Cahiill Personally Oversees Newark Aid Bills

SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy and Cold Partly cloudy arid colder to- day and tonight. Sunny, cold FINAL tomorrow. Cloudy Wednes- Red Bank, Freehold day. Long Branch (Set BsUili. Paj. J» I 7 EDITION W Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 119 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970 26 PAGES TEN CENTS •III!! SST Faces Crucial Votes WASHINGTON (AP) - A ?210 million com- figure would only boost cost while delaying con- be avoided if the Senate would agree to remove promise aimed at keeping the supersonic trans- struction. the SST appropriation from the transportation port alive appeared today cleared for House END URGED bill and vote on both separately. passage, but still facing a threatened filibuster in "The SST program should be killed cleanly He said he wilj not let a filibuster impede the Senate. and quickly,'' Yates said, "not condemned to the Senate efforts to pass other measures such as Although there had been little doubt before lingering death voted by the conference." welfare. today's scheduled vote that the House would ap- Yates estimated the $80 million reduction in Proxmire spoke yesterday on "Issues and prove the SST money, part of an overall ?2.7 bil- funding would boost the SST's cost by $250 mil- Answers," the CBS interview program. lion transportation funding bill, Rep. Sidney R. lion through delays and inflation. He said a $76 Yates had vowed a fight against the measure One knowledgeable House SST critic says he million overrun was blamed on a $30 million cut- doubts if a Senate filibuster could be kept going. worked out by a House-Senate conference com- back last year. mittee. He said the Senate must pass the transportation Sen. William S. Proxmire, D-Wis., wto led bill qa: approve continuing resolutions for trans- APPROVED REQUEST the 52-41 Senate defeat of the original bill, has . portation funds if projects are to be kept alive. The House last week approved President Nix- threatened to begin a filibuster later this week if Many of the programs in the transportation on's request for ?290 million in SST money by a bill are popular, he said, and continuing resolu- 213-174 vote, but the Senate had already decided • necessary to prevent any SST money from being tions would provide only a fraction of the needed 52 to 41 to kill any funds for the superspeed plane. restored to the transportation appropriation bill. funds. Cost was a factor in the Senate opposition, but THREAT REPEATED "There's $600 million in that bill for mass much of the objection was rooted in environ- He repeated his threat yesterday, adding that transportation and it gets $57 million under con- mental concern. "an ample number of senators would speak" . turning resolutions," he said, "Which do you think Yates' criticism, however, took a different with him in unlimited debate. ' the Senate is going to take, $600 million or $57 route. He contended the $210 million compromise . Proxmire said his threatened filibuster could million?" Asks Aid Bill Action SIGN OF SIGNIFICANCE — Cambodian soldiers walk past skull and cfossbonat -WASHINGTON (AP) - The legislation, which .said the federal government school and the church and the "You cannot be unaware sign to board ferry at Prek Kdam as part of operation to retake opposite bank Branding the welfare system would set an income floor for , cannoUsolve all the problems family, the- mass media, vol- that every delegate to this from' small force of Viet Cong earlier this month. Tha sign was erected to prevent "a consuming, monstrous, in- a family of four at $1,600 a hampering the welfare of the untary organizations and conference has had to mea- people from crossing over during the three-day occupation of the town. Prek Kdam human outrage," President year, has been passed by the nation's 55 million children. each of us as individuals. For sure his personal investment is 20 miles north of Phnorn Penh. (AP Wirephoto) Nlxdn has called for passage House but is mired in the Sen- 'Shall Do Our Best' the child is not raised by gov- of tune against the public im- of his Family Assistance Plan ate. ..,.;• "We shall do. our best to ernment. The child is raised pression that the present ad- before Congress adjourns. "In terms of its con- meet our responsibility in- by his family. His character ministration is unresponsive "For the Senate to adjourn sequences for children," the these areas where the federal is shaped by those people he to. reports front citizens' bod- without enacting this measure President said, "I think it can . government can best do what encounters in his daily life." ies." would be.a tragedy of missed ~ fairly be said to be the most needs to be done^" he said. But before Nixon's appeal Many delegates,. said Mrs. Modifications Asked opportunity," Nixon, said last important piece of social leg- "But I.would also stress for support, doubt was ex- Richard M. Lansburgh, presi- night as he opened the once-a- islation in our nation's his- that equally and often more pressed by several hundred dent of the Day Care and decade White House Confer- tory." - important is what.states and delegates that any plans put Child Development Council of ence on Children. In his speech, Nixon also communities do, and the forth this week will obtain America, Inc., "lack con- fidence that their hard won .For Jersey Arrow . much action by the adminis- recommendations will ever tration. NEWARK — William E. Oz- Co. for operation on its main blame for those fires on the In an unscheduled gather- receive serious presidential : attention." zard, president of the Board and shore lines. The board's overcharging of the Jersey ing just before the formal of public Utility Commission- order follows investigatory Arrow's batteries. This con- opening, concerned represen- Hess declined an immediate ers, has issued an in- hearings which began on June stant overcharging had the ef- t a t i v e s. expressed dis- response to the dissidents. vestigation report on the Jer- 11 and concluded on Aug. 12. feet of reducing the liquid lev- satisfaction about the confer- The open meeting, attended sey Arrow which Indicates The New Jersey Department el in the batteries at, a greater ence set-up and doubt that by, some 6Q0 of. the 4,000 dele- that major modifications need of Transportation - partici- rate than normal*. "'• recommendations Mrouia be gates; passM resoluttons'toii- to be made in order to insure pated in the hearings and con- In several cases, Ihe liquid taken seriously. • demning leaders of the con- the safety and reliability of curred iriihe findings. in the batteries was com- A letter to the conference ference "for Iheir refusal to the equipment. The basic problem which pletely evaporated thus re- Chairman Stephen Hess, read invite active citizen partici- sulting infire. 1 at the open meeting, stated: pation in the planning." . ; • The Jersey Arrow is a self- spurred the investigatory pro- propelled .multiple unit, pas- ceeding were fires on five dif- ( | fThe PUC has recommended senger T >.r whie.h is owned by ferent occasions in five sepa- • that "all new Jersey Arrows the state and leased to the rate Jersey Arrow cars. The should contain a separate bat- Red Bank Man Penn Central Transportation PUC has definitively laid the • (See Arrow, Pg. ) Killed in Crash Dies MIDDLETOWN — A 38- Bank and a former member year-old Red Bank man was ofthe Calvary Baptist injured fatally Saturday night Chorus. when his car skidded on wet Was Guard pavement and struck the divi- He was a U.S. Navy Veter- • A Long Public Career der on Rt. 35 near Harmony an of World War II and had Road. been employed as a security BRIELLE — An illustrious Born in Newark, Mr. According to Polioe Chief guard for the Pinkerton Agen- political and business career Broege lived in Brielle for tw6 Joseph M. McCarthy, the vic- cy. of more than 30 years stand- •years, and in Belmar for 41. tim, identified as Ellis Faulk Surviving are his mother, ing came to an abrupt end Besides his political and pub- of 20 Bank St., was traveling Mrs. Agnes Faulk of Warrior; lic offices, he was also a trust north when the accident oc- his widow, Mrs. Ann Faulk; a yesterday. officer with the Monmouth curred at 11:42 p.m. stepson, Milton Hill, and a Edward C. Broege, 64, of County National Bank at the . The Faulk vehicle struck stepdaughter, Mrs. Janet Old- 515 Woodland Ave., here, for- time of his death. the divider in front of the Old en, both of Red Bank; six mer clerk of the Board of He was a member of the EARTHQUAKE RUINS — Victims of an earthquake which shook,southern Ecua- Village Fire Company. grandchildren; 11 sisters and Freeholders, county surro- First Presbyterian Church of dor and northern Peru last Wednesday search the ruins of a home in Gorrzanana, Mr. Faulk was taken to brothers, Mrs. Susie M. Win- gate and county, treasurer, Belmar; an elder of the Kiverview Hospital, Red ston, Mrs. Rachel L. Brant- was pronounced dead on ar- church and a member of the Ecuador. Unofficial reports have indicated more than 20 persons died in Ecuador Bank, by members of the ley, Mrs. Alice Haney, Allan rival at Point Pleasant Hospi- with heaviest damage in rural villages, where old and poorly constructed housing church's board of trustees. He Fairview First Aid Squad Faulk, Mrs. Willie M. Porter, tal at 12:15 a.m. after he had been a superintendent of was in use. (AP Wirephoto) where he was pronounced all of Warrior; Mrs. Ada was rushed to the hospital by the church's Sunday School dead on arrival. Thormond of St. Louis, Mo.; the Brielle First Aid Squad. for 28 years. County Medical Examiner Mrs. Frances Streeter of Washington, D. C; Garfield An apparent heart attack Mr. Broege was also a past Dr. C. Maliolm B. Gilman at- ended the life of a man who, tributed death to a skull frac- Faulk Jr. of Alliance, Ohio; president and member of the Mrs. Carrie Gihvan of Bir- some 40 years ago, used the Belmar Board of Education. Cahill Is Overseeing ture, hemorrhage and mul- family Bible in his swearing mingham, Ala.; Mrs. Essie He was a privileged member tiple fractures of the body. in as clerk of the Board of of the Belmar Kiwanis Club: Patrolman James Keogh is M. Edwards, and Jeff D. Faulk, all of Cincinnati, Ohio, Freeholders. He used the was chaplain of the Freehold investigating. same Bible when he was Square Club. Mr. Faulk was born in War. and several nieces and neph- Newark Money Bills ews. sworn in as treasurer in 1964. A former state com- rior, Ala., and had lived in Edward C. Broege the shore area for 20 years. Arrangements are under Service Lauded m i 11 e e m a n , Mr. Broege TRENTON (AP) — Gov. a one per cent city tax on the increase in the city's "He was an extremely able fine and loyal public servant served as surrogate of Mon- William T. Cahill planned to payrolls which has drawn op-, property tax would be $4 rer He was a member of .the Cal- the direction of the Childs Fu- vary. Baptist Church of Red neral Home, Red Bank. administrator and a very, and made a great impact on mouth County from 1954 to take time off from the Nation- position from the Newark $100." Monmouth County during tlie 1964 when lie was appointed business community; a one very fine individual," said a 1 Republican Governor's During the weekend, Jersey III!! Freeholder Director Joseph 15 years he served as county county treasurer. His service conference today to oversee cent increase in the sales tax City Mayor Thomas J. Whe- surrogate." (See Broege, Page 3) to Newark only and the state C. Irwin, last night. legislative action on a pack- lan criticized the bills for age of bills designed to case assumption of Newark's past "Ed has been a part of the Newark's financial crisis. support for Martland Medical Newark as flimsy. He threat- Policemen's Wives Monmouth County scene both He was scheduled to arrive Center. ened legal action to block the in politics and in government here from the conference, in Cahill said lie had been In proposals. for many years. He will be The Inside Story sorely missed." Sun Valley, Idaho, give his touch with legislators since Whelan labeled the pack- leaving for the conference. Series Will Begin "He was a great public ser- personal attention to the bills age "special interest" and Hints on decorating Page 12 and return to Sun Valley The measures were expected We hear mueli today about Ihe problems of policemen vant," said Benjamin 11. Dan- Tarkcnton foils Cardinals' plan Page 18 tonight. to be taken up in the Assem- said Jersey City needs as and other law enforcement officers in a time of unrest and skin,' Republican county Knii'ks lose, Hangers win Pages 18-19 bly today and prospects for much assistance as Newark. crisis. chairman. "He was a very Weekend school cage roundup . Page 19 Before leaving Idaho, Cahill 1 said the legislation could be passage arc uncertain. Whelan contended that Cahill But what about the policeman'. ! wife and his family? Christmas lloutiuuc ltouton knuckles down to TV ... Page 19 in some "trouble" and that he Cahill singled nut Assem- . should insist on a program How do Hicy react to the .situation? Have they learned to Tuesday, Dec. 15,10-4, at BiiiR- Amusements 13 Women's News ...10-12 wanted to be in Trenton to blyman Philip O. Kaltenba- that would "give all our cities live with the fear that can come al any time? How do Uiey ham Hall, Hingham Ave., Uiim- fool about the criticism of policemen? These and other ques- Bridge 25 Your Horoscope 25 give it his individual atten- chcr, Il-Essex, as one of the the power to help them- son. Fresh greens and gilts. tion. tions will 1)0 explored in a two-part scries by Register Staff (Adv.) Classified Ails 20-24 DAILY RKGISTEIt opponents of the measures. selves." Writer MarybeUi Allen — starting tomorrow. Comics 25 PHONE NUMBERS The package, proposed by The regular meeting of the Mayor Kenneth Gibson of He said that members of Whelan has repeatedly You'll learn about the difficulties — and the satisfactions Editorials fi the Essex County delegation Occanport Planning Board will Main Office 741-0010 Newark, would raise an esti- claimed that Jersey City — that arc a part of being Uio wife of a policeman in Mon- Financial 7 "may be unaware that if the mouth County. Accompanying tlic articles will lie 'photo- bo held at the Maple Place Classified Ads 741-6999 mated $50 million. It Includes schools would run out of mon- Home Delivery ._ 741-0018 legislation is not approved, ey by March because of the graphs of the wives Miss Allen .spoke to. School on Wednesday, Dec. 16, Obituaries 4 Flood Insurance You'll gain now insight, ihrouRli Uielr wives, into tihe 1970 at 8:30 p.m. Opinion Page 6 Mlddlctown Bureau ..671-2239 Attention, Sea Bright and High- 15,000 Christmas trees. Your inability of the local real es- Freehold liureau -162-2121 choice. $1, up. Huhn's, F St., tate tax to support thorn. men who help to provide county residents with protection Harry l«. VanNole, Soc. Sports 18, 19 lands residents, we'ro equipped and security. You won't want l<> miss this complete report. (Adv.) Long Hrnnch Rurcau 2220810 to supply you with the newBclmur.J Furs! clean, rcstyje, relirio Television 13 Sports Department ...741-6917 Flood Insurance. Available now! Goldberg Furs, 43tt Cook- Fondue. Margot Smith's Hook Dec. U. Call us for full details. ncrwarc. Two-yr. guarantee. mmiAvo.,Asbury Park. (Adv.) has 3fi pages of recipes for Have Santa vl.slt your home He sure to BM the Floating holiday dunking. Unique gift Christina!! Toy Sale Pamper your love with a gift Til-County Agency Inc., 270Ix)oks, feels like china. 4-placo Paul's breakfast specials 89c. qn Christmas Kve. Fur infor- Christmas Tree at Bahrs, High- Bay Ave., Highlands, 872-0100. starter set, $10.05. Frown's, 32 idea, $2,511 in local shops or Tuesday, Dec. 15. Thrift Shop, certificate from the Pamper Palnco Diner, 45 Monmouth mation wrilo Box 124, Ited lands. Lobsters at all times. from Pantry Press, Box 303, (Adv.) Broad St., Red Hank. (Adv.) St., Red Bank. (Adv.) Bank. (Adv.) 70 Monmouth St., Red Hank. Salon, 600 llwy 35, Middlefown, (Adv.) Humson. (Adv.) (Adv.) 071-8600. (Adv.) THE DAILY E&G15TCR. RED BAMC • M1DDLET0WN, N. J,: WOJ05AY, DECEMBER 14. 1970 Muskie, Front-Ruiiner Volkswagen Lawsuit Among the Democrats Goes to Jury Today , wind. He concluded that there He suggested that Mr.' (Editor'! Note: Who Is go- waves his lefj. hand toward FREEHOLD - A jury will Moses, who was returning ing to challenge for the White the chamber. decide today whether the 1968 was no jet stream and that and 1969 Volkswagen buses Mr. Moses encountered the home after his second night, at House on behalf of the Demo- "There are 100 guys' ta work after, working day?, fell ' cratic party in 1S72 is already there who would like to be have design defects which same kind of wind all along a dominant political question. President, however remote J make them unstable in gusty the highway. asleep at the wheel and lost The following dispatch, the the possibility may be. And winds. Wrong Figures control. first of five, considers Ed- there are 50 governors. So Volkwagen is being sued in Another expert, a mechani- Milton Kdsene of Fair mund S. Muskie, a once-ob- who knows? / a personal injury suit by a cal engineer, testifying for Haven, representing Mr. scure Maine senator who Is "So who iaiows?" former Jackson man who was Volkswagen, said the aero- Moses, said he was surprised now the front-runner for the But along with the political injured Dec. 6,1968, when his space engineer used the to hear Mr. Hanlon's sugges- party's Wit presidential nom- fatalism, the talk of lucky 1968 VW bus was "blown off" kyrong figures for wheel stiff- tion and told the jury it heard ination.) breaks, there is a methodical Et.. 9 in Freehold Township, ness in his equation and thus Mr.' Moses testify that he By WALTER R. MEARS struck a utility pole and over- slept during the day before plan taking shape. It envi- reached the wrong conclusion both nlght,shifts. i and CARL R. LEUBSDOBF sions membership on the turned. The driver, along with concerning the vehicle's' sta- : WASHINGTON (AP) — prestigious Senate Foreign the front seat, was ejected bility. . He told the Jury that it had Two years and a long cam- Relations Committee, several from the vehicle. a right to find design defects paign away from the ultimate Another issue in the trial In- trips abroad; an announce- "A challenge " has been if it finds that the loose seat goal, Sen. Edmund S. Muskie ment of candidacy — "It's a volved a recall campaign VW made to the whole concept of conducte$J,o cqrrect a prob- belt contributed to Mr. is the front-runner, the target, question of timing; certainly Moses's injuries. the Democrats' presidential the vehicle's design," said lem with sM-telt loosening. t it's not going to be the first of NEW FIRETRUCK FOR MARLBORO — Fire Chief Robert M. Hanlon of Asbury prospect with the most to the year," a bigger and bet- Mr. Moses; testified, he was He said Volkswagen made, lose. He delights in the role. Frank Coyle, left, accepts tha keys for the Robertsville Park, 'representing Volks- never notified. The defense, no attempt to find similar ter organization, assembling wagen, in his summation But Muskie of Maine is on Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of commitments to gain the Volunteer Fire Company's new $48,000 ffretruck from however, insisted he was noti- conditions to what Mr. Moses Friday. encountered and maintained the move, speaking out more it also means that the front- nomination. And raising mon- Fire Commission Chairman Leonard Rappa, as Fire fied by certified mail. sharply and quickly on major runner is a meaningful candi- ey — $8 million by one esti- Company Vice President Edward Bordmann, left cen- The trial before Superior To counteract Mr. Moses's that the tests conducted by Court Judge Walter H. Con- the defense* were, not inde- developments at home and date ... mate. ter, and Assistant Chief Eugene Demish look on. The testimony that he was wear*, overseas, planning to travel klin moves into its ninth day ing his seat belt that day, the pendent experiments. "If there were a way of Rivals to Be Faced truck, the second of its kind in the state, is unique in abroad — probably next pacing this as you do a horse There are, of course, rivals today. defense produced a witness Football Players month — seeking to Enhance race, a pacing race, I suppose to be faced. The polls now in- that it's control panel is atop the truck, enabling the . the plaintiff, Louis Moses, who testified she visited Mr. Mr. Kosene maintained the his foreign policy credentials. now of Baltimore, told theo Moses after the accident and VW bus violated the prin- the pace might be a little bit dicate Sen. Kennedy would be operating fireman to have full vision of all activity; 1 Every likely rival acknowl- slower." the most formidable opponent (Register Staff Photo) jury he lost control of his VW that he told her "from now on ciples of stability with its de- edges Muskie a long lead to- Then a shrug. ' should he undertake the can- bus after it was struck by a I am going to wear a seat- sign, giving the jury as an ex- ward the 1972 nomination; Muskie says' he cannot pace didacy he has foresworn. gtisty wind. "I had the im- belt." ample football players wHo Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of what he did not plan. He be- "He has said he is not a pression that the car was off In his summation, Mr. Han- are told to spread their stance Massachusetts said it may be candidate," said Muskie." "I the ground and' flying in the lon told the jury that the dis- and stay low. lieves his high rating in re- Four Towns Weigh air," he testified. all but insurmountable. cent polls stems from his ap- have no intention of express- tance the vehicje traveled af- "We're not saying the Volks- One public opinion poll pearance as the Democratic ing doubt about what he bas Expert Witnesses ter encountering the alleged wagen is unsafe for going shows Muskie running ahead spokesman in an election-eve said. With the kind of sup- Two expert witnesses, testi- jet stream until it went off the to the market," continued the of President Nixon, the ulti- telecast last month. port that is shown in the Joint Sewer Pact fying on his behalf, main- road could be a key factor. attorney, "what we're saying mate rival, 4ft per cent to 40 polls, lie can be a candidate tamed that the accident was The attorney said the ve- is that you have to be careful "I suppose in a sense that anytime he decides to be. He per cent. i was a pure stroke of luck," MATAWAN — The upper to be determined near the the result of design defects, hicle traveled 180 feet from on public highways." - "it doesn't mean anything," can change bis mind, just as Bayshore towns of Keyport, Keyport-Matawari'pprder will such as the vehicle's large where the jet stream alleged- said Muskie of the biggest I can." said Muskie. "There are go- single boost to his candidacy Matawan, Matawan Township be a trickling filter treatment size, its light weight", its' high ly was until it went off the Mr. Kosene attacked ,the ing to be ups and downs. I've since named to the party's As for the ultimate rival, and Marlboro are thinking se- plant which Mr. Day claims . center of gravity and narrow road. How far could a vehicle testimony of the experts for been... lucky. It hasn't been vice presidential spot in 1058. Muskie said he considers riously of going it alone. requires much less bower and trackage. travel in 3/10 of a second (the VW by telling the jury that President Nixon vulnerable, Going it alone in sewering, less treatment than the Bay- one was a VW employe and me result of deliberate plan- "How do you control that?" k They concluded that Mr. drivers reaction time), he njng." and. the more so since the that is, with permission of shore's activated sludge, and another had consulted for "If the result is to get you state and federal agences. " is cheaper to operate. Moses encountered a jet asked. 18 feet? , No Value In Evaluating running faster than you want Nov. 3 elections. ' Volkswagen about 12 times in "I think it was a setback According to Borough Coun- He'said the group Is also ' stream when he passed a There were no tire marks the past year and therefore In a Senate anteroom, Mus- to be running, that's the price cilman Donald T. Day cost thinking of tertiary treatment wooded area on Rt. 9 which where the vehicle left the kie says he can see no value you have to pay." for him. He tried to do some- forced his bus to the left. As they couldn't be considered thing in' the election, and comparisons based on treat- instead of using the proposed road, he said, adding that the objective. in evaluating his candidacy, Relishes Politics ment of 100 million gallons he attempted to counteract vehicle left the road in a and proceeds to do so. At 56, Muskie relishes the failed to do it... In terms of Ocean Outfall Line. the reaction in the country, he per day are lower if the four "With aid we estimate it the movement by turning "very shallow" angle. The suit was filed against "I don't know whether I'm political campaigns, those municipalities construct their right, the wind, now pushing Says He Was Asleep Shrewsbury Motors Inc., a front runner or not. There's past — and that ahead. He lost." will cost approximately $130 Perhape, Muskie muses, he own treatment plant as to use the ocean facility while at the rear of the vehicle, Mr. Hanlon contended that Shrewsbury, the retailer; no way of proving it, the polls has just been reelected to the against becoming a customer forced the car to the right. Mr: Moses would have chest Volkswagen of America, the are the only indication." Senate, for a third term, with is not acting firmly enough to the cost of tertiary treamenf dramatize his role as top man of the three town Bayshore will be $93.40 per million gal- They maintained that Mr. marks if he was wearing the distributor, and Volkswagen- "As the front-runner, you 62 per cent of the vote. Kegional Sewerage Authority. Moses was not responsible for belt when it struck the pole. werk AG, the manufacturer. tend to become the target of Now he sits outside the Sen- among the Democratic White "Our costs wi O nwtwo w the car going out of control. the other candidates ... But ate, answering questions, and House prospects. "Without federal and state Ions," the councilman stated. "Being the front-runner, grants it would cost us ?600 "Our costs will be less be- One expert, an aerospace ADVBKITBBMKNT ADVERTISEMENT maybe I ought to act as if I per million gallons as a cus- cause we will not form an au- engineer, told the jury that were, and assert myself tomer,',' Mr. Day said last thority," he continued. "By his equation showed the VW more. Maybe I don't do night. "This is compared to floating general obligation bus to be unstable. at any $50,000 First Prim enough of that... I pre-occu- an estimated $415 with our bonds we can Save as much speed with a driver. ; py myself with running from joint facility. as one-half per cent on inter- Experts for Volkswagen, Doctors'Tests In Treating where I am to where I want "Now if we were to receive est charges." / however, ^concluded that the tobe ... • federal (33 per cent) and The comparative figures bus is stable and showed the Tickets onttto iiT!ij[!;;::ni!iiiir!:;r!;rTii;iiL!i::niiiiii;!iiB Syracuse University's depart- Tickets ment of mechanical and aer- If you're one of the many who needs no prescription and it far ological engineering, said it get tense, nervous headaches, more economical. was impossible for a vehicle these latest tests by doctors With Anacin, headache pain Weather: Partly Cloudy, Cold to be pushed back into a should be of the greatest im- and its nervous tension vanish Becoming partly cloudy this day's high was 36 and the low Some rain dampened the portance. in minutes. Despite its strength, was 31. It was 36 at 6 p.m. Pacific and Gulf coasts, but In recent medical tests doe- Anacin is not narcotic. You can afternoon, high in low 40s. tors proved a famous tablet that take it without getting dizzy or Partly cloudy and colder •The overnight low was 34 and the amounts were negligible. needs no prescription gives the an upset stomach. tonight low in mid 20s. To- the temperature at 1 this Temperatures early today >iame complete headache relief Next time take powerful, fast morrow partly sunny and morning was 34. ranged from 5 below zero at as the expensive, leading pre- acting Anacin*. Anacin Tablets Fair, dry and wintry weath- International Falls, Minn., to Greater Red Bank cold, high in mid to upper 30s. 70 at Key West, Pala. scription of doctors. give the same complete head- Wednesday's outlook mostly er blanketed most of the na- These doctors' tests proved, ache pain relief as the. leading tion tod^y with light snow TIDES beyond a doubt, that Anacin is prescription product for which cloudy with near seasonable typical in the Great Lakes Sandy Hook just as effective to relieve ten- doctors wrote 21 million pre- temperatures. Region and portions of the Today — High 8:54 p.m. sion headaches, yet Anacin scriptions last year. In Long Branch, yester- Northeast. and low 3 p.m. A narrow band of from 5 to •Tomorrow — High 9:06 a.m. JAYCEES 15 inches of snow stretched and 9:36 p.m. and low 2:54 from southern Wisconsin to a.m. and 3:42 p.m. New England, the result of For Red Bank and Rumson heavy sjnow a few days ago. bridge, add two hours; Sea THIRD ANNUAL Residents of Massena, N.Y. Bright, deduct 10 minutes; pondered today over 24 inches Long Branch, deduct 15 min- of white topping, which fell utes; Highlands bridge, add over the weekend. 40 minutes. CHILDREN'S lBllllillEllinillllliltl Tuesday, Dec. 15th County Births Christmas Variety Show

RIVERVIEW (nee Diane Gallo), Bethany For MEN Only * Red Bank Road, Hazlet, son, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Con- Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Rash SUNDAY DECEMBER 20th rad (nee Josephine Cahill), (nee Ellen Boyce), 195 Lake Relax, gals, FMO* is our way of, 484 Hilltop Ave., Keyport, Ave., Fair Haven, son, Satur- son, Friday. day. 2 complete shows 1 and 3:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. John Krod- Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Elmer giving your man a chance to make dick (nee Virginia Ryan), Rt. (nee Florence Staehle), 19 79, Morganville, son, Friday. Maryann Court, West Keansburg, son, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. David at the yours a 3>lu UttUJS Christmas. Freeam (nee Suzanne Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg- son), 5 Dorothy Court, Mid- man (nee Catherine Kotqla), dletown, son, Friday. 23 Warren Place, East Keans- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell burg, son, yesterday. CARLTON THEATRE Choose from: (nee Ruthann Landgraff), 23 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Soriano Highland Ave., Leonardo, (nee Beverley Wood), 399-A son, Friday. Harbor' Hoad, Morganville, RED BANK Skis by: Hart • Fischer • Kastle Mr. and Mrs. James Corbl- daughter, yesterday. siero (nee Florence Kelly), County BirthsTR 2 Don Parkview-at-Madison Apart- Featuring Skiwear by: Spinnerin • Aspen ments, Laurence Harbor, MONMOUTII MEDICAL daughter, Friday. Long Branch Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Harris Thome Boots by: Henke • Lange son (nee Katharine Beechcr), (nee Ruth Altieri), 522 Dow 50 Itutledge Drive, Middle- Ave., Oakhurst, son, Fri- CARTOON KOMICS town, son, Friday. day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dou- So come Tuesday Dec. 15th, remember Mr. and Mrs. FJruce Kiscn- berg (nee Mary Munch), 311 gan (nee Josephine Jones), W. Sylvanla Ave., Neptune 888 Brookslde Ave., Cliffwood you don't HAVE to ski to shop at City, daughter, Friday. Beach, son, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison King Mr. and Mrs. Itocco Pro- (nee Dorothy Rrautigam), 35- coplo (nee Sharon Smith), 15 CHILDREN ..2.00 A Clinton Ave., Kalontown, Sloncy Hill Road, Katontown, the daughter, Friday. son, Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Chlanca ADULTS 3.00 (ncc Constance Maglionc), Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goff 205 Arlington Ave., Union (nee Shirlny Wagner), 10 Little Silver §>lu Beach, son, Saturday. Daniel Drive, Little Sliver, TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY RED BANK M r . and Mrs. ' William daughter, Saturday. Lcighlon (nr.e Diane Ralph), Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nutile JAYCEE or CARLTON THEATRE BOX OFFICE § 842-6666 Where Else? 568 Sherman Ave., Bclford, (ncc Maryann O'Brien), 3 daughter, Saturday. Shoieland Tcr., Kcansburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Howard son, yesterday. -THE DAILY REGISTER BED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: MONDAY, DECEMBER l,i, l>>70- Toppf the New Highlands Bay Dredging Battle Set 1 WASHINGTON - New research points to the possibility By ED WALSH we would not be against it," channel. I am going to follow tremely productive in past certain damage when dredg- forwarded to Mr. Azzolina, that a chemical manufactured in human stomachs from HIGHLANDS - U.S. Mayor James T. White who is it closely," he stated. years for harvesting clams." ing is taking place but this Kep. James J. Howard, D- N.J., the Monmouth County etements used in some food preservatives and medicines Dredging Corp. go home. also secretary of the associ- Mr. Azzolina said he will Damage Claimed way there would be less than causes cancer, according to .scientists at the University of This is what the Baymen's what is going on now," Mayor Chapter of the League of Association is thinking now ation said last night. object as a legislator not as a "There is ecological dam- White said. Women Voters and Richard Nebraska. that the company's dredging "They said they were going private citizen. age being done and the dredg- "The Wetlands Bill was K. Sullivan, state Commis- doctors at the university's Eppley Institute for Cancer permit is up for renewal. to clear the. area four years Getting into the thick of the ing is having adverse effects enacted as a protection mea- sioner of Environmental Pro- Research in Omaha base their findings on experiments in The company is seeking an ago but all they have done dredging controversy is noth- on the fish and wildlife with- sure but here just the oppo- tection. which they say lung .cancer was producedf in 65 to 90 per extension of dredging rites in over this period of time is ing new to the assemblyman. out mentioning the under- site is happening. The dredg- Any protest or criticisms cent of mice fed large amounts of nitrite — often used as a the Shrewsbury River and make four or five huge holes He has fought side by side water siltation that has taken ing is taking away from the regarding the proposed exten- Sandy Hook Bay beyond the on the edge of sandbars," he with the Baymen's Associ. place," the mayor stated. natural environment," he sion should be prepared in food preservative — and three types of secondary amines, claimed. • which are protein building blocks and used in several medi- Dec. 31 expiration date. ; ation on several other occa- ''If the channels are to be stated. writing and mailed to the De- cines. The scientists also say 15 per cent of the tumors The, plans call for widening "I am going to object right sions. dredged I suggest they pipe "All they are doing is tak- partment of the Army, New were malignant. and improvement of the fed- along with Mayor White on Mayor White said the Bay- dredge them and pump the ing the kind of sand they want York District, Corps of Engi- eral and state entrance chan- this thing," Assemblyman Jo- men's protest is for several sand onto our beaches where and discarding trie rest. This neers, 26 Federal Plaza, New nels to the river according to seph Azzolina said last night. reasons. improvement is necessary," isn't improving navigation as York, N.Y. 10007, they said. Blast Toll Hits Nine Dead a release issued by tfie Corps Following It Closely "They are working the he declared. far as I am concerned," he Mayor White said he will NEW YORK - The death toll from a massive explosion of Army Engineers. "It seems to me the same Middle Ground and Patton "This idea is less objection- added. seek a letter of protest from and fire whicn ripped through a cafe across from City Hall "If the company was ac- thing is shaping up like before Bars now," he claimed. able to our group and more "He said a copy of the "Bay- th(; Borough Council at tomor- Friday to nine yesterday. tually- improving navigation when they didn't stay in the "These bars have been ex- acceptable. We know there is men's letter of protest will be row night's meeting. One victim, Ralph Frank, 53, of Brookyln, died in a hospital and two more bodies, burned beyond recognition, were found in the basement of the heavily damaged three- story building. The body of one man, revocered Saturday, was tentative- Procter Given $420,447 ly identified as that of Norman Martens, 35, of Staten Is- land, a New York City policeman. Another body was ten- tatively identified as that of Mrs. Martens. More than 60 persons were injured in the blast which Rumson Sewering Pact police have attributed to a gas leak. RUMSON — Bids for con- for the auxiliary station, for a tracting Co., of Wanamassa George E. Silvers, for mem- Says Hughes Supports Him struction of a main and an total Of $13,000. for a total $•128,990 and Lovell bership in the Rumson Fire auxiliary pumping stations in The only other bidder for Electric Co., of ,Ridgewood Department and Oceanic Fire LAS VEGAS, Nev. - Fighting for his job as head of this borough's sewer system, this work was Pulsch Inc., 18 Howard Hughes' vast Nevada holdings, Robert Maheu says were approved by borough Plymouth Ave., Port Mon- for a total $126,770^ Co. respectively. he has the "complete confidence and total faith" of the bil- council. mouth, for a total of $13,400. Thursday Collections The next regular Council lionaire recluse. And he says he has no reason to suspect A contract of $420,447 for Other Contracts Coun&unan Francis E. P. meeting will be held on De- any hanky-panky by his underlings. both stations, the only bid re- The contract for ventilation McCarjep announced that, be- cember 29, instead of its regu- "My administration of the Hughes properties in Nevada ceived for "general construc- work on both pumping sta- cause dhristmas Day and lar date, Dec. 24, which is has been conducted with the full knowledge of Mr. Howard tion," went to Thomas Proc- tions went to ILL. Harrison New Year's Day are on a Fri- Christmas eve. E. Hughes' and pursuant to his specific instructions," said* ter Co., Inc., of 218 North Associates for $5,000 for the day this year, and because Maheu in a statement yesterday. Fifth Ave., Long Branch. Of main and $4,800 for the aux. this day is the normal gar- this $232,815 was for the main iliary stations for a total of bage collection, this year's CHRISTMAS TREES Calley Case Is Continuing station and $187,632 for the $9,800. The only other bidder collection will be held on the FT. BENNING, Ga. — Lt. Wiliam Calley's lawyers seek auxiliary station. was Pusch Inc., for a total of Thursday, preceding both DOUGLAS FIRS this week to convince his court-martial jury that C Com- Further bids for the $11,400. holidays. (cut or B & B) pany expected only Viet Cong in My Lai the day of the as- borough's sewer system will The pact for electrical work Approved was the renewal sault and that many of the villagers were dead when Calley's be awarded at a continued on both stations went to Cat of a lease for a parking lot HQIMDtt men got there. meeting of the council on Dec. Electric Co., Inc., 630 Evans owned by the Holy Rosary Church at the northwest cor- The 27-year-old Miatnian probably won't give his own 15. St., Elizabeth, for $65,500 for NURSERIES account until mid-January, after a three-week holiday re- A bid for plumbing work on the main station and $58,250 ner of E. River Road and Rt. 520 (Niwman Springs Rd.) -cess follows this first full week of defense testimony. the two stations went t6 H. L. for the auxiliary for a total of First St., which has expired. Hobndtl 946-4271 Harrison Associates Inc., of $123,750. Also approved were the ap- Thla od worth 35' off Virtually ignored and totally silent in the courtroom 1709 Union Ave., Hazlet for Other bidders were J.R.H. plications of John T. Wick- purchcu* of rro* where he is being tried on charges of murdering 102 Viet- $7,000 for the main and $6,000 Electrical-Mechanical Con- man of Highland Ave., and namese civilians, Calley is spending his spare time answering CITED — Murry Conners, seated, was feted at the the large volume of mail he receives. 21st annual dinner of Hillel School of the Shore Area Scranton Cites Nixon Efforts in the Berkeley Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park, Saturday. Modification Asked ig they must... CHICAGO — Former Gov. William Scranton of Penn- Taking part in the event were, from left, Harry Green- sylvania • said yesterday -that President Nixon has done span, treasurer of the school; Jack D. Saltzman, chair- "some fine things" in efforts to cool tensions on American man of tke board of directors, Rabbi Rafael Gross- For Jersey Arrow Pay we will! college campuses. man of Congregation Brothers of Israel, Long Branch, (Continued) a,nd using kick out windows 'Scranton, chairman of the Commission on Campus Un- and dean of Hiilel School, and Julian Hoffman, school in their stead as an emergen- " rest, cited the President's recent Vietnam peace initiative president. Mr. Conners was cited for his years of tery charging device which ' and his visits to various campuses across the nation as being will cut off or trickle charge cy exit. The board conclud- service to the school. (Register Staff Photo) within the lines of recommendations the commission has after the battery has been ed that it had no objection to made. fully charged thereby pre- the installation of emergency venting overcharging and re- windows but determined that Children Beaten, Mother Held sulting fires." the center doors must have MERCERVILLE — Three young children are in critical emergency switches so that condition at a Trenton Hospital today after being severely Another prime complaint beaten. Their mother, who suffered apparent self-inflicted about the Jersey Arrow was they can be used during knife wounds, is^under armed guard at the same hospital. that the electric doors times of crisfe. ! Police rusiw t& the home of Mrs. Gloria Scharer yes- For Hillel Service frequently would not open'or The PUC recommended terday, alerted by a priest who said he had received a call close as they should. The in- that 'the St. Louis Car Com- • OCEAN TbWNSHlP — tion Beth El, Asbury Park, vestigation concluded' that from the woman, who allegedly said she had killed a child. Murray Conners, president of and Rabbi Morris Schmid- pany complete its research dust and dirt accumulating in into the strengthening the The three children were found in the basement recrea- the Atlantic Appliance Co. man, retired, formerly of As- the relays caused much of the tion room of the split-level home. Mrs. Scharer, suffering and Atlantic Superama, was bury Park and now of New door linkage on these emer- problem with the doors. A gency switches before the use from two chest wounds met them at the door, police said, cited for his years of service York... Penn Central program to her- AH four were rushed to St. Francis Hospital. to the Hillel School of the Harold Greenspan, treasur- of center doors as abandoned P6 WlS6..» Finance your sewer Shore Area Saturday night in er of the school, was chair- metically seal these relays is as an emergency measure. the.Berkeley Carteret Hotel, man of the dinner. expected to improve the oper- The PUC found that Penn system hookup costs Campus Unrest Parley Urged ation of the doors. 1 Asbury Park. A speech by Rabbi Gross- Central employes received no through us on our Two members of President Nixon's Commission on Rabbi Rtfael Grossman of man paid tribute to Mr. Con- Because many passengers training in maintenance and • Campus Unrest say they believe the., President gave serious Congregation Brothers of Is- ners, as did a talk by Mr. had used the emergency repair of the Jersey Arrows. special low terms 'consideration to their report. A third member urges that rael,' Long Branch, and dean Saltzman. switch to force the doors open It was therefore recommend- -Nixon call a governors' conference to promote national of the school, termed the ses- Mr. Conners is a native of or closed when they would not ed that a detailed training se/ivice is oun sion "highly successful." New York. He is a graduate operate electrically, Penn program be established for all The chairman of the commission, William W. Scranton, Jack D. Saltzman, chair- • of James Monroe High School Central proposed removing maintenance employees who CENTBAL JERSEY BANK rsd he would comment today in Chicago on Nixon's denial man of the school's board of and has attended City College those emergency switches will work on these cars. CAN we new you ? of the commission's finding that only the President can directors, noted last night of New York. "bring the country together again." that about 250 persons attend- The Hfflel School is a bi-cul- ed the session. tural school, which offers gen- Cuban Missile Reasoning Told He said that dignitaries in- eral education and Hebrew NEW YORK — Nikita Khrushchev in the last install- cluded Rep. James J. How-. studies. It is said to be the ment of the reminiscences attributed to him says the Soviet ard, Rabbi Grossman; Rabbi only school of its kind in •government in 1962 installed enough missiles in Cuba to Sidney Shulman of Congrega- Monmouth County. Isn't Santa Cute? destroy New York, Chicago and other American industrial .cities, "not to mention a little village like Washington." But the account, "Khrushchev Remember: Part IV," in the Dec. 18 issue of Life, says the Soviet aim was to keep Broege Dies FoDowing (possibly even precious) the. United States from invading Cuba, not to start a war. It says the Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961, convinced A Long Public Career the premier that Soviet missiles should be installed in the ... well,.. certainly serni-precious without a doubt. "Santa Bob" Communist island. 1 (Continued) Arrangements are under' and "Santa Paul" want to suggest that you choose from our vast Cambodia Aid Plan Backed continued until the time of his the direction of the Dangler selection of. contemporary, sophisticated, textured settings to en- death. He also was a member Funeral Home, Belmar. hance the natural beauty of the many semi-precious stones de- WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mans- of the Affiliated Republican signed by nature to delight your lady's fancy. Those of you that field says Congress probably will approve President Nixon's Club of Monmouth County. controversial Cambodia aid program during the lame-duck Garage Burns know the joy of selecting gifts for the truly adventurous feminine session, but possibly closer to New Year's than Christmas. Last Monday night, he was elected as corresponding sec- In Red Bank mind may let your love design an original setting for your gift of a Mansfield made his prediction in advance of today's retary to the Brielle Republi- deep purple Amethyst, or the vivid pure color of Bahama Seas in Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting on the $255 can Club. RED BANK — A general Aquamarine or perhaps a honey golden precious Topaz, each and million authorization bill for aid this year to the Southern alarm at 8:23 a.m. Saturday For many years he had every stone a brilliant compliment to your regard. From $60. Asian nation. been the owner and operator brought firemen to the scene The committee was called into session before Senate of the Monmouth Coal and of a blaze in a garage at 38 E. consideration of a $1.5 billion catchall money bill which in- Supply Co. Inc., of Belmar, Sunset Ave., according to cludes $500 million in previously authorized credits for Israel which was subsequently Fire Chief Thomas Hem- and $535 million in new aid, principally for Cambodia, South merged with the Seaboard scliott. Korea and South Vietnam. , . Service. He said the fire was of un- Ho-! Ho! Ho! Surviving are his wife, Mrs. determined origin and no In- Stall Meat Inspection Action . Olive G. Broege; and four juries were reported. Isn't it going WASHINGTON — The Agriculture Department, despite sons, E. Carl Broege, Jr., of A car, lumber and tools In the contention of consumer advocate Ralph Nader that it Orange, Robert D. Broege at the building were damaged, to be a Merry will be violating the law, says it will not move immediately home, Timothy D. Broege of the chief said. The garage Is to take over meat inspection programs in states whose pro- Chicago, 111., and Peter J. the property of Charles Man- Christmas? grams do not measure up to federal standards. Broege of Columbia, S.C. na, 321 Broad St. A 1957 law requires that all .states develop federally-ap- proved meat inspection standards for plants that operate only in one state. It also required that the state stand- ards be at leiist equal to federal guidelines for plants that Ship meat across state ]ines. Santa Bob Santa Paul

Mnln ofllcei 1115 Clif.liml Nl.. lli'il Hunk. N. J. 0171)1 IlraiHli mrifflut 1 8711 III. S». MMOlMmvn, N. J. .» Ka»l lMaln Nl., Fmholll. N. J. S7D llrnnriwfty, l.onf llrannh. N. J. Sine* 1886 BltKlillihed In Hfl iohiTnT5> IUII Hunk Mumhitr or the A««i"il«lnill Hn«H l -- ThT e A«tinl«l»il Prnm 1« •ntttl««nl 4 Mclmlvoly In tl><" i"« '"r rmuilillnallon or nil tin local n»w» prtnUrl In thl) Monmouth's Leading Jewelers mwlpiptr an well a» all Al' "Own fllnvatcliei. THIRTY SOX BROAD STREET / RED BANK, NEW JERSEY .,,,« .,„.. im«ii,K« ;>»!

. FREEHOLD - A Freehold provide proper medical atten- ken arm, infection of both Two persons pleaded In- car at Middletown-Lincroft and threatening to kill State f e n s e s May 22 in Long Allen R. Blauvert.Garfield, coupte pleaded Innocent in tion for fiheir one-year-old son, lungs, and bruises and abra- nocent to causing death by Eoad and West Front St. Trooper Dennis J. Nagy of Branch. denied embezzling $558 from Monmouth County Court to who was found to be fuffering sions about the body. auto in unrelated accidents In In other innocent pleas ac- the Keyport barracks and Nancy Hicks, Irvington, May neglecting their four children, cepted by Monmouth County David Steven Maul, 19, of from malnutrition, a frac- The charges were denied Middletown. possession of a dangerous aged one to six, and failing Jo tured skull, broken leg, bro- Friday by George Badillo, 30, Court Judge M. - Raymond Jackson denied breaking into 10 in Keyport. He is charged Bernard C. Iteinertsen,-18, weapon, a knife, all in Hazlet of 8 Sheriff St., and his wife of Old Country Road, Middle- McGowan: a Jersey Central Power and with receiving a check from Carmen, 26. town, denied causing the Michael Fallas, 21, of Cedar March 1. Light Co. substation in Howell Miss Hicks to cash and failing The indictment charges death of Mary Beth Emerick, Ave., Long Branch, and Sam Stanley Platt, 3 Grant. June 30, stealing copper wire to give her the money, 4, of Manor Parkway, Lin- Fallas, 42, of Deal, trading as them with neglecting George Court, Long Branch, denied valued at ?1^2 and com- Dennis John Campbell, 23, Badillo Jr., 6 years old; croft, Oct. 29, 1969. The girl Oxford Galleries, Broadwalk, one count of atrocious assault mitting malicious damage of of Paramus, denied posses- Milde, 3; Lisel, 2, and Carlos, was a passenger in her fa- Asbury Park, denied obtain- and battery and three counts The Legend 1, between Jan. 1 and July 28, ther's car which was in an ac- ing $7,000 under false pre- of robbery, all Oct. 3 in Ea- property by cutting grounding sion of hashish and marijuana 1970, by failing to provide cident with Reinertsen's car tenses. They pleaded innocent tontown. He is charged with wire. July 4 in Keyport. proper and sufficient food, on W: Front St.,.Lincroft. to a charge of obtaining that robbing David Castle of a clothing maintenance,, and a Judith A. Van Scoick, 28, sum from Mr. and Mrs. An- tape recorder and tape valued clean and proper home. of- Swimming River Road, thony Pasquale, Parsippany, at $50, a wallet valued at $5, The Badillos are accused of Tinton Falls, denied causing by representing to them that and $3 cash; robbing wallets WHY FIGHT TRAFFIC? not giving the children food the death of Denise Tynan, 16, 11 figurines worth $2,500 valued at $5 each from Christmas Rose of Revolutionary! Road, Colts were antiques and were worth ALL COACHES EXPRESS FROM for "long periods'of time" and Douglas Kerrigan and Robert of allowing the home to be- Neck, July 3. The girl was a more than their actual value. Campbell; and atrociously as- AIRPORT PLAZA VIA PARKWAY, and come dirty and unhealthy. A passenger in a car which col- Patricia D. Quinn, 20, of saulting Mr. Kerrigan. TURNPIKE. 55 MINUTES TO NEW YORK CITY trial date is to be fixed. lided with Miss Van Schoick's Montclair denied assaulting Interpreted, by Robert Louis Williams, 11 S. Giovanni, in a. Clover St.; Lake wood, denied NEW YORK - KEANSBURG - beautiful sculptured breaking into the home of LONG BRANCH BUS CO. three-dimensional West Side Coalition Hopes Frank Yates, Colts Neck, rose pin. It's satiny Sept.ll and stealing jewelry Airport Plena to texture rivals Nature's and personal property valued Niw York SS Min. own^ the marvelous at $1,092. He also denied pos- To Newark effective golden finish To Become a Corporation session of the allegedly stolen IS Mln. will brighten her goods in Colts Neck the same ASBURY PARK — The and educational services and • construction and renewal in I Winter costumes. day. West Side Community Coali- civil rights. Asbury Park, Neptune and In a gift box that tion has applied for a charter Central to the chartering of environs. Andrew J. Carrano, 6 Cedar | carries the Legend of as a non-profit corporation the corporation is the purpose the Christmas Rose. Equally important, he said, Ave., Hazlet, denied stealing and will seek to become the of creating a stable legal en- will be the role the corpo- successful applicant for local, tity eligible to receive funding auto parts with a total value ration hopes to play in em- of $1,650 from Frank Gro- state and federal aid pro- for community programs of ployment planning for the grams designed to aid minor- all types and able to create area and in the redress of mann in Matawan Township ity communities in the Asbury and develop new programs grievances. between May 5 and 6,1970. Park-Neptune area. designed for in and out-of-city PARK and RIDE funding. In connection with its hous- Jack Sullivan, 69 Cottage DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN Filing of incorporation pa- The corporation also hopes ing intentions, the corpo- Place, Long Branch, denied • N*w Yark City (Port. Auth. Terminal)* Highlands pers is being handled by Lof- ration's charter authorizes it possessing a stolen bank • Newark (Public Service Terminal I • Atlantic Hlghlaids "To this day. when Christmas comet to serve as a clearing house ton and Barry, a Newark law for exchange of information, to hold, develop, lease and check for $20 belonging to • Long Branch • Leonardo * no ether time of gear firm, according to Willie J. otherwise deal in real proper- James N. and Eleanor Cha- • Monmoulh leack • BeWord-Port Menmeutl plans and ideas among com- • Sea Bright • Keansbura, The abundantly blooming Christmas Rose Hamm of 806 Dunlewy St., munity groups to avoid dupli- ty and to lend and borrow kalos, forging it in the name chairman of the coalition in • Sandy Haek Stare Park • Airport Plaxa (Haxlat) brlngt all its joyous cheerl" cation of effort and expense funds. of Bruce Maher, and aiding • MIDDLETOWN, RT. 36 its original loosely-structured Mutof-ctiargs and at the same time work Individuals as well as and abetting obtaining money • LEONARDO TERMINAL • AIRPORT PLAZA TERMINAL and function as community repre- for effective meshing of exist- under false pretences from STATE HWY. NO. U STATE HWY. NO. U, HAILET ltt&hirp groups are eligible for mem- UnlCard sentative and spokesman. ing programs for maximum Marie Cammarano, trading as FREE PARKING Account accepted bership in the coalition and value. an eventual goal of several Cammarano's Bar, to whom COACHES FOR CHARTER—FOR ALL OCCASIONS Littmaifs According to Mr. Hamm, the check was allegedly the goal of the corporation The corporation has every, thousand active participants «OR INFORMATION CALL MAIN OFFICE is planned, functioning presented. The Indictment will be to organize into an ef- intention, Mr. Hamm said, of charges Sullivan with com- dStrmt fective working group the indi- participating in all programs through their respective (201) 291-1300 HWY 36. LEONARDO. N.J. tak NtwimCattr v i d u a 1 s and organizations involving the rebuilding of the groups or organizations as Open MwidiT Tim dedicated to improved minor- business sector, urban renew- well as individually. Election F6TIII9A)X nuiM TWfeOOpi. ity group working, living and al overall, and increasing the of corporate officers will take recreational conditions, social stock of housing through both place later this month. i i

CHRISTMAS CHEER You can't beat Davidsons selection of fa- mous imported and domestic wines and li- quors for giving or holiday entertaining. Come in and make your selection early or phone in your order and we'll deliver. GIFT WRAPPING CANDLELIGHT ASSORTMENT Beautiful box with foiled chocolates to form a row of three candles. Crunchy,- chewy choco- U U lates with nuts, cherries, almond kisses and fruit creams. DAVIDSON'S BLENDED 11b. 2 lbs. 99 $2.95 $5.90 FULL WHISKEY QUART 8 86 Proof-40% 5-6 Yr. Old Whiskey»ys EB^ Fruit Cake '#lil i* 100% GRAIN COMSTOCK GIN Iand2lb BLENDED COMSTOCK DELICIOUS 19 FULL COOKIES WHISKEY 4 QUART

GOURMET WYCLIFFE SCOTCH 86 PROOF CHEESE PACKS Delightful cheese assort- ments gift packed with other 19 gourmet tidbits J 5th WMQ QUART Last of our current series of timely values that, in our from 3.00 1 opinion, can't be bettered anywhere, even without the Imported & Domestic 12.34 /2-GALLOIM services of a men's specialty clothing store. GIFT TINNED • IMPORTED DAVIDSON'S Tuesday only COOKIES VODKA IRISH WHISKY Christmas . And Glazed Fruit 89 IMFOXTED McADAM sportcoats 4 fifth 1 (SHAMROCK) 10 Yean Old SCOTCH in new bi-swing back, double breasted and traditional models, COLONEL HOY STRAIGHT KENTUCKY PIERRE LE ROY IMPORTED " BASKETS of CHEER 5 BOURBON 5}» 49.95 Made up to your order. 8 :BRANDY.._4 L Elqhr Years — Nothing fintr In Iturbon Sure you can swing a tailored sportcoat for your Choose from our selec- Avolldbli — '/i-GALLON 10.31 early-rising, bring-home-the-bacon guy. Choose one of tion of world famous Imported Lmirtntian Rqrt imported and domestic LIGHT or PARK COMSTOCK those outstanding 65.00 value coats in pure wool flannels • spirits. It's sure to RUM pleasel Canadian Whisky and tweeds. Luxury blazer, stripe and plaid fabrics 69 from Doering Milliken and Raeford Mills. Regular, atpii — are Duffey, who will not seek another trim or more level. Sen. Charles finodrll, libernl-Hepubllcan, between the ages of 14 and 1\. as national chnlcman, and executive coni- How do you rank? Without tantalizing — Your .lurroiindlnp. Kvcn though the NY.; Hep. Allan! I.owonstein, D-N.Y., orig- inltleeman lame-duck Hop. l.owenstoln, you further, here l.i a new Census Bureau inator of the "dump Johnson" drive and an average for farmers Is swelled by the cmrn- Prof. Hans Morgenthati, 6(1, and I'rof. Ar- tally which will show you whwe you place, ardent McCnrthylte; (lev. .loNeph Dufffy, Ing* of our ngi'l-mlllionuirea, tlie average thur Schleslnger, 52, White IIOUM assistant according to households and percentages: Conn., ADA national chairman and another In the Kennedy rejlmt. farm household Income today Is only $7,244 Under $1,000,2,016,000,1.2; il,000-|l,BW, as against $9,649 for non-farm households. -THE DMLY REGISTER, RED BANK . MrDDUSTOWN, K J.i MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970- Democrat* Hold Court Says Club Owner Victpty Fete L« * EAST KEANSBURG - A combination Mctory party I, "and get to know your neigh- bor afftfr" was held in the Can Have Telephone Jolly Troll Restaurant, Rt. 35, Haziet. "'•".'. cents a share. Furthermore, moved from a deficit »f FREEHOLD — Superior By ROGER E. SPEAR phone unless be could show it tender is concerned..." Sponsors of the Joint affair Q — What are the future Lum's doubts that $4.9 mil- $127,000 to a profit of $1.9 mil- Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill would not be used for illegal Judge Simmill said there lion, or 34 per cent of the lion or $1.59 per share in 1969. has rated that an Ocean Twp. •were District^ 7,17, and 27 of prospects for Lum's? Does activity. was"noquestion the attorney the East Keansburg Demo- the company have any Inter- Successful firm's $14.3 million in ac- For the most recent period, man is entitled to have a pri- But Judge Simmill ruled general had the right to take counts receivables, as of July six-months ended April, sales vate telephone, in his public cratic Organization and the ests other than its food oper- that the burden of proof was the phone out on Sept. 11, East Keansburg Concerned ations?—P. W. 31, will be paid. Such figuring advanced 3.1 per cent year-to- bar fa Asbury park, where a on the state, to snow that Mr. 1870.'* He said bookmaking Taxpayer's Association. Investing reduces company's current year, despite a seven-week public telephone had been,,re- Siciliano should not be grant- waS taking place and it was A — Yes. Lum's Is not only . asset-to-liabilities ratio from strike at the -Rock Port plant. moved following a gambling ed a telephone. According to William J. operator and franchiser of the attorney general's duty to Doyle, chairman, the event 1969's 1.7-1 to 1.1-1. Specula- Net income gained 19 per raid last Sept. 11. Takes Stand remove the telephone. several fastoervice restau- cent. Company is currently 1 celebrated the recent election tive shares are unappealing The ruling favored Joseph Siciliano took the stand to rants, but the company also reported results made rattier engaged in an expansion pro- Judge Simmill called illegal of Democrat Thomas J. owns and operates the Cae- poor reading. Lum's total rev- at this time. Siciliano, 2404 Appleby Drive, testify that he had never gambling "the oil on which Lynch Sr. to the Middletown gram which, when finished, Wanamassa, owner of the Clo- made or taken a bet in bis sars Palace hotel and casino, enue amounted to $63.2 mil- Q — I wonder if you could will give Missouri a combined the motor of organized crime Township Committee. as well as a honeymoon resort lion for the fiscal year ended give me some information on ver Club, Main St., Asbury life, that he was not present operates. - processing capacity of 2 mil- Park, and carried with it during the daytime hours of "We also wanted to get the in the Pocono Mts. Moreover, July, 1970 — significantly Missouri Beef Packers. I lion head per year. And this, these conditions: that known •< the alleged bookmaking act- "Organized crime so per- groups together to become Lum's provides a number of above the $25.5 million report- bought 100 shares at 25 and it of course, will greatly in- ivities, and had not gone to meates our society that it is a better acquainted," Mr. supporting services to its ed for fiscal 1969. However, is now around 16. gamblers not be permitted on Doyle said. crease sales volume. Stock the premises, that the phone his bar in the daytime for two very, very undesirable thing, franchisees, including real es- Lum's suffered a 69 cent per A — Missouri Beef, as the has investment merit. be locked in the daytime yeaft. and the quicker it can be "It was an enjoyable eve- tate, licensing. Insurance and share loss, in sharp contrast name suggests, is engaged In stamped out, the better." He ning," he continued, "and I legal services. Most recently to last year's earnings of 18 hours when Mr. Siciliano isn't Sicilian!} said he desper- continued: think we are ail a little closer the processing and shipping NURSING HOME there; And that it be for his ately needs a telephone be- as neighbors." of beef to wholesalers, job- • 24-Ho»r Cm exclusive use. cause he has two ill sisters at Cites Progress bers, chain stores or buyers. • INea dety «ll tines Order Given home and it is vital that they "Progress hasn't been too Four Fined In Haziet Since the firm began in 1966 • Meelcar* Apprand The ruling came on a show have a means of commu- good so far — in fact, prog- National Honor Society — through October, 1969 — NAVESINK HOUSE ress is being made, the other HAZLET — Four persons Broderick of 24 Gerald Ter., sales increased 300 per cent U KIVMSIDR AVC. RID MM cause order brought by Sici- nicating with him. Also, he Inducts 14 Members Ml-MN liano against the New Jersey said, he was robbed of ?300 at way, because its tentacles have been fined by Municipal were sent to the county prose- to $222 million. Net income Bell Telephone Co. and the gunpoint three weeks ago reach out and touch every one NEW SHREWSBURY —In- Court Judge Vincent J. Ag- c u t o r. Mr. Broderick is New Jersey State Police, who . and, he needs a phone to be of us „. ,-in our daily lives... . duction ceremonies for 14 pew : resti for traffic violations. charged with issuing a check The apathy of the public to- - members were held by the in the amount of $375 then al- DID YOU KNOW IT'S had refused to permit any able to call the police, if nec- National Honor Society chap- John C. Jefferson Jr. of 45 telephone service in the club. essary, * wards gambling is reprehen- Creek Road, Port Monmouth, legedly stopping payment. WHY LEGAL TO..; sible, because people don't ter of Monmouth Regional Deputy Attorney General Judge Simmill said he be- High School here. paid $20 on a speeding George T. Dougherty, appear- lieved Siciliano's testimony seem to care." charge; Lynne J. Batcher qf • Save money ytarly State police arrested two New members are Christ- Yule Trees Imported PAY ing for. the, state police, ar- that he knew nothing of the opher Bechtle, Denise Du- Newark was assessed $15 for • Havi all money grow gued that Mr. Siciliano had bookmaking activities allege- men at the club Sept. 11 on careless driving; Madeline MEXICO CITY (AP) - charges of making book over Mont, Susan Ford, Alan Ha- TAXES? at compounded interest been charged with maintain- dly going on at his bar, but he ratz, Martha Kravec, Jamey Predmore of 26 Center St., Mexcio will import 350,000 ing a gambling-resort and said Siciliano is "a man of the public telephone. fteypoft, paid $10 for failing Christmas trees from Thomas F. Shebell Jr. of M c C1 u r e, Gary Newman, that he was not entitled to a great faith as far as his bar- Lynn Palumbo, James Parmk to yield the right of way at an either the Um'ted States or Asbury Park represented intersection; and Laureen La- Canada this year, the Agricul- AND NOT PAY TAXES! Siciliano. ter, Patrick Regan, Lawrence Choose Any One Schaefer, Paul Spiro, Bar- zaro of Irvington $20 for ture Ministry said. It is illegal To l«arn how—call of These Clubs bara Wilhelm and Elizabeth speeding. in Mexico to cut trees for I RED M. WALKER, Pension Advisor 229-3900 Set Holly Tours Zeldin. Charges against Charles A. Christmas. WEEKLY AMOUNT PAYMENT OP CLUB SANDY HOOK — Festive .SO 25.ZS tours for the public will be $1 conducted through the holly forest at Sandy Hook State $2 101.00 Park on Dec. 27,28,29 and 30. $3 151.50 Walking tours led by park EBEE 'BEAUTIFUL $S 2S2.S0 naturalists will depart from HANDYMAN'S rKEE SERVING TRAY S1O S05.00 the Nature Center at 10 a.m. WIHIEPCJI Club Opening $20 1010.00 and 1 p.m. each day. Tour time is approximately 1% hours per group. Completed Club Accounts Earn ,#•(*. Interest As Shown! Gas Smog Attacked BIVEHS1DE, Calfl. (AP) - "Close Down-Cut Smog" read w. the hand-lettered signs at- OMJLOAN tached to gasoline pumps af- ASSOCIATION ter vandals slashed rubber hoses on 17 pumps in four dif- MIDDLETOWN ATL HISHLANpS UNCROFT ferent service stations, police 471-2400 291-0010 842-4400 reported. YOUR CHOICE" SPECTACULAR FROM BLACK & DECKER ChristmaJOIN OUR 1971 s

SPECIAL HEAVY DUTY Interest WORK PAID Oil COMPLETED CLUBS BENCH In 1971, First Merchants wilt pay interest on completed Christmas Clubs. You'll • Built in tool rack be saving for a happy, pay-as-you-go Christmas • 2 inch top CIRCULAR SAW - Powerful 1-HP motor Shopping season netft year, and your money • Size 22x72 zips through toughest cutting jobs. Extra deep safety guard. will be working to make it even happier. Get •95 Combination blade in- an early start. Open your 1971 Christmas Club • Reg. 29.50 cluded. A must for every workshop right now at any of our 15 offices. (*7301)

Deposit You Pay In You Weekly 50 Weeks Receive* SPECIAL $ .50 $ 25.00 $ 25.56 1.00 50.00 51.12 BASKETBALL BULLETIN BOARD PING PONG 2.00- 100.00 102.25 18x24 3.15 3.00 150.00 . 15337 BACK BOARDS OAKFRAME TABLE TOPS 5.00 '250.00 255.62 24x36 5.25 10.00 500.00 511.25 CORKBOARD 36x48 8.95 20.00 , 1000.00 1022.50

*lf regular payments have been made on time as scheduled each week and club completed. 4vi% SPECIAL paid on the average balance TRAIN maintained. BRUCE CHOP TWO PIECE BOARDS OFFICIAL SIZE TOP OMCIALSIZE BLOCK ST Built for Many Yton • Painted Green and Striped 95 of Outdoor UM Starting c OPTIONAL BASE 12.9S at f q. ft. 19 COMPlilt with Hoop ond N«f 7.95 15


HMd Offices Ml Mattlson Ave., Asbury Park • North Asbury Park • West Asbury BLAISDELL LUMBER CO. Avon • Brlell* • Colt* Neck • Eatontown • Fair Haven • Holmdel • Manalapan M*n#*quan •Millstone • Neptune • Red Bank • Upper Freehold. 15 SO. BRIDGE AVENUE RED BANK 741-2121 Menpbor Federal Reserve System / Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation •TOEDAILYmGWm*BED BANK- JHDDtETOWN,K U MONDAY, DECODER W, 1970




GREEN GIANT MOTT'S • ,• Mini-Priced Frozen Foods For the Holidays. Nlblets Corn CELENTANO ' . (KEEN GIANT Applesauce Cheese LeSuer Pizza Peas 0 C t.** 10-oz IQ-oz «" 2 pkgs 35 _j SLICED nrflALVES YELIOW CLING Seabrook Farms Creamed Onions 3 Del Monte Peaches«4 Green Giant Peas 4 ttf 51 Taste 0' Sea Onion Rings 29M 1 7INV TREATS 6 DZ or CANDIED SWEET MIDGET C STOP i SHOP flUART • J| A ^ Red L Puffs Hors D' Oeuvres 79e| B&G Pickles 39 Mayonnaise iar 49 Freezer Queen Cook (n Bag 4 5-oz QQc > 1 STOPfc SHO P JELLIED IQc STOPiSHOP . . Beef, Turkey, Salisbury Steak, Veal Parmigiana Cranberry Sauce Potato Chips -m GLORIA STUFFED ' ' A ^ gi STOP & SHOP l Dairy Case Favorites. . Mini-Priced JFoo/ *»•» j Tomato Juice Manzanilla Olives 6 lrl YELLOW If DA ET BREAKSTONES or WHITE MlHT I 1 Buitoni Spaghetti SauceiaoBiovMnEs 2i«59c Sun Glory Pancake Syrup American Cheese Temptee Martinson Coffee fiHurBiiEWBE j*ea»$t.79 Nabisco Cheese Tid Bits u^ 39* Pasteurized Process Singles Whipped Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip CookiesBDRRTSMR.CHIPS^ 49° Stop & Shop Evaporated Milk 6^99* C Freeze Dried Coffee BROWN GOLD 8-oziar*l ,79 Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter «*i» 89° 12-oz 8-oz.. C Stop & Shop Grapefruit Sections n*» 25* pkg cup Flako Pie Crust io-ozPhg 19 59 39° Durkess Snowf lake Coconut 35^ $1 Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup 6 "w* *1 French Style Green Beans ^ OPS SHOP 6 V^v n Lysol Spray Disinfectant Hum** 99* C { Sea Maid Shrimp Cocktail j3g 79 Gallon Purex Bleach mm* 49° Stop & Shop Fabric Softener t^uo,, 59 ASSORTED OC( C Red Hawaiian Punch 3^89* k Kraft Whipped Cream Cheese 4-ozcup faV No Phosphate Detergent STOPASHOP 43-OZ^59 Axelrod's Sour Cream pint container 39' It's Fresher From Our Farmer's Market Health and Beauty Aids WESTERN RED & GOLDEN J .A

HEAD & SHOULDERS Delicious Apples 1U Shampoo < 11c off label 10c off label ' Red Grapes 29? Big Daisy Bread 5-ozjar 4.3-oztube ! $ $ Vine-Ripe Tomatoes i?49^i; MI)8-oz$l loaves I 1.00 1.00 Stop & Shop Fancy Walnuts u^ 49° 3 Marinated Artichoke Hearts 3-Is *\ STOP & SHOP SPLIT OR REGULAR ScopeMouthwash C English Mixed Fancy Nuts w.( 55 2^99° ll-«l$ Muffins 4 CHRISTMAS A



., i L- MAXI-MAN MEATS... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF Steaks FRESH or SMOKED •TOP ROUND S •BOTTOM LONDDN BROIL ROUND TOP ROUND • CROSS RIB TOP SIRLOIN .,,* (MOIIBW) 1.29 Top Sirloin Roast 1.09 Boneless Chuck Steak 95s -Rump Roast $ 1.09« \ $ Calif ornia Steak « 85E Eye Round Roast 1.19 $ Cube Steak CHUCK 1«19h Silver Tip Roast M. 19 $ California Roastc«« 75 Shoulder Steak 1.19 Boneless ChuckRoast85: Chicken Steak *m $ 1.19»

PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 13-19 SWIFT PREMIUM Sausage we reserve the right to limit quantities GIVE STOP & SHOP GIFT Tom HOT OR CERTIFICATES FOR CHRISTMAS SWEET Stop & Shop "Gift certificates make Christmas shopping easy. No worries about size, color or fit. Nothing to wrap. And they're just the thing for the Young Young newsboy, mailman, friends and neighbors on your gift list. Buy them in S5 and 510 denominations at CANNED HAM SALE the customer service desk.

PREMIUM Ground Fresh Daily & Dated GRADE TURKEYS ARMOUR C ih$K OQ NEPGO 8-Pound ZIP-TOP 0 0i^3 CRY-O-VAC Young SWIFF'S Corned Ground CANNED HAM HOSTESS Brisket Ib Toms PLYMOUTH 0 ib$O ' Chuck ROCK iJcan^. Ground Round 95C* WhiteGem White Gem $ e $6.99 Plymouth Rock 5u. 4.59 Ib. Chuck Patties 89 >

Spicy Polish Sausage 95fb Nepco Bologna 12-ozpkj OU Caters gg l(ifjcW & SHOP SELF BASTING TURKEYS cooked to perfection by our own master chefs Jones Bacon 1-lbpkj 89' ( Beef or BinA n 5o* Oscar Mayer Bacon S&ta Mbpkg 99 Chicken PlCS 2 1 Oscar Mayer Franks ofK 1-lbpke OU $ Caterer's Kitchen Gelatins 3 ^ 1 Oscar Mayer Smokie Links Uozpkg I \J •••• • • • Daisy «fl flfl Stop & Shop MFC • SAVE 20 • • U • • DAISY SAVE 10 SAVE 7 BREAD 1|| • I c with this coupon on one pkg of 4 with tliis coupon on one 5 It) baj with this coupon on one in jar instant ii lib •• CRUMBS IV • I BREAD loaf HUNT SNACK PACKS • S PILLSBURY FLOUR NESCAFE COFFEE Regular or Thin 5With This Coupon 18ozph(5 V/ith This Coupon Assorted Varieties •• • I Sliced • ROD nnn RRR RBR RBR CoodDie. IMilMtl lirMrtnlMwr. •• Cood Oic. 1 ] 11.! tail 1 lh tti tmlwrr toman i > I hitt"tB tori OK. Hit, limit I >>| >n ailwit. • ||U Stop. Shop j | 10 •THE DAILY HECISTER. BED BAJnC-MTODLETOWN/N. U MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, WO Decembe es Are Announced H

DEBORAH MEETING A very'continental 3 piece set SHREWSBURY — A and a most delicious way to monthly meeting of the Great- serve crispy greens or more er Red Bank Chapter of Debo- rah Hospital will be held to- ambitious salad mixtures. morrow at 12:30 p.m. in the Shrewsbury Firehouse, Broad Clear cut crystal with English St. Refreshments will be silverpiate rim and .servers. served and Christmas mer- 5ct our hug* stlettion of Christmas Values chandise will be sold. 8" diameter. 12.95

PTA MEETING NAVESINK — The chorus of Mrs.. Grayce Byrne's sixth grade at the Navesink School, Monmouth St., will perform Wednesday at an 8 p.m. meet- ing of the school's PTA. Re- BROAD at HARDING, RED BANK Slacks • Blouses freshments will be served by the kindergarten, first and Shells • Skirts second grade mothers. , Body Shirts • Ski Sweaters Knitted Suits • Pant Suits Jump Suits • Ski Jackets % Beautify Your Home Fake Fur Coats • Car Coats • '37/«.75 Maxi Coats for the... Give the Fashion Mate" zig-zag portablesewing machine by Singer in a carrying case. Sews straight,zig-zag. Mends, darns, buttonholes, too! $ Beginning December 14th HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS ONLY ION.-FRI. 9:30 to 8-SAT for Over 9:30 to 6 50 Years FREE INSTRUCTIONS : hi ., ,.:.,i....'. : .• riltt DELIVERY ,iny/;iiivcMii!l n- USA Vi'iljr now'.'illCji'f :'.n\AiiK] inn hii"' i1 •• .'liu; ''i.r.r .I .IIH i ! l.i.v.i FREE GIFT WRAP-iilU'nhl ,,\v:\ •<• HI,T nn.--l GIVC A SINGER GIPT CEIUIRCATE tosH'.'uyou Chfi'diiiii1. IT III i'. ii' i: .i1 ii ii'iHi .VIM i1.11, II'1111'.I'M ip ii II Alunyt I'lnt Quality Merrlumtliit Tho Singer t to 36* Credit Plan liolpsyou konp Chrislnmr, within your budget... FACTORY M. Silberstein Inc. ur you niiiy di'lff riiniillily ;i. i/nn'iil-. Ml I i'i . I"/1 ( M u'.r t.'n:: .IIMI/I I .1/ Aw.iy I 'l>m di'i Interior Design* (jokl:; nnyilr;mlill I )<».. I'i OUTLIT LUCY'S Rug»—5llpcov»r»—-lamp!—Draparlm RIO IAMK—it Irood St. CIMrCD Wallpaper—Tobl«t—Furnltiir*—ttdipraodi IATONTOWN—Monmouth Shopoln, C.nt.r ( .pf |hp ^J I f^ll t rC "Complete lnr«rlor Ream Planning" BRIDGE AVE. and FRONT ST. 4JS IROAD ST., SHRIWS1URV 741-17*2 -THE DAILY REGISTEB, FED BANK . MJDDLETOWN, N. U MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1W0- 11

t- * - r "•• • Wails From a Pap^r Eater

Dear Ann Landers: You mothers who are doing the made the same' mistake told "Monterey," who insisted same thing to knock it off. twice — mama's boys, weak, that her sexless marriage was You are defeating your pur- immature, afraid of responsi- just fine, that it would be a lot Ann Landers pose. — Gridged in George- bility. Then I met a hand- better if she and her husband town. | , some, successful 40-year-old learned to enjoy sex. That's Dear Gridged:: Bravo for who had never been married. quite a statement. How do paper the day it appears. — Within three months he asked YOU know? you. I'm.glad you wrote. And Detroit, Michigan. now -r all you cats who are. me to stop dating others be- As a woman whose mar- Dear Detroit: Start nibblin', having the same trouble — cause he wanted to marry riage has been full of sex and sister, and consider yourself it's your turn to do a little me. I was flattered and thrill- npthing else I take issue with fortunate it's not the Sunday clipping and shoving. ed. He promised an engage- you. Conversation is virtually edition. Parents are not helping me ment ring for Christmas. On nonexistent in our home. If I Dear Ann Landers: I'lease get across to their teen-agers Dec. 23 he said he needed want to hear an adult voice I inform my mother that the when they force my column more time to "think." I said turn on the radio. When we more she keeps shoving your on them and make it man- O.K. On I^ewi Year's Eve he first married 19 years ago I column down my throat the datory reading. How wise was said he would give me a ring thought the enagerness of the less apt I am to read it. For the man who said, "I can de- for Valentine's Day. On Feb. young buck would diminish in years I never missed a day. fend myself against my 12 he needed more time to time but I was wrong. Last Now at age 17 I find myself enemies, but Lord protect me "think." Twas deeply embar- week my husband and I re- refusing to read it (although I from my friends!" • rassed because I Had told all turned home from a 400 mile really want to) for the simple my friends, "This time for Dear Ann Landers: I sure." I dug out an old en- trip — he drove all the way. reason my mother keeps pres- cheered your, advice to those It was 3 a.m. when he finally suring me. gagement ring from a pre- who are concerned about an vious marriage with the fer- turned the key in the door. - Every column on sex, drugs, overweight friend or relative. Would you believe the sight of out-of wedlock pregnancy, is - vent hope that I would soon : How right you are! If humili- have the real thing. me taking off my stocking presented with the usual com- ation and nagging and needl- fired him up? Have you ever ment: "Here—read this!" It ing could force people to lose heard of such a thing? My en- To date —still no real ring. burns me up because I get to weight, everyone would be I am busily ducking my tire married life has been this feeling she doesn't trust me. . thin. Play it again, Ann. — friends because they want to way. And don't tell me I'm ' Several months ago you Formerly Fat lucky — that millions of printed a letter from a 15- know "when?" women would give anything if Dear Form: Consider' It year-old girl who had this played, and thanks for the | Should I break up with what their husbands found them same problem. When my I thought was my dream man that attractive. 1 don't feel request. mother read that letter she —turn rule for overset 7 in- and try to forget him and date lucky. I just feel tired. I wish accused me of writing it. I others? I need your advice. — you'd print more letters like ches— , told her, "I didn't write it Dear Ann Landers: I am a Washington, D.C. the one from Monterey — and but I could have." For a few ' skip the other kind. Who twice-divorced woman of 33; Dear Wash: If you want to weeks she stopped bugging with a six-year-old child. I am go with a guy for the rest of cares how many times a nut me but now she has started in, Canada had sex with, his attractive, college-trained your life, this bird will cheer- again and it makes me hate ana have worked in my pro- fully oblige. If you want to get wife? Your column is so both you and her. biased in favor of men you fession for 11 years. ' , ' . ' married, dump him — and make me sick. If you print I realize this is crazy but I My second divorce, was in don't shed any tears. He my letter I'll eat the news- want to tell you and my moth- 1968.1 decided I would never sounds as if he could have er and thousands of other marry again since I' had been your third mistake. WHITE HOUSE GREETING President and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon have cho.en this card for Christmas 1970. . Drapery Factory Outlet 821 HIGHWAY 35 775-1894 Study, Hobby Groups Open WANAMASSA, NEW JERSEY From Their House DRAPERIES To ORT Family Memberships SCREEN PANEL PRINT DRAPES OPEN To Your House? MARLBORO 4- The • Marl- and hobby groups which are Those interested in joining $ 00 Tuat.-Wad. 10-6 WASHINGTON (AP) - The presidential Christmas and a broad cross section of 14 boro Chapter of Woman's available to the membership any of Marlboro ORT's study, card, designed by Hallmark people. . $ 00 Thun.-Fri. 10-9 • President and Mrs. Nixon American QRT (Organization and their families only. and hobby groups may call have started mailing out their Cards, Inc., is seven and Last Christmas—their first . 9 Sot. 10-5 for Rehabilitation through Mrs. Irv , Carol Place, The purpose of these groups Christmas cards to thousands three-quarter inches by six in office—President and Mrs. Training) has formed study Freehold, or Mrs. Leonard and one-quarter inches. It is is to bring to Marlboro ORT of persons. Nixon mailed 37,000 Christ* members together socially. Libenson, River Drive, Marl- enclosed in a white envelope boro. The card features a green mas cards. This year, a Many families are taking ad- embossed wreath with the with "The White House" en- Choral Group vantage of the-clubs to meet White House in a gold medal- graved in green in the top left spokesman said, there would other families in the area Teacher, to Discuss lion in the center. hand corner. be no information given on To Entertain with the same interests, and The gold-lettered greeting A White House spokesman the number mailed except For the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Montessori Me'thod to start new friendships. inside reads: "With our sin- said the greetings are going that it was in the thousands. The Children's Choral Group MARLBORO - The Marl- cere wishes for a Joyous to the Nixon's "Christmas Leisure hours of St. Agnes School, directed The most popular clubs boro Chapter of Woman's have been skiing, interior Christmas and A Happy New list" compiled through the at home by Miss Patricia Sullivan, American ORT (Organization Year, the President and Mrs. years and Including friends will perform at a meeting of decorating, antiquing, sewing, for Rehabilitation through Nixon." from public and private life the PTA,. Wednesday at 8:30 and the restaurant club. Training) will meet Thursday p.m. in the school cafeteria. Other groups include the at 8:30' p.m. in the Rob- Classrooms will be open book review club which meets ertsville School, Tennett and Union HiU Road.'. STILL TIME... On those chilly nights to from 8 to 8:30 p.m. but there the second Thursday of each c u ) Mrs. Thomas Glacken, a come there's nothing co- will be no teachers' confer- month, the travel ' ' which to choose the Christmas ences. ' will take weekend and one- teacher utilizing the Montes- zier than a full-length sori method of learning will card that's special brushed fleece gown or cu- Refreshments will be day excursions, billiard, knitt- served by Mrs. Peter Ford ing, needlepoint, crewel, cro- discuss the methods and rea- lotte. See' our exciting col- cheting and dance clubs, sons for its success. Mrs. Gla- lection of "at home" fash- and Mrs. Donald Polowski and the fifth grade mothers. a gourmet club, teaciher of cken will show some of the ions ... which cooks and serves a equipment that is used to gourmet meal, a dramatic teach the children. Sewing Class Seeks club, ceramic club, oil paint- After the program, a holi- ing and sculpture classes, in- day grab bag will take place. Machines, Aides door tennis classes, a flower Holiday refreshments of po- 631 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. • 842-2112 SHREWSBURY — The arranging club and macreme 'tato pancakes and applesauce Shrewsbury PTA is hoping club. will be served. for the donation or loan of In the spring fclasses^for the Anyone interested in at- portable sewing machines to tending may phone Mrs. be used in sewing classes for swimming, water skiing, surf- 35 Broad St. ing, golf, horseback riding, Leonard Libenson, 61 River Red Bank seventh and eighth' grade Road, Marlboro, or Mrs. Mi- girls. Additional volunteer tennis and beaded flower chael Metrick, 16 Guest Drive seamstresses are also clubs will begin. Morganville. welcome. The sewing program, sched- AGNES SCHILLING uled to begin Jan. 4 from 3:15 KM - 747-Z622 to 4:30 p.m., will be held in the Broad Street School audi- torium. Call Mrs. C. Richard Hock- er, 173 White St. to lend tal- ents or sewing machines.

Mini Bazaar >outic(ue Is Staged LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Pre-Christmas Sale Naomi Drucker, Elberon, ah occupational therapist work- ing with residents of the 30 to 40% off. Home For the Chronic Sick, 769 Rivar Road FairHavan FAMOUS MAKERS 81 Washington St., was in the exciting charge of a mini bazaar sale lield at the Home. Arts and new window shades crafts are a part of the Medi- by Joanna Western^ caid program established at the non-sectarian Home. Dr. Carl A. Quaglia, R.P. • Fresh, stylo-right colors com-* : BRA SLIPS blned with snowy white- • Joseph Fox is the Home's ad- Squaw Valley Red, Miami Sand. • ministrator. Carmel Pink, Glacier Blut, rat- * Isades Green. BRA BODY SLIPS WHAT IS A • Mads of Joanna Roonvdarkeit- ing vinyl coated EXLITE. VIBRATE • Solid white on street side for 'WANT BOOK"? uniformity. AND GIRDLES with HEALTH! • Reverse mounted for complete stripe effect and to hide roll. Regularly priced $6 to $ 12 Did you ever wonder how a pharmacy li • Washable with soap and water. able to keep up with the thousands of different Items It must keep on hand for its customer!? (u need n delivery. Wo will deliver prompt- • HEALTH IIKI ly without extra dim we. A crent many poople D • ROLLER MASIAttt re)v on us for Ilitlr health needs. We welcome • HEALTH WALKER request* for delivery service and clinrRe accounts. irowns WE DELIVER and NU - MIL'S SERVICE EVBRYTHIN* \ FREE DELIVERY 741-7500 I'liuriiincy Shop From COO A.M. ^AU WIST UNE MERCHANDISE vn IELL. THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS O|»n Evtnlnqt 'til Christmas Factory Outlet and Discount Store NEW JERSEY'S MHDICAL DEPARTMENT STORE BROAft ST. 74M874 SIIKIWSnURY 30 Bridge Ave. Red Bank SOUTH JERSEY SURGICAL PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS VW.V. DIXIVF.RY BROAD at HARDING, RED BANK CHARGE IT U IAtT »ROMT STREET Our Own — MaiMr QMrf* Opposite ft.R. Station "OH Street Parking" RED 1ANK, N. J. •askAmtrlard OPINI Dally 10-9«30-Sat. 10-6 747-2*14 BANK-JCTDLEtOWN, H, I & MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, Quiche Lorraine: A Universal Favorife ByTOMHOGE ( of a'quiche are eggs, cream, 2 tablespoons butter in tiny shell, Sprinkle toi> wi* &>& (Associated Press Writer) bacon and French Gruyere or dots ,, of butter and bake about 35 When I began covering.the Swiss cheese poured into a Place bacon bits in minutes in preheated (375 councils of the United Nations pastry shell and baked until bottom of a pastry-lined degree F) oven or until puf- 18 years ago I decided to do a puffy and golden brown. - n i n e-inch pie pan and fed and browned. Cut into feature on the exotic drinks But the popularity of the sprinkle cheese atop. Beat wedges and serve piping consumed by diplomats from .quiche in France and other other ingredients and pour hot. Serves about six. Good around the world as they re- lands has led to many vari- over cheese, but take care laxed after a day of debate. ations. There is, for example, not to come within less than witha dry white wine, well A check of the U.N. bars a Roquefort quiche, a Cam- % inch of rim of the pastry chUled. s bowed that they carried embert one made with onions, plenty of offbeat liquors and another with truffles. The • cordials, but most delegates versatile' French also make stuck to two standbys: mar- varieties of quiche with mush- Treated Cones Burn tinis and whisky and soda. rooms, leeks and spinach. I learned something else In Normandy, there is a In Christmas Colors that first year, besides deci- seafood quiche made with With the holidays coming, just sprinkle with the pow- phering diplomatic double- crab, shrimp or lobster. In you •will probably be doing dered chemical. Keep them talk. At the parties in the Provence, they have checked quite a bit of entertaining. away from the fire until you Delegates' Dining Room, in with one made from to- Give your guests a special are ready to use them. there was a wide selection of matoes, anchovies and olives treat when yoil have them in appetizers ranging from cav- that seems to be straying into to enjoy a fire in your fire- iar and sour cream served by the realm of the pizza. place. Chemically treated ev- Youth Council the Soviet bloc states, to There has long been an ergreen cones burned in the Asian curries and tidbits amiable dispute about the ori- open fire give colored flames Hears Speaker wrapped in grape leaves at gin of quiche. The people of ranging from purple through NEW SHREWSBURY' +•:'' Middle East receptions. , Lorraine, whose province bor- bluish purple, and blue to . The Interfaith Youth Council! But there was always one ders on Germany, have al-" greenish Hue, says Donald M." met yesterday at Interfaith . dish that attracted diplomats, ways claimed credit for origi- Mohr, Senior County Agent. House, 125 Apple St. • , ; ; no matter what part of the nating this bit of ambrosia, Use salts of copper chloride Mrs. Norma Klein, directors \ world they came from: that but then: claim has been dis- and.copper sulphate to treat of community education '-jits classic French hors d'oeuvre, puted by the citizens of. neigh- the cones. You can buy the Brookdale Community, Col-! SHOW AND SALE — Mrs. Theodora -Calov, right, Monmouth County! Welfare group work supervisor, and Mrs. Quiche Lorraine. , boring Alsace. To further con- chemicals at your local drug lege, Lincroft, spoke. Sber Joseph B. Matera, Fair Haven, a volunteer, admire -the colorful flower pom-pons that were among handcrafted The high point of the eve- fuse matters, the word quiche store. Add two ounces of each discussed "Opportunities, ning came for most of us derives from the German for Youth in 30 Agencies ini •gifts displayed this week in the Community YMCA, Rod Bank. The sale i+omt were made by formerly institu- to one-half pound of melted x when a waitress swept into word kuchen or "cake." paraffin wax and stir. Melted Monmouth County." > tionalized persons who now reside in 16 skeltered care homes in Monmoirth County. Sponsors of the craft event, the room with a tray laden Whatever province quiche wax from old candles will Dialogue emphasized the | for which Mrs. Calov was chairman, were Monmouth County's Welfare Board, Mental Health Association and with portions of this mouth- came from, France has made work fine. Then dip the cones question "What Jobs Do You,' Boarding Home Owners' Association. ' , (Register Staff Photo). watering concoction which a noble contribution to the into the wax mixture or Seek and What Do Agencies; some hostesses in Washington world of fine food. spread them out on a news- Offer?" -. insist on calling cheese cus- SWISS CHEESE QUICHE paper and sprinkle them. This Supper was . served; by tard. 6 oz. grated imported Swiss •amount is enough to treat a the Youth Council officers. ; Dp-lt-Alone Decorators Courageous In the French province of cheese. bushel ©f^ cones. Lorraine, the word quiche 8 oz. crisp bacon cut into % Cones can also be treated By VIVIAN BROWN flapp'able interior designer, one of her newest color will be made for a shade of does refer to a custard tart, inch pieces by dipping them into a solu- (AP Newsfeatures Writer) Bess Bernard of New York. schemes—lettuce green, cele- that color. Some people need but more often than not it 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks tion of two tablespoons of glue THE WHISTLE STQPl Memo to Home Decorators: But don't let it put you off, ry green, pale lemon and the excitement of color and comes in pie-sized portions 1% cups heavy cream mixed with one gallon of wa- 176 Forman St Fair Haven| If you have the courage to she says. Decide whether you white—pale, not chalky white. others do require quiet colors. and is served as a luncheon Vz teaspoon salt ter. After they are dipped, (Behind Acme) or supper entree accompanied dash white pepper decorate your own home, are getting full mileage from It can be used with contempo- Some men want color • Unique Gifts you'll also need patience, all the glorious colors avail- rary, traditional, modern fur- schemes so far out that they by a tossed green salad and a dash cayenne nishings. Miss Bernard likes bottle of dry white wine. % teaspoon powdered mus- SISTERHOOD PARTY ' -Now Guitars crystal-ball logic and design able, or whether you are play: must be restrained, she ex- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — •Antique! . to mix furniture, but she also plains. But if a man wants it Classically, the ingredients tard talent to put it together. And, ing it safe. With beige and The Sisterhood »f Temple Opt nTuet thru Stt oh yes, choosing a color gray, maybe? likes period rooms. Her office in his den, why not. in the Regency Hotel is done Shalom, Aymiont Lane and 11 to 5 p.m. scheme may be the biggest "Beige is very pretty, espe- Miss Bernard, a warm, qui- Church St., will have a card Fri Evenings 'til Xraas. in French. et, soft-spoken person likes challenge of all. It even cially when it is used with Seeman to Appear On and mah-jongg party tomor- 747-3664 stymies professional decora- white, and many people like it Colors that are well chosen red—and she has the courage • row at 8:30,p.m. There will be tors, advises a thoroughly un- because it is a quiet color. will last indefinitely, she to use it. In New Hampshire, refreshments and door prizes. They may choose it the third points out, if you continue to she has put it on the ceiling of time around in decorating af- like them. And you should, if a ski lodge that she has deco- To Tell the Truth' ter they've experimented with they are good colors. Color rated in tartan plaid with Custom livelier colors. Many beige schemes she-used ten years bright-white walls, and she COLTS NECK — Arthur Seeman, E. Larchmont Drive, FURNITURE CO. , Collected . people can be enchanted with ago—copper and orange; has used red walls with black co-owner with his brother Bernand of the Clothes Closet, in Keyport 264-0181 an accent of a brighter col- pewter with beige; shocking * lacquer panels in one posh the Marketplace Shopping Mall, Rt. 34, Matawan Township, {' Early American or—electric blue, orange, yel- pink, yellow and white, are Park Avenue apartment as a may be seen tomorrow on "To Tell the Truth," televised low, and sometimes they get popular today, and one of her background for upholstery of over Channel Five starting at 8 p.m. Features .• Furniture to like it so well, they want it favorite's—navy blue, lime white quilted crewel and Panelists Fooled ... and ncceiiorici and white with touches of- "LA-Z-BOY" * ree UcMritUif 5«nrk* in bigger doses," she explains. white linen with red popple?. Mr. Seeman appears as one of the cunning contestants pale yellow—is Just coming She has done polka dot who manage to fool completely panelists Kitty Carlisle, If one is a quiet-color type, in, she points out. CORNELIUS COBB. ltd. she can think of a lot of yum- kitchens and black and white Peggy Cass, Gene Raybura and Derwood Kirby. , ROUTE 34, COLTS NECK my color schemes that can She has no clues to match- houndstooth patterned kitch- The show, taped two months ago, features Chester Soling T«l,phon. 431-1776 take the place of standard ing people with colors. Many" ,ens with white counter tops. of Connecticut, owner of a hotel for children, as the person beige and gray—for example, young people like muddy col- In Palm Beach, she used Mr.\seeman pretends to be. ' ors, but most young people charcoal and white with ac- like bright ones. And there cents of lime and green, and are people' who might say in another Florida house, she Mount Holyoke ELAINE POWERS they dislike a particular col- used white with accents of Alumnae Event or, but it may turn out they . malachite green. Large doses RUMSON — The Mount of white are great in warmer Holyoke Club of Monmouth FIGURE SALON 'climates,^especially with all County will host a Christmas the easy-care products avail- tea for high school junior and • It's Collector able. senior girls • interested in in- Jt is easier to sell color in formation about the college. the, seventies, she says, be- Mothers of the girls also are •Ji a Great Exhibits cause it is being used as a invited. selling force in every- The event is set for Dec. 29 GIFT For DAR thing—store packaging, music at 2:30 . in the home of and book jackets, cars, air- Mrs. JohJh n HlHoltont , 5 RiRidgd e LONG BRANCH — Temple planes, boats. BUY! bells, cow bells, dinner bells Road. and sleigh bells, jingles, tin- kles, chimes and clangs ac- START 7977 WITH COMMENCE companied Mrs. John D. Blair, Oakhurst, as she exhib- FASHION ited her collection of bells for SLEEPWEAR the Shrewsbury Towne Chap- ter DAR, in the home of Mrs. A Chance To Advance SO PRETTY D o r m a n McFaddin, 290 Broadway, here. "As bells have been found In Learning in diggings dating back, to 800 B.C.," said Mrs. Blair, "no HIU-VKW ACADEMY WRl OPIN UP TWO ADDITIONAL CIAUROOMS FOR one is certain when or where OWOHNWnHUA»UNGDBABimBOMJANUARY4,1971. they originated. I like to be- lieve a primitive woman CUSSES FOR: doing the family wash in a KRCIPTUALLY HANDICAPPED stream was fascinated by the EMOTIONAL PROBIEMS sound of a stone against a NEUROLOGICALLY IMPAIRED metal pan so bent a small pan to hold a stone. The design of 2fprl the Swiss cow bell suggests this to me." > How that the school year is in bloom and your thild has by Mrs. Rogers Graves, West now been tlastWtd, ha is ready fo bo placed ia a learning One Joins-the Long Branch, was a guest at program which will meat his individual needs. the meeting. Mrs. Louis J. Harbour, Wanamassa, and When it tomes fo harning, there an no shortcuts, then ar» Mrs. George Hanford, Second one Joins Shrewsbury, assisted the no substitutes. Be concerned about your child. GJtrt him a hostess. chance to /earn }ust likm everyone ehe. Mrs. Frederick Griswald Jr., DAR state regent, and many FORFUItaffRINF0IIMATIONCAU59MO95 state officers will attend the 3Gth Anniversary Luncheon Jan. 4 at 12:30 p.m. in Rod's Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. HILL-VIEW ACADEMY Mrs. Raohael F. Mount is DR.inWAUKY,DIKCTOR MR. ROBfRT MKSINA, PRINCIPAL reservation chairman.

The Perfect CHRISTMAS GIFT ELAINE POWERS v<">th Be a Model GIFT CERTIFICATE (or... just look like one) SPECIAL Since 1939, Barbizon's Fifth Avenue, New York School has ITEENAGE PROGRAMI graduated thousands of girls into modeling careors and TGUARANTEEPJ given countless others "The Look'* that helps any career. Now, Barbizon has a local school right here •IF YOU ARE A DHESS SIZE 1* YOU CAN BE A SIZE 10 BY JAN. 14 with the same teaching techniques as the Now York 16 VOU CAN BE A SIZE 12 BY JAN 1!) School. Girls, 14 and older, fill out and mail 18 VOU CAN BE A SIZE 14 UY JAN 10 this coupon for A CAREER IN MODELING, 20 YOU CAN I1E A SIZE 14 BY HO. :) our now, 32 pago illustrated book tl\at might 22 YOU CAN BE A SUE It BY Mil. :i 6M0NTHSFREE (i') I -I' MAT JA( .1 Ml N I . INI.. l'1/O start you on your way. No obligation. HOURS: 0 to 9-Sat. 0 to4 PHONE 842-6161 Bootery & Children's Wear Call 842-2451 Now Barbizon School of Modoling, , („<,,„ p| c», lt«d Bank. N. J. 07701 Opanavary availing until 0 P.M. 188 Eo f a itn—ii/ii "Quality Appitro! from Hood to too" For Your FREE Trial Visit & Figure Analysis name , . nqe phone LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER THE MALL, RED BANK address.. _ .city. • THE DAILY REGISTER BED BA^K • MJDDLETOWN, W. U MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970 13 Club Winners NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. and Mr*. Stanley StrauM. Winners of this week's with Mrs. William Jones, both brfdge game at the taonmouth of Freehold, and Mrs, William Welk Is Pleasing Reform Temple were Mrs. Kosher, New Shrewsbury, 12) WCBS-TV (5) WNEW.TV If) VoR-TV 113) WNDT-TV Harry Finkelstein, Bradley with Mrs. William Kaplan, (4) WNBCTV (71 WABCTV Jill WPIX-TV (C) lndic«t*t Color Beach, with Mrs. Richard Fair Haven, in second. Lufburrow. Fair Haven, first, Games are played every DAYTIME MOVIES 1.-W O MAYKRRY K.F.D. (C) Sam nj*eU aufgesttoni that ha help hii son Itike north-soutn, and William Hor- Wednesday evening at the 9:00 13 "Born \t> I lad" build % tepw for his achool project. By CYNTHIA LOWRY admitted that the younger Iaoher, Little Silver, with Bert temple under the direction of O "Wh.r. tt. SiJ.w.ll E (B NSC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES (C) NEW YORK (AP) ~ To the crowd is likely to avoid the 10:00 Q "Rugglai of Rad Gap" "WorW Premiara" of -nie Paycmttriit: 'God Bltsa Pickover, Asbury park, in 1 casual viewer, "The Law- 1:00 0 "Two Factd Woman' tha Cbil&cn'" atairinc Roy ThUines, Vtl Duel. A show, but he obviously second. East-west winners Foreigners Protest ' raycklatria* aaillau the aid of hi. patient, an •«- rence Welk Show" on Satur- Television 43 "T"Thha Enchantedd- C0H19V meUtet. fa daalipa; witli a am&Q oommunity'a druc doesn't tare. were Mrs. James Carroll, LOUVAIN, Belgium (Af) 4:30 0 "Two Level" day nights is just another va- O "Let No Man Writ. My" £tSrVMONDAY NI6HT FOOTBALL (C) This past season Welk's rat- — Ten thousand Belgian and Detntt Ucu n Urn Anjelta Runa riety hour and one, to be sure, Comment Firemen Schedule foreign students have demon- EVENING IS BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (C) that keeps away from that ings are off a bit since he has Taped UghUghU of toe famed evangelist's recent been running into some heavy New Year's Party strated here against tougher 4:00 OdQ NEWS (C) Croaada conducted at Tigtr Stadium, XjouisisuiA freaky modern music you 8tate U&iTarslty. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. competition from another government control of foreign • 0 THE FLYING NUN (C) , IB REALITIES can't possibly dance to. O GET SMART (C) BELFORD — Belford Inde- tstudents. "Tha Ida* Of North" But to the initiated — the show, is engaged to a daugh- family-oriented show, CBS's pendent Fire Co. will sponsor ID PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES (C) tao O THE DORIS DAY SHOW (C) ter of Myron Floren; one, of "My Three Sons." The Fred They marched peacefully On tha coldest day of th ey«ar, tha tffaah'a tampara Doria p«raua4ee her firmer-father to Tisil her In hard-core Welk fans — a New Year's Eve party through the town, shouting ' mental furnace conka out. San Fmnotaoo for a. week, tfaea baa t« figure out the ABC hour is a combina- Welk's soloists. This exciting MacMurray series has been Thursday, Dec. 31, from 10 ID WHAT'S NEW? (C) HBM wmy to keep him from being bored. piece of intelligence was de- around almost as long as "We are all foreigners," "To "Space with Dan Posin: A JoDmtv to tiM atton" 10.40 0 CAROL MJRNETT SHOW (C) tion of pleasant music, smil- ]i.m.' to 3 a.m. in Indepen- hell with borders," and "We 4:30 0 PETTICOAT JUNCTION (C) „ Gueata: Julia Sudd and Dumra Klrby ing faces and Welk's secret of livered in Welk's introduction. Welk. dence Hall, Bt. 36. : O DICK VAN DYKE - IB O TEN O'CLOCK NEWS (C) At another point, there was ABC last night turned up a shall overcome." ID BEAT THE CLOCK (C) 18 THE AVENSERS television longevity, fajnily The affair, under chairman- The new measures Will CD THE COURSE OF OUR TIMES (O Wh«a tan top dty executives an muracrea' within feeling. The boys are bar- considerable comment about lather pleasant animated ship of Elwood Seeley, will •. ^ttlee-a Britain" \ . ft few dayi. xiw Arenien are called la to tnvuti. the need of a haircut for Law- holiday special, "Santa Claus make it more difficult for for- 7:00 0 CBS' NEWS WITH WALTER CRONKJTE (C) bered, the girls sweet-faced feature music by the Do- eigners opposed to their gov- . Q NBC NIGHTLY NEWS (C) rBtoOK BEAT (C) and the audience knows ex- rence Welk III, infant grand- Is Coming to Town." It was a 0 I LOVE LUCY Guest: Norman Rockwell, author of "Nerman Rock* minoes and a buffet. ernments to study in Belgium. well: ArtM and DluitreW actly how many children each son of the star whose mother musical fairytale about the be- 8 ABC NEWS WITH SMITH. REASONED (C) 10:30 IB FREE TIME (C) musician has. is a singer on the show. ginnings of Santa. He was an . 0 WHAT'S MY LINE (C) 11:00 O O NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (C) (0 I DREAM OF JEANNIE (C) 0 PEYTON PLACE (C) The most recent program Welk addresses himself in- abandoned ba'iy brought up Jeannlft almost loaea Tony to har alatar. O THE UTE MOVIE (C) formally to his regular listen- by the Kringle family and IB ASCENT M) starring Xva in each week. Bobby Burgess, musical selection and spon- a rather intriguing style of Mon., Dee, 14 THRU Fri.. D«e. 18 Tha crew of tha Enterpriaa at* Ceptwad and apir- ' Gardner* Humphrey Boa-arL- The story of a, girl's sors. Welk himself has often animation. iud to a dlitant plaint. ' Has to atardom and the loneUneea found la fame. one of the dancers" on the ID NEW JERSEY SPEAKS 12:00 O EYEWITNESS NEWS (C) 12:10 O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE (C) I'Nawuk n«nt Strlllea" "Oh! fluetnna" (1653) starring Rod Cameron. Ad- 8:00 O ROWAN AND MARTIN'S UUGH-1N (C) rian Booth. A quarrel ensues between ft jealous ROAST <;unt: ttebbla Reynalde U.S. Army officer and his subordtnaU. 0TOTELL THE TRUTH (C) ID NIGHT FINAL (C) Q MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE (C) 1:00 « © NEWS (C) Maureen Stapleton Portrays "Cleopntxm'a DaURhter" (1961) .rtarrinff D«br» Piget, Robert Alda. When the Pharaoh dlei myi- O THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW (C) LEG OF LAMB ttrlously. the daughter of ths Queen of th« Nil* is 1:10 O THE LATE SHOW- ordered to be buried alivs in hii tomb. •Top Secret Affair" (1557) starrinr Susan Har- IS WORLD PRESSr(C) . ward. Kirk Douglu A. tough Major General is Boulangere •i3t) Q HERE'S LUCY ht to the role's abiding because of critical and public |- Mixed Salad, Choice of Dressing ••We've Never Been Licked" (IMS) starring Rich- 0 THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) ard Quine, Noah Beery. An American college stu- AP Drama Critic hopelessness. It is a mar- uneasiness at the conflict, of OTHE SILENT FORCE (C) denu friendly with two Japanese, la suspected of velous portrayal. Coffee •'A Family Tradition." Th« Silent Force trio tnvw- being a traitor. ' NEW YORK (AP) - Die merriment with basic poig- tigatei th* mob'* Blmng arm operation forcing 2:00 O NEWS AND WEATHER path to alcoholic ruin is paved Neurotics Unmasked nancy. The adjustment to ac- ttupcrmtirketj to buy goods produced "by lyndleattf companleB. 2:01 0 REEL CAMP with gags In Neil Simon's As companions in mirth- ceptability perhaps is hi a CD N.Y.P.D. (C) 2:10 43 EVENING PRAYER trimmed" distress in this rather facile, soap opera con- Just Detective Corao infiltrate! • gmnx of mu?e«a who 2:SI 0 THE CHEATERS "The Gingerbread Lady" vleUmlu elderly varranta in Central Farlc 3.-00 O SERMONEnE (C) which had a delayed premiere triangular display of neurot- clusion now. last night at the Plymouth ics unmasked, there are Bet- There are several scenes of sy von Furstenberg as an ag- Dancing Every Saturday Night Theater. sharp, revealing, candid com- Auditor Such a strange combination ing belle whose vanity is ment still within the ma- to the Music of THE JOEY "J" QUARTET of subject matter and method shattered by sudden divorce, . ringue, but the stress Is upon Piano Artisr MAURICE CARUSO Nightly At the Movies creates some dramatic snarls and Michael Lombard, a ho- shrewd entertainment rather TOMS BIVER Slng-a-long with Maurice. Sunday afternoons RED BANK Appointed for Simon, but Broadway's mosexual loser who com- than memorable dramatic ex- CARLTON— DOVER- most consistent hitmaker ments, "Together we. don't' perience. Virgin & the Oypiy 1:00, 7:00. tjQV«r« k Other ltrmni«n 7:IB, By Bank quite palpably has another add up to one strong person, MOLLY PITCHER MOTOR INK NorUi of Red Bank but together we're better." EATONTOWN ASBURY PARK — The ap- sure pleaser for his swarm of Noise Battle Joined On the Shrewibury River MIDDLETOWN satisfied customers. COMMUNWY- pointment of Joe 0. Swain of JOHANNESBURG, South 201SH7-S50O Lovers A Other atrannn 1:10, TOWN— The bibulous-amoral he- If such a set of protagonists 7:io, 9:15. Walnut St., Neptune, as auoi- —the only counter force for Africa (AP) — City officials Lovcn * Other Itrangcri 7:15, roine in the person of Mau- are planning an antinoise bu- DRIVE-IN— "ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS tor of First Merchants Na- reen Stapleton strides through possible serenity if not nor- Goodbye Columbuj 7:00. 11:00; mality is the drunken dam- reau to investigate complaints Sterile Cuckoo 8:10. ATLANTIC— . tional Bank has been an- the tumult of intense though of at least 21 categories of FREEHOLD What Next 7:00. »:35; All Together pat anguish and assembly-line sel's daughter pertly played HOLIDAY nounced by John G. Hewitt, by a newcomer, Ayn.Ruymen noisy nuisances. MALL 1- °W HAZLET laughter with fascinating con- l.ntltude Zero T:15; Day ol Anger president. viction. — seem unlikely prospects for 9:00. PLAZA— Mr. Swain was deputy audi- an escapist evening out, re- CHAFING DISH HALL II— Latitude Zero T:2Q, Dty o( Ancer Even when the opening 9:09. tor at Wachovia Bank and night audience chose, mo- member Simon has mastered Burn 7:10. 9:28. WALTER READE THEATRES RT. 35 DRIVE-IN- Trust Company, Greenville, mentary fun rather than ac- the craft of sleek jokery in six ASBURY PARK Dorian Oray 7:00, fi:i5:. Horror successive moneymakers. BUFFET LYRIC- Home f :<&. ' N.C., and had headed the au- cepting sadly mercurial shifts M'A"S'H 7:J0, »:S«. ; . KEYPORT of mood, Miss-Stapleton held To insure optimum results featuring STRAND ART— diting staff of Wachovia's with the one-Hners, the rowdy MAYFAIR- Interplay 7:15, 10:13j How to Suc- Flve Easy Pieces 3:00. 7:», f.n. ceed Wtei 8:68. northeast division before join- . twists and the running re- pan.toN Mixed Greens Salad Bowl EAST BRUNSWICK ing First Merchants. Hypnotist prises, the direction has been " RED BANK NEPTUNE CITY T 'Secret »f TURNPIKE— ••"• " A native North Carolinian, i entrusted to Robert Moore, a 741-9605 , .;' 'FrenchBread Buona Sera Mrs. Campbell 7:0 INDOOH^-Dorlan oray 7:M. 10:48; formidable recent achiever at Horror House 8:10. Mi*. Swain is a graduate of Due at College Your Choice of Sumptuous Chafing Dishes LAKEWOOD OUTDOOR—Equinox 7;00, 10:15) such chores. COUNTRY— Master of Terror 1:46. Duke University, where he WEST LONG BRANCH - A couple of weeks ago dur- Condiutents Vegetables v/.v.s.A. 7:ltt. B:». PERTH AMBOY earned his bachelor's degree A program on hypnosis fea- ing the Boston tryout Simon THE VIRGIN TOWN- AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- in business administration in • turing Maxim Rapkine, direc- abruptly withdrew "The Gin- AND THE GYPSY Lovers & Other strangera 7:30, PaJnt Your Wagon 7:00, U:M; Choice of Desserts ' True Orlt 0:43. tor and consultant of the In- gerbread Lady" for rewrite 9:30. •_ 1953. He is also a graduate of formation and Instruction Beverage $2.35 perperson the Bank Administration In- Center of Scientific Hypnosis, Mon. Thru Fri., Dec. 14 Thru Dec. 24 stitute school for bank audi- New Brunswick, is scheduled PDMMUIMlty TUESDAY tors and controllers. tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at 1» EATONTOWF4Tni\ITflWN 12 noon Hill 2:30 Mr. Swain joined Wachovia Monmouth College. 342-4201 Reservations Accepted after graduating from Duke The program, sponsored by and served in operating de- two sororities, Delta Phi Ep- THE FRIENDSHIP ROOM partments, of the bank before silon and Mu Alpha Phi Of the SPAGHETTI NIGHT being assigned to the auditing Panhellenic Council, will be in Pollak Auditorium of Wood- AT staff in 1958. He was trans-' NOW THRU TUESDAY ferred to the divisional office row Wilson Hall, the college's HELD OVER! in 1964 and was given the re- main building. For Adults Only Breaking All Racordsl THE BROTHERS sponsibility of auditing 20 Mr. Rapkine, who started branch offices in 13 commu- putting people to sleep as a -All You Can Eatl- nities. hobby, is a practitioner, what next? i/lale 35 , teacher, consultant and lee- rrom5P.M.TelOP.M. Mr. Swain was certified as turer on hypnosis. He is a cer- a chartered bank auditor last tified hypno-technician and is Plui-2ndBIOHIT CHILDREN 1.00 . ADULTS 1.75 summer and received the a trustee and a member of NOW the sexual $a£pnteum, M J. 077U CBA first award from the the national executive board revolution is complete. Morford Ptac* and W«i» Front St. Rid lank Bank Administration Institute of the Association to Advance at its national convention last Ethical Hypnosis. "All Together Now'1 542-0800 842-9899 ,;.: month in Washington. He is the second auditor to receive •MM the award.

Mobster's Party Flops YUFUIN, Japan (AP) - A flflDOrHBt #)1^. ,:f DISCOUNT RECORDS hundred gangsters held a par- ty at an inn in this hot springs THE PLAZA fTRMIG&tS resort to celebrate the release ^fi!» ^ TAPES & CARTRIDGES from prison of gang boss 86'A BROAD ST. 741-4910 RED BANK Kyoski AWyarr.a. The mayor tried unsuccess- REEHOLD MALU OPEN WED. and FRI. TILL 9 P.M. fully to get the party canceled and the town's stores closed down for four hours to protest NOW SHOWING the gangsters' presence. CAPITOL RECORDS NEWEST GREAT ALBUMS & TAPES Chilled by the public reaction, LEE VAN CLEEF most of the mobsters left an DAY OF ANGER" hour after the party began. ALSO Joseph Cotton All Things Must Pass Caesar Romero Goorg* Harrlien Includes Are You ! A new, six-side^i sky- LATITUDE ZERO" Exclusive Showing! rocket adventure Ready?, Paranoid, from Goorge Harrison Heart Breaker, '5 EASY PIECES' ... for one low pricel Words of Wisdom, FREEHOLD MALL Includes My Sweet Into the Sun, and Lord; Isn't It a Pity; others . , , Great! I'd Have You Any- HELD OVER catoMtawiM Great! New FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY L time; l> Not For You; Sounds "LOVERS AND Drive-IN Beware Of Darkness; Lazy-Dazy All Things Must Pass; OTHER STRANGERS" evon over wonder- Party Tray 'Goodbye fully more. Potato Salad Tomatoes TOITRTI Columbus' Sandwiches mtmiH i, ulraoo toumm SK ts« I The Sterile Cuckoo ALSO AVAILABLE-8T & CASSETTE TAPES AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICES Roast Beef • Corned Beef Bakoil Ham • Swiss Cheese FOR THIS WEEK ONLY-Dec. 14th thru 20th Sweat Mixed Pickles We Are Offering These At Special Low Prices. $1.85 per person Phone 542-8083 COMPLETE SELECTION OF TAPE RECORDERS, PHONOGRAPHS 2a. GRAND PATIO RESTAURANT HELD OVER Comer Broad & Main AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT (Junction Rtas. 35 & 71) LOVERS and OTHER Eatontown, N. J. STRANOERS" MASH I ^kmum'j^lfSOiL i^^^SEiS^n^JS^ iSi c;?^;^;?^^^^^^^^ 14- TH£,pAUV REGISTER, BED "BANK • MfDDLCTOWM, N. J.J MONDAY. DECEMBER 3.4. 1970- Legal Merger Reason ney were the two agencies to By DORIS KULMAN She said that a merger about $103,000) "and that's a $30,000 and, at their request, MLSO is being unnecessarily just pick up your marbles and employes jobs, "although The Honmouth Legal Ser- would save $30,000 a year, or lot of money in two small pro- promised to send documenta- obdurate. • go home. They don't want a there's no question we merge. vices Organization, which more than 10 per -cent of the grams," tion of that statement within a "You can't just be negative merger, but they haven't wouldn't need two executive "I presume the new execu- was almost cut off from fed- budgeted federal funds (or (Arthur Brooks, regional week. MLSO officials said and say 'no'.all the time," she come up with a counter-pro- directors." tive director will be the eral funding Dec. 31 by New both agencies (MLSO received deputy director, had told the they haven't received the said, "You've got to recognize posal." She predicted that one of choice of the new board, with York regional officials of the $133,518 in federal funds in MLSO trustees Nov. 2 that a documentation yet.) that you don't always get Mrs. Cordo said she doesn't the executive directors would the approval of the regional National Legal Services try- 1969-70, and OLSC received merger would save about Mrs. Cordo thinks Hie your own way, and you can't think a merger will cost any become a senior staff attor- office," Mrs. Cordo, said. ing to force a Jan. 1 merger of the MLSO with the Ocean County Legal Services Corp., Fresh Gov't. Inspected hasn't come •• any closer to learning why. Neither did OLSC officials. Both agencies are federally funded to provide legal aid to FOODTOWN Whole the poor. Ronald Dietrich, NLS act- Only ing deputy director, said he TURKIYS knows why the regional offi- cials Wanted a two-agency TOMS merger but he won't tell "be- 20-26 lbs. cause that information hasn't been released to the agencies concerned." « Quartered Expects Explanation Mr. Deitrich said from Washington that he expected ttie New York regional office Oov't.lnsp-era«M would give a complete expla- m] Oven Ready nation to both county agen- MY Swift's Premium cies "today or tomorrow." Neither the MLSO or the OLSC received that informa- tion, neither really ex- pects it today, and no one in TOWS Hie New York regional office 20-26 lbs. .. would say whether it will meet the MLSO request for a § documented explanation with- in the next two weeks. It wouldn't surprise Mrs. *" • >h •**•'••'•' Madora Jane Doherty, a Toms River attorney and president of the OLSC board Hormel of trustees, if the New York regional office never reveals its reasons for trying to force CAHNED a Jan. 1 merger. WE GLADLY REDEEM "We were given notice that j/ Appttizer Dtpl. SoWngtf a merger is pending," Mrs. LeanDomettk U.S.DA. FOOD STAMPS Doherty said, "but we BOILED HAM w-ft.59' weren't told why. Based on our experience with the re- TWRIWROU i gional office last spring, We Domeitk ' don't expect to be told why. .W, PROVOIONE You just don't get any an- tVe* swers at all out of the region- SPARERIBS Ib. 75' IRISHCAIA COLE SLAW al office." ITJ The merging of local HADDOCK FIllET agencies isn't general NLS policy. 6c Off — Liquid - Decision Cited "No, I don't think you can SEAFOOD SAVIHGS! V say it's something we're try- WISK ing to promote," Mr. Dietrich •60/roCount 0ft( said, "but we do advise it where we think it's in the best ft/* MEDIUM SHRIMP n>.o9 interests of the program. It's TUH& J3.W wrong to think of it in terms 41/JO Count 16/30 Count of NLS policy. fieally, it's a •IWrwr. Available) .. • * management decision." ' The New York regional of- CEf THIS Toward tte purchase off any fice was the managerial level COUPON 8-oz.iar «B 12/14 a,t which the Monmouth- MOTTS WORTH Cteerin merger decision was TASTER CHOICE made, until the Intervention APPLESAUCE nuiZE QRIED COFFEE Tuesday of NLS acting direc- 30c off our regular low price. ' Couponaoodalanyfboatawn Supermarket.S tor Arthur Reid. Responding KlamOr. to the appeal of MLSO" trustee CouponT , Dwtmber 19. Chester Apy, a Red Bank at- torney; Mr. Reid overrode the New York office's Dec. 31 merger decision, ordered THIS Toward the) purchcue of any MLSO funded through Febru- COUPON 2 U-or. bottle. ] ary, and said he'd review the WORTH Pride ef the Farm merger proposal himself. .«? CAT5UP The MLSO trustees oppose 10* 10c off ouTrcgular low price. the merger. I RONZON1LASAGHA BANANAS Coupon oood at any Foadtown Supermarket* UmH one per gduH family. Adopt Resolution Coupon ecplret Sattirdar. Oeumber 19. .The OLSC trustees, at a Mfg. Con. meeting last Monday adopted NIBtETCORH CUP THIS COUPOM a resolution saying they Golden 111 • • • k wouldn't object to it.- -THIS Uri That's not the same thing Ripe COUPON Toward thii put-chat* of any as a resolution favoring a fRUIT COCKTAIL WORTH plastic gallon merger, Mrs. Doherty ac- ill WESSON OIL knowledged. • 25t off our regular low price. Crotx between tangerines and grapefruit • Coupon good at any Faodtown Supermarlte However, Mrs. Jane Cordo, limit one per odult lamlly. executive director of the Coupon exptrei Saturday. December 19. 10 for' Mfg. Con. Ocean County agency and a TEA BAG TANGELOS RBU/M' Crisp Florida strong supporter of the merg- A R *.*. 98 CUP THIS COUPON er, disagrees. stalk "The board is in favor of PASCAL CELERY Frt.hCoHomio Wonder • Crniilngtoiolodk'adMiHor __. UUi It," she said. < Hurtt's If Mrs. Doherty doesn't ap- PEPPERS •,23' SCAUI0NS2bun •• ^^i eration of our office has im- farm Far* FroMn Regular or Crinkle Cut — -,. i Save Mort; proved tremendously," Mrs. ORANGE B.yeragel10'A-«» Wrapping J FRENCH FRIES VdO' NESTLES Doherty said. FroMn Cut Com, Gron Ptoi, Ptai & Corroti, The reorganization Included JUICE -t or Chopped & Uof Spfnach _ -,. QUIK BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES "*? 19' POUivo 01? SAVE 30c WITH THIS COUPON the hiring of Mrs. Cordo, then PAPER. Coupon good at any Foodtown Suptrmaritit. director of the Passaic Coun- ( limit ont p*r adult tomMy, MARAGARINE ,1 STRAWBERRIES i/..n. 59' BANAHA Coupon «xpirti Saturday. DtK«mb«r 19. ty legal services program, at UndWn Farirt* frown Jumbo _ -^ Mf fl-Cpm RB 12/14 u79M C what Mrs. Doherty said was WHIP TOPPING " ASPARAGUS SPEARS X* 59 C4Kf j CUP THIS COUPON "the indirect suggestion" of C Foodtown Froivn _ • _ _ i the NLS's New York regional FOODTOWN BISCUITS »l| 8 MELON BALLS 4'PC $1 officials. inky J Salary Up Gold Medal V Mrs. Cordo, who look the helm of the Ocean County FLOUR agency last July, was hired at SAVE 8c WITH THIS COUPpN Coupon good at any Foodlown Supenmarkit. \ $19,800, to match her Passaic Assorted Assorted % Soap % You Save More Fabric Softener Ltmlt«n«j>«raduh family. County salary, Mrs. Doherty ^uupoiCouponi aijipBrsi•xplr**s Mturday^Decnnbaticjiuivor. ueiirnu r It. said. She said tl. OLSC had Lux Soap Lux Soap | Lifebuoy % Breeze Final Touch Mfg.Cpn. 112.9137IF.J0IS7RB If/W] paid its previous director CUP THIS COUPON $12,000. C C gmm rjr\c Mrs. Cordo said .she 2 e 35' 3 "^ 35 1 2 '^ 33 I 2 had no knowledge of any re- VonlTIa, outtericotch, or ITI/n . iiS::::::::-::;::::*:::::^^ Dnh or Light Chocolate •//»-•»*. gional office influence behind K* X* W * V.' f. Bkdi lye Pudding CUp her being offered the OLSC Liquid Soap Soap Soap Powder 7c Off post. Cold Water Coot'N CREAMY Light Spry SAVE 14c WITH THIS COUPONj "All I know Is that I was Dove All Poivder Phase, III Phase III Drive Coupon aood ot any Foodtown Slipermaiftet. mtei-vicwed for the job, I was Umlt one per adult lomHy. C c C Coupon expb-M Saturilay, Dec«mh«r 19 offered the j'-b, and I accept- 2 xf 41 | 2 *'••'• 49 «£ 89 Mfg.Cn. RBII/H ed it," she said. '^.83 CUP THIS COUPON Mrs. Cordo disagrees with Whiii. tii. Odin, licm, ir Ohim Tsui if Chm II, Chin rim, Iliiif Hm, luinl lull tiiimtltiid Wiliii lecletli>. Wheel T>ln>. er T«li( Silled or Un»n«sn'can'ni>con. - tfno activitieaj.Hviti«s! tha*hot wilurill bheo «* Directer»im«l«wdj bhuy Corneliufnrtioliiies B» . ThesT h P Ke « inHllriIncludoe •«l«.archeryn. , V ^ ^^•»«^»i MATAWAN — What does it cepts lie in the Project COPE O'Donnell, the project brings bowling, tumbling, swimming, mean to be iiulde? To be value to them all their lives, — Carry Over Physical Edu- COPE was on display for ad- to nearly 300 children with gymnastics, and fitness. The light?-Around? Under? To go cation. program is conducted entirely RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970 —15 ministrators and teachers perceptual difficulties and fast or slow? What Is even or A Title III project In ele- physical education limita- at the Broad Street School, crooked? mentary education designed from throughout Monmouth tions, a program which will but includes children from The answers, for children In to prepare children for an act- County and for parents in the strengthen skills in these two throughout the district. the first and second grades ive life by introducing them district. areas. ''Our testing, conducted Jersey's First early jn first grade, shows us The project is one of six in that fully one-third of the chil- the country and the only one dren in the district may have in New Jersey, according to perceptual difficulties," Mr. Mr. O'Donnell. Over the past O'Donnell explained. three years, the regional dis- He quickly added however, trict has received $110,000 in that only one fifth of the chil- federal funds to set up the den can be accommodated in program and buy equipment. the program. "This Is a good Those funds end on June 30, cause for concern," he said, and right now the Board of noting that the national aver- Education is deciding wheth- age of possibly perceptual im- er to include the necessary pairment is 17 per cent. $30,000 in the budget to carry Gains Recognition on the program next year. The program has drawn na- The money would be used pri- tional recognition and a marily for salaries. request from the Virginia De- "Students and parents alike partment of Education for a are, ecstatic over the pro- complete resume of the proj- gram," Mr. O'Donnell ex- ect. Project personnel are also plained to the visiting educa- being, asked to conduct per- tors. ceptual workshops for Head Mrs. Evelyn Bieber, the per- Start personnel in Long ceptual development lnstruc. Branch this summer, Mr tor added, "Contrary to other O'Donnell said. programs where children in- The participants in the proj- volved are scorned by other ect demonstrated their skills EYES HAVE. !T =- Da.imi Doggett, 6, a first grader in the COPE program, does an classmates as different, here and classes for the educators •ye exercise to strengthen eye muscles as part of the perceptual development as- the participants are admired yesterday morning prior to a HELPING THE NEEDY — Students in e fifth grade class at River Street School pect of the COPE program in the Matawan Regional School District. and view it as a privilege to seminar held to explain the be chosen. activities. In the evening, local prepare to send packages of used clothing to a needy family in Kentucky. Clock- (Register Staff Photol "Sometimes a child who Is . Board of Education members wise are Aaron McLendon, Jocelyn Bennett, Mark Barreca and Ellen Schultz. ready to leave the program and parents were invited to a will come up and lament 'I '. secon'd demonstration. wish I had flunked the test,'" The perceptual lag correc- Mrs. Bieber explained. tion classes, which seek to The COPE project began as 1 help, those who haven't yet Red Bank Pupils Fulfill an unusualconcept in physical, reached the stage of devel- education and only in the ' opment of some of their class- middle of last year was ex- mates in motor, visual, au- panded to include the per. ditory and form perception, c e p t u a 1 development pro- are held 30 minutes daily. A Deep Christmas Wish gram. Children are taken from their The concept behind the phy- regular classes to participate. RED BANK — The letter came out of that the experience was an especially mean- sical aspect is to teach chil- Others on the physical edu- nowhere, from no one they knew, but the ingful one for children who had never con- dren who are.not adept or cation staff include Miss Ca- children in a fifth grade class at Red Bank's sidered themselves in the position of being forceful enough for organized rol Nero, Mrs. Esther Bern- River Street School recognized the desper- able to help others. sports, to learn sports that stein, Daniel Tapolski, ate need that had somehow directed it to "Even the poorest of my children they can use the rest of their Charles Holtz and John Se- them. brought a useful article of clothing or a toy lives. N mar. And the children responded with a to be included in the package to Mrs. special land of warmth and understanding Fields," she explained. that is closer to empathy. "They understood, without question, the The letter was addressed to the "Prin- concept of a father leaving the home. When, cipal of School or teacher," Westboro, New I told my own children, who are about the Marlboro's Mayor Jersey. By some mysterious formula, the same age, they were incredulous." postal authorities directed it to River Street Mrs. Knapp said the children had col- School in Red Bank. lected over 60 pounds of clothing, which The writer, a destitute mother of three they mailed a few days after Thanksgiv- Vetoes Code on Job children in Essie, Ky., addressed the letter: ing. To pay for the postage, the children "Dear Unseen Friend" and went on to presented a play for other fifth grade class- COPE IS FUN TOO — Carry Over Physical Education project participants find a MARLBORO — Climaxing day, with the Business Ad- write, "I guess you will be surprised to get es at which they sold popcorn they bad special class can be fun. Miss Marie Mercuric, second from right, leads first-grade his battle with the majority of ministrator assigning duties a letter from someone like me." made. the Township Council over for any remaining available children in a movement education exercise as part of the COPE program, at the The woman, Mrs. Gertrude Fields, ex- "I think what really made an impact who shall hold the office of time," Mayor Salkind main- plained in simple, frequently misspelled on the children was the fact that the let- Matawan Regional School district. The, program was spotlighted last week for zoning officer, Mayor Morton tains. words, that her husband left her three ter somehow reached them against tre- visiting school administrators and parents. Salkind has vetoed an ordi. The mayor said that the years ago and she has nothing to "turn on." mendous odds and that out there, a des- nance which would add the added responsibilities would "We wonder5 if you or your students perate woman was depending on them," • job to Edward Savoie's re. force Mr. Savoie to give up would exchange used' clothing for holly, Mrs. Knapp said.. ' . sponsibilities as building In- his part-time job as Keans- ferns, pines for Christmas decorations. "vWe "I'm very proud of the spontaneous spector. • '•'•' ' •'". burg building inspector afe-a can use anything you can send." •'"•••- " concern they showed, as well as the initia- Even an Uncompleted The ordinance, however, is $2,000 a year salary. . There was no question in the children's tive and imagination with which they saw supported by four coun- The oridinance came in Hie minds that the woman's plea to an anony- the project through to its completion. It cilmen, and the mayor's veto wake of a request from the •mous audience must be met. The teacher was quite a learning experience for all Of is expected to be overridden at board of Adjustment that a for the class, Mrs. Marie Knapp, explained us," she added. , the council meeting Dec. 30. zoning officer attend each of Phone Call Is Costly Mayor Salkind character- their meetings. Mayor Sal- ized file ordinance as a "con- kipd last month approved of NEWARK (AP) - Even re.cord of use, he said, and the tinuation of the personal, one- the request and had sug- busy signals and .uncompleted equipment is used whether a sided fight between Township gested the employment of a Two Ex-Marines Get Term calls are costing New Jersey call is completed or not. The Attorney James R. Minogue full-time zoning officer under phone users money, a Bell only charges for calls appear- and the State Civil Service Civil Service. Telephone Co. executive says, Ing on phone bills involve Authorities.." During September and No- but they are worth it. "message units" — com- Charging that Mr. Min- vember, Mrs. Mary Denton, For Assaulting Hazlet Woman - Charles Hugel, Pair Haven, pleted calls. ogue tried to block the ap- Democratic municipal chair- FREEHOLD —Two ex-Ma- reformatory term, probation Road, Howell, a suspended vice president for New Jersey Hugel said that the record- pointment of Mr. Savoie as man, had been performing rines who pleaded guilty to for one year and a $150 fine reformatory term for break- Bell, said/ that even though ing that cuts in to let a caller building inspector "as re- the duties of an unsalaried charges involving a sexual as- for possession of hashish Nov. ing into the Adelphia Dairy the calls don't go through know the number he has ' quired by state law," Mayor zoning officer after being ap- sault on a 21-year-old Hazlet 26 in New Shrewsbury. Store, Howell, Sept. 19, 1969, they entail operating costs for dialed has been changed Is Salkind said that it was "two pointed by Mayor Salkind on woman July 5, 1970, in Mon- Gerald Bruce Gerber, 18, of and stealing various it^ms of the company and con- another useful uncompleted months after I assumed the a temporary basis. mouth County have been in- Iselin, a suspended refor- merchandise from the store sequently hike the users' bill call. office of Mayor.. .that Mr. Mrs. Denton maintains that carcerated, by Monmouth matory term, one year's pro- with a total value of $330.75 eventually. "Oh, it's very important," Minogue acceded to the she had performed the duties County Court Judge M. Ray- bation and a $150 line for pos- on Oct. 3 and 13, 1969, and However, Hugel said, the he told McGlynn, "if a person State of New Jersey." of zoning officer, including is- mond McGowan. session of hashish in West Jan. 29,1970. Ruffin was sen- signals and calls are valu- you're calling has had his Mayor Salkind said that suance of zoning permits and Gibson Delancey, 23, of Long Branch last March 17. tenced to the 107 days he had able. A busy signal tells the number changed." Even an combining the building in- zoning violations, in- Princeton drew five to seven Douglas Joseph Everett, 367 already spent in county jail caller the phone is busy, he equipment malfunction is use- spector's job with that of zon- cluding issuance of zoning years in state prison for as- Garfield Court, Long Branch, for unlawful use of a car • noted, an uncompleted call re- ful, he said. It tells the caller ing officer will "hurt our ad^ permits and zoning ordin- sault with intent to rape and a suspended reformatory April 10,1970, without the per- veals no one is answering. to dial again. ministrative functions of ances on Saturdays and at- Barry Thomsic, 22, of Wind, term, two years' probation mission of its owner, Milton •• Hugel made the comments Bell has contended that the building inspection and zoning tendance at public and pri- Gap was sentenced to an in- and a $150 fine for possession Goldstein of 63 South St., In a third public hearing be- • rate increase is needed .to enforcement for obvious rea- vate zoning board meetings, determinate term in the New of heroin in Long Branch last Freehold. fore the State Public Utility bring the telephone company sons. as requested. Jersey Reformatory for at- May 5. Frank John Supensky, 2 Rt. Commission on a proposed $79 "more into line with the real- tempted rape and the per- Charles F. Hugel "We can require him (Mr. In September, Mr. Minogue Geroge C. Tisch, Rustic 36, Leonardo, a suspended 2- million a-year rate boost. ity of doing business." The formance of an indecent act. Savoie) to come here from his advised the council that Mrs. Drive, Ocean Township, a to-3-year state prison term, company has said it will jiot In cross examination, Hugel when somebody picks up a re- residence in Hazlet at night Denton had no authority as Michael V. Pronkin, Helen suspended six-month jail term probation for two years and a be able to keep up with the told William McGlynn, a rate ceiver and puts it down again or on Saturday — as the Zon- zoning officer,' and main- Ave., Farmingdale, who had for possession of hashish Nov. $200 fine for malicious de- growth of population and in- counsel for the PUC, that the without starting to dial. ing Officer must do — only if tained that the mayor's ap- pleaded guilty to arson was 25 in Ocean Township and a struction of property owned dustry in the state without the only time Jerseyans don't The company's equipment he receives compensation or pointment of Mrs. Denton to sentenced to three to five suspended reformatory term by Harvey Bowtell of Bowtell hike. wind up paying for calls is requirements are based on a compensatory time off," the the post was invalid. years in state prison. He had for unlawful use of a narcotic Real Estate, also of 2 Rt. 36, mayor said. In his veto message, Mayor admitted' setting fire to the drug. Tlsch was also placed SeDt. 24. Supensky was or- 'Fundamentally Wrong' Salkind said that since Mrs. home of Winston Hill Jr., 10 on probation for two years dered to get help for his "From a personnel admin- Denton was performing the First St., Freehold, last July and fined $100. drinking oroblem. Strikes Cop, duties of zoning officer with- 17. istration view, it is fundamen- Emilio Blazanin, Howell, a Neil Gregory Smith, 176 Nine Are Arrested out pay, "cost saving cannot tally wrong to require a 'clas- Judge McGowan imposed suspended reformatory term, Second St., and Michael be a legimate purpose of this Driver Is sified' person to perform in these sentencens on persons probation for two years and a Yuhas, 30 Center St., both ordinance." a n 'unclassified' position. who had pleaded guilty to $100 fine for the theft of two Keyport, suspended six-month On Gambling CountsTicketed This negates the purpose of Council President Joseph various crimes: tires valued at $120 Dec. 22, jail terms, probation for one C Civil Service" he said. Brodniak has maintained that Gerard Cartler, 19, of 1969, from Syl's Garage, How- year and fines of $100 each MIDDLETOWN — Nine East Keansburg; Michael LONG BRANCH — Patrol- "The better way for Marl- the ordinace was proper be- Chelsea Ave., Long Branch, cll. for consorting with a known men were taken into custody Carlo, 27, of 165 Main St., man Anthony Canella was boro, and my recommenda- cause "Mr. Savoie is now get- an indeterminate reformatory Myron Ruffin, 235 Lemon criminal in Keyport Oct. 30. on gambling charges early Keansburg; Robert F. Mar- treated and released at Mon- tion to you (council), is to ting paid for both jobs, and he term for escaping July 16 Saturday morning after police zigliano, 23, of 12 Seaviow mouth Medical Center yester- have full time officials, re- must now be held responsible from Long Branch Detective led by Detective Sgt.William Ave., Keansburg; Anthony J. day after being struck by a quired to each work a full for the jobs he is holding." Herbert Cofer. The sentence J. Halllday raided a Port Tortoriello, 24, of 13 Church car at Second and N. Bath is to run consecutively with Monmouth home. St., Keansburg; Ronald M. Avcs. one Cartler is already 2 Sent to Reformatory Burns, 27, of 126 Floyd Ave., serving. According to Detective Richard L. Griesbacli of Union Beach, and Amedco E. Kathleen Mary Boylan, 530 Capt. Robert M. Letts, the ac- Bergenfield, faces a charge of Galluccio, 20, of 024 Mantolok- New York Assemblyman Wcstwood Ave., Long Branch, For Morals Offenses cused, were allegedly partici- careless driving after striking ing Road, Brick Township. a $100 fine for possession of FREEHOLD —Arthur pating in a card game at the the police officer with his car. ed their guilty pleas to the home of Robert Candeloro, 29, All nine have been released marijuana in Long Branch Thomas Lamp, 23, of 17 Leroy lesser charges last October of 51 Bray Ave. on $1,100 bail each pending a Patrolman Canella said he Fined on Third Count Feb. 18. Place, Keansburg, and How- that it would avoid subjecting Charged with gambling and hearing in Municipal Court left his patrol car and walked John Roy Gerecke, 11 Ando- ard F. Barker, 20, of Oregon the girl to the ordeal of a consorting for illegal pur- Jan. 7. across Second Ave. to meet HIGHLANDS — A Now boat passenger In an unsafe ver St., Middletown, one year Ave., East Keansburg, have trial. poses were Mr. Candeloro, Eleven members of the with Patrolman Vincent Mac- York State Assemblyman has manner and of failure to in Monmouth County Jail, received indeterminate New A third defendant, Milton Edwin S. Smith, 29, or 20 Hay- township Detective and Pa- cioli. He said lie was nearly been fined $25 on a charge of present a boat registration to suspended, one year's proba- Jersey Reformatory terms for Conklin Jr., 19, of W. Front view Ave., Kcansburg; Bruno trol divisions participated in across the street when he was using loud and abusive lan- police. He was fined $25 on tion and a $100 fine for pos- contributing to the delinquen- St., Red Bank, who admitted GallUCCio, 28, of 15 Kcavicw the raid along with Dctcclivo struck by Mr. Griesbach's guage during an incident with each of those charges. session of a hypodermic syr- cy of a 10-year-old Keansburg abducting the girl and at- Ave., Keanslwrg; Daniel John Miinigrosso of the coun- car. marine police here on August New York City Councilman inge and use of heroin in Mid- girl by having carnal knowl- tempting to rape her, was as- Hosa, 28, of 10 Krucger Place, ty prosecutor's office. Edward V. Curry pleaded dletown last Christmas. The driver said he did not 3. edge of her. signed a different sentence guilty to use of loud and abu- Robert L. Mrosz, 315 Willow see the police 'officer in tho The fine, handed out by Mu- Both have pleaded guilty to date. nicipal Court Judge Seymour sive language and was also Drive, Little Silver, a sus- the charges, downgraded Judge McGann sentenced Tipsy Charge roadway shortly after 5 p.m. fined $2.'i last week. pended reformatory term, Driver Given yesterday. Ho said his car Kloinberg, brings to ?75 Iho from the original charges of James R. Summey, 121 W. The incidents that led to tim two years' probation and a MIDDLRTOWN — A local mouth was released on $205 failed to halt when lio applied total fines charged to Edward abducting tho girl from her Bergen Place, Red Bank, to charges against the two oc- $100 fine for breaking Into man wns charged with driv- ball pending a hearing in Mu- the brakes as he approached J. Amman Jr., 44, of Stntcn front yard the night of July 8, an indeterminate reformatory ing while under (lie Influence nicipal Court Jan. 7. Maud. curred in State Channel here the apartment of Roger raping her July 9 in Middle- term on an atrocious assault the policeman. McDonald, Royal Court of alcohol early, yesterday Mr. Nance was also Ho was acquitted of a, which runs In from the ocean town and threatening to kill and battery conviction. and at a restaurant on shore, Apartments, Spring Lake morning uftur his car ulruck a charged with careless ilrlv- Taken to the hospital by the charge of failure to obey an her. Summey was convicted Oct. parked car at fieabreezo and local l''init Aid Squad, the pa- ordor by marine police that police said. Heights, with intent to steal Monmouth County Court 29 of the alleged assault upon in.g. Patrolman William Hudson AVON. trolman was treated for mi- he "lay-to" Ills 37-foot yacht. Amman is a Repubilcan- between March 20 and 21. Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr., Ulandose GUIs, 79 W. Sunset George I). Nance, 40, of 11 Thorno investigated tho Occi- nor Injuries and released af- Last week, Amman pleaded Conscrvativo and Curry a Joseph Conrad, 7 Marc who sentenced both men Fri- Ave., Red Bank, July 2 In that Johnson Place, Port Mori- dent at 12:40 a.m. ter Xrnys were tnken. guilty to charges of riding a Democrat-Conservative. Drlvo, Matawan, a suspended day, said when ho accept- borough. 16- THE DAtLY REGISTER, MTi BANK . MIDDLETOWR N. I-i MONRAY, DECEMBER 14, Wants State Action TRENTON—New .Jersey's be certain they are selling serious shortcomings which law. : the current budget contains, food industry, has called for only the beat food to their cus- New Jersey should not risk." The Food Council had op- funds to continue the pro- emergency passage of a bill tomers. Mr. Neilland expressed con- posed earlier legislative pro- grams only through Decem- to continue the state's meat "They have had this con- fidence that, if A-1334 gains posals which would have ber 31. and poultry inspection pro. fidence under the state pro- emergency passage by both scrapped state meat and Copies of the letter went to . grams after January 1. gram. A report to Congress Houses of the Legislature, poultry inspections. Although Governor, CahiU and Senate James M. Neilland, execu- from the GAO concerning fed- Governor William T. Canill those bills failed to, draw President Raymond H. Bate- tive director of New Jersey e r a 1 inspections indicates will sign the measure into House committee approval, man. •;• Food Council, urged imme- diate action on A-1S34 in a let- ter to Assembly Speaker Wil- liam K. Dickey. The bill ap- propriates $210,000 for the in- .ATLANTIC GLASS FOR spection program to cover the last six months of the current fiscal year. It was approved by the As- AUTO GLASS sembly and it now goes to the Senate! According to Mr. Neilland, unless the measure is enacted promptly, meat and poultry processed in New Jersey for sale within the state will have HAPPY HOMECOMING — Thomas P. Harraway, noted horse trainer of Scobey- to be inspected by the federal vjlle, greets barn cat named Sandy who disappeared when he moved from stables government. He added: •t Brookdale Farm, Lincroft, 18 months ago. Sandy must be nine or 10 years old, "The track record of the federal program, as described he say$. ' (Register Staff Photo). by the watchdog General Ad- ministrative Office, leaves something to be desired. New AUTHORIZED GLASS Jersey's food retailers, who are responsible for the sale of REPLACEMENT Farm Moved 5 Miles, the inspected meat, want to SERVICE! Frog Strains Dying Biit Homing Cat Finds It LONDON (AP) — Frog strains introduced Into Brit- By JANE FODERARO "At Brookdale, she used .to her, too. "I've heard of dogs ATLANTIC GLASS CO. ain from France, Italy and SCOBEYVILLE - It took finding a new place," Mr. "Olnt and Mlrrpra In Evtry tin You Can Irtik" 1 ride on my shoulder when I Hungary are dying out, main- Sandy a year and a half to rode the lead pony out to the Harraway said, "but never a ly because of the weather, RED BANK BELMAR locate her family, but she track every mqrning," says cat. It seems incredible, but said Alfred Leutscher, presi-, ZIMiphAva. MATAWAIM 7 finally did it. Mr. Harraway, with just a it's true." Ctr.WUMSLftMaplaAvt. 131 Umr Main dent of the British Naturalists 747-2020 111-2131 (lt-1200 Sandy Is a red and white suggestion of Irish brogue. •Mr. Harraway is known for Association. barn cat belonging to noted "Everyone loved her—even having a way with horses, es- race horse-trainer Thomas P. • the horses. She would hop up pecially the yearlings he 1 Harraway. on their stall doors and rub breaks in for famous racing About 18 months ago, Mr. her head against theirs," he stables. Young thoroughbreds Harraway moved his oper- Bays. are sent to him from Sara- toga, South Carolina, Eng- ation, including 50 horses, "I hadn't seen Sandy for 18 from Brookdale Farm, Lin- land, Ireland and Latin Amer- croft,- to a • new location ap- months," Mr. Harraway con- ica to be conditioned for the proximately five miles away tinues. "Then, ;-st the other winner's circle. on Hockhockson Road here. day, I was walking down a He obviously has a way field, and there she was. She with cats, too. At least Sandy After 18 years at Brookdale, hopped, up on my shoul- where he leased one end of the thinks so when he picks her I worlds best ^PjP built carV' vast farm from th" late Lewis der. . .Two of the boys who up and says, "She's the love- \ at America's sdvingest price/, Thompson, Mr. Harraway had work in the barn recognized liest little cat..." to make way for Monmouth County's fledgling community college. On the day of the move, Drive Seeks Funds however, Sandy was among the missing... • For 4-H Facility FREEHOLD —New Jersey and the importance of individ- Notice To 4-H Club members are con- ual initiative. cluding a statewide campaign More than 20,000 young Shore Resident! t to raise $23,000 as their con- people and volunteer leaders W» ar», running (xprtit'busts tribution to the National 4-H are trained 3t the, center each from our Airport Plan Terminal Foundation for the expansion year. "Asv Many/' moire, are in H«ilat te Yanlaa Stadium for Of the National 4- H Center deprived of this opportunity which it operates iniWashing- for lack of space. all Slant Football. ton. The total goal is $8 mil- lion. In New Jersey more than ACADEMY 470 4-H Club members, teen The foundation is an inde- leaders, and adult volunteer pendent, non-profit corpo- leaders have used the educa- Y -/ ^ Tours & Travel ration chartered in 1948 by tional resources of the Center. •\ the Cooperative Extension New Jersey's campaign Center Service to support and help goal represents a gift of about extend the 4-H program to 1355 STATE HWY. 36 $1 for every 4-H Club member more youth. It is not sup- in the state. Monmouth Coun- HAZLET, N. J. ported by public funds. ty's share of this total effort TOURS and is $1,000. Will 1661 Since the opening of the Na- CHARTER BUS SERVICE tional 4-H Center in 1959, the For further information ! TO ALL PARTS OF THE foundation has served thou- Charles MCIntosh, president •> ;. UNITED STATES & CANADA sands of 4-H members from of the 4-H Association, Box 7, all states. Young people have Marlboro, invites calls to him for mora information CALL learned the meaning of citi- or any of the officers — Alex zenship in a democratic Basista, 48 Van Brackle 739-0001 society through carefully Road, Holmdel; Mrs. Betty planned curricula dealing Manning, 5 Parkview Drive, 264-4222 with governmental processes, Hazlet, or James Wagner, the free enterprise system, R.Di 2 Cedar Lane, Freehold.

a interior systems

MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER PH0NE EATONTOWN, N.J. ^aW , , , , . 5423004 ,^^^ ucover the (me furniture tlial mokes space instpcid ,^^H of taking it — Interior Systems wall-suipended fur- ^^r future. You won't dud anything lik« il onywliers «he. Modulrjf chmts, desks, Moicige or sl»ow-ol( cabinets. all interchangeable and infinitely win a . Eipqanl contemporary and traditional styling i ood finishes nnd vibrant drcoralur colors. wall of furniture Come m. Let us help you discover the E*ira Room on your wait. worth i vp to Thereore lots of midgef-priced cars. Foreigners. U.S. imposters. And now some tough U.S. competition. ' 4F roll-top desk ^S But you can lump them all together, all three categories... with the % & exception of the new Voga from Chevrolet. when you buy this unit Sure, Vega is right in there with thorn in low cost and high gas mileage. (Vega gets up to 25 miles per gallon.) But, from there on in, Vega steps out so far ahead that it's in a quality class by itself. Tho comfort you will enjoy-big seating for four. The • heavy-car ride—even in high winds. The full go you got—up to 110 h.p, The full choice you get-2 door sedan', wagon, sporty hatchback and

. ',• l/i > " " ''. even a panel truck. Also more o( the options you want. MotllilK) to 1 iiy—nnil fi>l U> wnm They all let you know Vega isn't just horsing around. hut ynm Come drive it. You will agree that Vega is tho world's best built car at HIMl —„— , America's savlngesl price.

on _ IIA11. _ flf . fMMI._...... ,. t,,,,. d.i,.,, Savings with a solid sizzle! ' i" t.i'i'iii I'm ...I , TREE At yourChevy dealer, f ' I otcourse! .THE DAItV B£GISTEB4 B£D BANK , N- J.; MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1W0-

Miracle at Derrick REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAMP By LUISp PUTCAHP JB. "Yes, Mrs. Motherwell," big oil company calendar to (Synopsis: Mrs. Motherwell said the orphans. the hall. The pile of bright tin has an idea how the Orpha- Mrs. Motherwell leaned to- stars and gay paper chains nage might keep going, even ward them, and lowered her rose higher and higher iri the TRADE though it has lost its ben- voice. "Then we'll pretend box, ready for trimming the efactor. Miss Princh, hearing that Christopher can sing just tree. One by one the children the orphans sing, agrees that as well as anybody," she finished their presents for LIGHTING IN this year the Orphanage choir said. "We'll let him practice each other, and tucked them might well win the 10-thou- with us every day, and we'll away. sand-dollar prize. Then the never let on for a minute." And they practiced for the ~ OFFER new orphan, Christopher, The orphans looked at each carol festival. Mrs. Mother- AMEft BRING YOUR OLD joins in...) other, sidelong. "Yes, Mrs. well and Miss Princh, listen- Chapter VI Motherwell," they said, rath- ing, thought they sang better Good Deed er faintly. every time. Surely, here was LIGHTING FIXTURES When the door closed be- "Well," said Miss Princh the choir that could win the 10 hind Christopher, the loud si- tartly, "I wish all our prob- thousand dollar prize Gus De- FOR A GENEROUS TRADE-IN I e n c e stayed. Then Miss lems could be solved as rek was giving. Except, of Princh said "Mercy on us!" easy!" She gave Mrs. Moth- course, for Christopher. ALLOWANCE ON ANY OF OUR Peggy spoke up excitedly. erwell a meaningful look. Not the Big Time "Christopher just sings awful, "But Addie," said Mrs. But after all, they kept tell- NEW AND ELEGANT FIXTURES. Mrs. Motherwell! Doesn't he Motherwell, "it's just while ing themselves, Christopher just sing awful, Miss Princh? we practice..." wouldn't be singing the really BUY NOW AND SAVE He sings just awful—" "Hmmmmph!" was' all big time, the night of the ca- "Awfully, Peggy," cor. . Miss Princh would say. rol festival. IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. rected Miss Princh automati- THE PILE of fright tin start and gay pfepar chains rose After Mrs. Motherwell and •So in spite of their worries, cally. Miss Princh had gone, the or- higher and higher. the two women couldn't help Mrs. Motherwell was still phans talked about it. feeling luce Christmas. Mrs. OFFER ENDS SAT. DEC. 19th staring at the door, shaking "Poor little boy,'< said Dot- Motherwell's big worry had her head. "Poor little thing!" ty, "if it makes him happy always been Christopher, she said. to sing with us, I don't mind. I anyway. And with Christ- Use Our Layaway Plan "Well," began Miss Princh, guess." opher halfway happy, so was 'you were certainly right Joe shrugged and said it she. And sometimes Miss OPEN THURS & FRI TIL 9 about the children, Julia. certainly didn't matter to Princh didn't think about the SATURDAY 'TIL 5 But it looks as if—" him. And Tom said he felt money penchant for hours at "We don't have to let him that way, too. a time. Sometimes she even sing with us any more, do Ann said: "But I'm glad I had a feeling everything was we?" said Peggy. have a pretty voice!" going to turn out all right. Now Mrs. Motherwell look- Peggy wanted to say: "But But nobody at the Orpha- THE LIGHTING CENTER ed at the orphans. Her face Christopher always spoils the nage knew what old Banker 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK, N. J . had a soft look, as if firelight song!" But with the others Skrind was plotting uptown in were shining on it. "Peggy — talking the way they were, Derrick, Tex. children," she said, "that's she didn't like to say it loud. TEL 741-6400 the first time I've seen Christ- It would sound mean. Still, Next: The Letter. opher smile. Have you ever down in a dark, cobwebby seen him smile before?" corner of her heart, Peggy A sheer sweep is sheer flattery rb SUNDAY when it's as disarming as The orphans all had to nod wished Christopher didn't our graceful gown and their heads no. "No, Mrs. have to sing with them. Even n role ensemble. The sheer Motherwell," they said. at practice. "But we want him to smile The days before Christmas gown flows over opaque J-5»~» nylon tricot. Double again, and keep on smiling, went by in a hustle and sheer peignoir repeats don't we, dears?" said Mrs. bustle. The orphans took turns marking them off on the the elegant. empire Motherwell earnestly. IH,SCOUPON MFG line of, the gown. 50*. Tcndermint/ecru, SAVE 50 Towards the purchase of whitc/ecru or one 8-OL jar sheer pink/ecru Estey Gets Unique WITH THIS Martinson Freeze Dry Coffee in sizes S-M-L. COUPON Limit (1) Good at StfrwtfKust ByMistcc New Control System 5 tlu» Sat, Dec. 19th Fmast $18 RED BANK — John J. explosion" surtlmaries. S3AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA Wilk, president of TransNet According to F. Philip Corporation, a computer time Tucker, president of Estey sharing firm at 60 English Metal Products, "Being able U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ONLY Plaza, here, has announced to obtain such data instantly the completion of a unique is a significant factor in ar- production management and riving at proper production inventory control system for management decisions, Troth SMOKED Estey Metal Products, Inc. of before and after receipt of New Shrewsbury. manufacturing orders. The The system, designed for firm that can get fast, accu- rate answers to certain ques- BUTT WITH THAT use on TransNet's computer time sharing service, consists tions will be in an excellent BONELESS PORK "FUSSY "TRIM of four related computer pro- competitive position." grams. These programs en- Computer time sharing is a <"*—'—> able Estey to prepare esti- relatively new service to the )USOA( mates for bids, obtain pre- Monmouth-Ocean County WATER production data related to the area. Under this concept, a ADDED (CHOICE) availability of parts or mate- number of users simulta- RED BANK: 30 BROAD STREET rials in current inventories, neously can use a centrally ONE PRICE ONLY! control inventories of raw ma- located computer over regu- AS BURY PARK: 600 COOKMAN AVE. terials and finished.products, lar telephone lines. A teletype (SHOULDER) and automatically prepare terminal serves as the means ALL MEAT OR BEEF LIVER & BACON SAIC! packing lists through "parts to enter and activate pro- grams and data and to re- Finast Franks ,b. 75° Beef Liver SLICED ceive immediate information 100 SIZE U.S.D.A. CHOICE FULL VIEW reports and problem solu- c PACKAGE Ib.' \ / I tions. Gound Round n,95 J\ WE INVITE YOU TO SEE U.S.DJL CHOICE Sliced Bacon FLORIDA COLONIAL 10: REGULAR THE GLITTER OF "71 "IN PLEXIGLAS* Gift Offered Ground Chuck «, 79° OR THICK By Library ORANGES First O' The Fresh Produce FREEHOLD - The Mon- mouth County Library Is cele- E c brating the holiday season Grapefruit i Et 6,or49 Sw. Potatoes 2*29* with a colorful display of b Bl books, and a gift for its read- Applesu,KKN.ia 649t Cake Mix- ffi°- i 69< ers. The books are exhibited un- GrapesE& *29« Choc. BallsW .79* der the titles "Holiday Read- 3 tag" and "Highlights of the SWEET.JUICY Yellow Onions &2V Pine Mt. Logs «.79* Decade." The present; avail- able for the asking, is "A De- — INTERNATIONAL SEAFOOD —1 —MR. DELI (Where Available)- wey ABC," a pamphlet com- piled by Jack Field, branch Ii. brarian at the county library, FLOUNDER FRANKS 80 Broad St. ( An introduction to the clas- FROZEN Welch Drinks FILLET MIZRACH sic Dewey decimal system of GRAPE, APPLE-GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH. Ib.i classifying books, the booklet ORANGE FRUIT.LOCAL J9 gives the key numbers for Early Week Cash Savers'. subjects ranging from ac- LIMIT counting to zoology, and in- cluding air pollution, Boy PLEASE Scouts, moon landings, Mon- PRINT APPLE mouth County, and many SPARKLING GIFTS FOR UNDER THE TREE AT more. Fruit Cocktail BUTTER CIDER FINAST FINAST BROOKSIDE FARMS

8-oz. DECORATING PROBLEMS? 3 £89* #9* 171 FIRST AVENUE • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. Biz Pre-Soak Fabric Softener GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM STUDIO PLASTIQUE IOCOFF Mb. 9-oz. To DOWNY l-qt. l'o LABEL 63* 8c OFF LABEL 75* • The Special One • The One Who Has Almost Everything Saran Cheer Ivory Duz Dow • The Someone Who Likes To Make It Wrap Detergent Detergent Handi Wrap Himself or Herself Snow Mb. Jumbo dr.Ofr 9 oi. I ABEL USB WARDS CUJTOM «BRVICB 100 It. roll 470 59* pkt. 36* it '82< 87 * 200 II roll CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE • CRAFT CORNER PRM HTIMATES IN YOUR HOMB Call 542-2150 Today linl.inl M.u«cll llou'.f Collro in 0;. j« 1 bi (NSW (...I Cicrtn nnns i It) un ?8c Glad Wrap 100II. roll Mt. OvAllinf* 1'l.ini or Chnrohlp 1? or. jar 6/' iKtng (Hrar llmlirtg ]t«cMl)i Kawi Irulanl Oolite 4-ot. jn 9Jc TELEPHONE 291-4297 UM all of Wards Custom DutknSlullnl Thrown OIIVPI 10 fir /V. IKI«rn Killy I iller 2SII). bagtl 49 Chef Boy »r dee Spatbclti w/Chftu IS 01. un 19c I iiiirtinn'5 Itrr.vl & [Uiltar IVklrs H •»/. |« ?/r. llloimH 1? or. on Me Muclkr Golden Rich Widr Nondk% 10 s/. pkg. 51c Service* Birr IHIilnl driTi] Mul.iw. HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY UNTIL 12 0/. |,ir 4'ic 5avann Codec Ml Giimh Ita. can Hie How. Johnon's Brel, Turkey Heavy MO* or, urn 3!)c • Mlpcovm • rauplwUUnr DECEMBER 2410:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. Howell Township Atlantic Highlands Long Branch Bayonne Rod Batik Wards Monmouth III. 1 A Alilnch ltd. Rl. 36 & I irst Avc. 320 Third Ave. North SI. 362 Broad St. T.M.M«ieTinit> Shopping Center OFF West 8th St. ' MMttwii Clr. M AM nil t:M PM rmos inicim SUN itwu iuis Dtc IM* NOI RISPONSIBU ton TYPOGWHICM ERROU we ttsuvcWE BBHI 10 UUII QUAMIIIIU. 18- -THE DAItY BJK1.STER, BED BANK - MJDDLETOWN, N, f.: MONDAYV DECEMBER 14, 1570 TarkerilonFoilsCaritPlan ST. LOUIS (AP) - "It's told a Quarterback Club have done it,*' the 32-year-old, of fourth down at the 17. als' hopes for a National 24-yard field, goal shortly,be- bush league," a defiant Jerry crowd, "We're going to stick ll-year veteran said. "As a On the next play, Tarkentpn Football League playoff berth fore the half, Shay declared yesterday after it in Fran Tarkenton's ear." matter of fact, we still passed to Bob Tucker, who in dropping their mark to 8-4-. Pete Gogolak kicked a 27- the toppled "I hadn't heard about his would." lateraled to DonTferrmann at 1. yard in the early the St. Louis Cardinals for a words," said Tarkenton, who "The big key for us was to the 20, turning it into a touch- Tucker, wide receiver Don minutes of the.third quarter share of the National Football pegged three touchdown pas- stop Tarkenton, and we didn't down and a 14-0 New York Herrmann and running back to expand New York's lead to Conference Eastern Dvision ses and ran three yards for do it," Coach Charley Winner lead. | Ron Johnson were targets for 24-3 before quaterback Jim lead. another score. said. "Their ability to convert "I was conscious of their the Tarkenton scoring passes, Hart finally untracked the St. "They were going to stick it "The only quote I heard on third-down plays hurt us. position in trying for a field Hermann after fielding, a lat- Louis offense. . . . • in our ear," Shay explained was Cards' vice president Bill They made 11 first downs on goal," Wilson said. "I made eral from the rugged Tucker; Hart made pass connections following the Giants' crushing Bidwell's that the crowd third-down plays in 16 chan- the decision on the penalty. I in the second quarter. with running back MacArthur should yell until they scared ces and we made two of 10. was wrong." Lane for 78 yards and the 34-17 decision. "I hope Larry The resourceful Tarkenton Cardinals' first touchdown Wilson has a happy Christ- me out of the stadium. They To win, a football team has to •• Tied With Cowboys also rolied around right end scared me," Tarkenton added be able to do better." late in the third period to mas!" Tarkenton's aerials, good from the St. Louis three yard make it 24-10. The scorn of Shay, the Gl- with a chuckle. Wilson also admitted he for 242 yards on 14 comple- line in the second quarter to ants' 245-pound defensive Wilson Acknowledges gambled and lost in accepting tions in 21 attempts, lifted the score another Giant touch- But Tarkenton answered tackle, was directed toward In the quiet of the Cardinal an offensive interference pen- Giant record in the NFC East down. the budding challenge by di- Wilson, the Cardinals' veter- dressing room, Wilson ac- alty against the Giants in the to 9-4 to match that of the Aided by the Cardinal deci- recting his team 66 yards late an safety. knowledged, "Sure I made the second quarter. Cowboys. t sion to accept an offensive in- in the period and pegging Three nights before the cru- comment about what we'd like The penalty provided the The defeat, watched by a terference penalty, the Giants nine yards to Johnson for the cial constest, Wilson prophe- to have done to Tarkenton. Giants a third down and 26 Busch Stadium record crowd rolled to 21-0 lead before St. clinching touchdown on the sied a Cardinal victory and "We would have loved to from the Cardinals' 32 instead of 50,845, number the Cardin- Louis scored on Jim Bakken's first play of the final quarter. St. Louis scored the game's ' final touchdown as tight end Jackie Smith took a Hart pass and rambled 47 yards to the Jets Booted end zone. Gogolak capped the' scoring with his second field goal, a 47-yard effort in the game's By Dolphins final minute. PERFECT LANDINGS — Bobby Duhon of th« New Dominate Play York Giants makes a three-point landing *t the and Dominating play in the first of a 22-yard gain as Larry StaHings of the St. Louis MIAMI (AP)-Garo Yepre- offs even with a loss against half, the Giants, needed only ' v mian, Miami's .bald-headed the Bills if the other con- five plays to cover 41. yards - ,• Cardinals fUes toward him in the second quarter marvel, booted two field goals tender among AFC runners- for their first touchdown fol- \ yesterday. Duhon took a pass from quarterback Fran in the final two minutes yes- up-the Kansas City Chiefs- lowing a punt. and a Cardinal Tarkenton, who directed the Giants to their big 34-17 terday to beat the New York bow to San Diego. personal foul. , . ' Jets, 16-10, and sweeten the Turner Boots i victory over the Cards. 1AP Wif photo.)' Tarkenton found, the burly > Dolphins' National Football Jim Turner kicked a 21- League playoff hopes. Tucker open in the right, flat yard field goal to give New from the 14 for the score, then . York a 3-0 lead, but Griese steered the Giants 80 yards in Miami, a paltry 340-1 last connected with Howard Twil- season, improved its record to 10 plays to move into the. ley on a 23-yard pass to give Scoreboard again in the sec- Sanders Ends 9-4 under new coach Don the Dolphins a 7-3 advantage. ond period,' , .,. . • , Shula and qeeds only to tie or . Yepremian's first of three field goals made it 10-3 before Corner back Roger Wehrli defeat Buffalo nex£ week to broke up a TarkentoivTucker enter the American Confer- Woodall began throwing strikes to a variety of receiv- pass near the goal line at the Victory Famine ence showdown. ers to tie it 10-10 by halftime. conclusion of the march but The Dolphins fluttered Joe Namath's fill-in hit Rich defensive captain Larry Wil- By BOB GREEN The dapper, 37-year-old away three second-half drives son elected to take an offen- FREEPORT, Grand Ba- Sanders tapped in a par putt Caster for 13, Eddie Bell for sive interference penalty l after a 10-10 first half as Bob 17, Emerson Boozer for two hamas (AP) — Doug Sanders on the second extra hole to Griese threw two end rone in- and George Nock for 13 in the against Tucker rather than beat bitterly disappointed; the incomplete pass on third broke a three-year victory Chris Blocker for the $26,000 terceptions and Larry Csonka drive before firing to Bell on famine with a playoff triumph lost a fumble. an eight-yard touchdown. down. first prize in this, the last 7 ' in the Bahama Islands Open Yepremian, picked up as a On the next play, Tarkenton event on the pro schedule for-; Drive 74 Yards golf tournament yesterday the year. free agent in August, contin- HOLD IT RIGHT THERE — Ron Johnson (30) of the New York Giants is halted in connected with Tucker,' who Miami drove 74 yards in the ued an incredible season by ran to the Cardinal 20 before while Arnold Palmer's 15- - Blocker, a 31-year-old tour* * dying minutes before Yepre- kicking his 19th, 20th and 21st his tracks by Don Parish of the St. Louis Cardinals after a gain of five yards in the lateralmg to Herrmann for the year victory string went by Tegular whose only '.vietwy''. " mian kicked a field goal field goals in 28 attempts. first period yesterday. (AP Wirephoto) second touchdown. the boards. had been in a satellite event, shot a final round 66 and was from the 14-yard line as the in the clubhouse at 272 when ' crowd of 5,099 went crazy Sanders came to the 72nd hole '• ' with 1:57 remaining. needing a birdie to tie. \ Miami safety Dick Ander- Baltimore Wraps Up Divisional Clrmvn Sanders, winner of 17 pre- son intercepted an vious events, put his second pass three plays later to set By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS best won-lost record among AFC runners-up, and beat out mark. Cleveland, 6-7, still can catch Hie Bengals despite its shot in a trap on the par five up the final Yepremian field Baltimore nailed its division title while runner-up Miami Kansas City for a playoff spot. loss to Dallas, but Pittsburgh, 5-8, is out of the picture after finishing hole, blasted out to : goal from the 21. jeopardized the playoff hopes of Kansas City's defending The Chiefs, crushed 20-6 by Oakland Saturday in a show- a 27-16 setback to Atlanta. seven and sank the putt that Miami can make the play- champions yesterday in the National Football down for ttie AFC Western title, can finish no better than Minnesota, which clinched the NFC Central title a week gave him a tie. ' League stretch race. 8-1-2. The* conference's Central Division runner-up will not ago, tuned up for post-season play with a 35-14 romp over Both parred the first extra ' The Colts battled from behind at snow-blanketed Buf- top the .500 mark. ., Boston. • hole, but the hus'ty Blocker ' falo to down the Bills,. 20-14, and clinch first place in the ;

Long I«' Rolls On... What Else Is New? So what else is new? It's a new season with new faces Henry Hudson Regional, Marlboro and Point Pleasant Mark Hlatky poured in 27 points in Ocean's win over Red Bank Catholic Saturday night, but the Caseys' overall 6 bUt Branch High 001 keeps roU Boro were opening night victors, in the "D" Division. The • Monmouth Regional, paced by Bob Wymbs' 17, while Neil balance won out. Mark Fitzgerald's 17 and 30 more by Mike to aton * ° ' ^ ^* " Admirals squeezed by Keansburg, 65-60; the Mustangs McCallum's 24 ignited Toms River South's triumph over Bobiak and Brian Commons helped mount the RBC total. The Green Wave routed Red Bank Regional, 9348, in thumped Point Beach, 67-61, and the Panthers nipped Key- Freehold. Jerry Young, who tallied 20 points, was the big gun for its season debut Friday night to extend the school winning port, 68-67, in overtime. LIONS SHOW BALANCE Marlboro, but Al LaMura (16) and Wayne Ossner (12) of- sb-eak to 28 straight. The first 27 came under the coaching In the Garden State Conference, Rumson-Fair Haven Middletown showed a balanced attack agaiast Mata- fered plenty of help in setting down the Beach Boys. of Bob Walsaek and produced a state Group UI champion- Regional surprised Highland Park, 60-56. Independently, wan. The Lions, who took the lead in the third quarter and Gerry Warden's bucket sent Keyport down to its one- ship; coach Dave Dean engineered the 28th. Christian Brothers Academy ran away from Notre Dame pulled away, had four players in double figures: Jim Mun- point overtime loss to Point Boro. It climaxed a 31-point per- Other than Jackson Township's upset of Central .Re- of Trenton, 71-44; Admiral Farragut handed Mater Dei its day (18), Jim Vosk (17), John McGowan (15) and Rick formance by Wardell, including 13 from the foul line. gional ip the Shore Conference "C" Division lid-lifter the third straight setback, 59-49; Croydon Hall dropped its third Morford (13). Mike Neal's 12 were best for Matawan. Keyport showed a trio of marksmen of its own in first full weekend of schoolboy basketball produced few in a row, 104-92, to Hoffman, and Wall Township edged Neptune also had a quartet of double figure scorers, Keith1 Orr (21), Joe Bennett (20) and Mike Quinn (13), the surprises! Raritan, 55-53, in overtime. as all 13 Fliers employed by coach Larry Hennessy tallied. latter also grabbing 18 rebounds. Joining Long Branch in the winner's circle in "B" play Wall made it a clean sweep for new coach Wayne Szoke Ed Hayes was high with 16, Mike Edwards added 15 and COLTS FRISKY IN BOW were Toms River South, which defeated Freehold, 62-53, by turning back Manasquan, 5644, Saturday night, and Satch Sanders and Gary Sergo contributed a dozen apiece. Ray Kelly gamed 23 points and Bill Koch wasn't far ana favored Ocean Township which handed Monmouth Re- Jackson did the same by knocking off Point Boro, 67-60. Greg Archer and Roman Zubchenok were the big fac- behind with 19, as CBA coasted in its opener against the gional its first loss, 68-44, after two straight non-conferenc6 CASEYS SCUTTLE ADMIRALS tors in Jackson's wins over Central and Boro, combining for Irish. John Taggart's 13 was best {or Mater Dei in its loss victories. Red Bank Catholic staged a successful debut for new 45 and 37 points, respectively, in the two games. to Admiral Farragut. FLIERS PLY HIGH coach Joe Kristofik by beating Henry Hudson, 63-54, and Tom White's overtime basket put down Raritan for Bob Trotter and Palvin Williams combined for 32 points In the "A" Division, Neptune justified pre-season specu- St. Rose defeated Asbury Park, 71-58, Saturday afternoon. Wall, and Kevin Commons' 22 points led the Knights over and Jerry Dooley rebounded well to negotiate Rumson-Fair lation that it is the team to beat by romping over Toms Long Branch's victory was never in doubt, the Green 'Squan 24 hours later. Raritan's high man was Bob Decker, Haven's big win over Highland Park. River North, 98-35, while Middletown Township got by Wave jumping off to a 28-15 first period advantage. The 18. Ed Zukowski hit for 29 points and Chip Farruggio added Matawan Regional, 73-63. Brick Township topped Lakewood, Branchers were paced by Kevin Baker's 21 points. He had Larry Kelly pumped in 22 points, and teammates Tom 21 as St. Rose stunned Asbury Park. ,63-47. , plenty of help from Ernie Bellinger and Tom Odom, who and Bob Riley added 17 and 15, respectively, to pace Henry And the roost prolific point production of the weekend? •In addition to Jackson, Southern Regional, 63-48, over combined for 35 more, and Craig Cofer's 14. Hudson over Keansburg. Bob Stainton's 19 were best for 37 points. Both Les Hendricks and Norm Caldwell hit that Howell, and Manasquan, 64-53 over Shore Regional, were . Jim GOlson led Bed Bank with 21, and Bob Lawrence the losing1 Titans. mark for Croydon Hall, but the Cardinals' defense faltered victorious in "C" openers. added 18. Tom (22) and Bob (12) Riley again scored well against in their losing effort against Hoffman. . Schoolboy Bouton Knuckling Down to TV Sports Slate WYCKOFF - (AP) - Jim TOMORROW and tie, receive memos at a me up. Now the word around "answering" it. Seven men BASKETBALL Bouton, the pitcher-author, is desk, see vice presidents mil- here is 'Don't sweat.' , named in the book were inter- Shore Conference 'A' DIVISION now a broadcaster, a daily ling about, and drink from a l viewed by a noted writer, and Neptune it Middletown "If you're tense, you can t ' Brick Townnhlp al Tom« River North commuter from this quiet water cooler. Telephones? We allowed to defend themselves Lakewood at Raritan (3:45) get your voice to come out 1 Bergen County community to had them in bullpens, but from the ex-pitcher's sharp •B DIVISION with the right emotion. My Ocean Township at Lon» Brand] bustling Manhattan. pitchers weren't charged with pen. (3:43) voice goes up when I try to Freehold at Monmouth Regional Instead of staring down the responsibility of answer- Pen Sharp, But... 13:45) say, 'Aw, shucks' and I have Asbury Park at Tomi Klver South Hank Aaron or Johnny Bench ing them." Houston apparently thought •C DIVISION to keep it down all the time no Shol Regional at Howell (3:30) in the Houston Astrodome, the righthander's pen was Southerni Regiojionall at "Jackso ' n ~Town" - Bouton has a quick, tough, matter how I feel." ship he's staring at a blank cam- sharper than his knuckler, Central Regional at Mansequan incisive, and funny mind. His "They have coaches in this •D' DIVISION era. He reads words instead and it dropped him to Okla- Point Pleasant Boro at Wall Town- of throwing balls and he goes sensational best-selling base- league too," he continued. "I ship . ball book, "Ball Four," homa City after he lost six of Marlboro at Keyport out to do interviews instead of (have a voice coach. She tells Henry Hudtton Regional at Point brought on wrath from Base- 10 in a half-season under the Pleasant Beach . going out to the bullpen to me I slur my S's." Astrodome. When he dropped Garden .state Conference b a 11 Commissioner Bowie Roselle Park at Itumion-Kalr Haven warm up. Bouton, now 31, used to be a two more for the 89ers, he 14:001 Kuhn, a mixture of noncha- Others "This is my first job," the front-line starter with the hung up his glove. Red Bank Catholic at Red Bank lance and anger from his fel- (3:45) sandy-haired WABC-TV Yankees. He won 21 in 1963. St. Rose at Mater Pel low ballplayers, and laughter The book, in diary form, CBA at St Mar;1! (S.A.) sportscaster said. "I was a from fans and' sportswriters. Now, after "Ball Four," not recorded Bouton's adventures St. Josephs (T.R.) at At. Joseph'l everybody on the team will (Hamra.) ballplayer. I now wear a shirt And, it brought Bouton and on and off the field and in- Keansburg at Qreenbrook talk to him. It's the same all WBBSTUNO his assistant, Leonard Shech- cluding the forbidden closed Neptune at CBA (4:00) ter of Look Magazine, lots of around the league. And the clubhouse doors — with the St. Mary's (S.A.) at St. Joseph'l INDOOR TRACK Jim Bouton Brick Township at CBA (3:30) He's making more money Houston when the book came Astros, and assorted minor- WEDNESDAY out. BASKETBALL now —but it,'s not all that with sweat. You'd warm. up league clubs. It's a tradition Croydon Hall at Englewood School Wins First easy. for that. And I would get ner- The book is so con- not to inform the -outside Hun School at Toms River Souta (3:30) "I was in a business that vous before I pitched. I would troversial, in fact, that Sport world of happenings behind WRESTLING Southern Regional at Mlllville demanded the body be coated use the nervousness to hop Magazine recently ran a story the clubhouse doors. Shore Rp"i"«al at Rumson-Fair Haven (3:4S) '«*•• Of Season Howell at I^ong Branch He works now in an office Toms River North at Red Bank cubicle, preparing the famed (3:49) PERTH AMBOY — Mater Ocean Township at Brick Townihlp Bouton controversy for, the Lakewood et Jackson IWnshlp Dei High School came from GYMNASTICS consumption of millions. He Rarltan at Freehold behind to beat St. Mary's, 70- Wall Township at Kart Brunswick 85, here last night, giving the makes some happy, some Keansburg at Rumwn-Falr Haven Henry Hudson^ Regional at Howell Seraphs their first basketball mad, but he makes everyone Marlboro at Lonr Branch victory in three outings. listen. He always did. MARK KELLY Ulddletown at MonmauUi Regional Down, 37-28 at the half, Se- raph strongmen Ed Crosby, Jim Daley and Mark Kenny canoe to life In the third peri- od. Crosby began to drive in Tourney-Bound Monmouth for layups, while Kenny was strong from the outside. . Daley canned seven points to lead the scoring in the Extends Win Streak to Four quarter. State quintets came off win- games will be played en v,£,sr LONG BKAlNCH — Paterson took an early 3-2 The Seraphs outscored the lead, but suddenly lost it as ners in three of the four Wednesday. < Monmouth College's basket- games. Monmouth, Upsala All four twin bills will start Lions, 23-13 in the period to ball squad is on the move. The Monmouth quickly pumped in take a one-point lead into the six points and never lost the and Montclair all won, while at 7 p.m. with the second con- Hawk five, which will meet PMC defeated Jersey City. test slated for 8:45 p.m. 'ourth stanza. Pennsylvania Military Col- advantage. Mater Dei kept up the pace The Hawks pulled way out In the other game on Dec. In all four past tourna- lege in the first round of the ments New Jersey quintets n the final period with 19 N.J. Kiwanis Classic at Mont- in front with a little more 26, Upsala takes on C.W. raints to the Lions' 15 to hold than seven minutes gone in Post, while Jersey City meets v have played for the cham-' clair State College gym on pionship in the final round. he advantage. Dec. 26, has won its last four the first half. Monmouth Central Connecticut, and - The losers hit on 25 of 60 games. scored 14 successive points to Montclair State tangles with The Hawks have been in- ittempts from the floor to widen the gap. Moore popped, \Pace. volved in the title game three The last Hawk victim ,was The semifinal round of trie times. They lost twice in Mont- Hater Dei's 23-61. From the Paterson State which fell on in six, and West accounted for oul line, the Lions canned 15 four. playoff takes place on Tues- clair, and defeated the In- Friday night. Monmouth won day night, while the con- dians in the 1968 champion- if 21, but Mater Dei had more Monmouth was led by Kelly the game, 94-67, with the help solation and championship ship round. ' :hances from the free-throw of some strong shooting by under the boards. The 6-4 ju- ine. The Seraphs connected Mark Kelly, Ed Halicki and nior from Red Bank Catholic m 24 of 36 attempts. That fig- Charlie West. grabbed 16 rebounds, while ire made the difference in the teammate Halicki snagged 14. jail game. Kelly Leads Shooters Kelly led the shooting with The Hawks will be after Brookdale Coasts: The Seraph rebounding was FOLLOW THAT PUCK — New York Rangers' forward Walter Tkaczulc 118) leaps 18 points, while Halicki and their second Kiwanis title in aken care of by Daley (13) West added 17 and 15, respec- the classic's fifth celebration. and John Taggert (11). Mater over outstretched stick of Los Angeles' defeliseman Gilles Marotte, left, after the tively. Montclair has won the event Dei had a total of 43 rebounds two collided in third period of game at New York's Madison Square Garden, The Hawks actually had six on three occasions. Williams Hits 44 to St. Mary's 27. Saturday night. Evading the downed Kings player's attempted block, Tkaczulc men in double figures. Russ I n last year's opening PARAMUS — Tom "Toot" 2. Coach Bob Walsack's team M»ter Del CIO) I St. Mary's ( Walling and Pete Cusick each round, with the New Jersey ^^ want on to recover the puck (far right). Rangers beat the Kings, 4-0. teams paired against out-of- Williams poured 44 points will return to action next Sat- Holly °1 1 II Kaczma'k 9 2 20 had 11, while Henry Moore Daley T 8 20 I Logan S 313 (AP Wirephoto) through the hoop here Satur. Crosby 4 8 16 I Cleary ! S J canned 10. state competition, the Garden urday at Camden. Taggert 5 1 11 • Slmone 10 2 day night to lead Brookdale . Dunuunn 2 1 5| Kalanla JJ O 2 Williams accounted for 19 Kenny 44 7 15 I Struebel I 119 Community College to a rela- Beyer . 00OOI McDevltt 102 field goals and teamed with arzenskl 0 O 01 tively easy 107-91 victory over Maurer OOO Joe Hoffman to control the 23 24 70 I 25 IS 66 Bergen Community College. backboards against Bergen. Mater Del : -JI 16 23 19—70 , St. Marj-. (P.A.) ...30 17 13 15—S5 Rangers Sweep Past Kings, 4-0 The success boosted the He had plenty of help in the Jersey Blues' first season re- By HAL BOCK . significant role in Ratelle's a 20-footer past Denis DeJor- games. The Rangers are un- — leading the Bruins to a 6-2 scoring department, too, as St. Anthony's Cops victory over Detroit that kept cord above the .500 mark at 3- Associated Press Writer goal. dy for his 14th goal of the sea- beaten in their last three. all five Brookdale starters son. ' It's 'EspoV Season Boston two points ahead of CYO Cage Game Jean Ratelle fired one goal The Rangers were leading broke into double figures. 2-0 late in the second period Earlier, Ratelle had set up Three years ago in Mon- the pursuing New York EATONTOWN '— St. An- and assisted on two others Rangers. Mike Sommers canned 19 nho.iy's of Red Bank defeated and Los Angeles was on a a power play goal by Jack treal it was Espo '67. This 2nd Place points, while Doug Bloxom last night, leading New York power play with Walt Tkac- Egers with just 16 seconds season in Boston, it's been In other NHL action yester- St. Dorothea's of Eatontown to a 4-0 National Hockey was right behind with 18. here yesterday, 55-33. zuk in the penalty box when left in the opening period and Espo '70. day, Chicago opened its West To Tankers Hoffman had 14, and Junior Steve DePonte racked up 14 League victory over Los An- the Kings drew a delayed assisted on another power Rangy Phil Esposito contin- Division lead to seven points Whitley added 11. points for the winners, while g e 1 c s that extended the penalty. play goal by defenseman Jim ues to carry the hottest stick with a 5-2 victory over Min- WESTFIELD — Kim White- Rangers' home ice unbeaten Picks Up Pass Ncilspn late in the second pe- in the National Hockey nesota that included Bobby law of Fair Haven, and Bar- The Blues fell behind, 7-0, teammates Steve Kadilac and Hull's 1,000th career point. at the outset but rallied to Bob Scotti each had 11 and streak to 13 games. Villemure raced to the riod. ,'Ncilson's goal was his League and his amazing scor- b a r a Mayer of Lincroft first I f the year. ing pace is keeping the Bos- Second place St. Louis played take the lead midway in the Butch Ferrera with 10 helped It was the second shutout of Ranger bench and ltatcllc scored second-place honors in jumped over the boards and Daye Balon wrapped up the ton Bruins atop the NHL's a 2-2 tie with Philadelphia first half and were never along. the season for goalie Gilles diving competition in the Holi- threatened thereafter. They ViUemure, who had nine vic- scooted into the Los Angeles scorijig with a third-period tight East Division race. and Toronto shut out Buffalo Mark Schissler canned 15 4-0. day Season Diving champion- led, 30-15, at intermission. for the losers. tories and two ties in 12 starts end, picking up a pass from goal Esposito exploded for three for New York. Villemure Bob Nevin in full stride. The Tic loss extended Los An- more goals last night — his In Saturday's games, Mon- ship at the Westfield YMCA, nronkdalr (107 I Hcxien (91) St. Anthony's and St. Do- (i r i' OFF stopped 28 shots and played a lanky Ranger center whipped gclf s* winless streak to eight fourth hat trick of the season treal whacked Los Angeles 8- here Saturday. Wllll»m> in 6(4 I Pom'rford 5 212 rothea's are now 2-1. Bloxom 7 4 in I It 1 11 1, Boston shut out Phila- Hofllnan (1 2 111 MoOtilrl 4 1 It The event, sponsored by the Whltlny 4 :i 11 I rntanlR ft B 21 delphia 1-0./ Detroit topped HotTimcrn f» 1 1!> I Caraluozo 15 4 34 Buffalo 5-3, Toronto shaded N.J.A.A.U. Diving Committee, AlhiTl (till Mummer 022 Hampton o 0 0 1 Cormiiti t 0 2 Chicago 2-1, Vancouver saw Miss Whitelaw take sec- Ontiflrld 0 0 0 1 HoiiKhprty OOO Lion Grapplers, Admiral Gymnasts Impress 11111 o 0 o I Gallo 0 0 0 whipped California 5-2 and ond in the 12 and under, one Pustore 0 0 0 1 Minnesota blanked Pittsburgh Middletown grapplers won and Jon Bass (130), Don 178). Allan Atnip won by for- ever, 68.10-40.95, to Freehold, meter event, while Miss May- 4f) 17 107 I 3» 15 VI Middletown Township an- 1-0. . nronliclaln 39 W-107 nually has been recognized as eight of the 12 weight classes Drinkwater (141) and Gene feit at 157. while Howell edged Raritan, er was second in the Woman's 75.16-69.57. Esposito, who set an NHL Tlrrfirn .15 7ft—01 the class in Monmouth County against Brick. Lions who Butler (157) via decision. Robinson Shines Three Meter Open. wrestling circles, and the recorded decisions were Lee Henry Hudson Regional, Freehold's individual Win- record with 126 points two Barcey Thurston of Colts Special Car for Lions, operating under new Arnold (100), Don Slull (123), Bishop Andre Land and liuc gymnastics "capital" of tlu< n e v s were Jim Graham, years ago, is scoring at a blis- Neck placed third in the coach John Evans, already Tom Erblg (130), Ron Blc- Ed Underwood grappled to a Jersey Shove, opened its 1070- tumbling; Dave Ruff in, Hide tering rate. His three gnats Open, while Peggy Asay and a Special Occasion? have given ample Indication vens (148), Len Florio (157), draw in the unlimited finale. 71 .season impressively Satur- horse; Luke lludak, parallel last night gave him 20 for the Kathi Burrough, both repre- that (his winter should be an- and Tom Ochcs (178). Jerome Key (130), Harry day by defeating Keanslmrg, bars, and l!ol> I'ullen, still season in 2!) games, a produc- senting Monmouth College, RENT ONE FROM US! other i;ood one. Red Bank's 98-pound John Reed (136) and Bob l'areii- 90.5:1-59.23. rings. Long Branch's Ray tion pace that would shatter were fifth and ninth, respec- Morris prevented a Colonial all existing NHL .scoring With 115-pound Phil Stciner Simmons and teammate Jim tnau (141) scored pins to pans The Admirals wen; paced tively. • Quick Ewln (123) came through with Freehold to its triumph over b y Annie Robinson, who sweep by taking the long records if lie he can keep it Nancy Thurston took ninth and heavyweight Brent (Jlcr- horse. up. liart registering pins, Middle- pin wins to pace their (school's Rumson-Fair Haven. The los- scored a four-bagger by tak- place in the girl's 12 and un- • Easy town opened its season by opening night conquest of As- ing Bulldogs received pin ing the side, high bar Bob Fulaway came through F.spo leads tho league in der. • Economical drubbing Brick Township, 28- bury Park. Other Buccaneer win;) from Bill Jakubccy and parallel bars and still with a triple — lilgh bar, still .scoring with 55 points and lias Jav Hawekotte, Colts Neck, 12, ,on Friday night. victors via decision were Tom (108), Mark Dannczko (108), lings. Bill McCiirdy was first rings, ami parallel bars — to 12 goals in tho last eight was fourth in the Boys' 12 and Dally... Wttkly... Monthly games. Two of his goals Sun- On Saturday Red Bank de- Kietz (106), Hob Eggleoton and Tom KavooJIan, heavy- In tumbling and Tom Snltirn lead Howell past Raritan, under, while Bud Gregory (130) John Mott (148). Mike weight. on long horse completed a which had a winner in Larry day night ciiinc in u 3

Reliable - Dependable IS SALES and SERVICE Our Customers Agree DECEMBER •Experience Counts NOW!! MERCEDES-BENZ Since 1957 LAST CALL ON 1970's CLEARANCE 1970 CHARGER 1970 MONACO MURPHY & DAVISON 4-door hardtop. (just north of Freehold Circle) '<, Leaded. $6100 List. HIGHWAY 9 462-5300 FREEHOLD Our Christmas Bonus you...Big *2499 Savings on these late model cars. 1970POIARA 1970 Challenger Custom 2-door hardtop. R/T List $5100 List $5100 USED CAR $2999 $2999 the only 1971 tab*! DRIVE THE BEST! don't DODGES A PRE-OWNED RUSSELL CAR SALE" START AT we the '70PONTIAC '69BUICK '66PONTIAC ctootiw* Grand Prix. Air eenditionad. Pow- Skylark. 2-door2-door. Air conditionedcoi . G.T.O. Automatic transmission,.] $2122 1970OLDSMOBILES er ttaaring and brakai. Custom. power (tearing. $3995 $2595 $1425 (2) EXECUTIVE CARS (8) DEMONSTRATORS '70BUICK '69 OPEL •66BUICK LeSabre. Air conditioned, vinyl Skylark. 2-door buckets. Power] 2-door. 4-cylinder. 4-speed. 1970 CADILLAC 1967 CADILLAC 1968 PONTIAC steering, top. Power staaring, power COUPE DeVILLE COUPE DeVILLE GRAND.PRIX brakes. $1495 WHOLESALE Rtd with wtilti vinyl top and whit* .Chestnut with brown vinyl top and White with black vinyl top and red $1545 leather ,lnterlor. Fully (quipped In- tan cloth Interior, Tilt-tele wheel, AM vinyl bucket seats. Excellent con- $3795 cluding stereo radio, tilt wheet and & FAA radio. A beautiful car, Fully dition. Fully equipped Including FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. equipped Including FACTORY AIR FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. CONDITIONING. '69 MERCURY •68 OPEL '65BUICK ' Alk for Bill Ask for Bill Hiliinger Cougar. Air conditioned, buckets, Sport -Coupe. 4-cylinder) air con' Electra. 4-door, air-conditioned. | PRICES ON ALL Alk for Tom Kegelman powar steering. ditioned, 80 h.p. Full power. 1969 CADILLAC 1970 CADILLAC 1968 CADILLAC $2895 $1295 $1495 SEDAN DeVILLE ELDORADO '; SEDAN' DeVILLE 100% MECHANICAL GUARANTEE Turquoise with turquoise clotti In- Silver with black vinyl top and black Blue with black vinyl top and black '69 PONTIAC •67OLD5MOBILE '64BUICK Interior: Loaded with all the deluxe terior, tilt-wheel. A beautiful car In leather Interior. Excellent condition every respect. ' Fully equipped to- • G.T.O. 4-speed. Air conditioned. Viita. Station wagon. 9 passen- Electra, 2-door.. Powar steering] throughout. Fully equipped with all extras. Like New. Remainder of factory guarantee. FACTORY AIR eluding FACTORY AIR CONDI- Power steering. ger. Air conditioned. ' and power brakes. the extra Including FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. CONDITION. TIONING. $2495 Alk for Tom Kegelmen Alk for Alan Hotily $2195 ' • S705 USED CARS Alk for Fred Koeier 1968 CADILLAC 1969 PONTIAC ACT NOW AND 1967 FORD SEDAN DeVILLE UMANS . '-"••• COUNTRY SQUIRE Dark blue with black vinyl top and Two-deor hordtop, Ivory with block Station wagon, white with red In- matching Interior. A beautiful one vinyl top and black bucket sects, terior, 3-stat, excellent condition owner car. Fully equipped with all VI, automatic transmission, pow- $AVE HUNDREDS throughout. FACTORY AIR CONDI- the extras Including FACTORY AIR er steering. Like new In every re- TION. CONDITIONING. spect. A«k for Alan Holsey ° Alk for Bill Decker Alk for Bill Hiliinaer FROM OUR ALREADY SALE!!! LOW LOW PRICES. Many others to choose from. 741-0910 RUSSELL 100 Newman Springs Road 1970 and 1971 '69 DODGE DART '68P0NTIACGT0 2-door hardtop, 2-door hardtop, OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. RED BANK OPELKADETTS 6-cyllndor.. V-8. WHOLESALE! WHOLESALE! FROM Not interested in a '68 DART GTS '67 CHRYSLER V-8, NEWPORT good used VW? $1775 convertible. 4-door hardtop plus tax How abouf a WHOLESALE! WHOLESALE! The Ideal ^ good used V-8? . '68 CHRYSLER Fords, Chevys, Chrys- get the same coveted guarantee '67 CORONET "500" sign. x Christmas Gift tl 2-door hardtop, NEW YORKER lers ... We have a whole lot air condition. 2-door hardtop. full of our opposition. "The dealer guarantees Full power. This 100% to repair or replace the Of course once we have them, used car is SU9T guaranteed engine, transmission, rear axle, -$awr we treat them just like members WHOLESALE! 100%. front axle assemblies, brake sys- WHOLESALEI of the family. tert1 ^_s»,^i_ ' electrical system for 30 That means they go through •IJfeaiB days or 1,000 miles, whichever ORDER NOW '67 PLYMOUTH the same 16-point inspection VMBMIV comes first." '68 DART "270" 2-door hardtop, FURY III as our used VWs. ,„ , , 2-door hardtop, air condition. We va never been one to hold air condition. And if they're deserving, they a grudge. SALE!!! .$2*95' -$a**9- SPECIAL OF THE WEEK WHOLESALE! WHOLESALEI

Sun roof. Radio196, heater4 , whitewallVOLKSWAGEs tires. Car #N63-NA Full VW '66 CHARGER '66PONTIAC 100% guarantee. FULL PRICE 1971BUICKS.'.V$AVE 2-door hardtop, UMANS, air condition. 2-door hardtop. VOLKSWAGEN DOMESTICS WHOLESALE! WHOLESALE! 6 ?-'67'68 Mustangs 1963 VOLKSWAGEN $895 Hardtops, Convertibles, V-8's, six cylinders, Sedan. Red. standards and automatics. Some with air condi- $3944 tioning. plus tax L* Sabr* 2-door hardtop. '69 CORONET "440" 1964 CORVETTE ..$1695 •69 CORONET "500" 1964KARMANNGHIA...$1095 Hardtop. 4-spnad. AM-FM Radio 4-door, Coupe. White. 1968 CORVETTE $3295 air condition. Hardtop. 4-speed. AM-FM Radio. Includes—Automatic, power steering, brakes, ra- J&2493* 2-door hardtop. 1965 KARMANN GHIA ...$1195 1966 fORD $1295 Coupo. Blue. Galaxie "BOO". 2-door hardtop. Radio, heater, dio, air conditioning, whitewalls, tinted glass WHOLESALE! automatic, V-8. Power steoring. WHOLESALEI 1966 CHEVROLET $1395 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ...... $1395 '/i ton pickup. Radio, heater, standard. 3- Squaroback. Red. speed. '69 PLYMOUTH '66 DART GT 1967 OlOSMOBIU $2695 FURY III 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1695 Toronado. 2-door hardtop. Full power. Air con- 2-door, convertible, 2-door hardtop, ditioned. Nino paosenflor bus. Groon. air condition. 1968CHEVEUE $1695 4-door. Radio, heater, automatic, six cylinder. WHOLESALEI 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $2195 1969RAMBUR $1450 WHOLESALEI Amnrican. 2-door. Radio, heater, standard. Me GLOIN Fastback. Dark bluo. Automatic 19,000 miles. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Monmouth County's Oldest & Largest VOLKSWAGEN DEALER BUICK - OPEL TOWN & COUNTRY Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury DODGE Shrewsbury Avi Now Shrswtbury 741-6200 MAIN SJ MATAWAN 741-8500 THE , BED BAKK • MFDDLETOWN, JS. J.« MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 197(5 - 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS "PUBLIC NOTICE WKUC Nonas FOE MIX LOST AND FOUND OJUS LtSHT ANTIQUES"^- New Shop,, 8ANTA CLAUtllS COMING TO tOWW vTH counrrs ikrora JPUtY IA1ATTA** LOU LMNEt'S welcomes you. specializing In tint —If you would like tent* to vuH your china, furniture silver, etc, 210 W.home Christina* Eve, please call 495- — fted But Auto Import. LOBT —Gold rlnl with oval black onvx Front St.. Red Bank. Hl-7323 day or 0519 after 6 p.m. Authorised Deaivr For VoWo-Triumph- c «l«mre. Broad St. evening. RcniuU-BHW. Newman Spring) Kd. eward. 385-3328. TM-MH. KtA Bank- CIKCLE CHrVROLET GET THE BEST TRAINS REPAIRED -, Lionel only. 326 Mwle Ave. Red Bill LOST ~ Black male puppy, Rav.-nm< TRAVEL. TRANSPOHTATI0N r * H Motota Inc. collar. Answers to •Tailor". Vlclnlu Call 261-7541 Authorized Dealers. Red Bank on Tuesday. 747-9S56. after t> p.m. KJDER WANTED—Leave Atlantic Dodre and Dodge trucki iSso POSTtAC — Bonneville convert, BAYSHORE Highlands 5:45 a.m.. arrive downtown Hwy SS lble Automatic. Fair condition. Call LOST—Bran chest. Dec. 4th. Shadow- Manhattan about 7 a.m.. Mon. through MI-UIEatontownl , N. J. 787-7108 after 5 p.m. FOR LESS AT brook. Great sentimental value. Re- SYLVIA MARIE Frl. Call after 6 p.m., 291-3078. ward. Please call .842-lWi. It re- TWIN BOKO MOTORS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH turned, no questions asked. HANDWRITING ANALYSTS CHEVROLET MAUBU Jft*'P Kales nmi Service The true character analysis through AUTOMOTIVE Station wagon. Good condition Two Price atiirl at S2SJ0 plus Irelrbl LOST — Calico cat. Vicinity of Kings your handwriting reveal* your res I 747^1010 Hwy. Tall Injured. Reward. Call 7<1- personality and /nay help you with AUTOS FOR SALE new j«now tlies. *1850. Call alter 6 $400,000 NEW CAR INVENTORY 6083. important decisions. f)lJ'JS36 KITSON CHEVKOLET CO. KITSON Two locations In Monmouth County TOWN A COlTNTRf DODGIC Hwy 36 Eatontown I LOST —Cat. Black and white. Female. 1965 CHEVROLET — Four-door. JM2-1000^ Vicinity Sprlnc St., Red Bank. Reward. Since 1932, Recently overhauled. Good cecond car. 60 Mslr, St.. M&Uwan 842-5522, 711-2800. For advice call 775-»r.72 After 5 or weekcndF. 741-9204. &66-6100 "I962~HT1;E7ERAKEI1 DAYTONA "~^-- ALL MAKES and MODELS (•mivfriitik-. V-*i. ).owcr fil^tMinK and brake* * «it n.i.- fl.i.»r. Excellent c«n- CHEVROLET AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOIt SALE AUTOS FOR SALE diHoii. ' CA\\ "ki'lllid uftcr 6:00 I'.m^ Kmll Itotor, Inc. 279 Broadway lxmg Branch, N. J. 1971 Model Price Increase E2:MOO DATSU^ •6»PontiaeCatallno WASHINOTON-S AUTO SERVICE * Hdttp/ kutomatic trintmtttion, 370 Broad Bt. Kl 1323 Keyport o, power windows, radio, sir, AI.'STIM AMKItlCA — Two-door, lour- vinyl lop. A Minimum of 7% anpetl, tl.*i"2. P.O E. flHElitly higher wl.h aulomatlc. Also Sprites. MldgeU, WAS*29»5 MGB ronrlst.Ta — OT. A4G MOTOK8. Asttury Titrk 775-34S3. wow $2789 CHEVROLET CAMAKO 1965 BUY FROM OUR Classic wlill... til II: vinyl Interior. Dark INCREASE! Mac vinyl roof tover. Economical Blx cylintler. slantUril transnilEslon. A STOCK AT THE clean, faiinrp car at ?1!1D5. TOWNE 1969 FORD ls-t Avc. Atlantic llifilibiiKl.1;. ^rtl-1ini LTOOCL 2 Door Hardtop. Automatic Tranm'i*- •Ion, Powar Staling. Radio.Air Conditional), "LOWER PRICE" BUY NOW AND SAVE T'SED sTTlOOL IVUSES — Convert yuursnlr. W'.-rrn-r's Automotive, Hwy 36. WAS »2795 Bclford. 787-:i60O. Towna Clicvrolet nrst Ave. Atlantlo NOW $2579 ...DURING OUR WINTER SALE! 231.1101 HUGE SELECTION IN STOCK! I I "pONTIAf: LeMANS—"sport Coupe 166t I ! (Jootl condition. 56'* or liost olfer. COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! CADILLAC -1968. Sfdnn DcVlllr. Y*l. v. murk vinyl lonf. Factory air. Six IV ficat. New tires. Excellent <:011(il. .969CHEVELLE YOUR BIG CHANCE TO SAVE!!! in. Must sell. MaUo offer. M6-73H3. S8398,4 Spued Transmiuion, Povrtf Steer* ufi MG —WUc whrcls. very goorl ron- Ing, Radio. BAYSHORE Itlon, *995. JJAILKV BROS.. INC. 747- WAS*2M5 !)fi CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1964 BUICK SKYLARK BRAND NEW 1971 „ SPORT WAGON NOW $2379 FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS top cutnlitidii. Fully equipped (n- dint; V* .ujioinatlc and power 291-9200 229-4790 crlnK StT It now » n<1 savr J RASSAS PONTIAC Broad St. 74Ki1Ki) lied Bank _ '6ll«lckGrwrdSport400 EVCK. until fl flftfrdoor hardtop...auiomatic trammtuion, DUSTER ClIKVKOLETS — BRAND NEW powar atwinj, ndio,«ir, vinyl roof; WA8*24K 1970 LEFTOVEP.S Good supply "f Jil71'3 TOWSE CIlKVr.OLKT NOW $2269 t Avo., Atlantic Hiclilnnds. ;3M101 [BRAND SCENIC CAR SALES CHKVHOLET IMPALA "SS" GG. jiport coupe. Command blue. 1968CHEVELLE Freight St Preparjalion«xcluded SCAMP Iticltet seals, rmir on the; floor. KC« •1997 uccd tills wctk, only $71*5, SS39S, Autuutia Tnnmiiiion, Poww Sun- MERCEDES-BENZ ing, Hadio,- •:• • TOWNE CHKVUOLKT WAS»2195 .Bt Ave, Allantlc H)Rbl:ind«. 291-1101 S/ITEt(./T£ *2 for ,EB A "RUS3ELL MAN" — For the cst car buys. RUSSELL* Oldsmohile- NOW $1989 ladlllac Co., 100 Newman Springs Hd., 9 d Bank. 741-0010. 10G8 IMPALA iport coupe. V-H, PowcrgUdft. power B8SP 2Z97 itncrlng whtto wall Urea, full wheel ;over3. Astru blvit- with blue vinyl 1968 PONTIAC :oof. SPECIAL $1995, CltlUna Wagon, Automatic. Tranamlaaton, TOWNE CHEVROLET FowarSlaarlng, Radio, Roil Rack, .st Ave., Atlantic Highlands. 291-1101 WA8*219S rjt66o S833L 9G0 OLD9MOBILE — Dynamic 88, 334 cu. In. motor. live »pare Urcs and rims. Sl'J5. 787-0313. 1065 COUVAIR — Two-door. New NOW $1969 shocks, new exhaust system. Good run- nfiiK condition. .Must sell. Call alter 6. 1967 FORD FAIRLANE — Two-door automatic, power steering, radiopnew tires including anown. $1100. 671-2244, 1968CHEVELLE SALES-PARTS-SERVICE 06G DODOH—Convertible. Coronet 60O. Nomad Waoon. Automatic TtanmWcn. Power stecrlnc, V8, radio, automatic Povmr Suaring, Radio. We Specialize In transmission. Very clean, 45,000 mlleis. WASM795 842-7083. ^______1065 MUSTANO — Convertible GT, VjS, LEASING — EUROPEAN DELIVERY >ower stcerlnR. disc brakes. Air, upoke NOW $1669 wheeia. 741-6872. ______. lowest used car prices in the area! 1965 FORD QALAXIE XL. — A-l condt- OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. •TIL 9 P.M. * Prices were never lower! All priced to move fast! 1968 PONTIAC — Firebird. Stick shift. WED. 'TIL t P.M. — SAT. 'TIL 5 P.M. One owner. Excellent condition. S1&30. '67 VOLKSWAGEN $1197 '69 TOYOTA $1397 776-5351. 1967 SHELBY 842-5353 2-door, stick shift. Corolla, 2-door tedin. THB FINES1V SELECTION — Ot now CobrtCT. 360, 4 Spaad, Powar Suailng, Town Country Wgn. R&H, automat- '67 BUICK *1397 '69 TOYOTA M497 and used cars in • Mnnmooith County. . Radio, ic, powar, etc. Over 10O air-conditioned new cars la Juit on* block from Little Sllvar Railroad Station. Special. 4 Dr.r radio, heater, automatic, Corolla atation wagon. Radio, heater. N stock. MCGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC., WAS*2398 '62 VOLKSWAGEN *197 '65DQDGE ...*597 power steering. Shrewsbury Ave.. l**w Shrewabury. 100 OCEANPORT AVE. LinLE SILVER '69 BUICK •1897 Til-6200. . Radio, haatar, etc. Cojonetv 4 Dr.-rsdto, hsiter, tutomnic, •67 CHRYSLER *1397 Speciil. 4 Dr. Hdtp. Radio, heater, FORD RANCH WAGON — 1059. Air '63 BUICK.. >)597 powar ttMring. ~ 300. 2 Dr. hardtop. Air conditioned, automatic, power atearing. 1 and full power equipment. conditioned. Power braKes. stebrlnsr. LaSabra. 4 Dr., radio, haater, automat- '65 PLYMOUTH »797 '69 ROADRUNNER *2097 Under S2000. Financing arranged, 671- ic, powar ataering. Fury III. Convertibla. R&H, automatic,, '67 PLYMOUTH »1497 4-ipe»d on thl floor. Buckat laata. 2*^33. ^ ._ '64 FORD «497. power stMfing. 'Fury I I. 4 Dr. hardtop. Air conditioned 1065 PONTJAC — 4-donr bard top, auto- Autonntic. P.S. '69 PLYMOUTH »3297 matic, power steering, air, low mileage. Galsxie. 4 Or,, Radio, hsator, automat* '65 CHRYSLER *797 Curtom Suburban.Btation wagon. RBt.Hj J805. 812-42tfi. ic, power tlesring. Newport. 2 Dr. Hdtp.,Automatic. pow»r '67 CHRYSLER M497 air cond. Automatic, P.S. iflGfl CORVETTE — 427 on. in. 435 h.n. 1967 CHEVROLET '64 VOLKSWAGEN $597 itMring. brakoi, R&H. New Yorker. A Or. hardtop. Air cond., 1400 milos. Two tops. All extras. 542- Sup«r Sport 2 Door Hardtop, Automatic ' ^BaVir ^^BBM*' ^••j^' ~^e_^^ ^B"^^ ^^B^1 ^^aa^ ~^B^^ ^^»- i —™- —•— lull power equipment. '69 CHRYSLER *3397 1776. Radio, haater. '66 VOLKSWAGEN (Bug)$7O7 Tnnmfulon, Power Steering, Radio, Air Con- Wagon. Town i Country. Air cond. 1064 PLYMOUTH SPORT FVIiY ditiomd, '64 DODGE *697 Very economical '67T-BIRD ..»2097 Lfkc new Landau. 2 Dr. hardtop. Air cond. Full Full pow«r. Roof rack, «tc. 300. 4 Dr. sedan. Radio, heater. Auto- '66 MUSTANG »797 IDEAL BAR, KAST KEANSBURO WA8*1SSB *Tf?t*tfM/r Says . . . power, etc. ' matic. ' ' Radio, halter, automatic, «tc •70 TOYOTA 81697 1!)6S DOPGK POLAR A -- V-R. fpur- Corolla. 2-door. 4.000 milot. Ilka new. ilooiloor 3iliariitoni . power .stccrfnft. brakes. '64 DODGE.. *797 '66 VOLKSWAGEN ..$897 '68CHEVELLE *1097 Air, SIM95- . Must sell. 261-226".. NOW $1789 Station wagon, radio, heater. 2-door. Radio, heater, automatic, etc. 4 Dr. "440", radio, haater, automatic, '70CUDA ..*3297 AIR CONDITIONED powar steering. '66 CHRYSLER $1197 '68 FORD *U97 425 Hami, 4-tpe«rf. Hick. Uadad with Newport. 4-Dr. Air cond., radio, heater, Ranch wagon. Automatic, radio, heater. ' «ilia». 1M5 Plymouth Fury III. vinyl robr. Power itatring. loads of extras. This week only at 1971 OPELS P.S., brakw/automatic. '70 IMPERIAL; $4997 $1105. '68 COMET *1497 '66 CHRYSLER .....*1297 4 Or. Hdtp., air conditionad. Full pow- TOWNE CHEVROLET 1966CHEVELLE 2 Dr. Hdtp. Radio, heater, automatic, er, like new. 1st Ave., Atlantic Highlands, 251-1101 $ %-V 'TIL 9:30 automatic, power steering. power tfarin SS39S.4Spaad. Radio, DELIVERED GTO —1963 WAS »14tS + N.J. Salei Tan $1600 firm 1795 741-2(i:i£> OVER 50 IN STOCK CHEVROLET — 1955. Good condition. BRAND NEW J125. NOW $1379 Call 787-37M 1068 OLDSMOBILE 08 — Air rondi- 1971 tfoneri. Power stecrlnK ntui brakes. Power scat and window. 29.(WO miles. Blue with vinvl top. ExL-cllent cnndltlon. I TOYOTA, $2300. 747-4B59. 1965 CHEVROLET VOLKSVVAOKM CAMPER — 10T0 Bus. Impall, VB, 4 Door Hardtop, Automatic Iran- Like new. Complete with pop-top, at- mlulon, PowaV staarino. Radio, , 9 ACRES CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH TOYOTA tachable tent radio anil heater. 10,000 WAStiOSB 1726 miles. $31

1965 FORD Galnia 600 4 Door Hardtop, Automatic WOW! tmmmmmmmmmmmimmm* Tranamiulon, Powar Snaring, Radio, Special STRAUBS WASM09B 1970 BUICK BIG WOW'S Electra, 2-door hardtop, V 8, automatic transmission, pow- 1969 PLYMOUTH NOW $849 er steering, vinyl roof. Fac- Fury III, 4-door, V-&, automatic tory air condition. transmission, power £9001! Even "Santa" drives the sexy European steering. 5>ZJTO WAS S4.0D0 $4395 1966 RIVIERA <--»-. SPECIALS -~~- Automatic transmission, power *1 CHIVROUT.... WI9 1969 ELECTRA steering and brokes, factory Convertible, v-8, auto, fraru., air condi- Four-door.hardtop power steerlnBi power broke*, tion. $1595 MRAMMIt " $«•» factory air conditioning. Wagor, C 1966 FORD CAPRI WAS $3995 $3595 Falcon four-door sedan. Six- M I>IYMOUTH «469 cylinder. Fully factory equipped Sadan 1948 BUICK MFORD *439 Sport wagon. V-6, automatic, with radio. $695 2 Door Hardtop mint condition. «4 CHIV«OUT *)79 1965 CHEVROLET WAS $2495 $1995 Impalo, station wagon. V-B. 2 Doer S«din R automatic trans , «4 rAIRIANI *>•» 1949 OPEL power steering. $995 2 Door Haidtop White, <-sp««d transmission, ra- 1964 MSB dio. 61 CHIVROUT $199 4-speed transmis- Waoon WAS SIMS $1495 S sion. White $1095 1966 PONTIAC fw* TRUCKS - 1966 BUICK GTO, V-8, automatic transmis- I 49CHIVROUT *262» ' Four-door sedan, V-B, automa- sion, power tic transmission, power steer- ^ V8. Longhom Pick-Up H stverlno $1495 - MOMC $195* Ing, factory air condition. « Ton PickUp. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN Air Conditlonad WAS J1595 $1 2"5 0 "Beetle" equipped with radto, $995 , 61 FORD $1(39 1967 BUICK ' Vi Ton Pick.Up Wildcat, convertible, V-8, auto- 1968 PONTIAC ' , 66 CHIVROUT $1479 matic transmission, power steer- w Solar), station wagon, V-B, auto- , (* Ton PkkUp Ing, flrrmglna r«d with whlt« matic transmission, power steer- top. I no. lactorv Qlr ftfJAQlC 6S CHIVROUT $189 condllon ^>*i" #3 W Ton Pick Up WAS 12193 $1695 R With Lilt Oata 1968 DODGE ' 63 CHIVROUT $549 1967 ELECTRA Polaru V-fl, automatic Irunsmls- the Look is Sporty... the going is great! V, Ton PlckUp Four-door hardtop, V-8, auto- 0 slon, power (£| TfftC , 36OMC matic transmission, power steer- , 2 Ton Ulllily ing, vinyl roof and factory air 1969 FIREBIRD conditioned. Two-door hard lop, V-B, auto- PRICES START AT 0 matic IrdiiMnh'.lon, power sleer- Now's your chance to own a 1971 Capri in time for W/VS WM5 $|7#S Ina, vinyl root and factory air condition- ttOCOC Christmas—Wall has several in stock for immediate 1969 BUICK M Ing. . 5>ZD73 Le5abr«, V-fl, automatic trans- delivery. mission, power Jleerlna, vinyl 1770 OPIL "GT" root. Low mileage. Four spsml trans., equipped Will) KITSON . radio find rear COOOC "Plus triinsforiind iluiilw |iu:|jiinnion WAS J3I95 $Z*tT3 ippnker. «»P-C m 73 *2395 Shrewsbury, N. J. HIGHWAY 36 Shrewsbury Ave. at Sycamore EATONTOWN BUICK-OPEL WALL 747-5400 HWY. 35 264-4000 KEYPORT 542-1126 22 - THE DAILY, mxmrm, nm HANK • MIDDLETOWM, N. J.> JWNDAY, DECEMBER H,J IWO AUTOS FOB 8AJUE AUTOS FOE SAME. AUTOS FOR SALE 1965 CHIVY II lUUon vacua Beit or. BUICCK SKYLARK CONVERTIBLE , - - - — Fmir-*>i» hardtop. Family Circus 1968 — CM between *•»<*• P-°>' • tlertiBaW r condition. * cinS«iat.. 1 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 8AIXB W. BUCK 1W8 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - Two- 1065 CORVETTE— Convertible. Green. |M7 VOLVO — Excellent condition, Furniture repalrMj and antique! re- door. All goaveafencei. Snow Urei. Also 327, 4-speed. But offer. Call M2-B808 ll- New steel belted r&dtt.u all around, RtrtUn Oiri(> IO0. InHhed. Mifel. 1961 MOA. 7(1-5180 tc, u noon. 11250. Call 871-MM. Main 81.. Keyport S nltuut atni 1965 PLYMOUTH WAGON—Air condl- USED SCHOOL BUSES — Hckup« — UBPE^fDED CKW4N0S T-. Paneling. J390. '[sst Increasei. lFllw Tans—Four wheel drive units In stock. ittlshed ftttlcs, recreation rbomv, sheet AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE U Verner'a Automotive, Hwy 36, Belford. rocking, tiplng, B42-4888. R/P i960 CAMARO 327 — Automatic Rally Sport, S track stereo. Call after 5 p.m 1865 FORD VAN —Excellent condition. CHRISTMAS CARD RANDOLPH PERSONNEL 8*2-7038. 3e»t offer over (800 Call 7S7-18S0 after IMPRINTING 30 Linden Place Red f •"£„,.'i 19 8 7 OPEL KADETT STATION Eliminate the work In writing your Opposite I^gj^gal Parking WAGON — In very good condition Christmas cards by letting us Im- WAITRBSSES^For Phone 787-5377. MOTOBCVtLES >rint your name and return address noruntp WIVE GOT THE NEW 1970 CHEVELLE 307 — AM-FM radio, n your cards 35, Eatontown. front and rear speakers. Vinyl interior" 1870 HONDA — 450cc Scrambler. Candy CALL 671-083S and top. 291-390,. •pple Red. 1400 miles. 5975. Call 872- J12. 8-11 p.m. CRANE PRINTING 1967 FORD — Country He dan wagon. V-8 ' d/r Personnel TRIUMPH SPITFIRE MK III. automatic, power »teerln« and brakes. MIditletown. N. J. $1400 or beat oferoffer. CCalll Sgb SearinS g 632- ^OCAL MOVING, INC.—Monmouth 2406 afteft r S or wekdweekends s ana leav MOBILE HOMES County and surrounding area. Fast and phone number. efficient service. Specializing in apart- PATENT SECRETARY: TO J155. AND THE TRIUMPH GT-6+. ASSUME LOAN r. On 60x12, one year ments. Full insurance ^overage. Lowest 1968 BUICKGrBUICK—Graa n Sport 40000.. convertconert- old Mobile Home. Has range,' refrig- rates available. 872-0107 or 231-397^ iblebl . ExcellenEllt t conditionditi . PolyglaPolygl g ttiresi , erator washer, dryer. Monthly pay- RECEPTIONIST: Oeneral office, p»r'- .«. Stereo tape optional. 40,000 miles. $1900 ments SU4.56. Available Dec. 20. Leav- rURNITURE MOVING — Attld *" For free estimate FILE CLERKS Familiarity with proof reading 4-door sedan. 9695 RENAULT R-10 — 1968. Automatic, ra. 787-5402. fT.vplUR Required) would be a plus. Some light Call 222-1234 dlo. heater. A-l condition. Aaklng'S1165. RECORDING SERVICE .— Weddings, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK bookkeeping and related cleri- Call 747-1490. Addresn resume: Attention Personnel cal duties Involved- This in a confirmation!, political, copying (dus Dept., P.O. Box 550, Red Banlt, N J. CORVAIR — 1964. Blue. Missing lcfl btng). - tape or. disc, demo-records, Job with good advancement op- AUTOS FOB SALE window, otherwise good condition. $175. mastering, pressings. Bv appolntmen RN'B —For 500 bed Community Hospi- portunities, offering generous Call 291-3243. only. 54*"*- tal needtd In various department*. H salary and liberal employee p.m. to 7 a.m. nhfft. Apply Assistant Di- benefits program. 1970 CHEVELLE 307—Automatic, po'- rector of NurBlne. Jersey Shore Medical cr steering, vinyl roof and interior, two. MIDDLETOWN ~ Center, Corlles Ave., Neptune.1 An equal door hardtop. Asking 52700. Call 566. opportunity employer. / Call for ippolntment: 8250. ZONE MARKING CO. Mr. T. Murdock 636-3000 It's over. Parking loti, r*creation area, traffic RECEPTIONIST WANTED — For me- TKN-PASSENOER WAOON . —• 196!control layout stencil worK. Phone 747- dical office. Please send resume to Box HESS OIL & Ford Country Squire. Radio, heater and T-204, The Dally Register, Red Bank. power. S795. 787-1164. 4506 or 747-1055. HOUSEKEEPER-COOK — Brlollp. CHEMICAL DIVISION TRY ALL THB OTHERS FIRST Live In, Mve-slx days. References. Call THEN TUT US LUSTROUS FLOORS after 6 p.m, 671-1178. Amerada Hess Corporation Pat Keelen's Auto Sales LET GORDON MAIDS — Experience necessary. Apply 1 Hess Plaza Woodbridge, N. 3. w o w PASTE WAX VOUR FLOORS in person, : ARNOLD-WALTER NURS- An equal opportunity employer Rwy 36 Keansburg ING HOME, 622 S3. Laurel Ave, Ilnzlct. HOSTESS—For now restaurant. Day LAW OFFICE — Needs a secretary and and evening work available. Kxperlencs a receptionist-stenographer. Write Box referred. Apply in person. 12 noon until AUTOS FOR AUTOS FOR SALE 115. Keyport. N.J., giving quallfica- S p.m. CryatalBrook Inn, Rt. 35. Eaton- tlonn and salary. town. REGISTERED NURSE — 11-7 shift. Tues., Wed. nights. Small nursing unit. HELP WANTED —MALE Apply Mrs. Mrafcovcich. 8(2-3400. 1971 OPELS IF YOU ARE TIRED — Of below aver- IS YOUR FUTURE DIM? — We hare V MR. R. SCOTT, Credit Manager age earnings and would like to pick your professional career opportunity avail- own working hours, Join us now. Offer able for a mature personable man. No limited. Call 'J61-70S9 fQr complete Infor- travel. No experience nccesaary. V«ry "I WILL FINANCE YOU ON THE mation. thorough training. C»1I Mr. HerrlcK B49-7575. or evenings. 2M-0233I •ncrriC*' &, REPROCESSED CARS BELOW" RN'S FOR OPERATING ROOM — 11 n.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Nonrestrlcted call. SALARY 43.50 PER HOUR il )-c\; .it' ?1 or ovti .mcl -vork ,:.; f. in drive1 Apply Assistant Director of Num.Must be available immediately. No *x. Ing. Jersov Shore Medical Center. Cor- perlence necessary. Good advancement litllt nr tiur.-isli ri'iiuircd. WE aie not duto dealers llea Ave.. Neptune. An equal opportun- OunrantcM increase wfthln first month.' 'e arc s Finance Co. lty employer. Call Hl-4015. WAITRESS EXPERIENCED — 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Btcadv. Mon. through Frl. Ap- lit inMrtit (SOUS filttl! ply CHAPEL tfltL LUNCHEON, Rt. ib IMMEDIATE OPENINGS CALL NOW in Ultvinti «S»KE . IIIUIM{M A & P Shopping Center, Mlcltlletown. Chevy's building IliroiTUC citducHi. ISIHIUI ••hmlwll EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 842-6466 llttODCE dirt HIM (SFUCII filnriiiin RECEIVING CLERK '71s again. And ChallenRins opportunity with major FOR INSTANT CREDIT MSOOBCE 'irtitiia «SFOII ITtkiritii corporation. Munt have exceptional s iiijiiisoskL Hrorruc tiiifcuii. steno and typing skills. Salary com- STOREKEEPER we're anxious mensurat"' with experience- Outstand- M79+ N.J. Sales Tax 5 ing worklnc conditions In unusual sur- rounding* in Ocean Twp.. N. J. Car MATERIAL HANDLER to talk trade. to and from work necessary. Send AUTO ACCEPTANCE SERVICE resume to Box G-223, The Daily Reg- Deliveries start ^2 E. Niwrnin Springs Road, Rid Bank, H.l ister, Red Bank. DRIVER of NEW and COUNTER OIRL — And checker for dry cleaning store, Must be neat amj now. So come personable. Full-time •"employment Permanent positions; day shift. USED CARS Apply Little Silver Cleaners. 601 Branch Excellent benefit program, 9 ACRES in and let's talk. Ave.. Little Silver. . WOMAN — Industrial Cafeteria In SPEDCOR ELECTRONICS DIV. Holmdcl area. Flvp dfiys. 3:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Call 842-5012 before 3 p.m. Get a better deal NURSES' AIDES — All shifts. Ex. ENTRON, INC* ^ pay annd fringe benefitsbenefit . Applv in personeson.. BROOKDALBROOKDALE NURSNO Et. 79 MOItaANVILLE. N. J. TOWNE from HOMHOMEE , 3323 HwH y 3355. HazlctH . ' An equal opportunity employer MATURE WOMEN AND GIRLS RESUMES PREPARED a better dealer! Earn extra Christmas money. Tele- BUICK-OPEL phone receptionist. So experience necessary. We train. Must have neat d/r Personnel Service appearance. Apply 10 a.m. to « p.m., 157 Broad SU Red Bank 842-3301 -THE PLACE TO SAVE IS ... 921 Hwy 35, Mlddletown. (Next to 264-4000 FIRST AVENUE Advlnor^ A RED DANK HARDWARE STORE — CHAMBERMAID — Full or part-time Needs man [or lull or part-time work. Apply In person, Holmdcl Motor Inn Wrlie lo P.O. Box 205. Red Bank. Atlantic Highlands DOWNES PONTIAC Hwy 33, Holmdcl. Please Htatc full Information. * HWY. 35 KEYPORT CLEANER WANTED — Information 10 CUSTODIAN — Part-time, small com- a.m. to 2 P.m. RIVERCREST NURS- munlly center, 25 hour* per week. Morn* 291-1101 INOHOME, 31 Chapln Ave, Red Bank. Ing hours a "must", some evening hours, $2 per hour. Call 741-OR44. REAL ESTATE — Old established agency on Stat-> Highway. Slircwiiiury HELP! — Supplement your Income. requlrci services of sales personnrii Part-time custodlnn for rtltglouB In- MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES Splendid opuortunlty for theme with sell- fltltutlon. Make your awn hours. State ing ability and enthuslnam. Call (or ap- qualiriratlonn, write Box T-208. The Dal. pointment. Jtay Stfllman, 741-8600. ly Register, Red Bank. INSUKANCE POUICY RATER-WRITER MAN — Steady, driving.and acHlngr. AD^ ply in person. MAHINB LUMBER CO. Fire and casualty Insurance aKcncy 113!) Ocean Ave.. Sea nrlRht. ^^ requires insurance girl wllll hr-avy THE BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN experience In ratinK and wrltlnR nil — Is ncccptlne applications Tor a «" HONDA'S NEWEST commercial pollclOH. Snlnry rnnBC Frohiillonary Patrolman. All apptl* open—tlepeixlInK on experience. Many canu must meet the following quali- fringe benefits. Excellent worklnE enn- fications: , The clltlons. ahoi'e nren. Write Hnx G-'|p)t _Thc_ DnHy Jt^L'Rlflter Ked llanU. 1. Must be a U. S. ilttzcn, and '* MINI BIKE QA50 OENEnAi7oiKif!ra reHident or the Borough for tin IBM licypineh expt-rlenct1 iicceKsary. punt two years. Perrfiaiirnt oo-ltum. meillcnl anil retire- '2. physical cxainlnation must be ment tienerltH. NorwoiKl UlstrlljuloiH sfififlrnctnrMy pafisrd. 621) Broailway. Long Uranr-h. Tl'l-MtU. ' 3. Hlmll l)f> ntit lens tlian 21 or mart Best Used Cars than 35 yearn of HKC, MOTHER'S HELPIli — Neat aBBrc 4. Must have high school education, NOW ON SALE AT SHORE HONDA nlve. dependablp. love clilldrcn. liv in. Located near Monmouth f^olleRe All cnnillriatrn must IJ fcon. Hex Diner, 117 W. Front Bt.. ited Applicatiolitionn may he obtaineobtain d from tiip Chief of Police MuniciMunicipap l BulM- In*,'. I'nlrr Hiivci|, find must txtx> nuti. 30 HOUR WKEK Never n dull mo. l>y l'J noon, Dcccmtier 31, 1070. ment. Monday through SntuiMnv. In per- itti l l'J Dt 31 0 Best Prices son only, My Clenner, Hwy It.1). Hamlet •MANAfiKMKNT TlVX'lNEK — Hccent oimo Ite J.M. Floldn. vet or Kinthiatc, Start 4I50-V)SO. H\KrniulrVin •69 CHRYSLER $3395 '67 BUICK $1395 n-riioi.. FI'.KKD-IAN'S liAKKltY, KJR R/P "300", 4-dr. hardtop. FulJ power,air. Special, 2-dr. 4-cyl. auto..steering. llrna.l St.. [l»,l r.iinli. lii'f'.n- 1 ,,.m. Ex. ftArjnoLI'Il PF.IUSONNKL perlence preferrrd hut will train. .TO y^'™ I'l"j-K Rid Kunk S15-651S '69. IMPERIAL $3795 '67 CHEVROLET $1650 YOIINr: WOMAN Kor paint and WRII paper storn. 40 holllH. niURt hnhidn Rat gI0ItVi(;VrellTA;fl>)N^Wffi7fi:)ANT ' 2-door hardtop, Full power, air cond. Chevy II, 4-door, olr cond. urilayn. A|inly In iiernnn. SlPEliH. TKIN'H, Itl. llS, Mlildll'tnwn. •69 PLYMOUTH $2395 '67 RAMBLER $1295 WOMAN :ll(lweel(ilny»! 1-5 wnelie'mU 5 XJ n :o to HHslfit neinl-hivalld. Rome cleaning iTi , i. '!,"' ' «>'*NV l.nn opening In 2-door hardtop. Fury III, automatic. Rebel, 2-door hordtop, niilomtitlc. • '(iiililiiK. 071-1 <«:! Jllrrjjai li.m. JtPd It'iiiil ;itcn. No pxpcrlonce need. '69 PLYMOUTH $2695 "66 PLYMOUTH $1350 Sport Fury, 2-door hordtop, air cond. S|iort f-uryt 2-door hardtop, V-8, auto. t HAI.ISHMKN-rAM-TTMH '68 CHRYSLER $2595 '66 MUSTANG $995 Worldil fli.|.l of rilnrntlnn. Nn «• ••300", ConvertIblr, Cold. Convertlbte, V-fl, outomallc I lonr Mnnry, Wn will train Vi Jupl yres you. Knr nn Inlpr l ilinno 812-TSOO. •68 FORD $1495 "65 CHEVY II $950 uvi'cn Mr. I'i.lwiu.ln. falrlane, 2 door hardtop, uutomoilc SFalloii wagon, aulomotlc, Tt Hrnml HI., Ito.l llnnk V4l-3wifi SET-UPMAN "cLI'iltK.TYI'lHTH hny"" nMd^ovi'niiic lOxinTlcnriMl nrt-nit nuiti fnr nm»ll '68 DODGE $1550 nhirin. Ih-rmlrt. iU-<-iiMi™ntl II-T, r,ii]iK llrnnrli. Apply In |IOI«.>II MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COCKTAIL WAITUKMH Kor'ni-w i;i»n." K.'ITIOY i:()lt.l' Iftunuil. Alli-iii-livn. mii'il hi* wIlHriK to Wnyj.lrlc. * Jlhnfto H.I. WCMf r-llHtlllllf. Ap|ilV Itt I'ffMO!! I'.! llnnil Nrw fllirmvnhnry MUN I'AltTTIMH; ' Kit VV.n NK1IIT HURRY IN NOW- USE OUR CHRISTMAS LA YA WA Y 1 p.m. iitnrt, ;i'irnt>l"'lll>ni

Jlitlrdw (iin'it. In nijilv nlnl.- nKc. rdui-nl IIOVII CIIIIMIIiAK IIICI.JVIjiliY Buhler & Bitter Moil mill i>ii>violin i> xi.ri Iftirr Itoolv OprnliiRH III M.iiiinnilTH unit liirnn conn, tlcn, Wrnlii-ii.ln only, Work I lRl,l In villlr MPlKiitxirliiHiil. No follliiK or .•.illoc.tlnn. imiNTAl. AIPUHTANT ritnlrnhln ' ex. (.'or nmrn Infnrmntlon mil 47*f.|l^iri. prrlcti'*', jriui uiitr; Prrrnniinut Pxrr pi Weil. V'.n.. MACHINIMT Hprtmrf «lnn«. VVIjj'Cnil-* Iilor pint limp. Aimly Illrijtrn )inmil»«, MG — AUSTIN AMERICA «ilolllCllfKlnutllt,r . It.'il llnrill 741 IIICH. WrlU t\,,K W-Wf. Tim /)nlly IN-«l«t^r llllCl _ AMTO MKCIIANK) .. Chrvnl*r "prTt.i! OPEN EVENINGS'TIL 9 P.M. SATURDAYS TIL 5 P.M. IMMmniATinl.r NII:MM An rxrrnllvn it.•!•. flonrt opportunity aiul Pity plmi. IAIIS: 2*4-0) 9» E.ilablhhnl IKli SERVICEi 2A4-fOVO n(iiTr>tniy i« jtdh'ii niiinnKcriii'iit tif clor. Knll ttfitfiilH iin.t Ron.l worlilnv i-nn.ll. tUMiIrt tUtn win. In mpjiilo of working iinm, Apply nmj>h, r * n nonon, K«. wftlmtit f'OMMlmit minri vlnlon, him aonJl tontnwn. (l^-ltlY. RT. 34 SOUTH OF UOYD RD. MATAWAN. CALL 583-3900 3290 HWY. 35, HAZLET nl* anil IVI'IOR "MjU fMHl n.onn ^ in. pi unit* r«i)Pi(fnrc. Mlnjirnim t\yt\yrnrm (Morn <'IHRRI(IO registered. bath, unfurnlihed. De«lr«bie location Tire family. area. WANTED id service. 787.8777. 120 McLaren at Pwpact. T4T-HT6. EXPERIENCED NURSES' AIDE - layer piano. Reasonable. In food AUTO POLISHl-R Wishes to care for sick or elderly per- ORGAN onditlon. Call 7U-2382. OODLE PUPPIES — Small toy. AKC. FURNISHED — Newly decor»t**J apart- son. References. Live-out. Part or full iota. Eight weeks, f 100. merit. Nice and cletn. Adult*. No pcU ..... and used car get-ready man. llmt. Call 787-3888 after 6. NT1QUE8 - Tiffany Hems, toya lur- Call 2648311. M Herbert St. jcxperleneed only. Top pay, full com- iture, ciiluau, p&lntinftB, statuary, coins, taany benefita. Contact Mr. Stefura at SIAMESE AT KKY-LYE8A TOMS RIVER - NKW pOVEH MOTHER WILL BABYSIT — In her STUDIO igtitlnt fixtures. Carved oak din Ins; iiorolate and Bealpotnt. rexlstered. APARTMENTS NOW RBNTINO. Sm. STEVEN OLDSMOBUE home, (or working mothers Red Bank oorn pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, :ud service. Shots. 8<2-26M. mediate occupancy. One-b*droom Jf*'- area. Call 741-8910. OF ASBURY PARK .khurat &3116 9 or 2Jg 0892. den apartment-* 135 per month. Two [llO Main Bt. C06-360O Matawan ORSES SCHOOLED — Hacked, hunt. bedroom Harden tp*rtment-*15O pe, BARMAID — Experienced. Attractive 5RAVEI.Y £ TRAC'TOn. E"fc7^WANT. etc. Al3o instructioIonn given at home. JJALESMAW — tot established lire In- and responsible. Evening hours ore. NEW HAMMOND an. BI;Y - AB IS/- PAY CASH, SNOW 1 month. Featurinf iclence kitchen, UU surance route. Full training program, ferred. Call 222-4893. SLOWER WANTED, 787-6180. deluding care and h»nhandlin, g b»th. electric toaieboanl heat ?Or fur ^any benefits. As equal opportunity CADETTE ORfeANS iwner. t:all 842*355, ther information call 431-2777, yer. Call Mr. Cuccla. 67f 5"«. * DAY WORKER — Wishes housework. WANTED HITE GERMAN SHEPHERD — El- br 364-7178. CENTRAL JER82 Call Used oriental RUES llcnt watchdog. Sai-rlflce. CY. Manaitint Broker. •HEAD CUSTODIAN - Parochial ' 747-5159 $555 Chinese and Persian Tuchool, shore area. Bend reiume with -Jdes bench, delivery. Instant-play Also Wall Tapestries Hob/ and character references to Box book Met* you play games ou your own FRIEDMAN GALLERIES IHANCE OF A LIFETIME — Female Ji-lit. The Dally Register, Red Bank. FINANCIAL the start) and 6 weeks' of lessons xer puppy, AKC regiftteredtered.. lunJust In COMMERCIAL MENTALS FOR A VAN'TED — Bilvtr coins, war nickels, ir for Vhrlatmu. .-*• or best offer. MANAGEMENT POSITIONS silver dollars. Will pay top dollars, t&t. AIR-COND1TI0NXD AVAILABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Romeo. 787-5951. oFincz* PR 5-9300 AMGSE —At Laurel-Blues and aeals. RtuonaJbla rant. Im Full or part time. Large manufacturing DELICATESSEN-LUNCHEONETTE — >LD FURNITURE — Antiques, cMnau \mtttu»l « company expanding; operations. Need 300 Main St. Aaburr Park icWered and trained. Ready now or people serious about their financial fu- For sale. Asking price *45OO. Arrange- . "til S:»", art objects and Diic-a->rac, )r Christmas. S35 and $30. Call 671-161] ;aniL atxt u canton . ture. Call for appointment 7g7-87B5, ments can be made It needed. 187-9866 dally -til »; Bat minedlato canh for anvthlnr e>nd ev- ir 671-&1.70 after fi:30. i DODGKMOBILE CAMPER — Sleeps 5 -";ilng. Rusf.U's. 25 Eut Front Bt. COMMERCIALLY ZONED HOUSE .OUNG MAN — To learn auto glass to 7. Engine less than 20.000 miles use HE PERFECT CHRISTMAS For rent. Buitablible to be converted to ofof.* and general glass work. Fully paid Blue New brake linings, clutch and trans', IIFT—Free Half-Siamese kittens. 8 business. Located In Lin- Cross and Blue Shield, penBlan fund, life INSTRUCTION mission. Excellent tires. Head, dining ceks old. one black, three tabbys. rof Call 117-3060 daytime or insurance, vacation, holidays. Apply At- table, gas stove ana storage. {3700. can tale and female. Pan trained. Healthy, 541l-78d- 9 evenings. lantic Glass, 21 Maple Aye* Red Bank. SWAP OR EXCHANGE aUcd with children and dogs. Call 747- COMPUTER CAREERS 542.6728. 073 after 3 p.m. mrnoi (UITIVKCD BANR -IM H- COOK — Full time. Excellenelen t workiworkinn g UTILITY TRAILER — 4' jt 6', $40. Air BOAT TRAILER — Master, up to 18* HOLIDAY SPECIAL—German 6hrp- conditions. Fringe benefitfitss . AplApplyy IIn Mower humidifier, 10 gallons. SIB. 291- heavy duty, apare wheel, exchanse for O. la excellent location. DertreUe (or erson, The Buttonwood Manor. Hwy 34 iart& J®F&S&F 3757. Koud tractor or anowblower, etc. 787» herd pups. AKC. Beautiful tittle stock- a»r profesilon. cm 747-rw »et»ee» [atawan. 566-8336. eventnis. Call EOPI at 5422800 or IK sluriers. Males S49.9o, females E visit BOPL 265 Monmoum Park Hwy.. FRIOIDAIHE WASHING MACHINE 180. j5.95 CANINE COLLEGE INC.. !!!!- West Long Branch Like new. S50. 741-1503 DISTINGUISHED d/r Personnel PIANO AND ORGAN INSTRUCTIONS PETS AND LIVESTOCK KC FEMALE BEAOLE — 6 weeks —In your home. Classical or ppp. Call BABY CARRIAGE — 510. Crib, 515 ild. Reasonable Good condition. Call 261-4560 after 5 p.m. OFFICES Jack Hill. 542-6410. Call 2B1-1119 4 LARGE BOX BTALL3 FOIl RENT I PRODUCTION PLANNER: Degree. PRIVATE FARM IK MIDDLETOWN Located In center of Red Bank Bual- I To S10.000. . SANTA CLAUS SUITS? Party needs? PASTURE LAND FOR ORA2LNO. cess district. MERCHANDISE We rent them! A 10 z Rental Center. 181 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT • Central Air CondltlonlBt I RAW MATERIAL MANAGER: To Newman Springs Rd., Shrewsbury, 741- 741-2382 • Self Service Elevator | $16,000. FOR SALE 0O40. • Private Parking Spsea APARTMENTS • Complete Janitorial IMrvle* STEEL OFFICE EXECUTIVE DESK 'ROKESSIONAL OROOMINO — Toy • Individual Thermostatically AM* MANUFACTURING ENGINEER: To FOR SALE — Regulation pool table, — With chair, like now. $125 or best of- jnd miniature poodles groomed for only trolled Heat . plate top. subway Tjall return. Excel- fer. Gibson guitar, Magnatono amplifier S7.98 throuah April. For appointment 'REEHOLD — Furnished apartment lent condition. Must be Been to eval- ilT5 orbest offer. 787-4457. call CANUTE COLLEGE INC,. 220-8»»!' Excellent location. Also one furnished • Wallto-Wall Carpeting I DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER: ChE. uate. Complete. Call anytime 787-1050. efficiency. ShorMong term. 462-1SM. 54 Broad Street ' R»d Bank I Open. FUKNITURE AND APPLIANCES _ POOL TABLES BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES — Will'hold (or Welfare and people with credit prob- iBrand new, full 51" one piece slate bed cliriatmaB. Mother Irlish tetter. Home IED BANK — Luitlrr BIBtl flu Call (or appointment to Inspect lems. Immediate delivery. Instant cred- ball returns. 7'-J339; 8'-$389. Acccs^ bred, healthy. 787-61&4. iparunenta. IramadUU and future K- I PROJECT ENGINEER: ChE. Open. series. 666-7435. lupancy. Monmouui County a finest [t. Call Mr. Oran. 373-GOll. -OOD HOMES FOUND FOR OLDER entraltr. air-coadlUoBM bullamg. tta- 747-1100 TAPE RECORDER _ Akal DQCJB — Caah paid for pedigreed Utters. los. one. two and three bedroe-me. ALL- FBE8 PAID olonal. X355 stereo, ear phones, micro- BEAUTIFUL CANINE COLLEGE INC., 2S0-833* Owlmmlna; pool, Mutit roonu, b«at phones•}. , X355_stereobulk eraser, ea, r phonesdemagnetize, mlcror- Uroos Buck 'White Aluminum Com- M2-383O. m&rina and gara«es ed ' —' FLOOR WAXER AND WINDOW TWO CONVERTIBLE SOFAS — Two KERMAN RUG — Approximately B«2 sizes — inen S, M, L; women. males, nine weeks old. Eara &nd tails Bodman Arms. tll-OM*. t«>sjp CLEANER —. Experienced. end tables, two chairs, captain's table very good condition. Excellent, buy at cropped. Call 462-1603 after 4 p.m. six captain's chairs. All Colonial. Calt news — the shirtdress is 3%-ROOM APARTMENT —No pets. , Call 660-7016. 787-3100. $550. Call 747.2800 for appolntrnent to S, M, L. see It at Leon's Cleaners. 64 White St.. snapped up for Spring by a UALITY THOROUGHBRED AND 0411 ACCOUNTANTS—Jr's-Sr'e-degreed-nite Red Bank. FIFTY CENTS for each -ACK — Gelding. 16 hands. 9 yrs, : WATERFRONT — Five-room bun. •tudents-CPA-numerous openings, nu- SINGER PORTABLE — Sewing I . scarf, a new cut of collar and chestnut. Good Jumper. Make offer. 462' alow. unfurnished with utilities. 1300. merous categories. Resumes needed for chine, Model 237, never used. Call 1 COLONIAL KITCHEN SET — Four pattern — add 15 cents for 7160. SEA BRIOHT — Two-room apartment. Eease, referencei. 22B-44M. contact Come In or send In resume. 8509 after 4 p.m. . nieces, deacon'^ bench, excellent condi- flirty side pleats. Hurry, Cnmnlctcly remodeled and furnished, PERSONNEL SERVICES FIREWOOD SALE tion. $26. 536-3129. - each pattern for first-class SIBERIAN HUSKIES Call 8421794. FOUR BEDROOMS — Two tiatha. oart- 77 Broad St., Red Bank 741-3555 Four weeks old ly furnished. New Shrewsbury. "Avail- Call anytime 787-3226. Fast, dependable ORAFLEX "22" CAMERA — Model send! 842.0S44 TWO BEDROOMS—Beach privileges. able immediately. Windjammer neiuy, rvlce. free delivery. "' " 200. Excellent condition. Flash attach- mailing and special handling. Children welcome. 103 Port Monmouth . Blacktop Service. ment and case. 530. 741-2877. Printed Pattern 9381: NEW GCHNAUZER PUPPIES AKC Rd.. Port Monmouth. Rear house, up* O42-56O5. HELP WANTED—Male-Female Send to Laura Wheeler, The Heady for Christmas stairs. .AHOB FIVE-BEDKOOM HOU8I — BROKEN GLASS PANASONIC AM-PM — FM Stereo-Ra. Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 842-1216 or 7414762 />valy grounds. Freehold area. Write, to , SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS —Part-time dio. Call between 4:30-3 p.m. Daily Register, 61 Needle- KEANSBURQ — Three roome, unfur- 5O3c*V-H7, The Dalir Regiirter. Red sum. and-or p.m. Start at once If licens- We replace broken glass la your 747.1855 18. Size 12 (bust 34) requires TOY POODLES — For ChrljtmaL nished. A^'nllabV ' ' 1. One month e ed or will train. MURPHY BUS SER- aluminum or wooden frames. craft Dept., Box 161, Old Cute, five weeks old, apricot and silver. security. Phone T87-O83O. VICE. 655 Rt. 35, Mlddletown (Behind GUNS — New and uaed. Buy. sell or 3% yds. 35-in.; scarf >/4 yd. AKC registered, shots, good bloodline •Iperstein's Paints). PROWN'S trade. MANNY AND MARY'S SPORTS Chelsea Station, New York, and disposition. Call after 0 p.m. 741* SEA BRIOHT — Efllclency »pti. Utili- SHOP. Rt. 36. Bast Keansburg 787-0508 39. 9374. ties paid. Ocean and river ylew. No 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 N.Y. 10011. Print PATTERN S140 mo. plul leeunty. No leaie. nt. a MONTGOMERY WARD TRADE IN YOUR BUCKS — ForMETAL DESK — Like new, SIM. SEVENTY-FPTE CENTS MALAMUTE PUPPIES — Beautiful 07. 291-2370. Immediate positions are now avail- Christmas. 10, 6 and 3-speed. Complete Like new adding machine, $130, NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, »lth chlldrer " EATONTOWN r- Unfurnished Three able tor experienced commission sales- line. Master Charge and Bank Amer- Call 741-3230 temperament Calwitlh 038-8417Lildren. . Must see. BEA BRIOHT — New eludlo efficiency bedrooms, porch, cellacellarr , u** aere.eome— i lcard honored. Little Silver Repair Cen- ZIP. for each pattern — add 15 apartments. Carpeted, utllltiea paid. No lot *235 clue utilities, t persons In the following departments: ter, 26 Ayers Lane, Little Bllver. 747- FIREPLACE WOOD — Little Silver Re DALMATIAN PUPPIES — AKC Elei pets. No lease. |120 mo. Security, 843* > .* aAAt . «._— -_eiia.fl . ^ lU9.49u| • Furniture 0573.741-3888. pair Center, Call NEW 1971 NEEDLECRAFT cents for each pattern for en weeks. All shota. Raised with chll 6807. 291-237B. LINCROFT — Three-bedroom epllt lev- • Home Improvements Outside Sales Y47-0573 or 741-388B dren. Call 251.5957. el. Furnished or unfurnlabed. _Tj»» • Major Appliances TROPICAL FISH TANKS — All CATA1X>G — what's happen- INSTANT SEWING BOOK BBA BRIGHT WATERPnONT — New months' eecurity. Jan. 1 or 18. JWVtH. Applicants muit be available for accessories Included. MUST SELL!!! OAK. FIREPLACE WOOD — S PEKINGESE — AKC. Four months urnlshenlshed efficiency apartmentfeapartment. Thr"eThree permanent year-round employment. Give your fish a present for Xmas! Rreen, mixed, delivered. ing in knits, crochet, quilts, shots. Call after 5:30 weekdays, anytlmi roomsms, , free TV. Move In todatodayay . No TWO-BEDROOM RANCH — Kltclltn, AH schedules. Include some evenings 657.7941 after 4 D.m. sew today, wear tomorrow. Bat. or 8un., 229-4226. leasse . NAUTILUUTIUSS APTgAP . 842-05055. dlnlni room, living room with flraolace, $300 value, will sacrifice for best fashions, embroidery. Free furnishfurnishedeed,, im peperr month. May. renl «nd every Saturday. Apply Personnel offer over $70. Must be seen. Call SNARE DRUM — Ludwlg all chrome .$1- INSTANT FASHION AKC GERMAERMAN SSHEPHERH D THRE3E-R0OM furnished apartment with optiooptptioi n to bubuyy, Office, Montgomery ward, Eatontown, between 0-9 p.m. 542-1977. super-senaltlve model, for student or patterns. 50c. PUPPIES 1165 per month Includes all utilities. can 2<4-(29< after (p.m. An equal opportunity employer professional. $55. 747-3259 days. first-class mailing and spe- 787-882787-8 9 Military preferred. 222-1699; MOBILE and BASE—Citizen Band Ra- NEW!, COMPLETE IN- MIDDLKTOWN _ Three or fouhbad- IIAIRDRESBER8 (3) — Part-time or dios. Excellent condition. Both can be EELAXACIZOR — With pads. Tuno GERMAN SHEPHERD — Female. Six GREEN TREE APAHTMBNTS — 239 rooms. Uvtng room, dinlnc room, aay. full time. Mew salon. Rt. 9, English- seen In operation. Both have 23 chan. your figure 1 Original cost £205. L STANT GDTT BOOK — over cial handling. Send to Mari- weeks. AKC. J35. Spring St., Hed Bank. Modern apart- light kitchen, large family or game. town. Top. tor" top stylist. 431-5585 or num. Gall after 6 p.m. 661 new. Will sell $110; 842-7435. Lakewood. 363-3888. menta In excellent location with air con. room, iVt baltll on Itndtcaptd_}f aorf TV-STORBO-AM/FM RADIO — Wal--~>AWEB — 10-spced bicycle. Wke new. 100 gifts! All occasions, ages. an Martin, 420 The Red Bank LARGE PONY FOR BALE — HaB Woi dluonlng and adequate parking. Contact on quiet street..street In. the country. WaiK to WANTED - Experienced full time ser nut finish, like new. $200 or but ot- S95. Cost $140. Used twice. Call 741- many ribbons In shows. Also has hunted Manager. Apt. E-fl, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. schools and out trs.nBports.tion. Close to vici e tti attendant with mechanical ter. 666 (»M after 6. 2425. Crochet, paint, tie dye, de- Register, Pattern Dept., 232 and been used >n Pony club. Owner out HARBOR VIEW—One-bedroom unfur. yacht basin, 1150 per montn plus mill- apti ply Ave. of Two Rivera and Krown. This pony naa the experience te nlshed Oarden Apartment, neftrlv new. Rid PIANOB — OROANB QUALITY MIXED — Pennsylvania coupage, knit, sew, quilt, West 18th St., New York, mno ' Factory warehouse for &tmbal1, Wurliu hay. Reasonable. make your child a rider as it has mine, Ino-halt block before HlchlandKhlands BrldceBr! . COTTAOB US ESTATE — Bloeron. OUTSIDE SALES — Commission basis Call 568-4719. weave, more! $1.00. 747-1972. [Ighlanda. N. J. Local »ni"d N.Y. "busi West End area. .Knotty pint paneled. zer, Conn, ChlckerlnK and Grand. Many N. Y., 10OU. Print NAME, 8. Mon., T only. Retired business men preferred. used trade-Ins from $7S. Unlimited rent, TWO GUITARS — Elects Complete Afghan Book—$1.00 DACHSHUND loor. Call S71-5252 0 to Landscaped. Ideal lor couple. |2M fur- Caruso Travel Service, 291-3333. ala from J7.50 mo. FHEEUOLD-KIM- Fender, 12-atrlne, Gretch Tennyslan, ADDRESS, ZIP, STYLE Mixed. Ready for Christmas, Thurs., Fri. • ' ' ',. References. 22MM07 Atur «, PART-TIME — FULL TIME BALL PIANO AND ORQAN WARE. with cases. 94G-4984 eves. "16 Jiffy Rugs" Book. 50c 84^-1064 . Excellent opportunity to make extra HOUSE!, 12 Throckmorton St., Free- NUMBER and SIZE. WIRE-HAIRED POX TERRIER — HIGHLANDIA APARTMENTS NEW SHREWSBURY — rumlahed two- money In your spare time or full time. hold. Open 0 0. Call 462-4730. BUFFET — 73 years old, In excellem "50 Instant Gifts" Book..50c AKC. Five weeks old. Male. Call after bedroom ranch In horsey setting. Com. Work your own hours. All year Jot). Free condition. Best offer. Hotpotnt washer, * 4 p.m.. 264-1623. ' 10 OCEAN BLVD. plelely modern. Carpeted throughout TYPEWRITERS, ADDING nuenlnes. years old, needs agitator. $25. sofa an, Book of 12 Prize Afghans. 50c NEW Fall-Winter Pattern central air conditioning, zoned heating, training. For appointment, call 741-4585. All mutes n»w or und. Guaranteed. chair, "as Is," $20. call after 5 p.m. 94( BETTER HURRY — Only three AKC ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS. N, J. Low u $23. eerplco's, 101 Monmouth 44011. Catalog. 114 dynamic designs. stone filcflreolacee . ^Al. l overized rooms ATVT WHOLESALER — Becks water 8L Next to theater. 7(7-0485 Quilt Book 1—16 patterns. 50c collie mippies left. One flashy trl ani FINEST LUXURY BehlnS airport. |Aj color artlatn for large volume bust- Free Pattern Coupon. 50c. two cute sables. Call 671-0203 or 671 able unfurnlslitd. 1( p«n Call 431-0B38. COLONIAL FURNITURE LOVERS 20% OFF Museum Quilt Book 2 — pat- APARTMENTS Pot-bellied stove lamnp with hand-' terns for 12 superb quilts. BOOK — What-to-wear an- SINOINQ CANARY — For Christina • • I,uxury three bedroome. V/, tttlli LICENSED REAL ESTATE BALEa aome red shade, 61" high. J75. Au Revere ware, big savings FarLer* Yellow or red-orange. Phons 842.0400 al WANTED TO RENT PERSON •*- Full time. Office Is mem. thentlo_ nu..whecjL. Sl"W ware, toasters,' trona. Everything (or Book 3, "Quijts for Today's swers, accessory, figure tipsl ter 5 p.m. • e Luxury two bedrooms, 2 baiha %*r of two multiple listing Aervlceft. He- condition. $125. 15" lampshade covered the practical gift giver at • • Luxury four rooml, one bedroom BUei held In strict confidence. Write with Revolutionary print m red, white living". 15 patterns. 50c Only $1 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP3 — Art' Featuring terraces overlooking the DAILY REGISTER tJPORTBWRjfpS P.O. Box315. Mlddletown. and blue, call 747-40S2 for appointment PROWN'S champion bloodline. Home tatset highest, most icenic point on theHIQ bouit to rent: Contael Uf-iSW. -32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Ready for Christmas. 671-5302. Atlantic coastline adjoining a btaull- Alter 5 p.m. 842^«ll7•* ELKCTROLUX VACUUM CLBANKR lul marina. WX HEBD D'SPLAY MANAGER ;— Almost new. With cord winder and FIREPLACE .WOOD. FOR BALE! Froe FOR SAtE FOR SALE SIX WEM OLD — Beautiful long hi Includes air' conditioning, swimming owcr nozzle. Sacrlfica S125. Call 747- delivery on half cord or cord. 646-4480. «a Kittens would love to be Chrlstn pool, parkins. All apadoua, truly APPLICATIONS NOW BE. 337. After 6 p.m. 946-8833. Rifts. Call 741-4838. luxury apartments.' P1NBALL MACHINES — Three, full POOL TABLE—Slate top, like .... Call or visit superintendent, 291-0237. CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch plno 1970 STARCRAFT CAMPER — Star, size So5 £ach. Full alze six-player 8' kitchen act, maple droplcaf table, twi BUNDLE OP JOY — Free cocker tei Brouooll-Kramer Management Co. INS ACCEPTED FOR A Douglas fir. Balsam. Wreaths, roping, master 6. Demonstrator. $1760 list. Now shuffle alley, J9O "a> la." Wurlltzer benches, two chairs. Off white wool ru. rler puppies, ready for Christmas. ~ blankets, potted trees. Little Silver Re- J1250. Little Silver Repair Center, 26 jukebox, $30 aa Is. 842-1075. and pad, 13x18; red acrllan rug and pa 872-128!) between 3 and 7 p.m. BRADLEY BEACH — Efficiencies, one. MOTHER AND DAUOHTEIt — With ta SUPERVISORY POSITION Ayers Lane, Little Silver. 747-0573. 741- 12x13; brown tweed acrllan rug and pai and two-bedroom apartmenu will be rent first, floor, one or twobedreom pair Center, 28 Ayors Lane, Little Bll- AS NEW — Steam Iron, cleaner, ddoublo e PUPPIES - Mother., Germa--ermaL n She apartment Vicinity West of Red Bank ver. 747-0573. 741-3888. J J 11x12; oval white wool rug and pa herd. AKAKCC registeredstered.. F«Fathe r '"'A She- available In one week. Furnished and IN QUR DISPLAY DEPART- bed. wing chair, bookes:aae". ~Olde-r *-- 11x13; 10x12 orange tweed ruR anH pa< herd. Healthy anndd lovablelovabl ,. siSlOc each. Unfurnished. 771-4058. After 0, 774-48M. or Red Bank, call S22-U49 between noon HOOVER ELECTRIC BROOM — Four chest, cupboard. Daysi. Fielder. Lawn mower, Brlgps & Stratton, Ward AGENCY. and 5 n.m. • " MENT. INDIVIDUALS MUST LAMPS attachments. Used once. Duplicate it D3O3 weekdays. Garden Mark Trail-Sweep. 81' oullte weeks old.. Wilwill save fo' r" Christmas. 24i Originally $45, sacrifice, $20. 787-5632 2613 or 264-0341. APARTMENT Sln fiS EXPERIENCED AND Fancy lampfl. plain lamps, replace MAYTAO DRYER AND, HOOVER gora, two large lounKe chairs. Boy^s oa FOURROFOUR-ROOOM APARTMENT — Slngl (More Classlfled Ads xn€nt .amp chimneys. Anything you FURNITURE — Living room set. WASHER — Both portable. Call dresser, corner desk and chair. Ret GERMAN SHEPHERD — Six month roomso . LoLonn g Branch and Red Bank. N can think of In lamp shades. Our French-provincial, and end tables. 9 220-1830 after 5 wood picnic table, four benches. 6' Ad old. Call nets, secuurityr . Call weekendkeds o r afteft r PRESENT A WELL GROOM- variety will amaze you. mahogany dining room set. Neei mlral refrigerator, hottom 400-lb, ireez. 229-1830 after 5 weekday s. M-0841. On The Nest Page) er. 741-2541. ED APPEARANCE. POSI- PROWN'S point Beats. Three modern bedroom sets, complete. Singer sewinfr machine CORELLE BOYS' CHOPPER BIKE — Bids an XHWIIMI TION OFFERS PERMANENT 32 Broad St. Red Bank 711-7500 In cabinet. Call 78J-2141. la the latest in Coming Ware dishes, boots, Ice akatea. dnim set, Cootbal warns BKI BOOTS — Size 1 and 7, pair lovely $10.95. t patterns. whoea slot ctir sat. hoys' anil clrls' win YEAR - ROUND EMPLOY- lamps, Christmas tree, Reglna broom, 8 A.M. ter coatfl and Jackets, size 12 to 14. Mis complete sola of very'old books, 510 Prown's open 8 A.M. every morning. PROWN'S ' ccllaneoua items. 741-3321. MENT, LIBERAL COMPANY each. 842-6135. Avoid the holiday rush. Everything 32 Broad St. Ren Bank 7(1-7500 for the tree. Gift Wrap. Toys. Lamps. DRUMS-ROGERS—Like new condition, 'BENEFITS INCLUDING AL.L8EW SHOPPBS — Precision sharp, QUta. DINETTE BETT —— solid mahopany, Eight-place set. "Bass, floor torn, twe entng. SctsHors. plnklne (trieara. *$ quality, sevce:n pieces, like new. China mounted toma, dyna-aonlc snate, tw PROFIT SHARING. SAURY Church St., KftanBburR. 495-0177. PROWN'S desk, buffet, four chairs. 18" Zlldjlan cymhala, hl-hat." Blacl Large square extension table. S150. 787- diamond finish. Pull set fitted carryin, COMMENSURATE WITH TOP SOIL 32 Broad St. - Red Bank 741-7500 6180. pases. 741-7132 after 4:30. SKI BOOTS — And tree. Munarl. Size 0- CHRISTMAS EXPERIENCE. APPLY PER- 741-2483 M. Almost new. $35. CONN ORGAN — Hardly played, cost VICTORIAN FURNITURE—Maplo toi Call 747-0205 $1840, will sell for Slloa call 787- tables, Gothic chairs, rockers, hnl SONNEL OFFICE': 0318 wcekdaya until 5 p.m. racks, tea wagon. Oriental nig HUMIDIFIERS BEARS LADY KENSIOBE — ' Aqua SHORE PURNITURK, Hwy 35, Lai MONTGOMERY WARD washing machine. Excellent condition renc& Harbor. Sold and Installed Call any time. 542-5998. DON'T WAIT Eatontown, N. J. Humidity Control Co. MINI BIKE — Ruon, 3 h.p. Runs good, An equal opportunity employer 14 KARA? GOLD JEWELRY—At d!s Six sizes ot Heavy Duty White Com- 585 842-S8II AFTER 5 count prices. Also antiques and gifts bination Windows , In stock. Bring Call 7-47-686! PIANO PLAYER — Fri., Sat. nights. Something for everyone from H up. your measurements, pick them up TOWN & COUNTRY INN. For appoint- FIREWOOD JEWEL CHEST 680 Hwy 36, Hazlet. at 513.99 each. inent call Dennis Angela. 264-6820. Grain and seasoned, 264-0404. PROWN'S MERCHANDISE WANTED -.GIFT.'GUIDE HUSBANDS AND WIVES — Unique TWO SNOW TIRES —With wheels. $30. plan available to earn money for FIX UP Bought last winter. 32 Broid St. Red Bank 711-7500 GRAND PIANO—Any olze, for atudl« Chrlsmas and build your own business . Call741-O776 after 7 p.m. GRAY PERSIAN LAMB FUR COAT— Bteinway or good make preferred, on a part-time basis. Call now for ap- for the holidays. Bring your window Bize 14. Excellent condition. SCO or beat Others considered. 222-1418. bolntment, 462-1320. shade rollers or size*. We stock MAYTAG WRINGER WABHER — With offer. 741-5481. shade* to 72" wide. Prices start pump $50, excellent condition. Two A PLEASE EVERYONE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST! BEAUTICIAN — Steady. Experiences. Only |1<9. matching occasional chairs $10 ea., bou- COLOR T.V. —25" Mediterranean, with 8^Sg?B<,|,U?rVrVlS ^ all-around operator. Large busy shop, doir chair, J8. 542-9105. new aerial, and other articles. O or standard, pmgeg, 7774-37104 . Salon 35, Mlddlctown Shopping Center. PROWN'S 842-7605. SMART SANTAS SHOP HERE. Route 35, Mlddletown. HISTORIC FEDERAL MAHOGANY i 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 Chest of drawers, circa 1820, cxcellen COUCH — Modern, beautiful blue- ^r*U..*^>^W;.T,S^«^.H..*tt.....»tt-M*^l.»^ 32" DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL condition. $275. old low tour-poster " Krcenn. Walnut coffecofeee table with tile in. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SITUATIONS WANTED-Female SINK — J10. 2OX3OV1 Holpolnt wall •^jed with soring a"cl mattress. Good co KortrtH andd twoo m matchlmcenmatchl d tables. S150. oven, stalnlCHa steel, $25. Christmas dltlon. $60. 671-3011. Calll altelt r 0787-92390,787- 9, tree decoratlonB, blue-gold, sio. 741 120 BASS ACCORDION — Six treble, 6181.. two baas registers. Like now. Reason- WE NEED LOVE TWO WHEELS FOR 1081 RAM- PRICES REDUCED able. Coll 872-0821 after 6. s Holiday Tips BLER AMERICAN — J5 each. 741-9493 SONY STBREO_TAPE DECK — #350. WOULD YOU i good speaking voice and a desire after 7 or all day Sat. and Sun. Excellent condition. $100. ftiwtt fo earn big brvad In all you need fi flS up. FILES, tablss, chairs, OUR COTTAGE - .11 747-D10107". In our stimulating circulation sales adding ivachlnes, typewriters, offlc* ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS — Bevorn.1 INVEST $600 TO 1070 FEATURE 8 — 17 th Century MAHNS BROTHERS LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES I»'"gram, No experience ncccsaary. elulpmsnt, etc., at bargain prices. ANTIQUES AND THINGS fine onefl by European artists, i'10 to Tcrslan ceramics. Curio ICI Bicycles — Sales. Service You chooseje'' your1 ow_...n. _hourn ... Ajce .no Now or used. AAC DB9K OUTLET 788 Broad St. SIM. Call 711-8455. START A 3S Eatontown 5420030 Dlf them or cut them. Fresh cut barrier If 17 or over. Call 812-4155. Rt. 35. Oakhurst. 531-3990 Shrewsbury HEIRLOOMS Holly — Oreens — Bcandlnavla. Orna. If no anawcr please call again. PORTABLE INSTANT HEATER — 530. MIKE'S — Llttlo Bllver. 741-242S. menls, Wreaths BERNADOTTII UNPAINTED FURNITURE WASHING MACHINE —OE automatic One small i:oa! Move, X2S. For construc- BUSINESS 5 Wharf Ave. Toys, bahy furniture FARMB. Bt. 837. Tlnton Falls. Mf-oilf. MATURE WOMAN — Will babysit for $5<). cull tion use. Phone 774i-1-1670r —. Discount prices ^^^^ working mother. Call 495-9597, alter 5:30 Also ntools, ctialr.1, dcalm, cheats, _ discount prleofl. Cash and carry 402-1504 PIANO —With bench, blond mahoKany THAT COULD HEADQUARTBR8 FOR RUPP MINI TRIM-A-TREE KITCHEN SET — Four pieces. Oooi console. Good condition. $300. DEAN'S FLOWERS BIKES — Monmoulh Mowers, Inc.. Lights. Tlnttl. Unusual Chrlstnai I WILL HAND ADDRESS AND MAIL RED BANK LUMBER condition. $30. 671-2102 nricr 5:30. grow Grow 658 Hwy 35, Mlddletown. Ornamenta and Balls. Artificial Trees. Your Christmas canln etc. 787-4391 HAMMOND B3 — Itovc-rb and Lesllo For unusual gifts 291-3980. Pcurl and Wall Red Bank 741-5500 Also . . . Outdoor Light seta. Kiectrlo DRYER — Electric, good condition. tt2Z. Excellent condition. $1600 firm. GROW?? Visit our Christmas Idea Room TRAIN TABLE KIT Candles, out Wrap Paper. RlDtwn. WASHER — And refrigerator. FaliT Call 747-9107. I.lttlo Silver 747-183? Cards. J25. 842.0100 1 new. $175 tor Tmtli. Baby carriage am Cull 842-6725. FIUOIDAIRE DELUXE — White, frost- Red Bank 4'xs 2S" high. Complete with screws, HELP WANTED — MALE play pen. $25. 787-7129. proof, 17 cu. ft. Can't use! right hand nails, leg brackets, sturdy. $13.93. PROWN'S SNOW TIRES — Mounted on Chevrole door. J25O. 787-0140. HALLMARK GREETING CARDS and 3t Bt-oirt St. Red Bank T4I-78OO rlins. 825-14, two for $40. Cal) 222-3501 IN STOCK lfts for the entire family LINCROFT RED BANK LUMBER ^CHRISTMAS TREES — Scotch pine, after 5 p.m. no watting for heavy duty whlt« LOWUEY T-2 PORTABLE OHOAN — f'HARMACY. Newm»n Aprlngs Rd.. Pearl aim Wall. Red Dank 741-5500 field grown. Homo's Farm. Water St., nlumlnum combination windows. 6 besi Double manual. Qood rondltlon. Than YOU art Interested In th* Llncroft. Call 711-7610. DIRECTOR sizes on hand, firing your' measure 2641070. UII Snack Shop Vending Ma- Tlnton Falls. (Arrows) Reasonable. HELP WANTED — MALE ments, $13.&5 each. UPRIGHT TIANO chine. UU Snack Shop* ara a COMPLETE LINK OF CANDLE9, LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES COMMUNITY DEVUOPMENT S30 proven builnen opportunity In I1OLIJEH8 AND KINC1B PROWN'S 261-3167 Hundreds to Choois From a growing 55 billion market, a WICK AND WAX CANDLK. flHOP City ol long Brinch ie«kt 32 Broad Bt. Red Hank 741-7500 FIREWOOD — =Vi ion truck of seasoned 0 White St. lied Bank CONRAD SMITH NURSERY dlrtctof for community d»- GUARDS BTAINLESS STBI3L SINK oak. 125. Mixed wood. $23. market In which B0% ol th* ! Gifts For The Family j vilopmtnt program. Mutt VANOUARD SECURITY INC. Call 201-8105 or 274-80(10. builnen ii done by imall In- Tlnton Ave. 642-1420 Eatontown hav* 3 >••'• •xptrlonce In li looking for full ind pan-tima man (or 7Bf"5M4 dependent operators. 5000 TREES thii program ol ralatad HAO8TROM III OU1TAII uniformed t«curity work. Only dopondablt, RANGE — Oaa, 36" Wolbllt. Kxcollcn Ooml condition, $75. SI EACH AND UP Held, damonstrttcd ability condition, S30. Call 1140-1012. CHARLIE'S FARM MARKET to wriia and word wilh relitbls paraoni naed apply. Openioo* in 671-3526 even. Your $600 to S1500 Investment THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT Perth Amboy and Highland Park aroas. RCA BTHlRIfiO TAPE CASBE'ITIQ — FOR TUB ENTIRE FAMILY Hwy M, Corner Bummlt. Belfora vtriout legmeni* of com- BTINO RAY IJICYCLES ~ Pilrnlo. Tw ,coveis machinal and inventory, \Gifls For The Ilomel munity, and funding • *2 per hr. alarting fait Never lined, $60. Two evenlnK Eownn. with no hidden cost or less. No "WISfiH WONDKRLAN D #4-1 2 — 12-B ihilti svailatilv Bli-l's. Good condition. Slrtand $20. $10 enc-li, nUe 12. Child's two-wheeler t 1 MUSCLES QARDKN CENTER •Qtncltf. Salary ling*. Call 747-1601. •*»tl. TVW-14. $73 for tile snt. Cfill 787-MM nf Adminiitniive Offlcar, City ilall R(\.. (notions mclgl Mlddletown, or Jorjjp.m. _ you,- and secure your location!. Four-iilfire Rtnrtor net $19.05. 2 yfenr ai*w<^t^»wi»ff>ii^»wi»»i«i>| Hall Annex, Long Branch, Call B71-C011 lor appointmant. "BTAIjVpBh rOBTim-nKUT -- Itr You service the business In gutirniittr. N. J-07740. inR and rolnxlnK maclitno. lflxco 1 iiiiNir 'rwiN-inr,n HICT cnmpifitV THE DAILY REGISTER Ronditlon. *12R. Original print) S300. Cn MfiR.'ilvo miiplc. JBO. Twn nnmll inatcli- your spare time, in your own PROWN'S inp: rlicsln of (lrftwnrfl. XiTi . '10 nallon llnli trinV work and your desire to succeed. DilltTWOOl) llBBTAUtlANT with motor »iu. risli, $'JB. Cull 84'2-02flt 3t W. Front 74I-9H0O Ittd Ban» jiftof B p.m. |( you are a man who believes WMU BUnaCIUPTIONfl One YfAr }27,OO. P\x months $14.00. TUB WINE lf«7n.rti)L CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY In success and wants to see a Dfli-lt Klnnn frontH. ^pnrftti> tltnrr. nutti The most unique illnlns room ssrvtnl •mall Investment grow Into h\q Tiura Monthn »7.(i0. On* Month 12.7S. the finest In holMay food. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS1 mnt Ir (illnt Biiil ovcnft.Kni-*] Uirr, IIoin« Dellvfry ROc Per Week ninitlhn. ?22(i. Norgo hcnvy-iliity K»i dividends, fill out the coupon Al The wllWlirooK ilrynr, SRO. 'J4x4A pool, nird «no pvnnm T40_Itlv»r IM^ 1«l:200I^_jralr llavsn HIM. 21M-07R2. below. (UNII H S, AfirKnnoniKFi CALL 741-0010 ~iiAvir>fi6N'S~LiqiT6it it d'oimMBT* III'OHT AMI! WnlMNfWnNl TACKLKLSS ailoi' -- Olft-wrai fll'OH'llOH'l ' CLOTIHDTIHDS ton's r.anily, tlaMd fruit. 2ft Broad Adding MachlncH-Typcwrltcrs General Contraqtori I'cnrl and Itcad Itcstringlng "aO5". J.10, HootH. Uofli'.nunt l.ui til»*. «lrc All JAY HI'OItT llr Hi., llnl lt«nk 717-33JI. 12, jnh. llcnhd ilv'j, *V6. All ttMm Allnnlli- lllehlnndfl 2D1-1AIA ADMNO MAOHINKB - Typewrit.™ lii'Bt firfnr. 74l-o:ifla nlliir firilO p "I- NATIONAUY ADVIRIISf t) BRANDS sold, rented, rcnnlred. ftornlco's. 101 TIIM WltlollT flllor—(tarpi-ntry and i rt.vumrr at till cnblllflt work. Ilnrlr.l 7M 05IKI. Illtch- F.xpnrtly nn tirntdnd nylon. $1,50 a 2 1 ' '"'/, K N 1 Til "s fiom 75n, TV - OrlKiunl ownrr 1" TV tcrhnlcmn |?;$ Pmfit DHV* DIIIII, U«il M74? dlviiliirn, vnnlllo, HMIlriFlU.l.liJfl' 30 Urond fit., Itod (;itllanii'a People's l.lquor IMnrt. ^' eBtlmatoit. $aM. or bent offpr. (h.^-yr«r KiiitMi"*( [« Inloftn 101 illir'-WHbuiy Ave. Heil llanh. Holiday Dining iMamondH Uoui;lit or Kcstylc Hank. iniamltrl In m 747-JJI4 on [ilctnrd tuiw. IIUIIIIMI * rt Hector D. i thi vai AKC. I'urn •- ronprrt dog Broo lAl us buy Hit dlKinotidii you tlou't nrxctnd floor, Itrd Hnnli. nficr (1. • nil ft (I IIK. Mnnlnr ChArKe. wear or lot im rntlyln thain fur you Uoofliif!, Siding & InHuliitlnn A1H CONniTIONlfilt flJMHl'llTI'. His LOVIfi I.ANlfl TI'XF.I»f> HMOP numbing and Ilcntlng P.( «..• riiKi.MA ANIML UJA l>lnlng rml In part of holiday 1fun personally. Itoitnnllliifi', 3u 13rnnd Bt tiwuiUm old. Flt» WHII or wlmluw. *fl.V inmt filO In • (fli l>nlen A Hervlf'A riiKi.MA'ti ANIMAL VUJ.AOB HAPPY APPUB INN II I «« Tiiifdiis I'HII (lro»» null"- Cutaways 3I» llwll v 3355, Ml.lcllelownMlll , 747-38117473811. (icnerj.l Contractors O1.H0N On. -- IlOOFINfl A ~ " CORRIGAN'S mv«.l JIM)!) In • K IllrollcDi— J^liin^r Jnflkrti Across Irnm Delicious Orchards niDlNd . Innlalli-ii nnil RiiArAnle I'OOI,TATII-W ft*4, ComronHlon 1»l> 11 ' «* SJ Kronl SI.. 74I-22M, lt«il Hank flT. IIKIINAIIIIII) IHPIIEI'HPI'IEHH ain ll«y 3» <«jmil cons Hsek for 10 yearn. 17n-OTAH—2I>l-nMI>. All n(-[-e>nnr»kn. (Irnrn H^at. flood ii>ll |)loii Iir4d, AKC, wormewormed and ahnti K«nioecl«l«. Hwy a« Matawan i - Additions. Aiierotiunn. 20" Mkni. .nlrT'n '• r n>il«>: show. The Iron nutlerMy Art '•(•OH TliADiTtONAiT DININd" „..„, Roof* unil Now Home*. l.KlllT IlAIIMNd PLUMBING - Hoating. i"inl RU'1 tint. Mtn H, llt> H ,%t (I*ll"ry. III. M. Colts WecK.^«;ir2IO0. (lrc*n Mcadovvs Reatsutsnt TU-l!a«,- Itwlph A. Colo HTiHtM HAHM'AND fU'IlHMNM Gift* For Dad TIIK I.AMPMrillTmR ANI'IQUB") "I llwy. 31 _ mtHI Colls Ntck JoflBIMI B\ i*AMOUItHl"^Alterntlonn. Bathroom romodoling. I'oiKlltl'in, axnorliMi plrrn, Jl rf riUVfr, ilass china, furnllurr. 41A V. ron fmi ifuiiMKU 'nno+rin-- •titdllinna, rfljiairfl, now hmn«n. VV« rnuil lit., Itnn Ilank. 7)7-mir>, li'ant servlct, easy parkins, full m«fiu O's), )01 laralttini, Addition*. Hoofing, «.f1h.ic. IIIR. Fully In ml rod. tfor fr»» MINI l*|l Verrill Uwn Mower flllnn, II Me tlttr art tiervlRfd, fHQR.!^' , 141 Hhr«w.tmry Ave., n«dn BanLk 7*7 BtD3 A. Oii*r1no ml: 2M-3RM. rlianln HI , Ilrd Ilank. 741-aM). MAnmmtth Ml., Rsd Bsiut. (Check (or »ie ''llwie.'e'' ^p*ntn»apenln«> | - THE DAILY MOSTER, B£D BANK - MIDDLETOWN, N. I.! MONDAY, DECEMBER W, Pupils Voice Middletown Youth Is •'UNFURNISHED COTTAGE WANTED Deer Hunt — Yearly, lower rental bracket, one adult, referencea. 741-WCT or 7205. FURNISHED ROOMS opposition Fined for Trespassing 'FREEHOLD — Room. TV, private en. MATAWAN — Students in trance Also, one room with kitchen, AIM"one efficiency. 462-1231. Mrs. Carol Newman's class at The New School have voiced MIDDLETOWN - Dirt trial by jury on a charge of ed guilty to possession of al- ALPINE MANOR HOTEL Special off eeason rates. Hotel rooms their opposition to a one-day Bomb Callaghan struck again larceny of two white sidewall coholic beverages as a minor. •with maid service. S20 week. Motel open deer hunt scheduled this He was fined $20. roumB $35 week and up. 1 Portland — at the high school, where tires from R and S Home and Rd., Highlands. S72-17T3. month in the Great Swamp of he was arrested for tres- Auto Store, Rt. 35, pleading William T. Brown, 19, of "LAKQE ROOM — With ehower. Hrit Morris County. Hall St., Navesink, was ar- floor. Private entrance. Call T17-1ML passing on school property. guilty. Judge Massell post- 9-1 p.m. 4-8 p.m. CWWI. The youngsters, ages 11-14, The 19-ye.jir-old youngster poned sentencing until he re- raigned on a charge of break- KEANSBURG — Nice furnished loom ing and entering the garage for rent. Private entrance. Reanonaule. have sent letters protesting whose "straight" name is ceives a pre-senterice report Call 787-8^3^ the hunt to governmental rep- Stephen Callaghan, told Mu- from the county prosecutor. of Beacon Hill Country Club, *" ROOM FOR KENT S100 a month resentatives, and con nicipal Court Judge Jerry J. Two other young men are Beacon Hill Road. Judge Call 671-1513, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. servation and environmental Massell he lives with his par- accused of embezzling the Massell set preliminary hear- ATTRACTIVE - Nicely furnished Htu. dio room. Private llpht tooklnK. For agencies. ents at 30 Maplewood Drive, auto supply firm. They are ing for Monday, Jan. 4. Bail gentleman. Convenient. 741-8394. New Monmouth, but added Richard J. Thompson of 2 was continued at $750. BUSINESS MA^ — Age 40, desires A typical letter, written by room In private home. Congenial mir- 12-year-old Karen Erickson, that he sleeps in his car a lot. Maplewood Ave., Keansburg, Richard R. Garrett of 507 roltndlngs wllll lircakfast. If possible. P.O. Box 415, Woodbrldee. N.J. reads: Asked why his nickname is and Ira R. Arnold Jr. of 40 Clinton Ave., Belford, who pleaded guilty to interfering "Through school I have "Dirt Bomb," the youth said Waverly Place, Red Bank. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE his friends called him that Mr. Thompson, charged with a police officer in the WINNING SMILES — Joseph Saggau, far left, of Port Monmouth, and Claire Mans- found out about the deer hunt performance of his duty, was field, center, of Wanamassa, are pleased at news that they have been awarded two- HOUSES FOR SALE in the Great Swamp in New "because I hadn't had a with embezzling $250, waived shower in two or three days." his right to indictment and fined $50. year scholarships of $355 per year by the Monmouth County Tavern Owners. Con- HOLM DEL Jersey. I understand that this is to thin the deer herd, but I O n the complaint, the trial by jury and agreed to Michael C. Korpon of 61 gratulating the winners are James Kellehor, Manasquan, right, chairman of th« CONTEMPORARY youth's description was listed plead guilty to embezzlement Ohio Ave., East Keansburg, still disagree with you be- scholarship fund, and William Joyce, second from right, Farmingdale, president of cause I feel it is very cruel to as "dirty." if a companion charge of con- pleaded guilty to using loud A most unusual iionm featuring ttie and abusive language to Pa- the United Council of "C" Licensees of Monmouth County. Brookdale president Dr. ultimate In privacy with tlie conveni- kill an animal unless you need Young Callaghan pleaded spiring to embezzle is ence of suburban HvIiiK. Huge living dropped. Peter Senese, com- trolman Robert Perkins. He room with Elas3 wall to sundeck. it for food. guilty to the trespass charge Ervin L. Harlacher, looks on. Flagstone dining room, with two-story and was fined $25. ' plainant for R and S, agreed. was fined $25. lass wall overlooking panorama na- "As I understand, the deer f ure provides for all seasons. Four Carolyn L. Newell of 4 Nau- Judge Massell will impose Edward Rocky of 141 Jum- bedrooms, two oaths, (amily room, and the people are pretty frlcen at W0.00O. tilus Drive, Leonardo, who sentence on this basis if the ping Brook Road, Lincroft, good-friends. I feel that if pleaded guilty to failure to county prosecutor approves. who admitted erecting a car- APPL6BROOK AGENCY people come in now and ruin give a good account of her- Mr. Arnold waived prelimi- port without a building per- County Tavern Owners Give Realtors this relationship, they will Hwy U llatawan self, was fined $25. A charge nary hearing on a charge of mit, was fined $30.. The fine RIVERFRONT never be friendly again. of being under the influence embezzling $3,700 from R and was suspended providing th'e Now Is the right time to Inspect the "A better solution, I feel, of a narcotic drug was dis- S. His case was referred to defendant obtains the,building many waterfront properties on the would be to transport some of, permit and corrects dis- 2 Brookdale Scholarships market. All styles, atl ages, all sizes missed. the Grand Jury.. and in all price ranges. Small lota crepancies in the structure to large estates. Priced from $45,000 the deer to somewhere where Gilbert Gordon of 5 Schelly David R. Saxton, 19, of Al- LINCROFT - The United scholarship is for $355 annual- ees Council. to $225,000. Some offer Immediate within three weeks. possession. Located \n Itumaon, Fair there is a weak population." Drive, waived indictment and pine Manor, Highlands, plead- Council of *'C" Licensees of ly and is good for two years. Scholarship winners, both Haven, Little Silver, Middlelown and ilonmouth Beach. Three to ten bed- Monmouth County — tavern The scholarships cover tuition freshmen at Brookdale, are rooms. Deep water, lagoon front or HOUSES FOB SALE aandy beach. Our largest selection owners organization and the and fees for two terms each Joseph Saggau of Port Mon- •ver. call today. first organization to present a year. mouth, and Claire Mansfield, HALL BROS., Realtors $26,900 Wanamassa. S13 River Rd. 741-7686 Fair Haven Rumson Being Sued scholarship award to Brook- Representing the tavern Member Multiple Listing NEW LISTING dale Community College stu- owners during recent ceremo- Brookdale president Dr. Er- YEAR'S LOWEST PRICES Immaculate three-bedroom rancli on dents — has doubled its nies at the college were vin L. Harlacher con- For the, first time In {years we Iiavs beautllul tree-studded lot. The large gratulated the winners and true barBainB! Buy now before prices living and (ull dining room are en- award for the coming year. James Kelleher, 15 Broad St., Co up. hanced by newly installed wall-to-wall expressed the gratitude of the RUMSON carpeting. Other feature! Include a The organization recently Manasquan, chairman of the 138,000-lroiiR BEDROOMS fully tiled hath modern kitchen, patio, On Sewer Contract college to the tavern owners scholarship fund, and William FAIR HAVEN garage. Dead-end street Many, many awarded scholarships to two 137,500-FOUR BEDROOMS extra3. Must be reen. By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI ceived by Rumson Oct. 22. A» construction company Brookdale students who are Joyce, Rt. 33, Farmingdale, for their renewed and in- ASKING PRICES ARE BELOW EVALUATION FREEHOLD — Rumson is Several weeks later, the employe was told by the mu- this year's recipients, Each president of the "C" Licens- creased support of students. , BETSY ROSS AGENCY directed by court order to company's engineer met with nicipal clerk, it continued, ALLAIRE-FARROW AGENCY 117 Hwy 35. Keyport Realtors show cause Friday, why it the resident engineer of the that the bids were rejected on REALTORS Member Mts Open 7 days 204 Broad St. Red Bank 711-3450 should not award a sewer consulting engineers of Rum- the advice of its consulting 6 Corners Mlddlctown 671-2590 CHRISTMA264-345S PACKAG6 E contract for $1,362,534 to an son, who was in charge of the engineer. HOLMDEL Splc-and-snan five-bedroom, two-bath ranch. 23110 kitchen, 13x26 living Orange construction company job, continued the complaint, The complaint said that Joint Committee Starts NEW LISTING room, spacious game room, full base- and why it should not be and told the company that its Stephens also had bid on con- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — Large ment attached garage, Wall-to-wall four-bedroorrts, 2%-bam Colonial situ- carpeting jncluclcd. Ready to move stopped from rebidding the bid was lower than the tract No. 5, but the lowest ated on very large wooded lot, In- I. See this today. 537,500. cludes den. breakfast area (10x10). job. borough's engineering cost es- bidder was Nero Villa with toreezeway large patio <12x3O>. Fully WATERBURY timate Of $1,500,000 and that it $797,040. The plaintiff's bid *lr conditioned. Asking $54,300. The order was obtained by Eco Center Planning MARSHALL P. WHITFIELD AGENCY M. A. Stephen Construction would receive the contract. was $1,532,300. REALTORS Realtor Insuror B. Holmdol Rd. Halmdel 046-4475 45 Years of Service Co., Orange, and Sark Ka- The company placed orders Will Cost More EATONTOWN - Fifteen ly as a library and a speakers complete list of all Monmouth 62 Maple Avc. 747-3500 Red Bank vookjian, 3 E. River Road, County groups and Individ- LITTLE SILVER Use "Holly. The Home Finder" for material for the job and Rumson should set aside Its members of a steering com- bureau. Rumson. The order was is- mittee made up of several Mr. Bennett is conservation uals who might be interested Brand new Colonial. Four bedrooms, iHAZLET proceeded with its time rejection of bids, said the 2>A baths, cat-in kitchen baseboard H sued Friday by Superior scheduling, it said. civic organizations, formed to director of the American Lit- in an eco-center Information hot-water heat. Large trees. Asking RANCH — Witi h carport. 11 years complaint, and award con- 943,900. new on sizeable lot. Large living Court Judge Andrew A. Sal- However, on Dec. 7 the tract No. 1 to the plaintiff and open an Ecology center in the toral Society and Dr. Pearce and membership. room and dining room, fully equipped vest. APPLBBROOK AGENCY kitchen. Three bedrooms, full base- company received' a letter contract No. 5 to Nero Villa. greater Red Bank area, met is a marine biologist at Sandy Mrr ehr was made secre- Realtors ment Occupancy by Feb. 1, 1971. Specifically, Rumson is to last week< in the Eastern Hook Marine Laboratory. tary. I T address is 110 Kemp 112 Ave. of 2 Rivera, Rumaon, 842-2300 from the borough advising it Rebidding cannot possibly AND MANY OTHERS show why it should not be re- that all bids on the two con- produce lower bids than the Branch of the Monmouth Both men have been involved • Ave., Fair Haven, for those HATE DEVELOPMENTS? strained from receiving new County Library. in helping Monmouth County who want any information. This house has charm. Cathedral APQLLO AGENCY INC. tracts were rejected and that two received, maintains the celling, fireplace, wide plank floors, 3370 Hwy 35 73D-0100 Hazlot bids for sewer system con- new bids, for each or in com- complaint, adding that new Their goal is a store front and surrounding areas con- State Purpose French doors, den four bedrooniB, two MIDDLBTOWN tile baths. Basement. New listing Four-bedroom bl-level with game tract No. 1 (North Central bination, would be received bids will be higher and will or office ecological informa- serve their natural environ- A statement of purpose was $36,200. ALLAIRE-FARROW AGEN- room, 1',-i baths. Formal dining room CY. Realtors, 291 Broad St.. Red with eat-In kitchen. Beautifully land- Sewer) singly or in combina- tomorrow, it said. cost Rumson and its tax- tion center, independent of ment. established for an eco-center Bank, 741-3450. 5 Corners Middle- scaped. Extras Include wall-to-wall tion with sewer system con- town 67I-25&0. carpeting and Intercom. Owner rclo The company alleges that payers substantially more municipal control, filled with Three committees have "which will "work toward-im- eating. MUST SELL! J37.600. tract No. 5 (Northeast Sewer) the notice violated the terms money. information on all environ- been formed from this steer- proving our environment RAY H. ST1LLMAN, 'Realtor WALKER & WALKER, Rsalton "Our 52nd Year" tomorrow, or at any time, and of specifications which pro- Stephens is not inclined to mental pollutants. ing committee. through education, commu- © the kind of thing that'll charged with possession of way to work. YOUR HOME By the Associated Press involved in tho horrible busi- coat you more than you got back. marijuana and being under Many persons used buses or Under the terms of the not make sense to me to allow Call today and iflve details and caul All three New Jersey com- ness of Illegal drug traffic. Instead of guessing, nvc ono price. STBKUNO • THOMPSON A A the influence of narcotics. cars to get to work. There amendment, the foreign assis- a country to ignore our pleas of our experts. He tnn tell you *OC 747-SflK) muter railroads have in- tance to any country could be for cooperation while at the whnt to do to mnko your house LISTINGS OF BKTTKK HOMES were scattered reports of "Last year, smugglers de- In Kcanatjurf; • Middletown • Hazlet The six adults were ar- formed passengers affected cut off if the President deter- same time asking us for more moro ffii 1 able, And whnt not to Ilolmde! Tlie Bmolko ARoncy. 7S7-O12*. by Thursday's strike that heavy traffic, particularly on luged the U.S. with an esti- do BO you won't lose monny. mines that the country in foreign assistance. mated 300 tons of illegal IN A HUIUtY TO 3KLL7- We Ou; they will receive refunds. New Jersey Rt. 3 and U.S. Rt. 1 We're Ilenllors, who uro homes tor top dollar. Ask for not> o question is not doing every- "The drug problem touches drugs, an increase In the traf- Hhrl. noil BHELDON AQKNCY. 2V, Einbezzlemeiit 40, which cany commuters pledged to n nlrict code of ethics. 7800. The Penn Central, Jersey thing it can to prevent the il- In your best intercut. back and forth to New York. almost everyone because in fic of more than 500 per cent, Central, and Erie Lackawan- legal movement of narcotic order for the addict to contin-. in the last three years, and UBO our help. It's (he quick, BUYERS WAITING Charged to Two na railroads were all in- tmay, profitable wny For homes, entnten, fnrma anre»( drugs into this country. Chief ue his habit, he must resort to that is why we need stronger waterfront it. buittneaaei. InrtuRtr'ni an volved in the one-day national to ftelt n house. And hiinlnrnfl propprtfes. MIDDLETOWN — Two PTA. Council sponsor of the amendment, a,life of crime and many in- laws such as the House- the* (4innrtc*»t wny rail strike Thursday but re- which passed the House by nocent persons are the vic- to buy ono. RAY H. STILLMAN, Roalto men were arrested at their passed amendment which I "Our 52nd Year" ported normal service re- voice vote last Wednesday, lims of crimes because of co-sponsored," Mr. Howard MiILTIPLK I.IMTINO 3KRVICB homes Thursday night on stored Friday. Meeting Set Your Realtor* din lliv» 35 (Ilirfwnhury 7<1»«> warrants and charge!! with was Hep. Peter W. Rodlno, I>- tills," Mr. Howard said. said. The PATH trains to New SPRING LAICR HEIGHTS N.I. tttmiplHHly ([iMxlto cinbuzzlint; $820 from a Leon- — The board of managers of liavo work iiif[ for you. ardo carpet dealer. York were also tunning smoothly. the Monmouth County Council Supporters of the amend- According to Detective of Parents and Teachers will ment have pointed out that Soccer Clinic AIHHII l.<> Start A Rtflltor ii t pro- The T'cnn Central and Jer- Capl. Robert M. Letts the sey Central said money would have its Christmas meeting Turkey alone produces almost HAZLKT - The Re-creation Parents interested in help- fanional in r»a! Commission will sponsor a • irat* who iub- pair, identified as Joseph (,'. be refunded on a pro rata Wednesday in the Beau Riv- HO per cent of the hard-core ing with Hie program, which tcrih*i to A tfricl Bnrlniff, 23, of 20 S. Fifth basis or an additional ilay'u aKc HI, :tr>. narcotics consumed In Die free Tuesday night soccer will continue through 1'ebru- Cod. nf nhici 41 Avc, l.iinii lirancli and Alfred commutation would be added The meeting will bniiln at 10 U.S. and .litIIOIIKII it is tlie clinic for boys In ijrades six ary, may register witli An- a mtinbtr of th« 'I'. Kpps, 33, (if 4 Manor Drive, to tickets. a.m., followed by luncheon at recipient of a ?l(l million de- lliriiiifjli night, hnglnnini! to- drew Knfferly. locfll and ilift Neptune have liccii charged velopment lo;m from the U.S., morrow in I ho Middle! ltoad bo«fdi and of tlit The Krle Lacltawanna :iald 12:30 p.m. : NM N«tion*1 Atioti*. by Vincent Kilpatrick, man- Mrs. Coloman Stroitiw;is- it Is il(ilii): little to slop the il- •School all-purpose room. it would make refunds to Plume Incrt-iiHi- l'ualwri linn of fUftl lilaU ager of K & K Carpet In- those who present used week- sm\ Freehold, Is chairman, !ej;.d flow of drills into I lie Sessions, to run from 7 to 10 Boardi, You can .slallalkms of Leonardo, with U.S. PRNTOKIA (AP) — South MLS 'ttcoyniit him by ly or monthly tickets to the assisted by Mrs. James Slano, •p.m., wll lie coiiduclcd by keeping Hie money paid by line's iefuiid office In Holm- Keyport; Mrs. Joseph Madii.s- "The world must be made Andrew llafferly, a former Africa will spend $1.4 billion ciirilnmcr.s. ken. ky, IIfid Bank; Mrs. Hairy aware IIH; United Slates wiccer player in his native on lelecoininunlcatlons In the Northern Monmouth I tot li men, employes of the The .slrike, which began at Christie, Lakowond; Mrs. Jo- Is prepared to use economic Scotland and lalcr a semi-pro next decade and will Increase soph Sunn, Kn|',lishtown, and wllli the Kcarny N.I. Scots of I IK; number of telephones Multiple tilting S«rvlc« "Ths Judge wants tn tea yot .sloi-fi have been freed III $500 12:01 a.m. Thursday, affected snnclloim ii|;iilnsl. rniinlrles ftrjoiit flint 'wiih you wor« li«r« bail each pending a prelimi- 78,0011 commuters In the stale president Mrs. Joseph Smith, which quickly accept our for- the Schncfer Beer League. from 1,5 million to two million card you got In lh» Daily R«gi nary hearing In Municipal and another 150,000 who trav- Matnwan, who will act us cx- eign aid, but .it the same limn Mr. Itnfferly will be assisted In the next four years, the t.r W«nt Adil" Court Thursday. el through New Jersey on tho offlclo. refuse to Itolp us fight u prob- by his brother, William. government announced. -THE DAILY ft.EGI.3TCT, BED BANK • MlDDLETOWK, N, I.! MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1970 25 unit of y blldren's Letters to God Puzzle IS Whip prtttygtri By Bert Beanui 23 Timetable, should BEETHOVEN THAT WAS A 600D VEAR..WT WAS MAVSE UEtL HAVE ANOTHER (i HOPE SO... WE'RE OVERDUE) for short WAS BORN ON ACROSS 45 Products of know THE SAME VWR THAT 6AINSMR0U6H LIKE THAT PRETTY SOON 36-A 24 Vendetta DEC.It.1770 PAINTEP "THE 8LUE6OV" 1 Shakes 41 Kind of 5 Vacillate 46 Harvest 25 Much- band 10 Container 47 Kind of bus studied 43 Lulu 14 Solo 50 What boats family 26 She had a 44 Like certain 15 Santa — shouldn't do gates 16Sun:pref. 51 Orel's river room in a 17 Doodad 54State: abbr. movie 46 Teen-ager, G- posl of 19 Russian sea 55 Vessel of 27 Die down sometimes 20 Hyperion's a sort 28 Asian 47 Famous h ea v-en daughter 58 Moolah trouble spot penname 21 Patricia - 59 "She," 29 Monkey 48 Cliff 30 Phrenolo- 49 Hawaiian weu., HOORAS; WILLVOU PLEAS6 AND 1 WAS L.VINS HEBE 22 Alaskan for one HOOJ3AY/ ! FINISHED STICK CM1T YOUR WITH VISIONS taxpayer 60 Cleanser gist's port THE l-AST OF THE TOWGUE, DEAR, OP SUGARPLUMS problem 50 Leah's pridt CHRISTMAS AND LICK THESE DANCISJG . 24 One kind of commercial CAODS ENVELOPES IN MY HEAD T ball prop 31 Soviet and joy FOR ME 25 Hope 61 Opera spaceship 51 Migrant offering character 32 Organic worker inq 26 Grease 62—Post compounds 52 U.S. artist paint 63 Egyptian 34 Clothing 53 Vessels of 3 29 Kind of weights store item a sort delinquent DOWN 37 Grapevine's 56 With: pref. J 33 Up and — 1 Fine: si. relative 47 Inquire 34 Jabbed 2 Pisa's river Solutions to Friday's Puzzle 85 Hebrew 3 U.S. social letter reformer luoisn 36See45-A 4 N. American m C 37 Horse Indian nranm 38 Skid row 5 Excite man nnnmti Mary Worth T<uC/v«rf/viniwiMR HE GOT CONCUSSIONi ITI MEANAACAKJ , XAIOM'WON'T TU6TTHEV —/ cwiTCfEXCITEB'* 'Ee (XTGETeS itiuCkWHENi T Although you sometimes feel from bygone days, l« PUWitf FOOTBALL YEST6R&AV,' GET'lMEXCITEti? GIVE 'IM SW41L confused over minor mistakes GEMINI (May 22-June 21)— •MM that tend to impede your progress Superiors may not have the IMPROVING how and then, you never are watchful eye on you that you fif~•MB think VICAR -I'M unable to come to terms with they do. Do your best and GNIN1 'IA\ and gradually either don't worry about what others correct it or to turn it to your '"ink of you. LARGE advantage. You enjoy a pattern CANCER (June 22-July 23)- n PIt of living that leaves little room Stress and strain could cause you i« for disturbing surprise-*ut you physical upset for which you are must take care that you don't not now prepared. Take things ii preclude all excitement from easier than you usually do. your life by too much planning. IE" 'July 24-Aug. 23)-A day 91 for taking care. Plan your schedule so that there is room to Tuesday, December is accommodate the unexpected. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. Watch the clock. Bridge Advice 22) Hard work on a new project VIROO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)— should soon bring you even with Important business may take you By ALFRED SHEINWOLD West dealer the competition who have been away from loved ones—but only You probably remember working longer. EuuWeit vutaerabte for the time being. Don't cut off Kipling's ballad: "Oh, bid- NORTH CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. your nose to spite your face. ding is bidding, and play Is • J 10872 20)—Conscientious effort on your I.IHRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)—Use play; and never the twain O K75 part should bring the day's any spare time you have for shall meet." Mr. K. didn't O 16 problems to a relatively swift end promoting a new idea. Your look ahead to the 1969 world + J102 in the forenoon. career could use some help from championship when Italy WEST EAST AWARIUS (Janrzi-Feb. 19)— a man of influence. played for the title against • 9- *6J Take particular care not to SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)— Nationalist China. Patrick <7 102 VAJ9S6 become involved in another's Offers which cpme from a secret Huang, of the Chi i team, O AKQ9542O I0S7 problem this morning. Afternoon source may have more strings showed that bidding and play • Q53 *K84 accident can be avoided with attached than you can fathom, do meet after all. SOOTH foresight. Don't take a chance. Pletro Forquet led the king. 4 AKQ54 PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21)- (Copyright, 1970, by United of diamonds from the West C» Q43 Make every effort and take every Feature Syndicate, Inc.) hand and then shifted to the O 3 ten of hearts. The bidding dic- * A976 ARE VE tated the correct play from Wnt North Eatf, Sotrtk LOOKIN'FER.PAW? DADBURN CARD the dummy at the second 10 P»< 10 2 • trick. 3 0 4 4. All Pus If East had made an open- Opening leid-'OK ing bid, it would be reason- able to suppose that East had both the king and queen of Our Chinese hero saw all of V »V~*. clubs. In that case, Huang this coming and therefore would play a low heart from played the king of hearts dummy at the second trick, from dummy at the second winning with the queen in his trick. East won with the ace own hand. - of hearts and returned a South would draw trumps, heart to the queen, but now and lead a club from dummy East's hand was dead. to finesse through East. Since South drew trumps and. West would never Rain the developed the clubs, while lead (still assuming that East East fumed and fretted. East Phantom had both of the missing club couldn't get his other heart ALL THOSE THE/RE--RELAYING A WHAT ARE THE ER-- THAT I honors) East would be unable DRUMS. WHAT MESSAGE. PIANA. DRUMS SAVING? AM RETURNING trick, and South eventually DOES IT MEAN? WITH-ALAPy. to attack dummy's king of discarded a heart from dum- hearts. South would have time my on his fourth club to make to develop the clubs and dis- the contract. card a heart from dummy on Poets aren't always reliable his own last club. when they write about bridge. There was a different story DAILY QUESTION w to tell because actually West Partner opens with one had made the opening bid and spade, and the next player therefore surely had a high passes. You hold: S — J 10 3 7 club in addition to his strong 2H-K75D-J6C-J10 diamonds. If Huang played a 2. What do you say? low heart from dummy at the Answer: Bid two cpades. second trick, West would gain You would jump to four the lead with the queen of spades if you had a side sin- clubs and would return anoth- gleton or void suit, but the ALL RkStfT. WHO SAID 'MBUo.fimso" ?" er heart to give East two actual hand is too weak for a Nubbin Beetle Bailey heart tricks. jump to [jame.

I AM. SOLLY, "I TMEKE'5 OTTO, MERE.-.WMO'P \ ? THEN ytM'ze i DON'T BE SILLY/ LOOKING TA, YT^S^T '*• —ANP VOUK _/ \ r^\ \ A\OM 16 OUCA ( \J XA" A <5R£AT COOK X ' Pl> IT RUINS I ^ A MV DlET"-/^~^)«^/'''^ / '"

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Our plans for Palm Coast Palm Coast will be the kind of community you would want to live will be a place for people of all Easy to buy N incomes, ages and interests...for example, you can You can't put a Palm Coast homesite under your slip your boat from your own mooring...pruise the Christmas tree but now, thanks to convenient terms "intracoastal waterway, go water skiing or match designed to fit almost any budget, you can give your wits with a silvery tarpon: if boating isn't your thing, family the best of all gifts...a Florida homesite at you can come in almost under par on our champion- Palm Coast. ship golf course scheduled for play next year... What is Palm Coast? there will also be a yacht club, a marina, and tennis Easy Terms Palm Coast is a newly planned community 24 miles courts all scheduled for completion by 1972 or The ITT Levitt Development Corporation offers easy north of^Daytona Beach Florida where the ITT Levitt beforf terms designed to fit almost any budget. Make this Development Corporation is preparing homesites the best Christmas ever by giving your family a for vacationing, retirement, or long-term investment Palm Coast homesite, a gift you and your family can purposes. Palm Coast is six magnificent miles of enjoy today, tomorrow and forever. uninhabited ocean beaches... Palm Coast is a beau- tiful land...a tranquil hidden place on Florida's Atlantic Coast, a place where there are palm trees ...whole forests of pine, palmetto and ITT LEVITT DEVELOPMENT hibiscus. Palm Coast is a place where there arc CORPORATION peaceful bays, placid fishing coves, inland streams, 32-40 NORTH VAN BRUNT STREET ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY 07631 and tropical birds of all colors and sizes: a place TEL. (COO) 238-5500 where there are sparkling waters, clean air, soft breezes and quiot moonlit nights. • Vacation Please tell me more about Palm Coast. Q Retirement What is a Palm Coast homesite? My major interest is (check one). • Investment A Palm Coast homesite is an out-of-this-world an- Who wo are swer to your dreams of giving your family a place .TELEPHONE NO.. where you can all "take it easy" today, tomorrow or Palm Coast will offer you and your family a better NAME. for the rest of your life. place, a bettor life, a bottor way, becauso Palm The ITT Lovitt Devoloprnont Corporation offers Coast is a planned community by the ITT Lovitt Do- ADDRESS. you a wide selection of fabulous modol homos which velopment Corporation which is a subsidiary of .STATE. -ZIP. you can build for vacation or retirement purposos Lovitt and Sons,, Incorporates), America's largest CITY. ...however, you don't have to build. If you want, you homo buildor. Lovitt and Sons, Incorporated is a Palm Coast Is a planned community by the ITT Levitt Development can buy a Palm Coast homosito and hold it as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the International Tele- Corporation, a subsidiary of Levitt and Sons, Incorporated I a world hedge agalrrat inflation. Many peoplo havo dono phone and Tolograph Corporation, which Is colo- wide service ot ITT. Two renowned names assure you that Palm this, because a Palm Coast homesitn tins long-term bratlng its fiftioth anniversary of sorving pooplo and Coast will otter you a better place, a better Hie, a better way. Investment potential. nations everywhere. RBX1214-'