\ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1971 ♦PAGE THIRTY-TWO iManrli?0tPr lEttMitng lim lii Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0 ‘Clock

The Manchester- Gilbert and About Town Sullivan Workshop will rehearse 'Budget Cut: tonight at 8 at the South United A ’verage DaOj^-Wet Press Ran St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild Methodist Church. The chorus BATHROOM The Weather Will m eet tom orrow at 11 a.m . deadline is Monday. Not Final, .For'The Week Xhided in the Parish Hall. Members November 14; 1970 Clear and quite cold tonight; mercury dropping to low teens. will bring: their own ' sand­ Staff Sgt. Joseph Miranda Jr., wiches. Beverage and dessert Says Lowe CUSTOM VANITiES Tomorrow mostly sunny but son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' \ - ' .] will be served. \ 'V « . ^ ; cold; high about 30. Saturday’s’ Miranda of 26 Cumberland St., Manchester Community Col­ 16,080 outlook fair, continued cold. recently graduated from the lege President Frederick W. Built to "pace a"*! Idea* There will be a "Revivaltime U. S. Air Force Noncom­ Lowe Jr. said that he, along Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm By DAWKINS THOMPSON Radio R ally'’ tonight at 7:30 at missioned Officer Leadership with other presidents of the Calvary Church. The service School at McGuire AFB, N. J. state community college system, VOL. LXXXX, NO. 82 will be sponsored by the As­ (’TWENTY-EIGHT PAGE^TW O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 (Classified Advwtlsing oo Page ZS) PRICE TEN. CENTS He is serving as a weather ob­ is taking a wait-and-see attitude 649-9669 643-1695 semblies of God Churches in server technician with a unit following recommended slashes Manchester and East Hartford. of the Air Weather Service at in higher education capital budg­ TTiere will be a fellowship hour McGuire AFB. with refreshments after the ets made by the State Building Program Commission (SBPC) service. The service is open to Uriel Lodge of Masons Will the public. Monday. Israelis hold a regular business meet­ The commission proposed McGovern Ready ing at the Masonic Terti{)le tn The Hartford Stage Company $181.7 million for building proj­ Merrow on Saturday at 7:30 ects over the next biennium. Accuse Cairo Women’s Committee will have p.m., followed by a color film a general membership meeting This was a cut of $608.3 million WANT TO LEARN presentation prepared by the from what agencies had asked, Monday at 12:45 p.m. at the program committee, after To Bid Form ally ■Co. T. H. Parker, senior and a $268.3 milUon cut in school Of Violation which refreshments will be requests. tic of the Hartford Couront, served. TO SEW? be the guest speaker. Paul Hardest hit was the 10-instltu- TEL A'VIV (AP)— Pour tion community colleg:e system. er will open the meeting The building council of Com­ Soviet - made Egyptian A spokesman for the Commis­ Have A ll Those Beautiful Clothes For Presidency ‘What’s New at the Play­ munity Baptist Church will fighter-bombers flew over sion for Higher Education house.’’ Dessert and coffee will meet tonight at 7:30 in the be served. (CHE) said that the community Israeli positions in the Si­ church youth building. You Thought You Couldn't Havel WASHING'TON (AP)— Sen. George S. McGovern, D- nai desert, the Israeli mili­ colleges’ request was for $134.9 S.D., wnouncM today that his work ,as j^hairman of a North Manchester Al-Anon million, which included money tary command charged to^ The Entered Apprentice de-- GAUL NOW AND ENBOIX. TO MAKE A DBES8 commission to reform the Democratic Party is well on family group will meet tonig:ht gree -will be conferred when to Tease facilities. The SBPC day in a complaint to tiie at 8 at . the Second Congregratlon- recommended an appropriation the way to completion, and that he is resigning that Friendship Lodge of Masons a s ' y o u l e a r n t o s e w U.N. Truce Supervision Or­ al parish house. The Thursday of $2.5 million. post to clear the way to run for the 1972 presidential ganization. meets at 7:30 tomorrow night nomination. ------^------group will meet at 8:30 p.m. at at the Masonic Temple. Junior Dr. Donald H. McGannon, 644-8125 — 528-1186 The incident was reported as the Pathfinders Club, 102 Nor­ Warden Robert A. Haugh will chairman of the CHE, said yes­ He ^ d he m ^ted to an- Th* south Dakotan said he is U.N. special envoy Gunnar V. man 'St. Both groups meet preside. Officer dress is tuxedo. terday the SBPC recommenda­ CLASSES START WEEK OF JANUARY 18th !i!j****^ candidacy formally stepping down as chairman of Jarring headed for Jerusalem In weekly arid are open to the Refreshments -will be served af­ tion Would provide only for id about 10 days, but that ar- the commission—up until now an effort to get his Middle East friends and relatives living with ter the meeting. planning. Doubt was expressed rangements are stUl being jmown InformaUy as the “Mc- peace talks moving. a-drinking problem. at yesterday’s meeting for com­ DAY & EVENINO CLASSES , made.„ _ Govern Commission”—because M W 3w^ predlt!^ that as a «i j^^y be a candidate in 1972 An Israeli communique said Delta Chapter. RAM, will munity college heads. Dr. Lowe two Sukhoi jets streaked across Jehovah’s Witnesses will have & T m u s CO*™"!"!®*!» work and I felt at a time I was meet at 7:30 tonight at the said, that, the sum would be Adulrs the Sues Canal just south ef group discussions tonight at sufficient for leasing facilities. Former Mayor Honored the 1072 party nominating con- pursuing delegates 1 shouldn’t Masonic Temple. The Mark vantlan would have substantial­ Port Said about noon Wednea- 7:30 at 18 Chambers St., 726 N. Master degree will be confer­ Dr. Lowe made three points Former town director and mayor Harold A. Turkington looks over a photograph ALL NEW EQUIPMENT be telling them how to chooee ly more women, young people delegates. day, then swung back toward Main St., 281 Woodbrldge St., red, with Elmer Stone, captain in commenting on his reactions of himself which was dedicated before last night’s Board of Directors meeting. 144 Griffin Rd. in South Wind­ and minority ggroup r------inembers------as “ ggld a heavy wrok sched- Egypt. of the host, presiding. Refresh­ to the proposed cut for com­ Town Manager Robert Weiss holds the framed photo. The picture will hang in NEW SINGER ZIO-ZAO MACHINES IN SEWING BOOM At about the same time, two sor and French Rd., Bolton. delegatea ttaan „ . tumultuous uia also was a factor In his deci­ ments will be served after the munity colleges. First, he said, other Egyptian i^anes creased the directors office in the municipal building. The engravings under the photo­ — ONE MACHINE PER PUPIL — 1968 gathering at Chicoga ^ meeting. "W e should start with the as­ T4 will a vwvtBraa*^ sion. the canal near El Qantara about Ihe Senior Choir of Com­ sumption that this Is just a com­ graph reads “The Honorable Harold A. Turkington — Board of Directors-^ It will be "leas a power’'bro­ The commissUm, offlciaUy the munity Baptist Church will re­ kers’ convenUpn and more a 30 mUes south of P ort Said, fleiw The VFW and its Auxiliary mittee recommendation, not fin­ 1945-1970.’’ He was mayor from 194,8 to 1952, from 1954 to 1958, and from KATHLEEN STILES Commission on Party Structure hearse ton l^ t at 7 :30 in the parallel to the waterway over will conduct a recreational pro­ al, and is subject to action by 1960 to 1962. (Herald photo by Buceivicius’) b ™“! D«legate Selectimi, issued Israeli jxMaitions and m ade their church youth building. 1678 ELLINGTON ROAD SOUTH WINDSOR gram tonlg^it j ^ t h e Newington the legislature and the gov^ y **ry**l ?° !® guidelines for'party refonn exit near ISnudlla, a spokesman Veterans HdBpltal. Members emor-elect. I feel we can really effect on the interim campus, northesist sector o f the 161- $3,740,894. It is expected to be April. McGovern reported The Junior Choir of North Webster Florist BnUdlng to the people. Yes, I think it will said. planning to attend will meet at have faith in the governor- contracted for and under way. acre Wetherell St.-Hillstown Rd. ready to accommodate 1,600 United Methodist Church will be helpful to me.” (See Page Eight) The Israelis accused Egypt of the Post Home at 6:30. elect’s Interest in community The 11-building modular com- .tract by NationabHomes (Jorp, students at the start ot the 1971- refiearse tomorrow at 3:16 p.m. three similar violations last No­ colleges.’’ plex is being constructed in the of Lafayette, Ind. at a cost of 72 academic year. at ttie church. vem ber. The executive board of the Next, Dr. Lowe said he feels, I Diplomatic sources at U.N. Manchester Fine Arts Associa­ if community colleges cannot 7 Eastern Connecticut Chapter headquarters in New Toric said „ tion will meet tonight at 7:30 build but are forced to con­ / of Zero Population Growth will Jarring agreed to go to Jerusa­ at Mott’s Community Hall. tinue to lease, the cost will be meet Friday at 8 p.m. in the lem after concluding lihat mean­ twice as much to the taxpayers Explosions Wreck ingful talks could not get under Life-Sciences Building of the TTie Sunset Club will meet over two decades. Although University of Connecticut in way until he conferred with Is­ Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Sen­ MOC is leasing the Hartford Rd. raeli Foreign Minister Ahha Storrs. Mrs. Flora Snow of the ior Citizens Center. building at $3.87 per square foot . State Child and Family Serv­ Eban. per year, he said. "Present Ammunition Dump IsraeU Ambassador Toeef Te- ices and Mr. and Mrs. How­ First Church of Christ, Sci­ leasing costs for other colleges Gov. and Mrs. ’Thomas Meskill, heading procession are Maj. George W . Tule, major commandant of the ard Roberts of Open Door, a koah told newsmen at ' UJf. entist, will have its regular are running between $4 and 6." at the traditional Governor’s Foot Guaril Inaugural First Company, Governor’s Foot Guard, left and statewide organization dealing Governor headquarters that he oml Jar­ midweek testimcmy meeting to- Northwestern Community Col­ Ball, salute the flag during playing of National An­ Capt. Richard D. Flaherty, chief of staff, right. ring are lea-vlng tonight for Js- with interracial adoptions, will nl^t at 8 at the church, 447 N. lege in Winsted is the only in­ In South Vietnam them. Escorting the governor and state’s first Ifidy Some 1,700 attended ball, (aeraia {notes by ooara) rael for high-level talks and ex­ speak. The meeting will be open Main St. Tile meeting is open stitution in the state com­ By GEORGE E8PEB Nominates pect to arrive there Friday to the public. to the public. munity college system that The explosions subsided about k Associated Preoa Writer m orning. owns its building. noon, but occasional artillery U.N. diplomats ejqneaaed be­ At the going rate. Dr. Lowe OAiaON (AP) — A 10-hour rounds were stiU going off, and In Hartford lief that the Jerusalem vlMt, continued, “ A square foot for series of ejqiloaions today two smaU tires continued to would be brief and that Jar- '20 years would cost between', wrecked a .bvemor’s other —^A broader state witness East Hartford RepubUcan who to delay the peace talks, but in the entire store In his final . Dr. Lowe current state employes. major points in' the address: exidoslan in South Vietnam In Guns Sink But for rookie Gov. Thomas immunity law is needed. waged an unsuccessful cbm- Western dlfUomats said Jarring *except fair traded merchandise switched from the financial to nearly two yeare. The move harmonized with —A notq>artisan approach is —A direct primary system the philosophical. “ If the Leg­ J. Meskill and other working paign last year for secretary beUeved the Jerusalem vlMt A South Vietnamese spokes­ the theme of his campaign and needed—especially ' since the fbr state offices and other elec­ of the state instead of running was necessary to get the talks islature decides not 'to build,” man said the cause had not members of Connecticut's new his Inaugural address before an Democrats have the legislature, tion reforms are overdue. he said, "it will be a sad day V essel O f f for a second term in the state off the ground. . boon determined but an investi- government, the refrains of in­ afternoon joint session of the the Reputdicans the governor’s But for a time, at least, the for the poor and minority House of Representatives. N was not clear why IsraM gatloa was under way. augural boll music must have Democratic-controlled legisla­ offlee. new governor, the old and new groups. There is already evi­ Adoli^ Carleeon, MeskUl’s placed bo much stress on the^r The qwkesman said the blasts South Korea been counterpolnted by the ture: '"Ihe state of the state —Cities and towns need au­ office holders, lobbyists and former legislative aide and the meeting, but some observers' dence that community colleges destroyed at least a tiilrd of the problems of the morrow—^prob­ is not good.” thority to levy nonproperty are enrolling twice as many owner ot an insurance agency speculated Eban might seek to munttions In the dump at Qui SEOUL (AP) — North Korean lems €U9 modern as acid rock. The proUem is money, more taxes. (See Page Eight) in New Britain, was nominated sh!ft the site of the Indirect 101 ' f students from minority groups The hoopla ot inaugurating a Nhon, 278 mUes northeast o f gunboats attacked and sank a for the post of finance Arab-Israeli talks to Cyprus or. as any other educational in­ Saigon. F ield reports sold 16,000 new govenun’ ended with the some other location cloeer to the stitutions.” disabled' South Korean fisiling commissioner. tons of ammunition of all types two inauguration balls which KQddle East. Dr.-Lowe said the SRPCrB rec­ boat with 11 Koreans aboard Edward H. Slmpspn, the Re­ were in the stockpile. Including Wednesday night, the national capped a long day of parading, publican town chairman of Eban in his invitation to Jar­ ommendations, if followed, artillery shells, mortars, hand speeches, gunnery salutes, ring said he "wanted to survey MANCHESTER would have no effect on MOC police repottod. Officials’ said Meskill Inaugural Ball Simsbury and an insurance ex MS AiAIN STREET grenades and small arms am­ they had no Information on the prayers and other assorted ecutive, was named to head situation, to acquaint you enrollment next year but would munition. pageantry. have in the next two or three fate of the flshermen. the Personnel Department. with the basic views of my gov­ ernment and to discuss steps years. It would also have no The depot Is on the side of a The ,gpunterrInflltration Com­ The fun and frolic was to The nominations must be ____ mountain about a mUe and a give Way Thursday to a sub­ necessary to ensure the fuUUl- Opportunity mand said North Korean gun­ Quiet, BuJ Colorful Affa ir ^rm ed by one h^se of toe of' j^r''mlBrioiT'foi’ toe half west of South Vietnam’s boats fired on two fishing boats stantive legislative day — the fourth largest city and Is weU first ot the 1971 legislature. ^eralj^m bly. U approved, ^ ^ ^ n of agreement on the in the Yellow' Sea off the north­ toe ^ipointments^for finance ^bUahment of peace." away from the city’s residential But even Eunldst the inaugur­ By VIVIAN-FERGUSON event to be crowded and har­ so beautifully that everyone had west coast, but South Korean and consumer protection would Meanwhile, the chief UJI. area . Windows two miles away al pomp there was a spatter­ plenty of room to mill about. navy craft rescued one boat. ried. go into effect Feb. 10 because delegates, ot toe United Statoa, were broken by the explosions. ing ot the hard reality o f gov­ The first Inaugural ball hon­ An exceptionally large area ;110 I The other was seen in flames, As is traditional. The First they replace men serving tern- Britain. France and toe Soviet The first explosion about 2 erning a state whose problem s oring a RepubUcan governor in running the full length of the the command said. Company, Governor’s Foot porary appotatments. The per- union held another ot toelr per­ MEN’S am. triggered thousands of m ay stagger the imagination. 24 years was a surprisingly hall was set aside for dancing PoUce otflclals at Inchon said .rounds of artillery and rockets. Guard was host for the event and for the entrance of the gov­ sonnel commlssdMier appoint- jj^ic meetings on the Middle the captain of the missing boat (iov. Meskill, sworn in as the quiet and relatively imcrowded ment would become effective gj^t Wednesday, welcomed the - ■ Savings The area was Uttered with shell state’s first Republican gover­ affair. Because of the great at the State Armory, Hartford. ernor and other dignitaries. raidioed about 4 p.m. that he had Boxes, each seating about 20 March 1, toe end of toe regu- reactivation of toe peace talks fragments and hundreds of to stop fishing because of engine nor In 16 years, ordered an im­ demand for tickets which were They have done so since 1881, lar term . rounds that were blown awoy mediate freeze on all new hir­ guests, ran the full length of and expressed hope they would trouble. The poUce said the unavailable to many prom­ although the ball was once held Mrs. Dunn 'would succeed succeed. but did not exidode. Canisters of ing by state agencies, as well inent members of the RepubU­ at Foot Guard HaU. The Foot this central aisle and all about 11 Ail (il Consumer Protection Commla- They disagreed, however, on SHOE tear gas also went off. (See Page Fourteen) as a moratorium on promotion. can pa^, most expected the Guard had oi^rani^d the event the hall. Each box was attended IN EVERY DEPARTMENT by a special waiter. aioner Francis M. Gersz of«the role they should iday. The 945 MAIN ST...... , * jftk The finest music of the eve­ Ne wl^Veiu Carleson would he united States toMc the pooitian ning was heard during a con­ stepping Into the -post now held that they should remain in the cert played from 8 to 10 by ■ by , Finance Oommiaslcxier Leo background and let Jarring car- DOWNTOWN the Governor’s Foot Guard y. Donohue of Avon. Simpson ry on in his own way. The Soviet CLEARANCE Band. The group took only a would replace Personiiel ^m - Union wanted toe Big Four to GIs Out Frustration with Viet War five-minute ■ break during the missioner C. Perrle Phillips of (ake a more active role, per- MANCHESTER THURSDAY, JAN. 7 HOUSE & HAU OPEN THURSDAY HIHRT ■ J' two-hour period. I am proud to Hamden. hape o((ering guidelines for toe say that two members of The Despite a late night of danc- talks. Britain and France ax­ Herald staff—Assistant Man­ ing at toe Inaugurtd Ball and pressed toelr readiness to -belp, BIG s e l e c t io n in c l u d e s aging Editor Harold Turking­ an additional appearance • at when and if needed. Ixplpsives at Their Own Officers ton and llnotyplst Herb Kings­ Inaugural n, a second dance The Nixon administration was bury played with them—Harold (See Page Two) (See Page Two) By MKMAEL PUTZEL on the Bousaphone and Herb on OXFORDS. SLIPONS, LOAFERS! we reserve wonderful savings on merchandise Assoolated Press Writer the trumpet. The hsdl of the Armory was ( QUANO TTU, Vietnam (A P ) hung with blue and white bunt-' right to limit visually liot marked. down — Sgt. Gene Tlngley usually got ing. A huge dias had been erec­ On Boys’ School Black, Brown, Tan , to the orderly room Shortly be­ ted at the north end of the gi­ fore 6 a.m. to reUeve the night gantic room. The United States quantities Starts Thursday mominp when doors openi Every department in the store duty sergefuat. That morning he will offer oil Its merchondise at o 2 0 % discounti Nothing will be held flag, an exceptionally large one, overslept. At 6:03, five pounds formed a backdrop for the dlaa Release of Meriden Report bock except a few items which ore price-fixed by the manufacturer, plus of plsstic ej^cslye Mew the Sizes 6V2 to 12 to each and dominated the scene. Gov. any morchondise sold rogularly at discount prices or January Sale PtIm s headquarters building iq>art Thomas J. Meskill, his wife Irks Youth Commissioner You vrill automatically deduct the 20% from every price too on anv itom’ The blast cripjUed the duty Mary Frances, his 18-year-oId whether it sells for 10c or $100 and more. ® item. sergeant sad broke the leg cf a But Not In Every* Style customer daughter Maureen, and other HARTFORD (AP) — Commis­ one-day tour at the Mkridan OI asle^ in the next room. dignitaries would march to this “It took me until about noon sioner Wayne R. Muocl of the school and toe Long Lons area and be spated there. Youth Services Department to figure nut they were «ut to The crowd moved about the School for Girls at Middletown get m e," Tlngley said. “Then tt criticised Rep. Claude Pei^r, in July. The itoport said tiM great hall. ConsideraMe \dsiUng D-Fla., Wednesday for releasing pr. THOUSANDS OF ITEMS ALL was kkuls shocking.” and socializing took place as “institutionalised chaos"' at 93 136 pr. no mail or a report critical of toe juvenile Meriden contrasted with tha nnglay, 27, of Madrid, foiwa, guests moved from one box to corrections program at toe OVER STORE 20% OFF! 'Hist sergeant of Headquarters another. With 1,700 couples in at­ sltuadbn at Long Lane, vdilch LOOK! Meriden SchoM for Boya said it U administered by a phone orders Women’s Lingerie, Lamps, Dinnerware Gifts OonqMny, 14th Engineers, was tendance, there was plenty of the target cf a “fragging”—an. opportunity, many recognizing Muccl said Pepper released "sensitive superintendent.’’ qt only at only Hosiery, Sleepwear Cups, Saucers, Jewelry, Silverware, toe report to toC press to get Women’s Blouses, attack a OI uMng a fragmen­ old fitends from towns other “It does not take an eoqiert Glassware, Shades, Watches back at Sen. Thomas Dodd, D- in juvenile corrections to de­ Sweaters, Skirts tation grenade or other explo- than their own whom they did Clocks . ~ Shoes, Boots, live against another American, not necessarily expect to see. Oonn., for criticising Florida’s termine in a very riiort perWB . Women’s Handbags, Slippers cash, charge, Pots, Pans, Noveltiea usually his sergeant or an offi­ It was a coiuteryative group. juv'ehile institutions last year. of time that there la somatolng Gloves, Accessories Boys’ Suits, Coats, He Kdd no members of his seriously wrong with. .Meri­ Men’s Suits, Coats, Jackets, Trousers cer. Floor-lei^:th gowns were re­ ' -Women’s Dresses, Army spdliMmen claim they quired dress for the ladies, the staff received a copy of toe den,’’ the report said. “Tha budget^ Trousers, Jackets Boys' Hose, Shirts, puMished report, which was re­ Coats, Suits Men’s Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, Ties don’t know bOTH n^ tragglnga gentlemen’ in black tie. The gov­ taxpayers of ,Oamwctlcut have and Infanta^ Children’s leased to toe news media. shown an uncommon wUllngneea \..„ Ties, Gloves Curtains, DrE^>es, occur In Vietnam, n e y aay the ernor chose to depart from no Iqy-aways Wear Men’s Hose, Window Sbaudes problem la not serious enough to white tie as In the pstst. While . Rep. Pepper, chairman of toe to expend funds for oorreotkna. Girls’, Teens’ Underwear^ Jewelry Towels, ,Blanketa,' warrant qieclal attrition at one might have expected a pro­ House Select Committee on They deserve better raaults.** Wear Pictures - Linens fusion of pants suits among the Crime, said in the report that Housewares, China,. Desks hceillquartwa / Muccl said Wednesday that —And Many More But It la known that fragglnga ladies, 1 would adjudge that less toe Meriden school is achieving toe committee toured Uie achool “remarkaMy tuilmpresslve re­ ALL ON RACKS FOR EASY SELECTION Increase shuplY M tl-H. unlta A battali(Hi oommander collects all iragmentatiiHi reason is ’Hragging’—an attack by a GI using a than one-third choae this form “about three 'weeks after a shift into defensive poaitiona o f attire. sults” for toe money it spends highly qualified ..auperintandeat MAIN ST. manchester^ ^ m grenades, like the one this GI is throwhig at the fragmentation s^enade or other explosive against on ju'venile corrections.' (dee Page I ■) enemy, from poops coming out of the Held. ’The another American, usually an officer. (AP Photo) (See Page Eight) The report was based on a (S ee Bag*) ■) /. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, c6NN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971

Governor Drug Center - Mozart Work NKMiwmoB ] SheiDWolil on Bridge I ______- The Drug Advisory Center, lim m M m sKa g o i n g DOWN ONE MAY WIN Nominates Played Well T O U fU lE Y The Baby Has 81 Russell St, is observing NORTH the following schedule: BF ALFRED SH|lINWOLD ♦ KQ74 Monday through CMday, ' *. By JOHN G R UBER In Hartford ^ 2 .... - 8:80 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tschaikowsky’s Fourth Sym- (Continued from Page One) ph’(Hiy was the major work On When you cannot make a dou­ 0 1054 A telephone backup ser­ AMimO ♦ 5 2 PARDON OUR DUST SALE! last evening’s subscription con­ bled contract at rubber bridge, B een N am ed for the overflow crowd, Meskill vice is available Monday Aiidianen reported to work Thursday at cert by the Hartford Symphony E you don’t cry your eyes out at EAST through Saturday from 6. Orchestra. Hiis was the work 92 4 J io8 5 Choose from These , 8:30 a.m. p.m. to 3 a.m. suffering a penalty of 800 WE ARE REMODELING! After attending to some ini­ that gave the composer great MX m t M nm o K 5 "i;:? A 109 8 3 PMnUI tuiZmci 8wMi points. You take your loss like tial work, the new Republican For vdrug advisory infor­ satisfaction, and Mr. Wino- AQ976 O J 8 2 Famous Names... Clark, Ch^stina Lee, daughter, pf Bruce R. and Sharon governor met at.^, 9:80 with mation, call:. 647-9222. grad’s reading of the score gave a little man and go on to the AJ73 ♦ 6 ‘ • Sawdust, pohit pioti, wiring and loads Anne Hackett Clark, 10 Robin Rd. She was bom Dec. 26 at newsmen. The moHilng news the near capacity audience next hand in the hope of picking SOUTH • SEUG • KLING.G KROEHLER Manchester Memorial Hospital, ner maternal grandparents conference, like those conducted equal satisfactl 17 nslim itesnMRyiii 74 by his predecessor, former Gov. ftmt or Adult iMrtlsi ment bridge all hands are nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Qerald F. Clark, Erving. John Dempsey, is expected-^to Police Log did ..restraint in early move­ equally important, and making O K3 around us, to rtmocM "BIGGER and • BASSEH • FRIGIDAIRE She has a brother, Kenneth B., 6; and a sister, Catharlna A., b^ a regular event at the capi-.^ ments of the work, something a slam on the next hand won’t 4k K Q 10984 •I DIXIE # LA-Z-BOY # MODERN he is none too prone to do, with 2. tol. get you out of the l^ e . 'Diere’s Weft North East South BETTER"— tfio .*•!*** ARRESTS the result that there was plenty . US «K IMOU 17 AMHini • MOHAWK • BROY HILL "the local tax base must be ex­ (Ast iMt aty wry no glory In going down one at lA Pass IQ7 ‘'2 * „ Frederick L. Payette,' 38, ot left in the orchestra for tiie bril­ Alvord, Seth Wales, son of Joel and Anne Stllson Alvord panded" and that the state MMrtilniiow) rubber bridge, but it i h ^ 'wln a D;0uble All Pass______East Hartford, charged with op- liant finale. We also got some of GlEistonbury. He was bom Dec. 2S at Manchester Memorial should defer "to the good sense •••••••a•••••••••*•••••«*••• tournament for you a t' match - New Keith's Furniture! and Many, Many Morel Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. of local electorates and local eraUng a motor vehicle while highly effective pianissimo pas­ Under the influence ot liquor, sages, particularly at the end of point bridge. ijy trying a finesse with the ten. ■ Hoyt SUbHxi, 78 Campfldd Rd., Manbhester. His paternal officios the decisions on local West dealer. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Alvord, Cummaquid, tax structures.” and wilful Injury to persmal the scherzo. So the vdiole thing West wins with the Jack of property, arrested early this was an excellent performance Neither side vulnerable. clubs, but cannot lead a fourth Mass., formerly of Manchester. He has a sister, Sarah Hoyt, Ths brought Democratc, cr- Opening lead — King of tcsm that the state would be morning on Center St. in front of this old favorite, so familiar round of diamonds since dum­ 2%. ■ . , Hearts. shirking its . responsibilites to of Moriarty Bros. Payette al­ as to require nothing but the my can ruff. best in execution. South Windsor , West opens the king of hearts Tardlf, Michael Paul, son of Raymond and Francolse municpaltes under su(di a pro­ legedly damaged a taxi two-way West gets only his two sure BEDROOM Robert Casadesus was the and continues with a heart to Dube Tardlf, Baxter St., Tolland. He was bom Dec. 24 at gram. radio. Court date Jan. 26. trump tricks, and South gets featured soloist offering Mo­ School System the iace. East'w isely switches UVING ROOM Rockville G enel^ Hospital. His maternal grandfather Is Na­ Meskill said Thursday he ftlt out for down onf. This costs on­ zart’s Piano Concerto in C poleon Dube, Coaticook, Canada. His paternal grandfather is his comments had more Impact, Claude FTerre Morin, 26, of to a low diamond, and West ly 100 points, which should as­ $150 Triple Dresser and major, with the orchestra. Since Wins Reprieve Arthur Tardlf of Dlxville, Canada. He has two brothers, Dan­ his comments had more impact Hartford, charged with non­ takes two dlamimd tricks vdth sure South a fine score. At there are three concertl in this Mirror, Walnut Finish, 9 ny and Patrick. than specific recommendations support. Court date Jan. 26. the ace and queen. West then many other tables of a tourna­ key, it mlg^t be well to identify On Pollution •i • » • -*1 would have had. leads a third diam As a. result, the South player safe tires, on Main St. yes­ KoecheTs enumeration. ers, Walnut Ritish, 1 Only. are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bembe, 50 Turnbull Rd. Her paternal ernor said he has made no de­ Mr. Casadesus played better delay in complying with a reg­ trick to the ace of trumps. At we have been watching would terday. Court date Jan. 25. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, Bloomfield. cision on a welfare commission­ than he did the last time I ulation that went into effect Oct. rubber bridge South might lead get a good score for being $300 2*pitce Livfnig Room She has a brother, Thomas J., m , 2H. er, a post which has been va­ heard him, sometime about 12 to meet the ..state’s anti-pol­ the king of clubs, planning to minus only 100 points. Cefoniol Maple Wing Sofa * *1 *1 • • ACCIDENTS $270 3-piece Bedroom ^ cant since the recent resigna­ four or five years back. But he lution rules. enter dummy later with a spade A v ^ c le which left the scene Dally Question and Choir. Suite, Solid Mopio Dresser $ ] r Oreenlesf, Holly Noelle, daughter of Dennis L. and Gail tion of John F. Harder of New ^dld not play as Well as he did The commission refused most in order to lead the next club damaged a car belonging to Partner opens with 1-NT (16 Wallace Greenleaf of Stafford Springs. She was bom Dec. 24 Haven. when I first heard him with the of the requests by other towns from dummy for a possible fi­ and Mirror, Chest and Shirley White of 108 Broad St. to 18 points), and the next fla y ­ at RockvllTe General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are In his appointments, Meskill New York Philharmonic and and individuals, but since the nesse with the ten. $il6 Odd Colonial Choirs, Spindle Bed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, 106 Kgfa St, Rockville. Her pa­ as it was parked Tuesday €tt the town’s* Board of Education has er passes. You hold: Spades, K- is turning to a 44-year-old Jle delight pudding. RAY STAfSC-HEmBIT ROSS Ptoduebon I $180 Frigidaire Dryer, ^ I' * m * * ■» ation Department. and recovered yesterday on tage^ under the circumstances. Friday — Tunafish macaroni iviuiciiiiiy wiiiins* Thomas, Christopher Richard, son of David and Sharon Simpson, 46, is a Brown Unl- Farmington St. Kodaly’s "Galanta Dances" salad, sliced tomato, pickle cir­ Barbra Strasaii Temperature Select, De- Waterman Thomas, 168 Cooper HIU St., Manchester. Ho was verslt y graduate, with major opened the program. Hiese are cles, bread and butter, milk rB]GMfgB_Se^ luxe Style. $790 Oak Dining Room ^ _ bom Dec. 21 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal study in economics. He joined A Rachel Rd. apartment was among the composer’s most and chocolate pudding with top- Suite, Large Gkm Door $ | Iv | I grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterman, 11 Goalee the Travelers. Insurance Co. In entered sometime Tuesday and commonly heard works, though plng. Mon. - Fri. 7:16 - 9:16 a pocketbook containing $214 ■» ••K Breokfront, Ovd Table and v O W Dr., Manchester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 1948 and later bec&me secret­ I fall to see why. Galanta was Guest Speaker Sat. 6:46-7:46-9:46 $370 Frigidaire 40" Elec- was stolen. Richard Thomas, 18 Lucian St., Manchester. IBs paternal ary of the Life, Accident and a towh in Hungary where the Hie regular meeting of the Sun. 8:46-7:46-0:46 tile Range, Solf>Cloan 6 Choirs. > groat - grandparents are Mrs. WTlUam Wood, hbmchester. Group Claims Department. He composer lived as a small boy, E.C.W. of St. Peter’s wlU be Sat. A Sun. Mnttness A pump, a vibrator, and a Wednesday at 8 p.m. arid the Oven. Mass.; and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomas, LeomlnstCr, Mass. also is a member of the Sims­ and the dahccs are always ‘‘ The Adventures of He has a brother, Andrew, 1^. generator were stolen in a touted as genuinely Hungarian guest i^eaker will be the Rev. bury Board of Zoning Appeals. Huckleberry Finn" break Tuesday night at the Ac­ in character. Pastor Sotolongo. His ti^lc will $530 Frigidaire Side ODDS ’n ENDS Phillips, the current personnel ton Construction Co. on Love be the work of the diocese AU Seats 86o Eddy, Shannon Cbiistine, daughter of Gerald R. and commissioner, began his current I have never found them so. Side 20 cu. ft. RoMgercK T U ,X h Lane. among the. Spanish-speaking Matlneea Only!! Jean Ttesing Eddy, 444 W. Middle Tpke., Manchester. She was term in 1967. H iey are genuinely "Mlttel- mr-Freexer. TUW bom Dec. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Europa" in character and the people in Oonnecticut. $80 Metal China Cobhiot, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Tleslng, 811 Green composer may have heard them Father Sotolongo is from St. GOP Director Named' John’s Episcopal Chumh of 36" Wide With Glass Manor Ter., Windsor Looks. Her paternal grandparents are in Hungary, but he m i^ t just $300 Frigidedre 14 cu. ft. CdW/kfl HARTFORD (AP) — Lewis Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Eddy, ,2 David St., Thompsonville. Israelis as easily have heard them in Doors, W hile or Copper ^68 D. Andrews Jr. of Bloomfield, Members of all area churches Automoric '2-door ReMg- ^ X l l X a former legislative aide to Czecho-Slovakla, Bosnia, or Rnish. Lower Slobovia. H iey are Slavic are invited to this January Gov. Thomas J. Meskill, was Accuse Cairo meeting. named executive director of the in character for the most part, Tolland Republican State Central Com­ rather than Magyar. $45 Maple Gosrip ^Bonch Of Violation Mr. Winograd g;ave them a Manchester Evening Herald Frigidaim $22 mittee Thursday by State GOP South Windsor Correspondent $320 30" Fully $ 9 0 7 Floor Somplo. performance that lacked con­ 623 M AIN ST., MANCHESTER (Fjormerly Frank’s) Chairman Howard E. Hausman. (Ciontinued from Page One) Barbara Varrick,-tel. 644-8274. Automatic Electric Rcmge. fc O I Board of Education Makes Andrews, who left MeskUTs viction, but there is little in this FRI. and SAT. SPECIAL from 6 to 10 P.M. staff last February to become reported advising Israel and the work to be convinced about, so BROILED OR BOILED 5^- $100 Maple Dry Sink Whh executive director of the Young Arabs that they must abandon the rather mfedlocre perform­ Space Serenade Changes in Some Bus Stops their “ maximum" positions and ance is easily imderstood. Copper Troy. ^45 Republican National Federatltm, make concessions if they really TUCSON, Arlz. (A P ) — Apollo IV 4 LB. LOBSTER M.75 was coordinator for MeskUTs The B oard of Education were those from two residents want a settlement. 14 astronauts will be listening to WITH POTATO, VEGETABLE and SALAD gubernatorial campaign last Johnny Cash’s country music on (No Reservations — No Take-Outs) agreed to make some changes on Crystal Lake Rd. and one fall. Informed sources in Jerusa­ Nurse’s A ide, 20, BEDDING each on Hurlburt and Merrow lem said the Israeli government their way to the mocm. Also: ASSORTED FISH MENU $50 Mohongony Cocktail in bus stops as the result of a Hausman said he felt An­ Rds. The denial was ,based on has asked Washington whether Slain, Springfield Cash, in Tucson to film a one- Table, Fkror Sample. *24 special meeting .it held Mor Tol­ incinerator. week before R u ss^ moved into Avoilable land...... """M.,,. attacked a police station. the building. ; ' AND sulted In the granting of one Officials at .the I . Exposition bus atop in the morning. T h e ^ Franklin Wells, president of Grounds said they w ere aware students will be d rtq ^ d o ff, at the Tolland County Agricultural of the move being considered Sell Foreign Cars ^ Old Word ' FRI. the com er of Eaton Rd. and Rt. Center, said he was unaware of but had requested they not be NEW YORK — There were The word "spit" in a ro- GROTESQUE Use Our 80 however, on the trip home. any such jdans. Asked if there informed of the '^particulars at 80,800 .franchised newHMur deal­ tlsserie goes back to the Anglo- BEINGS ON KEITH’S FURNITURE NiTES fiir 9 Additional stops were also would be enough land in the this time. ers in ' the UhltM States last S a : ^ ‘ ‘spltu/’ meaning a point. A GRUESOME 1115 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTBI EREE STORESIPE PARKING LayawOy Plan approved for middle school stu­ 6^'®® on Rt. 30, Vernon, \riiere Wallace said, ‘ ‘while the re­ year, ira from 31,100 in 1968. In the sense of a rod thrust RAMPAGE OF dents on Metcalfe Rd. and Mile the T A p ■ Buildings stand, commendations will be studied About 22,700 handled U.S.-mdde through ineat which Is to' be 236 1666 SADISM IN HUl Rd. Welles said the area .only con­ 447 fARMINOIUN AVf CEuefully, they wrni’t affect the cars, 3,700 sold foreign cars, broiled over open fire. It la at ;\ r ' Among the, requesto denied HARTFORD. CONN. tains 10 acres and would not 16n fair in West ^rlngfield. and 4,400 dettlt in' both. leEwt five centuries old. COLOR! T o r - k ' V . ;

• ■ c \ ■. :: ■ \ ff - 1 '• .Q , .1 . . N , , , ■ I i, ' . .1 ...YC':: % - -'J: . ' - . PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. tHURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE FIVE Tolland County cutlons. This was the end of the necessary" for the subsequent stuimlng wife, a former model, Istaiibul line for Turks wdto used to live Picasso and Matisse Star Andover ' sessions. getting the devout attention of in Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece - The crewel course Is open to LBJ’s Photo Victi the Senate when she was intro­ Plant Blast Causes and Bulgaria. Unwanted in their all -Andover residents. duced In' the gallery. House Ma- Annual Meet SurrOimded home countries they sought— In Stein Art Show Town Couple To Discuss Gorrection lority Leader Carl Ajello's wife and in the case of Bulgaria ai;e The Bloodmobile drive being Of Political Switch j^k^ly confessing that Ajello’s Of tA C Set BySlimis still seeking—refuge in Turkey. By MILEET a . sm ith subjects of portraits by their ccmducted this coming Monday new’lpupee made him look too They find it in Zeytinbumu, AP Arts Editor friends, more than 20 Of which Adoption at ZPG Meeting at the Golumbla Gongregational' By DON MEIKIE' of his wife Mary and five chlld- young^ ment chairman, or Mrs. John Inauguration Day the fascinat- House Speaker William Batch- meaning, “ they sprang iq> at racial adoption, will speak to “ “P* V> » mlniunum. successful campaign for toe toe roof and landed in the Uvteg ™ two other buildings were con­ ure.-. Hence their houses are to differentiate—their brother fitelns before World War I at - Oroman, Columbia chapter ing event that It was. .ford’s oldest son, Sha-wn, « \ seven storage tanks at toe plant nlglit.” the assembly on the problems Many town residents have Hiere were, of course, the ing'In his jacket Melenchinsky’s nomination for governor structed giving more than 10,000 those which “ sprang up at Michael, and his wife Sarah. prices that never topped a few • blood drive chairman. ’Hie gecekondular extend for hundred dollars. In addition to * of a d c^ ve parents. In addition been availing themselves of the predictable, scheduled events, buinper stickers proclaiming oo^'ly last year, said that Demp- square feet, of space in addition iU^t.” Expatriate writer Gertmde hJndTh rw K, ^ southwest edge mile after dreary mile. ’To the the works of Picasso, Matisse > to represneting the Open Door Hie parade through downtown ,“s t ^ government spending.” ®®y during his 10 years In h e ^ toe flr^ blM t/’ he said.J „f town. « is^ a coUecUon ^ to the other 6,000; The huts, many of which have Stein went 1% heavily for Plcas- garage grounds cm Long Hill Manchester Evening Herald . Hie homemaker’s groups, people who live there, the city and Gris there are five by Re- ■ Society, Roberts, ^ o teaches Hartford with Dempsey, Repub- “ He collects stickers, buttons, ®lh®® bad set “ a tone of de- ^ o to e r one hit and knocked me ,ed by SmaUer faculties. since b e ^ remade in concrete' l)eglnning when he was an Road. Hie pile of sand and salt Andover ebrreapondent Anna cency, morality and lovf of through money-making projects walls seem an impregnatde bar­ nolr, seven by Cezanne, a Manet - mathematics at the university llcan Gov. ’ihomas J. Meskill, all kinds of political stuff,’ ’ con- back into toe bed. dents evacuated homes for four and rented or sold to newcom- unknown in 1906. Leo also liked mixture Is available . t o all Frfslna, tel. 742-9341. and a Bonnard. and Mrs. Roberts, -who con­ and the other elected state offl- fided Shawn’s mother, Barbara, fellow man." He was warmly completed a modem kitchen in rier, holding them back from ers, are often clean arid even the early Picassos, but disliked townspeople for winter use. “ I'’ ran out of toe house and to five blocks around until toe tributes one' day a week at the clals riding in open cars be- In the corridors of toe Gapltol applauded. one of the buildings. A horse any sort of decent life. cosy inside, and there is little cubism whe it came along One of the key pictures of Pi­ Onwel Class Starting then toougdit about my ■wife— main blaze was CqntroUed. Hartford “ Y ” teaching swim-, Shratford Man Dies - hind toe governor’s foot guard were toe famlliEm faces' of Well­ The Democratic survivors of show ring and recreational the gecekondular some peo­ violence and racketeering in the shortly before World War I. Mi­ casso’s early period Is a 1906 • . Tolland County Ebctonsimers, and cannot A,- crewel workshop for three Fotta Jr., 26, of Stratford died lawn, sending clouds of acrid bor Ckxmcll. Hie redoubtable of toe State Schaffer, vestments in the land and their food in street markets an­ Of the approximately 225 for the equivalent of 330. It fi- ' Hie tank split the Armfield about 20. Hie blasts snapped provide them without normal Assisting Mrs. Roberts early Hiursday morning vriien white smoke drifting across Isabel Blacke of Hartford, an ^9®*''®^ the loudest and long- buildings stand at more than kle deep in stinking mud in win­ and nally wound up in his sister's es­ home in two and crumpled one power lines and left most of toe municipal services. Even postal Palnt^s. drawings prlnte fu « wlU be Mrs. Dottle Hiresher of the car he was driving jumped Bushnell Park In toe bright outspoken pleader for toe righta ®®t \npplause from the Demo­ 3140,000. Of this amount mem­ ter, and choking dust in sum­ nu­ tate. When .the American collec- • the State Child and Family Sery- Andover. side, south half of Mineral Wells service te a pVoblem, as many a median divider on the Con- January sunshlite. Hie foot of welfare mothers, clad In a cratic-legislature. bers have raised more than 396,- mer. They live with rats, flies cleus consists of Gertmde’s fi­ tors purchased the estate collec-': tees office In Norwich. Mrs. "nie course, stressing the fun- L. G. Harris, who lives across without lights, they said, cf the streets and alleys in the iMcticut Turnpike and collided guard band plajdng "Hall to toe leopard-skin coat. Fkirmec State 000 through contributions and Infant Shawn never cries' “ when I accidentally scoot his stomach against the nal collection of 38 works by Pi­ tion, they drew lots and the pic-" Snow, an experienced case damentals of crewel work, will toe street from toe plant, said A dispatcher for the Texas and pariah dogs. Hepatitis, ty­ gecekondular are unnamed. with two tractor-trailer trucks, Ghlef’ as MeskiU strode into toe Sen. Frank Piccolo of New Ha- special activities. The rentals top bar while lifting him out of the playpen,” says Mrs. Davis. (AP PJioto) casso and nine by Juan Gris, ture went to David Rockefeller. !. worker, wlU discuss various include the choice of fabrics, “ I was awakened by' a tremen- Department of Public Safety, phus and jaundice are (ximmon. But the worst problem the police said. Capitol. ven, now working for toe Dia- Names Alike from office space and contrib­ which was purchased two years aspects of ad(>ptlon. ■> various books available wi the dous blast, windows, and doors -Asa Walters, said one exidoeion Gholera, which took over 60 slum-dwellers face is the fact The Hermitage in Lenlilgrad ' (PbUce said FIAta’s car Hie cheering ovations given mond Match Oorp. Jack O’Brien utions from groups using the ago from her heirs for about 36 Following the speakers, an subject, and the teaching of 3(j DENVER (AP) — The names, slamming open, left only toe kitchen standing of with it in public, he couldn’t lives when it recently struck, that their food and water are loaned two works which denum- - crossed from the westbound to by majority Democrats in toe of the Gcnnecticut Petroleum facilities are taking care of the Baby Gives Fulfillment million, by five Amerlcafi col­ open discussion forum will be stitches basic to the work. of toe present and former exec­ “ There was a huge ball of fire a house about 600 yards from cope with it anytime. And that was a new but predictable ar­ likely to be contaminated by the strate Picasso’s approach to maintenance of the property. lectors, all of them patrons and conducted with audience par­ Hie first meeting, whi(to wUi 1^80 Bob Franklin o f, toe utive miccioradirectors oiof metoe uenverDenver and a big noise. the tanks. was that.” rival. sewage system—a system which cubism—“ Hiree Women” of Monies for expanded facilities trustees of the MMA. ticipation and refreshments will be for .registration purposes, tnick ^ n d ’ t l^ w w lg t o r ^ b e r t K. Oonnectlcut PubUc Expentoture Convention and Visitors Bureau “ .All I c(xild think about Was Fires started In several ()toer To Paraplegic Mother Leuice was different, however, A recent survey showed that has not been improved on since 1908 and “ Factory at Horta de tnick and then wedging ItseU KUUan and Democratic Score- OouncU. sound much aUke on toe tele- are being raised through the Around this nucleus have been be served. will be held Monday at 8 p.m. under toe second truck. getting my wife and children homes were put out quickly' she said. From the beginning 88 per cent-of Istanbul’s sewers the Byzantine era, as a munici­ Ebro” 'of 1909..It also had been - t6ry of toe State Gloria Schaf-' And there were also toe wives pheme. John W. Holcomb was Bean Hole Bean festivals held assembled other modem works hoped that the show might get’ ZPG, formed of citizens con­ at the -Andover Elenrmntary and running." —______By VIRGINIA THROWER “ I spent two years trying to he’d take her where ever she are open rivers. In the gecekon­ pal official recently confessed. “ magenta blouse and chUdren of state legislators, named to succeed Clarence N. each summer. collected by the various Steins, “ Nude With Drapery," a key cerned with toe population prob- School. At this meeting also, Pete Stetlet, who lives two In the 16th century Leonardo Post-Tribune Staff Writer find a job at first,” she recalled, wanted to go. ■ dular the sewers run yards The city administration says it mldlritlrt and boots, were sworn Ratchford’s youngest son wav- Hockom, who pronounces his Welles said that the facilities away fronq the water supply, now owned by about 90 institu­ work of 1907, but the Hermitage lem and dedicated to maintain- those attending will be inform­ mUes from toe plant, said he da Vinci designed a parachute, “ I went to every state and pri­ "When it came to marriage I is trying to put sewage pipes « u ing to him from the floor. Sen. name as thought It were speUed went outside iriien he heard the planned model cities, and in- are used almost continuously, GARY, Ind. (AP) — “ Having vate agency. Employers don’t and health authorities say this tions and individuals, geograph- decided it was t fragile to ing toe current level of popula- ed as to what materials will be Milford Hocpltal. The Introduction by MeskUI Robert D. Houley’s taU and Hoke-um. must admit it was I who had to and a decent water supply into jcally distributed from ■ the blast and saw a mushroom- vented a submarine.' not only by groups in the Goun- the baby has fulfilled my life,” think about anything but the is how cholera got its fcoting travel. However, several studies tion with no further increase in convince him,” she said, “ al­ the gecekondular, but admits it U.S.S.R. snd Norway to Mexico numbers, Invites toe public to ty Extension Service but by says Irene Davis. “ Now that I possible inconvenience caused though I insisted the decision here. ’The disease, they say, is which preceded this pcdntlng others such as local service is fighting a losing battle. and Australia. are in the exhibit. attend. have the baby and my family I by a handicap. But given a had to be his. I did go to a sped-. only transmitted throu^ infect­ clubs. Scouts and church groups. chance a handicapped person is ed water and food. The show is sponsored by the Any persons interested in wouldn’t change my life. allst to see if I could have chil­ Alcoa Foundation, which donat­ adoption or population problems Arrangements for the Jan. 14 “ I don’t think I’ll ever get liable to do a better job.than dren. He told me , he really Why do so many people live potluck supper are being made ed 3100,(X)3, much of which went who cannot attend but would used to the fact that I can’t someone else because he knows couldn’t tell, but if I became under such conditions? Today in History by Mrs. John Booth, Vernon; he has to keep the job. For half of them Istanbul yras for insurance fees and transpor­ DON'T TDRCUBT . . . like to placed on toe mailing walk, but now I can live with pregnant I probably could have By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tation. In slightly different ver­ Mrs. Donald Tedford, Bolton, the place you went to when the BERNIE'S Uat of either toe 2Sero Popula­ it.” •A h^dlcapped person should the baby. I didn’t want Lance to sions the exhibit will appear lat­ tion Growth or toe Open Door and Wesley Bulla, Manchester. be looked at as anyone else—:as village c(xUd no longer support Today is Thursday, Jan. 7, the ’There was a time she never marry me without knowing the er in Baltimore and San Fran­ PRIVATE SALE groupa can do so by contacting Each family is asked to bring having certain abilities €uid cer­ you. Hundreds are still arriving seventh day of 1971. There are thought she’d say this. It was possibilities of having or not 358 days left in the year. cisco. Baltimore’s Cone Collec­ FRIDAY ft Mrs. Roberts. either a hot dish, a salad or tain limitations.” every day from their exhausted SATURDAY ten years ago that Irene, an ac­ having a family.” Today’s Highlight In History tion loaned many items to the dessert enough for eight peo­ Irene credits her great love of farms arid stony land in the Charter Commission tive 16-year-old who loved the Irene says her husband never On this date in 1953, President show. ple. the outdoors with giving her in­ BERNIE'S ' First Selectman Percy Oook out-of-doors, was hit by a panel treats her like a cripple, but like hope of staying EtUve. Harry S. ’Truman announced the Because the Steins were so A short business meeting will centive to continue many activi­ has stated that as of this date truck and suffered a broken a housewife who’s expected to Adnan Klllc, 26, came to the United States had developed a close to many of the artists TV & A P P U A N C E include financial reports pre­ ties. She and her husband, Zeytinbumu slums from Yozgat Manchester Parkade no action has been taken by toe back. She.lay in bed for eight keep the house. hydrogen bomb. working in Paris early in the 'Board of Selectihen regarding sented by treEisurer William months, etnd then found she was Lance, go horseback riding, In Asia Minor at the age of 12 Niemann of Ellington. Reports "1 carry the food frofn the On This Date century, they often were the toe Gharter Oommlaslon. permanently paralyzed from the camping and boating. when his father died in debt to In 1789, the first U.S. presi­ of actiidties will be given by kitchen to the table for diimer,” G(xA aald that toe selectmen waist down. “ You should see her play bad­ the local landlord. dential election was held. Welles; three trustees will be Lance admitted. “ But only to have not heM a meeting since For a couple of months a ther­ minton,” Lance exclaimed. “ If I had stayed there my In 1800, the 13th American elected for three-year terms. save time so it stays hot And if reaving toe commission’s re­ apist worked with her twice a “ She can move that chair faster mother and I would have died,” president, Millard Fillmore, Terms expiring are those of the walls have to be washed ob­ port, so have had no opportu­ week to help her strengthen than I can move. She’s also bug­ he said in a matter-of-fact way. was bom in a log cabin in Gayu- nity for either dUouihdan or ac­ Welles, Bulla and Emerson viously I have to do the job. But He found a job working for a Lovely Lady Beauty Salon muscles so that she could sit ging me to get a motorcycle so basically, she runs the house the ga County, New York. tion. Hie regular meetigg of Abom. building company and brought In 1927, Radio telephone serv­ herself up and move into and she can ride behind. I don’t way any woman would.” toe selectmen, usually held on Slides of the outstanding ac­ his mother here two years later. ice opened between New York Is Pleased To Announce The Addition O f out of a wheelchair. He also know about that.” ’Iliere is no special equipment the third Monday of toe month, tivities in the development of taught her to use braces and Now he earns 500 liras (25 (lol- and Lcmdon. “ When I want to go out I get in the Davis home. Irene does, due to the holiday season was the Genter will be shown. crutches, but Irene found that lars) a month, on which he sup­ In 1931, a special committee in my car and go,” says Irene. however, organize her kitchen not held In 'December. - Gook Present members of the Board rtie could maneuver better from ports himself, his 16-year-old on unemployment reported to “ I’m a little more limited now cabinets and closets for easy ac­ ANN MARIE says be la trying to gather the of Trustees plus the three who the wheelchair. wife aniF his mother in a one- President Herbert Hoover that selectmen together for a meet­ will be going off are; Frank when I’m by myself with the cess. Either Irene, or Irene and room shack without water, gas Up to five million Americans “ I don’t have the muscle con­ baby. But when he gets a little ing this coming Monday eve­ Nlederwerfer, Rockville; Donald trol to use braces and crutch­ Lance do the shopping together. or electricity. He considers him­ were jobless. older It should work out. When I “And as for the baby,” said ning If possible. Kinsman, Storrs, ’Mrs. John es,” she explained. “ I need, the self lucky. In 1938, Joseph P. Kennedy Oook stated “ Inasmuch as was still working, though, Lance Irene, “ I got up and gave him Booth, Rockville; Niemann, El­ wheelchair to be independent. '"There we had nothing,” he was appointed U.S. ambassador we have a town attorney, we got in his car and I got in mine all his night feedings, and Lance lington; Mrs. Tedford, Bolton; It’s more important for me to said ’Here we have a home.” to Britain. are compelled to turn to the at­ and went to work. has changed him

y SU OBBEN ROAD Talapkonai - . fomerty I iJ tn IiA li. ^ MAiyCHBaTEB TRI CITY PLAZA Pboae M»«U6 (If ydu am’t mi^fpr tit nudt, esU 232A4SJ) i Open U nan. • 0 p.m.' VERNON,CONN. 7 dnaw ^______MH mNswtkAxrj I OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 PAI. MASTER CHARGE QR CAP WELCOMED I -■ a-..


milllon in foreign aid( funds— ilHanrfiPHtpr of the drive-yourself system. We can no Cut Your Own Tiaxes: 4 Nixon Working $Ud million o t the total for Another Trip Nuclehr Research Qkayed longer be sure setting own speed While ‘Resting’ Cambodia. lEupttttuj l|praib Or calculating our own time,_____ Having condenmed .Congress LONDON (AP) -^ Humor­ Monday''for what he termed the ist J. Perelman, the Ameri­ By UCa J Faculty BaUet Our first instinctive effort to remedy 'S. At Qemente demise of “excellent proposals, ■/ PUBLOBHKD b y iH E . • can writer who now lives in HBRAUD PKINTINO COi, (Newspaper Interprise Assn.) gress on defense spending in a y and Monday publication. has $150 in dividends in his ain. 1969, Laird at heart is a prudent sey, and as far south as the side of the highway, is reserved to buses. Much more favorable tax own name and his wife has Thursday, January 7 (NEXT: New Rules on ’The Annenberg place boasts a national security hardliner. For District of Columbia. With a lane all to themselves, the buses treatment is given to the in­ $30 in dividends in her own Most^of the cars were in the come on dividends. Capital Gains and Losses.) nlne-lude golf course that can be fully a year he has been warn­ and their passengers scooted along at name, their total exclusion played from any of three direc­ ing thht the so-called peace hands of Innocent people who The first |100 in dividends on a joint return is only $130. The New Governor’s Task 40 to 60 miles an hour while the ordinary A PUBLIC SERVICE FOR OUR tions so the player can, in ef­ dividend, resulting from a wind­ were shown false ownership pa­ received from qualifying The other $50 is taxable. READERS. Full text of Ray De fect, go 27 boles-if that Is his pers when they purchased the PLAZA DEPT. $T0RE n ie dark somber words in Governor traffic along side them was just Inching ing-down of the Vietnam war, domestic corporations (this Many people become con­ Croiio's 64-poge guide to filling out pleasure. has already been spent. cars, ’Titxqiera said. Some of (We Have A Notion To Please) Mesklll’s Inaugfural Address with regard its way along, enerally means all United fused with the dividend ac­ your return it available by moil. Nixon presumably plans to do So, the magical “reordering the cars 'were said to be new. E. MIDDLE ’TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) to the staggering amount of money the One such bus can - carry, of course, a ftates corporations, but does counting they receive on Send name, addreti and $1 per copy a lot of golfing if he goes to of priorities” at the Pentagon’s ’Taken into custody were Wal­ OPEN WED.. ’THURS., FRl. «U 9_ r r ‘4 not apply to dividends from their mutual funds. The to CUT YOUR OWN TAXES, e/o ter D. Dickenson Jr., 27, of state of Connecticut is about to have to nurttiter of passengers which might Palm Springs. Palmer might expense, a cliche of orators in farm co-operatives, real statement generally will Bloomlngburg, Wilbur Johnson, Manchester Herald, Dept. join him next week. At the mo- and out of the Administration, COME IN and BROWSE! raise from its citizens were accompan­ otherwise be contributing 60 additional estate investment trusts or‘ show a gross^ amount, and c/o becomes a chimera. L ik e. the 20, of EUenville and Jam es G. from so-called exempt or­ then separate entries for P.O. Box 480, Radio City Ststhm ot ied by a number of specific hints that automobiles to thie general traffic cri}sh • • AV-h-h'-.'-''■' r- ’• New York, N.Y. 10019 ^ $110,000 Glen CampbeU-Los An- rest of the budget, defense Johnscsi, 28, Ifbwburgli. ganizations, such as chari- ordinary dividend;, capital MANY ITfMS REDUCEBfOR the method and philosophy by wdilch of the hour. And as the motorists in their geles Open tournament. spending is uncuttable. All were chaiged with felony Copyright -1071 Fiend Enter­ possession of stolen property Connecticut has been facing its modem EeirUer Wednesday, Nixon CLEARANCE! own cars watch the buses roll by, more signed a bUl authorizing $660 prises, Inc. and released, on ball. social and economic problems are about and more of them may decide, in fu­ . Chavez Oaims Fed-Up Council to be challenged by fresh examination ture days, to make their own journey to Name Bill from a conservative-leaning point of, work a combination of modes of trans­ Pentagon Tries SAN CLEMSINTE, Calif. Ends Censorship (AP) — President Nixon has view. , portation, because it has now become To Bust Union signed a bill which author­ Of Sex Movies I An effort to ease an almost intoler­ more convenient to leave their own cars izes the naming of federal L (^ ANGELES (AP) — CobL- RAMSGATE, England (AP) able burden upon the taxpayers with a somewhere outside the crush zone. buildings after House Speak­ Chavex’ farm workers union has er John W. McCotmack and — TTie ’Town Council of this rigorous examination of the state’s cur­ The railroads have, of course, one I PbotoffraiitMl bjr Sytvtan Oflam filed suit against the Defense two other retired House English seaside resort is so fed. rent fashions in spending its money will great advantage of which they may IN THE WOODS Depsirtment,.- charging it with members. up 'With watching bedinom romps and nude scenes they be welcome to the taxpayers in general again some day become worthy. ’They trying to "destroy our iinion” MoCormaok, who did not by stepping tq> purchases of let­ have decided te abandon censor­ but certainly disturbing to the state’s already have their special lanes reserv­ seek re-election, will have tuce at higher-than-market pric­ his name on the U.8, post ship. , bureaucratic entrenchments and also to ed to themselves, and all they have to es from a grower Chavez’ union office and courthouse in “I don’t see why we should be compelled te sit down and view the communities and vital Interests they discover, again, is how to run trains Connecticut Yankee 4s in diaputo with. Boston. ’Ihq _suit, filed Wednesday in this kind of rubbish,” said May­ serve. over them. Inside U.S. District Court, names De­ or Walter Duddlngton after the By A.H.O. council sat through censorship We are likely to hear much complaint, l/p. Up The Budget fense Secretary Melvin Laird no comment on the suit. A then, in the months ahead, the one from and Bud Antle, Inc., as defend­ spokesman added, however, showings of “The Secrets of A Splendid Experience Even as the new order of Hartford area, but with little ants. that the Pentagon’s position In Sex’’ and “The Heterosexual.’’ those who pay the bills, the other from Inexorably the hands of time are mov­ Connecticut political life begins standing or reputation In the ’They approved both, pictures Antle Is the largest of some labor controversiM is “to re­ ing toward that hour in Ckmnecticut his­ one can see. the Democrats, those who are part of the built-up state aa a whole. He qiUte obvb 74 Etallnas l^ le y lettuce grow­ main completely neutral.” Wednesday for public screening tory when a new Governor will take the R ep o rt over on the sldelinea, watching oualy Intends to rem ^ y that and gave “Love Variations” a procMs of administering various state ers against wiknn Chavez called oath of office. A year ago on a bitter and wondering how to plot to certificate of approval wUbout situation by making himself the a nationwide boycott Sept 17, services. cold Satiuday afternoon in January By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak bring it to an end. most vigorous and enterprising bothering te look at it. Govemoir John N. Dempsey gathered a montii after the growers New Polish UnresH ' One basic thing might be kept in One does not see, however, attorney general in the hlstorjr “If anyone 'wants te waste his family about him and announced signed a fivo-year contract with 8TCX3KHDLM (AP) — About mind. ’There is nothing wrong or forbid­ WASHINGTON — What lltUe succession of immense budget, able. Consequently, the econ­ any such patteni of f u t ^ op­ of that state office, and'there their time and money on this that at the conclusion of his present the ’Teamster UnkxL 3,000 shipyard workers are doubt remained backstage in deficits along the lines of the omizers have now bowed to portunity facing the Democrats, may be times Mien It aeem^ tripe, they are welcome te it,” den about having state programs ex­ term he would retire from public life. The suit filed by lawyers for striking in the Polish port of the Nixon administration that $20 billion’ in red ink expected Laird’s arguments for a gentle today, in their relationship to that he is really oiyrathn^ as a said Oouncllwoman Molly Wat­ ’nUs was a decision which required C hav^' AIYi-dO United Farm Gdansk, demanding the release amined from a fresh and critical point of the Federal budget is spiralling this year — with frightening Im- - rise in Pentagon money. the gubernatorial campaign of sort of shadow goyenior, pacing son. fortitude. For 36 years Mr. Dempsey has Worken Organising Committee of some 200 persons arrested view. What is truly sound cannot be upward out of control has been plications foi^the nation’s eco­ Even if they had not, Laird far-off 1974 aa the Republicans himself and MeakiU toward that ‘"nils means that from now shared with others the talents which en­ erased by the new and unpub- tubjpe.- -asks $45,000 damages from during the rioting there last on in Ramsgate, anytiilng nomic likely would have prevailed with found waiting for them after the 1974 possibility. It will be a Antle for each farm worker In thrown away, even if anyone should dowed him with hig^ governmental post-. Ucized shift in the White House risky. Interesting venture, from month, a Stockholm newqpapar goes,’’ said another councillor. While Mr. Nixem and his press the President. His argument: Connecticut voting of 1968. ’The California and Arizona. ’The wish it; on the other hand, it is nonsense tions.'' He has served the public trust about defense ^lending. sm unusual base of operatioos, said today. with a ferocity for honesty and fairness. Sgente have persisted in claim­ To compensate for galloping in­ Republicans then found them­ number was unspedtied. During recent weeks oi and It could tall tlafc as well a* Aftenbladet said the strikers to think that there caimot be reorganiza­ The people of Connecticut know and ap­ ing the budget is under control, flation and military pay in­ selves, with only two years to It also asks that Laird step closed - door budget - making. rise high. also demanded that the new Ballplayer to Evangelist tion and redirection which can serve preciate these qualities in Mr. Dqmpsey. serious eccxiomists — in and creases would require a dan­ go to the next state election, Defense Deportment lettuce President Nixon’s chief budget House 8 p e'a'k' e r WiilUiun chief of the Polish. (temmunist No one was ever more deserving to out of the Adminlstraitlon—have gerous slashing of military with two potential champUons purchases from Antle and that “Billy’’ Sunday, (the great both economy and good progrtuns. drafters — George Shultz and Ratchford of Danbury was also party, Edward Oierek, go te have his public career come to a grace­ known the somber truth ■ for muscle. who had proved their actual Antle be stricken for three evangelist, was once a major I t ® Caspar Weinberger, No. 1 and a survivor of the 1970 resulbi, Gdansk to hear the workers’ ’The sobriety of the new Governor’s some time. This Laird refuses to do. He muscle by getting themselves yean from the list ot food grow­ league baseball player. From M l ful conclusion. ’The historians will duti­ No. 2 In the office of Manage­ and survived into a second grievances. mood Indicates that he has himself been fully ' mark the achievements of Mr. An example is Alan (Ireen- privately warned in 1969 that elected. AV the Republicans had ers eligible te bid on defense 1888 until his conversion in ment and Budget — have stop­ term in his headline position, Armed militia were reported span, a private economist based defense spending cuts would to do, to play their p pcealbility that they may reci>en' CUTIALVIUABI* # fVTMII • DAMUIT • MOHUDSbCMAt XAMCflil question of buying Union pond.

• .\- ./

'• -V •-t’4 . v MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, PAGE NINE \ V ' ' ■ • "t PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,^MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY .7, 1971 fication and payments will be Performers Jer^y Diie made after tee verification. requiem at St, Jtary’s Church, The Lottery Commission went Jesuit Jbfa|s the Qiiarry East Hartford, at 9. Burial will Governor I Washington Whirl through a full dress rehearsal be in the Veterans Memorial Brown, Carmichael Hiss More To Pull First Wednesday for the lottery draw­ Section of Hillside 'Cemetery, By MAXINE CHESHIRE ing. It took 40 minutes before a East Hartford. A n d Wife- Than Fans The Washington Post Lottery Ball Winning num ber w as produced Behind Congressional Robe B in. Annie BI. NeMernk Friends may call at the fu­ WASHINGTON — The day tlons to tee assignment and tee' first timer but a second ' SOUTH WINDSOR — M tb. neral home tomorrow from 7 Sought in Robbery runthroUgh Was accomplished ta By MORT BOBBN1N.UM after Nancy Dickerson aj^ar- ere still grumbling about It. TRENTON, N.J.' By CARL C. CRAFT electlon as an independent, and Annie M aslocka Nesteruk, 73, of to 9 p.m , Dance at Ball ed with President Nixon on tele- 23 minutes. ItewbUcan John BIcGlennon. Hartford, mother t>f John W. Robert Joseph Browm, 24, and Gustavous Lee Carmi­ Associated Press Writer If Ed Cox didn’t buy Tricia computer and a series of vdilrl- In subsequent weekly draw- WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s / chael, 23, bank robbers and fugitives wanted ^ the D ris^ views as a prime goal Nesteruk of South Windsor, BIrs. Ronald E. Lee (Oontlnned from Page One) ^ALA U)B?Pm, ^ a ^ ^ rac'wer^M t^^ed ^**a Nixon’s engagement ring from hiS drams and bounding balls tags, tee number of winners wiU ^ways open sMson, I^ es^ on solutiimXpf “tee enormously died Tuesday at Hartford Hos­ . Mrs. Ann Marie Hallisey Lee, __ , . . FBI for a Manchester holdup, are suspected by Boston complex” ^rcMem of economic- ha^rs » aM>eai^ to put ^ qqq holdup Monday morning and are pital. 32, o f Burlington, sister-of Mrs. conversion of d^toscsrelated in­ formers did more bieeieg than R disclosed her appearance ^®rk, tee couple may miss out wWilliam iiiioa™ T.>p r^.i.ni Cahill ,„ntwlU «.<„», finish it sold. For lottery tee officials drawing estimate next K —past law school dean, present Other survivors are 2 daugh­ Ruth H. Smith of Manchester, w e^ y state matters In the being sought on warrants for armed robbery for an Oct. i dustries to civilian puipooes.” ters, a brother, a sister, 12 the spectators. It was a natio^ '*^*h tee President and three^ on a very special wedding pres- today when tee state announces gales of 4 million tickets, mean- Jesuit priest and future con- died yesterday at Hartford Hoe-. back of thedr minds. 22 robbery of $46,931 of a Boston bank, according to In a hunt for an ansv^, he in­ grandchildren and 2 great­ snake handling contest other network correspondents' ®"^- a six-digit number teat will de- w there wUl bo four first prize gressman. j^ital. She was the wife of Ron­ MeskiU and his family at------Boston police. tends to call a sort of''to^ grandchildren. The Idea was to rato money being used as a promotion- J“He and David Elsenhower termtae tee first wrlnnehs ta tee winners. ' “That’? understandable. Alter ald E. Lee. tended a 6 p.m. Blass, and^ The fuglUves have been con­ meeting —a New England traSK,.^ Funeral services will be to­ for>r local charities. It also gave *dckoff for a new show that got one of tee loveUest gifts Other survivors are two sons, victed of several bank robberies New Jersey Lottery. ip|,e first drawtai? ta tee mil- we are public servants and tl«»—ta ■ his district ’’where all morrow at 10 a.m. at the Tay­ aborUy after dropped from the Blalaysla’sMalaysia’s reptile herders herdei a bit ®be Is attempting to market ® White House arrangements ed on the dust jacket as a com- number. It works this way: He'd like a seat on tee Judi­ been altered, and 18-year-olds day when acid rock was some- Every newsman, every cam- counter and scooped late pudding. cent hospital. lin!, 71, o f Cedar’ Swamp Rd. P™0 Wno uldn t even bother u/Ul.uwhich 1.^.1included,,... Her as one .of . hlnnllnnblnatlon nfof . Grace MetalioUSMetallous Anyone Anveme lievine-having a HnVefticket bear-1 Wednesday; Frankfurt on a ciary Committee, especially will be voting.” with the competition. Other survivors are a son, 3 died eariy this morning at Man­ thing a geologist might study. craman, every newscaster, had up almost r»..i WI T, . J . *our television reporters who (’’Peyton Place”) and Harold Ing a number which is identical roll, potato chips, cole slaw, since he was dean of Boston Col­ Drtaan stresses he is no long­ Sartorial ccmservatlsm was to be dressed formal last night whUe the other held other daughters, a brother, 3 chester Memorial Hospital. Daalagir bta HusM, for exam- joinuy tatervtewed President Robbins (’’The Carpetbag- to the winning number wins milk, ice cream. lege Law School from 1966 until er on leave from his college ac­ sisters, 10 grandchildren and 16 TTie Burke Funeral Home, 76 also the rule—white dinner _the men in tuxedoes, or the f ple, gave a lew friendly kisses Nixon. ^ gers”). $60,000; 11 tee last five digits are Thursday: Hamburg-maca- his recent resignation from col­ tivities: “I have resigned every­ great-g^randchlldren. Prospect St., Rockville, is in Jackets for the genUemen, ele- equivalent-Hthe ladies in eve- PoUce. Within a few minutes to a king cobra which he off- gjjg. appeared as a free-lance Her friendship with Kissinger legiate duties. thing at Boston College.” He gant gowns for the ladies. A ning gowns. ^wo men ran out of, identical, he wins $4,000; if the ronl casserole, buttered beans, The funeral will be tomorrow charge of arrangements. handetey mentions can Mil a representative of tee Public should sell another 50,000 last four match, he wins $400; com bread, butter, milk, mixed He comes to tee House as its will reside with the Jesuit com­ at 8:16^a.m. from- the Flsette handful of pants suits and a It was beautiful. You couldn’t jumped Into a c^ man ta five minutes. "■ Broadcasting Service. Some copies. Any girl who goes out and last three, he wins $40, and fniit. first Roman Catholic priest munity ta Washington’s George­ smattering of brighUy colored.tell a newsman from an ordl- |l»at had a driver who appar^tr Fattier Drinan PuneraT”Home, 20 Sisson Ave., M rs. d u irle s Chagrer Tlien Ong Yeok Fel, called veteran White House coirespon- with him is certain to get Jots if, tee last two match, he wins a' pritoy: Orange juice, toas- member since tee Rev. Gabriel town sectlcn. He w ill continu® Hartford with a solemn Mass BIrs. Edith M. Chayer, 75, dinner jackets were in nary citizen—and vice versa, ’y. w m w al^ for Uwm/a^ ‘Iron Hand ’ by his intimates, dents questioned her qualifica- of publicity. Iree ticket lor tee millionaire^ ed cheese sandwich, potato Richard won a lone term as a , wearing his black priestly evidence, however. p^ ie who were in the habit who drove for several b^ks of requiem in the Church of St. mother of Mrs. Charles wrapped a 169-pound python ______—------lottery that will be held twice a* i^cks, vegetable sticks, milk, delegate from Blichlgan territo­ should be remembered—tee ag- clothes: ’"They’re the only ones MeskiU's inaugural address of looking away when I’d tq)- ^®. ™®" Thomas the AposUe, Hartford, Straight of {Manchester, died around him for flavor whUe he y®^- I fudge cookies. ry ill 1822. tag, tee sick, tee retarded and I have.” at 9. Burial will be in Mt. St. Jan. 2 in St. Petersburg, Fla. caused mixed reactions among proach them, for fear they’d j?® ‘hree nieii jum^d out bent six iron bars with his "mus­ That means that from each ______What does Father Drtaan the' chronic alcoholic, we should Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. She was the wife of the Rev. Democrats, who praised the gov- have to answer embarrassing “ ^® cle-clad throat. A squeezing py­ Housewife Can Take Steps pool of a million tickets, there think he can do as a clergyman give more attention to teem and Friends may call at the fu­ Charles Chayer. emor’s call for bipartisan coop- questions, actually smiled at ®” “* anower car/The six men thon .pxerts about three pounds will be one $50,000 winner; nine Vpkeep Costs Rise in Congress? tile poor and tee blacks . . Aquarium Planned neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Other survivors are her hus­ leration but also criticized sev- me last night, apparently mis- “ rove otf in the deccnd car. of pressure per pound of its ”I’m not so pretentious as to At 40, Drinan, who 'describes To Get Furnishing Value $4,000 winners; 90 $f00 winners; SINGAPORE — Singapore band, another daughter, a eral of his proposals. taking me for an invited guest Warrants l^ve been Issued weight. 900 $40 winners and 9,000 win- WASHINGTON — Americans say teat I’m going to save tee himself as ”a superdove”, on tee ______plans to build a $6 m illion . Edmund O. Fisher brother, seven grandchildren DemocrajUc State rihairmen -as, indeed., I was. , tor Brown ^ d Carmichael for Yeoh Keng Seng stuffed tee By VIVIAN BROWN Good companies are willing to nere of tee free ticket. spent $800 .milUon ’more last nation. But I think teat what we Vietnam war, emerged tee up- Edmund C. Fisher, 66, o f Scot­ and four g;reat-grandchlldren. John M. Bailey seized uptm Everyone looked so pretty, so the Oct. ^ armed robbery of heads of two deadly kralts ta his AP Newsfeatures Writer lell what is ta their product. But But unlike most lotteries, tee year for upkeep and Improve- need ta this countryls some type set winner in a bitter teree-sld- aquarium and martaeland to a rv# _wA fH_ All RtniotrlA wlth'2R«vefl.r veteran 40*acr© site Otl tll6 6ASt COASti It land, Coim., formerly of Man­ Funeral services were held Mesklll’s call for |800 million in handsome—you couldn’t tell the the State Street Bank and mouth while so of their team­ inferior merchandise often re- wlimers will not be known ment of residences than ta 1968, of moral consensus—we are di- ed struggle with'28-year veteran 40-acre chester, died last night at his Tuesday at Uie R . Lee Williams new tax revenues. »players without a scorecard. Tnist Oi>. in Boeton, according mates crawled around .m... him. ““ manufacturer’s immediately. For tee tickets the Census Bureau estimates. vlded over priorities . .. Rep. PhlHp J. Phllbta, a con- will" include a 16-acre lagoon, a home. He was the husband of Funeral Home, 49th St. North, "I am shocked,’’ said Bailey. I’m seriously thinking of going to Sgt, John Everett of the Boe- Then he scooped teem up and h * taiTs^e ^ market something ta- must first be brouirbt to local TUls boosted tee 1969 total to “I think that tee last, tee low- servtUve Democrat who lost a two-story aquarium and six or Mrs. Anna Ferguson Fisher. St. Petersburg. ’ Throughout his campaign he to work every morning with a ton Police Department. Three < J ,1. , * , set up housekeeping, but some p^nenslve motor vehicle agencies for veri- $13.5 billion. cat tod tee least ta society party primary then sought re- more ponds. Mr. Fisher was born D ec. 28, She’s First 18-Year-Old to Register in Town pledged economy rather than tuxedo on (a hangover too, .men entered that bank about 1 taxes as his solution^ to the someone reading over my shoul- p.m. A man wearing sun glase- 1904 in White River Junction, Mrs. Angellne DelOuercIo Not to be outdone, e8-yeaix>ld ^t®“’ "“^® a Vt., and lived in Manchester be­ BIrs. Angellne DelGuercio, 90, Miss Audrey Paradis, a clerk in the general manager’s office at the Municipal state’s fiscal problehu.’’ der just said.) / holding a carbine gusid- wnno. ratnn,. I- ^ ‘e. ofter-school job to buy'a chest fore going to Scotland four years of 53 Birch St., widow of I^uls Building, today became Manchester’s first 18-year-old eligible to vote in federal BaUey said he detected a con- There’s nothing like feelipi; ed the door. A second man, '” *® ‘“ ‘® “ tiidlvidual is a ,3^ her newlyredecorated room, DelGuercio, died yesterday at a elections as the result of the Supfeme Court’s recent decision. Town Clerk Ed­ tradlcaUon between Mes- flamboyant. Imagine me — wearing’a Halloween mask, brush tied his walrt and personal matter, and it may g^e had seen some campalgn- ago. He was employed at Pratt ^ le s s grabbed an a r ^ of take years for a young person to gty,3 gheste, but they were ex- and Whitney Division of United Blanchester conveilescent home. ward J. Tomkiel administers the oath in his office across the hall. Audrey, who klU’s ’’calls forlncreased spend- najestlcally entering The/Her- stood in the lobby with a gun b ^ « kriats teto Yeoh s tod educate herself to a beUer look pensive. When she saw toe ad- Aircraft Corp. East Hartford, BIrs. DelGuercio Was born tag for spej^c programs and >14 newsroom, or radiantly while the third man, wearing lives with her parents at 2B Thompson Rd., graduated from Manchester High coUed the brightly banded u, her home. But she can do yerUsed for $89, she bought i(. before he retired four years ago. April 27, 1880 In Calabritto, a general/^duction in spend- tflPPing up the stepp of the sun glasses and a security School last June and is now enrolled evenings in the law enforcement program snakes around him. something about getting her y,hen it was delivered she Survivors, besides his wife, Province of Avelllno, Italy, Ing." / - State. Capitol, super^ and in- guard’s cap, held a gun in one at Manchester Community College. Her dad is former policejJiief of Fort He gave the biggest a hearty money’s worth when she makes noticed teat tee white lacquered are three daughtera, Mrs. Carl­ daughter of Generosa and Maria ■‘Thi£ sounds a great deal acooped up $46,931 Kent, Maine. (Herald photo by Coe) ...... f kiss to tho nose. purchases for tee home. 34^3 pj3C3 had a gash in it. The ton Bailey of East Hartford, Castagna DeVito, and had lived o p T like campaign ^^maganda ^ Mrs. William Carlisle of Arling­ in M anchester fo r 72 years. responsible executive pol- It’s an entrancictog thought and hand, according to police. Hie There were other exUbitictu, one giant step is being taken g;ash waa a break ta tee thin She was the sister of the late nor. John Lodge was inaugu­ ___ __ would, without^a hotar/o doubt, result money was put into three bIk^ like how to turn a highly venom- hy some members of the home surface and underneath was a ton, Va., and Mrs. Willis Dowl­ Increase o f One icy,” Bailey said. ing of Meriden, N. H.; two sis­ BIrs. Vttella DellaFera, and is MeskiU Ball rated in 1967 but there was no M ley and other Democrats extraMUnary experience l^ng bogs and a plastic gar- ous green snake into a house- furnishings Industry. More com- saw dust like material, ters, Mrs. Hazel Baker and survived by severaT nieces and ball at that time. However one looks at also singled out Meskill’s call ^® magnitude. bage sack, hold pet or how to make a^cobra ponies are endeavoring to ex- Fortunately, she had pur- nei^ew s. Mrs. Albert Smith, both of Lake Many ar^a residents were in the result of last night’s l a ­ for new types of local taxes. Speakl^ of stiff, white shirts,' The escapees reportedly sent dance. plain what goes into their prod- chased the piece from a reliable The funera) will be Saturday Park, Fla.; and five grandchil­ iet Affair^ attendance. Those in four Blan­ bour, voter-making session “It ta no way reassures the ^ wish I had the nerve to have Christmas cards poetm^ked The night raised something uct ta an attempt to educate furniture store, and they were at 8:30 a.m. from the .{[c^ F. dren. chester boxes were: in Manchester has tO/be call­ citizens Of our major urban wom^a blue, ruffled shirt (ta- n^w Hampshire and signed near $to,000. to retarded chil- dealers and salesmen. . grateful to learn what tee chest Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. State Rep. and Mrs. Donald ed an Improvemenltover the communities to be told that ®lu41ng the ruffled cuffs), as “Lee and Brownie" to the war- dren wad other causes from a - At a recent home furnishings was made of. The store said it Funeral services will be Sat­ Center St., with a Mass of t Colorful urday at 1 p.'m. at the Holmes Genovesl’s b ox : BIr. and Mrs. one last month. they must raise and expand Herald’s photograidier did. den and inmates of the Walpole crowd that was bigger than the show at High Point, N.C., a sofa hadn’t known, and the girl - requiem at St. James' Church Blartta Foley, BIr. and M rs. Although only one person their own local tax burden be- F*" even mentioning the state Prison, where Brown had one attending the Thomas Cup manufacturer had a sofa cut in hadn’t asked. She had been Funeral Home, 400 Main St. at 9. Burial w ill be in St. (Continued from Page One) The Rev Roger Nicholson of Robert Brown, Wallace Irish Jr. signed up as a voter last cause the state won’t help,’’/ y®how, the green, the beige and tieen serving a ^year sentence Worid Badminton Champion- half so that dealers and retail- more interested ta tee color, James’ Cemetery. While gowns 'were in good and Bliss Jan Downer, BIr, and night, it was an increase of said BaUey. , the cerise dress shirts which and Carmichael a 16-year term ships here recently. ers could see what goes into the size, hardware and prtce^ She the South Congregational Church Friends may call at the fu­ of East Hartford will officiate. taste for the m ost part, Ivere and. BIrs. Francis Dellafera, BIr. one over the session on Dec. House Speaker WilUam Hatch- night, rtchly before their October escape, A few cynics suggested Hini product and, hopefully, pass tee had assumed it was w o^ she neral home tomorrow from 2 there one spotted an unusual and Mrs. Loren Andreo, BIT. 2, when nobody signed up. the snakes ta the performance information on to tee consumer, said. / Burial will be in East Ceme­ to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m . ford said he was aware pf the Last' Oct. 6 Brown and Car- tery. outfit. One guest appeared in and BIrs. Sam CMsptao, BIr. and However, just so that it problems New York <^ty had “^® heautlful njgiiaei escaped custody when had been milked of some of During tee upcoming winter in choosing a plecyirf furnl- knee-length black velvet knick- Mrs. John DeQuattro, Mr. and thelr venom K»/nrAtipiMi dMpite home furnishings show at the tore, buyers should iio sure to ■i PMends may call at the fu­ shouldn’t be a total loss, 23 with a municipal sales tax and d » ’ t ■>. , t « j they were on the way from the organizers’ — that Merchandise Blart ta Chicago, learn all about it /before they neral home tomorrow from 7 ers. A limited number of true BIrs. William Oiekstaski and BIr. new voters were made ta De­ did not want to see j2i>nnecUcut ‘ ^ prison to Hartford to be sen- waa not so one company wlH show how make a purchas^lf tee sales- to 9 p.m . desigiver’s dresses ..were seen, and BIrs. Rudolph Plerro. cember, during regular busi­ clUes ta the same ^boot. ^ 1*” I**® incom- 43^03^ £3^ a 1968 holdup of the Drug Watch But there waa a six-foot-wide tiieir carpet lb manufactured man is not specific he should be This is probably because many Blanchester Republican Town ness hours ta the town "I am dls^ipolnted that the Hartford National Bank’s retaining fence and a doctor “ *ti a sewing machine* manufac- made to clarify his statements. Thomas J. Rogers Of last year’s designers turned to Committee Chairman and Mrs. clerk!s office. governor did m>t see fit to ad- *^ *’*^. atttaed ladles branch office on W. BQddle TTiomas John R ogers, 93, of In Vietnam the pants suit. It is also indie- M. Adler Dobkta’s box: Of those 23 new voters, 4 dress himself/to the problems the sumptuously dressed Tpija They unlocked their hand- wlteaSock of antidotes around R*™*- ? atlve that politics embraces all BIr. and BIrs. Htirlan Taylor, of the cities, said RatchfoM. S®nti^en. ^^3 3^^^ shackles, dls- Just ta case teeV were wrong ‘‘“ R '“ ''chine showing how store persi^el. They shouldn t Paterson, N. J., formerly of are Democrats, including the _____ ^ their needles tuft tee carpet. It be. They riiould keep ta mind Blanchester, died yesterday in walks of life. Atty. and BIrs. John P. Shea one last night, 6 are Repub­ Whlle MeskiU called for more * Jll®®***^® armed the driver. Deputy Mar- Seen Tardy The greatest excitement of jr., Mr. and BIrs. Jack Mercer, tadustrl^ development mort- ^"*® to ea^ from the 3^ , Walter Arthur. 42, and is all in tee interest of showing teat they are spending their own PatersM . licans and 13 are imaffiliated. tee workmanship of tee product, money hot tee salesman’s. Mr. Rogers was bom June the evening occurred shortly af- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Quish, Manchester voter lists now gages, he did not even menUon ^ ‘® ® overpowered the guard, John L. SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Com- ter nine o’clock when the Foot Mr. and BIrs. Joseph Gorman, tho hosing shortage, the speak- ?®®P' , Eastwood, 68, who was ta the New Mystery- 29, 1877 in Blanchester. mauid officials said today that, a total 23,286 electors—9,149 Guard Band played the first Mr. and BIrs. Jerome Brett, BIr. er noted. “This’Hils whh was mptroUer and BIrs. BIr. and Mrs. Robert Wi en, Thomas P. Dowd of Trumbull, a tree in Windsor. The escape Printed Sheets & Pillowcases Famous Si. Mary’s urday at 10 a.m. at the W. P. cords. foUowed by a corps of neaUy Nathan AgostinelU held two BIr. and BIrs. Daniel <3avi ugh, also expressed “deep reserva- World Fly er garet Hensey, who was private Famous Cannon ()uish Funeral Home, 225 Main car was found tee next day ta secretary to Paul Powell, lUi- Tlius it seem ed unlikely the uniformed young National tx*xes. They of course, were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Getolman, tlons” about tee idea of having Hartford. St. The Rev. Felix Davis, pas-, Oommaind wiU ever leaim how Guardsmen whom I regret to ®®u-t®^ .tn tee Governor’s box. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert White- cities impose additional taxes, nois secretary of state. Powell’s WAITED FOR Twin Sizes tor of Seccmd Congregational Back on Job Brown of Lewiston, Blaine, la $2-miUion estate has become tee Sheared Our Reg. Electric Blanket mauiy service men died from us­ say were badly but of step ta Guests seated in the AgosttaeUl head. , But House BItaority Leader white, six feet tall, weighs 180 Church, will offlclate. Burial ing naireotics in 1970, the yeair subject ot a statewide probe. 3.49 ea. Two-yew guarantee marked contrast to tee consid- t)o^®® included BIr. and BIrs. Vernon people ^ t tee ball Francis J. Collins said a broad- SAN FRANCISOO (AP) _ It pounds, and has black hair. IS HERE! will be in East Cemetery. the ailairm over drag abuse wais erably older Foot Guard. Henry AgostinelU, Mr. and Mrs. were Blayor and BIrs. Frank ®v local tax base is “an abso- v-arimmiaei 01 iMltcheU Ware, director o f the 1 . 9 9 Carmichael of Boston, also Towel Ensemble Friends m ay cadi ait the fu­ sounded. As tee guardsmen stood at at- Edward Wilson, BIr. and BIrs. McCoy, GOP Town Chairman lute necessity and Icmg over- Maurice Rosen’s day off, so ^jjlte is five feet elaht inches Illinois Bureau of Investigation, neral home tomorrow from 2 to F u ll S iz e s , Our Reg. 4.49 'N O W 2 . 9 9 Twin Size Improvement of the reporting tention on either side of tee Hayden Griswold Jr., BIr. and and Mrs. T)iomas Carrateers, due/’ he flew around tee world. ' “ said Wednesday night his agents Hand 4 and 7 to 9 p.m . ... , ^ ...... tall, weighs 170 pounds and has have searched ta vain for Mrs. Bath Wash Our Reg. system , spokesmen aaild, aic- central aisle facing tee crowd, Mrs- Walter Fuss, BIr. and Mrs. BIr. and Hlchard M[aclDELPHIA (AF) — The WITH PURCHASE Red Label Bed Pillows Mattress Pads Sand and Gravel Go. for about OF ANY ONE AT am ong m ore than 700 drag-re­ reforms remain- Bicentennial ALL Our Reg.. Twin Full 16 years aind retired four years Ootp.’a steering oommittee says BEOUIiAR PRICE Our Reg. lated hostetal cases up to that -Alaska, Ha- 19.99 Our Reg. 3 ‘3 3 Our Rag. 4 4 4 aigo. He wais an A rm y veteran point In 1970. Indiana, It is leaning toward a traditional SUBURBAN BOATS 2.99 16.88 3.99 4.99 of World War H. international exposition or 2.47 Stain resistant poly fiber in newest fashion Figures furnished by the U.S. BOssourl, Up to $95.00 He is survived by three ,s(»is, Command today—and charac­ Nevada, Ohio, world’s fair to 1976, like tee Non-allergenic Uu Pont polyester filling in colors.' 8'-2 X ll'z foot size, jute backed for Machine washable and dryable! Anchor band colorful floral ticking. 2r'x27” cut size. long wearing qualities. ___ Dainiel Moynihain aind Thomas terized as reasonably accurate ones held ta Montreal and Osa^ style, pad stays firmly in place. Bfbynihain, both o t Ooventey, dieck. Acquamarine shading to Bonald Kuehl, BIr. and BIrs imlilig iie'^M tlons of R3. K®t away from honte for a day." ^ r^ ;on rv ^ ^ S d a .'^ ’ V^r^S^’. ka, Japan. —showed 1,080 servicem en were Russian Orthodox publican. miaaa leaders ------were tee M- 3^ Wisconsin. ALL and Jerry F. Moynlhan of Wll- treated at military hospitals tor turquoise, white, and hot pink Bavld Comp, The idea is s a sharp depar­ Umantic; a daughter, Bliss Pa­ drug-related illness and dis­ were predominant with char- Blanchester folks at tee In- Observe Christuuis Of tee remainder, McGovern ture tram the $1.1 bUUon p roject tricia Moynihain o f Coventry; treuse yellows and greens ran- ^“8^41 n held at tee Hartford Lt. Gov. T. Clark Hull: “A $125,000 B ond said tee two least cooperative originally envisioned to cele­ SWEATERS charged. O f these. 1,034 were MOS(X)W (AP), — Hundreds..utiuieuo very cumprenensivecomprehensive MueprtatNueprtat C! » • 01 • i - I* a braver, Timothy J. Moynlhan Army men, between January tag a close fourth. - Hilton were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- have been Tennessee and Kan­ brate tee nation's 200te birth­ of Hairtford; amd two sisters, PajiI Landermaji’a band aJ- ward Glanney, Dr. ajid l^rs. of thousands of Russian Ortho- lor tee ’70s ... Very faithful S O t m on O O tU lff sas. “I wouldn’t say hopeless, day, which would have included and November. The others were dox faithful observed Christmas to his campaign speeches. Ha ® A L L 1 BItb. BIaty~K auper auid M rs. 32 Airm en, IS M arines and one tenl^ to John Wright; Dr. and Mrs. campaign speeches. He but they. haven’t been verv massive projects t o redevelop­ A... ___ nevi aaaaaaa. aa . a "t — ------au me before June. ber. DUBINO HAIJB OF ANY ONE AT Our Reg. O Q 7 Our Reg. Our Rag. Funeral Home, 1406 Blata St., r e g u l a r p r i c e Our Reg. particularly notable music al- Royal Cowles Jr., and the state ^ ^ rt^ iO ^ w S r ^nato^^rito T«HAr a m ^ w®U on tee way. . AI.TBHATIONB AT COST 1.99 yd, East Hartford, with a Blass of though it did not deter tee representaUve from tee 46te dls- Srth^^ M th!^£^ t„ a!” was wounded three MeanwhUe, Democratic Na. * 3-99y-. ^ . 7 i yd.^ 87. yd. U U y d . 3.60 Eart Royal Food 1.27 2.97 dani. The acoustics, as ta «®t. J^omas DonnoUy, and ^6 Sder 4®®cT^ ^ Chairman l^ i^ c. 7 ! Bonded - needs no lining! StrikY . Wonderful crease resistant, no-iron Fabulous new Springspring prints that Fabric and pattern pin easily to A’n.A N nc — The difference was far apartment wllh poUce Tuesday. O’Brien ^qx)4ntod Rep Donald DON’T most large rooms, is extremely their wives occupied a box that a.m. with worshipers attending more specific than’ SALES FOR CASH OR RANK CHARGE new solid colors for early Sprin fabric,with soil release. Dresses, , are hand washable.hie. LivenLi up your board. Protect tabte tops. Stores ta between a queen bee and .an poor in addition. also included former State Rep. betore wOTki^~h^: “ ^dd^rPva “h^^“ ® M;_Pnwr_« Mtanesotk, 48, to _ K R N IE ^ wear. shirts, blouses, etc. wardrobe! “ bag. ______ordinary bee is largely a mat­ Penonal Notices ^ ta aU, tee evenhw was an- and Jto. F^ton Futtor BIr. The Eastern Orthodox church- -Some Democrats said they Black Panteera ^ In * 2Bridgep^ 7 ^ ^ “ ** «»<;ceed McGovern as commls. ’; PRIVATE SALE ter of diet. For tee first two claimed a ^ cess. The press ^ Mra. Oiarles Regulbuto, es foUow tee" Julian calendar, didn’t know exacUy what Mes- was under poUce guard ttfP rfl _ r a a M X * or three days all newly hatched was Tsntlrely free to roam to BIr. and BIrs. John Btldland, which is 13 days behind tee Gre- kUl meant when he said “the «4v H oodI ^ McGovern »*cGovem saids iFfaser had____ J "SATUBDAY Card of Thanks larvae are fed royal jelly—a ROCKY H ILL MANCHESTER AVON W ATERBURY $aie; Thur. thru S a t I would tSu to expteaa my Bin- wUl, no Identifying taes settle ^1. and Mrs. Richard Lowry, gorian calendar used by most of local tax base must be ei^pand- w J to ^ ^ S S S T ^ d ltio n ®i ‘““ “‘“ ous-^ ties TollandTeKa sour-sweet nutriment adminis­ Roth’s Cloti^ V.. , diet Ojeena Read ■ eiiK 81, Wlibur'Creii Albany A«a. Lakawaod a WaKatt Raadi y cere tiianiM to sH my ridsthres and teem apart from other Invited Mr. and Mrs., John Shaughnes- tee world. ed," but Ives said it with bSeT^vounS^n^T w ***® "• BERNIE'S Meads for Ibe cords, and flowers I tered by nurse ants. After Inlertaetlon ef CxH 84 a InL 81 v Fkwy at Tolland Taka Rta44 received wfifle I m s a patient at gueste. The crowd was dl.ml- sey, Mr. and Mra. Royal Cowles The midnight Christmas Eve to him. ^ comi^on. * TV A APPUANCA three days on tela diet, common- TRIrCITY PLAZA < VERNON Other ttOret located in BrookficI 1, Hamden, Norwalk, Rtvanida, Stamfoi d, Wallingford, Bedford 1 ilta,KlngUon,rNkakiN,Wappi«gw Falls, OpM lift Ififf HI|Bt the ,1flii»rfteitrr Hemoiial Hospital. fled, gay but less exuberant Sr., and Mr.. Wayne Gorton. service at Mpscow's Yelokhovs- “Ha’s saying teat tee mudl- McCtavein himself pUns to re- - MaiielMster PMkade ' » I am also grateful to the Doctoro, era are switched to a honey-an4- r ■ ' ' , ' Framinifiam, Northampton Nunes. Aides and Iwapital ataff for than one might expect In tee 9hartag a reserved table were kaya Cathedral was packed, clpallUes, especlaUy the rttlea ^ conmnlselon member, at OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P-M. w fine core I reoeflned. poUen solution; tee queen enjoys light of no RenulHlcan taau«ni- these South Windsor people: mosUy with elderly men and should have tee power to levy charged with tw w m ts of as- Na­ the royal fare tee rest of her tional Oommittee meeting i,ter OCra. Homrd UhKldey ‘ ral beU since 1947 when James BIr. -and Mrs. Francis Gruber, women. The crowd was so dense an income tax or ethee tax if « a .. u with intent to murdee two IvT®* ™ “ ®“ ttee m o f ’ Ootumbfei. life. - ♦ S. BIcCanaugby became gover- Bte. and Mra. Thomas Dillon, there was no room to kneel. . they see flt," Ives said. ^ Bridgeport deteettves, yoafi he said. ^ V y MANCHESTER EVENING IffiRALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. THURSDAY, ( JANUARY 7. 1971. PA^E ELEVEN Connecticut Inau

\ ■ ? r -I ’ i

A djbt^t General E. Donald Walsh ^fate Sen. and Mrs. David Odegard chat with frioids.

A contingent from Second Cknnpany, Governor’s Foot Guard, New Haven, marches in Inaugural Parade.

'State ComvtroUer and Mrs. Natlum Agostinelli are escorted to the governor’s box by a member of the Foot Gtmrd.

Gov. Thomas Meskill calls for new tax revenues totaling ?800 million.

Manchester Deputy Mayor William Diana, center, is sworn in as Looking on is State Comptroller Nathan Agostinelli, who was deputy state comptroller by his brother, Atty. Vincent Diana. sworn in to his post just 15 minutes before.

^ '-a LS'l

Herald Photos by Pinto

llt'LL N ^ Manchester Mayor and Mrs. Janms F. Farr Attmtion craters on Mn. Walter Fuss in party at John DeQuattro, Hayden Griswold Jr. and State enjoy a dance at the State Armory. Inaugural Ball. From the left are: Walter Fuss, Rep. Don^d Genoved, all from Manchester.

Herald Photos by Ofiara

In upper photo, Gov. Thomas Meskill pins a cor­ sage on dress of the second youngest of his five ■) # children. In lower photo, Supreme Court Chief Jus­ tice Howard Alcorn holds the girl in his arms, as Gov. Meskill introduces Runily.

The State’s Supreme Court justices are amused by the reinarks of Lt. Gov. T. Clark HulL Thiid from left is Justice Charles House of Manchester.

Among those at the Inaugural Ball were^mm tne lef^ Ihrs. son. All are frcnn Manchester except Brett, a former John Shea Jr., Jack Mercer, Rajmaond Quish, Jerome Brett, ter resident who now lives in West Hartford, and Mrs. Olson, Town Treasurer Rosalind Quish, Mrs. Louise Olson, Harla" who lives in Saybrook. 'Taylor, Mrs. Harlan Taylor and ’Town Director Vivian Feigu-

:"*?*»* ^

Outgoing Gov. John Dempsey and incraodng Gov. -Thomas-Meskill arrive at State Capitol. Hsrald co-pnUidier ’Ibomas Fergusra, left, rad.his wife. Town Director l^vian Manchestra State Rep. Donald Graovesi played host yester^y to Ms nephews, Ferguson, right, with Manchester friends Mr. and Mrs. David Cossp. Mark,'left, and Paul. The boys are the sons of the late Vincent Genovesi, who preceded his brother, Donald, as state representative f r ^ the 18th Assmbly District. The boys spent all day at the State Capitol. (Herald photo by Coe) ■*r An obvioudy happy* trio of Muichester cbuides attended Ih-^ Mr. and Mn^. Edwa^ H. Gl«mey,'Dr. and Mrs. Jdm C. Wright Manual II, at the Hartford Hilton. From the left, they are: and Dr. and Mrs. David L. Warren. . 1 7 - V: . ) • I \ ^ - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.,,THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1&71 PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN hormone aids toe body In gener- p ijQ fQ T a m b o re e aUng anUbodles to fight d isea se^ * U U I V j o s s y s w Holland County Politics Cruel Sports could load to a new understand- « f | J d | | l0 r Hormone Builders tag of, toe body’s natural de- LONDON CAP) — Prince fonses and iiow to manipulate caWor Photo Jamboree Philip and Prince Charles them. ' X ♦ Caravan wlUv make Its annuiU Houley Appointed Chairman have been denounced by Finish with Loan Although the artificial HOT cialdor klanchester Britain’s league A^gainst By BOX. STOCKTON secret more than a dbsen hor- hasn’t been tried on huntans. 'U TJolland Tpke., Io­ Cruel Sports for taking part mones ta turn control se- said he was confident It would „lght and all day Sat- O f Appropriations Committee in a pheasant hunt soon af­ SAN FRANCraCO (AF) — cretlon more hormones exhibit toe same effects as on accompanied by Miss ter lending their support to Faced with inflation and budgpt- by other ds. \ animals. Cbnnoctlcut of i070. By BETTE QtTAmAEE tion by state personnel through al o t which will be In the area the cause of wild life preser­ ary cuts, toe sclenUsta vdio aryn- In toe pasti^HOH was avail- He predicted that within a few Beginning at 6 p-m- tomor- (Herald Reporter) the Public Personnel Commit of transportation. vation. theslsed' human growth horta- The key committee In effort ^ jhe federal income of a Worid WUd life Fund v^ ty of California at Ban ^ growth hormone frmn another 10 years to pta- lenses, strobes and other acces- tlon Commissioner George charity gala attended by Oonkllng tomorrow, Houley Francisco. sheep and cattle when admtals- its structure. Then fol- sories, and to take advantage of Prince .Charles, heir to toe l i ’s career studying hoi> terpd to laboratory animals inured four years of patastiOdng special Introductory prices for throne. the greatest tax burden on toe duce legislation to s ^ e toe L mones, toe chemical messen- caused other effects besldea to syritoeslse the complex the now 1971 models, gers that regulate toe body’s stimulating growth. The Ww- molecule/x The hostess for Jamboree ey. o - 84-I-S6 situation. As in the past Houley1 still He also will propose several SoOt Cllflllenges functions, spans 92 years. mono appears to hasten toe protein wIU be Miss ConndcUcuV 1«70, The approprlatlmis conlmlt- The instrument borrowed healing of fracb^ and gygyn- Cynthia Ann B ^er, a native tee is Involved In reviewing the favors toe concept of a state traffic slghal and road cor- Pollution Laws from the ChUdTM’s Cancer Re- wounds, enhances tod effective- . ..y ! ! L ..ssr^ryiSdy ofCtoonecticut/jmd prt«ontly a governor’s proposed budget **“• ®"*® n e w YORK (AP) - The ««rrti Institute In Boston, m T % e r i senior at M^em, €^ecticut and in drawing up the legisla­ i ®“ y’» ^ poUuUon' control ef- Mass., was used In the step-by tax, baaed on abUlty to pay. A new c^®Pt rt p ro ^ ^ forts have had Uttle effect so far step construction of tot hor- this. Tto^^rUld It a rtdicu- State Ooltage. SbO is majoring tive version. He urges taxpayers not to state grants fornr the c construernr, ,r. ^ problcm but the De- mone, which la a chato-llke pro- toua task to buUd^\molectilo in music education, with voice Although the appropriations 1 *” lf a ’IZ 188 amino aclds.”\ as h,f specUti area rt Wdy. committee handles toe ex- If you can synthesise a ______\ mW Fowler will be assisted at penses of government, it is up ^ ^ ®®kta« soUdate toe services offered in important reduction in links. growth molecule, as wo haye ' them to "sit tig^” until aU toe communlties into a central Jambc^c by models wear- to the Finance Committee to sulfur dioxide concentrations. u and his colleagues bor- done, then perhaps you can toe/latest fashions. determine how the money will alternatives have been intro­ area, will also bo put forward syntheslxe an antigrowto mole- w ater SuppiieB by Houley. ’Ihe departmMit said Wednes- rowed it when they were unable be raised and what taxes duced. day that the city had SO per cent to buy their own because of fi- cide and then an anticancer WASHINGTON (AF) — Ttie should be imposed to cover A sense of panic was appar­ The sophonunre legislator al- fewer days when the air was in nancial pressures on the labora- molecule,” Li said. "Not only Geological Survey sayS the \; ent yesterday^ he explained, de­ Bakery^s Recipe both expenses and the antici­ the ’’unhoaltoy” range during tory caused by inflation and normal tis^ nrtionhM a better supply of pated deficit. scribing many encounters he proposed Tolland County Oov- 1970 than U did in 1969. general cutbacks In federal normal tissue growth, like can- start of this year^ A^\ average bakery' formula Resolving the budget will had experienced during toe day ernmental Council sometime Commissioner Robert N. funding of scientific research. ' cer, may depend on this mole- h./i in 1970. for white enriched bread re- \ necessitate considerable coop­ with toe general public. Houley this month, Syntoesls of human ggrowth r o ^ cide.”cule, ____ _ ^ ___ Hydrologist John C. Kaminer- quires ibo pounds of flour, about also explained that the in- The council which would be Rickies said the enforcement of eration between toe two com­ laws requiring low-sulfur fuelxxxxxx hormono—HGH—kIvos scloH- Staco HGH affects rtiolesterol said Wednesday that 66 pounds^^ water, 2\ pojmds 1\€S mittees, according to Ifouley. creased sales to a ^ ^ er oil waslte main reason for the tists a.powerful new tool _for levels ta the^_bkHxl,_and_^ej. ®r normal ot y®a«t, ^ pounds of salt, 7 <-®B t-ms the ernment for each of toe 19 cOun- ^ b ir ^ '^ ^ .^ , toctad- terel la a factor ta coronary 4. pounds of light over the appointment,____ _ pastp^t legislative session were ty towns, is designed to Im- im days ta 1969 to 80 ta lOTO. ^ tag cancer,__ noHums arterioecleiekls a aitaht and for thisheart time disease, of toe perhaps year a ta slight pounoa tor or this time ^**® y®®f ^ , ^rv temporary art to come up for renewal this the rtected state officials and ment of laws against smoky Human growth hormone is se- could lead to a chen^al t^on- and 6^ n c e s year. ^ local elected officials. ofXyeast food, in the House, Rubin Crtien of , apartment house Incinerators creted by toe pituitary,, a gland trol toe wtertoroler^produc. ^ according to Bnoycl(4>aedla Colchester this week to learn Proposed Legislation Houley h(q>es that aSd oil burners for the conttau- toe size of a pea located at toe tag cholestoi^ BriSca. ___ Houley is ta toe process of ideas for legislation which the mechanics of the job and “ tag high soot levels. base of the brain. The pituitary And understanding how toe northern Virginia. oruaniuca. to establish procedures and finalizing several items ot pro- would rtd the towns can come / ground rules to be followed dur- P°b , legislation for tatroduc- out of discussions at the ebun- ®<1 J tag the current session. tion to the legislature, sever- cU meetings. / The appropriations committee has between 92 and 96 members, / eleven of which are senators and the balance representatives Preparation Helps Skier from the House. ’The commit­ tee, as is the legislature Itself, Start Out on Right Foot Is controlled by the Democrats. By AP Newsfeaturee afford toe control so vital to be- One of toe major items Houley wishes to see required .Tw w ^ ...... Sinning performance. I th I I t - I t *" f*^*” *' ** Choosing the proper apparel \ s the inclusiM of a price t^ ®n~«h »<> ^ 1® the mtad. ^e a truly e^tertatahi pro- ta propoMd le^laUo^ S „ to endure toe j^^t these days. .The chrtce in sure the leadership of toe House humiliation rt thoee first clumsy siopewear Is ta close competl- and Senate wUl Insist on the attempts, the novice must spend aon with streetwear ta terms of cost of proposals being taclud- hours investigating and buying variety ed ta the legislation if It U to the necessary parai*ernalla: niere’s nothing wrong with receive serious ccmslderatlon by SMs, bindings, boots, poles, gog- the old standby pante-and-pnrka the Committee. gles and apparel. To compUcate combination, but there’s a far Otherwise toe committee prbb- matters there are endless man- niore exciting choice ta style / ably won’t spend too much time ufacturers vying for your dol- than ever before, on a particular bill, Houley de- lars. so before you can 'cope There are a few basic things / dared last night. “It will be with their pitches you have to to-remember when putting your- up to toe legislator to docummit know toe “language.” together for the first time, In addition to these financial bene­ toe costs and preferably to pro- Familiarize yourself with toe Select clothes which allow for vide further analysis of too bill, sport well ta advance of your plenty of movement. Pants, As chkirtnan of toe commit- first experience. Look at the especially, must accommodate fits, the Executive Credit Card pays for tee, Houley'will find himself the consumer ski magazln^. falls and sprawls without letting mkh ta toe middle of many Ehren the advertising will help loose at toe keems. problems, as toe committee you learn something about ^ It’s wise to make an tavest- business trips, vacations, dining Out with seeks to set priorities and ap- parel and equipment. But don’t ment in. a good pair of stretch prove just which projects should feel that you must rush out and pants. They see the most action friends and entertaining clients—because Im approved and which should buy equipment before you’ve of any piece of skiwear, be- be postponed ta the need to limit lain eyes oa a slope. cause, of course, your bgdy is expenditures. Rent your equipment tor most active and moat flexible it has the same worldwide acceptability as If new programs are ap- awhile and experiment with below the waist when skiing, WELDWOOD proved, we will have to de- various manufacturers. There From there ed an Begtanerhood really isn’t as HARVEST HONEY 4.96 one does quite as much for you as the session for approval, Houley understanding of your own aWll- boggling as it seems, and you WELDWOOD” predicts, until the financial pic- ty, make sure toe skis arc llexl- couldn’t have chosen a better HARVEST ODER 4.96 Executive Credit Card. ture of the legislature clears *>lo and responsive ta order to year. So take it easy and enjoy, CaiALET BIRCH 6.7$ up. CHALET OAK 7.S0 Regarding the vetoing of proj­ ANTIQUE MAFLE 9.44 And because we think you deserve ects, several of which will be a n t iq u e BIRCH 9.98 worthwhile ones, Houley said WELDWOOD to stand out in the crowd, the Executive “It’s always unpleasant to say SMOKY MT. BIRCH 8.68 no, but we wouldn’t bo per­ WELDWOOD forming our duty if we didn’t.” SADDLE BIRCH 8JS6 Credit Card is gold. Houley cited the passage of toe 4ti».HILt.lAltQ%. (iber- Ad«i»| WELDWOOD school bonding bill last session, V MANQHISTtl^ CONN. CANDLEUOHT BIRC91 8.66 Bmm Mt-7792 despite the lack of funds to fi­ WELDWClbb b u r l Wo o d " 8.96 With a card like this, it couldn’t be nance the project as an exam­ m . N m G M B O R l ANTIQUE FECAN 18.48 ple. 18.48 Other Assignments BARNSTABLE FECAN any other color. In addition to his chainnan- The C.R-E.F. (Cousin Rich shlp, Houley was '^^so i^i^lnt- Expeditionary Force) came out of hiding this wrek, req>lendent ed to toe Senate committees on ta knee socks, pith helmets and Complete The Job With These education, human rights and op­ binoculars with straps.. ’Ihey Apply for Executive Credit portunities, insurance and real tramped feariessly through tlm MATCHING MOLDINGS from 19« ft. After you reach a certain bracket, estate, liquor control, public warehouse seeking out forgotten ‘ ' We carry a tremendous assorbhent of styles persmmel and military affairs. or slow-moving merchandise for, If your income is above average and His first duties will be direct­ markdownr Here are a PANEL ADHESIVE »® cartridge •y; lA . your tastes change. And we have a very ed toward the approprlationa few examples of vdiat 1 cartridge bonds 4 to 5 panels W they found and what your credit is sound, ask us about Execu­ committee, Houley explained, they’re doing about it: COLOR-MATCH NAILS .5Sp lb. box special card which recognizes that. The but he also plans to devote as Fly swatters: Just the For the professional touch much attention as possible to thing' for your next tive Credit. Or send for an application. the Education Committee. safari. Buy one for PANEL TOUCH-UP STICK 49c Executive Credit® Card. As a member of toe Insurance sununer — only 10c. All tones, to blend with any panel ------Committee, Houley wlU push S i 9 0 for the “no-fault” type of In­ c r a f t s m a n HAND SET: The Executive Credit Card gives More Faint: In dozens of colors. Good names like "Ox-line” Scribe — Keyhole Saw — Trl-square — ' surance and will advocate toe Nallset — Hammer — Chalkllne — Steeltaps Name- permitting of political particlpa- and “Majestic” . Colors recommended by our crtor-bltad decorator, on vacation from toe funny farm. All colors and you a cash reserve o f at least $2000 at our — ------I textures at 7Sc a quart (not fifths). All Seven for $IU5 WALL TO WALL SAVmOS tm aOOR bank. For unexpected expenses, business Address- Doors and Louvres : Interior and Exterior plus a big imw O A B P B T TILE. WE’VE HOT VALUES TO MATCH shipment just arrived. All at way less than lumber yards BT THE BOX City- -State. -Z*P- pay. nSIP AM) PLACE U" OUR PANELme BUYS. . opportunities, any purpose you choose. OesmON TILBS €W ' J FAMOVB Carpet Remnants: Slow movers all reduced plus a big ship­ STEVENS Vinyl Aibwtas Your Executive Credit cash reserve If you have a regular American Express Card, put ment of kitchen grade carpet just arrived. CARPET nQBBjfn«w * your account number here______You may None Higher in Qaaltty Ecio iio ih I obI E o ty.to acts as an international line o f credit as well. Ladles’ Italian Sandals at $2.00 per pair and some “Manne­ Mdiiiiliahi qualify for the extra benefits of Executive Credit. quin” shoes at $6.00 per prtr. Ji0t Strip to free neif adhesive, then place to pcsjiaMi. Ho M w R n - You can get up to $1000 in Travelers other materials required. SottUes go any where ta the heuM. So easy maintain. End waxing, pnHahIng. Raduee-aoiM Manchester State Bank ’The laat of our paper stock will be dlq>la red: -Flates, cups, WORTH A MILLION? 3 levels, addto warmth cud color. Cheques overseas and $500 in the U.S. at loll pans, bags, napkins, —r»«n, etc. All at prices that should In Evnry TBn. 1041 Main Street ' This suit was less, but a please you. 12K12 REG. American Express Travel Offices every-* lawsuit might not be. TILE 59e 12x12 — SpGciel'1Z*/2 Manchester, Connecticut 06040 It could easily- be $10- New selection of toy kits due to arrive. Should be on dis­ •q. fr. $20,000 over your insur­ play this weekend. where. ance limits . ... and this could be costly. Unless you have Etna’s SCOPE, New grocery stock including a good selection of No. 10 SHOP the million dollar, peace restaurant sizes, flood way to m ue your money go further. o f mind, policy. Several Iteme we never had before. FRIDAYS /•'/ come visit tomorrow.lO to 9 or Saturday 10 to 0 and RdbMt J . SorMi, Inc. ke toe place look busy. The coffee will be free, hot and IW.&GLEiniEY 649-5253 TO 8:30 ?M. DfSOBAM deficlous, as usual, and we’ll really enjoy seeing you. Re­ Mata Bt.,: member, we sell Everything with a “no-hard-tlme” money CO. MB r ‘ ' ck guarantee Within 80 days. SAT. TO 1 3 3 6 4 PsM. NORHHMAM ufcaCASiMaY *. \ • Trtt0m*rk ol T6* /Eliu & Smnty Ca. tad itt tiioatitd comptaiti.

r . \~

■ ‘ y .. 1- ] ,

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfeSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 Section Two THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 EW tliU0 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 POgOS I S tO 2 8 V e m o n Poll of Business Chiefs GIs Toss Explosives Skating • Coasting Two Youths Nominated Shows Air*of Optimism 1 At Officers in Vietnam (Continued from Page'One) ORBfSNWICH (AP) —A pos­ Ardleigh', president of the Re­ To Service Academies preparing for withdrawal. Con­ bull.’ ’ Now, during his second ture of cAutious o^ifhism on search Institute of America. General Hospital, has announc­ Undersecretary Walker term­ cerned field officers see it as tour, "they have less work to do Congressman Robert H. Steele the business outlook for this another manifestation of grow­ and more time to kill. Morale is Coasting at Center Springs of Vernon, has nominated two ed that RockvlUe General has ed the outlook relatively brlrtt. Park is allowed 3 to 9 p.m. become a participating hospital year was adopted by a group, ‘"Ihe stage has now been _aet ing fhistration, racial tension a problem because we have young men from Vernon, among 27 others, to compete for ap­ in the Yale .iftflUated Gastroen­ of 49 prdihinent ' executives for a more stable expansion of and deterioration of morale. nothing to offer them.” ’Thei'e is skating at Center polled by the Greenwich Time One battalion commander in Tingley said he- took over Springs Annex and>49iarter Oak pointment to the U.S. Naval terology Program. the economy.” The program is designed to for its 16th annual Business Asserting that "the "struggle the Amerlcal Division has all from a man who he believes al­ Park from 3 to 9 p.m. Academy. Outlook Edition which was pub­ “ frag” ,g;renades collected from lowed discipUne to slide—for Until there is another snow­ James Boyer of Dockerel Rd. improve patient care in the against inflation is far from and Michael Wambolt of Web­ field of gastrointestinal 'disease lished Thursday. over," Watson said he believes his troops as they come out of fear of being fragged. But ’Tin- storm there Is no skiing at The executives, who live in the field. ’The soldiers get them gley said he has not permitted Northvlew. ster Rd. are the two Vernon through the association of a "some form of incomes policy, boys being considered. They are community hospital, the ‘’sis­ the Greenwich area, said they such as wage-price guidelines, bsujk when they board helicop­ the explosion under his desk to the only two from Tolland Coun­ ter” hospltol, with a larger looked for a modest recovery is necessary.” ters for another combat assault. affect his handling of the men. ty or the immediate area. medical, center. In this case, in the he.w year and cited con­ "We expect that the year At the 1st Brigade, 5th Mecha­ "I lock my door when I go RockvlUe Cieneral Hospital has sumer spending—based . on a 19Tl' will be a definite Improve- nized Infantry Division, less le­ out, and I check for booby traps G yn s Sink Classes for Mothers become associated with Hart­ revival of public confidence— TTient over 1970, but still an un­ thal white phosporous grenades when I come '*n, I’m leery of A new series of cluaes, to be sponsored by the Rockville Pub­ and housing-raided by an in­ satisfactory one, with em un- have replaced frags on the getting in dark places. But I ford Hospital. Vessel O ff lic Health Nursing Association, Under the auspices of this creased mc«iey supplji^^—as the soK^ed Inflation bias in the bunker line around the Quang have never been a worrier, and will start Jan. 14 at the Nurs­ program. Dr. Adamo is an at­ most promising' afeas of the economy, too high unemploy­ Trl combat base. Soldiers in' i don’t reckon I’ll start now. I’m ing Offices, 58 Park St., Rock­ tending physician.at the gaa- economy. ment and inadequate profit othec /tmlts report a general concerned about It, but I’m not South Korea ville. troenterology clinic at Hart­ Among the contributors to growth,” said Grand. tightenlhg of rulas on handling worried.” the business outlook edition •ammunition. (Continued from Page One) Any mother-to-be, living in ford Hospital and participates Some veteran soldiers believe In G.I. rounds and dlscuBstDns .were Charls E. Walker, imder- Although reports vary wldeSy fragging is a product of the Vemon, Rockville, Ellington, secretary of the Treasury; American Fidiius among units, an authoritative North Koreans attacked about Tolland, Bolton or Somers, is there. In turn, specialists in the George Washington . is some­ "new army.” field from Hartford Hospital, Thomas J. Watson Jr., IBM source in the Amerlcal Division ‘"The war between the men 10 p.m. near the seaward exten­ Invited to attend the classes, board chairman; C. Peter Mc- times called the "American vlsH RockvlUe for discussion, said fraggings average "about and the lifers, career soldiers, is sion of the armistice line be­ at no charge. Those interested Culough, Xerox president; Gor­ Fabius” because, like the Ro­ one a week, and there are at should call the nursing office exchange of ideas and to give more intense today than I’ve tween North and South Korea. don Grand, president of the man dictator Fabius, he often least one or two units in the by next ’Thursday and register. guidance in the management ever seen it.” said one three- The N o ^ Korea version was Olin Oorp.; ^chard R. Shinn, won battles by harassing the country where it runs higher.” Generation Gap and care of patients with G.I. war veteran. that its warships sank one "U.S. president of Metropolitan Life enemy rather than by direct Most fragglngs occur in rear The Rev. John DeBrine, di­ .disorders. fightUlg. Others blame ^ e situation^n imperialist armed spy ship” Insurance Oo., and Joseph D. ECONOMY-MINDED king areas, and the target usually is rector ot Boston Youthtime, will some one in. authority—a non- Vietnam and the society tro rn and destroyed another because foregoes usual limousine or which the soldiers come. they violated North Korean ter­ lead a Family and Youth Con­ AWOL Marine horse-drawn carriage. Ac­ com or an officer. Perhaps 10 ference to be held at the Rock­ per cent kill or seriously Injure "■We had chronic disciplinary ritorial waters to conduct "es­ tually, it’s actor Ron problems at the, «/nd of World pionage and hostile acts.” ville Baptist Church, Jan. 17-20. Apprehended By French cycling through the target. War n , " one general recalled, ’The Rev. Mr. DeBrine has' London in costume. Some are meant as warnings Pyongyang’s official Korean only. Others fail due to inept use "but In those days a man Central News Agency In . a had wide experience in dealing Vemon Police of the explosive. It is not unu­ squared off with Ws sergeant broadcast said "the U.S. imperi­ with the commiuilcations gap A RockvlUe Marine was sual for bystanders to be hurt and slugged it out. Now he picks alist aggressor .troops perpetrat­ between teen-agers and their picked up by Vemon Police af­ Mucci Hits "because of mistiming. up a grenade." ed malicious military provoca­ parents; The youth meetings ter he was reported AWOL by ■Very few fraggers are cau^t, tions by secretly infiltrating are sponsored by the Greater the Marine Corps. often because the evidence is armed spy ships into the coastal Boston Christian Business Men’s Thomas Ziemba, 18, of 4T Vil­ Releter J a n u a r y “ I’m called a hard-noeed, Have Openings 1:15-2:15 p.m. Frank CSmino, 29 Cornwall Dr. "Rep. Pepper did not notify of Sweet Adelines will rehearse hard-head professional,’ ’ he Also, for Grades 3-6, Begin­ us that he waa coming. He no­ 308 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TEL. 643-6662 Opsntnga are available in a tonight at 8 at the Russian said. "I am. I believe discipline ners Art, ’Thursday, 3:30-4:30 A rock and roll concert, sixm- tified the newspapers that he number of Luts Junior Museum American National Center, 218 is our biggest problem.” p.m. sored by the ’‘Aridlan” studoit was coming and then the winter classes. Registration may Wethersfield Ave., Hartfotd. G When he came to Vietnam magazine at Manchester High C l e a r a n c e papers contacted us," t)ean with the 14th Engineers in 1965, be insde by calling the museum Also, Grades 4-6, A d v a n ^ ’The rehearsal is open to all said. nOTALLED between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Art, Friday, 3:80-4:30 p.m. '^ d School, Mflll be held tonight at 7 ' Tingley said, ‘"niey were a ArmstitNig Oonsolemn women interested in j

PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1971 cohered some small bolts in i ^ USAID Employe Believes tailpipe ot a sick 747 engine. I or residents of area towns. This TV Tonight 747 Jetliner Engines So had the engine manufac­ Vernon includes registration fees and turer, Pratt & V ^tn ey. And DiAILY NASA Supports Range Back C heck.. all books and materials. for Complete Listings. the evening before the Friday HOURS Omnibus One r SmaD Team Approach Best 10-6 BOSTON (AP) — Sen. Ed­ A counseling and testing serv-' See Saturday’s TV Week night meeting in New York, PM Road Ph a, Rome 30 ward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., BATHROOl X. By HOLOER JENSEN ed team trying to help the coun­ Run Nprmally Again Pratt & 'Whitney deliberately re­ Of University Research Evening School Will Offer ice is available to all students Veraon has left New E)ngland Bap­ Associated Prera Writer try,” he said. “ But instead moved the bolts from an engine Ttf.872-€713 *! enrolled in basic education and S: (t> Ferrr Maion B . f DAVID HOFFMAN ed later. The wir)ea went out Bjr. HOWARD BENEDIOC $160,000 a year. Because of tist Hospital after an over­ high school equivalency classes. (18) WUd wad WMt ( 0 ) running on a test stand. r : DA NANG. Vietnam (AP) - S®t''® ®®"* “ ' OOUsu!* laland (C) ,,, ^ resentadves of Pratt A Whitney, tion. The vibration severed a distributed under the arant and broken in a 1904 airplane ^ ^ noluenalcal reports , and 5;ZS (4«> W eAer Watch come by toe manufacturer and Wh®« the wings fell off ^ o scribed a series of ipspecUons BOYS TROOP No, 862 oomputer, on the possibility of - els, powder puff mechanics (wo- Emphnels will be oh con- ’ ------J|7]BConomlc wounds of South Viet- Vietnamese people. No wonder (8044) New. _ „ _ , aging scientists and engineers men only), Afro-American his- °"e number sys- Connie Roberts, Aqcnt Sport. , ‘ cT Its airline customers-wlto Lockheed Electras for myster- designed to ratch toe falling Chair Region ■■■nnm. ' a lot o f Vietnamese already 7:84 (8) Fomil yAflslr some prodding by toe govern- “ >us reasons and 97 persons bolt. ’I^e N atlo.^ Trans^rta- St. Bartholomew’s Parish will hold a paper drive on ^ disciplines bTwork ,tory, defensive driving, grapho- t®"* ^ Microscope Barrel (8-40) Mott Uncoln Saturday, Januarv 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. blUty of ex^terrestrl^tie,. on together on pn^ects. ’’It’ll work because the Viet- have the attitude: 'If we can get (cl ment to a series of unpublished t l f d . ‘ t fell to. Rudolph ^ d his tUm Board ^ g ^ dn^t- advanced analysis, knitting and Board of Industry wlU. be ■^am ese are' doing It them- It from the United States why (18) 1 Spy A truck will be located at Popular Market Parking lot. chemical^ f ^ s ^ - Facilities built range fhom a included. 'Weighs 22 T on s (SO) Flip WUmo Show (C) slide rule to analyze why. tog its own lengthy list of re- terns, weather Heart Drive Education budget discussions. (C) meetings. - commendations. GLASTOi^BURY „Jkelves,” said A1 Crandon, the should we do lt ourseiyes?’ ” 8:44 (8) Jim Nabor. Hoar (C) For Pickupa Call: HioBt. nnttBi-na nn ’ ♦169>000-inaterlals research cen- Evening school brochures Information pertaining to oth- ’TOUliOUSB, France — The — »9-year-old Boeto^ari who Ib e UB. mission staff in Vlet- 8:M (84) Iron.ide (C) Government to this case is l^ k e d E ^ e e r _ months, toe 747 o!dde ta t o e ^ ^ Rensselaer Polytechnic „ 'T®"’. (18) Movie a Ugan and Frank Wallett have with descriptive coverage of " corses will be given in the world’s most powerful micro- lau.brougfat the art of ferro-cement tiam has 1,600 AID employes su- (8-44) Chanzinz Scene' (C) toe Federal Aviation Admtols- The Civil Aeronautics Board gnelne’s to-flieht shutdown rate GEORGE BLAKE 649-4365 On campuses in every state research center at MasstSiu- been named regional chairmen each course will be distributed br^hures. Also to be included scope, r ^ e ^ y com plied at the jj^^lxMit construction to Da Nang, pervlslng and pfovidlng an an- 9:00 (3) Movie tratlon and toe National Trans- recommended grounding all TRAVEL AGENCY 9:34 (84) Nancy portation Safety Board. E le c t r ^ Rudolph recommend- . BILL KEEGAN and in six foreign nations, thou- getts Institute of Technolwrv lo^ Ihe 1971 Heart Fund Drive, throughout the town and neigh- ^ .^ ® ®^ school curriculuin mectronlc Optics lA ^ ra to ry in ial^'It’s not the usual USAID hand- nual infusion of $reo million into (44) The Odd Connie 649-^2740 — odt Vrogram. ' the country. A lar{ge chunk of 10:04 (34) Dean Martin Show (C) Using toe agreed barometer ®^ ® 26^knot'speed limit. F . ^ there arose anctoer piw- DAN HARE hwtroctors M IT^m ^tfwealth o^qn - I" their capacity as regional ^ places of buri- S*/ch“ l eq^^^S m^Thid^tri^ L d "^ S (8-44) The Immortal 649-8428 'T(» M .W I.ONDON 1 \ •- , “ The Vietnamese have to build aUocated toward "eco- (18) Vn-abridzed lo) tor measuring an engine’s re- ^ j a ^ t’’®"’ "®t related to toe bolts. (.LWIOMil H\ t ONN rrihe boat, they have to catch " ° “ *® staWUaation,” to lick In- 14:30 (18) Hartford Talk-In (C) . liability—toe rate pilots shut It Quesada bu^ed toe ClvU Aero- ^ version of toe same 11:00 (34M8-8a4«) New. — Weather?c) down in flight—toe 747’s 43,000- and went along process began, again without ^^Zti“ d sy^e roth men and women, guages. Industrial arts and volts ^ eventually it , ^ u a e 8 2 persuade other Vietnamese to in the first place. 11:26 .(3) Movie pound-thnist----- j at— ------powerplantni with has his al- young engineer, publicity and again meeting and women have received doc- u „„ ojonR tor dBv«loomftr.V wort elation of Greater Hartford '"'lH he a five-week course, co- others of a general interest. million — the electnm micro- invest their money so they can One U.S, AID official in Sai- 11:30 (30) Tonlzht Hiow'Johnny C i^ . nchleved naritv with Quesada’s decision proved the apparent . . ______success. ______Nothing„ toral degrees under the NASA oniiannoB ar,F « ■»» m i » * * sponsored by the Vernon Junior In addition, a class in basic scope has a bsurel/'mmoet 89 (S33-4666 ^ b u ild more boats and catch gon described it this way: "The (slo) Dick cavett Show (C) smaller, time-tested engines, correct, one, and toe Electra ^11 this precludes new prob- program. '*® ^ * ^ ® ® navigation M u llig^ is an assistant treas- vt^^en’s Club. adult education will be .offered feet high and weigSng 22 tons; " " proved a fine airplane.- ^ lems, however, and participants ~ more fish.” war has generated a lot of pa- 1:00 (M )" N e w T I ^ ‘ Prayer*liSd Normally, toe larger M d newer Francis B. Smith, the agen- I"'®'' 7 ’’ ® ®®®‘®‘y An experienced instructor, °P®n to electrons in it ^ t a ln a speed Crandon’s dream is a fleet of per money. Something is needed sizn Off , toe engine, toe more frequently A similar decision confronted in the process expect to be re* cyos assUtant administrator lor ™ ^ gretting Ings and manager of the , ^ meakers in the area adults 18 years of age or over, 99 per cent a s ^ t as light, * 100 ferro-cement boats providing- to absorb this spentUng power. 2:46 (87 New.NewR — Prayer and SiznSim falis"to flight. Rudolph last May 29: To ground peatlng their roles. Off university affairs, explains T d aTaw r e ^ w , ^ ! ! who have less t h ^ an eighth it^^an p e q ^ e and < ^ e $ ^ milllcn in fish exports an- So the United States pays for Precautionary Shutdown fbe 747 because of engine prob- lies 20 times thicker In u ally. expensive Imports which are Mucatlonal TV (241 Last month, toe 747’s massive lems, or to keep toe big planes u 1.1 varied activities: “ nanrora onice oi tne uonnequ- are offered in reading Improve- than caiv1>^ done with ordlnary- Thnr.day, January 7 „ ^ ___ movlne-while their eneines were Profitable Hobby FRAMED ? “ “ An architectural -graduate then sold to the Vietnamese, FM Pratt ft Whitney engines were moving while their engines were "NASA employs a Uteral in- ® i Z r r training will be given. "'® "*' spelUng, writing, math voltagi/mlcroscopes while stlU ^ frb m Clolumbla University, who buy them with the money terpretatlonmiHatoHnn of thothe Space Act’s Aof'e. contTocts program haanthasn’t manager of the banksbank’s Master ffhe Vernon Bom^ of Educa-^rtnea- “ d classes for non-En^rUehnon-English rret e t^ m ^ a good picture. It has, siso ThS‘*S?SItlz^*m'‘'” ' * ' ^ (C® “ ™®® P®*’ **'® DURANGO, Colo. (A P ) PLAZA DEPT. STpRE -Crandon first -came to South they got from the Americans "Ben FranWln” thousand hours of flight time, course. Pred Sohmldt, a music teacher directive to Increase the scien- maoa”# ^ tinn nnii administrative staff will speaking people. ’These classes Ic^the first time, photographed 'Z Vietnam in 1968 as a lieutenant • • • The theoretical goal is to Dhm r” ® **** Many of toe shutdowns were At no time during his decision- ^t Mead Junior High School in tlllc and technical capability of ^ ® '"® " close- rp„isenta the onportunltv **'®® *®®“^ resident living bacteria, (We Have A Notion To Please) the nation.” ' thankful. So it is clear that ly with the town chairmen dur- offer resldenU the opportunity ^ ^■wlth the Army engineers. Later *oake the country self-sustain- 7:34 Antl^e. ® precautionary, to preclude min- making process was the public wichlta, Kan-., makes profitable You Can Be At Hartford Framing. See Our Un> Under the program, 40 unlver- whatever direction the nation’s ing the fund drive which will explore, underatand M d ------.------E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) ,^he switched to the Navy shipt^ hig. Penna ..Folk...... Art” or problerns ‘ from becoming broi^ht into toe picture. Re- uge of hJs love of railroading. In OPEN WED., THUR8., FRI. till 9 - yard in Saigon, where he built Crandon feels it’s "Insane, a 8:00 Washlnirton Week in Review sities have received grants to aerospace program takes in the be conducted in February. ’The iled by the « T taught by Pauline Foxe, an ex­ PIECES TO EMBROIDER HOUSTON (AP) - ‘Hie passengers., _____ „ The passengers most interested, by those vrtth Distaff Side “ All they were interested In y®®” "? marked change to H A R TFO nO University ot Maryland and Oo- William PratOT, head ^ pert in this field of handwriting PILLOW CASES KITCHEN TOWELS world's largest motion picture were alarmed. Ralph Nader’s fortunes or reputations at stake, SAMPLERS INFANT KIMONAS iumbia Uiiiverslty were left on ^'“ “ n'thhig classes at Trinidad The expression, "distaff side,” analysis. -was that 42-footer 1 had buUt,” “ '® screen was used at*toe Houston “ Raiders” became interestecl. by what might be called the the moon by the spacemen. Junior College, rays the school means the female branch (ma- Afro-American history is de- TABLE CLOTHS SACQUES ft BIBS r-sald Crandon. " It came with me SCARFS TOASTER COVERS Astrodome for toe world pre-. The reliability of 20-milll6n dol- civil aviation establishment, FRAMING CO. ” We have undertaken to him out 'graduates fast temal line) of a family. ’The signed to make the student - o n the job. and after six months ^ y®®*" Plus a Large Selection of Embroidery Thread mlere of MGM’s "Brewster lar airplanes was put Ih ques- it is axiomatic in the airline 341 BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER strengthen the unive:^tles’ bas- ***0“ 8h to meet the demand for expression stems from the time more aware of the contribution ^ th e Vietnamese said ’thanks, ®*®‘^ -you can go now but leave the e a r n ^ , m o ^ y from rubber McCloud." H ie film stars Bud tion. business that where safety is OPEN MON. - SAT. 9:80 - 6:80 Ic research and education activ- ™®" familiar with firearms, when women spun thread from of the blacks in the development ALL AT PRICES YOU UKE Oort, Sally tCelleiman, Michael PA A ’s James Rudolph drafted concerned toe companies are Stores: Hartford, New Britain and Simsbury. Ities while obtaining expert re- Most o f the graduates open a distaff, a staff for holding of our country. The instructor T boa.t.' Instead I brought the boat u Muiphy, William Windem and a telegram inviting all those in- non-competitive. ‘They share any search held on NASA’s prob- ®hope of their own. bunches of wool or flax. will be Jay Smith, a graduate - up to Da Nang. Y^could ray I f®' sort of stole It " ample,! Hsh products are down Rene Auberjonois, and was di- terested to a meeting in New knowledge of what goes wrong lems,” Smith said. ” We have ______rected by Robert Altman who York, "toe easiest place we with an engine. InT the northern mlUtary ~re- ** . mUUon to 11 mllUon encouraged research on the i [ ^ ^ T also made "M-A-3-H.’! could all get to,” as he explain- Northwest Airlines had dis- campus, rather than encourag­ gion, Crandon came imder the ing researchers to leave the protection of Gen. Hoemg Xuan campus. We have elded teach­ r Lam, a man with a benign atti- ing and graduate training, - tude toward anything that have ccmtlnually encouraged >. makes money. He was interest- improvement in curricula to in­ ed in the potential of Crandon’s crease the capabilities of the •. fishing plans. universitieB to deal with modem ’ ■ While C ra n d o n w a ile d day problems.” » $20,000 -in funds from the Ad- "NASA now supports about vanced Research Projects 1,300 project-mriented research •> Agency of the U.S. Department grants and contracts in univer­ ^ of Defense, Lam helped him get f M / o / sities,” Smith added; ‘"Those • a matching sum from the Vlet- supporting projects have solved Z namese government. ’Ihe gener- JANUARY CUARANCE! ^ 'rt<' many high priority problems - al also provided a sltq and or- V" and opened avenues for further r dered the local fisheries chief to Stock-up Savings for the Entire Family at Caldor Now! experimentation and advanced •" send Vietnamese students development. r training in boat-building and Over 11 years, NASA has - modem fisfalng methods. made grants of $1.1 billion to Z Since July the best students more than 200 colleges and uni­ ■* have been constructing a 67-foot versities to enrich scientific and • trawler, capable erf going 100-200 technical knowledge. In the “ mUes offshore and bringing In , same period, it donated more n 10 Ums of fish and shrimp every than $40 million to 31 universi­ - four days. P ties to build research and sci­ m ‘ "That’S the trouble with these ence laboratories. - old, small Vietnamese , fishing A i^ while most of the grants Z sampans," said Crandon: ‘ "They er Coats haye been related to research “ can’t get out where the fish are. Ladi it Tops Girls’ on space and astronautics prob­ ••The war has ruined ail the in- lems, some of the research *. shore fishing. One grenade will seems at first to have little rela­ » kill a shrimp bed for 20 years, tionship to NASA’s main job. Z and a lot ot grenades have been What about those grants with •“ thrown in these waters." the unusual titles? Z The boat will be finished In Dr. Frank D. Hansing, a divi­ • about two months. ’Ihen Cran- sion director in the Office of “ don plans to spend three months University Affairs, replied that, - training his studei^ in using while they may sound way out, Z the trawler, how to'catch Osh in most are related to future space •• the open sea. activities. ■ ‘ ‘After that It’s up to them," ‘ "Ilie study of chemical food - he said. "H ie South China Sea Stripes, scjlids.^ini-ribsl Short anttioh^ sleeves. S.M.L Acrylic pile; wobl blends^ corduroys. Novelty styles. 4 systems, circadian movements r. is an incredibly rich Oriiery. and 34-40. 1 ■■ : ,■ ..tO'dx, 7 to 14. . ' and sleep patterns, for example, Our Regular They could easily equal tto en- are all ai^Ucable to space med­ Low prices on 1* tire fish catch of Da Nang in icine research for long-term " that one boat. 3 Pair Paks nf Ladji^t1Shirt^ & luses ' /J ^ ’ space flights,” he said. Panty Girdles Caldor Z "At $10,000 apiece, feiro-ce- " ment boats are cheap and easy • • : ""Both Johns Hopkins and Ladies Panties ,6.M V -■ ; Z to build. T h e, Vietnamese can , brexel Ins^tute have been eval­ Reg. 1.59 Reg. 1.89 Reg. 1.99 Reg. 2.69 uating man-computer commun­ Entire fenfire . make them without foreign cap- Many assorti gient' ications. Space flight involves Slock of Stock of r ital or expensive Imports. In and fabrics. ~ 1* to; many computers, and if we can 2.99 3.99 other words, they won’t be open find a simpler way of working Now. : Now . - t o exploitation. AU they need Cottons, nylons, ederlons. Elastic band, with rib cuft leg. • are local investors’ to buy the with them, all the better,’!, Sizes S to to. V chicken wire and cement.” Hansing said. Lycra Spandex sports briefs,-hose Thi-free or short leg. 100% Lycra Ladie or i Skirts Girls Nylon Ski Jackets " Crandon’s star pupil wants to He said the search for extra­ hugger panty or panty girdles. Spandex. Trims and" flattens. Regulariy to 8.99 Sensational at ^ terrestrial life iuJthe laboratory 100% Nylon Trieot become a fishing magnate.. White — S, M, L, XL. . V^ite — S, M, L, XL. ' Nylon quilt & taffeta styles. Attached ^ t t o n poplin, full lined plus zip-out acrylic pile could lead to more efficient pay- Le Bon, 46, father of four, has Come chi Half Slips . ••0- hood & hidden hood style. Sizes 4 to Inlng. Wanted colors. Good size selection. loads to se^ out living organ­ formed , a corporation with five styles, fabrl and misses 9.49 6x, 7 to 14.______isms on other plEinets. And the Mini with panty, kilty with panty or " partners willing to invest about study of volcanic activity, mini/average haif.slips. > $90,000 in a commercial flriilng ifaii-iM...lid weather ■ modification and car­ “ venture. When Crandon’s course bon monoxide in the streets will One Size Fits All! «>ia over they will begin building Ladies’ Famous Make Jeans lead to better satellite sensors. .th eir own boat. Boys’ and Jr. Boys’ - A wbole fleet of boats could Men’s Chino W ork Clothes One of the most unusual re­ Thick 'n thin cotton corduroys, 8 to^l4. sults of NASA-funded research r provide sizable exports and flood the domestic mqrket with Sweaters ' R was announced in early Decem­ 3 Regularly 4.49 Regularly S.99 B ra and .fish. ‘This would lower prices 100% acrylic cardigans, pullovers. 2.88 ber by Dr. James F. Danielli, , and help curb inflation. Ladies’ Knit Shifts Heavyweight no-iron . director of the Center for TTieo- A Crandon feeU his approach is poly cotton blend retical Biology at the State "tJnl- Cotton or acetate. Stripes, solids, S,M,L, B ik in i • vastly superior to the bigger twill. Wanted colors. verslty of New York in Buffalo. and 8-16. , “ ' 3.55 4.77 Tand more expensive fisheries Danielli reported he had con­ Ladies Ladies Shirt Pant. projects supported by UBAID. structed a living and reproduc­ Set He is critical of the organisation Reg. ing cell from already existing Ladies’ Knit Pant Sets Quilt Lined Lined Melton - that pays his $1,600 monthly ra- 13.99 matter. He said it ixtt Wilbur CrMs Pkwy. & Tollaad Tpke. lined. 16” sije zippers. 6 to 10 pumps, straps in group. 8'a to brown, sizes 10 to 3. Not all 'Antique brown colof.l Sizes 7 new microorganisms, new egg At The Parkade in group. N o t - ^ sizes in all 3. Not all sizes or colors in all sizes in all styles. No rain to 12. - crtls and an organism capable MANCHESTER . AVON WATERBURY , t'V styles. No rain ohecks. i (| 1 : styles. No rainchecks. checks. , .r ' of living on Mars,” Danielli ^ybaay lakewaaJ A WoleoH Rds. said. \- NASA has funded his research for several years at about


• • '. \ . i- ■. V- PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEg^ER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,,MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN Stylists Push salary, bomis.and deferred pay. Executor Plays Major Role B O r SCOUT * Business Mirror Increasingly he'-Is the^ benefici­ From Your V-. ary of stock option^ and other Short Shorts Notes and News benefits. *^- As Aide When Grief Strikes Financial Officers’ St^us Hie survey demonstrated, in ®y AP Newsfeatores countings to the court periodi­ fact, 'that salary today is really In France pack 98 the base for comnnsatlon ratlin Neighbor’s Kitchen Inevitable as death and taxes cally on the status of the child’s Grows in Money SliimJjr . money. i Cub Scout Pack 98 had a er than the total amount. Some By LUOIE N f» I . might be, their adversity is dou­ Oiristmas party after h carol 69 per cent reported they re­ AP Fashion Writer bled when they happen together. Q. Should both hiujiband and By JOHN CUNNIFF gles, scheduled to be released wife have wills? sing at Crestfield Oonvalescrat ceive cash bonuses, more than The Mow is sKrftened somewhat, Ho>me for its December meet­ Feb. 1. oBy VIVIAN F. FERGUSON PAiRIS’' (AP) — Despite a A. Yes, for several reasons, NEW YORK (AP) — Novriiere /. 50 per cent receive club mem­ though, and the grltrf less com- ing. Hie firm received a 59 per berships, 91 per cent are given Until recently, most ot us had ffliould the wife die before her else in the executive suite are Siberian winter some Paris I^lcated vdien financial worries (Den 2 conducted the opening cent response to a questionnaire stock options and 74 per cent re­ never heard ot Soul Food. Some husband, a wlU provides the sent to the chief financial execu­ fashion mmtors are"' pudllng can be kept to a minimum flag ceremony, and hot cocoa responslUlitles(I broadening as ceive insurance. of the folks who were brought through advance planning. means for distribution of her tives of the 500 largest Indus­ shorts so skimpy they would goods and valuables in the way and cookies were served to the they are for Qie chief financial In Ills awn mind, the survey y up on it didn’t know they were Hero are some questlMis a| id trial companies and 247 other turn heads at sun-basked sum- • rile ■wants. returning carolers and ■ their officer. No longer just a acore- contends, the CFO idews him­ eating’ soul food. answers about terms that seem families. - cohipanles, includiitg utilities True Soul Food was once eat­ mer resMts. Also, should the husband and keeper, the CFO is now; a cog In and Insurers. self as having “ evolved from a It’s far from a groundswell to come up only when there Is a The cubs had made ttie table en onlynby the poor. Many peo­ death in the fi)mily. ^ wife die either at the stune time posture characterized by resis­ fashim trend yet, but there are Christmas decorations. After advance planning and policy prom the repUes, It drew this ples made do what they had or Q. What is an executor? or wlQilii a short time of earii tance to cha:fige to that of one hints that some major houses other, their holdings ■will be dis­ gifts were exchanged by the formuUUon. profile of the CFO; aggressively seeking it . . .” could secure. "The American In­ A. An executor—or executrix, «nibk, Cubmaster Kail Hahn and presenting collections at the end tributed as they ■wish. If, in the Hie change hasn’t berii ab­ He is 51 compared with 53 His emphasis, the report con­ dian, the European and the If female—is the person desig­ Aasistant Cubmaster Ed Ka­ of January will be going along husband’s will everything Is left rupt, although the alarming years' of age five years ago. cludes, “ has moved from finan­ African are the three main nated to take care of the affairs minsky were presented with with "le short." to a wife, who dies shortly after drought to liquidity that oc­ Most likely his undergraduate cial reporting to financial plan­ sources of soul food recipes. of someone uriio has died. polnsettla plants In apprecia­ him leaving no wlU of her own, curred during the past year, degree is from Wisconsin, Illi­ ning, from the technician’s role Hie black slave In this coun­ So far they^ have turned up Q. What does an executor do? tion of their services to the the distribution of the estate will highlighted by the inability of nois, New York, Northwestern of historian to the managerial World’s Largest try gave us most of our soul mainly at Paris night clubs and A. An executor retains a law­ pack, be carried out by the court ac­ the Penn Central to raise or Pennsyllvanla universities. role of formulating corporate food although the poor white cabarets In vhat seems to be a yer to guide the deceased’s ■will Hie following bubs received Audio Dealer cording to state law. enough money to remain sol- Hiere is a 40 per cent chance he strategy.” southerner i^iared In Its de­ revolt against the midi and the through Its legal path. Hils awards:* James Rand and velopment. "Soul food” takes vent{ accelerated the change. has an advanced degree, most maxi—b o o ^ d by the ready-to- proceu is called probate, or Philip Foreman, bobcat; Paul likely from Harvard or NYU, its name from a feeling of kin­ wear indusby as a replacement M-SPA proving the wiU’s vaUdltyi The Mishunas, Paul Lappen, Bill Companies that once worried ship among blacks. Apparently, primarily about production or and a 33 per cent chance he Is a Youth Stadbhed Famous ALLIED TSmiMt AM/TM for what is left of the miniskirt. document wiU be examined in Short Shorts Kingsbury, Tom Harley, Ed certified public accountant. "soul” is a feeling that is dif­ Girls lunching at chic bistros surrogate, probate or orphan’s merchandising suddenly Kaminsky and Carl KJeUeon. He is relatively stationary in At Wethersfield ' ficult to describe but "you or supping at discotheques dis­ court, depending upon the Paris Answer webeloe geology activity badge; ized during the past summer SlBraoR8cainr-GUT'«0<" know it if you have it.” play (he shorts under long fur or iirocedure of the state. J'rim Weerden and Matthew To­ that they could not routinely de- w*>at Is becoming an Increasing- WETHERSFIELD (AP) —An To define soul food, we can pend upon their usual sources of *y mobile business world, hav­ 18-year-old Wethersfield High Allltd Model 44S with feeturae wool coats. Hie shorts come The executor also Is responsi­ T o the Midi bin, bear; and Daidd 'Timbrell, and performance of $250 use the hog as an example. In ing worked for only one or two School student was charged with Reg. mainly In black velvet or pleat­ ble for assembling all property silver arrow. Tom H ^ey and financtog, and so the OFO’s du­ ncaivera. All-alacironic alereo/ fact, it is considered the most other employers. In fact, if he assault with intent, to commit mono swllchlng, FET-FM front ed satins in a wide rauige of col­ By NANCY L. R088 Alan Miskunus were both voted ties assumed greater impor­ and, wideband AM, eignal symbolic of all soul food. Al­ belonging to the estate, includ­ works for an insurance or utility ors. The Washington Post dennera of their dens. tance. murder Wednesday. ■trength tuning meter. , 2 ^ most every part of a hog.is ing life insurance benefits, concern, there is a 50 per cent <^131-5002 ' Such ready-to-wear houses as household goods, securities, WASHINGTON — From those At the clo^ of the party Ken But financing is only one of Randolph R. Peterson was edible. In the latter days of the wonderful folks who gave you Harley led a carol sing. the fMtors in the transition of chance that he had only one oth­ charged by police with knifing great Southern plantaUons, a Daniel Hechter, Sonia Rel mortgages, real estate interests er employer or none at all. and Cacharel are championing and cash. In the presence of a pant-suits, gauchos and knick­ the corporate money mail. Com­ ’Hiomas Golden, 17, son of town man's status could be judged ers, now come "HotPants.” plex taxes, tiew accounting' For some r^totkl not ex­ health Officer ' Dr. Archie by the parts of the hog he ate. the cause. Some haute couture state tax reprasentatlve, he London Filmmg houses seem to be falling In S'-' must remove vaiiiablea left In a 'Ihat’s Women’s Wear Dally par­ procedures, mergers, computer­ plained In the study, he is an of­ Golden. ■Anyone eating a ham or chops LONDON (AP) — Elizabeth line,but reluctantly. safe deposit box. He must col- lance for short shorts which, ization, insurance, pension ficer but not a director of his Peterson reportedly leaped • or Canadian bacon would not Taylor, Michael Caine and Su­ Dior has none in Its main cc*- - lect money owed to the de­ the publication informs us, have plans and . profit sharing also company, although Heidrick over a lunch table at which be eating soul food. Hie better sannah York recently began are forcing the CPC to be more lection on sale now, but its two ceased; appraise, manage and reached "(epidemic proportions” and Struggles ventures the fore­ Golden was seated and stabbed cuts of meat are .cut "hlg^i on filming in Lotulon for “ Zee & broadly Involved. boutiques have four models. protect business interests; and in Paris in the sales. Hie pwts cast that he will be found in- him to the neck. the hog.” This expression came Co.,” a film based on an origi­ Reflecting his growing Impor- creastogly on corporate hoards One is In red satin, another In invest funds according to the are briefer than this sentence Golden ■was treated at Hart­ to indicate lavish living. nal script by novelist Edna tance, salaries for CFO now to the future. jet sequins, a third In a Deau-vlll terms of the ■will. Is long. ford Hospital for lacerations of The negro slaves used what­ O’Brien. Hie movie Is being di­ generally range between $50,000 Whlle his compensation la ever the master left. Hiat is navy blue sailor suit, worn with Also, the executor must pay While skirts are going down, the face and neck and was re­ rected by Brian Hutton, ■who and $76,000, according to a sur­ likely to be between $50,000 and a double-breasted blazer. Hie all outstanding debts and all the pants are going up. Knickers leased at 4:20 p.m. MANCHESTER PARKADE how chitt’llns, hog maws- and previously made "Where Eagles vey by the management consult­ $75,000, he may to some compa­ scrapple became soul food. fourth Is designed as bloomers. federal, state and local' taxes. were "Invented” by women who Peterson was held in lieu of Dare.” ing' firms of Heidrick' & Strug- nies earn more than $100,000 in $25,000 bond. Cautt’llns or chitterlings - are Jean Patou has none on sale He la responsible, loo, for dis­ tired of long pants and either the small Intestine of the hog; currently but plans to design M lNCEP tributing the bequests designat­ tucked them Into their boots maws are the stomach lining some for his next collection. Hve ed in the will. And he must file or cut them off. Now, pants an accounting with the court. and scrapple is made from the Patou boutique, however, dls- lovers. It’s almost 'time to get t t u Q. Who Etppolnts the executor? neck. playes a striped black and white out: the scissors gain. Hie slaves did have some or­ jersey ehorts suit. A. Generially speaking, the ex­ Never mind that the temper­ ecutor is named by the maker dinary bacon but not very Madeleine de 'Rauch Is selling ature is hovering around the of the ■will. When there is no will much, so they used It to season a shepherd’s check (diorts suit; freezing mark in the French vegetables. Bacon a n d salt ---rthe person has died “ Intes- capital as well as here. WWD, uouiARD Jo H ns n "■As for me,” says Yvep^aint. f l 4 n i u ] l i tate” ^ttie court wiH appoint an pork were common seasonings Laurent,” my next collecttoi which got all steamed up about 6 '5 executor. in combination with cooked will be 50-60, half-long and half- long skirts in mid-summer. Is greens. Once again, the slaves Q. Is there ever more than now hailing the reappearance short.” CJurrently' his boutiques one executor? . took the leavings. Hie master are selling ^ r t s in black vel­ In mid-December of “ lotsaleg.” would eat the tumip but not the J«AM TR E iH A. Yes. Frequently a friend or It gave maximum exposure last vet, pleated satin and plain col­ member of the family Is named greens, for example. ored satin. week to the minimum coverings OF VERNON . Most of the slaves brought to ( M l u c k l . as one executor, and the Jmidc is "^ot for us,” says Philippe of beautiful young things (in­ America came from farming named as co-executor. The cluding hotpanted fellow, too) (iHerald photo by Buoelciclus) Verft. "Once the ready-to-wear tribes. Their agricultural choice Mxwld be made on th^ . in Parisian night clubs. In a MRS. HARRY BASKIND have done it, c’eet flnl. I have basis of competence and ability knowledge was to be of some nol-too-Bubtle dig at un-mldl < ^ advantage to them. Hiey al­ decided to show none in my next to handle money matters In or­ 0 AND NOW EAST HARTFORD collection.” America, the paper declared, ready knew about maise or plenty of salt. She says the salt whipped cream. .May be gar- der to avoid unnecessary and "In Paris they don’t debate a Hie year 1970 was one of fash­ perhaps excessive expense of com, cassavQ., rice and yams. must be added durii^ cooking nished with maraschiho cher- new fashion 1. . . they get right ion anarchy and contestation. both time and money. While he did not raise pigs, he so the peas can absorb the fla- rles. Into It.” Hemlines took a double plunge m t s i Q. Who at the bank will take knew enough about other ani­ vor. Of course, she uses water, — 7— ) k . Lest the beautiful people risk first to midcalf and then to the on the job of executor? mals to help him out. then cooks the vegfetables for i. looking like gym students or ankles. "Le short” was making A. Most full service beaks Hie West Indian slaves about two hours. C ook b oiO k s A 'v a ila b le roller derby contestants, how­ FRIDAY,. SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY— JANUARY 8, 9, 10, 11, 1971 inroads as the new year came have complete trust depart­ brought with them refinements She follows the same process ever, French boutique derigners ____^ ^______The response of our readers in, but one fiudilon-cmisclous ments, and it Is an officer In on curing pork without .salt. ■with the turnip g;reens. For add- have made shorts to fabrics These blacks had worked in the ed interest, she slices white tur- lo the 1970 Herald Cookbook Is Parislenne said; “ I think this department who would nips very thin and cooks them o*t>re than gratifying. We sin- they’re absolutely stupid—and ■work closely ■with your family to ranging from velvet and brocade sugar fields of the West Indies. to fur and crocheted wool. Boots If they escaped from their mas­ right in with the greens. Should appreciate your calls cold, too.” execute the terms of your will. the greens have a bitter taAte, letters. ------Q. Is the executor paid for bis and colored tights complete the ters, they lived in the brush on look. wild hogs. No salt was available a lltUe sugar la added. Several readers menUoned ser^ces? Mabel was brought In tlie 1®™ recipes A. Yes, but his fee varies In this country. Seventh Ave­ GOOD IN VERNON OR EAST HARTFORD so they found other methods of 'Price {Stability nue appears as yet a little more curing the meat. traditional manner of a South- missing. The first phases in from state to state and general­ em lady. Her parents died compiling the book t ^ e place PORTLAND, Ore. jAP) — ly because it is on a percentage timid, hiding shorts under Soul, food represents tMe matching split kirts or tunics, CHILDREN under 12 ONE HALF PRICE imagination and the desperation when she was only_____ three and Octol^r. Therefore, "Ten cents then, ten cents basis. It depends on the size of she was r ^ s ^ by an aunt. By “ 'y '*®cipe printed In the Her- now,” says George Botopulos, the estate. labeling them resort wear or FREE HOJO COLA wiHi every meal of many people. Perhapis the lengthening them to just a few sharing with others Of their the time she ■was nine yetirs after the end of September 80, who’s been shining shoes for Q. What difference does it Inches above the knee. Above (With Thlfl Coupon) often meager rations brought old, she had started sewing. carried over until the next a dime since 1928. make If there Is no ■will? \ Ladles of the traditional South y®^- ^ ®®® tio reason to charge A. You lose the privilege of the knee? Yes men, someone people together and it was good out there was listening. Design­ for the soul. That Is just my are taught all the aspects of ^ considerable amount of more.” naming your executor, and you domesticity so they can be the ^oes into the book Involv- Botopulos was bom in Greece, er 'Victor Joris evwi calls short conjecture. deprive your survivors of any true mistresses of their house- ‘"K " '“ y d®partments of the emigrated to NeiS\ York in 1907 shorts “ The answer to the It is not conjecture that many l^ a l voice In-how y o u r estate— LOOK WHAT DIFVE hold even though they may Herald—the photographers, the and worked his way west on the no matter what Us size—Is di­ mldl.” a master was caught sneaking have servEUits composing room where the type railroads, later operating three vided, and to whom it diould go. a taste from the pickled pig's LINED UP FOR YOU Brought up in Georgia, Mabel ‘s proofread, the adver- movie theaters In Portland. • In some states, for example, if a feet. jar. GradUEilly, the "leav­ ^ I < Space Loads met her husband while she was department.Hie cMitents ’ One day in 1928 a guy said to husband dies and the law says ings” became delicacies. In the TO HELP US CELEDRATI! living in South Carolina during must be indexed and finally me. Come on, help me shine his widow will receive one-third COLORADO SPRINGS, Oolo. AND HERE ARE YOUR TICKETS FOR last few years, the price of World War H. Harry and his numbered after the dummy shoes,” and I ’ve been doing it of her husband’s estate and the (AP) — During 1970 the Soviet Some of the soul foods has risen brother are co-proprietors of copy of the book is pasted up. ever since. other two-thirds wUl go to their Union launched 8$ iiayloads into ^ because of the demand. Baskind Plumbing of Hartford. Photographs must be s^ ect^ . offspring. The court-appointed space, compared to 35 by the YEAR 'ROUND FUN AND ENJOYMENT Hie/ famous black-eyed peas The couple has two daughters, ^ cover design created. P in^y. lb executor will carry out the law. United States according to the are sometimes called the super­ Marilyn (Mrs. Michael Zolvlc) everything Is sent to an outside . You also lose the prlvflege— annual report issued by the Air stition Vegetable of soul . food. of South Windsor and Anita, . and deprive your survivors of It Force’s Aero^pcuie Defense Most Southerners today serve (Mrs. John Soos of Cheshire.) . sWve /o r perfec- as weU^—of naming a guardian Command. this dish on . New Year’s Day I am- Indebted to Jo Odell of ‘ >on. we do make mistakes, ’^ e for minor children. If a child la The Air Force keeps track d MENU for good luck. . all man-made earth satellites PULL COURSE MEAL Bast Center St. for telling me tem perati^ for Jennie W ^shs TU m o a THtt4e«.uHnC a minor, a g(uardian will have to BALLOON^ft LOLLIPOPS Mabel Baskind o f 206 Lydall about Mabel’s soul food and to n (« b re ^ on page 16 was be appointed by the court and from Its Space Defense Center, St., a transplanted Southerner, inside Cheyenne Mountain. Nancy LaBonne of Glastonbury i the widow will have to file ac­ b a b y f o o d s decided recently she had taken FOR/fHE CHILDREN who, by coincidence, gave me Plcajse do not hesitate to phone GRftpEnzvnr t h e w e e o n e just about enough good-natured at any time a recipe is not ALL THE TIME a book on the subject for Christ­ libbing from her friends. Hiey clear to you in a story. Your CALIP. tCCKK. ^ + mas. Should you wish authentic tease her about her accent advice could be helpful since I ■ which actually Is not hea'vy and recii^s Md more Worm^i^ preseliwed for -IS t t o c e < 4 0 about Southern food. So, she ^ all time to the yearly cookbook. IICTCLES CAUF lOtthAlMaCEA.^ r r v L _ ^ invited' about two dozen people y i r . Extra copies of the Herald over on New Year’s Day for cookbook J e available at one HOWARD JOHNSON'S "Soul food.’’ ed by Nitty Gritty Productions ^y contacting MAVEL 0RAH6E COCKTAILS Mabel served barbecued of San Francisco, California arculation Department, CHICKEN FRY who, incidentally, publish some Requests are received from all FAMOUS ICE CREAM EVERY DAY pork, boiled ham,' turkey salad, J ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR d > dole slaw, potato salad. Hiere other very good cookbooks. over the country. Should you AND OTHER FOODS INCLUDING SUNDAY were white turnips and . turnip Mabel’s eggnog chiffon cake jjegire an additional copy for a IN OUR RESALE SECTION ^ . EVERY MONDAY •1.69 greens. Of course, black-eyed is a recipe I think you will en- f^end or relative, there are al- Take Some Home Today J peas and cracklin’ bread, ^ r joy. Most of the lijgredlents ^ Umlted numbel- of the 1968 dessert, traditional Southern stem from a^ pie recipe. Here 1909 editions, fried fruit pies and eggnog Ice­ are both: Your suggestions for coluntos. PROBLEMS ? box cake. It is customary on Eggnog Chiffon Pie your recipes and those of your New Year/s Day In the South to 4 cups eggnog friends are always welcome. % cup sugar ^ e, of course, reserve the right POST ROAD SHOTPINO serve three foods—^pork, black- IjlAIN StRKET, BOUTS 30. 2 small envelopes unflavor- jo choose. eyed peas and a green. VEBtlON. CONN. BTl-SIBB Solve if with To make the barbecued yoTk, ed gelatine ------MOTOR LODGE LAMPLIGHTER ROOM % te^poon nutmeg Stranger Than Code HOURS UNTIL HARCH15 AT ^ Mabel first baked a fresh ham AVAILABLE FOR ' which Is an uncured ham. Then 2 tablespoons light rum. or ^ 1 :3 0 to 5 :3 0 rum flavoring During World War I, the she sliced-it, placed It in a bot­ 6 d ^ p tr m tk BOTH LOCATIONS PARTIES - BANQUETS - MEETINGS 1 cup heavy cream, whipped Comanche Indian la v a g e was tled barbecue sauce for reheat­ fit and elm thN wdimr with e 14 to % cup chopped mar- often used to t ^ m l t messaps .COLUMBIA SXERCtSER ROCK SALT ing. She cut the outer layer of aschlno cherries telephone. The language had fat off thp ham to use In her Soften gelatine in 2 cups cold ^ ^ “ en and was ICE SKATES cracklin’ JSread. SHARPENEp , A d d i n ' Bread eggnog in top of double boiler, stranger to theGermans than 251b. BAG Trim outer layer of fat from mix In sugar; stir well Until ^ code. ALSO KNIVES. SCISSORS. ECT. a large ham. Try out in 300-de- sugar and gelatine are well dis- . ______gree oven until crisp. (To "try Solved. (^Jote: Do not allow € « j c e t L i f b out” means to cut in small upper section of double boiler to pieces and draw out fat). Take touch water in lower half. Mix- W 100 lb. BAG whatever quantity you have ture will get hot to allow sugar OFFICIAL REGISTRATION CARD LIVE MAINE If and add to the following com and gelatine to dissolve but Good at all pfirticipatmtf roatawanta bread recipe. must not boll). Remove from 2 cups self-rising com meal heat and add additional 2 cups 1 egg , eggnog, nutmeg and rum or ClHb cup flour flavoring. Chill until the con­ : LOBSTERS n .S 9.1 CALCIUM CHOLORIDE 2 cups buttermilk sistency of egg whites (when QlN)Ljn^R.T 1 teaspoon baking soda mixture mounds on a spocm). 2 tablespoons melted bdtter Then whip Until light and fluffy. or margarine Fold liv-whipped cream. Pour 25 lb. BAG *1.55 cracklln’s into 10*’ pie shell. Chill until Combine dry ingredients. Add firm. Garnish with more whip­ milk and egg; mix. Him, add ped cream and maraschino melted Tiutter and cracklln’s. cherries. 1001b. BAG *3.95 Bake in greased 9x9x2 pen 20 ' Eggnog Chiffon Cake minutes at 42S degrees. 'Make filling same as for egg­ Mbbel always adds salt pork nog chiton pie, changing only to* her turnip greens and black- ■following ingredients: eyed jieas. Onbe, I tried to cook Vi cup BU^r ’ UM EIED q u a n t it y —ABBIVINO FRIDAY MtMtNINOl the latter.'Hiey were hard ob 2 cups heavy cream rocks. Mabel cooks them much 3 small" envelopes unflavored longer than stated on the frozen gelatine ' I MGHLAND PARK MARKET • packages. .To each package of Line spring-form pan with, I 1 UT HIgUaiM SL, I peas, she will add about a two- ladyfingers. Pour In filling and inch square of salt pork and chill until firm. Top with •••••••••«< :r$ f . %. r ■- / I MANCHESTER EVENING'HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-ONE ^ PAQE^TWENTl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 labor and Industrial relation^ J- C oven try / H e b r o n Hospital Phone . V e r n o n l committees. Re has been prom­ Fori^d Inte^ation ised also that, he w ill be i;e- . The talaphorie number for Assemblying the named to the Jtate mid urban Volunteer Fire Department Maneheater Memorial Hospi­ Audit Report development committee. Adult Education Program tal waa ' changed a few D em o ted b y R bm iiey montha ago, but too late to The Repuhlldan statewide, Re-Electa Griffin as Chief be listed correctly in toe new O n Sewers By Sol R. Cohen weekly Dutch-treat luncheons Gen. John N. Mitchell and Pres­ Set to -Start Next ^ eek .News By G, C. THELEN Jr. phone books. The hosirftal will resume Tuesday noon, with An ^dult educaUcm program for adults from 6 to 10 p.m. each rin^aw E. GrUHn Sr. of Main from the WUlimantic Firii Head- |iBQORAnv|>f • WASHINGTOIf (AP)' — Inte­ ent Nixon, Romney said. number to 646-1222. Seemd District Cong. Robert t the one-time contender St. was re-elected by acebuna- quarters. _____ Completed grating the suburbs cries out for in Coventry schools is scheduled Tuesday evening. The Connecticut House of worker. She to Mrs. Margaret H. Steele of Vernon the guest for ute Republican presidential „ _ . , 1., . M oat o( a these departments as much public understanding to berin next’ week accordlne Academic problems, as well tion Tuesday evening as chief rescinded to calls in He- Wright, who works in the state’s speaker. The luncheons are nomination implied he would be to begin next week, accwling ^ yocaUonal and personal prob- A ireview of toe town’s sewer Representatives was called Into as the Vietnam war, sdys-Hous­ of the Hebron Volunteer Fire structure fire la» payroll depfurtment. She for- held at toe Shoreham Motor Ho­ the final policy to an announcement by Ernest ^3,, ^e discussed with a , M anchester construction projects,by the au­ session, at 10:10 a.m. yesterday ing Secretary George RomneydisUassed' merfy 'worked In the The Her­ lemn further dis- Martuccl, high school guidance p,,dance counselor by appolnt- Department. responded to by two extra de- tel, Hartford. As a starter, he said at a news (. failed to c< diting firm of Lutz and Keller by Harry Hammm: of Venwn, ald’s circulation departmoit. conference Wednesday, the crimination, counselor. ment CMlfln was first elected in partmenia, in addition to He- /Hospital Notes reveals appropriations totaled the- deputy ^secretary of the Mra. FUfvla Dotchln of 66 phrase "forced integration “The abs

■■J'.. N /■


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 i'-' PAGE TWENTY-TWO Sonics Winner Loser in St. Louis and Austin, Too ^DUVSidS Netminders o f Sports 47 Markers .111 For Rangers With Oben Season on Firina Grid By DEAN R. YOST After Half The others--to be fired were Buffalo Bills, Jim Dooley of the Austin, who took over. the champion San Francisco }n the ready making plans for next terested in contacting me.” News Media at Stafford Exhibit NEW YORK (AP)—The He said he fdt Waditagton Rated Tops Allen, a week ago by the Los, Chicago Bears and Jerry Wil- Redskins after the death of West. season. St.. Louis Cardinals fired liauns of the Philadelidiia Ea­ Vince Lombardi at the start’of ^‘Laat year at this time I felt President - Edward Beiihett Wil­ friends, the newspaper writers. Paves'W ay NEW YORK (AP)—Ed Angeles Ranus, dive Rush,, of St. Louis President Charles Charley Winner and the gles also might be on their way the 1970 season, piloted the it could have happened, but not liams "was looking (or a big National Rod & Custom (liacomin and Gilles Ville- the Boston Patriots and Tom out. team to four idctorles in its first W, "Stormy” Bidwell said the this year,’’ he said. "I was so name, a flamboyant coach ... - Armory Jan. 22 through Jan. 24. NEW YORK (AP) — Washington Redskins re­ App6Arill^ on bfthAJf ^ -“*• mure weren’t anywhere ' ' By BILL SACHEREK Fears of the New Orleans '' Winner, wdip headed tl\e Cards seven games before a five-game firing of Winner "didn’t come as surprised I haven’t had time to I’m not a big name and I’m not . on b^ialf o t the Seattle’s SuperSonics, who near a goal—^but the two placed Bill Austin with ‘ Saints. for five seasons—the longest losing skein saddled Washington something that was spur of the think vdiat I’ll do.” flamboyant. I’m a football Stafford Speedway exhibit couldn’t win with Spencer Magic Mountain, in London- . coach .and I think I’m a good through the co-operation of way to open the track for a New York Rangers net- George Allen as the Na­ Phil Bengtson of the Green coaching span in the club’s his­ with a 6-8, fourGi-place finish in moment.. We’ve been discussing Austin, who formally coached regular Saturday right show is t^® b*®itetball derry, Vt., was a stop on the on e." . track owner Jack Ahite and minders still managed to weekend. tional Football - League’s Bay Packers, of tory, survived a dism al 4-8f-i the NFC East. ly it since the end of the seasem. the Pittsburgh Steelers to an Race Director **K1? order to break even court, dldn t have any bet- season in 1969 and t^ipeared Allen, also the Skins’ new gen­ "I think that Charley—and I 11-28-S record through three sea­ Allen disclosed he had been all but lock up the Vezilia game of musical coaches the Houston Oilers and Blanton have g^e^ ri^t^orib^ “*® With him 8,000 At the base lodge I met Ar­ Collier of the develand Brawns headed for the playoffs this sea­ eral manager, had a. five-year, told him this—could do a great sons, said of his firing: "At considering a dilft to WaAlng- Trophy for the first half thur Thomer codirector. continued. ton since 1968 when the Los An­ and______one_____ racing announcer. *’**”® speedway offers, at miles away waiting for an*- Wednesday’s firings brought quit their jobs and Charlie Wall­ son. ' 49-17-4 record with the Ram s, Job with some other team," Bid- present I’m out of a job—but I of the National Hockey geles Ram s fired him—^)^fore, Included ln**tae'*lisrri^'’medla spectators must walk other court to convene, The summit of Magic has a to nine the number ot coaches to er of the San Diego Chargers But his team managed to win making him one of pro football’s w ell said. will be in the league. League season. explosive fan support and a personnel are Bruce Criien, Na- . '”‘® Boeton OelUcs, who o*fl- mile l(Mig double chair lift. exit since the seabon.began last stepped down when Sid GiUman only one of its final five games most successful coaches. He pi­ But Winner called his firing "I have a good reputation in *'^®" a drop of 1,600 feet After GEORGE BLANDA returned. And it has been re­ to finish at 8-S-l, third in the Na­ loted them to a 9-4-1 m ark in "completely unexpected. It was the business, at least good threatened player revolt forced Uonsl Speed Sport News colum- ^ i®®^ '^ ® ‘ clslly joined the growing list of September—and more depar­ nlst; Lou Modestlno of Boston ®*^‘® '^ ® ” a*ter each race ^eduled W edne^y right. But looking around at the scenic Second Best ported that John Rauch of the tional Football Conference East. 1970, one gam e behind NFC a' real shock to me. I was al­ enough for other people to be in­ the Rams to rehire him. ------v« m ow n ... National Basketball AssocU... O iica^ 'Was—and the 4-2 loss to views it was time to try out tures are expected. Herald, also covfilng the North- Proved a big ^ teams protesting Seattle’s stj tawly I ^ A^eles probably cost q,o Magic Carpet, a rice Iwig east oval tracks for the maga- ^® ^*®®tat^ to see the of Haywood, exploded ^ k mwks netminders Gerry ^n of over 2H miles, on a Qear Schools sine, Stock Car; John Kershaw ®®®*' **'®‘' Pe*«ts In the final q I^jardiM and Tony Esposito smooth and well packed trail, NFL Players noted veteran sports writer * * « Wednesday right and routed the the trophy, awarded for the few- with ankle deep dry fluffy pow- jRon Johnson AlUPro Choice from the Hartford Courant; „ Series 187-112. eet goals allowed through the ® ’*’®*'® challenges. ATLANTA (AP)—David Roll­ Blanda Close Second pension at age 56 and $60 m ore Chiefs Dominate sldent of Manchester; Dexter This weekend, Jan. 8-9, the 119-106 and Cincinnati tamed Division ^-Stw squad. CSUcago Upper Wand which crosses er, an All-Southeastern Ccaifer- ' ^ per game for playing in presea­ were selected for the American Burriiam of the RockviUe-Jour- Kennedy Games will be held. Portland 1$$-128 in overtime, NEW YORK (AP) —^ ^ rilowed the some number- ^alf the mountain and 10-3-1 r ^ ^ a r season windup in son exhibition games are two of and Natl<»al leagues. nal Inquirer, a former owner Feature events ore the Masters "Die Celtics protested their n e w YORK (AP) . - Five members of the Kan- Heading the offensive Unit 1970, he established himself as the provisions that pro football ^itv Chiefs have been of stock cars; Tom Meade of Ski jumping on the 70-meter home game before It began, maining. ^ 'will be against ^ Boston, *ln^®d o« on ^e lower lift been cleared of iUeg^ recruit- John Brouie, the venei*aDle players have won In dickering ^ nave ^O^n was John Brodie, San Francis­ the Boston GIodI; Paul Trow- Olympic hlU. Also scheduled are oontriidtag Haywood was an ta- Une. the NFC’s premier quarterback. with club owners. xiaitied to The Associated co’s veteran quarterback, and the highest scoring , team in the tag aUegaUons contained in two San Francisco quarterback brldge of WILT In WllUmontic, cross country races for mat. eligible player on the Seattle NHL. ' About 11:30 an announcement 'Die ex-Stanford ace, working Ken Bowman, Green Bay. Press All-Pro team while his teammate, wide receiver newspaper stories pubUshed nasainir arm nro- the man-of-the-spot with the For those who just want to rbeter—even though he was on Iii Wednesday right’s cither over the PA system, another shorOy before the, 1970 football wnose passing a m pr^ behind a superb offensive line. Packers’ center who is vice’ just one player from the Gene Waabtagton. ’Ihe otheb mike, and yours truly...... take to the slopes) the East’s tli® West Coast, awaiting the wide receiving spot went to NHL action, MoJtori "bUtz^ **‘® ^ seaaon began. i>elled the 49ers to their had a 69 per cent completion Natiwial Foot- Baltimore and Dallas teams Drivers from the half mile greatest vertical dn^, 3,216 feet opening irf a court hearing to Vancouver 7-3, Philadelphia ^ “ "®^ Umlts it- ball League Players Assocla- Dibk Gordon of the ChlqbSO The EC’s Executive Com- best finish in 25 years, was who will meet in the Super ovri in Stafford include 1970 oh the "Big One" 'rni’l^teface sort out the controversy, edged Pittsburgh 4-3,, , Toronto-vvMto ®®** *o l.W skiers a day so the mark, was levelled only eght ^on. dlscloeed that at the cwi- Bears, with CharUe Sanders of ski buff doesn’t have to fight mlttee reached Its unanimous ^ f Valuable Plav- Bowl—Cowboys’ linebacker track chanqiion Ed Yerrtagton, Mountain, is in exceUent ccmdl- Pe signed with Seattle after and Minnesota played to a 44 decision following a day-long vaiuaDie riay Omes for losses-an all-time ^ Detroit at tight end. long Uft lines and stiU gets Billy Harmon, three-time Na- tlon, plus stapes at Lake Placid, becoming disenchanted ■with his tie and Callforria turned backed league low—aiui threw Just 10 Wednesday. Chuck Howley — was able The running backs were the in plenty of skiing. meeting tn Atlanta Wednesday er in the Nationul Football tlonal modified CSiamplon Cart * • * reported $1.9 million contract St. Louis 6-8. interceptions. Player representatives and to crack the elite of pro only two 1 ,000-yard rushers In The area is serviced by two and m ade pubUc. its findings League today by The As- ‘Bugs’ Stevens and appearing navtona R t iiiim I ^® -ABA’a Denver RocHetk. Roes Lonsberry paceih the Blanda, Oldest player In the spokesmen for the 26 NFL clubs football. the N ^ this season—Larry alongaloiur with their thntr stockersR»/v>ir0ni willnHii beiv» J j olhcr NBA teams argue that it double chairlifts and a T-bar game, topped AFC vote-getters discussed and came to tentative The Chiefs, who won the Su­ Brown of Waidilngton and Ron ^attack k wwith lto a pali^ o f ^ P.. Ed Flemke ta the..~ No. 14 and nnnHn Ko ir Writing violated a league rule prriiibit- goals. After Jim Pappta puUed ^ tersburg Times and ’The Chat- . Brodie, peaking as a passer by a landslide margin after res- agreement on some provisions per Bowl last year but were Johnson of the New York Hop Harrington ta the famed ta November 1968 I tj,e signing of a player eliminated prior to the playttffs Chl^ ydthta a ^ of a tie ^ ^ tanooga Times had quoted ath- and field general in ^ 14th sea- cuing , the Raiders from defeat of a proposed four-year con- Giants. No. 11. ^ c r il^ ^ has nri b^n this season, grabbed five of the The line showed ’Fryer and . letes as saying they had beMi gon with the 49ers, beat out five times with late-game hero- tract. . • o The media will answer all ^1^5®^^ apparent, graduated. Haywood turned pro mldvmy In the ^ Tliursday. Friday and Satu^, Ics as placeklcker and back-up Bowman said a retired player nine spots taken by American Bob Brown of Los Angeles at no of the race buffs. Ac- 5 **Ave become after his sophomore year at the p^berry fire(i toe ctochw pi^g their own snow maktaTln ottered excessive taducemente George Blanda, 43-year-old mlr- Conference players on a 24-man into an open Blwk Hawks net ^ture ^ sn ’t to attend various schools In the .. - quarterback to injury-prone Da- could draw a pension at age 66 tackle. Gale Gillingham of acle worker ot the Oakland squad dominated by NaUtmal Green Bay and Gene Upshaw of with 16 seconds rem a^, ^th toe clouds. The SEC. ryle Lamonica. ^ and get $60 a month fgr each ‘Wo think we’U ha've a com-com­ *"2^ “*® wiU be g i^ u a d ed Uiis June. (AP photo) Raiders, In a two-man race. Conference stars. I Oakland at guard and Jim Feb. 14, I w ill be on hand at ’The committee said neither Blanda’s magic enabled the year of pro experience. For ta- plete exhibit at the show." Last Boston broke a 90-to tie by their unbeaten home „ovlcW has his own chairlift so The San Francisco veteran re­ The Chiefs’ complement con­ of the Raiders at center. the Daytona 600 direct from the BASKET-BOUND—^Heading downcourt for a fast break is Boston’s John Havli- ice string at 18 gamM. y„u won’t find any schuss Ralders to nail the AFC’s West- stance, a 10-year man wo^d get season the tracks exhibit was outscoring the Sonics 14-i at the sile*- nor tile utaversdUe^ of 33 to 27 fo r Blan- sisted of three defoiders—out- CHUCK HOWLEY Howley, a key member of the sunshine land. Preceedtag the cek after a leaping teammate, Dave Cowens, came up with in NBA play. Vancou'ver scored twice in the boomers here Alabama, Kentucky or Ten­ em Division crown and he ac- $600. the focal print of the auto sljow. start o t the final period, then „ . da, in the balloting of a panel of Doom sday Defense which event I will be watching the opening two minutes, then fell ^ has been a few years atace nessee had violated NCAA or counted for all the Oakland HlghUgiited by speed, Gary steadily puUed away. John Hav- 78 sportswriters and sportscast- qualifying races on Feb. 7, the DWOMAAAjr puuvu CLWCbjr. ULMUI LACLV ^ 1KT WW TY under Montreal’s unrelenting visit to Magic and the SEC regulatlcms governing fi­ points as relief pitcher for La­ - :------i ----- safety Johnny Robinsen—and If*® balloting of sports wrltera guper Bowl against the Odts GaboUch tabbed the world’s iicek’s 82 prints and Dave Cow- Lx-Champ t eared nleedles, ifut . . who covered the 26 NFL monica In last Sunday’s 27-17 camp until an agreement was two 126-lap races for those who assault os toe Canadlens scored gwiss styled base lodge to com- nancial aid to athletes as stated ^iubs JOHN BRODIE two men on the offensive unit, and broadcasters that for the _j^jj_ heads a defensive unit fastest "m an on wheels’ ’ 'wlU ens’ 28 paced the Celts. Dick , ------r------^------, . . * No-Hitter loss to Baltimore for the confer-' reached with owners for a $19.1 toe next six goals, two by Yvan pietely changed. Over $200,000 in an Aug. 31 article in the St. Quarterback Franr Tarkenton tackle Jim Tryer and placeUck- flrot time ^compasses every ^ which two members of the appear along with hisIs speed a *^/®!i“®', GUAYMAS, M exico (AP)^ ence championship. mllUon pension and other fringe machine, IBlue Flam e. Ooumoyer, Pete MahovUch also has been spent In renovating Petersburg newspaper, of the and de- er Jan Stenerud. Minnesota Vikings—aid Carl New York had no trouble — Vicente Romo pitched the Lamonica, last year’s most Package. But the two the Daytona’s road course tallied twice for the winners. this handsome lodge, with mean The committee also cleared tensive tackle Alan Page of the He then engineered a 17-14 up- But it was the NFC which years, separate aU-atara teams Eller and tackle Alan Page— and the Perm atex 300 fo r Late _Cavallers Drugs Seen Cause first perfect game in the 26- Bobby Clarke’s second goal of modern faculties, and Hans Aubum and (3 e^ a of a ll^ ^ Minnesota Vikings shared third set victory over M lnne^ in valuable player in the AFL w m Before the snow feU, causing ^ their 43id defeat ta 48 gam es. year history of Mexico’s Pa­ were strong vote-getters. the face-lifting at » S d ?f®^®‘ Spo^man. Word has it toe right for Philadelphia nUd- Thomer, toe director, is hoping conference’s semlftail play- Rich Jackson of Denver cific Coast League Tuesday talks here left several matters Speedway to be halted, the wor- the Bugs Stevens' is entered in °P®"}^^ way in toe third period snapped aoon. to put up another chalr- in a Sept. 9 story in the Chat- annual poU, which for the _hort with a divided tiid .remaining 18 grabbed the other end qiot Cazzle Russell, with 18 points, night, leading Ciudad Obre- a 3-3 tie, ended toe F lyers’ win- uft. tanoogabmntwa nnwananer.newspaper. .. . ____ encompassed______Oeiore all lauingof snon wiin a ^ votes in the 1970 hallnUnir.balloting. unsettled. kers were able to- get a lot ac- event, plus the 600. topped the- bcUanced Kricks at­ Player representatives are to while Merlin Olsen of the Rama gon to a 12-0 victory over less Skedn at 11 games and lifted The Thomer Ski School is late comeback bid as the 49ers The other vote-g;et(ef8 were conqiUahed. First the track tack. Luther Rackley led Cleve­ Of Liston’s Death Ouaymas. pro football. In previous years. discuss the NFLPA gains to Dallas Signal-Caller was Page’s running mate at them into a fourth-place West staffed by an tatemational bowed to Dallas 17-10. in, last . , middle linebacker Dlcl< Butkus tackle. Dick Butkus of Chicago was improved by adding a 12- Hoop Tottings land with 19. Cadets Bombed ^ two h ^ s were ^l^ted-^e date and matters still being de- foot safety asphalt strip in the LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)—Police say Sonny Liston The right-hander owned by Division tie with the Penguins, group of certified Instmctors MIDDLETOWN (AP) — Coast each from the National a^^^ ____ Champlc^hlp ^ Chicago, tight end Charlie took the middle Itaebacktag In all five East Catholic High Dave Bing’s game-high 30 the Boston Red Sox struck Jim McKenny’s first goal of teaching ta small classes which j . . , . 1 bated with their feUow players tuma. p»en came the destruc- home basketball games the potato, including seven in the fi- ^was i found . dead• with uheroin i. u ■ in his home i and needle- Guard waited until its fifth Leagues. ® poet, Jimmy Johnson of San out three and allowed only the year boosted Toronto into its makes learning fast and easy Until last season, Brodie’s Ellerisi's of Mijmespta; middle s:line­ »■- m . p . . Francisco was named at owner- tion of the grandstands, and the Eagles have played bef«« sell- ^ three minutes and Otto his arms. But hiS former lawyer says the the season to lose a The balding, 36-year-old Bro- Bowl game, said Bowman. Morton on Ailing List eight balls to be hit to the deadlock with toe North Stars, in a relaxed manner which is b^etbaU contest, but they did die captured passing honors for major claim to f^ e was the backer MljceMljte UicciLncci of Detroit; hack and Larry Wilson of St. leveUng and filling in of the out crowds. When Northwest Moore’s two clutch' free throws onetime heavyweight champion feared needles. ~ . . . AAA aAVrlAVMAVtr nA v.AAAiVA/1 _1 .9 ._ "In my experience he was outfield. who got a pair of talUes from the cause ri a lot of fun. it then in cohvlnctag fadiion— the first Itme tn his career, pac- $900,000 settlement he received wide receiver Marita Briscoe of DALLAS (AP)—^The -had their sig- Louis at safety. Dave Lewis of ^ * f* * * * * ? ‘ . ___ Catholic invaded the Eagles’ with seven seconds to go ^ ^ ______Tommy’ Williams in toe game Twenty trails encompass toe As soon as the ground to Nest, 1,600 pei^le were on hand brought the Pistons their sev- needles. He would do yielding to Wesleyan Wednesday ing the National Conference after reportedly trying to jump Buffalo; running back Ron Honor Trevino nal caller at practice Wednesday. But their quarterback Cincinnati was the punter. evervthtair he could to avoid ^®®’ “ ^ *‘®*' marked by several skirmlahes. mountain, a challenge for every- right, 7116. with 2,941 aerisd yards and 24 from San Francisco to the Hous- johpiion of the New York DALLAS „ ____ (AP) — Ooi^r_____ Lee jjj bgjj a sore throat.~ ' ’Ihe closest voting occurred in ^ ‘i'® • • enth rtetory in nine games. El- toS^to- cT Mu^rto d RanrvAAv-ci Callforria buUt a 6-0 lead aft- one. the battle for the running UusI fw d^*^era wUl ^ t back to Swth Windsor High is the only vta Hayes had 23 for San Diego Coast Guard trailed 36-22 at touchdown tosses while leading ton Oilers during the’ AFL-NPL Qiants; defensive tackle Merita ’Trevino was named today as Dallas opened preparations WediS'stoiy ^ after "®'*' Tuesday right after K a n g C rS , B rU U lS er two periods and then with- At Bromley, Jan. 7 wUl the infai-TMioninn and then faUed to the 49ers to the Western Divl- alpitnj wars. Olsen of Los Angeles and defen- Pro Athlete of the Year by the _ spots with Floyd Little o f Don- grooming the speedway, and other area school to be playing Buffalo luirsinir a one-potat one-Doinl fstood S t.^ ls’ last period suree' Pabst race followed by toe for the against Bal- ^th quarter^k ^ ^ wm ready for their opener ^fore seUout home croi^d^ lead^th 3:2?to play, pril^ spore for the first 7V4 minutes slon UUe—first of^any kind in But, in leading the 49ers from slve tackle Manny Fernandez of Texas Sports Writers Assocla- in bed at home with a sore to call her husband at home, ola F s in snapping a five-rame losing OrvlcO Trophy race Jan. 8-9. tion. tlmore Jan. 17 on a sour note two. LitUe, however, did grab a in April. Even when they travel the Bob- o«r.» .ho what killed the big boxer. of the second period. their hUtory. a 4-8-2 ceUar finish in 1969 to a Miami. throat. Al-.-.... T> . —... ------away from the Warriors on Don Muritoy, a retired la'wyer awl f^d his body. n*. « streak. Dennla HextaU scored at WatervlU VaUey, Jan. 9 the spot on an AU-AFC t e ^ put to­ Llstm had no money prob- NEW YORK (AP) — The New twice for toe Golden Seals whUe first race of toe Can-Am series Coach Thm Landry, who has „^® “ i* ““ “'® ®‘®^- • Mayta crucial five potato. Bob from Casper, Wyo., who had gether in a breakdO^ of the ® undefeated ta seven Kauffman topped toT Braves lems, Murphy said. York Rangers and BosUm BIU Hlcke, Ernie Moke. Gerry is toe Corcoran Cup, and U ex- called the idays in Dallas’ handled Liston’s legal aiffalrs voting. An AU-NFC team also with 20 while San Francisco got seven-game winning streak to ^ce IW. was ^ked wh^er Otoer than Dai^l, whom the Bruins, waging their own pri- Ehman and Norm Ferguson pected to attract all of too best Players Vote for Own Man Least Stylish Teams- was picked. 1 ^ 1 ®" ^ 1 . ‘ !J?®®- • Manchester 28 apiece from Clyde Lee ^ d vate war ati^ the National produced the other goals. Jim Canadian and American racers the National Conference cham- for mles for the upcoming sea- High’s three victories they held Jerry Lucas. the fighter used drugs. "Not to adopting, the couple had no chil­ . pionahip, said "Morton has. a the halftim e advantage and ta my knowledge,’’ he replied. dren. Hockey League East Division, not competing to Europe as well Lew Alctador and Oscar Rob­ An initial autopsy Wednesday Eksclestone scored for the Blues, as several top entries from very bad throat and the doctor the three defeats they were be- Liston 'Will be buried here Sat­ all but wiped out toe opposition Tarkenton Top Paid Giant Cowboys First in Super Bowl is concerned." f ertson teamed for 47 points for failed to uncover what killed Europe. Men’s and wom »i’s sla­ The coat for Stafford Speed- hind. urday. in the balloting for toe NHL Morton, who has been plagued I Sports Slate Milwaukee, which broke open a Liston, 38. His w ife Geraldine Lari nianksgiving Day, Lis­ lom will be. held Saturday, men’s East All-Star squad. Also Team’s Most Valuable with a bruised right arm and ctase game to take a 21-point found him Tuesday right ton 'was injured in an automo­ Lee Trevino and women’s giant slalom Sun­ Y JUNIORS a gimpy knee, guided Dallas to THURSDAY, JAN. 7 lead into toe final quarter. Chi- sprawled on a bed in their bile accident in Las Vegas and Six Rangers, five Bruins and day. The race courses will be-'' A flred-up Lakers entry gave ca g o's Bob Love had 29 points. $60,000 home. Autiiorities said NEW YORK — (NBA) — If Minus First-Rate Quarterback playoff victories over Drirolt College Baskethall Roundup, was hospitalized. .He was re- one Montreal player—defense- set on toe ultra steep slopes of the strong Bucks a run for the R ifle Nate Archibald’s 23 points, ta- he may have been dead for 10 May Change there is one thing about Fran and San Francisco although he leased a few days later but was ri®® C. Tremblay—w ero toe nqw Sunnyslde Lift complex Wilcox Tech at Manchester eluding five in toe extra session, days. ’Tarkenton that has been lost in uses his eyes, his noggin and be back in the Super Bowl with passed poorly. readmitted for a time when he ®®med Wednesday by NHL ensuring supreme tests of racing m SS cS By SHIRLEY POVICH carried Cincinnati post the Trail Authorities said a quarter- wjiat’s left of hU throwing ann Uie Chits, this time as their No. "It’s questiocudde 'whether FRIDAY, JAN. 8 complained ot chest pains. writers as toe core of the team sklUs. Rod Taylor of West the perennial questfam about five last minute points iced the WASHINGTON — Bal- Qem son, Owls Outmuscled Blazers. :Nogm Van Ller led toe ounce of heroin was found ta a Mind As^ain whether or not scrambling to win the big ones, even with- j passer after being relegated Craig -will work out this w eek,’ ’ He was in many scrapes wlto ^ face toe West squad ta toe , T Hartford is one of the favorites, win. East Catholic at Northwest Royals ■with 28. Geoff Petrie bad balloon in toe kitchen of Listoi’s IG S ANGM aM (AP) — Le« as is Chuck Bent who wlU be timore vs. Dallas is now Landry said. "He could use a the law. serving a prismi term All-Star Gome Jan. 19 in quarterbacks can win titles, it out a running game. to No. 2 status behind Earl Mor- Catholic home in the fashionable Para­ ■rrei^ to t o li^ a ^ t pUy- defending his title, ,, The Can- is his salary. He makes more McNickie netted 12 points and the matchup foT the Super It U doubtful If any team ever ran the unsuccessful game lot of work. The more he throws In Wednesday Night Action 32 fo r Portland. ta Missouri for a restaurant rob- Boston. East Coach Harry Sin- V, ' Conard at Manchester dise Valley section of Las Ve­ tag In the Masters-blit not this ^ ^ money than any other quarter­ Bowl game and there is found Its way Into the Super t%iro years ago. But the Oowboya I**® better off he wlU be.” St. Thomas More at South bery in 1962, a year before he <1®® Bruins will select By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS throw by Jim Jackson with 4’14 gas. Tliey said a half-ounce of eight additional players later. year. in importance only to toe World back in the game.' v J ^ r ^ d * J w ‘sj^'^nefted evidence to supiwrt Bowl vrtth a- r u n r . i^ ^ m e the ;r e 'th r m 7 r e rom antic Landry said “We’ve got to hit W indsor started boxing professionally. next year," Trevino GeorgU Tech’s Rich kid and left It was down to the wire the marijuana was ta Liston’s trou­ Goalies Gilles VUlemure and "M aybe Cup, in addition to being toe It Is not surprising, then, that 60 per cent of our passes’’ to Platavllle at Rockville 22 and 12 prints respectively. South Caroltaa’a Roche Md are rest of toe way, until Rucker sers pocket, but that no narcot­ Ed Glacomta, defensemen Brad ^ most important domestic racing Tarkenton asserted his in­ defeat Baltimore. Tolland at East Granby The second gaitle saw the neither team can W in it. As a pcOr of backyard bullies who nailed it. ics paraphernalia, such as hy­ Park ^d Jl^ Nell^ aSd f^ H*® “»® aeries, replacing the rid Euro^ fluence as the highest-paid em­ "It will be much tougher to Bolton at Bacon Academy podermic needles, was discov­ Indians Sign Pair Angeles ^yals, behind Don Pagani’s a pair they we probably ^ J were run against Baltimore because really throw their weight Denton scored a field wards Jean Ratelle and Dave ®*®*' C^pbell-Los ean "B " circuit in tatemational ploye in the Giant oiganlzatlon 20 East Hampton at Rham ered. CLEVELAND (AP) — The Balon were the Rangers to SToU tournanrient. and Dave Flelsch- the least stylish te^ S ever f^noe. The recent heroics of of the experience factor,’’ Lan­ ®*'®'**' ‘ Fool with 17 seconds remaining. Importance. right after the Giants lost their East Windsor at EUtagtoh HOME ENGINEERS—Dee LIU- Tissue and toxologlcal exami- CHeveland Indians announced viron’t play this year, but man’s 14, upset the previously to make it into tjie Super Norm Bulalch, who tore up the dry said. "It will be very diffi­ They were certainly too much leading Duke ovw Wake Forest make the team. See you cm the mountain. third straight gaoqe early in the crop 179482, Leah Whiiqile 212- nations were planned by the Wednesday the Signing of in- unbeaten Celticp, 49-48. Clnclnnstl Bengals and sco ^ cult to win just hitting passes WrestUng muscle for aemson and Temple 68-67. The winning layup 487" Boston defenseman ^ b b y Orr season. He called a meeting Bowl, and Las Vegas by la- “ ll,® J L Ronnle P lerog 245-604, Oark County coroner’s riflce to fielder Eddie Leon and outfield- Fleischman’s potent rebound­ they w ere shut out, 38-0, by St. at the 30 per cent level like we Manchester at Hall to handle in coUege basketball brou^t toe Kue Devils back Marte and forwards Phil Esposito and ^ ™ thtak- of the Giant coaching staff and Deling it an even-money tw ice cm the ground against W alling 187, ^Martha phqwtat toe cause o f death. er ROy FVwter to J971 contracts. ing and pistol Pagari’s last Lotiis, it was their fourth de­ have for the last lew weeks.’’- East Catholic at Glastonbury Johnny Bucyk ■were unanimous **’^®**^‘ trid its members that he, Fran game may be sensibly duck- Oakland, are recent, indeed, S!***^’ ^ ^ halftime deficit. Mcmtang 176, Toni VerfaUle Mrs. Liston said she and her Both players received raises, The flamboyant Trevino ere- Stlllwagon Cited second foul shot provided the feat in their last seven games Landry said Baltimore is "hit­ selections by the writers, who Taiicenton, was running the ing the whole thing. once the regular season was a i ^ e d a e m - (B a rilo Davis led toe losers 461, Dot Manner 478, KQldur foster son Daniel, 7, left Las Ve- the Indians said, - ated a furor and aroused toe WASHINGTON (AP) — The margin. and none could guess they would ting its high print right now. SATURDAY, JAN. • also named forwtuds Ken diow on the field and that In the case of the Qowboys, underway. Rookie Bulalch did ______son with 86 pointe to steer Geor- wlto 26 points. Zawiatowskl 186-613 ire of golf purists across toe Washington Touchdown Club The Celtics were led by Dave get into the playoffs, knock off The Colts look so much better BaskettMO H(xlge and J(ton McKenzie of he did not welcome all the plays McCann with 16 points ^ d *®‘^ aWUty to gain entry to the not Uve up to his glowing pre- ^il'Fraiiclaco.'and gla Tech’s 72-66 victory and Elsewhere, Houston trimmed _____ ' country two years ago when he present toe Kiiuto Rockne than they did in September. Tunxis C.C. at Manchester the Bruins. that were being sent in from Kevin Downham with 12 mark- ^P®** “ genuine tour de season notices and was limited ^ Super. They did John Roche powered second- Oelghton 83-76 on Poo Welch’s KACEY _ Jim Sullivan 262, said he wouldn’t play in the Memorial Troitoy for the out- They reaUy are tremendous." C.C. ranked South Carolina past 22 prints; Allan Bristoti scored Walt Yaworskl 210-688, AI Bolls The 12-player nucleus of the the sidelines. One quarterback, era. force. *Hiey are the first team to a not very g^audy average of it with defense, shutting out Schiebel’s Top MB’s West squad, to be coached by stald and tradition-bound Mast- coUege U"«Ttian of toe he said in effect, was enouj^. EAST SIDE INTERMEDIA’TE malte it without a first- three yards plus a couple of prihte that 27 to lead Virginia T ech over 221, Stan Zatkowski 201, M ario ers tourney, generally consider- yogr jp defensive stalwart Jim Detroit to win, 6-0, and beating estabUsfaed a Bchori tacord. Virginia 98-74; WendeU Hud- F rattarril 200-861, John Alosky . Scotty Bowman ot St. Louis, 'will The Giants then went on to Action last right saw the Roy- defying the (nches per carry. He came the NFL’s top quarterback, be named Friday. ed one of the world’s four major stUlwagon of Ohio State, win nine of their next 10 games al Blue’s downing the Lions, 34- *’®J|ef ^ t in pro foot- auyg against Citactanatl and Fourth Down Award Winners Yunkus, a pehcU-thin, left- ^on'B 21 points paced Alabam a 203, Nick Cataldo 200, Ted championships. HBAN TABKENTON John Brodie, by intercepting hander with outside shooting ever Florida 70-63; North Caro- Klejna 201, 1^11 Simon 211, Al In Major Hoop Upset and compiled their best recora 33. and in the second tilt the the n^e but In the-case, of two o f his.... passes to set up since lli68. Tarkenton not only Hoop Snakes beat Super Bads, „ *?® j ®**^» C «lg Oakland he was running against skill who is No. 6 in the country I**'®' State used late sharpshooL LoPlant ’232-689, Jim Watt 666. After a three-week break, the Rec Department Sen­ LOS ANdkXES—Merlin Olsen, touchdowns. wlto a M-point average, scored by Paul Coder. and Dan ------earned Ids $100,000-plus, but he 32-28. n *®S**‘®"‘ the team that had the bonfer- Teammates Tab Veterans, defensive tackle, still a main­ Until San Francisco scored 19 to the first half as the Yellow Wells to cUp Maryland 83-81 and ALLEY KATZ — Clara Tru- ior Men’s Basketball League resumed action last night earned the averwbeHmSxfg alle­ Brian Connolly’s 12 points ^ f ®n®®’» next-to-worsf record in stay despite a leg injury this rated as one of the giants of the hear the end of the third quarter Jackets soared to a 87-28 mar- Mailc Werfale’s 82 points potated man 129, Betty Lamoreau 126- with a doubieheader at Tiling gym. The opener saw giance of his teammates with season. paced the Blue offensive attack Sunday, the Cowboys’ defense hia stand. They voted him their profession. . "^«****« defense. Blanda, Unitas AFC Tops gin. R ice over VfilUam A M ary 77-74. 340. Schiebel Bros, pin a rare defeat on Moriarty Bros., post­ with teammate Kevin Spellman has not allowed a touchdown in Most Valuable Player, and no­ ALANTA — Jim Mitchell, ‘Ihe Cowboys knocked off De- Where the Colts wwi both Then the blond bomber fig­ ing a hard earned 108-96 victory. In the nightcap. Cen­ adding nine points. virtually six full games. But the NEW YORK—(NEA)-George CXEVELAND — Bo . Scott, body else was close. tight end, who set a club record trolt and the San Francisco their playoff games, and also ured in a aecMid-half scoring ter Billiards scored an easy 78-56 verdict over the Ma^ LYNCH MOTORS For the Lions, Bob Sullivan 49ers In the last two games de- their division tlUe, was up front Colts have the same kind of whose running and paas-catch- with seven touchdowns this netted a game high of 13 points Blanda; who spans four de­ qprse that ^helped the Yellow nnes. ------— Tarkenton is am« the 40 he tri^ in the'^two in the oodles of passing time Wa teammates as the most valuable, fensive tackle who held togeth­ nine-print deficit in toe second Stan Pelcher taking over where The winners, despite ta- airing, gfamea for a dreary J876 per- blockers gave him against the bring about a decisl®lP®d CWonels beat Virgin- ^ hllhitting toe nets for 12 points er. Jim McGehan added 11 game today. He scored 11 touch­ ance. Uritas got the Colts home was named offensive''c(q>tain Trophies, presented by News- few bright spots in a dismal I 16 m ore ia 146*137 ‘Wednasday night and to break an 86-g8 tie and . downs, leading the league. ped the Snakes. and Oakland. Dallas’ defensive Patriot season. tal 1,627 prints, toe final canto, the cherish- points. against Clnctanati and Oakland, ends, George Andrle and Larry H<**^e Hornsby and Mah paper ^terpAse Asm., v ^ be 'Hm a.foat.11 m ove to 'Within 8 ^ gam es o f the Utah’s West Dlvi- WAraiNOTON—Lafry Brown, CINCINNATI — Lemar Par­ Jim Slaughter. Hie 6-foot-U mwe to wl^,8% g a ^ « u» Son' ie^ 'to ^ g a iiir'lto ^ ®<* '’*®tory was theirs Steve Camposeo and Dave 69 VOLKS $1695 64 DODGE $595 65 VOLKS $1195 and into the Super Bowl, but he Cole, both " great ones, will - - be —Robertson • - were chosen co-ciq>- a'warded to tne most valuable Slaughter, vtoo estaUiabed the first-place Squires ta the Amer- ______^__ j ______, and running back, who edged out rish, a rookie linebacker and Brown M tal«Srri"a^'foul shit Pelcher and Hohenthal com- Rowe scored 46 of their team’s 2 dr. Sedan, Low mileage. 330 4 dr. Sedan. Transporter Station Wagon taina on defense by the South pleyer in specially arranged 66 points. Rowe ted the way Sonny Jurgensen in the voting. Nancy Huhhard Sets Pace to bring it off and prettify Senior Bowlers Wednesday. ceremonies in their team city. defensive standout for the Cen­ i Associations ^ connected on blned for 71 points, 40 ot which Standard transmission. It la a triumph for Uritas to tral Division winners. with 29 prints while Camposeo He was the leading rusher in an otherwise dreary passing re­ Hornsby is a 282-pound Une- ‘ Blanda, who started as a pro fiSito rebounding Here’s how it happened. Mke ® »hri-to put the Pacers went to the strong Pelcher, Tall 68 MUSTANG $1895 66 CHEV. $1295 PmSBURGH—Andy Russell, hit (or 16 m arkers. 67 BUICK $1795 the NFC. cord. backer from Southeast Louisi- with the Chicago Bears at the Pratt Of Kentuclwd^ ® two- *®®e^ ®^r Utah had Jim Kuhn threw ta 15 and Joe Fastback. "3 on the flfwr’’ Caprice. 2 dr. Hardtop. As Riile Team Triumphs a linebacker who had his finest Tonight’s action pits Ansaldi’s Autom atic. Skylark 2 dr. hardtop. PHILADELPHIA—Gary Ball- ana and the 220-pound Robert- NFL in 1940, was the over­ Monday trailed Tbmple at the ■•‘ot foul from Johnson who be- to 1Q2;100. Lewis ted Indl- ^®™^ against Green Manor at 6 ;30. In Sunday’s game against season as a pro. ^ ^ t ^ ^ l ’s Wood- came so Incensed at the call with 27 prints. WlUe Wise Moriarty’s put six players ta Fully equipped. man, wide receiver, the Eagles’ The Manchester Hlj^ rifle Women Bowlers sea filed the same position for whelming choice' of his Rrider 63 PONTIAC $595 65 VOLKS $495 Range if It hopes to keep up Oakland, the biggest one o t the HOUSTON — CharUe Johnson, SSd iiST iSSS before being ejected, he Utah ^ 88. double ^res but It wa^’t best pass catcher this season. team opened , Its* 1971 season its wlimtag ways. , Southern University at Baton teammates after a season that Tempest 2 dr. Coupe. 2 dr.'Sedan. MINNESOTA — Alan Page, year for the Colts, Uritas could the quarterback who overcame aS*™ wns hit wlto four technical Heta rode post Memphis enough. Buzz Keeney had a hot with a succea^I "bang’’ as it MANOHE8TEB f In Benefit Match Rouge, La . miw him, on five straight Week- Automatic transmisrion. Good transportatim. 70 TOYOTA SAVEl defensive end, who had hia best complete only 11 of the 80 pass­ Captains for the North squad games by throwing several Injuries and provided R^LidOri p S d ^ touls. Louie Dampter mode toe <» **^^®*^® " from the floor nett^ 33 1971 COMETS outgunned an Inexperienced first Hubbard 4946-48-42—185 es he threw for a .866 percent-, the OUers with some herricq. Crown. 4 dr. Sedan. Frily seasen with the Viktaga’ front year Junior Rifle team of the Annual benefit duckpin bowl­ will bfTohosen later.- - -... . — a touchdown pass or ktcktng lead toe four technical fori shots, boost. ?®>®e ««®™d vrti«i makers. Big Dave McKenna Glass 47-4047-40—179 age, and some of his ing match for the March of KANSAS CITY—Len Dawson, tog Ws «uACAi«fiii free throw referee Andy Hershock cri- added 16, four more than Bob 67 PONTIAC $1095 equipped w/automatic. four. West Hartford Fish A Game South Coach Weeb ShvbankrOf a field goal or extra print in West 49-48-38-42—177 were egregious. At one I print, Dimes, sponsored by the Lau- the kept the who tried but didn’t succeed Tbri^ariiLl St Bonaven- «trtog to 46, four abort of the topsed and died late in the tWrd Escavlch and Kent Smith could GTO. 4 speed. Exechtlve car. DETOOIT — Charile Sanders, Club by a score of 886 to 693 Plerro 4647-4646—173 with Eddie Hinton all alow in the closing seefinda. ^ from $2217. tight end, who is said to be the rri State Major League, will be South passers and receivers aft­ « .. ^ . .. *“ iUrectUig the Chiefs to a sec- tu r o ^ o ^ ^ r member of the league mark. Then Pratt mato’^rtod. Jimmy Jones faqiped manage. Frank Butkus and PhU yesterday afternoon ta Manches­ AgoetinelU 4747-46-31—m the end zone and crying fbr the held ^^day, Feb. 14 at the UnltM , a Colt atace 1966, led and straight Super Bowl title. best at his position in the game. ter. . er school working on deep pat­ acUo^lost Ito wTtwo fori riiots. / Memphis with 28 prints. Hyde had 11 pointe apiece, WEST HARTFORD (893) ball, Uritas overthrew so Isa^y Holiday Lanes in Manchester, his club to another division SAN DIEGO—Gary Garrison, ton! ^ e ^ the when Dan Issel led Kentucky with Carolina got double-figure In the second game, the Cues GBEEN BAY—Denny Ander­ The locals were led by two terns and sideline plays. ToUsano 4649-46-86—176 some watchers took a second Representing the Laurel North Coach Lou Saban of the title despite, at various times, wide receiver who« replaced bv sky-WshDetrrit 88 potote, and Dampler and Da. ecorlng from six players In and toe Marines played to a-18- MORIARTY son, running back, who had his young' ladies, Nancy Hubbard, Haley 43-37-37-24—141 look to be sure that It was. In- State League will be the Pace Denver Broncos said he was a sore arm and a sore back. Lance Alworth as the Chargers’ Brik Ruckeris throws rri Carrier added 80 each. beating the Floridians 120-118. aU first period tie before the best season as a Packer and is who continues to excel with a Valintakonls 48-43-83-12—186 deed, No. 19 at quarterback for entry of mtty Sibrlnss, The other MVPs are: BROTHERS LYNCH MOTORS Cindy pleased 'with the double work- leading pass receiver tw. sea- with nine left proved Elsewhere in the ABA, Dull- Joe CaldweU scored 88 points Cues’ shock, troups entered toe a regular, finally. fine 186, and Vicky Glass, with SUva 43-44-16-26—127 the Oolte. PtUridge, Dellna Rock, Kathy outs but didn’t plan toilet his MIAMI—Paul Warfield, the the winning marcid. \«n® edged Utah lU-lOO, the New \and George Lriunann 26 for toe game in too second period and 345 CENTER STREET, BIANCHESTiat — M84SS1 OHIGAGO-rDlck Butkus, mid­ a fine. 179. Both girls are jun­ Thayer 36-29-28-21—118 .31') Center St.. .Maiulie>lei it Uritas is. a more ro- Wickham and Helen Sudol. The team take things too easily. He wide receiver acquired from the -Floyd Little, run- •n.J lAd liinwwt Y or* Nets topped Memphis 110- Cougars. W arren D avis hit fo r opened up a 38-28 halftim e lead. dle linebacker, nonpareil. iors. Other MHS shooters—Pei RELIABLE USED CAB WARRANTY IS “ STANDARD EQUIFMBNT*’ ®pw than he was Eastern Connecticut League se- {S&nned tvfo-aday wockouts to- devaland Brawns tn an oft-aea- bctak, a close winner over 1 toe^mir^mUl’ the ntaas IM and Carolina beat the Flo- 84 and Larry Jones 30 fm- toe Behind the inspired play ot Phone Ol.’-.'d.:.') SAN FBAN018CO — John . The team, however, Will have 4847-37-34—166, K elley 4847- al) the way until toe Titans ^ en he h ^ all that stag ta lected aquad ■will be Helen KU- day and Friday to add more pol- son trade who. In hia first sea- defehirive end Rich Jackson. . Blorldtens. at WatervlUe Valley, Jan. 9 the , Brodie, quarterback, who paae- to do much better against a' 83—162, Person 60-36-89-S2—1$7, streaked ahead 6644 on a, free ridlans 120-U8. his arm and could call virtual* mas, l^>re LisBlanc, Marie Qal- ish to the attack. as a Ooljdiin, led the team le group, only Dawson ed the 49ers^ to their first dl- stronger , VTl^ox Tech from U vengood 46-46-88-29—157, R ice ly all hia shots. As the Grits' loway, Mary Simmons and Pat The .all-star will be to a aecoadqdace in the visian title ever. Meriden t‘oday at the Waddell and little arq repeaters firom 46-46-38-20—160. ruptured-duck quarterback, he Price. played here Saturday. ' Btastem DIvisloO. last year.

■■ 1^ ' 1: i . . ; I Vv \ ' I* • ■ I '■

# . ■ : PAOB^^TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY^ 7. 1971 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE \ Aunrcr l« PravlwH NnU Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN mid WHIPPLE Help Wanted— Help Wonted— Mate 36 I CAME RIGMT OVEP SHE SAYS I WEED A ’ (TAKE TH' w ^ KIPS! WHAT'S YER T o TA K E DANCING C ME PEAAINDE AAG O F Rivers B Offered 13 35 . - PROBLEAsiV? UESSONS, AND I 1 PONT THE AAAaOWC OLD Ad.'SHE'S GONNA FULLOUrf ___ LOAN Interviewer and coUe^r SAY I DON'T! MOUJAPP, F>E|2HAPe KNOW, MA3DC?.. PUfi.' BAD NEW& CLASSIFIED TIMBERLAND Tree Service, ______GhCVOU WMAT ASREAN! — About two-years experience ACROSS DOWN PART-TIME, haVe fun earning I CAU.EP BECAUSE YOU «NOULP.M. girls needed. No Investment. tools. Plenty of hours. 643-2414. implement B 2JT9 Trees cut, building lots clear­ WW«IMG SPOT- X- A 5 13 Dined (with Commissions iMdd weekly. Call haa) 6 Japanese ed, trees temped. Got a tree home office collect 201-678- 14Edca name COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. problem! Well worth phone BULLDOZER trainees needed. 15 Maaciillna 7 l,egal point ,7 1 (The dill ( 4 7luropean ^ 8877. , ' A/- 8 Inherent river 4:80 P3I. DAy BEFORE PUBUOATlbN call, 742-8262. See schools and classes. timi. nicknama 29iltell_. Italian river 16 Gotrot up ...power 48 Den Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:80 p.m. Frldat BABYSTTIER wanted, days, 30 Demeanor TWO YOUNG married men will MACHINIST — part-time, days. IT Booundary 9 Let fall 49 Crafts my home, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mon- 31 tidbits for 51 Range do small repair Jo^s and paint­ Amerbelle Corp., 104 East (comb, form) 10 Ireland / eciuines day-Frlday. References requir­ \LLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 18____ Penetrate 11 Masculine 52 Scold' PLEASE READ YOUR AD ing, also cellar cleaning and Main St., RockviUe: An equal 3l On account ed, transportation provided it 20 Drive back appellation , 53 Lixiviums light trucking. Call 646-2692, opportimity" employer. Apply WHATCHA MEAN MDU ...WHAnS WITH VOU, 18? MEXITDNV? WELL, WE CAN KICK ...KEEP THIS BUM 22 Abstract being 19 Alway>.(poet.) / . 56 Dry (comb, *^*?*****®^J?'^ “ Want Ada” are taken over the phone aa a needed. Write Box K, Man­ NEVER INVENTED A DOC? DON'TCHA I HAVEN'T THE THAT AROUND LATER! edvortteer ahonld read Ida ad the FIRST ,646-2047. between 6:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. SELF-ENERGIZING COVERED WHILE WITH , A ,, 24 Agriculture 21 Sea eagle 40 laectrified form; var.) l & l MINUTES chester Herald. REMEMBER OLD 18 FOGGIEST NOTION HERE. I CHECK ON PLEASURE/ ) * (an.) 23 Vendor , particle 57 Priority D ^ IT ^PEABS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the or Call 875-3325. BATTERY?/ AN' TH' MEXnONY? OF WHAT YDU'RE . HIS RARTNER/ 41 Roughest CLEANING — interior —both LATER SdES STILL TALKING ABOUT/ 25 Thinly 24 Adjtute (prefix) next Im ru on . The Herald la reaponatble for only ONE In- scattered 25 Heavenly ,43 Fruit (pi.) 58 Night before correct or omitted Inaertion for any advertiaement and then residential and commercial. GETTING REA9V ■ BABYSITTER wanted 7-8:30 BlXECnJlTVE Sales O i^ rtu - T a.m.\Md 3-5 p.m. Vicinity 28 Electrical body '44 New Guinea an event only to the extent of a "make good” inaertion. Errors which Satisfactory work guaranteed. OOiTT LOSE nity — 120 year old naUcmal machine do not iMsen the valne q| the advertiaement will not hb For friendly frje estimates, Oakland St. Call 643-4021 after concern is looking for 38,(K)0- (^NSKALUVC 32Metel I 2 3 / 4 5 6 7 • 9 10 II "fOOR COOL, PAL, BURKE WAS cwrreotod by “ make good” inaeriion. call Suburban FHoor M^iinten- 5. \ 312,000 caliber Individual to a s -. 33 African worm 14 StEAt>y,BOV, ■gV»«s3a*« L O S E R .^ 12 13 ance, 649-9229. sociate with our office in this 35 Narrow iiilet STEADY r HOUSEKEEiPER\ to live In I % 3B lilalt brew IS 16 17 (Rockville, Toll Free) with elderly gentleman, car area. Must be enthusiastic, in­ 37 Race course SNOW plowing — Commercial _L! L necessary. References re­ dustrious, and demons^te circuit IS II to21 and residenUal, fast, efficient his ability to make .progress 643-2711 quested. e4B-456‘7, Ext. 29. 38 Seine 875-3136 service. Call 646-1974. 39 Go to bed 22 2 3 2 4 and money. Call Russ Steven­ 42 Claws son at 278-7770. OUT OUB WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 25 26 27 2 6 2 1 3 0 LIGHT trucking,’ odd jobs, also 45 Possessive 31 Automobiles For Solo 4 moving large appliances. SUPERIHSOR — Injection ' pronoun 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 6 Help Wanted— Mote 36 46 Health resort Burning barrels delivered, $4. molding plastics. Third shift. VOU HAVE A FIT EVERY TIME ' POW'T PU&KJIFY THAT SAR<:ASM 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, bug,. Ex- 1 MEMTIOM 3HOVELIKJ' &kOW, 47 African 36 3 i 3 6 HERALD 644-1776. To 312,000. No fee. Rlto Per­ AKJ3WERlKi<3 HIM, ANOTHER/ antelope PART-TIME male help wanted, BUT DOWT <3IV£ MEAWY a R ^ U - YOU'RE 0NLyTHlWKIKJi3 0FHJS’ cellent condition. Best offer sonnel, 646-4040. GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN MEWTS ABOUT THI«/ IT MAY HEALTH, BUT IF HE WAMT5 lO 50fUverIn 39 41 4 2 4 3 4 4 over 3376. Must be seen. 649- PIANO tuning and band instru­ 2 or 3 nights a week,' 5-1 a.m. TAKE ME A LITTLE LOW6ER, BE STUBBORKJ AW PLAY i— Missiaaippl BOX LETTERS Building*"* Electrical Services 22 Help Wanted— Apply In person. Arby’s Roast SWS3 4 6 4 4 2721 after 3. ment repairing by Hartt (Col­ B U T 1*M 60WK1A P O T H 'JO B , <3AMES,LETHIM iSO-AWP 54 Gibbon Beef, 257 Broad St., Manches­ ..on, YOU CAW'r?,.. NO, I - „.KOH?waNO,..IDONTMlWP BOHELPME/ HE'LL HAVE TO EAT 55 Dislodge F or Your lege of Music graduate. Ward Contracting 14 BILL CRAWFORD & Son, elec­ Female 35 47 4 6 4 « 6 0 SI 6 2 S3 1963 CHEVY S3 convertible 283, ter. THIS IS YOUR PiPN'r KMOU)TiWt..wMAT? G O m ALOkB-.tOCn AT ALU- HI3 WORP3/ 59 Beam Krause, 643-6336. trical contractor, residential- ______THgpe'$ A peALur FuNRy 60 Mortal, as of Infomuitioii power glide, console, bucket SAVE MONEY! Past service. Yg$,lU«riUL.PPO0ABLT' PgAU.T', I pOMt-MMN\7... 00 54 6 6 6 6 67 SI. 6 1 jV\OU|& PDl*INroUJW...C^'t'DU food seats, repainted, engine and SHARPENING Service — Saws, Dormers, room additions, ga­ commercial and Industrial. CHAMBER MAIDS part-time. aCTOMOTTVE SHOP FORE- , OPPORTUNITY So...foWl6HT'$THg Dk’Ar.TMgN.i'Lu you THE HERALD will npt Call 649-3663. weekends. Apply Piano’s Motor WAlOrfD Mggr/WgAWP 81 Tennia term 6 0 61 6 2 transmission overhauled. .3475. knives, ,a^es, shears, skates, rages, porches, rooting and MAN — service advisor. Ex­ NJI6HT IT':? P l A Y m . - 'roMoi?RDw....6'wiSKr dlsclnu> the identity of Inn, 100 Esist Center St., Man­ TO LEARN A TRADE Wg C O O iP -.- 62 Summer (Fr.) or best offer, after 5 cfll 649- rotary blades. Quick service. siding. .Compare prices. Add- perience In auto mechaAlcs, 63 Bitter vetch 63 14 65 any advertiser using box chester. dlEignosis, writing repair or­ 1 6882. Capitol Equipment Oo., 38 A-Level Dormer Corp. 289- 64 Woody plants letters. Readers answer­ Floor Finishing 24 ders, handling customers and 65 Roman bronze ing blind box ads who Main St., Manchester. Hours 0449. SEWING Instructor — practical NO EXPERIENCE. 1965 CORVET^ 327 4-speed mechanics. Permanent posi­ (Newipaper felerpriM Atm.) desire to protect their dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:80-9. FLOOR SANDING, and refln- sewing knowledge necessary, Identity can follow 'his convertible. Best offer. Call Saturday, 7 :30-4. 643-7958. CARPENTRY — concrete steps, ishing (specializing in older tion. New car dealer. S^ary N E C E SSA R Y 64W5801. floors, hatchways, remodeling some knowledge of pattern fit­ open depending on qualifica­ procedure: floors). Inside painting, paper­ ting helpful, paid holidays and TREES removed, reasonable porches, garages, closets, ceil­ tions. Usual fringe benefits. ing, ceilings, etc. No. job too vacations, other company ben­ NO SELLIN G Bpclose your reply to 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, red sedan, rates. Call Ray, 643-4468 after ings, attics finished, rj!c Our employes know of this ad. small. John Verfaille, Bolton. efits. Apply in person, 856 the box In an envelope — 6,580 miles. Excellent condi­ 5 p.m. rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ All replys confidential. Reply address to the Classified tion. 31,860. Call 643-8304. Main St., Manchester. See Mr. Here Is your opportunity to er related work. No job too to Manchester Herald. Box join a 90 year organlzatidh Manager, Manchester R & R PLOWING service, call Moore. ”W”. Wmvp:. small. Dan Moran, Builder. Bondu S------t o c k s ^ . ^ and to learn a trade as a Evening Herald, together 1966 DODGE CJoronet station for snow plowing now. Don’t with a memo listing the Evenings, 646-8880. ■Pest Control route man. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNE* wagon. Good condition. Com­ wait to be snowbound. Call Mortgages EARN extra money showing companies you do NOT pany car necessitates owner Must have a driver’s Ucense, 742-^95 anytime. If no answer. N E ^ N H. S ^ ^ & SON^ lS5“RTCAGE"sri^aiirirrst7re^: ^rk ° ^ ^ r measTiSTaild wedding specials to engag- PLAIN JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI I M want to see your letter. selling. 3700. 643-9298 after 6 but the company suppUes an Your letter wlli be de­ 742-9204. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ ond, third. All kinds. Realty ed girls In the Manchester p.m. tions, rec rooms, porches and marking ''department. Apply area. Must have car. Commis­ all expense paid automobUe. A ■WHISTLE LISTENER! IP stroyed If the advertiser statewide Cwdlt rating unnec- SNOW plowing, driveways etc. roofing. No job too' small. Call kl414. We pay your salary vdiUe Is one you’ve mentioned. 1967 MUSTANG fcLstback, white easary. Reasonable. Conflden-______sions paid on each sale. Ap­ Reasonable rates. Call 643- 649-3144. you learn. References wUl l y — 1-7 If not it will be handled with red Interior, V-8, auto­ tial, quick' arrangements. Al- PART-TIME cleaning 'wqman. ply Loring Studios, 86 Pratt 6RAMPAW r *wr .. M., to. .M ut , In the usual manner. 5775, if no answer call 646- St., Hartford. Ask for Jim Llsi. be requested and checked. A lS U matic, pxjwer steering, 75 per 3824. vin L i^ y Agency, 627-7971. Apply 91 Chestnut St., Monday Ttos is a year 'round per­ 983 M^oin St., Hartford, Kve> through Friday, 12 noon • 3 JT cent financing available. Own­ Sp6cial Services 15 manent position with com­ er 649-4464. HAVE Snow? Will plow! Resi- n i i ^ , 233-6879. 2 p.m. pany paid: dential and commercial plow­ JOB ^ I T H A F U T ^ E Lost and Found 1 1965 DODGE Dart, high perfor; CREATIVE Catering — offer- ^ r t (3AGES — First and sec- WHERE Is your Avon represen- SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL ing. Call 643-4638. •Medical Benefits mance, 273 cu. inches, 4-speed, inginc formal dinlncr.dining, modernmodem buf-z^jnj^buf­ types to suit require* tative? * ** * Maybe • ----- you don’t ^ .have------Married men. H ^ ord or vi- fets, cookouts, stag - part^ EXDUND — The best place to Excellent condition. Call 872- STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, ments. Ck>nfldentlal, effleient one. Maybe you should be the clnlty residence, to' -leam the •Life Insurance created especially for yo^ 24 chooee home decorations and 3361 or 649-4885. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. service. P. A. Thome, 649-6281. one In your neighborhood to - GOOD Leggett St., East Hartiord, UNOERSTANO' gifts is Your Gift Gallery at All concrete repairs, both In­ sell to 8J1 those customers. In­ •Vacation f=OP PONTIAC 1969 GTO, air-condi­ 628-5848. / MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd., TERMITE INSULATIoisr lUlT sm oking. 'epuavMAi-i Watkins, 936 Main St. Your side and outside railings, la n d - ______terested? CJall 289-4922. VOU/ tioning, 4 - speed, all power, mortgages— interim financing ^ e l j ^ y s home town friendly world of scaping. Reasonably priced. giQ RENTALS, b’ Trade wrlth a 90 year or­ green, tan Interior, best offer. ^ the day, — expedient and confldaotlal '■'7- „ gUtB. Telephime, 643-5171. Call 643-0851. •Sick ’Tftoe ______876-7746, 872-4738. week, or seas<^ Repairs — service. J., D. Real Estate ganization. No experience sharpening dqile by experts. BE ONE OF THE MANCHESTER Tree Service — Assoc. 643-5129. necessary, but must be •Retirement lM7"aiRAijl5"^PrS, power steer- The Alpine /Haus, ' Route 30 Mlddle TY>ke,/ vicinity Pizza ’ Specializing in tree removal, F IN A S T f handy with tools. Knowl­ ing, power brakes, 31.650. 646- Vernon, 8Y*-6647. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Call 649-8863. pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. A . edge of carpentry, masonry, To save you a trip to otnr^ Itouse. Rewa 1039 after 6. FYilly insured. Call 649-6422. Business Oppoitunity 28 headquarters to New Haven, /1 GOOD /VORHINS- BUT HOW DID I ’M LUCKY. A GIRL AT Several excellent oppor­ or light construction helpful ARE YOU YES. ALSO, I CAN WELL, WELL' LET'S GET LORT: Pass ok No. 26 010136 ' we will interview at the * HAS TW JO B OF YOU KNOW THERE THE BUS STATION T a p i ) EXPERIENCE!? DOUBLE AS A SKI INTO SOME SKI TOGS AND /Roofing— Siding 16 VERNON—Package store wrtth tunities have developed in 6, Savings l ^ p a i ^ ^ t ct nksOTO, 4-door, very good SNOW PLOWING Tired of but not essential. This Is Shoreham Motor Inn, 440 VWITRES? BEEN WAS AH OPENING? SHE'D JUST QUIT. TRY YOU'Oirr. real estate, good volume, pric­ our office for full-time em­ instructor. I'M waiting? Reliable Manchester b b Sw e LL Home Improvement year 'round permanent work Asylum* St., Hartford, Mon­ FILLED? necticut B ^ & Trust Com- condition. 3260 firm. 649-3977. ed to sell. Paul W. Dougan, ployment, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pany. Application made for ______^______business has new radio equip- /^ . Expert installation of with company paid: day January 11th, 10 a.m. Realtor, 649-4635. p.m. payment. VOLKSWAGEN 1964, new bat­ ped tmeks. Dependable sey- aluminum siding, gutters and to 2 p.m. Ask for-The Bliss PO'itou n o \ CUMB THE WAULS/ • Medical Benefits tery, muffler, voltage, regula­ vice. Call anytime. 643-8246/or trim. Roofing Installation and LAUNDROMAT for pale, sev ACCOUNTING CUERK Company. SUBSTITUTE? LOST — j Passbook No. E 0200 tor, rebuilt carburetor, Recent 649-8797. eral new machines, none over repairs. 649-6495. 876-9109. •Life Insurance _ Savings' Bank of Manchester. brakes, clutch, heads, valves. 1% years old. 316,000. Package CLERK TYPIST Application made for payment. SNOW PLOWING— ■pasonable GUTTERS and roofs, all types 742-9614. store for sale, by appointment •Vacation MILLER Pharmacy require* rates, half price rst time, repaired and replaced. Ex­ only. PhUbrlck Agency, Real­ COMPTOMETER part-time drug clerk, houn LOST — black and white part- 1964 GALAXIE 600, good condi­ Call 649-0829. after 4 p.m. cellent wrorkmanshlp, reason­ tors, 646-4200. •Holidays flexible, experience preferred, angora male cat. Westslde, tion. 3250 or best offer. Call able prices, free estimates. Also General Clerk for ADDITIONS, mb rooms, gara­ drivers Ucense essential. Ap­ 649-2106. 649-8653 alter 3:30 p.m. Call 646-1399. WANTED — Investor to invest warehouse office to work •Sick Time ges, complete carpentry. Fred ply to person. /-T 31,600 In going business for nights, Sunday 8 p.m. to LOST — Child’s eyeglasses in •Retirement. Tongren, 6M-0438. 4:30 a.m. and Monday black case, on St. Bridget ^ort term, 6 per cent finders MANAGER — Injection mold­ “And if you want to prove to your son that you're Roofing and \ through Thursday 6:30 p.m. School perking lot. Reward. Trucks— Tractors -5 fee, 10 per cent Interest for 2 References will be required ing. New company. To 315,000. really smart you can buy it already assembled!’’ to 2:80 a.m. CaU 649-6627. Kdusehold Services Chimneys 16-A months, guaranteed loan. and checked. To save you a No fee. Rita Personnel, 648- Phone 649-7021. trip to our headquarters to CTompany offers exceUent 4040. 1968 CHEVROLET half - ton Offered 13-A ROOFING — Specializing re- New Haven, we will Inter­ MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD wages and working condi­ rnONE today and eliminate lee view at the Shoreham Mo­ Announcements ^Excellent condition. Best offe: roofs, gutter work, chimneys Schools and Classes 33 tions, free parking and an I'M LIABLE y SHHH-SPEAK QUIETLY.' and snow hazards. Fast, safe, tor Inn, 440 Asylum St., TO BE IN 4 HE MIGHT OVERHEAR US' over 31,900. 643-5672 evenl) cleaned and repaired. 30 years ------exceUent free benefit pro­ Legal Notice STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIPF effective pellets melt lee 35 Hartford, Monday January HERB IT IS, TOM— AND IF ANY THE SAM E \ -NOW I'LL BE OUTSIDE experience. Free estimates. gram. Apply: POISON SHOWS UP. TELL 'V OKAV, PBNNY SAVER Hospital Aux- times faster than common salt BULLDOZER TRAINING nth, 10 a.m. to 2. p.m. Ask DECREE ON UMITATION HOUSE WITH % VOUR ROOM ALL NIGHT, Call Howley, 643-5361. O F C L A IlfS SERGEANT HALLIGAN TO GIVE \ MICKEV/, A m a d m a n ! h JO LLY-SO YOU'LL BE DAN, I PUG AROUND ^ YOU'VE SHOWN BITSv'V^BITSY MAY MALE 3^ WHY PONT YOU JUST THERE ARE MANY^ lUary Thrift Shop, needs Ice TRACTOR — 6 h.p., 3 foot snow at one degree fahrenheit. lor The BUss Company. AT A COXmT OF PROBATE, alrntzkci alrla o*w4 uHntai* aYWM*ta ...... _ ... 7 BE READY FOR SPRING FIRST NATIONAL YOU AN ARREST WARRANT ^ PERFECTLY SAFpl AND learned that YOUR UP BECAUSE VOU'RE A A FOOL OF HERSELF PICK UP YOUR .MARBLES WAYS TO WIN A CASE skates, skis, and wrlnter sports blade, 3100. 742-9117. Large 100 pound keg, delivered holden at Bolton within and for the FOR OSCAR BURNS' ^ law firm sent you on BETTER DEBATER... BUT BECAUSE SHE THINLS AND TAKE BITSYS SCALP - BUT YOUR SOFT- clothing, men’s, women’s'and RESIDENT SCHOOL STORES, INC. ------r r r District of Andover, on the 4th d»y cue I nvee VOU I to y ^ r door, 318.95. irv ’s Sup- Heating and Phimblng 17 PRESSMAN’S helper wanted, of January a .d . 1971. THIS JOB FOR COURT­ 7 WORSE THAN THAT... SOAP SELL DIDN'T children’s. All demations tax ply Co., 643-6882. ______. ______■ ^ exceUent working conditions. Present, Hon. Nomuui J. Preuss, ROOM EXPERIENCE.'.. DO IT' I'LL SEE YOU In-the-seat approvied train­ PARK & OAKLAND AVENUES deductible. 616 Main St. Man­ SAM.WATSON Plumbing and ing to operate loaders, ON THE platform! Trailers— ElAST HARTFORD, CONN. exceUent fringe benefits. For ^ moUon of Beatrice M. Gaudet, chester. WILL pick up any unwanted Heating. Bathroom remodel­ scrapers and gfraders. Full more Information call 875-3366. 373 Lake Rd„ Andover, Conn., on the Mo|>ne Homes 6-A furniture and appliances. Call ing and repairs. Free esti- and part-time classes form­ testate estate of Edward G. Gaudet. anytime after 6 p.m., 872-0413. ing now. Licensed school. BRANCH Managers —Banking, ^------m ites. Call 649-8808. NURSES AIDES — 3 to 11 p.m,, Porsonob CaU 1-226-8719 anytime.' (2). Experienced Managers This Court doth decree that three J REWEAVING of hums, moth- GRANT^Plumbing Service — shift. Apply Laurel Manor, 91 with good commercial lending allowed and limited ter holes, zippers repaired. Window ,1, ,,, , the creditors of said estate to exhibit 1971 TERRY TRAILERS F r e e y estimates, plus quality Chestnut St., Monday through background. Starting to 314,- their claims against the same to the RIDE WANTED from State Of­ shades made to measure, wprk; 643-6341. a.A.W. Cteramlc Studio—classes Friday, 12 - 3 p.m. 000. No fee. Rita Personnel, Executrix, above named and directs all size Venetian bllnda. Keys fice (BuUdlng Hartford, 10:30 MODELS 17, 18, 20, 22 Tuesday and Wednesday eve­ fUAunio fbat public notice be given of this made while you wait. Tape roy- PART-TIME, Ught h o u s e k e e pDw-ww. - ______order by advertising in a newspaper m p.m. dally to Rockville. C^I NOW IN STOCK nings, 7-9 p.m. CaU 633-1477. having a circulation in said district. 872-4498. ^ corders for rent. Marlow’s, pS7 Millinery, ing, for widower and teen PROGRAMMERS — One to NO70RMAN J. PREUSS, Judge MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and PRANK RIDGEWAY Special discount prices on . ______Mato St., 649-5221. ______Dressmaking 19 daughter. No cooking, can get three years CY>bal experience. INCOME tax preparation. Call all 1970 models. Help Wanted— together on hours. (3all 643- RCA or 360 equipment. Full NOTICE Dan Mbsler, 646-8329'or 247- 18’ self-contained, two only. d r a ] ^ ^ , sUp t r o u b l e finding, minis? Cus- Female 35 7018 for Interview. Written ref­ benefits Including profit shar­ rrsuFLE you CAN c a l l VOUR HELLO...SOCrnVsTOWING SERVICE? covers aU6. 16’ one only. and reuplio tertog. made dresses, ladles suits. erences necessary. ing. 39,000-to 312,000. No fee. ADM ISSION YOU KNOW, HAVIIsie e ,B o s s . OFFlCe,>tXJR HOME, OR I HAVE AN BAAERSENCy JOB Budget terms. Established to Also gowns and alterations. Prompt CLEANIN(3 ^ woman wanted, 8*4 Rita Personnel, 646-4040. OF ELECTORS A PHONE IN MY QAR IS yPUR GIRL FRIENDS! FDRVtXJ! LADY riding to Florida around 1945. Days, 524-0164, evenings, DRIVERS for station wagons V. WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI Ctox Campers service. CaU 649-1133. days ^ weekly. ”Permanent * post* The Board of Admissions of REAUy TERRIFIC! th e r e's n o e n d January 16th, wrould like pas­ 646-7690. Evlnrude Snovnnoblles tion. Send name, address, and school buses, Manchester BAR’raNDER — Experienced, Electors of the Town of He- TO ITS u s e s ! DICK. senger. Call 649-4271. phone number and references schools, 7,:30 to 8:80 a.m., 2:16 to take over as steward of bron, Connecticut, will be to Snowrmoblie clothing. TWO handymen want a variety WHY ABE YOU UVINffON c^AVHLl-l to Box R., Manchester Herald. to 3:46 p.m. ExceUent part* Fraternal club. Salary com- session to. the Town Office HA'VE LOTS of old stam p' Evlnrude Outboards of jobs by day or hour. We Moving— rucking— THE FUX« IN THAT All replies confidential. Writ­ time opportunity. We train you mensurate with abUlty. Send Building on the foUowli^ date: papers. Will give to collector, clean yards, attics and cellars. Storage 20 eTRANSEroemoN? Bank Financing Available ing ability not rrtjulred. 643-2414. resume to PoelUon, P.O. Box Tuesday, 'January 12, 1971' - prefeiabiy housebound'. Call Reasonable. Call 643 - 6305. 6494)596. See them all at ___ MANCHESTER DeUvery- 102, WlUlmantlc, Conn. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. — Ught trucking |d package de- f to administer the electors oath WANTEID male help, part-time,’ Building— Uvery. Refrigei .tors, washers those* who shaU be found CAMPERS HOLIDAY • • and stove mo\ , specialty, four nights and Saturday. Ex- ^ Route 66, Portland, Conn. Aufomobilos For Solo 4 Contracting / Fojdtog chairs ir rent, / 649- SECRETARYi , perienced preferred. Apply 5 . 342-1212 to 9 p.m., Bemle’s TV and Ap- NaturaUzaUon pa^rs prov^ ______L______0762. 1-7 DORMERS, ga'rages, porches, pUance, Inc., Manchester ^ “ul^ be presented NEED GAR? Credit very bad? rec rooms, room additions, .'Research and .Developement Parkade. naturaUzed citizens. PRISCILLA’S POP Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, ______!______Dated at Hebron, Connecticut, BY AL VERMEER Paintin9 *-~Papering 21 m x est Douglass - accepts lowest siding, general repEtirs. QuaUty ATTRACTIVE house available this 4th day of January 1971. V O U DO .down, smallest payments, any­ Buy Now And Save! workmanship. Financing-avail­ INSIDE—outside painting. Spe-* Laboratory for dependable truck and James L. Derby, Jr., OKAy JUST-^ where. Not small loan finance able. Economy BuUdere, Inc. clal rates for people over 65. tractor driver, on shade tobac- Joseph J. FiU, ST A N D IN G company plan. Douglas Mo­ Pay Much, Much Later! 643-6169, 872-0647 evtntogs. Full-time position, reporting to Technical Director THERE! Call my competitors, then caU CO farm, year 'round employ- Registrars of Voten tors, 845 Mato. me. Estimates given. 649-7863. in corporate R & D Lab. Challenging opportunity ment. Write P. O. Box 1077, Attest: Gladys T. Ii^er, HALLMARK Building 15o. For That’s rig^it, we’ve made a for “girl Friday” desiring full secretarial responsi­ Hartford, Conn. Town .Clerk c a p t a i n e a s y BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE 1966 CADILLAC-sedan DeViUe, home Improvement, additions, cOJfTRACJTOR — Interior, ex- 4-door, blue wdth black vinyl deal with the bank and rec rooms, garages, roofing, terior painting, paper han^ng, bilities. The finest^fringe benefits'available. every deal consummated in - t o ' AND HERB WE HAVE A A $ VOU GEB- ALU GEEiMK.KEKCH-AREN'r THE LBABT OF MV WORRIEB, top, radio, power steering, gutters. Free estimates. All Discount on wallpaper. Call GENUIKIE VELA^UE7 '.... THEBE MABTERPIECEB yo u afraid op eeim PUCEV,MVPEAR...MV ENTIRE braJies, wdndowrs, seats. Air- January doesn’t require any work guaranteed. 646-2527. Oscar Hebert, 646-3048. < I BOUGHT' ------REC?TOWN USA INC. day. Pilgrim Mills, Oakland Herald. /mONBV BACK! UJHUl I960 VOLKSWAGEN aedan, Route 6 West, WllUmantic, Conn. cabinets, formica, buUt-tos, JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom bathrooms, kitchens, 640-3446. St., Manchester, low mileage, expertly mato- Tel. 203-423-1626 Painting, totorior and exterior, BEAUTIFUL new wardrobe ' EXCELLENT BENEFITS tatoed Inside and out. Asking Tues.—Wed.—Thurs.—Sat. LEON CIESZYNSKI biUlder paperhangtog, fuUy insiired. ,^every 6 months plt^ earning LITTLE SPORTS 3760. 648-0875. For free “estimates caU 649- HOUSEKEEPEJR preferably high commissions, showing BY ROUSON ' 8:80 a.m. to 6 p.m. new homes custom buUt, re­ 0658. If no answer 643-6362. *«>«» Glastonbury area, for 2 Bee Ltoe Fashlcms. Two eve­ 1967 DODGE Dart GT conver- modeling, additions, rec Monday * Friday adults and one teen-ager, to nings weekly, no eoUeettog, de- - tlUe, good tires, new battery, rooms, garages, kitchens re- p a i n t i n g ^ ^ APPLY 8:80 a.m. to 9 p.m. paperhanging, start to work afternoons, and Uvertog. Car necessary, no in­ I automatic, power steering. modeled, bath tile, cement’ smaU caipentry jobs. Excel­ leave aft^ dinner. Must have vestment. CaU 649-2462, 875-~ ll/L Beat offer. CaU 647-9717. wprk. Steps, dormers. Resl- lent worlonanshlp, reasonable car. CaU 528-1181. 4649, 646*0480. It 'dential or commettjial. CaU prices, free estimates, CaU 646- 1966 C3IBVROLET Wagon , — 649*4291. • 1899. V now tires, good ecwiomlcal RBXIEPnONIST tor office to and Motorcycktt— BABYSITTER needed Monday- car. CaU after 6:80 p.m, N.J. LAFLAMME — Oarpentqr j & R PAINT Oontractors, spe- RockviUe. Busy dental office, Friday, CaU 649-1644, after 4. ^\I3\^BISSELL STREET > weekends, 647-9641. B i c ) | d « contractor. Additions, remod- clallidng to 'indoor painting and fuU-time. Pleasing peraonaUty, & '1 MIA, Uc aoaCBT — 1968, four - door 1968 HONDA CLSSO, runn^ eltog and repalifl. CaU^ any- flnlahtog. New company, rek- good with figures and handling DOMESTIC to work one-half I ' staadanL snow tires, 3160* CaU condlUon, minor repairs re- -tlme for free estimate.''; 676- scmable rates. CRU Mr. money. Write to Box AA. Man- day per week. Parkade area. / q u l r e d . 3360. CaU 643-7403. 1642. Lathn^, 646-6648. i . Chester Herald. CaU 646-8398.

■ '1 A’- '■■I' PAGE TWENTY SIX MANCHESTER E V E l^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 ■/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANC^E^TER rnwrn) THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1971 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Ho u sm F o r S a ;« 72 Housgs For Sola 72 ArtielM For Sal* 45 Butinou Propoffty For Sola 70 Nooses For Sate 72 Houses For Sate 72 PBINTtNO oqulpmedt for nale, • DOQTORS Colonial, T-lmmacu- ^ Out of Town (hobby that pays). For Infor- COUNTRY Store, Route 6 loca- rooms, includinginciudiiur finished Offered by tne For Sate 75 CLASSIFIED matlon call 648-8836. MANCHESTER — ’Ifcree bed­ (HOL^HAL — Modem kitchen, __ tion, 6H-room Ranch, IH Iftdhs, family room. Central air con- y j i - -pjT) T /^T /" SX ATt GAXJEIC^'V Fate of Oldest Shipyard room Colonial with iHnlng formal dining room, 24” Uving COVENTRY — Summer cot- •By CLAY R. POLLAN- HOT WATER furnace, with ac­ out buildings, long road front- dltloning, waU-to-wall through- LJI—I M l-4l-r II K room and deiL 2-cot g a ra g e, room with fireplace and waU- tage, unique log cabin styling. ARMS LIBRA cessories, $40. BuUUn bathtub, ^age, excellent potential. Hayes ranking RepubUcan on the Sen­ largest Industries: 7,600 wmken y a ^ ludvate or puifllc, I have COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT MANCHESTER — business Wall-to-wall In several rooms, approximately 2,800 square em kitchen, private yard. Ageiicy, Realtors, 646-4200. HORN OF PI;ENTY/ 9-2331-42 4 Money y 34 Or 64 You and an annual payroll c t $61.6 ever seen ... I have obaervM 0067. 11-14-25-36$ ate Armed Services (Hommlttee blojk with 6 apartments, ex­ Country atmosphere ? with city feet of living space, 16x24' Uv- $20,600. Hayes Agency, 643 Redwood entry — fireplaced ^45-5380-88 STpm /' 35 In 6SSMklng million. The yard, blrtlqflace of more loafing there than at any «:M P3|. DAT BEFORE PCBUCATIOK 0181. WEST Middle TumpUce. .."C ” Uving room, formalymnlng 6 No y 36 Go 66 Praaran 4359-70 complEdns the fate awaiting the FROM wall to wall, no soil at cellent condition. Owner will cmvenlences close by. Liberal ing room with firei^Me, GtMINI 7 PloTe 37 Leaf 67 Could U.8. vessels from saU to atom other yard.” OeadUne tor Saturday and Monday Is 4:M p.m. zeme. Large six and six duplex room—3 bedroomsT^eramic SAGITTARIUS nation’s oldest gavenunmt- all on carpets cleaned with finance 80 per cent at 8% per ■fillMining’ or as8]Uino present 6 foimiBl dininjf room, modem 8 Misuse 38Aimleuly 68 Could power, has concentrated chiefly But defenders of the yard. <>n com er lot. One side vacant. bath—^family rpem—garage 9 Unexpected 39 V/ith 69Dm I ow ned sh ipyard rem a in s un- Blue Lustre. Rent electric cent; Terrific income produc­ per cent mortgage. Belflore idt'chen, library with fireplMe, )®«jV jON£ JO clear a half-year after the White “ bmarlne repair and over- putting forth a poUticaUy Mpar- Garages. Tremendous location —acre lot—^tra^a, easy com­ 10 Morning 40 Pavements 70 plant Dec. ji POUR COOPERATION w nx |>|AI A A l shampooer $1. PinswwMl Fur­ er. Call now, Haj-es Agency, Agency, 647-1418. three large bedrooms, spacious MANCHESTER 317-2339 11 Don't 41 In 71 haul in recent years. tisan approarti in their cam- BE APPRECIATED . IrlM k I I for home-office, etc. T. J. mute. Looking for more— 12 Of X 42 Out 72T« _ , 1322-33-44.0 House passed word It would be niture Shop. ------r~ paneled famUy room with flre- &>49-62-72 54-65-74 A prime critic of the' Ports- paign to get the closuro oedar 846-0181. THREE FAMILY — Desirable 3^ baths, wall-to-wall (Hrockett, Realtor, 6431677. inspect tills 3year-old home 13 Promise 43 Today's 73Tnit1 kept altye. CANCIR 14 Hold 44 Best 74 Fovon CAPRICORN Although White House spedees- mouth activities. Vice Adm. H. lifted, repeatedly Insisted it has South end locatlra. Excellent ^.^j-pating in many rooms, of charm. Occupcuicy flex- 75 B. MANCHESTER — Ideal loca­ Six-Room (Hape, immaculate - MANCHESTER — Two famUy ^*iJUN£ 21 15 Over 45 To- Dec. 22- men told reporters last July the G. Rlckover, told a House Ap- an excellent record and Aould B o a t s a n d A c c o s s o i i o s 4 6 . income,. For details, Belflore patlo,^ swimming pool, two-car ibIe7-427,600. Mr. Lewis, 16 Running 46 A 76SlymM C onlinitod From Prec*dinq Pop* tion for medical bulldbig- throughout, three or four 5.5, tw3 car garage, perma­ ^JU L Y 22 17 Comes 47 Follow 77 Through JAN. IP historic Portsmouth, N.H., yard propriations subcommlttoe last be retained. Large Colonial home with ex- Agency,* 647-1418. garage and a 3 acre lot with a bedrooms, treed lot. Asking ^ 6 3 0 6 . OERICH Marine S ervice/l^ nent siding. Ideal income f\-2-1329-40 iSWotch 48Aheod 78 8. 53636375/> 5 6 ^ 7 3 ^ would be kept in buslnesB be­ view, surrounds .this lovely $22, 000. 19 Your 49 A 7 9 PIOV. H « l p Wantod— 36 Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 Tolland Ipke.,^' Budkland, tra comer buUdlng lot. OaU to IMMACULATE 8-room Coloni­ property. W(>lvert<»i Ag;ency, yS36382-89 ’^ 7 7 -8 4 8 5 ^ cause It is Important to national custom-built home. 20 Chonge 50 Of 80 Advontog* Evlnrude Sales apd service in spect. H eritage H ouse, 646- al, desirable west side loca­ Realtors, 6432818. / • •B & LtO 21 Frivoiity 51 Orgonize 81 Hm AQUARIUS d efen se. Sen. M a rga ret (Hhase DRIVERS for station wagons ------—------6-6 Two FamUy—-3car ga­ 22 Hours 52 Persons 82 Moving JAN. 20 Princess Has 'New 3oh and school buses, Manchester DACHSHUND puppies, 7 weeks and Evlnrude . snowmobile 2482. tion. Ideal for large family. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. I Smith says Pentagon officials LAND — 8 acres In Manchester rage, good Income. <)uiet MANCHESTER — Four-bed­ 23 Tools 53 Stars 83Strioui- New roof, wall-to-wall Manchester^ Parkdde l^AUG. JJ 84 Wrong eei. i t , tell her they still “have nothing schools, 7:30 to 8:46 a.m., 2:16 ^ males, 2 females, mahogany, sales and se^ce. Boatlng- A GKX>D PLUS Investment. w ith 7 - room O olM ilal, IMi street. Asking $28,900. 24 Advontoges 54 For throughout. Two-car garage. room home in foigotton price Manchester 6436806 f^-31327-38 25 Bock 55 Your 85M ov« 6-21-32-^ to confirm the report.” As Beauty Consultant to 3:46 p.m. Excellent part- Inoculated, 876-6126. SnowmoMlp' accessories. One to eighteen 4 - family baths, large front-to-back liv­ , 26 New 56 Your 86 Expmhr* Belflore Agency‘"647-1418. range. $18,600. Immediate oc- I./47-61-71 537383871 The Maine ReiMibUcan. in a ^ e opportunity. We train you. IS5~^egl8tered silver mlnla- Townhouse. Apartments. Rents ______^ ing room, formal dining room. Colonial (Hape — Front to BOLTON — custom 3room : 27 Around 57 Equipmtnt 8 7 Mln(M cupcuicy. Wolverton Agency, VIRGO I 28 In 58 Monty 88 Now PISCIS letter to President Nixon, said By VIVIAN BROWN to look pretty. One must experi­ **®'^'*‘ ture poodles, Innoculated and $176. In excelloit locatlcm: LOVELY 6-room Ranch with modem eat-ln kitchen and dra back Uving room, center Realtors, 6432818. ■ brick Ranch bn two parkllke _ 29 Sllppaty 59 With 89VthiclM ret. It -tttN F i m I a n d F o m I 4 9 - A fireplace, famUy room, ga­ she hopes "you have decided to AP Newsfeatores Writer ment, sitting before a'> mirror wormed, bred for tempera- Phtme 622-6220 or 742-8620. recent aluminum siding. Wall- on «^st floor. Three large bed- acres, 2-cwf garage, 2 baths, E 30 Conf ld«K . 60A 90Dm I MAR. JO ^ PART—TIME service men for rage. Assumable mortgagee. 1/8 rescind the shipyard closure or­ with the coemetica and makeup ment. 623-8829. to-wall In several rooms. As- rooms up. Large screene MANCHHESTER — 2-famUy |n finished family room. The O ) 1-1324-351 7-19-33414 What happened to the roman- pest control. Car required. MANCHESTER ^ceUent re- ^ mortgage! Porch. Beauty gi^ds. Must be seen. Asking $24,-. pi^(^Good (^Adverse ^^Neutnl der”— which------had been-- issued dur- .... - J, ___ - remover. They should put on SEASONED firewood for sale, central location, large rooms, best of everything. CaU to see. Cg/4358-69 5264-73 f ing the Johnson administration. U® euztom M sending flowers to faceg until they get the look that " ^ COlllBS, sired by Qay turn for a modest Investment, further details, Mr. Zlns- trail for children. Stone walls, 600. new cSnimlc baths, also Ideal tomers in homes and business­ will deliver. Call 643-0473. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. That Democratic regime’s dl- » ^ay°"te girt ot to OTe a shy natters them. Makeup should i_ i.~ j 1 1 Acres, champion • bloodline. ® mo HIA, IiK, 8-unit income prt^rty with 3^^ selfiore Agency,* 647-1418. etc. Part of land Is extm fo r, In-law situation, only $26,- e s, M anchester a rea . (Hall « 6H*Itoom Ranch—Plus rec VERNON-MANCHHESTER line, rective called for total phase-out ^ never glare. It should be subtle, wormed, papers. $100 and up. SEASONED firewood, any gross over $11,000. Secondary, building* lot of record, 102x600’. 006. For immediate sale. Bel to Patrick and (Harolyn Macom- Hartford office, 236-4688, Mr. custom buUt five-room “L” b y 1974. “ ‘ ‘ ^ comfort to girls ^ this if they 643-0002. length, sawed and split, dump financing available. Wolverton REXHENTLY listed, 7-room (Ho- room, garage, assumable Air Real Estate, 643-9332. B o l t o n ber, property on Brandy St. L a v ery. truck load, $26. half load, $16. "Well, I guess we know where we stand with the Presi­ lonlal In the desirable Man- NEW LISTING - Oveprized mortg;age, immediate occu­ Ranch. baths, fireplace, Mrs. Smith urged Nixon to dream about such over- m oke up their faces only for A g en cy , R ea ltors, 649-^818. Also, Byron Shinn to Anthony tures, oven princesses don’t get gpedsl occasions. AKC German Shepherd puppies, dent—/ see you didn't get one of the JO picturephones, Chester Green area. Finished Oarrlson Colonial, less than 2.7 A C R E S, beautifu l v iew , 7- full basement, large rooms "remove the existing ambigui­ Delivered. 648-9606. pancy. .Ml offers considered. and Rose Kupstitis, property on k)n«r-stemmed rrees any more...... black and silver. Ebccellent either!" MANpHESTER — Four family Asking $26,000. room custom Ranch, 8 baths, $24,900. Hayes Agency, 643 ty, confusion pnd speculation” fam U y room, w all-to-w aU , “ i® y e w Owner Keeney Drive; WllUam and “Only in Austria and Ger- "®'^daUon c r ^ ^ ^ c k , pedigree,' show, guard poten­ CANNEL Fireplace coal, bums in center of town. New heating alum lnum storm s and *erred. Eight rooms, 2% b a ^ , family room, 2-car garage, 0131. W ebb Named that she said exists now about Scriftsmen W ontod 36«A Helen Hand to Charles and SaUy many is that custom still fol- «*adows may be used to Im- tials. 1-666-9264. — better than wood. Lasts longer. system, five garages plus. Ex­ screens, dishwasher, disposal, first-floor family room with privacy. Hutchins Agency, wdiat will happen to the yard 40 pound b ox , 80 pound ba gs. cellent Income opportunity. BeauUfuUy landscaped, treed fireplace, formal dining room, Realtors, 646-6824. OGVBNTRY ^ Six-room-over­ Deranleau, property on (Harter iriiich Is locat^ <« an isiaii^d In ^autiful Princess STlIi^u'^*to‘’!lS lS cf GREAT DANE puppies, FRECHETTE REALTORS To Board Of St.; London Park, Inc. to Jo- a river separating New Hamp- Barbara von Liechtenstein, 28, should be the The Brick Oven (Hountry Store, W anteil— To Buy 58 Apartmentv— Fkils— Wolverton Agency, Realtors, lot. Mr. Zinsser, Belflore 6 bedrooms, aluminum siding. size (Hape. FuU shed dormer. EARN UP TO $800 blacks, AKC registered. Call DUPLEX — 7-7, close to new seph and Carol Lorenzlnl, prop- sWro and k^e. 0*®" floorers aren’t Route 6, Andover, 228-0086. 649-2818. Agency, 647-1418. 2-car garage. Excellent neigh- 64T-.999S BuUt-ins, H i baths, large 742-8669. WANTED — Antique furniture, ______ToilOIIIOntS 63 _J: ___ 11______boihood. $48,800. North end shopping, bus, room.3, walk-out basement. T ax Review erty on Tumblebrook Dr.; Jua- a s things stand now. she add- 'rom someone you do WEEKLY SEASONED firewood, delivery school and churches. Separate nlta Spencer to Craig Spencer, ed. representatives of the De- "<>» know-more often they are ^ CIOOD home with room to roam glass, pewter, oil paintings or m ANCHHESTER — Deluxe one- CARL ZINSSER has listed this " . ^ Mid 20’s. Hayes Agency, 643 throug^unit (Honnecticut. Hours other antique Items. Any quan­ lovely overslxed Cape with CnWHA 1740 (Hlasslc In Glaston- furnaces, garage, large lot property on Lake St; Albert fense Department have advised » you,’ a duty hostess for two beagle dogs needed. bedroom apartment, , first RA18E3D RANCH — Brand new 0131. Harold Webb, a local building Doing part-time Celling in your 9 a .m . - i p.m . 1-637-2163. tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, Land For Sate 71 1,800 square feet of Uvlng bury- » rooms, bam, four out- 100x257’, good condition. Re­ Krikorian to John DeQuattro, her “that they have absolutely r, hood. Immaculate. $2,400 Agency, 647-1418. This seven-room Raised ! Ordinarily vacancies on continental breakfast includ­ treed lot, walk-out basement. Donohue, Tel. 649-8400. so vague that It touched off «^wed by titles and that makes It The country is a romantic Mate or Femate 37 recently remodeled, stove, re­ dow n. M ey er R ea ltors, 648- Ranch on large attractive boards are filled through re­ HEAD OS SKIS, 196, Cm., with ed, weekly and monthly sea­ RAISED RANCH—7 rooms, 8 I m m a c u la te 6H -room Only $30,900. Hayes Agency, speculation that perhaps It was ®v®n more difficult t o f a prin- one, and girls have an opportun- frigerator. $110. Call 648-6802. 0609. SEVEN-ROOM (Holonlal with lot has plenty to offer for commendations submitted to Wa n t e d — Aggressive man­ Marker Rotamat bindings, Housahoid G oods 51 sonal rates. Fiano’s Motor or 4 bedrooms, 2M baths, fam­ Ranch. Kitchen buUt-lns, 6430131. an Indication a private company ®®ss to- meqt them. Ity to be coquettish for a Iciig ' extra lot. Nice yard, con­ only $28,900. Two-car ga- the selectmen by the two town ager for our women’s shoe Scott poles, used twice $176. Inn, 646-2303. MAN(HHE8TER —Brownstone SOUTH MAN(HHESTER —Sev- ily room, , 2-car garage, large oversized master bedroom. would buy the faculty. American girls. Princess von time. Men marry later In Meh- SINGER touch and sew with venient location. Four bed­ TBige, family room with bar, committees. However, accord­ Poles Try Five store. For confidential Inter­ 643-6048. Apartments, 2-bedroom duplex en room ne-wer colonial. ’Two- lot 176x300’ central air-condi­ A ssum able m ortg a g e, $164 LARGE 3room bungalow with ■nUs speculation, ehe added, Liechtenstein c® casual li^ dress and makeup skUng because “It is such a printing plates, .009 thick, 23x 6432466 evenings or 6431442. S. married couple or older adult, HONEYMOON OOZY acre lot. House is loaded with dining room, 2-car garage, 289-7475 646-4678 garage, enclosed rear yard, persons In town, a percentage out because of financial contro- administer the yard.” when she away at schools breathtaking place.’’ no pets. 6432226 (tfter 6 p.m. Wanted— Real Estate 77 36” , 26 cents each or 6 for $1. Aportm enrs-^-Fkits— extras. Sensibly priced in the aluminum siding. $39,960. professlonaUy landscaped, Increase of 26.8. verslee with those others, and Mrs. Smith made pubUc 1® Paris, Rome and Vienna. ------^ CAPE mid 30’s. T. J. Crockett, Real­ 648-1887 742-6744 Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 648-2711. FTIRNJSHED 3rooms, first Natural 'beamed celling, many other extras. Priced low ALL CASH for your property The selectmen acknowledged decided to hijack a plane them- Wednesday both her Detf. 28. let- “My life ^ul to be dlffMvnt. ~ UPRIGHT freezer, four years Tonemonfs 63 tor 6431677. IN-LAW APARTMENT — At- floor, modem, pn bus line. waU to waU carpet, enclosed Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for quick sale. (Hharles Lesper­ within 24 hours. Avoid red an invitation from the PlaniUng selves,” the report said ter and a reply she said she re- My parents lyere strict and al- CU illy C erem ony FREE WHEELS — buy new old , lUce new . (Hall 6436667. '______:------tached to this comfortable flve- ATTRA(HTTVE 3% ROOMS. $165. A fte r 6, ca ll 649-4426. porch, sundeck, spUt rail ance. 6437620. tape. Instant service. Hayes (Honuniaslon to meet with rep- "^® maximum sentence on ceived Tliesday from prealden- ways reminitpd me that pe<^e CHUTE mixed breed puppies, $6 snow tires, get new wheels MAN(HHE8TER — Five bed- room Ranch. Large lot. Fire- tial aide William E. Timmons, would look nipre at me than at TAOS, N.M..(AP) — SubCreez- each. Call 6436478. Downstairs, on bus line. Heat fence. Paneled .-recreation room Ranch, two baths, fire- place In living room, eat-ln Agency, 6488181. resentatives of all the town Bi© charg® Is five years In jail. free. Cole’s Discount Station, CLBIAN, USE^ refrigerators, MANCHHESTER Industrial zone MANCHHESTER — pnmaculate He acknowledged receipt of the <>B»er peofrfe.l e .^ ^ Is true.t In the lJ« weathOT foiled to stop a and hot water included. One room with wet bar. (Hlean place, paneled rec room, 3 kitchen,' garage, extra carport ------boEirds Wednesday at 8 n m In Two youths seized aboard a — ------„ ------.. 461 W est C enter St., M anches­ ranges, automatic washers 3-bedrooms, SELLING your home or acre- community HaU The wrnoee P>“®® during a hijack attempt letter and told her: “Your United Stotez,rl am asked In- PWty ot Togo Pueblo Indiana AKC registered (Hocker Spaniel adult preferred, no pets. Se­ Business Locations as a whistle. Six rooms of zone oU heat. Bank reposse^ and storage shed. $26,000. 3famlly house,, exceUent busl- 7-room Ranch, ter, 648-6332. with guarantees. See them at large Uving room with fire­ age? For-prompt friendly ser-'■ of the meeting -wiu be to review were given sentences of thoughts on this subject wlU be credible quesions, such as how p^tonning their omuial male, dne^year old, plus hew B . D . P e a rl’ s A ppU ances, 649 curity deposit. $126. monthly. For Rent 64 charm. Ideal starter, home. slon. Needs redecorating. $3,- ness (^pertunlty. High traffic place, grade-level family 'vice, call Louis Dlmock Real­■ and discuss the prellmlntry five years. ' ' brought to the President’s early I al- d*hce. dog house.' C ^ 648-6241. CLOSEOUT — Trlide track win­ Main St. (HaU 6432171. ' CaU 643-0680 after 6 p.m. Assumable mortgage. Mr. count, good condition. CaU ^ d o w n . Meyer Realtors, 643- LISTINGS room, dining room, kitchen ty, Realtors, 6439823. attention.” ways answer thdU am so used IVlth temperatures . hugging dows, $8.96 each. Sizes Are; MAIN STREET office space, Lewis, 649-6306. now. $81',6(X>. Hayes Agency, d ra ft ot the plan submitted last FRIGIDAIRE deluxe automatic VILLAGER Apartments—Five- 100 per cent location near ____^------NOW! “Thinking of Sell- 6430181. has built-in oven range and month by the town’s planning In an announcem^t after the h).lt that I don’t ffl^nk about It.” zero degrees, an estimated 60 FREE to good home, pert an­ 386x61” , 382x88” , 2-32x46” , 2- room Townhouse. IH tiled dishwasher. $24,600. Wolver­ 1964 Johnson election sweep. In her new job, she. is doing men ahft ynuiig efaUdren, the up- 40x66” , 3-40x38” , 2-20x66” , 2- washing machine, $60. Single banks, air-conditioned, auto­ * O B & W * * LUDLDW RD. — (Hontemporary jjjg your property?” Call Legal Notices consultant. Brown, IHonald and Timber Loss Large gora kitten. (HaU 649-0283." ^ HoUywood bed vdth head- baths, waU-to-wall carpeting, matic fire sprinkler. Apply Redwood. BuUder’s home. TXIHAY! MANCHESTER — is not far ton Agency, Realtors, 8432818. Donald, Inc. then-Secretary of Defense Rcrfi- what comes naturally,'ldie says, per halves of their bodies uiuxjv- 20x68” , 1-82x67” , 2-14x47” , 2- two air-conditioners, private BARROWS and WALLACE (Ho. from this beautiful 3 room •PORTLAND, Ore. — Up to 16 ert S. MdNamaia^as part of a The deUcate shadow^ of her ered,^ danced in the ancient board, Sealey posturepedic 'M a rlo w ’s, 867 M ain St. ’Three bedrooms (space two Probate Court In a discussimi of the town’s AUSTRALIAN Terrier, male 3S]d9” , 6-81x66” . Stop at 447H Manchester Parkade Ranch with garage. Lot 76x EUCCHELLENT valu e — L arge biUlon board-feet d Dr. Price $29,90p. time to select your colors, etc. dining room and attached ga- /room SpUt,.Level, 1^ baths, enclosed patio, knotty pine Realtor 648-1677 Clemency For town payroU was alka.mention- M usical Instrumentsi 53 'Realtors, 646-4200. (HaU 648-0846 fo r Eqq^wintment. T . J . (Hrockett, R e a lto r, 643- rag;e. Buckley School. Low $226. monthly. Lease, security ____ rec room, garage, lovely ed. WASTE KING 1677. 20’B. Wolverton Agency, Real­ BUNDY, alto saxaphone. Ideal FOUR-ROOM apartment, .t o deposit, references. Hayes 35 ACRES — 1969 3room Oolo- yard and cm—so many other Doomed Bishop ' The su b ject erf the to^n.’s MANCHESTER — Bxtraordi- tors, 6432813. for beginner student. CaU 643 8 year old, two famUy house. Agency, 646-0131. nlal, large' paneled famUy features! Truly a home 'with R(XHKLEDGE CkUonlal —Elght- ____ . ecology was also discussed, a^ nazy C^;>e in one of Manches- 6015. Own driveway and private room, fireplaces, country tender, lo'vlhg care. blg rooms, four bedrooms, 2Vi VATICAN CITY (AP) The jjje selectmenXonsidered the yard. Stove and refrigerator, kitchen, buUt-lns, Intercom, baths, (Hirca 1966, truly a quali­ teir’s nicer areas. Large fire- Vatican called on President Ah- feasIbiUty of recycling paper UNIVERSAL placed Uving room ,. four bed­ madou Ahldjo of Cameroon to- g la s s bottles. Although centrally lcal .IS-.'. ----- J rooms, heat, hot water and HEBRON — Available imme- gglVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch, NEW HOMES In Mandiester garage. Ariting $26,900. CaU half acre. Lake view. $8,600.. ccmvlcticm oLplirtting to assassl- level, the matter Is being- garage. One or two adults, dlately, several 2-bedroom ^th two-car garage, three and surrounding towns. Many the Mitten' Agency, Re<ors, ThUand — aero treed, $3,000. n ote h im . studied on a statewide level. YOUR SUNSET is waiting! apartments. CaU 2239300. large bedroorms, IVi baths, styles to choose from, three 648-6980 or 6439690. Vernon high scenic acre, A'communique said the Vatl' AnHques 56 $140. Security required. 643 This aU brick Ranch stands on A meeting for Connecticut’s 2426, 3 6 . fireplace and carpeted ttvlng and four bedrooms, one to 2% $6,600. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. can felt "deep i>ain” at the sen- town and city officials Is being RO(HKVILLE, Nice 8 - room a hlU. What a view! A lot WHY STAINLESS STEEL? TAG SALE — epUecior’s over------baths, two-car garage. Treed tence announced Wednesday. It planned to study the recycling apartment, heat, hot water, room, formal dhilng ,r<»m. lot (184x448’> and a lot of flow, two Boston rockers^ tea FIVE-ROOM duplex, stove In- Wolverton Agency, Realtors, lots. Some Just under and oth­ MAN(HHBSTER — ExceUent expressed hope “in the humanl- system. eluded. $176 monthly. Security stove and re frig e ra to r. $126. house, too. Plenty of prl'vacy. e r s -ju s t o v e r $30,(XH). AU o f AA zone lot, half acre plus, caddy,. wagon seat, much 6432818. tartan sentimen^j^ clemency of response to complaints Stainless steel can take a lot of guff, that's why. It china, primitives, 2-part mir­ deposit required. No pets. Adults only, no pets, seciurity Three bedrooms, formal dlnii« these for sale, some may be Lakewood (Hhcle area, city the♦ho headhoorf ofo# state.ofo+oTb. ' ■ residents, the Select- deposit required. 6439678. room, two fireplaces! FuU w.on't crack under pressure. You can't chip it. O r ror, etc. AU offers considered. Phone 643-0160, Lloyd A. Lum- MANCHESTER — Center of rented. K eith R ea l E sta te, 172 TOWN OF COVENTRY utUlties, CaU Mr. fflmmer, “We trust that the president men have requested that oper- bra. Broker. walk-out basement. Mid 40’s. East Center St., 6431922, 643 WlUing to trade.''Call 872-4666 RO(3CVILLE 21 lioveland town. Ideal starter home. Im­ J. D. Real Estate Associates. of Cameroon wants to accept ators of snowmobUes observe peel, flake or blister it. Stainless steel doesn't go this week only. maculate condition inside and Keith .Real Estate, 172 East -4426. - 6436120. THREE-bedroom Duplex, alr- Heights "'luxury tq>artments, (Henter St:, 6431922, 646-4126. TAX COLLECTOR’ S the requests for pardtm tritlch the rights of others in the en- snap, crackle or pop. And it won't rust. That's why 141 out. Low, low 20’s. W(Uvorton •roach him from msny p ^ e s,” joyment of their spprt. It is BUSY “B” Antiques. Buy and ccmdltion imits, very residen­ 8H rooms, central alr-con- TOWN OF. EAST HARTFORD it's so perfect for dishwashers. Waste King's taqks, dltioning, heat, hot water, Agency, Realtors, 6432818. NOTICE said the communique. hoped th^ operators wUl be seU. 22 Birch St. Oi>en 'week­ tial area, big yard area, one TOWN OF EAST HARTFORD BAST HARTFORD, TOWN OF MAN(HiraSTER inner doors, wash arms and basket rails are made days one to 9 p.m., Saturday month’s security. $210. (HaU 643 $176. per month. 8736948, 873 EAST HARTFORD, . (HONNECTKHUT Notice' is hereby given to the The black prelate, Msgr. < Al- considerate erf their neighbors 10-4, Sunday 10-4. 9606 from 39 p.m. 4901. (HONNECTKHUT ta xpayera o f the Tow n o f (Hov­ LEGAL bert Ndongmo, 44, was sen- by using vehicles during "rea- of it. They're guaranteed against failure due to 478 PORim ST. entry that the seixind instaU- tenced to a firing squad by a scnable” hours and by observ- M a n c h e s t e r iNvn’A’noN corrosion for 20 years. Sure, plastic-coated and WE HAVE customers waiting BOLTON INVITATION ment of taxes on the Grand Ust NOTICE mUitary tribunal in YacxuMle tng rtiles of safety. SnowmobUes town line, 3room apartment, start the new year right In porcelain dishwashers cost less. But why do they for the rental of your apart­ TO BID of October 1, 1969 is due and The Zoning Board of Appeals along with two other men. Blsh- shcxild not be driven on town W earing A ppoiel*- secemd floor, ref fen ces, $146. this completely finished ment or honqe, J.D. Real Es­ TO BID RE; PARTS FOR UmT payable January 1, 1971. Said wUl h old pubU c h earings cm op Ndxmgmo bad been sen- roads, cost less? Why does anything cost less? m (» th ly . 648-6983JL-.— executive 3room Cdonlal. F u n 5 7 tate Associates, Inc. 6436129. RE: SWENSON MODEL SH O VE L: M OD EL 614 second Installment may be paid tenced earUer to Ufe imprison- School Menu (Home see all the many ex­ Mcmday, January 18,1971, stful- ATTRACmVB 4-room apart­ PV-200 EC SERIAL No. 60140 w it h.o u t interest any time Ing at 7 p.m. in the Hearing ment on charges of plotting an Monday, hamburger on roll, HAND MADE polyester pants LOVELY two-bedroom apart­ tra features and fine work­ ment, $100. available immedi­ SAND SPREADER TUMBLERS AND OUTBOARD through February 1, 1971, pro­ Room of the Municipal BuUdlng ^ e d reb el^ He admitted flench fries, cole slaw, poach- suits and dresses, unhemm'ed, ment with refrigerator, range, manship vdilch make this knowingimrMiHnop leftistIaytIot rebelvaKaI leadersIaoHami ^ I ia->n ately. Inquire 17 Indian HiU Sealed bids will be received vided the first installment was es. 2 0 ^ r j e a r $12 - $16. 6432826, 647-9864. disposal, air-conditioning and house d something special. BEARINGS. to hear and consider the foUow-. and gitdng them arms as a 8260 St, East Hartford. at the office of the Purchasing Tuesday, Swedish meatballs, parking. $176. mcmthly. Handy Priced to sell. Sealed bids will be received paid on time. ing petitions: STATE HBAR- "sym bol,” but he denied any ac- Stainless Steel 8-18 to Main St., (HaU 644-2427. Agent, 740 Main Street, East at the office of the Purchasing mtereat wUl be charged at the m o ALSO. rice with gravy, peas, plne- ______RtXHKVULE — Eastbrtwk tive riae sald^he ® i® ^® d apple upside-down cake. OPEN FOR mSPBCJnON Hartford, (Honn., until Thurs- Agent, 740 Main Street, East rate of % of 1 per emt per Item 1 Richard A. Saimond Q u a ra iitee This dashing cape is sure Use those left-over fab­ W onted^—To D ay 58 NORTHWOOD Apartments — Apartments — N ew -'month on any balance not paid W edn^y, Salisbury steak, to add that flattering day, Jan. 21, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. Hajitford, (Hoiui., until Thurs- Request for a Certificate of rics to make the gay but­ One and two-bodroom apart- bedroom unit in brick one- SAT. 1-6 P.M. on time during the drat period, look to your costumes! HOUSEHOLD lots Antiques and wlU be publicly opened and day, Jan. 21, 1671 at 9:80 a.m., Approval for a General Re­ Z t ^ ^ fti^acctLuons ^PI^.® “Pj?; terfly motifs on this ments, central air-tmndition- story garden apartment buUd- or on the second Installment ach, butterscotch pudding with You’ll find easy to. sew. handsome quilt. No. 141 brlck-a-brao, locks, frames, read at that time and place for and wUl be pubUcIy opened and pairer’s License for MobU against the Bishc^ last summer. No. 8260 with photo- ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ paymriits paid after February has tracing pattern for glassware. We buy estates. ____ ------Z— -u TT. Bie above mentiimed commodl- road at that time said' place for Service Station operatiem at the Vatican removed him from GUIDE is iiL Sizes 8 to 18 ports, plus other luxury fea­ oven range, refrigerator, dls- MANCHESTER —South Farms ____ .*1“ _ " 1, 1971. Thursday, juice, chicken and butterfly pieces; applique ViUage Peddler, Auctioneer, poeal, alr-ccmditioner, base­ 818-828 Adams Street, comer the admlnistruUoR of his diocess (bust 32V&-40). Size 10, tures. From $226. J. D. Real _ ^ t y buUt 1 ^ « w lth ^ “ Mo'SJaSriorXdders, spec- Je. Payments may be made at vegetable soup, assoried sand­ diagram; full directions, 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-8247. ment laundry and ' storage. of Adams St. and HlUlard St. of Nkgongaomba. 32H bust ... 2% yards t m *M Is salat ftr sscS.ytl- Estate Associates, 648-6129. the office of the Tax Orilectar, wiches, spied cake. of 45-inch plus 1% yards Adults only, no pets. $180 per froi^ roSSl K 'T ’ J”*"™*®!®® tor bidders, spec- Item 2 Rodney F. Whitney ttni ts lsels«s flrttelitrsnlltg. TW n HaU, Route $1, G«veatry. BYiday, fish dtener, mashed of 39-inch for lining. V s SI ki istriF DELUXE one-bedroom apeot- memth, $130 lease security. Request for a (Hertiflcate of Monday through T h ursday potatoes, cole slaw, JeUo. W.G.GLENNEY Patterns available only 1188 'ATS. ment, wall - to - wall carpet­ CaU James J. Gessay, at 873 fOT sDriiK deUverv Merritt Purchaalng tract forms are avaUaWe at the Approval for a General Re­ Black Mayor ______[*W Y O M . from 8:80 AM . - 1206 RM . and Warranty Deeds in sizes shoiim. PRESIDENTIAL ing throughout, complete ap­ 0184. pairer’s License' for a Texa(x> V.T. IMM- . 12:48 PM . • 4:80 PM .; Friday BARTOW, Fla. (AP) — The foUowing warranty deeds torn as# la mas iw sssssst^ Mat NaaN, MSrMS «ltS »P pliances, 'vanity bath. Central­ Agency, 6431180. Hartford. 740 Main Street, Eartl^ord. Service Station operation at twS ts laclaSa llrnwn HaU closed Sat­ AU persona \ Interested may 1 3 6 ed the flrrt Mack mayor of this Frank Boelo and Frederick albu m is 65#, includes garage. Wooded lot JoUy large any or aU bids when such ac- any or aU bids when such ac- urdays. *attend\thiz heanog. postage and handling. Now renting, one and two predominantly white (xanmunl- and Joan Norton to Thomas NORTH MAIN STREET i bedroom apartments. (Harpet- MANCHE23TER —- Newer. d3 klteb^ flroirfaced Uving tton la deemed to be for the tlon is deemed to be for the Dated at Coventry, (Honnectl- Zoning'Bpord of Appeals sssrstt «nk fiP BMHSMOTMEI’t PATCHWORK . . . luxe duplex. $220 per month WANTED g a ^ to store car cut, Decf^ber 28, 1970. ty

.\ / V -Vu _ .T. • «

■ ' ” ___ ♦ THUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971; ATwag* Dally Net Press Ron The Weather PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Clear early tonight becoih- iHanrl;p0t?r lEoralng ?l$fraUi ^ n » Week M e d Ing cloudy toward motnlng; aeremW 14, ikN lows In teens. Tomorrow chance of light snow late In diay or at 16,080 night; high about 80.

\. ■ Manche$ter— A City of Village Charni PRICE TEN CENTS * * • VOL. LXXXX, NO. 88 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER," CONN:, FRIDAY* JANUARY 8, 1971 (ClassUled MverasiiiK on P ete 11) and Miss Connecticut invite you to attend a great ••\- Meskill Taps Uruguayans Hold E x-A ide s Blast Near W elfa ie f English Diplomat HART (AP) — Henry PHOTO JAMBOREE 38, ot Bloomfleld was on, State Welfare, Oom- As Kidnap Victim Sets Frlday by Oov. and Pre-Inventory By JOHN STOWELL Tlioinaa J. MeddU. AsaociaM Press Writer. White, wiio was finance co- MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP)—^British Ambassador Geoffrey Jackson was kidnaped this morning and is in diairman of MesklU's gubema^ WASHINGTON (AP)^ the hands of the Tupamaros guerrillas, Montevideo po- A loud bomb exploded in torial campaign, is a former announced. ~~ pnaldent of the Capewell an alley outside the Soviet Persons claiming to be wit tevldeo radio station reported Embassy’s cultural build? Manufacturing Oo. of Hartford. nesses of the abaction tele- all three aides had been hospi­ He resigned his business post phoned radio stations saying It talized, and bipod was fotmd in ing here early today. Police said l^ere were no injuries. CLEARANCE to work for MeiddU. was carried out minutes before the ambassador’s car. 10 a.m., when the ambauador, The ambassador’s auto had Hie state Department, The Democratic welfare com­ alarmed about the incident, sent Jan. 9lh, 10 A.M., to 6 P.M^ missioner, John F. Haider, al­ his driver and two guards ar­ been damaged and the motor Friday, Jan. 8th, 6 P.M. to 9:30 P.M., Saturday, rived at the British Embassy at was on fire when police found it. a man to deUver an immediate ready has left for a post as Albar end Buenos Aires streets apology for the bombing. district welfan _ director for Jackson was the 16th political Tile department also notified ...... ■. - in Montevideo. Kidnap victim in the Western New Haven. -His resignation They said the ambassador's the Soviet embassy it was bol­ took effect Tuesday night Hemisphere since September stering pectador in sador C. Burke Blbrick on Sept. and said: He majored in Itsllan Rensis- Mbhtevldeo. 4, 1969. He was freed in ex­ “I’m going to repeat this mes­ aanos at OohimMa. The Tupcunaro guerrillas, a change for the release of IS po­ sage once, so take it down. Hie Be SHvad in the infantry dur­ laftlat urban terrorist group that litical prisoners. Soviet Cultural BuUdtag on 18th i ing the Korean War and worked has operated for several years The. other fatalities beside Street has been bombed. This is at Uhltsd Bank and Trust Go. in the Montevideo area, has Mltrlone were Count Karl von a sample of thlnga to come. Let and the Hartford National Bank held two other foreigners as Sp.reti, West German ambassa­ our peofde go! Never again!” betera bacomtag presidant ot hoatages for more than five dor to Guatemala, and Labor The phrase “ Never again!” is OapawaU In 196S. months. Minister Pierre Laporte of the the motto ot the miUtant Jewlrii MAaMlI said Friday in his Claude L. Fly, a U.S. soils ex­ Caneidian province of Quebec. Defense League, which has moiiitag nsws conferanca ha pert, has been ta Tupamaro cus­ Von .Spretl was slain last April staged several anti-Soviet dem­ placad a'high priority on- tody since 1m / was kidnaped after the Guatemalan govern­ onstrations in this country dur­ raatoctag a stata-aiqii>ortad loan from his jdace m wprfc last Aug. ment rejected kidnapers’ de­ ing the last year. program to municipalities for 7. mands for release of 22 prison­ Police aaid the bomb amariisd school construcUcn. Aloysio Dias Qomlde, a Bra­ ers and a ransom of $700,000. a solid metal door leading to a Tha 1SW' Oanaral AassmUy silian consul, was kidnaped by Lapwte was killed Oct. 17, court yard behind the Soviet authorised |1 8 0 million for both the Tupamaros from hla home 1970, after the Canadian govern­ building, and shattered windows grants and loans to on July 81 and has been held ment refused to free members in buildtags on both sides of the schbo) byatams. Tha ftmda ,oov- longer ta custody than ai^ other of the Quebec Liberation Front alley. The Mast was heard by We will check com­ political kidnap victim. pletely, clean and arad tha resulting grant x» in prison awaiting trial. residents several Mocks away. make necessary qusata but »>t tha loans,- mt A third U d n ^ victim, -Dan British Trade Commissioner An undetermined number of tha loan program was dlsoon- Mltrlone, a U.S. police expert, James R. Cross was kidnaped persons reside in the four-story m inor adjustments was exseuted by the Tupamaros by tem nists in Montreal on Oct. brick iMlldtag hut none was on the spot ~ ttauad. Police examine spot where an explosion took place in alleyway outside the So- The state's" failura to provlda shortly afear ha was kidnaped, 6, 1970 and released two months , viet Embassy’s cultural building in Washington, D.C. today. (AP Photo) Protest Filed hurt, although the Mast threw a tha knr-rata loans la “a braadi on J i ^ 81 later after his abductors were small child out of bed, accord­ in tha faith tha paopla riiould lOnutes after the kidnaping of given safe conduct to Cube. ing to Leonid V. Shchervakov, hava in tha atete govanunent," Jackson was confirmed, police Jackson, 66, served as Brit­ B y G rom yko deputy (taief consul of the em­ and armed forces threw a triock- Majof repairs if ain’s senior tntae commissioner In Recent Months bassy. Re arrived at the scene "Many commuirtttaa went out ade around this Uruguayan cap- In Toronto until coming to Mon- after the explosion. needed will be esti­ Itel. tevldeo in July 1909. The building also bouses the mated for you im­ and committed ttaamaatvea. to O n B om b in g building pcograma" baaed on The ambassador’s wife, Mary He. also had served ta Beirut, embassy’s press relations de- mediately - only Evelyn Delany Jackson, was ta- -Bogota and Bern before becom- MOSCOW (AP) — Foreign partment and Information of- during Jamboree the aVaitebUliy of both grants formed by police of the kidnap- mg anxbeaaador to Honduras and loana, hs aaid. Soviet Sites in U.S. Cities Minlster Andrei A. Gromyko de- Bee for Soviet Ufe magastas. Hours. tag shorUy after 10 a.m. and consul-general in Seattle, Uvered a strong protest to U.S. Police said they coujd not de- Retiring'Mato Finanoa Com- JQ^iarenUy, there was a fierce wash. ml$akntar y-eo V. Deovtata said Ambassador Jacob Beam today termtae Immediately what kind ^ j fight among the kidnapers and over a boMb nxidoslan outeMIrbf bomb ww set off but a firs m Bm lagtsUtare wtefld m e -nwibsssador’s aides. A Mon- ,JMn»-*nifs KigM) Targets of Much Protest the Soviet Embassy’a cultural department offtctal said trmg- to approv* an addltloiial I 0n-The*Spot tm> million ta bonda to mast building in Washington, Ute msnts were recovered. 1 * tha ftiU aobool-oaiiatiuetlon aid By TH E a s s o c i a t e d PRESS windows but caused no injuries. States. Amtorg presidenL-Vlas American Embassy reported. a person ta the building, who lu program fOr tha reat at the' Thirty-five minutes after the Nlchkov said they came in '’Just The protest was-made at a tsfused to give hla name, said a ^ ' w ® anonymous callers tel- shouting and pounding their meeting requested by Beam to truck was heard roaring m CREDIT ourrsnt Mominm and tha next in Washington early today was two yaAr period. m _.. o» Ncw Tork bureau of fists on desks.”^. diacuas the mounting aeries of through the alley at about the a the latest in a series of anti-So­ The Associated Press and saldt Police cleared the group from incidents ta Moscow and the time of the Mast. 'M ‘Tm not talking about any viet demonstrations and violent United States arising from State Department said it figurs," MaakOl aaid whan in­ "Let the world know that udiile the office and 28 were arrested. We will accept and incidents in several U.S. cities. Jews are on trial in Russia the On July 27 Kahane led four American Jewish reaction to the formed ot the commissioner’s (See Page Eight) a process credit .appli­ Earlier this week, the Soviet Soviet Union will be on trial. other JQLi members in painting treatment of Soviet Jews. cations and issue sstlniats. Hs noted hs had or­ government had protested. Reports of the bombing a dered the State Bond Oommls- Never again!” slogans “Let our people go” and charge cards to quali­ In recent months militant “The nation Israel lives” in red reached -MoscoW' only short a •ton not to approve any bor^ “Never Again” is the motto of before the previously scheduled fying customers. t groups, especially the Jewish the Jewish Defense League. paint in Hebrew and Englirii on a Driense League, have made the driveway of an estate at meeting. The em bas^ said (See Page Kliht) 'Rabbi Melr Kahane, national Beam told Gromyko he bad no a Apply Now...... many Soviet establishments ta ^ toid Glen Cove, N.Y., which is B52 Explodes leased to the Soviet U.N. mis­ official IntormatkMi on the inci­ a for your Caldor New ‘5'o*'b and WaAlng^ the conference later that day dent “but if press reports taifpet c i some Idnd oC acao^ League approved oC the sion. proved correct, he expressed re­ a Charge Card. “It’s There also have bwn bombing but denied rei^KinslbUl- They were questioned by po­ In Air Over very handy to have”. gret and deplored action of this agatast vlslttag Soviet cultural ^ ^ lice but released wtaen the Rus­ kind.” \ m Swordfish groups, including the Moiseyev sians declined to press charges. m Dancers and the Moscow Ice Last June 28 about 60 JDt, The estate ____is used_____ as a______vacation The embassy declined to fglye M ich igan Seen Cut Ctacus. A planned Bolshoi Ballet ^™*>®** seized the M an^tten members of the Soviet details of Gromyko’s statement. See This and Opera^ tour was canceled office of Amtorg, the Soviet It said the meeting lasted, CHARLEVOIX. Mich. (AP) — after the latter Incident. trade mission to the United (See Page E1M>*) about an hour and covered ^n Air Force B62 bomber with general Jewish protest situa- men aboard—said by wit? All of the demonstrationa and nine .On The From Diet tion. nesses to have exploded In til ^ iO'>' Incidents have been to protest This included the Soviet Em- kqIi ot fire—crashed into Lake Spot t o ' By O. C. TUXLEN Jr. the lot of Jews ta the Soviet Un­ bassy’s statement in Washing- Thuntoay n l |^ off the Aaaoctetod Preaa Writer ion and, more recently^ the ton Jan. 4 declaring the Soviet jjot^^^eet tip of MlcUgaa’a Demonstration! trials of Soviet Jews in Lenin­ Jobless Rate Last Month Union could not guarantee pro- ^ o w ^ Peninsula, WASHDKrrON (AP) — The grad accused of treason for tection for U.S. citizens ta Moe- . Food and Drug Administration wanting to leave the country. cow since American authorities Osa^Guard alrcreftaM v>> : • .♦» aaya there is not enough mercu­ They had idotted to hijack a Hit Nine-Year High in U. S. were unable to provide protec- ^ scene reported ftod- Unicolor ry ta most types o< tuna to wor­ plane. tiofi for Soviet personnel and of- wreckage and debris from ry about, but contamination In reaponse, the Soviet gov- WASHINGTON . - i-. (AP.) i. — iu ; Unemployment u- i. j. ^ - climbed to flees In the United States. Ute aircraft, including two emp- Color Print probably will eliminate sword- iwtmanf T..«artay pni^untiAH SIX p o r cc o t 111 Deccmber, the highest rate m nine years flah trotai the American diet. During the day five Soviet de- ^ System warning to tae^Unit^ drapitethe ret^^^ to work"6fTmen displaced by the ^ legrations of three or four per- ^ i-. Copy mate II The FDA, reporting on a sur­ that Us ciuzens in Russia could eral Motors strike, the^Labor Department reported to- sons each visited the U.S Em- A S ti^ c Air Command ^ vey BtUl under way, said Thurs- Fast, easy method for not be guaranteed “normal con- day. ------^----- .. -bassy—to deliver -letters—ctmi- vesUgattag teaB9_ltas to_e**J-ve full color prints from (tey the nation’a toed supply ap­ today. your color negative. Dry Copier pears trae of algniflcant mercu­ diUons” If the situation contin- The development contradicted million mark, reaching the t a b ­ ued. the forecasU of adminlstraUon est level since mld-1964. (See Page Eight) The eight-engine bomber was ry pollution, except tor sword- unarmed and on a training % f i m fish and aome typaa of large-size TViday’s blast recalled the (Petals who had contended that This brought the average spell Be Ready Nov. 26 bombing of the Manhat- joblessness, which hit 6.8 per flight from Westover, Mass. Air tuna. of unemidoyment to 9.8 weeks, For Tax tan ofticea of Aeroflot and In- cent of the labor force in No­ up from 9.4 weeks in November. EV>rce Base when it crashed “We’ve done a market-basket about 11 mUes northectst ot Treasure Chest "'niryey A’a Bu­ were “no Indlcationii from the for home, school, reau of Foods. 4.6 million Idle men and women ble goods jdants wad unchanged $3 Million p^ffiee. Completely —“So far the only i»oblem In December. /Ihls was- the from November ]^t rose in soft plane or ground tracking radar ^portable. we’ve found la flah,” he told a Donors’ Names Unlisted same as ta November, but the goods production from 6 per station that the aircraft experi­ news hriaftag, but added that seasonal contraction of the la- cent ta November to 6.9 per cent Gift Package enced any difficulty jfflor to the See It .even there the pollution problem bor force caused the adjusted in December. crariL” • ^Demonstrated is not “critical enough tor the Tate of Joblessness to rise by Employment declined slightly SANTIAGO, ChUe (AP) Names of the crewmen were about 120,000 persons in the sea- to 78,616,000 ta December, a dip The U.S. Air torco permanently not immediately diacloeed. Now housewife to worry about.” Campaign Probe Chairman The FDA reported last month sonally adjusted annual rate. at 226,000 from November; the closed Us Icnoepheric research Area residents reported heaz'- that 89 per cent of all frosen The actual count of employed latter figure was slightly larger station on Etaater Island today, tag an explosion and seeing ■wocdflsh samples contained ^lnd unemployed persons is ad- than the decline in the entire ci- leaving behind $3 million WMrth flaming debris falling into the msrcuiy In excess of the federal Used Concealment Loophole Justed, in measuring the unem- viUan labmr force. gf equipment as a gift, author!- water about 0:30 p.m. lim lt-onohalf part poUutent ployment rate, to take account In seasonally atdjiuted terms, tative sources reported. Mrs. Cbaries BIMia, a school :? ■ : per rnUMcn parts of flesh. - By JAMES R. POLK ther the primary or general donors because, ta his words, of normal s e a s o ^ trends. The the decline in emplo^rment and other material at the station,- teacher, said she had Just The agency has found only Associated Press Writer election. they would become prey for oth- unemployment ride rose ta De- rise in the labor force were valued at $300,000 has, been arid walked Into her daikened hed- largo varietlas of tuna—such as cember even though the nmmal somewhat smaUer. ri,ii>^n air’force for room vdien she was “attracted .r-_- w - __ - ____ _ WASHmOTON (AP) — The He Is chairman of the House’s er poUtical candidates who and anticipated decrease in un- At sU per cent of the civilian gseooo. There were no details by an orangy glow to the aky.” the chiOrmah of a special House Special Committee to InvesU- would approach them for addl- employment in the month did tabor force, the national unem- ^ ih«h of material was She said «he first thought It ta tavestigaUng"- campaign Sate Campaign Expenditure, uonal contributions. not occur. ployment rate had reached the was a sunset, but triien rite metalUe £ ? ^ a ^ d a ^ mo used a hidden commit- ^Wch ta_due to deUver ite flita- ^ the friends large MS can uBowaB In the nation’a c^dtel to tags to Congress next week aft- Average mekly earnings of A Ctt41 Jet freighter airlifted looked out the window toward oeiriral aervoua qrstmn and Ud- whocoi^butetoo^c^palgn, woAers increased by »««>»" entitled individual. ... ^ ^ 17 of The^igtoal com- the Take, she saw a hall of Are coneeal the dames of donora, neya. who gave him $12,000 last year ties^ In ta ^ ^ tS S t lea!rtS?dta. r* ^ pioment of 46 officMf^ men which grew bigger and bigger, WodIMte and other FDA offt- te touches on anofher candl- Increase in average ti» ln cont^ and today from!from the tiny islandiitiATui tain the and then exploded, with flames rial, dtarioetel totiow-up ^ 1 ^ t a * S t t o ^ “ ““ o t i - -noting hpndrodsM fset.. hss shown esnned tuna U I tainted with mercury than origi­ Rep. Thoma. P. “Tip” ’NeUl S ^ *«>**»** ta the taw allows worit week; to 89.7 hours. » veteran Democratic con- O NoUl Committee showed iq> as - ■ nally believed. .imnai hmif tile nation’s gnwsman from Boston, said the income on a yi oan«d tuna riock. wtmnl.^ “nJS? per cent ta the month, hut the a - "D- C. O’NriU tor Congree. Committee. S ^ - 'i l ^ t t e .S t a g t i i e s p i n d . P ^ ' ^ recession ta which the highest to! to d ^ ^ m w c u iy Jlmtt to be- Conunlttee” ta Washing- ThM report shows the money tag. / ' ‘ monthly rate of Joblessness was ^ turnwl said, there appeared to be two XUO®*** ■ J ___ ^ tmiton toa;;5rri^,i;:^♦/» toimlil • Mu AVfmteukllxr vr*nt mtolnlv u. a poUr* device used by “ i T r t a ^ y m l over to the ChUemw t a ^ the wrier. ^ ______reeldtnte ocn- timn toe » perL T ^ cent e r i % reported ) 0rted «iuhjment to list donors’ namek O’NeUl’a - newrietter p rl^ to S !ri w i^rs airi ' ■average for that entire yew waa costs and for his ctmtributiona i / Z : r Z : Z e.V’dw'cwt; U» hlgh^aU-year *»ig irnlto formeriy occupied by Aimed he^oount.^ - MANCHESrm PHOTO JAMBORII last month alter a l i i | | ^ earn- U 4 5 LAND TURNPIKE ” T wriA mMA - ' '^0“ a»e taw—you don’t to Demxwratic state candldatea candidate Reo Ed- ‘ unemj^yment rince W«x1d War H waa in the Ah’ Force perMnnel, fuel -kn Force qpokeamaa a ^ FRIDAY, 6 P.M. -10 PJH pie, the FDAtests arid. ccuoentrated______on j^ve to report It down there,” ta Maasaefausetta. !«2d*A rG erm ats. r^zr,i ' who continued to climb. The number unemployment tanks, a tour-generator riectile- th r plaae waa on a praritoe EX IT 9 3 , WILl O’Neill n ld ta Boston Thursday. • 'O’Neill said he didn't want to ” . of persons out of work for at ’ CROSS PARKWAY SATURDAY, 10 A.M.-S P. make pilbllc the names of the (See Page IMttoen) • leaat 16 weeks passed the one (See Page El^t) (See Page Eight) (“*• Pegs BMS>) (I O’Neill had no opponent ta el-