new Saloon and Billiard Room, on Clin- MORBID IRRITATION w X °f - * V w end of lot* 7, H, 9, i 4 7 23 72 00 8 95 workmanlike manner. n * I of n w if 50 40 ft 00 60 1 00 7 •22 * w b 160 31 4 ft 3 14 1 (M) .15 59 Lord one thousand ciglit hundred and sixty-six: Pres­ >n Avenue, St. Johus, ha* be«-n fitted up in superb e X of s w h 33 80 14 10 1 41 1 00 16 ft? n f b of i w 40 0 80 08 1 00 8 54 lot 3, ft ftft Oft 00 1 00 ent, William Hkkel*, Judge of 1'rulwt*. In the matter Cstyle, where those who wi*h to enjoy the harmless and w ), of ii e k 33 80 12 31 1 23 1 uo 14 57 n b of * e b HO 15 48 1 54 1 00 18 02 w 114 b feet off let* ) of the e tate of Cvti'liu, Alice, Clark und El wood D. fascinating game of billiards cun do h <> at a popular n v A of n w k P 40 3 M) 38 1 00 ft IH « o b of * « % 40 7 74 77 1 00 9 51 H A 1 J,...... ( 0 &3 8ft 00 10 38 Clark, minor*. place of resort, where the rule* of propriety are strictly Envc Troughs nnd Conductors lots 5 A 6, 12 9 55 Oft (10 1 u» OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, T*»wn G North of Range 1 West. e ’i of n e b HO 15 48 1 64 1 IN) 18 0 *2 On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of enforced. At this Saloon will be found at all times, 10 80 16 11 1 ftl 1 (M) 17 64 lots 7 A H, 20 10 92 29 00 4 21 George Holme*, guardian of said minor*, praying for MADE AN1) PUT UP. R S' of n w fi % s 72 94 11 2 ft 1 12 1 00 1) 17 w X nt a a % lot* 3 A 4, 21 16 42 34 on 4 70 W ^ of . W k HO 12 42 1 24 1 00 11 66 n w k 10 160 28 0.1 2 80 1 (M) 31 83 reason* tlieieiu m t forth, tb.it he may he licens«'ii to rail D. D. .tlullory A ( o.\ Celebrated llulti* 4 lot* 3, 4, 11, 12, 22 16 23 72 (M) H 95 real estate belonging to *atd minors: * e b «»f n w tl V 5 40 4 42 44 1 00 ft H6 • w Jk 12 160 28 28 2 8-2 1 00 32 10 16 more Oyite^ JOI1 WORK DONE TO ORDER, w 40 7 93 79 1 IS) 9 72 lot* 3, ft, 0, 12, 24 70 77 oo 9 47 Thereupon it i* Ordered, That Monday, the 9th day a S of * w b 7 tu m 10 8-2 1 08 1 (Ml 12 90 c % of o X of * o A 12 lot 8, 25 16 93 19 oo 3 12 FOR FEMALi: WEAKNKHH 7 40 ft 42 54 1 (Ml 6 90 W of II W k 13 80 15 85 1 58 1 00 18 43 of (H tota r in xt, at 1 oMoek in the afrwriMM»ii, l«e ao- Fresh Lobsters and Clam*, Sardines, French Mustard and And all kind* of Repairing Promptly attended to. n e b of s e b to lot 3, 27 9 81 48 oo 0 29 Migm-d l«*r the hearing of r-aid |H»titftoii, und that the heir* k e b of * e b 1 40 ft 42 54 1 no 6 !** •• ^ J ii w k 13 80 16 8ft 1 58 1 00 18 43 Pickles, Loudon Club Sauce, 13 80 15 8ft 1 58 1 00 18 43 lot 4, 27 9 Ml 55 (NJ 7 14 .it law of said minor*, and all oth< r jaTHon* interacted n *• b «.f * w •, 8 40 6 01 (41 1 no 1 61 w of n c % lot* 9, 10. 11, 9 40 84 1 (Mi 111 24 f b of » o b 17 HO 11 41 1 1 » 1 (M) 11 ftft n u k efn e k 13 40 7 92 79 1 (M) 9 71 in raid estate, ure required to uppeor ut a ses.ioii “WiiiOM nnd TIN WA11E. 40 7 67 70 1 IS) 9 43 w 1-3 of lot* 10, 11, 12, 31 9 92 29 1 (X) 4 21 of said Court, then to fa* hidden at the Probate office, in n e b of n c , IH 40 ft 31 51 1 i» (i HI s o k uf * w k 16 lots 6. 7. 8, 32 16 Z\ 72 1 (X) 8 lift —AND- 40 ft 07 ftG 1 (Ml 7 •21 ti w k **f * w ii 21 40 7 58 7ft 1 IM) 9 33 the village of Ht. Johns, and show cause, if uny there All Brand* of Ale and Porter, * w b of * e b IH lots 11 A 12, 3ft 16 40 24 1 (M) 3 64 la*, wh v the prayer of the pit it loner should imt be grunt­ A complete assortment of everything usually called f b of ii o % 10 80 11 31 1 11 l no 11 41 e X of » c k 21 80 16 18 1 M 1 (M) 17 69 e 160 30 14 3 01 1 00 34 37 lot 12, 36 16 20 12 (Ml ed. And it i* further Ordered, 1 hut said |* titioner giw» for in the line of TIN WAKE always on hand. All w b of n w k *20 HO 10 96 1 09 1 (Ml 11 Oft ii w k 22 37 16 3 I • 38 (Mi TOBACCO AM) CHMIiN, 96 (Ml 22 160 30 34 3 o.l 1 00 54 37 lot* ft A 0, ft *23 notice to the j.er.-a»ns iuU'pvtiHl in H.aid estate, of the work warranted. e *, of n w b 20 HO 10 1 0.) 1 11 0» ll e k lot* 7, 8, 9, 10, 37 16 6 (Cl 00 00 7 Al * w V of s w b 20 40 ft 08 50 1 ou G Vi e X of s e k 22 80 15 18 1 ftl I (N) 17 69 pendency of sail i*etition, and the hearing thereof, by ’ 7 58 lot 9, 38 9 2 10 21 (M) 3 31 causing a c q»y of tni* order to Ih - published in The (!«*• At wholesale an l retail. Particular attention D invited to my new and n t* b of s w b 21 40 ) n w k of s o \ 22 40 75 1 00 9 18 9 6 03 7 A*i DEIIILITY ii 23 80 15 18 1 51 1 uo 17 6J lots 3, 4. 13, 14, 40 tf) 00 tan licfulAiron% a newspajier prir.tcd and circulated in excellent assortment of STOVES for all purposes, of s e b of » a b *21 40 j 6 51 6 ft 1 no M 10 k of * w , lot* 6 A 6, 41 9 2 40 24 00 3 64 2» 100 19 09 1 90 1 00 22 lift s lj of» w k 21 80 14 28 1 42 1 00 16 7() -aid county of (diliton, for six 4U(vo**iw weeks, previou* late and excellent patterns. . e b e Si of b*t* 7t 8, 9» 43 9 1 41 14 00 2 58 to raid day of beat iug. FIIEHII CANNED FltUITH. neb' 27 1M> 17 97 1 : * 1 00 20 Tfi n w k 25 100 41 71 4 17 1 OO 46 88 • * T 26 21 oh 2 10 1 00 lot* 5 A 6, 47 16 2 40 24 00 3 (4 WM. HICK ELS, Judjre of Probate. * e b of * e b 2H 40 4 24 42 1 (M) ft 60 ii ,'i of h o k 80 24 IS 42 9 I shall also keer*p on hand, rt all proper seasons, all COOK I NO, PARLOR, OFFICE, BOX, n w k of n w 26 40 0 54 Oft 1 00 8 19 lot.* 6 A 7, 1 44 14 00 2 ftH (A true copy.) 11:f.w. kindsInd* of FreshKre Canned Fruits am >ng which maybe For ProliiffiAUs mid Brnring Down, n w b «»f * w b 29 40 4 10 41 1 (V) ft &1 V lot 14, 52 9 1 23 12 (Ml 2 3ft And other style* of Stoves, all of the beat quality. n e b °f • e « 30 4 > 5 08 50 1 03 6 58 n w k nf * w « 26 40 9 67 96 1 00 ll 03 fuund tho following choice varieties : 40 0 72 67 1 (M) 8 39 Entire 64 9 2 40 24 00 3 04 or Frolit|»HiiH I’tcri, ii e fr of neb 31 f»4 58 6 .34 Al (Ml 7 97 * e b of n * '4 2V Entire (Ml 16 1 93 19 00 3 12 ) IM iHATE OR D ER.-—State uf Michigan, Quinces, StrawWiTies, n w b of n w V 31 04 82 7 73 77 <6) 9 52 w b of n w b 28 80 16 18 1 51 1 00 i; < (Mint v of l ” | hh . At a teteion uf 29 40 H 54 86 1 (M) 10 89 Entire 07 16 1 93 19 00 3 12 1 4 Fine Apples, Cherries, n w b of n w b 33 4 . 3 17 3! 00 4 4H n •• b n w b Entire 81 16 1 93 19 00 3 12 the Protmte Court for the county of Clinton, boblcn ut Kgg Plums, Pcache*, Ac., Ac. n w 11 , 31 73 50 7 92 7J 00 9 71 n w b tff 9 u' * 31 36 0 65 06 1 00 8 ,11 NAILS BY THE KE(>, 38 6 10 51 Entire 96 10 1 93 19 00 I 12 the prohate offi e, in thr* villagi* of St. John*, on Friday, Gooscbemcs, of * w b i* M 74 11 Ki 1 11 03 IS 21 * w H *^uf*w b 31 1 00 0 67 99 D 4 81 4H oo the 16th day of August, in the year one tbouraiia e of ii e b 32 80 14 79 1 47 1 00 17 26 Entire 6 29 It. M. SHIELDS. DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE (JLAND, b ofto b 34 *•) Pi 14 1 01 111 12 15 9 6 03 00 eight hundred and *ixty-»ix I • i Hi k< Nliovtds, Hoes anrth of Range 1 \Y« *■ Town 7 North ■ f Range 1 West. MU1 by Mead) i ■ • . i. • n of that day, examining those of my neighbors. Ktl 1MI i»t * 4 of * e b 1 29 7 41 74 1 MO 9 15 be a- a rn< ! f r the lieu.i »g of **■ ft j eiiti< n, and that the CAPITAL, HO 0,000. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising 8 S of n i b 3 1H «L| 1 H6 21 50 i: S id., w by Ottawa . R. ABBOTT, 3 HI 11 71 1 17 0 1 13 KH * w b of n w i 1 4» 12 14 1 21 00 14 3ft **t , ii bv ' / • • t | i - ’ heio-at-1 ix »i *iid mitt r, nnd all oth»*r fx-tsovi* int«-r- from a Iom of tone in the ports concerned w .s f,7 " w k * w jb 4 ion 49 50 4 95 (10 ftft 4ft 8r. Johns, May 16, lHGfl [toil tf. w tl S of n w b f, 61 20 6* 2 no 00 £\ 74 sing along * *ide ) »*f*t«*«l in soi i » *t.»t«, ate re«jaired to nj*j* ir nt a **-ssion in its evacuation. 160 34 10 3 41 00 51 n w b 4 181 58 3*2 ft H3 00 Aft 16 of said court, th< n to i> - holden nt tin We*hate office, in CHAS. KIPP, President. J. HICKS, Via PruUmt. * w b 7 IMJ of Block* 111, 112, t 7 l^l 34 10 3 41 00 51 u ?3 of u c '% 4 ;w ftft 3 3ft (Ml 37 INI lift. 116. 111),. . . i thr* village of Ht. John*, nnd show c.iu-c, if any there UK silver skirt . * v b & 165 69 10 6 91 no 66 Ol 3 37 7 52 7ft 1 00 0 27 8. S, WALKER, CaiAur, e X •'lav V H H I 9 6H 1*6 00 11 (V4 n w b und 4-12 of land , In *, why I in graver of tie petition* r should not fwgr^nt- . 1*1 ii ci a 16 • Ml 35 H(( n e '# 5 1K*» 5H 59 ft Xft oo Aft 44 ...1, An I it i* i .itlmi' .i l.r> •(. I'hnl --till f •*•( it I-*r*»-r gtvi T It w •hi 61 ;»8 l>.lUlidct II Mr I> S | v b of * e '» Id 80 25 • I >M * <) 2ft 47 * w* b 5 100 5 16 (X) 67 73 M U K, e by Mend ) notice t>» th< person* inten*>teN, H. M. K ui .t, 40 (M t 27 « e 4 of n c A 6 40 00 14 03 county < f Ulinti u, for hx -u < wire week*, pxcvioustw Cn . X » , Hore Csrnrefiil ! DYHPIIPMIA, s e b °f n w V 1» 7 ft 2 75 bounded * by ll ir ! R. Srxfcxi^ANn, R. l*t.rxsTVAi», U. M. Pv.usis. n e , of ti e b fit 40 10 IS 1 <>1 (Ml 12 19 n e b of * e b 6 40 11 86 1 18 (X) 14 04 M U ll, c by M<*nd * * lid day of hearing. * bi of * w b •> i HO 19 7M 1 ?»7 Tl 75 b fi’ nw b of < % fi *J6) 04 48 6 44 fifi 71 92 WM. BICKEI.fi, Judge of PraMte. An*l will keep ltmM1ini>€^iin«l re­ ss fig 97 »t., w by Ottawa i n w b °f * w k *25 40 4 60 4 1 (HI fi Ofil W of n v 1ft HO 26 31 2 63 00 *t,n bv street jmu - : (A true copy.) Iftdiw This Bank is tain I Is* I*lti«*e brttrr Hum n w b *»f ii w b 20 4*) 2 1st 2.1 (M) 4 19 | W of * w '* 15 HO 24 96 2 49 (X) 2* 4ft king along * -ide ; open for bu.-dneason Clinton Avenue, be- (X) 30 74 ween Plum*tcad'* corner and the Gibbs House. ANY O'rilKli Hklrt. h b "fn e b •J.I HO 52 72 5 27 (Ml 58 90 w* b °f 6 f i 17 60 27 04 2 70 of Itlix-k> 111, 112, i >KUlt.\ l i: ORKKK__ StateoT .Michigai w b 'Ti 40 7 58 75 00 ff 33 n w b of ■< e * 17 40 13 52 1 .'16 (X) lft *»7 lift, 116, 119,. .. i 3 33 t|T Dep^'^itf-x r<»oeiro.J, neb of ii 00 29 36 *7 1 0) 9 4* —Comity <>f Clinton, fi«. At t Mnwion • - I n , CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, w b **fof * e y 32 HO •Jt« 13 2 «1 (Ml •J1 14 »»s of * c b 18 HO 2ft 79 2 67 und 3 S of 1-6 of i I York'oHe andurd DetroitI>«tr-i!t Kv-Ft hOnge1 bought and sold, and 33 HO ♦*> 8 IX* C \ •*f n «• % Iff 80 26 52 2 6ft (Ml 30 17 of the Probate r urt fori he count v of Clinton, holden This new and beautiful style of Skirt (Patented w . * of i 7 19 71 land bounded • by \ at the 1'iitti i'.c ah' (. in the > ill.igct f St. John*, on Thurs­ enerwl Banking busineM transacted. fnl5:tf w ft 16«*f it w 4 Iff 50 1ft 24 1 52 00 17 70 March 7, 1663,) wa* awar»le«l by the O xkat A mkbicax D A M U It, c by J day the 21 d »y «*t Augii>t. in the veur one thou-uml Ttwn North of Range 1 West. w * t of * w b hi . l * by Ot- \ NTERNAL BE VENUE Ixititvtb Fa in, held in New York, Octot*er, 1863, a S w b of n w b 2 40 4 0H 4 » oo ft 48 n % of * w b l 19 120 36 57 3 Aft 00 41 22 eight hundn* 1 and ixiy-six: Present, Wm. Sukel*, lawn -t.. n by »t.! Judge ef I’ro.itc. In tie malt* r of thAcstuta of Cynthia 1 Cutaneous Affections nml Drops)*, se b 3| Pk) 16 31 63 00 18 «a 4 w■ ab °f • ® \ 19 W) 24 38 2 Al (Ml 27 HI l>.o»Miig along * * K0 H 16 HI (Ml 1ft 5ft T. i of s e b 5 8) 7 56 a<3 (M 9 31 » 3 4 of e b of*c k ‘•-Jwm hj 00 19 te *1 93 1 00 w m 29 Ooorgc 11 ol in • s, vuardlan <>! rail minor, prnying, for Notice is hereby given that tho annual collection lists Iainds oummenc- \ i -.i-on then in s* t forth, that lie m ty U* liceiL-cd to sell for the County of Clinton, nr». now cmiplrtA and the n e 4 of n e fi b 6 ;vi 3 43 T’4 00 4 77 w X of e S 28 160 48 76 4 87 1 IM) 54 03 f ■ w J The Steel Hprlng* are wound with a fine plated wire M 56 63 00 54 03 real ♦ -fate tn-lenging to said minor: taxes and ilutii* th«*rein set forth have become due and To cure the»e diseases we must bring into action th« s b of n e b 6 HO 10 45 e b of w S 28 160 48 76 4 87 1 00 corm r of B:<.« k ) (in place of a cotton covering) which will not wear off or w *, of n v b r»f «w b 11 2») 2 34 23 (a ) 3 67 W X t» w 28 Ht) 24 38 2 43 1 IN) 27 fil Then upon it i* Ordi rr l, That Monday, the 8th day payable. Payment can be mad<* at the offloe of Geo. R. 114, theuo 8. of (f toiler t»'*xt, at one o'elo’ k in the afteim»on, be n»- Hunt, Deputy Collector, 8t. Johns, ou or before the bcs'otne soiled, and tho whole Skirt may lie washed muscles which are engaged in th»-ir various function*. All that part of ?}. K. b < e *% 29 160 3n 47 3 04 1 OO 84 51 rad*, theme n to j S. W, b of section 11 liiltg i uf n (• q Ht) 3 2 34 3 23 1 00 te 67 **igu 1 f»»r the hearing (tf *.ii I petition, and that tho without ixjvnr or fear of rusting, and will be as good o X < laud* deeded to J ht irx-ot-lnw of *■ lid minor, and all other person* inter- KOtli day of Hop(cmlK*r f ItfUU. To neglect them, however slight may he the attack, u •M 0) 1 00 2 03 * w 4 n i * w te 40 14 82 1 48 1 00 17 3o llobt. McConnell, ( as new. ill that | • 11 of W. i ■ ♦ c-ie«l in -4tid estate, are r 8 •Mi Land* com mono- * Skirt the advantages of our Silver Skirl; the bot­ 80 ns 00 1 0) 08 * w «| deney of -aid • etition, and t ht* hearing thereof, by caus­ I^Icoiimo Tftx* e S «• w b 1< in 1 12 w V, • >f * W b 4 80 12 76 1 27 1 00 lft 03 ing on w side <>f | Our Flcdi ami Blood. n w l4 of u c b It 4) 6 04 50 1 00 0 54 ing a c-tpy of tlii* order to tn* published in Thi . Custom tom hoops are tho nun© as those used lu the Silver * e St of ii w b 4 40 6 37 63 1 00 8 00 "ll! lot By *lt n X* ) K ami.it am . a newspaper printed a in 1'ciraulat cd in raid Who do not pay within the time required, will he im- n * b of • w A 1» 40 ft 04 60 1 IM) 6 . of m O *4 6 to) H 54 8ft 1 1)0 10 .19 corner of land i mcMliately rejiorted to the U. H. Commissioner. Hklrt, the covcrinr of which cannot wear off, while the e n( i \v b 2t HI 10 08 1 no 1 00 12 os county of (' ml m. It r 1 »ur MOtcwivi weeks, previous to X uf u W ll 7 to) 12 76 1 27 1 00 15 0.1 deeded by W F. J *-iid day of hearing. Taxes murt be paid in Treasury Not**., or Notes of upper ones arc covered with cotton. No lady, haring s w V 21 16) 17 47 1 74 1 IM) 29 21 National Banks. (*f ll e b 7 to) 10 23 1 02 1 JO 12 -25 1 >euni* to J aim** I WM. HlCTCKLfi, Judge of Probate. once worn one of our Skirts, wit! he willing to wear any w b of a c b tt 8«) 7 12 71 1 Of) 8 83 commencing at X. K. corner I’liomfMon, thence * SAMUEL N. WARREN, arc supported from these sources. s pt of n e b 2T 7ft in 83 1 (to 1 fifi 12 •1 (A true copy.) I3:4w other, as the lower hoop* of all other kind, are soon in f \ W | f Sec. 8, th« n< •• n fto ft, thence r ! _ , . _ ColU'cUjr, Oth District, Michigan. » w b of n w 34 40 0 20 62 1 00 7 82 \V. 10 rob, thence rt. 10 .nee aero** ) Dated Hint, Aug. 20, \HC.6. \ j:3w jured and soiled. IIERIFF S SALE.—State of Michigan, Town ft Xesth «»f Range 2 Wc3. 1C. l<» rod*,L*, ) -aid nut lot, s ftn . County of (Minton, **. Smith k South* The bo*t materials are nsrd in their construction, and, AS Ofi 16 23 62 06 16 8ft thence N. 10 t'xl*, to platc»» > ft, w to place of j s GLAD X tl S of Ii c fl 1 00 2 35 | wi rth, plaintiffs, rt. I). T. Burrell, defendant. By vir ­ from their durability and neatness they arc destined to I • X °f n ® fi h HO 16 Hi M 00 21 70 of beginning, 8 ft 16 1 00 2 76 (•egiuning, . • • . V 1 23 12 1 00 PERSONS AT EVERY PERIOD OF I*IFE 16 H2 KH (N) und I of sc i of I lot* 3 A 7 in out \ tue cf a Fl Fa., i sued out of the t’ir*nit Court for tha FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. become W Si of • e b 60 21 7o - outit) nt Clinton, in the State of Mi< idgnn, to me dtreo v end of * fr 101 31 92 19 00 30 11 * w b...... 20 40 1 30 13 no 2 41 lot In, and lot 8 in J X2T^I/H HPKCTFIC PIIiTiW w X of n c V 2ft 80 10 00 0G 00 12 66 ml i t 11, < E«rk ; t«*-l ali i d« ’.iv« iid, ». linst the good* nnd chattels land* A FAVOIinjP MIVIILT! o side of c fl of) at«d t< nenu nt* <•! D. T. Burn 11, 1 did, on the 20th day I ■ W fi b' • • . • • • t 0!) 1ft 17 51 no 17 68 I/d No. 4 otf c X «'f n w b A' Boulton's sub. I are warranted in all ese«wv for the Bmrv and Prrwa - Manufactured solely by the Sitrer Skirt awl H’irr of »oc. 27. a* described by dir. out lot C, . . t 42 34 1 00 4 76 a*ii 111 thf right, xrier Cvax of all dismuto* arising from sexual excesses or . j n e b °f • e V 49 12 34 23 00 14 57 Manufacturing Comjxiny, w end of n fr of n w { Judm* of I'rohote Court 15 2 fifi fit no fl 47 und 1-0 of lot of * title and intern *1 of mi 1 lb T. Burrell, of, in and to the YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION, From Infancy to Old Ajrc, 1& 8 47 34 l 00 4 81 n c b of n w b 28 4o 5 20 52 00 A 72 land bounded n J following ih scritx‘1 lands and tenements to wit: The 30 A 32 Itarrla)' street, • fl b •••••••*••, w tl X 31 ■ 286 52 34 5 2i 00 58 57 b> D fi M B B. | ith-xe»t quarter ( K) of Fcminal loss, utghlly emtastons and eousual dreams; n ml of e X off w • «*et ion twenty nine, ri b) in town hip number seven NEW YORK. j b* *********** (fi 3 31 33 1 00 4 64 Town & North of Range 4 West. by Mead st., s try Genital, rhy»inil anl Nervous Debility, Impotence, 156 84 62 02 It R st., and w by t nton coxnty, rttute Gleet, 8«*xuiu Diseases, Ac., Ac. T. 8. Srr.anv, Superintendent. fnO ly. : I«ind bouri'h-l N. bv I*. O. X c rt b 1 ft 20 00 58 22 n e b of * w V 2 40 12 74 1 27 00 16 01 Ottawa st,. • . . ff 3 61 36 1 00 4 ff of Mi> !n ii; a he h rL'ht, title nnd interest I shall e*- i River, K by old Mil) Dam, |m»-«* tor d#, it | nb'i auction.on Monday, the 15th day NO CIIANOE OF DIET IS NECE88ARY, K L ES TURNER, and in every state of health, are liable to he subjects t*- , H. by Mill Race mt*l land c X of n w fl b 3 77 31 2.1 96 2 39 Ot) 27 35 LYND .fi ADDMTON. * fr of n e fl W 8 0*1 36 22 10 2 21 (JO 2ft 31 of (M«da-r, \. 1>. 1‘^'t’I, ut 8 o'clock A. M.,i*f that day, to and they can be used without detection. Each box con ­ these di*eases. l owned by F. O. Ici>, W. by LOT. ULOt K. th, liighext bidder, im the law directs at the i.utcr door tain* 60 piHs -Price ONI* DOLLAR/ If you cannot land owne*i by F. O. Lee w of w b of ii w 12 40 13 01 1 30 oo 16 31 1 3 8 2 19 21 1 00 3 40 get them of your IhrugzieL tkey will be sent by mail, i and 11. M. IVrrin, 8 4 1 2ft 12 1 00 2 37 e X of n e b 12 60 26 01 2 Oil 00 29 61 of the Clinton County Court Room, (bring Clinton Nlanufaclwrer w b of n e b 12 Ho 21 97 2 .19 1 (M) 27 36 II I i -. J * i: .I Aug. 22, lH(ifi. securely sealed, post-paid, with full instructions that in ­ I*ond commencing at fi. R i 14 liw WILLIAM BRUNfiON, fihrrifif. sure i cure, on receipt of the money ; and a pamphlet ol f lan l ox nod 1 I n fr of • e fl V 14 41 53 lft ffl 1 .VJ l IS) IH .»o Cliktom Coi xtt Tar.AM-ni x's Omrt, ) IN 00 It inn page* on the error* of youth, the consequences and and dealer in all kind* The Cnttses, In many Initanres, nre | G. I.oc, commonly called * * w b <>f * e b 46 12 70 1 27 1 97 fit. John*, Aug. 1, h* 0. t ’ IIKH1 M S SAI.K. State of Miehijran, remi'dy, sent free, 10 rent, bein'? required Tor postage. of | the filill House Lot, thence W X of A C b 19 NO 27 43 2 74 1 oo 31 17 Notice Is hereby given that the rale of .State tax lauds Private Circulars to gentlemen only, scut free onreeeirt Unknown, , E. 7ft feet, thence N 60 feet, s X of • e fl b 19 7ft 66 24 12 2 41 1 00 27 51 and lsnd* delinquent for the unpaid tnxc* of 186ft, and s CtMinty of Clinton, m. J.ilin Beadle, of envelope nnd «tamp. Addri-**, ; thence W. to land owned by s fr of s w rt b 19 61 58 21 79 2 17 1 00 24 96 previous years, will be held nt Clinton Hull, iu the vil ­ pbiintifi, f|. J' liii 33’ lu-adl**, deft rlaat. By virtu# uf DR. JAMER lillYAX, Consulting Phr-i. ian, i F G Lit, thence in a south- * fr of e b of * <* fl b 20 3 10 1 37 13 l 00 2 fto lage of fit. Johns, (it being the place of holding Circuit a Fi Fa., issued out of the Circuit (""urt for the county (n2C:ly. aiu Broadway, New York. FURNITURE, I easterly directum along the 7 acre* off n pt of Court* in mid county of Clinton.) on the first Monday ot Clinton, in the fit ife of Mit higsn, to Die directed and j line of *>iid Lee'* land to w X of n w b 20 7 3 17 31 1 00 4 48 of October next, at 9 o'clock A. M., and continue froiii delivered, against the t*o«.*l*( and chattels, lands and ten ­ The patient has, however, an admirable remedy in 4 seres off n side day to dav, (Sunday* eloepted,) until all are disposed TO LADIEH. (CHAIRS, Ac., I the place of beginning, be­ ement! of John W. B( a lie, I did, on the l*th day of ing on H. fr of 8 41 04 1 00 1 45 of i e k of n « If 21 4 2 47 24 1 00 3 71 of according to law. July, A. D. I860, levy upon and seise all the right, title If you rtMiuire a rnUlStt it iu*-d> to restore you, uu Land hounded X., W.r. Aa H.h . \ w X of n r fl b 29 64 36 20 HO 2 06 1 00 21 M CHAS. Kiri’, and iiiterast of raid John W, Beadle, of, in and to tho Dr. IVitneyN leiuule Fill*, Fax! Walker street, At. Johns, Nllch. by land **wr>#»0 Ky I ttaVcr. > * fr of n e fl b 30 .18 91 14 05 1 40 1 uo 16 4ft Co. Treasurer. following described lands nnd tenement#, to wit! The E. by T. A 0. R lionid,all) * X of n x- fi b 91 07 16 tt AH 3 38 1 no 27 26 north-w*«*t quarter (A) «t*d the north-west quarter of a never failing remedy for the removal of sh*fmotion*, C O F F I N H no matter tmm what cause they a rite. They are *afe and H i) 8 27 R2 00 10 00 n © b of n e b SI 40 U 03 1 To 1 00 15 33 ORTGAGE SALE__ Default haring the it«rtfc-o«*4 quarter (V) of arrtt^n number thirty- **rre, and will restore nature In every caw*. They are Ready made, or made to order ; alio a HEARSE always HELMBOLD’S e If of n w b 10 80 1ft 24 52 00 17 :»• nr ll V 32 151 .10 49 41 4 94 1 CM) 5ft .15 ftl >H*on made in the condition* of a cer­ three, (33,) in township number #tx (0) north of rang# also '•fflmHoNM In all roses of weakness, Whites, Pr«dap- in readiness to attend fumral.. * S of se b 10 80 15 24 62 00 17 76 v If ofivll b 31 61 4ft .11 64 3 16 00 3ft 80 tain mortgage, !tearing (bite the eleventh day of Janua ­ number txo #2) west, eont.lining two hundred <‘JuO>acres n b of • e b 10 80 1ft 24 52 00 17 76 e ^ of s w 11 b 34 HI 10 27 30 2 73 no 31 03 of land, more or lew, in the county of Clinton and Htato •us, Ac. Hold In boxes containing 60 pill* - Price ONE N. B. —Cash prid for any qmmtitr of Black Walnut w rr of * e (1 b 46 §0 15 01 ry, A D. 180ft, executed by Fayette Hniith to Judeoii rt. DOLLAR. and Cherry Logs, delivered ut Wright's Mill*, in this n X of * e b 11 80 17 32 73 00 20 05 .14 1 56 oo 18 17 Corbin, *nd recorded on the eleventh day of January, of Michigan ; which t, tHlt ind iftlffld I dnll Ifi* village. n H of s w b 11 80 1ft 24 52 00 17 76 e b of s e b 36 8() 27 40 2 73 oo 31 03 A. D. 1865, in the office of the R«-ghrter of Deeds for Cliu- imihc for -ale at putdic auction or venne, on fisturdavth# Dr. Ifarvri ’x Golden Pills, Ht. Johns, Sept. 1, 1665. • S of * c b HO 17 fit 73 00 20 Oft r.Holnv b 16 80 26 1ft 2 61 1 (X) Ti 76 15th ft I*. I860, al 1 1*. M. of FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIII! M 160 ftj 29 ft 22 1 00 58 ftl ton county, Michigan, in Llher N of Mortgager* on A remedy fwr special oases, four degrees stronger than i H of i v b 11 80 15 24 52 00 17 70 neb page 38 ; on which mortgage there is claimed to Ih * due, that day, ns the law direct*, at the outer door of th# the above;i PFttrt*ce Fire Itollam i*er b«ix. e X of n w b 12 80 18 82 66 00 21 70 Town 0 North of Range 4 W(**t. at the (late of thi* notice, the sum of elghty-two dollar* Clinton «ouuty Court Room, (lein? Clinton Hull,) in th# Hend furI 1>r.i»r. llarveHarvey's Private Me tical Advtuer, ad ­ TEW BAKERY w X of n w b 12 80 18 62 86 on 21 fi w b of s e b 24 to) 2 It fll 1 00 3 81 and ninety-five rents, beside* an attorney fee of thirty village of Ht. Johns, —Dated July 2ff, A. D. 1666. dressed to Fersalea; lbu pages, give* full instructional N w X of * e b 12 60 18 82 68 00 21 e X of « c b 24 H0 4 26 42 1 00 ft 07 dollar* In raid mortgage stipulated to be jmid, should WM. BRUNSON, Sheriff. 16 cents required for postage, If you cannot purchase w X of * w b 12 80 18 82 88 1 00 21 s o b °f • « b 25 40 10 IS* 1 02 1 00 12 31 any proceeding* be taken to fort* Wise »aid mortgage : By Xgi.orrs Avr.av, D«’pu(y Shetilf. (nl0:6w*. IN HT. JOIINH, MICII. s w % of n e the pills of your Druggixt, they will he sent by mail, A n e b of n s b 2ft 40 8 06 86 l on lo 62 and no suit «r proceeding at law having been instituted • t'AUDI AN’S SAI.K.—.State of MichL ut>*t-pani, secure from ohm nation, on reoHnt of One Philadtlphia F.rming BuUttin Editorial , s H of n w b of * e b 28 160 41 29 4 12 1 oo 40 41 to recover any put of the debt now remaining areured Dollar, by Dr. JAM IX BRYAN, <>-i.sulting Fhv^cian, rnnsiE * oaytobt neb n e b of • w b 20 40 2 14 21 1 00 3 te by raid mortgage : Now therefore, by virtue of the pow­ (1 gan—County of Clinton, ss. In the matter of the Private CinatUr to Ladies, with fine anatomical en- Have es1ahli*hc.finyderand Amtrgw HuV'tor, minors. Notice is here­ Store in Ht. Johns, end will ke*p constantly on hand a Sept. 15, 18 G5. stamp. superior assortment of Bread. Pies, Cakes, Crackers and s frr of w fl X of 4 s X of • e b 33 HO 20 (16 2 06 1 00 23 72 that on the 13th day of October next, at 1 o'clock in the by given, tluit by virtue and in pursuance of license and Address, I>r JAMES BRYAN. other articles found in any establishment of the kind. n « b...... I 16 06 70 15 52 55 00 18 07 n w b °f s e b 34 40 9 50 96 1 00 11 45 afternoon of that day, at the outer door ol the Court authority granted to me by the Judge of l*robate for th# MB.ly. . 819 Hruadway, N. w York. They have one of the largest and hast ovens in the w b • f n e b jn 80 17 67 75 no 20 82 w If of i w b .14 to) 20 64 2 06 1 00 23 70 Room, (Itebig Clinton Hall,) in the village of fit. John*, county ol Clinton an-l fitate «»f MichhiMUl, to sell real ca­ Htnte, together with machinery of the newest and most s e b vf n e b •jo 40 7 59 7ft 00 fi fifi e b of * b of * w b 84 40 9 75 97 1 00 11 72 in Clinton county, Michigan, there will be nobl at public tate belonging to said minors, I shallall rail nt public auc- UARDIAN’H SALE.—State of Michi- approved patterns. Having secured the services of an HGLMBOLD s e b »f ■ w b 22 40 7 69 75 00 0 34 Town 7 North of Range 4 West. vendue, to the highest bidder, the premise* dewnbed in turn, to tin* hi(*li( st hid (hr, at the outer door of the store experienced Baker, they feel confident of furnishing as w X tf • w b 22 80 15 20 &2 00 17 72 I raid mortgage, via : Tin* east one-third of lot* seven, of Messrs, IMatte A Itademneher, in Westnhxlla, in said fran, .County f»f Clinton, a*. In the • e b f » e b 24 40 8 .12 rt e b of n w b 40 7 25 72 1 (X) 8 97 G good ar article as any In the trade, on the most fhvena ­ fifi 00 10 15 n fl b «>f n e b 1 104 18 97 1 6ff 1 (*> 21 66 eight and nine, in block forty-three, in the village of fit. county, the pivmlg • hereinafter icsrtleq, on Wednes ­ matter of the estate ‘of Jisttie K Hayrs and Ida A. ble terms. e X of s e b 20 80 8 Off 80 no ff 89 1 16 92 Johns, in Clinton county, Michigan, according to the rr- day, thi* ftl day of October, A. B. 1868, at the hour #f 2 nV -’ mniors. Nutl»v is hereby given, that by virtue OKNITINn PUEPARATIONH • w b c*fff se b 26 40 4 64 48 1 (10 s b ofne b 80 14 48 I 44 1 00 I.line lies Furnishc4 ml All Hours. 0 fifi « b of s w b I 80 14 48 1 41 1 oo 16 92 cordel plat of said village. —Dated July IH, 1866, o'dis k in th«* afternoon of that day, all the right, ana In pursuance «f licenso and authority granted to s w b o^s w b 27 40 : I 02 1 00 12 26 JUDfiON rt. CORBIN, Mortgagee. title nnd intcrcrt of said minors, of, iu and to ih# fol­ mebrthe Judge of Pro hat* fiw the eeuniy ef Gliafton, T7ie highest ctsh price paid for Utitfef and of n« n e b of s e b 1 40 7 25 72 1 uo 6 97 Eggs • X* b ofnw b 27 20 6 11 ftl 1 011 6 0‘2 n fr of n w b 2 104 82 14 69 46 1 00 17 1& II. M. Pxaxix, Att'y for Mortgagee. |8:13w. low iug dracriU*d real estate, to s it ; The w«**l half (\ )of and Rtate of Mi. higan. to erd rool estate belonging to |W7 B. — First-class Ire rrrain Rooms will be flttted uput His Solid and Fluid Extract* embody the frail strength n w b ol n w b 27 40 0 00 00 1 00 7 66 the *ouih-we«t (|tmricr (k) nnd the south east quarter said minors, I shall sell at pehlte auction, to the high- in connect! m with this establishment in a short time 40 b of s e b 2 80 14 48 I (Ml 16 92 a e b of n e b 28 v Tfi 87 1 00 10 Aft • X of s w 1 80 11 21 12 1 00 13 11 of the smith-west qnartiw, (k)of sirtion number twen ­ eet bidder, on Thur*d*v, the 16th day of o. toUr A D. FR1SB1E A DAYTON. of the Ingredients of which they are named. They are n w rt bofswrt 30 47 63 8 80 90 1 00 11 23 b ORTGAGE SALE.— Default having ty-nine, (21*,) in the township of Westphalia, in the Rt. Johns, June 15,1666. |y n II H of n w b .1 IdO 3© 20 3.3 03 I no 21 60 IfifiB. al the hour of I o'clock in the afternoon of that left to the inspection of all. A ready and conclusive n w b of n e b SI 40 7 64 78 1 00 » 02 been made in the condition* of a cer­ onuflty of Clinton, and State of Michigan.- I Hi ted West­ • i•/. »* the Probate Office, in the village of St Johns, in • e b of n c b ■if e bl of n wi b 3 40 7 4ft 74 1 nO 9 19 ftl 31 40 7 64 76 1 00 0 02 e Xb of as rw Ib 4 80 14 90 49 1 00 17 39 tain mortgage, bearing date the 13th day of June, A. phalia, Aug. 16, 18CG. said county, all the right, title and interest of snul mi teat of their properties will be a comparison with those w X of • e b 32 80 10 20 02 1 00 18 67 JOfiKTtl ri^TTF. wore, of. *n and to th«* following dearrllied real relate, Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. q pt of n ff Hoof n w b 3 49 01 • 87 66 1 00 10 75 I). 186ft, executed by Frederick fihult* to Matvarct J. w X of s e b 38 80 20 49 04 1 (X) 21 53 e X of • • X • 80 I 00 13 SI Hollister, and recorded on the 11th day of June, [nl2:6w. 1 i 4 id Miners. to wit: The nmlividcd <*ne.|bnrtti ( %) interest tn thr Just PuhttsheA, a yew Petition tf set forth ia the United States Dispensatory. These • w b of a W b .46 46 • 13 •1 1 00 11 04 11 21 13 wmth-east quarter ( h) ef south west uuarter ( b) of ard. w H afs# k 7 30 14 46 44 I 00 16 92 A. D.# 186ft, tn the office of the lh*gi*t«*r of Deed* Dr. Lull em rll's feleknited remedies are prepared by T. H. VIelmbald, a druggist of Town 0 North of Range 2 West. n X of n • % 8 80 11 63 16 1 90 14 79 f«»r Clinton county, fitate of Michigan, in Liber N of DMINIS1R \T0R’8 8 M E. state of ti<»n, flfi,) In townshin number six (n> north of rauge Kisey on the radical cure (without Mortgage*, on page 289; on which mortgage there 1* three (3> west, in tho Omitt y of Clhiton, and Htatc of fi w b of n w b 6 40 6 65 56 i 00 7 21 S of * w h 8 80 II 46 44 1 on 16 92 Miclii^nn —County i*f Clinton, **. In medicine,) ef NrvawAToxaHttA, or Seminal Weakness, sixteen years* experience In ibis rtty, and we believe w S of n w % 8 80 13 1 oo 13 .VI claimed to be due, at the date of thi* notW, the sum of V KiolitiML - llau.l IktJMkb.. I. IW. s e b of n w b 0 40 6 66 56 i 00 1 21 11 SI the matter of the estate of lllrain Know)##, late of mid Involuntary Rem trial Tswenw , IitenrncxrT, Mental and them to be reliable; in feet, we have never known an e pt of n w b 80 n X of • e % 0 80 14 90 49 1 00 17 39 fifty-five dollars, besides an attorney fee of thirty dol ­ . IIAIIRI FT t*. ItAYTA Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. : 7 16 07 1 00 i 00 18 •7 county, 'ito aM il Notice to In r« hy giv n, that by vir ­ tt.Suf, ______Guardian of said Minor*. e \ of s e b 10 NO 10 08 1 00 i 00 12 03 n e K of * w X 10 40 7 43 74 1 00 9 19 lar*, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid, should any tue and in pursuance of lux*n*c and authority granted also Const amox, KriLxesT am! Frrt, Indueed by self article lacking merit to meet with permanent success, • pt of n X of n e H ftft 8 47 84 1 00 10 31 proceedings be taken to foreclose mid mortgage ; and no Indulgence or sexual extravagance. • X of n w b 12 80 11 27 1 12 i 00 13 39 11 to me by th# Judge of Probate flr>f the county or Clinton, ANDS! LAVDS-l!—Tlui following des ­ n e b of • w b 12 40 4 84 48 i 00 6 .12 n X of • X «»f n • H 11 40 7 31 78 1 no 8 96 suit or proceeding at law haring been institut'd to reeor- to sell real estate belonging to mid dccrixeed, I ahull Mr Prtee, in a sealed env^epe, enly 6 cents. and Mr. Helm bold's success la certainly prima forte evi ­ • e % of « w k 11 40 7 23 73 1 oo 8 97 er any part of the debt now remaining secured by said cribed land* in Clinton county at # of­ The celebrated author. In this admirable Ksony, Hear n w % of ■ w b 12 40 4 83 48 i 00 6 31 sell at public a urt ion, to the highest 1 elder, on fiatur- dence. Ills Drag and Chemical Warehouse, in the rtty n w b ofs w b 13 40 6 02 50 l 00 7 61 n e h of« w k' 12 40 ft m .36 I oo 7 17 mortgage : Now, therefere, by virtue of the powor of sale day, the ?*>! day ol Kept cm bet, A. I), i860, at 1 o'clock Lfered for *alg oajtttxjmBMxlaUofr taruu, vis ; v .lenK.ndratea, from a thirty years suceemful practice e b or s w k oo nnek r s oofnw % 13 40 9 aft 98 I no 11 63 in said mortgage contain' d, and of the statute in such that the alarming e.neusmN of self abuse may be 13 11 85 1 18 i 00 14 03 F. II. of that day. Oti the pn'ini*' 1* hereinafter d( sci iNd, of New York, to not excelled, if equaled, by any in the w X of n e b 14 no 10 91 1 Ofi i 00 13 no • )• of nekr 13 80 19 09 fffi 1 00 32 6ft ca*r made and prof hied. Notice to hereby given, that on all the right, title and im crest of sabl Hiram Know!##, E. 1-2 of N. E. 14 of eoctiua 19 acres improved, in without the dangerous use of intern* W \ of the 22d day of fieptember next, at one o'clock in ho w X of n w b 14 80 10 fil 1 Ofi i 00 13 00 n • Jk 11 80 16 42 64 1 no 19 06 deceased, of, in and to Certifiiate No. 0Mft3 fer th# north Lebanon acres. m.wtHhe br the appUratinn of the knife-p.dnting out a laundry, and we mould ad vies onr reader*, when visit- W X Of n w k 80 19 09 96 I no 22 6.3 the afternoon ol that day, at the outer door of the Cir­ twe ef cure it once simple, sertaia sal Uhiluel by • e b of n e b 17 40 7 23 72 1 00 • 96 14 east 'inarter ( k 1 of the south-sent ijnarier ( k ) of section „ E. E. 1-4 of section S3, in Westphalia - -1*0 acres. ngthatrtty, to give him a call, and judge forthemsclvsa. w H of n e b 17 to) 14 47 1 44 l 00 10 91 n w k II 160 13 01 20 I no If 24 cuit Court Room, (being Clinton Hall,) in the village of means of whk h '•very sufferer, no matter what his ron 80 I oo 16 92 fit John*, in Clinton county, Michigan, there will be number sixtex n (16,) in township Dumber raven (7) north W. 1-2 of S. W. 1 4. and ft. W. 1-4 of N. W. UofH dltpm may he, may Jure himself b-aply, privately and e S of a w b 17 80 18 06 1 «) i oo 30 ftft w X ofnw H lft 14 44 44 of range number one (I) west, in the county of Clinton, Men 7, in OUve -122 seres. radically w X of s w b 17 to) 18 07 1 to) l no 20 87 • S (»f« c k 21 80 14 48 44 I oo 16 92 sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, the premise* 34 100 39 36 93 1 oo 44 31 described in said mortgage, vi« : The east half of the fitate of Michigan.-1 toted August |(», A. D. IHtol. B. 1-1 of 6. W. 1-4 of section 6, In Ovid -86 acres. i i3 rhe lecture should be In the hands of ev ery e X of se b 18 to) 14 47 1 44 i 00 16 •1 • • h # (■ll.ter.) I'*1IN M11.1.EN, Administrator. e pt of s w 11 b ■ 13 73 1 37 i no 16 10 n w k of • w X 29 40 5 61 56 1 oo 7 17 north weet quurtqg of section seven, hi town raven north B. I 3 of section 34, In IshtsgKlJO a youth and every man in the land. • X of n c k 36 80 14 68 1 46 I on 17 14 of range three west, in Clinton onunty, Michigan. -Du Mint, under seal, in e plain envelope, tr any address, e X of n w b 21 80 10 93 1 Ofi i on 13 02 4 TTAC1IMENT NOTICE. — State of N. M of 8. W b ofawtlns It | e H of s w b 21 to) 14 .16 1 43 i 00 16 Tfi Town 8 North of Range 4 Wert, tod June 18th. I860. Oltne —166 acrea ;.oW-fMC*«f. an receipt of 6 sent*, or iwo i*st •umns MARGARET J. llOLMfiTER, Mortgagee. J\ Michlj^mn —The Circuit Court for tho H. H of N. W. A of Section 12 \ 25 Ir CHAS. J.c. Ki.lXK A I'O, HELMBOLD’S n w b *>f • w b 21 40 7 18 71 i no ft 80 s of * w k 4 to) ft 78 57 1 on 7 3ft Inquire of s X of n e b 22 no fi 33 03 i no 11 26 w X of n • if 7 80 lft 8« 1 56 1 01) 18 42 _FI- B^Paanix, Att'y far Mortgagee. (n4:l1w. County of Clinton Jaeoh Wildermuth, plaintiff, v#. HI SICKF.LE. Jf7 Bowery, E. Verb. P. O fits*a 4566. Mary Ann IVsure* snd FetorfIHetireg, firfrndent#. No- w pt of n e b 23 30 fl 8ft IN i oo ft 23 n w fl Jk 7 184 73 36 71 1 07 1 00 30 19 lSSoLFTfOX. Tlio si piftttBmhip fit. Johns. April 27. 1688. (ulfi tf. KITKACT OP IITJ CII TT. n w b °f ^ w b 24 40 ft 12 ftl i 00 6 63 ft H rt n v K • 80 13 81 1 58 1 00 1ft 43 tee is hereby girsn, that on tha (Hh day of Jtilv, A. D. ffiirrlnge nnd 4 Vllkury . s a b of n w b Ins ;, a writ of attachment was duly ftasued out of ih# ESS A V OF WAKNITO AND IV- 93 40 ft 00 A9 i 00 7 49 e H ofne k except | beretofovB exiatinp: Utwieti the un IS* t HHIT.IjINO TEA at lUnn^ ’* \N. n e b of s s h tt 40 ft HO 50 i no 7 40 In acre* on n and i 10 no Utn ult Cmirt for the county of Clinton, In th# above on ■1 \ .truction (ir Voting Mt*n. Alan, dia- 70 II 36 1 13 1 13 38 deyrigmaln under the name and style of fihlffer k Co., is It gii/t tap. Try it. il:4w. w S of•w b 27 80 10 3) 1 02 1 oo 12 n w k rt nr k II to) lfi 86 1 68 1 00 tfi 14 (his daylay dissolved by mutual consent. The n