\ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1971 ♦PAGE THIRTY-TWO iManrli?0tPr lEttMitng lim lii Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0 ‘Clock The Manchester- Gilbert and About Town Sullivan Workshop will rehearse 'Budget Cut: tonight at 8 at the South United A ’verage DaOj^-Wet Press Ran St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild Methodist Church. The chorus BATHROOM The Weather Will m eet tom orrow at 11 a.m . deadline is Monday. Not Final, .For'The Week Xhided in the Parish Hall. Members November 14; 1970 Clear and quite cold tonight; mercury dropping to low teens. will bring: their own ' sand­ Staff Sgt. Joseph Miranda Jr., wiches. Beverage and dessert Says Lowe CUSTOM VANITiES Tomorrow mostly sunny but son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' \ - ' .] will be served. \ 'V « . ^ ; cold; high about 30. Saturday’s’ Miranda of 26 Cumberland St., Manchester Community Col­ 16,080 outlook fair, continued cold. recently graduated from the lege President Frederick W. Built to "pace a"*! Idea* There will be a "Revivaltime U. S. Air Force Noncom­ Lowe Jr. said that he, along Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm By DAWKINS THOMPSON Radio R ally'’ tonight at 7:30 at missioned Officer Leadership with other presidents of the Calvary Church. The service School at McGuire AFB, N. J. state community college system, VOL. LXXXX, NO. 82 will be sponsored by the As­ (’TWENTY-EIGHT PAGE^TW O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 (Classified Advwtlsing oo Page ZS) PRICE TEN. CENTS He is serving as a weather ob­ is taking a wait-and-see attitude 649-9669 643-1695 semblies of God Churches in server technician with a unit following recommended slashes Manchester and East Hartford. of the Air Weather Service at in higher education capital budg­ TTiere will be a fellowship hour McGuire AFB. with refreshments after the ets made by the State Building Program Commission (SBPC) service. The service is open to Uriel Lodge of Masons Will the public. Monday. Israelis hold a regular business meet­ The commission proposed McGovern Ready ing at the Masonic Terti{)le tn The Hartford Stage Company $181.7 million for building proJ­ Merrow on Saturday at 7:30 ects over the next biennium. Accuse Cairo Women’s Committee will have p.m., followed by a color film a general membership meeting This was a cut of $608.3 million WANT TO LEARN presentation prepared by the from what agencies had asked, Monday at 12:45 p.m. at the program committee, after To Bid Form ally ■Co. T. H. Parker, senior and a $268.3 milUon cut in school Of Violation which refreshments will be requests. tic of the Hartford Couront, served. TO SEW? be the guest speaker. Paul Hardest hit was the 10-instltu- TEL A'VIV (AP)— Pour tion community colleg:e system. er will open the meeting The building council of Com­ Soviet - made Egyptian A spokesman for the Commis­ Have A ll Those Beautiful Clothes For Presidency ‘What’s New at the Play­ munity Baptist Church will fighter-bombers flew over sion for Higher Education house.’’ Dessert and coffee will meet tonight at 7:30 in the be served. (CHE) said that the community Israeli positions in the Si­ church youth building. You Thought You Couldn't Havel WASHING'TON (AP)— Sen. George S. McGovern, D- nai desert, the Israeli mili­ colleges’ request was for $134.9 S.D., wnouncM today that his work ,as j^hairman of a North Manchester Al-Anon million, which included money tary command charged to^ The Entered Apprentice de-- GAUL NOW AND ENBOIX. TO MAKE A DBES8 commission to reform the Democratic Party is well on family group will meet tonig:ht gree -will be conferred when to Tease facilities. The SBPC day in a complaint to tiie at 8 at . the Second Congregratlon- recommended an appropriation the way to completion, and that he is resigning that Friendship Lodge of Masons a s ' y o u l e a r n t o s e w U.N. Truce Supervision Or­ al parish house. The Thursday of $2.5 million. post to clear the way to run for the 1972 presidential ganization. meets at 7:30 tomorrow night nomination. ---------------------- ^-------------------- group will meet at 8:30 p.m. at at the Masonic Temple. Junior Dr. Donald H. McGannon, 644-8125 — 528-1186 The incident was reported as the Pathfinders Club, 102 Nor­ Warden Robert A. Haugh will chairman of the CHE, said yes­ He ^ d he m ^ted to an- Th* south Dakotan said he is U.N. special envoy Gunnar V. man 'St. Both groups meet preside. Officer dress is tuxedo. terday the SBPC recommenda­ CLASSES START WEEK OF JANUARY 18th !i!J****^ candidacy formally stepping down as chairman of Jarring headed for Jerusalem In weekly arid are open to the Refreshments -will be served af­ tion Would provide only for id about 10 days, but that ar- the commission—up until now an effort to get his Middle East friends and relatives living with ter the meeting. planning. Doubt was expressed rangements are stUl being Jmown InformaUy as the “Mc- peace talks moving. a-drinking problem. at yesterday’s meeting for com­ DAY & EVENINO CLASSES , made.„ _ Govern Commission”—because M W 3w^ predlt!^ that as a «i J^^y be a candidate in 1972 An Israeli communique said Delta Chapter. RAM, will munity college heads. Dr. Lowe two Sukhoi Jets streaked across Jehovah’s Witnesses will have & T m u s CO*™"!"!®*!» work and I felt at a time I was meet at 7:30 tonight at the said, that, the sum would be Adulrs the Sues Canal Just south ef group discussions tonight at sufficient for leasing facilities. Former Mayor Honored the 1072 party nominating con- pursuing delegates 1 shouldn’t Masonic Temple. The Mark vantlan would have substantial­ Port Said about noon Wednea- 7:30 at 18 Chambers St., 726 N. Master degree will be confer­ Dr. Lowe made three points Former town director and mayor Harold A. Turkington looks over a photograph ALL NEW EQUIPMENT be telling them how to chooee ly more women, young people delegates. day, then swung back toward Main St., 281 Woodbrldge St., red, with Elmer Stone, captain in commenting on his reactions of himself which was dedicated before last night’s Board of Directors meeting. 144 Griffin Rd. in South Wind­ and minority groupg r- ---------- inembers---------- as “ ggld a heavy wrok sched- Egypt. of the host, presiding. Refresh­ to the proposed cut for com­ Town Manager Robert Weiss holds the framed photo. The picture will hang in NEW SINGER ZIO-ZAO MACHINES IN SEWING BOOM At about the same time, two sor and French Rd., Bolton. delegatea ttaan „ . tumultuous uia also was a factor In his deci­ ments will be served after the munity colleges. First, he said, other Egyptian i^anes creased the directors office in the municipal building. The engravings under the photo­ — ONE MACHINE PER PUPIL — 1968 gathering at Chicoga ^ meeting. "W e should start with the as­ T4 will a vwvtBraa*^ sion. the canal near El Qantara about Ihe Senior Choir of Com­ sumption that this Is Just a com­ graph reads “The Honorable Harold A. Turkington — Board of Directors-^ It will be "leas a power’'bro­ The commissUm, offlciaUy the munity Baptist Church will re­ kers’ convenUpn and more a 30 mUes south of P ort Said, fleiw The VFW and its Auxiliary mittee recommendation, not fin­ 1945-1970.’’ He was mayor from 194,8 to 1952, from 1954 to 1958, and from KATHLEEN STILES Commission on Party Structure hearse ton l^ t at 7 :30 in the parallel to the waterway over will conduct a recreational pro­ al, and is subJect to action by 1960 to 1962. (Herald photo by Buceivicius’) b ™“! D«legate Selectimi, issued Israeli jxMaitions and m ade their church youth building. 1678 ELLINGTON ROAD SOUTH WINDSOR gram tonlg^it j ^ t h e Newington the legislature and the gov^ y **ry**l ?° !® guidelines for'party refonn exit near ISnudlla, a spokesman Veterans HdBpltal. Members emor-elect. I feel we can really effect on the interim campus, northesist sector o f the 161- $3,740,894. It is expected to be April. McGovern reported The Junior Choir of North Webster Florist BnUdlng to the people. Yes, I think it will said. planning to attend will meet at have faith in the governor- contracted for and under way. acre Wetherell St.-Hillstown Rd. ready to accommodate 1,600 United Methodist Church will be helpful to me.” (See Page Eight) The Israelis accused Egypt of the Post Home at 6:30. elect’s Interest in community The 11-building modular com- .tract by NationabHomes (Jorp, students at the start ot the 1971- refiearse tomorrow at 3:16 p.m. three similar violations last No­ colleges.’’ plex is being constructed in the of Lafayette, Ind. at a cost of 72 academic year. at ttie church. vem ber. The executive board of the Next, Dr. Lowe said he feels, I Diplomatic sources at U.N. Manchester Fine Arts Associa­ if community colleges cannot 7 Eastern Connecticut Chapter headquarters in New Toric said „ tion will meet tonight at 7:30 build but are forced to con­ / of Zero Population Growth will Jarring agreed to go to Jerusa­ at Mott’s Community Hall. tinue to lease, the cost will be meet Friday at 8 p.m. in the lem after concluding lihat mean­ twice as much to the taxpayers Explosions Wreck ingful talks could not get under Life-Sciences Building of the TTie Sunset Club will meet over two decades.
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