Amcttwfir Etmifato Xmdft about Sva eaata a baskst evar tbs Eiwarff J. KoO has leased tbe wttb but four to be Elected Member beauttfai new rsMdenee a t ^ t Second Shower Constables Hit nominated by aacb party and only Prices Are Up price of Wadneaday. Tba 8M baskets About Town tbe aavsn btgbaat to ba alaetad. it aold brou(bt between 15 cents and Onittr ui4 Btston strMtJ to Mr. may later rsauit in one or two ot and Mia. Philip Lauter. of WIIU- For BridebElect them darhttng not to quality. 80 cents, tritb most of tha baskats Of Vets Council maatle. Mr. Lnuter la connected By Bond Rule At Market Here going for around 80 cants. t t e WMtau U tm oiM U tN ir «b erlth an Meetrlcal firm In WUU- Natlvs grapes appeared for tha saantle. K artk Ito la t t m t « m b* «loMd Miss Emma Oetslwleh of w P. O. Schedule first time, seUIng for 00 cents for Mra Baatrica Manning, who has IM uaij ofMliVi lobor D«y. Sturt* street was pleasantly surpriaad last Increase Price of Pres But Rain Keeps Down 13 quart baakats. Cauliflower was been active la tbe local, atata and na­ IM M ut WMk tbU llbimnr wtU n - Two pubHc health laboratories In night with another shower at the higher, bringing a high of 70 cents tional organisation of tha Daughters mbM Ita M l and wlntar scheduU Ifanehester are Included In the mium Follows Ruling For Labor Day Supply; Grapes Ap« a craty tha 00 cratea of lirst grade of the Union 'Veterans of tha OvU home of Mrs. Mae Ridgeway of VOL. LVni., NO. *85 (ClaeaiSed Advertteing a s Pag# IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2.1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTH oDuUBir 84tui0idr ' ftfsln State Health department's list of 7S. Fairfield street Miss Hanna Mo- O f the Superior Court- pear for First Time. cauliflower selling at pricaa rang­ War, was yasterday alectad a mam- fta m M M T a W a iM o’clock. Tlw those approved for examination of Can n assisted as hostesa ing from 80 cents to the bigdi of TO ber of the National CouneU a t tha Hery Cbuwy Utewy on Main ftraot body fluids, secretion or excretions. cants. Shell beans brought from 70 meeting of the organization bald In Mrs. Ridgeway uaed pink and On Monday, Baptembar 4. Labor Pricaa were a Uttia hlstaar, but wtS daoo at b o o b tomorrow and Hie laboratories are those at the white for her color acheme. A Tha declaloo raaehad by tha Board Day, the foUowtng sctaedula will be cents to 81 and lima beans sold at Pittsburgh, Pa. wta bo doaad all ktaodar. Labor Memorial hospital and at Cheney of Selectman not to accept a per­ rain kept down tbe supply at tbe the aame price. Tba 10 bushcle of Mrs. Manning has aerved as state brightly colored Japanese paraaol obaerved at tba Maacbestar post Manchester Auction Market yester­ Daj. Btartiaf »*«t waek tba new Brothers. Dr. Perry T. Hough Is with showere of cellophane etream- sonal bond for any town officer, fol­ office: No city delivery, rural de green beans sold to one buyer for president of the DUVCW which held adudula will ba adopted > and tMa listed as laboratory director at the lowed by the ruling of Judge Mun- day, R. M. Retd A Sone announced 70 cents each. Cucumbers brought a Its convention in Manchester this ere to reprceent rain was the cen­ Uvery, parcel post and tbe money a t tbe close. Mbranr wUl bo open Saturdaya from hospital and Dr. Robert P. Knapp at terpiece. The bride-to-be was seat­ ger of the Superior Court that order and regtetry windows will be low of 00 cents a tub with a high year. She la tba wife of Attorney t b.m. nntU t pjn. laetaad of cloa* Cheney Brothers. bond must ■be given for each year of Tomatoes sold at an advance of of 81J0. Frederick R. Manning. ed beneath thle end was kept busy service. Is ot Interest to tbe Man' eloaad all day. Tba stamp and gen- lac Satorday aoona. unwrspping her many beautiful aral delivery wlndowa wlU be open French Hear Germans Have Quit Operations Chester men who are candldatea for The recent cool nights have rip­ gifts. constable! at tbe primariea this from 7:80 a. m. until 10:80 a m. A. laica number ot llancbeater'a ened elderberries rapidly and near­ A number of new games were month. Tbe lobby of tba postoffice win be Republican womwi are at- ly every country road finds men or played end prlies awarded the win­ The Selectmen went on record as closed at 11:00 a. m. for the rest the rally outtnc at Lake women with baskets clipping the ner!. Ijotor a buffet lunch wae serv­ opposing the acceptance of further of tbs day ao patrons receiving thair Cbmpounee, Brlatol, today. Several clusters.^ These berries were form­ ed after which the party broke up bonda given by property owners. It mail through tbe post office lock Where Poliah-Gemian S ta rted want to tbe take tbla morn In* tak- erly popular with makers of wines, S t a late hour. had been the custom of moat of the boxes should govern tbemselves ac­ r in* box luacheona with them. A but they are used largely now to Mlsa GeUlwlch »dll be married constables td file with the eeleet- cordingly, Postmaster Qulsh statsa. number of otbera planned to go give tartness or keener flavor to to Edward Newman of Flower Malls will ba received at 0:00 m. Poles ‘Holding Fast’ in Positions men a real estate bond signed by later to hear the ipeakln* pro*ram various kinds of jellies. dlreel on Sept. 2 at .St. Jamea'a one of their relative! or friends. m„ 7:30 a. m. and a. m. There due to begin at two o'clock. church. Iimreaae In Premtam will be two dlapatcbCs of mail, the Edward J. Holl was not In his Tbe ruling by Judge Munger re­ first at 9:00 a. m. and tha final one rra n d a Donohue, of IS Pearl office at 1008 Main street today be­ sulted In a change In tha attitude of the day at 11:00 a. m. atraet, who haa been vlalUng hU ing confined to hla home In Bolton of the bonding companies and an In­ Few Miles in ; brother and frlenda In Ireland for with a severe cold. crease In the premium. On Ground While 26 tbe peat month la atlU In the Brlt- Date 2 Events The bond required by coiutablee lah lalee and hla relatlvaa here are Mr. and Mrs. C. Byron Hubbard la for 11.000. Up to a year ago such worried because of the ’general Eu of 179 Main street with their three a bond could be purchaaed for 810 ropean war acare. Hla family re children, drove to New York today ForYouiioCOP a year. When the ruling came from oetved a letter from him a few daya and will spend two days at the Judge Munger a new type of bond May Talk to Poweri ago but he did not mention the pos­ World's Fair. was required. Such a bond la now Is- Ask for Cities Are Bombed sibility of war nor did he say whan Testimonial to All P ri­ ■ued for 120. be would return. RInce there la an orffanlsed police mary Candidates. An­ force, with moat of the legal papers Many Women, Children Idas Elate B. Wright, daughter Changing Over nual Convention. being served by deputy sheriffs, I Die as Naals Aasai^ ot Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wright, of there Is little left for the contables France Moves Toward to do and a charge of |20 for a a Buy Kotex In tha Recruiting in Canada Hartford, la spending a few daya A Mancheeter Young Republican Train of Refugees; with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fer- Heating Plant bond will be more than some of VAl-U-BOX contain­ social will be held Friday, Septem­ them will get In fees. Poles Report Shooting gnaoB, of Brookfield stre e t While the contest goea on for the f /I ber 8 at the Rod and Gun club In ing 66 nopklqi—a Down 16 German Paper Money System Begins; Defense Near tb a Rainbow Oirts of Manchester Rapid Progress Being Coventry In honor of the GOP pri­ long-lotting supply Aaaembly gave Mias Oeraldlne mary candidates. All of the aspi­ Planes, Capture of 2 Made at Mutual Plant; MASONS’ SUPPLIES . . . of a saving. Tha com­ Smith ot Cedar street a member of rants for office will be guests on I Including Cement, Lhne, Plaster, Armored Trains; Vis­ For Financing of War (ha aanambty, a surprise farewell Big Tank Installed this occasion and will be called on ' pact box has a handy M ILtS To Wartime Strength party last night at her home, 31 Tile sad Sewer Tile f t tula Bridges Escape. for remarka. Those wishing to at­ Cedar street Tbf girls gave Misa top opening. ^ This map indicates the three-way German attack on Poland, In Rapid progrees la being made at tend may make necessary arrange­ Paris. Sept. 3.—(JP)—France start-The um a decree ordered the with 7\>ronte, Smith a week end bag In remem the Mutual Heating plant with the W amw, Sept 3—(P)—•’ President | ed putting her finances on a war ! drawal from circulation of five franc ■A Inch bombing planes and troops both figured, aa reported by Reuters (CansdlsB^or guarding power snd Industrial braaee of their aasoclatlona togeth­ G. E. WILLIS a SON. INC. Press)—Herching aolditra, uni' plants, raeruttiilg offices ware opw Inatallatton of the change from coal ments by calling Attorney Herman t Main Street TeL 81U Igaace Moacickl declared Poland | basis to^y. A decrM published ; coins in nickel and 10 and 30 franc (British) News Agency. The movement began at dawn, and later in er, Mlaa Smith Is leaving tomorrow Yiilei or the president of the club, in the ofllclal journal suspended the , pieces In silver. the day German bombers dropped projeetilea nn the center of Waraaw, formed men on guard at bridgos, sd. Ths dsfsnss purchssiag board to oil beating. Th# aettlng up of the under a ’’state, gf wari' today as public works snd utillUts, Um. ro- toe Deland, Florida, to make her two bollere has been completed and Harold Maher. requirement for the Bank of France ’’Sklaplaster” Fraacs Polish capital. asksd Mds for manufacture of 38,000 hone there. The Manchester organization Is official reports said Polish forces to .maintain a 35 per cent coverage The Bank of France was author- fusel of grocers to sell mote th u a pairs of ankle boots for tha Canadisn work la proceeding on the laying 17 S few pounds of sugar a t a .timd, military fotess. Ths German ex­ out of the combustion chambers. entitled to Ifl delegates to the an­ Kom were resisting German invasion oq_ Jn^^goid and foreign exchange of ized to issue live, 10 luid 20 franc Arthur L. OTfein. 68 P M street nual New England convention of three froote. The "state of war” banknote circulation. ' paper notea. (The franc is eur- brought to Canada tha reality of hibit S t tbs Canadian national ax- Where the former coal bln* were YAL-U-BOX war abroad today. eeatCB a t S t James's ehur^bSrbo la ■Ituated a pit haa been dug for an Young Republican clubs which will supersedes the "state of national The last etetement, as of Augiut | rently quoted in foreign exchange hlMilca was cloasd. be held at Hotel VVentworlh-by-the- 34, showed the bank held 62.64 per a t 3.480 cents.) The domlnton’s defenee forces, Pr^lsr MItehsU. Hapburn ot at present having his anniml vaca- oil tank with a capacity of Ib.OUO TURNPIKE 66 b. emergency” decreed yesterday. An thm, la apendlBg It In New York Sea, Portamouth, N. H., September cent coverage as compared with A later decree will act the data Embargo on Arms rallied to eervice yeeterday by pro­ Ontario' Offend his sarvieoo In any galkma. The work was done by the extraordinary sesalon of Parliament city, ms daughter Mlaa Mary Alexander Jarvla Co. The eteam 8, 9 and 10, It was announced to­ 60.35 per cent on August 17, bank­ a t which the coins will cease to have clamation of Prims Hinlstar Mao- capacity In A wimaga to the prime i J.«i aasembled to enact emergency war note circulation having jum p^ from legal value. kenais King, neared war-time atinlster. O’Nafll la also spending her vacation ■hovel was used for the excavating. day. BARBER SHOP measures, and the German charge there. The oil that will be uaed la tyi>e Five New England governors will 123,000,000,000 to 129.000,000 000 In A convention concluded Beptem- ■trangth. Parliament membem Ponding tho. sMotlng ot parila- be present at the event, at whlcJu 3 — Day Special! — 3 d’affaires wsw hmnded his passports the week. ber 39, 1988, between the Finance headed for Ottawa and tba special moot, tho goveramoot prsporod to Bunker C. and requirea pre-beating with a request that he leave Po­ The Bank of Algeria also was Ministry and the governor of the Looming as U. S. Mlaa Chua Wray, R.N„ of • Or- an address by Governor Raymond session next Thursday which will Bust oay oauigeaiiy that ntight before being uaed, for which purpose CHILDREN’S Nelly Dons land. authorized to izsue currency up to Bank of France also was approved decide ths extent of Canada’s co­ elwrd street has returned to the ■team pre-baatlng colla are ueed. Baldwin of Connecticut will be a Under instnictiana from bis gov- arim Ta tha avont of ^ Uwed highlight. All local members who Hubrites 0,0(>0,000,000 francs, raising tha by the decree. operation "at tba olds of Qrast lOngdom boeontiiv onViCffl <» staff of the New Britain Oeneral InatallatloB work on the oil heat­ HAIRCUTS arament, the Netherlanda minister maximum from a previous top limit hospital after apendlag a month's ers Is also being nudied and It le desire to attend as delegates should Hubrite Informal Frocko ar« styled assumed charge of German sdfalrs. Briteln.” In tha offort to rarist aggrtorica”— make arrangementa by getting In of 4,000,000,000. (Ceutlaned eu Page Bsveu.) Charts a Course Prorinctel caMnete mapped plans la tha prima atiaiator’a woeda. n raeathm a t Point O’ Woods. Her expected that It will ba possible to Young and .sprightly fashions—versa­ A general staff communique re­ touch with the president, Harold F. 2 — BARBERS — 2 with e.xclusive dressmaking details, in­ Mater, Miss Elsie Wray, who has complete tha work eo as to be able T. CATALANO, Prop tile and flattering styles for yjur size— cluding; ported heavy fighting through the spent the past two weeks at the to provide heat to the clients of the Maher, or A Homey Charles Right la the border area but there Thought FDR Will Wait same reso rt haa also returned borne. plant by the middle of the month. O'Dowd. 9 to 14! American classics with new E.xtrn Seams to Permit 'Adjustment were no details. Fighting also was N O H E R A L D brilliance by Nelly Don. ii Necessary. alae reported in Duslg. For Repeal Sentiment Am i m Bsrt N arfautaa. Hitler/^d Advisers MONDAY Parliament Delays H;ibrite Models Sizes 14 to 48. Blxena walled two air raid alarm s To Grow Before Call­ la at 7:00 a. m.. but Ger­ man planes failed to appear. There ing Congress; Will No Issue of The Herald Will waa a heavy mist. Are Framing Answer Its War Declaration Mm iCOftt Tha government announced it Talk to Country Sun­ Be Published On Monday, DAVID CHAMBERS $1.98 .0 $7.98 $1.98 ‘o $3.98 had anawared President Rooacvelt’s I day; Borah Opposed. Labor Day. appeal ftor-aatieiia to refrain from Germans Intimate ! fliflg»i. Fn Chamberlain Defers Hb Rolda Martin Contractor and Builder Cotton Shop. Cotton Shop bombing elvUlana Iqr iaauiqg army don and Paris A»ked “ U erraV O rS Washington; Sspt 3— Prisl- Allies Thought ALICE COFRAN erdara not to bomb open dlties or Expected Statement; SPU irrC A L MEDIUM axpoaa ctTlUans to direct or indi­ Whether Naids Ready dsat Itoosevslt pisdgsd to do ALL TYPES OF NEW CONSTRUCTION rect danger. It proclaimed, how­ everything In bis power to keep tho ! No Explanation Bat It Announces The Opening Seventh Oaaghter of a Seventh Son Genuine Leather American Plea See Farm Gain Making Bid for Bam With A Veil Shop Hale’s Hosiery Department for the ever. thK aermena were making To Negotiate Now. united 'States out of war, watched I May Be for Timing. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Readings Dsilly • A AL to 9 P. M. unprovoked attadm and Polish the tragic story of another 'Euro-1 Or By Appotntnsent. la the Service Newer Styles in Hosiery! civilian loeaea alraady made Ger- Berlin, Sept. 3—(P)—Adolf Hitler paan war unfold today as he many’a compHaaca with tha hu- Upon Bombing From Gxnflict London, Bopt 3— — (Passod Mussolini’s Aid O f Her of the People for 80 Tears. and hie advisers ore framing an worked on a radio speech detignsd 68 Holliolrr Sireel Tel. 6260 Ill Chnreh Stieet, Hartford, Conn. maniterian request doubtful. to rsassun the American people. through British Censorship)—Onot Phone «-8887 Handbags Genuine Crepe Twist, Two or Three- Waraaw awakened to air raid answer to the “final warnings" of Word that he would make such an Britain, fully armsd and raatfy, ds- airena at 0:40 but sm planes ap­ Points Out He Already Grain Growers Hold Title In smart top handle styles Great Briteln and France. ■ddram a t 9 o’clock (e. s. t ) Sun­ ddsd today oa at least a sUgbt da- No Hint Yet of ProbriUe DANCING STUDIO peared and no firing waa hoard. Tbe day night was announced late yas- with zippers on the liu*de or Thread, Extra Sheer, Ringlesa all 'd a a r Mgnal waa given In 20 German sources Intimated that Had Announced Stand To Huge Supplies with lay la telling Oormany and tbs wertd outside; also genuine sueds London and Paris had asked whether tertay after the cabinet had can- Coarse of Italy if Hit­ nrtmrtaa vamsd tbe whole "general war sit- It was going to war to dafond Po­ bage. Colors: Black, Brown, Maiahal A U rrm u Army Germany was ready to cease opera­ In Reichstag Address; Price Increase Likely. ler Asks for- Hdp; For The Fall pTerm Bittersweet, Green. tions In Poland even now and nego­ uatlon” and gone over tast-mlnute land. Whan ths House of Oommoao Marabal Edward Bmlkly-Ryds ad. tiate. Rule Applies to All. nsasurss intended to soften the Bist at 3:40 p. m. (3:40 a. m. a A t) Press Softtt to AQles. CHIFFON dreaaed a msaaage to Poland’s army, Chicago, Sspt. 3.—(SJ—Arnsriesn Prima Mbtistor Chainborlain da- All Types of Dancing Taught The communications from Britain shock ot the conflict on this coun­ fsrmsn, hsvliig nteinsd ownsrahip dcelaiteg: and France were delivered to the Berlin, Sept 8.— Adolf Hit­ try. fsrrod hla vital statomoat until ‘Tha Bma baa coma to fulfill our latar In the day and Ooaunoina was ItooM, German government by the British ler today rspllad fovorably to Prao- cf s larger propottion ef their grain Both Private and in Qass ea. duty as soldlera. You are fighting High offictels here expressed the told by Sir Jebn Simon, dUBOoDor of aritate aa^ $ HOSIERY and French ambosaadora here last Idcnt Roooevalt’s appeal to bolllgor- eropa than evar before, are la < for aglstanea anid for tba future ot night. opinion that Oraat Briteln and eeumt pealtioa to beneSt acooooti- tho oxehoqusr, that It would towarddohMvo atolea agalnot Oar- 1.95 Ftflond. ente In a pontiMe Curopsan w ar to Francs would dselsra war on Osr- agala at noon tomorrow. HOUSE’S Meanwhile the supreme high com­ caOy from any commodity price ad­ mnnp^wttf Mooetood today by her as- Register Now by Phoning Semi sand^ foot "For every step tha enemy takes mand informed The AsMOdated not bomb open towns and dtias. many today. They said that. If vance that might accompany a Tbsra was no official cxplaitatioa ea Pollab soil he must pay heavily the declarations were forthcoming lbn aba would take ao 6414 or in Person, Saturday, Sept. 2, 19.39 with reinfnr^d^-heels Prete that the advance of German Hitler pointed out be alraady had protracted European war, grain for tho doloy but it was praaunud ” to.toflltary Mot- and toes for extra In blood. troops into Poland was continuing announced his agrooment with this this government would begin Issu­ market experts said today. Large that ChonborlaiB still awaitedtod on K 2 to 5 p. m. at the Studio wear. New flattering ’’OemMaBt la tba rigbteousaeaa of despite Polish resistanca and dyna­ prlneipls through hlo Ralehsteg ad- ing over the week-end a aeriaa of quaatiUaa ef grain harveated dur­ answer from Osnasay to Ms■ T to t tker official quortam nor Fall ahadea. oOr causa sad God’s Justice, each ot miting of roads sad bridges. draae of yesterday and that ht al­ proclamations dasignsd to prmenrs ing tbs past tarse seasons new i warning” to haR tha Rskh qrnios troOad press gave any Rear 324 Center St. us must make a supreaw effort for The command said the objectives ways had hsM this view. united States neutralRy. In tbs produesrar hands, having aad get them out of whotber aatsy "of honor and Justice. It was saU evident he added, that Prasidsatial aides cautlqnsd *Wletory wUI be ours sad our al' not only had bsen reached but had boon bald off ths m arket hKSUM cf Member Dancing Eduenton of America been exesedsd. the enemy must obssrvo tbs asms against spseulatlon that the cBaf low prtess aad tbs Induosmsate of- (Tba National Omh aim tha aormoB-PsSffi fmatleii nils. anseutivs ntight uos Us sddrim farad by govsnuasat leaiis. paay oaaoimead a. m. OAt. would change Prantier MumnSnlY And Dancing Masters of America. The goveniBMBt decreed Text sf aspiy over ths thrss major hresdcsstlng attitude. ahto Ml telephcme. telegraph oad Tssehsn has bssn captursd, oSI' tystsnM Sunday nlikt to aanoiincs u cribs sad grsaartss un­ IbSt pBfllBIBillt a t that ^FreslTiB^Uted 'C pr. Ths tiijt ef HItlor’s reply, which der geveramsnt leans ora ax hour aad waulA: ivona a t 1 p. Under the ltaMaa.OamMa mm- HiaTl ears dedsrsd, and north cf that city vmhajPlyooterd^ ths caning of a special sisal on ef than 300,000,000 bushsls ef wto a A t) taiy amanea, Italy Is pledgsd to rotely tor N rltlto A m h kan i The first heavy Impact of the na- on Poland’s soutbwastera bordsr ths Gongrasi to consider NsutraUty eeoM to O srauay'e aid tt Mm ha- Novtte l im dermn, both th k j| dadafad war cam# ham Oermaa Klrtc, A ttartm n chargo d’affairas, Act revision. They said thora was snd corn wUch otharwiac ntight When thd Houm of Lorda mot at i«ad tha BHtlto qgmys Qsnaaa troops from Bilasla ara ad* foUews: - have been msrkstsd. The pries od- 3 p. W y tt a. m. OAt) Vlsoouat Hall- eomm tovalvod to war for any ran- MIXED NUTS warpfaUMa which bombed awre than vandng along ths Una Ptcss-Nlkolal. no taidleatlon such a eaU would go SCO. la ths,PBllrii tovaaloa. bew- thty wouMhofafeedto a acera cf citiaa.'' laeludlBg Waraaw, •Ths view sponsorad la ths miss- out than. vaaes aoorad la domaatic grain fox^forelgo eocreUry, laid be ' m tkeyreetetod Hod'ery Klobuik, aorthwsat of Csasto- asgs of PrssMmt Reasavslt tbnt marlMte in oas assrion yastradoy not: than la a poalttoa to amka avsr, Oononmy hM told Italy aka Ii® la advahca ef the three lavadlag chowa, has bsen captursd, cfficcn laws of humaasnoto im4w Soma other suthorltiss, rscaUtng 4 dm not M id hthie Df[)t. Oanaaa arariaa. said, as has WUrossow, sast at theths -PraMdsnt’s - prsm ,cooforsncs after the outbreak of beotillUm m to m o a t but that ha ntight be aUe SoUmea etom to Ike 3 9 c lb. aU clreumstenem to daaipt in ean- stetsmtot yesterday that today abroad laeraaasd the thaamM ^ to ‘A mtls later oa.” The House o t Soon Itolloas thought Oiraiony MtolMty otoo said they Ksaten, and BchUdbsrg. In ths nactioa with military aoUoiw from market vahis or. this hugs m m fr ntight net call immedUtaly for ! A govam aaot commi adadt- Pomorac (the Polish Oorridor), the throwtiig bomba on nea-miUtaiy ob- might bring impoftant devslqp- iuilaa aM. avsn If Britain and imaaOT^^m^psOTMa m ^M m ” thawMaw a t hiaflMIa^s^wava' No Peanuts. ted "moay ctvtlians wars aad msnte abroad, thoMbt he ntight mors than $13,000,000. ^ nn Pago raw.) sbtypad. at teoet Saturday Afternoon cool transport - pailway bstwssn Jocte oorraaponds dod dodty with my W ar Oamaa oa CMUeal Dots rraaes did oonw ta, on the hoato ByJgosscn and Gdynia was reached arniouaea such a-cau in ths'addnm that HItlsr Is tiytog to loraMm the aa P h g a ' west ef Kulm. Tcasw also Is In <3sr- an r a g s —but only If ha eonaldsred thsoa fighting in Burops hsmu on tbe HEADQUARTERS FOR G. E. APPLIANCES AND ANDES RANGES. » warranted IL very dsy that thnamsds of farmars strifo. m u hands. who have racalved leoaa oggrsgat- Oaam*t Pmr torsalsa And Monday litis information tho btifli com- Whites ill China Thsas quartora thought that Osf- FREE maud would tndlente that Gsraany gun otbera Mt be ntight include GREEN In the 15-mlnuto talk n reply of oa fUga Paa,) many, pratoctod on tho wsat by tho PARKING Bendix Speed Is ttyiag to gain' poasssslBn of Tho Maker of Rims nowMiM dofsama ot ths Sle^risd STAMPS GIVEN Corridor os quickly as possible, in some sort to Chanoenor Hitler who. Afternoon Will Bo replying Indireetly aad la tha third Are Disturbed Mas. n ig h t foal she oouM saalty fJashea WITH IN REAR OF addition to having,^vlng wads Donslg stave off a western tavaston aalU t 'o i M n m m CASH SALES Th4JW.HAL€ ^ T O R E part of tho R oi^ person ysstirdsy to ths Frssldaat’a T t m m x j B s Is s m A^AHOmTlR COHM« Dash Starts Pact Recalled two peace pisos of lost wqsk. said rite hod ritonsd up Pel sad aad PDMtbly OB sttSlBfalE Gcniwny hod Taft aoUtiag uhdens” asblngtca, 3.—(g>— The Navy Ships Quit Whaag- than would proffer peace to Briteln Kiddies' Days Joctlvon for w hSm U er mid ho In trying to aettls Ks disputs with poalUoaM the ths IVaasury Aug. ll m aad Fraaee. SPECIALS Premier Gro^oCountry would fight until they were achlsv- Poland u a “Mondly mannar.” as foOaws: poo; Germane Italian DIplomiHr quartern watched —AT— od. ho may ba wUUng to advim tho Stalin Replaces Merdka- Stspbsn T. B o^, White Houm Itoesinte, $13,401J38S3: sxpaadi- kseafy far aira bint of what Itety Brltiah and rranch ha la ready to yessds Flea for Safely wonkl a w U (Jormany cellad on her Airplane Race of Na­ qulL lolE^ Wlw Dickered for tuns, TlOJtdSdSJS: not haUBOs, ) $3,SSl.lS0.30ij0S. far aM. ftolewtag coafereaem with tion Begins T6day. BerUn-Mosoow DeaL Shanghai, Sspt 3.—(g) Shsag Fototoa Mktister Clano yesterday, Provide An Excellent Ihfornmd qoortors todleated tba bal’s forslgB pMuistion nsfvamiy lk|ta wae wtdeameod brilef that Bortaak. OBlf„ Sapt t - m —T ht tent of tha tha waetem pqw. wateksd tha rapid Sra dsvalopnisato tha nrttlsh and VYekcb awheom W mttx trophy raea, Amarlca's pra- srs, which to Buropa today amid unoertalaty dors were effOitog ooaeimimi ta K.of C. mair ereai eoim tiy aliplaaa apaad todsy, dspeudad ttyca tha ntintory Tremendous Increase Seen over tM rtpercuastoas that war retura for Italian neutrality oad, dor to Gannaay. Alsaalf Mamkaloff. Opportunity To Outfit Your p daMi started aaity to ^ vtth the sltuatlHL e f hla tMOm. It w m dkrelBaid to- ntight bring to tha Intoraatlonal possibly, gnater oam for Itahan taka-eff ot wmiam Haycock tat a PUito Amhossador Joatf lipMti day. A. City whsN troopa and etUama af entry nito the war akwgidaa Brit- Mt Bstlln this monrtng. * - - w as ap- In V. So Merchant Marine pmap ieUvaly balllgersat nsttoaa aUvaiy Mptaas, accioitihairtad by ywtited to Maraks- rubbed elbows. e Owiiia C. aobart, 31-ysar«M Da- whsOMT titia msaiit a ruptam ef loff, who I anieh cf tbs lu- MaaRWhUe, Hungary wae rsportad dtyloamtte ralstksis. cat antboriasd Oas loos Franeh uleop aad a tiny troit owacr af Um skip as eo-pllot. pertont nmntlitinaa tb s re­ WariHatton. Sspt. 3.——W an Until the PsnasM Canal Act cf ItaUaa gunboat wen the only for. ates to ha watetoag Italy cloeeiy aad C arnival Son Correctly at Moderate Prices n a y wars Sasgsd away at 13:40 csntly-algBsd -ao(i-«ni port abroad may amaa.a trsaMadoua in- 1313, no sUp built outside ef ths to aa awra tocltoed to follow Mna- elga war vim ile left to tha Whaag- ajB. (BAt) hMsrt a crowd cf aMce *ttoa n that If you wUL tt’s hard, eroom la the AaArtcan merchant United States ouuld bs laglstersd aoSal then HlUor. GlFTiS FOR ALL CHILDREN mar, to apoly eld tsnna to this rsUsvsd Ta nnaairtloB with poo rtver, normally ehokod wtto war- BffMri OB ”rac4 of s ia s r tkaa m m Jaawdiw udoa air ter- altnatleu. ilsay ocM^tsd tomw •p* nMrias, if svsnts fidlow the hattsra under ths Amwicac Sag. Im that orafL AH the large British, 'telian pUnt msBl to other work." of tho WotM War prior to tha entry law opmad the door to fosatga-hutit aad Ftoach fftipa sHpped oat e f tha Nowapopora were ftaakly pro- REDUCED RATES ON ALL RIDES Mnt to tokn of totsmsHcual law go by Oh hoord Sovlst aswsnapsm today lauded of ths VUtod States Into that eca- vimsfs Ism ibsa Sva yaara oM. rivor dnrtog tho last week. ■naea to their ooeeuato ot the Mn and two la thoos daya.” Ruasto's posltloa as eompomd to i l e t - Thias weeks after ths war began, Stops of tho Britieb .Otina Seas rituatlOB but ttoy rafraiasd tyom all ha ckaMo was Mm. Atlsaa Davto It was aadsratood that ffwadsn tkat cf wmtarB CurSpoea statsa From July. 1S14, to Juno SO. ItU , tba Svs-ysar UntitotlAa was rsmsv- Saef haavy and light entisets, de- oxaltotloas of the ot psMto,3 3 year oM CtovMaad ntetron toUc over Maad’a totaraoto to Osr- Tbs govstaramt aswapassi lo- mglstty of focalgn built m in ua- ad tbs Shlp R y »stey^Aet of ItlA oUnfotn, nn aircraft carrier and sub- blading Ronw and Bertto as ' os Osrmaay arrautod to Skaedaffa af-OIDaoss. - gauy until raeaaUiy. ^«ht qtoy VHMa hqnty, maitoiai twem,.xowftod ,at earkme ilkpniffris . BhBMVMB n o SAi;,E. OF HOME cWc^Ks aaB WW MQOm* Tha tramsadoua lar.aiai In ton- petoto ok^ ths coast “letweer pnaiad by D avis MyMn, 33, o f Tulsa, the a m t year T0,S0S teas wars added naga ths drat year braoffht an aa Hongkong and North ChtoA Tho aeasidsted ttteem iS iF i^ to Waraaw m eat w as ean ylag out Tfea^piltaM- sad aaothar d7,dOS mu L- ISII acuta ahoftoga ef cfflesta, hacaaaf afftaant oad taough; It mmnt at ...... COOKINO Okla. «M Mtod ksr toisrirt^ pla o f Lenin In tha peaesfni ------loeoflea of the otbor deported vas- INC iltip aff tha ground at ttilTH to soy brought tb s new ro tM ftf hqfota tbs c f rsqubanuato that Wnltod Mataa oatowaanakaowa. that Mumoltal w At ^om en's Booth Friday Night (p iX ) th q r hapad to raach Ctovo- I t e t iMd ImbmbbA vbL isteaos of two (pUltieol) ayi UUtod Ststss’ itoifamtiwi of war to rtipa be oomnuadsd by AsssrloaaaL Japanem Mitoptog achedulea \ toidgas babtod him. td0,0d0towL A pf'odsttBtlse WM iBeoBd to pie* eeattootog without toterruption Tbe press bald Britato aad and wtthont s t^ Tbe Cskes, Pies, Bread, Etc. THE STORE OrQUAllTY' ■tiff fMwIig to Tba Oanummlit party atit holders of forrign Mewism to no meat had hoaa mads to avaenatosvae rsspoaslhls for ths outhrsak of kbo- OOBitBQid to fUBCtlOOe ‘ - ■■ ”WsaUni to mglsta r tha help oMrots Suertean shipa. It ba- lorga Japuwos at Hong. tUtiaa but tho eommaat lacked the ^ **■ Mint Odu- ■dsndh aad CMi- » atona but eama UMauaa tiM ”m d liiir ttafest M g and Magapors, aatreaw HttetBam of ethto attaeke all VSoTWeBHTBB^S?^^ laadM stfU l to SRjoy the rigbtr o f s zula baeaum of a PmtTtfssliid naaa oa tkooe oountrim to raomt yearn. BlNGO-^RADf OR SHINE asutraL It WaD-toforiaad foreign Muaeoltora abwipaper, D fact aa thto mtaka, estd Btlsi's prepmsti to with artorfritoto’aam rMhto avoid bloedriied wltk tha Wgh ssos IR tbs saity yean of • ¥ - - , -


draw Oarman lyoepK'* and ~0*K- *ral IfobUlaatlan Dacraod*' provided CONNECTICUT’S NEW STATE BUILDING Textile Trade N O H E R A L D About Town Allies Thought Building Here real warning that the time had MONDAY eom* to leave. Weddings Eyes Europe Rellroed atatlona leading to the Mrs. Jean Dnvin o t School atrset Making Bid for Churches Continues Up south and waat awarmed with left yasterdny for Miami, Fla., No luae of The Herald Will women and children. In the Auster- where she has gone for her health. Calsa Berri*** i UntaB Unsettlefl Business Con­ Be Published On Monday, Ilta station many girls were await­ Mussolinfs Aid Can See Oowgregattonal and North Metbodtot aiM Many New Dwellinga; ing south-bound trains. Qay Pare* ' Venpa-Rsldwin Kr«l-Viiic« Mr*. Lucille Dixon of 142 School Second Congregatianal Chnrrhea ditions Hamper Mak­ Ijibor Day. wa* on the way to becoming^’ city street and Miss Dorothy GustafSoa South Methodist at tbe Visa Bemie* Roee Baldwin, $aas Mary Luey Vince, daughter Ferris B. Reynolds, Preacher The Fine Art ot Propaganda Emmanuel. Tba body that half oov- of elderly bachelor*. are spending a week in New York. Soutb Church Park Department Bud­ daughterifl of Mr. and Mn. Peter of Mr. and Mr*. Angelo Vine# of 147 (IkHittBiied from Pag* One.) Rev. Earl E. Story, D.D. In charge ing Contracts. Institute of Propeganda Anelyale and Emmanuel was quivering... On darkened boulevards and In Baldwin of 162 School street was Birch street was married this Morning Worship at 10:43. Ser­ New York; HarcourL-Brace, $1.80, Th* officer pointed his nvolvar oOd get Is Increased. partly lighted cafes more and more The Republican Town Ooromitteo ‘fair, loyal and honorable, even for The authors ot/ Xhie exporitlon high men from varlou* partle*. married at • o'clock tbia morning morning at 8 o'clock la S t 10:43 a.m.—Worship aad sermon. mon by Dr. Reynolds on the sub­ New York, Sept, 3.—(J3—Textile fired. The body shuddered and wa* men In kahkl appeared during the James's* church to Clarence John will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. la the Poland." have deeply lny*4tlgkted the tech­ Deputim Khaki Clad. In St. Jamea church to Vincent Dr. Story wW preach. Subject: ject: "Men and Boards”. Special trade remained at low ebb this still.. .Bmmanud dand aot bnntb* OeotlaulDa the fln«ad»l report* night. Veepa, eon of Mr. and Mr*. Domi­ Krol, aon of Mr. and Mr*. Frank municipal building to cmslder cam­ Print Britiab Hide muale by the choir. nique of propaganda dlasemlnaUon. which are many at thl* time of the The deputlei, *ome khaki clad, "Bleeaed Are The Merciful.” week because both biiyera and aell- gathered for the momentou* cham­ Moat of them were In no hurry as nie Vespa of 73 Bliss street, Bum- Krol of 871 Adams street, Buekland, paign plana and to take any neces­ Morning newspapera published Notes TumlnB th*,'microscope on Father year, togetber with propoeed bud- sary action to nominate for caadi- Musical program; cra wanted to know what wa* go­ CouBhlin., the Institute makes tha ber and'Senate meeting* as the en­ thoy had plenty' of time for a last aid*. The ceremony we* per­ The cercffloiw was performed by part of Prime Minister Chamber- Next Sunday regular eervlcea will ing to happen In Europe before W* saw our friend from W^iptog^ M|a and routine return* from the i^cies vacated by any primary nomi- lain’* apeech in which he told the Organ, "Sonata In F sharp minor” following evaluation of hto tire Trench empire wa* put on a night out before reporting to eon- formed by Rev. William Dunn, pas­ Rev, WIHiam Duna, pastor of S t ...... Rheinberger |be resumed In each of the churches. meking extensive contract*. In town y**t«ntoy. It wa* his (lis t' eaHona town departmenfa the rentratlon canters. But thara were tor of S t James's. Jams*. . aeae who may withdraw. Tuesday's Houae of Common* the final Hitler The Lord’s Supper wlU be observ­ methoils. mentbly'report of the BuUdlna I" ' war footing. meeting will be the first for the Solo, "Juat For Today” ---- McEvoy 1 Cotton print cloth* were ilightly "Just as Hitler obtained socialist visit to Mnnehestor 1rinc* tho tote ' Hitler wiu attacked by the pre*». no elgns of roistering. Ths matron of honor was Mr*. Th* bride's maid of honor was proposals had never been submitted ed at the Congregational church. easier In price on one standard con­ frost, and h* 1 rigged hlmarif' ■pector and the propoeed budget of French leader*, *eelng a I«»t hope Here sra some snatehM of eon- Robert Benson of 124 H Birch Mias Katherine Glorgettl of 142 GOP group thie season. to Poland and Britain In time for Solo, "Come Ye Bleeaed"...... Scott 1 All members are urged to attend backing In Germany through using the Park Department are noted. Organ, ’’Altogro"...... Volckmar struction and rayon cloths with socialistic terminology and calling out writ for tb* oocarion. B**ld*$ of avoiding w»r gone, declared "our j venation street, a sister of the bride and the Birch street and the bast man was their consideration. This wa* the this Autumn Communion Service. acetata content sold fractionally this, h* waa *ob«r. Usually h* mah*s An unuaually excelient biiUdlna best man wa* Nick Vespa, brother A miscpilaneous shower was giv­ first Indication to Italians that there A cordial welcome to all. his party National Socialist, ao conaclence 1* clear." Elderly man leaning over cafe Albert Vince, brother of the bjide. Church School sessions will begin higher. town only to nquln a««*tanci* out" month in Mancheafer I* ehown by The Initial lineup of power* will table to companion*: "They are rob- of the bridegroom. Bridesmaids en last night for Miss Constance had been two sides to the highly Notes Sept. 17. . Father Coughlin Is attempting to the building figure* for Aufuit ^ ^ The bride wa* attired in a wed­ Friday, September 8th—Annual Inquiry for sheeting* from bag align lovers of democracy with hto again. This Urn* he was possspsd'' And Spain and Hungary neutral hers who must bo stopped.' were Mrs. Ralph Richmond, slatsr Karpuaka of 92 Woodland street by controversial question of the pro­ There will be a special meeting of of all his faculttos, and tha ebangsa? ding gown of white aatla. Queen her slater. Assisting waa Mlaa Elean­ meeting of the W.F.M.8. at the manufacturers continued at a fair­ objectives through advocating a which toUl o^y Turkey and Rii mania benevo- Toung man atridlng down a bou- of the bride of Torrlngton, Conn., Anne atyle with pearl trim and posals. Up to now, only th* German the Women’s League called after In th« town rinc* tote ba oonid N- : hind the July *um which, at $103,2lB j neutral*. But leader* feared and Mlaa Maria Hoooan of 170 Eld- or Hubner. Gueets were preaeat (aiurch at 7:80 o'clock. ly steady pace and sonie sales were "democratic Corporate State, free levard'to hla girl friend: "The Oer- tulje veil with a crown of white aide bad been published here. tbe service Sunday morning. made for Immediate dellver>’ goods. member seeing It an stortling, de*4 eat a ten-year high for thl* town. ^ i intended *ome kind of aid ridge street, a friend of the bride. from this town, Hartford and Rock­ Italy remained calm. NeMrsboys Groups and organization! desir­ from the domination of capitalism man Army? Bah!" aatin, studded with pearla and or­ A few sales of 64x60 5.35-yard and partylsm, free from bigotry and cording to hi* own dsporitloa. it far thl* yew local conatructlon 1*, o,rm*ny bccau*e of the Soviet- Usher* at the wedding were Fred' ville, and the bride to be received were prohibited from yelling head­ ing to use the Church during the For Instance, then was tba nas*,) over the $600,000 mark «nd I* $1.30,- Boy boarding train to family, erlck Baldwin, brother of the bride ange bloasoma. She carried a bridal many excellent gifts. She will be Concordia Lutheran Church prints were made at 4 3-8 centa a racial hatreds” German non-aggrea.ilon pact. There gaily: *Tm off for a vacation In the lines to aa not to alarm the people coming week should call the Church Rev. Karl Richter, pastor Information booth a t th * Oantar,,') 000 ahead of the same period of I*et waa alw» speculation on whether and George Zllke of 03 Bliss street, bouquet of gardenlaa and lilies of the married In October to John Jamroga unduly. office and make arrangementa tor yard, off 1-8. "He Insists hla proposals are 'not mountalna." vslley; The bridesmaid's gown was Lt. B. L. Bataoa Checks Rayon Shipments Imported from communistic Rus­ We w ill not. however, dwell on thhk ; Italy would remain neutral. friend of the bridegroom of Woodbridge streat Second Lieut. Burnham L. Bat­ their meeting. for our friend was mlstakan la bto ’ In August permits were leaned for Through a hot September night The bride wore a wedding gown teal velvaray taffeta with sweet­ English service, 9 a. m. Continuation of the strike at the sia. from aorlallatlc Germany, or son, sen of Mrs. Inea Bataon ot S'aaslona of the Cffturch Sebool will The service will be conducted by Celanese (Torp. of America plant estimation, and beside*, on*: i , 16 more dwelling* with a value of Parla waa evacuated by an ever­ of white lace. Princess style with heart neck and hat to match. She Manchester Camp of Royal Neigh­ See Farm Gain be resumed Sunday, September 10 from fanclstlc Italy,’ and are ’not Britain Delays carried a bouquet Of Better Time* Burnham street, Buekland. a 1939 Alfred C. Lange, superintendent of checked rayon yam shipment* end ti> he Identified with the so-cgllsd rsally to badly na^ed. i, ,.• $•6,000. Although moat of theae growing stream of humanity. a long veil of French mlat She bors will meet Wednesday night at graduate of the United State.* Mili­ However, coming down M o|n • ' new houae* will remain In the popu­ Tbouaanda of school chlldran had wore a tiara of pearla with the . tha home of Mra James Munsle, 18 the Sunday School. Oscar O. An­ contributed to the tight situation In totnlllnrlan state In which all citi­ tary Academy, West Point, N. Y.. Christian Science Sciwlcea. derson. president of the church the acetate divlalon. zens exist for the state.’ street, our Wapplng big frtond aater lar $4,300 claa*. one permit wa* been sent away.'Laaf night their War Declaration veil. She carried a brSlal bouquet TTie bride's traveling costume waa Chestnut street at 7:30. Past Grand haa been assigned to the Alabama From Conflict signs. 'H* I* very much Intocsstod to issued for a boue* at $12,500. and parrnta left to Join them In eoiinlry of gardenlaa and Illiea of tha ' val­ a two-piece knit suit with acces­ Marshal Mra. Winifred Fiimeaa board and Albert J. Rotb. Silk dealings were relatively ' However, he cries down 'big­ Institute of Aeronautics for pre­ Christian Science Churches lo- There will be no German service. otry' and then advocates a alngle the sdvertlring art, sad thanforte oaa for |8.•M. The number of haven*. ley. The matron of honor'i gown sories to match. arlll be the gusat o f honor at the small In the fabric market with tak** In th* assortod alogaa*. diraet liminary training tiv aeronautics. (CMBMnaad from Pag* Omu) The Week national religion, recognized by hemes authoritsd during August The United State* emba**y, travel (roBtlnoed Prom Page One) was peach lace, Princeas atyle, with A reception will be held at the meeting. CAted: buyers interested only in bare ne- alama and appeal* that gtars fr o m . Lieut. Batson waa .one of eight Masonic Temple, BockvUle, serv- Tuesday; 7:30 p. m. Ladles Aid ceasltlee. Woolen goods merkets the state: he lectures against ‘racial marks this es the year's beat month bureau* and shipping office* were tiara and faca veil. Norman street Italian club at 3 recent West Point graduates desig­ •vary window, much m on so, par* The brldesmald'a gowna were both Ing 8146.000.000 on more than 287!*f » 10:43 a. m. ^ Society meeting. were generally quiet. hatreds' and then devotes houra of In (Celling total*, although the flooded with qiierie* from Ameri­ ' lytrda adjourned until 8 p. m. t il p.m. for about 70 guests. Mlse Dorothy Popoff of Lydall nated for primary training, the War OSNECTICUT’S new atate building on the Avenne of States at the Eastern Stales Eximalllun hap*, than th* average. value is not greatly oa'er previous Nile green net, Prlnceea atyle with The bride and bridegroom are afreet, returned home after spending 000,000 bushels of com were ex­ 130 Lafayette SL, Hartford, serv­ Friday: 8:00 p. m. Young People’s radio time to the cultivation of can* on the quickest way* to leave. a. m. e.s.t.l. Department announced today. In Springfleld, Moss., will be dediraleil as s feature o f the SSrd annual fall show from ^ p t. 17 antl-Jewlah prejudices; he calls for H* wa* suddenly haltad by a good month*. tiara and face veils. The matron botb employed at tha Independent a week with her aunt and uncle Dr. pected to decide whether they ice 11:00 a. m. Society monthly meeting. C Actually moblllratlon...... has... been- Before Parliament was railed to After three months at the Ala­ 537 Farmington Ave., Hartford, The church board will meet Wed­ to 3S Inclusive, on Tue*da>. Sept. 19, at It o’clock. The structure, erected by IrglaUtlve art, plna ‘class co-operation instead of class menu card tn th* window of a toeal Well over the total number of new of honor carried a bouquet of Tal­ Cloak Company. and Mrs. M. Frucht of New York should pay off their loans and re­ restaurant wUeb anneunoad th* under way for acveral daya, but the it a aecond rmergancy lesslon In two bama achoni Batson will report at deem the com, obtain loan exten­ service 11:00 a. m. nesday. Sept. 13 Instead of this private anbacriptinn*, at a cost of $78,000, is ot BnlUInch ofchitectaro aad a modlflcation ot tha hatred' and then demands direct homes for the aam* period of lait official order which accompanied day*, the majority of Britona ex- isman roses and the brldesmald'a The gift to tha maid of honor City. While she was there she visit­ Randolph Field, Texas basic flying joint was offerlM "htet triad chtob- boiiqiieta were Token rosea. sions for another year or default "Mqn" will be the subject of tbe week Wednesday. old atate bouie in Hartford, i Slate Plans Federal dictatorship of employer- year, stnee January this year some yesterday'a proclamation of a atate j pected a declaration of war would from the bride was a gold erosa ed the World's Fair and other places training and at Kelly Field. Texas employe relations and Ckmgrearioa- •a". Th* toendimllty oftthto I l i t betne* have been built In town. A reception will be held for tha of Interest. and turn the grain over to the gov­ Lesson-Sermon. up rialm waa tatrigiiliig. Our frtond of alege becama effective only today. ^ remilt., and chain and the bridegroom's gift for advanced training. In the ernment. Tbe Golden Text la from Genesis al representation along trad*- nUs Is oonsidsred close to a record couple at 2 n'rlock In Bumalde group to receive training from Con­ ZION LUTHERAN •nter*d Uw ptoc*. "Half ftlifl "Zero Hour-for Mobilirtng However, It waa atated on good which ^wlll be attended by 1.30 to the best man was s leather purse. The fact that com prices have 1:27: "God created man in hla own Plane Docks unlon lines, with an un-demoeratte for any of tha suburban town*. . . . , authority that the British and After an unannounced wedding No freights will be run Into Man­ necticut with Batson are two other High and Cooper Streets chicken” ind«*dl At one minute paat midnight came | de.lrlng to guesta. been below loan rate* for some Image, in the image of God created Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz, Pastor Willington weighting of power on the aide of Turning to ths question of bud­ art together, trip the couple will live at the home chester on Labor Day. The freight West Pointer* and flve civilians. trade asaoclationa and other prop­ "Why," h* Inquind at ths p fo- gets. ths Pwk Depwtment will hand the "r.ero hour of general nmhii.,mobll- Tha chl'irch waa decorated with station Mill be closed all day. month* convinced grain experts that he him.” Donald C, Fisk Named prtotor, "doat you oook tham all might delay such a declaration un­ palma and tha couple atood on a of the bride's parents, 147 Birch farmer* either would extend the Readings from the Bible Include Mto* Jennie H. Church Contemplates Coopera­ erty interests." to tlM Selectmen for approval a re- IlStlOD. til after tha meeting of the French Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. th* way throughT" white carpet for the nuptlala. street. loan* or default to the government. the following: "Cease ye from man, Annual Mission Festival. Service In V. quest fog $13,200 this year. The sum .nd f'hamber RChediilrd alao for today, Barber shops will be closed all day whose breath la In his nostrils: for tive Program for Min­ "Sutter" Th* only answer was a vary fra* U an Increase of $2,200 over the khaki. J\ r * to * " wall up In the atreeU and 1| ____ . .^1. Tha couple will laave on a wed­ Monday. A tuddoa spurt in the price, such German at 9:30 a. m. Sermon by the The Valley Bridge Club met at poUto enter, eortatniy no way for a King George VI called a apeclal ding trip after the reception this Ellison-Thomptwn aa ocenrred yesterday, changed the wherein Is he to be accounted o ff As Special Attorney By James Peter IMUnger 111,000 granted last year. flow out toward troubled Irontleri. aesslon of the. Privy (;ouncll, pre­ Obituary It Is the spirit that quickeneth; the local pastor. Service in English at the home of Mn. George Reynold* imum Facilities. grub-chuek*r to reply. .*J A t that time ths Board asked for Houra later the mobilisation wa* afternoon. The brida'a traveling Miss Ruth Thompson, daughter of Pasaenger* on the across toM’n picture, traders said. A general war 3 p. m. Rev. J. J. Bahuth of Jeru­ in Eaglevllle Tueaday afternoon. New York: Oxford UnlveMIty Hto fsritog* hurt, for ba bad aa^ sumably to set up a war cabinet, ' coatiime waS a black dreea with of long duration, pushing com price* fle^ proflteth nothing" (laa. 2:23; Praia, 83.80. $13,200, but this sum was shaved proceeding methodically with much and hi* mlnlitera were In almoat Mr. tnd Mrs. Thomas Thompson of bus leaving the north terminal at salem will preach. Everyone wel­ Prize* were won by &ti*. Katharini, meant to b* balpfuL our WaaMiff whita acceasoriee. Upon their re- 8:43 this morning were delayed for above loan levels, would dissipate John 6:38). Judge Ells of Tolland Hartford, Conn., Sept. i . —Vfi— Thto to a biography of th* man down. Actually spent last year was of the aam* machinery and many contlnuoui conference. Hemlock street, and Robert Ellison, Selections from the Christian come! N O H E R A L D Bowers and Mrs. Lottie Thompsol ’ friend nmbl*d on down tb* d n m $11,060. of the same men used to execute the I turn from tha wedding trip they a time as the gasoline supply ran the farmers' and government's prob­ Ladlea’ Society on Wednesday at The atate contemplated today a who made the gold strike that svsnlds. Soooad ‘nme In U Veara aon of Mr. and Mr*. James EUlaon D e a th s Science textbook, ’’Science and Superior Court Ap­ both of Manaflcid Depot. The play 'co-pperattve program of construct­ Jn tbs new budget the greeter laat such call to the color* on Aug. I will reside at the home of the of Broad Brook, were married last i when the bua leach^ IrioM-er lem of carrying a large supply of old 7:30 p. m. Couflrmand Instruction "made" California. Johann August BhorUy b* oama omoalto a lat|R Britain had given Germany her ' hrlde'a parenta, 162 School street, Health with Key to The Scriptures" MONDAY I'/oa the laat of the series with Mrs. ing "minimum aaaplane faculties part .tO.TSO Is asked for aalwlej 2, 1614 night at.. -7:30 ... o'clock------at the ^home 'street coming south. This I* un- Mr*. Be**ls Maaaey com In addition to a big 1939 crop, begins on Wednesday afternoon at points Him to Replace Katherine Bowen high and Mrs, Sutter, a Swiss, arrived her* juat wall fill ad window wUoh waafroad- __ _ ,h. 'Bnal warning" to call off her troop* this town. they predicted. Mary Baker Eddy, Include tbe within Connecticut.” wlUla $$.300 Is desired for malntain- of the bride. Rev. E. Lush of the usual the bus la supplied with gas Mr*. Bessie (Perrett) Maaaey. following; "In Science wre are chil­ 4:15 o’clock. Arthur Devereaux of West Willing, 100 year* ago, on adv*ntur«r, gen­ tog a display, of aalto, aefowR Jto9- Poland tnd Germany had not The bridegroom I* employed In each morning at 9:13, 42 gallons Wheat Ritnatlon Hinallar Charles L. Morris, state aeronau­ sao* of equipment, and $1,183 for 1914 and 1939 mobUl«tlon pMtera „ Church of the Nazarens officiated wife of Robert Maaaey, of 74 Wells dren of God: but whatever Is of Attorney Who Is 111. No Issue of The Herald Will ton low. Officers were elected, Mra, tleman, dreamer. He located In tha mlM, ptoM ban aad other -aata eontraetual services. Included la slapped up on the walla of the na-' the Royal Typewriter Company and being placed In the tank yesterday A similar situation exists In tics commlaaloner, who announced then new far weat, and hto luck was eraektog aqulpmont. Haro, aefllal. In 23 years, Brltsln turned to war to the bride haa been employed In the and the ceremony was attended by street, died last night at the St. material aense, or mortal, belongs S t Mary's Eptacopol _ Be Published On Monday, George Coagrove president and Mr*. the proposed plan yesterday, oald the sum of $700 with which It Is de- liontlon waa inthat ^ inathe "army army ,,of the air" ^ Germany, morning. wheat. Aa of August 23. grain tbe basis of Ui* birth of haU our among th* paraphanalto was tha Ellis Cloak company. members of the immediate families. Francis hospital la Hartford after a not to His children, for maternity la Rev. Jamee Stuart Neill, Rector Rockvllle, Sept. 2—(Special)—At­ Emma Crandall secretary and It was for ths purpose of meeting simd to purebss* a combination is now called along with the Navy, Aumi.t 3, lo i* .hi farmers had pledged 37.300,000 bush­ the Inverted Image of spirituality. Labor Day. nation in itaU*. gori^danwdost torndt to tba «rfP>i On August 3, 1914, aha met the The home waa beautifully deco­ The New Haven road announces a short Illness. Bom In Manchester, els of 1939 wheat aa security on torney Donald C. Flak of Rockville treasurer. Ice cream, cake, punch "baric requirements of aeaplane M M asower and aaow plow. The and the land Army. rated with palma and . she was 25 years of age. She wa* Tha great mistake of mortals la to Sundsy, September 8rd—Thir­ and coffee srera served. Her* to tb* aeeouat, from th* aga maa’a tatalUganea plow It la said will be very useful special train to start at Waterbury loans believed to average around 61 traval." The time "00 hour*," written Smith-Beer The bride wore a gown of Dubonet formerly employed at MCLellan'a. euppoee that man, God’s Image and teenth Sunday after Trinity: was named apeclal atata’a attorney Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen of book, of th* momentou* gold strik*. had boon pasaad o ff on a me tha ths elaaring of tha pond at and run through to Narraganaett centa a bushel on the farm. Even Under th* torm*, th* state would from Waiffteg. or 1$ fbte with blue Miss Evelyn Harsh Baer, daugh- chiffon velvet and a bridal wreath She leave* her parents, Hr. and likewise, to both matter and Spirit, 10:45 a.m.—Holy communion and by Judge Arthur F. Ella on Friday' Tolland JaU and aasesaed the eo*U Hartford have been guests of Mr*. "Suddenly, on Jan. 38, 1848, dun- Oantar Springs park In the winter at every Park on Saturday of next week. more wheat is believed to have been both gmd and evil.’* (p. 373:8; fumlah ■uppites aad materials for la g ona o f th *** cloudbursts, M ar­ when. . .1,- " P August 4, 1914. she ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Beer ct of orange blossoms and carried a Stops are icheduled at Hartford Mra. Leonard Perrett: flve sisters, Sermon. Sermon topic; “Ahnbam to replace State’s Attorney Michael | of the case, $11.18 by Judge Thomas Henry Labonte. ttma. throughout the country, meant that shipped to elevators and terminal fabrication of ona unit for each of shall arrived at th* fort and wildly A* If aimounotoff a dtoeoew Ml entered the World M-ar, 123 Wells street will be married this bouquet of gardenias and lilies of and Wlllimanttc, hut no stop is Mrs. Clair Crozler. Mr*. Lucy Saun­ $16:18). And Lot." —D. O'OonneU ot •' Staffordc . o Spring* . L*rkln In the City Court on Friday. Mrs. Anthony Wondrasek I* en­ 13 localities with the National the call was effective ^wlth the tint markets with farmers cleglble to damonded th* whsrsabouto of But­ impertaat oa tb* priadiits of t|a Now the nation awaited Parlia­ afternoon at 8 o’clock In South ths valley. Her slater, Mlaa Mae echeduled at Manchester. If there ders, Miss .Margie Perrett', Miss lone of the Men’* Bible CIi who to 111. Sixteen criminal cases He was charged with intoxication tertaining her sister of the Bronx, Youth Administration supplying la­ minute of the day. obtain loans retalninif ownership ter. Alw ays a mjtotorioua man, tha eoebaonw. a bug* ' - ^ ment's momentous session and Methodist Church to Stephen How­ Thompson, waa maid of honor and are tiskets purchased in aufflclent Doris Perrett and Mlaa Leona Per­ ■lUoBttvtllB Ooogregatiaaal. Church School will be resumed scheduled to come before tbe Tol­ and breach of the peace, following N, Y. bor and tool*. Automatically and without fur­ pending application. ,Thls I* an un­ effect o f a rscklss* obao* o t 80 mltaa "Oaat ben fflalte'. Rest in Positions rushed Its military preparedness. ard^ Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- wa* gowned In royal blue chiffon number* at the loeal station the spe­ rett; and a brother, Harold Perrett, usual situation In grain marketing Rev. Oeorgn W. Stephenaen, Pastoir next Sunday, September 10th. land County Superior court on Fri­ a disturbance at hla boma. Mr. and Mr*. Edwin Lyon ef Tb* towns or dU** eono*m*d ther notice all able-bodied men were Throughout the night, soldiers c. Smith of 9 Bamiim Place. Evening Servlcea will be omitted day Orers continued to Tueaday on boriMbaok through n riaffitog _l placed under the ordcri contained In velvet with a spray of orange bloa- cial will stop here. all of this town. procedure. St. John's Church Plainville are gueata of her motbar, would hav* no obUgatlon ragardlng Hardly abto to and clvlllnns, sailors and aviators Taunton, Mas*. The ceremony will soms in her hair. She carried a The funeral will be held from her Barvioas at Sunday. Sept 8: until Sunday, September 17th. morning. Servicas will ba held as uaual at Mra. Marietta Cushman at Willing, original construction. rainstorm, hto ploturssqu* buck­ In Poland; May the military handbook which every men and women worked to put 10:45—Uomlag Worship. The Four caae* on the abort calendar skin drea*. hto wld*-brlmm*d hat whll* h* op a^ A OM Frenchman who baa done military be performed by Rev. Earl E. .Story bouquet of yellow tea roses and •• • r ’ l • home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. St. John's Episcopal church starting ton Hollow over the week-end and Tb* material* Includ* a float 83 which pultod fawtoad o f . Britain's complicated military ma­ pastor of the church and a single Rev. Raymond Fiedler of Preston, SUNDAY - MONDAY Communion Service. list were disposed of aa follows: Mo­ on Sunday. There wUl be Holy holiday. f**t long and 10 feet wid*, a gang­ and Mexican W n p ii. aU thto gave service carries. chinery and huge civil defense pro­ dtlphlnluma. John Ellison of Dob-1 V f I I I I C 8 111 LiH ina frtood W te Into tba teon Talk to Powers ring service will be used. Conn., will officiate, assisted by 13:00—Sunday School. tion was granted for further con- Communion at eight o’clock and Mr* Frank Zemek la vtotttog her way, a catwalk and a mooring buoy him tha app*dranc* ot a madman, Men Old sa 4t Called gram at a peak of efficiency. The aonville, brother of the bridegroom, The beat that th* church haa to Norwegians Called jerktog a Uuuah at ths fffa_iK.a|$ Th* bride will be given In mar­ was beat man. Salvation Army Briga'tller Edwin Unuance in the action of State Holy Communion and sermon by the daughter, Mr*. Charles Sturd and for each dock. Dripping with water, boqMkttorsd Men aa old as 40 were called on to cabinet was on a baaia of virtual offer for atrengthonlng th* reality with rod mud, gasping, palpitaUag, wted^, and wHb a ------riage by her father and the brides­ The young couple left on a wed­ Are Dieturbed Perrett of Biiffelo, N. Y. Burial will Banking Oommtoaloner Walter rector. Rev. H. B. Olmitead at 10:48 Mr. Sturd In New York. Title for docks and buoy* would report to speclfled points on tha flrat continuous meeting. CIRCLE of the eptrituM Uf* la the regular h* ontersd Butter'* offiea next to M id, "A n y tact taow a (OeatMMd Irani Pag* Oaa.) day of mobilisation. maid will be MtsB Eleanor M. Red­ ding trip to Niagara Falla Imme­ be In the East cemetery. For Neutral Guard Perry against Roaella Burke Har­ a.m. 'This weak Mr. and Hr*. Prank remain with ths stato units* turn­ m a ■taks” . Britain was under compulsory mond of Hartford, a classmate of the Communion aeWlce, which will be rington et al; Attorney Robert J. ed over to the local communities by th* guard room. By the fifth day, virtually all of blackout orders until further no­ diately after th* ceermony. Mrs. held tomorrowr morning. Th* Church school seaalona wUI Benjamin of Hartford were guMta ■uddaaly to tha atrate ■Hmlng. hut official confirmation the Army—more than 8,000,000 men bride at Bay Path Institute, Spring- (Contiaoed from Page One.) NOW IT S Pigeon was granted permiaalon to be announced at a later date. of their niece, Mlaa Genevieve Gard­ agreament. "Tb* right of MarahaU to thto WM sUll lacking. tice, Mith streets and windnwa dark Ellison wor* a three-piece ensemble *Tue*day at 7 p. m.—Get-To- wild outfit and with teaming ernst- Including all of the physically fit field, Mass. The best man will be of blue tweed as a going-away cos­ withdraw aa attorney for the plain- Classes are being held for the next ner at "Three Gable*.’’ They left Oeafaea With Pole Envoy. from dusk to dawn every night to -aggression pact had call- gethar Night for the Friendly Clr- 0*lo, Norway, Sept. 3—OP)— (Via nes* to hla oountonnac* ihocl ss2>esr5. between 20 end 30- Mill be in war hide targets from hoatlle warplane*, Edwin P. Smith of .Taunton, Maas., tume. On thier return they will Soviet n o n __ Report 13 Fires ON THE US tn the action of CSarlton L. Oonflrmatloo which wiU taka place Mr*. Benjamin’s mother, Mr*. Mary world to'i Premlar Daladler conferred with 1 ed off Japanese plana to occupy the d*. Tb* leaden; Mn. Bather London—Passed Through British poaitlons. ^ Sir Nevila Henderson, British brother of the bridegroom. Ne'son live on Division strest Mr. Ellison Buckmtoter of this city against on Sunday, Septomber 17th wb«n Gardner, at th* bom* o f Mra Ine* •Uttar, What wu th* m*naliig at th a tl $fea Poilah ambaaiidor on tha ait- H. Richmond of this town and Wil­ Interiiational Settlement of Shang­ Wenea Ootton aad Mioe Betty Lee. Ceneorshlp)—Norwegian Army and Joseph Kaleda. Attorney WlUiam Find Lawn Diners th* mUlwrlght’s oomtog at thto tiaboiL Reserve officers, even beyond the | ambassador to Berlin, waa known la employed at Pratt and Whitney During August The ho*t**a*e: Mtoaea Dorothy Navy contingents wter* colled for tbe Bishop wlU vlolt RockvUla. Truax to Manchester to stay whll* want to bo I liam Olenney of Coventry will serve hai and, posiibly. to attack Hong­ SCREEN B. Hyde of Manchester wo* named Yoaag People At Bervtoo they have a vacation. Umaf . , . Nothtog could b* ladl­ to dtohearti _ TIm fVencb-Britlah ultimatum to age of SO. alao M’er* called at the | to have called on German foreign aircraft In East Hartford. Mra. kong In the event of a Ehiropcan Tnak and Margant Well**. neutrality guard today aa tbe Stort­ start. j minister Joachim Von Rlhbentrop as uahera. Ellison was employed at th* Trav­ to succeed him. Attorney Raymond The oervlca wlU ba conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Masker ar* Common This Year ing up at tb* aawmllL Was this to the tow ef the tow,j Oatwaigr, demanding Immediate The bride'a wedding gown will be war. Thunday at 7 p. m.—Meeting of ing (Parliament) waa summoned A. Jobnaon of Manchester, repre­ anothor Job’s poatT Was It tba withdrawal of German troopa now After general mobillrjilion may!*'' Berlin and to have handed him, elers. m Church Council at the pareon- for an eKtraordinary aesslon Sept. 8. the Young People’s Society of the th* parent* of a daughter bom aretatetoff wtoff bto d of white lacc. Princes* style with Such plana had been reported un­ There were 13 flre.a in Manche.ater the senting the town of Bolton wai dsinT ra w to d tti^ feuod bawa. Mvadbig Poland, went unanawered. come still more calls to older men. ! a communication on Premier der dlacuaalon recently but the pres­ age. Regulation* governing the retail RockvUla Methodist church at Qi* Tueaday at tb* Johnson M*mortol Chamberlain's Friday speech. i '•’"R tulle veil. The bride vvlll carry during tha month of August that grants permtosion to cite In addi, Crystal Lake Hethodlat church on hospital in Stafford Sprlnga "But MarohaU would aot aBpwsr o r Gad The German ambaaiador In Pari* those exempted from military serv­ Johnston-Service ent Impression was that Germany's required the services of the Man­ rridoy at 6:45 p. m.—Choir ra- sale of sugar, flour, coffee end mo­ Many persona hav* r*e*ntly ealUd waa axpacted to leave soon. ice for phyalcBl reasons and young- The nation waa ready to march, ” bridal bouquet of valley tlllea end baanal. tlonal dafendant* In the town’s ac­ Sunday morning at nine o’clock. Th* Oiarll* CMrpenter deUvered maU quoaUons. . . . A t tongtb ha Va apparently fully aware of what was Wrlghtil fern. The brideamald a Of interest locally is tbe wedding action had made the anti-Comlntem chester and South Manchester Are tor oU alao went into *irect. The tion against OUU* Holmgion et al; tb* Agrioultural Experiment Station dueod from tha poekaU hto paa- The fateful Parliamentary decls- stera under 20 M-ho have not yet had pact, which linked Japan with the pastor. Rev. J. Arthur Edward* wlU on tb* iput* for mallcarrisr Cbarl** at ahead. , gown will be of chartreuse marqul- this evening at Sharon, Pa. of Mlea, i, . departments. use of. private car* aad motorboats tbe divorce action, ax parte of EUsS' at N*w Hav*n to complain of hola* taloon*' "a khlto ootton rag srateh km probably will be taken by vot­ army training. was forbidden. be in charge of the service. Mlaa Lyon Thursday, Haw York: Harper aad BtoOwcR lB ing war cr^ita for France'a ewlft- Virtually the whole Brlllah lales I cette with matching headdress of Annette Service, daughter of Mr. I Pfebtlcally^a dead iMiie for The Manchester department re­ ■tonaaal Lotberaa Ohnreh beth 8. Newton against William S. and h*ap* of sand dirilguring th*lr contained sonMthlbg raltod up ta It,” The epie of koevootom ja When the mohlllrAtlon M’eni Into and Mrs. Fred Service of that place ' the^*** Japanese.Jaoaneae. Thus, foreign ob- sponded on seven. alarms, all ttlll Shirley Webster will speak on the Hr*. Fred. CaaaU of RockvUle town*. Th* offending to*«ot to tb* ly mobilising army of effect, east station was virtually were blacked out throughout the 1 flower* and shoulder length veil. Nswtoa was continued to the nest subject, "Tha Alma Of Youth' vUlted her slater, Ut*. William Par, sonw yellowish, metal-Uke sub- i«89 Harpar priaa awal. Ibid The bridesmaid will carry a bouquet snd Tbomaa H. Johnston, Jr., son of servers argued. Japan could gain alarms. In tbe South Manchester Then win ba no aeaaion of the Hen There will be an exciting oonteat moved Into their new home on the book, flU*d with dnmatle momoaU Mlea Either Heugh, deughtor ef wr*ek-«Bd 'at Btaiaford. Jonas HoUow Road. lift* It and gUdos downward toward saeh there was a soldier* temporarily to work In in­ The brldenoom I* a graduat* of Mr. end Mr*. Bemual Heigh ef 33 MON. MON. on Sunday when the Lafayette A. C. such os the following, a dwMriptloa bto oouBselora, Ths dustries and. If necessary, regulate Taunton, (Masi.) High school and baseball team meets the Red Men's Local sebooU will open Tuesday ito bole. Somotlmos a sueeossioa of tho 'TurkUh maaaaen of all Ar- Bdgerton street will be married at TOES. TOES. Tha SahraMon Army Otsidel for th* fsU term with the same of gUda* to . noeoioary bafora tha subdivided into word* aaar Is Your Name imports and exports. Further emer­ Is a student at D* Pauw University, 4 o’clock thl* afUmoon to Norman Isaiah: A Life Dedicated to God team at Henry Paric for the City monlan nude* over 14 in th* vlUago the btobope pieteded. d$l Mata StTMt teacher* a* tost year. goal to raaehod, but tha kilter al- gency measure* would provide for Greencastle. Indiana. He Is a mem Charles Laahinske. aon of Mr. and Championship. Both manager* ^ t of DtUjan: "Brigham IM kaowtodga o f ovoipsj currency control and support and her of Delta Chi fraternity and Is Mr*. Chari** A. lAshlnak* ef 113 THEATER MANCHESTER. Itajar amt Uta. J. W. BaMih Eagan and EmU 0 ****y ar* eon- Mr*. Donald Wilson and daugh­ waya'flndo hto way bom*. "On oithor rid* of him w *n Bm- Offleats la'Charge. ter of UnloaviU* are gu**t* of Mr, A deads to placed to eaeh cham­ thing of im porUm that h a ^ appoint additional mlolstera and a student minister serving the Waat Oantar *tr**t. fldent that their team will win. An manuri’s frtond* aad nrighbon.. poaod throughout to* toagtli o a 4 < undersecretaries. Methodist church, HeelyvlU*, lU' out of town - umpire wUI b* to aad Mr*. Henry Hund. ber with an *gg of th* klll*r. It 1 They did not mov*. Th«y 'stoo Here? Th* earemeoy will b* nerfWmed Saturday, otr**t m**tlng 7:80 By WUUaai E. Qllrsy, D.D. ^latkaiahlp. Holto*** ha* th* **as* main* la a pr***rv*d aUto of sua- braadto of hto ktogdora. ** During tha night tbs board of diana. ^ R*v. H. r . It. Btochbole, pastor charge of the game. 1 Mr. and Mr*. HanyiPanton of transftosd by rifle point* b*artog woman was Ul up to itoda •_ It can h« next week If you buy your Gamllns at trade banned, except under apeclal p. in. Editor ef Advaaee of rlghtocMianesK and It sra* this Maromoa are vUltlag retatlv** to p«ad*d animation for n long Urn*, *0 down upon th*m. Over tbe entin of tb* Zion Luthiran ebureh who 'Sunday School, Company meet­ that sra* crMrpow*rtog in th* affect Soil Boat Raeas if a man waa without nod Boland’s! It coatH no more to participate in thiR Free permission, export of certain com­ will III* the double ring ceremony. thUptoce_^.hqUd.y*. that the larva I* assured of a sup­ ■fltembly hung that same epril of Newman-Getsewirh ing 9:80 a. m. In the almpla, direct word* of. our of th* vlsloqjipoa Isaiah. Tbe Crystal Lake Ball Club wUl Ogden, if a child refuaod to Ganoline offer. PoR.tibl.v you are now paving more for modities Including flour, vegetables Miss Haugh will be attended by hold the last race of the seexmd I*C ply of mast until it haa developed. beiwltcbment, oa though all aatun to PUImor* or d'^brothar- tnd canned meats and fnilta. The marriage of Miss Emma Holinem Meeting at 11 o'clock. lesaon, though th* narratlv* i* In the presenc* of such a loveia- Th* new gsaaratlon of deads , kill, stood still and all movement had your Kaaoline. her sister. Miss Margaret B. Haugh Pralae Seniee, Memorial Park tiem of hoiln*** and goodnesR ,I*alah on the Emma P. Rau Trophy on to pay bto Utotog in 8L a*oii^,1 A large number ot short term Getaewich, daughter of Mr. and as maid ef honor and Roland Walter adorned with symbolism and vision, Sunday afternoon with tb* weather •rs *m*rg* from th* ground the fol­ '0MW6d. pritonert war* said to have been Mr*. Fabian Getsewlch of 183 Por­ 8:80 p. m. felt hla own sreaknas* and hi* own Silesian Railroad Ighra know about I t . " i Laahtoak*, brother of tho brldo- wr* hav* tb* story of tb* call of a permitting. It to possible* lowing spring. "A loaf .from on elm tre* along '%* knew ot aonrty ovary pottjr; released from London prisont. ter etree.t, and Edw*ard Newman, groom will bo beat min. Usbor* will 8tr*et meeting 7 p. m. sihAiln***. W * must not tak* hi* The usual method of control to th* wall, on* of tb* last dinging to Reports In Parliamentary circles aon of Mra Gustave Newman of 25 EtmogeUatie Service, indoor*, 7:80 great prophet to hi* Uf* wrork. prof«a*loa e f unboUneo* too liter­ third and deciding race wlU b* held qiwrreL every feud, ,every ntoqa* > M Samutl J. Haugh Jr., o f Hart­ Perfa^M it would be found that on Labor Day a* there, are now two Stations D a m a g ^ lawna to to block up th* holes with tbs ban branches, fluttend n e « or unhnppinoos or Why Not Try said cabinet member* already had Flower street, took • place this ford and Arthur P, LaMUnako. ^W OM EN p. m. ally. He cried out "Wo* to me! for a stone, or, when one know* th* to *nrth, befon Emmanuel'* eyes, Monday. Boy Soouto. 7 p. m. boats tied -for flrat poMUon. The becauM ward workara,' handed their realgnatlons to Cham­ morning at 7 o’clock a t St. James'* Th* bride’s gown win bo of Colon­ caU o f every prophet com** in I am undone, becaus* I am a Uk* a butterfly settling upofa a flow­ m r i IN THB Tucaday, Corps Cadet* rae«t at *om« form of a viaioa, either dream­ standing of the contcatonU to os fol­ kilter to at home, to pour hot water iiltrly At Ul9 bOflMR berlain to facllltata a revltlon church. Rev. WUllam Dunn otneiat- ial atyle faill* taftota with abort of unclean Ups," to much tha same Into tha hola. er, breaking the spell. should it become necessary to form *d. 7:80 p. m. ing or waking. Isaiah’s vtoion sray to which another man, con- lows: L. T. Markert, 8 polnUi; C. H. London, 8enL 8—<*)— (Paosad ovoaing* asking quosttoo*, ffAtoff ■l**vos aad eeurt train, full l*ngth 'nursday, Btr**t M**thig 7:80 Tb* commandant spok*. ndvte* and aid, and toaratag tba a war cabinet. The bride wore a gown of Paetfle She win wear n tuUa eoU fl^ a g WIND*' •vidantly cams to ths form of a oclou* of his lack and sraaknss* and Moor*. Jr., 6 point*; L. B. Baker, 8 Through Britiah Cansorship)—Aa "AtsSb" (Fire). R ic h fie ld ? Reconstruction of dtambarialn’s blue with maroon acceaaorie* and a from Irrideaeont ealla UUaa. Tha dream. It waa to th* y*ar that in d*ep humility, wa* to say, "De­ point*; C. H. Moore, Sri, 8 potato; Exebang* TcUgraph (British "Th* word was abrupt, inciriv*, nature of ovary problem: wbara- cabinet wa* regarded In these quar­ ^rsage of gardenias and Uly of tha kPriday. HoltiMa* Meeting 7:80 King Usxtoh dtod, after hla long and part from me for I am * alnful man, L. J. Powers, 1 point; B. WUd, 1 agency) dispatch from Zurich, upon they reported to toter. bridal bouquet wUl bo white roOes Kaye Ptanei* - Wm. Oargan ‘ m. Uk* tha quick explosion of a rifi*. btohopa who in turn repotted fo ter* aa a certainty If and when' valley. Her maid of honor, Mlea and itepbanotla. . prosperous reiga at 88 yeara. In th* O Lord!" poinL Swltxerlond, said today that rail Staffiircl Springs Almost at the same Instant th* man iaahratiaa A n » Day at the dream, laatob saw tha Lord rittlng The Lord does not depart from I Softball GsoM road staUans In three town* to 0*r- thrir stake presidaato wbo re- Britain becomes Involved. Laura Cetsewicb, her slater, wor* The bridesmaid’s dress win ha of PLUS! OOtOB CABtOOW fortd*a Pair Wednesday, Bept. on Emmanuel'* right crumpled In hunter's green with black acces- upon a thron* "high aad lifted up." men who approach Him in that Th* RockvUls Oirto SoftbaU team man Silesia had been heavily dam, Jalto C. N*tto ported to Brigham. , ChiirohUI, Edan May Oo In blue faille taffeta with awboUMart- 87th. s hasp and s clap of thunder rolled Winston CburehlU, World War sorlea and a corsage of yellow tea neckline with ptok hair rihkan ttod WOWt "$ OP A KIND" Tha flgur* to not very etoar, for n ilrit Rather, It to they whom He WlU play tha Itoiplr* Laundry team aged by artillery bombardments. 478. Stafford aero** the vaUey... Prom th* corner " It was a smooth and afflctaat 1500 Gallons •RHYTHM 4NT BAOnJB* I RMttoaof' ~ tha aeraphim wrhich chooa** to be hla •ervonta and of Hartford on Sunday oftamooa at Tbs dispatch said the stariona network that cov*r*d every hast* flrit lord of tha Brltloh Admiralty, roses. Paul Newman was hit broth- to bow falitog to tha draaa tongth. of bto eyes, Emmanuel saw some ef tot and every home, tt was, vto- and Anthony Edan, former foreign er'a beat man. Sha wll Oarry a bauquet of Happy «H PCK ROqBRB’T iitk T wova thltbs Lord.rd. Wa do not prophet*. 3:80 p.m. at th* Crteket let on West wer* at Olclwltx, Ratibok sad Beu- Tha Italian Benaftt soctety wIB the men at the end of the line make tecratary, wer* conilderad in asm* A reception for the Immediate Day rosea. know what sort of Iwiim th«a» ato' Thu* It eras that tha Up* of street, RockvUl*. tben. hold Ito 16th annual Labor Day fas- toeak for the valley. Itors aold, toe mote remarinW* circlaa as likely to be Included. familtee was held at th* home of Tha mother* of both brid*. aad Tuae. . Wad.t •‘JCARBV* winged flgur** war*. ‘Inia la th* Isaiah sr«r* touebad srlth a coal, Ts Play A$ MHdtotawa Bad weather eondiUons, It added, ilal taUgraUon that had ov4ir •KID PROM KOKOMO- ,, tlval at tb*:- dub bous* on Parii Ths commandant shouted another b m achtovod to to* htotory at Gasoline Free Others mentioned «'era Arthur tbe bride’s parenta after the cere­ bridegroom will wear dusty pink lac* 8:80 a. 'n.—Church Bible sebooL only plao* to th* BibI* wh*r* th* ■jnnholtotog th* taking away ot hi* Th* Rad llM ’* baosbaU team wUl are hunperlag German bomUag stroot, Modday oftomooo and ova- order, aUd as the Armenian*, .began rnanklnd." Greenwood, leader of the Labor dp^ mony. The young couple left on an with whit* acc««*orie* and ooraagaii 10:48 a. m.—Morning warship, arord oociu*. , , biiquiU** aad tha forgiven*** of hi* go to Middletown da Labor Day to squadrons. nlng ffoptombsr 4th. It to expsetod. to run In every direction, th* sold- 75 GALLONS EVERY WEEK! poeltlon In the Houae of Oommona, unannounced wedding trip and on of gardenia*. ta th* abatne* ef Rav. Lusk, Rav. Whlto « * aiay aot uadnaUad th* stoOk IB hto vtoioa )M beard the voice play the Btato Hoqiltal atoo, Tha that tha laigast crowd In tho hto- ters loaded and fired, at wUI, shout­ and Hir Archibald Binelair, Liberal their return will live at 23 Flower A r*e*ptloa win fallow at tha home CtboU of Bpringflald. Mass. wUl dstaito ef th* viaioa. it* fnU affaet el tb* Lord oaytag, "Whom shall member* of th* RockvUl* team ar* tory e f th* avent will bo proowil. ing and kilUng, firing shot after I Tidfat With Sl.OO Purchaae of Richfield or Ethyl very plain, Th* —raphlm ertod O evem er'* Bo oppoaition leader. street. Both are employed at Che­ of th* brid*, $3 Edgartoa *tr**t and TODAY hav* charge of this servic*. Rav. aad who wlU go for us? asked to meet at tha eeator at and arraagomont* hav* been ihada shot at the fleeing Armenian*, fir­ America Safe •rr- M t h is WEEK’S WINNERS: ney Brothers. about 70 guest* are expactod to at­ STATE Lusk has b*ea Invttad to addrsa* tb* C O * uato anoUMr, "Holy, holy, holy, Isatob'a respons* to th* vtoion wa twelve o’eloek noon for the trip. to aoeomodato at least 600 persons. ing volley after voUey Into th* heap Thra^lliKni to JriMvah o f booU: th * arhoto sarth prompt;. "Her* am I; **nd m«." Itaacbester, N. H., 8«pt. 8—(P)— II Center Street. Apt. C-*. tend. Fonowtog tha raoapUoa the Yeung Psopl*'* Camp and lastituto Registrar* la ' fl*Ml*a MoJ. Walter W. Murphy, SO, son of Thar* wtO b* large (tolegatlona from of slate and dying; Tho nlr was flU- ?? * ***' Tedford, Proctor Road. couple>le wiwin leave on an uaaaaouaead ' ! hdd at NorUi Raading, Ma* to full of hi* g t^ ." It wa* thto tm- But what sra* most' notaworthy Tb* rsgtotrais of th* TMra at various Italian dub* of Thompaoa^ od with screaming and Shouting apd From Any lnva«ion 5 5 18 Beudix Speed Dcmeqgy-Zelcwiti pfvnioB of boUooii ttuit dooil* Gov. Praaeto P. Mur:^y, dtod today. l i GbOmw—John 8. ZIenick, 85 MiU Street wedding trip: IN P E R S O N / ,NM. .■.■Milwt-^.at.rito!; at sadfearHoeet koRittal troat Vina, Mandwatsf’. Hartford, M*tl- Mlaa yictorto Zelewlti, daughtor Th* iilda's tmvaltog eoatuoM wlU IA( K ttf NN (S ^ M Bt- M the ajB M 'df IWiUto, talar O a t tha vlalOB, but tha ra*pons* to . h i* Town CtofT* offlea; Mamottol haUd- Duhtoi:'’ ' 10 C$noE> Refirtrqtion P. A- 40. remained with him to (kauinato hla Ufa. H* mads th* dream a r«aUty. jurta* suffered Monday night ta aa ha. .wtoa..ooiand,ahME d n s... wffh^ p. to,—X«aM*ltotlc tog on Tbasday, Bsptambar Bffi from automobil* aeddont in Bsmord. Hla' A oooaart by the Son* of Italy manuri could boar the triekto of a Bstsa itoik. Ooto^ aapL 8-(ff) — IC bBbm Gm FanoL 07 R Id ie StreeU _____ cent street, and Olii^d Demeiuy, white aecaiaortia. On thair return and I moe by Rav. Mbold. Uf* after tb* vtokm had dtooppaarsd. It wa* th* call of the man to serv* • ajn. to 8 p-m. to,r*e*iir* th* aamM Bond of ffouttabridge, dlroctod by stream. H* wa* suddenly thlrtey and Senator Andrews (D,. PI*.), Je**aft eon of Mr. and Mrs. Otto HaiMiten a poopl* to a day when ahov* sU broUier, P ra a d * P . Jr.,-80^ was to a t h v win Uva a t .t n Owtor atraaC Ths'W M r of thosa to b* made vo^am for, th* oerlou* eondltiea at the same Mbs- Anthony Ontol at 3 p. m. will open b* wondered wher* tb* stienm cam* heUevo any eou atiy orUI tnvad* of 118 Pina atrset, w*r* married thl* 'Aw bridagrooii to n m dunto at ROCHESTER Wednaaday at 7:80 p. m.—Mid­ What is boUiAasT It cooitot* la thing*- they needed a prophet to lead from. Turning hto head, h* saw AioerlcSe morning at • o'clock at St. Bridget’s October *I6etioa. HSaxp' piial. •tha oftoinoon aetlvlUea at tho club, FREE ROAD SERVICE the local schooto u d Moraa Baal* week prayer aad praisa servtc*. latotlonofalp, but it* **amc* to- the them from th* fotneo* of their pros­ aad Max J. Schmidt ar* registrar* foUowad'hy a program of oporto, hloed flowing to a rivutot barid* hU Andiow*, a member of th* Nasal Weal^Mr Bursau preiuetliig tnereao- church. Rev. Frederick Clariw oA- tt*M oon*g*. Hartford, and is anw idea of consecration and devotion. perity and tb* materialism of their elated. ot voter* for the town nf Varaoo. eontosta aad dandag. Tb* band of qrm. H* reeltoad pow that be was AAUro Oommltt**. aaki late P H O N E 6320 iag ^otiBd mlat. ployed aa oMiar dark by the H. J. BETTY Sto. Wbm Mo**a was cnl**ad to hia —rmial living back to th* r*allti** 87 ptooed win glv* a sbort ecncart . ..lytog among a heap of th* riala. In aa iatorvtow tb* Ubitad Paul IlM tK Hollywood atuiM U*r Miss Lenora Ztlewito, aistw of th* Hetox Company, Hartford. Tisloo on th * Mount to taka hi* ffio i* at Ufa and htalth on Raymaikat Bqnars to front at Over ^ head roared a vast tumult.. uBd*rtak*a a "hiUloa fo r $0 yoM * oiMl p*r«iiiUal M iot o f bride, and Jphn Slfaunom of M l D m bride la a graduate a t the o ff boeoQM Ibo piNoo on whlcfc tt to at ttoMS whan th* prophot I* Canter street wer* the attondanta. L o M a t s ba Loodoo, 8*pt S-M V-Tha BritiaR tha Warren Mamortol Han b«for* "Was be dead, or dylagT Emman­ pragraxB on toa ova aad tn toa air.* elepliig Dim ooupiao to Yoma'a locnl Aboola and to atoployad la GKABLE Swradt*^ "ywntoji 10:80. VOS staiidtog was holy gnuad, tt oat forgotten or iwglaetod that Blga. Latvia, Sant. S-4ff7—Piwt- Pres* Aasoctotlon' said today ths golag to tho dub. During tbe after­ uel did not know. He had been hit. *%ito country can d o f^ Oratas OroMh ww off at 8:87 a.m. A r e ^ ^ waa ImM *t tlw horn* at Dnvia Bakery. English mo*B.'~~' 11:10. was tha tototioiMhip that mad* ths to* brid* after the oamnooy' aad hs to most asadad.. TailSh ataads as d*nt Karlto uimaads today ff|n ^ a Britiah. eahliist had be*n broadsoad noon thor* win b* a potato*, sad perhaps. Or be had fainted and fall- wo! hav* a loadad g w boMpd .tib| Tha Votom rru P W. ruUor of ' lannon hy -the ground holy. Ground to itself haa th* lyp« of th* tn * spiritual ra- itoctoratfam thqC L a tvia w o o d Itsap srlth tha prohabthty that four aaw agg taeaa and a tug of war tor a I... door —F* wtU coottuM th* coup!* totor toft on e " ' if.1^ momtam—muxmm h ' Boland Oil Co. ■ m ' PfiMtoao. wbo a*t a roooeq W a d n **^ •vening asrrice. TdKL no eharaetar, aitlMr holy or unholy. former ^d liig a wayward natloa b*r nmtraitty. A t th* soaM mtnUteni would ba added, toduillng “After a while the shduttog stilled, Aay .Buropoaa or ' ' W f mm mms sU w txophoy. A Boed* tournament » to GaM4a. ^ tM r Mra Charia* Btovmt o f BMga *«ULLD0G ORUmiONOV m D T * X A N I0 B O 1 L IM CdEtcr StfM t wkew ho heorogod $88 mil** an hew th w Us* ot^fM* Meta airw t You ar* cordially tovltod to coom But man ha* character, and hla hack to tha roaUttos11900 upon whichw Ito ««r* eoltod to th* Wtoston CburehlU. first lord ef tha wean ato Italian dub toam* wUl ana the rifle fire died... r^fladthonlaBo PI7EL OIL to th* ***.1 two yam ago, ym l a t 'W ’ " ■tfwt and Mri and Mrs,' ffiotgi wpti Mr. p * m ^ te e member e f Coee- Is dManataad h)^ hla i « - Bfo admlnltar dutlag thq World war. b* JHM to ths dab oltoya. "Pritently aa ofOeer stood over hw«y M S:0t u i e Ruade at Olaatoabuiy are .vtoltlaig RKDB TOnATt *1 1 'P L in i* lA va IpeMT K of tbe'loeel Netkmel OueidL tk* Mow Yeck Wocld’a Pair VAKCSESTER BVBrrmo mSRALD, HANCHE8TB*. COjm* BBFTVMBPB t, i M f MANCHESTER EVENING Rf^tALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ 8ATURDAT, SEPTEMBER 2,19S9 P A G ! m n


^ 2 ” Murder on the Boardwalk BY ELI MORE COW AN STONE coevnieMT. leso. MANCHESTER BUSINESS MXA eaevtca. imo M oiKlM ttor

CAST OF CHARACTERS ! was at tbo station when her train ConvolctcBiice CHRISTINE TH0REN80N _ I came in." A m erica Europe Pits Pens fmsae to vtaK her ooaoia, fooad ^ a I "He was at the newaatand, hid­ Home Myateiy. den behind a paper," Chandra con- M AND SS OOTTAOB STREET M I firmed that. "And ha followed her BOX. YAROLBV—ted a remeem Mrs. Blary Olbito, Prop. The WORLD This WEEK tor watching Chitsttao. I to her hotel.” OBOROB WIUMET — emptoyod I "Well” —the Inspector looked al- For Aged • Chronk rimI Kibitzes Against Swords Chrtstlae ao a Boardwalk artM. ! most aatiafled—"now we only need Convalescent Csscs CHANDRA—looked Into tte fn- faked bonto I3RESIDENT R O O S E V E L T Thisy Flew For 'Peace' t 2 a. m., Aug. 20, on order to German troops facing Poland was tnr ad Into tte paat. From a tangle of images, one Quiet, started out clean-lined in ChrUtIne'a la g g e d Relchsfuehrer Hitler A t Hom e canceled. The same trustworthy spokesman who revealed this Pleasant Surromdinga lu t April to lay down hU anna A tired memory. Olson's W a y Out to A P’s Berlin bureau said German generals had advised Reichs- Vesterday: Cteadim traps WU- “1 think ttet if you pried up the Nurse in Attendance. and let world problemi be aolved When Upton Sinclair advocated fuehrer Adolf Hitler to grant Europe another reprieve from war. met, idea tinea him aa Mrs. Talberts top of ttet stone bench at the back 1 9 3 8 i< " mtaaing aeptew. He aeeuoeo WUmet peaceably. In an address to the “ production for use” during his The Tannenberg celebration of Germany’a victory over Russia of the booth,” she said, "3rou might RelchsUg then, Herr H it le r of stoaliag his sUver dagger, de­ find something underneath.” 1934 campaign for California’s 29 years ago that day—at which many Nads had expected Herr Hit­ clares ttet both BIra. Talbert aad , vowed: "N o German shall ever en­ governorship, conservatives saw When she explained about ttet ler to announce a bloodless vic- her aeptew had had vlaloa. . The first morning—her heel sinking into ter a conference defenseless.” red, and managed to beat him. This fragmenta of gteoaco fonad la tte Relations between America and tory over c the Poles — had been soft concrete, Mr. WUmet'a voluble yveek California’s new Democratic wheel chair may Meatuy WUmet aa explanatkma—the Inspector went to . 1 Germany already were bad. They Gov. Culbert Olson ordered such a called tte mhrderer. Congress, scheduled for this the telephone and gave an order. Miss Swift Sell8 Mve not improved. The SEC re- plan into effect to "help the unem­ Chapter XVIII "Altogether,” he said, turnmg T. P. Holloran Sun-Burned Hair! e&itly refused to approve a Ger­ ployed help themselves.” The first weekend, was canceled, too. Be­ back, "that bird used up enough Manchester Laundry man bond issue because of the cooperative will he set up in Los hind clo.scd doors last Sunday, Mr. WUmet had sprung to hta ideas In one murder to laat a good, FUNERAL HOM E Spencer Corsets One treatment with our new hair cream and Reich's secrecj' about its budget. feet. honeat crook a Jlfetime. ... But the IhrrmostaUcally controlled helmet will show ra- Angeles. Herr Hitler addressed several hun­ "But this is prapoateroua!" be leaaUy located^-oanvenleat and aiilta. Germany is the only world power Under the plan, persons now re­ dred members of his Reichstag. thing ttet puazled me wont he ap­ not represented at the New York cried. “Why—why, I was the one parently hadn’t had a finger in___ away troai the busy tbornagli- Maintains Low Prices Thia equals three ordinary oil ahampooa. It ceiving a direct dole will work for Then correspondence between him who here! If I"— e The problem of finding a perfret fair this summer. For nine months, co-ops; and the co-ops will produce You wondered how I knew that (aro. Dlatlnctlve Service Mod- isn't necessary to have streteed, dry hair. Try and French Premier Edouard Dala- "Because, Inspector” - Chandra's foundation garment can not be just one treatment and be convinced. U. S. Ambassador Hugh A. Wilson and sell to relief clients nearly all those bonda were your cousin’s. era FarlllMea Modem housekeeping has basn.#to statements made by the proprie- dier was made public. voice was a gentle purr—"another Miss Thorenson. I found something has not been in Berlin and German Items they need. Olson sees the trait Earl Talbert shared with his placed on a hlg^plsne of efficiency. tor. He assures them of the utmost Rolved by ordinary methods as many "There is nothing,” M. Daladier among them that you missed." AMBULANCE SERVICE Ambassador Hans Dleckhoff has plan as the only "way out” had written, "which could prevent aunt, Inspector, was the delusion New demands on the time and ef­ care In the handling of all clothing women have discovered from sad not been in Washington. that, aingie-banded, he could outwit DAY AND NIGHT forts of the mcMlemt-^’oiiian, have and fine wearing apparel, aa well as experienre. Each and every figure a peaceful solution of the interna­ He took a folded paper from his made a complete readjustment nec- other Items which they may wish represents an Indlvldsul requirement Mr. Roosevelt, nevertheless, sent Public Foes Nabbed tional crisis with honor and dignity ' 4 t l » the world. But now”—the clairvoy­ (la/clbn SjoJtan* 'I ant stood, suddenly very tall. It pocket and handed it to Christine. esnsry. Many of the more unpleas­ to include in their weekly laundry. which necessitates special care in peace pleas early in this summer’s Public Enemy No. 4 on the G- for all peoples if the same w ill to 175 Center St. Phone .‘1000 Hotel SherMaa Bolldlng crisis to Italy’s king, Poland’s pres­ seemed to Chiiatlne, over the blus­ It was a short note in Cousin ant tanka formerly aasoctsted with Only the beat anap.a are used, thus fitting after a thorough analysis of men’s August list, Louis tly-pkc) peace prevails on all sides.” tering little man—"he la going to Emma's' band. general housework are now entrust­ Insuring long life to the varloua the partlcular'figure. ident and Germany’s dictator, and Buchniter, industrial racketeer, Too Bad, Says Hiller tell the whole story. "My dear Christine," It said. ed to the care of people who specisl- articles sent to the Xfanchester The romantic loveliness of today's recommended settlement of the Po­ .surrendered to FBI Chief .1. Edgar " I f anything aboold happen Ize in their particular field of en­ Laundry. Herr Hitler’s reply contained lit­ “You are going to tell ua, my fashions demands a pcrfsCt founda­ lish-German dispute by direct ne­ Hoover in New York last weekend; to prevent onr visit. Jasper will deavor. A record of past achievement is tion. Natural, graceful curves, giv­ tle o4 the “primitive” passion friend, how gloating over the trick gotiations, arbitration or concilia­ and U. ,S. and New York authorities by which you robbed your aunt 12 tead yon these. Take goad care One of the major problenu In any offered aa s firm recommendation to ing a smart, slenderising effect with­ «VHT DONT TOD OBT BIO OB tion. Polahd promptly replied vied to prosecute him. L«‘pke was which he purposely has put into years ago, you persuaded yourself of thetn, for the beads are non- household li the WMkIy laundry. convince even the mott dlecrlmlnat- out detriment to health, are the H O T WATERI roim BCLaBBt favorably. Mr. Roosevelt then ap­ arraigned first on 10 federal indict- most of hit propaganda. He asked that you were sufficiently the ‘inaa- reglstered: so, of coarse, any- The services offersc 1^ the Mon- ing housewife of good service, style requirements of the modern For Showers pealed to Herr Hitler again. nienl.s on which, if convicted, he M. Daladier how Frenchmen would ter* mind’ for a much more daring ane oooH use them. They are cheater Laundry, operated by Fred prompt pick-up and delivery service woman. It is unreasonable to expect feel if Marseilles were separated ftutlon U them bow you found 3(1 In a wida range of colors at the question la the mind of the driver ped with s gloss storo front ttet ri- OaMy Trim Te and Froroi ish ships’ sailings were canceled. Wednesday, 8epl. 6 .'inswering the call to arms. In Lon­ Poles cited their previous message lowa for proper diatribuUon of suB' onstration in Downing St. Thorenaon’a photograph and her beatiag plaaL Johnsem Paint Store at 009 Main regarding the necessity for tteas obaalar, Hnrtfotd and Naw rartL Railroad and airway service on 28th anniversary of Battle of don, both the pubs and churches tp Mr. Roosevelt; the Nazis were light. Clear glass storo fronts not Economic Upbeats School kids toted gas masks in­ telegram, saying when she would As Safeguard from In­ street Any average person has tha various servlcea sad many others the continent was curtailed. Marne. were crowe'ed, and there was said to have pointed to the Hitler- well-known to tte sklUfuUy trained only Incraasa the appearance of the Community Pi Thursday, Sept. 7 stead of books, 48 hours’ rations arrive, and thought how cunning­ artistle ability to make her home Cots for extra. passengeSs were The national Income in the first cricket in t' e parks. In Rome, Chamberlain correspondence. ly you might turn them to yoar, own fections Ginsed by JOHNSON « LITTLE the roallsatlon of her dreoro with i##ctuutic. ohopi but they ssva on your elactrlc PBRRBTT A GLKNNBY >A.B.toshBas' 'A .W . put on ships that did sail this way. seven rnonths of this year was 3% House NLRB investigating instead of lunches. Pope Pius also was reported to I as Center S t Tat OEM Van’s Service Station Is 100 per btU, allowing a greater amount of In i M l Ha Mala Bk m committee meets, Washington. lights were riimmed, but 48,339 advantage.... Swim m ing. the ups of good paint Ifoncfieater Many tourists abandoned their lug­ higher p\nn in the same period last The admiralty took charge af be active in behalf o f peace. "Pertepe, at first, you conatder- houaewtvea may avail ttomselvaa of cent Goodrich which means much daylight to penatrsto Into tte stora, NIgM Friday, Sept. 8 Italians took veekend railroad ex­ private ships and advised skippers making it more chaarful and attrac* gage to leap aboard. Embassy oill- year, says the U. S. Commerce De­ cursions. In Berlin, soldiers drove ad killing your aunt ttera in her good pedpt right ■ hare on Main to the motorist who understands tte U. S. cotton crop report. to avoid the Mediterranean and Wholl Foot The BUI? * Chicago —(O —Mon, batng soosn- tlva to tte pbtoatisi customar. cials worked overtime to help partment. Workers got 5‘"r more, away long co'umns of autos, taken empty house; but It waa necessary street '-v Importance of quality sendee. Here but investors got less. League of Nations council Baltic. * ^ ith every passing day,’.' said to your InfantUa exhiUtlonlam to tlally a "terraotrial animal,” should you win And tte isUat equipment, T te sppasrsnoa of s business ss- stranded U. S. citizens. The U. S. meeting date. ' from civilian', and housewives This ppliit store hsmUcs Dupont Public employment offices, says Evacuation of 3,000.000 women, Nazi Pro|teganda Minister Goeb- do the thing In a raally spectacular ezhala through nose under water if including lifts for lubrication. This tsblishmant counts for s grast Lines and American-Scantic Lines studied pink cards showing how products which you know for their In tte buatoass rasUsad. Attractive the Social Security Board, placed Saturday, Sept. 9 children, invalids and old folks bels’ newspaper, "the front of those way, and you had more ideas than he would aafeguanl himself from in­ nigh'quality. Included in their Mstlon has only recently movad to decided to skip German ports to Admission Day. California. much food th '•y could buy. fections causod. by swimming, window displays mean much to 38'r more persons in private jobs from London and other centers was who are tired o f mobilization must you knew what to do w ith....Tell stock ars enamsla and varnishes of Its new and larger quartera at tte BAYS TOUR CAR expedite removal of Americans The next few days gave Euro­ Such waa tte advice given by Dr. drawing cuatomara, altbough from English channel ports. in July. 1939, than in July, 1938. ordered. grow— people whose personal, eco­ them how, after you ted entered the every description, suitable for every above sddreaa s te everything Is naw peans an e v n closer-up view of houM with Mrs. Talbert's own H. MarateU l^ yio r o f JockoonvlUe, interior or exterior painting pur- cracked or marked glaos can taka THOROUGHLY GRBA8BD The Bremen, the Normandie and France nomic and national fate is In no ■ad modan, ready to bo of rorvlca much away from tte affoetl’ war's grim 'ace. Many frontiers key”— Fla., and rmwrted recently in the poot. A wide sslectlon of to rou promptly. Goodrich gaoollM COAL " C o m I the Aqultanla landed about 4.S00 Froa Speech In Texas? Cafes rtvlvad war tonga. wise tied up with the relatively Journal o f the American M; of a stora display. In Short were closed. Jut "bulletins” click­ small space of the (Poliah) corridor "But how could IT” Mr. WUmM'i paper is slao on hand and a comptsta and . oil is handled excluoively and a AND OIL CHANGID persons in New York early this San Antonio’s Mayor Maury Railroads ware requitiUbned for Ycr% cry waa shilU with triumph. “Why, Aasociatlon. T te t la why It purs wall to teva RANGB AND FURL O IU ing over the 'ii’es told o f step after and Danzig. . .. doageraaa! Hava ton wtodaws to line of painting supplies await your completo line of tirae, iMhiding week—uicludlng the new British Maverick disavows any sympathy Exploded: 100 sticks of dynamite military purposes. *OiM-Maa D»at* she didn't have a key.” Dr. Taylor sat out to determine selection. tbs Metcalf Olaaa Oompaay 1 A t iMa sarv lii step toward 'zar: "Tha world ii asking whp . . . is Armstrongs, batteries aad etbar ne- ambassador to Washington. Lord for Communism, but as a lover of in • truck at Holden, Me., killing Nearly 90,000 children were Jaapar broke a ahpeked alienee. why awimmera wars frequantly ba- tte glass for your storo fronts. Tbajr Am an added aarvloa, tte Johnson ffsociaa la carried In stock. have tte lorgaat supply of glaaa la Lothian. -And thp Queen Mary left liberty, he ordered his police to six persons, injuring three Germany evacuated from Paris. the situation prevented him flfom to bear the costs of such a world "He’s right, in s p e c to rh a mur­ set by infsetlons wbsraaa water A t A R T iM M i There w e n runs on food stores. mobilization. Poland cannot do it, Paint Store slao doss p4etura fram­ TO talapbaae Van’s 8arvtea Ets- town and aro known tor the high Southampton on Wednesday with protect a Communist meeting. Held: A young printer, at Los Stained glau windows were re­ disclosing communications between mured. “lira. Talbart hadn't taken animals apparently ware immuna. Wo. SeB Olaaa tor Bvary Noedl ing, Edwin Johnson; proprtator, par- tlon, tte number la S8M. Polish ”atr jcities” were streued. quality marchandlea tbay hondto. A 2.385 passengers — including J. P. Thousands of'persons then stormed Angeles, In connection with the moved from cathedrals. ^ London and Berlin—but "we have Germany it not in apposition to do her key wUh her.” Hia Btudisff led him to conclude t t e t aonisUy undertaking sU work of this NANOUMTICR Martial la v was proclaimed in it, and England will, in tha avent of animals. whose natural teU tat Is METCALFE GLASS CO. ■tor# front toataUad by-ttem wUI ba Morgan, who gave up his drawing the hall, routed the police and fatal bludgeoning of Anya Sosoy- Newt was censored— leaving big made it plain thaf our obligationa Christine, watching as if in nstura. To pises an order tor paint True praise la fTOquantly the lot LUMBER « n iE L 00. Slovakia. a peaceful settlement, not proceed fantastic nightmare, saw the little water can withstand higher cancan' tiili Oator SL Tat tm a a aouad toroatmaat to ultlnato room and garden veranda so the Communists, and heard an ex-dis­ eva, ex-Fdllies dancer. blank gaps in newspapers. to Poland will be carried out.” or painting suppliaa, coll 4864 or of the kumbla; folae paalao la al­ proflt for jrour buatoaaa beeauaa s 5145 ship could carry more person.s. Clothing Merchants required to donate pounds to the Innocent, man freeze as he understood bow tratiene of bacteria becavM of ■top at thetr eenveslint addrtaa. ways conflnad to tbs graat—Homes trict attorney demand recall of Indicted: M. L. Annenbcrg. Phil­ Peland Herr Hitler, he continued, want­ much he hod told bi those five onatomlca] aad pbyatologicia aquip- wladow dimtey behind one af tbs Maverick. purchasers 11 show their permits. ed; (1 ) A ceenplete and lasting bystanders. . . . ctoar glaaa fronts win ba affaetiva to adelphia publisher, and Charles Mobilization posters appeared. “ I f English politics lay any claim wetda; tlien l e v to hia feet and dote m eat Italy Anglo-German understanding. (2 ) blindly, straight into the arms at attracting customers Into your storo. W a r's Alumni Bidwell, professional football team Wanaw papers denied Germans to worth, they must And a way AMs to Ctoas Noatrlls Oil Flows Again ow’ner, at Chicago, on lottery con­ Gas maskwere distributed in Prompt settlement of the Polish- two uniformed men who had appear­ Aquatic animals teva tha sbUlty Howavar, tte Metcalf Glsaa Com­ A few score Civil War veterans were being abused in Poland and out.” pany on Cantor stroot dooo not otop Buyers reduced their: bids for spiracy charges. Vatican City. German problem. ed In the doorway. to close tte astarasl nostrils and tte Chinchilku Now Rival Movie Siars met in Pittsburgh this week for an­ blamed Germans for bombings, etc. The “ way out.” the newspaper with gtooo otoro fronto. Thoir otoofc MOTOR AND crude oil recently and six midwest- Residents of big cities were ad­ “ Everything turns,” Mr. Cham­ "Oet his kays," tte.. taiapector ears, or poaasni other provialaaa for ' BLB(NWrt*L other GAR. encampment, at Died: Ex-U. S. Rep Oliver W. vised to leave. Polet charged German forces added, would have to include re­ ordered. As California Thurist Attraction Includro glooo for olmoot •yOTEM OHBUkUr X LAWN ern state.s ordered shutdowns, stop­ Frey, of Pennsyh^nia: ex-U. S. berlain declared, “ upon the manner excluding wator from contact with known purpooo—ohow caseo, riiolroo, which the U. S. Army showed its Private ai to traffic was ordered were on all sides, with observation in which the immediate differences turn of Danzig and the corridor to Whan ona of tte oSteen banded tte taaplratefy mucous ntembrana, Ineladao a r-r-g g k to* newest equipment— including "the ping of the nation’s produc­ Rep. Edmund Platt, of New York; sky UinU, sMrrorff—to fort. If U’o halted to sa^e gas. ' balloons up, and guns trained on between Germany and Poland can the Reich. tte flag to him, be paoaed It .to Jas­ ha said. and asadMantog of yaar world’s best anti-tank weapon” tion. This week many buyers re­ Dr. Henry S. Prichett. ex-president per, a oUent question In tte geature. glaoi you want, you’ll flad It at Mot- MOWBBS Restaurants were forbidden to Gdynia, a Polish port. be bandied.. . . Tension created by Mon can approxlmato this control, Inglewood, Ofiltf. ’ —W ^ g h a lr folUeto. There.awrw are ere as xsany W and adtoatoMBt af ilactrii Said G.A.R. Commander Robert M. scinded the price cuts and state of Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ “ Yes, air,” Jaapar almost whle- A timid, gray, furry Hti aa 80 haira from calfa’o. frqntier clashes and by reports of Russia's Explanation te added, by astellng tbrougb the n a ataala fonicte.ton Rownd. 93, of Ripley, N. Y.; "We ll authorities let oil flow again. nology. a silent question In the gesture. 1 1‘ at flret glanco it looks Uka an un- ‘This taa hairr provided protoc- pro If you want furtbor Information incidents on both sides o f the bor­ nose under water aad Inhaling I MORE MONCYI about thalr pAcea for any glaao y be Involved in the present trouble Soviet War Commissar Klementi “ All right. Take him to the derelaed rabbit—haa atoppad right tion against tha bHter cold of■ the gonasatar aad bntlary, rianatog der should be diminished. . . . We through the month above water, a may naad, toleptaone 8868 and 3li if things keep as they arc." Asia People E. Voroshlloff explained last week­ bureau.... Well"—even Inspector procaos that teitda to “ maintain a up with tte movla atari ■■ a sooth- native habitat, tha high The toarii rings sad away m en iw- A Labor Day Review Of Strikes still hope and wUl work for peace, end that Warsaw’s objections to Parsons leokad white and shaksn as ern California tourist attraction. aiother atoek cases from a n ___ eaUa or ena of hia aoslotonto wUl ba ptftaai aarriaa ipiroMsna (to Simultaneously, more than 60.- pooltlva air praaawra to tbs lu glad to bolp you. Japan: Ab^ut Focal Kingling A Subjaeta but we w ill not abate any Jot o f our letting red troops cross Poland ac­ his auberdtnates led tte hyiterical cavtUae and tharoby protOeto the It's tte chinchilla, tha fobulouMy of from lB.000 to 30,000 foot" 000 Veterans of Foreign Wars met mail away—*Tve aosn. a udrd ds- costly ntUa animal roaeuad from Kin.lag Pater of Yugoslavia, a taU, resolution to hold fast to the lines counted in part for the failure at ■BtoffM I saoaaaaaaoaa in Boston and heard Assistant War Japanese gendarmes blockading or two; but at Isaat poHoaman ■Inuaaii and tte canal ^ w aan the ^ $ 1.95 BRAITHWAITE dSr athletic lad, will be 10 years old which we have laid down for our- Britlib « French negotiations with tree cair drum and the pharynx from South Amarlcan elaugMar st-tha ChbMhlllsa, eneo aumatoua to Secretary Louis Johnson Charge the British conce^ion in Tientsin don't hit muga. ovar tte head with laat poaaiUe aaoment batoro. ax- slapped the faces o f Germans, next Wednesday and in two years salves.” Moscow and conclusion o f the wator." ■ ou th ^ A p iate wero killed -pe 52 Pisarl Sttaat Congress’s refusal to rerise the black m agic....Ana now, suppoaa U neti^ rutbleaaly,: Oille sad Peru produe- C O U M O T O R S neutrality law was "vpry nc.arly rather than Englishman, whan he is slated to take charge eif the *What A Torreatt’ Russo-German peace pact. Dr. TSylor reportod that tte null Quotations" you tail me how you know all this." o f wator Into nasal eavlUaa tacldant ChinchllUa are worth far mors taig OS aasny aa 8,000,000 palto flt-daOaatoaBL TM.9«dff the equivalent of presenting Ger­ news of th7 Russo-German non- "kingdom of Serbs, Croats and SIo- Germany then sent another mes­ than their weight in gold. They year. aggresston pact reached them. venas." The k i i » and his second sage to England. Th# Littla. Lands to diving toat toramont sany readily many with an Atlantic fleet" and .^ ^ "B“ s Bscauas. c a u i sir"—Jaapar qk>ke— causa acuta intoctions a f tte ataiusaa, coet ISJtOO a p ^ . Pella a n worth When Chspawa. an angteaar tor In Tokyo, t'le Rome-Berlln-Tokyo cousin. Prince Paul, who fepre- "This HiUer!" France’s m ^ ler German neutrality assurances ^ ^ i t e r 1—left your ofiflee last night, $276 each. Btrtiapa tbo Prostdsnt can obHgo "a direct move cncoiiraginp war " tte waUUe aar and tha mastoid la We hsve BSTtr dedsrad less tte Annoonds Copper MhUng COm- by changing BaturdoFa to pact against Communism was dis­ sents him as regent now, are Serbs. exclaimed Wednesday. "What a racenUy ware given to Belgium, ^ ^ ■ b o u gjh h t it beat to baVk a kwh' at R takas fTOa UO to 14fl alght- pony■^y St Puartrarilloa, Ohfle,Ohiie, got swimman o f aS agat. thsR 4% XirMeRfh. other day. carded and Premier KiicMro Hira- Croats’ objections to being ruled torrent! His reply to Britain it as Holland, Switzerland, Luxem­ a rd kept one key. bscauas by-lO-Inch patta to wahe a ooaL tte ktaa la 1M8 of tryiiw ' Frank W. Adams 'Dope* On Strength Nat iChnaa tor Wacry V. a u numa and his cabinet resigned. At by Serba have jeopardized Yugo- volumijious as the note sent to him. bourg. Denmark and Lithuania. I M t that as soon aa I could, I must Soma turrien oifor eoata for aa them In the Uhitod EUtoa In cap­ 157 l^roea SL T«L 3090 The best estimates available go hack....But aomaons had bean A c u d 's small appattto Mionld' little MM $80,000. Emperor Hlrohifo’s request, Gen. alavla’e unity, but during the crisis . . ; We will knowTodiiy where we Nevertheless, the little lands not naeiatorUy bn a causa fo r worry, tivity. they wero an but astlact this week. indicated the British- last weekend the Croats’ leader,. stand.” shared their big European broth­ thara befoto me. Bvarythiag Ttera aro ahaut 8,400 chlnditllaa Chapman offarad to gfloo Oflkt Sapglica Nobuyuki / be,* 84. a retired army turned upalda down.” Dr. Bdwtn^pTpnttan o f Imn Angolan The Mandiester Building la tha Uhitad Btotoa today. Half It la reported ttet GermaaFe French-Poiish forces exceeded leader, then formed a new cabinet Dr. Vladimir Macek, accepted the' Britain, with France’s okay, than ers’ anxiety this week. roportod la Hygoto Magastna ia gold for each pair o f the rare those of the Rome-Berlin axis on *TCudi aa wa found It . of them are or a ranch aatahWahed Mus chinehlllaa they eapturod. It aeoaomle condition Is not vei and EgaipaMnt with himself as premier and for­ post o f vice premier and minister sent another note to Der Fuehrer— "Tba amaO, tbia or wiry child A Loan Assodation, Inc. •UK; land and sea but not in the air. want out oariy thia morning," tte here I t years ago bgr M. P. Chap- look them three yean to flad U H; eign minister. without portfolio in a naw coali­ but the -unofflcial London war- may rsqniM Mas food tbaa anotbar FIUrk and In^xlnc SystaMa ‘TThe only aid I can see Britain Inspoctor noddsd. " P fh iv e you'll 955Maia8L BsLARril.1891 ~an. of the anlmala. Gen. Abe was said to favor more tion cabinet. weather report that night was: child, bacauaa ha M amklng much H i and France giving to Poland.” one undorstand now why 1 was ao much "There ware throe yaara of Bookfffffinc S ystaan kowtowing to the U. S. and Britain, "Unchanged.” Insiders may have tatsrostod in your kays, Tardley. bettor ima o f what ba oats," tha r , N , The days wbtn playwrights msda expert declared in London, “ is con­ Quotes tianeua dIaoourageaMat.” n V W U t Raeord EgRlgBisBt but he announced he would “ deal Tp Far Front, At 72 known where they stood— but the That stoty you told about _iiataa said. T o r such ehOdran, of tha great fortunes are over. tinuous bombing by plane of Ger­ fhrrsIL ‘Tho aalmale refueed to firmly” wit't all nations that failed Wiry, little ^Maxima Weygand public did not. Peee Ptee 301: "Nothing U mliidadly taklag a kay from a baknwa a f 0Mt la tha taaasttal aotat aa to the brood. Their fur thtekenad duitag Haeket, AnMtleaa>baeB^ man munition dumps, railheads lost through peace—all may be Sava RMNMy on year oMet Johnson Point Co. to cooperate with Japan. Am eri­ was known during the World war Poland, not yet fully mobilized, atraago car aad putting tt Into your to ba reinlatod." A Thought at tha raaeh. But ChUfomla auauaer monthe ■add- and communication lines in - Ger­ aa "Marshal Foch’s shadow." After lost through war.” poekst aouadsd pretty faebla. Mya tha number of rMfora; to- wfatar la South America—and ragRfrtaieBts by bRyiaf ham. cans. mean''zbile, were clearing out called hundreds of thousands more , Mabaiiaas OaadhI: "M y faith many. The ‘shuttle’ plan of British the war, he served In Syria and as men to the colors, and the Polish Anythbg takan, Jaapar?” croaalag aanaally, spuftod upward thlaaed out to Dooember aad Ji Fm for a W PA projaet to and French bomber/ flying across o f Tientsin, not beoause o f diplo­ in the wise saying that what is i'Mra. Talbarfa arin, sir—I oup- Diamonds Created Miarply tUa year. lymeuth Rock to Paassma Franct's army chief, then retired. Telegraphic Agency explained; •ay nary. They ware flatoky about matic developments, but because gained by the sword is lost by pooa It waa he sent that to the Tha peaa are hi toag, haat rowa, Borthani foods." aad tha hatf-eracked Uberty ‘lesihg.: their. . Now 73. (Sen. Weygand flew "The o ^ n and continuous claims H *****^’ ’ fuel and reloading in Poland * .otthakdlaatae and rianch.ot floods the sword is imperishable." with trim tanraa betw een ench row. ■rontuelly tha anlmala aoMlnmt- Rdtodatohla to Hyde Pork, from ' t 'if i* ’ ■ to' » l a 'trisahv. «&.ianit«4gLto D pt ii,Spa^^ ---- 9 « L and repeating the procedure on the — whlra ware eramafad to have’ One boUd^ eeR t^ n inb^tory fownar Oev. BaroU O. HafI and was'expected to command al­ to Ota Polish Republic leaves no voy to U. S,: “The British gbv- Way back is far from being a mili­ done $108,C09.000 dam aft. €ML** 11m iMMetor • Gan. Abe alto was said to have lied forces in the eastern Mediter­ doubt that Poland is in danger. XU erninent, parliament and peo­ nlalaad, "that her naphaw put on V a n CkM. sad ha win dwell with . hardy and naturally tary daydream.” Fm l Obey God, and te wUl reveal Uaw of ahoditlBg to flt~ North once favored a Rusao • Japanese ranean.^ the efforta for conciliatory action ple are new united and nsoluta to make tte t faiee trail to tha booth. WaUdagtoR (iT)—Dii mnada. tte ftetldlous aro edostoro and qnlaL HHlsr la n clever man. azri kaa in preparing to resist aggras- « yoa tha truth of Ida A marlesa Bessews. Tbay brought Om of my mm found thom'burtod aarth'a rataat Mtoaral, somattmas They aro wgetoitoaR sad aro got aO ka wanta without firing a Ain*rtc«'f 'America* ’ non-aggression pact, but this week made cither by high personalitiee •Ion,” toschlagm—Hobaftsoa. woslth to Ompnisa sad to hto sen. Franco's Mouthpioco for the sake o f peace, or by govem - deep in the sand wters TarAsy told aia ersatod a lamina ariMa nut In iroUfle, avanglng tram ona to Itogiasld B. Chspmsa. who gun.. .attkough ba is a bit erasy at N ext spring the biggest, costliest there was talk o f a Russo-Japanese F m I T. NcNvtt, Federal Sa* war. Nippon rushed reinforcements "Thara WUl Be No W ar” was tha menta friendly to Poland . . . have ua about tevtog assn WBmot pot­ Tha SsrithaQalaH laatitatlen hraa Uttoro a jnar ftaai one to hand of tho coaeero apoa hto tUnoo. 00 wqi an aro. oeean Umr ever built in America, eurity Administrator: “ If I were four young to a Uttar. Tha ndiflt into Manchoukuo and strove to been accepted by the PoUsh gov­ tering around Om ovaniiig baton. aald rseaBtly it had found htoeh dia- nOM t's ' a. HasksL Naw Vatfe a 24,000.ton , $17,000,000 ship going down a dark allay, I Unto now, I w am t onttoRy auto ■aa VYaacisw (g)—atgaallsliig a ala haro aara U w a labML “wipe out onoe and for all” the ernment with full approvar. . . twould want both hands frta. hi a nsatoar which atrueh la CMachlllss BOW sro batog rosrod named A merica, with aecommoda- 1935 1939 Mr. Tardlay hadn't put them then stop forward la tha prolsctod Wgh- I and too Uka a agiflm l and an to laaebaa In OsUfornla, Utah, Soviet forest which have been de­ The-jioHcy ot the Polish govem- The whole world Is a dark al­ maada af^ypan agn. way frero hlaxha to BuaaM A l i ^ ttaoi flar 1,319 passengers and a Monday is ^ b o r Day— the time to ravitw labor history. Strikes hatJk hiraeaif." Keeeereey e t sash dtosiaada M not fdsba, iw atoas, Bltoola, Naw Mshal-^ack told nm I waa tha fying the Japanese all summer waa a critical commentary on mod­ ment, whiph h a «n o t been and is ley siow/ and i f tha U. 8. is Masteo haa m e a d a awdera paved ertw of 039, will begin plying the been decltningr since 1937, the peak year, whan thara ware 4.7<0. There "And," Jaspnr flnlali oomaMretoUy ssacttoal. Tech, Peaamrtvaato and Virginia, aMitk wnndaff af tbo world. near Opts; Mongolia. * em polltiee. not now inspired by aggressive in­ f s ^ with sudden international • tn U ti e t 499 adlaa hetweea Quado-Quate- MO ) Atl>wHr. Btartod a year age at were that in but more men Chriathm's a t | ^ pertnU i laU, h S M w valwMs to ttoa Brtmma^eaeaa sad to Csasda to British Columbia toasner 1 What did you asy? nw e strikes year than 19J9, were involved Chine’a Gtharalissime Chiang This sreek tha noted author w u tentions toward an yth in , has not trouble its h*nds should net be tte OsUfor- V Newport Now*. Vg., the big beat shtriilrd with neutrsUty Itgls- massage oaylBg whan oRe ittiBf thaa not wooU ha o f tha MabaL-1 toM him not to let sw strikes of J93f were in the auto and steel Kai-shek tanounoad his policy was in charge e( a general information changod.” : aariva. I'hreuldHt be aatptlsai IP ha priaatety* W M fto d F fo r launching thia week tndustttes; the big strikes of 1919 ware those of coal miners, steal UUon." thsiiastr vsist. terSm . IMutkUa & Roosevelt, unchaniad. •arvice tot up hgr Dnoot M a war Hdrr Wtler ofaiB coofamd with athoffl. « workers knd railroad men. ' measure. his ocncrals and minlsterB. n ia a bo. i «»Ar,!! STX KANrRESTEB EVENING HEBALD. MANGHBHI'EE. GGNN. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER t, IM S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2,19S»

Uad et people wtw bayt U knew aad far wpatier is fuaSty ta Labor Daf, 1989 z : AiirJ|»itrr the reuea why, u d who b t«« e arMta atuff that tba Oanaaaa at WoBhington Daybook • Public Records vary Uvaly Msaa of thalr hidMdiuJ that tlflM foaaaaatd hut that thla U Hitler Favors Sonrins XmUft tlyhta. Inunicaat aaU raUaat trua aavaral Umaa avar. Bo that Preston Grover The Big Parade Swings Down a Dead End Street populAtloaa ara tnflnitaly bardar to la tba aalaUag eonfllet aat oaly tha ■#> American Plea Application for a atorrlaga HcaaM — !■ oomi^!k t , uia bandla, ta auch moveaiaBta da thla,. Pelaa %ut thii BrltMi aad Fnach O V M T M i U SUm U atrMl Waabtegtea—-It to a fair bat thati:alon traaty betwean Germany and was mad* today at tha offloa of tho MaaakMiar, Conn. r>iaw ragimaatad populaUoaa, no armlaa wilt bava to flgbt annamaat aay Ruaao-Oanaaa traaty at nen- Russia maksa tbs three-cornered Town Clerk hy Austin D. Beeehler ' TKOiiAa rERauaoM mattar how wllllnf tba formar may that they thamaatvea halped Hitter Antl-Comtetem treaty between Ger­ Upon Bombing and Minnie Dagmar Otoon at thla OMitrai lUnaaar aggreaaioa will aMd Bnglaad on a ba to co^parata with authority. ateal from tha Caacha. many, Italy and Japan look silly. town. _____ yo—a«a Ootobr i, u ii ebasa for a new "friend" that may AppHeatten (or a buildtag permit If thlf tremandoua London avac> Thla la ooa of tha moat tragical' (Jermany can't be both anU-Ruaelon raUI«b«a UrtTf C**nlnt Bxetpt ‘i n m opMMOM i«m aaar take her right to the door of Japan and pro-Ruasian at the same time. (OMttooed from Page One.) to authorix* rsbnildteg a garago asRdar* Raa aoiiaar*. Eat*r*a at tii* uatloa—and ita cloaely ralatad un- ly Ironle altuatlona avar known —vrith vrbem aba now to mUdly at The moment ahe becomes pro-Rus- damaged by (Ire has been flled wito RdM OfftM at Uanrhattar. Conn., aa dartaklnga In other grant- dtiaa of anywhara. And for tt Britain aad edda alan ahe becomes anti-Japanese. own standpoint and has aver been the Bulldlnig Inspector by Rayawod aaaoad Claaa Mall Mattar. advocated oy me. Grant Britain and Fraaea—am auc- Fraaea muat now pay with tha If aha doss that tha United Btates England Wns Oanttona Joyner of 71 Pitkin rtteet. U m work aUBacRIPTIOM RATEa may got upaat a^tin at tba thought How a ranewed JapaBsaa-Britlsb "1 therefore unconditionally at- WlU coot $100. Ob# taar te Uall ...... oaaafully achlavad aad malatalaad llvaa of thouaanda et thalr yeuag at naviag aa aUlaaee of two power­ eapt tha proposal that govsm- Warientoa Par Maatb Djr Hall ...... I -W alliance would affect ua to problema­ for arhatavar Uma may ba naenn* mao. ful fleeta, one on either aide of ua. tical. Before their old treaty was menta involved In the preeent hoe- By a erarrente* dead WtUiau R. ila«la Copt ...... tUltles make public declaration to OalWaraa Oaa Taar ...... nary, it will ba ona of tha major Wa muat not by aay maana (or- That aituatlon, whlcb ones exlat- very old, England Insisted on attach­ Dmvto has conveyed te Vera Ounaa ed. fUIsd us with such storm a few that effect. property located on Eldrldge street. MEMBER o r THE aBSOCIATED trlumphb of roodam civUiiatlon gat thaaa thbiga whan tha prppa» ing to It a provision stating that It “As far as I am concerned i have PRKBS years ago that we virtually com­ would not obligate England to take Lea** and proof bayond any qthar yat fan da bagina to work upoa tho pelled England to break an alUancs already ta today'! RelchaUg speech Georg* Porterfield has laaaafl to Tba Aaaoautaa Praaa la aaciuaivalr sides with Japan te a war between publlciy announced that Gorman aaUtlad to tka aaa at rapublleatlon known that tha human raca—at feeUngo of tha Amsrieaa people. To with Japan with which both bad Japan and tha United States, Robert Maaoo property at Poait and at all aa»t aiapalekaa eraaitaa to tt air fighting forces nave received a Spruce Btraota aecordfag to papara or aet otkannia aradllaa la ikta leaat In aomo parta of tha world— remember them wlU help us to been very happy. Nelthar England Yet te spite of; that provtoion, the command to limit themselvea to mU- pa par aak alae Iha local aaart aab> la a battar anUty, aad roora worth grow that ahall of legal nautrallty nor Japan has been especlaUy happy United States never felt comfortable Itary objects In their combative ac­ riled today. Tha to m to ooe year llahaO baraia. tetemationaUy since. and inaiited at the Washington na­ and annual rental to 1480. while aavlng, than It waa aay a which In the deye to conM wa .ara tions. All rtkhta or rapubileatlono et England's bunt for a "friaod" to val conference te 1933 that Upland “A self-evident precondition for Lto P iaflaaa apaolai aupatohaa. baraia ara alao ra* couple of thouaand yearn ago. going to need ao much. Action to foceolosa two naraals o f aarvad.______help her against some uprising ent- scrap tba treaty. She did, accepting letting this command stand la that There la ao much evidence to the my Baa been tha Mg diplomatic fer­ the various four-power aad nine- op p o^ g air forcet stick to the land on SehoM otraat boa naan tok- Rail aoraioa ollaat of N. E A aarr* ment for generations. It has been power treaties aa a substitute. by Batnay T. Ooldborg at al contrary. In tha hlatory of the laat What a Ufa! asms nils. the "big story" o f tbe praaent sltua- Those trestles are dead since Eteg­ "(Signed) Adolf HlUer.” against John KnolL Action la rt> dacade, that thla rebuttal will ba Uon. ^ bring for their products. Ha eald the | protoetten agataat peaMbla air raids Dzlaldowo and Mlawa; from Pom­ nightfall Oerman raiders canto over tumable to tba Bupartor Court tha Pabllahara Rapraaaautlaaa: , Tba Daily'fiewipaper men have al- land saw to It that they never were Three Other* Agree Hitler, Advisers passed uneventfully with no signs Poles Hold Fast erania against Chojnlca at ths nar­ the Polish capital yesterday but only Jullaa Matbaara Bpaolal ABaner—Naw welcome Indeed. Teafe ago, when your grandfather enforced against Japan. It begins (Great Britain, France and Poland programs could ba geared to ebang-' first Tuesday te Oetobor. Tark, Cbiaaco, Oatrelt aod BoatoA yueya likened their work to that of Ing condltlonl. of undue alarm among clvUlana. rowest point of Pomorze (ths .Po­ tn three raids did bombs i^all. Executor’s Deed and our grandfathar were worried now to appear why. England never, have agreed to President Roosevelt's lish Corridor); and from BrMlau about affairs te Europe, Etegland John J. Pelley, president of the; Sandbags war* laid across base­ Miss ike Bridge* By an axaoutor'a dead. M m F. MEMBER ADDTT BUREAO o r a man wrho toUa In ftvnsted basta bums a bridge behind her. suggestion. The United States am­ Framing Answer ment windows of busteeas houses On Ground \^liile against Katowice. OIRCULATIUNR N ew Kind o f Advieg to build a housa which, whan com­ waa hunting for friends to help her bassador te Rome received an oinl AsaoMatlon of American Railroads.: They failed to hit railroad or high Foley as axacutor undar tba wUI of another White House caller, said to protect air dafonaa collars. Mu- Marshal Edward Smlgi^Ryd*. James McVeigh, has con*ayad West keep down France. She had agree- reply from the Italian Foreign Office who waa nuds commanflM-ln-cMsf way bridge* across th* Vistula Tba Beraia Prlatlna Coaiptnr laa^ It baa been our ptutfCa for many pleted. will Instantly be burned the nation's railroads were ready seuma took similar stops to guard 26 Cities Bombed rtvsr, Poland's outlet to the sea, or, Canter stroat property to AUaa t , aeanmee no flnaneui reapon.inilitp mants with Germany and Russia which was not made public but It (Oaottaued from Page One.) of all Potand'a armed fplxee yester­ yeari, as It hag. (>een that of down to make room for another to at various Umaa to taka care of ‘Rochester’ Star 'for any emergency." Ha did not see valuable art objseto. as far as could be aocartatead, any Sente. tar trpotrapaieal enrora eppoarlna ta was believed that acceptance waa OvUlona tratead (or amerganey day and dealgnated as sucoesaor to AivartlMmoate la iho Monrh.eiea great mat^'bther newspapers, on be built tomorrow. that. Then began the consolidation idleated In view of the cabinet's tbe President but was called to tbe mlUtary obJecUvaq. Evaalan Hemia executive offices by Brig. Gen. Ed­ many was using or, In the course police svork were eallad up to re­ (Coatteoad from Page Ooe.) President Ignace ^ s c lc k l abould the .Saturday before Labor Day, to But tba tranaitorinaaa et a nawa- the German states Into one big In Stage Won to refrain from taking the The day's lo n g ^ and •avsrast family. Aa adept aa Elisa crossing win M. Watson, a presidential secre­ of present operations, had used gas lieve regular police for patrol duty tbe precldency beqome vacant dur­ raid lasted for 'Sh hour and a half. France Moves for native" In any military opera- ing the war, broadcast a msaaags Saturday, September 3 exprete, In aa Impraaalve tarms as papsr latua never bad quite ao the Rapahannoek on the tea Eng­ tary. or Incendiary bombs. te occupied areas bahted tha army. wounded" on the first day of the Anti-aircraft batUrlae anclrclteg I.) Throughout tha city fire and po­ of encouragemstit to Polish soldiers we know how to employ, the hope startling an axempUBcatlon before land began to toe-danca her way In­ Hitler replied to Mr. Rooeevelt Securities commission officials ex­ Foreign correspondents were ask­ undeclared war. It waa said official­ Warsaw mods It ImposMbla for tha to a new arrangement. snnowtng Is a brief Mographlcal pressed gratification over the way ed to deny on the basis of tbelr own lice emergency squads erera hald te ly, however, that the air raids had defending th* Weaterplatte, a mu­ Paper Money Basis Lone or Short W tf that automobile drive're would exar as It had yesterday. The morning soon after hla itelchatag speech, nitions dumb opposite Dsntig. German planes to diva low to reach Rnaels'Bemembers the stock market withstood the experience that Polish bomba bad constant raodteess. Thay mere te- inflicted only slight damags to vital their objectlvso. else especial care not to contrlbuta papers all over tha country lad sketch of Eddie Anderson, known to handing hla anawer to American Odyi& BtlU Bomberded (Oeettoead fraa* (toga Onk) A. long arar pr a'abort one? Germany whipped France so bad­ Charge D'Affaires Alexander Kirk first shock of tbe German Invasion fallen on Berlin. structad to respond only to niajor sarvlcea. to the annual early September list their front pages with headlines oo mlUiona of radio fana aa Jack catastrophes. Hence small flraa and Odyn^ Poltoh port on the same Targeta, apparently, were gevarn‘ . That la a pbaatlon almoat aa Im­ ly that she ao longer waa a danger with the request that he "bring It of Poland. Beginning Simday noon, corre*. Throughout the nstlon. today's ment buUdtega In the center at War* That eonvantlon pravMaB for Jwt of highway fatallUes. Wa do not auch subjects aa "Germany Offera to England. (Xermany becams the Benny’s valet "Rochegter." He to John W. Hanes, aetteg secretary, pondents were told, military com­ minor accidents were attended to dawn waa awaited fearfully eltb all harbor of Danalg, waa reported Immediately to the attention of the kept under heavy bombardment saw and tha bridges acioas tha Vtt- auch maaBuraa aa war* takan today portant aa tha ona whether there danger. By the turn of the century one of the stars appearing now at president of the United Statea" announced tbe Treasury would not muniques will be Issued once dally. by trained civilian squads chosen Polish cities darkened. beUtva that alT we have aver said Sixteen Points,” "Hitler Broadcasts from occupants of each building. president MocMcId summoned tula which. If put out at eomadaMon, but tt waa not put teto fetaa laat ^wna to ba a war or not—and much this sltuaUon was ao weU developed Hartford's State theater. Others It waa officially iannounced that undertake any financing operations Except for events of greatest mag­ In addition to five sir raids on could oarioualy impada eommuntca- year beeauaa tha ertoto than ended on thla subject, or all that all newa- to the World Today"—and before tMa month because of tha conflict Warsaw yesterday, a oommunlque parliament teto extraordinary eee- mem difficult to anawer than that that England was truly In a boll. featured on the MU are Betty Grable Foreign Minister Joachim Von Rlb- nitude—such as tbe capture of War­ tlena batwean waetam Poland, tin tn th* Munich eetUeaMat th* next. papers In the country put together the papers were In the bonds of She never could depend on the Unit­ and Frankie Maiters orchestra. bentrop sent a note to the Polish abroad. saw or another • large d ty —there said Nazi raiders also bombed the eion beginning today. It will enact ooa waa. Maker of Russ emergency financial, economic and coast and Warsaw. have aald, has had tha vary sHgbt- their readers all the columns of ed Statei aa an ally, although she embassy here sdvlflng the Polish Tmw Favorable on Bombtag would be no commualqua beyond following cities: , Lwow, Kra­ dacraea alae pBMkkad kl It might ba poaaible even ao Anderson waa bom te Oakland, r — military measures to run tbe nation Atthough tramandoua exploolena eat effact on any ona automoblls speculation, of atoiiea of diplomatic made every effort to keep thla CaUfomla. on September 18, 1903. government that German air forces Tbe State department reported this one. kow, (Xdynla. Katowice, Augustow. tha Journal provldad. prhMlpallw aarty to baaard an IntaUlgent gueaa country friendly. received a command to limit tbem- that Great Britate and France bad A Russian military commission of Brodlblea. Tezew, Radomsko, 'Torun, during tbe war. shook tba city and tbs popiuee un- authoriaatloa for tha atoek awikst driver, or baa diminished by ao exebangea, of wonderment whether He attended grammar acboola te Pact Recalled One company of PMes raportod tt dererant tarrifle atrate, thara was aa to tha elaaa Into which tha First aha tried to wangle Russia both Oakland and San EYanctooo, aelvea to military objects during ac­ replied favorably to fTealdent Roose­ four or five Mgh officers was re­ Tunel, Krosbo, Trzeblba. Jslo, Tom- to meva from Parkir aatalBf o f n much aa a broken finger the auto­ there would be a war or not and Into an agreement. Russia did not tion in Pteland. velt's appeal to five European pow- ported due late this afternoon. /As aszew, Mlsk-Mszowiesckl, Grodno, waa holding Weaterplatte, daepito panic. tteaaunr aaeeunt of I.tCiO.000 *naan war win fall If It ware poaalbla and completed hto education with three Oerman aftacka and bombM' mobile casualty list of tha Labor If so when and where, had become wte over too fast. She has a his­ The note further eald the com­ s agsteat bombarding civilian they are coming by plana and as toe (UNitiniiad'rreai Pag* One.) Blale-Podlstkl, Radom, Modlte, Pul- (about 83BJI0,M0) for tha BaOak to obtain anything lUia dependable two years te high school te San ment by tha German naval training Day long week-end. hlatory so stale aa to lack aay tory of disagreementa with England Mateo. mand would stand only ao long as populations and unfortified cities new Soviet ambassador to expected tusk, Kobry-n, Pluock and Otwock. Mora than half tha ethyl fluid epmont of marohaat Immediately, Informed quarters be­ 18 Ilanea Shot Dotvn ship Behleswig-Holstete. (A Oar' et moval of budget Uaitts r a r : Information aa to tha character of that her rulars do not forget Eng­ In 1919, he did his first show, a opposing forces observed the same from the air. rnibert from the fire are protect­ used te gasollna to provldea from We believe that eome people read shred of Interest. Tha war bad be- Ambassador Potockl of Poland lieved the lama plane would bring man communique reported capture lure* aa moMUaatloa. avaBta on tba Oarman-FolUb fron- land has kept Ruaslo out of the song and dance act te a revua fea­ rtea. ing their bank cellar* with tand- A German warplane. It said 'Tir­ a cbamlcal plant at WUmtegton, N. auch admonlUons aad peUUona. We ooma a stark reality. Balkans for more than a half cen­ Should Poland not fulfill this pre­ atoo advised tlie department that Po­ both. ba^. SoBM of them may bum ed the first shot In the war" by of Weaterplatte), ilator Fan! Uar. R la not poaalbla. turing Edith SterUng, hut hto Initial Official reports en air raid toQs C., where bromld* to extracted from Brat aaUor tkia i beUeve that many of these do exer­ Nina-tenths of the nawra matter tury, and ones want to war about condition, the note statea, "strong­ lish military autboriUes bad Issued The presentation of the new am- their own fingers.” bombing Puck yesterday at 3:20 a. •ea-water. Oorraapondanta am not allowed it profeaalonal appearanoa wan te a est reprisals" would be taken. orders agsteat tha bombardment of baasndor'a credentials to Hitler will m. (11:20 p. m . est, Thursday ). were conflnad to the Ursa atatenent 'Pramlar Daladtor'a oOtao. cise, In their holiday driiHng, evan to laboriouily and with difficulty a musical comedy called "Stnittln' This was an obvious refarsnet to to aaa what la going on, or at all Raroambsr tha poem about "can­ open towns and similar action en­ be speedier perhapa than that of Orest Britate and France. The Polea declared they shot that civilian caaualtles wars aavara mors than their usual care. But gathered by hundreds of dUlgant Along," which featured Mamie awantf to aand out mporta of what nons to the right of them, cannons dangering civilian populations. any diplomat arriving hers eteca toe However, antl-air raid Mackouta down 18 German warplanes and "since most attacks wars on un' these are drivers srho would drivt correapondenta, bandied at high Health And Diet Altitude Her Ace-in-the-Hole to tbs left of them"? Those were Smith, forerunner of aU colored Embargo on Arms The Polish government pointed advent of Nazlism. at* being carried out nightly te va­ captured two German armored fortified cities." TTiere was no astl' thay do aaa. Offldml eommunlquea blues ftegera. Anderson wan a carefully at an Umes and would ex­ speed and under great nervous Russian cannons tha English poet out that numbers of Its dtles bad Informed quarters considered It rious parts of ths city. trains They admitted the lots of mate of the number of dead and te' THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND lOe WILL ADMIT lamed by tha raapaettva gorem-' In National Air Championshipa chorus boy and general utUity man. significant that the new Ruaaton Jured. ercise especial caution In holiday strain In hundreds of newrapaper of- waa talking about. already been bombed, however, and Ooss to Metotoff two Polish planes. An air defens* ONE CHILD TO SEE manti am worthlaM for purpoaea Advice When Russia failed to eome along Anderaon received hto first real Looming as U. S. said Its rules “ remain te force on ambaesador, Alexander Shkhvart- It was learned that Russla’a new communique said many of tha Ger­ Wonien, OhlMran Btoln traffic %nyhow. fleas In Amarica, wras already too break te 1933, when the company ha zeff, to a textile expert, hence a prac­ Many woman and ebildren wen of deduction. Tha world la ringing By OB. FBANB MeOOT aa a fritnd aa promptly aa England condition and on the underatandlng ambassador to BsrUn has been ex­ man bomba were duda and failed far behind the timet to obtain a The only woman te tha world to teg Thomases" that she really could was with went broke te Omaha. that they will be also acrupuloualy tical man of affairs who later went known, however, to have baan klllad with nawa of a thouaand eventa The reckleia driver la oot of tha wtohad. British diplomats began Charts a Course tremely close to the commissar for to explode. bold aA commercial AmAnn ABsesI A 1 ( transport ts^ aa ^as^ssA Itsa^asMAIlcenss,' '' fly.flV bunting for others. Bba had France Eddie got a temporary spot as a observed by the opposing party." Into diplomacy. Aa the question of forslga affalra, Vyaschalafl Molo- On the ground, ether official re­ or Injured when German' pten< tamperament to continue the peru­ reading from probably a great ma- When The Skin Itches raw materials and other supplies to KEYSTONE, H e Magician having to do with tha arar, but In tha eight years ateca Mra aong and dance man at tha World bombed a refugee train at Kudno, TO Jority of readers. Mra. Alma Arlene Davis, Cleveland aa an aUy and Germany aa a po­ lU Iy replied to tbe President's toff. ports asserted, PoUsh troops were tham la nothing of any value eon- sal of a caution artlcls aftar ba A great raanjr eauaea art capable Davia took her flrat lesson, aha has tential enemy. Italy waa not much Theater, and ifls reception thara appeal by saying that, ainc* she most vital to Germany In the event fighting back spiritedly against the miles west of Warsaw, yesterday. aoclallta avlatrlx, wiU be among the (Oonttaoad tram Pag* One.) of an extended conflict, a man versed Shkhartosff recently waa te Mos­ A ttk B has read far enough to discover Its For all tha worth-while acblevs- of bringing on Itching of the akin. had but two escapades wrlth death. of a nation at the time and tbe gained for him a Pantagen Circuit planned “not to take any initiative cow ss a spscteltot In tbs Soviet German forces and were holding Officials atoo said honiba hod .earning tha arar Itaelf. conteaUnto te the Bendix Air Races In this question to regarded as tha purport. Ha has no patience with menU of Thursday night accom For sxarople, a lack of oil In the Both tlmas death took a holiday. United States waa out at reach. Who contract for the rest of the season. pm a seeietaTy, announced the radio te niHtary operattona," tha matter Textile Sctratlflc Institute. At one faat. fallen on s hospital for faabla-mlnd* Thla aituatlon may change. But today te Ctevsland. right man te the right place ta tha ed Jewtob children Just outalda War* such "sissy twaddla." He guesses plithed by the oewspapars all skin may act as a cause. Other pos­ The first Incident happened when was left? Nobody but Japan. So te His fink appearance on tha Jack address. Ra had been called back of aerial bombing did not concern Soviet embassy In Berlin. time he waa sent to Barite as a spe­ The “meet violent fighting,” a Emanuel Lutheran Church there la, at thla Uma, no mort to go sible causes are; The present of ahe had completed only two hours of 1902 Etegland draw up an alUanee Benny radio program took plaoa on from a vacation begun only a few her. cial adviser. general staff communique declared, taw, causing many coauattlao,' and be know! how to take care of him, bands might as weU hava gona on Steca Hra. Davis won her "4-M" Tha newspaper Nachtauagaba this on, in attamptlng to flgum out tha paint, oil or dust or some other irri­ solo flying. While cruising high with Japan pledging mutual asato- Stester Sunday, 1937. Benny, look­ days age. “We rather sense a feel­ "Bomb Tor Bomb" afternoon carried another report on It to understood that Shkhartzeff was te Silesia, one of the three also on is health resort for tuber­ TUESDAY, SHPmaiBE I — S P. M. self and his car on the road without bender Mmultaneoualy and let rating, which permits flying air tance. culosis sufferers at Otwock, on tha prohabiliUte of tha arar’a dumtlon, tant on the akin surface; tha pres­ over Clsveland, a heavy blanket of ing for a negro to play a part on bis ing on the part of the country to (Xennany had made no reply early the military sltuaUon from Um su­ was once MolotofTs personal secre­ main sectors of the German drive. AMtoi 4«e. the advice of any newspaper writer their papers come out like the een- ence of the Itch mite, which has bur­ transports up to a gross weight of fog crept In from' Lake Brie and Tha Bituatloa now to cut nearly to program, tried Anderaon out and, hear from the President direct,” he today. Chancellor HlUer baa told tary. He to 89. The Oerman columns were point­ Vistula river tan mllss from hare. than tham waa laat waak whan mil- 10,000 pounds, ah# baa been training preme high command. sored newspapers of Europe, with rowed Just below the skin; and tha blotted out the earth, so she had to tha aame pattern. And the situation after the Initial broadcast, proceed­ told repqrters. tha Raicbstag that he did not want Ita communiqiM said: "Oerman Merekaloff, tt was believed, would ed from Etost Prussia against Five UaMa between dawa a Uona et people warn deluding them- any motor vehiclea oommla- for the affair which la the opening alx pagta consisting ntoitly of uae of certain drugs. land bUnd. When ahe took stock of to ripening for her to find a friend ed to write him Into a permanent The Chief Bhcecutive had assured to wage "at batUa of wmnen and troops on the afternoon of Sept. 1 be given a special assignment at •alvaa with tha hope that them ■loner for that matter. He'i aUve Itching may be one of the symp­ event of the National Air Races. te Japan. The proposed non-aggree- place on the program. the nation previously te a press white apacea. the situation, aha discovered that children,’’ but that If an enemy re­ suceesafully continued to advance on the Foreign OSles her* te relation would be no arar. Isn't heT And Isn't that good tom! asen In what U called "ner­ She plana to use a Spartan Spa- the waa te a pasture four mllea from eottfarenea statement that ha ste- sorted to conflict of that sort ha all fronts. tr ths Soriet's new foreign policy, enough proof that be knows how What a Ufa! vousness" aad It may be one of tha ctel, canyteg oxyrgan aquipment. So the airport scared to death of a eerely hoped and believed America would answer "bomb for bomb and "Etoriy this morning forward stec* be has been la Berite for a could itay out of tha European to avoid sarious accldsnts. Ha principal features of such skin dis­ far moat of bar Uma has been spent tongue laabteg for not getting tha gas for gas." movements were continuing every­ jrear aad a hall and to a spectoltot Tho Great Heglnu orders aa eczema and nattle rash. It atruggto. Every effort would be where. Jablonka Pass was quickly on Ruasian-Oerman relations. Ths la a skilled driver—and eklUed driv' practicing alUtuda and blind flying. plane back to its hangar. made by hto administration to keep Oermany'a reply to tha praaldant’s may accompany a chronic ayitamle In a few minutes mambtra of her peace appeals of Aug. 33 and 38 was conquered. Numerous enemy plane* cxtrenM change te Soviet fttrslgn Om of tha moat mveluUonary No snap decMon la lira. Davis' thla country out, ba addsd. era can drive anywhars at any Urns In ISew York disaaae such aa diabetes or Bright's family and friends reached har, lad Highlights 6f Year on mads public at tha state depart­ were annihilated when our Air Force relations Mne* ths removal o f Max­ faaturaa of thla European war, Dlaease. plan of copping tha Bendix race. Ha mads It plain bs would call attacked and destroyed Poltoh air­ without the aaalitance of unsolicit­ She Intends to cUmb 10,000 feat or by Major C. D. Bsmhill *wrhe ment. im Lltvteoff as foreign commissar Irritation of tba nerves becaiise of Congraas soma tlma between now dromes." aad tbs atgateg of a non-aggrasslon aomethtng without pmcedent either ed advloe. By George Boee higher and maka a ba-Uns for aeve- claimed, "I expected you to come and January S, tha day before tt After stating that Hitler bad left a general toxic condition It atfll an­ (Jablonka Peas to tha most impor­ pact pith ths Reich to believed te la magnitude or character In hla­ So we have come to the conclu­ New York—Lorin Maezel, ( years land. For several week.i she has down In a paracbutal Why didn't American Labor Front maata te regular saaalon, but that nothing undone to make a “friend­ tant gateway Into aouthem Poland other poealble cause, as apparently youT” ly” setUament, tt added: unofficial circles to be responsible tory, modem or ancient, la the sion that It's a shear wasta of tlma old, curly-haired, blue-eyed and been preparing for tbs event under obviously tha data would depend on from Slovakia.) tha toxins are capable of causing a "Oh I forgot that I had one," Mrs. devalopmenta. "Even at tba laat hour he accept­ for the diplomatic switch. planned wholesale evacumUon of and apace to preach at the nitwit four feet tall—la the towm's musi­ disturbance of the sensory nerve the supervision of bar Instructor, Reports Swaottks Flytaig cal wonder. LL Donald Patrick. Hra. Davta ba- Davia replied. “I waa sitting on It W hen W hat ’ May Await Bapaal Saatteaeat ed an offer from the government of The German press today rarrlad great dUea by major parta of their motorist who piles up the death Hat ending!. So W hat Opinion among many Washington Great Britate to mediate te this dto- An un^llevlng throng at the In the common typea of Itching, llevss that aha can taake tha trip te You see, I am too abort to reqeh tha undated reports by DNB (oflieial population—not fp panic flight of on thla pertlmlar annual occasion World's Fair rubbed Its eyes the something leas than ate hours. She controls otharwtae.” Oct. 18, A. F. of L. opens driv* to No Important efielals was that ha would call Con- pute. Owing to the atUtuda of the news agency) from Tha Corridor Birthday Party tfai nerve endings will be sufficiently 1938 graaa te ease of jl general conflict, Polish government, however, all vast bordci of uncontrolled refu higher than It reaches at any other other night, watching thU self- Irritated to produce an Increase In added, "The Bendix la an teteUlgent Thoroughly tratead amend Wagner A c t amendmenta te act which stated the swastika to flying possessed shaver from Callfotnla Tha other Instance was a bit more but e h a a g *0 te •van though thara' was no formal these andcavors bava rematesd In Ul vUlagea with German popula­ geee but aa an orderly, organ- time. It le a gxxKl deal like the five tha entslon within the akte Itaelf. race, staged for a definite purpoae deelarmtlon of war by any country, Is Held on Lawn wave hla tiny arma authoritatively so I am iatarested te IL I hava grim. Tha hugs amphibian b e l^ board poUetoa par- without result.” tion. iMd and competently supervised years of preaching that waa dona Scratching may help because It but that ha would not act hastily over fifty high achobl muilclana temporarily lesaena this tension successfully fflown long distances flown by Mrs. Davis and bar co­ mlttteg amployera Ambassador Potockl of Poland Ctormons ara gratefully "hsilta^ arrangement playing the Marehe, Slave. or until ha felt tbe sentiment of the toausd a atatamant on this point the Osrman troops, thaaa rspons by the press of the world and the Anything which will bring more non-stop, ao I am certain that I can pilot Harold Crowley, began to Mnk to pettUoa for ill- legtolatura for repeal of tha neutral­ Mr. aad Mrs. Alfred E. Scott R Is one at tha bright spots la Btatesmen of the world and tha No score rested In front of tha blood to the affected part will gen­ cover the Bendix route too.” after a forced landteg te the Atlan- dustrtel elaetloas. which said: aald. chubby little Toscanini. All 'the ity act’s arma embargo clausa waa In anthustosUc reports on the gave a birthday party yastorday af- tha dark ptetum that in both Great erally make the Itching worse. tlc ocean off the coast of Maine. (5ct. 15, Secretary Peridn* propoaea definitely favorable. "Wa wars wlllteg to nagoUata; tomooB te honor at thalr aon, Al­ rhurvhmen of the world to that notes were In hla head and you T rates Carefully Farther apart '{haa wa were willing to maka concasalona first day's oparaUona tha Oerman Britain and France ona of the flrat Without knowing the actual cauie However, the crew and pasaengera 1938 plan for rs-unlon of divided Senator Borah (R., Idaho), a fred. Jr., who waa on* year eld. Tba blg-tlme mad driver Adolf Hitler. « ’ould have felt that the slightest Har earaful trateteg fOr tba Ben­ aver. for tha sake of pesos. But what ao high Anny command declarad that of the Itching It Is difficult to give escaped from tha fast flooding cabin labor movaroent. laaitor of tha group which prevent^ Westarptetto, Poltoh munlttona depot party .waa held oa th* lawn at thair etaps In naUonal defense has been If one humitedth part of the dissonance from the flute sector dix recalls bow slmUar preparation and clutohad tha hull the dlaabled nsUon can do to piwant war, what surely muat have caught hla ear. any exact advice about treatment, et acUm at tha laat session on the ad- te Dankg harbor, had been takan, homo oa Autunm otraat .AU dace- tha planning for removal of mulU- strength and energy that was howrever, I ahall attempt to give you enabled Mrs. DSvts to wte the wom­ ■hip until they were rescued. Nov. IL Inteniational indtoa* Oarmant sun out mtaumUon’a proposal to rapaal the no tree government can do—to to Midget Maestro Ptoys, Too. an's air raca hald te connection with 1038? that Oarmany was te "cempleto qon- rmUona, tecludteg a large birthday tudas of children frool' the endan­ some general dlrectloni which may M m Davis to not a spectacular Workers' Union quit C. I. O. ban on arms ahipmenta to warring deliver its people into slavery tor cake aad oo* eaadl*, war* te blue wasted tn pleading tvlth Hitler had Brought here by hla paranta—hla Wright Day te Dayton rseently. For and becomes Independent trol at Poltoh air" and thu Oarmon gered center! of populaUon. Thla be helpful. flier, rather sha to a careful one. nations, toaued a warning teat night the sake of temporary peaea." troops striking front Bast Pi iwila and whit*. been utlUzed In the administration father, Lincoln, Is a singer—be has some time previous to the event ahe that tha United Btates would enter la perhaps tba moat human, com- convinced skeptical folk that he One of'the things you may try la Her trateteg tecludaa aeronautics N ot. 11, Oregon adopts anU-Iabor law were "dsspteFoUsh torriton." Tweaty-Sr* (ilaado aad ralatlvas of one Sock In the Jaw, long ago, to bathe the Itchy areae In warm wa­ pracUcad pjrlon tuna, tha ona thing courses deaUng with theory ofiUght Higher court ap- tlto European conflict if the arms plaUly decent thing that has ever knows three difficult symphonlei , 1988 limiting strikea, reatrietteg peato atm pending. Tbs A rn y comimmlguso aMo said war* praaant to wish him a bai^y thfi Labor Day would not be wit­ ter. This will flrat draw the blood to that ulUmatoly anabled har to win air dynamics, motors. Civil Aeran- amhaigo w *r* rapaalad. advances o f (Xonnaa ‘ Mrthday. Gaatos were playad u d wholly by heart and that he has picketing, boycotting, and no* "Wa cannot antar tha struggl* te bean dona tn conoecUon with eny nessing tbs dlsaatsr that has fall­ memorized many another lengthy the skin and then send It back Into tha evant Sha partldpatad te tha tutics Authority code, flight regula­ of union funds. M anchester Foreo that stortad from refteahmanta aarvad. war. the body. The final effect la one of Dayton affair to gate eompatitlva tions, navigation, meteorology, in­ part and stay out te part," ha said BQsala oarty yastorday en on Europe, And If one hun­ and difficult muilcal work. He fa a statomant. tosusu at Poland It has been ataUd that the evac- plays the piano and violin like a cooloeas, which will often relieve the experlenea and to show tha "doubt- strument and radio beam flying. Jan. 38, Homer Martin, head of-United Martin faction of D ate Book wan undar way toward thalr dredth part of the effort that has Itchy aeneatlon. Apply the warm wra- 1939 Auto Workers, raalgna as *x- Bpringa, Mates, where ha wns vaca­ uaUon plana In England contem­ veteran, but he ta prodigal with U. A. W. raaflUtete* tioning. “ Our boys would follow Uvas. Hospital Notes been expended In endeavoring to those tw-o Inatnimente, not a pro- ter by bathing In It. or by dipping acuUv* board member of C. L te June with A. F. TanIgM Tteopa ’ (Tom- East 1 plate tha removal from London of a clean towel In warm "water and O. after U. A. W. to split teto our guns Into ths trsnehas." make lunatic automobile drivers •llgy- He Is a wonder, however, germ. According to a report given on antlraly dlffarant flavor baeauaa at L. which launches Fnreesst Emhsrga Bspsnl Aug. 38-Sspt. 4 — Kntehta o f Oo- strsaiasd tete D a n ^ , wb the three million clvlUana—chlldran, with a baton. then placing the towel against the by McCollum the foUowteg amount of tho fat having been removed The two Vactlona. driv* for control of lumbua carnival at Main stroat commander of tha (Xaraaa Adattttad yastorday: OaS CMd- see the error of their ways had Itchy spots, or by gentle sponging auto labor. Howsesr, aetteg Chairman Btoont atote. 33 EdgartoB otraat. Mtao Vara their mothers and their achool A fanustle tight It te to see of copper per kilogram waa found ground meat should ba praaaed Into (D., N.T.), at tha House Foreign A f­ grounds. OM. OoB. Watthar Van been devoted to putting them In 9-year-oId clamber up to the pUe of tha skin. te cow’s milk—O.S. Tha copper te a dry caks pan to tba dapth of about daclarad bad baeoBs a sens o f ariU- Da Haa, S31 Bcbeol otraat, Eraaat taacben receiving the flmt conaid- When the akte seems to be cov­ Feb. 38, Prssidaii't Roeoeralt appeals to Farther apart than fairs Oomntttoa pradletad tha pro- Jail and then keeping them off the of crates hastily aracted for a po­ water would vary vrtth tha loeaUty. 1 tech, then put under a hot btbitor 1939 Sept. T-S^SriMPtr 8bow a t Maa- tary opataUcaa. MochaO. B Taylor stroat amUon. Bayond the statement that ered by a layer of hard, dry cells, In tha body, copper to aa tedto- A. F. of L. and C.' I. O. to ever. hlMUen on arms sales to baUlgsrants roads altogether we might expect dium and taka command of a hugs and tha flra turned down. The moat compos* differences. chsstor Cardan dub, Maaonle ‘Tam- Albert Forator, Nasi hand of Dtoehaigod yootorday: Mtoa Mar­ tha refugees will be estabUahed in orcheitra. Grizzled maeatros try adding ordinary baking soda to pcnsable element te nutrition, and would ba thrown out at n apseUl a tremendously reduced death Hat wlU bs cooked througb If It to broil­ aeaslon. Ha aald telttel r ^ s s „to plUe IfO SdBUlBlOll. Doasig'* dvil govanaiant, iBiBwdi- garet rssgan, Rteblaad Park. How­ 'lass dangerous localities In the command no roora raapcct than he the bath wrater. A good way to use lack of It Interferes with tha normal ed for about fi mteutoa but may be Feb 28. U. 8. Supreme (Xoturt rules te Fewer altdown Ss)^ 33 — District BMSttng a t atoly took pogaaaMan of tba aioa'a ard Raid, 848 tdrwU stroat between now and next Tuesday. when he lightly taps tha Uhls with tho soda la to add about a quarter asslmUation of Iron. Tbs iron, te inquirias aant to Dsmeeratio Housa country lltUe light has been ehed, broiled a shorter time if you prtfer 1939 favor of Fonsteel Corp. of strikes te 1939. members who voted for tha ambstge Order a t Vaan a t Masonic Temple. raitways, fonnarty aptratod by Po- AdBdttad today: Btaalay Koraa, If we have any advice to give the hla stick and polaei It. of a pound of soda to enough water turn, to needed (or tha (onnteg of It rare. Properly cooked SallMiury Chicago, aaytef thay had right thair roniBg Rack, aad har- 14T North Mato atraat perhaps IntenUonally. on tht char­ last aeaslon tedlcatad many had careless, recklsts or Indiffsrent mo­ Has Average Interests. for the usual bath. After getting out healthy rad blood ealto. Copper to Steak to daUdeua. to dtoeharg* aftdowners, since r w OM O E ir Mnanlag bar wbarvea. Disekargod today: Halaa Btavan acter of the refuges to which they Off the conductor's stand, how­ of the bath, do not dry the Itchy ported to ba found te tho following changed thalr mteds. torist at thla time 11 Is that he itep (Orapefnrit far OaMa) altdown aatoures of plants to Some admlntotration suppertan Mantoto, Mian.—(*>—AaMog tha Waraa Britota TRi Tky BOO. M Oreva atraat Btowart are to be taken. ever. Lorin It like a million other parte by vigorous rubbing. Either al­ parta of tha body: the Uvsr, pan­ Ulegal. nattoia up fo r aolaate ceasktoratten Bartta poUUeal etrelaa wantod op*n, 888 Adaaia atraat on the gas at every curve, so that ktds under stem parental dUclpUna. low the parts to dry by evaporation creas, hair, gray matter et the brain, Question: Mtoa Alice P. wrttea; have aiguad te tha past that rfpsal It U aa easy to aay three millions of tbs embargo, while making Amor, ky tha North Mankato city council that Britate "wiU pay tha bOT If it ho will land Ui the ditch, the hospi­ After finishing with the Marche —or. If a towel la ua^ at all usa spleen, bones, muselas, blood and "When a paraon has a cold, do you ApijU 3. Apex Hoclery decision of Fed- Appeal to Court at laeantly wata: A cawar wag built, attora teto a war agfaaat Oanaaay. aa. three thousand. But when one Slave, the other evening, hla moth­ It to pat tha akte gsntly. akte. Comparatively apaakteg, cop­ think tho grapofridt affudoa to 1939 * m court holds hoslary work- Appeals, and , to U. lean arms markets opoa legally to tal or the morgue as speedily ss helpful?" ruaateg the wreng way. A dea aad a "Oarmaay is raa^ to Mbt a««a Italy, foraiarly aa tomertot nn(> gives even an Instant'a thought to er rushed him off to the rest roqra When Itching la due mainly to the per U present te the human body te are liable for triple damages 8. Biipranw Coort aU belUgwaatai would chlafly bans- fawn roaBMd tba 8tfaata. Dr. H. possible end thus remove at least Anaww: I And tha frmafnitt et- lit Orsat Britain and Francs iMcaust a too-yiar war far Ita rigato and lot for Aamtlooa taaibar. Is soar the real significance of auch figures to exchange hu white linen suit presence of bodily toxins, a fasting very amall amounts but such of $711,933 for altdown atriks if nsceaaary. J. RUsen, baaltb a n o m , a id bto thq Baal paaoa at Borepa,” a aoap one of tha thouaands of menace- for warmer garmente. On the and dieting/ regimen, together with amounts are apparently tedtopena- fUdon vary halpful ta many caaea. te 1937. Britate would presumably control at tha former In relaUon to the tba seas te war-time and pravsnt •alaiy waa too btab M d vduntociad BMntary jaanad by thvcfBdal aowa r tS a o f «*ood fa r totoda (uratob- drivers from the highways. w ay he compared notes with hU plenty of W ter drinking, and the able. Tha grapefruit to out up, akte aad to taka a cut. TMnaat erne rsally taga aad doer* aad to aeima oatant praaant undertaking, the problem father. taking of dally enemas, wiu fra- all, and than allowad to remain te June 8, Michigan labor law goes In No definite court Germany from getting waapons Go It. gcrewball, and may (RabN Oaagh) affect outlaws altdown*. re­ ■tunaad tha oc ninuiurii of mrooving cloae to half of the en- "You saw-, daddy." he exclaimed, quantly banish tha itching alto- tha anamal pan or china disR for 80 1989 teet aa yet. bare. your fate delay not In overtaking 'T Just took it easy. I didn't want Queation: B. N. wants ta know: mteutoa aftar 1 quart of boilteg quire* advane* noUc* of eratary RnO, urgteg rapaal laat Um populaUon of the Immense gather. you. to tire them!" Thote who are now troubled by “la tbera auch a thing as a habit water baa.baen pouted ever i t At strtkaa. zeatrteta picketing. sigtt^ that America could BrlUab metropolis appears as. a Hla curly locks btew In an an- cough? Mothsr has bssn eougfateg tha sams tiros you are driakteg this aautial battar without an Itching will find tha followrteg arti­ ^un* 30. nUnoto Buprem* Court out­ On appeal. ataggerlng task. ergetlc bresze and ha looked Uke cles of teteraat; ITCHING OF THE for tha past S years. Ws flnally gca sffuaion. uas snamaa to apssd vp the _ _ than with ona. Ha said tt and HonMt PrlcM her to go to a doctor and ha says teteatteal eUmtaatlon, drink plenty 1939 laws picketing by outsider* The tranaportatieo problem, even They Anned Hitler a lad wiio had Just hew dragged BKIN ___ : PR U m jR ____; and for organizing purpose* if no iraa hiwiaaly Unpoaalbla to hold tba AB 4 Btw AffBatooEf Haas Al iiiiitl ippirtiiHr ti git livaii off the landlot by a harasaed par- her chest U psrfsctly aU'right SM of water, keep warm, and rest «s •calas exactly even between two at a time when troop movements BCABIXB (or ttebteg dua to the strike within. hava tka now eanatmatwi h » When a year ago Mr. Chamber­ tnt. preaence of the It A mite). You may that she coughs abapy from habit much u poadhla until tha aystamle briUger«nts by enacting an embargo and the shifting of war auppllea UnUlw many anotbar prodigy She to ntrrotts aad triss to do too storm known aa a cold baa passsd. Iriatir Tin faliv • • at a •■all aaat V«iAfa lain and -M. Daladler went to Mu­ obtain tbasa by writing te care eff July 8, (7.1.0. faction of Ubitod Anto Setttad; geBarally or by refraining from doing ao. y M S4.7% BMaw eompUcate It, might not be Insur­ who cloaata hlmsalf with nla di­ much. ccBaidariiig bar ago. hut vrtU (Pain Above Teeth) 1989. WsaU Stop naaa XMNattoa nich and swapped Czeebeelevakla this newspaper, eneloateg a larga,! Workers strlkee agatest Gen- regarded a* U. A. W. auloo al aa aatm naat Bndi S ib ia a n liii mountable; but it Is only tha amall- vinely rendered gift In a world of self-addreM^, stamped envalope. hot rest much.'* QussUoa:. Bally W. waats to oral IfOtors key ^ants. vletory, aopeetally I f PresMant Itoeaevalt teveked tha to HiUer for twelva months of RtKl la a aUanger to othar Anawsr: SomsUross a pattoat with know: "What would causa pate Just Hm ia ham far a SaSidto eet of beginnings. The housing of B *' over A. F. of L. fac­ nautrallty law in the praaant crlala, white war Instead of a possible children, Lorin Maesel baa a va­ Qneettona aad Answers a tandency toward narvouiasa gota ahOve the upper front tooth? Whan tion. tt la ai^aetod that one immadlata ierw te e SnaonB^ nnah la auch a mulUtude in the relaUvely week of red, they made possible riety of healthy, adotesoent Inter- (Copper) Into tha habit of eoughtag, and son- X preoB on It with my flngar, thara u affect ba to 'Stop daUvsries of —w teem toipanaM tame me emmm et etmeeu w aa as eate. John Lewto. C. I. O. president, i^aratly popuUted country dls- Germany's praaent attack on Po­ Question. ~E. C writes: "Do you tteuea to cough te ateto o f tho (aet a teal pate. Unless tt ta ptessad, it July >7. Dabatabl*. mllttgry ptenai( wUch Britate and ■rlew***'* Jhlell\tieir •raay SM af lto 4 m ol anw Srato Wyhl yM mSa hi For example, hie remarkable have an article on copper? Which that thsrs Is ao toml Irritation auf- MS noThurt." 1989 releaaas "evil old man"- attack Franca have bean biqrlng te this ymr oM tlraa m m art m atm Ukmm dUenmee emi ha|Ai trleta, tha Job of providing a com- land. memory not only holds symphon­ — far fggS f ■silly foods ara the rieheet te copper? fletoat to maka tbs eougb aoeaoaaiy. Answer: Have the tooth looked at on Qaniar. oouatiy te laig* aumbera. jto|nyiiiglitogy^M alyaESbyaaill|^^ aUaaarlat for them, supplying them For twenty years the Csecba bad ic acorea, but baaebaU sooraa—and Tbs pattoat may ba abis to braak by a dentist Ton might bava an How much copper to found te mUk?' July *3. Fonfarteg yaatard^B cabtoat with clothing, medical aarvicet and be can teU you Just aa quickly aa tbs habit through aa slfert of win. abeceas; or tbare m ay! gum te- W PA "strike" protaata te- Prasldant warns been applying themselvea to the How does the body use copper? In 1989 cieaaad hours for skillad "eaaaot strlko maattag. Secretary of War Woodring ^ aa mgitteHmf iHmmph ami whhaM a4 M aalia nnat materlala, maintaining morale and 5? w M sn t a beat, what the which parts of the body to the most but it to probabla that abs win ooa- flammatinn. whldhami teak of providing thsmselvaa with Cincinnati Rada did the other day worfcara, with cut te houzly agsteat th* govem- raportod tba pteM of aa Utar-db- laM fa totojrwiee^ghe^m h w w creating a way of Ufa in new en- copper found ?" tteua to oougK H w ayavtom to it­ (OH Wooad) partmantal conunlttea to aoftsn tha Um ter lUo Salto the means for mlUtary defenas. te that double-header. He plays aelf to not dugsioas s m X Mwuld pay rat*. ment"; "atrike" ool- trtronment, coosUtuta an herculean Anawer: I do not have aa artieta Quastlon: O. S. O. writaa: *T am blow of tho war en thla country had They bad maitufacturad and stored Mdmteton and clamors to be taken on copper. On page 111 of Barman's Rot worry too mm^ i f _l during apare hours. thak indeed. "EocMAnd Qharaetae^xtototevIBnBi | , » 1 T rw UB-lB, Actors' strike averted after Expallsd by^Hh* ' Attormy-aanacal Murphy aald aU iS iB ... TMiduiMe. w tbi IteMt wrir equipment te the ™ paranta angiy,. They Uka Hated as poaaeaslhg the roost copper hurts aad pates ms Just bsfoce thsrs American Fadaratlca of Ac- 4-A’s, tha status of hto dapartmant's plana war* reqdy Qraat Britain or in Franea*lhan it tbenk are: wheat germ, oats, almonds, QuasUoa: Mra T. T. wrttaa: *X is a change la the waathsr. Is thsrs tors triea to accede from Aaeo- the A. F. A. lemains and tedicatod othara Bright accrua fa r n U i ih d fa world. They had tha world's moat wdaey beans, rya, pass, asparagua, wwiid be tn many other eountrUs, aettoa yon advtao Ballabuiy Staak ta Shy thing tbat eaa bs dons to bring eiatad Actora aad ArUsts of tedetormteate. Bo- from eonfaraneas ha ptanaad today. ealebrated munlUons plant the fa-' com. lantito and barlay. MeCellua year OMnus odcaaleaally. W U you nUaf?" Amatlea aad aBUtoto'witb th* phto Tnekar, presl- He waa to talk with J. Edgar Roo- bcaauN tha Bcitlah and tha Frahch _ Overraaoins Haeaetf ■ moua Skoda. te this book, "Tbe Nevrsr IGaowlsAis f j essa bs so blad as totoO om bow tar: As a toncgal nila thsM Xatoraattcaal .AlBaao* of The­ Baat o f A. r . A sua. vM. bead e t tbe Bnraaa o f lavaati- Oklahonm City (g>>—Three-ton of ^trlttan.'' p rm ^ a, eem p^ ete in marlMd degree indlvlduaUs- Evary ounce of this Mr. Cham-’ Lteoote Park aoe't only tbts atoab Is eeeksdr* to racy itttle vrhidi may ba done te atrical Stag* EBiptoyaa. poaBad by Actors' rattan, w gardhig ptana to onan a 8 B B Y I G E Itc- T k »r are not docUa, regl- baiutvo list o( &a (dods eentatelng Aaswsr; •alisbaiy Staak Is prs- teUsva tba disoonttagt aiisteg ta old E qrlty Aesa.. s f?tmter aaplonafs eOoa to MaiMla. bertala aad M. Daladlsr •tenbant, raaehad too far (or a m - eoppar. unong whick me tha foBow- WMitcd peoples who can ba led nuf and f ^ into • tbiao-foot watw PRTSd by gitedteg tbraugh a mast arouads (kom weatbsr. h r a i^ of 4 ^ ‘A Urgaa C np Oantrol over to Germany. And It la aa- teg: Borrel tsavas, spteach. lattuea, grtadsr only tbs rad. laaa part of MiniWilil by eoasUtutad authority teQSt. Attendantg. draiaad out tba Secretary e t Agrieultara. WaBaee, STATION tremcly probable that this arms- water ao they could build a stair­ caneta ^uralpa radtohaa basta namd Maak (Nas whlcb aS gHstls QmaHoa: J. J. asha: TVbat mabss Aug- Bl. New Toefc Bdlk atiik* ertai First antabla cEWt in a radto addr iae, urgad (annera to 1989 with aeUv* C X O. aid and VAN’S Mw IP MMgqr Che^ . Thny arc the way for bar to cUmb out Sbo ^ laska sratarereaa aalalfy. oalsry. aad fat hava bsan fiwntafl Thla camto yellow?" to rMoaeUe •Csrin- aunt la not only mors axtanatvs dlreetlan. ecBUBaa eboperatloa with i 42T BAHTFOED ROAD TELEPHONE SiM o n l^ potatoea pumpkte, toauto^' may asam (tadlar to Answer: Tba color la due to « ar-Labor tatmato meat qr«p eantrol ptflgrama. • eaeiee. oraatea oUvaa tafl ndMst bat Is mora aaisSr esnad carotla. ta tana fitopato. Ineraaaed flemaafl that war

—' ' r.; • * ,' .'" V !

lA la B n s r r BVENINO HBHALD, KANCSnTEB. OOMII. SATDBDAT. 8EPTEMBEB S, 1M » I MANCHESTER EVENXNO HERALD, MANCHESTER, 00NN„ SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2.1982 Hoover Urges Daily Radio Programs Ready for the Bell News of Veti^ and Their Auxiliaries Neutral Standi Blue fields Dethroned as Twilight Champs as PA ’s Win^ knowing that althongh you are rest­ 11:15—Joseph Rlnes* Orchestra. Believes War Likely to ing you sriU still b* looking for the »- ^ 11:80—Uttle Jack Little's Orchee- Be Long One; Sees! old page each week. Just to see Anderson- WTIC tra. what your old pals are doing. I l^arion Villner Competes 12:00—Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra Poland Overrun. know my old pals See-be and Bee-el Shea Five Kayoes Feature Red Men’s Fistic Card Ray HoUand’s WaUop 13:55—Newa join me In these good wishes. 1:00 A. M.—Silent In Women^s National Meet ■artfwd, CemM. San Francisco, Sept. 2—OPi— ODogratulations to the Anderaon- Auxiliary i j m w. i»M a. o. W.S M. America must keep out of the Euro­ Shea Drum Corps which for the No. 2948 b w tm OayUtM Savteg Ttm# third time walked off with the Na­ V. F. W. In 7th With Three On pean war "if we are to preaerva for Young Sharkey : Opening Day of Play May Local Sport MU* 5Urkin Vlttaer, Moncbes-.ln Atehama tn the 100 BMter dash. tional Championship at the V.F.W. tor’s youthful femtata* track ondTother title bolder* expected to de­ Sslardk/, Sqrt: > civlliution the foundations of demo­ convention held in Boston Tuesilay. fend their honor* In tomorrow's WDRC field star, to ptenntag to compete TM. cracy and free meh,” Herbert Hoov< It's a great record and we know the Meniberg Attend mut, which ineludu a 28-mll* ma­ a: 15—New* For Women Only Eastern OayUght Saving Time er believes. ^----- AAons-Ypres Post folks up at the Home will be feeling Loses Main Go Decide Davis Cup Winner Chatter ta th* women's National AAU rathon from Grange to Waterbury Cops Thrilling Clash a:SO—Oolden Uelodlee n s Hartford, Conn. 1880 "It will likely be a long war,” the ndgbty proud I suppose the Cjhief championships at Waterbury to­ for men. *re u follow*; 400 meter S:00—MaUoee In Rhythm B. W. V. Hub Convention *nie Blueflelda, it seems to u*. morrow oftsrnoon and will com­ relay—Tuskege* Institute "A " former president declared last night of the band. Bee-el, la still patting pulled a mighty poor piece of strat­ 1:80—Roy Eldredse’e Orcheetr* Saturday. Sept. 2 In a speech over a national radio himself on the chest and sa^ng "I To Fitzgerald Havsrford. Fa., BepL 2—Of)—TheVday. Parker, who failed to make pete in both th* sprints and jumps team; running high jump— Mar­ 4:00—The Trytone Band flrat day of play may decide today ^ th* team last year, n'ss considered egy in handling Ehnle Viot an in­ against ths fersmost women per­ garet Bergmonn, Park-Central, New Veteran Star Laceg 3*2 Pitch Into Deep Gaotii’ to p. m. bonk-iip (NBC). told you so." tentional poos to load tha bases In 4:30—Paul Laval'* Orchestra 3:00—Merrymaker* "It Is possible that Poland may be Jeema Bemoana Comrade J. A. Pratt U sUll at th* The Ladies 28tb National Oonven- the wlniMr of the 19to Davis. Cup a poor match for the Austrian No. formers In th* U. 4. Miss Vltt- York; eight pound ebot nut—(teth- Tally Two Runt and Pull Out V ic t i^ la Hah> '4:45—Stardmt Theater chalteng* round between ths United 1. tbe fateful seventh Inning of last ner, who hu sheu'n much promise erlne Fellmeth. Chicago Hurricane; 3:30—Charles Paul at the Organ overrun in a few months But there Noroton Soldiers Home and getting Uon V. F. W. was held this past Bordoni Stops Srhlosser taght's defeat by the Pollsh-Ameri- 8:00—Program From New York 4:0O—Dance pator* seems no point of access from which week In Roston, Mass. President Btates and Australia. The ItksUhood of double American In the varioua meets she hu en­ discus throw—Catherine Fellmutb. Raising Qimax as Amerks Sweep P la y ^ Serleat along as well os can be expected. eans, a setback that deprived the CTilcago Hurricanes; running broad 8:80— Sa-lng 4:30—Chansonette an overwhelming attack can be de­ Loaa o f Stretch He must be very proud of that old­ Peterson. Maude Leggett. Jane For­ In Second; Polovitrcr Th* supposedly top men of both defeat today diminished rapidly, tered tn th* p u t two years, will 8:45—Bruce Baker’* Orcheatra livered from the British and French tin,' Lillian Linders, Mary Cole. teams—John Bromwich for Aus­ however, as match time approached. Bluehelds of their chance to retire also see action in the annual meet jump—Lula May Hynu, Tuakegee Umpire’ s Questionable Disdsion Gives Losers 4:45-The Saratoga and Revue of est boy of his, "Leslie.” This lad is tha Frank Butch trophy this yeer... 6:00—New* and Weather the Hopeful on one side and the Germans and Helen Giiatofsan, 'Valluzzl. Lil­ And Satr>*b Draw in tralia and Bobby Rlgg* for the Heavily favored before their at Ooodyur on Labor Day, In Institute: baMDOll throw—Betsy making quite a name for himself In which she i* defending her 75-yard Jochum, Cincinnati, 281 feeU 7 Lead in Hectic Sixth Frame, Nearly Canoes Riot; 6:15—Strictly Spnrt* with Boh 5 :1.5 - .Summer Serenade Italians on the other, which might Farewell, friend "Stretch" we lian Cheney. Doris Modean, Dorothy United States—meet at 1 p. m. matches at Brookline. Mas*., n1th the swimming world. Last week be Night’ s Best Bout. Yugoslavia, {he challengers now are It's always considered good base- dash titls. Inchu: javelin throw—Rose Auer­ Steele 5..30 -Sterling Young's orchestra quickly end the wsr. It Is likely to were mighty sorry to know you won four first prises at swimming Miller, Elizabeth Maher Gertrude (e.s.t.) on th* gross of Merlon Ed Kovis Bests Borello on the Pitching Slab. 6:30—Behind the Scene* with Paul be s war of alow attrition.*' Buchanan, all attended the conven­ cricket club. Then Adrian Quist of given only s slight edge. Bromwich ban to load the bases when two are Clare Isleson of the Eastern bach. Butern Women's A. O., <100 Ttie Ksso Reporter — News. were giving up your job at penman meets held in Hartford and Man­ out In order to provide a play at Brooklyn; team champions— Tutke- Lucas Weather Hoover said the present situation tion. A good time was enjoyed by By Win Astara* th* ehollengere takes on Frankie has been off form In practice. But Women’s A. C. of Brooklyn Is the for the Legion. During this past chester. Keep up the good work, there Is another, less tangible reason every base but we fall to see any defeniUng champion In the 50 me­ gee Institute. 6:45—Norsemen Quartet 6:0.5— Baseball Scores Is not "the act of the fjerman peo Leslie. all, the parade v r u a wonderful Th* Curopsan ensts must have Parker, at 22 the oldest player on It was two years ago that Ray HoIUnd, ths tdd war horn of year wo have enjoyed reading your sight. Many thanks to Dot and Helen —the mental hazard of trjing to tense in passing Viot to get at a ter dash. Marie Cofrell of the Oer- The marathon win atari at noon 7:00—Jan Savltf* Orchestra A: 10— Instrumentalist pie." contribution to this column very had something to do ^ th it because tbs American team. the diamond, pitched the Blueflelds to tho town bastball cham* What a response I got to my ap­ to r carr.vlng the colors in the nearly every bout at the Red Men’* If ths defending Americana drop. concentrate on tennis when both player like Holland, who has prov­ man-Amerlcan A. C. of New York and end about 8 o’clock and ths 7:30—Glenn Miller's Orchestra 6:15—Nat Brandwynne’s orchestra Repugnant to AmnrlcaiM much and know there will be many pionehip. Lsst night at the West Sid« Oval h« battsd tham "It Is the act of a group who hold peal for News for the buddy column parade, Florence. Maude, Lillian L,. A r*M last night ended in a knock­ both matches, they con just about Australians might be called soon to en only s bit short of terrtflo tn in th* 80 meter duh and Lula track events will follow a half hour 8:00—From Hollywood Today 6:30—This Week In Washington who will miss your note* just aa printed last week! Result; Silence. the elutci on numerous ocrations In May Hynes of Tuakegee Institute later. out of the Twilight League title aa, with tha baaaa leadad and 8:80—Variety Program with Red 6:45—Vocal Ember* them In subjection,'' he said. "The Jane, and Gertrude took part In tk out. Strang* to report, the kayoes kiss the cup good-bye. Even Cap-! fight for their mother country, whole Nazi system Is repugnant to much os w*. W* know you have Jeem'a parade. f became eo monotonous that It made tain Waiter Pate "doubts" any dou-1 Threat of war and grim recoUec th* past two away, he blasted a 8-2 pitch into the far conflnea of dam Foley 7:00—Dance orchestra earned your rest, and we welcome 7:.30-Michael Ixiring Presents the American people. The most of Attention ladles; TTie auxlllaijt bill a dull one. 'Changes mode bics combination he can put to tlon colored proceedings ss Sir center fleld to give the Polish-Americans a dattling 6-4 triumpfi 9:00—Vo* Pop your *ucee**pr. will hold a food sale Saturday, Sep­ the lest minute mixed up the 9:30—Arch Oboler's Plays 8:00—"County Seat"—starring Ray American sympathies will be with Bail* With Light Out gether could beat Bromwich and Norman Brookes of the Australian Suproec Viot hi I sing'leil, what in one of the most dramatic and exciting eUmaxea ever ttaged rhanks for the chicken dinner. tember I6th, Instenci of September end altogether plore<. a major Quist tomorrow. The U. 8. pair will Lan-n Tennis Association and Hol- then?, fna t-.tB tv-'i 1 hsie scored 10:00—Caravan with Benny Good- Collin* Ih* democracies." Havana. Sept. 2.—(yP)-The Ger­ in a local aporta event. "Whatever our sympathies are You had me fooled for quite awhile, 9th. We are sorry thi? error was in this. to announced tonighL Pate Indicat­ come Ward of the U. 8. Lawn Tennis at most, tnrig up the game...the Joe DiMaggio Seeking Man's Orchestra 8:30-Orrln Tucker and hi* Tea but the thoughts of you leaving us man liner Columbus sailed for Ger­ made, but If you have been asked FSM AlBMSt aiet A ' ' " '■■■...... Timers w* cannot solve the problems of Th* on* bright spot was the eeml- ed be would click by his tentative Aosoclatlon made ths ctremonlol pressure w i 'M tisve been off Bor- 10:80—Gray Gordon's Orchestra took away my appetite and today many at 3 a. m. today with all for a donation remember the food flnal between BlUv Batryb, of Rock­ ello and ha r-.ay have rsUrad the LM t night's elMh hsd everything, I 11:00—Trans Radio Nears 9:00—Your Hit Parade Europe. America must keep out of light* out. Last night It landed 775 selection of midshipman Joe Hunt draw from ths cup yesterday. find* jrour chicken dinner carefully sale will be Sept. 16th. ville and Jo* Poiowitaer, of Wind­ Sir Norman was a member of the side wlthoMt further ei'..ilng.. .It even a near riot cauoed by a highly 11:18—Joseph Rlnes' Orchestra 9:45—Concert Hall of the Air this war. The president and Con­ American tourisU who bad been and 18-year-old Jack Kramer, the Box Score gress should be supported In their placed In refrigeration to keep for­ On Sept. 12th the regular meet­ sor Locks. This waa a miniature "baby" of the team. 1914 Australian team which beat w u too dailt to p:sy on'-ther inn­ Triple Batting Crown quesUonabl* decialon by Umpire 11:80—Horace Heldt’s Orchestra 10:15—Grant Park Concert. making a West Indies cruise, can­ ing of the auxiliary will be held m Armstrong-Ambers bout which sav­ 10:45—Armchair Adventures every effort to keep us out. W# can ever In memory of a big hearted Monday will bring together Riggs (Germany at Pittsburgh just before ing and the bluct’icldf wou d have Herb Stevenson that provided the AJI. celling a New York call. The tourists the y. F. W. Post rooms. ed th* card from being a washout. bod another chance. .. Blueflelds with a 4-8 IMd In to* 11:00—The Esso Reporter — News, keep out if we have the resolute Active Season Overnight Newa generou* aoui whom we were proud are to sail for home on the P. A O. and Quist—with staswy Bobby the tbe lost World War started. His 1J:80—Ray Noble's Orchestra to know and aorry to have to part Reminders; Sept. 12tn Auxiliary It resulted in a draw. The main bout favorite — and Bromwich and partner, Anthony Wilding, ts’oa kill­ Instead of taking a chance on siaUi Inning. But svsn that unplsos- AB R H FO A B Weather national will to do so. We can be liner Florida which was chartered Savoriek, 8b 12:55—News of more service to Europe and with. So, Stretch, a* we part we meeting. Sept. 17th, Constitution waa between Young Sharkey, of Parker. The Americans counted on ed In action next April. Australia Viot. the Blueflelds risked every­ Yankee Qipper’ fl Slug* ant Incident w m eompletsly forgot­ .4 t • J I 0 1:00—Silent 11:05—Forest Fire-Weather Fore­ Of Connecticut especially for th* trip by North Day. Sept. 18tb, Auxiliary food sale. Wllllmantic and Billy Fitzgerald, of Batting Stars A. Obucbowslil, ef 8 cast and Baseball Bcores humanity If w* preserve the vUell For County Y join in wlahlng you the beat of luck German Lloyd. two victories today and one Mon- last won the cup In 1919. thing against Holland, a player of ging I-^ads New York* ten In the light of what happened By ABSOUATED FEBSa Gertie. New Britain. Fitzgerald won by an great experience and grert ability In to* fM t gathering darknaes ta VIOL r f ...... S 11:10—Del Courtney's orchestra ty and strength of the United States edge in a fight conipicious for us Tenaorrow's ProKram for use In the period of peace which to produce when the chip* or* down ers Toward Amerk th* seventh when the PA’s mad* Heltend, e ...... 4 11:30—Barry Wood and his orches­ Guilford—(jburch bells pealed as lack of action. Byehoeki, lb .. .8 A. M. tra must sometime come. And we must . .in a spot like that he'd be tb* lu t Improve Marks their heart-throbbing, pulas-sUrrtag 8:48—Nears and Weather. Full Program to Get Un­ Guilford's observance' of Its south who la both smart and has a oense Since there wo* so little to chose mar. we d pick to fo il.. .the old war Pennant; Gain on Sox. Vojeek. If .. .,..8 12:00--Harry James' orchestra keep out if we are to' preserve for from in the bout*, they are given In rally from th* brink cf defsaU 9:00—Turn Back the Clock. anniversary opened tsdtb a pageant Actress Needs of comedy in a protected Philadel­ Frank Will Report horee was In hla glory and ha mods Th* proceedings started calmly HaraburdA « .8 13:30—Sammy Kaye's orchestra. civilization the foundations of demo­ der Way as Headquar­ phia family. order. 9:18—Tom Terrlsa cracy and free men.” entitled "Heart of America." Moriartys, GA’s Open the most of lt...w « fait *orry for By BttUiy enough. Kutessnakl Isd off wltb a iteewibst, lb .. 8 They are the roles that both MUs Botdtol Koyeea Fse Di Maggio Ups Average Kovte, p ...... 8 9:30—Sunday Drivsn. Hoover declared this was"one of New Britain—Robert Hodge, 28, Borello. . .the strain, tbs teiiseasM. Aaeeeteted Freu Spotte Writer towering fly to third that Smith Tomorrow** Program ters'Are Opened. Bankhead and Mias Hepburn have Within Six Weeks Th* first bout found Kaye Ahoti. C. ObuebeorsM, •• 0 10:00—Highlights of the Blbls. the saddest days that has come to son of Harris F. Hodge, assistant Good Vehicle the Imp.iitance of the moment was To .408 an Ml*e Pow- ] The "Yankee CUpper” of tb* easily smothered. Tlien Kovte drev* 10:30—Barry McKinley. a. m. secretary of the New Britain Gas been awaiting these several seaaoos 182, of Rockville, facing Manuel worse for him than for Holland, humanity In 100 years." He said war With the closing of three major Gomaz, 182, of New London. It was Twi Playoff Tomorrow ' American Leagus 1s swinging hte a otagt* to right and Saverick walk* Total* 10:48—KIdoodlera 0:00—Sunday Song Service meant the killing of "millions of the Light Company, died a fei hours and now they happily have them. wbo h u been In like situstlont be dera the Ball at .360. n 4 4 n u 4 summer enterprises, the County after his father was pronounced a pur* slugging with Gomel, s coior- *d for to* third timA Thing* began 11:00—Musical Interlude. 9:30—New*. Weather best and moat courageous of men Chicago, Sept. 2 — (85 — Glenn for* many tlm u ... I way to a fame that may be u tast­ to look sUghtly dongsroun for toe suicide by Medical Elxamlner John Tallulah Bankhead and sd lad, out in 2:30 of the second. ing u tost of to* Yanku CUpper _ ABRHPOAS 11:05—Romance Melodies. 9:48—Harry Hortlcks' orchestra who might contribute to human YMCA ends on* of the most active Frank, chairman of the Republican Georg* Bordtal, ISO. aUsgsdIy from New York, Sept. I Bhitflelda and Cooob Walter 'YsT 11:30—Julio Martin** Oyanguran. 10:00—Church of the Air progress." summer programs in its history. Pumey who said the elderly man Rival, auh at Weal S ld e *",-W ^ “ of Amertoan history. Otoata. l b ...... 4 4 J 4 I • died of illuminating gas poisoning. Katharine Hepburn in War of Stomachs parljls program committee, said to­ Maaeasstsr, and Ed Sehioaasr. 150, Whan to* count reached 8>2 It tag out tost eld u w about "th* Holland gatoetod hte board cf •aalto, 4 b ...... 4 t. J 4 S 1 11 ::45—Vernon Crame'e Story 10:80—Wings Over Jordan sponsors, the two greatest boosters turned u though to* crowd ecaree- I Jo* DlMsggto, to* ‘nranks* Cap­ Camp Woodstock, .conducted Jointly Hodge had worried over his son's day he and his 380 assoclatea would of West Bprlngtteld, fumtehsd tbs Oral at 3 O’ ClodK;] rich get richer,” Jo* DIMaggle and per,” anpur* rudy to grab not strategy togstosr for a eonfab. It Rauteatorg, c l ., 4 S J I S S Book. 11:00—Nears and Rhythm Araured Plays Now. firework* ta ths nsxt. It was a eas* of Iocs] sports in many a year. Matt ly bruthed... the payoff pitch was 18:00 Noon—Walter Logan's Musi- 11:30-Major Bowes’ Capftol Fam­ with the County YVLCX of Tolland Illness. be prepared to report on the state Johnny Ml** Improved their own only to* major leagus ball WM deddod to walk Viot to grt a LaFteur, i f ...... 4 I f 1 S • Seen hy Author of down and up for Bchtesssr unUl Gb4 HooBen to Oppose | and Mauric* Moriarty. For that coming up but Holland fouled It o ff. play at overy boM and too Btuo* cale. ily Ck>unty, att-acted 280 dlSerent boys Windsor—Linwood Jackson, 17- of the nation within the next six marks ss well u their morglu this championship wlto tb* first •S5 David. I f ...... I 0 J • J 4 New Tork. Sept. 8—(85—A star weeks. he waa out eold ta 3:10 in th* sec­ reason the pressure nin to on them ..the fans bad a spilt seoend of week wbU* cllmbtng determinedly fields never mad* a more mtetakw Kaeaey, ** .. ..-.i 4 • • J 0 F. U. 12:15—Sunday Serenade and gills In the enlarged camping jiear-old tobacco worker,, suffered a ond. In the first Bordoni waa so sz- Broad Brook______Monday. as their Is only two things now that relaxation, then tensed again In a avsrog* In nln* ysars, but Isodsr- 18:4ft-New* and Weather. 12:30—Last Minute News Flashes R ^ i o period conducted from July 4th possible skull fracture in falling actress, such as Tailulsb Bankhead It will take at least that much toward th* major league batting ship In runs battsd In for hte elr* decteton Iban that I tepatfa , lb .. ..Ilia I • Santa Barbara, Calif., SepL 2—(85 longer, he estimated, for the com- eltad that ha atruck bis opponent m i stand in the way of fttllflUmsnt. deathly hush...the pitch, the sharp ehomplaiMblp*. Ktat^ 9 .. .,..t • • 4 I • 1:00—Music for Moderns. 12:45—Salt Lake City Ta^rnacle through August Slit. Elmer T. from a truck transporting hlmsell or Katharine Hepburn, needs an as­ white Sehloaaer waa on cos kne* but With three dependatare pltchsrs That la the German team tomorrow crack of tb* bat and the ball wing­ cult and possibly to* bom* run ■oSmto OsoM onm agb 1:80—Straday Symphonett*. Choir and Organ Thienea, 0>unty Y executive secre­ and 24 other Negroes from Oliver —Bertrand Ruasell, British author nfittee to complete the Investigation DlMsgglo'e eenutlonol clip tn ebomplonsnip. too. BwNte, p .. ...,s 1 J s i a Bastoiw StaMari Tim* sured vehlcl* and the** ^wo have or American problems it began tha refsrsa excused it. It was not a the German-Americans are dus to and the surprising Polish Amert ing Its way dup. dup Into center Hottend, Mg, burisy oatelMr of ths 8:00—Sunday Dinner at Aunt 1:00—Church Of The Air tary, gave leadership to the boys' Thrsll'a plantation to their homes. and World War hero who retired aa hard blow and mad* no dUferenc* ths American League carried him Onto Dewn Handlsnp PA'S and a vstoroa wbo bM ptayod them on Broadway at tbs moment nearly two year* ago. At that time try and furnish another ui«et in the t*®*- field, where Rautenbeig turned and from .403 to .408 and' during tb* Totrta Fanny's. 1:30—Allen Both and the Symphony New York, Kept. 3 Operating no camp as director, serving In this Hartford—Mayor Spellacy con­ a lieutenant-coloneL believes that ta tbs outcome. ataMot every portttoa Umto to ta capacity for his 17th year. with their "The Little Foxes" and Frank described the Inquiry as a resignedly watched It drop out in Min* period Jimmy Foxx of the This triple Uor* sesmsd lest ■acm by 8:30—The Starlight Wanderer. of Melody. * 34-hour basis, the networks are ferred with Federal and state offi­ "afttr three or four more wars peo­ Pair of Oniek Kayos* Twl league playoffs tomorrow sfter- tomorrow and the game will start the grass beyond tbe cinder track. nearly two deeadso of aetloa, rtrodo 8:40—Sabbath Message. Camp Vagabond, traveling — (Via up a hatf doBsn tlmss until b* was Surprises have been the dish for sag from third to fifth place during 4:48—Je* Drsamln'—Bud Rainey. A new experiment this year to party In Connecticut, announced pecially in that revived Jeanne London—Pasoed Throught British h u beaten both to* local teams and feet from to* bog.. .from where w* the week, the first time he had been ed ta nearly oil to* Bad Soa grtnoA bon and cmailMd It teto doop ocator, vue 7:30, 9:15 and 10; &IBR-chain 7:30, unabl* to get i the faithful fan* thia season and M t ta th* press box behind the T.'OO—The Aldrich Family. piovlde a recreational s'jmmcr pro­ that his organisation had been Etegets role in "Rain." Censorship)—The Netherlands gov­ mtaut* and flfty oeconds ta the flrsL Judging from the interest in last almost bod a no-hlL no-run game below third place stooe mId-Jua*. had token ovsr tb* teodsrsblp of much too far away far Mtbar DavM ■oceOA Striteh Ootbyi iT S t o 6:30—d'ateway to Hollywood 8, 9 and 9:30. Neutrality Stand against Depot Square. Wlersklckl. plat* It sumikl u If Smith vured them two dsparUnsat*. Tbsy sUU T:80—Band Wagon with Orches­ 7:00—The People's Platform gram for young people In the towns absorbed by the local Citizens' par­ Now, and with the critics saying ernment cleclared martial law today, Then trotted Into the ring for tbe night's encounter there will be a big The ten leading hitter* or Koutcaberf to gat aad tocy *M A Thna: t haur M aiowMa.: Sunday and Monday schedules are of Collinsville,' Farmington, and D o M catcher, got to* only hit off off tbe bau line and went around hold It.but no longer by Insui^ didn't try. (Shat ObudwwaW, nm* tra. 7:30—Erno Rapee's orchestra, Jane not complete, but some of the times ty beaded by Al G. Kasim. nice things about them. Miss Bank- enabling miUtary authorities to Uks crowd at tbs game tomorrow after­ Amerte** lM*gns UtaptoMi ifnfVBS, ) B p rl^ sk L Ths RoclcvUI* boy is Most everything that can happen every* champ* calmed gomes. Twl aiosoB wlUi aa tvta braak •unoundod tbo artater t m < 10:45—Armchair Adventures WEAF-NBC - 7:30 Red Skelton It waa understood five classes Brothers are not taking th* Oerman- In baseball did this season In th* Kreevlch, Chicago 482 44 189' .822 ton gatasa aad twte* leawa to tot 18:00—Wayne King's Orchestra. was sponsored by Interested local — ( Via London — Passed Through would be called to the colors, raising peptilir ksrs and be won tbe de- down, however, and th* ump* had Bocks 88 of vkdeaoA C~ 11:00—News. Weather tlftie; 8:30 Arch Oboler's plays; 9 Speciolizing Americans lightly. Th* reports that xwlTwl clnuiLclreuiL Upstte, a tripla play McNair, CMcago 888 42 117 522 Qtata ordstod 12:80—Ted Weems' Orchestra. organizations. British Onsorihlp)—A "Danger of Denmark's armed strength to a ciMoa by his ctever basetag. Ha has no other dUflcultlM, Mve for th* BorUsr this wash tat ebampteae, reatiitd tosir peak la 11:18—Jack Jenney's orchestra Benny Goodman swing. Assistance was also given In the tbs tsam wUi to mtaua two of its aad counUsas feats that would row OB Btovenson's verdict...the this pbwefr aad awapt to* >h hidroBdMtata 18:88—Newa war" proclamation was losued early total of 45,000 men. In evarythug but a punch. star hurlera for Sunday Is all pro­ Mias, SL Louis 484 90 1ST 560 three bom* runs, total 11:30—Phil Harris's orchestra. WABC-CBS — 8 Americiins at Important summer program con­ Kid Bbumae, 02, of Bpringflsid eite a radio aimouneer to tsars. Btueflelds started to protest to* flalda tat* to* dteeord with asaaac and tho oMwi i;00 a m.—silent today by the Commonwealth Execu­ Informed souroea said Danish cur­ paganda. Arnovlch, Phlte. t t l 58 146 587 28 oomporsd with •4 for 12:00-Sterling Young's orchestra Work; 7 Country Scat; 8 Hit Par­ ducted by the Connecticut Council tive Council. and Frank Patrldge, 132 of Hart­ balk that Jim OXSory called on 114 games. Uv* 7-8 and 8*4 vtetorteA So sods allow Stay tai 12:30—Van Alexander's orcheatra. ade. rency would remain tied to the Brit­ Th* on* big amWtlon of Moriarty McCormick. Cta. 485 81 182 584 Monday, Sept 4 of Churches on the tobacco planta­ Premier Robert Gordon Menzlas ish pound sterling. ford furnlalMd fireworks foi three Vlot's two perfect throws teat Borello but thought better ef It... Tb* Yankee at Um Bliisfltlis’ heps* ef g* *T**»g toelr WJZ-NBC -8 Message of Israel; tion* of the county, C'urtl* Smith Rodio Service rounds. They were both down at Brothers U to win Ui* Twl leagus night really showed what a player Msdwlck. SL U 452 71 14S 527 A. M. asserted In a broadcast that "war title and then go on and defeat th* Bonura, N, York 487 78 189 584 Feller from1 getung _ I ttard etfrtght Twl dte^cni l i ItS# 8:00—Reveille. Momlay, Sopteiuboi 4 7:.30 Brent Hnuar; 8 Barn dance. of the County Y staff, being a.sslgn- would come if Germany wanted IL" times and at otie time both ware on can do under preaaure. He teased If,the PolUh-Amertcou should ^tordoy. but but ttejrv* rtU to be beatos for Shipping News Oensored 18 Years’ E ip erien cet Blueflelda for th* town title. All Garm*, Bbrtoo 429 44 140 598 but after oeond with tha 6:80—Francis J. Cronin, Organist. a. m. MBS-chaln — 6:15 New Elliott ed to this activity. Elarllcr the premier had announced the floor at th* sasM ttm*. Patridg* a strike at HoUaad ta tb* third aad UMx th* Twilight Leagus oh»m- iMd been remoivod'fior toelr towa hoaecA Roosevelt series (west repeat 9). The fall program of the County wen by deetsiee. year long It baa b * « tbeir bbjaetlv* Balled tb* M Biovli« Cronia at plonahip, Jo* Hubterd ef the Oresn’* Hosastt. Boston 444 44 140 528 7:00—Morning Watch. 7:00- Just Mualc as a precautionary measure the cen­ and BOW that Utey stoad on tb* Geodman, Cte- 841 68 |08 5JT tor ta to* fburtb the Tb* BhtaStMa oapturofi to* Twl David Sunday brings; WEAF-NBC- YMCA will get under way this Paris, Sept. 2.—OF)—All shipping A adrsas Beksrts Draw * 5 * P i»* ^ D m next aam* and waa Tri-Oounty L**gv* tttltsts will bav* 8:00—Nenra and Weather. 7:18—Th* Esso Reporter News, sorship of csbiea, wireless and nislls tbroabold ef rsallstaf that ambition, Bnbr. ntta.>PMte. SOT 87 ST 51t * tomporary Hid tad tb* buattagOOaBBg taIS 1IS4.I to* fin t year to* flaraed 8:15—Hl-Boya. Weather 5:30 p. m. Grouch Club; 7 Charlie coming week, with the reopening news In Paris newspapers was cen­ Wm. E. Kroh Tony Aadreaa, SM. tka Ntw I^e- tort to tb* ttxtb- ■ * Iteavad a to soft pidol his tastatent demand for overaeae. sored today. The papera were re­ tbet* stands tb* OA taaas. grim O tt V tm Tofk 44J M JfiO 514 WM lodged against Horry Laagua- W U i - TheyteatB third. 3:80—Radio Bazaar. 8:00—Shoppers Special McCarthy from Hawaii; 8 Merry-go- of Its headquarters at 378 Farm­ ton totoied bey a l * ^ pepnter bw* Oirow to tlilrd baas from dosa tig toot he's sBtttted to * strtes for to* etot. to Stoteito: ta JISS but Round: 9 Drama "Black Gold." ington Ave., Hartford, following the R. G. Casey, minister of supply duced to four page* to conserve P h o M 44S7 X I Dchnont St. raady and full of fltbL town dted*m* riMwn is tt*t air UMPlato and 8:48—Rhythms of the Day, 8:30-The Esso Reporter News, difi not disaroehtt dt* erovd wttb field that m vm iif eiSht to# Now York’* viiii oddM •aethsr ipped toe tetter for to* towa WABC-CBS—12 noon Interview vacation period. and development, said Auatrallan newsprint his fight agfiast Frank Bobaits. of T M la n-tf* Cl th* Green and FA's sr* practically tehlpped & to data. baVltar I 9:00—George Hinkle. Peddler of Weather munition factories were ready for g**4y .23!^ ytod* away fuB goaM to ito tend a* to* Rortee Tb* Oraaa took to* haaecn la Song*. ^ of Arthur Cardinal Hlneley from I tb* sain* W9I8M whe ballsd from Merlartys stlU ractsmber tbsir from third. TTmpir* •tovmsen CM and to* a*m* team, m, Hubterd 8:35- Shoppers Special Instant and fuU production. teat eaceuater wltb this Osnaaa Bad fioa 9b9if> i i tb4lr th M m the BtoeSeMto did aat *••> 9:15—How Your Federal Goverur i-ondon: 2 p. m. Davie Cup tennis Naw BrltataTlt w u tb* first tlms nilsd otosrwte* a n d ^ r w m s r ^ could toan probably claim both Leagut Standing 9:00—Richard Maxwell team aad tha faaa oaa bo abaolutaiy tltte* anyw*}-.... strolgkt dsfbot aad olgbtb ta tea abartitoUitaad ment Operates. 9:15—Meet the Dixons (also WJZ-NBC 8:15): 8 People's that tha ctowfi baeams sneltad and paMs, 14*10, fiu a tSa Drtrett Platform "Road* to Proepertty;” 7 Confeggeg 'Hammer tb* tans ebeared thee* beys fW three sure that tb* beat team available 9:80—Joe Green's Rhumba Orches­ 9:30—The Esso Reporter — News DgWO- Two komo noM by rinky m t«9lW 9«rSw tra Ellery Queen play; 8 Summer muste Swiss Notified WfflEUffl rounds of splendid boning find will be out tber* to sripo out that Orchid* to Kay HoUaad...... b* It'* .quite carteln Ui«t tb* Or*an O f MiligiMt gft fMV . 9:3.5—Safety Talk hour. head ia aeortag the hit of her career punching. It waa eallsd a draw and e-8 tie gam* if poasiMe. It dots not won't get * shot at to* team U *t Htagtea and aaotkar by .Oaorgo Db* Mtaarlrt Tkofhy, Boria ta tha M M , thru mam Is too 9:45—The Rambling Cowboy*. 9:45 -U* On A Bu« Killing of Woman t o i w ^ ta to* ssvealb wltb a Cbleago 4-1, Brooklyn 8-A betts belpod tu n too M to te flavor WJZ-NBC—4:45 Ray Prrkina; 7 in *The Litti* Fozea” aad Mias Hep­ Justly so. aaed an oracle ta tell that tb* gas gam* cop* tb* Twl buntlng....botb Boston 4, Fbltedslphl* 0 (nigbt). M tore* ttmee toe atato aad OM ta t e Itp ia . right to 10:00—The Man I Married. 10:00 -Pretty Kitty Kelly wtaatag atagte ovar abort.... of Beboolboy Kowo. Itn go tote .Summer symphony; 8 Hollywood Of Mobilization burn at last baa won over the stage Ths ssml-final was ths best bout boua* gang doea not Ilk* curve ball ft w wa u hla wadding .kanlversaty to Blueflelda and Moriarty Brethsra or* (Only gsBMS sdMduted). an. Kovta etruak airi tvo hattau 10:15—John's Other Wife. 10:15—Mryl and Margs bops with her perfonnanee In "The TboM wofo th* only fimarloan to* OemtaB. 10:30—JuM Plain Bill. Playhouee; 9 Nomaan Thomas to on tha bUL It brought togsthsr Billy plteblng aad all tbre* ef tbo OA th* bargain... .two jrean age b* reported to b* against such * serte* and leeued oota aoa urik. BecoUn 10:30—Hilltop House Chicago, Sept. 2—(ff>—PoHce Uut FhUadslpkla Btorp." ere; Battyh. 124, of RodevUs agatast Jos burtera bava pteaty ef eurvo* aad . . , .and by to* looks of things now, Loogu* gaoM* oebaduted. In * stoM- toe mrflMi-An—4m m 10:48—The Woman In Whit*. 10:45—Stepmother Young People's Socialist League; Pltcbsd to* Blusflsids to a Twl Mew York U . Casvetend A evM rsaelMd tor e te d btoWA flan. 9:80 Cheerio, Thomas Kflly snnounced today BeesMS Awsetotoi WHh Plaps Folowltatt, 144. of Windsor Locks. stuff OB tbs ball, la addition tb* ^con­ league pennant---- last year hla ItTI Uk* all of September to dscld* terly abbrovtetad Notional Loagu* and if they M tlwy did agataet Bed flsur and teanad aavu paaaiA 11:00—David Harum. 11.00—It ilappcncd In Hollyvrood Cailcago, BepL 2—(FV—An adver­ played Detroit If, Boston 10. program to* BroeWyn Dodgora di­ MBS-chaln—2:30 p. m. New Qul*. Yorke Bodden, 24. confessed killing It la the wap, thep discover, that It would to just ducky to stats that tenders, or underdogs In tbi* mad great relief work helped aad teat to* Twl ebsmplonabip... .so many (Only game* seh*duted). to* “ IKe IllMly to be th* ■Mat of whteh dguiod ta toa aaoftag, 11:15—Lorenzo Jones. 11:1.5—Scattergood Baines tisement notifying Swiss citlaena In one was a Pole and the ether a vided * doublobsodar wttb Om Chi- 11:30—Young Widow BrowTl mystery history; 4:30 cneveland air a young woman stenographer with aetreaaea beooma aaaeelated with soramU* for th* Twl teagu* bunt­ Btebt be took th* eete remaining postponed gomes hav* ereeped up PA ’e. LaFteur t o d t e Bhisdelto at bat 11 3 0 -Big Sister the United States of their duties un­ German, but th* aad fact remains that plans for to* town ssria* over cage Cuba tad BUI Foaodol abut* 11:45—Road of Ufe. ra.*ca: 9 Goodwill Hour. / a hammer because she tried to pre­ plap* Jane Cbwl ia known either ing, will b* at full strength. LIk* chance from his former Hartford 4, Btaghamton 4 (U). ItH b* rente: that bock In wlto two Wta, whHo Vojeek and ll:4,5--Aunt Jenny's Stories der the Swiss mobilization order ap- for her role ia "Within the Law" or that both of the beys are ef Ger­ tb* FoHab team tb* OA'e have Quit* a guy at that Labor Day wsr* wiped out and ItTl out tb* rhlUtes AO at night for to* 12:00—Beauty Newa and Him* vent him from courting her sister. psared In tbs pres* today. Albany 4, Sprtagfleld 0 (nigbt). Boston Bern. 1447. Wheaton and Green Kovta got a fa ir apteo* to r toa 12:00—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne Monday programs; The body of ths sroman, Ann *Tha Bead to |toBM.’* JeaiuM EageU man anesstry and both ef them are dandy aquad If and wbsa tbay eaa 5m another week, maybe mors, he­ P. M 12:1.5—When A Girl Marries Signed by th* Swtaa oongulata, tbs WiDtemeporf-SeraBtoB (n • s t were dMdtocbed rt wine aptooo FA'S SwUh aad Oh s t e wilit #as. Labor Day features; MBS-chaln Rtermaler, 25, was tound stitfsd In la permanently identified with veterans tn ring lore. Thay bava mat get tb* whole aggregattaa togetber for* th* ftnollsta *r*re dedfdded.. pened). 12:18—Day Dreams 12ffS0—Romence of Helen Trent notice ordered all officers, noB-cem- no less than a dossn times and saeh Ty Holland put too Issue squarely Wlto Lorry Freneb pttetaag ta toelr town eerie*, HoUaad tribntad doubtaa and ■ritead’e aoek 12:25—Hooeler Hot Shota. 1:18, 3. 5 p. m. Power Boat races; highway culvert near Vote, lU. “Kata** Just as Helen Hapes la with at one ttate. That goea dowM* for up to Borelto. He erdorad tb* tho Btuo* would uadouhtadly ham ban gadd 12'4.5—Our Gal Sunday miastoned officers, and private* ef **Vletoi1a Keglna." time they pleased tbe fans. Thsy TTm 8t. Louis Cardinal* are open­ eight-boll botaad * b trfag*Tags ok WM o u t to the eteb 12:30—Your Family and Mine. 4 Air Races. WJZ-NBC—S Wra. She disappeared Aug. 11. > Moriartya, too. dangerew Viot purposely waUiad Nattonol tor rt teart two baaia N herd bad to 1:00—The Esso Reporter — News ths "Auazug," ths "LandwMir." sad Gertrude Istwieneev springing STS among U>s bast fighters pf tbeir ing * tryout camp at Reoosvelt bimclMd tats for Ms ' flelde aad took too 12:45—Singin' Sam. Whealher Green address; 4 John L. Lewis ad­ Lieutenant Kelly said Bodden led' Thera la sem* qossUoa regarding and took a ebaaea on Htonaad. What F.C, S-l, on a four-tat plteblng :*0L And run It ouL the "Landaturm” to rstuni Imm*. from musical comedp, won her mer- walght ta ths sUte and fought to a tb* abUlty of tb* G enua team to Pork In toaeksteo*. Mo**, on Mon- to* Cubs took thslr oponsr A 8 but 1:00—News and Weather. 0.5. ;Conn. Produce Market dress. C3S-chaln—3 Aqueduct raes; policemen from the state's attoi^ ' draw. It waa n battls of ta­ a sotttag... .attorn 8000 tons eboor- CtalttlBBStl * to anko teet nlgkt'a BuU4- 5:15 Air Race; 4:30 Talk dtstely to Swltserlsnd and jeta their Ita aa a straight Miiwdp player in gtv* Merlartys a real battM- Thsr* tag wildly, tbre* on. two nway and day, Septombsr 11— to reoetve w sr* turiMd bock A J ta tb* nigbt. 3115—The Happy Family with Jane tin James ney’s office to the culvert sarty to- Army unltsi bard long rang* puaebtag, tryouto boys BMrely b*o* to preosnt a t Louis ... cap by little Vito TamuU*’ ata*tat m e n IrealeaJ. It w m fivo ago Dillon. Carsy; 6:30 Talk I. M. Ornbum; | day after eonfeastng h* bludgeoned **Prtvate Uvee” aad then forgot the are tbo**' wbo claim that th* gaa- tboa tb* eeimt wont to 4.| on to* Chicago . ... 1:10—Melodies of Tomorrow Today, th* aotle* Mid, waa ths ______whig aad had everything to tosmsolvM at to* pork at 9 o'eleek burling, toot Hd Kovte twlriod too 1:80—Marjorie Mill*. 5:45 Talk See. Francli Perkins. hla victim the day of her dlsap- frtveloua lyrical momenta entirely heassn art too toogb aad carry ton battar....crack a itagla Into esn- Brooklyn ... I '15—Life Can Be Beautiful first mqbillMtIoB dap. , keep a firbt fan pa his tee* from be- th* nnnitag of 8 * ^ 11. bringing Manager Gabby Hartnett oaiMht ••Ida to a pair of wtea over out ta rtwiL 2:05—Three Moods. 1:80—On With The Dance WEAF-NBC—5 Boat spd Air Races. pearanca. with her peitormaaee la "Susan and \ Buay b*M Mte la tholr bau. Tho tar airt tha FA’a wan ta. AO ef New York .. S lm l^ tMtiesa appaarad la aawa- God.** a part which demanded a de- gtaniag to 4Rd. tbeir SIMMS, gtovoo and anlforme... bis i,733rtd gam* ta tb* tetter *i^ arty Brotoero to cop the town Smltb and Rantukerg ftantd. No 2:15-^New* For Women Only. I *45—The Day la Ours WEAF-NBC—7 Return of Tommy Tbe star bout was Just so-ae. last time out they fought to ia stoad. tb* FeUab nwinnra were movtag FIttsburgb . mnA no MU, Riggs and Bettv Lou; 7:30 Wallen­ papera ia Haw York. OnetaMtl aad Mamed Women^ still aad at that ttm* FUtt was wban BorsUo pttcbsd and whan tb* to* only requirements ore toot out- gagement, breokteg Bay Beholk's HaedeMo leoro fire* \ 2:30—The Career of Alice Blair. 2:00—Doc Barclay's Daughters g'lr? Sharkty, 154. of WtUimantte, of-tow)6 boys finance their own trips Boston ...... Kovte retired ths Blueflelda In or- PA'S—Saverttk walkoA Otar 2:45—Meet Mias Julia. ' stein concert; 8 Doe. t. Q.; 9 Ps*. other dtlM todiqr. Now litea Lawraaoe la eomlag In bard pr isud tor alayors. H* two nnu eroassd tbo plat* toars old record for eatobers te^ no* 2:15—Life and I-ove of Dr. Susan uthpaw. Just couM net knock to Bteckston* sad Uvfag txpsnsm PtatedelpWa T9 541 der la th* flrat two rtsnsM, tbo cbowakt satriSosd Mm to ooeemt 3:00—The Story of Mary Marlin. temack concert. De Valera Seeking * ■•pL •• ta tha John Goldan pro- MeepJobs floe squad aad an bava premls id to w u a esneertsd rush to r to* ball league,/and csisbratod tb* oceoslaa 2:30—Strictly Swing lly Fltsgsrald, 180. of NSW wtal* tbsr*... .BO to* Is eborged.... with hte 13to botp* run, avert^ tetaky eldeorm twlrter Momlag ta and davortek want to S 3:15—Ma Perkins. ■’ OOr^aatUllana C*BS-chaln—8:50 Btendl* (west daetkm « f **8kplarfe.** It la a b* on baad whaa tbs umpifos start ..LaFteur kept tt. Now York .. Smith lift bag aad eouMst eeasadp, with a toudi of pathoa, n right bander. Ih sre was tryouts antoU a stay a t thro* or four a NiutoaL top term . In to* third, however, 8:30—Pepper Young's FamUy, '3:30--Jr .Monday. ..fNfjt.-IMMflii..:. to to i PWiaBff8d_tiaaston ' Tteor* —mt . .FtUk .JMk XhiHBhrilb’ s e 'fe h e e ^ " ... curreoey odwr thktt XtUU.**"' " ^rsTmemSm^ tm rnw , . . I rffWTiI N T i W I W . ' Tho mMOtad Flay teg., No ruBA naaJIt,------r-— GSF* GSD GSB London 7:45 BBC The measure also would iiiiiiiPM iine to b* niegletl cholm for tola Bg to four .taHtete.t-. 1040—So This la Radio Rugbp, N.N..D„SMt.8-4n .D. — A taawrrew; ttaJrtnW, VKtaar, R for many moon*. It m Fr**daiB.M. A St “ Jrd straight from TIM taUfant dlot atatart For T ob. empire orchestra; DJD E«rlin 9:15 arrests without werrents. eoatoat wlto dram*. torOte, a« 10:30 Grant Park Concert t^ c e rt: TOWA Gautemala City 11 traBaisat. wlM M kf ha «raa U m NI nMll sat a ataadard - la ■toam. A fitm n Baofk, BycholsW. totyio. 188, Datoott,« Chicago rt 9d to* ganw occurred la Uw etrth 11:00—^The Esso Concert— News Cutler, 24,I, aaadttatodaasdltatod totodav d i» m aephtotlentod rotoa In tha Michael Haraburda, Frtorsen. Im h a a a . too Works pen** and r**l b*e*baH....tlM oort Uam Rsnry Cbsstum. Pittoburgh rt SL Lauto w h u Smltb ru ched u Harttaurdah eC Srst Marimbas. For Tuesday: YV5RC Bnrckhaidt Im Beginning Tuesdayt Sept. S Tiytag to paint a pletur* of socoiML Borolte Weather ' Ue* Cblaf ClarMca BokratY Alton tragadp. and a tow pnan la­ Hsaiy. Borewtkl. fieteMto, ChaaF that mob** to* gam* the first ta (8). I OoUMaV Badge bobhte 4t zhorL Rautonbsrg rapped 7:30 Viennese Orchestra; baseban gam* to' advanu |s a to third oa bad U:05—Forest Fire—Weather Fore- PCJ Eindhoven 8:45 Happy Pro­ o f dsdoctloa. Cutter wap ter She chanced to tha reaaaatie toda bers. Hay**, Swiek, tiM bsOrts of the Arasrleoa poH*** Tamp*. Fte.—Ctano Alvsrea, 188, Detroit rt CMcogn. a etoifie to right and Viot rifled a '*-12 cast and Baseball Scores Xaunaa. Ltthuanle. •ept 2—<•>— ta *H w Barretts at Wbapoto StrsM' Sko^, Crockett It mighty hairt Only to* m e ^ of Anything eon and does happen ta Tosspo, outpetotod Tnmmy fUee*, stafted to shut tefL gram; TPA4 Parts 10:25 French atlff-taggadtp arhaa Rctear in the SL Louis at gsvatend. Otsur D'Atea*, Idaho, porfOrt psg to gaverick rt toted ta fir ito Itaed doukte ' 11:10—Ben Bernie and His orches­ event* ■ Prof, Carl J. BurdUiiirdt. f itann o i hlai aad laaulf ad lato th » aha siaped ESaabath Banstt Wolfram, Fnrgussn. part psrtermanom o n nraltebto for bosstaaU. 128. Jsrosy Ctty. (10). FMtefMphte at (P) Ooerg* gbewen, aa attempt to get fimlto. Bavorfek to* writer aad eempariag tham par- told taw. oeortag tra NaUoaa hi^h nommlwlwr for D w - tha Ump. ta a cUaf wd> hiCt Seheeaeftoe poet nidL VUnaat aad any otoero L M Boacb. K. T.—A l BoM. US Now York at ~ firom a sound stoop by n loud crash, otood right ta too bast Itno aad bad F n «r M . farmanem with «h a t muht happoa mOA Rautoiiborg i 11:30—Del Courtney’s orchestra Bomsoo* Bfha had atotea « ^ lag a ttpout. to 4oltofb e t found. OffWigr WIQIm b Baraum sfi. too b*S teng bsfora Smlto 13:00—Harry Otvens’ orchestra , to -tlmatss, the av-1 ?y*-*^y to* next ttate te « boroand dla teth nifty pag 4 H w ItiBp waa raiit*4. Chtaf aad aa tha flatp thhr to IRanr^piitnr Cttming vstoli apparal storop to 87' stats* ttag la Hto kttelisa to a patrei car, Tho latter oUd and Utapiro Hoik pteto. Two I 12:50—Freddie Martixis' orchestra aalA hp a toatfu a toglda

^ BUY SEI (uid R E M T//^^//^//;/' C L /II lS S I F I E D — Sense and Nonsense —

Care how you drive and drive with Inquisitive Visitor — You aren’t Gerald—Our friend Dodge tella care. one of thoae sailors who have a n’ife me that he ta doing aettlement work in every port, are you? lately. A motorist ran over a hen re­ Sailor—Well, not exactly, mtaaua. Franklin—Yea, hla creditors Anal­ cently belonging to a farmer In the For Instance. I have never been to ly tomered him. southern part of the state. He aak- Bombay. FLORISTS— APARTMENTS. FIvATS. LEGAL NiriiCEH ed the farmer If a dollar wou'd fet­ A prise typographical error ntade IjOST AND FOUND 1 FOR THAT INDESCRIBABLE by an Arkansas newspaper: NURSERIES 15 T E N EIMENTS M E f •3 Tan Cedara Retain tle the loas. "You had better make Stats of Coansctlcat Receipts Are $60^600 Ace Trio Tied It 82.’’ drawled the farmer. ’T^^t UNCOMFORTABLE FEEl.INO “John Jones waa In town Tatur- t h u m d a t ^^ * y * ^ JUST DRIVE 10 OR 13 MILES ON day” read the Item. "He waa mar­ WEEK END HPECIAL—Gladtolua FOR RENT—TWO FLATS 8 and 6 Personnel Department got a rooster that la awfully fond •boot • •'clock »t the Center, rooms, hast fumlabad, all modem. Undefeated Record of that hen, and the shock Is liable A CROVYBED HIGHWAY BEHIND ried recently. We cannot remem­ ple—e, c»U 7690. RewTd. bloomi 35c per dot. Loweacroft GardenA 141 East Middle Turnpike Apply J. WUaon. 196 North Main. Examination Notice Above the Estimates For G olf Lead to kUl him. too.” ONE OF ’raOSE BIG RBX) EaiPLO- ber the lady'i name " POSITION: Director of the Budget, SrVE TRUCKS. The printer made the editorial LOBT—•l«.00 IN Montforoery Weti) Last night in a “T '’ softball game FOR RENT — 8 and 4 room apart­ Budget Olvlflon (No. 131) 87500 The following la Um atatamaBttitfpaaditOfaa prlntad yoaUrday, and a, A Bwede purchased an automobile "we” read "he" and It .illpjled C®. otore. Return to Montfomery HEATING — PLUMBING — ment, fumiahad or unfumlahad. per annum (Statutoiy). Applica­ to total of not ooata to taicpayara which the faat-etepping TaU Cedars took and waa asen driving down the street Hubert—You remember Jasper, through the proofa that way. Word or T6 Florence etreet. Re­ of raealptaLa w hi^ have acenisa ROOFING AND SIDING 17 Call 8737 or 8333. tion forms and detailed Information the town during the paat flaeal vaar. J?!* J!*^**4 ®®*nP**^ the measure of the So. Uetbodleta Nelson, Serafin and Hines about 80 miles per hour. A police­ don’t you? ward. may be obtained at the Peraonnel tha town’a flnaneial picture for the by the score o f 8 to 3. Fraakie Vltt- man yelled at him to atop, hut in- Albert—Tee, very well. Second—Heaven*, man. why did FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all This act of flguraa, together with a Pace Field in Hcnhey WE SPECIAUZB In applying roota, Department, State Capitol, Hart­ statement of appropriatlona and nx- flaeal jwriod Auguat 16, 1938 to Aug- ner led tha twelva-hit attack on Ray atead of slowing up, the Swede In­ Hubert—They tell me he is -Ivlng you go down he didn't hit you? and aabestoa aiding. WorkmaiuOtp Improvements, with garage. 30 ford, or at local offices of the Con­ uat i f . 1939. Mercer as he hit eefely three Umes. Open Event. creased hla speed. like a king. Boxer No. but I read hla OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. «\1LUAMK OUR ROAROING HOUSE ...... W I T H...... MAJOR BOOPLI autumubiles f o k s a l e 4 guaranteed. Estimatea freely given Ruiaell etreet. Inquire on the necticut State Employment Service aaoolp4a The seven mieplayt by the Church­ Policeman—Why didn’t you etop? Albert—Poor devil! thoughts. Alao carpentry, painting. A. A. prerolaea. In Aneonia, Bridgeport, Bristol, Estimated Orosa ACTUAL men were a big factor la deciding Didn't you hear me holler back UlSTPq-UIOt’T VOU TS lV. )^E ’ t 'VELLEO BECAUSE WHEN I TURNED ^ jfXBH DEMONSTRATOK, Frank—That little dancer Isn't a EGAD, auBTEFa, X Dion Inc., 81 Welle. Tel. 4860. Danbury, Danielson, Hartford, Account - Reoalpta Raealpta Plus or Minus the outcome of the game. Diek Mc- round-that often makes a winner there? Hubby (critically) —Why In the TO ©ST RID OP Tm’ IviiCi ON V mS WSTER FauCET IN THE SINK SOAAKTHlua toarrtVM IMT Fackard 6 .Sedan, 193d Dodse Legan was again In good form, al­ gold digger any longer. POOMlseO THAT YOU ©OSH, i , y . , i«>M Graham Coach. 1934 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement. Meriden, Middletown, New Britain, Chmrltlea ...... I 24,000.00 37419.16 ------or breaks a contender came up to­ Sa-ede (unconcerned) — Oh. v world did you choose lemon ss the AROUND THIS HOUSE? >OU I WAS n ea r ly electrocuted-- lU OEKIYERf w a M T TBII New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Hlghwaira ...... 900.00 1,993.07 1,093.07 ------lowing tha losers four sesttered dat you dat yelled? I thought It vaa Eddie—Oh, haa she changed htr color of your new dress? SHOULD 8HA.PS IN AAY MADOR, n S i Swlan. 1936 Ford CouP« Inquire 43 Florence etreet. day In the 73-bole Hersbey Open DIDN’T 5AV HOW TO OET RIO TLL Give you two Minutes PRIMS BliSrBKto MOV in i;—TRUCKING Norwich. Stamford. Tbompsonvl|le, Cemeteries ...... 6,000.0) 8.196.87 1.198.87 ------■------singles. somebody 1 run over! w aja? Wlfey—I don't know, dear, unless WliJNIk)6S,AND A HOCPLE NOU HAYEWT Me«ier-Najh. 10 Hendereon Road OP 'EM-SO WHEN X HOOK UP isc o n n e c t PDRTABi-a ©AkSOUNM STORAGE 20 Torrlngton, Waterbiiry, Wllllroan- Education ...... 31,446.00 36.443JI7 4.998.87 ------Next Tuesday night at 6:00 the golf tournament with nine top-notch Frank—No, she has heard about It'was because I hsd such s hard TO D NEVER VOROetB— H»B- ©OT l a b o r tic. Applications must be submitted Police ...... 1.500.00 1.76741 267.31 ------fate of the third round will be de­ profeislonals so cloce there was no THE PEDESTRIAN WHO platinum. I time squeezing the price out of you. A FEW WIRES MERE IN THE A U THAT R u M p A f/— . PSHAATT M Z SIEVB AAIP STRIKr 1938 PLYMOUTH btietnesi coupe, AU.STIN A. CHAMBERS HOUSES FOR RENT 65 DRY MIKED to the Personnel Department not Board of H ealth ...... 600.00 672.80 172,50 ------cided when the Tall Cedars will bat­ WEAVES HIS WAY THROUGH K.iT(>4eN TO scientifically STUFP AND TO WBRAV THAT Slg BOUNCIKiaOUTOP J937 Ford Coech, 193ft Dodge se­ Local A Long Dlatance Movera such thing as a favorite. UP WITH dan, 1933 Pontiac Coach, 1933 SEVERAL MODERN BIX ROOM later than September 15, 1939. Date Building Inspector . . . 3.000. 00 8,032Ji0 833.60 ------tle It out with the Slspgut A. C. MOVING TRAFFIC MAY SAVE A SHOCK ’EM TO DEATH, ©BT OUT OF LOAN WITH Fiva CBISP BSFOffB TH* Tel—6360 68 HollliUr St. elngle bouses, also two family data Neither teem has lost a game In Battling for 81.200 Oral prize and FEW SECONDS. BUT HE MAT BY CLYDE LEWIS CHtoSTMAS Ford Coach. Cole Motori at The of Examination; September 33, Election Expanses . . . . 36.79 36.79 MOLD EVERYTHING VOU h o l l e r ; HERE? A 5 n o t e s / IMClOtNTAU.y POSSE R0RA8S In excellent locations. Apply Ed­ 1939. an assortment of lesser purses were LOSE HIS LIFE. HAve Center. — 6463. Mun. A Ct. Bldgs. . . , 160.00 190.00 40.00 this round snd tha victorious team —Ha H-KAFP,'— .THAT ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches­ Mlacellanaous ...... 700.00 will win a place In tbe playoffs for U. 8. open champion Byron Nels'an HELP WANTED— 906.40 306.40 will HELP ID DEFRAY ter 4642 or 8025. AT A COT.TtT OF I’ ltOHATE HEtD Dog Licenses ...... 3.000. 00 3.198.83 106.33 tbe champtonsblp, tMgmnlng Fri­ of Reading; husky Felix Serafln, of Bricklayer (new on the Job) — A HOOStB M M fl FEMALE 85 at ^lanchaRt^r, w11hfor th« Town Court ...... 3.000. 00 4.433.49 1.433.40 day night. Scranton, Pa., and Jimmy Hines, of Guess I can't work here. There's tms fuel e k p e n s s on to(Im t e - mucm/ tmi district of Manchrstpr, on tha tnd Great Neck, L. I., with his Inevit no place to park my ear. OUR HOMCWARD OOURHSV.^ i>AAxeuEiDECflni)i Manchester WANTED—EXPERIENCED power WANTED TO RENT 68 day of 8fpt#ml)er. A. D.. 193!). Liquor U cenaes...... 30,000.00 19.676.67 333.33 Next Wednesday the Second Con- eewtng machine operatora to work I'resant WILLIAM S. fiVDC. Esq.. Four Acre L ot ...... 400.00 373.83 26.67 goes will play GIbblea in tbe last ble straw hat, tied at 141 (of, *To, you won’t do. W* only SHALL W E D A Y * RAiCK HIM) POBTHgr IBW Judzs. Parka ...... 3.10 3.10 postponed game of the third round. holes. iklajrsrs who hava their own IN LElSURSLY FASHION Evening Herald on better lined tailored dreisei. WANTED—BY YOUNG couple—8 Trust Bstatft u*v of William R. HE 9UKMSDAAB0UT Good pay, ateady work. Only ex­ or 4 room flat or apartment before Tinker lata of Sfanchestsr in ftait! Aaseas. A CoUac...... 70 .70 The standing of tbe third round Five under par. these three h __ AND WTRONlZto THE OPOU dl"t rlct. drc'-aspd Zoning ...... 35.00 53.60 17.50 up to date is as follows: the spotlight yeeterday at the halt^ BETTER HOTSUS^ CLASSIFIED perienced onea need apply. Lom­ Oct. let. If heated, not over 335— Modem Spreodlag Cheatant bardi Mfg. Co. 377 Trumbull itreet, unheated 330. North of Center pre­ L'pon aifpllcatl'in of The Manchss- Acets. • Receivable . . . . 6,000.00 7.301.38 1,301.38 w. L. way mark, but going Into the advertisements ter Trust foniuany. Trustee praylnz Water Departniknt . . . 60,000.00 64.031.63 4.031.83 Tall O edsrs...... 4 U stretch they held only a one-stroke Tree Hartford, Conn. ferred. Call Man. 8410. for sutiiority to sell certain real es». Under the fender of hla car, the tats partlculsrly described In sald^ Federal Relief ...... 60.00 3JW6.81 3,646.81 Slspgut A. C. .. 4 U lead over big Ed Dudley of Phila­ *7 Oesai tu areraas vorce to a lloe WANTED —IMMEDIATELY girl RELIABLE YOUNG couple would Recreation ...... 8.300.00 3,647.60 347.60 Gibbles ...... 2 2 would-be driver lies; laltiala aaaikars aoC oooreriatioiie ppllcation on file, It is delphia; John Revolta, scrambling A couple of wnnehes In his hand, each eeaat aa a vorC ao4 eompouna for general hoiMework. Home like a three or four room rent. ultLKIlKD.—That ths foregolnv East Center Street Im­ House and Hale 2 6 V' appllc.ition he heard and determined ex-P.G.A. Utllst. and Ralph Guldahl he la so wondrous wise. worda aa two vorda Mlnlmaai soai la nighta. Phone 8823. Phone 8990 after 6 p. m. provement ...... 6.300.00 36,209 A6 38.969.96 Second Omgoea . 1 a who had yesterday's best round, a artea of throe llo'aa at thi- I'robaie Office In Manchester Penalty Tax ...... 89.66 * 89.66 So. Methodista .. 0 T hen’s surely something loose 1 L,iaa rataa oat da? tow traoaiaai in ft.tid l>latrict. on tiie 9th day of 5 69. low; he searches, but alas — WANTED—GIRL OR young woman pf« inber. A. l>., 1939. at 9 o'clock Town Deposit Fund .. 300.00 180.00 80.00 ft^; for general bouaework. Call Sun­ HOUSES FOR SALE 72 At 143 and in position to chal­ The trouble isn't there at all. he’s M u ll Warsa It, iiat I'l a t > In the forenoon, ati^ that no­ I.lbrarieB ...... 6.500.00 921.97 8.678.03 -1 Caah Cbara* day or Monday. 91 Washington St. tice be Klveri to all peraona Interest- Personal Taxes and The schedule for the rest of the lenge with good third round* were merely out of gas.—M. E. D, ed in said estate of the pendency of season tt as follows; Sammy Byrd, Dudley’s assistant; i a O eaaseatiaa Kara I atai • ete application and th« time and Penalties ...... 46.00 46.00 I Caaaaaatleo Dart I eta II aW WANTED—RESPONSIBLE willing FOR SALE—3 FAMILY house, and 111 Sept. 5.—TaU Cedars vs. Slapgut Ben Hogan, i t Whitr Plains, N. Y.. WHY DO RADIO PROGPAMS II atai II eta girl to help In the kitchen. Call In garage. 35 Ridgewood street. u!'"e of hearing thereon, by publlsh- Old Age Tax ...... 38.000.00 39,434.76 1.434.78 I O a ? ...... K a copy of this order in some School DUt. T a x ...... 3.334.03 3.334.03 A. C. (third round game). and John Moyer, Graceful shotmak- SEEM BETTER AFTER MID­ All aidara lot Irraeolai inaartiona perion. Green Kettle Inn. 136 Dem- Sept. 6.—Second Congoet va. Glb- er from Sbamokin, Pa. NIGHT? vlll bo aharaad at tba ooa Una rata .vsfiaper having a clroulstlon in Dog Lie. Unexpended. 1.174.64 1.174.84 Ing street. K.’ild district, at ieust five daya before hies (third round game). Hershey’s par 73 baffled mor.t of ■aaolal rataa for lone term aaarr tiie «]ay of said hearing, to appear if Balance on hand dar adrartlalna eiraa upoa raqoaab Town Adverliseniiit Sept, 8.—GIbblea vs. Thirt. l.ound the headllnera In the aecond round. (ii.y ace ranas at aald lime and pla^ 8-15-38 ...... 16,713.46 16.713.46 STORIES IN STAMPS Ada ordarad Mfora lb» third or Bftb HELP WANTED—MALE 36 .ind be heard relative tiiereto, and Winners (playoff game). Nelson and Serafln, after startling dar trill ba ebaraad oOlr lot tba aa- make return to tills court. TOTAUB ...... Sept. 11.—Third Round Winners opaning round 68's, slipped to 73 taal nom bar o f tloiaar tba ad appaar- Notice WILLIAM 8. HYDE .8 323,983.74 8 370.679.06 863,673,34 8 e.<(78.03 ad. ebaratne at tba rata aartiad but WANTED—MEN FOR com cutting To be raised— vs. Itocond Congoes (playoff game). each. Nelson waa three over par at „vT e wituiaMl Judge. Sept. IS.—Second Congoea vs. • a m ’ WHY A40THERS GET GRAY e -i" aa allowanra or ralunda eao ba laada and alio QUIng. C. G. Heckler, North PRIMARY CAUCUS PROPOSALS H-9-119. Property Tax . 913,461.39 916,071.90 S.490.61 the 13th but Antsbed strongly with TOTH* BlEKTai OB ala tlwa ada aioppad after tba Coventry. Tel. 8612. GIbblea. (Playoff game). three birds in four holes. d ftb dar. The following names have been Tall Cedara forblda'; diaoiar llnaa aoi AT A riirUT OF ritOllATK IIHU' TOTALS ...... 81.138.466.13 81.198.860.08 866.063.65 8 5.978.03 Dudley and Hines were more con­ No -till proposed for nomination as candi­ nt .Miinchr.^tc’ r, w ithin and for the AB. R. H. PO, A. E. dates for the several officee of the Deduct Minus from Plus ...... 6,978.03 sistent. Big Ed, with two 7I's, com­ BUDT8 AND HER BUDDIES Tba Barald will oot aa raaponaibia SITUATIONS WANTED— District of Munchrster, on the {mj Wllkinaon, cf ___ 4 3 1 0 U 1 W h it N » t ? BY EDGAR MARTIN day of Hpplember A. l> , 1939. plained only of trouble with the cer BMia Ibaa oaa Iboorraet loaartion MALE S» Town of Manchester, Connecticut, VIttner, as ... . .,.4 1 3 0 3 1 to be voted for at the nominating I'resent WILLIAM 8. HYDB. Esq. Receipts exceed estimate In the ^>ount o f...... 860,085.83 traps; ho was unaccustomed to that af aar adrartiaamabl ordarad tor Judge. Luts, S b ...... ____4 0 1 1 1 0 VJOW t h w w p o p \E AVaJE. NO. HA VMS'. BN TYM aWN, A b to J * , M M moro thaa oaa tiaia. TemjMrary Notes Received...... 660.flKM.00 kind of aand. Otherwise his shots \ WAtoT TO V VStoK .TOO, FIRST C L A S S CARPENTER caucus to be held In the State Ar­ Kstate of Herbert 8. Keeney late of Norris, lb . .. ____8 1 3 11 0 U - r — \ W>K(T HPM t T'V.V«s''tVl OA«UN —- V THkAT NOo’WNOotW. - A\.L.^W fr. Tba laadrartaot oitiiaalea at iBoor- wlihea work 65c per hour. Tel. mory In laid Mancheiter, on the Munchester. in said District, deceas­ went far and true. raot poblleatloa of adrartlaibg will ba 81,848,550.95 Wilkie, rf . . . ___ 3 0 1 0 0 u T'TWAT HW. AV)'M Qto. ______tdOET d fS A AViO VV*0O OOT \P T M m VObT OAT OVrt 1132, RockvIUe Dlv. second Tuesday In September ed. ft A little more luck on the greens Jopon Imitates OOQVJEAKI6 r pJ A HES&AEE. raatldod oalr ar eabeallajiob of tba The Kierutor having exhibited his Nlchols,^U . .. ____3 0 1 4 0 u . 0 0 1C V© ANyTVMVMo V>Ma CAto MtoOte) THKI aharga wada lor tba aarrieo raodarad (which will be September 12, 1939.) and Hines could have ripped off a 67 taOOO OFF TO administration acc>iunt with said es- Hunnlford, e . ___ 3 0 0 1 0 u U. S. Pork System ees*. ir MS tisviet s«t. ^ 0 0 V O « . All adrartiaaioania muat oonform CARPENTER WORK 60c hour or The polle will be opened at nine tatr to tills i ourt for nllowunce. It i^ 1 3 0 1 u or 68 yesterday. Instead of the 70 hOVft VOU« la atria, aepr and trpodrapbr with McLagan, p ...... 3 OF contract. Houiea built at large o’clock In the forenoon and will re­ oitDKHRD.—That the 9th day of McLean, 2b .. ___ 3 1 0 0 3 u that went with bis previous 71. tpHE natural scenic beauties of ramlallaaa aatoread br tba pobiiab* aavlngs. Mortgagee available. Write .*teplpfnber A. D., 1939, at 9 o'cloclt ‘’Women caused me downfall, madam— women with aia aad tbor raaarra the riebi to main open until eight o'clock In the No Reservists Quimby, af .. ...,S 0 1 4 0 0 Todsy's Held was cut to 73 play­ ^ Japan ara now prsaerved and Box R, Herald. (d a. t.) forenoon, at the Probate P o lic e C o u r t pockclboolu!” adit, reelaa or ralaet aar aopr ooa- afternoon, Standard Time. urrire. in aald Manchester, be ami ers by tha requiromenta of quMlfy- made easily accessible to foreign IT*' aldarad eblaatlenabla the same is assigned for a hearing 2 CLOSlNd HOURS—Claaaldad ada REPUBLICAN PROPOSALS S3 6 13 31 8 Ing with 158 or better for the flnal visitorz under a national park FOR NOMINA’rtON I’ll the allowance uf said adminlstru• Residing Here In town court this morning Judge So. Metbodlata 36 holea. aystam, patterned after the Utoted la bo tabllabad aaaaa dar waat aa ro- UVE STOCK- th>n iicf'oiini with said estate, and FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA ylTbd br It a’aloeh aooat Baturdara VEHICLES 42 SELECTMEN tills t'oiirt dlrpcis the Kxeruior to Raymond R. Bowers found Alton- AL. R. H. PO. A. E. An Interesting battle developed in Statsa’ ^ n . Each of the areas so George A. Calllouette. iMibllo notice to all persona In­ dor Gagne of Hartford guilty of H. Jarvla, If . ...3 0 0 4 0 u the amateur ranks with a fourway desigaated represents the pecu- -‘**’t b l e p h o n b y o u r FOR SALE—COW, second calf, Paul A. Orvlnl. i'ipstnd thei'c-ln to appear and l>e violation of rules of tbe road and Starkweather, c f..3 0 b 4 0 u Ue at 152 between Harry Haver- liaritlei of Japanese landicape in tliereon by publisliing a copy All Have Become Citizens 0 4 0 u WANT ADS freab. Inquire James Bumi. 137 David Chambers. <•( this order In tome newspaper hav- assessed a line of 810 and coats. An­ R. Jarvla, c . . ...3 0 stick, Lancaster. Pa.; Sid Solomon. the hlfheat degree. . ...3 1 2 3 3 u A Si ara aaaaatad ever tba talaaboBa East Middle Turnpike. Frank P. Clancy. iiR .1 Hrculntivn In said District, five Of IJ. S. Since Close of gelo Padulla, of Danbury, arrested McCoUom. as . Jr., St. Louis, Mo.; Wilfred Webrle, Molt famous, of course, is the S>. at the OHAMB BATB glraa above Lawrence A, Converse diivs l>eft,r«i said day o f hearing and on s speeding charge, was dned 815 Mercer, p . . . ___ t 1 1 U 0 1 Racine, Wis., and Ted Johnston, volcano Fujiyama, Aral park to be •a a aaaraalaBoa to advartlaora bat tpluiii make to tills I'ouil. Harrlaon, lb . . ...3 0 1 i 0 3 John H. C. LongdvUe. WILLIAM rf. HYDE The World War. and costs. The non-support case In­ Philadelphia. completed and a national shrine. tta CASB RATES will ba aecaptao aa ELECTRICAL Clarence N L\iplen volving Gunnar Rosendahl of this Browp, 2b .. ___ 3 0 0 0 3 3 rm lPATM EN T If paid at tba buti- Judge. 1 u •aaa aClaa aa or balora the aavanta APPLIANCES—RADIO 49 Joseph O. Pero. 11. •». ! . n'l town waa held over to next Wed­ Brannlck, 3b . ....2 0 0 1 dav SallawiBS tba drat laaartiaa of Harold M. Reed. Twenty years and the desire up­ nesday morning. There wlU be no Donnelly, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 1 aaai ad atbarwtaa fba CHARiib: MAYTAG WASHER rebuUt end re< S. Raymond Smith. on the part of nearly ISO men who court session Monday. Wright, M .. ___ 3 0 0 0 0 u W A SH T U B B S I,«Nider ami Idwftfr BY ROY CRANB BS b w ill be eolleetoA No raaponai. finished. A-1 condition, priced low Samuel Stevenson. Plane* Halt At Vera Crus served Great Britain and the Do­ Sports Roundup l O t F let arrara la talapboaad ada Many others to choose from 27 3 4 18 9 7 1 CAHT w m bo laaaant aad tbeir aeearoer Harold R. Symington. minion of Canada In the ^World Kemp's Inc. 743 Mein street. So. MethodlaU ...... 020 000 0—3 UNNERSTAWD aaaset ba gaaraalaaA Leland T. Wood. • Vera Oux. Mexico, Sept. 3.—(>P)— Bluefields Beaten , New York, Sept. 3—Ptumbtng»||ooenc 11 TiHHJA 52 cinnaU. 103; CamUU. Brooklya, 86. TROCft W ffN c S mMOM DEMOCRATIC PROPOSALS public hearing at the Municipal date. Blueflelds— Hsraburda handled KUKE ^MTlfMEN* lAAermeoA ...... 1ft The general attitude bi Manches­ three chances at eboit u Kletcba Hite— McGonniek. Claelnaatl, Side show: Hash and Kaah pitch ftfitltaorF—UroMmoktBg . . . e _____ 1ft t;SED PAPEC, OEHL, McCcrmlck. FOR NOMINATIONS Building on 'Thursday, September ter follows closely the pollclea out­ rolled out and BotOlIo and Cronin 163; MIm, S t Loula. 187. for MlnneapoIla,(...While training “You’ll like this neighborhood. Juet stay off Mra. TavloFi Moving—TmokJcig—Aiorag* mbo# 90 Biiziard cutters, new Blizzard Del- SELECTMEN 7, 1939 at 8:00 p. m., on the follow­ Doubles— Slaughter, St. Louis, Feblto Peotongor Sorvteo ..ea^ aftC-A linger, Hocking Valley. Many used George A. Calllouette. ing applications: lined by the U. B. ta-serviea organ- lifted pop flies. No runs, no hits. for Pastor, Joe Louis and hla en­ lawn, an* don’t tease Mrs. Parkes’ dog, or try vampin’ Chuck FAlBiing—PoDortag ...... •, II IzaUons that Amartca must kasp PA'S—Kovia singled through sec­ 37: M in. S t Leals, 86. tourage are living In a mansion ProfoMronn) SorvloAo ...... tractors and gas engines. Dublin Thomas J. Danaher. Application of Edward J. Hot! W e’ve all got terrible tempers.** II Tractor Co., wmiraantlc. Harold O. Grant out of this war, having had an un­ ond. Vojeck aaerlfloed him to sec­ trip la s— Herman. Chicago. 14; once owned by former Secretary of lU M in n g ...... II for permission to erect dwelling V a u gm , Pittsburgh, 13; Tellorlng—OFPing—Clooolng l« Andrew J. Healey. forgettable exp^ence in the last ond. Kovia went to third on Bo- the Navy Edwin Denby. .To catch houses at 321 and 339 Summit Home runs—Ott, New York. 17; up with Its schedule, a Peru, ni.,- T olU t Ooedft and 8«rvieo ...... Ift Joseph P. Qulah. 1 Street nearer the street line than conflict with loss at Ufa aad great rello’s balk. Obucbowskl r^kad. ruUNBRVILLE FOLKS BY niNTAINB BOX Wantod—Baotnoo* S«rvte« .... Ift WANTED^TO HUY 58 Theodore C, Zimmer financial burdening of our people. Viot flied to deep canter, Kovls Mlse. S t Louts, aad Caarilll, Brook­ amateur team played four alx-lnn- Bdnaerteeal I the required 25 feet. Residence A lyn, 23. Ing games In one night. .'..A New TOWN CLERK I zone. Beeams n OHiaan scoring aftor the catch. Oble was Oeereaa end Claaaaa ...... II EXTRA SPENDING money—con­ out ateallog. One run, one h it Stolen bases—Handley, Pittsburgh, Oriemia patriot named Garland Samuel J< Turklngton. At the close of tha World War T h e a a r e n t s o f Le m W o r t l e .Ct h e Pr a c t i c a l J o k e r ) , h a v e a . Blivata Inatracllooa II vert your saleable Junk Into cash. I Application of Charlea J, Rey- 18; Hassstt Boston, and Hack, Oil- Garth wired he would fly to the aid £ a « e > « s ...... •l-A TOWN TREASURER Miss Jessie M. Reynolds, RJ4,. was Sixth bmlag. Call Wm. Ostrtnsky. Tel. 687^—182 mander for permission’ to move hla cago. 18. ,. tha Davis Cup team on receipt NEAR-SIGHTEP ARTIST 80ARPIN0 AT THEIR HOUBE r v l MestaAl—Oramatle ...... II G. H. Waddell. restaurant liquor permit from 35 carried on army toUa aa 6 rsoerve Blueflelds—Smith reached en 04 Wentad—Inatructiona ...... K Blssell street. Harmburda’a boot at Miert Rau- PItehIng—W yatt Brooklyn, 8-8; 8390 to cover equipment and TAX COLLECTOR Oak Street to 37 Oak Street. Busi­ nurse, having served in Canada aad Financial aboard British ships sailing from tenbarg singled to right VIot Bowman, S t Louis, 10-4. plane far4___ All Tar HeeU do not Benga—Utocfca—Mortgagna •••■ • I Samuel Nelson. Jr. ness tone. Canada to Great M tatn during thn rifled a perfect peg to third and stick—the Newton club of the Tar y Buafnaaa OpDoriuoitlM ...... II ROOMS WITHOUT ASSESSOR Application of Morlarty Brothers BatUng'-DI Magglo, .408; Fozx, Heel League has bad six managers M ona? to Load ...... war. Since the war Mlaa Raynohu Smith teemed out the proverMel II BOARD 59 Walter D. McKenzie. for (^rmlsston to convert the two- Boatoa* 364. Help and ftltantlmnn mile but Umpire Stevenson nded BO far this season. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Papa Approveal REGISTRAR OF VOTERS family dwelling at 49 O dar Street baa become a dtlsen of this coun­ Runs—FOxx, Boston, 138; Rolte, BY MEKKILL’ BUMHRR Balp Wautod-^F cmala ...... Sft FOR RENT—TWO STEAM hraled Edward F. Morlarty. try, removing her from her former that bo had alld under Saverick. H alp W anted—ftlAi* ...... Sft Into a three-family apartflienL Res­ From the press box It looked aa New York, 119. Ooaft Dept. talaamcn Wanted ...... fumlshel rooms. Call at 4.55 Main BOARD OF EDUCATION idence B zone. British status. .Ift-A atrret. though Smith veered from base line Runs batted In—WUUams, Boa- Dr. L. N. Douglas of Baylor Uni­ .WEU.,JUAJE EAO - NM4AT AAV CAN WB DO Balp Vented—Male or Femata. li William E. Buckley. Application of John A. Buchanan The same condltioa existod for A gaota W anted ...... to avoid being touched. Saverick, ton. 119.' Dl Magglo. Now York, 111. versity who resigned as baseball ZX LOVff TBU W t ©OW* TO DO BUCA4 A ©RRAr .ll-A CXINSTABLE.S for permission to build an addition those who served with the ItaUaa Hits—Roife., New york. 171; TtN O ffR iy— PORffVffR , BAiO-w •ituatione Warned-Female ... l» army or navy during tha last war. meanwhile, pegged to first and Rau- coach at Wiaeonsin when ba conw LBOUT IT, Ml M AoSlIflE SSSmJ Btteatlona Wanted—Male ...... Francli J. Bober. to a poultry house on premises at FOxx, Boston. 160, AND eVffR fv WAYMAN IS APARTMENTS, FLATS. nearly all having bacoma cdtiMna. taoberg was nlpp^ off bag. fltev- plated work on hla doctor's degree, 7 CnpiopiBeoi agenciee ...... «t James Duffy. 175 Woodland StreeL Residence B Doubles—Rolfs, New York. 68; TENEMENTS 63 Many men of Italian sxtraetkxi vot* enaoa*a decision almost created a now 1s being introdileed around A A n r- Uve f*aaiir7-> VekleUa Albert B. Jacobi. zone. •' Oraenbsrg, Detroit and WlUlams, Texas as “tbe only Wisconsin coach Oog^-Birdft—patt ...... Harold Keating. untaered and aervsd in the ItnUaa riot aa fane aad pUy«5u ewarmod THIN« ftl All persons Interested In these obout him. Chlaf naspirt McCann Bostca. 88. tn the history of the school who evw Live iroek—Vafticiee ...... 41 Donald MePhereon. applications may appear at thi* army, latar coming to tbo ITnttod POQltrF aad SoDplles ...... 41 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, at Btatea nnd hnva slnea taken out nat* thrsataaod to fotfeit tha gama If TYIpteo—Lewis. Washington. 14; quIL” Waatad— Pats— Poaitrr^teek 63 Clinton, it rert. Alpyalua J. Murphy. hearing. tba flaM wasn’t elsursd and play MeOeoksy, Detroit ,13. 0 ^ . 4« John Rohan. uralixatlon papars. . Far dalWsiiaaalUaaaaa Raymond W. Goalee, Ovor MBtary Ago recumed soon after. LuFlaur sin­ Hodm runs—FOxx, Boston. 84; 0( Sports cocktail: Lkioks Itoe aniclee For daia ...... ftft FOR RENT—THREE r.x>m Bdl, Joseph V. Shea. Chairman. Maxfio and Gordon Now Tork, and Olympic games have O. W. T, W>v Boats aod Aecaaaorias ...... In all eaaea thoaa who aarvod in gled through second, scoring Smith ftft »1th all iroprovemrnt.v and gamgri Dated at Manchester this 30th with tying nm. David Mngled Troaky. CIsveland, 83. Mike Jacobs got arhat to known as Bttlldiog MatanaJa ...... * ft) heat furnished. Telephone «910 or day of August 1939. the World wkr with tba AlUea nrs Dlamoode—WaicDae—Jawalry ,, past asoond. Ksanoy hit to third Stolon bases—Can, Washhifton, ths bird when they latrodueed him r j m ftl Inquire at North End Package Samuel J. Tur.klngton, today nearing,or are over tba mili­ Sleotne^ Appliaace^—RAdie .. «S tary age Unut for flaM aerrloa. snd David was torcsd at saeond as 47; Chapman, Claveland. and Fox, at the Pittsburgh flghte tbe other Faei aad reed ...... it*A Store. Towb Clerk. LuFlaur took third. Z a^tka Detroit 17. night....Tbe B o v * bi tbe Hall of ^ rd eo—Farm— O^rp Prodoeu S4I FOR SALE ManehaaUr waa rsprsaantad to Beoeebold Ooode ...... FOR REST—6 ROOM tenement. All the Ustwrar la all hranebja by over bouacsd a high ooa off plats aad Pitching— Donald, Now Tork, Fame are' aieving ovar tor k ta ftl Must Be Sold At Oncse! 6-Roora raactaed when Kovls* peg puUod By- IS-S; Ruffing, New York, 30-4. Berg and bis flrot homer sinoe 1985 Maebtaarr aad Tools ...... ftl Improvementi and garage. Inquire Single, 3-oar garages large lot. 1,3(M man and woman la tba army, Maeical loitrumaata ...... ftl ehotakl off tbe bag, LaFleur seor- ...r s ta a Staslea. the Rockford. Offiee aad 8tora i^uipmeot at 38 Woodland street. Phone 6349. DIAMOND LAKE A-1 reoidentUI sccUoa. Bargain! navy, and alllod branebaa of ftft ica. Their service ranged llig on play. Kletoba forced Kee­ n i„ footban flash to beadtd for U. ipeetale at tb# dtorae...... ftft GLAaroNBimT ney at third. Two runs, throe hits. o f South (toronna via tba Ocorgla Waarlag Apaarel—Fora .. ftl FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM duplex, J S T $ 4 5 0 0 aeverml months to about two ywrs. 100 German Tanks Waated—To Bap ...... newly decorated, all Improvements Large ireetricted lota atftkia « i- mOltary college detour....(O rogM ftl Ona Maaebastar unit of tbo tbau SCURCHY 8MITU A Dip h U m Deep BY JOHN C TBBHY garage. 880. A5-allabIe Sept. I5th’ spoiled aatwal,a: aprlag-fed tako-L FARM, SO icrM ; 5-rottni apwl#* Connecticut National Ouard, taken FA’B’^Holtoad out to aocoad. wtU Hke that)....tbo oplde^ oC ^ Meetaavaafta Tel. 5409. two eoitagea for tale aiHI three date bnofaiow. Fireplace, tile Syebolakl raaebsd aaeoad oa Smith’s sour dectoloos to spreading. .OTmT- ...... ae Into Federal aenrlee aad which Re)M>rted Disabled Beorgen Wanted ...... M -a aader oooattwetloa hi a boautifal latar beeams the unit Company O. wild peg to flrsL Voleek walked. bodya ■ays Glenn Lee beat Frofl woodiaBd aottiag. A p< > ^ to Pittsburgh tost Mon- OsasUT Hoard—BMorta Termsf*Price .... $ 5 0 0 0 103nd lUgtaiant of tbo 36tb Nn- Raraborda fanned and Kleteha’s L btal^-^taaraats ...... g, Twaaty-Avo attraeilro aonuner Bonal Ouard (Tankas) OMaton, psg got Vojeck off flrot for a double d ^ nighL WsoidO—Heoaie—Beard ... ms. U play. No nniA BO hits, one error Bapt t —m — I Baal BstsM Bar Beal •■6 yaar ’rowad hoaM ara aow L!L‘;tr£ :;..$ 2 5 oo served Intact overeeee tor U ‘fsiayto Oaset Bkar. Bta, riata, Tssaaiiaats _ ai F O R R E N T ■ cBaflii at thia aaaihy laaort. months and took part ta many ma- Through Brittob CtoMorabtp>~ m l^ t la a s tot Boat . .. •« 8-BOOM SINGLE aad ton. t o m Jwengagementr,. “ ^ . BluMtokls Boralln touiod out to ebaaga TWscram (Brittob 1 Art Ooha. Oakland (Oal.) Trl- North Coventry. Good Chick­ ZaaH gat aMia far j m a ----- t t .a|StoVl;,(Op0t3lld.tMM;fltoil;%:JS«K tomar .‘3WBto?.thrto.