The Center of Our Jewish Lives WestchesterWestchester Jewish Jewish Center Center ThePalmer & Rockland REVIEW Avenues • Mamaroneck, NY 10543 • 914/698-2960 (T) • 914/698-3610 (F) • www.wjcenter.org JUNE 2016 – VOLUME 74, NUMBER 10 – IYAR/SIVAN 5776 JuneJeffrey 2016 T. Highlights Segelman Meet Jeff Lavine, WJC’s New President RABBI 1 Author: Letty Cottin Pogrebin discussesLoren Monosov new book: Single BY JACQUES STEINBERG JewishASSISTANT Male Seeking RABBI Soul Mate – 7:30pm Ask Jeff Lavine, view the center’s lay governance struc- 2 IsraeliEthan DanceGoldberg Class – who succeeds Gail ture as a bit of a black box – confusion that 7:30pm CANTOR Marcus as President even some trustees themselves can relate of Westchester Jew- to – Jeff intends to use the recent adoption Koslowe Gallery Opening: #MeditationsOnPlace – ish Center on June of an updated set of bylaws as the spring- 7:45pmSusan Lurie 1st, about his pri- board for a teaching moment for the cen- EXECUTIVE DIR. 6 Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm orities for the early ter’s membership. 8 Israeli Movie Night – 7:45pm weeks and months He and his fellow officers will be ex- Pat Tinto of his tenure, and plaining to the membership that officers 9 WorldCOMMUNICATIONS Jewry Committee: & he responds with now have clearly defined areas of respon- MARKETING“Syria & Beyond: DIRECTOR A Jewish Response to Today’s words like open- sibility (such as communications or spiri- Refugees,”Aleza 7:30pm Kulp at ness, warmth and tual life) – and that clear avenues exist for LarchmontEDUCATION Temple DIR. transparency. members who wish to become more in- 10 Rhythm & Ruach – 7:30pm His is an ap- volved in leadership roles. Those who are Sabrina Landau proach that he hopes will be consistent new to the board of trustees or the corps EARLYDessert CHILDHOOD Reception DIR. & Tribute to all Volunteers with various efforts undertaken by the of- of officers will receive mentoring from oth- and Officer/Trustee ficers, trustees and assorted committees ers who are old hands. IrvingInstallations Koslowe – 8:30pm z”l and task forces (including the drafting Some congregants (this writer among 13 OfficeRABBI Closed EMERITUS and implementation of the current stra- them) will take comfort from the fact that Shavuot tegic plan) during Gail’s three years as Jeff is a New Englander. The oldest of Max Friedman z”l President. four children, he grew up in Providence, 14 FirstRITUAL Day DIR. of EMERITUS ECC Mini Camp 16 Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm “I am very fortunate to have worked Rhode Island, where he attended the city’s 18 Contemporary Service – closely with Gail,’’ said Jeff, who most re- sprawling and vibrant conservative syna- 10:15am cently has served as Executive Vice Pres- gogue, Temple Emanuel. After graduating 20 IsraeliGail Dance Marcus Class – 7:30pm ident of the center and Chair of the WJC from Classical High School (a well-regard- PRESIDENT 27 ECC Camp Begins Family Youth Education Council. “She’s ed public school that can probably best Israeli Dance Class – 7:30pm someone who is very interactive with peo- be described as Rhode Island’s version Jeffrey Lavine ple and able to express gratitude to people of Stuyvesant High School), Jeff went on EXECUTIVE VP Youth & Teen Programs for what they do. That goes a long way. It to graduate from Tufts University in 1986 5 RoshSeth Hodesh Schafler Group – 5pm is something I strive to do.” with a double major in economics and po- ADMINISTRATIVE VP And so, on Jeff’s watch, look for the litical science. He holds two advanced de- CONTENTS congregation’s outreach to new members grees -- a Master’s in Business Administra- From the ClergyLaurence .............................................................. Thaler 2 and potential members to become more ro- tion from Columbia and a law degree from President’s Column .........................................................FINANCIAL VP 3 Shabbat and Holiday Services ....................................... 3 bust – including, perhaps, through a coor- Boston University – and is the President B’Nei MitzvahsHarold ................................................................ Treiber 4 dinated effort to stage welcoming events, of Deerwood Real Estate Capital, a mort- PJ Library ......................................................................... 5 whether they be Shabbat dinners or other gage broker and advisory firm. Zayin Students HonoredVICE PRESIDENTBy United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism ................................................. 5 activities and to involve the clergy wher- (A funny coincidence: I grew up about Hands On Israel Experiences in the ECC .................... 6 ever possible. 15 minutes from Providence in southeast- Israel CommitteeMartin ............................................................. Marcus 6 Hendel Library NewsVICE ..................................................... PRESIDENT 7 Jeff also intends to build upon recent ern Massachusetts. While I didn’t know Meet Dr. Jama Purser ..................................................... 9 initiatives to reach out to members who Jeff, who is a year older than I am, I at- Teens’ CornerVictor .................................................................. Badner 9 WJC Welcomes Shalom Yisrael Guests from the are empty nesters – some of whom may tended the Classical High School prom in Eshkol Region ...........................................................VICE PRESIDENT 10 have only recently sent their last child off 1984 on a double date with Jeff’s brother Comfy Spaces Committee ............................................ 11 Sisterhood NewsSusan ........................................................... Miller 12 to college, and others who may have done Jonathan.) WJC World Jewry Committee ...................................... 13 so decades ago. Jeff met his wife, Jennifer, at a Hillel What Great CooksVICE and Friends! PRESIDENT .................................. 14 Summer Davening ........................................................ 14 “They have a lot they can contribute function at Tufts and they were married IsraeliN. Gabriel Dance .................................................................. Tolchinsky 15 to the congregation,’’ he said, speaking in just weeks after their graduation. Jennifer Yom Hashoa CommemorationTREASURER ..................................... 15 Funds ......................................................................... 16-17 particular of some of WJC’s most senior has been as familiar a presence at WJC as Yahrzeits.................................................................... 18-19 members. “They have often been ignored. Jeff, having at various times led the nom- Archives .........................................................................Marc Strongin 19 We are losing these people. They can add inating committee and the planning com- Synagogue FamilyASST. ......................................................... TREASURER 20 Condolences .................................................................. 20 a richness to the congregation.” Rhythm and Ruach ........................................................ 20 Meanwhile, for congregants who may continued on page 2 Contemporary ShabbatYale Service Zoland .................................. 20 FINANCIAL SEC’Y The deadline for content submission for September is August 6th @ [email protected] Cheryl Brause ASST. FINANCIAL SEC’Y Mark Berger RECORDING SEC’Y Abbe Kellner-Kutno ASST. RECORDING SEC’Y Sandra Rosenbaum CORRESPONDING SEC’Y Jeffrey Taffet ASST. CORRESPONDING SEC’Y Sarene Shanus CHAIR OF THE BOARD Beverly Cannold Dan Cannold z”l RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 2 The Review www.wjcenter.org From the Clergy And to the future…. The Review RABBI JEFFREY SEGELMAN Published Monthly by With thanks to God that words cannot th Westchester Jewish Center capture, I begin my 30 year of service Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (914) 698-2960 Ending and Beginning to our congregation. I have been doubly Except July and August blessed to begin the year with two new Editor: Pat Tinto Writing the June article for the Review partners: Jeff Lavine as president of the Rabbi ..........................................JEFFREY T. SEGELMAN is never easy. I always wonder whether I shul and Rabbi Adir Yolkut as my rabbinic Assistant Rabbi....................................LOREN MONOSOV Cantor ................................................ETHAN GOLDBERG should focus back on the program year partner. Over the course of the summer, Rabbi Emeritus .......................DR. IRVING KOSLOWE z’’l ending or to the summer months antic- we will be working with our exceptional Ritual Director Emeritus ..................MAX FRIEDMAN z’’l Executive Director .......................................SUSAN LURIE ipating the year ahead. This year, how- staff and lay leaders, both new and sea- Educ. Dir. & Cong. Program Coord ......... ALEZA R. KULP ever, it is a little easier; because I know I soned, to build on the spirit and the suc- Early Childhood Director ................... SABRINA LANDAU Communications & Marketing Director ...........PAT TINTO have to do both. cess of the past and present a new program Librarian ...............................................ARLENE RATZABI I am proud of our shul and of what we year filled with learning and growth and Teen Engagement Director ..........SHOSHI ROSENBAUM Building Superintendent ...............JOSE LUIS FONSECA have accomplished in the program year the joy of a warm and welcoming commu- now ending. The success is to be
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