The Center of Our Jewish Lives WestchesterWestchester Jewish Jewish Center Center ThePalmer & Rockland REVIEW Avenues • Mamaroneck, NY 10543 • 914/698-2960 (T) • 914/698-3610 (F) •

JUNE 2016 – VOLUME 74, NUMBER 10 – IYAR/SIVAN 5776

JuneJeffrey 2016 T. Highlights Segelman Meet Jeff Lavine, WJC’s New President RABBI 1 Author: Letty Cottin Pogrebin discussesLoren Monosov new book: Single By Jacques Steinberg JewishASSISTANT Male Seeking RABBI Soul Mate – 7:30pm Ask Jeff Lavine, view the center’s lay governance struc- 2 IsraeliEthan DanceGoldberg Class – who succeeds Gail ture as a bit of a black box – confusion that 7:30pm CANTOR Marcus as President even some trustees themselves can relate Koslowe Gallery Opening: of Westchester Jew- to – Jeff intends to use the recent adoption

#MeditationsOnPlace – ish Center on June of an updated set of bylaws as the spring- 7:45pmSusan Lurie 1st, about his pri- board for a teaching moment for the cen- EXECUTIVE DIR. 6 Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm orities for the early ter’s membership. 8 Israeli Movie Night – 7:45pm weeks and months He and his fellow officers will be ex- Pat Tinto of his tenure, and plaining to the membership that officers 9 WorldCOMMUNICATIONS Jewry Committee: & he responds with now have clearly defined areas of respon- MARKETING“Syria & Beyond: DIRECTOR A Jewish Response to Today’s words like open- sibility (such as communications or spiri- Refugees,”Aleza 7:30pm Kulp at ness, warmth and tual life) – and that clear avenues exist for LarchmontEDUCATION Temple DIR. transparency. members who wish to become more in- 10 Rhythm & Ruach – 7:30pm His is an ap- volved in leadership roles. Those who are Sabrina Landau proach that he hopes will be consistent new to the board of trustees or the corps EARLYDessert CHILDHOOD Reception DIR. & Tribute to all Volunteers with various efforts undertaken by the of- of officers will receive mentoring from oth- and Officer/Trustee ficers, trustees and assorted committees ers who are old hands. IrvingInstallations Koslowe – 8:30pm z”l and task forces (including the drafting Some congregants (this writer among 13 OfficeRABBI Closed EMERITUS and implementation of the current stra- them) will take comfort from the fact that Shavuot tegic plan) during Gail’s three years as Jeff is a New Englander. The oldest of Max Friedman z”l President. four children, he grew up in Providence, 14 FirstRITUAL Day DIR. of EMERITUS ECC Mini Camp 16 Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm “I am very fortunate to have worked Rhode Island, where he attended the city’s 18 Contemporary Service – closely with Gail,’’ said Jeff, who most re- sprawling and vibrant conservative syna- 10:15am cently has served as Executive Vice Pres- gogue, Temple Emanuel. After graduating 20 IsraeliGail Dance Marcus Class – 7:30pm ident of the center and Chair of the WJC from Classical High School (a well-regard- PRESIDENT 27 ECC Camp Begins Family Youth Education Council. “She’s ed public school that can probably best Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm someone who is very interactive with peo- be described as Rhode Island’s version Jeffrey Lavine ple and able to express gratitude to people of Stuyvesant High School), Jeff went on EXECUTIVE VP Youth & Teen Programs for what they do. That goes a long way. It to graduate from Tufts University in 1986 5 RoshSeth Hodesh Schafler Group – 5pm is something I strive to do.” with a double major in economics and po- ADMINISTRATIVE VP And so, on Jeff’s watch, look for the litical science. He holds two advanced de- CONTENTS congregation’s outreach to new members grees -- a Master’s in Business Administra- From the ClergyLaurence...... Thaler 2 and potential members to become more ro- tion from Columbia and a law degree from President’s Column...... FINANCIAL VP 3 Shabbat and Holiday Services...... 3 bust – including, perhaps, through a coor- Boston University – and is the President B’Nei MitzvahsHarold...... Treiber 4 dinated effort to stage welcoming events, of Deerwood Real Estate Capital, a mort- PJ Library...... 5 whether they be Shabbat dinners or other gage broker and advisory firm. Zayin Students HonoredVICE PRESIDENTBy United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism...... 5 activities and to involve the clergy wher- (A funny coincidence: I grew up about Hands On Experiences in the ECC...... 6 ever possible. 15 minutes from Providence in southeast- Israel CommitteeMartin...... Marcus 6 Hendel Library NewsVICE...... PRESIDENT 7 Jeff also intends to build upon recent ern Massachusetts. While I didn’t know Meet Dr. Jama Purser...... 9 initiatives to reach out to members who Jeff, who is a year older than I am, I at- Teens’ CornerVictor...... Badner 9 WJC Welcomes Shalom Yisrael Guests from the are empty nesters – some of whom may tended the Classical High School prom in Eshkol Region...... VICE PRESIDENT 10 have only recently sent their last child off 1984 on a double date with Jeff’s brother Comfy Spaces Committee...... 11 Sisterhood NewsSusan...... Miller 12 to college, and others who may have done Jonathan.) WJC World Jewry Committee...... 13 so decades ago. Jeff met his wife, Jennifer, at a Hillel What Great CooksVICE and Friends! PRESIDENT...... 14 Summer Davening...... 14 “They have a lot they can contribute function at Tufts and they were married IsraeliN. Gabriel Dance...... Tolchinsky 15 to the congregation,’’ he said, speaking in just weeks after their graduation. Jennifer Yom Hashoa CommemorationTREASURER...... 15 Funds...... 16-17 particular of some of WJC’s most senior has been as familiar a presence at WJC as Yahrzeits...... 18-19 members. “They have often been ignored. Jeff, having at various times led the nom- Archives...... Marc Strongin 19 We are losing these people. They can add inating committee and the planning com- Synagogue FamilyASST...... TREASURER 20 Condolences...... 20 a richness to the congregation.” Rhythm and Ruach...... 20 Meanwhile, for congregants who may continued on page 2 Contemporary ShabbatYale Service Zoland...... 20 FINANCIAL SEC’Y The deadline for content submission for September is August 6th @ [email protected] Cheryl Brause ASST. FINANCIAL SEC’Y Mark Berger RECORDING SEC’Y Abbe Kellner- ASST. RECORDING SEC’Y Sandra Rosenbaum CORRESPONDING SEC’Y Jeffrey Taffet ASST. CORRESPONDING SEC’Y Sarene Shanus CHAIR OF THE BOARD

Beverly Cannold Dan Cannold z”l RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 2 The Review

From the Clergy And to the future…. The Review Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman Published Monthly by With thanks to God that words cannot th Westchester Jewish Center capture, I begin my 30 year of service Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (914) 698-2960 Ending and Beginning to our congregation. I have been doubly Except July and August blessed to begin the year with two new Editor: Pat Tinto Writing the June article for the Review partners: Jeff Lavine as president of the Rabbi...... JEFFREY T. SEGELMAN is never easy. I always wonder whether I shul and Rabbi Adir Yolkut as my rabbinic Assistant Rabbi...... LOREN MONOSOV Cantor...... ETHAN GOLDBERG should focus back on the program year partner. Over the course of the summer, Rabbi Emeritus...... DR. IRVING KOSLOWE z’’l ending or to the summer months antic- we will be working with our exceptional Ritual Director Emeritus...... MAX FRIEDMAN z’’l Executive Director...... SUSAN LURIE ipating the year ahead. This year, how- staff and lay leaders, both new and sea- Educ. Dir. & Cong. Program Coord...... ALEZA R. KULP ever, it is a little easier; because I know I soned, to build on the spirit and the suc- Early Childhood Director...... SABRINA LANDAU Communications & Marketing Director...... PAT TINTO have to do both. cess of the past and present a new program Librarian...... ARLENE RATZABI I am proud of our shul and of what we year filled with learning and growth and Teen Engagement Director...... SHOSHI ROSENBAUM Building Superintendent...... JOSE LUIS FONSECA have accomplished in the program year the joy of a warm and welcoming commu- now ending. The success is to be mea- nity. I personally, and all of us collectively, OFFICERS President ...... JEFFREY LAVINE sured in both the quanitity and the quali- look forward to Jeff’s wisdom and Rabbi Executive Vice President ...... SETH SCHAFLER ty of our programs. For me it is also mea- Yolkot’s youthful idealism to guide us and Financial Vice President ...... LAURENCE THALER Treasurer ...... HAROLD TREIBER sured by the sense that we have begun to inspire us in the years ahead. Asst. Treasurer ...... MARC STRONGIN institutionalize a variety of spiritual expres- WJC is truly the center of so many Jew- Financial Secretary ...... YALE ZOLAND ish lives. We want it to be so for every- Asst. Financial Secretary ...... NANCY SHERMAN sions. Alternative services are no longer Administration ...... EVE EDELMAN RUSS “foreign, experimental or weird.” They are one who wishes. During these transition- Adult Programming ...... JEFFREY TAFFET al summer months, please feel free to con- Children & Families ...... SETH SCHAFLER now being accepted as part of the ideolog- Communications & Member Relations .SUSAN MILLER ical framework that defines WJC. I deep- tact us and share your thoughts about the Development ...... IAN WINTERS ly appreciate the efforts of all those who shul, about your own Jewish journey, or Spiritual Life ...... ABBE KELLNER–KUTNO Synagogue Arms ...... MARK BERGER have worked so hard to create and main- about your concerns for the future. Help Tikkun Olam ...... SANDRA ROSENBAUM tain both our traditional and contemporary us to create a spiritual home that grows Recording Secretary ...... AMY LEVINE-KENNEDY Asst. Recording Secretary ...... ROBIN NAZARZADEH services. I also am deeply grateful to all ever stronger every day. Chair of the Board ...... GAIL MARCUS our members who have embraced the idea I wish you and your families only the TRUSTEES that we are stronger, not weaker, when di- best for a healthy, restful and peaceful Benjamin Alliker Pam Mizrachi summer. Victor Badner Cheryl Natbony vergent expressions coexist and that the Ilene Bellovin Robin Nazarzadeh voices that come from these services do Mark Berger Dina Nelson not compete, but harmonize. Louise Cohen Robin Nichinsky Eve Edelman Russ Sandra Rosenbaum Building on this foundation, we have Amy Fastenberg Albert Sassoon begun Project Shema Yisrael. In the realm Janie Frieman Robert Sassoon Betsy Goldman Seth Schafler of pro-Israel activism, there are many Meet Jeff Lavine, Alison Gottsegen Evan Schapiro voices. The synagogue should be a place Lawrence Iason Nancy Sherman WJC’s New President Jacqueline Kaplan Jacques Steinberg where these voices may be heard. More continued from page 1 Abbe Kellner-Kutno Jodi Stern importantly, the synagogue should be the Lisa Kern Marc Strongin place where respectful listening is mod- Randi Klaber Jeffrey Taffet mittee for the Scholar-In-Residence week- Jeffrey Lavine Laurence Thaler eled. As with spiritual expression, no one end. The couple also co-chaired the cen- Amy Levine-Kennedy Sherry Thaler can possibly agree with all the ideas and ter’s most recent capital campaign, which Andrea Lightman Harold Treiber Ellen Marcus Giselle Weissman approaches. However, Project Shema Yis- raised $9.2 million. Gail Marcus Rob Weisstuch rael is founded on the principle that we are Jeff and Jennifer, who live in Scarsdale, Martin Marcus Ian Winters Jill Miller Jennifer Winters stronger, not weaker, when we allow our- have two children: Joshua, 23, who is a Fel- Susan Miller Yale Zoland selves to openly and respectfully listen to low at AIPAC (and who was recently en- Co-Presidents, Brotherhood...... CRAIG RUBIN ideas that challenge our own. gaged to be married), and Melissa, 20, a STUART SELTZER Before I leave the past and look for- sophomore at NYU. Co-Presidents, Sisterhood...... ILEEN GREENBERG & ward, I want to offer special thanks to two RAELIN KANTOR Asked what drew the family to WJC in President, Cemetery Association...... RON ROSENBERG special people. I am deeply grateful to our the early 2000s, and has kept them here outgoing president, Gail Marcus. Her ded- HONORARY TRUSTEES and actively involved, Jeff ticked off sever- ication to the shul has always excited me; Alan Benet Zabathy Meltzer al reasons to which many of us can sure- Dan Berkowitz Abraham Mizrahi but it has been her faith in me that has been ly relate. Louis Brause Lenny Queen my inspiration for the last three years. She “It starts with a special rabbi,’’ he said Ruth Brause Shirley Queen Beverly Cannold Josef Raboy z”l has made us all stronger. of Rabbi Segelman. “He’s not just our reli- David Cannold z”l Marilyn Reader And I also wish to give my true thanks gious leader. He touches so many aspects Jill Caslin Ronny Rosenberg to Rabbi Loren Monosov who has been Saby Castro Elaine Stein Roberts of our lives. And then there are the peo- Martin Freiman Robert Savin z”l my partner for these many years. She, too, ple. We have always found the members Stuart Gilbert Sol Schargel was a special source of growth and inspira- of WJC to be a warm and accepting group Jules Gorlitz Stuart Schapiro tion to me. I will miss her Torah and her Lawrence Gutner Sarene Shanus of people.” Cindy Heller Gerhard Spies z”l insights into synagogue and spiritual life. “We have derived so many long-lasting Randy Heller Norman Treiger z”l But mostly, I will miss the daily moments friendships through the synagogue,’’ he Mark Jacoby Edward Weinberg z”l Greta Koppel Rhona Wexler of friendship that we have shared. She, too, added. “It has been a second home for us.” Howard Lazarus Irving Yasgur z”l will always be known for having made all Albert Lefkowitz z”l Gerald Zeidner of us stronger. Richard Melchner The Review 3 President’s Column Changing our Center

Gail Marcus, President Dear Congregants, ment of WJC. Please plan to come to the Vol- a generous grant from the Sisterhood. Starting Three years ago, as I began my WJC Presi- unteer Recognition Evening on Friday, June this summer ​we’ll ​say farewell, many thanks, dency - and these columns - a former WJC ​​Pres- 10, 2016 to celebrate each other, to say a fond and best wishes to Rabbi Loren Monosov, ​​and ident, Randy Heller, told me he’d loved the job. thanks and farewell to lay leaders who are step- will add a new rabbinic intern, Jama Purser, and I confess, I hoped that I’d find it meaningful and ping down, and to install our new slate of Offi- a new assistant Rabbi, Adir Yolkut. You​ can read​ gratifying, but I wasn’t sure I’d say at the end of cers and Trustees. more ​ about​ Jama, and about our incoming new my tenure that I’d also love it. So, I’m slightly Many changes will start over the summer. ​ President, Jeff Lavine elsewhere in this Review. ​ surprised and entirely happy to tell you, in this, I’m especially ​happy to announce my ​final I particularly welcome ​Jeff’s tenure.​ Jeff my last presidential opus, that I’ve found being initiative as President ​ - a plan to refurbish the ​ has contributed his knowledge and support to the WJC President for the past three years an Brause Family ​Youth ​Recreation Center - aka all our projects for these past years. I’m hon- honor, a privilege and a pleasure, too. our Youth Lounge​ ​- to make it more appealing ored that he’s asked me to stay on as Chair of The reason the job has been such fun is be- to all its regular users, ranging from Torah for the Board next year, and look forward to read- cause of all of you - and especially the staff, cler- Tots to Religious School to Teens. Thanks to ing next year’s President’s columns! gy and lay leaders I’ve been able to work with an amazingly generous grant from Sarene Sha- Thanks to everyone ​seeing this column for as we’ve accomplished so many of the goals nus, Feuer and Abigail Feuer in memory all the ways you participate in building, main- we set for ourselves ​in the 2013 Strategic Plan. of Phillip Feuer, we will begin work this spring, taining and advancing our WJC Community, and​ The changes that WJC is still undertaking have expecting to have the room ready in its new in- for having given me the opportunity to serve as been a joint effort of people of passion and good carnation by the High Holidays. one of your lay leaders. will, and the process of striving toward mutual ​Thanks especially to the Comfy Spaces The words​ we chant at services when we goals has been immensely satisfying. I can’t be- Committee (see their “ad” in this Review,) Ran- finish reading a book in the Torah seem appro- gin to thank everyone who’s contributed to the di Klaber, ​Bonnie Silverman, Robin Nichinsky priate here, as we turn the page to Jeff’s Pres- activities and changes of the past few years in and Susan Lewen, who are responsible for this idency: May we, together, continue to go from this column, but I’d especially like to acknowl- renovation, as well as for the reorganization of Strength to Strength! edge the efforts and energy of so many, rang- the coatroom, the inviting seating in the down- Have a happy and restorative summer, ing from Rabbi Segelman and Executive Direc- stairs hallway and the beautiful new incarnation Fondly, tor Susan Lurie, to the co-chairs of the Strate- of the Bridal Suite - this last accomplished with Gail gic Planning Committee, Robin Nichinsky and Gaby Tolchinsky and all its members, to the Shabbat and Holiday Services leaders of the various Task Forces and search (Please check weekly emails as programs and times are subject to change) committees we set up to carry out our plans, including Rob Weisstuck, Harold Treiber,​ Mar- Friday, June 3...... Kabbalat Shabbat...... 7:15pm ty Marcus, Susan Miller, Jacques Steinberg, Saturday, June 4...... Shabbat Bat Mitzvah of Sonia Suben...... 9:30am Evan Schapiro, Yale Zoland, Rina Beder, Randi ...... Mincha Ma’ariv...... 8:00pm Klaber, Seth Schafler, Mark Berger and Larry Friday, June 10...... Rhythm & Ruach*...... 7:30pm Thaler. A personal and special thanks from me Saturday, June 11...... Torah Study...... 8:45am to Sarene Shanus, for sharing her incompara- ...... Shabbat Service...... 9:30am ble wisdom and advice with me as Chair of the ...... Mincha Ma’ariv/Erev Shavuot...... 8:00pm Board for the past three years. Working with Sunday, June 12...... Shavuot I...... 9:00am the entire team of Officers and Trustees these ...... Mincha Ma‘ariv...... 8:00pm past three years has been an inspiration. Those Monday, June 13...... Shavuot II...... 9:00am officers - including a few mentioned above, plus ...... Mincha Ma’ariv...... 8:15pm Sandi Rosenbaum, Cheryl Brause, Marc Stron- Friday, June 17...... Kabbalat Shabbat...... 7:15pm gin, Jeff Taffet, Abbe Kellner-Kutno, Jill Miller, Saturday, June 18...... Torah Study...... 8:45am Victor Badner and Bobby Cohen - and Trustees ...... Shabbat Service...... 9:30am too numerous to mention, have contributed to ...... Contemporary Service...... 10:15am changes involving having a ​great new Cantor,​ ...... Bat Mitzvah of Isabella Higdon...... 5:30pm Ethan Goldberg, a​ facile ​new Communications ...... Mincha Ma’ariv...... 8:00pm Director, Pat Tinto, ​ a​n inspiring new Teen En- Friday, June 24...... Kabbalat Shabbat...... 7:15pm gagement Director, ​Shoshi Rosenbaum, ​and Saturday, June 25...... Torah Study...... 8:45am an incoming new Assistant Rabbi, Adir Yol- ...... Shabbat Service...... 9:30am kut. We’ve revamped our spaces (with more to ...... Mincha Ma’ariv...... 8:00pm come, see the end of this column)​ and our ser- July – August: All Kabbalat Shabbat Services are at 7:15pm. All Shabbat Saturday Morning vices, we’ve created an annual membership pho- Services are at 9:00am. There is no Torah Study Class. Saturday Mincha Ma’ariv times as nathon, we’ve changed our High Holiday seat- follows: July 2, 8:15pm; July 9, 8:00pm; July 16, 8:00pm; July 23, 7:45pm; July 30, 7:45pm; ing policies, we’ve added a Sulam for Leader- August 6, 7:30pm; August 13, 7:30pm; August 20, 7:15pm; August 27, 7:00pm. ship program, we’ve begun doing interfaith pro- grams, and programs collaborating with Jewish *Outdoor musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service & Traditional A Cappella Ma’ariv Service organizations, we’ve had successful Spring Ga- Torah For Tots (ECC – K) Jr. Congregation (Grade K -2) Youth Service (Grade 3 -6) las and Summer Davening; we’re running more begin at 10:45am programs which we feature in a new Program Guide, ​and we’ve updated our bylaws,​ to men- Daily Minyan in the Allen A. Stein Memorial Chapel tion only some of our accomplishments! Monday through Thursday mornings at 7:00am & evenings at 7:30pm Thanks so much to all of you who have con- Fridays at 7:00am and Sundown tributed and continue to contribute your time Sundays and Legal Holidays at 8:30am & 7:30pm and creativity to the successes and develop- 4 The Review Sonia Suben Isabella Hidgon Jessica Kaplan Bat Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah June 4, 2016 June 18, 2016 June 19, 2016

My name is Sonia My name is Isabel- My name is Jessica Suben. I am twelve la Higdon. I was born Kaplan and my bat mitz- years old, and a sev- in Moscow, Russia and vah is on June 19th. I enth grader at Hom- came here when I was am in 7th grade at Hom- mocks Middle school. two years old. I became mocks and I have been I like the subjects a member of the West- attending the WJC English and Social chester Jewish Cen- since I was 3 years old. Studies. I also enjoy ter with my family then I love to swim, sing, play singing in choir, tak- and attended Hebrew tennis, watch YouTube ing French and par- School and Hebrew and Netflix, and hang ticipating in the Hom- High here. out with my friends. My favorite subjects mocks Musical every year. I am a member I go to Scarsdale Middle School and in school are Social Studies and Science. of both the Art Club, which meets on Mon- in my extra time I dance at Dance Cavise In the summer, I go to the JCC camp day, and the HOPE recycling and garden in Mamaroneck. My favorite subjects are in Scarsdale, where I act, sing, paint, draw club, which meets on Wednesday morn- Art and Gym. and sculpt every day. I have made some ing. Outside school, I like to ride my bike, While I prepare for my Bat Mitzvah, very good friends there. play the flute and draw. I remember and want to thank all of my My mom and dad are originally from I have really enjoyed this past year at teachers over the years that have helped South Africa and I have an 8 year old broth- WJC’s Hebrew school. I have made many me learn and understand what it is to be er named Asher. I have family all over the friends, and learned all about Judaism, Is- Jewish. Without that beginning and the world, and I am very excited that many of rael and the Holocaust. My teachers have fun that I had, it would have been hard for them will all be joining me for my Bat Mitz- helped me understand more about Jewish me. I want to thank Cantor Alcott for be- vah in June. history and current events. I have also en- ing patient with me as I learned my Torah I would like to thank Cantor Goldberg joyed attending Saturday morning servic- portion, Rabbi Monosov for sitting with for preparing me for my Bat Mitzvah and es, and helping my friends celebrate their me and helping me understand my Torah Rabbi Monosov, for helping me with my B’nei Mitzvah. I enjoyed attending the portion and write my D’var Torah and Rab- D’var Torah. Thanks to Rabbi Segelman Rhythm and Ruach Friday night service bi Segelman for all of his kind words and for all the encouragement and support that and my Megillot and Haggadot elective guidance throughout. he has given to me and my family over the with Rabbi Segelman. I have two sisters, Bianca and Sophia, years, as well as Aleza and all of my WJC It has been hard work to prepare for who both had their Bat Mitzvah here. They teachers. I can’t wait to join Shoshi in He- my Bat Mitzvah. Cantor Goldberg has tu- have been helpful by telling me how hard brew High next year! tored me in chanting the Torah and lead- this is going to be and how I would never Lastly, thanks to Mom and Dad for all ing the Saturday morning service. Rabbi be able to do it. Actually they have been your guidance and support along the way. Monosov has helped me write my D’var very supportive except when they laugh at Torah. I am so excited to celebrate this me during the Four Questions at the Sed- Jennalynn Ferraro special event with my friends and family, er. And most of all I want to thank my par- Bat Mitzvah many of whom have traveled to join me on ents Barbara and Jeff for their love and de- this exciting day. votion while helping me to reach this day. June 26, 2016 Also, thanks to Aleza Kulp and my He- brew school teachers for helping me learn Hello my name is about Judaism and special events in Jewish Jennalynn Ferraro! history, and to Rabbi Segelman for helping I go to Hommocks me learn about my path as a Jewish indi- Middle School. I am vidual. And finally, to my parents, siblings, in the seventh grade. other family and friends for I enjoy spending time supporting me in my prep- with friends during aration, and for making me and after school. I like laugh and giving me so skiing, and going fast many things that I can’t ex- down the mountain. I press enough thanks for. also enjoy family vaca- tions and outings like when we spent the Monday-Friday 8am-8pm SaturdayMonday-Sunday-Friday 8am9am--8pm5pm summer traveling to Israel and Italy. I like 9am-5pm baking and photography; I look forward to learning more about both. My favorite charity is St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I (914) 777-2273 (914)997-2273 want to thank Rabbis Segelman and Mono- 1030(914) West 777- 2273Boston Post Road 388(914)997 Tarrytown-2273 Road sov and Cantors Alcott and Goldberg for Mamaroneck,1030 West Boston NY 10543 Post Road White388 Tarrytown Plains, NY Road 10607 their help. Lastly, I love my dog, Mocha! Mamaroneck, NY 10543 White Plains, NY 10607 The Review 5 PJ Library Aleza Kulp, Education Director and Congregation Program Schechter WeStcheSter Coordinator

The summer is always a great time to catch up on a great FIFtY YeArS book! PJ Library has so many great books to offer for kids to read over the summer. For little ones, I Love Camp, by Todd Parr is not only bright and colorful, but so much fun to read. YOUNG This book allows parents to reflect back on being a child Longevity is at a summer camp and all the different activities including the reward for swimming, sports, making new friend and nature walks. At embracing the same time, it teaches younger children about camp and tradition and things to look forward to during their summer. innovation. The WJC Hendel Family Library also offers a great selec-

For half a century, Solomon tion of summer reading for children ages 9-11 years old from Schechter School of the PJ Our Way book list. We are happy to lend these for the Westchester has combined summer and throughout the school year! For more informa- a values-based Jewish day school education with the tion about any of these books, please contact Aleza or Arlene most rigorous and creative Ratzabi, WJC Librarian @ (914) 698-2960. academics. Our students are prepared for twenty-first century success – in the classroom, in the lab, on the playing field, and in the larger world.

TUMBLEBUS is a full sized colorful yellow school bus that has been converted into a safe, climate controlled, fun bus for children 18 months - 9 years of age fi lled with gymnastic equipment bringing fi tness to children at birthday parties and events. P: (855) Tumble-2 • E: [email protected] • W:

Zayin Students Honored By United Synagogue Of Conservative Judaism Aleza Kulp, Education Director and Congregation Program Coordinator

On Shabbat morning, May 7th, students from our Kitah Za- yin received certificates from United Synagogue of Conser- vative Judaism for their academic achievements during their years in the Religious School. United Synagogue sets high criteria for each student to be inducted into the honor soci- ety. They must keep an average above 90% and maintain a strong attendance in the school. In addition, they must have received the Judaic Scholar Award from their teacher more than one year during their time in our Religious School. Mazel tov to the following students and their families for this honor: Elissa Berger, Leah Colin, Gabriel Miller and Spencer Wolff.

6 The Review Hands On Israel Experiences in the ECC Israel Committee inda lpert hair Sabrina Landau, Early Childhood Director L A , C The Israel Commitee was delighted John F. Kennedy said “Israel was not Galilee to our many stops and the children with the turnout for the Lone Soldier Fun- created in order to disappear - Israel will squished grapes with their feet to make draiser on April 13 - over 65 people from endure and flourish. It is the child of hope their grape juice. We also added a stop at all over Westchester came to see the film and the home of the brave. It can neither the Dead Sea to relax at the beach and en- “Beneath the Helmet” and to contribute be broken by adversity nor demoralized joy a “spa treatment.” In Eilat, the children to the event. We raised over $500 for the by success. It carries the shield of democ- fished and in Tiberias, they participated in racy, and it honors the sword of freedom.” an archeological dig. At the Kotel in Jeru- Lone Soldier Center in donations dropped Every year in our ECC, we celebrate salem, the children had a chance to say a off that night as well as afterwards, and Israel’s birthday, Yom Ha’atzmaut with a prayer, write a note, and try to see if they made enough to repay WJC for the cost of special “trip” to the Holy Land. This year could build another layer of bricks on top the film. Thanks again for all your gener- was no exception. of the wall. This year in addition to taking a osity. A special thanks to Daniel Scopp for On Thursday, May 12th, the ECC board- picture on a camel, we also visited a nature introducing the film and providing his own ed EL AL’s flight 001 to Ben-Gurion Inter- reserve where the children could see ani- personal experiences, to Tzvi Wiesel for ex- national Airport in Tel Aviv and miracu- mals indigenous to the land of Israel. plaining how the Lone Soldier Center oper- lously arrived within just a few minutes. In each city, the children learned a little ates, and a special shout out to Rhona and Using much of the WJC facility, we were bit about that area through special “talking Arthur Wexler for covering the cost of the able to recreate the flavor of a real Israe- points” in a guide book. Each child received delicious refreshments which were attrac- li excursion, and each class went in differ- his / her book, and each page was “stamped” tively set out by Iris Scopp and Fern Tan- ent directions to experience a taste of the with a sticker signifying that the child had vis- nenbaum. We hope to continue to offer en- many different cities in Israel. ited that area and completed an activity there. tertaining and informative films through- As in year’s prior, we visited Tzfat where What a fun and exhausting day we had out the year. the children beaded blue and white brace- celebrating Israel’s birthday! As the plane lets and Lavi where the children traveled back to New York, we all enjoyed squeezed oranges and enjoyed the delicious a special snack and a Shalom Sesame vid- juice along with some fresh pita bread and eo about Israel. humus. This year, we added a winery in the continued on page 8 The Review 7

Hendel Library News World of Hasidim and their Battles with happens when the heart runs counter to Arlene Ratzabi, Librarian America,” and the Interfaith Book Group politics, history and the weight of tradition. discussions on racism in America, we are Books will be available for sale and signing. HAPPY SUMMER READING!!!! looking to the future and planning for next Throughout the year the Hendel Fam- year. We have worked with WJC Adult ily Library has been the recipient of many It seems Education, Social Action and Brotherhood fine Israeli films generously donated by like this year to bring you worthwhile programming. For the WJC Israel Committee. This has truly has come next year, as members of the Jewish Book enriched our collection. Here are some of and gone in Council, we will be inviting distinguished these fine films and we hope you continue a flash! While authors to discuss their latest books. We to support the Israel Committee and its the Hendel are also planning a writing workshop! fine programming throughout the com- Family Li- On Wednesday evening, June 1, for our ing year: (films are generally in Hebrew brary was final program of the year, we are hosting with English subtitles) proud to be author, activist and national lecturer, Letty 1. Tehilim one of the Cottin Pogrebin. A founding editor of Ms. 2. Lemon Tree sponsors of Magazine, Ms. Pogrebin will discuss her 3. Enough Already! several programs this year at WJC such latest book, a novel, Single Jewish Male 4. Sallah as “The Pious Ones: An Inside Look at The Seeking Soul Mate, which explores what 5. Zaytoun 6. Dancing in Jaffa 7. The Flat The Hendel Family Library & the Adult Education Committee 8. Ervinka Invite You to Meet Author If you are looking for some fine summer Letty Cottin Pogrebin reading, here are some of our latest ac- quisitions: Discussing her new book Adult Collection 1. Blankman, Anne. Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke. 2. Hammer, Reuven. Akiva: Life, Legend, Legacy. 3. Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. 4. Matt, Daniel. God and the Big Bang. 5. Avner, Yehuda. The Ambassador. 6. Artson, Bradley. Renewing the Process of Creation. 7. Balson, Ronald. Saving Sophie, a novel. 8. Nadler, Ben. The Sea Beach Line, a novel. Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 7:30pm 9. Ephron, Dan. Killing a King; the Assassination of Yitzak Rabin and the Single Jewish Male Seeking Soul Mate is an evocative novel about fractured identity, the Remaking of Israel. legacy of trauma and the restorative power of love. Pogrebin’s latest work is a New York love story complicated by the tensions of Jewish-American and African-American history Youth (Y) /Children Collection (C) that explores what happens when the heart runs counter to politics, history and the 1. Gottesfeld, Jeff. The Tree in the Court- compelling weight of tradition. yard; Looking Through Anne Frank’s

Ms. Pogrebin is an author, activist and national lecturer. A founding Window. (Y) editor and writer for Ms. Magazine, Pogrebin is also the author of 2. Patterson, Jose. My Aunt Manya. (Y) eleven books, including her new novel, Single Jewish Male Seeking 3. Rose, Lisa. Shmulik Paints the Town. (C) Soul Mate, and the acclaimed guidebook, How to be a Friend to a 4. Crowder, Melanie. Audacity. (Y) Friend Who is Sick. Among her other books are two memoirs - Getting 5. Feuerman, Ruchama. The Mountain Over Getting Older, and Deborah, Golda and Me: Being Female and Jews and the Mirror. (C) Jewish in America. Ms. Pogrebin is a graduate of Brandeis University. 6. Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Parakeet She lives in New York. Named Dreidel. (C) 7. Appelfeld, Aharon. Adam and Thomas. (Y) Light collation, book sale & signing. 8. Newman, Leslea. Ketzel, the Cat Who

Please RSVP to [email protected] Composed. (C) Since summer library hours can vary, if you need something you can always call the synagogue office or email us atlibrar - [email protected] and we will make every effort to assist you. 8 The Review Hands On Israel Experiences in the ECC…continued from page 6 On Wednesday, May 18th, WJC hosted the Israeli Dance Festival. Many other pre- schools were invited to join our 4 year olds in the gym and participate in a dance and drum extravaganza under the direction of Shmulik Gov- Ari. This program successful- ly combines movement and sensory experi- ences with Hebrew language and fosters a love for the country of Israel. Parents, pro- fessional staff and lay leaders all joined us on this morning to experience this exciting festival. After we had sung and danced and drummed along with Shmulik, each child received an Israeli flag and enjoyed a blue and white cookie for a snack. These types of hands-on experiential learning opportunities are the essence of the WJC ECC.

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(FORMERLY APPLAUSE WESTCHESTER — NOW OWNED BY HEATHER AND PETER CAPELLE) ARTISTREEARTS.COM - (914) 835-2200 - 114 W. BOSTON POST RD. MAMARONECK The Review 9 Meet Dr. Jama Purser, elling, theater, reading, listening to music, and visiting with family and friends. Teens’ Corner WJC Rabbinic Intern Starting Shoshi Rosenbaum, Teen Engagement Jama is married to and shares many of Director July 2016 these interests with her life partner Bina A few important messages: Raskin, and the couple lives in Larchmont, th th We are very excited to welcome Jama NY. Bina and Jama were married in 2013 Please send me your incoming 7 -12 grad- Purser as our rabbinic intern for the next at Beth Meyer Conservative Synagogue in ers’ summer or camp addresses so that year. Many of you know Jama as she has Raleigh, NC. Bina serves as Executive Di- they can receive a special WJC gift over been an active member of our spiritual rector of Mosaic of Westchester, a nonprof- the summer! Please email the addresses life at WJC. You may not have known that it organization dedicated to the integration to [email protected]. she is in her penultimate year of rabbini- of LGBTQ-identified Jews into the fabric of àMazal Tov to our graduating high school cal school at JTS. It is in the course of this Jewish and Synagogue life. seniors! All 12th graders will be receiving year of study that students engage in the Jama and Bina have been active mem- a book in the mail with a letter kicking off internship program. bers of Westchester Jewish Center for our new Israel Scholarship Essay. Prior to enrolling at JTS, Jama was a three years, and both of them look for- Don’t forget to register for Hebrew High Physical Therapist and Epidemiologist à ward to many new and ongoing opportu- for next year. The early bird registration whose research and professional career nities to build caring communities and per- ends on June 30! Hebrew High is open to focused on promoting the healthy aging, sonal relationships, as well as circles of te- all 8th-12th graders, and teens are welcome engagement and independence of older fillah, Talmud Torah, healthy living and so- to register to attend every week or 1-2 adults. Jama grew up in Charlotte, NC, and cial action. times per month. received Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral In looking forward to her new role at degrees from the University of North Car- WJC, Jama said: Here are some highlights of the Teen olina at Chapel Hill. She lived in the Cha- “I have really enjoyed being a member Community from May: pel, NC area for over 20 years. Prior to here at Westchester Jewish Center these àAt our Community Yom Ha’atzmaut moving to NY, she was an Assistant Pro- past few years, and I appreciate how much Celebration, teens helped the younger kids fessor at Duke University Medical Center the congregation has supported me in my build Jerusalem with LEGO. in the Division of Geriatrics, Department rabbinical studies. I am looking forward to àSeven amazing High School Juniors of Medicine, and a Senior Fellow in the joining WJC’s clergical team as a rabbini- graduated from our Hebrew High on May Center for the Study of Aging and Human cal intern. I know that I will grow signifi- 18, Yasher Koach to: Development. cantly into my rabbinical path as I continue Jared Berger, Emma Gottsegen, Andrew An active member of several previous to learn from this congregation, and I look Halperin, Matan Kutno, Jonah Marsh, synagogues, Jama loves Jewish commu- forward to spending many more meaning- Kiara O’Day, and Hayley Weisstuch! nity and participating in lay synagogue ful hours together praying, learning Torah, àWe had many visiting groups in our leadership. She frequently has served as and building community.” Hebrew High in April and May. A special Shliach Tzibbur, Gabbai or Torah read- thank you to Amy Levine-Kennedy for giv- er during Tefillot. Her previous volunteer ing us a tour of the exhibit at WJC’s gallery work on numerous syn- and to Bina Raskin, her Teen Director So- agogue committees in- nia Alexander, and to the incredible teens cludes service on Bichur of Mosaic of Westchester for speaking Cholim, Adult Education, with us so candidly about their journeys and Chevra Kaddisha com- College Advice 101 of being LGBTQ in the Jewish community. mittees, service as a Board trustee, and as Executive Jane C. Hoffman, M.B.A., C.E.P. And here’s what’s going on in June— Vice President for Mem- I hope you’ll join us! Advice on the College Search and Application Process IECA Associate Member bership. 6/5: Final Rosh Hodesh for 7th Grade 65 West Brookside Drive In addition to her pas- [email protected] Girls—5-7PM Larchmont, NY 10538 sion for Jewish learning, Closing Event for the Teen Commu- education, and caring, 914.833.1573 nity: Date TBD Jama also enjoys hiking, Member: AICEP, IECA, NACAC, HECA, WPRCA --At this event, we will elect officers for next gardening, cooking, trav- year’s Leadership Board

The one-stop center for your pet’s health, boarding, grooming, Mamaroneck training and day care needs. Veterinary Hospital and the Pet Resort 649 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel: 914-777-0398 Fax: 914-777-2523 Dr. Raphael Z. Gilbert Veterinary Medicine and Surgery 10 The Review WJC Welcomes Shalom Yisrael Guests from the Eshkol Region Linda Alpert, Israel Committee Chair

In May 2016, two WJC families host- ers near Gaza. This year, the women vis- Home. I have no other country.” ed Israeli guests Yehudit Markovitz and ited the Solomon Schechter High School, Yehudit also pointed out that the Esh- Orly Amsellem from the Eshkol region of the Jewish Community Relations Council, kol Region of the is filled with nat- Israel, right next to the border with Gaza, and Westchester Jewish Community Ser- ural beauty – there are hiking and bicycle an area at high risk of rocket attacks and vices, among other places. They also met trails, the Habesor River nature area, agri- tunnel infiltration on a nearly daily ba- with AIPAC, and members of Congress cultural fields, art galleries, music, sports, sis. Yehudit is the administrative secre- Elliot Engel and Nita Lowey. and many other forms of entertainment. tary and emergency security team leader Yehudit and Orly, through their host The area supplies 60% of the agricultural at Yated, responsible for commu- families, Linda Alpert and Marc Karell and produce consumed in Israel. nicating about terror threats and preserv- David and Paula Krenkel, attended both If anybody is interested in more infor- ing the safety of its members. She is also our Renewal Service on May 8 as well as mation about the Shalom Yisrael program, the mother of four daughters and one son the Rhythm & Ruach service on May 13. please visit the site on Facebook: https:// currently serving in the Israeli army. Orly Yehudit also attended the Saturday morn- is also an emergency security team lead- ing service on May 7, where she received chester. The program is always looking for er at Moshav Yevul, a mother to four chil- an Aliyah. They were particularly moved to new host families and other volunteers for dren, and works with troubled teens. These see females (Rabbi Lauren Monosov and next year (especially those with children). women determine how and when to alert Shoshi Rosenbaum) leading services, and Hosting such a wonderful person was very the members of their communities when by our custom of passing a Torah scroll moving for us, and I know it will be uplift- they receive news of an enemy infiltrator from one to another at the Renewal Ser- ing for your family and children, too. or an impending missile strike. They are vice. Holding a Torah scroll or having an If you have any questions, you can con- challenged on a daily basis with finding the Aliyah was something beyond their wildest tact me at [email protected]. balance between keeping their communi- dreams! The other women received similar ties safe and allowing families to maintain honors at the shuls of their host families. their normal daily routines. If you think All were delighted to dis- your life is tough, think about what a stress- cover that people here were ful life they lead! concerned about Israel, ap- Each year, the Shalom Yisrael nonprofit preciated the work they did, organization brings eight such Israeli wom- and prayed for Israel’s safe- en to Westchester for two weeks of touring ty and security. and meetings with various schools, com- One of the most fre- munity groups, assisted living centers, leg- quent questions the wom- islators and others in New York and Wash- en received was “why do ington D.C. The Shalom Yisrael organiza- you continue to live next to tion provides these women a respite from Gaza when life is so stress- the frequent missile strikes and tunnel ter- ful and dangerous?” Yehudit ror threats which they and their families answered that question with have to endure as part of their day-to-day a song called “Ein Li Eretz existence, and gives them a chance to ex- Acheret,” written by Israe- plain their security needs to those of us li composer Ehud Manor: who may not realize the extent of their dai- “I have no other country ly challenges. The organization, which just even if my land is aflame. celebrated its 30th anniversary, started out One Hebrew word pierc- by hosting injured Israeli war veterans and es my veins and my soul – victims of terror attacks, and now opens its with a painful body, with a arms to those who serve as first respond- hungry heart, here is my

D’AGOSTINO D’AGOSTINO Bar Mitzvah, Business, Prom Custom Tailors & Or Any Occasion Clothiers Boys Sizes 2 - 22 Mens & Boys Clothing Shoes, accessories & gifts Tuxedo • Sales • Rentals 914-834-0630 EXPERT TAILORING FOR MEN & WOMEN 138 Larchmont Avenue OVER 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Mon-Sat 9am-5:30pm Master Tailor Anthony D’Agostino The Review 11

Enjoying the new couches in the lobby? 914-654-1646 Visited the renovated Bridal Suite? We’re just getting started! PRIME TIME Cafe Donate to the “Comfy Spaces” Fund! 1319 North Avenue The WJC Space Committee has been hard at work. New Rochelle, NY 1080 So far, our Committee bought those beautiful new couches and chairs Under the Vaad Pizza • Pasta everyone is enjoying outside the Activity Center and modernized the Harabonim of Queens Dairy Catering Bridal Suite with a generous donation from the Sisterhood. But that’s just the beginning. Next, we’re planning to completely renovate our Youth Lounge – which is badly in need of a facelift -- to create a beautiful new space. The plans for the Youth Lounge

• Comfy new couches to hang out on • A new café area, with round tables and chairs for games or Ilene Bellovin schmoozing with friends Licensed Real Estate Salesperson • Cool internet-friendly counters with space to charge and use devices ABR, e-Pro, SRES, Realtor Westchester Properties space, and much more! 140 Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, New York 10538 The new Lounge will provide needed space for our Nursery School, 914 834 7777 bus 914 275 7327 cell Torah for Tots, Hebrew School and Teens, and a meeting place and hang-out area for adults too! With the generous support of a donor, [email protected] most of the funding for this project is already in place. But we would love to be able to completely furnish the room and to x up other spaces such as the bathrooms and the hallways. We need your help!

A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Please make a donation to the Comfy Spaces Fund, listed in the Review, today! Donate in Honor or in Memory of a Friend or Loved One, or just to support this worthy cause. No donation is too small!*

Help us make this happen NOW -- a new and beautiful communal Diamonds & Wholesale Jewelry Yale Zoland space for everyone! President Thank you in advance for your 75 West 47th Street generosity! New York, NY 10036 The Space Committee (212) 575-8875 ext.11 [email protected] *All donations go directly to the Youth Lounge Project; any remaining monies will go to complete the renovations to the Bridal Lounge bathroom and to decorate its walls, and to other Comfy Spaces projects at WJC. Give us a ince S 1929 call, and we would be happy to share our plans with you!

Owner’s Representative & Construction Consultants For Residential & Commercial Projects 914.834.8787 New York, NY & Larchmont, NY [email protected] 12 The Review

Sisterhood News Our gift shop has expanded. Please art event and much more. We can’t do it R a e l i n K a n t o r & I l e e n G r e e n b e r g , check out all the beautiful items at our without you, so please join us and help us Co-Presidents shop and in our new display case near make 2016-2017 even more successful. We the office. Don’t hesitate to contact Carol need you. WOW, What a year!!! 13 events and Fasman at [email protected] to make WJC Sisterhood is for all of us… 136 members!! If you are not a member, an appointment for gifts for all occasions. women of any age, who work part time, you should be, we want you! Come join Remember, as a Sisterhood member, you full time or not at all. We have a re- the fun, learning, friendships and sense of are entitled to a 10% discount (on regular sponsibility to our community & want warm community! priced goods) at the Sisterhood Gift Shop! to fulfill this by continuing to expand We are thrilled to continue to grow and Plus as an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah, our membership. Sisterhood helps to try to offer new, and recurring successful please remember to use your special gift create friendships while helping our events. We began this fall with Sukkah shop credit towards the purchase of one of synagogue, & we have fun doing it! Decorating, followed by joint book clubs, our beautiful tallitot. And always remem- If you have any questions, please con- Mah Jongg nights, Hanukkah boutique, Sis- ber: “It’s a mitzvah to shop there!” tact, Raelin Kantor at [email protected] terhood Shabbat, Jewish Museum Tour and We have already begun planning of our or Ileen Greenberg at [email protected] more joint events with Larchmont Temple 2016-2017 season. Please join us with your Wishing you wonderful summers and UJA. We sponsor our events, plus we fresh ideas and help us continue to flourish. ahead and hope to see you all soon. helped to sponsor: Scholar-in-Residence Look for the return of Sukkah decorat- and the new Bridal Suite. We’ve expanded ing, book clubs, Mah Jongg nights, Sister- our beautiful Sisterhood Tree of Life in hood Shabbat, a special event at Equinox, the lobby, where anyone can purchase a leaf for just $118 to commemorate/honor any happy life celebration; such as births, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or any happy life celebration! Contact Susan Levy for more information at: [email protected] or pick up a card by the tree. Our next Larchmont Temple/WJC Sister- hood Book Club meeting will be this summer, Tuesday, July 19th at 8pm, (first summer event). We will be reading Saving Sophie by Ronald Balson. It is our turn to host and would appreciate if one of our members could Joint UJA, WJC & Larchmont Temple Sisterhoods’ Art Night at offer to host. Please help us out if you can. MADE in Mamaroneck. We finished the year with a wonderful closing event at the beautiful Botanical Gardens thanks to the planning of Martine Intercastel Art Framing Studio Wax!

“I can help with your real estate needs.” Monica Barach By appointment in Licensed Real Estate Broker Larchmont 914 834-5737 Real Estate Appraiser, MAI NY REALTY [email protected] Longtime Mamaroneck Resident and WJC Member Cell: 914-707-0991 Offi ce: 914-437-6100 Email: [email protected] Website:

120 Bloomingdale Road Ste 101 White Plains, NY 10605 15% Discount The Review 13 The WJC World Jewry Date: Thursday, June 9th, 2016 Time: 7:30pm Committee Presents: Location: Larchmont Temple, Syria and Beyond: A Jewish 75 Larchmont Avenue Contact: Holly Rosen Fink Response to Today’s Refugees [email protected], 917-774-4076

Holly Rosen Fink, World Jewry Committee This program is the first of hopefully There are more refugees and displaced many collaborative efforts with Larchmont persons in the world today than at any time Temple, Westchester Jewish Center and since World War II. Conflict and persecu- HIAS working together to respond to the tion are driving millions from their homes, refugee crisis. leaving them stateless and vulnerable. In the U.S., recent backlash is threatening Ameri- ca’s legacy as a country that welcomes ref- ugees. Guided by Jewish values and histo- ry, HIAS works around the world to protect those refugees who have been forced to flee their homelands because of who they are, including ethnic, religious and sexual mi- norities. Join Mark Hetfield, President and CEO at HIAS, to learn more about the cur- rent refugee crisis and to explore how Jew- ish values, history and experience call on us to respond.

Photo credit: Enri Canaj 14 The Review What Great Cooks and Friends! Cindy Heller and Mindy Feldman, Social Action Committee A big thank you to all those who provided a meal this past year for a WJC family who was sitting shiva or who was ill or who recent- ly had a baby, and to all those who made contact with a senior congregant to bring cheer and friendship. We are sure your cooked meal and good wishes were greatly appreciated. It was a tough year for our congregation and we appreciated everyone’s participation. Our apologies to anyone we might have forgotten to thank. Ileen Bellovin Linda Falk Amy Holtzer Susan Lewen Marla Segelman Jane Berkowitz Carol Fasman Jackie Israel Dena Magram Robert Shasha Debra Binstok Susan Feldman-Gordon Beth Jaret Gail Marcus Sharon Silver Andrea Boyar Leslie Garfield Raelin Kantor Katie McLoughlin Jennifer Tobenstein Susan Brecher Amie Gitlin Marc Karell Susan Myers Jill Viuker Dahna Brecker-Freidus Cindy Golub Debbie Katz Cheryl Natbony Helene Weinberger Jennifer Carlson Gail Goodman Frieda Kraft Randy Neuringer JoAnn Weiner Laura Chess Ileen Greenberg Nina Kravetz Viera Noy Heidi Weiss Louise Cohen Amy Guenzl Jennifer Lavine Debbie Reisner Arlene Wexler Marc Cohen Myra Harris Eileen Lehrer Eve Russ Jennifer Winters Andrea Danziger Cindi Hartz Herb Leventer Iris Scopp Judy Zweig Ellen Dunkin Robin Henschel Sondra Levy Heather Segal For anyone who would like to volunteer for this important mitzvah of Bichur Cholim, please contact Cindy Heller at 833-0347 or [email protected] or Mindy Feldman at 725-8825 or [email protected]. Also, if you know someone who could benefit from the delivery of a delicious meal or the visit of a congregant, please let us know directly or through the Rabbis. Thank you. Summer is almost here! That means sun, sandals, and Shabbat services with lots of congregation participation. This is a great time for you or your teen to learn a new skill or stay in practice. Tap into your inner rabbi or cantor and read Torah, chant a Haftarah, lead davening, give a D’var Torah, lead Adon Olam - all in front of a small, friendly crowd. The clergy will be glad to help you prepare. For more infor- mation or to volunteer, contact Cindy Heller at [email protected] or 833-0347 or Victor Badner at [email protected] or 833-0218. REAL ESTATE IN Jessica Jacobson THE BERKSHIRES phone: 917.373.3219 fax: 914.725.5210 [email protected] CONTACT STEVE ERENBURG 21 Myrtledale Road FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Scarsdale, New York 10583 m 201 663 0800

Pick Up and 914-834-1733 ①Delivery Service ②

47 CHURCH STREET LENOX, MA | 413 637 1086 Excelsior Cleaners 1320 Boston Post Road • Larchmont, NY 10538 Pick Up and 914-834-1733 www.wjcenter.orgDelivery Service The Review 15 Yom HaShoa Commemoration TRY SOMETHING NEW THIS Sunday, May 1, 2016 SUMMER! WJC’s Holocaust Learning Center presented a moving Holocaust Me- Pick Up and ISRAELI DANCE CLASSES morial program on Sunday May 1 at WJC. Due to inclement weather, the 914-834-1733 ceremony was held indoors instead of in front of the WJC Memorial. Delivery Service A Great Workout for your Excelsior Cleaners Professor Michael Steinlauf of Gratz College spoke on Jewish Memo- Mind1320 and Boston Body Post Road • Larchmont,ry in PostNY 10538 WW II and WJC member Dr. Mark Russ shared a poi- gnant story of his family’s remembrance and amazing discovery on their Led By World-Famous Teacher and trip to Poland. Rabbi Segelman and Cantor Goldberg led a brief service and congre- Choreographer Shmulik Gov-Ari gants lit candles in memory of loved ones and relatives who perished in the Holocaust.

Excelsior Cleaners 1320 Boston Post Road • Larchmont, NY 10538

July 7, 11, 18 and 25, 2016* at the Westchester Jewish Center Activity Center *Meets Mondays except Thursday July 7

Beginners: 7:30pm - 8:45pm HLC Chair Dan Berkowitz and Eve Russ recalling Intermediate/Advanced: 8:45pm -10pm those lost in the Holocaust. Dr. Russ reveals how $10 WJC members / $13 non-members / his family was TEENS 13-18 are FREE! stunned to discover a photograph of his For more information, please contact: father as a youth Linda Alpert Karell, Chair of Israel Committee in a museum near [email protected] or (914) 584-6738 . Sponsored by the WJC Israel Committee Ruth Obernbreit Glass leads the lighting of memori- al candles. Beth Torah Kosher Caterers 106-06 Queens Blvd., Forest Hills, NY 11375

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On premises or off-premises catering available Part/Full Service - Waiters, Bartenders, linens, china, silver, etc. Professor Steinlauf discusses his work Tel. (718) 261-4775 / Fax (718) 261-4607 Victor Badner, center, assists on Jewish Memory with lighting of the candles. Post World War II.



914•834•0220 • WWW.CDG4.NET • 2001 PALMER AVE, LARCHMONT, NY, 10538 16 The Review Religious School Enhancement Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Cantor’s Fund In honor of… In honor of… Fund Rebecca Weintraub & Jeremy Isabella Halperin’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of… Edelman’s engagement From Iren & Steven Halperin Uri & Yael’s wedding From Ritchie, Lisa & Margot Zeitoun From Sandra Foreman the wedding of Uri Segelman & the engagement and ordination of Jennalynn Ferraro’s Bat Mitzvah Yael Cohen Cantors Ethan Goldberg & Shoshi From The Harwin Family From Arthur & Shamala Seelenfreund Rosenbaum Ritchie, Lisa & Margot Zeitoun from Martin & Sheila Freiman Library Fund Edelson & Danny Catalano’s In honor of… marriage From Shari & Arnie Baum In memory of… the engagement and graduations of Cantors Ethan Goldberg & the Bar Mitzvah of Danny Green Herbert Rosenbaum From Lloyd Green & Julie Rubin From Gail & Marty Marcus Shoshi Rosenbaum Isabella Halperin’s Bat Mitzvah From Betty Weissman From Iren & Steven Halperin the birth of Justin Milo Murray Kiddush Fund In memory of… From Marilyn & Fredrick Katz In memory of… Manuel Schoengeld Shari & Arnie Baum Charlotte Herman From Judy & Howard Zweig Norma Kohan From Pamela Mizrachi Herbert Rosenbaum From Lenny & Shirley Queen In appreciation Sadie Bilsky From Fran & Leslie Shifrin From Marilyn Weisbrot Elise & David Dowell Rita Wilson Landscape Fund In honor of… From Marilyn Weisbrot In appreciation for selling our the Bar Mitzvah of our grandson, Chametz Jonas Jacobson From Sondra & Joel Levy Passover Appeal Fund From Steven & Lynn Jacobson donations from... In appreciation of Rabbi Segelman’s Shari & Joel Beckman In memory of… work preparing us for Passover Muriel & Robert Bruskin Helen Green From Betty Weissman Jessica & Craig Jacobson From Stuart & Joan Schapiro Gerry & Barry Brause In memory of… Beth & Laurence Jaret Alfred Weissman Lottie Lyman Naomi Kotkin From Alan Weissman & Family From Elaine Schindler Mindy & Andrew Feldman & Family Abbe Kellner-Kutno & Stephen Kutno Alfred Weissman Jennifer & Jeffrey Lavine Laurie & Stephen Girsky From Gerry & Barry Brause Debbie & Jeff Harwin Jennifer Tobenstein & David Polson Hanina Shasha Ruth Greenbaum Shirley & Leonard Queen From Stuart & Joan Schapiro From Susan Cohen Eve & Ira Silver Arthur Harris Sherry & Larry Thaler Dinner Dance Fund From Myra Harris Joseph Schwartz In honor of… From Barry Schwartz Rabbi Monosov’s Fund Wendy & Yale Zoland Ruth Fogel In honor of… From Beth & Richard Klein From Arthur Kaplan Isabella Halperin’s Bat Mitzvah Miryam Brand From Iren & Steven Halperin From Giselle Weissman Holocaust Fund Hanina Shasha In memory of… From Marla & Robert Sassoon Nursery School Fund Lawrence Luskin Hanina Shasha In honor of… From Martin Luskin From Robert Shasha Rabbi Loren Monosov Laurie & Stephen Girsky From James & Fiona Blanco Leatrice Seinfeld From Greg P. Seinfeld We Deliver -

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P t 914.263.1082 f 914.381.1192 - - - Josh Berkowitz

[email protected] - The Finest Glatt Kosher Chinese Restaurant and Sushi Bar Under Strict Kashruth of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens t 914.924.0799 f 914.381.7481 1327 North Ave Phone: 914-637-9363 [email protected] New Rochelle Fax: 914-637-9371 New York 10804 E-mail: [email protected] The Review 17 Memorial Fund Social Action Fund Ilonne Arouh Camp In memory of… In honor of… Scholarship Fund David Rosenthal From Jack Rosenthal Wendy & Yale Zoland In memory of… From Audrey & Greg David Julius Bernstein Ray Solinger the engagement of our daughter, Mag- From Mitchell Bernstein gie Glass to Eric Saber From Barbara Gips Alfred Berkowitz From Steven Berkowitz From Ruth & Bob Glass Judaica Gallery Fund Ira Schindler the wedding of Gracie Weinstein & From Elaine Schindler Katie Lynch In honor of… Murray Boxer From Donald & Jill Miller the marriage of Uri Segelman & From Harold Boxer Yael Cohen Vera Ben Ezra In memory of… From Bill & Jill Caslin From Robert Sassoon Jacob Levine Emanuel Perlstein From Myra Harris From Morton Perlstein In memory of… Muriel Wald Hilde Deutsch Morty Kotkin From Michelle Karlebach Sanger From Peter Lehrer From Ruth & Bob Glass Julia Bloom Shirley Schwartzreich Harry Levine From Robert & Muriel Bruskin From Neil & Linda Schwartzreich From Seymour Levine Jaime Rabinovich From Miriam Glassman Jerry Rosenthal Comfy Spaces Fund From Cindy Heller In honor of… Milton Glassman Gail Marcus, in appreciation of her From Ben Glassman Tillie Glassman service as WJC President From Ben Glassman YOUR AD HERE! From the WJC Officers Help support the reinstated print version Mervyn Kaplan of the review by buying ad space. And From Andre Kaplan Max Mandel support your shul by patronizing our From Madeleine Tiktin advertisers. Please contact Merrill Sugar- Janice Winter man, 834-3669 or [email protected] From Cheryl Lewy Roza Gitelman From Hana Green Some funeral homes identify Eva Wolitzky ✡ ✡ From Ellen Adler themselves by a conglomerate logo. Harold Colman From Stephen Colman At ZION MEMORIAL CHAPEL, Harold Waldstreicher we are known for our independence From Judith Bergner Bernard Lifschultz ………it makes a difference From Patricia Berger Selma Lifschultz From Patricia Berger Goldie Greenberg From Morton Gelb Chaya Gelb From Morton Gelb Muriel Wald From Eileen & Peter Lehrer Helen Green From Harriet & Marc Suvall Doris Cohen ZION From Gloria Weitz Memorial Chapel Spencer Foreman From Sandra Foreman Leonard Mishler The only all-Jewish facility in Westchester County From Mark Mishler Jody Wolf NOT affiliated with any conglomerate From Jerome Wolf Estelle Brecher 785 E. Boston Post Rd. From Susan Brecher Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tillie Rosenthal From Jack Rosenthal Anne Freiman 914-381-1809 From Martin Freiman Miriam Weinberg ✡ From Joel Weinberg ✡ ✡ Herbert Rosenbaum Cindy & Randy Heller 18 The Review

June Yahrzeits Ann Stein 17 23 Rose Sosniak 12 18 According to our Memorial Tablets, Annette Cooper 18 24 Goldie Applebaum 13 19 the following Yahrzeits will be ob- Jack Natbony 18 24 Jack Cohen 13 19 served these months: Ruth Wurzel 18 24 Henry Ptashnik 13 19 DECEASED IYAR JUNE Rose Finson 20 26 Leah Ross 13 19 Samuel Apsell 24 1 Richard Jacobsob 20 26 Nicole Ariel Fortinsky 14 20 Jack J. Blau 24 1 Bernard Kaufman 20 26 Arnold Klein 14 20 Susanne Horwitz 24 1 Bernard Marger 20 26 Dr. Charles Goldberg 15 21 Michael Klaber 24 1 Nat Dolson 21 27 Bessie LeCrevin 15 21 Helen Revits 24 1 Betty Saskill Hinck 21 27 Nathan Ferrer 16 22 Michael E. Sargoy 24 1 Bernard A. Schindler 22 28 Ann Kaplan 17 23 Sadie Goldenberg 25 2 Paul Cohen 24 30 Irving J. Tuller 17 23 Rose Salzberg 26 3 Anne S. Goldberg 24 30 Sidney Frieman 18 24 Samuel I. Goldman 27 4 Sheila Meadow Weiss 24 30 Bernard Ralph 18 24 Sarah Kreutler 27 4 May their memory be a blessing. Irma Jeanne LoBell 19 25 Samuel Perler 27 4 Sascha Kuritzky 20 26 Morris Bruskin 28 5 July Yahrzeits Louis Okin 20 26 Morris Prims 28 5 According to our Memorial Tablets, Jack Schwartz 20 26 Freda Schwartz 28 5 the following Yahrzeits will be ob- Thomas Bornstein 21 27 Julius Adler 29 6 served these months: Harry Rosenfeld 21 27 Max Weintraub 29 6 DECEASED SIVAN JULY Salim Sassoon 21 27 SIVAN Nathaniel Apsell 25 1 Rose Blech 22 28 Joseph Jacobowitz 2 8 Ida Sargoy 25 1 Anna Koslovsky 22 28 Ervin Raboy 2 8 Shirley Spiegel 25 1 Stuart Kovar 22 28 Sarah Daniels 3 9 Roman M. Engelmann 26 2 Bessie F. Zuckerbraun 22 28 Morris Gilbert 4 10 Hanna Horowitz 26 2 Dave Gelb 23 29 Ann Ostow 4 10 Herman Jurish 26 2 Gertrude Lieberman 23 29 Stephen L. Raitzin 4 10 Esther W. Levy 26 2 Albert Roth 23 29 Moses Levin 5 11 Philip Scheiner 26 2 Myra Sklarey Sirkin 23 29 Fay Platt 5 11 Mort Starobin 27 3 Morris Falk 24 30 Sarah Ross 5 11 Sylvia Hoffman 28 4 Harry Meisler 24 30 Max Zand 5 11 Augusta Buchman 29 5 Jeanette Wallach 24 30 Rosa Zimmerman 5 11 Boruch Meyer Strichhartz 29 5 Helen Hochberg Frieder 25 31 Henry Ziskin 5 11 Ezra Ani 30 6 Honey Friedman 25 31 Sophie Lee 6 12 Shirley Gench 30 6 Esther Kalner 25 31 Celia Marantz 6 12 Gussie Schapiro 30 6 Lazar Ralph 25 31 Morton Silverman 6 12 Anna Silver 30 6 Libbie Scher 25 31 Harry Klazko 7 13 Louis Solinger 30 6 May their memory be a blessing. Sidney Lewen 7 13 TAMMUZ Belle Radin 7 13 Diane DuBoff 1 7 August Yahrzeits Alfred Rosenhirsch 7 13 Mildred Rosen 1 7 According to our Memorial Tablets, Dr. William O. Benenson 8 14 Dolly W. Raisler 3 9 the following Yahrzeits will be ob- Estelle Brecher 8 14 Beatrice Quittman 4 10 served these months: Mordechai Gitelman 8 14 Harold Reinitz 4 10 DECEASED TAMMUZ AUG. Tziviah Meisler 8 14 Joseph Skluth 5 11 Allan Cohen 26 1 Miriam Weinberg 9 15 Marion Weinreb 5 11 Edith Spector 26 1 Rachamin Abramoff 11 17 Mordecai Yanovsky 5 11 Samuel Ginsberg 27 2 Anne Freiman 11 17 Helena P. Alter 6 12 Martin Kaufman 27 2 Geroge Garfunkel 11 17 Ira Garfunkel 6 12 Lillian Gershenov 28 3 Fannie Lee 11 17 William Hartz 6 12 Herschel Krugman 28 3 Jody Wolf 11 17 Sherry R. Roth 6 12 Ruth Nanus 28 3 Irene Kaptzan 12 18 Betty Rosenfeld 7 13 Robert K. Raisler 28 3 William Ralph 13 19 Jessie Titlebaum 7 13 Milton Rich 28 3 Sheila Shwartz 13 19 Ned Berkin 8 14 David Brecher 29 4 Alex Stein 13 19 Bernard Osten 8 14 Gloria Kane 29 4 Celia Pomerantz 14 20 Sadie Rosenthal 8 14 AV Julius Quittman 15 21 Shirley Sonnenfeldt 8 14 Anna Grossman 1 5 Benjamin Abrams 16 22 Bertha Greenblatt 9 15 Theodore Kotkin 1 5 Bessie Bornstein 16 22 Bert Schwarz 9 15 Joseph Seidenstein 1 5 Georgette Ani 17 23 Hon. Tina L. Brozman 10 16 Howard Ehrlich 2 6 Lois Byrnes 17 23 Lillian Cohen 10 16 Minnie Rosenberg 2 6 Doris Cohen 17 23 Sylvia Badner 12 18 Emily Potok 4 8 MorrisLyman 17 23 Matilda Eisenstein 12 18 Lee Berger 5 9 The Review 19

PickGeorge Up Lu andbitz 5 9 From The Review of June 1953 Mark Schlangel 6 914-834-173310 Delivery Service Mildred Wolper 6 10 Jill Caslin, Archivist Sylvia Schindler 7 11 The distinctiveness of the Jewish calendar is a potent factor in the survival of the Yetta Wolf 7 11 Jewish people. The observance of the Sabbath and the many festivals and holidays at Harry Freides 8 12 the same time creates a definite bond and unifying force among Jews. Joseph Lazarovsky 8 12 While the ordinary calendar is solar, based on the movement of the earth around the Hyman Margoluis 8 12 sun, the Jewish calendar (luach) is lunar, based on the revolutions of the moon around Hanna Schwalbe 8 12 the earth. There are twelve months in a normal year - Nissan (about April), Iyar, Sivan, Louis Benjamin 9 13 Tamuz, Ab, Elul, Tishri, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tebet, Shevat and Adar (March). In a leap Pauline Blacher 9 13 year which occurs seven times in a cycle of nineteen years, a thirteenth month, known Lenore FeldmanExcelsior 9Cleaners 13 1320 Boston Post Road • Larchmont, NYas 10538 Adar Sheni (second Adar) is added. Jean Marger 9 13 As the moon takes 29.5 days to travel around the earth, the Jewish year has twelve Harry Farkas 10 14 regular months, consisting of 29 or30 days, and comprising 354 days. The periodical Yolan Glassman 10 14 thirteenth month brings the lunar year into conformity with the solar year of 365 days. Regina Lee 10 14 The basis of the lunar calendar was the proclamation of the new moon (Rosh Ch- Adele Blacker 11 15 odesh) by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. The dates of all holidays were dependent upon Martha Davis 11 15 this proclamation. Due to the difficulties Nettie Levy 11 15 ON PLANNING AHEAD involved in notifying the people outside Julius Oppenheimer 11 15 Would you like to make a sad event a bit easier to of Jerusalem in time to observe the new Sylvia Haas Oppenheimer 11 15 bear? One of the immediate decisions families con- front when someone dies is the choice of a burial moon, it was decided to observe two days Hinda Sanowitsky 11 15 site. Why not consider making arrangements now, whenever the preceding month had thirty Bertha Schwartz 11 15 before there is an urgent need. The WJC Cemetery Dr. Hyman Stockman 11 15 Association oversees our beautiful and convenient days. Thus it came about that the festivals Moses Dayan 12 16 cemetery, providing excellent perpetual care. For are celebrated for two days in all countries information, please contact one of us: except Israel. It is well to remember that Israel Finson 12 16 Ron Rosenberg: 967-4908 Edwin L. Jacobs 13 17 Jill Caslin: 698-6614 the day, according to the Jewish calendar, Paula Mishler 13 17 Sol Israel: 576-7670 begins and ends with sunset. Frieda Deutsch 14 18 Miles Federman: 698-0861 Walter Reichman: 834-5029 Harry Silverson 14 18 Debbie Zelenetz:SUZ 11340 837-3988 WMC-Westchester JC_SUZ 11340 WMC-Westchester JC 10/17/13 3:32 PM Page 1 Minna Cohen 15 19 Mae Kasberg 16 20 Sarah Boxer 19 23 Marc B. Kalmanash 19 23 Meyer Mike Lightman 19 23 Hyman Schapiro 19 23 Bertha Teitelbaum 19 23 Samuel Freiman 20 24 David Lifschultz 20 24 Jacob Pokart 20 24 Bernhard Spies 20 24 Pauline S. Wiener 20 24 Rose Goldman 21 25 Privately owned and operated by the Weinstein Family since 1930 Anna Greene 21 25 Paul Jacoby 21 25 Anna Reimer 21 25 D ay after day, Philip Kaufman 22 26 CeCelia Leven 22 26 season after season, year after year, Samuel Lipton 23 27 people come to us David T. May 23 27 Paul Seidenberg 23 27 because they know we will Rae Brouda 25 29 Helen Bruskin 25 29 be there for them. David Weiner 25 29 Ralph Balamut 26 30 Lucy R. Dubow 26 30 1652 Central Park Avenue | Yonkers, NY 10710 Rebecca Chulew 27 31 (1 block North of Tuckahoe Road) David Shear 27 31 May their memory be a blessing. P. 914.793.3800 | F. 914.793.2300 [email protected] Remember: Commemorate your joyous occasions by inscribing a leaf on the WJC Sisterhood Tree of Life. Call Susan Levy at 834-2456 20 The Review

Synagogue Family The Review of NON-PROFIT Mazel Tov & Best Wishes to Ruth & The Westchester Jewish Center ORGANIZATION Bob Glass on the engagement their daughter, U.S. POSTAGE PAID Maggie Glass to Eric Saber…Jill & Barry Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 WHITE PLAINS, NY Viuker on the marriage of their son, Matthew PERMIT NO. 4317 Banister & Jessica Hawrylynko and on the birth of a grandson, Elan Klein Brennan to Jordana Viuker & Sean Brennan …Penny Linden & Family on the birth of a grandson, Aldo Jacob to Kathryn & Daniel Linden… Lynn & Steven Jacobson on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jonas Jacobson, son of Joe and Jordana Jacobson… David Na- nus & Bonnie Silverman on the marriage of their daughter, Natasha Hope Nanus to Matthew Neubauer… Anita & Art Kaplan on the birth of their grandson, Rex William Kaplan… Norman & Maria Edelson on the marriage of their daughter, Ariel Edelson to Danny Catalano… Shira & David Weinstein on the marriage of their daughter, Gracie Weinstein to Katie Lynch… Rabbi Jeffrey & Marla Segelman on the marriage of their son, Uri Segelman to Yael Cohen… Mark & Deborah Jacoby on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Hailey Hurd, daughter of Tim Hurd & Jenny Hurd…Pat Tinto, WJC Communications Director & Alton Lands- man on their son, Andrew Landsman making Aliyah and being named Goalie for the Israel Lacrosse Men’s National Team to compete in the European Championships in Budapest. Condolences Our deepest sympathy is extended to Robert Shasha & Family on the loss of his mother, Hanina Shasha…to Cantor Shoshi Rosenbaum on the loss of her grandfather Her- bert Rosenbaum.

Join Us at the Contemporary Shabbat Service Rhythm with Cantor Ethan Goldberg, Shoshi Rosenbaum Ruachand and Rabbi Loren Monosov... two Saturday, June 18th, 2016

▲▲ WHEN? Under the Stars ▲ 10:15 a.m.-11:45a.m.

▲ ▲▲ Join us for an outdoor, musical Kabbalat Shabbat service,

& a traditional, a capella Ma’ariv service led by Cantor In the Activity Center Goldberg & the WJC musicians. ▲

▲ WHERE? ▲▲ The Contemporary Shabbat Friday, June 10th at 7:30pm. Also join us for WHAT? service is an abbreviated, dessert at 8:30pm as we pay tribute to all casual, instrumental volunteers & install next year’s Officers & Trustees. Optional dinner at 6:30pm. morning service filled with

(Adults $22, children $12, RSVP ▲ at 914-698-2960) music, singing and special

▲ ▲

▲ spiritual teachings.

Contact Pam Mizrachi for more info. at: [email protected] ▲▲

▲▲ Looking forward to seeing all of you there! Westchester Jewish Center...The musical center of our lives!